This is the Coffee House Wall for this week. I won’t say that it is your chance to communicate with us, as we are all in this together. It is, nevertheless, the Conservative Blog post that has no particular theme, and where everything is on topic. Let’s just remember that we want to avoid ad hominem attacks on others. We don’t want to engage with trolls. We want to moderate our language ourselves as responsible and mature adults, choosing to use fruity language only where it is necessary. This is our opportunity to show what the Spectator Coffee House Wall could have been like.
Please consider supporting the Coffee House Wall by making a donation of whatever amount, to fund the running of the site using the Paypal donation button provided.
Your support is needed, without it the Coffee House Wall can’t function. Please consider a donation of even just £5.
Yall still there?
Clearly not today. Running scared from Donald or are yall dead like Andy?
Colonel Mustard 10.11
“There is a recent lengthy post by Jennifer Oldham at 11:12 am. Sitting in my moderator pending list is the exact message, also by Jennifer Oldham, but the email which has been used, and which has caused it to go into moderation, is an address used by telemachus, and which does not appear on the site and so is not known to anyone other than myself as Administrator.”
Do you think for a moment that all of the posts on all of the sites attributed by you to myself could be posted by one operator. Those in homage to David are exclusively telemachus and reflect sadness and thanks for the time before he was banned by Fraser
The reason I reposted the above is that the moderator on this site could tell you the impossibility of posters attributed to me being me by the wide geographical separations of IP provider addresses. I do not deny code sharing with selected posters leading to the comment by Peter
I should add that David is a good friend and still with us on blogspot, although sometimes like the rest of us off beam
May 10th, 2016 – 14:06
Do I think for a moment? Er, not where you are concerned. I don’t know what to think because you dodge and weave so much, leaving a trail of deceit and mischief wherever you go. Don’t blame the consequential suspicions on anyone but yourself.
Why would anyone who was not trying to deceive be involved in “code sharing” or using other peoples pseudonyms “in homage”?
Whatever you and your “associates” are trying to sell, comrade, I’m not buying it!
Just in case anyone missed my last post on last weeks thread, in the Telenuisance copy, I repeat:
Another history lesson:
Jim Comey has this and much, much more on her file. Why is the current investigation taking so long?
One hopes that Don Trumpolini has it on his file – it will spice up the next few months and we hope see the New Year in with a clear out of the Augean Stables.
Riveting footage, telling snapshots of the faces of evil and Bill and Hill in their own words. And it’s just part of the chronicle of crime of the Clintons.
Stay with it folks, it’s long and lively.
Trumped up charges by Fergy?
Would they set us up? Do bears shit in the woods?
The talking points being put out by, for example, the Barclay brothers in the DT today, are:
1 Would Brexit threaten Britain’s safety?
2. Afghan terrorists use migrant route to plot attacks on London, police fear, as Theresa May orders border review.
Formula being cooked up by our masters?
Brexit + increased muslim terrorism+ pre-June 23 terrorist outrages + dial the Gendarmarie = Remain
‘Maggie comes fleet foot, face full of black soot
Talking that the heat put plants in the bet book
Phone’s tapped anyway
Maggie says “The Man, he say”
They must bust in early May, “Orders from the D.A.”
Look out kid, don’t matter what you did
Walk on your tip toes, don’t try No-Doz
Better stay away from those that carry around a fire hose
Keep a clean nose, watch the plainclothes
You don’t need a weather man to know which way the wind blows’
Frank P / Col. Mustard.
As I indicated before; this is rather a members club : but guests are welcome,and can become members by contributing.
Should members `black ball` certain persons ? That is a pertinent question ; especially if they are not paying the purely voluntary membership fee to run the site. (I have pointed-out this can be paid over the counter at terminals in our working class,diversified,districts. )
Also what about anyone who appears to be coming here under multiple personalities? Should they be expected to pay for each personality.?
[As founder club members will probably know I do have the situation that The Librarian keeps getting through my window and high-jacking my keyboard (perhaps initially inspired by our old mucker Verity [who god preserve] who was very keen on his kin. I hope you don’t mind him mo…….Ups! I nearly used the `M` word there,which can have drastic consequences : no offence meant I’m sure……but he does usually agree with me. ]
Anybody who doesn’t comprehend the above paragraph ; just ignore it.
“When terrorists are planning to kill and maim people on British streets,” Mr. Cameron said, the closest possible security co-operation is far more important than sovereignty in its purest theoretical form.”
What has the Queen got to say about that?
Nothing, apparently.
Caught On Tape: This Is What Happened When An MEP Tried To Read The TTIP Text
Enoch Powell was right…….
…………………………………..confesses Trevor Philips. “Rome may not be in flames , but I think I can smell the smoldering .”
On Powell’s persecution he says : ” Everyone in British Public life learnt the lesson….avoid saying anything about race .” Some thing which many of us observed.
Only on the 40th anniversary of his speech was it revealed that 75% of the British public agreed with him. All of them in 1968 were of the War generation,or had grown up in it’s shadow. The youngest ones on the voting register would as children have immediately recognised the photo of Ann Frank and seen her story as part of our Island Heritage , as much as The Few (the young men ,little more then boys, who held the future of civilization in their sweating palms and …did not let go ) . Yet they were all silenced as `racists`.
Only recently , in the Spectator and elsewhere ,has it been claimed that Enoch Powell’s speech poisoned the debate and prevented the issue being address for a generation : but who else would have spoken out ; and why didn’t they ?
Breitbart on Trevor Philips :
That is :
CANCEL . Try…..
Redford NG
I tried that but the lady behind the counter told me that Peter Farrington was no longer receiving contributions
telemachus is puzzled
telemachus : somebody else said the same re the link at the top .
Is anybody in communication with Peter ?
Radford NG May 11th, 2016 – 02:09
My apologies – I hadn’t realised that you were the “club’s” Chairman. I don’t seem to have a membership card so I better leave.
“Anybody who doesn’t comprehend the above paragraph ; just ignore it.”
In yesterday’s Evening Standard a massive rant (starts on page one that Baron missed, it was torn off from the copy he picked, it was left on a seat in the underground). In it it says: “Trump and those around him think that Western values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London proved them wrong” (electing a Muslim Mayor).
If it doesn’t hit you first, read it again. How does electing a Muslim mayorof a key Western city substantiate the claim that the two (Islam and Western secular values) are compatible? How does it justify, validate, prove it?
The only thing the election proves is that Western values allow for the election of an individual who is either suspect about sharing Western values, or possible doesn’t share them at all, just pretends. (One can hardly say the opposite to be doable, i.e. a city in a Muslim country electing a mayor, or the equivalent honcho, holding secular values).
Apart from this massive piece glorifying the election, there were also shorter pieces, one by Rashid Razaq (quite, Baron has never heard of him either) who, surprisingly was the most balanced of the lot, and another by Sarah Sands who says ‘Khan’s faith turns out to be his greatest political strength’ (don’t say), and some letters of congratulations.
From all this, it turns out the two reasons people voted for him were that he was the son of a bus driver from Pakistan, and that he was a practising Muslim. One would have thought that perhaps other qualifying features would have been more appropriate for someone who has to run a multi-billion outfit, no?
Still, Baron hasn’t made up his mind about the man yet. It may be he turns out to be close to the CPS man of the same faith who re-opened the rape cases up north, or he may not. The start of his reign doesn’t bode well, he attacked Donald, but we shall see what he does, or doesn’t do next.
Malfleur @ 02:32
What exactly was the point of this piece, Malfleur?
Radford NG @ 02:09
What is this all about, Radford, the barbarian doesn’t understand the whole of your posting. You OK?
Radford NG
May 11th, 2016 – 05:55
The Trevor chap has a problem, Radford, nobody is listening to him. Nobody can listen to him.
It’s a phenomenon that needs researching, the inertial power of an idea. Once it’s seeded, grows, it’s impossible to stop, more often than not it stops only after it has destroyed the culture that enable it.
The greatest fear the communist bosses had was not from the non-communist opposition but from its own ranks. A slight deviation from the dogma, and the rest of the hyenas around them made a move, they were toast. Similarly here, Trevor may talk until the cows not only get home but also get milked, it will do no good. He won’t be touched, not yet anyway, he’s an icon, owns the right skin colour, but given time the progressive culture will spit him out, he won’t know what hit him, and the culture of multy culty and stuff will continue till the bitter end.
It’s out now.
You recall Baron saying the Germans won’t help the boy to re- negotiate anything of any substance? Why should they? They got to the top slot in the EU because of the existing tenets of the set-up, its laws, rules, procedures that have been in force till now. To change all this would put their dominance at risk. It would be imbecilic of them to even consider it. Would anyone change the terms of reference that have yielded one the dominance over others (unless one had to, of course)?
The Mutti is said to have exercised a veto over the boy’s deal to re-negotiate Britain’s relationship with the EU.
The boy must have known it (IDC apparently broke the news), others must have been aware of it, too. Even the barbarian knew Tusk, the Polish apparatchik in charge of the renegotiations, was in constant telephone contact with Mutti.
And yet, the Eton educated, pig head loving tosser is pushing to remain. The man’s a traitor, should be in the Tower.
Out it must be.
The last one: a big apology for thee errors. Sorry.
The errors, of course, the errors, the errors, the errors …. (Baron’s going to write the short sentence 30 times, at least).
Send dear Dave to the tower? Certainly not, cut his fucking head off.
Raford NG
Thou speaketh in tongues. Try again in English.
The poorly educated Slav must be touched with genius (even if he says so himself) for he’s been proven right once more on Ukraine.
Not that you have to read the piece, just take Baron’s word for it, Ukraine is now more corrupt than before the Kiev putsch in February 2014, just as the barbarian said it would be two years ago. Sad reading, the piece, but not unexpected, at last by people who know something about this part of the world.
If you scan the WP narrative you may notice the writer seems to think passing new laws will do it as it would have done it in the West where law rules, but in Ukraine? Often, the laws in Ukraine (and other former satellite of the USSR) are passed in a way that actually guarantees corruption. You may disbelieve the barbarian, but if you do, you have no idea about the rot the country suffers from.
One way to transform the society would be for the West to force on the country a constitution and a set of basic statutes modelled on a western democracy, together with a Western, well trusted NGO (is there one?) establishing offices in the country, giving money (cash) directly to the unwashed, the ordinary people, hoi poloi of the basket case country. Some of it will be wasted, but this two pronged solution would be more beneficial to restoring the country’z civic society, the law of private property and that of the contract than anything the thieving, corrupt, growing ever richer layer can ever succeed to achieve. If you asked the plebeians whether they would endorse such a solution in (say) a referendum, Baron guarantees you the vast majority would answer in the affirmative.
Stephen Maybery @ 10:19
Your sentiment’s right, Stephen, but the fix may be too cruel.
Alot of fuss about HM the Queen saying the Chinese officials behaved rudely during the Chinese President’s visit to the country, the beancounter who runs the Foreign Office explaining the tense behaviour on both sides by the difficulties encountered in organising such a complex visit, re-assuaring the Chinese they remain our best friends.
You may not be aware the President also visited the Czech Republic, the visit there had its own wart, those who objected to it took down all Chinese banners the night before the Chinese President arrived, substituted them with those of Nepal, the police had to step in, take down the Nepalese flags, but had no time to stitch new Chinese ones, there wasn’t the time.
Apart from that the visit went OK, the two Presidents even had time to relax, took a couple of the gilded chairs from the Prague’s Castle out (the residence of the Czech honcho), sat down, enjoyed the views, both looked relaxed, joked, were observed laughing.
Go figure.
The great Rod has a piece on the new Mayor of London, you may not not endorse it joyfully (if at all), but the barbarian reckons he’s right. Let’s give the man a chance, see what he can, cannot, and will or will not do, no?
Frank, what harm it finding out what the other side thinks?
The barbarian’s quite at ease reading, listening, even learning from the opposition. Often, their dissection of a problem fits his own slicing of it, it’s the solutions they propose that stink. In the Chomsky’s take of the US foreign policy the analysis seem on target, what will he suggest the republic’s elite should do to end the rot is another matter, don’t you think?
Is anyone there, or will the poorly educated Slav talk to himself today?
Two polls results:
In the US, almost half of those who say will vote for the Clinton woman say they do so because they oppose Donald, and the same percentage of the polled who say they’ll vote for Donald do so because they oppose the Clinton woman.
What does it tell one about the presidential electoral system in the Republic?
In Germany, two thirds of those polled say they no longer favour Mutti to run for re-election next year. The lower their income, the less educated they are, the greater their animosity level towards her.
Could it be that even the German masses have had enough of the Frau’s unwarranted altruism?
OK, have a laugh:
The headline sums up what we’ve become better than long winded essays, don’t you think?
It’s more than probably, in fact, it’s a certainty that if any illegal immigrant were to injure himself jumping over, he could easily find a lawyer who will sue the company that erected it and, unsurprisingly, win.
Baron May 11th, 2016 – 14:55
I’d love to talk to you Baron but apparently I’m not a member and am barred.
You’ll need to wait for telemachus who appears to be an honorary member.
Colonel Mustard @ 15:25
This membership, contribution thingy puzzled Baron, too, Colonel, he hasn’t raised it partly because the other guru warned the barbarian to leave tele alone, and partly because there has been enough postings from him (Baron).
What is it all about then? Are we on subscription now? We pay, or we’re out?
Many months ago, the barbarian chipped in, possibly more than once, he cannot remember, but nothing in the last twelve months or so. (Baron doesn’t like to part with his money unless absolutely necessary, but will contribute again if this is what secures his presence here, and provided the fee isn’t inordinately high).
Peter, are you around, or still on your travel? Could you sort us out, please.
PS: Awful mistakes, sorry, and Baron’s not sure if it’s him saying (say) ‘it’s more than probably’ rather than ‘probable’, or the ficking software.
In the last but one word of the posting @ 16.18 the second letter should be ‘u’ and not ‘i’, and this time it’s the F U C K I N G software. Polite apology to you.
Baron (14:46)
I already KNOW what the other side thinks and I don’t want to be apprised of it daily either by useful eejits like telemachus, or indeed pernicious cunts like Chomsky – who personifies one of the many evil evil faces of socialism and its murderous wake. Which is why I frequent a right-leaning blog rather than the multitudinous haunts of cybercommies and their agitprop output. Once I had to do it for living. In that regard I’ve retired. And it is why, after much consideration I decided to campaign for the blackballing of our very own pestilent proponent of their murderous cult and its recent teaming up with the islamic jihad. Like Colonel Mustard and Noa (and I believe others here), I do not wish to associate with them in anyway whatsoever. I do not have an ‘open mind’ about them, am impervious to their bullshit and do not want such slime on my eyeballs nor bombarding my ears. I forgive you for proselytising on behalf of your Russki neighbours and giving Vlad a pass or two, because otherwise you appear to have become a fully integrated member of the British way of life (where pockets of it still exist). But sometimes you push the envelope of ‘the other side’ a little too vigorously for my taste.
Fuck ’em ‘all! Frontwards, backwards and sideways! Is that clear? With all due respect, of course. 🙂
If you have over 40 minutes of spare time, this may be for you. Unbelievably, this comes courtesy of the BBC.
Tommy may have been too direct, he would have done better if he calmed down, as the moderator suggested:
Frank P @ 16:54
Point taken, guru, from now on the barbarian will read what he wants, but will avoid to even whispering about it here.
Is it a deal?
Not only that, BREXIT!
(Starting with the reinforcement of Hadrian’s wall and continue by following those two geezers around who do the “Coast” documentaries – the long haired Jockie and the nerd with bins – and building a wall in their wake). Recruit unpaid volunteers to keep armed watch on the ramparts and pop off the Muzzies as their dinghies float in.
Baron (17:10)
Sorry we crossed paths in mid-air there. Post whatever you want, m’lud. Your prerogative. But it was the “no harm in reading what the other side think” suggestion that lit my fuse. Their is intrinsic harm in swallowing poisonous bullshit; even if regurgitated, traces remain.
“There is”, Sri.
“Peter, are you around, or still on your travel?”
I think it is the residential course this weekend
telemachus @ 18:32
Thanks, tele.
So, could you or Radford enlighten Baron further, please? Is Peter sending the wallposters e-mails with subscription demands or what? The barbarian missed chunks of the thread when sick, hasn’t caught up, never will. He honestly didn’t know, you have to trust him on this.
Frank P @ 17:21
Whatever, Frank, the barbarian will tread carefully, the last thing we need here is to get your blood pressure up. You must be here for the June celebration of Brexit, the full two terms of Donald’s reign, HM’s 111 birthday, and that’s the minimum.
Frank P 16:54 – Yes, well summarised-again.
Peter- if you don’t have the time to moderate or consign Obnoxio to the cess pit where he/she/it belongs-and you don’t. Perhaps you should seek volunteers.
I suggested recently,if telemachus wanted to contribute to the CHW he could also contribute financially to it’s running costs ; and if he did not want to use a card payment he could make cash payments to paypal over the counter at money shops.
It arises from this that the `paypal` link at the top of the page is not operative.
[The rest is addressed to Terry Pratchett’s fans who used to be here–of which I think Peter was one. `The Librarian`,who sometimes posts here,was accidentally turned into an orang-outang (a family that Verity had affection for) and refuses to be changed back. He takes great exception to the `M`word… the ruling caste now doe’s to the `N`word as they call it. ]
Frank P.
Pratchett on the night-watch (from memory) :
Sergeant to trainee : “You call; `One O’clock,and all is quiet` .”
Trainee : “But Sarg. what do you do if all is not quiet?”
Sergeant : “You get your ass to some other street where all is quiet,as fast as you can.”
Ahhh – now I understand! Or rather I think I understand …
Good article about BREXIT by Tim Martin in the Weatherspoon News magazine:
I detect a tectonic shift among the American political milieu and the punditry away from theirberstwhile line that Clinton will beat Trump in the General Election. Moreover I think her party are preparing to dump her as the FBI Primary nears completion. If that occurs, they may well shoehorn Uncle Joe into the Democratic nomination, despite his protests that he is not up for it.
The kiss of death came tonight from Jon Stewart when he said of Clinton, “She is a very bright woman without the courage of her convictions.”
Smart assed and snide … With political allies like that, who needs enemies.
O’Reilly augurs that Biden will run.
So we now have reached an odds-on chance that it will be a Trump v Biden contest. Something I forecast here several months back when I could have got long odds, but didn’t. ☺
Your comment at 09:49 mentions a Rashid Razaq. Is that the same person who did this video warning about extremist Islamists posing as refugees?
He seems to be quite a reasonable chap.
The very recent events at Upton Park should make the police-bashers pause and reflect for a moment. This type of behavious, prevalent at the time of the Hillsborough incident and still going on, was the driving reason for that sad event.
One of the scouse luvvies interviewed recently decried the fact that ‘fans’ were trapped behind fences and was allowed to get away with it. They were behind fences because there is a too-large element of sociopathic, anarchic scum among the all-too-few decent fans and that element needs to be kept away from decent folk. If decent fans opt to go into those areas, they will suffer – either by being hurt of, more likely, becoming scum themselves. Why would any decent, considerate parent expose their young to the vile atmosphere that is football?
Upton Park proves the scum are still there, some older, some who have learnt from their predecessors a tribal violence and lack of consideration for others. These pieces of shit are generally lumped with the extreme right politically but they are no different form those socialists that refuse to see a contrary viewpoint to their own and seek to shutdown all non-left viewpoints and conversations.
In a convoluted metaphor, that is why the whining turd that is Telemachus must be allowed a voice here – his removal would make us no better that the censorious ones who created the conditions for the foundation of this wall in the first place.
Baron -May 11th, 09:49
I saw that Evening Standard as well.
Trump was misquoted. He said he would keep the ban intact “until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on, [to determine and understand this problem of the hatred among Muslims]”
Poor comprehension from Sad IQ Khan.
Radford NG @ 00:13
Thanks, Radford, no subscription then, only voluntary contributions, nothing has changed.
Declan @ 05:18
No, Declan, your’s Raheel Raza, mine’s Rashid Razaq, close but no cigar. Whether they are related Baron doesn’t know, also Rashid happens to be male.
The video you like to is amongst the best summarising what we’re faced with, unfortunately with the honorary Muslim in charge we won’t progress much on this front. Donald may do it, he should do it.
Btw, it occurred this morning to the barbarian that Christian reformation wasn’t just an insider job, the clergy everywhere having an epiphany, a sudden inspirational awakening to separate from the secular. Those outside the church insisted on it, often waving the sword.
If we are to see a similar reforming move within Islam by the likes of Raza & co those without the club must also help, if need be with the sword as well. It would be worth it, the world’s shrinking as speed of travel increases, and whether we like it or not, we have to live together, preferably in lasting peace.
Clear Memories @ 07:00
Excellent point, about the scum, Clear Memories, you’re very much right, it’s still around, and not only at football matches.
Whether it can ever be got rid of completely is another matter. Because of the polarisation of the society in general, there’s more of it even if at a smaller scale, different form. A distant neighbour of Baron’s displayed three posters ‘vote UKIP’ on his fields (he’s a farmer). Someone not only destroyed them, but cut down large chunks of his centuries (if not millennia) old hedge, too.
Why is it one can be so intolerant to the views of others baffles the barbarian. It wasn’t like that when he arrived here, people listened, rolled their eyes as the max of disapproval if they disliked the idea, but not much else, then did what they thought was right.
On your metaphor: Rather courageous of you, Baron must say.
RobertRetyred @ 10:16
You’re right, Robert, but then every commentator of the phylum of the anointed misrepresents Donald on this, quotes only part one.
Clear Memories (07:00)
“In a convoluted metaphor, that is why the whining turd that is Telemachus must be allowed a voice here – his removal would make us no better than the censorious ones who created the conditions for the foundation of this wall in the first place.”
And when we foregathered here, after the general embargo by Fraser; we suspect after a determined effort by the Shavian Mob – of which Tele has since coughed to being a member (if indeed not the whole shebang, using different monikers) had caused the ultimate closing of Melanie’s blog when she was shit-canned by Brillo after complaints and threats of legal action – or rather forced to resign because of the Mag’s refusal to back her) — long breath — we jointly discussed whether trolls should be barred as no doubt you remember – and after some discussion decided it would be hypocritical to censor any posters, when OUR complaint about the Speccy was one of censorship; so tele was indulged.
But that was a long time ago; since then a few of our regulars Wallsters have been consistently ‘stalked’ by the turd when posting on other right-friendly blogs; he uses this platform and others for the purposes Agitprop and we suspect he is part of the general SJW onslaught on the intertubes.
The Colonel gets pissed off with the pest’s personal attacks here, when he discusses and distorts them on other blogs; but imho The Colonel deals with it adroitly and in so doing, not only entertains us with his acerbic wit but usually with some useful history lessons, which personally I find both illuminating and reassuring. As you probably have gathered (if indeed you bother to read my posts) I deal with tele by venting my spleen, often using ad hom and suggestions that he should foxtrot oscar. We all agree in general on the subject of free speech, but should space for persistent leftist propaganda be provided here when most of the regular posters don’t want to provide the oxygen for it?
So the the wider question is one that you perhaps inadvertently raise is in your following paragraph:
“These pieces of shit are generally lumped with the extreme right politically but they are no different form those socialists that refuse to see a contrary viewpoint to their own and seek to shutdown all non-left viewpoints and conversations.”
Do we agree that the hooligans should be barred from football matches, because (a) they disrupt the the progress of the gathering and the game, and (b) they give the club a bad name and repel other possible punters?
The Colonel, Noa, EC, myself and others here of the originals have suggested that tele is either barred altogether, or that his posts are diverted to an oubliette on the side bar, so that those who “wish to read the other sides point of view” can do so.
In general, as an old fart well into my eighties, as I said to Baron in an earlier post: I’ve heard and read more than enough of the other side’s point of view in my lifetime; have witnessed the murder and mayhem that it has visited on the world; have watched at least two generations following me brainwashed through the West’s polluted educational machinery and am now witnessing a multi-culty propaganda onslaught that includes softening us up for both the violent and the subversive islamic jihad – both cults have now converged into one Long March.
That’s what the general principal of “free speech” has led to: the fuckers are winning hands down. So reluctantly I agree with the Colonel, Noa, EC et al. Off with his head!
As for Noam Chomsky, links to his work on this blog are anathema to me and I suspect to others. Baron knows how to Google his name if he’s interested in the ‘other side’. Come the counter-counter revolution (some hope) I have a lamp-post already labelled for that bastard (Chomsky not Baron 🙂 ) which one of my counterparts over the pond will use to complete the task.
As for Baron, he’s just winding me up, just as I do to him by persistently linking
Alex Boot’s blogposts.
Btw are you still operating your blog? Please forgive me, but I’ve forgotten its moniker (a senior moment); please prompt me because I enjoyed it and would like to bookmark it (lost my old bookmarks when my last rig was hacked and fucked). Your posts both here (all too infrequently of late) have always been stimulating and in your case, its good to hear from ‘the other side’ – of the world!
Baron – 10:54
But we do know what ‘until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on’ means though! 🙂
“In a convoluted metaphor, that is why the whining turd that is Telemachus must be allowed a voice here – his removal would make us no better that the censorious ones who created the conditions for the foundation of this wall in the first place.”
I disagree and draw a distinction between someone who is participating properly in discussion and a heckler who from time to time bursts in to shout provocative propaganda and disrupt the meeting.
And if we are no better than them – good! It’s about time we won instead of playing fair in ways that always give them the advantage, tied into their narrative, compelled to conform to their strategies. I’d rather be victorious over the enemy than die in a ditch with my honour intact.
There is no merit in anything telemachus writes. Nothing will be lost if he is banned except the irritation of having to see his name.
Baron (10:53)
‘Why is it one can be so intolerant to the views of others baffles the barbarian. It wasn’t like that when he arrived here, people listened, rolled their eyes as the max of disapproval if they disliked the idea, but not much else, then did what they thought was right.’
Oh FFS, Baron. Stop being so sanctimonious. You yourself have displayed a less than tolerant attitude to the opinions and facts of your bête noir, the Honorable A Boot, Esq. ☺
In the case of those of us who vehemently declaim against the likes of the Shavian crew and insidious old commie Chomski and various other agitprop pens and rentagobs, is because they are the enemy! This is not a debate between two different ideologies; it is a war between a coupling of poisonous and deadly cults and our own modified judaeo-Christian/secular society, which is being exponentially eroded if not, indeed, destroyed by a torrent of propaganda.
Those students that have been corrupted and brainwashed by the Gramscian disciples of academia demand ‘safe space’ from the opinions of anybody that is not with the agitprop message. So anybody who is centrist or right of centre, or indeed possessed of even a modicum of common sense and the pragmatism of life experience, is kept away from youngsters undergoing education, either in schools or universities. Parents are defied and their wishes are ignored. As a parent of four, a grandparent of 12 and a great-grandparent of two I’ve had more than a taste of this shit. Now I’m spitting it out because the nasty taste in my mouth is intolerable. And you expect us to be onice and respectful of the other side?
To ‘just roll our eyes’?
Well fuck that! I want to roll the fucking tumbrils! We’ve put up with this overt shit for over seven decades since WWII and covertly for nearly a century before that. How much longer do we have to ‘tolerate’ the ‘other side’s’ p.o.v??
We’re being suckered. With all due respect m’Lord. ☺☺
Colonel Mustard .(19:22)
Sorry, I should have checked the thread before hitting send. I might have modified my last post had I read yours, but as you can see, although I agree wholeheartedly, your are much more measured and polite.
Thanks Clear Memories
But Frank P & Colonel Mustard Wow
It is perhaps all to the good that I respect you both
But let us get back to the issues
Mark Carney and the MPC have given us this day some sound advice based on their reasoned analysis of all current and projected economic factors
Such advice from the same team has served us well these last many years
So what happens
Norman Black Wednesday Lamont who you will remember for losing us almost one trillion pounds in 1993 tells us not to believe him
IDS, he of the failed party leadership, says he is unreliable
And dear Jacob Rees-Mogg wants him sacked. This from a man whose only claim to fame is that Victoria Coren finds him incredibly sexy
But no worries Boris and nice Mr Gove have thrown their toys out of the pram because Nigel wants to attack Dave on TV
As the Chinese say we live in interesting times
And even the economist has acknowledged that it is not now just the cast iron economic view that we remain
“Post-Brexit, Britain would find it harder to keep close foreign-policy and security links with the EU, not least because it would no longer be in the room. There is a broader geopolitical point, too. Partly because its foreign-policy role has grown, the EU has become a key piece of the West’s defence and security architecture. Brexit would weaken the EU—and so the West.
Mr Cameron may have exaggerated the risk of armed conflict in Europe. But the people keenest on Brexit are the West’s enemies. That is why several former Pentagon and NATO bosses called this week for Britain to stay in the EU. Britons are unlikely to have security uppermost in their in mind on June 23rd. But Brexit could yet cause much collateral damage”
And what about jobs?
“TENS OF THOUSANDS of banking and City jobs could go if Britain quits the EU – George Osborne warned last night.
And the Chancellor claimed that as many as 285,000 jobs in the financial services sector could ultimately be affected by a ‘Brexit’.
Speaking at an FT event in London last night Mr Osborne based the claims on new Treasury analysis.
The Chancellor said financial services accounted for £69 billion-worth of exports a year – with hubs in not just the City but towns and cities from Edinburgh to Bournemouth and Cardiff.
He said: “Tens of thousands of jobs in financial services and connected industries would be at risk if Britain votes to leave the EU on June 23.
“It’s a key part of the UK economy and has gone from strength to strength with Britain as part of the EU.”
“A vote to leave the EU would put all this at risk.”
The blast came as the Chancellor urged other business bosses across all sectors to speak out about the risks of a Brexit – reflecting fears in the Remain campaign that too few are daring to speak out because of fears of a voter backlash.
The Treasury last night claimed the heads of HSBC, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs have all warned they may have to move jobs abroad if Britain votes to leave the EU. ”
And before folks cry Socialism
I have never considered Carney, Osborne or the Economist team as brothers
Curiously GirlPower was posting pro-EU shite at Guido less than an hour ago and posted something almost identical to the 20:04.
Invoke his name and he appears with a mass of similar spamming twaddle. Does he expect us to agree? Vote Remain as a result? It’s shameful the way he is permitted to play this site.
Well done Clear Memories! You have a new friend.
Would you believe it
Eurocratique now!
The last two posts: QED.
telemachus May 12th, 2016 – 20:35
You were the one who invoked “Nicholas” with your “David Lindsay” (black labrador avatar) disguise “in homage”.
So don’t peddle your nasty mischief elsewhere and then expect to come here “holier than thou” you little communist creep.
This will amuse and encourage you, amuse because it’s written by a demented left leaning loony (but it’s short), encourage because of the postings below it.
Frank P @ 19:29
Sweet baby Jesus, Frank, what has the barbarian done to be whipped so harshly?
It’s one thing to be combative, belligerent even offensive verbally, another to get physical. Baron would not dream of using his fist to attack any of his opponents, to destroy any of their props, not even do anything to drown what they are saying, writing, displaying.
If Baron were to object to the ‘vote UKIP’ signs, he would try to persuade a farmer next door to display (say) ‘vote cumryd’, pay for it. It would never cross his mind to go break the posters, cut a hedge of the UKIP lover. In Baron’s debating toolbox there’re plenty of words, no sticks.
Still, he met the farmer today, as it happens, briefly, the weather was the subject. ‘Ash before oak – soak; oak before ash – flash’, said the man, born and bread in Suffolk, and as it was ash that got going first this year, we’re in for hot summer. Remember you’ve heard it here first.
telemachus @ 19:55
Th one thing the BoE man will be remembered for is his telling us he’d raise interest rates when unemployment falls to a certain level. Unemployment did fall to the certain level, then some more, and more, and more … and the cost of money stays where it has been for donkey’s years.
And you want us to believe him when he says Britain folds up when we leave? Arghhh
telemachus @ 20:04
You forgot to mention, tele, that there are 27 others (it will be 28 if Turkey joins) ‘in the room’, and when the EU negotiates with countries outside it, it’s the EU, or rather the Germans, who call the tune.
When we get out, as we must, there will be only us in the room, and any negotiations with our future trading partners will be face to face, just the two parties, Britain and China, or Brazil, or South Africa, or Australia, or Japan …..
WTF has that got to do with commie/muzzie propaganda and the war they are waging on Western Civilization? The domestic party political scene is a minor issue in that regard, particularly as both main parties are each promoting multiculturalism which is aiding the enemy cause. And each seems hell bent on ceding even more sovereignty to the EUSSR. I’m sure you’re a nice bloke and a good neighbour. But I’m asking you to be an implaccable enemy of the unholy alliance and to reject without further debate their rampant advances and their poisonous murderous cults. And that means spurning their crap and pissing on their tinderboxes. And if the renegades here have had enough of tele’s copy and sugar-coated advances, so be it, “free speech” notwithstanding. Let him speak freely elsewhere! Trolltopia for instance. He has plenty of clout there apparently.
telemachus @ 20:10
The fugging EU (together with local Quislings) has already succeeded in decimating the City, tele, and their financial transaction tax will bury what was once the cash cow of our economy for good.
More to the point, Baron predicts that not only will the likes of Goldmans not leave, they’ll start hiring again if we get rid of the EU yoke for we’ll be able to attract more business than ever before by creating less restrictive conditions than the ones the EU insist on. They insist on them because the Germans are determined to bury us, we’re the only serious rival in Europe they’ve haven’t ‘conquered’ yet fully, the French were bought with CAP, the Italians allowed to indulge in tax avoidance galore, the others are too small to challenge them.
The scaremongering shows how desperate the EU lovers are. Once, this country ruled a chunk of the world upon which the sun never set. If we put our mind to it, we can recapture some of the success in commerce, finance, services, there still is alot of goodwill for Britain both in the Commonwealth and outside it, none for the ghastly EU.
Out, out, out it must be, and out it will be.
Frank P @ 23:49
The totally loopy bleating is just too much to leave unanswered, Frank. The barbarian’s blood boils when he reads this nonsense, it’s a spontaneous reaction, he cannot help it, has to get it off his chest.
But enough’s enough, (or as the Japanese say ‘kekko desu’ when they had enough).
On a ligher note, the Germans living in Cologne will be able to eat Erdogan burghers again:
And btw – DFTFT! (and I’ll take my own advice in that regard) … again! ☺
From now on, Frank, the barbarian’s lips are sealed with the strongest sellotape he could find.
And this to keep your brain on alert:
Will the honorary Muslim release the 28 pages (and more)?
What do the globalists have in mind for us?
“The situation in Venezuela is reaching all out chaos, as crippling socialist policies have resulted in a devastating power and food shortage, as well as looming political instability…These are hungry Venezuelans protesting that their children are dying from lack of food and medicine and that they do not have enough water or electricity…. in Venezuela, it is a “painful reality” that people “hunt cats, dogs and pigeons” to ease their hunger. People are also reportedly gathering vegetables from the ground and trash to eat as well.
The crisis in Venezuela is worsening everyday due in part to shortages reaching 70 percent […] six Venezuelan military officials were arrested for stealing goats to ease their hunger, as there was no food at the Fort Manaure military base….”
The socialists work with the globalists to sow division and chaos and to subvert civilised life while enjoying local power. At the appropriate moment, the globalists leave the socialists to their fate as they are engulfed by the chaos and buy up the country’s assets at fire sale prices.
In the United Kingdom, the mix has been made more toxic because there is a more firmly-rooted culture to dismantle before the asset-stripping can begin in earnest. So with the monarchy watching the destruction of national sovereignty without comment or even apparent interest, our law and politics is decided without consultation through Brussels while thousands of moslem sleeper cells are awaiting the globalists muezzin call to access the places d’armes around the country…
This article was published on March 10th this year in one of the globalists’ organs, Foreign Affairs, published by the Council on Foreign Relations:
“…an implaccable [sic] enemy of the unholy alliance…” would have supported Tommy Robinson when he headed the English Defence League.
Baron @ 00:38
To be read with:
Where did Ted “Fight to the End” Cruz go so suddenly?
Ah well, just another case of “no credible evidence” I suppose – so many of those these days….
Baron (00:38)
Good link. We can safely agree that the American administrations of both persuasions have had their heads up the Saudi’s arses for decades. Our own governments have been equally complicit. There is a fat file at the Yard on Adnan Khashoggi that would make your hair curl. (Or there once was; I sometimes wonder if it still exists). Oil, armaments, unlimited moulah and sex are powerful weapons in the corruption of officials. ☺
If you’re not familiar with ‘The Pirate’s’ pedigree, his wiki entry is worth a scan. It contains SOME salient elements of his exotic capers. Not all, I assure you. It is suggested that Harold Robbins’ book The Pirate was inspired by Khashoggi. Sort of, but sufficient alterations to avoid giving too much away.
I knew his first wife, Sandra Daly, she was a ‘hostess’ in Churchill’s night club in Mayfair where the Great and the Good and the low life of London rubbed shoulders and wheeled and dealt. If only those walls could tell the true story of the 60s and 70s it would be the best sellers of all time. ☺
Malfleur (01:30)
Yes indeed, where is the auto spell checker when it’s REALLY needed. But your eagle eye is much appreciated. It’s so good to have someone with an impeccable grasp of English to act as subby to help us out. Give us the number of your bank account and I’ll reward you with a suitable contribution to your overhead costs for performing such a valuable service.
Btw – to save me checking my Websters, it is two ‘c’s in impeccable isn’t it? As in clever cunt?
… or to put it more proper, like, “… there are two ”c’s in impeccable, are there not?” ☺
Baron 0038
You are quite right
Folks with my views should be no platformed
You all deserve the safe space desired by Frank and Col M
I will go away for a while
Four perigrine falcon hachlings on the nest ; about 20 days old.
Live stream :-
In the posting by tele at 20.35 (the one that links to Guido) there sits a video put together by one member of the brexit group. Have you seen it?
Baron suggests we bookmark it (he did), post it elsewhere, it’s excellent even if it runs for over an hour.
Another nail in the coffin of the ghastly pair:
he Wars of the Near Future (I)
BERLIN (Own report) – For the first time since 1990, the Bundeswehr
will be increased in size, provided new capabilities and have its
budget massively expanded. This was announced by Germany’s Minister of
Defense, Ursula von der Leyen. According to her announcement, from now
on, the German military’s “human resources” will be flexibly
determined. For now, an additional 14,300 military personnel and 4,400
civilians will be added by 2023. The military budget, which, in 2000,
was still at 23 billion Euros, will be increased to 39.2 billion by
2020. This is the materialization of Berlin’s geopolitical ambitions,
which have been massively propagated since the fall of 2013, with the
energetic participation of Germany’s President, who has repeatedly
called for a more offensive German global policy with the inclusion of
its military. In the process, Germany aims to take control of a ring
of countries bordering on Europe – some, rich in natural resources –
that can constitute, above all, a “cordon sanitaire” designed to
shield the prosperous European empire from all sorts of problems.
Because the EU’s original plans to use political-economic means to
dominate this ring of states have proven unsuccessful, the German
government is now turning to an open show of military force.
Oh the irony.
The left have caused this and continue to do so. They are the ones who put the first thin edge of the wedge in the door by establishing the concept of political correctness and “unacceptable” speech. New Labour went on to invent the terms “hate speech” and “hate crime” thereby creating hate speech and hate crime. They created the precedent where nanny governments were given the opportunity to “qualify” freedom of speech (I shall never forget Hoon’s unchallenged QT admonition of not shouting “Fire!” in a crowded cinema).
The same nanny governments stood in Paris insulting the intelligence of their populaces by proclaiming ‘Je Suis Charlie’ at the same time as they were plotting and conniving new gagging and censorship laws.
And it is the left in Academia and their foreign implants who have taken the barminess even further.
When I was a young man any disapproval of intemperate speech was answered defiantly “Well, it’s a free country”. It was meant then and it was true then and very much the better we were for it too. Without the gagging, imposed and self imposed over decades, the tyranny of minorities would never have got a foothold. The concept that alien cultures and minority beliefs could subvert from within and claim rights of empowerment over the indigenous and established would never have existed. The English would have continued in England as the Japanese continue in Japan, not relegated to being a despised racist fringe group in their own country or too polite to confront outsiders bent on telling them how their country should be run and busy demanding change to suit themselves.
Noa May 13th, 2016 – 09:06
You cant take the German out of Germany but you can’t take the Germany out of the German.
Europe has a very short memory and is very ungrateful.
See, I’ve corrected the report:
‘There’s NOTHING positive [for France] from UK exit’ IMF unleashes fear-mongering warning on economy
In a news conference, [the French] head of the IMF Christine Lagarde said she could not see anything positive [for France] about [the British] leaving the EU and an exit could have “particularly severe” consequences [for France].
Frank P @ 02:55
You are too kind, you o. f.
As to your question, the answer is surely that there is no clear evidence, no?
… or to put it more proper, like,…you are implacably impeccable in avoiding the issue, wanker…
Having pissed off from here – thank God – the mischievous loony is now going it large as ‘GirlPower’ at Guido. He is the very Troll of Trolls.
Seriously obsessive compulsive control fixations, delusions, megalomania and egomania. If he is representative of the lefty establishment no wonder this country is FUBAR.
Oh dear, this is going to get Frank P’s intellectual knickers in a twist all over again…
A “committed globalist”?
Could Senator Sessions, and Donald Trump, have succumbed to the wiles of the snake-oil salesman and conspiracy theorist?
“In Hillary Clinton, we have a committed globalist. Clinton was an ardent supporter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership — which surrenders American sovereignty to an international union of 12 countries — and has clearly left the door wide open to enacting the pact if elected.”
(h/t Drudge Report)
RR (11:40)
Exactly! Boy George is getting his pay back from the Frog head of the IMF in return for voting her into the job. I thought she was under investigation for fraud. Why isn’t she suspended awaiting the result? Why is she poking her nose into Britain’s electoral process. Are the fucking Tories deliberately committing political suicide because they know what’s coming down the road and want Corbinski to pick up the tab?
The High Court today dismissed an appeal by the Isle of Wight Council against a Magistrate’s decision to dismiss a non-payment fine imposed on a parent for taking his child out of school to take the child on a 7 day family holiday to Disneyland. The Magistrate had decided that as the child had a 97% attendance record the fine was unreasonable and dismissed the case.
The leader of the council, Jonathan Bacon (a ringer for Michael Mansfield, the lefty lawyer) decided to appeal the case. It cost the council (in other words the ratepayers) £14.000 in costs and who knows how much in their own legal costs. The father, John Platt, was interviewed by Sky News and was the perfect champion for parent’s rights. Victory for once against overbearing behaviour by local bureaucrats. The Head of the Council should be sacked (and fined) for wasting public funds and the High Court’s time.
Colonel Mustard.
‘Having pissed off from here …’
Promises, promises!
His previous would indicate otherwise, but let’s see. ☺
An unexploded bomb discovered in Bath today; disruption ensues. Fucking Gerries! They never give up, do they? Where’s Bomber Harris when he’s needed? ☺
Fraser Nelson : ” Immigration ; a (belated) response to Andrew Neather “.
You probably won’t like it.
Kudos to Prince Harry and his support for the Invictus Games in Orlando. It proved to be a very successful event and his presence obviously enhanced the proceedings. He seems to be a ‘natural’. However, Lorna Dunkley (Sky News reader – the one who looks as though she has just risen from a good rogering), interviewing one of the officials who was expressing appreciation for Harry’s efforts, couldn’t resist drawing attention to Harry being a “drunken lout” in a previous visit Las Vegas when he was on leave from active service in Afghanistan.
Dunkley (aka) Mrs Higgins (wonder why she didn’t assume her husband’s name?) obviously following Rupe’s Republican agenda. The look of disdain on the official’s face, when she made this unnecessary intervention, told it’s own story. Nasty cow.
Radford (15:24)
Belated? No, TOO late. It’s click bait. The boy is a cunt. ☺
Radford NG May 13th, 2016 – 15:24
Nelson lets New Labour off the hook and the cretinous anti-UKIP SalmondFishing/flipkipper trolls are all over the comments.
“They’re SNP Jim, but not as we know it.”
They must be the extremists; the moderates don’t do this sort of thing 🙂 :
Bar Owners Appeal For Protection After Sharia Patrols Smash Up Premises, Announce Alcohol Ban
“A number of bars in Denmark are reporting daily harassment by migrant sharia patrols who claim the streets they operate on are “sharia zones”, vandalise businesses, and even shout abuse at government ministers in the streets.
The reports of violence and intimidation are coming out of Nørrebro, a suburb of the Danish capital Copenhagen, where the local trade association is considering employing “peace guards” to protect business and punters. Local bar and nightclub owners have reported having their windows smashed, customers attacked, and even death threats being made against them by “immigrant origin” Sharia patrols because they serve alcohol.
Speaking out against the abuse, café owner Heidi Dyrnesli said of one recent attack: “Some men came into the bar and shouted that all guests had to leave. They said the area belonged to them and that Nørrebro is now subject to sharia and drinking alcohol is forbidden.””
Blair will not be let off by Chilcott.
We’ll ALL be dead by the time that Blair “will not be let off by Chilcott”, including Blair and Chilcott, if seems. A posthumous report, by a dead enquirer into a dead enquiree!
Alex puts a Boot up the fundaments of the Remainers: in particular CMD.
Great piece. Needs wide dissemination.
Pat condell in full flow.
Mark Steyn speaking truth to idiotic power. Too funny – but very sad too.
We are governed by clowns.
Douglas Murray & Maryam Namazie stick it to telemachus, GirlPower and their like-minded “associates” of the ghastly left.
Col. Mustard 10.10
Europe’s short memory was so effing short they had already by the time of de Gaulle’s effing “victory” parade through Paris forgotten who had won the effing war for them. That parade should have been led by the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, Sir Alan Brooke, with Eisenhower a few jeeps behind and de Gaulle standing on the pavement hanging his head in shame. (That’ll be the de Gaulle about whom Gen. Brooke had to bollock the Foreign Office for telling him anything because he always told it to the effing Arabs who always told it to the effing Krauts.)
This vitriol, no this realism was provoked by rattling across the vast fields of France for a doctor’s appointment in France (about which more in a minute if you’re still here) and thinking that from Agincourt to 1914 or thereafter the continent of Europe did not deserve the sacrifice of a single British life, and certainly not the slaughter and loss of our best men from one generation which left us with nothing but infantile whingers with a sense of entitlement in inverse proportion to the size of their balls.
They said that two world wars were fought for freedom, but the continent of Europe has never shown any interest in freedom, certainly not enough to defend it effectively and having failed within weeks, has never actually got round to thanking those who did it for them. Why didn’t we just assemble our men strategically around our country, bomb the fuck out of every German airfield and just watch from the sidelines whilst the effing foreigners beat hell out of each other? We wouldn’t have bankrupted ourselves, we would still have had an empire, the best trading bloc we’ve ever belonged to, and our best men would not have died, but would have sired generations of more best men who would have been dominant over the lefty fuck brains. You know, natural selection and all that.
And just to fill you in on my doctor’s appointment – I’m a singer so when something goes wrong I need an ENT guy pretty damn quick because unlike all those lefty fuck-brains in the public sector, if I don’t work, I don’t get paid. No sick pay, no holiday pay for us on Schedule D. Anyway, the last time I had a private appointment here in England it cost me more than £500!! So, I found a cheap Eurostar ticket, not easy but possible, had my consultation, paid for a 6 months supply of the necessary sprays for the offending nose, and lunch of Cuisse de Canard et Purée de pomme de terre, Crème Brûlée, Citron Pressé et Café, a new pair of jeans from Gap and all coming in at under £250!!!!
Oh, and did I say say that I’m a Brexiteer?
Congratulations, that was one of the best expositions of the situation I have read here or anywhere else and I include the professional comentariate in my assessment. You really should put a similar piece up for consideration in the MSM, not that they would have the guts to publish. It is an historic fact that our ruling elite have an uncontrollable urge to promote everyone’s interests over our own, it makes them feel morally superior, and guess who picks up the tab?
Bwaaaahahahaa. Keeping singing that song. Everywhere you go, right up to June 23rd. Then …
And thanks for activating my chuckle muscle; it’s the best way to deliver a serious message.
Irish boy 21:31
A heartfelt uplifting post, for which my thanks for the pleasure of reading it.
Like rythmically kicking Tetley’s arse whilst wearing steel toed boots.
Irishboy May 13th, 2016 – 21:31
Thank you for that. A reality well told. And I was still there for the doctor bit!
It’s late and I’ll try to respond more thoughtfully tomorrow. Suffice it to say that it baffles me that the “leaders” of this country think they have anything to learn from Europe or their apparent need to pay lip service to its crap institutions.
The hoo-hah over the pond about ‘transgender’ and toilets has now reached pantomime proportions:
This nonsense will travel here on the next westerly wind, believe me.
The Gramsci/Alinsky rules for revolutionaries being played out in real time.
They are taking the piss, quite literally.
The fact that millions of pounds of taxpayers cash will have to be spent to accommodate people who are pushing the envelope for political reasons, or people with clinical delusions playing out their fantasies is beyond parody now.
Somebody has to stop this nonsense! Apart from the SJW aspect, the opportunities for nonces to exploit any such dictates from above are immense. The dissolute culture that has been engineered in the West, for the past 40 years or so, is sickening. And there seems little prospect on the horizon of any potential administration here having the cojones to stop the rot.
More on the one-sidedness of the concept of “free speech” and left’s determination to limit it for ideological purposes:
H/T Gerard VdL.
I hope that Theresa May has thought of this as she plans the reform of Great Britain’s maritime border force – though it would be a better solution to coordinate internationally the arrest of the globalists…
Gentlemen, you’re all too too kind!
Really, it was just a rant but motivated by what you and I would feel are entirely natural impulses. Now I don’t know if David Icke is right or not about the elite being reptiles, but they certainly aren’t human. Well, in form only (pace Verity and her likening of Cameron’s mouth to a hen’s arse) but not in content. And God, do I hate them.
Busy day today, but more anon . . . . . .
The biggest lie of all: The PM says Brexit could lead to war
The Saturday essay.
Irishboy @ 21:31
Not only enjoyable, Irishboy, spot on, too. Now, sit down, set it to music, sing it.
The barbarian predicts it would be by far more popular number than that by Erwin Schulhoff, who set to music the Communist Manifesto.
A half heated chat with a man in a Costa coffee outfit, who believes staying is the right thing. He expressed surprise that the barbarian, not born here, wanted to leave, accused him of ‘absorbing the worst of the little Englander’s prejudices by clinging to the echoes of the Empire’. (One of Baron’s arguments was we would do far better linking with the Commonwealth, the rest of the world).
By some miracle, Baron spontaneously turned the ‘Empire obsession’ around, told him that it was those who wanted to stay in the EU, the political elites, the huge corporates, the wanking classes, the apparatchiks … who were the ones resurrecting the Empire concept for this is what the EUSSR has become, a new Empire built on the soil of Europe, an undemocratic monstrosity, a massive abomination of centuries old tradition of the sovereignty of nations, of governance by the people, for the people …
It may please you to hear, Baron (supported ably by another bloke) won, decisively. Around a dozen or so coffee drinkers joined the two, quite a long and lively debate, not something that happens often in England, in public. Quite friendly, too, even though some laughed at the lone defender’s arguments in support of the Brussels hydra (e.g. have a look at the many plaques saying ‘erecting with EU money’), something he took rather badly, got angry, left without finishing the drink.
It seems East Anglia will vote for brexit.
Malfleur @ 04:56
What about the new President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, the ‘exterminator’? It’s more in your neck of the woods, any thoughts?
His election was also unforeseen, it does seem the year is turning out to be that of the unexpected.
Baron (13:43)
“It seems East Anglia will vote for brexit.”
You,d better believe it, me ol’ mucker. Well done!
Trouble is the Islamic Republic of Londonistan in both demographic stats and sheer population numbers is a hard nut to crack. The adulation that greeted the election of the commie/muzzie Bros Mayor was very depressing.
We really must start a movement to achieve UDI for East Anglia, making sure that anything that falls within the M25 is excluded.
Here’s a piece of news the Remain bunch (their MSM poodles) won’t mention.
The newest member of the EU, Croatia, borders with Bosnia Hercegovina (google if you must) where about half of the population follows Allah (about half again are ‘peaceful’ (sic)). During the conflict in the 90s, thousands of ME Muslims entered the area to fight the Christian Serbs and Croats, many have stayed after the conflict ended, took up Bosnian citizenship, settled near the Croatian border, bought large pieces of land there, apparently nobody knows what they’re up to.
These Islamic settlements in the remote mountainous area present a high risk to the EU because the border with Croatia is porous, near impossible to secure, so much so that recently (end of April), the CIA boss John Brennan visited Sarajevo, very likely to tell the Bosnian Government how to tackle the boil.
And pretty big boil it is, too. The Bosnian Community of Muslims, the outfit charged with mosque supervision, have identified, in the last three months, 38 ‘problematic mosques’, places where recruitment of jihadists takes place openly, daily, no bar to it, financed allegedly with money from Quatar, the Saudis. When the supervisory outfit asked the mosques to sign up to a ‘voluntary’ membership of the BCM, the observance of ‘peaceful Islam’, only 14 signed up, the other 24 refused, said they wanted to follow ‘their own version of Islam’.
It’s not hard to imagine the ISIL thugs shipping agents from the ME via B-H, through the unprotected border with Croatia into the EU proper. Whilst these individuals reach the Community they can move freely within it.
And the boy wants us to remain?
Frank P @ 14:32
Quite, Frank, an East Anglian UDI could be the answer, we have it all: the never ending fields of rapeseed, pig rearing, even a field or two of wheat, sugar beet, fruits and vegetables. And no motorways going into the region from the foreign place called London (except perhaps the M11 alongside our borders).
When do we start?
John birch @ 12:58
The heading says it all, John, weird as it may sound, the one unquestionable achievement of the EU is indeed the alienation of the diverse tribes of Europe, the animosity towards the Germans in Greece hasn’t been that acute since the war ended, the conflict amongst the ethnic groupings in the Balkans is being suppressed, it still there close to the surface, the Poles are re-dusting claims to what’s now under the Ukrainian governance …..
And not only that, the enmity amongst the burghers within each of the community member states has got boosted, too, still far from a civil war status, but hotting up nevertheless. Even the politicians are beginning to call each other names.
One cannot but conclude it’s because the demos of democracy has been expunged, the anointed elites have cut the plebs off governance thinking that if the unwashed are fed well enough they won’t mind being ignored. A big misjudgement that. The rulers will be taught a lesson in June.
Frank P @ 02:39
To regain the same degree of control they enjoyed before the internet hit the street, Frank, this is a must for the anointed, they have to muzzle, repress, quash the freedom of the internet, the Facebook is a start because of its massive membership number. If they fail to do so, the power they exert over us will vanish.
This conflict of ideas of what freedom of expression means is reflected in the rise of the non-political mavericks making headway everywhere. A peaceful (so far anyway) revolution is unwinding, we’re a part of it. Who will the winner be?
Frank P @ 02:18
That’s it, Frank, the barbarian must transition.
Hard to decide though whether to adopt the tent attire of our Arabic friends, those with grievances we have’t address in full yet, or go for the fully gay, fluffily pinky, Californian style. Any suggestions will be warmly appreciated but, please, ‘no platforming’.
Baron (16:13)
Alex Boot don’s high heels, if not indeed high dudgeon to deal with the same subject. A very droll piece. I’ve commented in like vein on his site, to expand the subject backwards, so to speak.☺
A true story BTW – given a margin or two for poetic licence and making allowances for half a century if memory fog.
Then again there are some scenarios that imporint indelibly on the synapses.
Colonel Mustard @ 18:40
Thanks for the Douglas’s link, Colonel, it raises a big issue that needs exploring, that of the absence of punishment of those in the USSR controlled part of the world responsible for the death of 70mn plus. Genuinely Big Issue, but Baron hasn’t the time to tell you his take on it, hopefully we’ll come to it in the future.
Without telling you why, the clip below (Douglas again) is relevant. No need to listen to it though.
Frank P @ 16:59
Superb, the rant by Mr. Boot, Frank, truly superb, and no mention of the KGB Colonel.
What a joy to read except for when he says “that Mr/Miss/Other Jenner is a deeply disturbed individual in need of aggressive psychiatric treatment goes without saying”.
Baron reckons the ones who need an aggressive psychiatric treatment are those in charge of this madhouse, the psychotically deluded woman cum man is but a symptom of their malady to elevate the perverted to the norm, celebrate it, shove in down our throats in the name of equality.
Btw, your take on the issue was exceptional, too, if Baron recalls well.
Frank P – 17:08
Twenty four carat gold!
That perfectly described scene of the naked TV interlobber being chased, three legged, thru the streets of Hammersmith to avoid a Dyson-rodding by the wronged party will live in the memory for a long time!
Pat is voting against …..
Ukraine apparently wins Euro-Vison song contest (beating Australia and Russia). This is by a Tatar singer with an anti Russian song about Stalin’s Deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1944 (one of the least of his crimes ).
I feel sure the Ukrainian nationalists had no time for the Tatars previously.
I seem to recall that previous to the Tsar’s forces taking The Crimea it was a centre of the slave-trade for the Muslims of the Black Sea area.
Baron @ 13:49
“Duterte Harry” as he has been called says he is a socialist. He was a student in the 1960s of Jose Maria Sison at a university in Manila. Sison, in exile in Holland for the last thirty years, was founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines, the leading communist party in the country. Sison’s home page is at:
Neither Sison nor Duterte, so far as I know, has commented on the situation this May under the socialist government in Venezuela updated at:
The Ukrainian entry (above ) was surly against the competition regulations being political.
The voting was also political. (They beat Australia by about 22 points,and Russia was third.) It would interesting to see where the votes came from. According to a BBC World Service documentary twice before the Russian entry had been booed.
My opinion was that Britain should have put forward “The Soldier’s Wife”;(Weill/Brecht).
I’m sure you can find the Ukrainian entry if you want it : here is ” The Soldier’s Wife”
On the same theme there is ” Tomorrow Belongs To Me ” from `Cabaret`:
Complemented by ” The Song of the German Mother ” from Dagmar Krause .
General Piquemal ( Legion etrangere : retired ) being arrested in Calais for supporting France libre. (In French–but you will get the idea.)
The Eurovision Song Contest is simply an exercise in humiliation for the UK and a demonstration of all that is facile about Europeans. We should decline further participation in that too and just let them get on with it.
Every year the BBC and assorted luvvies crow about the UK entry and every year it is just as rotten. The words “catchy tune” seem to escape everyone involved in selecting it.
Radford NG @ )3:56
Interesting – a French variation on the Frank P/Tommy Robinson dialogue in England.
Malfleur @ 01:27
Thank you, Malfleur.
Here, he’s sold as a vigilante man, a ‘punisher’, when Mayor of a city he promised to build mortuaries rather than prisons, killed drug pushers with hit squads he calls ‘peacemakers’, no due process, but succeeded in turning the city into the sixth saves in the world (it may have been called Davao (?), the city).
Radford NG @ 01:51
Every contest today, big or small, is politicised, rigged, the result staged to such a degree it doesn’t warrant to listen to or watch it. A film about gays showing them having sex wins a major film festival few years back (Baron doesn’t remember the title, never did), a ‘gay’ book ditto winning the Turner (?), last year in Vienna, a bearded gender fluid (or is it transgender re-fixed) woman wins the Eurovision, now a song that didn’t come first either in the popular vote (Russia did), or judges’ vote (Australia did), wins it.
Btw, is Australia or Russia a part of Europe, soon the whole world will be ‘a part of Europe’.
The only game, the game itself, that seems to reflect nothing but itself is football, the 90 minutes of ball kicking, not the shenanigans around where to kick it, when and stuff.
Colonel’s right, we should not participate, it’s a venue where the the grand manipulators are trying to poison the young, inject their vision of the world into their hearts, yoke them before they can think for themselves. Pathetic, the whole thing.
Erratum: it’s ‘sixth safest’ and not ‘sixth saves’, only the software t blame here.
Colonel Mustard – 07:18
The politics of the event are beyond parody. The last time the UK won it was in 1997, under the direction of Jonathan King, when “Katrina and the Waves” warbled their way to victory with “Love shine a light.” Working for the BBC from 1995 King came close in that year with “Ooh, Aah… Just a little bit” sung by the delightful Aussie songstress Gina G. Those lyrics might perhaps have been sung more convincingly by fellow Aussie, Rolf Harris. (not a bad anthem for Rugby scrummaging enthusiasts either)
In 1997, King was awarded the British Phonographic Industry Man of the Year Award with a message of support from the Tony Blair for his “important contribution to one of this country’s great success stories.”
After that it was all downhill for King with, ironically enough, his “Untergang” being orchestrated by Max Clifford.
May the farce be with you…
Baron – 09:18
I think that Australia is somewhere on Mutti’s list for annexation.
From your early days over here you will no doubt remember the North Minehead by-election?
“Taunton ist already part of Minehead!”
Daily Mail no longer accepting comments on this article.
Can’t possibly think why! 😉
“justice” in 2016 PB* Britain
The judiciary evidently captured by Long Marchers who believe thieves and rogues should have rights over the law abiding.
*Post Blair
Colonel Mustard @ 11:07
The loss of control of major English cities by the British government is the greatest political wound to the country since the Roman legions withdrew 1500 years ago. At least our monarchy and people opposed the Norwegians, and English traitors (yes we had them back then too) in the hills and battled the Norman invasion on the beaches.
We lost but we fought.
The BBC, Blair Brown, Cameron, political class without a doubt has conspired against the English people to cede our major cities without a fight to a hostile ideology and has repressed any attempt to organise vocal resistance to the silent invaders whose tickets have been paid by those who wish us ill and the doors quietly opened by our venal politicians.
Shame! Shame!
EC @ 10:13
Amazing, EC, the video hasn’t been taken down yet what with swastikas everywhere, it’s bound to offend many, no?
There’s a re-run on the Yesterday Channel of the Blackadder series, the barbarian watched and enjoyed the one about dr. Johnson’s dictionary.
Are we going to see another comedy series of this quality again (if we remain)?
Baron’s off for a while, travelling again.
Baron at 13:39
You should just hear Rowan Atkinson’s big brother Rodney on the subject of the EU.
I mention it it as Le Grand Boris (who Nigel Farage is supporting as next leader of the Conservative Party,by the way) has just made an `inflammatory comment ` comparing the EU to Hitler’s europe.
This, we (who have been voiceless ),have been saying for decades.
The case has been made by Rodney Atkinson in books and on `youtube`.
See : “Europe’s Full Circle ;corporate elites and the new fascism”.(1996)
The Eurovision song contest, aka the SJW Annual Extravaganza, is a must watch in order to monitor what strokes the bastards are pulling this year. The most salient features of the 2016 edition was the eye/brain damaging, ridiculous flashing light/laser display, which seemed to be a sub-contest between the stage lighting wonks to out-do each other in profligacy. Son et Lumiere on stilts. The onset of epileptic fits it induced must have brought the emergency services across the world to a stanstill. Who finances this crap?
This added to the moronic cacophony and a perverted orgy of cavorting, masquerading as a ‘song’ contest’ was so o.t.t. this year, even by so called contest’s own ludicrously lavish standards, surely means that it must qualify as the energy waste of the century. And these fuckers scream on about global warming?
Without the droll commentary of Terry Wogan (RIP) taking the piss, the whole affair was excruciatingly unwatchable and the fey interjections of Graham Norton, who was obviously in his element wallowing in this yearly display of gush and pouffery, was nauseating. The fact that the audience appeared to be enjoying it rather than exiting in a mass walk-out, explains just how lost our succeeding generations are.
The politics of it? Well for a start the fact that the lingua franca of the affair was now entirely English was obviously a subliminal message that because we have obviously imposed our language on Europe, we have a responsibilty to remain as part of the EUSSR. I have no opinion about the quality of the UK entry, as each and every one throughout the whole shebang was indistinguishable from all the others.
As for the voting fiasco – as bent as ever – there was obviously only ever going to one ‘winner’. The ‘song’ was maudlin crap and pure politics.
Anybody want to accept the duty of watching it next year? I’m sorry, if I’m still around then, I’m up the pub! And it will be a hostelry without a TV. ☺
…the most salient feature … Sorry! Put it down to the eye damage from yesterday evening.
Radford NG (15:25)
And, of course, that has been featured by the MSM generally as a negative for the BREXIT campaign, rather than an essential truth. Boris should have also quoted Nick Ridley: “The EU is a a German racket!”
You’ll note the the News channels brought on Norman Lamont to “support” Boris: the ex-Chancellor who presided over the ERM fuck-up. And his convoluted ‘defence’ of Boris damned him with faint praise.
If the various factions of BREXIT don’t get their act together we stand no chance. The MSM and the government working fist in glove will ensure that. The Eurovision Mardi Gras confirms that sad opinion.
Any one watching the other side from euro vision would presumably have learnt that Margaret of Anjou,wife of the saintly but hapless Henry VI (murdered by the 3rd cousin 16 times removed of Benedict Cumberbatch)….Queen Margaret,was a black African;according to the latest version of Henry VI (part 2).
See the link below, and click on `caste interviews`/ Sopie Okonedo.
Radford NG May 15th, 2016 – 17:04
No accusations of ‘cultural appropriation’ over that incredible casting. An interesting casting decision, probably made in the BBC spirit of ‘edgy’ and rubbing the indigenous nose in diversity.
Don’t believe Cumbertwat has got that relationship correct either, unless he is over 500 years old. Cumbertwat’s princely and privileged dynasty is strictly the House of Luvvie.
Tired of left wing luvvies. Tired of the causes of left wing luvvies.
Feel uncomfortable around left wing luvvies (hat tip Patrick Stewart).
Baron – 13:39
“Baron’s off for a while, travelling again.”
Bon voyage! Have a good time, and do try and come back in better a condition than you did last time!
Radford NG 15.25
“…I mention it it as Le Grand Boris (who Nigel Farage is supporting as next leader of the Conservative Party,by the way)…”
Yes I noticed that. Mischief making on an epic scale by the Puck of Politics (no cultural appropriation here!)
If one wants to encourage the divisions in the Tory party and hasten its inevitable split, this fey praise and preference for one Bullingdon bully over those in in power is a clever little ploy.
One of the first hand grenades lobbed in the long march of Conservatism that is the Referendum and beyond.
Baron 13.39
Bon voyage M’Lud, EC’s comments seconded.
I’ll be off myself shortly for a while.
Colonel Mustard,
Col., Cumbnertwat is not a descendant of Richard III. There are no descendants of Richard, his only legitimate child, Edward died during his fathers reign, his illegitimate daughter died when still in her teens DSP, The other child, another son, once more a byblow, died without issue, but his provenance is debatable. Playing a king does not make one. Strange the pretensions of these leftie wankers.
Colonel Mustard,
Mistake, should have typed in OSP. the peepers are fading, but then is the bloody computer, I don’t know which one to blame, probably six of one half a dozen of the other.
The Queen’s 90th Birthday show at Windsor on ITV tonight, started on the wrong foot with the two twerps Ant & Dec as initial comperes Why??.
It immediately deteriorated when the talentless Gary Barlow took to the Joanna. I despaired and clicked over to Fox to see what the latent wheezes are being cooked up to derail the Trump Train. However nothing new seemed to be cooking over there, so after a while I gritted my teeth and returned to Windsor. Surprisingly, by then the party had taken off and it turned out to be a very enjoyable evening. HM obviously had a whale of a time as the producers catered for her love of the gee gees and bow-wows. They claimed the old girl is still riding in Windsor Great Park and at Sandringham. Jeez! After that revelation, her insurance premium will be a bit of a cruncher when it comes up for renewal this time around.
Phil the Greek also seemed to be enjoying himself and for once Kate didn’t steal the limelight.
Some excellent circus acts from around the globe and the finale tableau with a giant Birthday Cake as the centrepiece was accompanied by a rendition of Diamonds are Forever from the grand old trouper Shirley Bassey whom seems to be as indestructible as HM herself. May they both be around to celebrate the Queen’s Century. I suppose if she makes it she’ll have to send a telegram to herself.
All in all It almost compensated for the wankfest in Sweden I forced myself to watch last evening.
If you missed it, it’s worth picking up on Catch Up. You can have a pass, Noa. ☺
…note to autospellchecker;: WHO not WHOM after Bassey, you dick!
Frank P,
Trump vs Hillary GE2016 – an alternate pundit.
Whilst one may not share his viewpoint or fully endorse his comments, I thought you might enjoy this refreshingly forthright exposition. You won’t hear this on the Fox, CNN, MSNBC!
If you think that that’s bad, you should hear what he’s got to say about Piers Morgan! 🙂
Frank P – 01:40
You tellin’ me that Burly Chassis has got a dick???
I’m crushed. It’s all the rage these days, I suppose.
John birch – 08:06
Excellent article, thanks!
Porridge sales to be hit by Brexit warns Vince Cable
Maybe; but you will have your birthright back.
The bard he wrote Macbeth and other oddities.
The barbarian has gone- O God has he.
He’s Coffee House Wall’s indubitable fountainhead
Though, modestly, he’d claim it was other Muses on that Mount instead.
Then Noa was the model for the epic of staged circus.
But he will holiday as well so we’re left with just the supercilious.
We will have to ape his masterful hexameters,
But I fear we will not match up to his parameters.
We will try equating relevance with recency,
Eschew our prejudice without propriety or decency,
Resulting in a cultural and moral disinheritance
Which means that we’re no better than Baron in trance.
tumescence – adolescence?
Ogden Nash you are not.
“We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism” (Donald Trump)
My link @ 12:12
Cable…….Not sure; but in the Comments section to the link below see:
thisaintalbion • 3 years ago
Cable is a Bilderberg, globalizing, EUSSR minion.
Bilderberg and globalist fellow traveller?
False songsters all.
Fergus Pickering May 16th, 2016 – 12:17
You are another who comes here not to comment but to sneer. A poetic troll whose trolling is arguably superior to his poetry.
What is the point of you? Other than to demonstrate how clever you think you are.
*In a shocking slap in the face for UK PM Cameron, more than 300 business leaders are calling on Britain to vote to leave the European Union, saying that the country’s “competitiveness is being undermined by our membership.” As The Telegraph reports, the letter, signed by some of Europe’s most senior business executives, claims Brussels “red tape stifles growth” and a Brexit would “create more jobs” exclaiming that “it is business – not government – which generates wealth.””
Make Britain free again!
Turkey visa deal will increase risk of terrorist attacks, EU report reveals (Headline on DT home page)
Who would have thunk it?
“The disclosure came as Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of MI6, warned that the decision to give Turkey visa-free travel is “perverse” and compared it to “storing gasoline next to the fire”.
Sir Richard also said that the EU will face a “populist uprising” if it fails to control migration.” (Ibid)
Political organiser, B.I.L. Derberger, commented: “Exactly. We have a solution to hand in such eventuality”.
Now, about those 75,000,000 Turkish visas…