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Through the annals of history August 7 2016 will evermore be remembered as the day that did not exist!
Baron 10:55
Not you – then who? 🙂
Romano Verdi (11:07)
Oh no …. I remember it well…. [sung in the voice of Maurice Chevalier].
Two … too good to miss:
Golden Oldie;TV tonight.
`Jeeves and Wooster` with Fry (before he became a bore) and Laurie.
Yesterday Channel;Freeview 19 at 8 pm to 9.10pm…followed by `One Foot in the Grave Xmas Show`;and `The Two Ronnies` (Cockney Rhyming Slang Sermon…..”a little brown Richard the Third”,presumably).
In this vale of tears that is life in our world today it is a joy that some beauty remains:
“It said well Marianne it’s come to this time when we are really so old and our bodies are falling apart and I think I will follow you very soon. Know that I am so close behind you that if you stretch out your hand, I think you can reach mine.
“And you know that I’ve always loved you for your beauty and your wisdom, but I don’t need to say anything more about that because you know all about that. But now, I just want to wish you a very good journey. Goodbye old friend. Endless love, see you down the road.”
Marianne Ihlen.
Rest in Peace deep in your green lilac park.
Rotherham is just so far North …..
ROTHERHAM ABUSE SCANDAL: Horrific reality of ‘industrial scale’ child grooming revealed
Frank P @ 13:23
The little gem arrived in an e-mail from one of the barbarian’s American friends, Frank. He (the friend) doesn’t know whom he got it from (it was another e-mail though).
Romano Verdi @ 16:03
Life, Romano, is six to five against, worth to keep it in mind.
RobertRetyred @ 16:14
“What can we do to help child abuse?, asks the clip in the DE narrative.
You recall Philippine’s President Rodrigo Détente ‘war on drugs’? The authorities have arrested 4,400 suspected dealers, 400 of them are already dead. The top man has now publicly linked 150 judges, politicians, police and military personnel to illegal drugs. ‘All military and police who are attached to these people, I am giving you 24 hours to report to your units, or I’ll whack you’, he says, and will do it if they don’t do as he asks.
We should also whack both those who indulge in the grooming and raping as well as those who turn a blind eye to it, Robert. But, our enlightened society, vacuous of real punishment for genuine evil doers of any kind, won’t, the grooming and raping will carry on. Sickening.
Baron – 16:21
“‘Life,’ wrote Damon Runyon, ‘is 6-5 against.’ At least in that game there’s no vigorish—the 11-to-10 odds a bookie gets on each football bet, which constitutes his edge. As if he needed it. Twelve to 15 million Americans bet pro football on any given Sunday (or Monday), and unless they’re wagering against each other, sooner or later almost all of them lose.”
on the other hand…
“I never said most of the things I said.”
Yogi Berra
Frank P @ 13:44
You’re right, Frank, both pieces are excellent.
You may not recall Baron’s argument that the most damaging legacy of communism in Russia and its satellites wasn’t the crumbling housing stock, decaying infrastructure, inefficient wealth creation, but the disfiguring of man’s soul, the warping, perverting and corrupting of human character. These countries still live with it, it will take generations to subdue this evil endowment of the communist dogma, bring i t to a level a civilised society can deal with by the process of law.
Not a dissimilar legacy, if not that critical, is that of the comprehensive model of education in this country. Tens of millions must have suffered because of it both to the detriment to their own lives and that of the society as a whole. The pool of talent that was left unrecognised, remained untapped, was unable to contribute to the commonwealth may in fact be partly the reason our economy has been floundering, it’s potential for wealth creation never attained.
If anything, the switch to comprehensives and the abandoning of grammar schools is the mother of all crime committed by the deluded progressives, it will be perceived as such when the society finally awakens from the delusion of equality.
EC @ 16:47
Thank you, EC, for putting the barbarian right.
Glad you’ve rejoined the crew. What’s behind it? Have you had enough of Cornwall, clotted creams, the views?
Baron (16:19)
Excdllent! That means it’s already circling the globe and the message is always more effective on the horse of humour.
Just accidentally dipped into a channel broadcasting the Olympics. In passing, I learned that a Brit had broken the World Record for Breast Stroking. Rolph Harris must be thoroughly pissed off in his flowery dell.
I always thought the paralympics was a bit -er- progressive … but the nonce Olympics?! isn’t that going a bit too far?
Baron – 17:11
Whinfrey’s Last Case!
I go away for a week and return to only find out that:
Krapski has been gifted a CBE by Dave, presumably for his unswerving loyalty to the Bundeskanzlerin, and Europäischeanschauung. He no doubt kept the spirits up in the No.10 bunker during the darkest hours of the morning of June 24th.
Also, Shammy gifted a peerage by Kamerad Korbyn, presumably for her lengthy investigation and independent report on the non existent ‘jewish problem’ in the Labour party.
Cue Messrs Littlejohn and Mottram(KCMG)
Gerard reprises his dark essay of 2006:
Q: HTF did we manage another decade without it happening?
A: Barak Hussein Obama is in charge of the nuke codes.
Q: Will it be resolved in the next decade?
A: Yes, if we want to survive as ‘infidels’. So give The Donald the codes and let him use them as bargaining chips. None of these moving red lines in the sand. Nor giving $1.2b to the savages – 400m of it in cash as ransom money, no doubt already in the hands of the jihadi bandits.
Mecca first! Then Medina. Then N. Korea. That should sort it for a century or so.
Anybody with 50 mins or so to spare, then this is very interesting…
The Clinton Foundation Exposed | Charles Ortel and Stefan Molyneux
Not heard of Charles Ortel before but he’s certainly been doing his homework! I wonder when Wikileaks are going to release what they’ve got?
You may recall the video showing the Munich thug Ali Sonboly (who shut the city down for hours, murdered 9 people before killing himself) walking on a roof of a building, talking to a guy who’s swearing at him, telling him to stop. That man was Thomas Salbey, one of the few bystanders who stood up to the killer trying to make him stop. Mr. Salbey is now being sued in Germany for insulting the killer.
Be it a warning to you, if you encounter a religiously motivated thug with a gun shooting at people avoid insulting him, be nice to him, even consider offering yourself to be one of his victims unless, of course, you mind not facing a judge.
Does the madness of the laws passed by the progressives have no limit?
EC @ 17:57
You were not shocked by the two pieces of news, EC, were you? You’ve expected something different? Hmmm
Baron @ 16:36 – August 8
(‘Duterte’ by the way)
To which article, one of the comments appended was the following:
TradingIsLifeBrah Aug 8, 2016 7:36 PM
If his plan works too well the CIA may need to step in…
Headline of the Day?
‘ “Zika Zone” Turns Into Ghost-Town As Planes Spray Neurotoxic Insecticide Over Florida Residents’
Fortunately, the idea that the globalists are eugenicists who also aim to reduce the world population to a few hundred million is a conspiracy theory with no basis in fact.
Breathe deeply in relief…
Can’t argue with this:
EC (20:19)
Thanks. I’m hoping that Comey has a Title 18 Rico jobbie lined up for when Trump takes over and appoints Christie as his AG. He’ll never get it off the ground with Lynch in the seat. But Bill and Hill must be shitting themselves now. 30 years of graft must weigh heavy on their entrails, with the prospect of an unfriendly prosecutor bearing down on them. Problem is, who can cast the first stone? I guess the Clinton Mob have a comprehensive set of dossiers on all prospective AGs?
Yall still there? Well then the spooks are at Donald now. It was predicted that the Republican establishment would acclimate to this giant after the Convention.
But there are dark forces at work and the new wave of attacks are in a different ballpark to the shouts during the early campaign.
The spooks who were at him today we’re all in diapers when Donald was first making money for this great country.
They are doing damage and I am worried that monstrous crooked lyin Hillary will do it. I read in your texts that you are doomed. Well so will we be.
Love to Andy.
If he is not dead.
So long, Marianne.
So long, Maurice Micklewhite.
The 2016 IOC money laundering festival in Rio:
Really hard to ignore the blanket media coverage, but Tom Daley’s Bronze assures the success of his 2017 budgie smugglers calendar, and probably another winter series of ITV’s lame “celebrity” diving show.
John Jefferson Burns – 07:44
“Crooked”, Lyin’, Coughin’, stumblin’, fittin’, short circuitin’ ” Hillary!
Further to comments last week there are a couple of good articles about ‘hate crime’ in the current issue of the Spectator.
In one of them, by Kevin O’Sullivan, relating how he was prosecuted for doing nothing wrong and acquitted after the CPS had wasted a lot of his and taxpayers money pursuing the case, he quotes the current DPP Alison Saunders:-
“We would like to see it higher (the number of hate crime reports) because I do think that these cases are not reported enough”
That statement is astonishing. It appears that the CPS is run by lawyers who now think that they are in the business of touting for particular reports of crime – a sort of taxpayer funded, public sector legal practice marketing strategy in the ambulance-chasing ‘no win, no fee’ vein. How about burglaries? Would Ms Saunders like to see more or less reports of burglary given that the main reason people report that crime now is to validate their insurance claims?
Mr O’Sullivan pertinently asks how Ms Saunders can know that such ‘crimes’ are under reported and her “I think” does sound more like opinion than sound professional assessment based on any empirical evidence. But her statement reveals several other concerning aspects about the organisation.
If the CPS is directing the police as to how they should record such reports then the police are no longer independent in their operations and the CPS have become the executive directors of what the police should do. That seems a far cry from the responsibility to prosecute cases and, presumably, to advise the police in the prosecution of reported and investigated cases. It follows a more European model of an investigating judiciary. But they aren’t a judiciary. And surely their output should be driven by the police and not the other way around?
According to Wiki the main responsibilities of the CPS “are to provide legal advice to the police and other investigative agencies during the course of criminal investigations, to decide whether a suspect should face criminal charges following an investigation and to conduct prosecutions both in the magistrates’ courts and the Crown Court.” Nothing there about encouraging more reports of specific crimes or directing the police how to categorise such reports.
It seems that the CPS envelope is being expanded and that lines of duty have become blurred, perhaps as a result of too many people in the CPS seeking to “lead beyond their authority” and elevating their personal political agendas above the impartial enforcement of the rule of law. Prosecuting cases where the evidence is questionable or non-existent in order to raise the profile of a particular crime or as a form of deterrent (the notorious “sending a message” beloved of those who rule over us) is politicking and the outcome will be to further undermine the credibility of the rule of law, the credibility of the police and the credibility of the CPS – which is already happening in spades.
One might hope that Ms Saunders astonishing statement will result in scrutiny from the current Attorney General or at least questions being raised in the House of Commons about the way the CPS is operating in relation to both the law and to the police. Goodness knows there have been enough CPS prosecution scandals and blunders to warrant a Royal Commission.
Do you want to live in a country policed by lawyers who determine which crimes are important and which are not based on a partisan, subjective political viewpoint and what crimes they “think” are being under reported? I don’t.
So please, Mr Wright, have a quiet word with Ms May and get a grip on this increasingly maverick and partisan political entity called the CPS, with reference to both the Civil Service Code of Conduct and Peel’s Principles of Policing. We have had a supposedly conservative government for more than six years. It really is time that the left’s ideologically driven but unelected stay behind parties were cleared out of public office before they do further damage to the constitution, the rule of law, legal traditions and precedents, the independence of the police and, let’s face it, basic concepts of justice, common sense and fairness that have protected British people for centuries.
A brilliant seminal essay which you should offer to a national newspaper for publication. The vast majority of the public have no idea of the damage done by handing over the powers of the Office of Constable to the Cynical Society of Shysters. It’s ramifications have been catastrophic; the resultant increase of unreported crime; particularly property crime and resultant insurance fraud has been enormous. The falsification of Home Office crime statistics another outcome.
And the raft of politicised legislation that facililitates the Long March has exceeded even Gramsci’s dreams.
Both Peel and Mayne envisaged this when they set out their tenets for policing by consent. It worked very well, notwithstanding occasional episodes of corruption, for a century or so, with a minimum of statutory and common law powers All legislation enacted from the early 1960s has been politically driven and almost all of it unnecessary. We move inexorably towards a police state as insidious as the Stasi.
The following link indicates just how dangerous this can be:
Can one trust nobody today?
In the last few days, the barbarian has been sent a number of e-mails (from the Republic), all with an attachment showing a sign in Dearborn Michigan (all councillors are followers of Allah there) telling anyone who’s literate and passing it what will happen to America (you can see for yourselves).
It was so unbelievable, not that someone would display a sign like this, but that the sign could last, the gun carriers of America would have shot it down within hours. And so it proved, Baron checked with slopes, and it’s indeed false.
Some may say, the put-up message encapsulates what many (if not all) followers of Allah hope for, but the fact remains it wasn’t on public display in a town controlled by them. Fakes of this kind do little to advance our course, if our side lies as much as the progressives, people won’t believe us either.
Colonel Mustard @ 11:29
Top class,Colonel, you should post it in the Spectator’s blog to which it relates, even now, many people read the pieces there for weeks.
Malfleur @ 01:19
It seems the CIA hasn’t got the same grip on things as before, Malfelur, look at the fiasco (so far anyway) in Turkey.
EC 0952
You better goddam believe it. She trades on being a woman but what woman has to commission Monica to give head to Bill. You talk hate. There is so much hate in our media for Donald. I feel like crying.
Frank P August 9th, 2016 – 12:52
Thanks. Rather astonishingly the Home Office published this FOI release at the end of 2012:-
The same spiel can be found on the websites of various think tanks but what is missing in all of them is any kind of critical analysis of how the behaviour of the CPS relates to and/or is assured to conform to those principles – which long preceded its establishment. The CPS seems to operate completely contrary to those principles and without any censure or sanction from those who should be accountable for its activities or from our elected representatives.
The functions of the DPP are mandated in law by the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 and I can see nothing in them relating to encouraging reports of specific crimes or commenting publicly as to whether there are “enough” reports of a particular crime. The Act does not specifically prevent that but the Civil Service Code is quite clear about what is expected:-
“As a civil servant, you are appointed on merit on the basis of fair and open competition and are expected to carry out your role with dedication and a commitment to the Civil Service and its core values: integrity, honesty, objectivity and impartiality. In this code:
‘integrity’ is putting the obligations of public service above your own personal interests
‘honesty’ is being truthful and open
‘objectivity’ is basing your advice and decisions on rigorous analysis of the evidence
‘impartiality’ is acting solely according to the merits of the case and serving equally well governments of different political persuasions
These core values support good government and ensure the achievement of the highest possible standards in all that the Civil Service does. This in turn helps the Civil Service to gain and retain the respect of ministers, Parliament, the public and its customers.”
It seems that the DPP’s public statement on the reporting of ‘hate crimes’ is not mandated by the Act-defined functions of that role and that the statement as made also calls into question her integrity, objectivity and impartiality. In addition it seems to be contrary to the notion that the newly elected police commissioners will be responsible for directing police priorities on the basis of local circumstances and needs. And local civic needs rather than centralised political direction has always been a tradition of British policing.
This “beyond authority” thing is by no means unique. There has been a trend for senior civil servants to comment publicly on policy and how they think it should be executed, to offer opinions about the law, what laws are needed, how they should be enforced and to publicly address and offer support or encouragement to campaign groups with specific political agendas. The reason for this is not hard to imagine when those public servants, unelected, are self-elevated as “leaders” and encouraged to “lead beyond authority” as part of a self-initiated “reforming” network.
“I think” our unwritten constitution and tradition of policing by consent is under threat by that and by the behaviour of the DPP and CPS. “I think” also that the lawfulness of her public statements is questionable against the functions intended by the 1985 Act and that her conduct needs scrutiny against the requirements of the Civil Service Code.
The previous DPP Starmer was an out and out Labour cuckoo in the nest and was allowed by a Conservative government to promote and pursue extreme left wing political ideologies when in office. The then AG Grieve did nothing to halt Starmer’s political partisanship or his undermining of established protections regarding the prosecution of alleged offenders, even though he himself in opposition had publicly criticised Starmer for his behaviour. It now seems that Saunders has inherited Starmer’s mantle and another Conservative government and AG are turning a blind eye to behaviours that are at worse unlawful and at best highly questionable as regards conduct.
Where the Met. Police `service`gets its training from;(have you any idea what any of this means?).
Radford NG August 9th, 2016 – 16:27
“with objective of ensuring each individual fully understood the force’s vision for 2020”
What “vision” for 2020? Preparation for being even more like the East German Stasi under a Corbynista/Momentum government full of communists?
Of course no-one in the media asked that question.
High ranking I.S. member reported detained in Rheinland-Palatinate . (Source:Israel News Flash ; which is often first with the news,and accurate.)
Frank P 12.52
Do you really mean that? Do you want to go back to the time when prosecution was at the whim of a (at best tired) police officer and the time of seeing those whose face does not fit being verbaled and fitted up. Whatever the pitfalls the CPS is independent of the police and reduces the risk of unfair play. The objective approach to prosecuting and slavish adherence to due process protects us from rogue officers. The CPS is better able also to understand and deal with faults in the judicial process. It has also removed the former concerns about police patronage of legal friends in the prosecution of the more important cases.
Just because we all decry the politics of Kier Starmer and Alison Saunders does not mean we should get rid of the valued independence. It simply argues for a better process in appointment of the DPP.
Should there not be more concern attached to the current increasing practice of police to force people into accepting a caution, not realising that with a caution comes a criminal record. The police are acting as prosecutor judge and jury to largely a group of kids.
Should we fear the likes of Mr Tanveer Ahmed?
Are we next for daring to criticise the followers of the Prophet?
‘This all happened for one reason and no other issues and no other intentions.
‘Asad Shah disrespected the messenger of Islam the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Mr Shah claimed to be a prophet.
‘When 1400 years ago the Prophet of Islam Muhammad peace be upon him has clearly said that “I am the final messenger of Allah there is no more prophets or messengers from God Allah after me.
“I am leaving you the final Quran. There is no changes. It is the final book of Allah and this is the final completion of Islam.”
‘There is no more changes to it and no one has the right to claim to be a prophet or to change the Quran or change Islam.
‘It is mentioned in the Quran that there is no doubt in this book no one has the right to disrespect the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and no one has the right to disrespect the Prophet of Islam Muhammad Peace be upon him.
If I had not done this others would and there would have been more killing and violence in the world.
‘I wish to make it clear that the incident was nothing at all to do with Christianity or any other religious beliefs even although I am a follower of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him I also love and respect Jesus Christ.’
Romano Verdi (18::41)
Yes I do mean that. And as your post was thereafter such a complete load of bollocks, I will not grace if with a serious rebuttal.
Christ we thought tele was a twat and now we’ve got another one
Oy vey! The Boot – Hitchens debate takes on a psychiatric dimension. Though I’m not certain that a clinical diagnosis is usually recorded as ‘bonkers’, I’ve known a few shrinks who have indeed employed it OTR verbally, in the heat of the moment, when confronted with a particularly troublesome patient with aggressive symptoms.
It will be interesting to hear a second opinion from our in-house member of the Upper Chamber and expert on Russian affairs:
The Conservative Bolsheviks
“Thus he [Trump] claims to support free trade in theory while rejecting the TPP, the biggest free-trade pact in the world.” Max Boot, Commentary Magazine
ROFL -“the TPP, the biggest free-trade pact in the world”? Gimme a break!
“As someone who often proceeds from aesthetics, I find Trump brash, boorish and vulgar, which must give him an edge with the kind of voters he hopes to attract. (As an offshoot of his vulgarity, he tends to marry the kind of floosies a gentleman would only see as one-night stands at best.)…” Alexander Boot, America faces Hobson’s choice
‘he [Trump] tends to marry the kind of floosies [Melania Trump] a gentleman [Alexander Boot] would only see as one-night stands at best’
So Hobson’s Choice = Elephant and Canary Pie i.e One serial murderess, brain sick psychopath committed to having a stab at world government = a guy who marries “a floosie” that Mr. Boot would throw out of bed after a one-night stand.
What does “the lifelong Republican” have to say? (LMFAO)
Max Boot @MaxBoot 3h3 hours ago
Can we move up the election & vote next week so we don’t have to listen to 3 more months of Trump’s offensive idiocy???
46 retweets 145 likes
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Max Boot @MaxBoot 3h3 hours ago
Max Boot Retweeted Jeet Heer
Nothing’s too extreme for Trump!
Are the Boots members of the new Bolshevik Party? After all, they think they represent the majority while in fact are they minority in the US presidential debate. We know how the Bolsheviks resolved that uncomfortable contradiction with a peppery mix of black propaganda. force – and foreign backing.
Radford NG @ 16:27
It would be of interest to find out the actual syllabus of the course, Radford, the training itself isn’t the issue, what’s pumped into them may be, no?
Romano Verdi @ 18:45
The barbarian’s rather slow on the uptake, Romano, it was a hard day for him, it’s almost 1AM, you should explain more.
Are you suggesting that the unhappy mis-reading of the Koran by the two branches of the family of Allah that led to murder shouldn’t really concern the people who derive their heritage from the Good Book? Does the barbarian read you right?
Frank P @ 21:32
For the last time, Frank, for Baron cannot handle a vitriolic vomit forever, his stomach cannot take it.
Someone’s once quipped than a man’s entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.’ (If EC’s around, he can tell us who the someone was, ha, ha, ha).
The quip, however fitting, ignores something equally important, one’s handling of the facts as in ‘is the glass half full, or half empty’. Moreover, distorting facts, hiding parts of a factual evidence, not linking facts to circumstances and similar stuff aren’t captured by the quip either.
Are really the two quotes by Peter that exclusive? Cannot there be a tyranny that is conservative, patriotic as well Christian? Obviously, the answer cannot be but in in the affirmative: Russia. Not even the omni-all Mr. Boot can deny that Russia exists and, in Peter’s opinion, the country happens to be a conservative, patriotic, Christian tyranny. It’s Peter’s take on Russia, he’s entitled to it. Mussolini’s Italy would fit that definition, too, it was hardly socialist, unpatriotic and secular.
If anyone’s in need of psychiatric help it’s the omni-all one.
First, the 60s wasn’t just Leonid’s decade, it was Nikita’s as well, not that it mattered that much for the plebeians, but one cannot deny it, it’s in every history book. And whilst it may be true that not many opponents of the regime then were not gunned down walking on the streets of Moscow or other cities, they were murdered, in their thousands, whilst in Siberian gulags, every amateur historian is fully aware of it. Not that many people in Gulags today for there are no Gulags.
Only someone who’s close to being certifiably insane could claim that the broader picture of the life of the Russian unwashed under any of the communist thugs had been better than that under Putin.
Ordinary people couldn’t move freely inside the USSR, they couldn’t own property (in any meaningful sense), couldn’t engage in making, selling, distributing anything they themselves created, they couldn’t employ other people, they couldn’t leave the country unless checked and re-checked by the KGB, and then only if other family members stayed behind, they couldn’t own property abroad, have a dollar account either in Russia or offshore …
Unfortunately, none of you speak Russian, if you did Baron would recommend you take up just one month subscription to the internet TV ‘The Rain’ broadcasting from Moscow. It’s impossible to tell you what these young people say, they are no friends of Putin, they also broadcast the BBC commentary on current affairs. Anyone reckons the British agitprop favours Putin?
There are many newspapers that don’t take the official line, and plenty of blogs, the most prominent is the one run by Navalny, once the darling of the West (btw another former KGB officer of a higher rank than Putin’s). The West no longer favours him because he backs the annexation of Crimea, the rebels in East Ukraine, if fact, he goes further that the hate object of our omni-all one.
Does the barbarian think Russia’s democracy should become a model to anyone (say) Britain? Should we or any other country emulate her, copy the way democracy is being implemented there, get as close to her as (say) the Americans are to Saudi Arabia?
Not at all, it’s the Russian way of moulding strong leadership with features of democracy, a mix that happens to satisfy the vast majority of the Russian unwashed. If it didn’t the [eople would vote for someone other than Putin. Not one of the observer groups suggested the presidential election with five candidates were rigged.
As Baron told you before the ordinary Russians don’t compare with life in Britain, France or Libya, Israel. It would be futile unless they intended to emigrate, not that many do. They compare with what it was when the communist thugs ruled. Unwashed in all countries do the same, it’s in part what drives the Donald’s campaign, a vast number of the American plebeians not just feel but experience a stagnation in the quality of their life at best, deterioration at worst.
Who screwed up, created the layer of the super rich oligarchs wasn’t Putin, but his predecessor, a man called Boris with the help of some 250 advisors, mostly bankers from the Wall Street. If anything the KGB Colonel succeeded in correcting the massive disparities between the super rich and the unfortunate poor.
The omni-all must be eaten up by his near unnatural hatred of all things Russian, it’s hard to see how he can sleep well, even breathe, one can only guess what the underpinning force is that drives him to this non-defendable take on the country of his birth. It’s sad really because he could make a contribution to Russia’s journey to a more Westernised version of democracy, to easing the country’s old prejudices, her obsessively collective approach to solving problems. Truly sad this.
Btw, the saintly May has accepted an invitation to talk with Putin face to face, both sides apparently agree that the current state of relations between the two countries needs to improve.
Alex Boot and his son have little in common politically. Max is a neocon – anathema to Alex. Fathers and sons in the same business rarely coalesce.
Baron (01:26)
A spirited reBootal! I expected no less. 🙂
Hillary Clinton had only 171 attendees in a crowd in a hangar near Orlando , Florida the other day – – and with the father of the Orlando murderer right there the rally right behind Clinton! The photos in the dinosaur publications were cropped to indicate a mass rally!
Clinton stole her nomination from Sanders!
Trump won his nomination over 16 some other candidates and the opposition of the Republican National Committee!
Hobson’s Choice? Gimme break!
Max Boot
Max Boot Retweeted Susan Jane Thompson
‘Am I a Muslim Brotherhood agent or a shill for the anti-Muslim merchants of death? I get confused.’
The two are not mutually exclusive in the White House and elsewhere in the world of the globalists, Mr. Max.
Baron – 01:26
To quote my latest good friend, Penn Jillette, “Fuck You!”
Your quote was 110% Dean Martin, or was it Frank Sinagra… Mm?
The correct answer to the liquid in the glass question is “Fuck you, asshole!” (Arnie S.)
However, I usually answer that particular enquiry with a curt “exactly 50%.”
I parted with some chump change last week and bought Penn’s new book, “PRESTO! How I made 100 Pounds Disappear and Other Magical Tales” It’s a great read. A delightfully profane account of how he did it, interspersed with a lot entertaining personal and showbiz anecdotes.
The weight loss part not relevant to you Baron but the control of BP might be of interest. (Penn started with a weight of 330lb, and a systolic BP of 220 – that only with aid of a handful of pills!)
Baron 0152
I am not sure I was saying anything. The text was a direct quote from the lawyer of Tanveer Ahmed who killed Asad Shah because he disrespected Allah by claiming to be a prophet.
Now it seems to me that Shah was a nut who said some ridiculous things including things that any Christian evangelical might say each Sunday. But I am not moved to go down to the tambourine merchants with a knife and slice their throats. The Judge gave Tanveer Ahmed 27 years. Think how much that will cost us. Ahmed believes in an eye for an eye and giving him his belief would be cheaper for us all if you get my meaning.
Bernie’s payoff ?
“Keeping up with his ‘man of the people image‘ Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has purchased this third house, a $600,000 lakefront vacation chalet in Champlain Islands.”
h/t Paul Joseph Watson
EC (10:41)
No doubt funded by the useful eejits who thought he stood a chance of winning and kept chipping in throughout the campaign. wheres he and the Democratic party string pullers (vide Debbie Wasserman Scultz’s emails ) knew that was a staged rig-up. The ‘Feel the Bern’ punters should sue him for taking money under fslse pretences! Commie con artists. What’s new?
More on the Crooked Clinton Conspirators. Title 18 RICO Statute Stuff. Makes Cosa Nostra look amateurish. Let’s coin a neogolism:
“Our thing” personified.
New blog to me, but he seems to be on our side:
Thanks to Gerard at AD.
Romano Verdi @ 09:56
That clears it for the barbarian, Romano, it was the ambiguity of the posting that may have caused the confusion.
This, as you may have gathered, is a staunchly conservative blog, it doesn’t take intruders from the socialist camp hands down, it certainly doesn’t take prisoners, it ‘shoots down’ opponents of the conservative school of thought on sight, it doesn’t run a rehabilitation camp for the the deluded souls that oppose us either.
Like you, the barbarian’s in favour of the final solution for those who commit abhorrent crimes (e.g. the murder of a child, an officer of the law), sadly it cannot be had, we’ve gone obese in body, soft in mind, will pay for it, are already paying for it.
EC @ 09:25
Language, language, Timothy, oops, EC.
For the record, it was Daniel Patrick “Pat” Moynihan (as you point yourself), the barbarian should have googled it, he was too lazy to do it, your reprimand was what he deserves.
And thanks for th e tip, the barbarian may follow it through, but it will have to wait for the next month for in the current month he’s already splashed out too much on printed matter, because of the birthday of someone who discovered an interest in, out of all things, butterflies, arghhh.
The top item on the BBC4 Radio PM slot was a £700 hole in the Defence budget engendered by the fall in the dollar pound exchange rate because of the Brexit vote.
Plenty was said by the female in the chair (Martha Kearney), the invited guests, the experts about the stresses the budget has been under anyway, the need to boost spending to 2% of GDP, the loss of our defence capabilities due to numerous cuts for years and stuff like that. Only one guy, a Major General in favour of our regaining the sovereignty in the referendum made any sense arguing that there are both short term remedies as well as longer term rebalancing of the purchasing strategy of the MOD that can be implemented if we calm down, wait until the conditions of our leaving the European bureaucracy become clearer.
That’s absolutely right. In the short term, the MOD could have hedged the exposure to the greenback, they’re the buyers, it’s easier for a buying party to hedge that it is for a company that sells into a dollar market, cannot be certain if the level of sales is to be maintained.
Longer term, we should look to substitute, not all but certainly a big chunk of the £10bn annual purchases from the Republic, we may not have to cut back on buying the planes, but we should be more than capable to manufacture the same parts the contraptions need to keep flying, as well as the servicing of them. If the Americans object (it’s in spare parts and servicing where the margins are the highest) we should argue for sharing, or tell them we buy the planes in Sweden or from the Russians. The former is cheaper, the latter seems better if one listens to those in the know.
It’s not in our interest to spend £10bn each year to support the bottom line, higher employment of the American companies that make the gear.
Frank P @ 17:53
At a first glance, the barbarian thought you said ‘testicles’, Frank. By far more intriguing than your ‘testing’.
Very well argued piece, rational, money saving, there should not be anyone raising any objection to the promiscuous gays paying for the protection themselves. The postings, too, are uniformly against the NHS paying.
Would the Government listen though? The gay lobby seems to have the policy makers by the balls (if they had any), will probably finance the prep pill, let the old, probably the old, go for euthanasia to save the money needed for the preferred phylum buggering enthusiasm. Sickening, both.
This amplifies what most Wallsters have been asserting – taqiyya is the real threat:
New game that should rival Pokemon Go, it ends quicker, too:
While the looney, violent jihadists are distracting the attention of Western governments that are staffed by idiots or traitors in equal measure, the so-called ‘moderate muslims’ are irretrievably embedding themselves throughout Western societies at every level, ready to assume control, as the demographics reach tipping point in both municipal and national context, taking a leaf, very successfully, from the Gramsci play-book.
The ‘socialist’ Long March has already achieved comprehensive success throughout the West. Only a matter of time before the Muslim Brotherhood eclipses even Gramsci’s wheeze.
The Castration of the Anglosphere continues apace, in myriad ways.
How much longer will the great unwashed supinely accept the invasion by invitation of an inimical cult that is allowed to build its edifices and governmental infrastructures with no resistance from those charged to keep our country secure.
Rise up ye hearts of oak! Demand that this attack on our country, its native religion, its hertitage, its culture and its future is reversed by all necessary means.
I fear that this cri de coeur is futile and the coming generations have already swallowed the multi-culti, global NWO, hook line and sinker.
And the smiling mask of taqiyya is the most potent weapon this country has faced in a thousand years; the greatest weakness of our indigenous tribes is their pusilannimous unwillingingness to offend those who who threaten them existentially.
Baron – 17:48
Whereas “PRESTO!” by Penn Jillette kept me greatly amused, and also inspired to keep up my current campaign to shed three stone, I think it’s probably a bit too lightweight for you to trouble your grey matter with or to splash your cash on.
British Butterflies? I find I that use this book most often. It’s excellent.
For books on far flung Lepidoptera, and all things Entomological I recommend these people, who are THE specialist suppliers.
Wallet warning: If you actually make the pilgrimage to their shop it’s fascinating. They have so many beautiful books (they do antiquarian too) it’s virtually impossible to get out there without spending a shed load of dosh!
Baron 1741
“This, as you may have gathered, is a staunchly conservative blog, it doesn’t take intruders from the socialist camp hands down, it certainly doesn’t take prisoners, it ‘shoots down’ opponents of the conservative school of thought on sight, it doesn’t run a rehabilitation camp for the the deluded souls that oppose us either.”
Which is good. The world is full of guardianistas trying to pull us all down to the common denominator of mediocrity. Thankfully we are not as bad as the US where the only true conservative for a generation is daily lied about in the media.
And talking of Trump and this gun thing, if you watch the speech there is no suggestion that he is inciting assassination, although that would be no bad thing. All he is saying is that the population support the second amendment and will come out to vote Clinton down.
Myself I cannot see why citizens cannot carry guns. Seems to me that we can carry knives with impunity and as said above crazy darkies use them to cut throats of anyone who disagrees with them and the prophet.
@Frank P 10th, 18:50
Spot on!
p.s. Why’s it gone so quiet these last 15 hours?
I just heard this morning, on the radio, that Muslim women are very economically disadvantaged (may be the most) and that their dress plays a big part of that.
Then I read that Germany is to ban the burka, so can’t we put two and two together and come up with twenty two?
Ostrich (occasionally) – 09:47
Sssh! Remember what happened next in the old Western/War movies when somebody uttered the fateful words, “I don’t like it, it’s too quiet…”
The police always seem ready to name anyone arrested for alleged historic sex abuse, the actus reus of which can seldom be proven. So why have they concealed the identities of the two men arrested in this shocking case of murder, the actus reus of which is indisuptable?:-
Nothing to do with wind farms then?
Ostrich (occasionally) 09:47
Probably because I have bored the arse off everybody by repeating the same old mantra ad nauseam for about 15 years. Forgive me, but I’m still hoping that someone will heed the message. But even if they do, what can they do, given the tsunami of propaganda that has engulfed our education system and the arty-farty media for the past 50 years or so? Short of folks taking to the streets and ripping down the Palace of Westminster brick by brick and banging up the traitors who have secured their sinecures there over a long period of time, there seems to be no prospect of an end to the insanity. Unfortunately – that is not the ‘done thing’ in Britain.
EC – 10:25
RobertRetyred 1001
Donald has added two and two and will put GUIs money where everyone else’s mouth is.
I just posted this on a Trolltopia thread about Trump’s prospects. It has been met with the response “Hang on, this post is awaiting approval”. Just in case it doesn’t pass the critical approval of the moderator here it is:
Trump can and I hope will win in November. He has a powerful team around him, two at least of whom intend to initiate RICO statute indictments against the Clintonostra. Long overdue! If Trump prevails there will be a knock on effect here, as the cartels run for cover. The filth of high level corruption in Western politics and commerce is endemic and insidious. We need a muck-out of the Augean stables. Obama has been the shill for an ingrained communist cabal that has facilitated the Long March at a quickening pace; the Clintons have facilitated it by garnering funding from foreign interests and concomitantly feathering their own nests. They make Cosa Nostra look like amateurs. How half the US electorate can still entertain this corrupt bitch as a potential President, given her track record defeats me. She must be serving spiked Kool Aid at her rallies.
As expected, my comment on the Speccie tnread has been binned.
It might have been the ‘b’ word. Speccie’s Disqus moderation seems to be set to a very high intolerance.
But what is intolerable is that words used in articles above the line are forbidden in below the line comments. That just makes the media outlets concerned look like the elitist, bubble-dwelling, out of touch, self deluding, arrogant, priggish, snobbish, righteous, incestuous, censoring, patronising, anti-freedom of speech, je suis Charlie my arse, Toynbee-ite, Neathergate dodging, communist troll sponsoring, NTDWI nincompoops that so many of us already know them to be.
Frank P 13.40
Speccie does not like corrupt bitches.
(Or in this case do like her but do not like you calling her that)
And why should we be envious of Gerald Grosvenor?
Or perhaps Hugh with the demise of the gnat?
A sad old flea and a silly old gnat
were boogieing it down
on the neck of an aristocrat
When suddenly Splat
they’re flat
And that was that
Frank P (and this is not bollocks), you are spot on about Hillary Clinton. She is dangerous. Trump said today that Obama created Isis but in truth it was Clinton. She has not yet explained Benghazi which is equally worrying. If your post is not accepted first off, why not repost with removal of trial words.
Colonel and The other FP hereabouts.
Given my previous with The Speccie mob, I didn’t expect it to get past the douchebag moderators; so I was surprised that I even got through the initial entry point – I usually get the message “You are barred from this site”. On this occasion I entered through a side door: the marketing department picked me up as a lapsed subscriber and was canvassing for a renewal. The Christopher Caldwell piece was opened as a teaser. But at least the mod was forced to read the comment and the Colonel’s magnificent list of pejoratives above was activated as a result. Thanks Colonel, you surpassed even yourself. 🙂
Are the Swedish government and it’s politically correct prosecutors now going to show more respect for natural justice instead of being so obstinately determined to apply feminist political correctness to facilitate what may be a U.S. demanded witch-hunt against Assange?
Herbert (17:30)
OTOH the op ed plays a different tune on the sane fiddle:®ion=EndOfArticle&pgtype=article
The pot calling the kettle black-ass of course; trust neither Assange nor the NYT, America’s HQ of Agitprop. Lyin’ and spinnin’ – spinnin’ and lyin’. It’s what they do.
that should ‘same’ fiddle – not even a Freudian slip, just a careless, arthritic old digit missing the target by 3mm. Apologies.
He does knock out an amusing little historical primer, our Russiian sage, doesn’t he?
He even managed to include Mother Russia without taking a pop at Vlad, Baron will be pleased to hear. Puts Fergus P’s doggerel into perspective too.
His previous essay won’t please the fairer sex:
Of the two illustrations, I prefer the one on the previous essay. Ah yes! I remember it well…
That is the land of lost content
I see it shining plain.
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.
Btw as the fifth sibling and the fourth son, I didn’t even inherit my daddy’s debts. Thank fuck!
Romano Verdi (17:06)
We crossed in the post, so to speak. I think my post at 17:20 covers your “why not” point. This blog was born from a long dispute with Frasier & co and their eminence grise Brillo. Had you followed that evolution you would know why. Other Wallsters and me just tweak their tale occasionally now. We have to be careful though, as we managed to get Krapski shit-canned from Old Queen’s Street(sic) but he was rescued by that prat CMD, who took him into Downing Street under his wing, like a wounded pigeon, then gave him a CBE to salve his pride. Incredible!
As for your “bollocks” allusion in the margin. If you decide to generalise pejoratively about a body of officers who for 150 years or so provided comparatively safe streets and an excellent immediate effective response to crime and disturbance, second to none in the world, independent of partisan political interference, applying the tenets of Peel and Mayne, then you’ll get short shrift from me. The fact that politicians have deliberately vandalised the service for forty yonks or so is the problem. They threw the baby out with the bathwater, rather than removing the turds that defiled the service for a short period of time, much to the chagrin of 99% of their colleagues who suffered both from their obstruction in myriad ways and also as a result of the loss of esteem that resulted.. Don’t criticise an Eskimo until you’ve walked 200 miles in snow shoes – or in the case of this Eskimo, several thousand miles. I might add that given you prior reasonable posts here, and the fact that you are here at all, I was surprised and somewhat disappointed by your comments in that particular contribution. But freedom of speech is the general rule here, so its your prerogative, unless you come on like a Te!!ymucus surrogate, when you may find the strength five flak somewhat off-putting. 🙂
their ‘tail’ too. 🙂
“Whatever the pitfalls the CPS is independent of the police and reduces the risk of unfair play.”
Does it? Recent cases suggest that there is still plenty of scope for unfair play by the CPS. As for independence why then was Saunders opining publicly on the number of ‘hate crime’ reports received by the police? I can find nothing in the ‘Agreement’ (March 2016) that would mandate that and on the contrary it suggests that the role of the CPS is entirely reactive to the work of the police, not intended to preside over the reporting of crime to them.
Time and again we read of initiatives that suggest close co-ordination, if not collusion, between the supposedly independent CPS and the NPCC, as though imbued with a common purpose for radical reform – not of themselves but of the rights and handling of the accused – in certain cases that just happen to attract a certain kind of political cachet.
“The objective approach to prosecuting and slavish adherence to due process protects us from rogue officers.”
Is the approach objective? Describing complainants as ‘victims’ seems more subjective and certainly prejudicial, especially in cases where there is no actus reus and only the allegation of the complainant, in some cases decades after the offence was alleged to have occurred. And what protects us from rogues (and those with a partisan political agenda) within the CPS? I am not at all sure how the CPS is held accountable as I have seen no evidence of public scrutiny or censure of its activities from the AG’s department – also all lawyers of course.
“The CPS is better able also to understand and deal with faults in the judicial process.”
Really? Recently reported cases suggest that the CPS is responsible for some of the faults within the judicial process. Are the decisions they take strictly according to the rule of law or politically driven? Not always clear. They do not seem to be bound by Peel’s Principles in respect to their impartiality which puts the supposed advantage of their independence into question. They seem free to opine publicly on the law and its enforcement from a partisan political perspective, although some of that undoubtedly derives from broader presumptions of government policy for which there is no evidence that the public have ever been consulted on or given consent to.
“It has also removed the former concerns about police patronage of legal friends in the prosecution of the more important cases.”
The CPS is full of lawyers and the judiciary is full of lawyers. A network, I suggest, far more potentially incestuous than that between the police and judiciary where the latter have always considered themselves superior to the former, socially, intellectually and in terms of respective empowerment.
Your assessment seems to be predicated on the risk of the police sometimes doing the wrong thing and a presumption of lawyers always doing the right thing. It implies a sort of snobby master-servant attitude that was ever prevalent in dealings between police and lawyers. Whether this still prevails in the CPS relationship with the police or whether they now interact as equals I couldn’t say but the reports suggest that a hierarchical attitude if not interaction persists.
The ‘Agreement’ sounds reasonable but the parties to it “recognise the principles agreed upon are not legally binding, and are not intended to create any legally enforceable rights or obligations” which of course permits senior members of those parties, perhaps graduates of the same common purpose, to lead beyond authority – for our own good of course.
Colonel Mustard (22:51)
Had I known that you were penning that masterly fisking, I would have eschewed my own somewhat crude and subjective broadside.
But I was provoked Y’ Worship. 🙂
This is funny – perhaps even a little sad; or would be if the bitch wasn’t trying to take over the levers of the most powerful office in the world.
… and allowing her corrupt, lying, dissolute shitbag of a ‘spouse’ back into the White House. Ir is beyond parody.
Piling it on:
… and another thing:
Last post for today:
The pundits are exercised with the issue, tut- tutting. Greenfield weighs in on Trumps side. I’d go even further: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is replete with Muslim Brotherhood plants. So it’s not an unreasonable allegation by Trump – literally.
If Verity was still with us, she would agree.
Mecca first – then Medina!
Frank P
I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree about Assange.
I liked the nostalgia of the four lines of verse at the end of your post @21:35 though – and especially the double entendre of the last line.
Frank P
August 11th, 2016 – 23:54
For the umpteenth time I have wished that there was a “like” or an upvote button on this site.
Thankyou Frank: I understand your perspective but let me tell you a story. A few years ago I was a member of a sports club where cheques were being stolen (thinned out) from cheque books in lockers. One of our members was “reported to look like someone shifty” who had been seen hanging around. The member was lifted off the road on his way to the club and taken down to the local nick but not charged. When released that evening he looked worse for wear and had, amongst other things, obvious bruising on his face. Incensed he went to a local solicitor who told him to cool it because they would say he had fallen down stairs.
I cite these not to say I agree with Tommy but as defence of an alternative view.
And having said all this I will also say that Alison Saunders is not only incompetent but ugly.
Declan 0824
Romano Verdi (09:04)
I suspect that the incident you cited occurred after the CPS was inaugurated, which was the topic under discussion. I would not wish to comment on the case without further and better particulars. If there was an unlawful arrest and police brutality involved, then your colleague’s solicitor was a piss-poor brief and he should have pursued it, so should your friend. Everybody is aware of the channels for complaint – use them when police wrongdoing is concerned. There are enough grievance mongers in the legal profession these days to take up these cases and the new breed of police managers do not defend the sharp end unduly.
I have ranted ad nauseam about the deteriotation of policing since the CPS era began; there are myriad reasons for this but the main one is the stripping of prosecutorial power of the Office of Constable when dealing with minor offences and the end of erstwhile relationship between the police and Magistrates in the speedy dispensation of summary justice. It has been destroyed for the benefit of the legal profession.
As for Tommy Robinson … we have chewed that bone of contention to shreds here over many moons. Suffice to say then, that in my experience I have found that some individuals not only seek violent confrontation, but enjoy it. Particularly when they hunt in mobs. And they also tend to whinge the most vociferously when winkled out individually after persistent aggro. It’s a cruel, cruel world and the poluce are expected to bear the brunt of it. A few react badly but in the main, even now, most cops do the job as well as can be expected in the face of organised criticism from minority groups hell-bent on destroying societal norms to their own advantage.
poluce? Another Freudian slip? 🙂 Nah – just the proximity of the vowels on the keyboard. Apologies.
Btw: Alison Saunders ugly? Well yes, but then I’ve met many cops who are even uglier – yours truly included. 🙂
WTF are you, my noble old mucker? Not taking the bait on Fred’s brilliant dissertation? I repeat the link in case you missed it:
Its drollery is unmissable. Its technical exactitude unanswerable. He almost convinced me that we should metaphorically shake hands with the KGB Colonel and try to get along. Not so much with China: the Yellow Peril remains a constant threat to our well being, both economically and of course militarily.
Whaddaalotta codswallop!
The eagle has landed, indeed, having shat on some hack’s keyboard, just as sanity flew out of the window. Now pigeons … that’s another kettle of aviary possibility.
What next? Pigs probably.
Having just used the phrase ‘Yellow Peril” I got to wondering what Wiki would say about it in these politically correct times:
For your delectation I offer its first paragraph on the subject”
“The Yellow Peril (also Yellow Terror and Yellow Spectre) was a racist color-metaphor that is conceptually integral to the xenophobic theory of colonialism; that the peoples of East Asia are a danger to the Western World. As a psycho-cultural vision of the menacing East, the Yellow Peril was more racial than national, a fear derived, not from concern with a specific source of danger, from any one country or people, but from a vaguely ominous, existential fear of the vast, faceless, nameless horde of yellow people opposite the Western world. As a form of xenophobia, the Yellow Terror represents the white race’s fear of the rising tide of colored people from The Orient.[2]”
Thought as much. Ripe for pseud’s corner. You’ll note the past tense in the first sentence. Oh Yeah?
This is from an ultra right wing blog, but the document is interesting:
1315 – you need Stephen Crane:
In a lonely place,
I encountered a sage
Who sat, all still,
Regarding a newspaper.
He accosted me:
‘Sir, what is this? ‘
Then I saw that I was greater,
Aye, greater than this sage.
I answered him at once,
‘Old, old man, it is the wisdom of the age.’
The sage looked upon me with admiration.
Dedicated to Richard Wilson as Victor Meldrew & all alike!
And the sad news of them days:
Name of Victor Meldrew,
“One foot in the grave”,
Very much in character,
Richard Wilson had it made,
The one man senile oligarchy,
He’s on the hop,
The BBC created him,
Complete with flat cap,
Out to outsmart the disrespectful,
Those that step out of line,
Sneaking round revengeful,
Time after time,
The litter dropped upon his lawn,
Went through her letter box,
The lady with her baby,
Was in for some shocks,
The computer man who slighted him,
At the traffic lights,
Got made to do a demo pitch,
All for nothing, at his house,
The radioactive horse manure,
All so sweet revenge,
Through the allotment inspectors
Sent him nearly round the bend,
The neighbours tried to sell and move,
But Victor put paid to that,
Putting a pieced together teddy bear,
In the bin out back,
The toy shop taxi was delivered,
On his own doorstep,
His long suffering wife Margaret,
Fuming mad, said, ‘lets all hop…
In it and go”,
Anywhere but where he is,
No one wants to know,
Funny old Victor Meldrew,
Say’s “I don’t believe it!”
His catch phrase in his character,
Makes his flat cap nicely fit,
Better Wear it Mr Meldrew,
Because it sure suits you,
As the Senile Oligarchy Anarchy
One man band in you rings true
What will you do next,
To wreak, Sweet revenge,
Putting all the world to rights,
With another victim to avenge,
Who can believe it,
Not Victor Meldrew,
He is the original one man,
Senile Oligarchy Anarchy, so dead pan.
Hillary is dead,
Trump for Pres.
T ruly we are not to believe the bombastic utterances
R egardless of the experience and riches from your inheritance
U seless is the intimidation to those that challenge your smugness
M elting the critic, humoring the ego that engraves your name on edifices.
P erfect is the hair that is always colored and combed.
F rightful that voters will be blinded by the charlatan.
O verwhelmed by celebrity and the “American Dream”
R uthlessly using the system to advance self esteem.
P ress on the press if it serves your purpose.
R eward the few that flex to you and kneel.
E nrich the populous with your reality circus.
S elling the Donald is the “Art of the Deal”
FMOBB!! Just Fergus P and me.
I don’t blame everyone else for enjoying the sunshine. But there has been an eerie silence from the usual suspects. Neither do I blame thew if they have seceded from the band.
BTW Fergus – you plagiarised that from PoliGAF2016[OT2.
Always credit sources. you old rogue. Or at least blame them when the doggerel matches your own.
Frank P
Still popping in from time to time to check the CHW wit & wisdom; summer jobs, and Mrs N, demand my priorities and efforts.
As, By and large the arses of the bad guys are getting duly kicked I’ve seen no reason to add an unnecessary h’apenner’th.
Of course the politicians over here have mostly buggered off on yet another holiday, leaving the place in the control of partial, foul mouthed judges and other state stooges.
Frank P,
“FMOBB!! Just Fergus P and me”
That’s better than a Fregus “original” in that it scans better!
If only the woman in the raincoat were to stand for the House, get in, help to legislate on climate change and refugees, Britain would be much much better place, no?
Frank P @ 13:15
Cruising between a hospital and the abode, his abode, not that the lucky barbarian bastard’s in trouble, someone close to him is, Frank. That’s the short answer to your question.
And on Fred? Sublime, above the highest grade, unquestionable, even if the poorly educated Slav doesn’t totally agree with him, for instance his saying “Hillary, who has the military grasp of a Shetland pony ….’, if only the pony could talk, the hard working animal couldn’t but object strongly, what a low view of his intelligence, ha?
Fergus Pickering @ 15:01
Good one, Fergus, a notch about top grade. You should keep this one in the drawer, it may come handy after November.
Fergus Pickering @ 14:40
Eight for effort, Fergus, rather fewer points for an insight, how about probing below the flat cap for a start?
Frank P @ 13:29
Few days back, a report said a drone had flown close to a Flybe plane that was about to land, the police are looking into the incident.
One can buy very sophisticated drones costing thousands in this country, fly them here, not in Syria. Is someone looking into he possibility of those wanting to do us harm having a go?
On the one hand, the DT publishes the following piece:
On the other hand, the BBC runs a story of Polish volunteers dressed in camouflaged jackets, paintball guns in hand, running in a forest next to the Russian border in south-east Poland. Allied Forces are facing up to an imperialistic aggressor, no points for guessing who’s who.
It’s an exercise of the future defence force of Poland in reserve. The deputy PM of Poland’s there praising the boys and girls who devote their spare time to the defence of the country. Some three minutes of the half an hour slot, called something like ‘over the continents’, is devoted to the local people in the area, ‘the minority view, they have, the locals’ says the reporter, they object to the war games, arguing the area’s peaceful, the Russians come over as tourists, buy their produce, they themselves travel over, the Russians have no similar exercises over the border …. ‘Well, says one of the warmongering participants’, ‘these local people miss the broader picture’, and the BBC wanker nods to it.
Go figure
Colonel Mustard @ 22:51
The barbarian knows next to nothing about the two branches, Colonel, has never had anything to do with either the CPS or the police (thanks be to Him), finds you r argument convincing except for one specific case, that of the girl grooming gangs.
The guy who re-opened the can of worms (Baron’s aware of the BNP raising the issue for years) was a member of the CPS phylum, a follower of Allah into the bargain (as you’re well aware), not a police officer, or a member of any other agency of the State. Could there be some merit in the two services delivering what’s required of them, provided neither were to be politicised, of course?
Good one, but then it’s from the pen of Douglas, he never disappoints:
Baron August 12th, 2016 – 19:54
The police dropped their investigations in 2008 following a CPS decision not to prosecute. Only when a second complaint was made in 2009 did they re-open investigations and the newly appointed Afzal then got involved. I don’t see the facts making the case for the police not to be a prosecuting authority or vindicating the CPS independence.
There is a fairly detailed coverage of the case here if you can wade through it, but the complexities involving the issue of political correctness and relentless left wing pressure on the police for “institutional racism” go beyond the argument as to whether it is healthier for the CPS to prosecute rather than the police. In fact the more agencies involved and the more off the record networking that goes on the more likely when a scandal blows up for them to blame each other and for the facts to be obscured.
It is difficult to separate enforcement from prosecution so there is natural tendency for the CPS to extend their remit from simply advisory to overseeing and directing the police, especially as the files go to and fro:-
Investigation – police
Decision to charge CPS (often involving input to the investigation)
Charging – police
Prosecution – CPS
Making public statements about the number of reports the police receive and the effectiveness of the law is not within their remit and any concerns they might have should really be channelled internally through the Home Office and thence to Government and Parliament. But it has become the practice for senior public sector figures to “appeal” directly to the public over contentious issues and to create a lobbying pressurem often in cahoots with single issue campaign groups. By doing so they are actually engaging in politics without being elected or standing for election and compromising the impartiality required of their positions. When Saunders says she is concerned with feminist issues she is no longer an impartial civil servant but has become a political figure. The AG should not tolerate that but it is a mark of the way, since Blair, that the civil service has been politicised and has pushed the boundaries of empowerment to engage in public debate.
Frank P @ 21:35
Pleased to hear, Frank? On the contrary, it’s rather disappointing that the KGB Colonel escaped, why should he, the mother of all villains.
Still, good shot on the inheritance issue, but everyone can do a discretionary trust, it’s what the Duke must have had. Other ways like the seven years rule are cheaper to set up, but more likely to get hit. The inheritance tax yields little, cost alot to administer, it should be abolished.
Primogeniture, one’s last will, the laws of the land are the three components governing one’s inheritance, on what actually happens goes in reverse to what Baron has just typed, the law rules supreme over the other two, one’s will trumps primogeniture. Primogeniture was common sense when land ownership meant wealth and power, it lost its hold as other assets outstripped land in value.
Not only the British were guided by it until rather recently, other countries had it, too, including the Russians of old, the problem arose when the male line came to an end as it did in Russia with the Romanov’s quite early after they got hoisted to the throne (It was the Tzar Paul, the son of Catherine II, who gave it a push when he ruled at the end of the 18th century fearing his son, favoured by many including his grandmother, will depose him, he was right, they got him in the end).
Tolstoy could have given his estate away to two of his daughters, or just one, it was his desire to reward all of them, it says nothing about primogeniture one way or the other.
Colonel Mustard @ 20:27
Nothing to disagree with, Colonel, as it happens the barbarian has no difficulty backing your (and Frank’s) argument on the issue. The evil here is the politicising of the police force (and even more so of the CPS), it serves no purpose, justice is the victim, the law loses respect.
Obvious for us, commenting here, but it does look like another phase has started in Germany:
Fears of ‘Sharia Police’ and Islamic State support in German city after wave of refugees
OFFICIALS in the German port of Hamburg are monitoring reports that Muslims posing as ‘Sharia Police’ are carrying out patrols in the city.
And still the Very Northern Woman wants to be part of the EUSSR.
If only we had CMD telling us INTDWI.
The German Authorities are still behind the curve, I see:
German MPs DEMAND burka ban and claim new security measures do not go far enough
GERMAN MPs have lashed out at the security package unveiled by the interior minister for failing to introduce a burka ban.
Longish, but excellent, one of the few narratives that make one stop intermittently, and think:
As has been pointed out on the CHW for a number of years now…
“Election fraud allowed to take place in Muslim communities because of ‘political correctness’, report warns”
Postal voting: The simplest way to stop this type of election fraud is to stop ALL postal votes except for those in Army/RN/RAF serving abroad, Eric!
RobertRetyred @ 21:07
The critics are right, Robert, the proposed measures range from speeding up procedures to deport foreigners convicted of crime, rejected asylum seekers, those believed to pose a risk to public security, to beefing up the security forces (new recruits), and greater surveillance in public places, but no burka ban (good, Baron reckons).
This won’t work because of the environment of deluded liberal legislation in the background that will allow (say) people who are refused asylum to appeal against deportation, keep appealing on the basis of the ‘uman rites’ legislation. The country hasn’t expelled any failed asylum seekers yet, they have nowhere to go but the country they came from i.e. Austria, which doesn’t want them back.
How does one make a case that someone making speeches in favour of Erdogan’s Muslim dictatorship to be emulated in Germany is a threat to public security when Mutti embraces the tin pot Sultan, furnishes him with money, calls him a valuable NATO ally?
You recall Erdogan’s idea of giving the ‘Syrian’ refugees Turkish passports? Well, if he does that, he can ship the new Turks into Europe if the EU grants Turkey a visa free travel to Europe, as it will. If he doesn’t get the cash, he will let the 3mn immigrants move up north.
It’s repeating himself, Baron has said it before, one cannot but admire the Turkish Sultan, he has everyone (including the Kremlin man) by the balls, he cannot lose.
EC @ 22:33
Excellent links, EC, even the picture in the Breitbart piece hints at a broken election law, there should be no canvasing at the polling stations.
In the summary, Eric Pickles lists 50 recommendations. That in itself would suggest the current system is not fit for purpose. It would be interesting to see how many will the saintly Teresa let to be adopted.
One of the recommendations is that a single individual should be able to challenge an election result. This may seem fair, but may not produce what he wants, but instead lead to a large number of results being challenged even for mischievous reasons. It would be better if that individual were to produce solid evidence for such a challenge, no?
Alex, like me, coughs to occasional lapses into Tourette territory, but nonetheless thinks there’s a time and place for it, which should definitely preclude the holy sepulcres of dispensation of criminal justice – particularly if you happen to be the Judge – and a female one to boot:
Amusing anecdote woven into the morality tale.
Baron – 1954 -In our tumbling distaste of Alison Saunders and the hated Kier Starmer we have forgotten the other concern I expressed ie the increasing use of the police caution. There are 5 written reasons for this increase in that action of the police.
To offer a proportionate response to low level offending where the offender has admitted the offence;
To deliver swift, simple and effective justice that carries a deterrent effect;
To record an individual’s criminal conduct for possible reference in future criminal proceedings or in criminal record or other similar checks;
To reduce the likelihood of re-offending;
To increase the amount of time officers spend dealing with more serious crime and reduce the amount of time police officers spend completing paperwork and attending court, whilst simultaneously reducing the burden on the courts.
I would distill this down to “reduce the amount of time police officers spend completing paperwork” and the danger “to record an individual’s criminal conduct for possible reference in future …criminal record or other similar checks”
Now it goes something like this:
“Look lad this looks bad for you but to save us all time and to save you the embarassment of court just say you did it and I’ll let you off with a caution.”
There are now thousands of anecdotes of people who accepted this not realising that it would come up at Employment DBS checks with “difficult” consequences.
Who knows if they were innocent or guilty but you see the dangers.
Whether you believe in separating prosecution from the police or not, criminal records need the scrutiny of the courts.
Police cautions have existed as long as the police themselves and were once, informally given, an integral part of a constable’s discretion.
They began to be formalised under Home Office guidance for consistency in 1974 and after that increasingly bureaucratised, centralised and politicised. In 1995 (Major) they went on national police computer record and in 1997 (Major again) further bureaucratisation and centralisation were introduced by the Police Act which made provision, amongst other things, for police cautions to be revealed to potential employers. Then the procedure was ramped up in 2003 (Blair) with the infamous Criminal Justice Act (whereupon much English justice did indeed become criminal). That saw the introduction of police targets, for which police cautions were handy tools to increase “results” without much effort, and even more bureaucratisation.
More recently the introduction of community resolutions has seen the matter go full circle with a return to informal and unrecorded cautions managed locally.
Both Major and Blair presided over regimes where the Home Office tail wagged the Ministerial dog and in turn the senior police tail wagged the Home Office dog. Both were instinctive nannies who favoured centralisation and bureaucracy, who scaremongered and knee-jerked when it came to the perception of crime and the need to do something. We are now living with the consequences of 36 years of Major, Blair and Brown increasing the powers of the state over its citizens and 6 years of Cameron doing nothing about it, despite his pre-election promises and “Liberal Democrat” coalition partners.
To look askance at the police over the matter of cautions is to entirely miss the point of where the problem lies. Look to successive governments, their ministers, the Home Office and the centralised, politicised hierarchy of the police who have systematically undermined the principles by which the police first came into being and turned it into an arm of the state rather than the law.
Baron – 23:01
If voting was ever straightened out, in the interim, there would be a lot of complaints from the “community leaders” of the religion of permanently offended that their guy didn’t get in!
Colonel Mustard – 09:24
Formal police cautions:
I am correct in thinking that the Police cannot now unilaterally caution somebody?
i.e. that the “cautionee” has to formally accept such a caution?
I wonder how many people are advised that that is the case?
Weren’t these rehashed because: (in no particular order)
1) Because the magistrates court system was no longer fit for purpose. They were, and still are, hopelessly inefficient, backlogged, and overloaded.
2) Save the police the time and trouble and trouble of collecting and recording the evidence required to a proper case.
3) To boost the “solved crime” stats.
4) Points make prizes rewards for modern lazy/sloppy police personages.
The correct response to an attempted police caution is , I would hazard to suggest, in almost all cases, – it is that 2/3 word phrase which is frequently heard to be uttered by Penn Jillette, Arnie Schwarzennegar, Gordon Ramsay, and now even Mr Boot (reportedly!)
How stupid can the Swedish authorities be?
Sweden: Summer Inferno of Sexual Assaults
* Almost all the perpetrators of sexual assaults who attacked in groups and who have been apprehended, are citizens of Afghanistan, Eritrea and Somalia — three of the four largest immigrant groups in Sweden who fall into the category of “unaccompanied refugee children.”
* A few days later, it turned out that many of the perpetrators who sexually assaulted women at the “Putte i parken” music festival in Karlstad wore the “Don’t grope” bracelet.
* Many people were therefore aghast to learn that the organizers of the Trästocksfestivalen music festival in Skellefteå had decided to arrange free bus rides to the festival for the local “unaccompanied refugee children.” They claimed they were “proud to be the first music festival in Sweden that encourages a significant increase of newly arrived migrants in the audience.” By the time the Trästocksfestivalen ended, the police counted twelve reported sexual assaults.
* Apparently, Swedish girls and women should learn to live with being groped and raped — or leave the public space altogether. The latter seems quite in line with what Islamic sharia law prescribes.
“In the wake of the New Year’s Eve attacks in Cologne, Germany, news broke in Sweden that a large number of sexual assaults against girls and women had occurred at the music festival “We Are Sthlm” [short for Stockholm] in both 2014 and 2015, but had been covered up by both the police and the media. The National Police Commissioner, Dan Eliasson, immediately launched an investigation to find out the scope of the problem.
The results were presented in May, in a report, “The current situation regarding sexual assault and proposals for action” — and the conclusions are frightening. Almost all the perpetrators who attacked in groups and who have been apprehended, are citizens of Afghanistan, Eritrea and Somalia — three of the four largest immigrant groups in Sweden who fall into the category of “unaccompanied refugee children.”
The answer is ‘pretty stupid’.
Who needs comedy when we have this being played out as reality, from the same article?
“After National Police Commissioner Dan Eliasson read the report he had ordered, , on June 28 he came up with a “solution” that made Swedes gasp: a bracelet with the words “Don’t grope” printed on it. Eliasson explained the initiative, saying:
“The police take sexual assaults very seriously, especially when young people are involved. This crime is of course extremely offensive, and all of society needs to work against it. [With the bracelets] we can turn a spotlight on this issue and encourage those affected to report the crime.”
A few days later, it turned out that many of the perpetrators who sexually assaulted women at the “Putte i parken” music festival in Karlstad wore the “Don’t grope” bracelet. It was the same story at the Bråvalla festival. Lisen Andréasson Florman, operations manager for the non-profit organization, Night Shift (Nattskiftet), had 50 volunteers patrolling the grounds of the Bråvalla festival every night. Despite this, Florman herself was attacked. She told the Swedish news agency, TT, that she was surrounded by three men who acted “totally disgusting.”
“And these three men had those ‘don’t grope’ bracelets on. It was completely surreal.”
And so it goes. The sexual assaults at this summer’s music festivals have come one after another. Many people were therefore aghast to learn that the organizers of the Trästocksfestivalen music festival in Skellefteå had decided to arrange free bus rides to the festival for the local “unaccompanied refugee children.”
However, festival chief Nils Andrén could not understand the criticism against the free buses at all, and stated that the festival’s motto is “accessibility”, and that it might seem expensive to new arrivals to pay for a bus ride to the festival themselves. Apart from offering free bus rides, the organizers also printed up posters advertising the festival in Persian, Arabic and Tigrinya. They claimed they were “proud to be the first music festival in Sweden that encourages a significant increase of newly arrived migrants in the audience.”
EC August 13th, 2016 – 10:24
AFAIK there were always two types, although Frank will have to confirm this. The informal caution “Mind how you go” type recorded in the constable’s notebook and derived directly from his discretion (frequently used for what is now described as “anti-social behaviour”) and the formal caution in the form of written and centrally recorded warnings from about the 1920s, then mainly for minor motoring offences. I can recall formal cautions introduced as an alternative to charging arrested minors which I think originated in the late 1970s.
Certainly you are correct in your animadversion of the current bureaucratised format and the reasons for it.
Colonel Mustard (11:47)
Yes, your concise summary is correct. The discretion of the Constable was paramount as to whether a caution was appropriate and never used if there was evidence to justify arrest in the case of theft, criminal damage, serious assault or unlawful possession of dangerous drugs, etc. In those cases the station officer confirmed that the arrest was justified, given the appropriate the power of arrest and what charge was appropriate, based on the verbal report of the arresting officer; but it was an offence for a Station officer to refuse to charge if prima facie evidence was produced.
Then the magistrate was the final arbiter the next day and either tried the case – or commited it for trial at a higher court if appropriate. Police lawyers rarely intervened and only a handful were necessary and available, based at the Yard, for contentious or serious criminal cases,. It worked very well for many decades. Most cases were done and dusted summarily within 24 hours. As for traffic offences, before the innovation of technology, infringements were reported in a pro-forma report book to a senior officer i/c traffic offences who decided whether to summons the alleged offender. Recorded verbal warnings would be taken into account when these decisions were made. It was also a fair system and it worked well. It would be foolish to say that these decisions were not open to occasional corrupt “intervention” , human nature being what it is, but it was rare, because if unfair intervention obtained, the original reporting officer would be entitled to query the decision and have to be satisfied that the extenuating circumstances were justified. So if a bung, or cronyism was involved, that would have to involve at least two corrupt officers – fraught wirh danger for both (canteen chatter, etc). In my experience in those days the overwhelming majority of police officers were not only straight, but disdainful of any form of corruption, petty or systemic. It was only later, when changes in Sexual Offences legislation opened up an industrial scale vice industry and the vast profits enabled the vice moguls to bribe senior officers with substantial sums and coruuption became gravity fed.
Ensuing serious damage to morale led to Robert Mark’s sluicing of the Augean Stables and a dozen or so senior officers being served large portions of porridge, the repercussions are still felt today in myriad ways. But many bent lawyers and Judges were also involved in those corrupt cartels of the 60s and 70s so to suggest that the replacement of polce prosecutorial powers by lawyers is the solution is foolish. During my service I came across more bent lawyers than bent cops.
For every anecdote about police corruption, boorishness or ineptitude, I could relate a hundred of public spirited dedication, kindness, efficiency, detective ability and courage in the face of hostllity and violence.
That was then (from the 50s to the 80s in my personal experience, though with some interface later in post-constabulary careers.. As for now, under the current political madness with ensuing destruction of morale within the sharp end section of the Force (if you can still call it that), I’m not so sure.
I keep reading in various media, that unless Labour sorts itself out soon, the party may just wither away and die.
We should be so lucky. Can we “help” it on its way?
What’s all this about hate crime? just more hysteria from the Beeb. I frequently shuffle down Whitechapel Road, a solitary figure amongst the rich and vibrant diversity of our city, and never once, not once have the wogs told me to bugger off to where I came from.
Frank P 1546.
All I know is that those in jobs needing CRB/DBS checks are told never to accept a police caution.
You might say that this is because scrotes know that if they opt for the beak they have a 50:50 chance of getting off.
But you might say that this is the only way to prevent a miscarriage of justice in a gullible citizen.
Furthermore not a lot of people know that accepting a caution can affect someone’s ability to travel and work outside the European Union, with some countries reserving the right to refuse entry visas.
And another (opposing) concern about the use of cautions is the concern that too many cautions are being issued to repeat offenders accused of serious offences.
Stephen Maybery
August 13th, 2016 – 17:19
You can be cynical but Hate crime is out of control here and in the USA.
The definition of racism keeps evolving in this country, as does what constitutes a crime in the zero-tolerance wasteland of our public schools. A school in New Jersey called the police on a 3rd grader because he said he didn’t like brownies. This was perceived as a racist statement and the geniuses in charge figured it must also be some kind of hate crime. reports:
On June 16, police were called to an unlikely scene: an end-of-the-year class party at the William P. Tatem Elementary School in Collingswood.
A third grader had made a comment about the brownies being served to the class. After another student exclaimed that the remark was “racist,” the school called the Collingswood Police Department, according to the mother of the boy who made the comment.
A police officer interrogated the 9-year-old and determined that he had not committed a crime, but then referred the case to the New Jersey Division of Child Protection and Permanency anyways. The boy’s father was called later in the day to inform him of the child abuse/neglect investigation.”
Stephen- Theresa May’s Home Office published Police ‘Hate Crime Operational Guidance’ which stresses that the victim’s perception is the deciding factor in whether something is measured as a hate crime. No evidence is required. ‘Evidence of… hostility is not required for an incident or crime to be recorded as a hate crime or hate incident,’ the guidance says. ‘[The] perception of the victim, or any other person, is the defining factor… the victim does not have to justify or provide evidence of their belief, and police officers or staff should not directly challenge this perception.’ So you don’t need actual evidence to prove hate crime, just a feeling. The police are discouraged from asking for evidence.
Frank P etc.
I think the American visa waiver regulations allow caution but not conviction.
The Swedes are more stupid than Merkel in allowing their country to fill up with immigrants. They should leave the EU together with the Danes. Then ourselves, Norway, Denmark and Sweden can create a Northern Powerhouse.
Colonel Mustard, August 13th, 2016 – 21:44
Yes, I know what you mean. Something doesn’t add up. My old hard wired Plessey CPU has just started issuing repeated “Pieces of Seven” messages on its operator console – A Teletype Model 33 ASR.
However “Weird” is what goes for “normal” these days. We have no option but to proceed with caution, but not quite in the same way as Rod Liddle.
EC August 14th, 2016 – 10:16
Glad you got it. I wonder if others will? I suspect that two are actually one and playing games again.
Little clues . . .
Colonel Mustard/EC
Heh, heh, heh. Sorry, I’ve been encouraging it as a drawing out exercise. I think it’s now clear. No more. I promise.
Islamic technology….
Two complementary blogs:
Is Teresa May back pedalling, or is she in full BRreverse gear? Obfuscation, equivocation and prevarication are seemingly the order of the day. Also, both the House of Commons and in the House of Lords have a majority of their snouts in the troughs that are vehemently opposed to BRexit.
How could they betray the will of the British people and get away with it? Mr Boot outlines a scenario in which they could do just that!
Noa- well spotted.
I made this point on Tuesday (Romano Verdi
August 9th, 2016 – 18:45)
Douglas Murray adds the important point:
“But this case should have provided a learning moment for politicians, the media and wider society to finally understand the full threat to our society that this type of fanaticism poses, as well as a realistic awareness of how widespread that fanaticism actually is. Instead, on glimpsing for a moment how deeply this problem goes, it seems that the UK has decided once again to turn away and avert its gaze, for fear of what it might otherwise find out.”
“…What the Church can help the west do is absorb the violence, and not be provoked by it; to be patient in fear and insecurity; and to accept that in the meantime more people will die.
It is not what our politicians will tell us, but we all know it is true.
Seen from a Christian perspective, the deaths of those who, like Hamel, are innocent peacemakers, are not meaningless but powerful.
“Can the world still wait for the chain of love which will replace the chain of hate?” asked Archbishop Dominique Lebrun in his homily. “Will we need other massacres to convert us to love and to the justice that builds love?”
Speaking as an ex Left Footer I would remind his Holiness that he is considered to be infallible only in matters of doctrine, that advocating the turning of cheeks and ignoring the threat of Islam to Christian and post Christian Western civilisation is a recipe for our rapid extinction and that his congregation expects, not liberal platitudes dressed as doctrine, but the Augustinian logic and advocation of direct action by his forebear Pope Urban II.
‘The NY police have said they are certain the murder of the two Muslims after the Friday mosque service in the Borough of Queens was not racially motivated’, said the BBC Radio4 newsreader at 11.00 hours today, then added ‘the murder happened against the background of heightened islamophobia fanned by the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’.
Have you heard the same BBC telling the listeners about the axe cum knife murderer on the German train adding ‘the murder happened against the background of heightened tensions amongst the public engendered by massive immigration from the lands of the Muslims?
Baron – 16:14
If it’s coming from the BBC you know it’s all lies!
What the NYPD actually said:
h/t Chief Robert Boyce, NYPD Chief of Detectives
Take a look at the police sketch based on eye witness accounts…
Not yer typical Trump supporter!
Judge Jeanine: ‘Bill & Hillary Clinton Are the Bonnie & Clyde of American Politics’
Chapter and verse!
Some four days ago, Rear Adm Mustafa Ugurlu posted to a NATO base in Virginia has asked for an asylum in the US.
Could anyone explain how come a high ranking military officer of a NATO member country has asked for political sanctuary in another member country of the same military alliance?
How could we rely on NATO in case a military conflict breaks out? Has any major MSM outlet reported it? Has any of the political gnomes explained it, the Americans for instance?
You don’t have to listen to it, it’s Helmer ranting about the recent Putin-Erdogan meeting in St Petersburg, but if you do, don’t miss his saying that on the eve of the get together the tinpot Sultan expressed his support for the Crimean Tartars (who oppose the Kremlin rule).
EC (13:45)
Excellent rant. Why aren’t the sleaze-balls from Westminster, who allegedly backed Brexit screaming this from the rooftops – David Davis particularly. The Dulux Dog still seems to be in the grip of Eurobitch on heat, as Alex colourfully describes the evil entity. Get a fucking move on before it all gets buried in ‘events’ dear boy, events! What a team of absolute wankers! But whaddaya expect when one of the ‘negotiators’ – Hopeless Hammond – was the Jeremy who ‘negotiated’ the Iran nuclear carve up and agreed the hostage payment. If he can sell us out to to the Mullahs, he can certainly sell us out to the EUSSR Bastard Bureaucracy. Fucking traItor!
Get that extensive hooter out the Brussels bottle and get our country out of the shitty orifice too, while you’re at it, ‘Chancellor’!
Baron – new on Breitbart:
Another cop shot.
“Hatch New Mexico Police Officer Jose Chavez became the 35th law enforcement officer to be shot and killed in the line of duty in 2016. The year got off to a bad start with flurry of officers being murdered in the first two months alone. Things got progressively worse from there.”
Breitbart’s Neil Munro reported that of the thirty-five officers who were shot and killed in the line of duty, eight were killed in “military-style attacks by African-American political radicals.” Many others have been killed in ambush-style attacks where the officers were either lured to the scene with a false call or by some other crime as bait.
Most notably this year, five Dallas-area police officers were massacred in July and a lone gunman opened fire on police at the end of a Black Lives Matter protest. Less than one month later, three more police officers were ambushed in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Other ambush style attacks on police occurred during this time period in Georgia, Tennessee, and Missouri, Breitbart Texas reported.
In June, a Memphis police officer was run down and killed by a man driving a car who was allegedly fleeing and attempting to avoid being arrested, Breitbart Texas reported in June. The incident happened in the heart of Memphis’ entertainment district.
It is likely that Officer Chavez will not be the last to die in the line of duty this year.
The world has gone crazy.
The people have spoken (the bastards!)
Now heed them!
Emulous @ 18:40
You’re spot on, Emulous, the world has indeed gone loopy, but something tells the barbarian it’s not over yet, the peak of madness is still to come.
Romano Verdi @ 13:45
The European political lapdogs will do next to FA whilst the hon Muslim’s in charge, Romano, take it from the barbarian, the man in the White House is not the only stumbling block, of course, but his being or not being there holds the key to unlocking some common sense amongst the political elites of Europe.
Take another example, the Turkish conundrum, no European politician has pronounced on it, the MSM keeps schtum, they all wait on what the one who rules the West decides.
Biden is due to Ankara (may already be there), his visit may be similar to that of Kerry to Syria in 2010. It was Assad’s refusal to let a gas pipeline run from Quatar through Syria up north that engendered Syria to be seen by the West as a pariah state rather than a ‘valuable friend’. If Biden feels Turkey’s too vulnerable (very unlikely though), the country will be treated as Syria is, the MSM, like a pack of hyenas, will follow the new policy.
There’s a race war going on in the United States and it has nothing to do with skin colour. It’s all about pandering to a large segment the African – American electorate by the Democratic party. There seems to be a predominance of idleness among them fostered by successive policies of local and central governments, excusing the criminal behaviour that ensues from it, by suggesting that it derives from slavery and hidtorical segregation and that there is an excuse for it.
Their are many examples of negroes who have availed themselves of the opportunities of the American Dream legally and succeeded, so the criminally infested ghettos of the major cities have nothing to do with slavery and segregation, more about choices and idleness. It is easier to sell and abuse drugs and organise theft and gangsterism, than it is to study, work hard and obey the law and gain wealth and success legally.
The police are the enemy to black criminal cartels and political leaders of all stripes had better get behind law enforcement, if they want to avoid riots even more bloody than the Sixties. Black Power is nothing to do with social justice and everything to do with protecting black criminal commerce and violence. They imported the movement to Britain in the late 1960s and it will happen again here – it was contagious then – and it is contagious now. More than contagious – it is cancerous and it is well past the time when the phenomenon is called out and political correctness is abandoned in favour of plain speaking. Black can be beautiful, but not always and certainly not necessarily. The criminal fraternity is overpopulated by black membership. That’s a fact by any measure – official statistically or empirically. Black and white cops are being killed indiscriminately by black criminals. The politicians must stop making excuses for criminals who use race as a catalyst and carapace and back the police.
Baron 1928
“If Biden feels Turkey’s too vulnerable (very unlikely though), the country will be treated as Syria is, the MSM, like a pack of hyenas, will follow the new policy. ”
My concern is that Biden may cave in to the Turks for the sake of the US nuclear arsenal kept in Turkey.
“….Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Friday that Turkey had received “positive signals” from Washington regarding its extradition demand. Ankara wants the return of Pennsylvania-based preacher Fethullah Gulen, whom it accuses of being responsible for orchestrating the coup alongside his movement. Gulen denies the accusations, and the US has asked Turkey to provide evidence which Ankara claims it has done sending several documents.”
Romano Verdi @ 19:54
Good point, Romano, he, the tinpot warrior, can also blackmail the EU what with three millions plus refugees at his disposal to be dispatched to Europe at his command, and the KGB Colonel, too. How he, the Kremlin man, must have felt when, hours before the meeting, his guest said he wanted Assad out, Kurds down, the Crimean Tatars rather than the Russians in power. in the peninsula.
The Russian MSM were full of the meeting, the coldness displayed by Putin, the ‘my friend Vladimir’ remarks by Erdogan (he said it four times in the press conference, he also wrote in June the letter of apology for the downing of the Russian fighter jet partly in Russian), the surreality of it all.
What the MSM wankers largely missed is the replacement, three days ago, of the Head of the Russian President Administrative unit, a man called Ivanov (former KGB, long term colleague of Putin, in Russia one of the most well known politicians, once nearly a candidate for presidency). He was replaced by a totally unknown figure, a chap called Антон Вайно, Anton Vayno (?). Born in Tallinn Estonia, he’s the grandson of the First Secretary of the Communist Party in Estonia (at the times of the USSR), studies at MGIMO (the Moscow State Institute of International Relations), worked in Tokyo, then at the Russian Foreign Office.
The barbarian listened to a number of experts on the TV station the Rain, all of them said the outgoing head (Ivanov) was a disaster, everything he touched went south, held the post only because of his closeness to Putin, the new head (he’s been the deputy) is capable, but his loyalty to Putin even greater.
Btw, many in Russia are speculating whether the change in the administrative personnel (more may come in other departments soon) may signal Putin quitting because of health reasons. He has been rumoured to suffer from cancer, for some time recently cancelled few meetings, no reason was given.
Frank P @ 19:44
Strange, isn’t it Frank, that the Foreign Office have in the past banned a number of conservative pundits from entering the country, the people from the ‘Black Lives Matter’ were let in, no questions asked. How likely would it have been that (say) Savage’s talk would have led to his listeners rioting, closing roads, chaining themselves to railings?
Btw, who runs the Home Office now?
Noa @ 14:03
His Holiness should heed your advice, Noa, but it’s very unlikely he will. The man seems to be out of his depth, partly because he doesn’t come from anywhere near the Old Continent, the cradle of the doctrine, knows next to nothing about either it would appear. The Net is full of videos saying he’s an antichrist, his aim is the destruction of the Church. As Romano said above, it’s madness galore everywhere one looks.
Frank P @ 15:46
That’s an excellent summary of how things were done in the past, Frank.
The barbarian would rather have that than the current ‘book driven’, politicised, opaque approach we have today, he reckons that the foot soldiers of policing have been (still are) less corrupt and corruptible than the higher echelons of the service. In fact, the higher one gets in the pyramid of policing the worst it becomes, he reckons.
Baron 21-49
Home Secretary : Amber Rudd (Hastings and Rye) ; previously Energy and Climate.
She has refused to even back the policy of reducing immigration to 10,000s.She says it should be at `sustainable level.
Yerrrss. Amber Rudd, ex-wife of AA Gill. Has he offered a critique of that appt. does anybody know? He must have a tale ot two to tell. Perhaps she has a few to relate about him, too, so it will be a conspiracy of silence.
From the old days : the story of the Kray gang.
GEORGE SOROS OUTED: The head of the snake? Or one head of the hydra?
“A series of message within the September 2015 State Department dump of Hillary Clinton e-mails show the Secretary of State of the United States received direct orders over U.S. foreign policy from none other than Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros.”
“…Then follows what can only be construed as instructions for the Secretary of State from Democratic Party donor Soros, who has so far given her over $7 million this election cycle:
Dear Hillary,
A serious situation has arisen in Albania which needs urgent attention at senior levels of the US government. You may know that an opposition demonstration in Tirana on Friday resulted in the deaths of three people and the destruction of property. There are serious concerns about further unrest connected to a counter-demonstration to be organized by the governing party on Wednesday and a follow-up event by the opposition two days later to memorialize the victims. The prospect of tens of thousands of people entering the streets in an already inflamed political environment bodes ill for the return of public order and the country’s fragile democratic process.
I believe two things need to be done urgently:
1. Bring the full weight of the international community to bear on Prime Minister Berisha and opposition leader Edi Rama to forestall further public demonstrations and to tone down public pronouncements.
2. Appoint a senior European official as a mediator.
While I am concerned about the rhetoric being used by both sides, I am particularly worried about the actions of the Prime Minister. There is videotape of National Guard members firing on demonstrators from the roof of the Prime Ministry. The Prosecutor (appointed by the Democratic Party) has issued arrest warrants for the individuals in question. The Prime Minister had previously accused the opposition of intentionally murdering these activists as a provocation. After the tape came out deputies from his party accused the Prosecutor of planning a coup d’etat in collaboration with the opposition, a charge Mr. Berisha repeated today. No arrests have been made as of this writing.
The demonstration resulted from opposition protests over the conduct of parliamentary elections in 2009. The political environment has deteriorated ever since and is now approaching levels of 1997, when similar issues caused the country to slide into anarchy and violence. There are signs that Edi Rama’s control of his own people is slipping, which may lead to further violence.
The US and the EU must work in complete harmony over this, but given Albania’s European aspirations the EU must take the lead. That is why I suggest appointing a mediator such as Carl Bildt, Martti Ahtisaari or Miroslav Lajcak, all of whom have strong connections to the Balkans.
My foundation in Tirana is monitoring the situation closely and can provide independent analysis of the crisis.
Thank you,
George Soros …”
Link for above post:
Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God
“…Donald Trump was warning the establishment that there are patriots who will resist that subversion of constitutional liberty — as patriots did in 1776.
The 2nd Amendment is what protects the 1st Amendment and all of our freedoms. It is not a protection of the right to hunt deer and wild boar, it is a guarantee of the right to defend the home, family and community against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Lost in the current controversy is recognition of the importance of the 2nd Amendment to the very origin and existence of the United States of America as a sovereign nation. It is an historical fact that while most of the grievances against the British Crown revolved around taxation without representation and the British Crown’s systematic destruction of locally elected legislatures, the actual armed revolt against British oppression which began in April 1775 in Lexington and Concord was sparked by the British Governor of Massachusetts sending an army of “Redcoats” to locate and confiscate a suspected cache of arms and gunpowder. Thus, the American Revolution began as a defense by patriots of the right to bear arms as a means of self-protection against a tyrannical government.
The 2nd Amendment was ratified in 1792 as part of our Constitution. It was adopted by the same generation of patriots who fought the British and wrote both the Declaration of Independence and the original Constitution. It is a well established fact that the Constitution would not have been ratified by the thirteen state conventions without the promise of adding the Bill of Rights, with the 2nd Amendment being among the most important.
Benjamin Franklin was tasked in the summer of 1776 by the signers of the Declaration of Independence with designing the Great Seal of the United States. Franklin chose as the motto to be adopted as part of that seal, “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God.” Thomas Jefferson liked that phrase so much he adopted it as well.
It is also part of the historical record that the rebellion against King George was understood as a rebellion against the British Parliament — for failing to curtail the King’s usurpation of individuals rights. A weak, subservient Parliament enabled King George to wage war against American liberties. For that reason, Americans made the Separation of Powers a cornerstone of constitutional government and gave Congress extensive powers to check a rogue President. That our Congress has chosen to follow the path of the lapdog British Parliament by failing to check a rogue President is a sorry chapter in American history– and sadly, a dark harbinger of things to come….”
“China Is Establishing Control Over Every Critical Natural Resource”
Radford NG @ 22:32
Thanks, Radford, the right choice then to keep immigrant numbers down, and from what Frank says the food critic may have been right getting rid of her, but what can we do?
Malfleur @ 23:51
One of Baron’s American friends says, Malfleur, ‘forget Russia, it’s all good pre-election rhetoric for domestic consumption, the real threat is China, they’re poised to make a move in the East, the US military have no chance stopping them’. You think he’s right then?
Malfleur @ 23:10
Quite revealing, but will it dent the woman’s chances in the race, Malfleur?
This is the best of the message: ‘(Soros’s) foundation in Tirana …. can provide independent analysis of the crisis’. Arghhh
What if the guy’s right, the weapons are seized by either the Turkish Government or the jihadists?
A violent conflict between the locals and Muslim refugees took place in the sea resort of Sisco near Bastia in Corsica on Saturday. The followers of Allah didn’t like the locals pointing at, taking pictures of Muslim women bathing fully dressed, attacked and beat up a local boy videoing them, he called on his parents, friends to come to his aid. Three cars were burnt, four participants were treated in a hospital (including a pregnant woman), others received minor injuries including a guy from Le Monde, 500 strong demonstration demanded the punishment of the Muslim attackers.
This was mad e in Russia, has been screened there for months, it lasts for almost an hour with heavily religious undertones, no nuances at all, one brush for all of the non-hetero phylum. Whatever one may think of the community of the sexual otherness there are some amongst them with whom the barbarian would mind not to have a pint, it’s mostly the Stonewall crowd that irks.
the Milwaukee rioting seems to be getting out of hand, the President is playing golf.
This reminds Baron of a guy somewhere in Africa seeing two trains hurtling at each other. He raise his hands, shouts ‘what a way to run a railway’. Well, here, one could shout without raising one’s hands ‘what a way to run a country’, no?
Just listen to guy in the first video as you scroll down: They have the money, don’t give us any’, he says. It’s so unreal, it’s almost comical.
Do forgive the errors in the above.
The Yellow Peril. Just waiting for the Western Hegemony to disappear up its own a-hole. It doesn’t need to exercise its military might, it already has the US by the balls and we’re in the thrall of their investments, too. Just a matter of time. The lemmings who will vote for the Clintonostra will suck the rest of us over the cliff in their slipstream.
The way the sacrifices and resultant gains of WWII have been frittered away by Western governments for short-term personal power and enrichment, will go down in the annals of history as the greatest crime against humanity ever known. That is if there is any historian left who would be interested in acknowledging the destruction of the Judeo-Christian Civilisation of the West. It is just a toss-up now as to whether the sino-soviet block will record future history, or the Mullahs of Islam.
Meantime, who is likely to run with the Soros – Clinton email disclosures, other than Breitbart?
Even Fox are now, in the main, briefing against Trump; Hannity is the only unashamed Trump supporter.
A 10 minute report published on Aug 13, 2016
Alex Jones nanalyses how Goldman Sachs and the UN are using a wave of Islamic migrants to destroy the sovereignty of Western Nations.
Secret Service Leaks on Hillary Clinton’s Health to Alex Jones
Sunday Show – 1st HOUR:
Prescient observation, Frank.
The Mandarin speakers cannot help it though, there’re around one and ahlaf billion of them, they’re short in the women’s department, the boys may get restless at home, threaten to unseat the dictatorial top, it’s wiser to let them fight offshore, and they have the money, too, we’ve emptied our economies of jobs, they have them, make stuff, sell it to us, our wealth is being sucked out.
Surprisingly, the bilateral trade between China and the Republic amounts to only $700bn. Not a small amount by any means, the barbarian wouldn’t mind having a fraction of a single per cent of it in his bank account, but considering each country has a GDP around $17tr one would have expected it to be bigger than that.
Malfleur @ 01:53
Even if the woman were to snuff it, Malfleur, the progressives would get a look alike replacement, they have plenty of ugly looking women with blonde hair in the Republic.
Malfleur @ 01:37
It has logic, supporting evidence that fits, and it’s mercifully short and vacuous of shouting, Malfleur.
Is it really by design that it’s happening? It may well be the result of our idiotic policies towards the developing countries in the past. Instead of ensuring they could find sustainable models of self sufficiency, we have been furnishing them with food, they bred, there are too many of them, little to do, many almost starve. On top of it, the crazy Americans neocons began throwing their weight around after the USSR collapsed thinking everyone can emulate the Republic’s societal model, many countries objected, got attacked, refugees started fleeing to the safety of the Old Continent.
The video ends with Alex saying ‘you’ve been warned’. Big deal that. What is proposing we do? That’s what he should tell us.
Baron wasn’t, still isn’t a great admirer of John Kennedy, but he said few things that resonate with common sense, he just phrased it better (it may have been his scriptwriters who suggested it anyway).One of the offerings was that ‘those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable’. Someone should dig it up, tell the likes of Obama, the Clinton woman.
Malfleur @ 01:53
As Frank said, Malfleur, nobody’s listening to this story or any other, the woman’s coated with teflon.
Few days back, on one of the no-UK TV channels, Baron forgets which one, an American male of around 30 who looked as one imagines they look said: ‘We have a choice to vote for a clown or a criminal, I’ll go for the clown, he’s less dangerous’.
Short, to the point, and as close to the truth as 20 words can get one.
Nuffofranting, don’t you think?