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Frank P – 23:19
It’s a murky world where, traditionally, resignation or redundancy are often accompanied with an early retirement package that avoids the sort of problems that you have highlighted.
tarnation, this damn software!
“by” not “with”
This one has been doing the rounds again on the email again. The PC types and feminazis won’t like it, but no matter as it concerns humans. Anyway, after all these years it still makes me laugh.
Hung Chow calls in to work and says, “Hey, boss I not come work today, I really sick. I got headache, stomach ache and my legs hurt. I not come work.”
The boss says, “You know Hung Chow, I really need you today. When I feel like this I go to my wife and tell her give me sex. Makes everything better and I can go to work. You try.”
Two hours later Hung Chow calls again: “Boss, I do what you say and I
feel great. I be at work soon. You got nice house.”
Here’s proof that the mullah’s don’t always get it wrong; given Fergus’s recent record of posts here, we could -and perhaps should – adopt this law in the UK:
NOW we know what their ‘Common Purpose’ is: to rob the taxpayers blind:
It’s time for a coup. Mr Kemp?
I do hope Philip Hammond is biding his time 🙂
I first noticed him when he chaired a televised meeting near Heathrow, on the other bank of the Thames, when he stepped in for Patterson (I think, because of his eye problem) during the flooding, because his constituency was close by, on the Heathrow side. Very competent in chairing a meeting, but which side (of ‘the argument’) is he on?
This week, he was still good with Marr, below:
WATCH: Hammond on Egypt, British holiday-makers and terror
I thought that he left enough wriggle room for me to still have hope, with his lightness of touch, and even a joke involving Putin and Assad. He does have to swim in an Etonian Sea, which isn’t ideal when you haven’t been to Eton and, although he is an Oxon PPE, he did get a real job afterwards!
wiki: Hammond joined the medical equipment manufacturers Speywood Laboratories Ltd in 1977, becoming a director of Speywood Medical Limited in 1981. In 1982, an automatic electrocardiograph electrode manufacturing plant figured among his notable achievements. He left in 1983 and, from 1984, served as a director in Castlemead Ltd. From 1993 to 1995, he was a partner in CMA Consultants and, from 1994, a director in Castlemead Homes. He had many business interests including house building and property, manufacturing, healthcare, and oil and gas. He undertook various consulting assignments in Latin America for the World Bank in Washington, D.C., and was a consultant to the Government of Malawi from 1995 until his election to Parliament.
Not put off by Technology, and not a Miliband, Cameron, an Oliver Letwin or a Boris, and there must be a few Cabinet members at least slight more normal than CMD, please.
Amazing, the man, his obsession, the structures, pity it’s in Mexico.
Dave Allen on air travel, and the prospect of ditching in the Indian ocean…
You are talking about the half mute, half dead whispering robotic humanoid Hammond, are you not, Robert?
In the Spring, when Obama made the now somewhat forgotten observation on the three major threats to the international community – Ebola, Putin’s Russia and ISIL, Baron watched him saying it on Fox News. Not more than an hour later, the barbarian was scanning the TV news channels again, stopped momentarily on France24, the continuous news channel as you know. Hammond was on. He repeated word for word Obama’s statement on the three major threats to the international community, not an iota of deviation, a sign of the slightest departure from what the honorary White House Muslim has said, the barbarian watched only an hour ago. (The Obama’s remark was a recording from a much earlier meeting with the press).
What Baron found depressingly embarrassing wasn’t only and primarily that the Secretary of State of what was once one of the most esteemed, honoured and famed offices of State copied the three threats. It was that Hammond didn’t have the courage to use his own words to articulate them.
That did it for the barbarian.
EC @ 10:01
Good one, EC, but shocking in the oversexed Britain of today where bonking is on par with having a cup of tea it ain’t.
Frank P @ 12:14
For some reason the pay and perks of the Chief Executive of one of the East Anglia Councils is missing, Frank. She was supposed to be if not the highest paid, than close to it.
Sickening, but nothing will change, no chance of the public revolting on barricades either for as Marx said ‘if Britain were to have a revolution, it would only be in gardening’.
Frank P @ 01:01
Hard to dissagre with anything you say, Frank, except for one thing. Baron fears the cumryd will survive, may even make it to no10, the unwashed will go for him not because of what he says, stands for, wants to hit them with, but because they thoroughly dislike what is being done to the country by the boy and his crew.
Baron – 14:54
“Brace yersell, Conan…”
Mr Boot has had his reservations about Mr Hammond too.
You two didn’t, by any chance, share a room at this hotel did you…
Noa @ 17:01
Spot on, Noa, and Peter Hitchens’s right, the powers are already there, no ‘tightening’ i.e. granting of any new additional powers to the spooks is necessary.
It’s the same about the tighter airport security. Shouldn’t we wait to see if the planting of the device was because of a breach of existing security arrangements before we bring in a package of even more intrusive, time consuming, common sense vacuous measures that make life a misery for the flying public?
Baron suspects the Egyptians were simply not doing their job properly, the existing security procedures were not followed properly. Whatever we do in the future will never be enough if what should be done isn’t done well.
EC @ 15:16
Thanks for re-dusting the 2012 piece, EC, and weird as it may seem Baron happens to share Mr. Boot’s concern for the strength of our defence forces fully. Not for the reasons the omni-all would furnish though. Baron has never believed the Russians are any real threat to us, the Islamists, and as time goes on the Mandarin speakers, will be the enemy we’ll have to face and, hopefully, subdue.
Mr. Hammond, a bean counter by profession, was dispatched to the MoD to do a hatchet job, and he dutifully obliged, we now have more high ranking officers than fighting men (only joking, but it’s getting close).
Colonel Mustard @ 12:04
Seconded, Colonel, but for one small, but possibly decisive crumb o f deviation from you.
The left-leaning progressive tossers will eventually drown in the shite they’ve created, it’s the law of unintended consequences that will see to it. This may be painful for everyone, no societal rollover has ever been without some discomfort, agony even, but what’s a dose of pain if the outcome were to get us back on the Burkian track – sovereign again, Common Law in charge, a voting system reflecting the voice of everyone.
How the BBC loves all things gay. Perusing the “Radio Times” I see that a new serial is starting tonight on BBC TV2. It is called “London Spy” and ‘involves a romance between a genius M16 agent and another gay man’. Oh dear, how innocent were the days of James Bond and sexy ladies, Truth be to tell, the BBC is full of pooftas, and I await “Strictly Come Dancing” with two men partnering each other, or that dyke Sandi whatever in the arms of another dame.
It is not generally known that the Radio Times its-self is not owned by the BBC.All its magazine arm (BBC Music,History etc;Top Gear…..what ever )were sold of to a private company owned by 12 wealthy persons.This was apparently at the behest of Parliament,a committee of which was told that BBC Magazines being supported by the Licence fund some-how gave them an unfair advantage in the market place.
Has anybody noticed any difference to the Radio Times now it has been privatized?I have noticed it is printed on inferior paper;but it still has the same editorial staff ;and publishes homosexual-cheese-cake photos of Steven Fry’s `husband`.
Has this increased the free market potential on the newsagents’ shelf?No it has not.It has removed a profit producing arm of the BBC and given it to 12 wealthy individuals.It has taken away this asset from the stake-holders of the BBC (amongst whom I regard myself as a licence payer) to give it to these 12 people.
Those calling for the privatization of the BBC should note this.
I shall have to look-up the names of these 12 and post it later.
So it has come as a shock to some that professional athletics is bent from top to bottom: the participants in the sport are all juicing up to enhance their ‘performances’ and the parasites living off the manic (and much lauded) eejits are all wheeling ‘n’ dealing and ducking ‘n’ diving and sharing out government (taxpayers) dosh that is poured into the ‘sport’. Anybody here as surprised as I am – not!? Choose any other international ‘sport’ and I won’t be surprised either, when the corruption surfaces. They’re all at it! But why those of us who are not in the least interested in running faster between two sticks than anybody else, or jumping farther or higher, etc. etc. and etcetera, should be coerced into divvying up for the vain bastards, defeats me.
I once had a colleague (a member of the MPAA athletics team) who even had to be first to the canteen when we were strolling to lunch. He was not as keen to pick up the tab, though.
As for Lord fucking Coe – the word oleaginous was invented to describe him.
BTW Baron, they’re blaming the fuckin’ Russians – of course!! ☺
Radio Times is owned by Immediate Media Co. (and provides 60% of its profits);which is owned by `exponent private equity`,which currently has 15 investors who can be found at:
http://www.exponentpe .com/our-team/default.aspx
I don’t know why the above link has not come up.(Ah! I see I left a gap.)
Frank P at 17-13.
Where are Lord Coe’s heroes;last heard of banged-up in the [united]BRD (Germany) for crimes committed against young athletes in the [old]DDR (east Germany) :although I expect they have been released by now.
I recall–never forgot–him on QT complaining against the (Thatcher) government for not supporting sport and praising the DDR.I wondered at the time;would he have found it acceptable-for instance-to be told by Mrs. Thatcher when he was allowed to have sex with his girl friend?
Sorry Robert, anyone who took part in the notorious and egregious ‘deal’ with the Iranian regime is not only a kunt, but a traitor to boot.
Baron – 14:54 ‘Hammond’
I am trying to keep my spirits up 🙂
I would say that your example is an absence of positive evidence. Because of past Governments, I would say he has realised that he is just a figure head, at least for now. So, does he continue, in safety mode, or leave the sphere of influence. Why say any more than the minimum, when there is little say, and your PM is trying to ingratiate himself with the EU, Obama and the global QUANGOs?
Might as well stay: times are getting interesting, what with CMD flogging a dead horse over the EU, Osborne being utterly stupid over tax credits (ConHome can’t understand why he has made such a hash of it) and our Defence/Foreign policy beyond description, but overtaken by events in IS, Egypt and Berlin, just don’t put your head above the parapet. I may be wrong, but I am looking for possibilities, not certainties; there are none in this Cabinet!
The Left often blame Mrs T for closure of the Grammar schools, removal of milk, the milk snatcher, even though she wasn’t the PM at the time, yet she rose to the occasion.
I am only looking for those who might rise to the occasion, when conditions have changed, because it must be pretty restrictive right now in Cabinet.
Here is John Redwood, not in the Cabinet, on ‘Currencies and Countries’: Looking at the UK, reunified Germany and the European Union, the former Conservative Cabinet Minister John Redwood MP asks how successful a currency union can be without political union behind it:
A much freer style.
Valet parking, Sir?
Cracking service, though.
Frank P @ 17:13
But the Russians are in it up to their eyeballs and some more, Frank, the fact that others are doing it, too, doesn’t excuse them.
The pull to drug use must be irresistible, just imagine, one’s born with no brain but good leg muscles, as a boy/girl runs faster than anyone else, then even someone whose brain power barely competes with that of a crushed peanut would figure that a dose or two of anabolic steroids could propel him or her to the top spot, then voila, the adulation of the masses, the fawning of the politicians, the riches of the world are for one’s taking.
For the boys and girls from the developing countries, they are physically superior to their sedentary and torpid equivalents in the West, this must the obvious choice provided they can find someone who knows how to mask the illegal chemicals, have access to drugs difficult to test for.
The Russians, other East Europeans competitors, had been doing it wholesale for years, bad habit obviously die hard. It is also unquestionably prevalent here, but our advancement in drug development (as in concealed, more sophisticated bribery) are probably more difficult to detect.
You’re right, the whole of the sporting diaspora is at it, the more money’s involved, the greater the chance those who participate in it are doing it.
Why pretend it doesn’t happen, it can be stopped through rigorous testing, why not let go of any bans and prohibitions? If a grown up, mature individual wants to imbibe, touch glory for awhile, let him, but let him take the consequences, too.
RobertRetyred @ 17:57
Who’s Baron to tell you how to judge the guy, Robert, you may well be right, he may be the knight in shining armour who delivers, weirder things have happened.
Frank P @ 18:02
Serves the bloody Americans right, Frank, they just poured down too much concrete, just look at the space under it, the earth’s skin could take it, collapsed. Simples.
Radford NG November 9th, 2015 – 16:44
RT is still very lefty and they only seem to publish letters from lefties who have swallowed the PC and BBC lefty garbage. Most of the luvvies who are interviewed “casually” drop in that they have always supported Labour and they’ve had a few Labour guest spots.
They also operate a weird subscription service too where you can only pay by direct debit once every six months.
The party’s over? The Internet, the EU, and “Ancilliary Copyright.”
The days of the hyperlink and sharing of information via hyperlinks like this…
…may be numbered!
Baron – 18:10
Or we could be doomed! 🙂
My interest is in how future PM’s manage to survive in Cabinets of others, especially one swamped by school friends of the PM. T.May, who has her good moments, as long as the moment is a short one, is a case in point. If every poor action is blamed on the person concerned, oblivious to anything done by others, we end up with a leader who has done nothing: well, the US does, at least.
Owen Paterson is out of the loop so, is it improving his chances for advancement, or making them worse? Many have fallen by the wayside and are reminders that often there is only one chance, so it is a question of balance and currently, few have the information to make a good judgement, let alone judge others.
We can look forward to AC, After CMD, and though the next PM might not necessarily be a Tory, he or she will probably be someone from the Conservative Party, with some Cabinet experience. And there are not that many credible candidates.
Colonel Mustard – 18:33
I watched the recent programme about Richard Wilson with a sick bag, just to see how bad it was: and it was! It was parody.
How to avoid Israeli brutality.
I’m not a golf fan, but I suspect some of you might appreciate CBS Golf Analyst David Feherty’s comments.
He said one day, “It would be easier to pick a broken nose, than a winner in that group.”
Feherty is a CBS and Golf Channel announcer, who finds very unique, colorful and uninhibited ways of explaining or describing whatever is on his mind…(probably always on time delay these days).
Feherty Quotes:
“Fortunately, Rory is 22 years old so his right wrist should be the strongest muscle in his body.”
“That ball is so far left, Lassie couldn’t find it if it was wrapped in bacon.”
” I am sorry Nick Faldo couldn’t be here this week. He is attending the birth of his next wife.”
Jim Furyk’s swing “looks like an octopus falling out of a tree.”
Describing VJ Singh’s prodigious practice regime – “VJ hits more balls than Elton John’s chin.” (Thought I was going to hurt myself laughing at this one.)
“That’s a great shot with that swing.”
“It’s OK – the bunker stopped it.”
“It’s just a glorious day.
The only way to ruin a day like this would be to play golf on it.”
“That was a great shot – if they’d have put the pin there today.”
“Watching Phil Mickelson play golf is like watching a drunk
chasing a balloon near the edge of a cliff.”
“That green appears smaller than a Pygmies’ nipple”.
The Elton quip is just too good to be an off the cuff remark, Noa.
EU referendum campaign is about to get nasty, say Eurosceptic campaigners
Campaigners have pledged to get ‘nasty’ after David Cameron’s keynote speech to the annual CBI conference was interrupted by a noisy protest from student protesters
And watching the clip, it does make CMD look very authoritative.
“The Eurosceptic Vote Leave group later admitted helping the pair get into the conference.
Vote Leave is now gearing up for 12 months of protest, including disrupting the meetings of pro-EU companies and organisations, ahead of the referendum on Britain’s membership, which must be held at some point before the end of 2017.”
“Vote Leave is an organisation that campaigns for Britain to leave the European Union.[1] The organisation was created in October 2015 and is a cross-party campaign, including members of Parliament from the UKIP, Conservative and Labour parties.
Vote Leave is being funded by former Conservative treasurer Peter Cruddas and Labour supporter John Mills. Members of Parliament supporting the organisation include UKIP MP Douglas Carswell, Labour MPs Kate Hoey and Kelvin Hopkins, as well as Conservative MPs Steve Baker, Bernard Jenkin and Owen Paterson. Former Ulster Unionist Party leader Lord Trimble and Green Party of England and Wales peer Baroness Jones also support Vote Leave.
After helping to launch rival campaign Leave.EU prior to Vote Leave’s launch, UKIP leader Nigel Farage stated that the two organisations are complementary with each other, and target a different audience.”
So, Nigel Farage, and the rest of UKIP, apart from Douglas Carswell, are supporting Leave.EU, not Vote Leave
MPs, supposedly against Cameron’s wish to remain in the EU, are supporting a group, Vote Leave, that organised a DISORDERLY incident that puts CMD in a good light!
It is already a nasty campaign, methinks.
EC (18:35)
Explain what this means to us non-techie laymen, me old mucker. How will this affect the casual bloggers here. Does it mean we can no longer use the URLs that we dispense so freely. What can we do to sabotage the sanctions?
… I meant LINK the URLs, not use them, of course.
‘GOP frontrunner Donald Trump lambasted the permanent political class for supporting the Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade deal, in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News ahead of the next debate.
“The deal is insanity,” he said. “That deal should not be supported and it should not be allowed to happen.” ‘
Quarantine the United States Federal Government!
Don’t get too close to Poltava, Barack.
Of course, moving as many troops out of America as possible, reduces the number of trained patriots available in the homeland to resist a tyrannical federal government – should anyone be minded to have a go at imposing one of course…
Radford NG
November 9th, 2015 – 16:44
noticed it is printed on inferior paper;but it still has the same editorial staff ;and publishes homosexual-cheese-cake photos of Steven Fry’s `husband`.
You are correct. I too have noticed how nasty the RT now is – worse even than before. The editing is a shambles and the content is cheap and vulgar. Sorry if I sound like an old snob, but it really is vile.
Frank P – 22:42
It’s another omen of creeping totalitarianism, Frank. I don’t know the practicalities of the measures that the “EU” are considering, we would need a legal beagle to explain how it might work. Information is power, and I think that the EU’s intention is to smother the internet as much as then can. Even in the USA the Drudge Report is under attack. The permanent political classes think that too much freedom of information, via sharing, is bad for
usthem! We all know that freedom of expression has been under attack form some time now first by PC speech codes and latterly via the “hate speech” laws – which only seem to be imposed on those who complain about.In the future “utopia” of global governance that is slowly being imposed upon us only government approved news sources will be allowed to operate. To eliminate any independent sources of possibly embarrassing news and opinion “They” will use the tried and tested paradigm of “if you cannot ban it then licence it to death.” (just like Obama-mites are doing with guns and ammo)
eg. In Canada “they” recently successfully killed off The Sun News Network using licensing restrictions. SNN was reborn on the internet as “Rebel Media” but how long before that, and channels like PJTV, The Blaze and Infowars get shut down using some contrived content restriction?
APEC 2015 meets here next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with a New World Order agenda. The city is going to be a no-fly zone for that period and one presidential adviser has asked citizens to leave town for the duration. Wild rumours of a hidden agenda are circulating including that there will be announcements at that time of a change of government, suspension of the 2016 presidential elections and the introduction of a new world currency.
Personally, I only have enough Marmite to last another three weeks.
Frank, EC:
The issue isn’t that complex, and EC’s dead right, the proposal aims at curbing the power of the Net, freedom of those surfing it.
What the legislation proposes is to stop people like us, or anyone else for that matter, to furnish links (they call it hyperlinks) free of charge to sources that may be copyrighted (or rather are because in law whether one copyrights anything or not is immaterial if it can be proved one was the creator, producer, is an ‘owner’ of it), may want to get paid, or should get paid for letting us have a look, educate ourselves at their expense.
In short, all that linking (see the link below) we and others do would be banned unless the one who links pays for it. As always money’s involved, what else would muster support?
To put it differently yet, if the proposal becomes law (Baron reckon it’s highly unlikely), some ordinary people may benefit, too, get rich in the process, Baron for example, because the demand will be high for his essays, richly educational, crafted in beautiful Queen’s English, with penetrating insights, people will link and link and link some more, the money will roll in. Others, and Baro’ns sorry to say it, others like you Frank, may go empty handed, no paid links. But still, you have your pension to help in the pursuit of happiness, don’t you?
Malfleur – 11:18
Prepping is a serious business, Malfleur!
Malfleur @ 23:45
Poltava or not, Malfelur, the Americans have a bigger headache, how to keep the numbers up.
In this they are not alone, who wants to get killed or maimed today fighting for ‘a cause’, whatever the cause may be. In Russia, they have a similar problem, the Chinese haven’t come to that point yet, it’s the roughly the 0.5bn of them, the poor of the society, who feed the armed services needs for manpower.
EU referendum: David Cameron told four-year halt to migrant benefits ‘illegal’ – live
Within minutes of David Cameron setting out his EU reform demands, European Parliament president says plan is illegal. …
So, “within minutes”: they must have, somehow, had some sort of idea that that was what was going to be requested.
How extraordinary perceptive of them 🙂
And it is surprising how flexible they are. I am sure CMD, along with the CBI will be able to enter the renegotiations with confidence 🙁
Baron (11:29)
And there was me thinking that, as you already had a ‘pension’ for defending your old buddy Vlad against the vile calumnies of his bete noire (can’t do the fiddly bits on bete – and can’t be arsed to do a cut ‘n’ paste jobbie), Alexander Boot Esq. therefore your generosity in entertaining us with your purple prose, gratis, was noblesse oblige? ☺
As for your implication yesterday, that I was defending Vlad myself, regarding the doping allegations, heaven forfend! Or to put it in determinist lingo – bollocks! I was merely pointing out that people living in £multi-billion glass sporting structures, paid for with taxpayers dosh, cannot afford to launch javelins in any direction and should first cast the shot put from their own rheumy eye. Particularly those feckin’ hypocrites, the Noble Lord & Co(e).
Moreover I was expressing a personal dislike for overweeningly ambitious sporting types who get excessive adulation from the clamouring crowds, who themseles demand that oodles of cash are directed towards their sweaty hobby; particularly the lycra-clad Johnsonian cycle perverts who nearly brought the lives of my other half and me to a swifter end than planned, when a bloody Belgian lorry driver swerved to avoid a bevy of the bastards practising for the next doped up Tour de Norfolk/Cambridgeshire, forcing me into the muddy mire of HM neatly trimmed grass verges at Sandringham Country Park. It’s just as well that I’m a Hendon trained ‘defensive driver’, otherwise, she & me would be just another statistic.
EC (10:16)
Thanks for that; I get the general totalitarian drift, as yer do! But it’s the technical terms and acronyms that I can’t keep up with. As for work that is self-published voluntarily, surely provided that due accreditation is noted there’s no comeback in law, is there? Once it’s published it’s in the public domain, ennit?
And if they extend the copyright laws to cover the entire www, the enforcement of it would need the staffing numbers equal to that of the population of China? Good luck with that. Mind you, I’d apply for a job, just to feel Telemucus’s collar. ☺Then I’d retire, again, for the sixth time! (With an enhanced pension just to piss Baron off ☺ ).
Baron November 10th, 2015 – 11:29
It’s bollocks. Hyperlinks do not publish content but only provide a link to the place where the copyright data is already published. Hyperlinks do not penetrate paywalls. Provided that publication is legitimate at the hyperlink’s destination there should be no issue. No different to footnotes in a book referencing another publication in the bibliography. Or book reviews in magazines.
Any politician/lawyer/bean counter or Euro-wonk born after 1980 who tries to push this nonsense through can only be doing so for one of three reasons:-
1. To screw up the power of the internet to co-ordinate and share knowledge/information; or
2. To rip off the public a bit more on behalf of Big Corporate Bullies with yet more bogus quasi-legalese twaddle:-
3. Because they are foolish and ignorant cretins who have no business presuming to rule over us or creating law.
Both 1 & 2 are reprehensible whilst 3 is probably to be expected but I can’t see how it could be policed anyway. Like current copyright law it would require the owner of the original publication to prove that the hyperlink had breached copyright in some way.
More worrying is the extra-judicial process of shutting down or blocking sites by cosy back room deals between government “agencies” and ISPs with no avenue of appeal or redress.
There is no doubt that Euro-fascist HQ and all its puppet “leaders” have the internet in their sights. Everything points that way and has been travelling in that direction for some time.
Whenever I encounter “lycra-clad Johnsonian cycle perverts” on the road it takes a great amount of self-restraint and willpower to forebear from lowering the window and shouting “Wankers!”. This might have something to do with being alienated and radicalised by a lycra-clad goon riding at speed on a pavement and shouting at me from behind as I was walking my dog to get out of the f***ing way.
So I’m with Frank on this. Both that sideburned idiot who won the Bore de France and that other idiot from Scotland who plays tennis belong in the category of sports-smelly and gobby human gerbils.
Oh, dear what a shame:-
Colonel Mustard (13:49)
Bwaahahahah. Bravissimo! Seven minutes of pure joy. Now THAT’s a spectator sport I would pay for. In a cinema seat, of course.
Where’s Austin Barry when he’s needed to add icing to that little cake. I suspect he may have compiled it. The Struass (or was it Waldteufel – I can’t tell the difference now in my partially deaf state of disrepair) accompaniment was perfect, too. ☺
Cyclists: The amount of Lycra worn is directly proportional to their recklessness, in my experience. The “Nazi Cyclists of Surrey” (© J.Clarkson) are by far the most reckless , arrogant and belligerent mob that I’ve ever come across. The cyclists that wear helmet cams are, ironically, by far the worst offenders when it comes to bad manners and transgressing the highway code.
Frank P – 13:17
Cycists: “… bloody Belgian lorry driver” – Eddie Mercx must take part the blame!
“Chocolate” is probably the most common word used in conjunction with “Belgian”
However “Belgian” preceded by “bloody” must come a close run second.
Funny that.
More lemmings on two wheels:-
On a serious note the manic wankers are so intent on winning that they swerve into pedestrians to avoid the crashes and even ride over people on the ground. In one of the shots you can see one of them kick a falling rider out of the way in order to continue his little pedal race.
Cameron is asking for some of Britain’s sovereignty back, just a teensy-weensy bit, the smallest that he thinks he can get away with, but this is written on a wall in the EU Parliament’s Visitors Centre:
“National sovereignty is the root cause of the most crying evils of our times
The only final remedy for this supreme and catastrophic evil of our time is a federal union of the peoples…”
Yet we are expected believe that there can be compromise, and agreement!
Colonel Mustard – 15:27
I think they believe hitting a human is safer than hitting a human and his bike, with all those sticky out bits, like pedals and handlebars.
I find looking at this sport more anguishing than any other involving speed, even though their clothing does reduce the scrapes.
And the ‘technical’ descents are worse than the horizontal track.
Colonel Mustard @ 13:37
The only thing the barbarian can do is to bow to your in-depth knowledge of the issue, Colonel, but he fears you may be right technically, but not on the intention of the Brussels anointed. Let us wait and see until it gets wider coverage. You’ll see their argument is based on the proposition the hyperlink is the culprit, it leads one to what one wants in the first place.
You’re absolutely right on the motives, the reasons behind it. Baron would push it a notch further still, their intention is to control the beast, as it stands, and even though every digit is routed via the NSA servers, they aren’t in the driving seat.
Frank P @ 13:17
It won’t last, Frank, the charade of doping except that they’ll keep on crucifying Russia.
They’ve been all at it, the lot of them, it wouldn’t surprise to learn that out Sport Ministers over the years knew what was going on, too, but the top man was the ‘right’ skin colour, everyone kept quiet. The Lord who now presides over the mess, was the second in command for six years, looked guilty interviewed last night on the box, but he’s smart enough to weather the storm because he knows too much, may bring down more powerful players if he talks.
The most likely outcome is the banning of Russia, finding few low level victims (mostly Russians), launching an expensive PR campaign convincing us it hasn’t been that bad, the vast majority of competitors have been ‘clean’. And it will get swept, to the relief of everyone, under the rug, as fast as one can say ‘what drugs’.
Baron’s solution still feels the best, let’s stop the farce of the tests, let them take what they want. In a way, the banning of substances in sort mirrors the prohibition in the US, it was futile, hypocritical, unenforceable, the most cunning of the lot got and will always get away with it. You recall the American who kept winning the French cycling thing, heavily doped, always passed the test with flying colours? Arghhh
Colonel Mustard @ 15:27
How could you, Colonel, the cyclists are human, too, you know.
Having said that, Baron cannot deny he had enjoyed the link immensely, had a laugh more satisfying than that from watching ‘you’ve been framed’. What is it that makes us relish and savour the misfortune of others, and the more pain in it the louder the laugh?
Only one thing could improve the compilation, they should have slowed down the part that records the crashes, it just happens too quickly, one would love to enjoy the infliction of pain on the tossers longer, much longer.
RobertRetyred @ 16:05
That’s a chilling link, Robert, if Baron were the editor of an anti-Brussels paper, he would display the quote daily – front page, bold font, red lettering.
Arguing that national sovereignty is the root cause of evil is akin to saying the human body is the root of cancer. That’s imbecilic to the extreme.
Even if it were true, unless all the 7bn plus of humans were to willingly unite under a Global Government (God forbid) nothing really changes. If anything the existence of supranational structures such as the EU makes it even worse. Imagine (say) five of such amalgams in today’s world, the animosities between them as they are today or greater. If a military conflict were to fire up amongst the five, the slaughter would be unimaginable, it would genuinely be a world war.
Most of the errors are the gadget’s, sorry.
The Russian Air Force is destroying target left and right, or so we’re told, but nothing much has changed on the ground.
As the barbarian said when their bombing campaign began, the KGB Colonel cannot win, the ISIL thugs vanish to Jordan, Iraq or preferably Turkey, wait until the Russians give up, or they place themselves amongst the civilians. Neither Turkey, nor the Saudis and certainly not the Americans want him to win either. It’s a lot course except that the Air Force can test their gear in real combat.
Baron – 17:46
Thank you.
I don’t see how being nationalistic about Britain (or even France 🙂 ) is bad, yet being nationalistic about the EU is sweetness and light: it is still nationalism!
My link is to an article over two years old, but I suppose Sovereignty is more of a ‘trigger word’ now.
The aforementioned quote needs to be laid along side CMD’s ‘requests’, to highlight their idiocy.
@ Baron:
“Imagine (say) five of such amalgams in today’s world, the animosities between them as they are today or greater. If a military conflict were to fire up amongst the five, the slaughter would be unimaginable, it would genuinely be a world war.”
Or… could cut it down to three, America, Eurasia and Eastasia, and run an interminable war. Oh – er – hasn’t the progress of that already been written? 🙁
@ Baron:
“It’s a lot course except that the Air Force can test their gear in real combat.”
Haven’t we long suspected that that was the (unwritten) subtext in the advice given by the US military to GHW Bush and GW Bush? But now that they can test the damn’ things by drone they have convinced O’Bummer that their use is merely a peccadillo.
RobertRetyred November 10th, 2015 – 16:05
Re the “chilling quote” it is extraordinary (or perhaps not so extraordinary) that the EU should choose to publicly celebrate the words of a notorious apologist for and appeaser of the Nazi regime who enquired what Hitler’s peace terms for Britain would be in 1940 and declared them to be “most satisfactory”.
Kerr was an aristocrat (Lord Lothian), a so-called liberal progressive and member of the Clivedon Set.
The equivalent to sticking some nonsense from Russell Brand up on a wall.
Ode to Celtic Warriors Migation
On the Day of Cameron’s triumph
We know this land, Europa, was made for you and me. —
And God and Normandy and such brought us our liberty.
One hand upon the cowpen and one hand on the plough
We made this land, our destiny — but you wouldn’t know it now.
There’s all these people screaming, telling us to Go home chum
Go back to where we came from, find some other means of fun,
Ban Czesz from movies, stores and schools to keep our land serene —
The pacified United K with no Wops or screaming queens.
Thank God we’ve got an ally in the blessed Chakrabati
Thank God we’ve got some men with sense — and keep us in the party
Thank God for guts and glory — don’t you mind what people say.
This land’s a paradise my friend and we will forever stay.
Yes, let’s bless the teachers, bless the cooks — let’s bless the pizza man,
the businessman, the lawyers and the lowly garbageman.
Let’s bless the clerks and mailmen, the waitresses and such
and let us bless the crossing guards — it wouldn’t cost too much.
Lets bless the local barber and the guy who mows the lawn,
the farmer and the bartender and the grocer and beyond.
Let’s arm all the mechanics and the fellers driving trucks
The locals call us criminals and think our plan just sucks.
Yes, thank God we’ve got an ally in Farron all the way
To stand up for us lost souls so Lord do hear us pray
and staunch our wounds and dry our tears and guide us on our way
and bless the sites of Calais that brought us to the fray.
The shape-shifting “telemachus associates” strike again. Trolling and also mutilating Woody Guthrie.
Although ConHome is a bit of a refuge for confused patriotic members of the Conservative Party, it is worth the occasional visit. This article and the posts below do show that confidence in ‘the renegotiations’ is finally turning to disbelief, at last:
The EU referendum. Cameron is gripped by the fear that May will come out for Leave
The few die-hard ‘remainers’ do look very exposed and the thought that May may ‘come out’ leads to some entertaining speculation in the posts. The fact that May could end up out of the Cabinet, and possibly of being at least the figurehead of the Leavers, may be why the EU-outers are drifting towards a loose arrangement of organisations.
If she doesn’t make a move, nothing is lost, but if she does, she would be an asset and about whom it would be difficult to be even slightly wary in front of the cameras, but still a little too closely aligned with Conservative Central Office.
If she left, would another woman be needed in one of the top four ministers of state? The question generates a comment full of female wisdom:
“Please don’t promote Truss, Morgan or Rudd – none of them are fit for the job.”
With Sweden overflowing with the enriching class, fences are being put up across the lands, Germany wondering what planet Merkel is on, inviting everyone to ‘come on down’, the news that CMD still wants to stay only adds to the melting pot:
Angela Merkel ‘confident’ of deal over Cameron’s EU reforms
David Cameron signals that he is open to compromise over his plans to strip EU migrants of benefits but faces backlash from Tory eurosceptics who say his reforms are ‘thin gruel’
Armistice Day,corner of King and Bay St./Toronto-1918.
Above page has disappeared.
Go instead to~~~~~
Baron – 17:11
Frank P – 13:17
Well, it is sport.
Arsenal news: Arsene Wenger claims football has widespread doping problem
Arsenal manager believes that while his side have never doped, they have played ‘plenty of teams who were not in that frame of mind’
RobertRetyred @ 11:00
Arsene would be well advised to stay out of it, Robert, it’s a minefield, the reputation of many highly placed mesomorphs may be at stake here, and not only in sport.
In his naivety he thinks it’s about drugs, cleansing sport (or other domains of the rich and famous) of it. It’s nothing of the sort, it’s a part of a programme of Russia bashing, portraying her as the chief villain in everything from attacking neighbours to condoning drug taking.
Just look at the latest chapter of it, a one-day front page blitzkrieg designed to cement in the minds of the unwashed the marriage of drug taking with Russia. Since that day, it’s gone quiet, no mention of it at all, it’s disappeared until another willing arselicker comes up with another story that can add to the vilifying of the Russians.
It does seem the Americans are genuinely preparing the grounds for an onslaught on the biggest Slavonic tribe, let’s just hope they’re up to it when it gets going.
Baron posted the following on another blog. How long you reckon it has lasted?
“Let’s be bold and publish the names of the Russians who received the highest accolades of the masses ever, were found to be taking drugs: Lance Armstrong, Marion Jones, Tim Montgomery, Carl Lewis, Ben Johnson”.
I see Sepp is working up a sickie now that the net is tightening. What was that poetic line, from Sir Henry Newbolt:
“Play up! Play up! And play the game”.
Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear!
John Wayne with a 1 hp 4×4 vs Kamikaze cyclists…
Frank P – 14:24
D’ya fink he’s gonna go down wiffda rapid onset alzheimer’s like Janner, Saunders before him?
My favourite “Sepp moment” to date… earlier this year!
EC November 11th, 2015 – 14:39
Brilliant! See that prat continuing to try to race on dragging a fallen bike and rider behind him. They really are knobs.
EC – 14:39
And not a bad advert either.
Radford NG @ 10:56
A concise summary, Radford, thanks for digging it up.
The one point Baron wasn’t aware of was the size of the electorate for the first election after the war – 21mn, of which 13mn were new voters, mostly women, men who possessed no property.
It seems almost sacrilegious to say it, but the principle of giving votes to only those who have a stake in the society has alot to be commended for, today not hundred years ago.
Then, it may have been the right change to go for then, not many could have acquired a stake in anything, but today when everyone has a chance to secure a job (hence pay a tax), acquire a property, or accumulate savings, however meagre, we may at least debate whether reverting to the pre-1919 rule should not be re-considered.
Why should people who refuse to contribute to the commonwealth have a vote, hence a say how the national income is shared?
EC @ 14:39
Considering how many of the cycling loonies polite our roads today, EC, the great American should have acquired an AK-47. The ‘cull’ with multiple shots is particularly satisfying.
Frank P @ 14:24
He isn’t the first, and he won’t be the last one to befriend the strategy of playing the sick, Frank. Moreover, Baron bets you his case is unlikely to come to trial any time soon, and if and when if does it will drag on and on. The man knows alot about many powerful people, not many would want him to spill the beans, is rich enough to get the best lawyers, share some his wealth with them, they’ll get him off the hook.
Nothing new here then.
It’s ‘pollute the roads’ not ‘polite (cyclists), fugg the software, sorry.
Can this really be true?
Cameron’s Green Energy Policy Unravels Horribly With Leaked Letter To The Ecologist
“The British government’s devious, cynical, hypocritical energy policy has just unravelled horribly – with the leak to The Ecologist of a private ministerial letter which admits that Britain hasn’t a hope of meeting its legally-mandated “clean energy” targets.
What this means is that Britain is going to fall about 25 per cent short of its renewable energy targets by 2020.
None of this would remotely matter, of course, if these targets were just notional aspirations. Unfortunately they are legally binding thanks to the 2008 Climate Change Act which only five MPs voted against and which everyone else voted for – including most of the Cabinet and the Prime Minister David Cameron. So Britain – unlike any other country in Europe – actually has to meet these targets or face judicial review, not to mention enormous fines imposed by the European Court of Justice.
All of this was entirely foreseeable.”
Yes! All of this was entirely foreseeable.
It’s why I vote UKIP!
About bloody time!
KLAYMAN, et al. Plaintiffs v. OBAMA et al. Defendants
“On Monday, a federal judge ordered a halt to the NSA’s bulk metadata collection program in a reiteration and confirmation of a previous ruling that found the practice “unconstitutional” — and even “Orwellian.”
“ ‘This court simply cannot, and will not, allow the government to trump the Constitution merely because it suits the exigencies of the moment,’ stated Washington, D.C. District Court Judge Richard Leon in his mordant 43-page ruling [LINK HERE TO COMPLETE RULING IN ZERO HEDGE ARTICLE].”
The arrival of PEGIDA UK.
Radford NG
Great! Could be the start of a European union.
The reality.
RobertRetyred – 21:25
The Westminster weasels can attempt to hit the 25% “renewables” target if…
1) the overall output is reduced.
2) or if they claim some “relief” based on the increase in population due to EU immigration since 2008 or whenever the daft buggers signed the agreement
Anyway, standby for power rationing & cuts regardless of if they go for 1).
[you heard it here first… 🙂 ]
That kidult idiot in No.10, CEO of UK Plc, keeps impulse pledging money abroad. It’s not money from some safe marked “spare cash” but money he has to borrow in order to give it away to foreigners. And whilst he is gaily doing that, so pleased with himself at this largesse on behalf of the long suffering British people, his chancellor is talking about balancing the books, necessary cuts and austerity here in the UK in order to reduce the deficit.
He is like some latter day monarch scattering British gold to the clamouring foreign multitude as he rides in his coach through their countries, virtue signalling with every “pledge”.
It’s not his money though.
Frank P
November 9th, 2015 – 01:19
telemachus has been away for a few days so apologies for the delay in reply
” Mental illness has now become a government priority – avail yourself of the extra resources allotted to the NHS, there’s a good fella.”
Two points
1. You are incorrect- See Nick Triggles post today:
Cuts to adult mental health services in England have started damaging the quality of care given to patients, a report suggests.
The review by the King’s Fund think tank found there was now “widespread evidence of poor quality care”.
Researchers linked this to the use of unproven, cheaper services in a bid to balance the books.
One mental health charity says “disappearing” services are putting lives at risk.
2. If you are looking for paranoid delusions I see the following have been attributed to telemachus on this site since November 4
Frank Frontbottom
Mr Angry’s blog
Fergus Pickering
I do confess to occasional posts in homage to David Lindsay who was axed by Payne after sustained attack by posters well known to both of us
And my partner posts as Patriccia Shaw and has done since she metamorphosed in response to crazy posts by Patricia Shaw in 2011
I know for a fact that 2 regular posters on the Wall who you seem to rate have posted as others
Now silence again
John birch @ 08:23
That there are political leaders deluded enough to bring about a cultural conversion of the electorate that put them into governance one cannot be shocked that much, John, it’s but a natural extension of the same approach to life that has, step by step, forced upon the unwashed the societal cancer of PC, moral equivalence, the multy-culty crap.
What Baron finds hard to swallow is that so many of the great unwashed seem to have lost their capacity to rationally compute the consequences of this unprecedented influx of the newcomers, their sagacity has been completely overpowered by emotions, it’s as if they’ve lost even the basic ability to put two and two together.
They know, are reminded of it from personal experience day in day out that our hospitals cannot cope, there isn’t enough housing to go around, the trains, the roads, other infrastructure are in big need of repair, yet no enough money’s available, tax credits are being cut, council spending curtailed, policing reduced.
How TF are any of these boils and warts to look like if we get hundreds of thousands, largely uneducated, culturally alien, welfare services hungry people to come in?
And come in they will whether the initial leave to stay is granted in Germany or elsewhere, once they’re in they will be enable to settle in any EU country. Most of them speak English, if badly, they will gravitate towards us, as the evidence of the past suggests.
One can excuse this masochistic streak in the young, perhaps, they have little responsibility, are politically naive, by nature rebellious. What the barbarian finds impossible to comprehend is why some many middle aged, and most surprisingly older generation folks cannot figure it.
What was Fraser’s take of it all?
telemachus November 12th, 2015 – 11:22
“who was axed by Payne after sustained attack by posters well known to both of us”
Really? Evidence for your cowardly smear please. Lindsay accused me (“J’Accuse”) of getting him “proscribed” (one of your favourite terms and activities at the other place) but it was simply not true. I have told you before that if I had had that influence at the other place it would have been directed at you not at him. I often found his comments interesting and amusing whereas yours were simply a continuance of your usual agenda to sow mischief, provoke, smear and disrupt. The only commentator that I have ever campaigned to be “proscribed” is you, here, and I do that openly. Your latest parcel of smearing innuendo provides ample justification for that.
“I know for a fact that 2 regular posters on the Wall who you seem to rate have posted as others”
Really? How do you know that “fact”? If you do I suspect that it involves a serious breach of the Data Protection Act by your supposed friends on the Speccie staff and I should like to hear all about it. The very fact that you mention it reveals a pattern of stalking behaviour on your part, confirmed by the number of times that you have insisted on referring to me as “Nicholas” there and here, a fact which resulted in you being warned that if you did it again here you would be “proscribed”.
Have we not had enough of your mischievous games? Why on earth you are welcome to intrude with such evident malevolence is unfathomable. Your admissions of “homage” (aka identity theft and misrepresentation that you are David Lindsay) and the fact that rather than choosing her own pseudonym your “partner” chose the modified name of another commentator is more than adequate evidence for the nature of your behaviour. I suggest that is not conducive to honest commentary.
I also suggest that you learn to distinguish between a reasonable suspicion based on a well established pattern of behaviour and your own admissions and a paranoid delusion.
Your list of alleged multiple identities also omits Jennifer Oldham and Telemachus Associates. Have you an explanation for those?
Baron 11-40
I absolutely totally agree Baron, it’s so obvious where all this is leading and none of it is good.
The main purpose on my post was to emphasise that I have never posted as:
Frank Frontbottom
Mr Angry’s blog
Fergus Pickering
Jennifer and the telemachus associates are indeed associates of like minded people (including my partner) who code share
I suggest you contact David to ask him his understanding of his demise at Speccie
I do maintain intermittent contact
I will return to silence
I suggest you yourself leave it unless you get a reply from David to share
telemachus November 12th, 2015 – 13:10
I’m not interested in David’s “understanding” of his demise at Speccie (since I already know it from his “J’Accuse” post there) but in the way you have characterised it here and keep repeating it.
Your admission regarding Jennifer, telemachus associates and “code share” tells us everything we need to know about you as if we didn’t already know it.
Another gem from Richard Fernandez. Please make sure you watch the video he has lined as a tail piece to his well-crafted essay:
Both chilling and accurate. If you aren’t up to speed on the Missouri college rumpus these links will assist:
Every little helps:
Migrant crisis: European Council president Tusk warns Schengen on brink of collapse – latest news
Tom Hanks speaks out on the migration crisis
Perhaps an intervention from Hollywood will help solve the crisis.
[I think this is the DT doing irony 🙂 ]
Tom Hanks is appearing on CNN this evening saying that “civilised nations…should be able to address the problems and should be able to accept the realities of not just refugees and migrants, but the great humanitarian crises that are going on.
“And the answer is not going to be fences, is it? I don’t think so”.”
Poles burn EU flags as thousands rally for independence
Will there be an EU with whom to renegotiate?
It takes just over four minutes for the girl to make it through life, it’s how Baron feels, too. Is that it, he keeps asking himself, and sadly it is for him.
Mark Rutte, the Dutch prime minister, standing in for the CEO of UK Plc and speaking “for Britain” at the Valetta meeting because spoon face is busy trying to flog off more of the UK’s assets to India.
“”I will be representing you as England tonight. The endless amount of people. Can you imagine? After four wars between the UK and the Netherlands, four wars – well, the last one was in 18th century, some time ago, I know – now representing the United Kingdom,” he said, straightening his back and tugging his lapels in mock-pride.”
What an ignorant nincompoop to cite ancient wars between us but to ignore the liberation of his country by British and Commonwealth troops just 70 years ago, as well as ‘Operation Manna’:-
And during the month of Remembrance too. What with Merkel’s ridiculous statement about Britain and Germany during the war surely it won’t be long before this vile crop of modern Euro politicians with their ghastly shiny suits and wire-rimmed Himmler glasses deny that anything untoward happened to them then, occupation and liberation deliberately forgotten.
Immigration the single most important issue for voters and spoon face dodges the meeting. So instead of any elected British politician speaking on our behalf we get a Dutchman instead.
Just 96 years ago A P Thurston, D.Sc., F.R.Ae.S., F.R.METS.S., M.I.A.E. wrote:-
“We are an engineering nation with vast mineral resources and practically no timber, and our knowledge of high-grade steels is superior to that of any other nation. It is therefore sound policy, in view of the vital importance of aeronautics to our safety as a nation, that we should spend large sums in developing metal aircraft.”
Well, politicians have been pissing away those resources, the knowledge and that policy ever since, but never so rapidly and gleefully as in the years since 1945.
RobertRetyred @ 16:09
As you know, Robert, the AT guy who penned the piece got it somewhat wrong, ‘EU macht frei’ translates as the ‘EU makes one free’, which was either meant to be ironic hinting at the rallying cry of the Nazis above the Auschwitz gate, or it was a misprint.
They should have left the ‘frei’, cross it in red, add ‘versklavt’ (?).
What should not only piss everyone, but turn one red with anger, demand action is that the Mutti broke the existing EU rules wholesale, the immigrants should have been registered in the first free country they’ve reached. Instead, they were allowed to travel freely to where they wanted to get, no passports, no travel documents, no nothing.
How come she could get away with it? Where are the agencies supposed to look after the observance of the EU laws? Why hasn’t anyone from the other EU member countries challenge d her?
Bbaron reckons money is at play, yet again.The Germans have it, they can do as they please, the rest of the political clowns keep shtum for fear of upsetting them.
The sooner we get out of this lawless construct the better.
The Two Ronnies: Mastermind
Quality… as opposed to the tripe the BBC dish up today.
eg. the unfunny and talentless Russell Howard – Now in his tenth series!!!
HTF did he manage that? What’s he got on someone high up there?
Baron – 16:45
I think it is classed more as a ‘trigger phrase’ rather than to be translated.
“How come she could get away with it?”
She isn’t British?
“Baron reckons money is at play, yet again.”
… or lack of it. Or it used to but, like the British, they now see what is at stake.
Colonel Mustard @ 16:42
Quite, Colonel.
In the 80s last century, the political class here (not in Germany) messed up the lives of millions mostly in the Black Country by shutting down manufacturing, starving it of resources, diverted capital towards services. The focus was re-directed towards the financial sector, London is well placed between NY and the Far East, it wasn’t a bad call to develop it as a hub for global finance.
The ‘hubbing’ was overdone here, anchored essentially on inflationary rises in the housing market, over in the Republic financial loans were extended by the financial institutions to people who shouldn’t have been touched with a double barge pole.
It happened in large part because for too long the central banks kept the cost of money low to fund the imbecilic ‘no boom no bust’ economic strategy (in the UK), or to satiate the desire of the anointed to extend credit to those with no record of savings (in the US).
As the near financial meltdown hit the West, to save their own skin, that of the agencies charged with watching over the financiers (BoE, the FSA), the politicians blamed the banking industry for the disaster. Instead of punishing harshly those guilty of reckless lending, they went to kick the sector wholesale, have almost destroyed it.
As a country, we’re now in a limbo, no manufacturing to speak off, a banking sector that is turning to fleecing the great unwashed and little else, what else is there to use as a platform for a strong, sustainable, job aplenty economic revival?
And they puzzle why the cumryd got to lead Labour, may end up running the country.
Colonel Mustard 16.33
I have recently read two books, with which I suspect you are already well acquainted, covering Britain’s long intellectual, industrial, spiritual and economic decline. These are Corelli Barnett’s ‘The Collapse of British Power’ and ‘The Audit of War’, covering the period between 1870 and 1945.
The story is one depressing beyond almost all words; a picture of serial liberal political incompetents leading a deeply flawed nation into backwardness and bankruptcy.
Doctor Thurston’s comment captures the dichotomy between Britain’s undoubtable intellectual vision and ability, whilst failing to recognise that, by then Britain’s industrial ability, both in traditional fields such as steel and in more advanced technologies like chemistry, had already been surpassed in both capability and capacity by the United Sates and Germany.
Noa November 12th, 2015 – 17:28
I’d have to dispute that, given Britain’s lead in so many aerospace aspects during the immediate post-1945 period.
Certainly one could say the industrial scale of the USA and Germany surpassed the UK and that might have a bearing on capability in terms of production but not in all aspects of innovative expertise. In just one field I know of, by way of an example, German scientists freely admitted post-war that Britain was far ahead of them in expertise.
No, the problem was principally, as always, the crass decisions made by our idiotic politicians.
RobertRetyred @ 17:07
Good point, Robert, but the substance of the barbarians’ lament remains intact.
The EU is by and large a lawless monstrosity.
The budgetary deficits in virtually every member state including Germany broke the agreed fiscal rule before the last crisis hit. How come? EU commissioners, more often than not failed politicians from the member countries, impose laws on us without the approval of elected politicians. Is that democratic? Brussel spent over 400mn Euros in Ukraine in two years before the February putsch in the country. What on? The EU budget has never been independently audited. Why not? Immigrants are free to traverse the EU lands as they please in blatant contradiction of the EU rules. What is the justification for it?
Boot on blob:
True, terrible and treasonous.
Baron – 17:18
I remember the Eighties in Britain, and it was the demise of the manual production line, with its ability to absorb a large number of the not very well educated or trained, that hit the blue collar workers.
Britain needed to catch up with Germany, the US and Japan, but all I ever heard on the news was either the intransigence of the management to hand over tax payers money or the news that they had done this and there was no money left.
I saw a History programme a year or so ago about our shipyards. It said that the new techniques used by the USA during WWII reduced the cost of making ships and that British ships couldn’t use the new technique because it required much bigger areas in which to build them. This would have meant knocking down many of the workers homes adjacent to the yards.
I NEVER EVER heard this for all the years that I watched the BBC News on this subject, at the time, NEVER!
With that lack of critical information, the BBC were doing what they do best at.
Also, the Government was stopping Scargill helping Moscow take over the political machinery of this country. The old manufacturing companies were corpses, always striking, and new companies did spring up in virgin lands, like Swindon and Newcastle (or somewhere near there).
No one in their right mind would choose the old industries. I now read now how skilled men prefered to work for themselves, for less, than work in a unionised factory.
The old industries just weren’t cooperative: you can lead a horse to water … etc etc! Even the cooperatives weren’t cooperative!
And it wasn’t just finance that benefited, it was the technological companies, especially in IT and the oil industries. They employed mostly STEM graduates that were willing to give it a go.
Remember the Wilson/Callaghan years terminated more mining jobs than the Thatcher/Major years, and they also saw a bigger reduction in manufacturing, which became much more highly skilled.
We could have done with better educated school leavers, and starting/improving the technical schools, but the introduction of comprehensive education was in full swing, but it was what everyone wanted!
In fact, it was very similar to the situation we have today in Germany, where one wonders how such a large group can continue to travel in the wrong direction, I mean the Germans, even when the evidence point in the opposite direction.
Yes, as Bill Whittle said, you give the spear to the man with the strongest arm because that is the best use of resources. Would you give a spear to Corbyn, because he was one who roamed the industrial plains in the Eighties?
Would you give your career to Ford @ Dagenham? Not likely.
Baron – 17:18 cont
There was an article describing how Detroit had declined. One major factor was that the sons of those working on the manual production line gave up schooling because they KNEW that they had a job waiting for them when they left school, with no qualifications.
And then manufacturing went technical.
Colonel Mustard – 17:36
Re: Post 1945
“Laziness, Greed, Entitlement – Baby Boomers Defined”
(Uploaded on Dec 9, 2011)
Stefan Molyneaux
A lovely sting in the tale(sic) here.
Fred, correct as usual.
Do we laugh, cry or buy candles and a camping gas stove?
Hinkley Point could bring down EDF, warns shareholders
EDF Actionnariat Salarie, the utility’s second-largest shareholder, calls the Hinkley Point project ‘a financial catastrophy foretold’
“EDF’s £18bn project to build two nuclear reactors in Britain is so expensive and risky that it puts the survival of the French utility at risk, an association of employee-shareholders has said.”
Daily Telegraph: Hinkley Point project
Le Pen is mightier than the sword?
French Political Elites Panic As Marine Le Pen Gains Ground
RobertRetyred – 20:53
Both, and start knitting!
BERLIN (Own report) – Techniques of anti-Soviet propaganda that had
been developed by Nazi officers, could serve today as a model for
western anti-Russia psychological warfare operations, according to a
semi-official publication from the entourage of the Bundeswehr. The
current conflict between Russia and NATO has a “highly pronounced
ideological dimension,” analogue to the Cold War, explains the author
Uwe Hartmann, a colonel in the German armed forces. According to
Hartmann, the Russian side is using the “freedoms of Western open
societies” to “influence” public opinion with the aim of “relativizing
the value of rights and freedoms,” “sowing discord” and “insecurity
within the population.” To counter this strategy, attributed to
Russia, Hartmann recommends reversion to the methods of the so-called
‘internal leadership’ concept elaborated by Wolf Graf von Baudissin,
who had been on Hitler’s General Staff. This concept calls for
preparing the armed forces as well as the society at large for a
“permanent civil war” and for the leadership elite to convince Germans
of the “worthiness of defending their country,” while immunizing them
against all “ideological temptations” and “propaganda attacks.”
How does that theory square with importing 5.5 million young muslim men, the equivalent of its own young male native population, into Germany? Does Merkel envision a Teutonic muslim army repelling the Slavic hordes, or invading Russia?
Noa – 23:15
Frau Merkel, the parson’s daughter, is the first German Chancellor since Adolf Hitler to have no children!
Like most young people in the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), Merkel was a member of the Free German Youth (FDJ), the official youth movement sponsored by the ruling Socialist Unity Party. Membership was nominally voluntary, but those who did not join found it all but impossible to gain admission to higher education. She did not participate in the secular coming of age ceremony Jugendweihe, however, which was common in East Germany. Instead, she was confirmed. Later, at the Academy of Sciences, she became a member of the FDJ district board and secretary for “Agitprop” (Agitation and Propaganda). Merkel claimed that she was secretary for culture. When Merkel’s one-time FDJ district chairman contradicted her, she insisted that: “According to my memory, I was secretary for culture. But what do I know? I believe I won’t know anything when I’m 80.”
Not the first German to suffer from a dodgy memory, eh what…
There is a simple tactic to counter the story that Jihadi John was ‘taken injured but alive to a hospital controlled by ISIS’ after the drone strike.
Take out the hospital!
Are we at war or playing a video war game?
This is not being covered by the MSM.
Well, he should know! As an apostate Commie, he helped to develop the game.☺
RobertRetyred @ 19:15
The posting by Baron to which you respond, Robert, wasn’t meant to be judgmental, it simply touched on what has happened, and the final straw collapsing the old industries did come in the 80s.
You’re right about the unions, few bits of high tech here and there, this ain’t enough, we need something the size of a sector doing well, we don’t have it, Baron is betting you we won’t have it, the scraps of success will remain just that, scraps.
What’s killing it is in part Government with its nose poking from the minimum wage to the health and safety nonsense, and in part the fear on the part of capital to risk it when the world grows more and more unsettled (EU referendum, ISIL, US warmongering …).
Sorry, that’s ambiguous (10:48).
I’ll reword it:
He should know. He helped to develop the game before he became a Commie apostate. [Always supposing there is such a thing; it could be the Marxist form of Taqiyya – burrowing deeper by subterfuge until The Great Revolution is complete]. ☺
Baron (10:53)
“and in part the fear on the part of capital to risk it when the world grows more and more unsettled (EU referendum, ISIL, US warmongering …)”
I note that you omitted “Putin’s expansionism” from that causal list. Just sayin’. ☺
John birch @ 20:39
It’s a hard one to call, John, either more education or segregation as Fred suggests.
Baron’s money on the former for the anger of the white phylum is unlikely to boil over, they have alot to lose, white Americans, and revolutions destroy wealth as well as life, and not always solve the boils that engendered them, no, no revolution in the Republic, the whites will limit themselves to shouting, complaining, finger pointing.
And who knows, perhaps at some point in the future the education galore may begin to produce not the monsters of Ferguson with the IQ of a squashed peanut, but clones of Obama, who seems to exhibit not only acceptable level of IQ, but also possesses the full tool bag of vices of the anointed whites. He’s indistinguishable from them except, of course, for the colour of his skin.
… But in serious vein, what’s you take on this one:’t-be-hailed-hero
Frank P @ 18:41
Top marks for the piece by the omni-all Mr. Boot, Frank.
And re your 11.07, please do be more specific, where exactly do you see the expansionist policy of the KGB Colonel?
EC (19:25 12th Nov.)
I enjoy the smooth rants of Molyneux; he’s the more prolix and cerebral version of the visceral Pat Condell, but why I am I left feeling uneasy about his general drift?
There are inconsistencies in his various expositions, but it would take a week to fisk them and I’ve reached the age where I can’t keep more that two plates spinning at the same time without metaphorically falling over myself.
In a nutshell, I am seduced by his clever verbosity, but at the same time sussy about both his logic and motives. He seems to want it all ways.
“Don’t we all?” I hear you say.
One thing that rankles in this latest piece, is his coralling of the “boomer” generation into one lump. To me they are a very mixed bunch indeed.
Is he a boomerist?☺
Baron (11:27)
“where exactly do you see the expansionist policy of the KGB Colonel?”
Ohhh karrmm – onnn, me ol’ China!! There are none so blind … ☺
Baron – 10:53
I agree, the final straw collapsing the old industries did come in the 80s, but the seeds were sown post-WWII, with American aid pouring into European industry and into the British NHS and Social Services. By the late Seventies, all it needed was a budget conscious housewife on the scene. It was said that much of British Industry was like a corpse on a life support system. Turning it off saved resources, with no loss of life. This wasn’t because of the workers, but the setup they worked in.
We won the war and it was deemed, by Labour anyway, that the victorious deserved the spoils, without any hint of creating wealth by investing rather than spending, improvement rather than unchanging, set in concrete, working practices and believing that working at a wealth destroying job still deserved a wage.
I think pay should reflect effort and risk, if only because it motivates effort in the best way, but if the work is not beneficial overall, then there should be change; change with support, training and understanding. But one prime minister cannot do everything, and many in her party, the Wets, were verging on treachery. That is where it went wrong.
It is just like the Greens believing wind derived electricity makes a profit, when they include the subsidies! A totally false world is created, and helps to make the rich richer, and the poor poorer.
I left school in the early Seventies deciding that I would never, ever, want to be an Engineer: they were always going on strike, if they weren’t on strike already! That is how bad it was.
Fewer PPEs and more Engineers would help in areas of influence, especially if it means futile projects get canned. Ouch!
How can anyone think we have a credible Engineering sector when Vivienne Westwood, Emma Thompson and Bob Geldof can pontificate on national energy policy – and be taken seriously!
John birch – 20:39 ‘Fred on Everything’
If I may, for me, the most important sentence the article is:
“Note how surprised they were by Trump.”
I still don’t think they have taken it in and drawn any conclusions.
Frank P @ 11:17
Baron’s despairing (only joking), the Russian KGB Tzar cannot win, he can never satisfy the one who thinks he should have been Tzar.
If the Russians were to say the ‘artist’ is loopy, locked him up in an asylum Mr. Boot would pen a diatribe saying ‘you see, told you, Putin’s as bad as the commies, they too locked genuine protesters up in psychiatric wards, stuffed them with drugs …
When the Russians say the guy’s normal, what he does is artistic in the line of our Tracy’s pissed-in-bed masterpiece, Mr. Boot doesn’t like it either, reckons the young man ought to be certified, stuffed with drugs.
On the artist himself: the guy is smart and reckless simultaneously in a sense that he figured what would differentiate him from any other conceptual Russian artists, single him out – the barking at the regime. He knows the West cannot fail to notice him, even though what he does is more likely to put people off the aim of his ‘artwork’, the destruction of Putinism. Apart from that he’s just following a global trend where artists here dress as young girls, in Russia they’re tougher, nail their scrotum to the ground.
Btw, try and imagine what would have happened if someone had tried set a fire at the GCHQ entrance door. It’s only a guess, but Ba ron reckons that person would no longer be breathing.
RobertRetyred @ 12:33
Excellent rundown of the recent past, Robert, and spot on, too.
Frank P @ 12:00
Had the US hegemony been as expansionist as that of Putin’s Russia, the world have been a quieter place, now : ISIL wouldn’t be about, Europe would not be drowning in the tsunamis of refugees, Russia would still be paying Ukraine a fee for the use of Sevastopol.
Trust baron on this, Frank, he knows, he wasn’t born yesterday.
Frank P @ 12:00
The posting at 13.23 re your imperialistic intentions of Putin’s Empire was short, a distraction was what caused it, Baron had to attend to more pressing matters, so here goes an answer that should humour your teasing buds better.
You recall the name Navalny, yet another KGB officer of higher rank than Putin’s? A darling of the West in the recent past, someone who, in a Moscow court few days ago, having heard his brother got a prison sentence for some financial wrongdoings, he himself a suspended one said, in front of cameras, ‘Putin should be shot, that what he deserves”?
Recently, his name hasn’t featured in any of the Western anti-Putin rants, it has almost disappeared from the public view here. The reason is he, Navalny, has been a strong supporter of the Russia’s seizure of the Crimean peninsula. He also believes, like Baron, that not only that Putin has a moral duty to help the suffering Russians in eastern Ukraine, but (unlike Baron) he’s failing them, should do more.
This, of course, doesn’t make Russia’s meddling in the Donbas region excusable, legal, or right. What it tells though is that the Western approved Left in Russia occupies a fraction of the political spectrum, it’s also not a monolithic movement either. Far from it, it’s so fragmented it’s almost a joke. Amongst the 200 plus political parties there, registered, taking part in elections, it has so little support it essentially exists only in the deluded thinking of the Western anti-Putin brigade.
You agree, Baron hopes, that the backing for the boy here doesn’t overwhelm. In the popular vote at the last count the Tories got the votes of just over a third of those who bothered to go to the poll stations. But what would happen if the whole world were to turn on us, kick us, impose sanctions because (say) we helped the Americans to invade Iraq …?
Would support for the one in no10 go up or down? Baron bets you many of those who dislike the boy would turn to backing him because of the perceived (or real) injustice of the rest of the world interpretation of our motives for helping the Yanks. This is a natural reaction of any nation, it’s even more pronounced for a tribe where communal, collective, mutual, instinctive, subjective values predominate.
Russia is one of such tribes. The more we bark at her the more the Russian people pull together, not necessarily because the man on top matches their thinking about how the country should be run, but because (1) they voted for him, who are we to tell them how to vote, (2) they see the fallacy of the kicks administered by the outside world, Crimea had been theirs since 1783.
Baron has told you many times before he doesn’t give a dry shite what happens to the KGB Colonel. He won’t be there forever, Russia will. Baron backs him only because he believes he’s the best of the worst. If Navalny were in charge, the preference of the West in the very recent past, who knows, Russian boots may today be not only in Crimea, but in Kiev, too.
Btw, the takeover by China of the Spratly Islands smells to Baron more of the fulfilment of an imperialistic ambition than does the referendum endorsed annexation of Crime by Russia. Fancy you thought about the latter, not the former.
Baron (14:49)
Keeping ‘the tease’ going for a moment, forgive me for giggling at your typo in this sentence (while appreciating that it was ‘the software’):
“…smells to Baron more of the fulfilment of an imperialistic ambition than does the referendum endorsed annexation of Crime [sic] by Russia.”
You got that spot on buddy, albeit by accident. ☺
But back into serious mode, Baron, there’s a lot of truth and much wisdom in your other assertions in that last post.
Thanks for taking the time. And I’d still pay good money to see you and your bête noire go head to head, in person, in debate. I think Peter should organise it. But without Alex’s guard dog, the vicar whose name escapes me for a moment. ☺
Peter is uncharacteristically quiet and has been for while. Hope he’s on missionary duties, rather than ailing? Anybody know – have I missed a communique?
Yall still there?
Any news of my old mucker Andy Car Park?
The end is in sight for fool Obama but we need to fix Hillary.
Trump is tops but crazy. Carson is a good man for a liar. Jeb is a disappointment unlike his dad and brother W. So it is all down to Rubio.
Keep your eyes on Huff Post.
O and hey there to Andy.
Frank P November 13th, 2015 – 15:38
Maybe another victim of telemachus and his body snatchers.
Colonel Mustard.
Indeed so. Think I should alert my old colleagues? ☺
Baron – 13:10
Thank you. But déjà vu is depressing.
Frank P @ 15:35
Are you sure, Frank, it was the software though? What if it was Baron’s alter ego, a craftily masked other self till now hermetically sealed and hibernating in his tortured soul after the KGB administer mauling at Lubyanka? Is there a psychiatrist around, the barbarian would like to know? (Only joking).
Tell Baron then, if annexing of Crimea were a crime how do you call the missile assisted cleansing of a large chunk of the land of Serbs for the Kosovans? Good deed, an act of kindness, the gift of democracy?
John Jefferson Burns @ 16:04
How about Putin, John. At the start of the year, a poll found the American unwashed preferred him to the honorary Muslim by a ratio of two to one.
You’ve got to be bold before the Mandarin speakers beat you to it.
Peter seems to have given up on his creation, he must be up to something.
What Baron would like to k now is whether anyone else ever visits the site except for the dozen of us who post regularly. Well the MI5 for sure, but do other visitors bother to waste time reading the wisdom of the few, the ranting of the one whose mistakes (per word count) beat the Guardian hands down?
RobertRetyred @ 17:01
We, the old timers may find the past depressing, Robert, but what about the future?
Years ago, the great Mark Steyn furnished an analogy for the future of the West asking ‘what does one get mixing a pound of cream with a large blob of merde’. Whatever the blend may be called, one would be well advised to avoid digesting it.
I read you guys every day, but rarely post. Please keep going !
Baron November 13th, 2015 – 18:02
“Yet across the gulf of the internet, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects cramped and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this site with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.”
Baron (17:50)
I eschewed the ‘Freudian slip’ cliché, but, as you’ve coughed – I’ll go with that. ☺
But, slippery old sod that you are, you deliberately misunderstood my little joke: I wasn’t referring to the annexing of Crimea as a crime, I’ll defer to your judgement as a Russian expert on that score. I was implying that Vlad annexed the business of crime in general. He’s now the capo di tutti capi, in the eyes of most of the international OC Intelligence bods. Not that I have much faith in the new breed of those either. They learned it all in the lecture rooms of the NWO and Common Purpose.
Now they spew out the SOS¶, daily. So whaddoo I know? I still base my opinions on my official interface with the USSR and the sino-soviet alliance from the 50s to the 80s. It wasn’t pretty!
¶[same old shit]
You misunder
Ignore the redundant half sentence on the tail. Now THAT WAS the ‘king software.
Baron November 13th, 2015 – 18:11
I don’t find the past depressing, Baron. I feel nostalgia for it. And the more the kidult clowns who presume to rule over us clamour to re-shape the present and the future the more nostalgic I feel. They sneer at us as “yesterday’s people”. Well, I’m glad to be. Because at least I experienced that yesterday, far from all bad, and was not brought up, brainwashed and brain dead, to seal clap and whoop for shallow soundbites of emotional incontinence uttered by spivs masquerading as grown men.
Colonel Mustard (18:25)
Wot you just said!
It’s not all weekend working in Peter’s job, you know.
Maybe he’s writing a book?
Peter, please give us a sign. (No, not that one!)
Come on Verity! Surely your sabbatical is over. Pretty please? The world is currently ripe for plucking with that dodgy old PC with its iffy keyboard. We miss your mordant interjections. Haven’t had a proper b(log)ollocking since you disappeared into the cybermuda triangle. 😉
What’s the new generation of pussies up to? I’m talking of the felines, not our ‘king ‘leaders’.
…as for you, AWK, you’re a little quiet too. What’s up, gal? Lost your mojo? Let’s be ”aving ya! (as that rich lady cook with the football team hobby imprecates occasionally).
Is your blood pressure not high enough? 🙂
Try this: it’s guaranteed to blow your mind, and that is just the text! The video is quite sad, really, especially when the ‘youngster’ being interviewed is typical of her generation:
A ruined generation (or two)
Frank P – 11:54
I’d never heard of Stefan Molyneaux (SM) before I picked up on that little chat he had with Bill Whittle last week. They both got a bit stuck in the quicksand on that one, imo. Transposing the mechanics of one discipline and making it fit one’s theories about a totally unrelated field cannot work without a total in depth knowledge of both disciplines
You’ll no doubt remember the time when the French postmodernists were called out for abusing using maths and physics, of which they had no understanding whatsoever, to bolster their own social theories. There was a bit of a hoo-ha at the time as no modern French “philosopher” likes having their head pulled out of their own arse.
SM needs to learn that less is more. He makes some good points but his logic is not always as flawless as he thinks. The longer he rambles on then the more the inconsistencies, and any lack of knowledge, become obvious. He is much better on some topics than others. It’s a form of entertainment. His channel is not exactly my first port of call on YouTube, but one which might provoke further research on topics in which I’m interested. YouTube is a godsend. (if you’ll pardon the expression) Hell, there’s bugger all worth watching on TV these days!
Boomers? I was a little late into the game coming on to the job market in 1974. There was a bit Boomer ceiling/blockage, but my poor career choice and trajectory [ more of headlong plunge 🙂 ] was 100% down to me.
Just one more thing. Who did give our country away? I know that it wasn’t me.
Colonel Mustard @ 18:25
That’s what one gets to shorthand history.
The past Baron finds depressing are the last three decades, Colonel, probably from the 80s upwards, the wholesale abandonment of manufacturing, the deliberate dilution of the carefully natured local gene pool, the sucking up to the ‘special friend’ to the west.
Lady T did a good job on the unions, assisted in crowding out the manufacturing sector as a whole. Perhaps it was inevitable, the lure of the new, the Big Bang in finance, the impact of containerisation, all of this was unstoppable. Yet, the Germans managed to hold on to their expertise and know-how in manufacturing, the French secured their near medieval agriculture whilst we jumped boldly into wanting to be banker to the world, got our fingers burnt. What now?
Colonel Mustard @ 18:25
If your club is of the yesteryear when men wore hats, grammar school were taking care of the able, and politicians reigned when found in the wrong, Baron would like to join, too.
Btw, your 18.13 posting is already in Baron’s bank of things said that need saving for future reference (and not only for the enchanting English), thanks.
Baron – 20:00
Don’t you think that Nigel Farage’s view that Nick Clegg (and the earlier generations of like minded politicians) didn’t think that Britain wasn’t good enough to ‘take on the world’ again explains much of your observations.
Being a banker, and being able to raise money for projects, has played a great part in Britain’s success, especially when we had an empire. But the big problem was that they took note of the Laws of Physics (and Economics) more than governments did. The rise of the EUSSR did away with this skill. Political agreement between France and Germany trumped any viable project plan! Rules could be changed and any chance to kick the island nation was always worth the effort, and our elites were in denial of their abuse. Look at the atrocious CAP. When we joined the EEC, our agriculture required (I think) 4% of the population, because we had ALREADY mechanised, while in France it was a lot higher (>20% ?) with many peasant farmers (with a few cows, chickens and pigs) and no large farms (that I knew) and Germany had many factory workers with a smallholding on the side. We were not allowed to take advantage of our earlier progress. And then our fishing and nuclear industries disappeared because of government dysfunctionality! Two industries that children could have seen to be productive as well as provided opportunities.
We haven’t abandoned manufacturing. We have kept a lot of it, but it has become more technical. Our services and IT are not as successful because the EU has not yet created the free market for it: why should France and Germany allow that when it would benefit Britain? It is one reason why we should leave the EU.
If we have less manufacturing, it is because they have to overcome bigger hurdles: our fuel labour costs are too high, and not just because we have abandoned manufacturing. It does mean that if fuel costs can be reduced, we will hopefully get some manufacturing back. Look at what has happened to our steel industry because fuel costs are 50% higher than they should be because of those bl**dy windmills and solar panels!
Being banker to the world brought in tax ‘revenue’, so what is not to like? 🙁
I left (public) school and went to a redbrick to read a Science, but it wasn’t as worthy as going to Oxbridge to read Classics or Law. I recently met someone from my year who took over his father’s farm and that, as far as the head was concerned at the time, was near enough the pits! Then, in the state sector, they created the grammar and secondary modern schools, but the technical colleges never received their budget allocation.
On the Continent, an Engineer is in a profession (je suis ingénieur), in Britain they fix the TV, or they used to! PPE’s have lost their shine. Maybe a few more CEng would at least reduce the hiccups.
But the Continent has its own problems, so I don’t think we need to be down hearted. What needs to be rectified is how Britain is smothered by the EU. We can cooperate, but it needs to be in a free association, not under the jackboot of a continental authoritarian.
Baron – 20:08
On this occasion Col. M was paraphrasing from H.G.Wells’ (or maybe even Jeff Wayne’s version) “War of the Worlds”
No one would have believed in the last years of the
nineteenth century that this world was being watched
keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man’s and
yet as mortal as his own; that as men busied themselves
about their various concerns they were scrutinised and
studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a
microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that
swarm and multiply in a drop of water. With infinite
complacency men went to and fro over this globe about
their little affairs, serene in their assurance of their empire
over matter. It is possible that the infusoria under the
microscope do the same. No one gave a thought to the
older worlds of space as sources of human danger, or
thought of them only to dismiss the idea of life upon them
as impossible or improbable. It is curious to recall some
of the mental habits of those departed days. At most
terrestrial men fancied there might be other men upon
Mars, perhaps inferior to themselves and ready to
welcome a missionary enterprise. Yet across the gulf of
space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of
the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and
unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and
slowly and surely drew their plans against us.
Terrorist attack in Paris….18 reported dead…..Gun attack at restaurant…..explosions near Football stadium where France is playing Germany…..and reports of hostages taken at concert hall.
Two explosions heard outside Paris stadium.
Can we NOW accept there’s a fucking war on, please. Watching CMD try to grab a bit of glory from JJ’s whacking now looks pathetic. It was just stoooopid before. Richard Kemp, please get your FSMO out. Please!!
The New World Order…
Baron – 18:11
“We, the old timers may find the past depressing, Robert, but what about the future?”
All we need is something to wake people from their slumber 🙂
I don’t think a friendly football match between Germany and France will do it …
Apparently there was a call from the mullah’s three days ago for a Ramadan jihad. One suspects that the ‘allies’ have had JJ in their sights and decided to divert the inevitable. Pathetic! FFS – a message to the MOD, get a grip of these twats in Westminster. As for the Pentagon – you happy now??
What is the recipe?
Write it out for members at your 2015 Bilderberg Conference:
Arrange for hundreds of thousands of military age muslim men to walk illegally into your country including cells of the west’s funded ISIL/ISIS/AL QAEDA/AL NUSRA.
Establish arms caches in these countries, encourage niaiseries from leaders of those countries’ governments to allow the pot to stay on the fire.
Allow the military age ISIS cells to have access to the arms caches.
Cook for a few months.
CMD’s appearance outside No.10 was not required. It was pathetic!
EC/Colonel M/Baron
A timely reminder of the HG Wells skit, or what??
How to pay for the feast?
Guidelines will have been circulated at this year’s Bilderberg Conference:
Donations of the people’s liberty will be gratefully accepted by governments in exchange for promises of their security.
EC November 13th, 2015 – 21:16
A wonderful story, even if Wells was a bit of a lefty, but badly mutilated twice by Hollywood. I should like to see a new film version true to the British Victorian setting.
Frank P November 13th, 2015 – 22:42
Yes indeed!
Just as well the French people were not armed – things could have gotten really nasty.
Next stop?
DT: Francois Fillon, France’s former prime minister, tweets: “War is upon us”
Abi Viator
Et imitare, si poteris,
Strenuum pro virili
Libertatis Vindicatorem.
Obama, “As we’ve been through this ourselves, we can empathise with the French.”
You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet, O”.
I suppose the time has now come when we should all pull together. Just one question, Who is on which side? I can see my dear old Dad’ s face. Sep 3rd 1939. “Get your clothes together. We’re going home. There’s a war on!”
It was the first day of my first seaside holiday.
That night we were making blackouts and pasting crosses on the windows to stop glass from shattering, when the bombs fell.
“When will they ever learn. When will they learn!”
Odds on the stuff in France being RoPers? 200/1?
Yesterday’s news:
ISIS spreads its evil tentacles: Jihads use suicide bombers to target civilians in Lebanon
ISLAMIC State (ISIS) extended its evil grip into new territories today after claiming responsibility for a horrific suicide bomb attack in Lebanon.
“The twisted jihadis said two crazed suicide bombers blew themselves up in a busy civilian street in retaliation for Lebanese support for Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.
At least 40 people were killed in the attack, which took place in a residential suburb of the bustling capital Beirut.”
Shep Smith is doing the best coverage on Fox. Terrible carnage. Ongoing executions. Five new explosions.
Stand by your beds.
And now for the bad news, some more of yesterday’s news:
‘Just wait…’ Islamic State reveals it has smuggled THOUSANDS of extremists into Europe
AN OPERATIVE working for Islamic State has revealed the terror group has successfully smuggled thousands of covert jihadists into Europe.
“The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations – hidden amongst innocent refugees.
The ISIS smuggler, who is in his thirties and is described as having a trimmed jet-black beard, revealed the ongoing clandestine operation is a complete success.
“Just wait,” he smiled.”
The Schengen Agreement: don’t you just love it!
Malfleur (23:02)
A terrible beauty??
RobertRetyred @ 23:31
Only news to those who haven’t been paying attention.
Frank P @ 23:36
Yessir. And savage indignation.
“Owl: Who Is Behind Hoards Invading Europe? Weapons of Mass Migration — George Soros Shorting Europe and Betting on Collapse?”
Live from Paris :Russia Today….taking video feeds from Paris tv stations.
Also `FRANCE 24`.
“When the wise man points at the moon, the fool looks at the finger.”
RobertRetyred @ 21:12
Good, solid points Robert, but it appears we have a more pressing boil to deal with. If the Paris death toll is confirmed, or God forbid, gets worse, perhaps the political gnomes will finally wake up to what’s at stake.
Malfleur – 23:58
I hadn’t seen a figure quoted before, though I expect the number has increased since, with a slight hiccup tonight.
Wonder why Wembley escaped tonight?
And the Spain – England match. Let’s hope it’s confined to just one city. Pro tempore, at least.
France24 ticker across the bottom of the screen:
Attacks in Paris took place at seven locations.
[Possibly] Hundreds killed in attack at Paris concert hall
… but no one has talked about it yet, so I would want it confirmed before I really believe it. 42 victims confirmed, but explosives thrown at hostages in concert hall, so death toll is expected to rise dramatically.
“Putin: Free Syrian Army shares intel on ISIS targets, US reluctant to cooperate”
Go figure.
I’m waiting for CMD to close our borders. Anybody taking bets?
00:29 Paris remains extrememly tense
The siege at Bataclan is over, with 100 casualties. However, David Chazan reports there are acute fears that other gunmen are still at large on the streets of Paris
[so I am not sure why we had ‘ Hundreds killed’ on the ticker tape]
(h/t RT)
Frank P – 00:35
And Merkel ?
‘ I don’t want to speculate on who did this ‘ says President Zero.
Maybe it was the Seventh Day Adventists ..
May be…but when the order is given to unleash them in the USA, it will be the patriots and constitutionalists…
RR (00:36)
Fog of war. It’s still ongoing.
Lest we forget.
Peter Sutherland @PDSutherlandUN 18h18 hours ago Hammersmith, London
Those who have refused EU common migration policies and solidarity have made a devastating attack on economic integration as well.
18 retweets 11 likes
Reply Retweet 18
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Peter Sutherland @PDSutherlandUN 18h18 hours ago Hammersmith, London
Three choices : leave migrants on beaches or camps; send them back to where they are persecuted or welcome them .there is only one answer.
October 10th:
“Peter Sutherland (shown), the United Nations special representative of the secretary-general for international migration, is hopping from one pulpit to the next, preaching the message that the refugee tsunami proves national sovereignty is an “illusion,” a mere shibboleth” that must be done away with. Moreover, says Sutherland, the United States and the European Union “have not merely a moral but a legal obligation to protect refugees.” And that means, he makes quite clear, that the United States and EU are obligated to take in an unspecified quota — but potentially millions — of refugees and migrants, most of whom are currently streaming out of the Muslim countries of the war-decimated Middle East and Africa.”
Lest we forget.
Peter Sutherland @PDSutherlandUN 18h18 hours ago Hammersmith, London
Those who have refused EU common migration policies and solidarity have made a devastating attack on economic integration as well.
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Peter Sutherland @PDSutherlandUN 18h18 hours ago Hammersmith, London
Three choices : leave migrants on beaches or camps; send them back to where they are persecuted or welcome them .there is only one answer.
October 10th:
“Peter Sutherland (shown), the United Nations special representative of the secretary-general for international migration, is hopping from one pulpit to the next, preaching the message that the refugee tsunami proves national sovereignty is an “illusion,” a mere shibboleth” that must be done away with. Moreover, says Sutherland, the United States and the European Union “have not merely a moral but a legal obligation to protect refugees.” And that means, he makes quite clear, that the United States and EU are obligated to take in an unspecified quota — but potentially millions — of refugees and migrants, most of whom are currently streaming out of the Muslim countries of the war-decimated Middle East and Africa.”
I think I know you. ☺ Stick around. It’s going to be a long, long war. That is to say us v our own governments as we attempt to wake them from their deluded torpor. Tonight gay Paree. Tomorrow – New York? London? My other half thinks the French will withdraw from Syria as a result. WSY?
Let loose the dogs of war. To quote that batty bird from Mizzou, “We need some muscle here!”
I’ve still got one leg that good enough to be useful in an arse-kicking exercise. My big bruvver is 89 and he’s in better shape than me. He’s game, too.
Obama looked like the wanker he is tonight. A suit, out of his depth. Gawd help America – and the rest of us. Even Francois looked statesmanlike by comparison. All 5’4″ of him.
France is already toning down the ‘state of emergency’. Borders partially open. To let in ‘king ‘asylum seekers’??
Nothing to see here folks. Concert Hall over-exuberance, invoked by rock band?
The O man is still suspending judgement. Perhaps it was the Mohammed video? Hillary? You up for a photo op? Here’s your script!
Cath Herridge, “This was planned. Highly organised!”
She has bigger balls than the entire staff of the White House and Pentagon combined.
“Ahh. But we whacked JJ last night. Which shows we are winning.”
Geraldo Rivera’s daughter was in the stadium in Paris. Just interviewed by Shep Smith and Geraldo himself. Riveting.
Megan Kelly takes over.
Obama – no threat to the USA!
Jesus H Christ!
War is now reality TV.
Somebody get a grip of these bastards, FFS.
Less than ten minutes ago, Baron finished watching the carnage in Paris, the BBC has shown the first stage of our response to it, the top of the One World Trade Centre tower in NY was lit in French colours, it’s so charmingly reassuring, the barbarian will sleep comfortably tonight.
Megyn – (sp) apologies! It’s getting late, and it has been a long day.
How can Vlad join this effort, Baron? Now’s his chance to really join the club.
That’s me for tonight folks. Tomorrow is a different world. Sleep well in the meantime.
Speak for England, Nigel!
Julie Andrews—`The Last Time I Saw Paris`.
So will the West’s leader now wake up? We are at war, yet from Turnbull, Cameron and the utterly useless coon in the White House all we get are excuses designed to deflect blame from the sand niggers.
Don’t these idiots realise how close to all-out war the planet is? I haven’t felt this angry since 9/11. We did fuck-all then. Is it really going to be the same again?
What the fuck have we developed nuclear weapons for if we’re not prepared to use them? Surely it’s time to make Mecca a beacon, turn the sand to glass and make it glow for all eternity.
Murray well ahead a year ago. It really is time to stop tolerating the intolerant, time for a close scrutiny of this vile and hateful desert cult thats sole avowed intent is to rule the world in the manner of its pedophilic warlord founder.
Lucky the French victims were unarmed or they may have been tempted to take the law into their own hands.
And we can’t have that in a civilised country now can we.
Baron November 14th, 2015 – 02:14
It’s the “teddy bears and flowers” syndrome. An emotional response to what they’re calling a “tragedy” rather than an atrocity. They care about the dead, you see, but not enough to make damn sure that they now protect the living.
Platitudes and fine empty words from the shiny suited ones. Another ‘Je Suis Charlie’ pantomime where they compete to signal the most virtue and to appear the most grave.
When what is actually required is a terrible resolve to stop this and an infinitely determined action.
Why the shock about what is happen Bleeding Heartsing in Paris? What we need is a thorough cleansing, such as would be used for a plague of rats or lice. No doubt the Bleeding Hearts Brigade will express dismay, but I say lets destroy them together with the swine they patronise.
anne wotana kaye
November 14th, 2015 – 08:26
THIS SHOULD HAVE READ LIKE THEIS. APOLOGIE: Why the shock about what is happening in Paris? What we need is a thorough cleansing, such as would be used for a plague of rats or lice. No doubt the Bleeding Hearts Brigade will express dismay, but I say lets destroy them together with the swine they patronise.
Substitute Islam for commie pinko bastards, hijabs, niquabs etc etc as appropriate and Kenny could have been right back in the 70’s. You ‘ave to ‘ave a laugh – that’s what the sand-niggers really hate.
“nous allons mener le combat, il sera impitoyable”
Francois Hollande
Steyn nails it!
“The Barbarians Are Inside, And There Are No Gates”
To repeat what I said a few days ago, I’m Islamed out. I’m tired of Islam 24/7, at Colorado colleges, Marseilles synagogues, Sydney coffee shops, day after day after day. The west cannot win this thing with a schizophrenic strategy of targeting things and people but not targeting the ideology, of intervening ineffectually overseas and not intervening at all when it comes to the remorseless Islamization and self-segregation of large segments of their own countries.
So I say again: What’s the happy ending here? Because if M Hollande isn’t prepared to end mass Muslim immigration to France and Europe, then his “pitiless war” isn’t serious. And, if they’re still willing to tolerate Mutti Merkel’s mad plan to reverse Germany’s demographic death spiral through fast-track Islamization, then Europeans aren’t serious. In the end, the decadence of Merkel, Hollande, Cameron and the rest of the fin de civilisation western leadership will cost you your world and everything you love.
So screw the candlelight vigil.
“They’ll be wanting golden elephants next”.
The remarkably prescient (albeit egregious) Clare Short in 1998, speaking on another matter of entitlement assumed. (although she could’ve be talking about Salmond & Sturgeon’s SNP too!)
Fuck off, and take ALL your mates with you !
“nous allons mener le combat, il sera impitoyable”
Francois Hollande
It’s just words. The Eurocrats are good at those as they gather for their shiny-suited social democrat summits and photo opportunities. Let’s all light candles. Let’s all pray. Let’s all be decent and caring to each other. Let’s all do anything which requires fuck all effort but signals our multi-culti dreaming and social justice virtue.
Sometimes you just have to fight evil, fight it hard and as though you bloody well mean it – and bear the wounds.
EC – 09:57
After listen to a work colleague, in the early Eighties, telling me how muslims shot at him in his home village for being a Christian (or Jew), I thought, if it can happen to him, why not in England.
There is no reason at all why not.
On a completely different subject:
“At the beginning of 2013, when his Bloomberg speech launched his EU membership referendum plan, he [Cameron] said: “What Churchill described as the twin marauders of war and tyranny have been almost entirely banished from our continent”. The overriding EU objective now was “not to win peace, but to secure prosperity”. He did not so much as mention current migration.”
So, how’s the prosperity going, Dave?
We feel enriched, but it is prosperity like we have never known it before.
RobertRetyred – 10:33
Another quote:
“In private, he [CMD] compares his referendum campaign to a plane which has now taken off and cannot yet be sure exactly where it will land.”
Very topical last week, but wouldn’t it be more topical, now, to say it’s like going to the theatre but cannot yet be sure exactly how it will end.
Colonel Mustard @ 10:24
“nous allons mener le combat, il sera impitoyable”
Francois Hollande
It’s just words.
“I will do such things — what they are yet I know not — but they shall be the terrors of the earth” .
A sober reflection:
Climate Scepticism: Paris Friday 13th
Cameron speech blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and not a word on immigration at all .
“nous allons mener le combat, il sera impitoyable”
But lead the struggle against whom? Who is the enemy? Where is their capital. What would victory look like?”
Hollande is not saying anything beyond identifying “the Isis State and its terrorist army” which says nothing. That is to be expected.The leaders of the European Union are compromised.
What concerns me a bit on the Wall though is that the target remains the muslims.
The muslims however are merely the sword. I thought that at least we might have got beyond the sword to see who is wielding it.
The enemy was already within the gates; the enemy opened the gates from within. The enemy who opened the gates was not muslim. The betrayal across the western world, from country to country, has been on a massive, unprecedented scale.
We need to identify the puppet masters, root them out, seize their assets, publish the minutes of their meetings, charge them, try them, punish them, and clean their followers and their puppets out of our the political, social,cultural and residential life of our countries.
Whistleblowers, step forward please!
Clear Memories @ 03:46
You’re spot on, Clear Memories, FA will be all they’ll do to those who harbour evil, that’s for sure, except they’ll try hard to find ways of curtailing some more of the remnants of freedoms enjoyed by our forefathers.
Clear Memories @ 07:02
Murray is one of the few who gets it, pity he isn’t in charge of everything, has nothing but his pen to hit them with.
It is said a pen is mightier than a sword, which is true when peace prevails, but not when one’s in a sword fight.
Colonel Mustard @ 07:43
Seconded, Colonel.
It cannot be that those in power, their advisors, the scribblers are so childishly imbecilic thinking that we can defeat the evil creed with the gun only.
Baron has said it many times before. It takes months if not years to convince someone he’s a victim, his grievances aren’t listened to, his only response must be to strip a bomb around his waist, detonate it amongst the infidels. Yet, it only takes hours, perhaps days to teach the brainwashed how to put the belt on,load, pull the trigger of an AK-47.
If we were serious about defeating the thugs we would target not just the ones who’ve converted to the evil ideology, picked the gun, put together a bomb, but also those who install the evil in the hearts of the young.
It was reported recently, not widely, only the al-Jazeera, the RT carried the news, that 180 Saudi clerics, each with a large following, have issued a fatwa on Russia. It could well be the same clerics did the same for France, other countries engaged in Syria or elsewhere in the ME, it wouldn’t surprise if they did.
In a case of any other crime committed, e.g. murder, theft, arson, they, the clerics, would be treated as part of the plot as those actually committing it. Why not here?
I may have missed it, but did dave forget to point out its nothing to do with Islam.
Sorry about the errors, Baron’s getting thoroughly pissed with the software, it should be ‘strap’, not ‘strip’, to start with ….
November 14th, 2015 – 13:47
murray is nearly there. but he clings to the idea of moderate muslims. i see no evidence for that.
EC @ 09:57
If any of the MSM editors had even an iota of courage they would reprint this lament by the great Mark on the front page – it’s the best mix of pure emotion cum deep rationale – then ran it for at least a month so that nobody missed it.
It says it all, down to this: “The west cannot win this thing with a schizophrenic strategy of targeting things and people, but not targeting the ideology”.
Thanks for the link, EC, the one snippet from it the barbarian pinched, will re-use is ‘the weepy tilty-headed wankers’. When you think of it, that’s what we all are, well, the vast majority of us anyway.
The rhetoric of French leaders is boundless
First Edouard Daladier January 1940
“At the end of five months of war one thing has become more and more clear. It is that Germany seeks to establish a domination over the world completely different from any known in history.
The domination at which the Nazis aim is not limited to the displacement of the balance of power and the imposition of supremacy of one nation. It seeks the systematic and total destruction of those conquered by Hitler, and it does not treaty with the nations which he has subdued. He destroys them. He takes from them their whole political and economic existence and seeks even to deprive them of their history and their culture. He wishes to consider them only as vital space and a vacant territory over which he has every right.”
Fast forward to Hollande October 2015
“Failure to act in Syria risks stoking a “total war” in the Middle East, French President François Hollande said in a landmark speech to the European Parliament alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel.”What happens in Syria concerns Europe, what happens there will determine the balance of the whole region for a long time,” Hollande told European lawmakers in Strasbourg.”If we leave these religious clashes between Sunnis and Shias, they will grow. Don’t think we will be sheltered, this will be a total war.”
Then Today
“French President Francois Hollande says the attacks in Paris that have killed 128 people were “an act of war” organised from abroad by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group with internal help.
A state of emergency has been declared across France after armed men, some wearing suicide belts, carried out six separate attacks in the French capital on Friday.
“Faced with war, the country must take appropriate action,” Hollande said in a televised address on Saturday, without elaborating further, as ISIL claimed responsibility for the attacks.”
well he could stop importing jihadis and look after the french for a change.
telemachus November 14th, 2015 – 14:25
Alexsandr @ 14:07
Murray is a realist, a rationalist, Alexandr, someone who’s genuinely concerned to change things within the boundaries of existing reality. The past is backing him, it wasn’t always as it is now, (we’ve been through it before), and Baron’s fully aware of your objections to Baron’s interpretation of the past.
The nuking, forced repatriation ideas are undoable, one has to start from where we are, not where one would want us to be.
The worshippers of Allah are amongst us, that’s a given, what we have to figure is how to isolate those who have no intention of doing us harm, from those who do, whether with the gun, a bomb or whatever, or by the teaching evil.
Baron still likes the idea he suggested some time ago.
All those in charge should do is enable anyone (physical or legal entity) to petition the police to ask those suspected of harbouring evil to answer two questions:
If the House were to ask you to take up arms to defend the freedoms and liberties of Britain would you do it?
If, for whatever reason, you were unable to take up arms to defend the freedoms and liberties of Britain would you give unquestionable backing to those who did?
The results would be published for everyone to see, examine, question.
Anyone answering at least one of those questions in the negative would be stripped of British citizenship, may stay provided he or she didn’t break any laws, but would not be allowed to vote, be voted for. Those breaking the law would be shipped out, only one appeal allowed.
This suggestion’s rough, but the gist is clear. If we were to do something similar, our security would improve noticeably, and over time we would rid ourselves of the majority of those who shouldn’t be amongst us.
telemachus @ 14:25
And your point is what, exactly, telemachus?
The French President was wrong insisting (he still does) on removing Assad by force and not only because, as the KGB Colonel argues, only the Syrian unwashed can do it. He’s wrong because we haven’t got the guts or the ability to defeat neither the Sunni not the Shia thugs with he gun only. Look what we’ve done in Afghanistan, Iraq …. We fucked things up, the countries are in ruin, many of our boys and girls lost their lives, we spent alot of treasure hitting them, yet our own security has worsened not improved.
To kill the headcutters ain’t enough, there is a stream of new recruits brainwashed by the mullahs who are the prime ‘disseminators’ of the creed of evil that’s directed against us. They are the ideological engines of what we’ve been trying to fight in the deserts of the Afghanistan, in the ME. If we don’t silenced them nothing’s going to change, it will get worse because fighting the thugs inevitable engenders collateral damage, turns those who are innocent, have no quarrel with us, to join the fight against us.
John birch @ 14:02
Give him time, John, the meeting with the honorary White House Muslim tomorrow will refresh his memory, he’ll oblige, you’ll see.
“well he could stop importing jihadis and look after the french for a change”
Which French
I recall that at one time Algeria was part of Metropolitan France and their former citizens who came over are no different from those in Paris, Reunion or French Guyana
November 14th, 2015 – 14:58
telemachus @ 14:25
And your point is what, exactly, telemachus?
The point is this
The French are full of grand talk
And the result
In 1940 it was left to us
Now it will be left to Putin given the lilly livered actions of Cameron and Obama
(Would be Putin and Blair if we still had a PM that amounted to something)
Frank P @ 02:20
Sorry, guru, the barbarian missed your hint, too much going on, hard to decide whether to read, watch, or rant.
No chance for the KGB Colonel being re-admitted as an equal partner, genuinely let in, embraced as a contributor in the quest to defeat the evil, Baron reckons. The re-admission would contradict what the messiah identified only few weeks ago as the three prime threats to the international community.
For the one who runs the world from the White House, the massacre is a mere unexpected bump, an unpleasant stopgap, a nuisance event. It’s unlikely to alter his take on the creed, its mutations. He will of course be careful not to shout it publicly, it would be politically suicidal, but the key tenet of his belief system cannot but remain the same – ‘it has nothing to do with Islam.’ Once a Muslim, always a Muslim.
More to the point, admitting Russia and China into the club to fight the evil of religiously inspired extremism would strengthen both, why should the ‘most powerful nation in the world’ (falling apart at the seams) go for it?
telemachus @ 15:18
Politicians have always been ‘full of grand talk’, telemachus, it’s the essence of the job. The difference between then and now is that in the past the grand talk was followed, by and large, with an effective action, often unpleasant, but yielding results that benefitted the country, today it’s just it, grand talk.
Why are you so keen on the ghastly Blair? It was him and his buddies who opened our borders, let in everyone who desired to come without sufficient checks on their cultural suitability, and failed to crack down on preachers in mosques who peddled evil.
From the man who bottled writing about Neathergate:-
And lastly, apologies again for the errors. Not only because the fugging software is hard to watch.
November 14th, 2015 – 16:10
We in England have always liked purposeful leaders and despised trimmers and compromisers
Hence the adoration of Churchill, Attlee, Thatcher, Blair
And the despise of Callaghan, Wilson, Mayor, Cameron
When the jihad started on 9/11 Blair stepped up to the plate and followed through stiffening the backbone of Bush to destroy Saddam
Were he in charge now Raqqa would have been flattened long ago
And Paris last night would have had a peaceful football game with Germany
Are the jihadists not active in the banlieues ? These have long been out of control;mainly inhabited by North African immigrants;a free territory for the apaches and the equivalent of `our`yardie-gangs ;where rape has been on a South African scale (or now on the Swedish scale).
I recently came across an item from by Jonathan Meads from 2011 in which he wrote that,where the `blocks`had been torn down and replaced by better housing,crime was still rife.
And before we go back to Fraser’s alleged misdeeds we should consider the facts
“A former Labour adviser at the centre of claims that the government secretly encouraged mass immigration to turn Britain into a “truly multicultural society” and undermine the Tories today made clear “there was no such plot”.
The shadow home secretary, Chris Grayling, challenged ministers in the Commons today over remarks by Andrew Neather, a former speechwriter to Tony Blair and special adviser to Barbara Roche when she was immigration minister.
But Neather, now comment editor of the London Evening Standard, said an article he wrote in the aftermath of the television appearance of the BNP leader, Nick Griffin, had been twisted out of all recognition.
“There was no plot,” said Neather. He pinpointed a shift in immigration policy in 2001, when he wrote a speech for Roche outlining changes to make it easier for skilled workers to come to the UK. The speech followed a sensitive report on migration from the Downing Street performance and innovation unit.
“Multiculturalism was not the primary point of the report or the speech. The main goal was to allow in more migrant workers at a point when – hard as it is to imagine now – the booming economy was running up against skills shortages,” Neather wrote in the Standard.
“Somehow this has become distorted by excitable rightwing newspaper columnists into being a ‘plot’ to make Britain multicultural. There was no plot. I’ve worked closely with Ms Roche and Jack Straw and they are both decent, honourable people who I respect … What’s more both were robust on immigration when they needed to be. Straw had driven through a tough Immigration and Asylum Act in 1999 and Roche had braved particularly cruel flak from the left over asylum seekers.”
As ever, much noise from the ‘silent zone’. The sound of an idiot banging his head against an impervious Wall.
And that was me thinking I would wake up in a different world in which its leaders had finally acknowedged an evil threat, delineated it and addressed it with overwhelming force.
Instead I awakened to the SOS! Bullshit in bucketsful, Dianafication of loss of life and pusillanimous denial on the part of the Leader of the Western World. And the banging of stable doors being shut, with neighing an galloping hoofs (hooves?) in the far distance, accompanied by the sound of a useful idiot’s head being voluntarily banged against the Wall.
Then from the TV screen that little runt Corbynski mouthing hypocritical platitudes, as his eyes darted hither and thither to make sure his bodyguard had his arse covered, while he plots to remove the defence of the realm and its citizens on behalf of his friends – its enemies!
Ahhh well! Carry on regardless.
so one of the nutters in Paris yesterday transited Greece in october.
Thats Shengen finished then.
market news.
fencing company shares up!
These are difficult times
I feel that Christendom is under attack
We must pull together and not fight each other
But we have 3 million Muslims in our midst
We must recognise this
We must draw them into a joint resistance to the terrorists
And not drive them into their arms
We need statesmanship at home and a strong arm abroad
We should join hands with Putin and smash the perpetrators
you tell your muslim mates that if they know whats good for them they will get ‘not in our name’ demos organised sharpish.
cos if they dont people will assume they support the gunmen in Paris.
Continuing our exchange about Stefan Molyneux. I concur with your excellent analysis. I thought that his duo with Bill Whittle blunted Whittles sword and was a mistake on Bill’s part. Both seemed somewhat narcissistic, strained and silly.
I have dipped into SM’s output in the past and linked another of his lectures here some time ago. He delivers his truisms wih panache and some of it can be entertaining at times, but as both you and I mentioned, he’s all over the place logically: both gobby on screen and prolix on paper.
I noted he had shaved for this latest ‘boomer’ vid. He seemed very conscious of his new facial status as he persistently and lovingly stroked it. He certainly didn’t use Occam’s Razor for the task. ‘Twould have been better if he had.
Peter From Maidstone,
I’m certain that you must have seen the recent comments (although maybe not) expressing concern about yourself, and other absentees, from the CHW. Are you OK? To set everyone’s mind at rest please can you give us an update on the wellbeing of a) Your good-self, and b) Verity?
Best wishes
Tellytuby. Just fuck off, my patience is getting severally tested without having to put up with useful idiots.
Thanks for your concern. I am well, and try to keep an eye on the CHW and make sure that I create the new Wall each week. Life has been difficult the last few months and I have had to try to put a lot of effort into keeping things together, but I am still here and recovering from a cold. I will try to be more participative in the future.
Look after yourself Peter.
Labour politicians and their familiars seem rather adept at repudiating those parts of their vile and obnoxious record that they would prefer to forget.
Although Neather’s original Evening Standard revelation still exists it is now curiously dated Friday 13 April 2012:-
Neather’s exact words in that original article were reported in the Telegraph on 23 October 2009, the day after Nick Griffin appeared on QT. Neather repudiated those words in the Guardian three days later, claiming they had been “twisted out of all recognition”. That attempted repudiation is absolute nonsense given that it was precisely his own words in his own article which had been faithfully quoted (compare the Telegraph report below to Neather’s own article linked above):-
“(Neather) said the final published version of the report promoted the labour market case for immigration but unpublished versions contained additional reasons.
He wrote: “Earlier drafts I saw also included a driving political purpose: that mass immigration was the way that the Government was going to make the UK truly multicultural. I remember coming away from some discussions with the clear sense that the policy was intended – even if this wasn’t its main purpose – to rub the Right’s nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date.””
His own words. Labour’s own policy. And Labour’s rapid rebuttal and damage control deceits in plain view too. In those three days Labour realised that Neather had let the cat out of the bag in an article intended to promote the benefits of immigration and they acted rapidly to secure a repudiation in their house magazine the Guardian. As usual the distorted record is the one that we are now expected to believe and the one that is peddled.
However, Neather’s own original assertions were later affirmed after a request through the freedom of information act secured access to the full draft of the 2000 Labour government report on immigration that had been heavily edited in its final version (more evidence of the essentially conniving nature of that vile party). The original draft stated that a new policy framework was needed to “maximise” the contribution of migration to the Government’s wider social aims, that (immigration) controls were contrary to its policy objectives and could lead to “social exclusion”. The Conservative party then demanded an independent inquiry into the issue and alleged that the document showed that Labour had overseen a deliberate open-door policy on immigration to boost multiculturalism for political ends.
It was also revealed that the same Performance and Innovation Unit think-tank set up by then Prime Minister Tony Blair had initially authored a report warning that the new immigration policies had “opened up new opportunities for organised crime”. The Labour party then removed (refered to in the media as “censored” or “airbrushed”) that segment from the report to avoid it being exploited by political opponents. Damian Green, the shadow immigration minister who had been arrested by New Labour’s police the previous year, said: “With every day that passes it becomes increasingly clear that the Government tried to deceive the British people about immigration policy. This is a disgraceful episode.” Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: “This is fast turning into the most scandalous political cover up in recent time. Ministers are clearly in a state of complete denial about what appears to have happened.” Howeverm as with most of Labour’s treacherous acts against the people of this country this one was quickly swept under the carpet and no independent inquiry was ever forthcoming. No endless Bloody Sunday, Stephen Lawrence or Hillsborough worrying for Neathergate.
The editor of one of the UK’s leading conservative journals declined to investigate and report on the affair despite promising to do so. The “Conservative” party failed to follow through with their demand for an independent inquiry when they went into Coalition government just 7 months later. The scandal was all but forgotten but in November 2013, two former Labour Home Secretaries, Jack Straw and David Blunkett, admitted that the Labour Party set out intentionally to cause demographic genocide in the UK.
The Coalition’s programme for government stated:-
“The Government believes that immigration has enriched our culture and strengthened our economy, but that it must be controlled so that people have confidence in the system. We also recognise that to ensure cohesion and protect our public services, we need to introduce a cap on immigration and reduce the number of non- EU immigrants.”
“We will introduce an annual limit on the number of non-EU economic migrants admitted into the UK to live and work. We will consider jointly the mechanism for implementing the limit.”
In government the Liberal Democrats relentlessly undermined the notion of a cap, joined by their spiritual comrades in Labour, but the Tories showed no great zeal or innovation in trying to get immigration under control. Despite public rejections of the multicultural experiment from Cameron and even the Commission for Racial Equality, reflected across Europe, it continued to be pursued. In 2013 the columnist Leo McKinstry, who had already described multiculturalism as a “profoundly disturbing social experiment” and that “Britain is now governed by a suicide cult bent on wiping out any last vestige of nationhood”, wrote:-
“We are paying a terrible price for the creed of Left-wing politicians. They pose as champions of progress yet their fixation with multiculturalism is dragging us into a new dark age. In many of our cities, social solidarity is being replaced by divisive tribalism, democracy by identity politics. Real integration is impossible when ethnic groups are encouraged to cling to customs, practices, even languages from their homeland.”
In 1997 Net annual migration into the UK was 48,000. By 2001 it had risen to 179,000 and by 2004 to 268,000. For the whole of the noughties it was never dropped below 200,000. From 229,000 in 2009 it rose to 256,000 in 2010. It then dropped to 177,000 in 2012 before beginning to rise steadily again to 318,000 in 2014, higher than it had ever been during New Labour’s mass immigration policy. The Conservative party pledge to reduce net migration to the tens of thousands never came close to being attempted let alone achieved.
James Woolsey just produced the best two minute sound bite on Fox News, I have seen for years. He encapsulated what most of us here have been saying since the inception of the blogosphere , in cold blooded terms and precise terms. ISIS is now a country, or in their terms a Caliphate – and needs to be taken out forthwith with determination and resolve. I’ll attempt to get the link.
My heartfelt best wishes Peter
My vicar sent me these in difficult times last year:
Proverbs 18:10
The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.
Psalm 16:8
I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Frank P November 14th, 2015 – 18:49
I recall a malevolent troll who now presumes to comment here as though butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth demanding at the other place that we give the Caliph “a fair hearing” and describing Bush as a “crusader”, precisely the term used by the vile Caliphate for the innocent victims it murdered in Paris.
Others might have forgotten or forgiven the vile entreaty of that duplicitous hypocrite but I haven’t and never shall.
Sadly I am at the stage of zero tolerance of the left’s omnipotent presence and answers for everything, truly nauseated by their efforts to muddy the waters and to intrude everywhere today with their rotten agenda.
The last two posts represent my final contribution here as I no longer wish to even see that vile name or to have to scroll past its incessantly manipulative garbage. The answer is therefore to desist from even reading here.
Peter knows where to find me if and when the site is ever decontaminated.
Get well soon. Did you have the ‘flu jab by any chance? It knocked my wife for six this year.
A Russian journalist (featured on the TV station ‘the Rain) claims ISIL have a school in Syria that teaches terrorism, the making of bombs, the use of firearms, infiltration of civil organisations. It prepares young men to live and work in societies with different legal conditions, to judge the timing for acting whether to hit immediately after arrival, or whether to ‘imbed’ in the society to which they get despatched. The school’s called ‘charasan'(?).
He also says the Paris atrocity is a provocation, designed to force the West to get boots on the ground in Syria. He says the presence of non-Muslim troops in the lands of Islam has proven to be the best recruiter for movements such as ISIL. Even Muslims who dislike the festering boil of the coming Caliphate tend to switch from opposition (or neutrality) to it to that of support. The sudden ‘gate opening’ was a part of the strategy to hit the West through spreading fear amongst the unwashed, thousands of the leavers from the school were injected into the stream, all with carefully prepared make-up of their background.
Keep taking doses the Nigh Nurse (the liquid variety), Peter, sweat it out. It worked for the barbarian, and he’s antiquated, it should work for you, too.
Just get well, young sir.
Colonel Mustard (18:48)
Thank you for that excellent essay, which proves beyond doubt that you should be the editor of the Speccie, rather than its current wanker. Somebody needed to put together the true history of that infamous segment of New Labour history and the Tory party’s failure to rectify it for cynical reasons. Nelson was both incapable of writing it and prevented by his puppet masters from even trying. Bravo! I sincerely hope it isn’t your swan song and hope that Peter obviates the necessity for your departure. I’ve always thought you disposed of the crap with a flick of your walking stick; but fully understand why, after weeks of his stalking you across the blogosphere that you feel as you do. If Pete feels unable to resolve it, thank you for all your contributions here, and good luck.
Yesterday the caliphate was split in two.That was the main news before Paris.
Kurds and Yazidis took the town of Sinjar,cutting the main route between Mosul and Raqqa.
The following on BBC News web:
he first UK charter flight of Syrian refugees will arrive in Glasgow on Tuesday.
The special flight will be the first in a series arriving in the UK over the next few weeks.
Hundreds more vulnerable Syrians will be transported to UK airports in the coming months.
The refugees will be settled in homes across the UK with the help of local authorities which have pledged their support.
Alexsandr – 14:07
To say that moderates don’t support the extremists is a truism, that isn’t true if none exist. They need to voice their differences, and publically too, otherwise they are part of the problem. To say that moderates need to make their voices heard, and allowvthem to dom that, does give us a chance to see whether there are, indeed, any at all.
The media need to help in this task, or they will be held to be part of the problem as well. They should also help the public understand where the different parties stand. It is their job, after all.
BEDFORD, United Kingdom – As the distressing attacks in Paris were occurring last night, some of Britain’s most high profile and notorious Islamist extremists gathered just north of London, unimpeded, to tell hundreds of British Muslims to “struggle” for an “Islamic State.”
“At the “Quiz a Muslim” event held last night in the Corn Exchange in Bedford, panelists called British values “junk”, demanded that Muslims should “define” British law, and ominously, appeared to suggest Muslims were at war with the British.”
I am very concerned that nobody on the Wall is examining the evidence for a plan to destabilize the West concerted by westerners for whom muslim aggression is only one of a range of weapons.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
What you’ve been waiting for (maybe).Lol—-(Remember Cameron’s faux pas?)
Rebekah Wade (Brookes) takes The Sun outside the pay-wall.From 30 will be free to view,officially…….But today’s edition is on-line now.
What will Mr. Boot make of this? Will his blood pressure cope? Would he have enough strength to once more list all the ‘sins’ of the KGB Colonel?
And for the guru of this site a question. How come an unquestionably gifted man, one with penetrating insights, analytical brilliance and writing skills that make one envious thinks the same as a poorly educated ectomorph?
This is excellent, too, but then it’s by the great Mark Steyn:
To express sympathy is human, correct, and commendable; To leave it at that, which they will, will do FA to prevent another day to have to say it again:
Radford NG @ 04:57
Few months ago, Radford, it was ‘Je suis Charlie’, today (as one of the pieces in your link is headed) it’s ‘Je suis Paris’.
If we carry on like this, soon we’ll be all everything one can think of in the world of the virtual, nothing but ruined, blooded and frightened in the real world.
Malfleur @ 00:00
A good one, Malfelur, thanks for bringing it up.
RobertRetyred @ 20:58
Robert, what disturbs equally as some of the panelists’ views is the Bedford’s Mayor decision to provide the Islamists with a platform. The French President’s ‘we’re at war, we’ll be merciless’ sounds like a joke.
Colonel Mustard @ 19:10
If you go, Colonel, he would have won.
You shouldn’t be on the Wall, Baron agrees, your talents are wasted here, you should be editing, directing others, writing leaders in the media with far far greater reach than Peter’s creation offers (no offence, Peter, not your fault at all). It would be a great pity though if you were to abandon this abode, your absence would hurt.
It was Edgar Allan Poe who said: ‘Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality’. You’re amongst the few, Colonel, who have the ability to make words impressive.
How can anyone be shocked.
Too wet for dancing: It was only the appalling weather in Dewsbury, Morley, Leeds/Bradford etc. last night that no doubt prevented Frazer Nelson et al asking the ordinary “man in the street” what he thought about recent events.
November 15th, 2015 – 06:30
Radford NG @ 04:57
it’s ‘Je suis le Monde
Baron (06:14)
Good of you to rise so early – or were you already up, suffering from sleeplessness in this troubled planet?
Anyway, your sparrowfart googling certainly brought forth a gem of an essay that was beautifully researched and crafted, which I hope reaches the corridors of power on both sides of the Pond. As you say, it’s a very persuasive take on today’s chaos. I’m not sure that I would include Stalin among my heroes of historical reflection, no matter what he achieved for the USSR, but I take Mr Murphy’s cruel pragmatic point.
Btw Baron, if I were to always agree with everything you assert and didn’t occasionally set you off against the Russki exile, then perhaps we wouldn’t get the benifit of such a welcome volume of work on CHW by your good self. I’m only borrowing the m.o. of that crafty old bugger Socrates.
Meant to add a ☺ there but it auto-ejaculated.
And another thing, my old Slavic friend. I doubt you would disagree with much of what your sparring partner writes here:’s-la-religion-de-la-paix-french
Would you?
I’ve been blocked by the Spec, presumably for highlighting F Nelson’s dissembling re Paris, !$lam and Neathergate which was getting too many upticks. I’ve got time to waste so I may give them a ring tomorrow.
Frank P @ 11:47
How perceptive of you to notice the timing of the barbarian’s postings, Frank, and you guess right, he cannot bloody sleep for reasons unknown, but the warmongering unleashed by the Republic’s political gnomes does loom large in his age enfeebled mind, the possibility of a global bloodshed, massive nuclear arsenal around, scares him witless, he has three grandsons, what will their future be?
Still, you know what hit him most when he read the two postings of yours? The ‘sparrowfart googling’ combination, it’s a gem an par with what the great Mark used to come up with in the past (now he seldom does).
How TF do you do it, it always turns Baron green with envy, if he tries to come up with something similar he never succeeds. You have a secret formula for it or what?
And you’re right, no disagreement with Mr. Boot’s lament you’ve linked to. The man’s brilliant when he’s good, it’s a pity he carries the baggage of hatred of things Russian, Baron would forgive if his animosity were directed solely towards the KGB Colonel, that’s fair cop, to hate the whole tribe makes no sense, it’s unforgivable.
EC @ 10:15
If any of these joyful tossers live within the EU borders, EC, will they receive a visit from the law enforcers? Baron doubts it.
John birch @ 10:07
That’s the great puzzle, John, the unwashed are by and large not that shocked. Angry, because it seems to happen with regularity, the number of casualties grows with time, yes; furious because of their impotence to do anything about it, yes; offended because the political elites live in denial of the real roots of it, yes.
Why are the anointed shocked then, what world do they inhabit?
Hexhamgeezer @ 13:24
Good luck with the call, Hexhamgeezer, don’t expect much.
Hexhamgeezer – 13:24
I dunno why anybody bothers with what FN, or the rest of the Speccie hacks have to say, anymore. They’ve all morphed into Daniel Korski.
You could always register another Disqus id, say “Frazer Neather.”
I note that Damaris Tighe is still doing battle there.
Merkel’s puppy Cameron has promised Britain a Christmas gift fo 1,000 Syrians and other sand-parasites. They will receive housing, schooling, health care and a whole basket of goodies. Why not deport the whole damn lot, those already here included on planes and boats to Saudi Arabia? Before they have time to organize terrorist and miitary attacks, we should bomb the shite out of them, flatten the whole rotten dictatorship.
Baron – 14:00
1) Cause and effect are beyond them?
2) Just like an RNLI lifeboat, they ‘self right’ after any disturbance?
3) Power, from political position rather than the National Grid, is all they value?
4) All three?
I expect the majority in Britain (& NI) are horrified to think that Sharia Law is approaching, with its arrival in some areas already History, yet, in a supposed democracy, we have no way of registering that fact so that appropriate measures may be taken, without being prosecuted!
Could anyone explain why the Americans (and the French) are so adamant Assad goes? Is it please the Saudis, Turkey? To dislodge the Russians from Latakia airbase? To show the Russians who back him they are the boss? What?
To any sane person (in particular one claiming to favour democratic change of government) the most important issue at this hour should be the destruction of ISIL. How would the removal of Assad help? Every piece of evidence on the removal of the other dictators (from Afghanistan on) shows the countries convulsed noticeably more after their removal, all except Egypt are still unstable, and in Egypt they have a new strongman anyway.
Baron – 14:33
It seemed like a good idea at the time?
Officially, the two were not supposed to meet, but the first meeting, around half an hour, they each had was with each other, the subject of it – Syria and Ukraine.
The spiel below doesn’t say much except that the aims of both leaders are close if not identical, the tactical routes reaching them differ however. On Ukraine, Obama re-iterated his faith in the Minsk Accord.
Bugging the chat could help to figure if the two are to fight or make up, don’t you think?
The barbarian has signed it, said the MSF bunch deserve it. Any remarks?édecins-sans-frontières?utm_source=action_alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=442110&alert_id=PltaWWLwWn_Rj3kdNGzuAuMkn0vzb3EvFhhF6GXQDEzuH7v72QZPDA%3D
RobertRetyred @ 16:00
You’re not implying, Robert, the Americans are conducting foreign policy of the hoof, are you?
Baron at 06-15
Other people have given their opinion of the Eiffel Tower peace symbol (the CND logo,taken to California by the peace movement;and now converted into a crude image of the Eiffel Tower) .This in response to an enthusiastic article in the Express.
The Express also reports that a minutes silence is to be imposed on Monday;and to add insult it will be at 11am.
The Mirror has put the awful Eiffel symbol on its masthead,in the middle of the `O`.
Baron – 17:10
Do they have a foreign policy? 🙂
I thought this was worth a read, not that it is perfect, more that it is a start!
It is a Con Home article on what the Government needs to do following the recent Paris attacks. With some suggestions, it may be difficult to measure progress, with others, it may be that they should be initiated and lessons learnt during progress but, whatever you thoughts it is going to be better than the platitudes that have been generated in the past. I don’t agree with all of them, especially if we don’t have a plan with plenty of allies, but we need to start from somewhere. The ‘local changes’ could have been started already, but should now be accepted more easily:
Sixteen things Britain should do to beat ISIS
It may be a while before we get a coherent plan from elsewhere! 🙂
A more appropriate symbol is The Cross of Lorraine.
This is from a somewhat profound poem by Charles Peguy (killed on the Marne,1914).It seems to contrast good and evil;Jesus and Satan.
The arms of Jesus is the Cross of Lorraine,
And the blood in the artery and the blood in the vein.
And the source of grace and the clear fountain.
[arms:limbs/weapons/coat of arms]
Chickens coming home to roost:
Amber Rudd: end to pursuit of green energy at all costs
Keeping the lights on is now top priority, energy secretary to say, as she warns that households face paying over the odds for energy for years to come due to poor value green subsidies handed out by her predecessors
So many problems waiting to emerge 🙁
RobertRetyred – 20:05
Cor blimey!
“Although the Government wants gas plants to replace coal, Ms Rudd is expected to admit that the UK electricity market is now so distorted by subsidies that “no form of power generation, not even gas-fired power stations, can be built without government intervention”.”
The “eighth terrorist” involved in the Paris atrocities, on the loose and sought by the authorities, is a ringer for Ryan Giggs.
I suppose that accident of birth could lead one to a life of crime.
French air raids on syria tonight. I would say the french will do a lot of that in the coming weeks.
Did we record here that the Bataclan theatre in Paris was ,until a few weeks ago,owned by Jews;and the enemy of all mankind threatened them in 2009?They gave annual benefits shows for the Israile security forces.The group that was performing had played in Israel.
Baron @ 14:33
“Could anyone explain why the Americans (and the French) are so adamant Assad goes?”
Well, yes, the Former Head of NATO, General Wesley Clark, did so in 2007 as he remembered events in 2001 which connected with the origin in 1991′
Who do you think was behind “the policy coup”?
Oh, and by the way Baron, and others who cannot bring themselves to believe the scale of the betrayal:
“The False Flag Link: Syrian Passport “Found” Next To Suicide Bomber Was “Definitely A Forgery”
It calls to mind that pristine passport “of one of the hijackers” found lying in the ruins of the World Trade Center.
Malfieur,Nov 15 at 00-00.
I will try and address this next week;but we have to be cautious as they are of the same ethnic group as Karl Marx…..and of the same lowly status;we are not taking about Rothschild’s here…..It is some-thing promoted by George Soros and top brass in the EU…..and corresponds to the crazy ideas of Coudenhove Kalerg.
The 20th Century:a struggle between the principles of Michael Marks (and his assoc. Tomas Spencer) a Polish Jew;and Karl Marx,a German Jew.
Mind you I’m not so sure the heirs of Michael are so much better then those of Karl.
Ok, a google later – you are talking about the Charlemagne Prize etc? I had not heard of that, though Agenda 21 is not new. I will take a closer look later in the day.
A woman has been arrested after a posting on Facebook said Muslims are not welcome in a beauty salon.
Thames Valley Police detained the 43-year-old after the comment appeared on Blinks of Bicester’s page following the Paris terrorist attacks.
It said the business would not be taking any more bookings from people of the “Islamic faith”.
This prompted hundreds of messages to be left by people criticising the post.
Updates on this story and more from Oxfordshire
One person, Linda Stubbs, wrote: “You need a rebranding after your vile comments. I think ‘Bigots of Bicester’ would be very appropriate.”
Scott Woods posted: “Can put fake lashes on ignorance but you can’t educate it. You’ve a LOT to learn… racist and ignorant.”
On Friday night 129 people were killed when eight Islamist militants attacked bars and restaurants, a concert hall and the Stade de France.
There was no response when BBC News tried to contact Blinks of Bicester.
The Facebook page for Blinks of Bicester where the post appeared has now been deleted.
‘Malicious comments’
The woman was arrested on suspicion of displaying of written material which was threatening, abusive or insulting with the intention of stirring up racial hatred, and for producing malicious communications.
Police said it followed reports from members of the public about “malicious comments” being made on Facebook.
Sgt Steve Dixon said: “Thames Valley Police treats all allegations of racial aggravation very seriously and will always take steps to investigate them.”
The woman has been released on police bail.
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