This is the Coffee House Wall for this month. I won’t say that it is your chance to communicate with us, as we are all in this together. It is, nevertheless, the Conservative Blog post that has no particular theme, and where everything is on topic. Let’s just remember that we want to avoid ad hominem attacks on others. We don’t want to engage with trolls. We want to moderate our language ourselves as responsible and mature adults, choosing to use fruity language only where it is necessary. This is our opportunity to show what the Spectator Coffee House Wall could have been like.
Dear all, I will try to spend a bit of time tidying things up and slimming things down to keep this active as a place for you to post. I might even start posting here again. Bless you all.
That’s brilliant, Peter. Thank you.
I’m certain that in these challenging, precarious, and what the Chinese call ‘interesting,” times that we could benefit from your perspectives. Look forward to seeing you.
Nice to hear your voice again, Peter, even nicer it is that you’re going to grace your own blog with the occasional posting, perhaps you will tell us what you’ve been up to, we may learn something.
Happy Easter to you and all you care about.
PS: This is Green Thursday, in the neck of the woods Baron comes from it’s customary to eat something green today, something like a nettle soup, also to wear something and sit on a chair (or a cushion) of the same colour, have you?
Happy Easter also to the two visitors to the CHW, EC and Noa, pity the great Frank is no longer with us, how very much missed he is, does anyone have any of his posting that could cheer us up?
I was thinking of the Guv’ only last night when this popped up on my YouTube list. Physically fearless he had one Achilles heel. He wouldn’t have enjoyed this. Vertigo is something we all have to a greater or lesser extent. I know I do Stepladders get me to freeze, mountain paths were never problem
This is a good summary why Putin’s so disliked by the Western Governing Elites, he is the antithesis of the Woke progressivism of the West, and what’s more, his views resonate with a large if not the majority of the Western unwashed.
EC @ April 7, 2023 at 8:41 am
Unbelievable, also frightening, EC, Baron was leaning towards the left, the guy was too close to the rocks on the right, but he made it all right.
Frank was once telling us that he suffered but not from vertigo but from acrophobia? Is this correct?
Larry’s good, but this is better than that:
On the leaks:
The purpose of a fake is to mislead, to convince the adversary of something that is advantageous to the fake creator, the fake must therefore contain stuff that’s genuine and true and that the adversary is in possession of, or at least may be thought to possess, but it must also contain an information that’s totally new to the adversary, information that intends to fool him, to make him change the take on whatever the deceit was put together for.
The released documents have no such totally new information, the whole of the 100 or so documents is what was guessed, deduced or suspected, the leak must be true.
A society hoping to have a future wouldn’t indulge in the frenzy of worshipping the trans obsession only tolerate it, would avoid presenting it as an entertainment, something to be enjoyed, broadcast to the masses, it would treat it as a serious malady, more injurious than (say) covid, the virus infection attacks the body, the madness harms the mind.
(The heading above the girl at the bottom of the postings with the basket of apples says : Beauty will save the world).
Happy Easter everybody.
Spring returns in the nick of time, although the spring in my step my take a few weeks longer… Here’s hopping! lol lol lol
Baron says: April 9, 2023 at 8:48 am
Things didn’t end well for the “in your face” abberants of Rome, or for that matter the Weimar Republic. Civilised tolerance of lifestyle choices is one thing, but tolerance of militant proselytisation is another. History repeats itself, historians repeat each other. Things might not end well for these people. There again, things might not end well for humans as a whole. If it takes off, then the rise of Artificial Intelligence will be exponential and “IT” might decide that humans are superfluous to its requirements. We’re in “Terminator” territory here… as I’m certain that Peter as a former(?) SciFi aficionado will recognise. btw What was your take on “Blade Runner 2049,” Peter?
Bank Holiday Monday: Traditionally cold and wet, but there’s always a James Bond movie on ITV to watch. It’s lamentable that some things today are a pale imitations of those of yesteryear. James Bond supervillains, for example. Reportedly, over the mosses, yesterday the Jockstabulary seized a £110K campervan from outside the home of Peter Stavro McBlofeld’s 92 year old mother’s house. As an emergency escape vehicle a campervan is just downright plain embarrassing as it shows a lack of imagination and ambition. In the past Peter’s cousin Ernst has used jet powered yachts, submarines and even rockets to escape the Feds. I’m pretty sure that underneath his hollowed out mountain in Davos even the WEF teutonic megalomaniac has got something a bit zippier than a campervan with which to make good his escape when the SHTF.
Baron, April 6, 2023 at 7:53 am
Your misgivings about the treatment of M.Micron in Beijing turn out to be unjustified. He by all accounts given top notch hospitality by Xi.
Not so for Ursula vonder Lying who got no VIP treatment and had to mix with the great unwashed as she went through passport control and customs as she returned home alone on a scheduled public passenger flight. 🙂
EC says: @ April 10, 2023 at 1:29 pm
True, EC, but the beginning of the visit was rather lukewarm, no top honchoes to greet him, later on it got better, the comparison with the Brussels female is startling, it would be even better if one were told she had to pay for the return ticket herself.
Professor John Mearsheimer, amongst others, has figured the Ukrainian conflict well, no ifs for his take on it but one but where he may have failed to think it through enough, he says ‘Russia could never defeat NATO, look at them, they cannot defeat even Ukraine’.
Russia has been fighting not Ukraine but NATO from the very start, the elite Ukrainian units that have been by now almost completely wiped out had been trained, equipped by NATO, what’s more, some NATO countries, Britain amongst them, have been providing training continuously, also supplying heavy pieces of NATO weaponry, Britain alone has already trained 10,000 fighters.
A large number of the Ukrainian soldiers have been highly motivated, likely more than the average NATO non-Ukrainian combatant could ever be, the hatred of all things Russian by the likes of Azov is legendary, one of the Azov prisoners snd a message on the Telegram platform saying ‘when I get exchanged I will keep on killing the Russians, it’s highly enjoyable’.
The Russian regular army has been only marginally involved in the conflict till now, the fighting has been carried out predominately by the Wagner musicians, the Chechens, some international volunteers and the troops supplied by the two Republics, Lugansk and Donetsk.
If it came to a direct conflict between Russia and NATO, there could be no winners if either protagonist were to reach for nukes, we will all perish, there may be a winner if both protagonists were to deploy missiles with conventional warheads but behaved rationally.
Here’s why:
Mostly a trenched warfare, artillery fire and the occasional charges of the horse cavalry characterised the WW1 on both the western and eastern fronts, virtually no tanks or planes.
A timespan shorter than one generation saw a big change, the WW2 was anything but stationary with some horses galloping here and there, tanks together with fighter jets and bombers were the new weaponry, artillery improved, got more mobile, the blitzkrieg was the way to attack (the Poles got it wrong sending six squadrons of horse cavalry against some Panzers at Krojanty, not one single horse or rider survived).
More than three generations have elapsed since the end of the 1939-45 global slaughter, the WW2 tools of killing – the tanks, planes and artillery – have got perfected massively but are unlikely to be the military hardware to secure victory in a potential global conflict, a new breed of both defensive and offensive military hardware has taken over and, if it were to come to it, will furnish a victory for one or the other adversary, but only if both adversaries were to behave rationally, if not, it will be an end for us all.
The new 21st century breed (the equivalent of the WW2tanks&planes) consists of the missile ranges capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear warheads with worldwide reach.
It’s in the missile department where Russia, and also increasingly China excel, the Russian S-range of defensive surface-to-air missile system is believed by military experts, including those from the US, to be the best in the world, the latest S-500 features an 800km detection range against aircraft, has the ability to intercept satellites and ICBMs, can network with older air defence systems such as the S-400 to maximise situational awareness.
The range of the Russian offensive missiles is equally impressive – hypersonic, travelling at a non-fixed trajectory, capable of skimming the earth surface, amongst the range is the Kinzhal, a nuclear-capable hypersonic air-launched ballistic missile with a range of 3,000 km (1,900 mi) and a speed of Mach 12, as far as it’s known the American Armed Forces do not yet possess an equivalent.
In the top category of missiles, the ICBM range, the Russian offering equals anything the Americans can field, may even have an edge in that most of the latter missiles were designed much earlier than those of Russia.
For either of the two adversarial camps to claim ‘victory’ all that needs to happen is for one of the camps to demonstrate the ability to get all or most of its attacking missiles through the other camp’s defence systems simultaneously preventing all or most of the other camp’s missiles penetrating its own defence system – using missiles with conventional warheads only, lobbying missiles with nuclear warheads won’t be necessary, the opponent that comes second in the conventional missiles exchange cannot rationally carry on, continuing to launch more missiles would mean a total annihilation for it, but also for the world at large.
Any objection, critique or just questioning of this Easter scribbling will be appreciated.
And the happiest Easter ever for all of you and more.
Baron 4:29 pm
The scenarios you outlined above are predicated on the the parties to the current dispute(s) all behaving rationally. You use the word “rationally” three times. Unfortunately the prime mover behind the current dispute is not, imo, behaving rationally, it is bankrupt and its NATO proxies aren’t in great fiscal shape either. The petrodollar is on life support.
at the minute. Can one expect rational behaviour from a paranoid bully?
The Pentagon, and the cabal in DC [Necon & Neolibs] are currently freaking out about Macron’s recent comments about Taiwan.
Obama’s third term is going the same way as the first two. Incompetent boot lickers rewarded, conomic decline and foreign policy disasters being the order of the day. As supporting evidence I give you Biden’s new US ambassador to Moscow:
I’ve been trying to find a recent quote from her where she said that being in the same room as Putin made her uncomfortable, as she felt that she wasn’t in control. Says it all really doesn’t it. M’lud? Let me know if you can find it, it’s pure gold!
EC says: @April 10, 2023 at 7:21 pm
Hard to disagree with you, EC, when push shove comes and its existential there may be no bars to anything, but something tells Baron that a new player or players may emerge stopping the insanity, the Macron’s epiphany came as a surprise, he may regret it, but the hint of a policy divorced from the American Governing elite implies that even the leading layers of the warmongering progressives may have a limit to their coupling with the Washington lot.
I made the mistake of peeking at the BBC website this morning to see if they are covering all the latest SNP shenanigans. Some hope! They actually do grow bananas in Scotland you know, or they used to, at the Achiltibuie Hydroponicum, just north of Ullapool.
Talking of shenanigans, the BBC website was obsessed with the visit of Mr Zombie celebrating all his Irish “cousins.” The last time somebody looked at his geneaology he was even less Irish than Elizabeth “Pocohontas” \Warren was an American Indian. There really is no hope for the world.
A take on the Biden’s visit to Ireland, pity you cannot read the postings:
EC says @ April 12, 2023 at 9:40 am
One is told, EC, the fishmonger female has resigned her seat, it’s getting more serious with every hour, a curse of Alex, Baron reckons.
Is he wrong, or rather was he wrong as it’s dated much earlier than 2023?
Rod’s latest:
Baron – 08:49 am
That was the Anglo-Aussie actor Peter Finch in the 1976 film “Network.”
He died in January 1977 but deservedly won the “Best Actor” Oscar for his performance, conferred posthumously, few weeks after his death.
Once upon a time when the award of an Oscar meant something other than ticking a box, eh…
You read this and ponder what’s going on in the world we know nothing about (provided the story’s true).
PS: Thanks, EC, for the 10:10, an amazing performance by him.
Baron – 9:48 am
They investigate themselves, and award their own punishments. They appear to be beyond parliamentary or local government scrutiny or sanction. Apart from the small fry when was the last time that any of them got sacked, ended up in the court system got fined and/or got sent down? Reach a senior enough level, have enough “goods” on others, and they get retired on a full index-linked pension, and maybe even a seat on the red benches in the HoL.
Much as the Spectatesman offer of a £4 per month e-subscription is tempting, in May I’m having the distressing experience of the BBC dipping into our bank account for another £172-ish (£159 + inflation) I would cancel the damn thing if I could as we can do without live TV or the poxy BBC iPlayer, but Mrs EC doesn’t want the constant harassment and threats that will come from the BBC’s licence enforcement goons. (Crapita)
The BBC operate on the same business model as the Krays.
Where’s Noa to enlighten us on the change in the wind? Is it real or will the Master use the whip to silence the kids discovering something called recalcitrance.
EC says @ April 13, 2023 at 10:41 am
Well said, EC.
One takes it you are recovering well, keep the low gears on for the time being, take your time, it may be we shall see a turnaround even in this sceptered isle.
Baron – 10:15 pm
“Where’s Noa to enlighten us on the change in the wind?”
I suspect that Noa might be on his “spring break.” Whereas formerly, especially in his younger years, he may have been spear fishing somewhere in the W. Indies, this year, due to challenging economic times, I suspect he might be in Blackpool, Baron. I’m sure you know that this is a holiday destination where it is absolutely vital to know the direction of wind before setting foot on the beach or, indeed, out on a promenade along the sea front. It is Venue also favoured by cash strapped “wegies” (Glaswegians) so he may well get to have a chat with Peter & Nicola over a pint or two Heavy with Bells chasers.
Any urgent communications should be addressed to:
Mr. N. Arkwright
c/o Gladys Verbissener’s Tower View Guest House, East Parade, Blackpool.
Northern power house; signs of the times etc.
I was reading in the Stretford and Wythenshaw Bugle yesterday, that Milkmen had started to leave note on doorsteps of favoured regulars, to the effect that. “I need to be paid in cash this week, thank you.”
Good one by Tucker:
EC says @ April 14, 2023 at 9:27 am
You’re made Baron chuckle, EC, he needed it, he suffers from either kidney stones or it’s a slipped disk, bloody painful, hard to sleep from Tuesday, no painkiller helps, fugg the old age.
Baron – 1:17pm
A visitation from Mr. Kidney Stone / renal colic is the absolute worst.
Plenty of water and Naproxen twice daily. I hope it goes away very soon, Baron.
If you have the need something to distract you today then here is “Bald and Bankrupt’s” latest YouTube travelogue in Venezuela. It’s a fascinating 55 mins
Nobody Visits This Country Anymore ( Find Out Why )
It did actually change my perception of the place. The people are getting by despite the lack of imagination of their current leaders who still appear to more popular than their former overseers controlled by the special friends to the world. Reportedly, Caracas is now a lot safer than it used to be as all the criminals have gone north to the USA through the Democrats’ open borders to their ‘sanctuary cities.’ The locals are very happy about this!
Longish but fascinating, it explains the near sinking of Moskva, a boat not the city, how even clever faking cannot beat someone who knows his trade:
EC says @ April 14, 2023 at 4:56 pm
Many thanks, EC, doing exactly what you suggest.
Yes, entertaining as ever, the B&B story, the guy has a knack for telling one the stuff that says about the country more than any official guide ever can.
Over on the Spectator site Baron asked one eager contributor to the comments section why Putin didn’t invade Ukraine before 2014 when there were no Americans, No NATO training and equipping the Ukrainian Army, no plans to retake Donbas (Donbas and Crimea were still parts of Ukraine), the Ukrainian unwashed not yet poisoned with virulent anti-Russian PR. This is his answer:
“1. Moscow treated the new state of Ukraine as a satrap from its initiation in 1991 until the second Ukrainian popular revolution in 2014. The chosen path was not military but that of Belarus under the State Union Law, which preceded Putin’s prime ministership: political absorption. The problem was the people, too many of whom were too proud to be satisfied with that.
Between 2014 and 2022, Putin ran a local war inside the country; this being the the well-trodden Russian geopolitical path of “frozen conflict”. Obviously, it was intended to bring an exhausted population to accept that peace meant the “geopolitical realism and inevitability” of effective control from Moscow.
2. However, eight years is a long time, and other matters can weigh on political calculation even in a frozen scenario. I do think that the sheer pace of globalism’s development, along with the window of opportunity for BRICS, especially in the southern hemisphere, had emerged as the primary interest of Putin and his circle. We know from Sergey Lavrov’s latest remarks about Russian interests and the “new world order”, uttered I believe on 7th November, that Moscow simply cannot accommodate the West’s G20-based geo-economic dispensation – no doubt because Russia is economically weak, and the Russian elites will count for very little in the G20-based system. So Moscow cannot afford to give up on its centuries-long expectation of being a great military power and a natural ruler over an extensive empire.
Hence (a) modern eurasianism and (b) the imperial bloc model of “great spaces”, and hence the constant bad-mouthing of American unipolarity notwithstanding the fact that the American elites are trying to move away from it themselves (on their geo-economic terms, of course). The joke is that Moscow presents itself as the great champion of multipolarity and global “justice” while daily murdering Ukrainian civilians and striving after a system which would deliver its appallingly criminal and corrupt elites a share in what would rapidly become a Chinese unipolarity.”
The mesomorph penning not goes under the moniker of ‘guessedworker” believes he’s a genius, he said so himself.
Baron at 11:20 pm
Well at least it was a polite response, not at all the norm for the internet these days. The reply, however, was symptomatic of the polarised world we now live in.
from a closed mind. No real substance in that reply. Mainly opinion, any attempt at a conclusion drawn from an incomplete set of data and thus irrevocably flawed. Not worth spending your time on this one, Baron. To do so would take a complete review and comparison of Russia’s and USA’s behaviours since the end of WW2. A comparison in which would not show “our” “special friends” in a very good light. It was a question of “mote & beam” as far as the Soviet Union and the USA is concerned. Since after 1989, Gorbachev’s version of Glasnost and Perestroika, the CIA’s meddling in Russian affairs and the former Soviet republics went into overdrive. Their meddling in South and Central America, installation of despotic regimes, had to take second place. The post Soviet Russian recovery, imperfect though it was, was an anathema to them. As yet they’ve failed to buggrit up. Arrrgh, the thought of all those fossil fuels and precious metals being not within the control of the US elite!
I find it ironic that “The Republic” has now turned into the very thing that they sought to replace. The great unwashed having little or no education save indoctrination, a sham democracy with no meaningful representation ensured by a corrupt electoral system which would have been the envy of “Uncle Bob” Mugabe. Does the USA have the right to sit on that lofty perch of unearned moral superiority?
Good guys versus Bad Guys? Gimme a break!
Re: “guessedworker”
I’ve given up with the TCW Newsletter articles. There’s only one bloke on TCW worth reading and he writes about farming matters.
Too much lofty perch sitting. Too many self-satisfied, insufferably smug, middle aged, middle class, upper income contributors. The contributors spouting often divisive opinions invalidated, as usual, by straw man arguments, and if your lucky presentations of cherry picked, thus incomplete, data. Anything to do with covid vaccines seems to bring out the real nut jobs in the comments section. I swear that some commenters have insisted that people should be divided into “pure bloods” and “others.” Insisting that if they need a blood transfusion then only unvaccinated blood will do! Crazy people!
As one of the vaccine contaminated vermin, all I have to say to these people is “Fcuk You!” and “Untermenschen Uber Alles!”
“Speaking about the truth can literally get you killed”
“The Decline of the Dollar” and some other other matters…
I had never heard of Gerald Celente before. He tells it like it is.
Food for thought…
George certainly has some interesting guests on his show.
Like the anodyne GB News and the highly censored and increasinly tedious TCW the CHW has stern competition. Bubble and squeak anyone?
Noa – 10:30
That presenter in the lumberjack shirt with the disturbing facial fungus looks he should be on a “register” of offenders of one sort or another, but hopefully he’s just a good old fashioned serial killer come cannibal.
File under: pogonophobia
If the 1st Amendment goes in the Republic then it’s the end of free speech altogether:
Baron – 11:59am
The Republic has already fallen.
Noa at 10:20 am
I read somewhere that very few murders are committed after dinner, or post prandial as it were. Far easier to get one’s dander up on an empty stomach.
Of course, there’s always the possibility that one can be poisoned whilst at dinner, or by some involuntary overindulgence. I raise you one chicken pie, or is it poodle…
EC @ 3.09pm
I was struck by the resemblance of the Bubble and Squeak ‘perp’, as our yet speech unfettered US friends refer to their murderously inclined criminal community, to the retired “Furst minustaar”, ‘Angela’ Nikola Sturgeon, whose worries about poisoning must be the least of her concerns at the moment. Still, keeping food fresh in a caravan has always been a problem.
The bubble&squeek will never taste the same again, Noa, what an extraordinary real life story, Baron had to leave after the began watching it, a duty called, watched it again from the middle on after he got back, thought ‘how many other couples are facing an identical predicament, hopefully with a different ending’.
EC says @ April 21, 2023 at 9:59 am
Superb links, EC, thanks, the four girls tops them, the beauty and the brain combined, a rare combination, Baron had to subscribe.
This video is posted only because Baron would like you to see a minute of it starting @ 1.22min, it’s an Ukrainian map showing the Russian progress at Bachmut in the last six months, that’s it, you need no explanation od what the map is showing.
The whole video is about Zelensky’s mistake insisting the Ukrainian forces fight to the last men in the town, not a smart decision, a heavy losses of assets and mainly the manpower that could have been utilised in other places, nothing else is new in the video, perhaps only that NATO and the Americans have been advising him to tactically withdraw already in September, apparently he kept the advice of the Americans secret even from the commanders in Bachmut.
“Down Your Way” in Essex, M’lud.
This episode, not with Brian Johnstone but this time with actor Bill Murray. Relating an incident that happened involving his actress daughter, Jaime, and her children.
So much wickedness in the world. The Plod “have nothing to go on”(*) so as far as they are concerned, it never happened, case closed. Presumably the migrants have stolen all the porcelain from their local nick.
Which phylum of recently arrived (?) migrants favours abduction of children, I wonder?
@10:09 am
Correction: “Billy” Murray, and not “Bill Murray” who is ‘merikan and not a cockney.
One of the latest in the Spectator, the postings are close to 100% against the female, Baron’s own musing is below:
She should have suffocated him before departing for Thailand, that would have made her feel the same as leaving him, but unarguably he would not have suffered any more pain, dead people don’t.
This case exemplifies what’s becoming of us, it’s the extreme of nihilistic narcissism of every one of us, separate from every other one, everything in pursuit of happiness regardless of anyone else. It may well be so written in the unknown laws of the universe’s organic matter, of which we are one, that when a species diverts too much from its prescribed behaviour a disaster of biblical proportions puts in its correcting hand, things return to normality, the same may occur to us and soon.
EC says April 22, 2023 at 10:09 am
Awful, EC, would the police’s response be the same had the couple be Muslims and the van’s occupants white?
The government should be taken to task for letting the criminals in, but unfortunately under the FPTP it will never happen because the same people that opened the borders will still be there.
The police’s behaviour also shocks, they do nothing until an actual case happens then hundreds of them gather, cannot do much without the help of the public, the top layer of its management bleats about ‘learning’ from it, awful.
“Cry ‘God for Harry, England, and Saint George!’’
Henry V
Baron at 9:19 am
Well said.
I really try not to give them the time of day [i.e. unscrupulous Grub St scribblers] but the article’s author belongs to that ghastly coven of “wimmin” who followed in the wake of Dr G. Greer. They are, imo, third very pale imitations of the Aussie original who was at least intellectual brainbox even if she didn’t always get it right.
I don’t understand why the female featured in the Spectoid article wants her private life publicised in such a way. An unconscious desire to be “tarred and feathered” in public. A form of redemptive cleansing, seeking the approval of the herd charging toward the cliff edge, maybe…
Ironic that Dr. Greer eventually fell foul of the Trans-fascist mob for defending womanhood, and women’s rights.
R.I.P. Barry Humphries.
Another Aussie original. Thanks for all the entertainment and laughs.
This year delivers the 40th anniversary of the pound coin which has devalued by 70% since 1983, or so one’s told, one could buy a pack of cigarettes for over a pound then, Baron’s Peter Stuyvesant were costing marginally more, today the average pack is some £14.
In one of the jobs Baron had gone through in his working life the company chief economist came with an idea to buy cigarettes to beat inflation, he kept telling everyone ‘fill up the boot of your car with cigarettes, you won’t regret it, you will sell them at high profit next century’. Everyone laughed at the eccentricity of the suggestion, but he was right except that the tobacco forty years since would have been good for anything but smoking.
Another useless fact amongst the gamut of such things is that on average each person in Britain drinks two cups of tea a day, each costing 5p to make in a 3kW kettle that we all have, should one switch to a 1.7kW kettle the savings would be annually £14.45, roughly a third of the lower powered kettle’s price, one would therefore be better off financially only from the fourth year of the acquiring of the new brewing contraption.
Considering that Baron cannot be certain he will still be around in 2026, he decided against the purchase of a new kettle of the planet saving variety, hopes nobody reports him to the authorities charged with looking after the environment.
EC says @ April 23, 2023 at 9:54 am
Not much about Saint George in the MSM, EC, one wonders why?
And a Happy St Stephen Lawrence day to all supporters of “If at first you don’t succeed try and try again.”
Coincidence, do ye think, that it’s ‘celebrated’ on St George’s Day, or just another example of enemy action?
Noa says April 23, 2023 at 12:26 pm
A superbly well written piece, Noa, the one omission is he doesn’t even mention the BLM movement, hopefully the pinnacle of the ‘we’re the victims’ industry.
It may be cruel and immoral and totally out of vogue perhaps even chargeable as an offence to say it, but if anyone believes this society is institutionally racist he or she should relocate to one that isn’t. It has always puzzled the blue veined barbarian why people are so eager to come and live in a society they reckon is racially biased against them.
Re the tumour dumper female. From what I can gather this was, like many others, a relationship, (dreadful term)without commitment. With ‘no for better or worse in sickness and in health, till death do us part.” Does he know? Does he have any family who do? No commitment, entitlement or moral responsibility here, but interestingly, seemingly a lingering ethical one. Is it ’cause she’s Jewish and hence has some near archaeological sense of Judeo-Christian guilt? There but for the grace of Jaweh go I. Reading between the lines it seemed a mutually terminable ‘friends with benefits’ affair, anyway. The reasons for such termination to be unilaterally declared by either party, though the idea of a marathon run may be fairly innovative.
Has she been writing to Bel Mooney for advice on her feelings?
As to the substance abusing tripehound Burchill, any feller on whom she walked out could and should count himself a very lucky man…
The re-writers of bleck hisstory, David Olusoga and the Bridgerton scriptwriters clearly prove that Black people of various hues have been in Britain as long,as the Whites, And very probably much longer.
Interestingly I suspect that the likes of Mr Olusoga, of mixed race, would have emphasised his white parentage and antecedents 40 years ago. Nowadays, like many others, the greater advantages are to be gained by emphasising his African ‘heritage’. Whatever that might be.
I am left with lingering suspicion that such people, between tribes, actually feel they are part of neither and that their ersatz claims for membership of a community of blackness are ultimately based on a sense of and fear of White rejection.
Initially I thought this was a resurrected piece from 1st April.
Apparantly not, but least one Socialist Town Council in the North will be delighting the little Gove cove by taking its “leveling up”, equality and diversity responsibilities seriously.
Blackpool Zoo recruits human ‘seagull deterrents’ to wear bird outfits via
Re ” a relationship, (dreadful term)without commitment.”
Isn’t that what they call “just friends but with benefits” these days?
In the early 90s I used to indulge a 60 to 100 a day habit, smoking Benson abd Hedges, before switching to Marlboro Lights, for the princely sum of 20 Saudi Riyals (about £.30p) for 200.
In a curious, counter intuitive inversion of common sense and logic ten litres of water cost 20 riyals
Filling my car with 50 plus litres of petrol cost between 10 and 15 Riyals.
‘Arise like lions after slumber,
In unvanquishable number,
Shake off the chains like dew,
Which in sleep had fallen upon you,
Ye are many, they are few’.
Written by Shelley to commemorate the Peterloo Massacre.
HT to Blazeaway.
Noa at 12:26 pm
Ok, I’ve had time to read the Spiked article now. It was, as Baron said, superb.
Not only were the “masses” demonised, the Met Police were effectively castrated and replaced by people who now turn tail and flee before any demonstrators except indigenous Brits protesting against immigration, grooming gangs, rapefugee hostels etc. Be in the latter category and you are liable to get brutalised.
The MSM never point out the the vast majority of murders committed by scrotes with guns and knives are BAME on BAME. Of course it’s Ra-a-a-a-cist to point that out.
@2pm. Sorry, I didn’t notice the FWB reference in your earlier comment.
Noa at 4.18pm.
Apologies, the 20 Riyal price of 200 B&H equalled @£3.30, not 0.30p. So, ten 20 packs of B&H cost about £10 then and about £140 now! Outrageous!
EC @ 6.38pm
The same intolerant international elite seeks to impose a multicultural autocracy across the Western world. Let us hope they are defeated.
You don’t like the guy, but he says what Baron was saying well before the invasion of Ukraine, cut yourself off from the cheap and reliable Russian gas, and you, Germany or the EU, are a toast, and a toast they are together with France, the Americans are now in control of Europe’s energy supply, if the EU continues to displease them, they will squeeze the balls and Europe will fall into the fold again, just wait and see:
you should stop it, all those prices feel the past was the bright future of aplenty everyone could afford, that we are going to be denied now, arghhh
Whatever you do, try not to mis reading this:
Baron at 10:25 pm
That’s nowt, lad! In the late 60s I can distinctly remember buying 4 gallons of five star petrol to put in my father’s car, all for for a ‘Ten Bob’ note. That’s 12½ ‘new pence’ per gallon, or 2sh6d (Half a Crown) in old money. We lived in rural area at that time , too.
It was a two litre Triumph saloon. It was very decent of him to let me, still a teenager, drive it. It gave me a form of personal freedom that the eco-mentalists want to deny us all now.
Baron says at 10:23 pm
Cyrus Jansen is one of the better, more based, China vloggers. True, I did have concerns about psychological state of mind and the motives of follically challenged “Nathan Rich.” As for the other two I used to listen to, since “escaping” from China I suspect that they are less independent and funded by a well known US agency… because it’s virtually impossible to make an ongoing living, support a wife and family, in the US on YouTube earnings alone.
Well, that went well…
Yesterday’s government “emergency alert” exercise turned out to be a monumental clusterfuck. More supporting evidence that the clowns in our government and civil service couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery.
EC at 9.47am
We now have a prim political class of neo puritanical busybodies who occupy themselves by telling the neuvou peasant classes they are creating how to adjust to the (our) poverty they are busily creating for us.
At bottom, if we do no create anything, we have nothing else the world wants, so why should they continue to give us their oil and cheap plastic tat for nothing whilst our elite makes it mpossibke and unaffordable for us to produce our own? This is, in essence, what the guy in Barons article at 9.19am is saying, and what we’ve been writing here for years.
Josep Borrell: “Taiwan is already part of the EU”
Eva Wanda Lying: “Das stimmt!”
Baron at 9:19 am, Noa.
That article was a great summary, with stunning clarity, of how we arrived where we are today. The USA may collapse more rapidly than the author expects because the mushrooming tax burden is unsustainable. There are too few taxpayers! Result could either be Sovietisation, Civll War or both.
It is becoming increasingly difficult for those with wealth in the US to relocate even to a different state, let alone anywhere abroad. California has introduced retroactive taxes, and laws to pursue those that have fled to Texas or wherever they may be. Those that relocate abroad can still be subject to US federal taxes on ALL earnings, have to fill in an annual IRS return, unless they renounce their citizenship. The State Department is charging ever greater fees, making it ever more difficult and bureaucratic to renounce.
Baron at 9:19 am, Noa.
What the guy wrote about AI and the diminishing prospects for employment in office and IT related fields is true! A former work colleague of mine has been trying out this AI software called “Chatbot GPT” or something like that.
In plain English he defined and asked it to code a small subroutine in the fairly arcane (these days) programming language that we used way back when. The results it produced, syntax and function, were perfect. Spooky, eh!
Lies, half-truths and deceptions as the basis for policymaking in the A American Republic, also to influence the out come of the last Presidential election – why doesn’t the DoJ take these culprits to court?
EC @ 11.22am
We’re all redundant now, EC, I no longer need to dip my quill pen in the squids ink pen in order to churnvout drivel, even the Albanian gangsta with literary pretentious on whom I rest my slippered feet whilst dictating my more bellicose diatribes will shortly be shipping back to the Ganja plantations of old Tirana.
Despite all this “good news” about robots replacing humans it won’t affect the biblical flood of channel rodents in the slightest, other than to increase it as they seek to secure a lifetime benefits income for all relatives, past, present and future. So Mr Thomas and I must agree to disagree on the benefits of Chatbox 999 or whatever its called.
How many German, or British, Grenadiers is Taiwan, or Australia, worth?
It’s not that long ago that Taiwan was a one party state.
Shouldn’t the Taiwanese decide what’s best for themselves, not the Americans.
Looking at the ruination of Ukraine, reminiscent of what was left of German cities in 1945, isn’t it about time the EU stopped meddling in international affairs. Someone please hand Ursula the ceremonial Walther.
The policies of individual Australian States Governments seem to be at odds with the Australian Federal Government with regard to China. Many of the former wanting peaceful trading relations with China creating investment and much needed employment opportunities.
Duodenal Ulster & Demongraphics:
Do any CHWsters know what the current headcount of Prods vs Cats is in the province? Also, what their respective breeding rates are? Assuming the latter are still outbreeding the former, would it ever come to the point where a referendum would see the majority want reunification with the Irish republic? I wonder if what a similar referendum held in the current Irish republic would reveal?
Many a true word said in jest:
Tucker, speaking from “the other side” of cancellation.
Two minutes, in which he said some very interesting things.
I don’t think that “they” will get rid of him that easily.
I do enjoy George Galloway’s acerbic “openers” to his Wednesday and Sunday talk shows.
This one with some hilarious footage of Rashid “Kim Jong” Sunook’s motorcade.
I wonder not what the Blogfather would’ve made of this!
EC @ 9.43am
Ah Northern Ireland! Having experienced ethnic cleansing at first hand it is now a land breathlessly awaiting further diversity and cultural enrichment under the benign socialsm of Seinn Fein and the IRA!,since%20the%20previous%202011%20census.
How long will it be before our own Simon Webb, the Tucker Carlson of Old Essex, goes the way of Richard Vobes?
Here’s one of his more impish critiques, in this case of dat dem BBC.
Lego Men at work:
Was the New Hacketts Hotel some sort of hostel?
This is supposed to be a “conservation” area?
Conservation of WHAT, exactly?
Noa at 9:21 am
Thanks for the info.
Pake stale white males try to correct lies.
“A horse and a Tesla car in a lockup in Rutherglen”
Mmm, Nicola’s quiche recipe sounds quite delightful!
The Dimple dissects pwetention in the Arts with a scalpel.
Noa at 12:52 pm
Many thanks! A superb piece by Theodora citing the sort of weapons grade BS symptomatic of the civilisational slide. It sounds like art historians are keep their heads in the same place as the French postmodernist philosophers and their disciples kept theirs.
I remember upon first hearing the word “humanities” back in 1970 thinking how pretentious that word sounded – coming as it did out of the mouth of my Physics tutor. I also remember some wag had written “BAs, Please take one” above the bog roll holder in the Students Union building at the redbrick that I attended.
I noted that during the last century, and much of this one before I gave up caring, all the BBC & Newspaper “science correspondents” were all arts graduates. Explains why the global warming cult took off amongst the credulous.
It was just a few years later that I discovered a handy little phrase to stop people spouting pretentious bollocks at dinner parties, “Wenn ich Kultur höre … entsichere ich meinen Browning!”
29–04-2019: To absent friends…
Sadly a growing army year upon year, but at least they are spared from witnessing the further cratering implosion of the country we were brought up in.
We used to joke, bitter humour, about the diminishing stature (height & IQ) and expanding waistlines of the Met’s finest, but who would have thought that it would have come to this…
Clown world: Both Sunak and Khan are “nipple height” (© Katie Hopkins) Toytown politicians who demand “big boy” motorcades. Who TF do they think they are?
Is the ‘Peoples oath of allegiance’ to the neo malthusian KC3, (cue the sound if a million panlids banging), really an oath of allegiance to the WEF, the WHO, the NHS, SAGE and the mates rates HoL and HOC?
And why did KC not choose to reconquer St Mary’s Day from the Socialists for the Coronation, rather than adding an additional unnecessary ‘holiday’ to a bankrupt country?
I enjoyed the Mets idiotic procession of cyclists. Many thanks for reminding me why I don’t watch tge diminished status of Britain through the lense of the media!
I see that a Vinnie Jones lookalike and his goblin are practicing sodomy at the rough end of the trench in preparation for the Eurovision song contest.
On Mary’s Day let us consider the alternatives offered to civilisation by Islam.
Noa, April 30, 2023 at 9:11 pm
Upon reading that my first thought was that I didn’t realise that Mr Vincent Jones and Mr Graham Norton were an “item.” It was but a moment later I saw when I saw the word “lookalike.”
File under: SpecSavers (strikes again);
Patrick Fitzwilliam, William Fitzpatrick etc.
Now then, chaps. I hope you’ve all got your Justina Welby crib cards ready for Saturday…
“I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.’
Noa says @ April 30, 2023 at 9:11 pm
A very powerful message from the four of the gay phylum, Noa, if anything this must put the frighteners into the Russian forces.
Noa says @ May 1, 2023 at 4:14 pm
The narrative put Baron off his lunch, Noa, you should warn us before posting such morsels from the religion of peace.
EC says @ April 29, 2023 at 9:31 am
What was it all about, EC, the cycling, the running, the motorcade of expensive vehicles? As James remarks it was redolent of the days of the Bolshevik empire of the East sans the cycling, has Britain finally adopted what the Red Menace regimes displayed to the amazement of the old free West?
Noa says @ April 28, 2023 at 12:52 pm
Superb, Noa, the guy should be getting a wider exposure.
Many many years ago Craig Brown published in the Diary section of the Spectator a piece on Sir Nicholas Serota ‘As told to Craig Brown’, in Baron’s humble view the best slicing of what modern art is all about, here is abit of it:
“Frankly, I welcome the bravura debate engendered by so many of our most exciting artists. It is by turns shocking, amusing, wry and deeply disturbing. And this is just one of the reasons I am looking to next year’s My Turd exhibition by Tracey Emin.
Emin laid her Turd in the mid-morning – 10.45am to be exact – of November 22 this year. I count myself privileged to have been there when the work – rich, earthly dark browns and beiges, soft and yielding yet somehow strangely visceral and concentrated – emerged from the artist. The whole experience was, for me – perhaps even more so for Tracey – intensely moving.
The moment I saw it I knew that this was something that had come from the very depth of her being, something raw and pungent, juxtaposing the old and the new, the roughage with the smooth, bold and real yet with infinite layers.
My Turd has a lot to say about birth and death, a lot to say about the nature of self, a lot to say about the whole process of defecation and renewal in contemporary society, and it has a hell of a lot to say about art itself. It is almost as if, in some extraordinary way, the artist were asking us to confront the very nature of what we call “shit”.
What is it? Where is it? And who will buy it? For, studied closely, the gentle almost classical contours of My Turd seem to echo the the gentle curves of Poussin and Boucher, its deep dark browns and blacks gaining strength from comparison to the rich earthly colours of Rembrandt and Goya. While firmly perched on the cutting edge of contemporary art, My Turd has its roots firmly buried in the past.”
EC says: May 2, 2023 at 11:30 am
You know what EC?
This oath to KC and the Sunshine band causes me genuine inner conflict. The Fenian part of me cries out to say “Never to a Protestant German whose government will appoint a Hindoo as dict..PM but constitutionally is unable to appoint Catholic.
On the other hand my patriotic English half says “What? Swear allegiance to a collection of immoral, greedy, treacherous, congenital woke idiots? I’d rather attend a party at the Banqueting House!”
EC says @ April 28, 2023 at 8:47 am
it’s not taking the mickey, EC, it must be for real, very clever that.
Thank you for sharing Craig Brown’s satirical (I think) piece on the artist known as Tracey Emin, so redolent of the “Flatulence and Formaldehyde Period” of creative art in the Blair era.
Laugh? I nearly made an Arts Council Grant application for my Diane Abbott “Burn Whitey Burn!” Dance Collective!
Baron 1:12 pm
The image that Craig Brown conjured up of Ms Emin “throttling one” in a public place was priceless. Nobody would bat and eyelid today, however, as such works of art are now as commonplace in our diverse towns and cities as they are in amongst the homeless camps in USA cities run by the “Democraps.”
Noa, if you do make an application then also citing Bonnie Greer OBE might double your chances of success!
Noa says @ May 2, 2023 at 1:51 pm
Good luck with the Dance Collective, Noa.
EC says @ May 2, 2023 at 4:27 pm
Amazing creation the film, EC, Baron watched it twice, totally mesmerised, the only fault with it was the girl was most of the time almost fully dressed.
From the Spectator on the May 6 jamboree penned by Melanie McDonagh:
“There’s been an interesting discussion about the Archbishop of Canterbury’s addition to the coronation service, but has anyone actually tried to parse it?
It goes as follows: ‘Your Majesty, the Church established by law, whose settlement you will swear to maintain, is committed to the true profession of the Gospel, and, in so doing, will seek to foster an environment in which people of all faiths and beliefs may live freely. The coronation oath has stood for centuries and is enshrined in law. Are you willing to take the oath?’ The King: ‘I am willing.’
And Baron’s ha’penny posting (not original, one must admit)
A 21st century hullabaloo about a schismatic mutation concocted on the scrotum of a deranged monarch four centuries ago? Please, do get real.
Baron at 1:05 pm
Aye well, women and men have been have been the downfall of each since Adam and Eve, irrespective of skin colour.
I am sure we all applaud John Collier’s efforts here, fetishising two things in a single painting.
Baron at 1:11 pm
Was that on or in a nutshell?
Less would be more from the watery Welby…
“Gandalf The White” (ahem) did a much better job crowning Aragorn.
A nice touch of humility by Aragorn at the end there, that probably wouldn’t enter the head of Saturday’s celebrant.
I’ve just installed the latest software update on my iPhone. [ IOS 16.4.1 plus (a) ]
Upon logging back in with my Pin, as is usual after an update, the gadget asked me, “Do you want to install Face Id with a Mask?” (as an addition to my normally gruesome visage)
I thought that masks had been totally discredited, and had been consigned to the dustbin of history? This leads me to wonder what the buggers have got planned after all the “Gawd Bless ‘im / ’em” celebrations this weekend.
Watch this space…
Dat Bish Welby, he dem gett some thinks from de trad cultures elsewhere for crowning de Chief.
Before you go to bed tonight spare a thought for the poor buggers who will have to get up at 4am in order to administer enemas to the coronation procession horses at 6am to ensure that they don’t poop on their majesties’ parade.
EC says @ May 5, 2023 at 12:04 pm
Are you certain, EC, it will be only the horses that will get the pleasant treatment?
EC says @ May 3, 2023 at 5:49 pm
It may be just Baron, EC, by the newly crowned King has the charisma of a box of sardine, if someone like Sean Connery said the same words, blood would freeze in the veins of those listening to him, they don’t breed them like that anymore.
Noa says @ May 4, 2023 at 5:43 pm
It cannot be long before we all have to speak like dis, Noa, Baron’s already half way to such an efficient way of expressing his shallow thoughts, here’s one.
On the two drones over Kremlin: Baron reckons it was for real, it wasn’t a false flag op because if it were the latter they would have destroyed the two contraptions just before they got to the target, but well before to show the 3-5 line of defences around Moscow work, destroying them just before the drones hit is quite embarrassing, humiliating, suggesting the defences are porous, nobody would design a false flag op to result in humiliation of the designing party.
Can you put forward a counterargument? Baron’s ready to buy it.
As the vetinary surgeon said to the coach driver:
“…This is no day to be making new enemas…”.
Baron @11.33pm
Your hypothesis is logical milud. We know that drone attacks are extremely difficult to defend against and expensive.
The days of submarine launched Tomahawk cruise missiles turning left or right above Baghdad’s main streets, before attacking their targets in pursuit of Fukiyama’s ‘End of History’ now seems dantastical and quaint, when you average soldier is as likely to attach a grenade to a toy drone acquired (looted?) from the local equivalent of ‘Toys are’us’.
Baron @10.58pm
We may surmise dat de Chief’s Master of de Royal stool, he be biden his tiny before he applies de horse medicines to de Royal bowels.
Greetings from Lancasterstan where the amplified wail of the muezzin echoes five times daily down the Lune and across the mudflats.
I trust that the royal horses performed (or rather didn’t) faultlessly today.
Reportedly there’s been a new brother installed in Buck House today. He’s just ordered a dome and a couple of minarets for it, and a full set of minarets for Westminster Abbey which will now be renamed The Grand Central Mosque.
WTF is going on with Wagner and Bakhmut? I was wondering why it was taking a neverendingly long time to overrun it.
Yesterday a very angry Wagner boss appeared on my Interocitor(TM) screen complaining about the lack of ammunition, calling the Russian military and Putin all sorts of bad names, and saying he’s going to pull his men out on “Victory Day.” That might be a PR disaster that Vlad might well not recover from!
Was I imagining it? Was it all smoke and mirrors? Whaddya reckon!
EC says @ May 6, 2023 at 6:15 pm
Hard to say whether Prihgozhin’s tantrum was a maskirovka or a genuine cry for more ammo, EC, the opinion on the blogging circuit both in the West and in Russia is divided, more lean towards the former. Baron towards the latter.
The musicians are well liked in Russia, have no trouble recruiting, the officer class of the Russian regular army is obviously envious of it, as Baron pointed out before there aren’t many regulars doing the fighting in Ukraine, they are being kept back for the real performance, Ukraine is just a matinee, the same may apply to the shortage of ammo for the Wagnerians, all stocked up safely for the main performance, either the expected contra offensive by the Ukrainians only, or the big one Putin hopes to get, facing NATO’s might in its full glory.
He doesn’t have to win the confrontation, neither adversary can win it, all he has to show is that NATO, or rather the Americans, cannot break Russia up or even subjugate her.
Today, Progozhin sent a letter, a polite one, to Shogun asking him for the permission to transfer the fighting duties in Bachmut to the Kadyrov’s Chechens on the 10th of May, Shoigu hasn’t replied yet.
Do you recall the hullabaloo few days ago engendered by the diplomat of China saying Ukraine has no defined borders? the ruckus has died out now, but here’s something that may explain why he said it (no need to read the piece, listen to the clip):
What do you make of it?
Is there any other tribe that can stage something if not identical then at least similar to the spectacle of today? Baron doubts it, Britain ranks no1 in this market, the number 2 would be (what) 15 miles down the list?
Yes, yes, yes, Baron knows it’s not your cup of Tetley, but you cannot but admit the ceremony was splendidly performed, the actors behaved, as did the horses, one could drown in the pomp and glitter easily, even though the logistics must have been a nightmare.
Baron at 12:10am
Sadly, that’s all we do seem to be capable of these days.
This one is for Noa, too.
Baron @ 11:52pm
I think it was a real display too. Unlike Z and his commanders, he seems to take personally the casualties that his men are taking. Probably because it’s a small close knit orchestra and he has known many of them for a while.
Btw. “Maskirovka” Thanks for the new word, newly coined or not.
EC says @ May 7, 2023 at 10:46 am
Rolling down below the first piece, EC, the variety of pictures delights mostly for the bizarreness of some of the guests (say) the mass of a man cladded in the Scottish attire, arghhh
Btw, you may know the details of the story (if it’s true), but allegedly after the Queen’s bash in 1953 in one of the coaches leaving the Abbey was a 6.4 tall female well over 200 lbs paired with a very short undernourished male, both from the African neck of the woods, someone asked ‘who’s he?’ to which Noel Coward passing the coach said “her lunch’, the Queen (again allegedly) burst into a hearty laugh.
Baron @ 11:28
I can almost hear the clipped delivery of NC saying that. 🙂 You will also, no doubt, remember the apocryphal tale of QE2 riding in an open carriage with the president of some African nation on a state visit? One of the horses had a very audible episode of flatulence. The Queen apologised for the noise and the chap replied, “To tell you de truth, your majesty I thought it was de horse.”
And now back to the real world, where Taki laughs because he doesn’t want to cry.
EC the story is told of Queen Salote Taupou 111 of Tonga.
Sic Transit Gloria Swanton as dem wags say.
Noa says @ May 7, 2023 at 2:43 pm
“He (Joshua Kelley, stage name “Harpy Daniel) will now be the public face of the Navy in posters, TV ads, and online spots intended to let gender-benders know that if you like a mess deck covered in seamen, if you want all hands on your aft end, if “bulkhead” describes your perfect Friday night, if you dream of getting scuttlebutt from a sideboy, the U.S. Navy’s for you!”
Priceless, Noa.
Of passing interest…
Noa says @ May 8, 2023 at 11:24 am
Short but informative summing up of the dying breed of rulers, Noa, that’s the sort of stuff Baron devours, it furnishes the foundation of one’s argument, one can check one’s take on the issue against it, thanks for posting it.
The one omission in the write-up is Russia and the other mid European countries e.g Bulgaria, but then it’s penned by an Anglo-Saxon for whom these tribes are, unofficially of course in the proclaimed environment of equality, untermensch.
Noa at 11:24 am
“Comments are closed”
Baron at 11:55 am
To assuage your disappointment, and personal slight that you might have felt, in the sins of omission in Cranmer’s article then here’s Mark Steyn with a photograph of a gathering of the clans, so to speak, in 1910. NB. with added Bulgar!
EC says @ May 8, 2023 at 4:00 pm
Kind of you to dig it out, EC, how things change in just few generations, amazing.
Here’s something different, Bill Maher chatting with Russell, both indulging in cigars, how decadent can one still be today, during the chat Bill says on NATO ‘the alliance should have been disbanded, it’s arch enemy was no longer there, no reason for it anymore’, or words to that effect then he adds ‘it was a mistake to keep it going’.
It was as much a mistake as was Adolf’s Barbarossa, or the dropping of the two atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or the organising of the Kiev’s 2014 putsch then cultivating Ukraine as the ramming tool to balkanise Russia once and for all.
You reckon he’s genuinely that dim, or is he careful, does know it wasn’t a mistake but will not cross the red line admitting it?
Happy “Victory Day” anybody?
Has Vladimir Vladimirovich lost control of his military? Did he ever have any control of it?
The fat Generals in Moscow eating Belugar Caviar, sipping Dom Perignon and calling out the Musicians, who have done all their heavy lifting recently, as traitors?
Has he been too weak? Will he survive?
icymi, George (like me) is not fan of Calvin Robertson(sic) either! 🙂
As a child I used have a collection of the Robinson badges, but I don’t recall the “smug, vain, up himself, vapid Vicar one?”
Ye Gods!
I’ve just seen Richard Tice introducing Reform UK’s London Mayoral Candidate.
I don’t know what other bypasses he’s had, but Mr Mogadon has certainly had the charisma one. More life in a deceased tramp’s vest!
Perhaps we need to seek Mogadon party candidates for future elections from the more reliable sources, which released onto the streets by Enoch “Dark Towers” Powell and Heath now provide our most adhesive road stickers m, royals and the majority of our Parliamentarians.
Whoever wins their ‘election’ we should not expect any change in the resurgent Ottoman empire’s foreign policy.
Even a partial convergence of political views with rabid iconoclasts like Geoge and Russell Brand makes me wonder whether I should be reaching for my revolver (Goring), or for the lithium (Enoch).
On balance though I’d prefer a clergyman holding the views of Calvin to the ex roughneck and God huckster Welby as the head of the aethiestic Church of England, though I freely admit, being of recusant extraction, to having no dog in this particular hunt.
I for one am rather grateful that victory over Japan resulted from the atomic weapons deployed in the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The Japanese had planned to murder all Allied PoWs in the event of what would undoubtedly have been the very bloody invasion of its mainland.
As my father, then hauling coal in Keiko (now Seoul) would have been one of them I owe my grumbling, curmudgeonly existence directly to the success of the Atomic project.
Noa at 2:07 pm
I cannot abide the BS artist turned hair brained clergyman.
Recusant? I thought that the priests never give up on you?
The Lithium would hurt less, but myself…
I’d go for the opioids, finishing off with a Dr. Shipman’s
NB. The fabled firearm wasn’t a pistol but a Browning 1911, a semi automatic pistol designed by the eponymous John Moses Browning (no relation to Elizabeth Barrett B)
Interesting chap: A yankee that found life better in Belgium! [better cuisine anyway]
Aaargh! “fable firearm wasn’t a revolver”
Nurse, N-U-R-S-E ! The curtains…
PS. Thanks for the Taki Enoch Towers article.
I can think of two such former establishments. One actually called “The Towers” in Leicester, the other is Mapperley Lunatic Asylum in Nottingham.
Here’s a new variant to add to the various misattributions.
“When I hear the word religion I reach for a dog collar”.
That should cover both of them.
On asylumss, I remember the asylum outside Lincoln, now a bijou housing conversion, had retained its water tower.
Noa at 8:10 pm
Well, I’ll be Doggone, as will Weebly and the giant hairball eventually.
In Westminster we have the oldest asylum in the world, full of the insane and criminally minded.
I will away on missionary work in darkest Yorkshire for a few days.
Accordingly communications may cease temporarily due to the loss of electrical power, as Trudeau embargoes the supply of wood pellets to Drax, or the perennial shortage of cleft sticks in the place.
‘merrukan exceptionalism:
Don’t worry chaps, the world is in safe hands…
1964 Vale, S.D. Minuteman Missile Accident & other “Broken Arrows”
AND There’s more…
“The best of Broken Arrows”
Stanley Kubrick’s film “Dr. Strangelove” was no exaggeration!
Noa says @ May 10, 2023 at 2:19 pm
And so you should be, Noa, it was cruel but less cruel than what the Japanese did to other countries, China in particular.
It was a courageous decision by Harry Truman, he never regretted it, in Baron’s view the best President after WW2, a great man.
EC says @ May 12, 2023 at 10:56 am
The soiled underwear sticks in one’s mind, EC, a nice story, but too late to be worried about.
EC says @ May 12, 2023 at 11:22 am
It will be hard for Baron to sleep well tonight, EC, he’s certain that incidents like the one described in the link happen today as well, but only the child of a child of a grandson of Baron will be told about it, it’s not only a waste of money it’s also a bloody dangerous stuff that should be scrapped, Baron knows of a number of potholes need urgent repairing.
Noa: May 12, 2023 at 8:05 am
“I will away on missionary work in darkest Yorkshire for a few days.”
If it is really an intelligence gathering mission then you might be away for a while.
One hopes that you took the precaution of growing a full beard and donning the correct attire before you ventured across the Khyber Pass into the dales.
Be mindful of what befell Terry “Runcible” Waite, Brother Noa…
Baron : May 14, 2023 at 12:15 am
It’s difficult to take anything seriously ever again after seeing/reading about stuff like that.
Earlier, I was trawling the vaults on another matter and happened upon this quote from 1997:
“The American elite is almost beyond redemption… Moral relativism has set in so deeply that the gilded classes have become incapable of discerning right from wrong. Everything can be explained away, especially by journalists. Life is one great moral mush — sophistry washed down with Chardonnay. The ordinary citizens, thank goodness, still adhere to absolutes… It is they who have saved the republic from creeping degradation while their ‘betters’ were derelict.”
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, 1997
Thanks to another 25 years of societal rot I fear that his assertion about the “ordinary citizens” no longer pertains, neither over here nor over there.
“In modern times, the only absolute allowed is the absolute insistence that there is no absolute.”
Francis Schaeffer
Toodle Pip!
Are you now, or have you ever been, tetri-sexual?
It seemed a valid question as I wondered the streets of Sheffield in search of a safe space, without green and blue haired people, in the sort of expesive clothing once sentvto Africa rather than imporred from it, whilst embracing political views of breathtaking inanity.
Baron @ 08.54pm
I (mis?) recollect that the real ‘Fat Boy’, Curtis le May, managed to kill half a million in the bombing raid and subsequent firestorm on old wooden Tokyo. Other conurbations got similar treatment.
Fortunately they kept back a couple of cities for the culmination of the Manhatten programme, in order to ensure the safe return of my Dad.
I’m afraid wearing a thobe and gutterah is considered a bit lower caste by the newly politicised moslem wokerati that now increasingly dominate our institutions. These boys like their suiting from Saville Row rather than the camel souk, even as their cars come from BMW and Mercedes, at our cost of course.
The “Critical Drinker’s” review of the new “Queen Cleopatra: docudrama-fillum.
It sounds like yet another humungous Netflix/Amazon/Hollywood sphincter buster to me
This is why I only watch old fillums, preferably in black and white.
“Britain today; a Punjabi-speaking woman is arrested for racially abusing a Polish police officer”
Simon makes a good point, perhaps PC Kojak should retrain as an aromatherapist.. [LOL]
… as did the fragrant Ms Sahi, imo.
Dear Simon seems to be as clueless as was the clown that runs the Labour party, in a long interview on the BBC Radio4 at 17: hours when asked about immigration he said, amongst other perils of the bleeding obvious that ‘companies are screaming for the people with the right qualifications and skills, the country needs to import them before our bog standard comprehensives furnish the new generation of the well educated locals’, this is not gold plated bollocks, it’s 24-carat bollocks, the companies scream for immigrants because they can pay them a fraction of what a British born man would rightly ask for and need.
Simon’s in a similar pickle, he cannot fathom why the five unfortunate labourers had to come from Africa when over hundred thousands people in the area are claiming unemployment benefits, he cannot fathom it or he does know but doesn’t say, it’s money of course, the five were probably paid what would be the wage for one British born bloke.
EC says @ May 17, 2023 at 9:38 am
The spat between the Punjabi girl and the Polish PC on the British streets is indeed an item that would fir a comedy sketch nicely, EC, that’s what rainbow societies are about.
The laughter stops however when one talks to a doctor over a phone and cannot figure what the doctor says because of his or her accent, it happened to Baron not that long ago, he’s still waiting whether there will be a knock on the door even though he was exceedingly polite saying ‘I am so sorry but I cannot understand what you’re saying’ over and over again, until the medical experts ended the call, tragically funny or funnily tragic or what?
EC says @ May 16, 2023 at 10:02 am
Good man, the critical drinker, EC, gets it spot on, it’s amazing that skin colour should matter when we live in a world of absolute equality, or so we’re told.
Quite interesting, even intriguing:
Baron at 12:02 am
Plead deafness, M’lud. That’s what I always do.
Ask them to speak s-l-o-w-l-y and CLEARLY.
You can always get them under the provisions of the Equalities/Disability Discrimination Act.
Turn Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” back on the the bastards!
Ennio Morricone wrote some fabulously haunting film music.
Here’s some more Theramin therapy for you. This time it’s the lovely Carolina recreating “The Ecstasy of Gold.” She lays down layers of vocals on a repeater box before switching on the Theramin. You can see her using her foot to use the repeater. She is a very clever lady, and it is, imo, a beautiful sound.
PS. I still love Katica too. 🙂
An excellent slicing of the recent bangs in Ukraine, the guy seems to know what he’s talking about:
EC says @ May 18, 2023 at 10:34 am
If Baron heard of the instrument he’s forgotten it, EC, thanks, it’s indeed a haunting sound, a compilation on u-tube furnished a wider choice, Goran Bregović’s Ederlezi and Lacrimosa the best of the lot (for Baron anyway), but just like organ music not for the blue veined barbarian, for some reason it unsettles him.
EC says @ May 18, 2023 at 10:11 am
As it happens, EC, Baron doesn’t have to plead deafness, he’s half way there, it runs in the family on the mother’s side, both she and her mother were fully without hearing, Baron’s not there yet, but give him some more time …..
Does anybody know what is happening with the Turkish election?
Did the CIA manage to get their man, Joe Bidenopolous II, the more elderly of the candidates, elected? If the BBC’s cartoon villain/bogey man had been ousted then I would’ve expected a lot more noise from them.
Rasheed announces additional punitive sanctions on the
{{{the Ruskies}}}er… UK businesses.
Pardon me for being so cynical but I wonder which relations have recently bought shares in alternate diamond and other mining interests. The same goes for US Congress members.
I was amused by the recent strutting and bottom sniffing of the UKs and Ukraine’s poopa-doodles. Notwithstanding, their increasingly abherrent and abhorrent public behaviours are damaging to the nation’s if not their own financial interests.
“…On Sunday, he will meet the prime minister of India, Narendra Modi, who is attending the G7 summit as a guest.
Mr Modi has remained neutral on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, calling for peaceful dialogue to end the conflict.
Mr Sunak told reporters travelling with him in Japan that he had seen “positive” steps from India in its stance on the war…”
India, I’m sure will be delighted to continue the international realignment of Western suppied Russian materials, together with the transfer of allied intellectual property, manufacturing skills and logistic facilities and services to Rashids multitudinous family and friends.
Of course it’s obvious why the chaiwallah needs India when you see how many Brits (7.5 million!) have taken to their beds, only to rise from them in the event of direct need. Obviously we need young, fit Rasheeds to fill thise labour force gaps.
Someone calling himself Iggy says in the first posting under the video of the blast: “If a shovel did this, imagine what could Russia do if it had real weapons”.
Apparantly 4 Shahed drones costing €10k to €50K each caused that damage, about one tenth to one fortieth of comparable Western munitions.
Claims, such as that of the former MI5 chief, that Russia is losing this war, appear increasingly hollow.
‘…Of the cost…’
Lies, distortions and the problems of being an irrelevant second rate power.
With the fall of Bahkmut, Ukraine’s own Verdun, my prediction of a negotiated settlement by September comes one step nearer.
I see also that the gore of Boris’ war has sent priapice spasms through those incorrigible loins and that Carrie is set to litter again. Its definitely time that the Goat of Westminster was gelded!
History repeating itself, first as tragedy, then as farce, as Britain’s involvement in Ukraine descends into the politixal lies and obfuscations that imbroiled us in World War 1.
Noa – 9:28 pm
Are you sure it isn’t a “grudge baby?”
OTOH if it really was Boris then perhaps his cock & bollocks, or model thereof, should be mounted on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square.
Your observations regarding the lies propagated in furtherance of the (n)Ukraine proxy war are spot on.
Noa – 9:42pm
Weren’t we told in early 2022 that in the absence of grain supplies from Ukraine meant that there would be shortages? Prices in the UK would sky rocket? The 2022 harvest prices were indeed a fillip for some UK farmers enabling some of them to break even. However the prices being quoted for the 2023 harvest have plummeted whilst the prices for fertilisers and insect/funghicides have remained high. This will lead many farmers to cease the unequal struggle with the capricious UK weather altogether.
Are the prices being manipulated? If so, is this part of a globally engineered famine?
Also every interest rate rise by “The Fed” is slavishly followed by the BoE, and this will lead to more mortgage defaults and a collapse in the housing market.
Central Bank digital currencies?
Control the food, control the housing, control the money, control the fuel…
What could possibly go wrong for humanity, eh?
The US has been meddling in Thailand, too.
If you like counterfactual history and historical parallels with the present this discussion on whether Britain should have stayed out of World War 1 is for you.
What to do with Boris and Carrie eh?
That’s one broody woman, perhaps she needs a part time job as a cleaner, to pay for the ‘snip’.
I see the EU has approved the compulsory purchase of Dutch farms and the de facto closure of the food industry in order to meet net zero and build housing for illegals.
Truly the world has gone mad.
The old lefties Jon Pilger has some observations on seeing through the media’s lies. Well, he should know.
I was saddened to read of the death from prostate cancer, of Jeremy Clarke, who wrote the Lowlife column in the Spectator, his dignified documentation of his own painful and unedifiying end has been an example of moral courage and dignity that I, for one, could only hope to aspire to in such circumstances.
Rest in peace.
History Reclaimed and the campaign to defend its theft and re-write by the Left.
Noa – 10:11pm
I’m a bit pushed for time this morning as I’m on a mission east of Eden and thence down thru the Tyne Gap, and awa into t’ promised land, bonny lad.
History: Heirs of Gramsci ensured that history is no longer what is was in our schools. The problem arises if “they” start burning all the previous history books.
Tangentially, a synapse fired and I remembered Ambrose Bierce’s other famous history quote:
“The slightest acquaintance with history shows that powerful republics are the most warlike and unscrupulous of nations.”
Remarkably prescient of him! That certainly sums up what the USA subsequently became.
I’ve fond memories of student days in Newcastle. I lived in Sydney Grove, Fenham, where the older neighbours remembered the German bombing. (Yes, they really had bombed our chip shop,canny lad!). Shipyards still made ships, Malcoln Mcdonald was scoring for fun as over 50,000 of us regularly watched him from the Leazes End, whilst half cut from the fumes from the Scottish and Newcastle brewery at the bottom of the hill. I tried to teach them Lancastrian English, but it ‘wor a waste of time’.
Of course even then the old Newcastle was being swept away in the massive graft and corruption of its redevelopment, alluded to in Michael Caine’s hip, brilliant gangster movie, ‘Get Carter”.
This popped up on my YouTube feed in the “wee small hours” this morning…
“Learning Languages Ruined My Life” [4mins 30sec]
@8:07 cont’d…
BUT, his thoughts in parts a bit superficial, and on the dodgy wicket of cultural moral equivalence, imo.
Noa: May 23, 2023 at 1:52 pm
Great film.
In terms of NE location spotting then, Spender, Crocodile Shoes, George Gently and Vera are also good. Personally I found “Vera” exceeded my limits of preposterousness, and I cannot stand the actress, but Mrs EC addicted… she watches alone!
If you had stayed put in your student digs then you could have moved abroad without ever leaving the country. About a year ago I decided to go into the city down Westgate Road… like the old days. Unrecognisable, like a suburb of Karachi or Bombay. Looking it up on google maps just now I was amused to see Chaiiwalah cafe and takeaway at No. 581.
Do you think this is Rasheed diversifying away from Chemist shops?
“Tent Hunters: California Couple Searches For Their Dream Home”
The polyglot above averred that the search for truth will send you mad. It might also send you to the Gulag, real or cyber! The truth is redundant, must be suppressed at all costs, when the ideology “current thing” is imperilled!
‘Truth is a Right Wing Concept’
The CHW Tontine: How many days have to pass before I can claim my payout?
Mrs Noa has hidden my machete and craft knife collection as the sun is out today, given Mayor Khan’s timely warning that climate change is responsible for soaring knife crime.
EC says @ May 25, 2023 at 8:07 am
Indeed interesting, full of wisdom, Baron would say that learning a language is not unlike opening a door to another household, it may seem silly, who wants to invade another family, but it felt like it for Baron when he learnt English or the other languages before.
Apologies for the long absence, it may continue, the Baron’s family has a health problem, not Baron’s though.
Who? Won’t get fooled again?
Age, sadly, is moving not necessarily in our favour.
It’s terrible that a chap can’t even visit a house of entertainment to preach essential moral values to the young ladies there, without having to call one’s manager to rescue us from abuse.
Noa, May 27, 2023 at 2:55 pm
The correct response should’ve been, “Unhand my Kukri, woman! Get in the kitchen and make me a sammich.”
The poison dwarf of City Hall should command the Met to form a squads of Gurkhas to patrol the streets. They’d sort out the scourges such as knife wielding punks (gang bangers?) and the likes of “just stop oil” protestors, in very short order!
In the battle for Port Stanley many an Argie squaddie crapped their pants at the sight, or even the thought, of a Gurkha with an unsheathed Kukri.
“…On arriving at the Falkland Islands, the Battalion was landed at San Carlos Bay on the north of the island, on June 1st. ‘D’ Company of the Battalion was left to defend the landing site, while the remainder of the Battalion was flown forward in a series of helicopter lifts, south to Goose Green, relieving 2nd Battalion the Parachute Regiment and taking over the guarding of some 500 Argentinian prisoners. Once their prisoners were moved on, the Battalion turned to a series of aggressive patrols across Lafonia (the southern half of East Falkland). One of these patrols is recorded as having taken prisoner a group of Argentinian soldiers, commanded by an officer and armed with anti-aircraft weapons, simply by brandishing a kukri in a threatening manner. ‘D’ Company re-joined the rest of the Battalion at this time, having moved on foot from their positions near San Carlos to Goose Green. The Company completed the move in less than 36 hours, despite some of the men carrying loads in excess of 140lb…”
Police chiefs decided several years ago not to recruit ex-servicemen as they did not represent the DIE (diversity, inclusion and equality) values of the new Britain.
This has resulted in eg trainee police girls calling their dad’s to collect them after having gone to attend a scene of death.
Be consoled though that sufficient armed uniformed hard men will always be found to protect ginger princelets, top cops, politicos, Muslim mayors and MPs desirous of displaying their meat and two veg to discerning gourmets.
EC@09:58 am I must apologise for my Bowdlerisation of the American insurrectionists’ endearing way of admonishing their spouses. The correct wording of which should have been, “Get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me a sammich/pie etc.”
Noa at 10:05 am
I read an interview with a Gurkha who said that when he got his Kukri out the Argy prisoners all thought they were going to be killed, whereas all he wanted to do was cut their bootlaces to use to tie their hands.
Amazing people, and by way of thanks, their soldiers subsequently shamefully treated by the government… as were many other servicemen since Wellesley’s “scum of the earth.”
EC at 2.23pm
I can assure you that such a response to Mrs Noa would be deemed injurious and involve a nocturnal but highly physical response, based upon her own use of the Gelding teaspoons passed through her own maternal line.
I’m of the view that very few, if any of the variegated Britons of military age would respond to any siren call to arms by HMG.
‘It’s “Tommy this” and “Tommy that” is unlikely to change to “Mr Khan” or “Mr Olusaga” when a minority of Mr or Ms Atkins respond to the bugles’ call.
The most useful emissions to dispense with are those emanating from the Westminster Bubble.
Noa at 1:48 pm
One of the UK’s, and Europe’s, strategic economic activities being rendered uneconomic by the wrecking ball of eco-mentalist inspired government policy is Farming & Food Production. It was incubated in the EU and it’s got FA to do with BRexit.
Thirty years ago you would’ve never have heard me express any concern for farmers or farming. How times change! But we are where we are…
Noa at 1:48 pm
I do not watch daytime TV, but reportedly the nation is all of a quiver about the Sffincter (sic) busting activities of a major “male” daytime TV presenter with a young teenager, a member of his show’s production staff. How’s are the nation’s populace expected to concentrate on Barry & Heghan’s reported marital difficulties with all this going on?
It never ceases to amaze me that people in the public eye think that they can keep their darker secrets hidden from the public. Still, as Jeremy Thorpe once observed to his young male muse back in the 60s, “There’s going be a terrible stink when this gets out.”
Rinka the dog was unavailable for comment.
Plus ça change (plus c’est la même chose…
The public transformation from Hobbit to Orc or Goblin never ceases to amaze and amuse. Of course we have to bear in mind that it’s needed to feed the fat dullards, who are nowadays permanently hardwired to their screens, their need for any kind of movement beyond the triangular route of Easy Boy, Deliveroo door answering and the bathroom is obviated by the electronic benefits transfer.
That said, I recommend the fascinating documentary series “Traumazone”, on BBC iplayer, covering life in the Soviet Union/Russia between 1989 and 2005.
A rather enjoyable rant, boys:
This is where we’re at…
“U.K. police DETAIN Grayzone’s Kit Klarenberg at Luton airport over his JOURNALISM”
Where’s all the outrage in the UK media?
Rowan Atkinson speaking eloquently and genteelly once again, about “free speech” with regard to Section 57 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013.
Given time mighty oaks from little acorns grow but will the “healthy core of Englishness” have been extinguished then?
@5:57pm Interesting that Kit alleges that the ghastly lefty Paul Mason is now collaborating for KGB-UK.
If you only watch one sketch on the Schofield affair it should be Katie Hopkins’.skit.
Let’s celebrate:
EC says @ June 1, 2023 at 6:16 pm
The guy should be gold plated, EC, if not made with gold, 100% right, but will they do it?
EC says @ June 1, 2023 at 5:57 pm
If that can happen to a known public figure, EC, what can someone unknown to anyone expect?
Noa says @ June 2, 2023 at 9:56 pm
One feels, Noa, not everything has yet come out, more will be revealed probably soon, the other party is allegedly engaged in a biding war, when happy with the payout will talk.
There was something in the guy Baron disliked intensely even before he came out, he always looked rather creepy, unnaturally normal and openly narcissistic, a ghastly creature of the Jimmy Savile’s mould.
We may be in for another escalation step in Ukraine, the biggest NATO exercise both north and south of Russia will be on soon, there is nothing to stop the massive number of NATO fighter jets launching missiles into Russia whilst flying over the Baltic or down over Rumania, then claiming it’s the Ukrainian fighters that are doing it.
General Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has asked to be received urgently by the Chinese, they said ‘no, thank you’, what is it he was going to tell them that links to the forthcoming NATO manoeuvres?
Another sleepless night, the barbarian from the East has never been as worried as he’s now, he fears the military manoeuvring by NATO could get out of hand, the MSM silence about it, the biggest have-a-go by the alliance since its creation, is another sign that more than a mischief is on the drawing board, it could also be that Baron’s age makes him jumpier more than before, he’s searching for some good news every day, nothing of any import seems to be available, he is resigned to watching clips of Fawlty Towers, Monty Python ….
Baron, June 3, 2023 at 10:13 am
Insomnia is a bugger, innit.
This catchy little song was penned when the world pop’ was only just over 3 billion. Makes you think, dunt it.
Baron, June 3, 2023 at 10:13 am
The federal government of ‘merica has been in the grip of malignant and/or batshit crazy neocons for decades. These people operate across party boundaries. A prime example is the fragrant specimen below. At the heart Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden administrations.
Railway Carriage Sketch
Marty Feldman & John Cleese
EC says @ June 4, 2023 at 5:56 pm
Awful when one cannot sleep, EC, only gets there in the early hours in the morning.
Whatever happened to the guy, he seems to have disappeared, but was excellent just as a talented human being always is.
With all this good weather I’ve been cheering myself following sentencing at the morning floggings of rebellious field workers by listening to Boom Radio, Cherie Frenchy and checking the AfD and Dutch farmers election results via Michael Heavers little site on YouTube. Good for them, as ever change and revolution will come from the continent, not from the antiquated political fossil that is the British constitutional settlement.
For anyone missing the death of honest truthful no holds barred reporting (and the excellent Floozie collection) on GB News here’s the link to Mark Steyns shows.
Baron: June 3, 2023 at 12:43 am
General Milley: Is he the one that likes wearing a woman’s uniform in public, is that one of their Admirals, presumably Rear? Or is Milley that rotund guy with more medals on his chest than a PRNK general? (and when Kim’s men run out of chest space they pin ’em on their trouser legs!)
I thought that Milley had been replaced?
Noa at 2:24 pm
That’s interesting, I have never come across ADH TV before.
Are you signed up? Is it free?
Mark’s new book, “The Prisoner of Windsor” looks a bit of fun.
NB. It should also be noted that Mark’s Top Totty will also be present on his cruises 🙂 Given the prices one hopes that they will there in the flesh, so to speak.
Baron: June 4, 2023 at 11:14 pm
How goes it in the “wee small hours,” as FP used to call them? Not good at this end.
You got me thinking about the fading, and becoming rather quaint, notion of “Englishness” again the other night. I had recently been perusing my eclectic music collection that I’d uploaded to the iMac. listening to Mozart’s Requiem Mass (K626), Holst’s “Mars The Bringer of War” – both remarkably apposite in these “interesting times” as was Tom Lehrer’s Bomb song. After this, and to cheer myself up a bit, I listened to The Beatles’ “Magical Mystery Tour.” They really tapped into something from their childhood there.
There is/was something quinticentially English about Mystery Coach Trips. Noa will correct if I’m wrong , but I’m sure that they were/are a Northern thing, before the days of mass car ownership. They enabled people to get out of their grim mill towns and pit villages to see what the other mill towns and pit villages were like across t’moors. These could be evening escapades after work, day trips, or sometimes overnighters.
Now, the Annual Works’ Outings were a completely different thing. Once a year, in the summer, an employer would lay on a coach to the nearest seaside resort where upon everyone would get pissed, eat fish and chips, get pissed again, sunburnt and return at night either sick, pregnant and possibly in need of a course of penicillin – in some cases all three!
I would like to think that Noa still upholds the tradition of the Annual Works Outing to Blackpool for his estate workers so they can marvel at the bright lights, public sanitation and brown sands.
Ah, proper Fish & Chips deep fried in lard, served in yesterday’s newspapers. The fat, salt and real malt vinegar forming a subtle blend with the printers ink on one’s fingers. Can’t beat that!
The cultural question that remains is, despite the rapid strides in social mobility made in the last 50 years, and his elevation to the Mill owning classes, then “Does Noa still keep at least one Whippet?”
My doghsndler no longer races the whippet pack, re purposing them for tracking escaped Albanian plantation workers, who certainly don’t merit coach trips to the seaside!
Excellence, nothing but excellence:
A lovely tale, EC, the paragraph that has in it ‘once a year, in the summer, an employer would lay on a coach to the nearest seaside resort where upon everyone would get pissed, eat fish ….’ made Baron more than smile, he was once, only once on such an outing, what happened to him was exactly as you said except getting pregnant, these were the days of uncontrolled ebullience without the fear someone would sue for an inapproproate touch upon whatever …
Noa says @ June 7, 2023 at 10:17 am
What a useful pack of whippets, Noa, give them a biscuit each.
Noa says @ June 5, 2023 at 2:24 pm
All in all, yes, China is a bugger but whipping the Mandarin speakers for taking over Western manufacturing is hitting below waist, Noa, it’s money that did it again, the wage rate the Chinese workers were paid was about a tenth of what the counterparts in the West were demanding, it’s about a quarter now still, what could the companies do but relocate, we, the plebeians lost jobs as producers but benefitted handsomely as consumers, no inflation, cheapness galore.
Mark’s getting better and better, he ought to find a rich benefactor, a Chinese billionaire would do, set up the equivalent off Fox, only more watchable.
For those sceptics who enjoy their paranoia too much to accept Sunooks sushi, here’s John Wards latest crystalline meth concoction from the Slog.
I’ve no argument with your argument milud. In the 1980s if it hadn’t been the PRC Western politicians had exported their trade union militancy, resulting industrial decline and financial investment problems to, it would have been someone else.
They tried to put lipstick on their defenestrated pig by prattling about moving up to ‘the knowledge economy’. In other words, proposing to live off the intellectual property of existing technology and assets. However the difficulties with this are twofold: firstly you rapidly loose your expertise if you arent receiving and directly addressing operational feedback. You are simply addressing your subcontractors (and future competitors) production process flaws. Secondly, you are loosing technological innovation and design capability by persisting in unequal laissez faire policies.
More later perhaps on this. I am competing with a bumpy coach journey as I compose and meld thoughts and words.
And a good call, dog biscuits are on order.
Annecy, simply an atrocity on the defenceless people of Europe.
Sadly we will see many more unless the Sprouts can ship their refugees to Britain more effectively.
EC says:
June 6, 2023 at 11:16 am
I enjoyed your post, EC. It brought back teenage memories of going by train to Blackpool on Wakes week during the Glaswegian invasions and sidestepping three or four drunken, incomprehensible brawls in as many yards, between kilted pioneers of the bare breasted tattooed look.
‘Where theres muck there’s brass’ of course and Blackpool’s financial and vomitary loss has long since been Spain’s gain, though I’ve seen they’re proposing to clamp down on such British ‘glamping’.
Annecy 2 The Webb take.
Logic, analogy and deductive reasoning =racism?
What Russia got wrong and the liberals got right….
Annecy 3
The stabbiness of the long distance loner and the shooting of the 78 year OAP.
Noa says @ June 9, 2023 at 11:38 am
You, Noa, and Simon are right, there will be more of it, nobody will get kicked out, certainly not in numbers needed to stop the slaughter.
Noa says @ June 9, 2023 at 12:04 pm
The very likely missed again, they were drunk, Noa.
I see tge Barcley Bugle and Specstateszie are in receivership, owing a £billion to Lloyds(?).
No doubt remnants of the SS Wulfshead and Galacian Divisions will be entrenched in the Castle rose gardens and in pill boxes overlooking the jetty at Sark, ready to resist the onslaught of Charlie’s revenue collectors.
Now that the hapless leader and relentlessly priapic Mr Johnson is securely launched on the lucrative lecture circuit and no doubt awaiting a few directorship offers, what need has he to retain his rotten borough seat whilst awaiting his own pay off peerage?
Noa says @ June 10, 2023 at 11:18 am
Good one, Noa, it made the blue veined barbarian chuckle.
Noa – 10th June at 12:01 pm
Ah, ” the lecture circuit.” A method of dispensing vast sums to ex politicos for a 45 minute anodyne talk, interspersed with an occasional crap joke if one is lucky. A payoff for previous services rendered. Quid pro quo post laboris, so to speak.
Noa , June 10, 2023 at 11:18 am
Fiscally bankrupt too? Does this mean that we are going to see “Brillo” back in a string vest and faded baseball cap, cadging fags or the price of a cup of tea from tourists on the Cote d’Azur ? ‘alf Nelson and the rest of the Scotia Nostra (© Frank P) camped out in shop doorways on Sauchiehall Street, or downing bottles of meths in Necropolis?
The Mail on Sunday has published a rumour that “Fragrant Phil” Hammond may seek to re-build his broadcasting career on Talk TV, raising the possibility that the shrill Harpey-Brewer is on the skids…
Breakfast time would be too early for Bojo but the Mr Toad lookalike Mike Graham might, just possibly, be “invited” to make room for the recently defenestrated Covid Dictator and Eastern Warlord…that would lead to
an interesting Hitchens Half Hour on a Monday morning…
Another story covers the resignation of half the English Women’s Angling Team a month before the World Championships next month carping about the inclusion of a transgender former rugby player into the team. Was the disagreement over whether (s)he would have to provide their own tackle? We should be told.
I was of course referring to the magnetic personality Mr Schoolfiend, not the concupiscent Baron Hammond of Runnynose of the disgraced (ed: which one?) former Tory PMs cabinet…
Any facial resemblance between the two is merely extraordinary….
Aye, it must be a sad sight indeed to see the mighty brought so low and crowding together for warmth underneath the arches of the Clyde bridge, sipping from and passing around the last bottle of meths from Boots, whilst their fleas hop from one Guardian-lined bivvy to another.
Does Bojo visit them from time to time I wonder? Dispensing Harrods hampers, Durex and the occasional peerage to his old comrades? I like to think so
We must all contribute generously to the “Westward Ho” collection, seeking to fund their emigration to the welcoming boulevards of Montecino.
Dr Daniels and the idiocy of the young Western mind.
Noa, June 11, 2023 at 10:48 am
“The Mail on Sunday has published a rumour that “Fragrant Phil” Hammond may seek to re-build his broadcasting career on Talk TV, raising the possibility that the shrill Harpey-Brewer is on the skids…”
She is definitely in the top five competent hard nosed professional, no nonsense, chews nails spits rust, queen bitch female journos out there. Another one that comes to mind is the equally challenging and dreaded Ann Robinson. Although no longer MSM Katie Hopkins must also get a special mention!
I saw a snippet of JHB interviewing the endomorphic Lisa Numpty the other day. It was an intensely depressing spectacle, the latter being at least 40 IQ points down on the former.
It’s depressing to think that the HoC is populated with such dim people on both sides of the aisle who have never had a proper job. One of Harold Wilson’s more amusing catchphrases was, “A fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work.” Based on that most of the fuckers in the HoC, County & Town Halls, would have starved to death ages ago.
The trouble with the Harpy and others of her ilk are that, no one else, whether stupid or clever, can ever get a word in edgeways.
They?/she? Are all opinion and no consideration. At least she doesn’t have a boring accent or tone of voice. But if I’m going to be lectured for my own good, as the female of the species does, I’d rather it was by some attractive young trollop than someone who looks as though they’ve just kicked the farmer out of the henhouse!
Baron says: June 9, 2023 at 8:05 pm
Perhaps the Annecy police were drunk too, milud.
Noa @ 1.02pm
Of course I was thinking that if Fragrant Phil is to be suitably accommodated at Talk TV then the most commodious slot for him would be that of the Harpy.
And we all now know that FP likes his commodious…..
Would she wear that? My God, why am I even wasting any of my declining brain cells even thinking about this rubbish….
Noa at 1:46 pm
“[…] the most commodious slot for him (Phil] would be that of the Harpy. […] ”
Care to rephrase that, Guv? Are you saying that Harpy has a commodious slot? That might be an open goal for Messrs Farter-Cuck
[…] My God, why am I even wasting any of my declining brain cells even thinking about this rubbish…”
It must be the H E A T… aka the Climate Emergency!
eg. At first I thought that you meant Philip Hammond aka “Spreadshit Phil.”
@1:02pm Quite so! For the avoidance of doubt, if the ginger toupée wearer would give her a day off, then I’d be very happy to be lectured in person by Eva Lotte Louise Joan Vlaardingerbroek,
Not unexpected news… top bloke.
Of course, as he said himself, his main crime was to be heterosexual. Had his interest been in young men or boys then the Grauniad et al would have praised him to high heaven.
Berlusconi was well dodgy but thoroughly entertaining. At least he did no lasting harm, which is probably Al you can hope of any pollytician, conservative or Liberal.
Now there’s a chap who would have persued the fair Eva, to the shagrin of the toupee canuck…
Berlusconi was well dodgy but thoroughly entertaining. At least he did no lasting harm, which is probably all you can hope of any pollytician, conservative or Liberal.
Now there’s a chap who would have pursued the fair Eva, to the shagrin of the toupeed canuck…
Shuffling off?
I read somewhere recently that George Soros had handed over the reins of his empire to his son. Can the apple be as rotten as the tree?
This is quite interesting:
What’s in it for them, though?
Inset in the article above is a photo of Eco-warrior, and Ecotricity founder, Dale Vince who once claimed his sky mining firm could turn carbon in the air into diamonds. Looks a trustworthy chap, one could say he’s a diamond geezer. I for one would invest all my life savings (if I had any) in his sky diamond mining business.
On the One O’clock news on the BBC4 Radio today during the leading item, the killing spree in Nottingham, the word ‘vibrant’ or its derivatives as the description of the city got mentioned six times, one cannot imagine what would the city be described as if the killer, a West African guy with prior record of violence, were to slaughter (say) twelve students and a half a dozen of old age pensioners, a hyper-vibrant?
EC says @ June 13, 2023 at 9:06 am
There’s little substantial difference between the policies of the two stale political parties, EC, except that one may be advocating to pursue a certain Woke idea faster than the other one which may be pushing for a speedier implementation of another Woke policy, both detrimental to our freedoms or anything else coupled with the country’s ‘barbaric’ past, so why should there be any difference when it comes to funding the two past sell-by date outfits?
Noa says @ June 11, 2023 at 2:52 pm
The good doctor is priceless, Noa, so many memorable quote such as ‘the police are ready to protect our feelings, but not our property’.
Can you recall Baron yapping about the importance of energy for nature, the economy, life in general for some time, and also that if Germany cuts off the supply of cheap and reliable fossil fuels from Russia it had been getting since 1966, no hitch, the country’s industry will move closer to collapse?
Here’s the confirmation delivered few days ago by Robert Habeck, the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection:
The Webb Diatribe turns his irony on the solar panels and turdbines (H/T EC).
No, I’d never heard of it before either.
Any relationship to the SS perhaps?
Baron June 14, 2023 at 12:28 am
They’ve brought it on themselves Milud. Let’s hope their electric cars, solar panels and turbines pick up the gaps left by dirty omd coal and gas.
And that the unwashed Green activists enjoy washing if they do, in cold water…
Of course jt will be as bad or worse in Britain. Be very very afraid.
Its not working out too well down in South America either for Germany’s own Belt und Road initiatives. Don’t they want electric BMWs in Rio for God’s sake?
Noa @09:10
Katie Hopkins covered essentially the same points in an entertaining manner this morning – with added nipples!
Katie Hopkins: “Best Go Glue Your Nipples to the Pavement’
He’s right, she’s right, and CHWallsters are right – have been for at least the last 15 years 🙂
Noa @ 09:20
He should be called “Mystic Webb.” When the Nottingham Perp’s face wasn’t immediately plastered all over the MSM it was a fair bet that he wasn’t white.
I’ve never heard of NILO either. It doesn’t sound as if Hugo Boss got the contract for the uniforms though – probably an uncle of the Chaiwallah’s or Hunt’s wife.
Noa @ 09:29
“Be very very afraid.”
It was good while it lasted – i.e. women without hairy legs or armpits
Do do, or any of your sources, know how NATO Air “Defender” 2023 is going? Command and control of the multi-national air forces taking part must be like herding cats. The danger is that someone somewhere will fuck up big time and leave Russia no option but to retaliate.
Of course it could all be a smokescreen for a dastardly CIA/Special Forces Black Ops operation in Ukraine in order to pin the blame on Russia?
Enjoy the hollow laughter as you enjoy RUSI’s ‘group think’ outpourings.
War to the death as practcised by the military/industrial/ political complex.
How many of them have actually experienced war, one wonders?
The Wallsters have always known the direction of travel. Some of us thought we might even be able to alter it.
Now we just comment on the various stops along the road.
This is posted only because Baron got this from someone who’s in love with the girl, don’t ask why, he has never met her, he just loves her everything from the complexion to the way she talks, he watches her videos, his favourite pastime, he thinks she’s also very clever, he has never heard of the peaches versus coconuts explanation of the division of the people even though he’s close to Baron’s age, and totally impotent, or so he says ….:
Noa says @ June 14, 2023 at 9:10 am
The drop in the conversion ratio of the solar panel as temperature rises is almost never mentioned, but it’s important if we are to see global temperatures to rise, the contraptions are close to useless also because nobody knows what to do with them when their useful life ends, bloody criminal, the whole exercise.
EC says @ June 14, 2023 at 6:26 pm
Not a word about the biggest air show on earth ever bar the WW2, EC, why?
EC says @ June 14, 2023 at 6:00 pm
What makes you think, EC, that being right matters in the enlightened and woke Britain, heh?
“It was good while it lasted – i.e. women without hairy legs or armpits”
It’s the two day stubble and subsequent shaving rash that puts me off.
Poland and the Baltic states v the rest?
As the current Ukr Somme-like offensive appears to have been bloodily repulsed the questiion of whether NATO will survive the July Conference in Vilnius in its present form clearly arises.
Does anyone really see the demented loon in DC, or his Dementer Obama, as the ‘Defender and Shield of Europe’ in this geo-strategic struggle to retain American hegemony?
More 24 carat Tucker.
Thank you for tge TC link EC, deep sardonic truth spesking until lies.
It’s interesting to see the old common law commercial arguments for and against ‘Restraint of Trade’ being played out against the totalitarian political background of Fox’s ‘Cease and Desist’ order against Tucker Carlson.
Free speech against Big business and the Pants Crapper.
Who will win?
Well, there’s a surprise…
Senior police officer from Durham C*nstabulary that cleared Keir Starmer in ‘Beergate’ probe is appointed Chief Constable of Polis Scotland
When is a party not a party but a work related function, eh?
Duh! When it involves Labour politicians, stoopid.
“…So as per usual following the atrocious Nottingham murders this week we had the organised deflection campaign from the real issue – immigration and why yet again people died as a result
The families of the two university kids urged us not to hate and there were vigils, candles, songs and embraces
Against this background it was refreshing to see that the brother of the the 65 year old caretaker also killed tweeted yesterday
“My Brother is laid out in the mortuary at QMC covered in stab wounds, murdered by a xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx who tossed Ian on to the street to die alone and people like this spout their xxxx, pray our paths never cross.” – see photos below for full text
Of course it is doubtful the media will pursue this story and there are no tweets to Phil asking for more details or interviews
And in our upside down world where what used to be right is now wrong and vice versa I suppose it’s even possible that Phil might feel the force of the law and get a visit from the police for threatening behaviour or hate speech
Among all the confected response to Nottingham isn’t Phil’s the more honest?”
H/T Major Tom @Readers Forum TCW 17th June,2023
The BBC’s “Disinformation Service” in action…
Carl Benjamin and Andrew Lawrence reviewing whilst eating Lotuses…
He should sue for defamation.
Instead of yapping whether this or the other is conspiracy or not, EC, the BBC should tell people about the enrichment of the British streets, that would be useful, people will be ready when confronted with the new addition to the local mores when shopping:
Noa says @ June 18, 2023 at 9:56 am
Give it another day or say, Noa, and it will vanish from the legacy media just as the Woolwich murder did.
What do you make of this?
Baron says:
June 19, 2023 at 8:52 am
It would fall into the category of amusing tosh, Milud, if there werent actually gullible people who took this stuff seriously.
Watching England atm, which is rather like watching the People Popular frint of Judea commiting a mass suicide attack.
Noa at 4:03 pm
I had no idea that the klicket was on.
If the antipodean crims do manage to win/retain The Ashes, then this year I think it’s only fair that they also take Rolf’s home with them.
This wouldn’t be allowed on TV these days, obvs…
It was the cabbages that got me 🙂
2020: “You vill eat zee bugs!” Schwab, Gates, Thunberg et al.
1969: How prescient this was…
“Adopt a Clint!” Have I got that right?
Noa @ 11:25 am
It is great a pity that our absent friend isn’t here to savour that one, especially the startling revelation regarding the Ugandan wheelchair arse-bandits!
Watching him at Edgbaston yesterday I fear a great tragedy to the civilsed world resulted from Stephen Fry’s failure to competently commit suicide.
“…The world is splitting into two major blocs – the West and the Rest. The Russia/China/India/Brazil bloc has a purchasing power parity GDP of $48trillion and the USA/UK/Germany/France/Japan bloc a PPP GDP of $43trillion. Almost every day a country reports that China has replaced the US as its main trading partner…”
Noa says @ June 21, 2023 at 11:25 am
There seems to be a strong competition, Noa, for the most bizarre woke idea ever, will the clits arrive frozen or marinated?
Noa says @ June 22, 2023 at 8:44 am
As you well know, Noa, It’s at such times that the dying hegemon is at its most dangerous, one fears the American GEs may go loopy, unleash an Armageddon we will all regret.
Why no news about the largest NATO air exercise since the creation of the alliance? What’s preventing the MSM scribblers telling us how powerful and united the members are?
Baron at 6:24 pm
Reportedly, Rasheed Sunook’s pick to replace Stoltenberg as NATO chief, Ben Wallace, was blackballed by the Biden Admin’. Obviously he’s not unhinged enough to replace the current lunatic. Never mind Ben, the job is going to be pretty much a poisoned chalice before the summer is out.
I was bumbling away thru my YouTube feed, more or less emotionally undisturbed, when this Magyar Tootsie chap reminded me the the official Conservative Party candidate for London Mayor 2024 was the one and only Daniel Korski… Arggh! God, this country can be so utterly depressing at times.
I felt obliged to inform those born yesterday, and remind with others with dodgy memories, who he was…
Daniel Korski aka Krapski, formerly of The Spectatoir. Europhile, and wrong on every other issue he wrote about. A sidekick of the never elected “Barroness” Upholland (Catherin Ashton – Gordon Brown’s chum) who was High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy – laying the foundations for Ukraine 2014 !
I cheered myself up a bit when I located this interchange on the Spectatoir CHW blogs.
Vintage Frank! 🙂
Noa, June 21, 2023 at 12:46 pm
The Wurst is yet to come for Mr Fry.
Jawohl. Only two sausages a month, nach Reienfolge!
Tucker sums it up before the lights go out.
EC says @ June 22, 2023 at 7:05 pm
Good point, EC, they are allegedly pressuring the current guy to stay, he’s easy to control, each of them has to have that quality, Ben Wallace must be made of a stronger stuff hence the unsuitability.
Btw, Baron responded to your earlier posting, it refused to go in, possibly because of the mention of the Barbarossa anniversary today, weird isn’t it?
EC says @ June 22, 2023 at 7:23 pm
How Baron misses the guy, EC, he was the top whichever way one would slice any issue going, one hopes he’s having an enjoyable time watching the Woke crowd down here thinking ‘what a bunch of wan*ers’.
EC says @ June 22, 2023 at 8:16 pm
It’s not funny, EC, it’s likely to happen, they can tax meat so much it will because a luxury similar to the Beluga caviar, hopefully the AfD will use it, get more votes, overturn the Green fuggwits.
Noa says @ June 22, 2023 at 10:05 pm
The guy’s unbelievable, Noa, he should be careful, the dark forces work slowly never give up, hopefully Musk will give him some backing, also the audience, the millions that are watching him every day.
Surprise, surprise, and once more surprise, a Maidan in Moscow?
The TASS reports that Prigozhin decided to march on Moscow, intends to take over the governance of the country, claims the missiles of the Russian Armed Services killed 2,000 of his men, that the war in Ukraine is to please and reward the Russian oligarchs that lost assets in the West, that the generals fly towards Ukraine, never reach the country, turn back, award themselves the Hero of the Russian Federation trinket ….
The man must be mad, the FSB issued a warrant for his arrest, nobody knows where he is, two of the top Russian military men, one is Surovikin who’s apparently close to Prigozhin, have done videos asking the Wagner musicians not to fight the Russian Army.
Interesting times we live in, the West’s Governing Elites must be salivating.
Baron at 12:19 am
Interesting times! Vlad is not a happy bunny by the sound of it.
I saw a couple of snippets of YP’s latest video outburst on the Judge’s programs yesterday. Col. Douglas Macgregor looked as bewildered as anyone else, put YP’s latest video down to “frustration.”
I think that what many people fail to grasp is that The Musicians and their Conductor are mercenaries first and foremost. Only a fool would expect or appeal to their patriotism. They will work for anyone if the price is right, even including the fragrant Victoria!
EC says @ June 24, 2023 at 10:18 am
The guy’s either mental or he has secured some backing either within Russia or from the outside, the might of the NATO’s Air power hasn’t yet moved back to the their bases, the fact that no MSM said anything about the biggest exercise ever which lasted ten days ended two days ago could be a hint of things to come, Prigozhin can hardly afford making a deal directly with the West, the Russian unwashed wouldn’t like it, it would be his undoing if it were to leak out, but he may camouflage it doing a deal with Kiev arguing ‘why should a brother kill a brother’, of course, the deal will be run by the Americans.
On balance, the man’s a fruitcake, he has 25,000 fighters, there’s no sign of the regular Russian troops joining him, he cannot but lose unless he secures some real backing.
It would be of interest to know China’s take on the attempted coup, she can hardly afford to be surrounded on the north with a power even sympathetic to the West.
Nothing much new in it, but a good read, the ending puzzles, are we all to perish?
Baron at 10:48 am, further to my @10:18
“On balance, the man’s a fruitcake”
I think that YP got his “card marked” so to speak after his first outburst a few weeks ago.
Double crosses are not unknown in the murky world that VVP and YP inhabit.
YP’s claim that the Russian army tried to wipe him out is actually quite plausible. After the Musicians had done their job in the Bakhmut meat grinder then their usefulness was diminished. So the in the amoral world of Machiavelli, Sun Tzu et al, then why not save money and eliminate a potential threat at the same time, eh? The trouble is that one cannot afford to botch the “pay off.”. So YP is very probably extremely “mad” in every sense of the word now.
Here is something to hopefully lighten your mood a bit this afternoon/evening.
Paris Summit: Here is the president of Kenya, William Ruto, giving Pres. M. Macron a good lecture about international banking and taxation. This Ruto chap is tens of IQ points above that other famous, rather louche, Kenyan, whose name escapes me now. It wasn’t O’ Bama was it?
M. Micron is uncomfortable to say the least, pinned to his seat, squirming and with some other nervous ticks on display. I hope that you enjoy it.
The Ride of the Vallkyries on Moscow is a fascinating development! With clear echoes of the 16th Century wars between the Italian city states abd the habit of their mercenary troops tge Condottierri, The predecessors of the Papal Swiss Guard, to renege to the highest bidder before or during battles and sieges.
Is this what’s happened here? Has Biden bought the orchestra and its conductor?
Regardless, I would xpect a swift abd brutal response from the Nomenklatura to avert regime change.
I think Baron’s earlier assessment of YP was correct. He has gone one stop beyond Dagenham. i.e. Barking!
Despite the “deal” that caused the Musicians to do a 180 back to their barracks in Rostov, I think that the Lubyanka Hilton might be fully booked this summer. Following the debacle, in order not to be seen as weak VVP has to “be seen to be doing something.” So is an all out attack now imminent?
Good points, boys.
Nobody knows for certain what the deal the Belarus guy negotiated contains, rumour has it P will end up either in Belarus on the border with Ukraine (unlikely), or in Africa, plenty of jobs there.
It turns out Wagner’s officers were not privy to the putsch, it was P and the lower ranks only, strange but apparently true, some of the Wagner troops decided to lay down arms, a sizeable crowd, almost all young, applauded the musicians as they were leaving Rostov shouting ‘Wagner, Wagner’, one hopes Putin will make changes.
The coup must have been planned well before yesterday, it wasn’t a spontaneous response to the alleged shelling of the Wagner’s camp, P also lied castigating the Russian regular army for not supplying the musicians with enough ammo, they got more than enough, stored it for the coup ….. both Uganda and Iran offered to send troops to defend Putin.
Has there ever been a coup d’état, in which the CIA didn’t have a finger in the pie?
In one of the postings on the Spectator’s site someone says that Russia suffers from sufficient division in the society, hence the putsch.
If there were a ‘sufficient division’ the putsch wouldn’t have collapsed so quickly, of course division exists in Russia as it does in any Western country, but not deep enough otherwise either the military units or the troops of the security services would have joined in.
One cannot but ponder the timing of P’s call to arms to dislodge Putin, so close to the end of the largest NATO air exercise ever, the assets are still around Russia, more fighter jets are on a stand-by than one could count on the fingers of ten hands or more.
It’s also known publicly that P made deals with the Ukrainians, he bought some FGM-148 Javelin gear and other stuff from them, that couldn’t have happened without the Americans nodding to it, they run the op.
There also is the puzzling removal from the Wagner’s internet site of a number of sites the group does business with, all registered in the US, most of them funded by Soros’s NGOs, all that vanished when P announced his ‘justice ‘drive to Moscow.
It will take time but it may turn out the one that blinked were the Americans, they may have been P’s backers but chickened out, didn’t make use of the F-16s stationed around Russia to fire missiles at the Kremlin as the P’s musicians were surrounding the place whilst telling everyone the firing was done by the able Ukrainian pilots trained so well in the West, perfectly kosher since the Russians are doing the same in Ukraine.
Baron at 6:43 am & 7:55
Very interesting, especially the bit about Wagner’s senior commanders being kept in the dark about the putsch. It could be that they decide that their conductor is a liability and they “retire” him themselves, no?
As to your presumably rhetorical question”
“Has there ever been a coup d’état, in which the CIA didn’t have a finger in the pie?”
Probably not since 1947.
btw. Who “retired” General Sikorski? MI6, NKVD or the OSS?
Noa: June 24, 2023 at 6:32 pm
Your allusion to Richard Wagner’s Ring Cycle and the Flight of the
ValkyrBumblebees in open top jeeps racing up the M4 from Rostov to Moscow made me smile. A bewigged Prigozhin clad as Brünhilde complete with a viking helmet trailing blonde locks in the wind.I expect the mental image of the ‘orrible Yevgeny bearing down on them must have been the cause of a lot of clenched buttocks in the Generals staff of the Kremlin. The net result being much the same as that as the bowel loosening effect of eating too much fresh fruit…
Cue: “Something in the air tonight.” Phil Collins
EC and Baron
It would be easy to confuse the Ride to Mokba with one of the myriad Juneteenth LQBTQIA…..zzzz Pride comes before the Fall parades that are happening across the West (but not Afrika). The Conductor needed to deploy a combat ready team of elite idealists like the 1st Btn Pedo Guards below, rather than the motley hoi polloi from the rough end of the Chorus that fell out of the bars in Rostov at closing time-and arrived back for early opening!
“btw. Who “retired” General Sikorski? MI6, NKVD or the OSS?”
Have flown in and out of GIB the shrewd money would be on Ferrovial. After all they own nearly all the other British airports. Of course he might not have paid his car park fee so the Peshawar mafia may have put a 5000 zloty contract out on him.
The Slog’s sardonic take on the mad mad world of Opera….
That’s what Baron calls timing:
Noa says @ June 25, 2023 at 3:20 pm
A common sense man, Noa, and a common sense piece, very little to disagree with except that Prigozhin may have been little known in the West (and when he was talked about it was always as a baddie, Putin’s stooge bla, bla..), but in Russia he had a very positive reputation, was admired, known more than any other regular general except Shoigu.
EC says @ June 25, 2023 at 10:08 am
Good question, EC, has anyone the answer though, Baron would guess the Georgian thug may have been the butler, if one were to use the guidance of ‘cui bono’, no?
How did he manage it is the more difficult question, what you and Noa think?
What sort of a war is it, killing but also making money flogging the stuff that should be used for the former to the other side, if Baron were in charge he would castrate those selling the gear to the enemy, it’s as bad as betrayal, how on earth is it done?:
There’s another problem, the doctor may be kosher (or may not, hard to judge, one has to accept the decision of those hiring him or her), but he or she speaks with an accent that Baron cannot understand, it’s true, absolutely nothing to do with racism, you must trust Baron on it, he doesn’t make it up, it was she, a mask on, Baron couldn’t figure one single word, it was more than embarrassing, what could one do, asking for something to be repeated over and over again, with no success, the female doctor was visibly upset, Baron also, the appointment came to an end, one worries what happens next.
Just to let you know Baron has signed the petition linked below:
A very enjoyable read from the editor at the Grayzone, about the casualties of the Prigozhin’s coup, but no cadavers.
“Maskirovka” Definitely a candidate for word of the wall… thus far.
“The Russians don’t think like we do.”
That Col.Douglas Macgregor is an astute fellow.
The trouble with the current western [ironically dubbed] “liberal” left hegemony is that they assume that everybody thinks like them, or must be forced to do so. Their blinkered mindset will be their undoing, and if they push it to the limit then probably catastrophically.
I remember, years ago, when Melanie Phillips used to bang on about “militant atheists.” I always found that term illogical. Can one be militant about nothing? [Also, can “theoretical physicists” really exist? – blame it on Russell]. The people she complained about all believed quite vehemently in some ideology or another ranging from veganism, eco-mentalism and now with have transgenderism!
What G.K. Chesterton never said all at once, but did in stages!
Krapski in the crapper, and is he now feeling a right tit?
Ah, the Labour Party smear machine firing up for a GE?
Regardless of other metrics, Krapski, scruffy bugger, would never been allowed through the door of No 10 whilst Maggie was in residence. She was pogonophobic!
@ 12:37 pm
Would “militant anti-religionists” would have been a better term?
From my brief excursion on Twitter, quite a long time ago now, I always thought it a supreme irony that although the famous atheist and anti-religionist Richard Dawkins maintained that God didn’t exist, most of his followers/acolytes/clergy treated him as if he was a God. The slightest perceived heresy in a response to any of Dawkin’s musings would result in a massive “Twitter pile-on” from the Clergy of The 1st Church of Dawkins.
George Galloway (or his team) was/were another touchy bunch. I got “blocked” for saying that he blocking too many people! 🙂 Even though Twitter is now run by the South African wunderkind, saviour of free speech, I’ve not been tempted to go back
This is from a guy Intelligent Dasein from another blog, interesting take backed by the Russian history, what do you make of it?
“:Prigozhin is Acting Within Russia’s Historical Tradition.
Thus far, no one has understood the significance of Prigozhin’s Rebellion nor hit upon the true and accurate interpretation of these events. Prigozhin has been pilloried as egotist screaming for attention or a traitor in the pay of Western intelligence agencies. Both of these claims partake of a highly occidental worldview which does not comprehend the cultural antecedents of Prigozhin’s actions. On the contrary, I say that Prigozhin is a Russian and that he is acting within the Russian historical tradition.
The analogues of Prigozhin’s Rebellion are not to be found in 1917 or 1905, but much further back, in the uprising of Stenka Razin (1670) and in Pugachev’s Rebellion (1773).
That curious mixture of brigandry with populist politics (so misunderstood by people in the West); those ill-fated and quixotic marches upon Moscow, chanting death to Tsars and bureaucrats; the gathering and then exile of mercenary forces sympathetic to the reform but equally and patriotically in love with the motherland—it has all happened before. This seems to be the way in which the Russian soul expresses itself in tense moments, just as surely as no American can get angry at his government without the echoes of the Tea Party and Declaration of Independence ringing in his ears.
Prigozhin gave voice to broad undercurrent in Russian society that, while very loyal to the government, wants to see the war prosecuted harder and burns with indignation at every brother Russian who dies in battle while the government plays it safe. Not wanting to appear contentious, they keep their thoughts to themselves until they explode in a great swing in the opposite direction, bringing vengeance and chastisement upon Moscow whom they view as a prodigal son. It is the style of the sudden catharsis, the style of the pogrom, the Russian style.
In each of these explosions a local hero steps forth onto the stage of history, moved towards an end that cannot hep but result in his personal destruction, he impels, focuses, and clarifies all the hidden needs of the Russian heart. We don’t excuse their misdeeds, but we redeem somewhat of their memory in museums and songs, for we are sympathetic to their passion. The same fever burns within us. Razin, Pugachev, Prigozhin—their names belong together forever.
While the West propagandizes itself with tales of Prigozhin’s ego or with utterly baseless calumnies about his subversion by Western intelligence (because that is according to its nature), Russia has been fortified by Prigozhin’s fever, even if he was fated to play the role of the evil humor.
Half hero, half criminal, all Russian—Prigozhin. Remember him with mercy.
One more good thing to come out of Prigozhin’s Rebellion (with echoes of Pugachev and Razin) is that it seems to have completely disrupted the prior news narrative concerning the Ukrainian counteroffensive. Similar to how Russia’s initial invasion in February ’22 finally dispelled the nonstop Covid-19 reporting, which by that point was nothing but a media meme which ordinary people had long since moved on from, so did it take a Progozhin’s Rebellion to finally put an end to all the MSM reporting about Ukrainian “progress,” even though it was always clear to everyone paying attention that Ukraine’s counteroffensive was doomed, pointless, and hopeless.
You’ll notice that things feel different now. Nobody even talks about Ukraine anymore as if Ukraine really had any agency in this matter. All eyes are on Russia now and what NATO is going to do. Ukraine has finally been exposed to all and sundry as the pathetic proxy it is, and now nobody even cares about it anymore. Public perception now perceives the war in its true form, as a battle between Russia and NATO.
Unlike some other commenters here, I don’t regard this outcome as being the intended effect of Prigozhin’s Rebellion, nor that it was “maskirovka” designed to bring out this result (and may I just say in passing that Larry Johnson is a complete idiot). Prigozhin no more intended to alter that narrative by rebelling than Putin intended to remove Covid from the headlines by invading Ukraine. In each case, what happened was simply that a stupid, fake, effeminate narrative was shoved out of the way by real, live, masculine events.
What the rebellion really was I have made clear elsewhere in the thread. It was a characteristically Russian response to the growing sentiment that the war is taking too long and the government is playing it too safe. The ball is now in Putin’s court. If he doesn’t make a major move to destroy Ukraine quickly (which he is quite capable of doing), then not only will the Putin government begin to loose legitimacy, but it may actually give NATO its one and only chance to somehow snatch victory, which would be a catastrophe for Russia and for the world.
The only “narrative” that matters now is, “What is Putin’s next move?” Does he finish it, or does he allow the silliness to continue?
Larry Johnson’s theory is absolutely idiotic, as is Scott Ritter’s theory that Prigozhin mounted an honest-to-God, Western-backed coup attempt. The Duran boys, along with Big Serge, have glommed onto the position that Prigozhin had let his ego get to him and was throwing a fit about his Wagner organization (and therefore his business interests) being sidelined. This idea is also absurd.
The truth of the matter is that Prigozhin, like Razin and Pugachev before him, was giving voice to the repressed concerns within Russian society by assuming the role of the brigand-hero which is a deep rooted archetype within Russian cultural memory. This does not mean Prigozhin’s actions are excusable, it just means that some of the concerns he expressed in his characteristically bombastic manner were indeed rooted in the truth.
Russia and the MoD need to stop the slow roll through Ukraine and wrap this thing up already. I understand the logic behind playing it cautious. I understand the need to preserve Russia’s regular forces in case of NATO escalation, and I understand that Putin is playing a long game with his global partners, getting the BRICS and the Global South to see Russia as a reliable party.
However, there is a point of diminishing returns when it comes to playing it safe. If you play it too safe, you are simply giving the enemy time to play the odds. Even a weak enemy like Ukraine might get in a lucky strike if you give him enough chances, so it makes sense to finish him off when you can. Furthermore, there is a legitimate desire on the part of many Russians to to see their people protected and their fallen revenged. They want to see and feel a decisive victory between their legs, and those desires should not simply be dismissed. Emotion plays a role in human life, and Russians have put up with a lot already”.
EC says @ June 27, 2023 at 12:37 pm
The guy may have a point when he says; It is common sense that is lost when belief in God is lost’, but if he’s right we have little hope of regaining common sense unless something big happens that turns us to God again, but what? WW3? God forbid.
Baron, June 28, 2023 at 12:28 am
FWIW, I agree with whoever that was criticisms of the various war pundits he mentions. However, whilst flawed analysis and speculation is bad, the outright lies of the MSM are even worse!
I think that the authors assessment about the passage of time and “the diminishing returns of playing it safe” are correct. If I may emphasise his point bluntly, its time for VVP and the Russians to either shit or get off the pot. [please excuse my phraseology, it’s derives from my “healthy core of Englishness, dontcha know]
The chap with the most objective commentary I’ve seen so far is that of Col Douglas Macgregor.
Have you seen Tucker’s latest? It’s good, really good!
“Tucker Carlson Talks Zelensky And Biden’s Successor After He ‘Drops Out'”
Col Douglas Macgregor also taking about the imminent power vacuum in the US, the demise of the US Dollar, and a comparison with the collapse of Rome!
As they say at Glasto-this one’s for EC.
The Krapski saga continues! Is he too hands-on even for the tories?
EC says @ June 28, 2023 at 8:24 am
Thanks, EC, it was missed by Baron, the guy’s courage has no limits, but then he lives in the US, is a superstar. On Ukraine he’s spot on, if the country is democracy Baron’s the Pope.
Here is the Nuland’s appointed PM of Ukraine Yatsenuk, his epiphany may shock you, but he’s right, Ukraine would be on the list on banned countries were it not for her bordering with Russia, which furnishes the best chance to destroy the largest Slavonic tribe.
Sorry for the two ‘dot’ in the URL, Baron cannot get it posted.
Noa says @ June 28, 2023 at 9:47 am
Krapski is cancelled, Noa, he gave up.
Baron & Noa
Krapski: He had no choice but to give up, he was sensible to get out ASAP, damage limitation. Once the accusation had been made then he was totally fucked, regardless of whether he’d “sampled the goods,” or whether they were freely available to others or not. Very difficult to disprove an accusation like that. What is the accuser’s motivation after all this time?
I consider this to be election interference and the allegation should be investigated by Inspector Knacker of NSY, but it won’t be. Knacker of the Yard would visit the scene of the crime to determine in the accuser was making a mountain out of a molehill, or if the accused was cup-able.
I’d have much rather seem him get skewered for his policy proposals or his time spent as sidekick to Baroness (my arse!) Ashton at the EU, meddling, prepping for the Maidan coup.
File under: Cameron’s soirées
Wots going on at Lloyd’s Why the Barclay Hunt by the Beasts of Frauds Past for Torygraph Sanctuary at a 50% + debt writedown?
A good read at the Slog, even if there’s no real answer forthcoming. Is Jon Ward an aging paranoid? Not if they’re really out to get us….
EC and His Holiness.
My link to the Krapski gropy thing was overtaken by the almost inevitable withdrawal of this SWMTM, stale white tory male. He’d have had a far better chance of survival if he’d reverted tocmaintaining an Izzard Defence, defending his in principle right to explore his own sexuality by touching the bodies of others.
If the Conservative Party wants to exist in the future it really will need to exploit the Serf and Terf culture that now pervades society and dominates what risibly passes for the Culture in Westminster.
Argh! Whilst watching the long slow death of the Convict tail this morning the camera picked up the Gray man himself, the Ashen faced John Major, complete with Lords members tie.
This comfortably seated arse and well renumerated new race grifter was enjoying a vantage point view of English cricket whilst complacently and complicitly presiding over its imminent destruction in the ICEC Report accusing it of racism, a lack of equality, diversity and alt-right terrorism (just joking on the last one Gents, though lefty Just Stop Oil terrorists are already active.
Here’s a link to the report if you need a break from neo con non news….
Noa says @ June 29, 2023 at 1:27 pm
Nothing that new, Noa, what the cricket report tells us, these old maladies are ubiquitous throughout the contemporary society, in a freshly released report entitled “On Public Conveniences located sparingly upon the Cities Towns often Villages throughout the Isles of Britain for the use by the Public in Times of Needful Instances to Piss and More” has also found the conveniences to be reeking of “racism, suffering from “a lack of equality, diversity and alt-right terrorism and such” including paying scant attention to the needs of the minority of domesticated rabbits.
Lessons will have to be learnt.
They got rid of the great Mark Steyn, now they are kicking Farage out, his bank closed his account told him to eff off, he tried to open a new account with other banks, they all refused.
Should we not be told who issued the order to the banks to de-bank Farage, apparently also others.
You reckon Baron’s next for the chop?
Baron : June 29, 2023 at 11:09 pm
“You reckon Baron’s next for the chop?”
There’ll be no more chops for you, you carnivorous climate terrorist you!
Why not try one of Uncle Bill’s succulent burgers made from the finest cockroaches ground with ginger and garlic, or maybe his Lincolnshire Locust ‘n herb sausages.
This is what’s actually coming…
Baron 11.05 pm and 11.09pm
Excellent! A joyful plea to extend the delights of the British pissoir to all our communities! It should be done forthwith and without further delay.
Banks? What makes Nigel think he’ll get an account with an overseas bank? How will it work for him in practice? Will he be summoned to the branch and given two carrier bags full of notes? Its been bad ever since Brown bailed the crooked bustards out in 2008. Now they’re being used to enforce the weltenschuang.
Baron: June 29, 2023 at 11:09 pm
Seriously though, Debit cards are essential. One cannot buy anything online without one. What’s left of businesses on the High Street… many of them will not accept cash. Supermarkets still will, for the time being
Also imagine, in addition, if the Corporatocracy decided to take away your access to their mobile phone networks and broadband services? The majority of people have become reliant on the damn things. Life would go from very difficult to impossible.
What’s wrong with Rwanda? Are all these judges, and the protestors waving “stop racism” banners actually racist, ya think?
I was going to suggest that Nigel get a Bank of Rwanda account, and go a set up shop there – do a “Hari Seldon” and organise his next electoral insurrection from there.
I’d gladly join him there as I’m sick of the cost of living, lousy debilitating 6 month winters, snd tattooed bovine populace here… Is Sue-Ella Braveperson doing free flights for people born here who want to emigrate?
What’s wrong with Rwanda?
A mad scheme cooked up by the lunatics who are bringing you uncooked caterpillar steak.
It does anything but solve the problem, which of course is Tone’s ‘uman right act. Anything happening to abolish or change that has now been binned by the Chaiwallah.
Suicde drones over the channel would work wonders, as would a total cessation on all immigration, but it wont happen.
The party rats, like Wallace, recognise that the guillotine awaits them next year and are queuing to set up their new jobs to augment their index linked pensions. In his case Biden has quashed his hopes of being the boss at NATO, no doubt to satisfy the blood lust of his Oirish voters, who wouldnt want a Brit officer who possibly served in NI during the Troubles. Wallace is coy about that. Still, I wouldnt want this useless placeman to lose even the chance of a job stacking the shelves in Sainsbury, still less be unable to pay his minimum wage salary into a bank account.
In hs case I’d have thought his consummate arselicking of Zel Boy and Boris would have secured him at least a BAE Directorship for UKr sales, but a Plan B in the form of the NATO quislingship would have suited him like a remaindered ready made from M and Co.
God damn, let me read you your rights!
1.You have to be silent, this will be rigidly enforced.
2.You have the right to vote, for whatever you think is the lesser of two indistinguishable mating weevils.
3.You have the right to think, see 1 above.
4. You have the right to meet and assemble in public, subject to approval of you making the necessary applications correctly.
5. You have the right to travel, subject ot the approval of the ecovirenmentalists who may try to stop you.
6. You have the right to have taxes taken from your earnings and savings in order to fund the interest payments for the state largesses we all enjoy, but see 7.
7. You have the right to earn and keep your own money safely if you follow rules 1 to 6 inclusive.
8. You have the right to a bank account, subject to rule 7.
But you do not have the right to move to the murderous genocidal regime of Rwanda, where your Hutus machete their rival Tutses (or is it the other way round?), because of the implications on Rule 6.
Noa @ 11:27 & 11:42
All true, I’m afraid
The Rwanda scheme is everything you said, but I actually meant was the country. I’d hazard a guess that you would be a lot safer walking the streets of Kigali than London or the streets in any of the other “diverse and vibrant” communities that we have in our Septic Isle.
PS. I thought that the Hutus and Tutses had buried the hatchets?
I suspect that the recent events in Paris were the spark that ignited the Trouble t’Mill that you had yesterday? I trust that you and the AK47 toting Lady Nelly have now regained control and have punished the culprits in the time honoured fashion.
Have a good weekend, cricket permitting…
Here’s the true Britishness for you:
EC says @ June 30, 2023 at 9:39 am
Not a bad idea of yours, EC, Nigel opening a bank account in Rwanda, better still in Botswana, that’s Baron’s favourite African country, one never hear anything bad about it, they seem to avoid having the same problems other African countries, the bigger one in particular, have aplenty. If Baron had to he would emigrate to Botswana, a lot of the natives speak English, it’s their official language, the climate’s OK, the nature still largely unspoiled. What’s not to like?
Noa says @ June 30, 2023 at 11:27 am
Totally with you on Wallace, Noa, not someone Baron would like to share a pint with, but he would be a top class NATO Secretary if it were not for his being a man of his own, a strong minded, difficult to control man, which is what the Americans want not.
EC says @ June 30, 2023 at 3:29 pm
The French police are fired at with rifles smuggled in from Ukraine, EC, one couldn’t make it up, could one?
Noa says @ June 30, 2023 at 11:43 am
To paraphrase Mackay from Porridge, Noa : There are only two rules in this country. One, you do not go over the walls. Two, you obey all the rules.
One wonders what happened to this policeman, would the guy pushing on his neck be prosecuted for murder if the law and order officer dies?
Baron 10.48pm
Tee hee! 😉
But, does not going over the wall include digging your way out under them, or leaving by subterfuge through the numerous apartures already cut in them, or even simply flying out over them?
The devil’s in the detail…
It’s interesting to see heavily weaponised rioters taking to the streets in France. Does the same religiously persecuted community have similar access to such armaments and munitions in Britain? Would they use it in a similar manufactured situation?
If the answer to these questions is ‘Yes’ by both a self-disarmed HMG and the rest of the disarmed population the political policy of tmappeasement to the point of total acquiescence and submission to the threat of mass violence becomes clearly comprehensible and logical.
No doubt the riots in France’s cities have sucked in police from everywhere else, not least Dunkirk, Calais and the illegal migrant collection and invasion regions, giving free licence to migrants, the dingy sellers and smugglers.
So we may confidently expect the accompanying Border Farce, Royal National Lifeboats for Immigrants and Home Office Hotel budgets and incomes to increase accordingly.
From the BBC Sport (snarl, expectorate etc) readers match comments:
“Can we please just collapse and get this over with, the hope is absolutely killing me.”
Mark in London
That’s the spirit.
Baron: July 1, 2023 at 10:46 pm
The fiction “HMP Slade” in Porridge was supposed to be in the God forsaken bogs and wastes of somewhere like Westmorland or Cumberland. There was nowhere to go even if one were to scale the walls or tunnel beneath them. In one of the episodes, “Fletch” did manage to escape but after wandering around in circles, cold wet and hungry, he eventually gave himself up.
It was for this reason the MOD commandeered the “Shap Wells Hotel” to accommodate PoW Nazi officers in WW2. Very few (1?) of the meistermenschs finest succeeded in escaping from there!
I don’t believe we gave the PoWs spending money for fags and fentenyl, benefits, extended family import licences and sexual predation permits over our children in addition to their bus passes to Carlisle.
Noa: July 2, 2023 at 12:07 pm
I have some sympathy for “Mark in London” He’s sounds very depressed, and who’d want to live in London these days?
The commentators often don’t help matters. Remember “Dismal Jim?” A brilliant cricketer but a radio voice that kept the Samaritans’ phone ringing whenever he was on.
After Botham, I gave up watching cricket. Pre-Botham I can remember “Fiery Fred” and also the stationary Geoffrey Boycott. I also remember the frequent appearances of Peter West on the TV screen following the latest England “sh*t dragging” by the Convicts or the WIndies suggesting that England could only be saved by “recalling Peter May.”
Those were the days.
Noa at 10:05 am
Carlisle hotels are booked out for the forseeable future.
Thanks EC at 10.17am
I’ll try Air BNB for availability in Gujurat…
Not a bad slicing of the Europe’s future, but for three things:
Europe has been vasalised years ago, can anyone think of a single important decision on which Europe wouldn’t have followed the American Republic?
The Americans can afford to spend any amount of money on the military because the dollar is the reserve currency, that allows them to print as much of it as they like.
The American desire to re-industrialise cannot succeed because the cost of labour in the Republic still exceeds that in China by 1 to 4.
My chum Pavlin Zehlev from Varna, Bulgaria, is currently on a trip on his motorcycle from his home town to Magadan in the far east of Russia. Travelling by a circuitous route, via Germany and the Baltic states, here he has just entered Russia from Estonia. Petrol in Russia is only €0.50cents per litre. Those sanctions are really kicking in!
Pavlin is an experienced global motorcycle traveller and doesn’t do politics, but he does give us a window on life and other cultures along the road. He is currently spending 3 days in St. Petersburg and is off to Moscow next. You can see short updates from his trip here, but he only publishes the full documentary upon his return,
The boisterous youth of France, they should ask the Wagner musicians to help, they have plenty of time on their hands now:
This is Japanese technology, the drone carries a PR screen that can display whatever any client may desire:
A superb piece not just on Haas, but on the Council and by implication the American foreign policy since the implosion of the USSR:
EC says @ July 3, 2023 at 8:08 pm
You, sir, are a superstar, many thanks for the friend of yours, he sounds a solid guy, the short clips tell more than many longer ones that have an agenda to follow, he doesn’t, he talks about life as it is, he’s already on Baron’s list of blogs he subscribes to, what’s more Baron will look at more of his videos before he entered Russia from Estonia.
The Jawa contraption looks more dated than a pre WW1 bicycle.
This is London few days ago, nobody is talking about it, the bus 139 that appears in the video goes from Golders Green and Waterloo station, it must have been somewhere between the two, one can only feel for the police, could anyone blame them for overstepping the reaction on occasions?
Baron: July 6, 2023 at 10:28 am
WTF was all that about? Those cops not equipped to deal with a riot!
All part and parcel of Kahn’s cultural enrichment, I suppose. We all have so much to be grateful to St Tony Blair for.
What your absconding estate workers did next…
A couple more books for your delectation…
The photos of his travels in the galleries of his website are absolutely wonderful!
Anatoly Chernyavskiy
h/t Pavlin: “Finally, I met Anatoly Chernyavskiy. Motorcycle traveler, author and photographer.”
EC says July 7, 2023 at 12:32 pm
Something that the young couldn’t do when the Bolsheviks ruled, EC, a lucky guy, well, both are lucky guys, Baron envies their freedom to explore, sadly he’s too old to even look at the pictures.
The above is well worth your listening to.
Richard Haas until very recently the President of the Council of Foreign Relations, the body that has been running the US foreign policy since WW2, has had his walk to Damascus says now ‘the most serious threat to global security is the United States’.
The question is ‘has he resigned or was he resigned by the new neocon of the Blinken&Nulan phylum? They are holding views different from what he expresses in the chat.
Don’t we live in interesting times?
Baron @ 08:38
“Don’t we live in interesting times?”
I was very depressed this morning to learn that Robo-Joe and his entourage are stopping off at No. 10 tomorrow en route to the Nato summit. The purpose of the visit is reported to be to give Mr Sunook from accounts a lecture about Brexit and to give him a “hurry up” on rejoining the EU.
It has often been asked, “Is Paris Burning?” Well it is now!
Joe will be looking to re-establish the ‘Special relationship’ by ruffling the chaiwallah’s hair, or gripping it fixedly, depending on the quality of the oral pleasuring he receives.
Neither is fit to be trusted with less serious issues like foreign policy, finance or the establishment of a negotiated settlement in Ukraine.
Will Rashid marvel at Joe’s Oirish Tricolour shorts? Will Joe worship at Sunnook’s shrine to Vishnu?
Will just Stop oilbedamned throw themselves en masse into the intakes of Joe Force 1?
All will be revealed, and as swiftly forgotten in due course…
For contemporary Britain, boys, these are the times of Dishonourable Tenebrocity, or DT in short, it includes a large dose of obsequiousness, regretfully.
Get off my TERF!
Transexual propaganda and lies will always remain intact until they are called out.
The writer of the following piece makes a good fist of attacking the insanity of the Woke folk. Unfortunately his audience is likely to be restricted, unlike theirs.
Hello Joe
You ain’t that slow.
But on the uptake
You have a lot at stake.
Will Oprah sort me out if I ask her nicely?
Noa, July 10, 2023 at 4:53 pm
It’s an injustice that the CHW’s very own poet, Fergus Pickering, never got a million Pund book deal despite his manifest ability and “white privilege.” Too late now as the AI program “Chatbox GPT+” has made the aforesaid Vogon Poetry enthusiast, and all the gormless leftist Doggerel Bankers redundant.
Farage didn’t press enough, for understandable reasons, but even so the Ukrainian clown saying ‘we are fighting for democracy’ takes the biscuit, eleven political parties banned, only one remains, his, no opposition media allowed, the next presidential election cancelled ….. that’s democracy?
Noa says @ July 10, 2023 at 4:53 pm
It doesn’t rhyme, Noa, it’s not poetry it’s words typing.
Baron 11.35pm
That was really the point, milud. I put my iambic pentameters deliberately to one side.
The insane asylums are full of verse spouting loons like Charlie and Joe. At least they would be if we hadn’t closed the loony bins and put the patients into palaces and English departments.
Noa says @ July 10, 2023 at 1:24 pm
“This is insanity, plain and simple’, says the guy, Baron’s not so sure, it’s not fungus in bread either, it’s a well thought attack on the time tested habitual truthfulness of life, the woke school of thought converts everything that’s dear to us into the opposite, a negation of the truths is making us ashamed of our past, of what we are, what we stand for, the great doctor Dalrymple says it best:
“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.
When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself”.
Heres an excellent example of how to publicly destroy your own integrity. How could you not agree with the sentiment the tee shirt espouses? It is simoly the undeniable truth.
Good stuff:
Noa says @ July 12, 2023 at 8:47 am
How could one disagree with something that’s patently true, Noa, the man’s a nutcase.
Noa says @ July 11, 2023 at 11:47 pm
Of course Baron had got the point, Noa, but he was eager to say the alleged poetry was ‘words typing’, why? He cannot remember now.
I posted my thoughts on here yesterday about the latest BBC nonce scandal. Mysteriously they disappeared into Orwell’s memory hole. Maybe it was my Parthian shot of, “BBC DELENDA EST!” that caused the problem.
Today I received WhatsApp message with a photo of the “toothist” Clare Balding. Could this be a hint, I wondered. When I expanded the photo, the text of the meme read, “Clare Balding was presenting Wimbledon today, so it’s not him.”
“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small…”
Well, It’s classical cultural subversion along the lines detailed decades ago by Yuri Bezmenov. The “trans” lobby lunatics are now demanding that the word “vagina” is replaced by the term “bonus hole.” I joke not. GB News’ Nana Akua explains…
Also yesterday it was reported that the Met were conducting a “scoping inquiry” not an “investigation” into the allegations against the innominate Beeboid. The person is undoubtedly a rabid lefty (doh, BBC) or his name would’ve been leaked within a nanosecond by the Beeb themselves as the “right to privacy” does not extended to conservatives.
Which end of the scope are the Met looking through?
Would this “Met scoping exercise ” be looking into how much damaging info (aka “the goods”) this bloke has on other members of the establishment?
There could be two possible outcomes from this:
1. total exoneration.
2. S.I.D.S. à la Jeffrey Epstein
Ukraine: What does the proposed “one stage” Nato application consist of?
Apart from nutjobs running US, UK and Poland do the rest of the Nato members really want the all out war that voting in Ukraine would mean? It’d be curtains for them and the rest of us. On the upside we would no longer have to worry about global warming.
EC says @ July 12, 2023 at 3:08 pm
Your upside, EC, made Baron chuckle.
One has to see the assistance given to the poor Ukrainians as a part of a one of the steps in the never ending desire of the American Governing Elite to finish Russia off, and it’s by far the best opportunity the Elite has had what with Ukraine bordering with Russia, still populated with some 25m plus burghers of differing ages, run by a clique of ultra-nationalists for whom the DA of Kiev is but a figurehead, and eager to battle the Russians just as they are going to be eager battling the West. If the Americans think the ultra will swallow the Woke of the West they have a thing coming, as an example, the alphabet people are hated in Ukraine more than in Russia
@July 12, 2023 at 3:01 pm
The luvvies played the mental health trump card. Silence will ensue, but will it close down all discussion of other BBC problems? One wonders how many other people in the BBC/media are also currently suffering from mental health problems…
A courageous girl:
The EU steamrollers on, seeking to impose its globalist view on the rest of the world. And is sternly rebuffed.
I support the South Americans myself. We want Reparations too, for the slavery inflicted in Britons, sadly we don’t a government with the courage to demand and enforce them.
Baron 13/07 @ 10.56pm
Barr highlights the mad world of American Jewry, the Marxists hating the Nepcons and vice versa.
We kuffirs stand bemused before this reprise of Life of Brian’s War between the Judean Popular Front and the People’s Popular Front of Judea.
Baron, July 13, 2023 at 10:56 pm
A handy reminder of what a loathsome individual Pee-rs Morgan is.
Roseanne is ok.
Poor Huw is in the Priory where we may respect his right to privacy, but does he have access to wifi?
Noa: July 15, 2023 at 10:11 am
A good place to lie low, beyond the reach of the long lenses of the paparrazi.
Isn’t the Priory a self-referral rehab establishment for rich people? Like Champneys without the carrot juice and more clothes on?
“… Like Champneys without the carrot juice and more clothes on?”
Oh dear, EC. Does that count as going ‘cold turkey’ for the affluent sexual deviant these days?
Deprivation of chilled Bernard Matthews products aside, a cultural reeducation program might help. So any access to PlayBoyo™ magazine should be removed in favour of more wholesome publications such as Sheepwrangler Weekly and Herdwick News.
I hope that he makes a full recovery and is back on our screens soon. The BBC news won’t be the same without him reading the lies on the autocue through the corner of his mouth.
So will you be propping up the bar at Old Trafford later this week?
Will the current spell foul weather last long enough to save England?
From the vaults: Here’s Fred
The BBC’s peak of culinary cuisine reportage was reached by the genius of Keith Floyd and has never been surpassed, not even by the cinnamon and star anise sprinkled décollagé of Nigella or the expletive peppered Manglish of Gordon Ramsey.
I see your Fred and raise you one black lesbian Guinevere.
No, regretfully I don’t plan to visit Old Trafford this week, the hassles of getting there sitting in the marching sheets of northern rain and watching half an hour of live cricket can’t compete with the uxurious benefits of my Virgin subscription.
EC says:
July 16, 2023 at 10:13 am
Argaaaglh! Laugh? I nearly dropped my ball of wool, “knit one purl two” I muttered as an invocation against the manifesting twin demons of Saville and Freud as the ectoplasm began to form in the dark corner of the room…
On the current topics of deviance and cricket, (perhaps they are even one, seamless and irrevocably jointed subject, like the madness of the Windsors) you might enjoy this piece, benign but essentially baa-rmy
Noa at 10:32 am
Keith Floyd was definitely “the man.” Great food, fond memories of his anarchic shows. He knew his stuff on wine too. I was also fond of Nigella’s Knödels, lightly oiled and steamed.
With the exception of Mad Gordon, and maybe the Hirsute Bikers*, what followed in the world of TV Chef-ery was anaemic by comparison.
(*the Bikers were really funny in the early days, but too much PC blather followed)
On old Broilers and Boilers.
1There were the 2 fat ladies of course, Clarissa and Jennifer,smoking and drinking over their disgusting meals, like the SS Galacia Division on tour in Buchenwald.
The blokes generally pale in comparison. Nigel Slater? Too much mince. Hugh Fearnleaf-Whitteringstuff? Too many hyphens in his wabbit. Celebrity MasterChef? Who cares?Those who watch it are nowadays vegan voyeurs perving on the sight of tiny pieces of cooked steak whilst dutifully eating their Gates Roachburger.
If you havent already seen it this is an interesting take on the Ukr Joker by Scott Ritter.
Sushi might, Benny has, but would YOU buy a used joke from this man?
“If I go in search of the epicentre of Bollocks, written by the high priests of shite, I go to The Guardian.” Neil Oliver
Perhaps we should all jet off to Rwanda to cool down a bit?
Back to Blair again…
“Muslims in Britain do not have to pay Stamp Duty like everybody else when they buy a house”
It’s not just Stamp duty that is evaded in this way. As lessees rather than house owners the bulk of assets subject to high UK Inheritance tax rates are reduced, just as Muslims are encouraged to pool and acquire more properties, in turn encouraging a vicious circle of chain migration.
Whatever you may think of th guy, he cannot be more correct if he tried an infinite number of tries:
Noa and EC:
The only TV chef worth watching, Keith Floyd, he had one quality all the others missed on, he was natural, no pretending anything, pity he liked the bottle too much.
EC says @ July 17, 2023 at 5:19 pm
So much for equality under the law, EC, it’s truly disgraceful, one wonder what would be the outcome if people were made aware of it.
The western meta-narrative “from Plato to NATO, is one of superior ideas and practices whose origins lie in ancient Greece, and have since been refined, extended, and transmitted down the ages (through the Renaissance, the scientific revolution and other supposedly uniquely western developments), so that we in the west today are the lucky inheritors of a superior cultural DNA”.
This is what the narrators of the Daily Telegraph video (the first link) probably had at the back of their minds when they insist that ‘Our narrative wins wars’. Their hubris resides in the implicit presumption: that the West somehow always wins – is destined to prevail – because it is the recipient of this privileged genealogy.
The other link contains the above two paragraphs, it’s a rebuttal of the Telegraph video which makes little sense, how could a Russian trooper in the trenches of southern Ukraine even know about the Bogdanov’s stare, of the DA of Kiev shopping at the petrol station?
Baron says:
July 17, 2023 at 11:49 pm
Excellent links both mi’lud, how long must loons such as they, and we, bawl into the wind before being heard? Still, the worst thing to happen would be that no one is shouting into the gale…
An inciteful, non comparison between East Germany and Sunook Britain.
Baron, July 17, 2023 at 11:49 pm
Great links.
That Telegraph video was a great puff piece for the imploding “counter offensive.” Operation Mockingbird on steroids! The Telegraph and the rest of the British media has been replete with such unbelievable propaganda fairy tales for at least the last year. It a wonder that Ukrainian are not already parked up in Red Square.
Whether or not Mr Nicholls is an Op. Mock. place-man he deserves the Joseph Goebbels Medal with Oak Leaves and Swords for his efforts here.
Ukrainian tanks in Red Square!
as ever
Noa, July 18, 2023 at 9:29 am
That also was a great article.
Laurence Hodge’s article, “Night of the Tory Living Dead” was also good.
The film buff within me also appreciated that photo-shopped picture of Count Rasheed Sunook. This was an unmissable (h)omage to the famous B&W photo of Christopher Lee as Dracula.
“An off beat newspaper article about Step Ladders caught my eye yesterday. Apparently over the last 70 years, or so, manufacturers have had to increase the distance between the rungs because people have been getting taller. The Guardian have ascribed this to “climb it change.”
h/t “Geoff Buys Cars”
EC @ 10.51am
Americana: Jason Aldean makes me want to buy a Harley Davidson and join the “Pissed Off Bastards (POBOB) Motorcycle Club.
“Jason Aldean – Try That In A Small Town”
Howls of protests from the usual suspects after footage real life events set to music with lyrics summarises by “Make My Day, Punk!” (aka “Fabricati Diem PVNC”. T. Pratchett)
apropos @10:42
A source informs me that there is a crime wave happening throughout suburban America. Inflation, recession (Ssh! it’s officially denied) is biting. People have exhausted their savings and max-ed out their credit cards trying to survive.
Americana 2: 2014, Some tragic statistics set to music
“Wrong Side Of Heaven”. Five Finger Death Punch
In 2016 El hombre Naranja was the peace candidate.
Which is why he had to go in 2020.
Back to “Business as usual” under President Zombie
File under: Never ending wars, MIC profits.
From Phil Tufnell-Former England spinner on BBC Test Match Special
“Wood said this morning he only needs six balls…”
What’s in a name?
Phonetically, Ursula von der Leyen = Ursula fond-of Lying.
Here’s one for Simon Webb, if he’s listening…
“When your Pilot is an Affirmative Action Hire”
Noa says: July 22, 2023 at 2:54 pm
That’s quite a cluster.
Dropped into the visitors’ changing room they could make a difference.
Rain results in England losing the Ashes series, so it’s time to burn the witches again.
EC says @ July 23, 2023 at 11:58 am
Amazing it still runs, EC, shome mistake shomwhere.
It’s the guy’s commentary that’s interesting, Baron’s recollection, too.
EC says @ July 23, 2023 at 10:41 am
The Irish are clever, EC, but bricklaying in gems studded boots? Hmmm
EC says @ July 21, 2023 at 11:20 am
A powerful video, EC, applies to every country, amazingly we shout a lot about how we care about everyone, have plenty of state agencies that should take care of those fallen on hard times, also charities but when one needs help one doesn’t find it, it’s a cruel society when one thinks about it, the plight of the American vets is truly sickening.
One hopes that the ‘senior and trusted source’ gets the sack, how could the source get hold of Farage’s account, discuss it with the BBC Economic Editor, allow the Editor to publish a lie?
Isn’t that something for which everyone else but the NatWest female would have to either resign or be dismissed?
This is good, the guy is smart:
This is short, it shows the workings of the newest Russian tank T-90M, the guy says they leave the hideout, find the target, shoot without getting noticed, turn back and hide, but it’s the inside of the contraption that’s of interest, a plastic loader, also the screen must be linked with an over the horizon radar, clever stuff, but how will it do under fire?:
Thoughts for the day…
“Every time a friend succeeds, a little part of me dies…”
Gore Vidal.
“Of course I believe in luck. How else can I explain the success of those I despise?”
Maurice Chevalier.
“A friend in need is a pest. Get rid of him.”
Tommy Cooper.
The decline tovthe third world is accelerating. Now 10% of UK tax revenue will be going on debt service.
UK to run up highest debt interest bill in developed world
The UK is on track to incur the highest debt interest costs in the developed world this year as persistently high inflation and an unusually large proportion of government bonds linked to price rises damage the public finances.
The Treasury will spend £110bn on debt interest in 2023, according to a forecast by Fitch. At 10.4 per cent of total government revenue, that would be the highest level of any high-income country — the first time the UK has topped the data set that goes back to 1995 — after an improvement by the prior leader Iceland.
Roughly a quarter of UK government debt is in the form of so-called index-linked bonds, whose payouts fluctuate in line with inflation, making the country a huge outlier internationally. Italy has the next highest share with 12 per cent of its bonds tied to inflation, while most countries have less than 10 per cent.
“We’ve had a very large inflation shock which is adversely affecting the public finances and that is obviously a key driver of the sovereign credit rating,” said Ed Parker, global head of research for sovereigns and supranationals at Fitch.
The agency reiterated in June its negative outlook on the UK’s double A minus credit rating, citing “the UK’s rising government debt and uncertain prospects for fiscal consolidation”.
Parker said a negative outlook signals that a downgrade is “more likely than not if current trends continue” and that the agency would normally hope to clarify a negative outlook within two years.
Debt interest costs as a proportion of revenue are a key measure of debt affordability and have jumped in the UK in the past couple of years while coming down elsewhere.
The UK will sit at the top of the Fitch debt interest costs table after its ratio increased dramatically in the past two years from an average of 6.2 per cent between 2017 and 2021.
In contrast, the average among western Europe and North American countries is set to fall from 4 per cent in the five years to 2021, to 3.7 per cent this year, as inflation has boosted government revenues and in some countries the debt expiring had higher interest rates than new debt issued.
Rising debt costs in the UK come as inflation proves harder to tame than in other developed economies, despite recent signs of improving data. The UK’s retail price index, which guides index-linked gilt interest payments, rose 10.7 per cent in the year to June, while wage inflation has yet to show signs of easing.
Fitch forecasts the UK’s debt interest-to-revenue ratio should start to fall next year as inflation continues to ease, with the interest burden of both the US and Italy set to overtake the UK in 2024.
However, rating agencies expect the UK’s interest costs to stabilise at historically high levels. “We expect the debt affordability of the UK to remain relatively weak” said Evan Wohlmann, a senior credit officer at rival rating agency Moody’s.
“Debt affordability is at risk from more persistent inflation as well as from a potential sustained erosion of the UK’s policy credibility,” he added.
Moody’s, which has an Aa3 negative rating on the UK — its fourth highest level — also has a negative outlook, a position it has held since October and expects to clarify within 12 months.
Concern among rating agencies on the UK’s credit outlook comes after the Office for Budget Responsibility, the UK’s fiscal watchdog, warned that public finances were in a “very risky” position, with government debt on course to hit 310 per cent of gross domestic product in 50 years.
The OBR said that the UK was “more vulnerable” than other advanced economies when it came to public debt, which in May surpassed 100 per cent of gross domestic product for the first time since 1961.
The government plans to sell £241bn of gilts in the current financial year, a sharp increase from £139.2bn issued in the previous 12 months, with issuance net of Bank of England bond purchases and sales expected to be about three times more than the average over the past decade.
This article has been amended to correct Moody’s UK rating
Noa says @ July 25, 2023 at 11:32 am
That’s more than worrying, Noa, it’s not that far from the money we spend on the NHS (around £145bn) and twice the budget for the military.
How could it all end?
The consequences of the Ukraine war will continue to be experienced long after it ends. Germany, aka the EU, will look to retain and grow the people assets it has obtained, as usual the lumpenproles who don’t wish return to its broken, corrupt polity will be encouraged to go to the festering EU dumping ground, the EUs equivalent of the Reich’s ‘General Government’ area established in Poland that is the UK.
Baron says:
July 25, 2023 at 9:00 pm
How can it end well; Baron?
There is no and can be no intention to pay down the unrepayable debt created, except by the continuing sale of any remaining assets, whilst the wealthy protect what they have by off- shoring it.
Increasing direct and indirect taxation will continue to be used to prop up the crumbling UK bureaucratic edifice until the ever nearing point at which it collapses into continuing internecine conflict and autocracy.
Whatever happened to Kilroy?
He no longer peers at me from the lavatory walls…
Col Big Mac telling it like it is.
He may be talking about the US, but his analysis applies just as much to the UK and Europe..
A disaster, and a massive one, Baron’s car insurance doubled, fugging doubled, what’s going on, could it be an error?
Does anyone know, boys?
This must be another step to the end Noa foresees @ 9:32.
Not good.
Farage covered the problem on Wednesday. Heres the link, 40 minutes in.
Baron 12:44 pm
You won’t get a good deal unless you are prepared to swap insurers every year.
I always use price comparison websites. eg “Compare the Market”, “Go Compare” etc.
You usually can obtain a significant reduction from your renewal quote by ringing the ‘tards up and telling them that you’ve had a significantly cheaper quote elsewhere.
Noa 2:06 pm
Insurers in general, snakes, always try to wriggle out of their obligations to pay out on a claim. That’s why the invented a class of slimy people called “loss adjusters.”
What NF didn’t mention was car insurance premiums going up for everybody because of EVs. Even a minor accident will seen an EV written off. This is because they can not be deemed to be safe after a bump, and have the propensity to burst into flames, sink ships etc. EVs have to be transported and stored separately. This adds more costs!
File under: Lithium Batteries, Thermal Runaway Fires etc.
Noa: July 27, 2023 at 12:33 pm
Douglas M is one of the very few people in the USA who has been providing rational war commentary and analysis for the last 18 months.
George Galloway interviewed a retired CIA dude who explains why and how necrosis has set at top of that organisation, and not just in the US ruling class. Interesting.
It wasn’t 25 EV cars IT WAS FIVE HUNDRED! North Sea Fire REVELATION
EC says:
July 28, 2023 at 7:51 pm
That’s one hack of a lot of volts sizzling in the North Sea EC.
So I hope you’re not in Whitby at the moment, and leaping off your sunbed, just about to dip your toes in the water to combat climate change.
EC says @ July 28, 2023 at 7:51 pm
The timing’s wrong, EC, they should have waited for the end of the year, better display than the usual fireworks.
This also explains a lot about the huge rise in the insurance premiums, thanks to you and Noa for the explanation and advice, the EV ‘s safety concerns must be the main reason for the unprecedented increase, what Baron didn’t realise that after even a minor incident these contraptions have to be written off, what a fugging stupid idea to make them clog our roads when the ICE cars have been perfected so well one could hardly hear Baron’s seven year old diesel ticking.
The grisly war criminal to return Govt. as puppet master off the hapless/hopeless Starmer?
Plausible, as none of Labour’s front bench are as clueless as the Chaiwallah’s front bench.
It was reported yesterday that Blair had stated that ordinary people should not have to be impoverished by UK Net Zero targets as the UK’s contribution would make SQRT(FA) to global warming. Genius!
His statement was both true and false. When(if) Labour get in they will impoverish everybody but the ruling elite.
Mahyar Tousi is a bit of a clickbait merchant but he occasionally comes up with the goods.
@10:31. edits !
“off” – “of”
remove “none of”
On a completely different frequency, here are some statistics for the Year 1915:
The average life expectancy for British men was 47 years.
Fuel for cars was sold in chemists only.
Only 14 percent of the homes had a bath.
Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.
The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower.
The average British wage in 1915 was £15 per year!
A competent accountant could expect to earn £800 per year.
A dentist £900 per year.
A vet between £600 and £900 per year.
But, a mechanical engineer about £2000 per year.
More than 95 percent of all births took place at home
Ninety percent of all doctors had no university education!
Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which were condemned in the press and by the government as “substandard.”
Sugar cost two pence a pound.
Eggs were 10 pence a dozen.
Coffee was five pence a pound.
Most women only washed their hair once a month, and, used Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.
Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason.
The Five leading causes of death in the UK were:
1. Pneumonia and influenza
2. Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhoea
4. Heart disease
5. Stroke
But can the dog bite?
Baron: July 29, 2023 at 9:21 pm
Interesting stats,
I’m not sure if Laudanum(tincture of opium) could still be purchased at chemists shoppes in 1914. Nothing like a swig of that with brandy chasers for a good sing song around the harmonium at Christmas. Superseded by Aspirin which was no bloody fun at all. I think that in those days, used responsibly, Laudanum did more good than harm.
In 1914 it was still legal to purchase and own firearms with a licence which could be bought from any Post Office.
The size of government is directly proportional to population size.
Personal freedom is inversely proportional to both of the above.
I cannot remember who said it but…
Government overreach is when they pass laws that remove/restrict personal freedoms and rights in order to sell them back to us in the form of licences.
There’s a lot of Russian being spoken here. (from about 1min 30 to end at 4min 30 )
It’s all Greek to me. Give us a clue please, old bean.
“There is no easy way to reach Magadan – Trip Update”
EC says @ July 30, 2023 at 11:09 am
Apologies, EC, your friend’s Russian sounds strange, when he meets the Russian motorcyclist he tells him the road gets better 50 meters ahead, also not to touch the ground as he moves, the longer conversation is about a fault the Russian believes he has, Baron didn’t understand what the fault is supposed to be, but your friend again warns against not using the foot pegs when riding.
EC says @ July 30, 2023 at 10:42 am
An excellent find, EC, enjoyable, it’s amazing how different life was barely over 100 years ago.
Baron at 12:09 am
“your friend’s Russian sounds strange”
🙂 That’s probably because he’s a Bulgarian, from Varna.
He doesn’t do a bad job at English, and he gets by in German too.
Baron at 12:09 am
Thanks for the translation, btw.
My two year fixed price electricity and gas deal is about to expire. The upshot is that I will be paying 58% more for the next 12 months!
I suppose that I shouldn’t complain too much as I dodged the worst of the great energy company rip offs, and in addition the chaiwallah gave me £400 last winter.
Simple but clever:
EC says @ August 3, 2023 at 9:31 am
You should be glad, EC, you are not using heating oil, at one point last year one couldn’t get it (close to three Winter months with no central heating ) even though the price more than doubled.
From another blog by Allan Mountain:
“Boeing supplies Pentagon trash cans for (drum roll) USD$51,606 per can.
Senate Votes to Throw $886 Billion at Defense. How Much Money is Wasted?
01 August 2023
from the article:
In 2020, the Pentagon paid Boeing over $200,000 for four of the trash cans, translating to roughly $51,606 per unit. In a 2021 contract, the company charged $36,640 each for 11 trash containers, resulting in a total cost of more than $400,000. The apparent overcharge cost taxpayers an extra $600,000 between the two contracts.
But it gets better – how about Boeing selling a four cent ($0.04) pin to Pentagon for $70. Now that’s not a bad markup.
Also from the article:
There are endless examples of contractors overcharging the Pentagon and fleecing the taxpayer. Sen. Warren mentioned just a few in this week’s hearing: paying $1,500 for a medical device that could be purchased at Walmart for $192; giving Boeing $70 for a pin that was worth four cents; and paying $1,800 for vaccines that normally cost $125. And as 60 Minutes noted after interviewing former Pentagon procurement official Shay Assad, “[t]he Pentagon, he told us, overpays for almost everything – for radar and missiles … helicopters … planes … submarines… down to the nuts and bolts.”
In the longer term, absent a near-term sudden all-out war erupting between the West and Russia / China, all the Russians and Chinese have to do is hold off the globalist fast-failing power grab and the oligarch parasites inside Rome – Oops I mean America – will simply bleed and plunder America and its allied puppet states to ruin.
The world has fast accelerating conflict zones flashing red hot, that could fast mimic WW1 events with one hot spot flashing way of control and drawing all other hot spots into a conflagration beyond worst imaginations.
Sadly as they go down the same rotten Anglo-American oligarchs are going to take down the entire Five Eyes group whose all-seeing eyes are now tight shut against reality. They have effectively blindfolded the people beyond any senseful sight.
They have successfully immersed us in a transgender wonderland kaleidoscope 3D Disney fantasies.
You have to hand it to them – it is certainly a masterfully crafted great show”.
And they point a finger at Russia as the most corrupt country in the world as if other countries were not equally or even more deeply corrupt.
Baron: August 3, 2023 at 7:59 pm
A situation that arises when a cabal can spend other people’s money, (*) with zero prospect of ever being held personally financially liable for it.
* borrowed money, colossal debts burdening the living and not yet born.
Noa, you know things…
How “independent” is t’ Bank of England’s MPC?
Their decisions give the appearance of deliberately driving the UK into a recession that is far worse than the USA or any other EU country.
Collusion with Ursula Fond-of-Lying? Punishment for BRexit?
File under: Mortgage-geddon.
The never ending SNP corruption, fraud and embezzlement investigation:
How long do Police Scotland actually need before bringing some interim charges? Is the current PS head-honcho stalling until his replacement (*) takes charge?
* The Durham exonerator-ess of Sir Beer Starmer
Requiem for the spirit you used to talk about?
“Ford have just announced the release of their new van. The Ford Trans can be switched from left hand drive to right hand drive depending on how the driver feels on the day, or the controls can be moved to any position within the cab to make it driver fluid – the built-in sat nav can offer the driver counselling and encouragement to change driving position. It can identify as anything from a limousine to an articulated petrol tanker. It won’t be available in wh1te, only green. It’s electric, obviously, and can be AC or DC.”
H/T Chris @ TCW
Noa is ‘on tour’ atm in the South Aegean. Reports say he is looking desperately for fires to fight whilst drinking copious quantities of cold beer and preaching anti Wimmins’ World Cup Climate change and LQBTQIA + sedition to WFH UK NHS and Civil Service nomklatura in any local bar where he is not yet banned.
The MPC? It’s in Melbourne isn’t it? Aussie rules footie and scheming how to keep the Ashes, which we keep anyway for them at Lords, where the drunks in the MC both nominate and provide the members of the MPC, which takes its instructions from the Fed, Frankfurt an the Paris Bourse, thus completing the virtuous circle… That is until Vlad, Modi and Zing get their new gold based world currency up and running in September…
Unfortunately I cannot say more, as the World Banking cartel’s secret police are in close pursuit and Miranda, my Aphrodite-like barmaid, named as I have told her by the Bard in The Tempest after Prospero’s daughter, will have pulled my pre-dinner pint of Mythos…
Chin chin!
I read that Eddie Lizzard want to be the MP for Brighton Mince or something country.
This is a man who’s a political legend. And so butch he wears high heel hobnail boots to complement his black sheer socks.
Why shouldn’t one enjoy the Summer of the highest temperatures ever recorded when the winds are blowing hard, the skies are dark, the rain heavy and persistent and the thermometer points at 12deg C, arghhh
Yes, Noa, Eddie is at it again, perhaps fourth time lucky, who knows, yet one cannot but wonder what would the past leaders of the once quite reputable political movement called Labour say about it, (say) Harold as not to go further back in history when the ‘barbaric’ Britain was about, would he consent to having him in the fold? We should be told, someone may like to dig him up, his cadaver couldn’t do much worse than the soporific guy in charge today.
EC says @ August 5, 2023 at 10:54 am
Ain’t over yet, EC, the barbarian of the eastern origin continues to cling to his belief the healthy core of Britishness is still alive, hibernating, maligned often spat at but surviving waiting for the right time to make a move, it may not be a move to everyone’s liking, the smart ones will not want to be around, but the outcome may surprise even the members of the healthy core of Britishness.
The postings are good, pity you cannot read them, but the narrative is more balanced that is the usual for the Spectator:
It’s mostly the postings Baron enjoys, but the critique of the Kagan’s dream isn’t bad either:
On the German AfD march forward @ 09:25 Baron forgot to say it was for Noa to comment, he’s the expert on the European troublemakers in the past (possibly future as well?).
EC says @ August 5, 2023 at 10:50 am
Perhaps everyone up in the land of the haggis, midges and no a bad booze called whisky hopes that the passing of time will make everyone to forget about it, EC, let’s face it the business of the SNP under the leadership of the fishmonger’s women paints the whole Scotland in rather unfavourable colours, how could they allow it to last so long?
The last piece for you to read or scan, if true it’s truly sickening, but true it may be, Baron has come across an article that bases the number of casualties on the cancellations of SIM cards, not temporarily not working, suspended because of the holder’s fighting but genuine ‘cancels’ for three leading Ukrainian mobile operators (Vodafone is one of them), unfortunately Baron didn’t copy the address, cannot find it now, but the figures were also pointing to the half a million mark.
Baron: August 5, 2023 at 9:40 pm
I was patrolling the western marches on the other side of the Solway yesterday. Things are not going well. The upcoming SNP cuts to the Polis Scotland budget will reportedly leave them with only TWO patrol cars for the entire country… and only ONE of those during the night. This is not the usual “silly season” story as …
1) it has been running since March 2022; 2) The “summer” hols are over.
In other news the Hotel Mecure in Dumfries is reportedly about to accommodate 400 Albanian males until they can be found employment in the Lothian cannabis plantations.
Noa: August 5, 2023 at 3:57 pm
Steady on the Metaxa 5star & Piriton™ tabs, old bean lest Miranda turns out to be more than meets the eye. “There’s a lot of it about” (© Spike Milligna)
File under: Tempting bar snacks, Nut Clusters etc.
EC says:
August 6, 2023 at 11:08 am
No doubt the SNP will, in a genius moment of lateral thought, realise the benefits of recruiting the Albanians as a People’s Militia, so enabling them to both to control crime and provide it in one virtuous circle, with the additional benefit of removing their unemployment costs.
If the soldiers are KIA who cancels their accounts. It can’t be the Ukr Army Command, who are as interested in the welfare of their troops as Napoleon Bounaparte and Field Marshal Haig combined.
Perhaps it’s the ÐIE Department at NatWest, who we know have experience in such things.
I’m out of touch with political matters in Germany atm Mi’lud.
Hopefully the AfD will give the Green government the same treatment GB News gave to Greenpeace HQ yesterday by parking their Mercedes in the heart of government.
EC says:
August 6, 2023 at 11:26 am
Mrs N’s ever watchful spies, like the Nuland Gang, would not tolerate any misreading of the Prospero doctrines ans accords.
Some analysis for you to chew over. The Colonel penned this a week ago. Unfortunately the Neocon psychosis that prevails in the Diaper House and Hexagon means that nobody will take heed. Cue: Irving Berlin, “There may be trouble ahead…”
Make Peace, You Fools!
America’s proxy war with Russia has transformed Ukraine into a graveyard.
Douglas Macgregor
Aug 1, 2023
Incrementalism the tendency to inch forward rather than to take bold steps—is usually preferred by political and military leaders in warfare, because the introduction of a few forces into action puts fewer personnel at risk, and, in theory, promises a series of improvements over time, often through attrition.
In 1950, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, led by the then-chairman General J. Lawton Collins, recommended short envelopments along the Korean coastline that were designed to gradually increase the size of the U.S. and Allied enclave known as the Pusan Perimeter. The idea was to buy time to assemble enough forces to launch a breakout on the Normandy model. But General of the Army Douglas MacArthur disagreed. He argued for a daring, deep envelopment that promised to cut off the North Korean Forces south of the 38th Parallel that were encircling Pusan.
As it turned out, MacArthur was right. Today, we know that the short envelopments were exactly what the North Korean command was prepared to defeat. In retrospect, it is certain that along with their Chinese allies, the North Koreans were familiar with the operational employment of U.S. and Allied forces during WWII. Eisenhower’s insistence on a broad front strategy that moved millions of troops in multiple armies in parallel across France and Germany to Central Europe conformed to the low-risk formula.
In light of this history, it was reasonable for the North Koreans to believe that MacArthur would never split his forces and launch an amphibious assault far behind North Korean lines. It was simply too risky. And the operational concept for Inchon was also inconsistent with the way U.S. forces were employed during the Civil War and World War I—wars won through attrition, not maneuver.
In February 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin opted for incrementalism in his approach to the “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine. Putin committed fewer than 100,000 Russian troops to a shallow penetration attack on a broad front into a country the size of Texas. Having failed over a period of nearly 15 years to persuade Washington and the collective West of Moscow’s opposition to NATO’s advance to the east, Putin seems to have concluded that Washington and its NATO allies would prefer immediate negotiations to a destructive regional war with unknowable potential for escalation to the nuclear level.
Putin was wrong. He made a false assumption based on rational choice theory. Rational choice theory attempts to predict human behavior based on the assumption that individuals habitually make choices in economics, politics, and daily life that align with their personal best interest.
The problem with the theory is that human beings are not rational. In fact, the human mind is like a black box. It is possible to observe what goes into the black box and the decisions that come out of it, but the actual decision-making process that unfolds inside the black box is opaque.
In international relations and war, the defining features of human identity—history, geography, culture, religion, language, race, or ethnicity—must also figure prominently in any strategic assessment. For reasons of culture, experience, and innate character, MacArthur was a risk-taker. As Peter Drucker reminds his readers, culture is the foundation for human capital. These realities routinely defeat the unrealistic expectations that rational choice theory creates.
Instead of approaching the negotiating table, Washington discarded the caution, given Russia’s nuclear arsenal, that had guided previous American dealings with Moscow. Washington’s political class, with no real understanding of Russia or Eastern Europe, subscribed to the late Senator John McCain’s notion that Russia was a “gas station with nuclear weapons.”
Putin is not a risk-taker. But he abandoned incrementalism, and rapidly reoriented Russian forces to the strategic defense, an economy of force measure designed to minimize Russian losses while maximizing Ukrainian losses until Russian Forces could return to offensive operations. The Russian change in strategy has worked. Despite the unprecedented infusion of modern weaponry, cash, foreign fighters, and critical intelligence to Ukrainian forces, Washington’s proxy is shattered. Ukraine’s hospitals are brimming with broken human beings and Ukrainian dead litter the battlefield. Kiev is a heart patient on life support.
Russia’s attrition strategy has achieved remarkable success, but the success is making the conflict currently more dangerous than at any point since it began in February 2022. Why? Defensive operations do not win wars, and Washington continues to believe Ukraine can win.
Washington discounts Ukrainian losses and exaggerates Russian losses. Officers present at meetings in the Pentagon tell me that minor Ukrainian battlefield successes (that are almost instantly reversed) loom large in the discussions held in four-star headquarters, the White House, and Foggy Bottom. These reports are treated as incontrovertible evidence of inevitable Ukrainian victory. In this climate, staff officers are reluctant to highlight effective Russian military performance or the impact of Russia’s expanding military power.
The Western media reinforce these attitudes, arguing that the Russian generals and their forces are dysfunctional, mired in corruption and sloth, and that Ukraine can win if it gets more support. As a result, it is a good bet that Washington and its allies will continue to provide equipment and ammunition, though probably not in the quantities and of the quality they did in the recent past.
Warsaw, whose leadership of NATO’s anti-Russian crusade is prized in Washington, finds comfort in the Beltway’s belief in Russian military weakness. So much so, that Warsaw seems willing to risk direct confrontation with Moscow. According to French sources in Warsaw, if Ukrainian forces are driven back, “the Poles may introduce the first division this year, which will include the Poles, the Balts, and a certain number of Ukrainians.”
Now, Washington is misjudging Moscow. The Russian national command authorities may well think that Warsaw’s actions align with Washington’s intentions. President Biden’s executive order to extend hazard pay to American soldiers currently serving in Ukraine (who are not supposed to be there) no doubt reinforces this opinion.
But it is far more likely that the Polish tail wants to wag the American dog. The Poles know their military intervention in historic Galician Ukraine will provoke a military response from both Belarus and Russia, but Warsaw also reasons that Washington’s air and ground forces in Europe are unlikely to sit quietly in Ukraine, Romania, and the Baltic littoral while Polish forces fight a losing battle.
America’s proxy war with Russia has transformed Ukraine into a graveyard. Indulging Poland’s passion for war with Russia encourages Poland to follow the Ukrainian example. The very idea must leave Moscow no choice but to bring all of Russia’s military power to bear simultaneously against Ukraine, before the collective West stumbles into regional war. Make peace, you fools, before it’s too late.
Information on the ‘fsr right’ (of courses) AfDs progress is unsurprisingly scarce in the MSM, however I did find this useful update on Politico..
They seem sane and reasonable to me. Hardly worth investing in Serco-lite concentration camp construction and service providers yet.
I winder if the bankrupted and criminalised Tommy Robinson still goes on their demonstrations?
Information on the ‘fsr right’ (of courses) AfDs progress is unsurprisingly scarce in the MSM, however I did find this useful update on Politico..
They seem sane and reasonable to me. Hardly worth investing in Serco-lite concentration camp construction and service providers yet.
I wonder if the bankrupted and criminalised Tommy Robinson still goes on their demonstrations?
Ahhh, he fills a mean bra does our Eddie!
Reminds me of Ena Sharples. All he’s missing is a hairnet and a milk stout. (Or is that a mink stoat?).
Leo Kearse’s novel plan for stopping illegal (as opposed to (far-greater) mass legal migration into Britain.
Who knows? It might work.
Could AfD win? Will they be banned? Would they be able to govern by the Brussels elite abd nomenklatura?
Jackson Lamb, spook-master, giving a motivational speech to his team.
Something a modern day Cromwell might well say, perhaps, when dissolving Parliament, sacking civil servants?
“You’re fucking useless, the lot of you. Working with you has been the lowest point in a disappointing career.”
Brilliant. Too late now, but I could have used that a few times. 🙂
@01:35 They couldn’t do any worse than the civil servants
@12:24 In his old age Elton has become another Ena lookalike.
When Marxist-Leninist communism mutated into Stalinist totalitarianism, its mainly Jewish followers in academia, the Frankfurt and subsequently Chicago schools updated its Victorian rationale from proletarian control of the means of production to taking control of the apparatus of society and government and the replacement of a Western Judeo-Christian society with a secular International
Critical theory, of which ‘que er’ theory is simply one facet, seeks to reconstruct traditional society through a kaleidoscope of competing minorities, non strong enough to dominate the others but all contributing to destroy tradionalal society. They combine, separate , burn out, revive and splinter endlessly; like a forest or an exploding grenade.
Whether Israel, the West and indeed the World can reassert the successful values of family and civilisation and ultimately survival remains an open question.
You may have seen it, it’s the Russian tank T-72 hitting eight pieces of the Ukrainian contraptions, it looks like two a tanks, the rest are Bradleys, the guys commenting are describing what’s going on, but mostly swear.
The thing to notice is how the Ukrainians bunch up, this shouldn’t happen, but it does mostly because the vehicles either lose communication with each other or the racket is such one cannot hear, the bunching up borders on the suicidal as this video demonstrates, at one point the Russian tank hits three of the Bradley that stand next to each other simultaneously.
One may guess is also because the Ukrainian boys didn’t get sufficient training, but the golden rule was, when Baron was at it, never get close to anyone, keep a distance as big as possible, but not so that the cohesion of the attacking line gets distorted.
The video in question is the one that lasts 4:17min.
EC says @ August 6, 2023 at 11:08 am
The lawyers for the illegals have rejected the accommodation on the barge, only hotels will do, the Hotel Mecure in Dumfries may be amongst them, they need room service.
The irony is placing the immigrants on the floating monster saves only £10 per head per day.
EC says @ August 7, 2023 at 10:55 am
Good stuff, EC, but Baron reckon the colonel errs in one respect, the Americans will not be drawn into a direct confrontation with the Russians because they still don’t have the same capability either on the offensive or the defensive missile weaponry, Baron may be wrong, of course, but so far events have been confirming this presumption.
Rather good, EC, only a couple of sentences, but raw and to the point.
Noa says @ August 7, 2023 at 1:57 pm
However much one would like to see the AfD to have a say, Noa, the Brussels apparatchiks can’t allow it, it would unsettle the monstrosity, possibly even break it, the event would be akin to the breaking up of the bastion of the communist doctrine the USSR.
Noa says @ August 7, 2023 at 1:35 pm
Getting out of the ECHR would be a simpler and neater way to stop the illegals, Noa, we would be able to turn them around push them back where they came from legally.
Indeed it would Milud.
But it isn’t going to happen. Half the Tory and all the Lib/Labour Traitors oppose leaving the EHCR, their backdoor reentry point to the EU, who now treat the UK as their chamber pot.
Odd that the Chaiwallah’s 5 point plan to ‘Stop the Boats’ makes no mention of erm stopping the boats.
Baron 11.18pm
US, UK and European forces have been taking the ‘peace dividend’ since 1991. They are now heavily staffed by diversity quotas of LGBTQ cadres. The white men having been rejected. As Col Mac says ‘good luck with that’.
Arms and munitions are out of date, out of production and scarce. It takes 1-3 years to increase production of a Typhoon and its ECW and Elint systems will be out of date by the time it rolls off the line.
If you want peace speak softly and carry a big stick. The blustering fools, Biden, Johnson and Co, have behaved in precisely the opposite manner and will reap the consequences.
Unfortunately, as oil and grain prices rise, crop productions fall due to the lack of fertiliser and the war widens as Poles and others become involved, so will we.
Meanwhile tied and chained as we are to the US, like Captain Ahab to Moby Dick, expect and prepare for a very bad winter indeed, as 30+ other nations, including Saudi Arabia and the Gulf oil states, join the BRICS and their alternative gold backed currency is launched abd becomes reality.
Baron 11.03pm
The Ukr troops are clearly trapped, in a valley or low ground, in a pre-prepared killing ground. In addition to the reasons you advocate for bunching’ I’d surmise they are reluctant to move off the narrow road for fear of mines and becoming bogged down in soft ground/mud. Unable to turn around on the road they hope to do so in the wider space behind the copse of trees.
Notably there seems extreme accuracy, to be no waste of munitions or artillery fire.
Noa says @ August 8, 2023 at 7:33 am
Well said, young sir, very well said.
Sachs couldn’t;t be more right, the slaughter should end, they have to start talking to each other:
Sachs is interesting but contradicts himself. An American Anglophobe, he wants to blame Britain in particular but recognises that US hegemonistic Neo Conservatives have been driving NATO expansion for 30 years.
@11:03 pm Cannon fodder. Poor buggers didn’t stand a chance.
@10:34 pm Sachs’ peace solution is risible. The Russians are not going to go home and let the “collective West” take them for a ride in “negotiations” again.
@07:33am “Sī vīs pācem, parā bellum!”
@11:05 am Sachs? Serpentine. No use him complaining about the UK being emasculated when it was the USA that bankrupted it. He was right about the Necons though.
So its two thumbs down on Sachs and schedule a re-run of John Wicks 2 para bellum for the evening film!
Laugh? I nearly cancelled my licence.
Steve Sailor’s grim sardonic take on Aunty.
Stephen Tucker was the writer. Not Stwve Sailor. Apologies.
It must’ve been a crushing blow to Manny Macrawn when he discovered that not everybody loves him…
“Italy Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni Goes Viral Again After Niger Coup”
Whatta Gal, eh! Of course since she said all that she has probably recanted and knelt before, and kissed the rings of, Fond-of-Lying and Nuke ’em Nooland.
Speaking of
that disgusting war pigthe fragrant Viktoria, she jetted off on Luftwaffe 1 to Niger in order to whip ’em back into line Reportedly, it didn’t go to well.
Noa says @ August 8, 2023 at 8:01 am
You’re right, Noa, the armoured vehicles and the tanks are sticking to the road for fear of getting stuck in, this is the main reason the German Leopard II tanks have been withdrawn, their weight is 55tons plus, it’s too heavy for the fields of Ukraine, the Leopard I is around 40 tons but apparently isn;t that well protected and one cannot hang the armoured plates on it for these would increase weight.
If one were to believe the Telegram reports the biggest headache for the Ukrainians is the servicing and repair of the gear they got from the West, only Poland is genuinely helping, the others are rather reluctant.
One would also guess that the poor performance of the German tanks isn’t welcome news for the maker of the contraption, the Krauss-Maffei Wegmann was hoping to capitalise on the Ukrainian war, is not pleased with what’s going on, orders are not coming in as expected.
EC says @ August 8, 2023 at 2:40 pm
Sad for the Ukrainian boys, EC, good news for the Russian tank crew, all recommended for the top military reward.
One would have thought that no breakthrough after more than two months would be enough for the Americans to call a halt to it, it’s almost impossible to watch the Telegram videos of both the hardware and the humans getting blown to pieces on both sides, madness.
Finally it happened, Baron got banned by the Spectator, so much for the free speech chest bagging by the chicken Scot that edits the rag, they can eff off, Baron will cancel his subscription be done with them.
It’s supposed to show how the Ukrainian offensive’s going:
Baron @12:09 am
Blackballed by the Scotia Nostra (©Frank P), eh?
LOL What unspeakable heresy did you utter?
Baron @12:41
That’s very funny. Tragic but very funny.
Humour cuts right through all the MSM propaganda like a hot knife thru butter.
I’m not adjusting my forecast of a September Armistice yet.
Despite the fact that Uncle Joe hasn’t yet fired the last shell, rocket or missile in NATO’s armoury and Vlod the Press ganger hasn’t yet re-joined his cache of bullion and $ in Zurich.
My betting is that channels have been maintained, a replacement junta waits in the wings and that via an intermediary like Saudi or India secret ranks are already in progress; even a conditional agreement in place and ready for ratification upon the departure of Vlod and demise of the last Ukr conscript, whichever comes first.
Baron @12:09 am
I’m surprised you lasted so long mi’lud.
The Telegraph Publishing Group being debtors to Lloyd’s, with a sale to Bezos or the Qataris being mooted, you be also be in line for account closure or havong your personal data published on the PSNI website.
EC says @ August 11, 2023 at 8:18 am
Totally unaware what may have caused the ban, EC, it may have been the cumulative endeavours of Baron to put the world right that did it.
Amazingly, he has tried few times since, one posting went in, two or three didn’t. Funny that.
Noa says @ August 11, 2023 at 9:53
Yes, true, Noa, why has he lasted so long? Baron reckons they, the ones that make the decisions, must know what happened in the other regime years and years ago, the one that imploded around 1990, are reluctant to go that way, although that may attach too much importance to what the barbarian has been yapping about, the boss says ‘who would pay any attention to the display of your innate stupidity’, and she is seldom wrong.
Baron @11:29
Dunno who said it, but…
“The female of the species is deadlier than the male.”
One for your little quote book, miLud?
“The biggest problem with modern comedians is that they take applause and not the laughs.” (*)
Mark Steyn Show 12/08/23
* My Fawlty memory informs me that the totally unfunny and humourless Marcus Brigstocke [personal opinion] pioneered this technique in the 80s when he used to come on stage, hold out his hands and say “Margaret Thatcher, eh?) to the rapturous applause from his BBC audiences.
Shirley the biggest problem with modern comedian is that they aren’t funny, so there are no laughs from their audiences.
The atmosphere is like that of a CCP Conference inaugurated by Comrade Stalin to unending thunderous applause. The first to stop and sit down being quietly arrested and shot at the interval.
Ah Brigstock… I thought he’d been purged years ago, but I never watch Aunty or its minions.
Noa at 12:27 pm
You make the exact point that St. Mark of Steyn made.
I meant to say that Brigstocke is a talentless twat, as are the rest of them.
BBC Delenda Est!
Yep, we’re in violent agreement with Mark, (whatever happened to Eva?)l
The English assassin, with stiletto, always to the point…
Are the the wheels finally coming off Blair’s plan for sending 50% of school leavers into higher education for indoctrination, infantiilisation, and burdening them with a lifetime of debt?
It beggars belief that the Labour front bench, the government in waiting, are SO BAD that some political pundits are talking about the grisly old war criminal making a comeback.
apropos the above…
The King of Scotland on the gaslighting and the ongoing demise of “the healthy core.”
Neil’s verdict (above) on Starmer: “Empty as a cast off snakeskin”
Under the circ’s it”s the kindest thing that he could have said about him.
btw amongst his other allegiances Starmer is a member of the Trilateral Commission.
Goodbye AfD? The German Government is planning to save ‘democracy’.
1933 reprised by tge EU.
“Well said, Graham, the female interviewer is biased, uninformed, and quite frankly useless, if was her that began to be aggressive, Morgan’s bad, she’s worse”, that’s what Baron posted under the interview.
Noa says @ August 14, 2023 at 6:14 pm
The first posting under the video says it all: ‘Banning your political rivals out of existence is what threatens democracy”.
EC says @ August 14, 2023 at 9:48 am
Sounds nice and right, the “empty as a cast off snakeskin”, EC, Baron is tempted to make use of it somewhere soon.
A 24-carat talent, unbelievable:
Why does the Wimmins World Cup trophy look like an iron?
Still the good news is that at least the Ingerland resm can catch up with the cleaning now.
resm?? team!
Time to have a laugh
This was penned a year ago, is still relevant for scanning anyway:
Mark and Eva. Are they an item? Has he scanned her barcode?
By all accounts, Lucy Letty was a very good nurse, the internal investigations found in her favour in large part because of the quality of her work, on occasions even the doctors sought her opinion, a rational explanation of what she did must exist.
It may well be that she took it on herself to decide which of the babies she attended to would live and which wouldn’t, those whose lives would be, in her opinion, close to normal or normal would be spared, those who would live not full lives, or many of them, wouldn’t, there would no no burden either on the parents who could still try have another baby and on the society.
That could be the rational motive for what she did, she may have felt she was doing everyone a favour, she may still feel he same, it’s surprising that the deepest anger of the bereaved parents is her refusal to attend the court hearing, if Baron was one of such parents this would be the last of her acts worrying him, making him ‘furious’.
The above was banned by the Spectator, this is what free speech is all about in today’s Britain, arghhh
“The above was banned by the Spectator, this is what free speech is all about in today’s Britain, arghhh”
Your comment wasn’t suitably uninformed, emotive and condemnatory, judging by the newspaper headlines that I’ve seen in the last day or so.
Russia has already won the Ukraine war and has been presented with the unexpected opportunity to expose NATO and the West as both toothless and bloodily incompetent. NATO’s de facto second largest army, Ukraine has been defeated with over a third of a million dead and it and the government is on the verge of collapse.
NATO itself has run out of weapons and munitions and cannot make more.
Should we be concerned that the West’s increasingly undemocratic democracies may in turn collapse when the Kiev junta is deposed? Possibly not, though I suspect that the unwilling and unrepresented subjects of the US, EU and UK will respond to such collapse in both Ukraibe with at worst indifference and probably tacit support for an anti-nationalist, anti globalist Russia.
Washington Delenda est!
The Letby case seems to challenge the once demanding rules of criminal evidence, resulting in her conviction on hearsay and speculation.
Was she found guilty ‘beyond reasonable doubt’? On the evidence I have seen reported I do not think so. The conviction is unsafe and should led to judicialreview and its being overruled.
Will this happen? Perhaps, sometime in the next 17 years…
I suspect Simon Webb, would like me have voted ‘Not Guilty’. However with a majority verdict we would be insufficient to maintain a just verdict.
You can’t say you haven’t been warned about the Speculator.
After all that was why the CHW was founded. Sadly the eternal seekees after truth, or at least a degree if honest objectivity, have declined to just three and the occasional bit.
Noa at 6:48 pm
I saw a barrister being interviewed who said that the evidence in the case was circumstantial and over a decade old. There was a procession of consultants wheeled in by the prosecution, some to give their ‘opinion’ maybe others to shift the blame? I don’t know how the defence didn’t present a stronger case.
Noa at 6:34 pm
If the war ends before the 2024 election run it’ll be catastrophic for Team
Obamaer.. Biden. The longer it goes on the more conditions Russia will exact for being put to all the expense and trouble.The USA needs to cleanse their “Augean Stables” starting with all the Neocons in the DEM/GOP Unaparty, the Pentagon, CIA, DoD, DoJ and the FBI.
The prognosis for the USA is not encouraging, for the UK and EU even worse.
Well said on both counts EC.
Regime change in Washington may well be a bloody affair though. I just don’t see it happening quietly, if at all.
The vested interests have too much to lose.
The dream team. Tucker and Col Mac, speaking Truth to Power, but will Power listen?
Mick Herron’s “Slow Horses” MI5 spook novels are full of gallows humour concerning the ongoing farce of incompetence in UK security and government arenas.
His latest book, #7, “Bad Actors.” contains the following pithy quote…
” All those decades of the arms race, and it turned out there was no greater damage you could inflict on a state than ensure it was led by an idiot.”
When I read that I instantly thought of “Call me Dave” but CHWallsters may have their own instant reactions. There’s a long list to choose from!
Here’s a position g from another blog by someone called Mac, good stuff that:
“I have learned in life to never try to anticipate where stupidity will go next. What we are seeing, whether in Ukraine, or in the broader picture including the economy, is just plain stupid. Stupid can’t be fixed, because it is too stupid to know it’s stupid. Even worse, whether NATO or the WEF types, they all think of themselves a geniuses, the smartest guys in the room.
Some seem to want an exit before their impotence is out in the open, not knowing it’s too late for that. Generally, whatever a stupid person does next is stupid too. We can count on that, and are seeing it with more money we don’t have pumped into that black hole.
It won’t end until NATO gets whipped thoroughly into submission. Putin seems to know that. The powers that be over here don’t see it, at least not yet. We are seeing fear showing here from some corners as they know they are being exposed as paper tigers, and that the MIC doesn’t supply much in the way of useful arms, just expensive ones. If our nukes aren’t any better as compared to Russia’s, we better not even think of trying that avenue.
They say you become what you hate, and we have become the Soviets, destroying freedom, the economy, and it building a military with sketchy arms. Meanwhile they have become more like what we claimed to be, but weren’t.”
EC says @ August 22, 2023 at 9:18 am
The enjoyable quote, EC, is rather unfair to the real idiots of this world.
Noa at 9:32 pm & 9:14am
The awful truth, innit.
Noa says @ August 22, 2023 at 9:14 am
Tucker’s excellent and the general not bad either, Noa, God forbid it comes to the two protagonists facing each other.
Noa says @ August 21, 2023 at 6:48 pm
Simon is the conscience of the healthy core of Britishness, Noa, and is right about the verdict in the Lucy Letby case, it’s unsafe.
Baron: at 11:11 am
I don’t know anything about the case, but the unanimity of the press headlines was the cause of a raised eyebrow. Historic case? Circumstantial evidence? The woman must’ve had a useless defence brief.
In recent years the press/msm have lost any last shred of credibility that they once had. The trouble is that people have short memories and will believe in absolutely anything. eg Ukraine is a democracy etc. Most recently it’s been extra-terrestrials piloting UFOs I suppose one of them might be delivering Frasier Nelson’s “Neathergate” article that got flushed down Orwell’s memory hole into the interstellar the ether.
If you never heard Robert Barns talking here’s your chance. no need to listen to the whole session although you can learn alot from it, go to 30min he talks about who voted in Georgia in 2020, amazing guy.
Sorry the name’s Barnes, the f predictive software stepped in, Baron failed to check.
EC says @ August 22, 2023 at 1:32 pm
How could a court convict on the basis of pure circumstantial backing of a case beggars belief, EC, not once was she caught red handed, what’s also significant the deathly pandemic ended not only when she left the post but the top guy did also.
It’s not totally unconceivable that he and another member of the outfit may have wanted to destroy Lucy’s standing and career, frame her. This may be not true, of course, it may also be hard to prove, but it questions the verdict which doesn’t satisfy the legal guidance of ‘beyond reasonable doubt’.
You are right, she should get a better legal team and appeal.
The end is tasty when he says the parents have to give permission if their kid wants to go on a school trip to visit the Statue of Liberty, but not if he wants to become lady Liberty, priceless.
Baron: at 8:51 pm
Barnes is solid. He does an occasional chat show with retired Canadian lawyer David Frei (Viva Frei).
It wasn’t just “Jawjar” where the Dems stole the 2020 election.
Biden wasn’t joking when he said this…
The Bulgarian two wheeler, keen not to overstay his 3 month visa, is currently racing back to the Russian border after visiting Magadan and points beyond!
Here’s his latest overnight stop. Those of us without any land [like Noa] may soon be forced to adopt a simpler life, no?
[3mins 30sec]
A diet of squirrels isn’t sustainable, and we’ll run out of pets soon enough!
@10:56 corrrection
“Those of us without any land [unlike Noa] may soon…” etc.
also…: ##Health Warning## Squirrels will almost certainly contain nuts!
EC says @ August 23, 2023 at 4:00 pm
A nice post with a deep message about the ‘civilisation’ coming to destroy this close to nature life, also a fantastic guy, your friend, the surroundings including the animals remind Baron of his own childhood, the house and the animals may have been different but the mess around, a practical mess, was not unlike the one in the video.
Coincidence or enemy action?
“I told you so”, says Wondering hands Joe of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s death in an aircraft crash.
Thanks to Joe there’s an awful lot of Stingers in Belarus now.
Noa at 12:29 pm
“Video unavailable”
It is inadvisable for mad dogs stray into areas from which they have been banished, especially where there are packs of wolves salivating at the prospect of tearing them apart. Offended Russian military?
It happened at an inconvenient time for VVP as his was just about to give a speech to the BRICS conference.
The execute-tive jet (if this was it) appears to go from flying level into a series dives and flat spins before plunging vertically into the ground.
Very difficult to blame this on, “lack of maintenance” as one pundit recently pundit-ted.
Noa at 12:29 pm
Nah, I saw Yevgeny down my local chip shop last night.
Hearing of the imminent closure of La Gavroch and the retirement of Michael Roux Jr, my own hypothesis is that the “Prig”, having amicably agreed to renounce his Rommelesque and Napoleonic career options, was considering a return to the high end restaurant business in Old Moscow.
In consequence, having asked Vlad for permission to cook his “Presidente Royale” Hot Dog Surprise for a few friends, and receiving a message saying “you’ll be in the Borscht if you do”, he misheard and assumed that Vlad grant of necessary approval. Tragically he accidentally spilt the hot soup over his lap whist demonstrating an Immelmann turn to his friends with catestrophic results.
Noa says @ August 25, 2023 at 3:21 pm
Good one, Noa, but who can tell, Putin needs another chef, heh, heh heh.
EC says @ August 25, 2023 at 11:05 am
What a coincidence, EC, Baron has spotted few times in a near-by town centre, always eating ice-cream to ensure his life doesn’t get interrupted.
And to add to the above, here’s Baron’s guess:
One can almost feel sorry for Putin, if he didn’t give the order, he’s an evil loosing his grip, if he did, he’s just an evil bla, bla ….
Only those that planned it, carried it out, thought through the consequences know, the rest of us could only guess.
Two things are undeniably true even if not mentioned or mentioned only in passing, the abrupt cancelling of the ‘alleged’ coup, the march on Moscow, and the Prigozhin’s dog-like loyalty to Putin, the former chef had been biting, biting almost implausibly severely everyone but Putin, neither in public nor in private was he disloyal to the man that made him, furnished him with protection, stood by him even if pretending not to, for Prigozhin it was the bastards surrounding the vozhd, Putin was never to blame.
The coup, ably put together by Prigozhin without the whole of the musicians’ orchestra involved, was to find out the rebellious elements in the armed services before they were to do stupid things like taking over the command of the special op in Ukraine, and it did, it lasted as long as the genuine coup leaders revealed their cards, it’s not just Surovikin, there were others that got moved either to the musicians, other duties, or got dismissed, people like Michail Mizintsev.
Could Putin withdrew the krysha for his former chef as he did for Navalny? Yes, unquestionably he could, but his calling Prigozhin ‘a traitor’ was a ruse, a cover to imply the coup was for real, Putin’s meeting the Wagner boys later proves it, it’s as close to impossible as it gets for Prigozhin to betray Putin, he would do everything for him, in the end he may have lost his life for the vozhd, or he may have not, we shall see …
You get the hint whose’s most likely to be behind the explosion of the Embraer Legacy 600 jet?
Noa at 3:21 pm
LOL, lots LOLs.
Thanks for that.
@6:09pm cont.d
It’s still Obama 2 vs Putin 1 in the chef steaks, though 😉
Baron at 4:11pm
“You get the hint whose’s most likely to be behind the explosion of the Embraer Legacy 600 jet?”
Vlad really needs to get of his military, but my default position is the porcine fragrant neocon.
It’s official !
US CDC: ” The latest Covid variant is more likely to infect those people who have been vaccinated…”
Call me an old old cynic but… Stand by for the “2024 US GE Season variant” necessitating another massive “mail-in” ballot fraud.
EC says @ August 25, 2023 at 6:11 pm
Brilliant, EC, could Baron steal it, he will acknowledge it’s not his, but it will be down nicely.
EC says @ August 25, 2023 at 6:37 pm
True, he has a big problema, if he mishandles it he may be toast, the siloviki have guns, as things stand he will find it hard to get the votes next year, Prigozhin may have been a thug, but he read the mood of the unwashed well, people will die in their thousands for the glory of Mother Russia, but abandon anyone who, in order to save lives, makes them crawl rather than fight upright.
.., “it will go down” rather, sorry.
So many fugging errors, like Baron spotted who? HIM of course (FFS), that’s Alzheimer, an advanced version of, sorry, plus others not yet spotted.
Have a good look at the Ukrainian landing at Crimea, awesome, how could anyone ever beat guys like that:
Listening to the chat one cannot help thinking that we’ve truly lost if the two are considered by the fruitcakes in the wrong, the deluded like Levine as someone one should look up to, madness:
Baron 8:50 pm
Those guys are unbeatable! 🙂
Btw, I eye Emil’s nice tidy office, clear desk, uplighters and proper shelves, with envy.
My kennel is a complete mess. (Jordan Peterson would have a field day!)
Over the years I’ve known a couple of guys (*) whose filing system, consisted of a large table in the middle of unused dining room. (their office) Each had table piled high with years worth of important papers, folders and other stuff. To the casual observer it looked a complete jumbled mess, but they could lay their hands on anything they wanted to consult very quickly.
* one a ww2 era engineer, the other an 80’s era eccentric IT guy.
Musing of the Day
As legally obtaining arms and munitions by the general public in Britain is now virtually impossible, it is time to declare war on the United Stasi’s of America.
In return the United States will conduct sustained bombing; missile and drone attacks on the government institutions of power and despatch an occupying army to enforce liberal values.
When the general population coordinates an effective guerrilla campaign the US occupying forces will depart without warning, leaving $100 Billion worth of arms and munitions and so creating an effective “Armed Militia” that will enable the People to keep its government in its proper place for fifty years.
EC says:
August 26, 2023 at 7:42 am
I dream of a cluttered dining table in an unused dining room.
Madame Noa long ago converted my study into a silver room, where the Albanian kitchen maids could happily polish the household silver all day. A task reminiscent of the perpetual repainting of the Forth Bridge.
Long ago, to confinement kdours of tobacco, courviosier and old slippers I was exiled to the converted Box Room, where the CCTV monitors scan the endless vistas of barbed wire and the Eccles cake production lines, whilst screens silently monitor Defence and Pharmaceutical stock returns…
The guy is fantastic, but he should be careful, the nasties will try to get him:
Noa: August 26, 2023 at 9:08 am
Aye! When I were a lad we had to live in a cardboard box, under t’ Thelwall Viaduct.
Russell blows the lid on the chaiwallah’s Hedge Fund and JVT’s long, as yet unfinished, career maximising your Pharma investment dividends!
“So… They F*cking Planned This All Along”
22 mins but actually very entertainingly put.
The Walls of Jericho…
An old joke, but Bernard’s is the funniest version,imo
[Move the slider to 7:44]
one to cheer up the parishioners next Sunday, Peter? You may need to choose a different location though 😉
Back in the 1950s we could all answer that one, but fifty years on from when that joke was told (1970s) I doubt whether any school-kid today could answer the question.
Not only do “they” not “do” the Bible in schools anymore, they don’t do Shakespeare, and Snow White er… isn’t anymore
All the ever want to know about “fugitive emmisions” down under!
“EVs are a climate action fraud: Here’s why”
London 2023
Ah de Carnival!
It renamed Stab Fest 23, where de Polis come to be sexually assaulted and the Black man uses his machete to show Whitey how his ancestors cut cane in the plantations…
Here’s some news about an old and former favourite on the Wall, Great Wilders, before his cause was drowned in the tsunami of cultural, moral and intellectual degradation which overtook Britain and Europe under the Johnson dictatorship.
Baron : August 29, 2023 at 10:58 pm
Shocking scenes from the third world, miLud
Adipose Emergency Acton (shurely ‘Action?’ Ed.)
These people might not look malnourished but we need your money, now.
A coordinated charitable effort is needed to save these people starving to death in front of our eyes. Dickensian state cash handouts of only £2250 per week are barely enough to keep body and soul together. #costoflivingcrisis
Who would have thought that we would ever see ‘Les Burgers San Frontieres’, Oxfam etc would need to distribute free hot dogs, kebabs etc. on the streets of the Bohemian Grove. (er.. Thats’s ‘Ladbroke.’ Ed.)
Please give generously.
Cue” Richard Littlejohn “YCMIU !” etc.
I always thought that Ali Bongo was a magician who designed and performed cunning stunts for himself and other prestidigitators such as Paul Daniels…
Meanwhile in “Bongo Bongo”* land (© Godfrey Bloom) & yes, there are two Bongos..
“France Ally President Ali Bongo of Gabon Arrested in Coup for Rigged Elections”
No doubt the corpulent, porcine featured, Wiktoria is already in the air aboard Luftwaffe Eins bound for Libreville to issue the ultimatums that are swirling ’round and around in the windmills of her head. My-my she’s having a busy summer.
There are “Winds of Change” (© Harold Macmillan) in Arrfrikarr, chaps. This time resulting in a crescendo of fibrillating sffincters (sic) in the Élysée Palace.
Noa says @ August 30, 2023 at 9:23 am
The cane cutting made Baron chuckle for a while, Noa, how apt.
EC says @ August 30, 2023 at 10:28 am
If one were to dig up some of the British young that fell in WW2, EC, ask them ‘where was this filmed? How many would have said ‘in London’?
EC says @ August 30, 2023 at 7:32 pm
It was in the middle of the BBC Radio4 news bulletin, EC, when Baron switched the car and hence the radio on, heard the word ‘bongo’ in connection with Gabon, thought it was a bad joke only the BBC could tell, others would be thought of as racists right wingers, but it turned out it was the real name of the deposed guy, it must be the Alzheimer for the barbarian from the east, an advance stage of, he didn’t get it straight away.
The world is crazier than it was this time last week. The Canadian national women’s cricket team is reported to have selected its first transgender bats-person. Hopefully the wicket keeper will stump him/her and whip his/her bails off if s/he oversteps the crease.
We’re going to need more piano wire, Noa, Lots of it!
Q. How come women “transgendering” or identifying as men never seem to want to compete in male sports?
Longish, but excellent because it’s objective, leans neither towards Russia or Ukraine:
What a rap:
Tune to engage with Vlad and contract for the services of the surplus Wagner group to prevent beach landings and fill the ferries with surplus holidaying third world criminals.
Time to engage with Vlad and contract for the services of the surplus Wagner group to prevent beach landings and fill the ferries with surplus holidaying third world criminals.
Noa says @ September 2, 2023 at 8:55 am
The best idea this century, Noa, so far anyway, perhaps the new Defence chap may be interested, he sounds macho but doesn’t look it.
If only it would happen Milud. In the meantime Rashid keeps spinning the plates, turning snakes into hemp and hen schimmying up the rope, preparatory to vanishing when the bailiffs arrive.
Grant Schnapps is a rotating door pollytician; one day ganging out hundreds of millions to local councils for psychlepaths, the next encouraging your local muggers to adapt escooters for a speedier service.
“Capt” Ben Wallace has presumably lined himself up with a Directorship at BAE, Raytheon or the Ukrainian Weapons Procurement team prior to his Westminster defenestration.
When Grant Schapps first impinged on my consciousness back in 2008 (I was semi conscious back then) my first impression of him, the first two words that came to mind were “spiv” and “chancer.” Since then he’s done nothing to alter that first impression.
Not very nice of me, but there you are…
“spiv” and “chancer.”
Always destined to advance in a toree gubmint that’s full of them.
Hitchens sniffed the hypocrisy out 16 years ago
Here’s Bro, Baron hasn’t told you about him yet although he’s on Baron’s viewing cycle but only occasionally, he’s fully predictable, one knows what he’s going to say, totally anti-Russian, the video here is more interesting because of the postings, almost all say ‘Slava Ukraine’, which would suggest these are computer generated responses, in normal videos one doesn’t find that many ‘Slavas’ and not that many ‘thank yous’ for the guy running the site.
Baron: September 2, 2023 at 7:01 pm
Desperate stuff. Here’s some more. A Grauniad/Observer article written by their fearless correspondent Jacinta Fuck-Flaps from er… well behind the lines.
Why are the “ultra left high priests of shite” acting as copy typists, disseminating bollocks on behalf of Nazis, I wonder? Strange times!
File under: Les pisseur de copie
Jacunta would be better off reporting fearlessly from Donbass by the Thames, covering Vizier Khan’s fearless if unsurprisingly unsuccessful campaign to eradicate the ULEZ camera destroying blade runners and implement the progressive, phased subjugation of the white Helot population.
On other matters, having recently completed my PhD thesis on “The relative merits of stoning recalcitrant women using Sandstone, Granite and Basalt”, I am currently awaiting Council approval of my application for a £5 million grant increase the height of and install safety rails on Sodomite Tower, the new multi faith centre which has been converted from the old servants quarters at Noa Al Sharif estates on the Burnley moors.
Napoleon’s soldiers used to say that nothing lied like an army bulletin.
They obviously hadnt heard of the Office of National Statistics.
Heres a whimsical take on their fiddling the Nation’s books by the FT.
Well, he got 9 out of 10 right…
There are problems with employing more stupid people to doing intelligence required jobs.
I enjoy a good bitch about the Prancess Royale of Montecito as much as anyone and Steve Tucker does a excellent scalping in this piece.
“the Prancess Royale of Montecito”
Very good! 🙂
The article was good too.
Noa 2:45pm
Demonstrating the interconnectedness of all things, this “popped up” shortly after reading your article:
Transitioning to sporting success!
This 2 year old “mockumentary” was ahead of the curve…
(5 min)
George was on very good form last night
From Liz Truss to Ukraine via beach body Biden, “bath-house Barry,” assassination of Trump, and a Chieftain on fire in the night “flickering its souls to the wind.”
EC says @ September 7, 2023 at 9:58 am
George is quite entertaining, EC, it’s puzzling he hasn’t got more views, the first of the postings makes a good point also, it says “In 1980, I turned 18 and voted for the first time. As a result of that election, the U.S. ended up with a president who said that “ ketchup is a vegetablr”. It’s now four decades on and the president IS a vegetable?.
Rather courageous of Tucker to do the interview:
Baron: September 8, 2023 at 12:52 am
I clicked the link and got a knitting video !
Is this a new hobby of yours, to while away the wee small hours, Baron?
Tucker interviewing Putin is what I had hoped for.
Here’s an interesting one for you. Fascinating.
Pavlin’s last 3 1/2 min update from Russia before crossing into Finland.
“Ladoga Lake & Road of Life”
News to me. How come they don’t let us great unwashed know about this stuff in the West?
A good clip of the nostalgia that grips patriotic Russians over the heroic actions of the forebears.
And all credit to them. It would take a brave man to drive a truck over Lake Lagoda whilst being shelled by the Whermacht and bombed by the Luftwaffe, with the ice melting.
I remember the re-supply of Leningrad during the siege of Leningrad being covered, (along with the cannibalism) in the magisterial “The World at War”.
Joe was grateful for the US supplied and British delivered trucks, many of which were used in the relief operations, but only children were evacuated, the elderly and infirm were left to ‘encourage the resolution’ of the rest of citizens.
Here’s a stirring and different tune to encourage the brave ‘Blade Runners’ of London and the future Neo-Gunpowder plotters of Britain.
This evening, watching England’s excellent victory in the captured in the captured Magrebuan city of Marsailles over an Argentine team that were made to look ordinary by their determination, the solution for our rugby renaissance became clear.
Engkand must, in future, start every match with only 14 men.
Even if a 15th man appears undetected by the England’s manager on to the pitch it must be the responsibility of the senior players oin the team to push the lightsxon of his opposite number, or even the referee if they can’t catch the opposition. The more original the foul the better, I personally would like to seen the widespread use of the Cat o’nine tails whip, using the compulsory LGBTWT+++ stamdard ussue bootlaces.
That would teach the mutant mincing poofters of English and World Rugby what Real men are really capable of..
EC says @ September 8, 2023 at 9:00 am
Apologies, EC, knitting is something Tucker will have to learn when the Left leaning hyenas get to him, here’s the right thing, Byron hopes but cannot be fully sure, the gremlins may be working overtime:
PS The Pagoda clip was revealing, the guy’s turning into another bald&bankrupt.
Noa says @ September 9, 2023 at 10:54 pm
Whatever one may say about the North-Korean nutter, Noa, he has ways to make many appear as one, the marching precision of the soldiery beats anything anyone else can do anywhere in the world, someone should nominate those fortunate enough to take part in it for nice glittering trinkets similar to those hanging on the top brass of the military.
Noa says @ September 9, 2023 at 11:48 pm
It was Ford that won it, Noa, they should gold plate his kicking leg.
He didn’t trip:
Not something he should have done, don’t you think?
Strange, that !
I could view the first Twitter / X link, but the second link wanted me to sign in and I don’t/won’t have an account.
Hopefully this won’t be coming out of your monthly company pension cheque?
Shirley it is the job of BAE Systems to make profits, pay dividends to shareholders, and not to be wasting money in a futile attempt to make complete shite-hole look marginally better.
A few decades ago the joke was, “If you want to know what Britain would’ve looked like under communism, then visit Barrow.” GRIM, even on a rare sunny day.
EC @6:26pm
I’ve just realised that this is a regurgitated story (*) from several months ago. Perhaps the matrix masters think that we’re “too far gone” to notice, or that the Burgers of Barrow need cheering up a bit.
I was reading a Daily Telegraph article this morning about how a bar manageress had doubled her income by getting a £38K pa office job at BAE Systems. Good on her, I say. There seems to be no end to the good works performed by BAE Systems.
* “Cumbria Crack” stories.are mostly cut and pasted directly from the Carlisle News and Star, but not necessarily that old. “Regurgitum Ad Infinitum” is their business model.
The re-development of Barrow in Furness and the establishment of a specialised University campus, is a mere bagatelle compared to the purchase of US company Ball Aerospace for $5.4B and the establishment of BAE Systems Ukraine in Kiev to initially make 155mm howitzer spares (no price but out of petty cash). All three deals will no doubt be the result of pork barrel quid pro quos with the US, UK abd Ukr gubmints. In the meantime the share price is around £10.45. TGFT Military Industrial Complex.
Civil servant? WFH? Blackpool? Lagos? Karachi? Delhi?
As the Walrus laments, truly we are doomed.
Is Europe coming to its senses? Is it too little, too late?
A country shaking itself apart. The destructive nonsense of ESG and a government of cowards, fools and rogues is disarming and destroying us.
“Goodluck Noa”: September 12, 2023 at 3:53 pm
What’s the weather like in Lagos, Boss? 🙂
And then there’s de Welsh “gubmint”, Boss.
Due to lack of indigenes literate in its antique language it has to outsource translation of its gubmint documents (English to Gobbledygook and vice-versa) services to Patagonia. And then there’s the Examination Boards of England who outsource marking exam to the far east.
To avoid any alimentary unpleasantness Walrus should avoid oysters when there’s no “r” in the month, or all times in the vicinity of of a United Utilities sewage outlet.
File under: “I am the eggman, they are the eggmen
I am the Ealrus, goo-goo g’joob”
Ealrus? Walrus!
Go West to Patagonia Bach!
The previous posting should have been entitled
“Homage to Patagonia”.
Boom boom.
Noa says @ September 12, 2023 at 3:53 pm
This is hard to believe, Noa, how could a foreign national get a civil service job in the first instance?
Noa: September 13, 2023 at 12:54 pm
Why is it that men are encouraged to “go West” whereas with women everything ends up heading south? At what age do
Autumn approaches but in Patagonia it’ll almost be Spring, and young men will be dreaming of waltzing their favourite girlfriend with a fresh rainbow coiffure down Calle Principal on Pride Day.
Meanwhile at the World Cup in France, aromas abound in the scrummage as they play “Quel fromage est-ce?”
File under: Pencil test; Dai Bach and Gone West.
A courageous women that:
Putin’s meeting with Mr Kim was a brilliant Psy-ops move. The paranoia levels will be red-lining amongst the neocon overlords in the US.
Mind you, Elton “Rocket Man” Jong could really do with a decent launcher.
Baron at 9:54 am
Excellent. Thank you.
The Clonel writes far too much of that rare commodity, common sense, to be taken seriously.
An interesting link from Baron’s Post to an interesting Russian propaganda.
And a contrast to ‘Butcher’ Johnson’s blood thirsty warmongering piece in the Spectator, which is rightly and
mercilessly savaged in the comments.
I suspect the cartoonist who drew the cover, of Fatso Bojo echoing Major ‘King’ Kong’s ICBM death ride in Dr Strangelove, was told not to give to much credence to a piece which would have been more plausibly written by Goebbels than the would be Winston.
Green Greater Germany has given up its Russian oil and gas! Or has it?
How they must yearn in Berlin for a Ribbontrop to negotiate with a latter day Molotov….
In awe your robust command of French, Mon Brave!
Keep practicing your drop-kicking, it may be required before too long, as England plan to conquer one of the fiercest cannibal islands on earth they know that; sooner or later they will face such real opposition as Ireland’s geriatrics and South Africa’s bone crushing Zulu’s eager for revenge over Michael Caine’s blowing the bloody Boers….
Noa @ 10:05pm
Excellent Spectoid cover.
The double irony being His Rotundity being cast in the role Maj. ‘King’ Kong played by Slim Pickens! 🙂
I could read the article without the usual £wall, which must means it has been cleared by de gubmint for propaganda purposes. Sadly I cannot read the comments.
Boris’s scribblings are that of a jingoistic idiot.
Noa at 10:42 pm
Is Samoa the team that employs a forward that identifies as a steamroller, about 3x the size and weight of the regular bruisers?
Many a true word said in jest. England team should do this…
EC @ September 16, 2023 at 10:45 am
Aren’t they all like that?
Mind you I mistakenly switched in the ITV news this evening. Both the news reader and the weather witch, once required to be of normal weight and appearance, were of similar size to the average Challenger 2. Is this now the fashion on terrestrial TV? The result I suppose, of a multi generational diet of Big Macs and the institutionalisation, even the normalisation and veneration of grossness, greed and the self abuse of self inflicted bunterism and obesity.
Noa says @ September 14, 2023 at 10:05 pm
You may like to know, Noa, that over 90% off the postings which are getting close to a thousand (a record that) are against the Blond Inseminator, mostly saying why didn’t he give this country what it needs, or accusing him of warmongering, telling him to get a gun and fight leave Britain forever, some very rudely indeed.
The thing is nobody in power will listen to the postings and certainly will do FA about our stance on Ukraine, in the US there are now voices suggesting NATO will get in if Ukraine folds up, madness.
It pleases Baron though, he a few other bloggers but lately also a growing band of new bloggers have been opposing our stance on Ukraine, the ‘healthy core of Britishness’ has woken up and is beginning to be heard, it seems.
Noa says @ September 14, 2023 at 10:31 pm
A very useful link, Noa, thanks.
EC says @ September 16, 2023 at 10:45 am
Seconded, EC, the stuff that the England team should repeat, and not just on the field of rugby.
If only a portion of the new arrivals comes to Britain, settles ion London, the city will no longer be British:
The EU lurches towards dictatorship.
Baron at 9:27 pm
London, and several other towns and cities haven’t been British for at least the last two decades.
He’s something to cheer you up a bit, albeit gallows humour…
“The Chief Apologises”
That little bit of satire is over two years old now. Since then things have got crazier, Sturgeon having been replaced by someone who, imo, has more draconian instincts than the Mullahs of Tehran
Unfortunately the male “Chief” character will have to be retired soon when the new Chief Constable “Waman” takes over Polis Scotia. She’s the person who exonerated Sir Beer Stammerer & Ms. Skanky for having a booze up in Durham Labour Club HQ. She conducted a thorough lengthy, socially distanced, investigation on “Rightmove” where it was found that no office Durham Lab HQ in any way resembles any office in No.10 Downing St.
Noa at 9:51 pm
It is inevitable. The EU was a National Socialist construct by which the “1000 year Reich” would govern and trade with their conquered satraps. The Chermans are persistent buggers, aren’t they.
Alexander Mercouris, an excellent analyst and commentator, nevertheless needs to reduce his daily commentary from over an hour to a ten minute, main points summary.
Here, after his confusing daily ‘journey without maps’ through the status of the trench wars in Eastern Ukraine he considers Putin’s mystifying denial of using North Korean troops in Ukraine and suggests that what may be happening is the use of NK workers in Russian armaments and munitions production facilities, so replacing the Russian workers currently being called up to the army. In effect a technology transfer to NK.
His consideration of the parlous state of US geopolitical capability, comparing comparing the competent handling of US, Soviet and Chinese relations in the 1960s and early ’70s with the unnecessary creation of deepening bonds between Russia and China and the Blinken non-approach to Ukrainian peace negotiations are worthy of our consideration.
Is he right that the DC Neo cons are under increasing pressure?
Will it make any difference before nemesis befalls the West?
September 19, 2023 at 10:12 am.
The Referendum and the Remainer negotiated Brexshit agreements, compounded by the Globalist imposed Lockdowns, third world wealth transfer, mass multi-front enemy invasions and eastern border war have created multiple causes for the imminent destruction of European nation states abd its replacement by- what?
The fourth EU Reich? Maybe, eventually. But I consider a long period of European internal conflicts with the increasingly starved and impoverished nation states will proceed it.
(h/t Simon Webb)
“The Woman In The Iron Hijab”
or… the case against municipal art… part 98
Looks more like the front cowling of one of Thomas The Tank Engine’s friends from the sub continent, or the rusty prow of an artic icebreaker
The plinth mentions choice, but not the often bruising consequences of choosing not to wear one.
ThankS EC
I needed a chuckle after wrestling all afternoon with the hose on the replacement tumble dryer. More wiggles than Grunt Schnapps sloughing off his last job CV.
It would have been better, or at least funnier, if the sculptor had tried to capture the true soul of the Muslim woman in the characteristic traditional dress of ‘Owd Lancashire, the Blackburn Burqua.
Like the pish artist formerly known as Haaning he would have been better using a solid, unclipped block of granite and entitling it “Take the Money and run, bruv”.
Yes Simon, but it would explain why it fell down…
We need to get away from the “Nonsense machine”. Gorgeous George and Colonel Mac get it together over the Zel schill, the crime of calling a man a man in the world turned upside down.
Stirring stuff.
An afterthought.
Odd, isnt it, that the Left wants war and its the Right that now opposes it.
Pork barrel politics at its most corrupt.
The Azerbaijan/Armenia conflict resumes, the Duran summarises the historical and geo-political problems.
Starkey strips Blair.
Noa – 8:10pm et seq.
George G always has interesting guests on.
I always watch the Colonel.
I am on a cross border raid this morning, wheels turn at 08:00,
so I catch up with Mr. Starkey later – hope it’s a bravura performance.
Isn’t the F-35 the marvel of the US Airforce, the best ever, the undisputed le winner in any air confrontation with the Russian Suchoi?
Noa says @ September 21, 2023 at 11:59 pm
A fluent presentation of a thorough destruction of the ghastly man, Noa, he should be behind bars and not running around as a free person;
Noa says @ September 21, 2023 at 7:27 pm
The area has been in conflict cold or hot for far too long, Noa, yet Baron fails to comprehend what has fuelled it, it cannot be just that the two wings of the Abrahamic family having a go at each other, there must be something more to it, the current boss of Armenia puzzles even more, could anyone explain why his weird obsequiousness to the Americans even though it seems the same Americans are standing by probably helping Armenia’s adversary?
EC says – September 20, 2023 at 2:10 pm
It’s bizarre, EC, don’t they realise that if they push it beyond a point of reason their claims would be treated as laughable, this is one of such cases, to say Stonehedge was built by the black people without a shred of evidence is indeed a joke, to feed it to the young is totally wrong.
Noa says @ September 19, 2023 at 7:58 pm
Frankly, Noa, it’s more pleasant to look at than some of the other avant-garde trash pretending too be art.
EC says @ September 19, 2023 at 6:27 pm
As if we didn’t have enough obsequious fruitcakes, here’s one working with metal.
Every thousand years or so new gods rise to supplant the old ones.
Since the mid 19th century Communism and its subsidiary evolutions: aethism, equality, sexual diversity and so on have, like the old pagan gods such as Baal, the Golden Calf, worship of stones, the earth, the Sun and Moon and the devil have enjoyed an unlicenced and now licenced revival.
When the secular and spiritual leaders, both Kings and politicians, bishops and priests of the old, preceding faiths declare them to be heretical and adopt the New Pantheonistic Paganism as their orthodoxy and persecute the old then we know that the transition is nearly complete.
Here’s the TCW post that triggered the above thought.
Noa: September 21, 2023 at 11:59 pm
Baron: September 22, 2023 at 6:55 pm
As good as advertised.
Not only should Blair be behind bars, but his sidekick Campbell should be put back behind them. He was always at his best when slumped, unconscious, over one.
Noa: September 24, 2023 at 10:28 am
Whilst in Scotia Antica this weekend (*) I witnessed a group of dark suited JWs, or some other cultists, gathered in a public place, stood in silence. In the past the rookie amongst them would have been preaching volubly whilst the others made notes. Not this time, though, as I suspect Humza’s finest would have soon arrested them for speech – no hate required.
* We crossed the border using the winding back lanes, thus eluding the SNP goons and our vehicle being searched for the fresh fruit, vegetables and other contraband that were packed in crates underneath a top layer of Buckfast ™.
Perhaps, like the obligatory EVs, their spiritual programmer/ fuhrer had simply forgotten to ‘power them’ up before venturing out onto the streets of Scotstounistan.
I’m delighted that you were successful in pioneering your new bootlegging career. A tip from personal experience, the alcohol should always be hidden underneath such haram goodies as female underwear (unwashed) sanitary items. Humza’s muttawah will not be best pleased.
What next? Introducing the delights of distilling into the unheated lowland bothles of the natives?
Campbell was always the velvet-gloved Blair’s iron fist.
Dhzerzinski to his Lenin.
Baron: September 22, 2023 at 7:17 pm,
Re: “obsequious fruitcakes”
I came across an example of fruitcake-ery par excellence. (4mins 45 sec)
It’s a real humdinger. Please do not miss this one.
His final thoughts…
“There’s a very, very bad world where Suella Braverman takes over the Conservative party… Lee Anderson… omg working class… at least we’re not facing T-R-U-M-P though… AARGH!… Nurse… N-U-R-S-E !!! euergh… the curtains”
This bloke was a Conservative? Mind you he was part of vapid Dave’s and sharia May’s gang. A bad case of snobbery, white privilege, aggravated by a scrapie, imo.
Did the F35 eject the pilot because its AI told it to?
Was he simply redundant and his departure a fuel saving inititive before departing to strike at the White House/ dementia home?
Bill Gates needs to tell us.
“…aggravated by a scrapie, imo…”
Many thanks for the (missing) link.
A perfect case of Rhesus derangement syndrome!
Baron: September 22, 2023 at 6:51 pm
Our “special friends” haven’t designed anything that could out perform an F16 equipped with AIM9(x) sidewinders in a dogfight…
But that is beside the point. The whole point about the F35s, as with all other US weapons procurement, is not if they are any good or not it is how much the manufacturers can get way with charging for them. A modest percentage skimmed off to keep the DC sleaze machine greased, and dem wars-a comin’ and dem orders a-rollin’ in. Yee-haw!
As Noa has pointed out previously, in the modern “drone-age” pilots actually seated in flying tin cans are unnecessary.
I remember back in the 60s James Burke of the BBC’s “Tomorrow’s World” program waxing lyrical about how NASA had given $millions to some pen company to develop a ballpoint pen that would work in weightless conditions… for the Gemini/Apollo missions.
Russian cosmonauts used HB pencils, and they were found to be 100% reliable! 😉
Baron and EC
I’d suggest that military and marine aviation is now in a similar position to the Royal Navy and German Imperial fleets of capital ships in 1914, modern manned miltary are obsolete, due to in their obscene build and operational cost and the availability of cheap countermeasures, being mines and submarines. Today the highly probable loss of an aircraft carrier fleet or two would be either a war ending or nuclear weapons triggering event. Likewise both the Armenian/ Azerbaijani and the Ukrainian conflicts have provided regional powers, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Israel Brazil etc with an unrivalled regional catchup opportunity in military technology which they have been quick to sieze. Whilst the US and the West have developed complex and baroque UAVs the Regionals have developed mass produced ‘ cheap and cheerful’ solutions enabling them to negate and ignore now irrelevant and massively expensive Western air cover and cimprehensively destroy expensive enemy ground assets (e.g Leopard, Abrams, Challenger, AMX and Bradley AFVs) and infantry at minimal cost.
In the process the military weakness of the West has been humiliatingy exposed and the geo-strategic balance of power significantly shifted, possibily irrevocably, from the West to the BRICs.
Starkers sounds quite despondent by the end of this clip.
” Keir Starmer’s plans for Constitutional Change.” New Labour 2.0
It appears that Blair & Cyclops have unfinished business, and the hollow man, Starmer, will be their ventriloquist’s dummy.
As US power and influence diminishes its satellite satrapies like Canada (and Britain) become susceptible to bullying and pressure.
“I cannot tell: the world is grown so bad,
That wrens make prey where eagles dare not perch:
Since every Jack became a gentleman
There’s many a gentle person made a Jack.”
Richard III (Duke of Gloucester)
Willam Shakespeare
Noa: 12:19 pm
That business in the House of Commons. Ottawa, was shameful. Both sides of the house, mind you, giving the nonagenarian Nazi a standing ovation!
“If Fascism Ever Comes to America, It Will Come in the Name of Liberalism”
Ronald Reagan
How right he was! Also right about Canada and the UK too.
Ok, ok. So I inadvertently dropped the second “i” in William.
I will now commit hara-kiri, if that helps.
File under: Kiri t’ Kan-opener; Hare Krishna; e&oe etc.
T Dalrymple comparing corruption and waste in Britain and France and the failure of the socialist ping pong solution to human wickedness”. If only one was able to comment as objectively from the bucolic warmth of rural France rather than the cooling Northern Marches.
Noa: 9:37 pm
The hirsute Telegraph bloke with acute hearing has actually done some good interviews recently. I’m surprised that the management has allowed him to get away with it.
“…rather than the cooling Northern Marches.”
Ok Groomer!
An old friend nakes a welcome return.
Apologies for his absence, Baron’s on his travels again.
This he got today, has to share it with you, you may not like his bare chest, his haircut, his delivery, but the guy’s take on both the Ukrainian meat grinder and the mRNA vaccine cannot be faulted:
Geoffrey Roberts analysis of the disastrous consequences of the war for Ukraine.
Noa says @ September 26, 2023 at 9:37 pm
A wise man, the good doctor, Noa, two things from the easy chat, the first not that obvious is that when one talks about happiness or the absence of it it’s within the range of human emotions, talking about depression moves one’s state of unsettled being into the field of the clinical, drugs then are the obvious choice of cure.
The other is what he didn’t say but what Baron remembers him saying ‘the real cause of crime is the conscious decision of the criminal to commit it’, which falls neatly into the question of each of us taking responsibility for our actions.
EC says @ September 26, 2023 at 3:30 pm
A very timely quote from Reagan, EC.
Noa says @ September 24, 2023 at 8:42 pm
Well observed, Noa, altogether 44 countries have supplied Ukraine with either military hardware or men or both, few days ago, the Russians disabled a German tank crewed by a serving Bundeswehr soldiers, all killed, one survived for some short while, he was the source of the information.
EC says @ September 24, 2023 at 6:40 pm
Good points, EC, the one about the pencil quite telling.
EC says @ September 24, 2023 at 12:16 pm
What is it that fuels his brain cells, EC, it may be something that come from his bottom orifice in a gaseous state, with conservatives of his ilk there truly is no chance.
EC says @ September 26, 2023 at 3:30 pm
This is what they applauded, EC:
Noa: September 27, 2023 at 1:21 pm
Surgical !
Pat has lost none of his bite!
Baron: September 28, 2023 at 9:59 pm
He’s OK, the good doctor.
Very easy to sound sagacious if one is in an agreeable climate, rural location far away, and sat atop of a pile of money, eh what 😉 Not that those things, in and of themselves, is a guarantee of happiness but I do wonder how he would cope up Noa-rth, where the daily struggle against the elements, estuarial quicksands, the unforgiving border mosses and peat bogs takes it’s toll eventually.
Baron: September 28, 2023 at 10:07 pm
Do not the Chermans teach WW2 in their schools, I wonder?
It would take a sturdy Bundeswehr zealot of limited education and IQ to believe that they would fair any better in those deathtraps 80 years on.
GB News:
Is it finished then? Apparently I’ve missed all the fun. Reportedly Lozza Fox went on Disperate Dan’s program (from home, pissed?) and uttered some injudicious words about some female appearing on a BBC current affairs program. She reportedly indentified as “a journalist” which on the BBC, quite frankly, I consider impossible.
After Steyn, Fox, Wooton who is next I wonder. Who is left? I don’t expect the “gay” card will help save Wooton, as it didn’t help Milo Yiannopoulos or Dr Starkers.
Whatever happened to Huw Edwards?
Nordstream and the Neo cons.
“…The Biden administration blew up the pipelines but the action had little to do with winning or stopping the war in Ukraine. It resulted from fears in the White House that Germany would waver and turn on the flow of Russia gas—and that Germany and then NATO, for economic reasons, would fall under the sway of Russia and its extensive and inexpensive natural resources. And thus followed the ultimate fear: that America would lose its long-standing primacy in Western Europe.”
Am I obtuse? Isn’t the destruction of German assets and fuel supplies more likely to cause a European breach with the US than prevent it?
File: cold Northern winters, poverty, Der Ostfront, treachery and infamy, Acts of War etc
Now’t wrong with bucolic filosofising over a galon of vin rouge in the pastoral delights of La Belle France etc!
I’d have done it myself in the naughties if Mrs Noa hadn’t refused outright to consider the matter.
I reckon TD has done his time in the Welsh marches and prisons and hospitals of the Black Country. If he has a tendancy to be tendacious, it generally serves to emphasise his arguments.
When Seymour Hersh writes, people pay attention.
Last winter was mild, Germany got lucky. This coming winter may not be so kind, and that is when fun and games will really start.
” Isn’t the destruction of German assets and fuel supplies more likely to cause a European breach with the US than prevent it?”
Yup, the latest in a long line of blunders by Team Obama, Bush & Clinton.
Noa: 12:15 pm
I feel your
baguettepain, bro. We would all be living somewhere with a more agreeable climate and cuisine were it not for the veto of SWMBO (aka t’ trouble ‘n strife)The only downside of moving to Provence, Dordogne or the Ardèche being the risk of ending up with the likes of Boot or Brillo as a neighbour.
Where the Steyn goes so goes Eva…
“…I apologise for calling the useless wanker pontiff a useless wanker pontiff, but it is hard to have anything but utter contempt for a man who thinks it groovy to assist in the suicide of Christendom rather than defend his faith…”
Slovak ‘Populism’ “boo, hiss” may result in a further splintering of the Berlin/Brussels Axis dominance if Robert Fico’s SMER party wins the nationak elections tomorrow. SMER supports Russia, wants Germany’s Ukraine reaining Whermacht’ out of the country and better relations with China and Cuba.
Joe and Ursula will be smokin’ and Robert should definitely stay away from all tunnels and pipelines if he wins.
Truly a fate worse than a fate worse than death to find yourself living best door to Booty and Neilly, whether it be in your adjoining Chateau or your humbje £5 million Kensington maisonette.
Why you’d keep a cup of sugar with laxative tablets ground into it just in case either, or hopefully both, came on the scrounge.
Here’s a list of Private Eye’s nicknames of pollyticians for perusal and amusement. Only the names remain unchanged, to protect the guilty.
John Rentuil compiled a similar list for the Ickypendant, but neither I or anyone else got beyond the first couple of entries before falling into a deep slumber.
Agreed your analysis of TD is to the point.
We are all responsible for our own behaviour and actions, blaming others or society, even if we commit murder due to a lack of ping pong tables as Amnesty argues, is simply fallacious.
Katie Hopkins details the planned destruction of GB News from her own experience.
Katie is OUTRAGED!
Walking is now raaycist, innit.
The flip-side of King Charles III
… and the flip-side of the truth, where Mary Seacole is royally minted…
Fancy a shag? Me neither.
In nearly the words of thecGrear Frank P.
Dissemenate, dissemenate!
Noa: 8:26 am
Quality, as ever from Mark. I hope that he manages to make full recovery from his reported health problems.
Noa: September 29, 2023 at 6:29 pm
Private Eye was never the same after Richard Ingrams handed over the reins to the current editor who imho is a pompous, self-righteous, little turd.
File under: sell-out, wokerati etc.
Like everyone else I never understood why Private Eye appointed the humourless understudy tea boy s the Ed after Ingrams left.
They think it’s all over. Not by a long chalk it isn’t, in Kosovo or anywhere else. US, European and NATO weakness and imminent defeat in Ukr is lightimg the kindling for a chain of unresolved 19th century regional conflicts, from the Balkans to Turkey, Poland and Armenia.
The current breakup of the UK into its constituent Communist satellites with African leavenings is an added ingredient.
More apologies for ignoring the site, it’s the travelling and few other things that need attention, but here’s a piece with which you may not agree what with your slicing of China, Baron has no desire to live under the CCP either but he reckons the CCP has no desire to install it anywhere in the world, if they did have such an ambition they would have already shown it, instead they don’t give a fugg about the societal model anywhere, they just flog things and get rich.
In the postings you find one that begins with “Call me an optimist, but I doubt things are as bleak as the author describes …”
That’s the take Baron prefers also:
Is the blond getting it right, Noa?
Another piece Baron has received, managed to watch intermittently, the historic background fits:
EC says @ October 2, 2023 at 5:07 pm
Another confirmation, coined in this case, EC, that the West lives in the world of lies, half-truths and deceptions, that even the Royal Mint succumbed is deplorable, it’s close to debasing the royal coinage.
Noa says @ October 3, 2023 at 8:26 am
The great Mark is priceless, Noa, will say more, hopefully, on return, including few things Baron found on his travels.
Baron at 9:21 am
Yeah, for what it’s worth, “Wade Hampton” got it about right.
The CCP is a variation on the theme of a Chinese dynasty. The advantage dynasties have is that they don’t have to worry about the next election. The Chinese are never in a rush. Why would they invade when sooner or later,Taiwan will come to an arrangement with its big bro via the ballot box?
Trade, however, is an existential issue. Any blockade of the South China Sea, or other trade routes, by the Lunatics of DC might probably have nuclear consequences.
Noa : October 4, 2023 at 9:50 pm
Baron: October 5, 2023 at 9:44 am
It’s never quite “over” in the Balkans or, indeed, the Caucasus!
Mrs Z on a shopping spree in NYC spends > $1M on jewellery in Cartiers store alone.
Olaf not speaking to Manny, Slovakia election result upsets EU’s applecart Poland does a reverse ferret on Ukraine etc.
All this and more in Georges’s MOATS intro monologue!
The last man standing at GB News speaking about the nature of deceptions and lies.
Justin, Hillary, and Ursula get a special mention toward the end.
How much longer will he, can he, last at GB News?
How much longer before hooose beneath the walls of Stirling Castle is raided by the Polis?
A prank that may interest you:
Baron: October 5, 2023 at 10:28 pm
Baron, don’t you feel slightly offended about this ignorant person’s remarks about Slavs?
It did everything but use the word “untermenschen.” Somebody did a good job indoctrinating it.
It illustrates the folly of thinking that the Western Ukraine rump can ever be reformed.
May as well occupy the lot and return any problem parts to Poland, Hungary and any other interested parties.
Where is Gonzalo Lira?
Who killed Dorothy Kilgallen?
Baron says:
October 5, 2023 at 10:28 pm
I’m not sure which is madder, mi’lud. The Tran or the collective of asylum dodgers commenting on the blog.
It makes the Speculator look like the apogee of Fabian reason.
Entertaining? Not to my taste, more like a visit to the 8th circle.
EC says @ October 6, 2023 at 11:05 am
Anyone for whom Baron has no respect, EC, would be more than hard put to offend him, but you would be surprised how many members of the club of the exceptional human beings hold that view on the Slavonic tribe in total, they are happy to acknowledge that amongst the millions of the untermenschen there do exist exceptions, individuals of unquestionable gift, but the tribe as a whole ranks amongst the IQ holders not much over Kelvin 0.
EC says @ October 6, 2023 at 11:11 am
The guy is a holder of an American passport, EC, as you well know, but weird as it may be, the defenders of human rights of the American Republic seem less than keen to defend his right to be free.
Noa says @ October 6, 2023 at 9:08 pm
Good point, Noa, but she isn’t alone spewing views that should have been eradicated decades ago from the discourse in civil societies shouting how equal we are, last week, Baron met a couple from the West of Ukraine (amongst others that also left the most democratic country), they, or rather he went further than the tran arguing that Adolf made a major mistake in that he focused on the Jews instead of on the Russians, when Baron asked why are they aiming to get to Canada instead of accomplishing what Adolf failed to do he said: “Me? Haven’t done my share of shagging yet”. His companion, a pretty girl, said nothing, but didn’t seem pleased.
Baron @ 9.53pm
I recollect that the Fuhrer was keen to enslave the Slavs prior to eliminating them, the Juden were simply an even more pressing problem for him, a view he shared with a great many of them peoples of Ferman and Austrian origin in his time.
In short his views resonated, which us why he was so successful , but then, for almost identi reasons, so was the Catholic hating (bu Jew tolerant) Oliver Cromwell in Britain and Ireland.
Duew to the interrelationship of everything to everything else was Killzenski’s war a trigger for yesterday’s butchery?
I am coming to the view that Britain’s best, indeed its only option, as with the accumulated (and extant) WW1 debts to a rapacious US Government, is to default on these massive, unrepayable debts to the US and international debtors and return to financial Net Zero, thereby transferring the current problem back to the people that caused it and regaining control of and the ability to repair and rebuild our ravaged economy without continuous asset stripping by our ruthless creditors.
I thought that the UK had made the final payments on its WW2 debt in 2006, and the o/s WW1 Bond debts refinanced by the Wallpaper Guy (Osborne) some time later?
Strange how any leader who advocates a return to proper money (gold backed) ends up overthrown and/or dead, innit…
Noa 11:50pm
They were all destined for the chop eventually, and that includes the much vaunted muslim 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian) and the enthusiastically cooperative Grand Mufti and his crew back in Jerusalem.
The massive and ever increasing WW1 debt remains on US Treasury books, a latent weapon held and used from time to time, over the head of a cowed UK government.,owing%20some%20four%20billion%20dollars.
Noa – 12:00pm
Thanks for that.
Explains a lot.
Simon, with some observations
How the British mainstream media decide what you should look at.
Goodbye, anti-groomer.
Col Grumpos’ two.
Bloom and Col Mac.
Simon with a follow up to the above…
“What is the Gaza Strip? An explanation and personal account”
EC says @ October 9, 2023 at 6:01 pm
Very timely of him, also of you posting it, EC, it helps.
There is no question Israel has to respond, the attacks on the Israeli civilians were barbaric, no country could have ignored what happened.
It must be said also that Israel should not behave in a similar manner to the Hamas mobs, there already are many taking the Palestinian side, if the ADF troopers were to be shown to behave as badly the numbers backing the Palestinians will only grow.
Not many probably remember Henry Kissinger saying that Israel has only ten years to exist, Baron checked it, amazingly the Jerusalem’s paper the Haaretz is quoting the man on October 9, 2012, exactly eleven years ago today.
On the day of the attack there also was a concert held close to the border, some 3,000 attended aged between 20-40, the clip shows the devastation after the Palestinians demolished the site, burnt cars, 260 dead, many others unaccounted for:
The Israel’s IDF spokesman Brig-General Danny Hagari said that there is no indication of an Iranian involvement in the war in Gaza.
Egypt says it has warned Israel of a pending Hamas attack ten days before terrorists breached the border and took control of military bases, and communities, killing more than 700 and taking 150 captive including women and children.
“We have warned them an explosion of the situation is coming, and very soon, and it would be big. But they underestimated such warnings,” the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorised to discuss the content of sensitive intelligence discussions with the media, told The Associated Press.
The Egyptian official said the Israelis were concentrated on the tension on the West Bank and did not consider the Gaza ruling terror group to be a threat despite repeated warningד that the Egyptians though were not being taken seriously”.
(source: Moon of Alabama).
It was the use of Huawei gear throughout the comm system by Hamas that helped to keep the operation secret, everything from the switching gear, servers and mobiles were Huawei, impossible to hack, so say the experts, neither Mossad nor the American could crack the system.
That would explain neatly why the Americans were so insistent we and everyone else they control drop the gear few years ago.
Baron: 10:37 am
That’s quite plausible.
Amazing, isn’t it, that until WW1 much of what is modern day Syria, Jordan, Israel, Sinai, and the Arabian peninsula was sparsely populated and that population was totally subservient to the the Turks who were the occupying landlords – harsh ones at that.
EC 4.12pm
As ever we can thank Winston for bringing ‘the sick man of Europe’ into the war on Germany’s side. His arbitary confiscation of the two battleships they had paid for, together with the threat to fire on their 500 sailors here if they tried to occupy them, was followed by allowing the German Battlecruiser Goeben and light cruiser Breslau to escape into the Dardanelles and, by a stroke of inspired genius, become the ‘gift’ of Germany to Turkey. A subsequent attack by the ships on Odessa drew Turkey into the war on side of the Triple Alliance and everything that foĺlowed.
‘Is it ‘cos I isn’t black?’
Just because you are ‘bad’ doesn’t mean you are wrong.
Amazingly, Merrie England is available as a pdf, for the moment….
Noa: October 11, 2023 at 12:26 & 12:32pm
Great links! Many thanks, a copy of both saved for posterity!
It is almost as if the subversive elements within the “liberal” Western democracies have been using “1984” & “Merrie England 2000” as a blueprint!
Meanwhile Simon Webb continues to document the false and increasingly absurd claims being made in successive, year on year “Black History Months”
The special dedication to Kaufman in Jordan’s book conjured up an image of Harold Wilson in a Gannex mac’ but it was Joseph Kagan (cough… Baron Elland) that was mackintosh magnate. For some reason my addled sponge always gets those two muddled up)
another, long dormant, synapse fired!
I was reminded of “Hindenburg’s March Into London” (1915/16)
This might be of some interest and/or amusement to you. It’s certainly a one-off!
I actually once had hold of a copy of this, as my scan of the cover above suggests. I didn’t buy it but should’ve done as a good copy today will set you back > £75. Slightly more than the original cover price of one shilling and thruppence!
Haven’t got a pdf link for this but you can read it for free on via their viewer – which is quite good, imo.
This is revealing, did you know it?
Amusing, but true?,the%20Egypt%2Dbased%20Muslim%20Brotherhood.
An interesting if lengthy discussion on the Duran considers the growing political power of Jewish fundamentalists and the occupation of the Al Aqsa mosque preceding the (reactive??) Hamas invasion and massacre. Bollocks imo, given the sophistication and planning in the ‘operation.’
EC says:
October 12, 2023 at 11:03 am
Very amusing and thank you for the link. It’s a little counter to all those paranoid pre WW1 British stories about invasion, like ‘The Riddle of the Sands’.
Given the Gernan Imperial Army’s penchant for following Clauswitz’ dictum of an occupying army terrorising the civilian population to win a war I’m sure there would have been an orchestrated sequence of shootings n the Belgian model from Taunton to Westminster in the event of invasion.
I’ve always considered the war making component of any government to be the primary component of its propaganda machine (how else would you get the population into uniform?) and this is a charming example.
Rioting Pro-Palestinian islamists and left supporters were quelled last night in Paris by riot police and water cannon.
Meanwhile in London macarana dancing Potizei lead a joyous guy burning parade of Queers of Palestine, all following a terrorist supporting mayor- who got rid of Boris’ old German water cannon to assist just such an event.
Neil Oliver on the subject of “them” and “us.”
One of his best short talks yet, imo, with an illustrative historical anecdote!
Noa: 10:07
Come back Guy Fawkes, all is forgiven!
The prescient Steve Bannon back in March speaking on many topics
incl. the neocons/neoliberals and their the unsustainable agenda.
Now, where can we accomodate a couple of million peace-loving Palestinian architects, brain surgeons and engineers?
Odd, vestigial traces of conservatism emerge from time to time from the Telegraph , such as this interview by Steve Edgington with the competent, urbane Ploish Culture minister. What a contrast he offers, not least by wearing a suit and tie, to the treacherous Westminster crew.
Ptior Glinski refers to the ongoing dispute between Ukr and Poland over WW2 war crimes and genocide, here’s some background.
“Day of global jihad- UK police update”
Murray gets it right at the Spectator.
Humanity at its best:
Well done Australia!
Agreed, one piece of good news in a slerotic Albanese- a vile fellow who when he says he “accepts” the result, means he doesn’t accept it and will continue to scheme, in order to divide the nation.
Kathy Gyngall on militants and the BBC.
I hope that you might find the following interesting:
From the vaults of EC:
From the memoirs of Sir Ronald Storrs KCMG, CBE
Former Oriental Secretary in Cairo, Military Governor of Jerusalem, Governor of Palestine(British Mandate) Governor of Cyprus, and Governor of Northern Rhodesia.
ORIENTATIONS CHAPTER XV (P338 -P346)- Excursus on Zionism
Vere scire est per causas scire
Though the territory involved is in extent negligible, though its inhabitants have produced nothing that has mattered to humanity, nevertheless, the problem of reconciling their rights and grievances with the promises made to and the aspirations cherished by an Israel that has meant and still means so much to the world, is apt to become an obsession, rarely accompanied by temperance or justice.
OCR scan of chapter, P338 – P346.
NB. all typos/ formatting probs due to OCR software
US State Department Lists Global Terror Groups – Any Unifying Theme?
The one glaring omission being who funds half of these people!
Batshit Bonkers Britain 17 October update.
In which Jimmy Carr is correctly, identified and Mark Drakeford BANS rat traps er… for obvious reasons.
EC says @ October 17, 2023 at 10:44 am
The extract shows the quality of our diplomatic service in the country’s ‘barbaric’ past, EC, a quality that beats Baron (he read it twice, searched for explanation on a number of occasions), the details are such that only a genuine connoisseur would appreciate the intricacies, but one bit is outstanding: “Being neither Jew (British or foreign) nor Arab, but English, I am not wholly for either, but for both. Two hours of Arab grievances drive me into the Synagogue, while after an intensive course of Zionist propaganda I am prepared to embrace Islam”.
The boil is incurable not because the unwashed of all three Abrahamic faiths couldn’t live at ease with each other, they can and did, it’s because those that rule them have designs above what’s achievable, and even more because the world powers interfere for their own selfish interests, the time’s passing as it always does, but the squabbling remains essentially the same.
PS: With your permission, EC, Baron will use the quoted bit, is it OK?
EC and Baron,
I’ve considered the lengthy piece EC provided and take the view that it provides the interesting perspective of an intelligent English dilettante on Arabic and Jewish affairs. Luckily he was able to go home to Surbiton after his faithful, if ineffectual foreign service.
Meanwhile back in the real world we are back to the post 1948 war situation. The Arab states are once again refusing to accept any responsibility for the loaded gun they are holding to Israel’s head.
This time they are doing it from a position of greater geo-political and military strength, together with massive Wesrern political weakness and pusalimnity. Perhaps, despite a senile Biden and a weakened Europe in chaos,
the challenge is a little early for a reviving Russia and China underpinning a newly enlarged BRICS, nevertheless the gauntlet has been thrown down and Putin, unlike Fondlin’ Joe, has been the leader in discussions with all leaders, including Israel.
We should be very concerned at the loss of political ability and competence in the West and the assumption of the political mantle by the master opportunist, the Metternich of the 21st Century, Vladimir Putin.
See, for example.
And something a little different to Chew on rather than the unending crisis.
Baron & Noa,
Re: Balfour and the subsequent; “forming for England “a little loyal Jewish Ulster ” in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.”
Aye, “therein lies the rub!” Mm, not sure that using Duodenal Ulster as a template was such a good idea.
I get exasperated with all the “talking head”s on TV & YouTube spouting bollocks about the. Hardly any of these sages were born before the Berlin Wall came down.
I found Storrs’ book, ‘Orientations”, a fascinating window on the Middle East during the first forty years or so of the 20th century. That snippet was only 6 pages out of about 500 which in total were a right riveting read. The whole region was awash with spies from France, Germany, Russia, Turkey etc. It was a cauldron of intrigue. Storrs knew most of them. Storrs was in military intelligence, (oxymoron?) organising stuff, even before the establishment of the Arab Bureau in Cairo.
Another interesting window on the region post WW2 through to the last 1950’s is…
“A Soldier With The Arabs”
… being the memoirs of Lieutenant-General Sir John Bagot Glubb, KCB, CMG, DSO, OBE, MC, KStJ, KPM the famous Glubb Pasha
Glubb & Co’s indefatigable efforts at herding Jordanian cats coming to an abrupt end when he was given 24hours to quit the country… or else. The result of Ba’athist plotting and Palace intrigue. That didn’t work out that well for them, did it.
“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely Players;
They have their exits and their entrances…” etc.
As You Like It
Even those who are fortunate enough to get walk on roles, some with lines and even action scenes, are prone to end their days cursing like Macbeth (Act 5, Scene 5, lines 17–28)
Noa says: October 18, 2023 at 8:02 pm
Simon Webb is spot on regarding the “refugee” situation
You’ll remember watching this? I do. No more refugee camps in Jordan after that!
ITN Special: The Battle For Amman (1970)
Noa: October 18, 2023 @ 8:17 pm
I used to have a copy of both Jack’s books. Never lend books out!
I’ve knowingly had horse meat in both Belgium and France. Belgium was best.
Neil Oliver with an apposite historical documented story concerning the behaviour of the bloodthirsty Scotch tribes that is illustrative of humans behaviour in general.
A thoroughly decent bloke, imo, is Neil 1st, the current King of Scotland.
Noa says @ October 18, 2023 at 8:02 pm
You and EC may find it more than distasteful, Noa, but Baron reckons the Palestinian boil can only be solved after each party comes close to losing in the meat grinders so many that those remaining cannot but figure that a compromise is the only way for both tribes to survive, all of the parties involved must know that fighting will not settle anything, at best it may improve the bargaining positions of those involved but at a high cost in human lives.
Simon historical lecture explains alot except the reason for Jordan refusing to absorb the Palestinians, aren’t the majority of the Jordanians Palestinians? As he says Jordan is a part of the 1948 Palestinian settlement.
And another thing, Why is Sunak in Israel?
Our economic growth hoovers around the negligible, inflation continues high, illegal immigrants keep flooding in, the Tories lose by-elections …. and he pisses around a country that can do without him, thank you.
It must be he reckons the fighting will rub off him as the Falklands expedition did on Margaret, but that was completely different, a silly man.
The story of the French horses shows there’s life, a good life, over and above the politicking charades, Noa, it may be quite timely also, because if we abandon fossil fuels as the net zero carbon imbecility demands, and the turning contraptions and solar fail to deliver, horses may come back as the main mode of transport again.
EC says @ October 20, 2023 at 9:26 am
Neil has a point, EC, reinforced by the idea that there are too many of us, we need to slow down the population growth, have fewer children, Baron’s unconvinced, it’s not the numbers it’s how we share the wealth that those numbers create that matters, a family on Africa with no chance of saving for the old age will have many children as the alternative to a pension, can anyone blame the family?
If Gaza is the next Sarajevo, mi’lud, which seems a distinct possibility atvthe moment, it’ll be down to them thar demographics as well as the lack of political competence in the West.
Baron says:
October 20, 2023 at 10:49 am
The problem is not the eating of the horse, milud, its having to share it with the non horse rearing super-families from Africa and the ME.
I don’t see how the conflict can ever be resolved when one “team” (©Joe Biden) is forsworn to the total extermination of the other, and there’s a never ending cycle of attacks and reprisals. Our “special friends”appear to be sponsoring both sides. Of course, if, when, the mad mullahs of Tehran decide to use one of their Yankee financed nukes, then the whole ME will become a radioactive wasteland.
@10:31 Good question!
Why is Rashid Sunook in Israel? Go figure!
Noa says @ October 20, 2023 at 12:29 pm
That’s a point one cannot argue with, Noa, epicureanism has its charms, but there’s an end to everything, if the distinct possibility materialises, as you say, we will breed like rats again, Baron reckons.
Noa says @ October 20, 2023 at 12:33 pm
Once more, Noa, close to impossible to argue with except what Baron said above, it cannot last forever, nothing ever does, what will terminate the misguided sharing Baron knows not, but something will, one can only hope that the something isn’t unpleasant for the plebs like him.
EC says @ October 20, 2023 at 1:23 pm
That’s an observation, EC, worth dying for (no joke intended), how could the Americans not see that Brendon is a joke, in the on-board interview Blinken stood behind him telling him what to say, Brendon couldn’t articulate it even then.
The Brendon charade shows the disdain the American Governing Elite holds for the rest of us, their open superciliousness, they truly don’t give a fugg what anyone thinks, nobody maters for them.
The guy HMS Terror sums the Elite beautifully, here not is again:
“They (the Governing Elite) are trying to split the China-Russia axis that threatens American supremacy. The circle-jerking echo-chamber in which they live and operate resounds of America’s decades long pre-eminence. They’ve spent their adulthood and careers marinated in it, and they’ll die embalmed in it. They’re no more aware of it than a fish knows it’s wet, and they can imagine a world where America is less than pre-eminent no more than a fish can imagine a dry life”.
Priceless that, and true of cours e.
It should have read ‘here it is again’, and it’s ‘of course’, sorry.
h/t Simon Webb
“Why is British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak cosying up to Israel?
The answer is; the Samson Option”
Morgan is not someone Baron prefers, but the guy he’s interviewing has more than one point:
When Saudi and Iran also ‘tool up’ and attempt to annihilate Israel they, with Amman, Baghdad Cairo and Syria will find the consequence is MAD.
Noa says @ October 20, 2023 at 5:25 pm
The judge and Sachs believe it may be the other side that’s tooling up, Noa, driven by the military industrial complex:
The one that’s close his final breath talks nonsense, and gets kicked for it:
We often overlook the most essential requirement, those close to us suffer because of it:
Correction on the 08:19 posting: close to his final …, not Baron’s day today, not only has his bedroom got invaded by wasps (altogether 68 death sentences carried out this afternoon on the nasty insects residing in the timber frame wall, nothing seems to work to put them all to death), it was also the rain that has prevented him from leaving the house, the road he has to take flooded so much he cannot risk it driving through the water.
You OK?
We’re in full agreement milud.
Joe’s back home drumming up funds for a three front world war whilst no one at all wants to talk with him.
In the meantime Hamas is probably using US weapons supplied, as Putin claims, by Ukraine. Some interesting analysis by the Duran on how insanely dangerous it all is.
And be careful dealing with those wasps.
Duran isn;t the only one seeing the insanity of it all, Noa.
Simon is at his best also, he often gets the better of any argument, here is one of such times, his warning that not many people realise we are close to an Armageddon as we’ve never been before since the war is right, but it’s just how life pans out, the unwashed are busy earning their daily bread have little or no time to concern themselves with the shenanigans of those in power until the bombs begin to drop. Let’s hope he isn’t right, Baron still has the wasps to deal with, the war would be a nuisance (only joking).
Noa says @ October 20, 2023 at 10:22 pm
Yes, sir, he will be careful, let’s hope the one in the Oval Office is also careful.
This is Channel4 latest on the hospital blast (Saturday, 21-10-2023, 14:00 hours):
More relevant now than then:
Tinned people!
Exciting development at the regional canning plant.
A 10 mile queue of traffic in Lancastriastan on the M6 northbound (J32-33) was reduced to a similar speeds yesterday. No visible cause just essential “coning off” doncha know due to it being Saturday and the first day of the school half-term holidays. [We really do need to install “Zil lanes” for us locals!]
Hit the main “News” tab for more stories from the asylum.
Simon Webb with more demongraphics…
“There are more Muslims in Britain than there are in Lebanon.”
Good informative read on the Gaza boil next:
On a shopping trip Baron meets an old acquaintance, the guy begins to moan about his new insurance for an electric car without saying the obligatory ‘how are you?’, he paid a fraction below a thousand quid last year, his renewal is over £3,400, he tried other insurance companies, the quotes were even higher, to add injury to injury he thinks he has to get new batteries even though the car hasn’t yet had its third birthday…. but when Baron reminds him he liked the Tesla, he says ‘indeed, I still like it’, he only drives it to do shopping, never very far, the car looks almost new, still drives well but why the massive boost to insure it?
Have you got any idea why is the insurance premium so high? He was told it’s because spare parts are in short supply, but why should this shortage affect the premium?
EC says @ October 22, 2023 at 10:37 am
That was a surprise to listen to, EC, as was reading a ST article saying that the chief of Hamas lives in a council house he bought at some considerable discount.
This country has lost it fully, how on earth could he get in in the first place, apparently he’s the head of the political wing, but even so, it seems bizarre that he’s allowed to buy a council house, for cash, at a discount. Madness, true madness.
Excellent posts Wallsters!
I will look at them more closely tomorrow, hoping that we aren’t all admiring a golden glow in the South Eastern horizon before then.
In the meantime here’s a nostalgic look back to Northern life in the 1950s.
Baron: October 22, 2023 at 8:15 pm
It’s because their batteries have a tendency to spontaneous combust, MiLud.
Not only that the lithium battery thermal runaway fires burn so hot that they set fire to adjacent vehicles too. “Tharsands of ’em” in the case of Luton airport and delivery transport ships like the “Freemantle Highway. It’s only a matter of time before an EV fire closes the Channel Tunnel. You heard it here first!
Baron: October 22, 2023 at 8:15 pm
Aye, we “never had it so good,” did we… Old Joey Clubfoot would’ve been proud of that one. All hail the BBC.
Awful, when you look back at it. The thing is that kids just try to get on with being kids whatever the circumstances. Sad that these days kids spend all their childhood indoors chained to one of Mr. Gates’ XBOXes. It’s really not safe to let them outdoors anymore, I suppose.
@ 10:43
Sorry, that was a reply to Noa @9:44pm
“Police update regarding pro-Palestine rallies”
Sergeant Constable Detective Officer Peter Pisspot from Twat Valley Police
… is, without a doubt, the most honest copper that’s left in England.
I’d forgotten how good Jimmy Tarbuck was…
EC says @ October 23, 2023 at 10:22 am
That must be it, EC, thanks, a self-combust risk, but nobody says so because it would put people off the contraptions.
Noa says @ October 22, 2023 at 9:44 pm
What’s most revealing about the half an hour, Noa, is that people put up with it, no wingeying, moaning, bleating about how miserable life is, nothing like that, they just stoically accepted it, a different breed of people then.
Baron at 7.45pm
The background to tgst documentary is the bombsites of Liverpool, Salford and Manchester and the peoole who endured tbe first and second world wars.
Is that what the Biden maladministration is seeking? To create such a whirlwind of events that four conjoining regional wars are required to unite the peoples of a dis-United Srates and its allies to return the present collective of leaders?
…in next year’s elections, or even obviate the need for elections entirely by ensuring ‘governments of national unity’ in the US, UK and Europe?
That would certainly suit the agendas of the WEF and its associated allies and organisations.
I’ve finally got around to reading your recommendation of Mick Herron’s ‘Slow Horses’, as a counterbalance to heavier reading.
Its crisply written, with good, well drawn characters well plotted, and swiftly draws the reader in. At about halfway in I’m concerned that it seems to be taking a conventional, progressive turn, but I’ll read on before determining whether it’s ultimate fate is consignment, premature or otherwise,
to the Charity shop.
How soft is Germany’s and the EU’s ‘soft power’? Is there really a mailed fist clenching Olaf’s green branch?
It would see that dissension in the form of Slovakia’s planned rapprochement with Russia, will not be tolerated.
Baron, what thoughts have you on these events in your former homelands?
Fico and Killzenski?
Is it personal? Of course.
All Politics is a continuation of ego by other means…
Another gem from the ITV vaults…
The time now is to moan about the beauty or not of AI (before answering Noa’s question).
Some weeks ago Baron ordered a DAB radio, he didn’t want to, the boss insisted, the FM is to be scrapped, we need a radio in the kitchen, she kept nagging, the Roberts job it was, Amazon accepted the order then few days later sent an email saying ‘unfortunately, DPD ran into an issue when attempting your delivery. They will try again. on 29-09’.
Whether they did or didn’t Baron has no idea but no radio arrived, Amazon on its own volition sent and e-mail saying the full amount of the order would be refunded, it probably was, Baron hasn’t been able to check with the credit card company for reasons that aren’t important here.
Yesterday an e-mail arrived saying the ‘our system shows that the carrier of this order has recently marked the parcel as delivered on 25/09/2023’ giving a rather convoluted instruction what to do here’s a sample of it: ‘if you have now received your order and would like to cancel a pending refund/replacement or authorise us to process a payment for a refund or replacement that was previously completed, please ….
It called for a call to Amazon, a fast talking girl was dealing with the issue, she not only talked fast but alot, Baron could hardly say anything, he was worried that the ‘delivered parcel’ entry in the whole saga of the radio by the carrier would be recorded somewhere, will damage Baron’s overall record of ordering stuff online which has been without any hitch till now ….
The girl assured Baron that the last e-mail is generated by AI, many of Amazon customers got it, it should be ignored, it may arrive again, it should be ignored, in fact until they do a patch for the algorism the e-mails may keep coming, the same with the ‘delivered parcel’ company, also run on AI, it failed to spot the non-delivery, assumed the item was delivered ….
If this mess is what the AI can do on a simple case of an order for a single item, imagine what mess it can create on more important issues in any field of life, we should be very careful bringing it in until it’s thoroughly tested.
The clip furnished by EC explains well the animosity or more of Fico towards Ukraine, Noa, it’s indeed gas or rather the cost of it, Europe including Slovakia paid $8 for a million of Btu for piped Russian gas, now it’s over $30 for the Europe delivered American LNG, the cost differs from country to country but it’s all over thirty bucks.
Fico knows what the cost of energy does not just to the economy but to the lives of the ordinary people, if one visits the country now one cannot but conclude its wealth creating machine has stalled compared to the past when it was together with the Czechs, it’s not only Fico that leans towards Russia, it’s the Slovaks, the majority of them, amongst the former satellites of the USSR the unwashed of this small 5mn population country feel more than nostalgic about the good old days, mistakenly, in Baron’s view but that’s what the new regime of obsequiousness to the commands of Brussels and the American Governing Elite did to the country.
EC says @ October 24, 2023 at 9:57 am
It doesn’t happen often a proof of one’s take on an issue is delivered as promptly as that, EC, a rather enjoyable clip
Noa says @ October 23, 2023 at 8:55 pm
If only people wised up did go the polling stations refused to vote for any of the clown the voting system would have to change, the animosity to a PR is hard to comprehend, countries that have it haven’t done that badly, more to the point without the PR we would have no Brexit because Farage would have had no platform from which to shout about it and the MSM scribblers couldn’t have ignored him because of his having that platform thanks to the PR.
Last night YouTube came up with an antique edition of HIGNFY (Have I Got News For You)
It was so antique it still had Angus Deayton as the presenter. It featured Dianne Abbott and Jimmy Saville as guests, partnering Pauk Merton and Hislop respectively.
I ‘d never seen this episode and I couldn’t help taking a peak out of morbid curiosity.
I haven’t watched any “Beeb” (barring snooker) for years.
It was fascinating, and I observed:
1. The absence of partisan politics… almost.
2. Angus Deayton was far better than any of his successors.
3. An ageing Saville was more normal than I’d expected.
4. Saville was sharper, funnier than his teammate – the [redacted] Hislop.
5. Abbott had always been an idiot, but slimmer in the past.
6. Paul Merton has never been naturally funny… er unaided
The Durand on the Uniparty, ‘in Britain there’s no way out’.
Noa: 9:33am
People are finally starting to wake up to it’s existence. When the illusion of choice has been dispelled, then the concept democracies that currently exist are reduced to nothing more than a game of charades. “Here today, gone tomorrow, politicians” in all parties, masked mannikins in elaborate costumes, are just the visible proxies of a hidden power. They have walk on parts in the grand Kabuki Theatre but who is the Director, his Producer, the Author, and who ultimately who is the Financier?
Here’s the man in the bow tie torturing a limp lettuce leaf. (forerunner of Chris Whitt-less?)
You know a lot about the shifty, and shitty, sands of the ME…
Is this interview what got the Shah of Iran ‘hung out to dry’ by the US, and ultimately overthroned (sic) by medieval bearded goat shaggers in frocks some three years later?
File under: The peanut farmer
Somehow, somewhere, they’ve got to spend all that free money the rest of the world gives them, because, until the windmills are really running abd the piccanninnis mine enough lithium, we’re stuck with each other.
“…Saudi Arabia produces the most crude oil among OPEC members, and it accounted for the largest share of OPEC total revenue in 2022. We estimate that Saudi Arabia’s net export revenue was $311 billion, which accounted for about 35% of all OPEC oil revenue in 2022…”
As Verity (May her soul rest in peace), one wrote, the West should have siezed the Arabian oilfields, managed and invested the revenues on behalf the world as Trustees, rather than letting them buy it up and turn us into their new slaves.
Some postings on X were suggesting Israel finally went in around 19:00 hours our time, increased artillery shelling, pictures of tanks gathering on the border, the ADF spokesman confirming the invasion began, but then a posting on the MoA website by Oriental Voice saying the following:
“One of the online Chinese language site I often visit,, has the headline: “For fear of failure, Natanyahu refused to sign order for ground incursion of Gaza”. Article is in Chinese; I am merely paraphrasing the English translation:
This is in contrast with Alistair Crooke’s take of Israeli’s mentality that:
This is the most important point — ‘our deterrence’”, the senior war Cabinet source said. “The region must quickly understand that whoever harms Israel the way Hamas did, pays a disproportionate price. There is no other way to survive in our neighbourhood than to exact this price now, because many eyes are fixed on us and most of them do not have our best interests at heart”.
In a way, this kind of explain the present Israeli tactic of indiscriminant bombing in Gaza, killing hospital patients and school children. The objective being instilling the notion of Palistinian having to pay disproportionate prices for resistance to Zionist oppressions, Natanyahu prefers the price-free method of slaughter than risking a potential failure of ground assault. It is consistent with my understanding of Jewish mentality”.(end quote).
Who to believe?
It’s now got so far that Baron cannot sleep, he truly fears the Americans will have a go at Iran, it will start an inferno that can easily spread, but even if out doesn’t, the influx of new refugees will run towards Europe, who knows how many harbour feelings of revenge adding to those already here that were showing their true allegiance during the pro-Palestinian demonstrations, one can only hope sanity prevails, the gathering of the boats in the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea and other military gear in the surrounding countries is just for show and not for use.
This is worth watching, the knowledge of Crooke is outstanding :
Noa says @ October 26, 2023 at 10:20 pm
Alot of money that, Noa, if one were to add the non-OPEC members countries like Russia and the others the total revenue would spill over one trillion bucks, that’s the sum those buying the black gold have to find each year, that’s the reason the Americans benefit so much from the dollar as a reserve currency, that’s also their Achilles heel, Baron reckons, the BRICS cut the heel and the American hegemony catches more than cold.
“Dying societies accumulate laws like dying men accumulate remedies.”
Nicolás Gómez Dávila
Where is Gonzalo Lira?
Who killed Dorothy Kilgallen?
Gotta love the wunderkind, aintcha… He got it right imo.
I’m amused to see all the usual suspects (Gruaniad, Al Beeb, Al Sky etc) scrambling to defend McUseless.
Pro tip: If you’re in the Vauxhaul Conference then don’t fcuk with people who are in the Premier League. Douglas Murray dishing it out… ice cold! Surgical, masterly.
He tried to warn everyone…
Dwight D. Eisenhower’s farewell speech containing a his warning regarding the “Military-Industrial Complex”
“Mysterious Death of Reporter Dorothy Kilgallen & the JFK Assassination”
Let us suppose for one moment that Isreal reaches the position in the current conflagration that, the entire musliem Arab world against them, they face defeat and extermination, for no other solution will satisfy them.
In that circumstance will a cease fire and armistice enable the safe evacuation of the entire population? Where would they go? To America? Europe?
I would propose, from a position of principle, humanity and national self-interest, that England should should offer every Israeli Jew a safe home.
In a country which to date gmhas imported millions of Muslims who have amply demonstrated their hatred for their current host country, we would Insist that for every educated humane objective Jew we offer shelter, we repatriate at least one and possibly two Muslims.
The economic benefits would be immense: at a stroke we would replace our increasingly dangerous demographic and cultural deficit with good people with whome we share deep commen cultural and civilisational bonds.
The benefits to our economy would be immense, to our society it would be of incalculable benefit.
Neil Oliver’s swansong on GB News? His contemptuous, disparaging comments on his future colleague De Piffle Johnson suggest he will be ‘rationalised’ shortly.
Interesting writer, Alistair Crooke, whom Mercouris often refers to on the Duran. He refers to the interesting pre WW1 book “The Great Illusion”, which argued that because of globalisation and the interlinkage of world trade, world war was impossible.
“…In the early twentieth century, Britain’s attempt to rip apart global supply lines to preserve its own, and to deny Germany its external links, effectively channeled resurgent German ambitions eastwards, across the plain of Europe, and ultimately, to a war on Russia (as Germany coveted a slice of Asia for its putative empire). It ended with war and economic depression.
Today, a weakened US and Europe are driving the Chinese and Russian vision eastwards. The latter are not building an empire. They are building a BRICS that effectively completes the nineteenth-century paradigm by assimilating Asia and Africa into a separate Heartland sphere…”.—-then-it-did
Noa: 11:23 pm
I saw the King of Scotland’s latest address to the nation last night. Wow, daring to utter so many jaw dropping truths on on live TV! His opening monologue was so carefully worded, and researched that the apparatchiks at Ofcom will have little room for manoeuvre against him, but It’s his demolition job on GB News management’s latest cherished recruit that will get Neil fired. That was the best BoJo demolition job since Andrew Neil’s in 2019… and that got Brillo fired from the BBC. Also, Neil inviting Col Douglas Macgregor on his show would not have been well received either.
@10:28 cont.d.
In case I miss it… When Mark Steyn posts his thoughts on Bojo’s GB News appointment then please post the link here. Thanks.
Andrew Bridgen MP with 3 mins on the parliamentary pantomime.
Nice to have confirmation that CHWallsters’ misgivings about ‘Dave’ and the Cameroons were right from the very get go! With Dave it was all about personal vanity. Indeed, you will all remember that he even hired a “personal photographer” to record his premiership. This on the public purse too… until he was outed and forced to pay privately.
There’s worse to come, I’m afraid. It’ll either be the hollow man or, if she’s successful, his trusty (ha!) assistant, a woman who gives the impression of being a… well, let’s leave it there.
On that cheery note, have a good week. I hope that you have a good war.
“…The reality is that the mantra “Free Palestine” is nothing less than a 21st-century version of Sieg Heil. As Hamas’s charter declares, “there is no solution for the Palestinian question except through jihad” and, as a consequence, we are now faced with something far more dangerous than the Nazi ideologues of old. The Third Reich never had the benefit of millions of supporters spread throughout the universities, news organisations, and legislatures in the rest of the free world, all loudly endorsing the Nazis’ racialist case for a ‘Judenfrei’ Europe. We do…”
H/T Seneca 111- at the Gates of Vienna link below. And worthcreading in full.
I’d consider the cry of ‘Allahu Akbar’ is more akin to ‘Sieg Heil’ myself, though it could also be reasonably argued that it better equates to “Heil Hitler”.
Which all leads to the question, why aren’t the Home Office and Met banning these increasingly violent and disturbing jihadist demonstrations throughout the country?
Cowardice, one can safely assume. They are afraid of being called racists and, being unable to dance the Macarena, are quite at a loss at what they should really be doing.
Meanwhile that diabolical fool of a Met police commissioner calls for ‘sharper’ laws, because the current ones are “too blunt” to enable him to do the job his metrosexualised SS attired Goons are to scared to do in the first place.
Where’s PC Lesbian Nana when you really need her?
Unless that is you’re standing in the street thinking unlawful prayers to yourself. In which case you should of course immediately start shouting ‘Allahu Akbar!” and “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea” to avoid Criminal conviction.
“Unless that is you’re standing in the street thinking unlawful prayers to yourself.”
Quite so! For silent prayers on the street she’d best be dressed in a hijab at minimum. Also be accompanied by a bearded male relative, preferably an imam. Then the likes of PC Lesbian Nana and Sergeant Constable Detective Officer Peter Pisspot wouldn’t dare go near her!
All this leads me to wonder where Muslims stand on abortion? I can’t imagine they’d take it lying down particularly if the Sharia forbids it? Are all Muslims equal in the eyes of Allah, or are some more equal than others? For example does a freshly minted proper Arab take precedence over all the later conquered “converts”?
“Cultivating a sense of ironic detachment is a full time job.”
Austin Barry
Last heard of on Disqus some years ago. R.I.P ?
I used to enjoy his Rugby commentary. 🙂
Austin Barry, an absolute master of the Bon Mot, I recollect that he retired to Ireland from the London Bar. He is sadly missed.
Apologies boys, Baron’s too busy to write even the usual drivel, one day will tell you why, he only scans stuff or looks what others are sending him, this is one of such ‘receives’.
Has anyone come across this guy, the video was sent to Baron, he was asked to comment, could the Russian losses be that high, if that’s the dead, the injured must be more than double the figure, that would mean the Russians have virtually nobody fighting, yet they seem to be holding up quite well:
Baron: November 3, 2023 at 1:21 am
An impressive bar chart!
Very good of generals Shoigu and Gerasimov to email him the weekly figures, dontcha think…
Here are some of his other efforts
EC says @ November 3, 2023 at 7:31 am
Thanks, EC, and to think the guy was a part of the Nuclear and Missile Operations of the US Armed Forces, it gives one the creeps, it’s individuals like him that present a threat bigger than the ones sitting in the offices of power, Baron is going to look him up on his trawl through the list of fruitcakes.
Don’t you miss Frank? The country needs more than badly people like him, and they either six feet under or old, arghhh
When the Ukrainian CoS is saying that ‘offensive action is moving to the defensive’ we may assume that the army is near collapse and the general staff near to mutiny. Meanwhile Kilsenski and Co will be praying Biden’s dollars arrive and can be redistributed to Geneva before they flee Kiev for Disneyland.
I hope GBN’s new ‘elder statesman’ is satisfied with his direct and vital contribution to both the 450k Ukrainuan dead and injured and the unknown number of Russian casualties.
I doubt it will stop the cowardly mediocrity from sleeping soundly at night.
It would be beneficial in the long term if the Cenotaph Remembrance Day Service went ahead.
Filmed by al Beeb, the sight of the future Cailiph and current King Charles III and Consort, duly attended by the elite of the Lords and Commons, being hunted bya million strong raving horde of New Britons driving them all down Horseguards in disarray would be a sight well worth seeing.
It might just then penetrate even their thick skulls and miniscule brains that they too will be primary targets in the next Jihad.
HT “Lessismore” TCW Readers Forum 4.11.23
“An odd little piece from RT:
Russia must protect Zelensky
The Ukrainian leader’s erratic behavior and growing messiah complex means he’s now an asset to Moscow
By Sergey Poletaev, co-founder and editor of the Vatfor project.
The November issue of Time magazine features a cover with a small portrait of Vladimir Zelensky and the word “Nobody” above it. The word in larger type is part of the longer headline “Nobody Believes in Our Victory Like I Do” but, whatever the designers had in mind, it was unmistakable: Zelensky equals a nobody.
The similarly illustrated article was no less scandalous. It made everything clear: we
Russians must keep Zelensky as the apple of our eye, because no one brings more chaos to the conduct of hostilities on the Ukrainian side and more discord to Kiev’s relations with the West than he does.
The article describes how Zelensky, who sees himself as the savior of humanity, loses touch with reality the further he goes: it was he who demanded that Bakhmut be held at all costs, burning reserves there which were intended for the summer counteroffensive. It is he who is still calling for an offensive in the south, once again destroying his people and valuable Western equipment in pointless attacks, and thus
intensifying his conflict with the army’s leadership. It is he who is demanding an offensive on Gorlovka and, as long as he is president, no one in Ukraine dares to make a peep about negotiations with Russia, the necessity of which is becoming more and more obvious. And all this against a backdrop of gargantuan levels of theft.
The Time article is a black mark. American elites have realized that as long as Zelenskyis in power in Ukraine, Western support will either be burned for one man’s ambitions or simply plundered – both to Russia’s advantage.
Obviously, Washington needs to replace the disgraced Napoleon-wannabe with someone more manageable – the question is how. Preferably in a good way, by organizing presidential elections in due course next spring, and some movement in this direction has already begun: the political scene has been revived, yesterday’s heroes like Pyotr Poroshenko and Yulia Timoshenko have re-emerged, even Zelensky’s former adviser Alexey Arestovich, who a year ago spoke enthusiastically of Ukraine’s imminent victory, has cleverly changed his shoes and started to reveal the truth about the disastrous leadership of his old boss.
But Zelensky is against it, as he has repeatedly said with varying degrees of hysteria: who needs elections, he suggests, when I am saving humanity? If you want elections, hold them yourself at your own expense, and so on. Society is also against it (according to various polls, 60%-80% of Ukrainians believe that the next vote should be held after the end of hostilities).
Public opinion could have been ignored (this corresponds to the standards of Western democracy), but if Zelensky goes to the polls, he will win them: he is still the most
popular politician among Ukrainians (76% approval, with only the army having a higher rating). Zelensky is more popular than all other possible candidates combined. This is down to two years of rolling military propaganda and the information bubble that has trapped Ukrainian society, which has been brainwashed into believing that the country is winning.
In addition, Zelensky and his entourage, led by the Grey Cardinal Andrey Yermak, wiped out the opposition inside the country, destroying the traditional intra-elite system in which oligarchs organized party projects and elected presidents to suit themselves. Zelensky and Yermak created a power vertical unprecedented by Ukrainian standards, restricted to a narrow circle of friends. In general, the process of
dismantling traditional regional privileges that began under Poroshenko has been completed: now the direction must be obtained in Kiev, and all financial flows (which have been reduced almost entirely to Western money) pass through the capital. The information field has been cleaned up – there is almost no media independent of the presidential administration left in the country.
All this means that the US will not be able to quickly create a political project to replace Zelensky: paradoxically, since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, its control over internal Ukrainian processes has diminished and is now reduced to control over Zelensky, who, it seems, cannot be controlled. In fact, he is uncontrollable.
There are two options left: either to persuade Zelensky to leave amicably by pointing to Washington’s chosen successor, or simply to kill him: a dead hero is better than a living psycho.
Of course, all this is to our advantage: the longer Zelensky remains in power, the longer Ukraine will
continue to fight, bringing its collapse closer.
Therefore, we should take care of Zelensky, and protect him as best we can.”
Reproduced from RT
I do hope and trust that none of the worthy and law-abiding citizens who regularly post on here decide to stand still and pray silently in a public space protection area, you may be committing a criminal offence by doing so.
Feel free of course, to take out your prayer mat, get on your knees and bow your head in a South Eastern direction…
Noa says @ November 4, 2023 at 8:48 am
Short, Noa, but enjoyable.
This seems to be staged, one would expect them to be more deep, it’s all bad what they did but sanitised, sounds not made up but nor real, although Baron has no idea how these interrogations in the ME are conducted:
Noa says @ November 4, 2023 at 11:12 am
The guy has a point, Noa, the DA of Kiev has become a dictator, he cannot quit because quitting and staying in Ukraine would be the end of him, the public are backing him because of fear, the fear will vanish the minute he gets kicked out, resigns or dies.
For the DA of Kiev the best way forward would be to get to Moscow, that will save his life, if he stays he will have to be disposed of, in no way could he remain alive after getting kicked out or resigning.
What do you make of this, boys?
China has erased Israel from the map of the region:
This should not happen in a democracy, it’s a downtick for Israel:
Have a look here, gruesome stuff:
It will not be easy for Israel’s IDF to eliminate Hamas if the martyrs to Allah will continue to hit them as they do in this clip, it will not be just Hamas that will die, many Israelis troopers will also perish, more to the point, according to some the IDF is not what it used to be, it’s mostly reservists, an Israeli on another blog said: “Israel just went from being the fourth strongest army in the world to being the second biggest army in the Gaza strip.”
Could the Israeli leadership come up with an alternative, it would require a ceasefire to draw the surrounding Arab countries to a table to agree (say) a full and complete boycott of Hamas, no funding, no weapons supply, banning volunteers from other Muslim countries joining Hamas, that sort of stuff, this may take some time but it guarantees to save the lives of many Israeli boys and girls.
Will Netanyahu and Kilmenski both be gone before Christmas? Will they join Joe in the Care home closet?
Will Adhavkia be the Appomatox of Ukraine? Gaza the khazi of the IDF?
It could all happvery quickly, in the blinken of an eye…
Baron @ 12.32am
Difficult to tell if the Chobham armour is simply absorbing the RPG’s impact.
The letters are interesting, a mixture of pro and anti semitic. Who’d want to be born Jewish, or Catholic, eh?
At the moment the Arabs, Russians and Chinese are simply sitting and awaiting developments, which are not necessarily to the advantage of the West and its diminishing number of allies.
But why interfere with your enemies when they are making all the mistakes?
A Liddle nostalgia goes a long way. Here’s a 2015 piece, presumably much of it borrowed from Danny Lockwood’s ‘Islamic Republic of Dewsbury”.
It helps to explain why the coaches of Dewsbury will be ploughing their way down the A1 on Sunday, carrying stout hearted Yorkshire volk t’Remembrance Service at Whitehall.
Ukraine? So…oooo passé my dears!
The end is nigh, backdoor negotiations may have started “to end the stalemate”. As was always going to happen the Hill is using Ursula to cover the Biden sphincter.
Fake narratives on steroids will not however hide the self created disaster facing the West. And check out tge Duran for a scathing geo political strategic anaanalysis.
Responding massively to punish the Hamas barbarians is one thing, to keep hitting the civilians is another, listen to this American nurse, it’s more than a harrowing tale, one cannot believe that scenes she’s describing are happening in our times:
Noa says @ November 8, 2023 at 9:00 pm
So much for the advice of our Blond Inseminator, Noa, even though he may have been just the messenger, we lack the hard power to do much, but all the deaths, mutilations, injuries that turned thousands into cripples may have been avoided if the DA of Kiev followed what he intended made a deal with the Russians before the Blond arrived, sickening this.
How does he do it, Noa: “Ask one of them the time of day — and boom, entrails all over your jacket”.
It would be of interest to find out whether the sharia court is still sitting in Savile Town, eight years after it was made famous by the piece penned by young Liddle, one may bet it is enlarged and doing good business discriminating against Muslim women.
Robinson baned from London, one million free speech seeking jihadists welcomed by the little caliph of Londonistan.
“From the Forth to the Channel,
Londonistan will be Islam!”
Despite a slow, self-congratulatory start this is a really should watch.
Here’s a righteously wrathful and vengeance seeking Douglas Murray telling John Anderson how it should be, not, unfortunately, how it actually is.
Baron @ 12.33am.
Is it inly a month since crowds of Gazan “civilians’ were cheering the raped and tortured corpses of children through the streets of Gaza?
How quickly we forget and let the propagandists blur our memories.
Todays bomb victims will not, at least, be tomorrow’s shovel beheaders.
Noa says @ November 9, 2023 at 8:55 am
Good point, Noa, Baron’s 100% for the destruction of the evil that is Hamas, however, he cannot buy the argument that a Palestinian child today will grow into another Hamas, he may as well grow into a doctor, someone opposing Hamas, even a Palestinian Einstein, nobody can tell, nobody.
Some three generations or more ago the Germans followed a leader that set up gas chambers, today’s Germans followed another leader who let in individuals that aspire to turn Germany in a sharia country, the great unwashed will follow the creed pumped into them, or as the infamous Osama quipped ‘bet on the winning horse’.
A wise man, Mr. Crooke, calm and composed, well connected and knowledgeable, worth your listening to him even if you disagree with him:
Whatever you say, boys, the guy’s top, Baron cannot find one thing to disagree with, not even a minute detail, he’s getting it right:
And another impressive and young politician, fast talking, but talking sense, he may be better tha the Donald who’s pushing it:
Baron @5,59pm
Of course you may be right Baron. Redemption is always a possibility, even if the Quran, still less most of its followers, does not indulge itself in such quaint, erm, Christian concepts.
But if you were an Israeli father of young children would you want to take that chance?
Could it happen here? It already has, remember the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.Such events will only increase in number and frequency in the future.
Crooke is indeed an interesting, erudite commentator. Thank you for that link.
Douglas Murray’s unequivocal putdown of the nauseous Matthew Parris.
Llamas indeed!
No need to listen to him for the whole hour or more, a headache may be the outcome, but the Jimmy Dore segment’s good:
Noa says @ November 9, 2023 at 11:59 pm
You may well be right, Noa, who can tell, Baron cannot find it in himself to embrace a policy aimed at annihilating a whole tribe, he may be a fallen Christian, but the way he was brought up doesn’t allow for such solution even for the boil of a biblical acreage that the Hamas barbarians represent.
Baron @ 9.57am.
You are right to express concerns. Milud.
There is a distinction between religiously inspired genocidal and the collateral damage incurred in seeking, punishing abd eradicating its perpetrators.
When cosidered the ethocs and difficulties in fighting such wars I’m reminded of Mao’s dictum that the guerrilla moves through the people as fish swim in the sea.
We havent heard from you recently.
Is all well?
That Cumbrian incision,sharp wit and cyber historical memory are sorely missed.
I got a week’s parole from the nation’s largest open prison! 🙂
I had to swap my ankle tag for a wristband, though.
Flew back in to Ponteland International airfield last night. The 28C drop in ambient temperature, and having to scape ice off me car windiz was a bit of a shocker, like!
I see I’ve got plenty to catch up on. Murray vs Parris, eh?
Parris is no match for Murray, but he used to be quite amusing in the 90s when he was the DT’s parliamentary sketch writer. After that he took up with some bloke from the Grauniad, didn’t he? Some might say that he became a waspish old queen
correction: MP was The Times’ parliamentary sketch writer in the 90s.
Noa : November 10, 2023 at 8:23 am
Douglas Murray always wields his stiletto with precision! He’s definitely not someone to get on the wrong side of. 🙂
Der Ostfront Wellcommen zie, Kamerade!
Ausweiss bitte. Schnell!
Rather intriguing even if one doesn’t fly. Why?”
Whilst I’m catching up, then here’s something I saw last week that is worth watching:
“An Honest & Sensible Conversation about Global Energy”
As I’ve been saying for years, there ain’t no such thing as renewable energy.
File under: Entropy.
Here’s something y’all might enjoy:
Pat Condell’s “Godless Comedy” live standup routine from 1992.
Slick, quick witted humour, maybe at times beyond the reach of some of his audience!
Baron: 10:16 pm
No worries, Milud. That’s why they have copilots, automated landing systems etc.
Just don’t get on a plane if you see a nun carrying a guitar boarding. 🙂
I swear that this actually happened to me once, but it was too late to get off!
File under: “Airplane – The Movie”
Baron: November 9, 2023 at 8:22 pm
There’s an old (pre-internet) saying that “Today’s Newspaper stories are tomorrow’s Fish&Chip Wrappers.” As far as the press are concerned it appears that Ukraine is now last month’s Fish&Chip wrappers.
Baron: November 9, 2023 at 11:35 pm
“or do you want Dick Cheney in 3 inch heels (Nikki Haley)”
Superb! LOL 🙂
@EC: November 11, 2023 at 10:42 pm cont.d
Pat Condell’s Godless Comedy – Live in 1992 (Part Two)
Baron 09/11 at 11.35pm
Odd watching the GOP nomination without the main candidate who couldn’t be bothered to turn up.
I thought Verysmarmy came across as a total wide boy, no FDR he!
Would you buy a used charpoy from him?
Europe and the US can be proud of itself, having fought to almost the last Ukrainian,it can now fall back if necessary on its reserves of Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians, that ‘vulnerable Northern flank’ of any further Russian advance, before of course the Russians find themselves facing the “Iron Wall” of a possible Tusk led Poland.
On the re-population of Ukraine its a moot point whether this will be by returning, evicted refugees or the Zelenski preferred solution of a Middle Eastern/sub Sahel solution of EU subsidised welfare dependants.
The annual Remembrance Service at the Cenotaph is starting to assume the appearance of a farce, increasingly dominated by
‘people who are not my people and who do not speak for or represent my people.’
usurping the traditions and roles of the British establishment.
From the Maoist mayor, through the murderous collection of ex Prime Ministers to the delusional new practitioner of the doctrine of the divine right of Kings, none were fit to lead the mourning and commemorate the ultimate sacrifices of the far better men and women who went before them.
As it was a pleasant, sunny afternoon yesterday my wife and I went walking along the Esplanade in St Annes, to take in the air from the Irish sea and visiting some of the private shops remaining amongst the ever growing competitive charity sector and Turkish barber community.
Sitting on a bench to enjoy the sights of families shopping my nostrils were swiftly assaulted by the pervasive acrid odour of urine, the 2 foot box hedging having obviously now become the replacement public convenience for the users of the local pubs and can sharing alcoholics. This despite the fact that a public toilet, admittedly costing 20p, is 50 yards away.
The pungent stench of urine was soon joined by the pervasive assault of strong cannabis, though I couldn’t identify the source.
Perhaps a regular police foot patrol might have prevented the now habitual low level criminality of St Annes benefits dependants, but none were to be seen.
EC says @ November 11, 2023 at 10:35 pm
Superb slicing of the energy dilemma, EC, thanks for posting it, the guy Tinker couldn’t be more right, sadly, there are may that cannot think rationally.
“I come from a long line of dead people …’ what a fantastic observation, EC, that’s what makes wit a wit, not a four letter word in sight.
Noa says @ November 12, 2023 at 11:47 am
Well said, Noa, very well said.
This is the PLO as I remember it…
“Why The Middle East Won’t Accept Palestinian Refugees”
Prior to being run by Hamas, Gaza used to be run by Fatah which was founded and led by Yasser Arafat who was and extremely gifted embezzler of international aid funds and died not quite as rich as Croesus while his people live in slums. You will remember that Arafat’s uncle was Haj Amin al-Husseini , the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, an admirer of the Austrian painter, and a fugitive war criminal.
Noa: November 12, 2023 at 11:47 am
I didn’t watch it.
Was the “King” (go figure!) sporting a BLM Black Poppy and a Rainbow Pride Badge?
This is a useful catch up on events you might just have missed whilst airing your snazziest Bermuda shirts.
EC 12/11 @ 1.08pm
He was wearing the uniform of a Marshal of the Royal Air Force. The acme of sartorial elegance and available only from selected Army and Navy Stores, price £17.99.
I remain of the view that the role and remaining rudimentary functions of a hereditary monarchy should be abolished, and replaced by an annual Lotto draw, as the best way to preserve our fast disappearing ancient liberties.
Noa: 10:49 am
It sounds just like Morecambe or Southport, only without the junkies. Spot any free range, ahem, “Amber Heards” ? The council should be encouraged to apply for a twinning arrangement with San Francisco, Loch Lomond campsite, or Arsetraya’s favourite weekend camping and caravanning retreat, “Dingo Piss Creek.”
At first I thought this was satire, but the more I consider it this morning the less certain I am.
Still, even the British political scene is a relief from all that relentless semitic baby bombing…
Rod on the return from the crypt of Call me Dave.
A good rant from Godders, with the inestimable advantage of brevity.
Noa: 1:09 pm
Thanks. A great article from Steven Tucker, with lashings of irony & gallows humour.
Noa: 2:24pm & 3:26pm
I couldn’t believe the news either. Dave, FFS? With today’s implosion, the resulting annihilation of the Conservative party at the next GE is now assured.
Could Rasheed’s electoral seppuku indicate that the City of London has bought off and now controls all the key players on the Labour front bench?
File under: Spivs, chancers & Useless Bastards.
Has Westminster has decided to accelerate the Great Replacement by means of the Great Disinterment?
Whilst Blair is mooted as a Gaza negotiator of some sort Campbell, Mandy and the Kirk Minister are writing and preaching the Book of Pablemite Common prayers for Starmzie. But where’s George Osborne amid this
Meanwhile here’s a secret recording of this mornings No 10 Cabinet meeting.
The boy Paul continues to document the slide into tyranny…
These quisling thought police will only have themselves to blame when, as sure as day follows night, the jackboot is on the other foot, it’s on their neck and the guy that’s wearing it says, “You do realise why we are doing this PC Pisspot. Goodnight!”
Verily I sayeth unto Ye that their day of reckoning approacheth… and it won’t be pretty.
Hitchens 2007 Despatches analysis of David Cameron.
News of an old friend.
Another link from the same rag covers when Zi meets Joe this week. That will be not so much an exchange of views as a change of nappies.
This cheered me up a bit…
A most amusing post from Simon Webb containing a cracking joke!
“A small, but dedicated, band of men come here every day to be upset and offended”
Noa: November 14, 2023 at 4:39 pm
A quality job from Hitchens, by contrast underlining how far journalistic standards have dropped at CH4/BBC in even the last fifteen years.
It’s uncanny how the Youtube programming has the ability to do a deep dive into its vaults and bring up stuff that has suddenly become relevant again.
As he ages Hitchens’ brief appearances on TV are taking on more of a Robert Morley cameo role quality.
Hitchens has retained his lockdown beard, abd in doubtless unconscious tribute to Call me Dave appears tieless far too often.
Perhaps his much proclaimed inner Trotsky is starting to show through.
He certainly appears regularly on TV these days, despite his protestations that nobody loves him enough to invite him on to ‘flagship’ programmes anymore.
Germany’s and the EU’s role in the provioking drive to the ‘Special Military Operation’. Longish, nearly an hour but worth the time spent, as is a look at the Report it discussed.
John Anderson has been conducting some excellent interviews recently, here is his discussion with Naill Ferguson on Gaza.
An unbelievable horror:
Baron: November 16, 2023 at 6:10 pm
Agreed, all horrific events. Some thoughts, though, in no particular order…
The Washington Post and The New York Times, once great newspapers, are now little more that house magazines for the Democratic Party. Think Guardian-Labour Party i.e. Bum fodder.
The USA doesn’t have a gun problem it has a mental health problem. Switzerland has a gun ownership on a par with the USA but virtually no crime involving firearms. Switzerland doesn’t benefit from diversity in the same way that the USA does.
There are now 400+ million firearms in the USA, anybody who says that they are going to confiscate those is merely virtue signalling and taking the electorate for the chumps that most of them are. Some other interesting facts here compiled by Pew Research:
It really isn’t that easy to legally buy and own a firearm in most states in the USA. It involves a lot of form filling, compulsory 30 day waiting periods, background checks, and some pretty hefty licence fees. God forbid that you want to legally buy a silence as the hurdles and fees are both higher! In most states you need a separate licence to take the firearm outside the home. “Concealed Carry Permits” involve more paperwork and fees and sometimes a compulsory training course. The USA is the land of the fee! Failing to fulfil any of bureaucratic requirements is usually a felony offence which will result in a lifetime revocation of your right to vote, own any firearm, a hefty fine and maybe even jail time. Firearms laws All states have their own firearms laws so crossing a state line with a firearm is a legal and logistical nightmare for a law abiding person.
So why do so many law abiding US citizens feel the need to own a firearm? Well, if you live in a country were 12% of the population commit 85% of the crime it’s the height of irresponsibility not to own one. If your home is liable to be broken into at night by one, two or more armed ni**as then you need something to fend them off with. (er… “ninjas?” Ed.)
The sainted Verity, formally of this parish, used to live in Texas before moving to Mexico. She used to recount the events of the night when she was glad to have a loaded 38 special in her bedside drawer.
Tony Blair disarmed the law abiding sector of the UK in 1997(?) but it hasn’t stopped mass/multiple/single murders, hit jobs, & GBH crimes committed with bombs, knives, and firearms which the “bad guys” seem to have no trouble at all in obtaining, and no inhibitions or conscience about using them.
Look what happened to Belgium when it was occupied. Their new, ahem, administrators were able use the licence registrations confiscate all civilian firearms.
Why firearms? Because people won’t willingly load themselves into boxcars.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…”
The resultant tyranny, iron fist, of their Federal Government over their individual states’ laws is far worse than genteel [ benevolent :-)] inconveniences they sought to replace. Their government, governments everywhere, have been in the business of removing peoples “unalienable rights” and selling them back to them in the form of licences.
Our ‘special friends’ might also want to change to wording of the above to include, “In nuclear war all men are cremated equal” etc.
Excellent posts both EC, as Liddle says in the Speccie thus week, whatever happens the Government wins again.
The char wallah, having lost the plot in the Supreme Court, is determined to continue with the Guerillas for Gorillas exchange scheme.
A real election winner that.
And have the crack Home Office negotiators been called in to ensure the adequate provision of Viagra, sex toys, sheep and school girls and boys for the legal relief of sexual tension in the Hamas Marine dingy brigades distributed around the UK yet?
You should listen to this even though it takes some 45min:
EC says @ November 17, 2023 at 12:31 pm
An enjoyable lament, EC, the ‘land of the fee’ made Baron chuckle alot.
Noa says @ November 17, 2023 at 4:40 pm
What pi$$es most on the Rwanda project, Noa, is that it amounts to parceling out unwanted people that have come, we should have a plan that prevents unwanted people to come in in the first place, madness .
Watching some of the judge’s guests is a must for Baron, here’s an example, what the professor Mearsheimer gets wrong is saying the Chinese would find an amphibious assault on Taiwan close to impossible to accomplish, which is true, but what he forgets is that a blockade of the island would be doable, and would lead to an eventual takeover of Taiwan, if successful.
Although it has not been discussed in the MSM I am convinced that the continued acceptance of illegal mass migration is the result of a s ecret agreement between the UKG and the EU to take a ‘Merkel’ directed distribution quota.
Why else would the French Navy escort them to the Maritime international boundary and the RN escort them to England from there?
Simply payback for Brexit.
Baron: 12:09 am
That smirking b’stard Mearsheimer gets it wrong on every topic. He is a creature of “the swamp.”
Meiner meinung: In the end, when they discover that they have have been in an abusive relationship with their decrepit and exploitative ‘special friends’ on Capitol Hill, then the people of Taiwan will vote quite peaceably for closer ties with China.
Not saying that Xi et al are any better, but… pendulums , swings, roundabouts etc.
Noa: 12:46 am
“Simply payback for Brexit”
I think that you are right, there’s definitely an element of that anyway.
However the Parisian elite that rule over Les Grenouilles have NEVER needed an excuse to hate on “Les Rosbifs.” Mind you, the Parisian elite hate their own peasants as much as our Londonium elite hate us!
The boy Paul made me chuckle this morning…
He’s applied “Vulture’s Law” of Daniel Krapski etc. to Ben Shapiro
The boy Ben in “White Knight” mode was also totally wrong about the Michelle Fields incident in 2016. A deeply unpleasant character, imo
EC says @ November 19, 2023 at 9:02 am
The Shapiro boy has only one outstanding ability, EC, he can talk fast, and that’s it.
The great Joseph never disappoints, but you reckon the prof has been spawn by the swamp?
“Credentialism.” One for your little book of things?
Made me chuckle anyway.
Every Christmas Mrs EC insists on watching “University Challenge – The Professionals” where a parade of ancient graduates, mostly from Oxbridge, mostly BAs, mostly from the media and publishing” expose themselves. Even better are the festive editions of “Celebrity Mastermind” when politicians and other showbiz luvvies show us how appallingly ignorant and stupid they are.
In case you get an invitation from your estate/factory workers’ gang master to eat with the the boys… then Paul Joseph Watson gives you some food for thought!
Check out the “reclaimed” Chinese cooking (gutter/sewage) oil @7mins
Quelle horreur… Merde ! (quite literally). LOL LOL LOL
NOPE. Give me some of Nelly’s (Mrs Noa) Lancashire ‘ot pot, any day of the week!
Only more sanctions will put an end to this nonsense:
EC says @ November 20, 2023 at 8:38 am
We live, EC, in a strange environment, Baron reckons, in which information is well above the level of abundance, knowledge is very sparse and wisdom almost not existent.
Do we believe Ukraine will still be in existence by Christmas, never mind establishing a Rheinmetall tank manufacturing facilty?
No doubt all the US, UK and EU arns manufacturers’ investments will be under-written by their respective governments, so the cost of tooling up the Russian Arms industry will falling in due course to respective national taxpayers.
Amazing the guy hasn’t been had yet, but he’s too one sided, the Palestinians, or rather their leadership, shares a large part of the blame, Hamas and the other lot in the West Bank have been refusing all offers that Israel has made, are adamant the land is only theirs to keep, and on top of it the teaching they follow is evil in that it calls for the extermination of the Jews.
Noa says @ November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
What amazes, Noa, is that the leader of a country that has debts oozing out all its orifices says it will offer financial incentives to any company that comes in invests in the making of the tools of killing, where is the cash?
I’ve not come across the Tate man before. Obviously he’s very shouty and plays to the gallery.
I’ve always distrusted people who shout at me to make their point. It seems something of a Black thing and its generally a substitute for informed, structured, logical argument.
Plato and Socretes never got down as far as the Serengeti, I suspect.
Ukraine Post war reconstruction costs are estimated to be @ $300 billion.
In the gigantic war grave that the country is now;
Who will pay? Europe? Russia? The US? Ukraine?
One is reminded of the US tourists who visit the site of Waterloo and ask where the battle’s cemeteries are.
‘There are none’, they are told, ‘the grave pits were robbed in the years after the battle for their bones, which were ground into fertiliser and their teeth, for dental plates.”
You can still get sets of ‘Waterloo teeth’ in auctions.
Perhaps in 150 years, sets of Bakhmut teeth will be a similar souvenir.
Baron: 9:05 pm
“We live, EC, in a strange environment, Baron reckons, in which information is well above the level of abundance, knowledge is very sparse and wisdom almost not existent.”
That is an absolute gem, Milud.
In homo sapiens wisdom is inversely proportional to conceitedness.
Noa: 9:07pm & 9:14pm
Ukraine will live on, somewhere, whilst politicians can get their share of the profits creamed off from lucrative weapons orders… at taxpayers’ expense naturally.
Baron: 11:24 pm; Noa @8:35am
Andrew Tate?
An obnoxious, bone-head former, kickboxer, presumably with a full complement of tattoos, turned controversial “social media” personality. He’s a controversialist and he uses his grubby thoughts and objectionable opinions to generate “clicks” and therefore income, book sales etc.
So in our modern world Tate is the obvious “goto man” to seek out for his solution to the world’s geopolitical problems.
Why anyone would want to listen to him, let alone interview him is beyond me, but he’s an irresistible choice of interviewee for someone Piers Morgan.
File under: Bluebottle on a turd etc.
Noa: 8:48 am
“Bakhmut teeth”
Indeed farmers on the godforsaken dismal mud plains in Northern Belgium are still ploughing up artefacts from WW1. Some of these “go off” wrecking his tractor, and sometimes transporting him to “a better place.”
What do CHWallsters think of the Argies’ new man, Javier Milei, then?
Are we to assume that this was the CIA’s choice?
Will “The Donald” take a chainsaw to his next election rally?
Socialist ‘post-election meltdown’ in Argentina has been ‘enormous’: Rita Panahi
Oooh, can’t get enough of Rita…
He seems a nice bloke, one you’d be happy to share a haunchn of Argentinian bullock and a vat of Malbec with.
Let’s see how he gets on with his promised ministrerial defenestrations and other than his ‘reconquista de Las malvinas’, wish him all the best, like the lovely Rita.
And how will it go for another Teeny Weezy inspired politician in the Dutch elections? Let’s hope our old friend Geert gets the opportunity to commence his own ministerial culls.
Teezy Weezy, not Teeny!
Here’s the Duran’s take.
On Milei : the guy’s a nutter, he’s driven by emotion, exasperation, anger, rage, that’s not a solid base from which to attack the fruitcakes of the Left that are occupying almost all the pyramids of power, he only has seven deputies in the law making chamber of 70, his desire to couple Argentina with the US camp doesn’t suggest he takes a long term view, the idea of switching to the dollar as an Argentinian currency is a no starter, the central bank has no dollars, he could tie the peso to the greenback, but it will take time to turn around the economy and he seems like a man very much in a hurry.
Having said that Baron wishes him all the luck he can muster, he will need it.
On Geert: One very much hopes he gets in, if all the other parties refuse to go into a coalition with him, there may be another election, he should win more decisively, he seems sensible, realises it will take time to turn the ship around, it cannot be done in months or even years, the damage the Woke progressives have inflicted on the Dutch society is massive, the cure will need patience, the ability to persuade the doubters, and alot of courage to stand up to the Woke mob.
EC says @ November 22, 2023 at 10:55 am
You’ve summed him up well, EC, he’s by far more more conceited, hubristic and cocky than Baron, and that’s the least merciless take of him (so says the boss here), but how did he get so tanned?
Diversité à la Française: “We are here to stab white people”
If they had tried that in Texas they’d have justifiably got their arses shot.
EC @ 8.25am
That will disturb T Dalrymple’s bucolic retirement.
The EU Brit expats will be quaking in the Doedodgne tonight.
Indeed, our favourite mind care specialist would be well advised to buy a couple, maybe four, Anatolian Shepherd Dogs to patrol the grounds of his plot in France. They are ok with the household members but will tear any unwelcome nocturnal lifeforms to shreds.
That recent incident might also give Brillo pause for thought. He’s reputed to be an enthusiastic sunbather au naturelle, isn’t he? [Quelle Horreur! Don’t hold that thought 😉 ]
Then there’s the fugitive émigré from the KGB. I suspect that he is quite safe, though, as Almighty Bob doesn’t want to be bothered by any competition.
It gets worse every year…
“Immigration to this country has now hit an all-time high of 672,000 people in a single year”
Under the previous traitor PM The Dutch army were merged with the Whermacht a couple of years ago.
Will Geert de-merge? If he does will we see the Fallschirmjager landing again?
I’m the meantime Katie celebrates.
More knife work in the EU today, with mainly peaceful Algerian stabbing primary school children in Dublin.
His ‘detention’ by parents resulted in injuries which are currently being treated, and demonstrations which by a not yet entirely subdued EU peasantry dsdpure those 20k euro fines per migrant refused.
EC @ 12.25pm
672,000 crims now revised to 725,000, further bids expected…
Correction-A 745,000 net increase.
We’ll soon be at war across Europe.
“My machete is bigger than yours”.
“Is that a Kichen Devil in your pocket or are you just pleased to kill me?”
Noa says @ November 24, 2023 at 9:30 am
‘We’ll soon be at war in Europe’. You optimist.
“Fallschirmjager” LOL 🙂
Olaf der Borg: “Wilders, Schweinhund! Aufgeben oder vee vill drop “Die Mutti Bombe” über Wassenaar und Den Haag. Widerstand ist zwecklos!”
I predict Wilders will be framed for a fire at the Reichstag. It worked the last time around when they pinned it on another Dutchman.
Where is Mutti these days? Enjoying her retirement in the South Pacific, or maybe an extended cruise on Abramovich’s super-yacht?
Baron: 10:26 am
It’s good for business!
The Walrus asks, what is Far Right?
The answer is, we are of course!
I’d forgotten the Indo-Oirsh third burglar was running Eire this week…
‘Far right scum disgracing Ould Oirland’ indeed!
An interesting piece by the Walrus.
And the Duran covers Wilders and the possibility of an EU Timmermans dictatorship.
This sounds and feels like another world, it is another world, could Dean Martin say today what he said then without being sued?
A rather hawkish take on a small sliver of American politics, Baron has never seen this guy, it was sent to him, it lasts only 10min:
Noa says F@ November 24, 2023 at 6:38 pm
Both the article and the video are typical Simon, Noa, gentle yet devastating, sadly as the great Mark used to say ‘a fat lot of good will that do to anything’.
Some think the indigenous burghers will do a revolution, take to streets, blood will run, Baron doesn’t, the majority are too comfortable for any revolting, the change will come as it did with Brexit, the Woke clowns will err, make a move the wrong way one day without realising it, hoi polloi will make use of the misstep and voila, the compass will point in a different direction.
Baron : November 24, 2023 at 9:13 pm
…or CANCELLED. A different universe entirely.
Classic. Some good old jokes in there. Frank Sinatra looking distinctly uncomfortable at times when Peter Falk turned up in character as Lieutenant Columbo, from the LA Police Department. He didn’t know what Falk was going to say next.
Watching him being interviewed by a blonde female anchor when he used a very foul language, suggested he would destroy the opponents (without specifying how), stuff of this sort, Baron thought the guy was a nutter, clever, articulate, well read but a nutter still, that was a big mistake, in this interview you will see why the blue veined barbarian changed his mind:
Noa: November 24, 2023 at 6:12 pm
It’s no use Mr Verruca and his choir of useful idiots trying to divert attention from horrors of recent events by parroting the overused and now meaningless pejoratives of “far right”, “thugs”, “racists” etc. when he and his ilk are actually causing the problem. “Far right” ? He ain’t seen nutthin yet.
Ireland like the UK, everywhere else in Europe, has a sizeable indigenous underclass of impoverished, forgotten people who are not benefitting from the EU migration policy. I would suggest that any looting that took place AFTER the child stabbing protests. It is a sign that the Oirish Untermenschen are pissed off at the perception that recent arrivals are getting a better deal (i.e. everything for free) than they are. Same in UK, Germany, Spain, France, Italy etc.
Dear old Hitchens was on fire this weekend…
“Lord Slippery of Tripoli” LMAO. … except the joke is on us!
100% as I remember it, although vapid Dave’s chum on the balcony, Nicolas Sarkozy, must share some of the credit. Last but not least, a CBE for Hitlery Clinton for Benghazi.
I was “Down Your Way” at t’weekend, and happened upon a V8 Toyota MPV that was festooned will PLO/HAMAS/HEZBOLLOK propaganda stickers. Nary a panel or window left unstickered! It even had several pictures of the great man (Mandela not Ayatollah) with a misattributed quote.
I’ve never seen anything quite like that before, particularly in ALDI’s carpark, and never on a Blue-Badge spot. I was about to capture some photos on my phone when the driver appeared a burka clad tribe of wives, mother-in-laws, and daughters pushing two large trolleys pile high with halal groceries (ha!). All this disappeared into the vehicle with ease – which gives you some indication of its size, and the need for a V8. I can only speculate as to why the fella need a Blue-Badge.
The thought occurred to me that even if these zealots succeeded in murdering and/or expunging every last Jew from “their stolen” lands they still wouldn’t piss off back there.
EC @10.54am
We can take solace that, in importing the turd world, we have cut out, a very little, the middle man of the foreign aid organisations.
Now we can feed, cloth and provide suitable transport to tHMG’s selected beneficiaries, even whilst, via our benefits system, we pay the customs duties due to the post Brexit (hah!) Zollverein.
A thought provoking discussion and Q&A on the Duran, with Sachs.
Ultimately I do not consider his liberal view that a two state solution with a UN/Arab peace keeping force would work- what person in his right mind would trust the taqyyia dispensers?
But theres much of interest…as the Greeks keep it real.
Who will get the $300 billion Russian Central Bank reserves the Fed has siezed?
“Despite being told it’s a very bad idea…They wont be able to keep their hands off it….And it will go to some one whose name begins with Z…” Bwarggh!!
“what person in his right mind would trust the taqyyia dispensers”
Baron: November 26, 2023 at 1:20 am
Milei’s melee with the ” (dyed) blonde female anchor”?
You mean presstitute, surely, Milud. Don’t worry you can’t shock, insult or debase them. Utter hack-tivist scum.
Tucker, OTOH, always gets the best out of his interviewees.
David Starkey sings the Brexit Blues
“Brexit was a waste of time; without a Constitutional Restoration!”
The quisling establishment were never going to allow that.
Let’s rearm Deutschland like it’s 1933!
And let’s force Z to open negotiations with them damn Russkies.
– or we’ll keep the $300b
– whilst NATO, Germany and the Ukr rearm.
And after 2014 and the Minsk accords betrayals by the War Sow and Mutti why Russia would trust anything they say or do?
Swami O’Varadkar isn’t going down well in the Republic atm…
O’Verruca’s recent statement to effect that “Ireland is too white” was very similar to the complaint made by Humvee “wild jock” McUseless about Scotland. They let both their mask drop.
The thought occurred to me that both these people successfully got to the top of the greasy pole of politics in their respective lands by cloaking their anti white racism as the ever popular anti English/British bigotry.
Noa: 9:16 pm
“Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up.”
Ronald Wright
“God alone knows the future, but only an historian can alter the past.”
Ambrose Bierce
So many good quotes from the above. I have his dictionary “in the vaults” somewhere.
Not necessarily my top 25, but all eminently quotable.
“War is God’s way of teaching Americans geography.” Seems so !
“Politics: A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage. Yup!
“A nation that will not enforce its laws has no claim to the respect and allegiance of its people.” And so on…
What are the Russians going to do with the two Americans?
EC says @ November 28, 2023 at 9:54 am
The quotes are worth remembering, EC, thanks.
Noa says @ November 27, 2023 at 9:46 pm
The lack of punishment repeats the crime, Noa, they will never learn.
Noa says @ November 27, 2023 at 9:16 pm
But would Putin talk now when the Russians are getting on top? Hmmm
In there meantime the DA of Kiev is thinking of his future of leisure, buying yachts:
EC says: November 27, 2023 at 3:57 pm
Tucker has three channels on Telegram, EC, one in English, two in Russian, he’s well informed, but Baron reckons he’s too close to the Russian line of argument, he should be more critical of some of the decisions Putin makes, his closeness to Russia may put some people off.
Russell should ask Boris over, grill him on his role in the two year old Ukrainian meat grinder:
Meanwhile, on the road to Electric Utopia via Net Zero…
Baron says: November 28, 2023 at 11:44 pm
“What are the Russians going to do with the two Americans?”
They will get treated a lot better, publicly, than the disappeared Gonzalo Lira did at the hands of the SBU.
“Russell should ask Boris over, grill him on his role in the two year old Ukrainian meat grinder..”
No doubt the GB News interviewers will duff the Blond war criminal over when he takes the top spot in the New Year.
“Thomas Sowell: This is why the left only focuses on race”
Thomas Sowell discusses his new book ‘Social Justice Fallacies’ and makes the case for why race is not always to blame on social justice issues.
Interview on ‘Life, Liberty & Levin.
This is very interesting.
[Start at 1min 10 sec to skip the intro guff.]
Thoughts on former and futurepoliyticians:
-will Nigel Farage win “I’m a sleb”?
-will fat Boris be so jealous of Nigel’s millionaire status that he signs up for it next year?
Will Nigel become the next Cunservative PM?
Will Nellie Rose become the first Congalese Labour PM?
Will Vlodomyr Zelenski become a
Liberal Democrat Peer?
Will Rishi give up his lucrative career as the senior punkah wallah in No 10 and return to his successive acting career as fat Velda’s little Indian husband in Benidorm?
Who can forget his finest (and only), one line utterance “Bas!” (enough!), as the metaphor for not just the antics of his inlaws the Garvey facility, but for the British political class as a whole!
Under Cameron the Canel Corps is back!
“Russia. The Lost Peace”.
Richard Sakwa’s new book reviewed.
Something for the weekend, Sir?
For connoisseurs of film review TV programs, Westerns, and Joe Biden’s free flowing speeches.
Great leaders still emerge in times of national and existential crisis. Those people who can provide a unifying sense of history, morality and vision to their people in time of danger and war.
Unfortunately Britain and Europe no longer produce such leaders.
If you like to learn how to say ‘go fugg yourself’ in Russian here’s your chance, Baron wasn’t aware Musk said it, good man, that’s what everyone threatened in any way should tell the nasty coercers:
Baron at 5:38 pm
“Go to the Farm” Eh? What? Really???
It just goes to show that nothing can beat good old Anglo-Saxon invective in terms of passion and getting the point across. It’s used by masters of the single entendre, and understood all over the world.
EC says @ December 3, 2023 at 11:06 am
Apologies, EC and Noa, Baron’s been behaving badly, he keeps barging in, seldom replies.
Anyway, EC, ‘go to the farm’ is just a silly translation, in Russian ‘fugg yourself’ or its English derivatives are not operative, the closest equivalent would be ‘go to your prick’, Иди на хуй (idi na chui), it’s closest that makes sense in English, the variety of swear words and phrases in Russian is huge, mostly female orientated.
Noa says @ December 2, 2023 at 10:18 am
If Russia were to get Odessa, Noa, and she should, most of the city’s burghers are Russian or Jewish (listen to the song below, that’s one of B’s favourite, in a different interpretation he heard it in Odessa), but then Ukraine’s fugged, not to put a finer point on it, will the Americans allow it? They invested billions in Ukraine, are they going to write of off as they did Afghanistan? Baron’s not so sure, they may enter the fray, face the Russians directly.
EC says @ December 1, 2023 at 9:40 am
Priceless, EC, but they mustn’t show it to the veg in the Oval Office, he may learn from it.
Noa says @ November 30, 2023 at 4:26 pm
He may have told you this before, Baron dislikes any kind of rabbiting that lasts more than 10-15 minutes, his view is one can make a point quicker than that, but as a penance for his bad behaviour he listened to both the two pundits’s video furnished by you and also to your Sakwa offering fully.
On the the former nothing to say except that Baron gets irritated with the Alexander’s way of talking, too slow, far too many turns and roundabouts …, but the Sakwa interview was worth the 60min loss of one’s life if only because Baron has discovered there are other academics making sense, not just Mein…and Sachs, but also because, and this may sound preposterous, he learnt the academic phylum is quite capable missing a point or two that seem more than relevant when debating the global picture and Russia in it.
Worry not, Baron isn’t going to bore you with a long lecture, only few short points will do it:
No mention of China, yes, the subject was Russia but even so China and her relationship with Russia and Russia’s chief antagonist the Americans cannot be ignored, India was covered, and rightly so.
No mention the great American Republic of today differs fundamentally from the one when Reagan was in the Oval Office, then the country was still full of confidence, its manufacturing might unsurpassed, the moral of its plebs high, today nothing of any of it remains.
Not a hint of Putin’s failure to grasp what Ukraine has been turning into after the Feb 2014 Kiev putsch, it may be he was badly briefed, it may be it was his poor judgment but to invade in Feb 2022 was wrong, a tragic failure that never mind what it’s costing Ukraine it will cost Russia also and not just in lost lives of her young, but also in the loss of goodwill worldwide, it will take decades to put right.
Should Putin have decided to invade within 2-3 years of the Kiev’s Feb 2014 takeover, it would have been a walkover for the Russian forces what with Ukraine having none of the NATO weaponry or the training and indoctrination she possessed when Russian troops moved in in 2022.
Apologies, here’s the Jewish song Baron forgot to post, he can listen to it many times can never suppress a mist in his eyes, the lyrics differ, it’s either the village, or the house, or the place of youth:
Short, well argued, but one wouldn’t bet on Bibi’s getting what he wants yet, things may get more complicated as the pile of dead bodies grows.–israel–to-biblical-ar
I agree with your comments on Mercouris and Sakwa, the investment of one’s time is always finely counterbalanced by the relevance of the knowledge imparted and the insight gained therefrom.
Academics were described as people who know more and more about less and less, until they finally know everything about nothing.
Wallsters are of course expert at winnowing wheat from chaff and identifying the misplaced grains.
As to Bibi, the risky Netanyahu Gambit has thrown away the moral abd political high ground of the 7th October horrors, with little commensurate or non military benefit. Who is now weaker, the West and Israel, or the Brics and the Global South?
I agree with your comments on Mercouris and Sakwa, the investment of one’s time is always finely counterbalanced by the relevance of the knowledge imparted and the insight gained therefrom.
Academics were described as people who know more and more about less and less, until they finally know everything about nothing.
Wallsters are of course expert at winnowing wheat from chaff and identifying the misplaced grains.
As to Bibi, the risky Netanyahu Gambit has thrown away the moral abd political high ground of the 7th October horrors, with little commensurate or non military benefit. Who is now weaker, the West and Israel, or the Brics and the Global South?
I agree with your comments on Mercouris and Sakwa, the investment of one’s time is always finely counterbalanced by the relevance of the knowledge imparted and the insight gained therefrom.
Academics were described as people who know more and more about less and less, until they finally know everything about nothing.
Wallsters are of course expert at winnowing wheat from chaff and identifying the misplaced grains.
As to Bibi, the risky Netanyahu Gambit has thrown away the moral abd political high ground of the 7th October horrors, with little commensurate or non military benefit. Who is now weaker, the West and Israel, or the Brics and the Global South?
I agree with your comments on Mercouris and Sakwa, the investment of one’s time is always finely counterbalanced by the relevance of the knowledge imparted and the insight gained therefrom.
Academics were described as people who know more and more about less and less, until they finally know everything about nothing.
Wallsters are of course expert at winnowing wheat from chaff and identifying the misplaced grains.
As to Bibi, the risky Netanyahu Gambit has thrown away the moral abd political high ground of the 7th October horrors, with little commensurate or non military benefit. Who is now weaker, the West and Israel, or the Brics and the Global South?
I agree with your comments on Mercouris and Sakwa, the investment of one’s time is always finely counterbalanced by the relevance of the knowledge imparted and the insight gained therefrom.
Academics were described as people who know more and more about less and less, until they finally know everything about nothing.
Wallsters are of course expert at winnowing wheat from chaff and identifying the misplaced grains.
As to Bibi, the risky Netanyahu Gambit has thrown away the moral abd political high ground of the 7th October horrors, with little commensurate or non military benefit. Who is now weaker, the West and Israel, or the Brics and the Global South?
Noa: 1:03 pm x 4
Some sort of Mitch McConnell, or Biden, moment on the mouse there?
I know that they have very few friends in the media, but do the Israelis realise the importance of winning the propaganda war?
EC says @ December 4, 2023 at 4:33 pm
There really was no need to hammer it, EC, but then one never knows, what of Baron were to miss the first, the second …. only joking.
It reminded Baron of Biden’s ‘my focus is to stay focused’, a formidable undertaking for someone that has no ability to focus.
That’s the way to get rich, plodding in some mid management position, saving every penny, denying oneself even the most common luxuries of life such as a pint here and there will never yield as much as what one can make knowing what the barbarians of Hamas will do, the timing of it rather, because it’s not only when telling jokes that the timing is important but also when one wants to short and what:
Baron: 6:50pm
Was George Soros available for comment?
I’ve never been any good with money, or understood the gambling dens aka stock exchanges. [which is why I still live in gulagUK ]
Whatever happened to simple share ownership and dividends based on actual profits?
Short selling (aka gambling), Hedge Funds, speculation on commodity prices, the rest of the whole caboodle should all be made illegal as it doesn’t create anything useful, drives prices up the practitioners of these dark arts are nothing but parasites.
We’d live in a saner, less inflationary, world if paper money were ditched and gold coins were reintroduced.
While we are at it, Milud, if it is not already too late, all computers should be scrapped before AI takes over!
I’ve always wondered just what will trigger Armageddon and the launching of all their nuclear weapons at the respective capital cities, (now including Paris, London, NYC et al), of their numerous implacable foes for the Israelis.
The loss of x (eg 50% of their population, territory, forces)?
Baron says:
December 4, 2023 at 6:50 pm
Why would they not?
And who else would do the same? Iran? Anyone else who knew and was savvy enough to understand the financial implications. Massa Obama? Pa and Boy Clinton? thecDogfaeces Pony soldier? After all these boys have been spread betting on Ukraine since 2014, why not a side bet on Meggido?
Noa: at 2:10 pm
Does Israel have ICBMs? Or do they outsource logistics to Amazon Prime, Deliveroo?
Noa: at 2:19 pm
Not “The Sultans of Swing” but rather the The Mullahs of Moolah, eh?
Although I wouldn’t rule out the insider traders on Capitol Hill. I suspect that every intelligence agency apart from Mossad (*) knew about the timing.
* and MI6, obvs.
EC says @ December 5, 2023 at 3:10 pm
Good one on the outsourcing, EC.
You may well be right every intelligence agency was fully in the picture, Mossad included, Baron’s conspiratorial take on the Hamas’s Oct 7 intrusion into Israel says Bibi needed it to begin the final solution now in full swing – all Palestinians out of the Palestine, the covenanted land, the promised land will belong no no-one but the Zionists, and dare anyone try to reclaim it back what with Israel sitting on a stockpile of nukes, eat your heart out Iran.
How are you managing with the snow, ice and power outages south if the Wall?
Obviously t’internet is still operating atm….
Noa: 5:50 pm
Kind of you to ask, Strangely enough the worst we’ve had to endure so far in my neck of the woods are bitter frosts at night, and I mean very cold, and blue skies in the daytime. Here on the coastal margins everyone from Wrkngtn Man to Kallyle in terms of snedge-fall has got away “Scot Free” one might say. The border mosses are frozzn and are quite safe to cross at the moment.
The A595 from Wrkngtn-Whitehaven to Sellafield has remained open at all times.
Pleased to hear it’s been ok so far up there, more Resputita than General Winter.
The USA, through its August organ the Washington Post, publishes its Mea culpa over its magical thinking on Ukraine.
In a nostalgic moment its fair to ask the question, when will we see the helicopters embarking from the US Embassy in Kiev?
Damned banker imported immigrants, coming over here, genocidally breeding the natives, stealing our nuts…
Noa: December 6, 2023 at 7:49 pm
“In a nostalgic moment its fair to ask the question, when will we see the helicopters embarking from the US Embassy in Kiev?”
🙂 🙂 🙂 Good one!
Quick! Only 18 more days for taxpayer funded $kickbacks until Christmas
I saw a brief video of “the Big Guy” pleading for more Ukraine money only last night.
It seems that the Kenyan ventriloquist and the Big Guy lost the vote.
To quote Battery Sergeant Major Williams, “Oh dear, how sad, never mind.”
[They’ll never win AGT [‘merica’s Got Talent] until he gets the mouth action right]
You’ll note that the Justina Castro has only coughed up a rinky dink $2.2 Billion thus far, putting Canada 8th in the league table of Nazi funders, only just edging the Swedish Caliphate into 9th place.
Noa: December 6, 2023 at 9:56 pm
“It’s cos I black, innit…”
NB. Super racist of the Guardian of all people to suggest that all Blacks are the result of a faulty “pigment gene,” nicht, wahr?
Are “Reds” not in fact Ginger? Shouldn’t the Northumbria and West Mercia C*nstabularies be patrolling Hadrian’s Wall and Offa’s Dyke respectively?
NB. Baron,
Beware of Squirrel Pox! Just eat the young ‘uns, and barbecue thoroughly.
Re dat Squirrel Nutkin
– he does ‘rage bro.
El Presidente Rashid opts for dictatorship!
“…Be it a TV set, a smartphone or a pc monitor, pretty much all eight billion of us now are screenaholics distracted by every kind of text, call, notification, recommended update, dopey cartoon, soporific soap, misleading war coverage etc etc ad nauseam. You perhaps suspect I exaggerate? Last month in Brufut, just a few miles from here, I saw a cart and donkey being used by an old guy to transport coconuts to market. He never stopped using his 4+G phone. It felt like watching a Jacobin in 1791 consulting Google to see the beheadings update for the day, courtesy of Mdm le
Only a tiny percentage of humanity has the faintest idea – nor would they care if you told them – that smartphones already have the ability to tell Langley Virginia, Brussels and Whitehall military intelligence nosey parkers where every Homo sapiens tribe member is on the planet within four seconds. [I’m not about to justify that ‘four’ number, but every informed student of the Biden administration will know pretty much for certain where and how I got it]…”
From John Ward’s recent Post on the Real Slog, bonkers he may be, but not necessarily wrong.
Let’s hope this link works.
Noa: 10:26 pm
Yes, I still remember all those advertising slogan brain-worms, dammit!
Many thanks for that link. Brilliantly written, educational too.
I learnt a new word today i.e. “porg.” A premier league epithet surgically applied to that unspeakable person, eclipsing all the others that are normally applied to him.
I have forwarded it to those who are left – no pun intended – that might read it.
“surfveillence” I liked that one too.
Noa says @ December 7, 2023 at 10:26 pm
“The 1930s were years of slim pickings for working class Catholics like my father, but the desire to “better oneself” was primarily a thirst for knowledge rather than an obsession with money. Our multicultural, multimadness, multimedia Hell has not just slaked that thirst, it has severely diluted self-starting desires by young people to be learnèd. Asking a joint honours Bristol University graduand five years ago what he thought about Kafka’s novel The Trial evoked the response, “Is it on the syllabus?”.
“Is it on the syllabus?”
This frequently heard enquiry is the death knell of education. It has signalled to many a teacher/lecturer that they are wasting their time, time to get out! The ones that remain couldn’t care less.
The syllabus is the problem, disinterested students, and the taught to test paradigm are others.
File under: Parrots
“…Asking a joint honours Bristol University graduand five years ago what he thought about Kafka’s novel The Trial evoked the response, “Is it on the syllabus?”…”
Joint honours in what?
Statue tossing? Afghan versus Moroccan or Bekaa hashish studies?
Student debt management? (Now £200 billion and rising fast. Don’t put your daughter in the Lecture theatre Mrs Robinson…)
The education ‘system’, now as much an oxymoron if ever there was one as the Justice system, is merely one segment of the institutional tapeworm that has feed voraciously and parasitically on a dessicated Britain’s resources and energy.
“…The Continental System was a blockade of the French Empire by itself. As such it was bound to fail…”
The same catastrophic result is now the clear consequence of the imposition of the sanctions (including the seizure of its $300 billion in assets) imposed by the West on Russia.
The consequences have been the loss of affordable energy supplies and the rapid de-industrialisation of Europe, and the de-accreditation of the Dollar based financial system, whilst the accelerated development of the Brics has paved the path for an alternative competing political and multi-lateral financial world system which includes, rather than subjugates the Southern Hemisphere.
It’s fascinating to observe and one asks the question, should Britain remain tied to the US hegemon, or seek to strengthen bonds and ties with the new competing world order?
Once Britain’s strategic vision and continuity if policy would have been provided through the House of Lords, embodying the combined intellectual material and mercantile wisdom of the nation, also acting as the corrective balance to day to day legislative activities of the nation.
That balance was destroyed by the Commons siezure of sovereignty and has never been regained in any shape or firm.
Almost immediately Britain was carried by a wave of Cabinet manipulation and subsequent popular emotion into World War one with the resultant destruction of Empires, Europe and the Concordat of Nations which had maintained the peace in Europe and the world for 100 years
The above is my posted comment on Lt Gen Riley’s article in today’s TCW.
Baron says:
December 10, 2023 at 10:48 pm
And yet Mi’lud, one cannot but be sympathetic to the poor student who must put himself in£50,000 worth of debt before his chosen career provides him or her with even a penny towards the repayment of that truly humongous debt, let alone provides for the nececesseties of life, like food, accommodation and some measure of cultural and intellectual reward for commitment past, present and future.
It is in reality the prerogrative and luxury of the rich man to pursue learning for its own sake, rather than necessity for the survival of himself and his family.
It is only in his later years that the poor man may have the time and resources to pursue the ideas which he may have had to supress during his working life.
From the maker of Napoleon, Ridley Scott reveals himself as the
Leni Riefenstahl of Common Purpose in ths, his remake of “Triumph of the Will”.
Noa: 11:54 am
“And yet Mi’lud, one cannot but be sympathetic to the poor student…”
Why? For the last few decades anybody paying out for a degree in anything other than a STEM subject is an arsehole.
Sympathy? A savage bollocking, followed by some straight talking would be more help to him.
Harsh EC!
Very harsh!
Where’s your spirit of Christmas, forgiveness etc.
Were you never young and foolish once?
The man who votes socialist as a student is an idealist, the mature man who does so a fool…etc.
But as a matter of common sense I believe we’d both once have agreed that throwing your money away on a social science degree to be a local government worker was foolish, or an engineer to bury wind turbine blades.
Nowadays, unfortunately, until national bankruptcy explodes the welfare state/net zero mythology, they seem valid career choices for many idealistic, aspiring but hopelessly naive young people- and very stupid older ones too.
I’ve just watched the latest Question Time for the first time in many years, the sight of a government minister Johnny Mercer, kow-towing to the lunatic Green Monbiot, in front of a cretinous audience was both sickening and depressing.
Noa: 2:01 pm
Napoleon the fillum: The Critical Drinker’s review…
Pretty damming. He’s usually pretty reliable so I’ll not be investing any of the time that remains to me, or my money, in watching it.
One that thing puzzles me, though, is how George Osborne got a walk on part?
Noa: 4:21 pm
‘Harsh EC! Very harsh!”
Reality sucks, dunnit.
How would you go about deprogramming them?
Noa: 2:01 pm
That Common Purpose film was weapons grade subversive BS.
It’ll go down well on the university campuses.
Whilst Putin classifies LGBTQ organisations as extremists and de Gualle’s son moves to Russia because of its traditional values Bromgrove considers its next Lesbian MP:
EC at 5.06pm
Sack their equally idiotic parents from all those local authority sinecures?
After his roughing up by Victor Orban has Vlodomyr been summoned to the Hill for a right good fondling?
Alaiter Crooke identifies interesting cultural parallels with Pierre de Gualle’s assessment of comparative Woke Western and Russian orthodox cultural values.
But as the KGB was responsible for the effective cultural timebombs planted in Western society in the 1950s in the first place should they not now take some responsibility for its present state, just as we should take ownership of our attempted infliction of corporate capitalism on them?
A gigantic mutual mea maxima
culpa is surely well overdue?
Noa say @ December 11, 2023 at 10:57 am
Not a bad summing up, Noa, not a bat one at all, young sir, the muse must have been fully awake .
EC says:
December 11, 2023 at 5:06 pm
– defund the crapski unis and the useless courses,
– introduce the often promised but never delivered technical colleges.
– re introduce education and selection for further education on merit.
-link further education courses to actual demand eg NHS medical requirements.
Noa says @ December 11, 2023 at 11:01 am
Lt Gen Riley: “There are no better examples of the great truth that if strategy is flawed, then no matter how brilliant the tactical manoeuvres, no matter how inspired the operational art, failure will be inevitable”.
That’s very close, Noa, to Henry Kissinger’s “No foreign policy – no matter how ingenious – has any chance of success if it is born in the minds of a few and carried in the hearts of none”.
One can only regret that those that govern us haven’t read any of the above, or did and thought they knew better.
The below is Baron’s fivepence shot at the CW for the Riley’s take on Bonaparte and more:
Britain cannot have any strategic objective of her own in her contemporary coupling to the special friend, or to put it differently, the first stage of her achieving any strategically significant aims must be getting rid of the yoke of the American Governing Elites, the state of vassalage prevents any formulation of post Brexit life or anything else, we are either a sovereign state looking after our own interests first, or we are a poodle of the American GEs compelling us to back US interests, we cannot be both.
EC says @ December 11, 2023 at 4:57 pm
The u-tube clip sounds like the spot-on take on the film, EC, although one could argue a competent team can do Napoleon as a feature film focusing on just two or three key events the lust for Josephine’s, the Russian escapade and the Waterloo end of his.
Have you seen it? Has Noa tasted the epic? Baron’s travelling, cannot decide what to do after he gets back. Advise please.
Noa says @ December 11, 2023 at 6:33 pm
This chap Tucker sounds interesting, as does France, they are even more advanced in the ‘assimilation’ process than we are, something to look forward do, one hopes (only joking).
I’m reading one of Stephen Tucker’s books “Forgotten Science”, along with Rod Liddle’s “Selfish Whining Monkeys”, and Sakwas’ ” The Lost Peace”, amongst the deluge of informatzione to which we are all subjected and which we must chose whether to wear out our eyeballs, both are recommended- if you like that sort of thing.
Like many boys of my age inthe 60s and 70s I had an intense interest in military history, in particular the Napoleonic period, the Scott film seems particularly ill constructed, uninformed and downright bloody irritating. In short, the most superb acting ability will not easily transport me back to Scott’s facile post revolutionary France.
If I eventually watch it, it will be when it hits Netflix on a wet winter evening.
On the other hand I’m looking forward to revisiting my DVD copy of “The Battle of Algiers”, Jacques Tati’s films ad Herzog’s “Fitzcarraldo” (on YouTube) over the Christmas holidays.
Baron at 9.47pm
You capture the choices Britain and its politicians, present and future face, though even a return to the EU satrapy cannot be ruled out.
We won’t escape US vassalage easily, in some ways their hold on John Bull is stronger than the EUs grip, the old WW1 debt Baldwin assumed is now some $450 billion, US control of Uk assets and debts must be many times that, and if course there are all those bases here and elsewhere…
Given the close incestuousties between their and our elites “Yankee Go Home” will not be easy to achieve.
Yall still there? Just checking in before Christmas. Not a lot going on around here. Biden is getting more senile and soon we will have the Donald back. I have not been back to England and miss my aunt in Clovelly. Heard that they found a massive dinosaur head nearby on the Jurassic coast in Dorsetshire. Love to Andy.
Not that Morgan is someone Baron can get enthused about, but here he’s being as fair as is the dreadful woman is unfair, Baron has been an unwavering supporter of thew Jewish tribe, that’s all the Jews wherever they may be, not just the Zionists, but there are individual Jews Baron more than loathes, Bibi sits at the top of the list, the guy’s a rotten apple, the wife of the assassinated Yitzhak Rabin went as far as accusing him of encouraging her husband death, Netanyahu used to lead demonstrations with an effigy of Rabin in the coffin, the effigy was then burnt, stuff of this sort.
What still very much puzzles Baron is how could the security agencies of Israel miss the Oct 7 attack, they are looking into it, hopefully we shall know:
John Jefferson Burns says @ December 12, 2023 at 8:00 am
Andy has been missing from the site for years, John, just as you, whatever happened to all the others we have no idea, it’s just the three musketeers Noa, EC and the apprentice Baron.
Why don’t you chip in more often furnishing the north American take on things.
Noa says @ December 11, 2023 at 11:12 pm
Pity, Noa.
Baron: December 12, 2023 at 8:33 pm
“Our country, our choice”
Will there be a UK Chapter?
Simon Webb currently being exited from YouTube here is a link to his new site.
Simon Webb currently being exiled from YouTube here is a link to his new site.
Noa: December 15, 2023 at 4:27 pm
The Colonel’s analysis is spot on. The “elites” in the USA and the rest of the world are living in an alternate reality, and their militaries are still surfing on the crest of a wave that was nearly a century ago. in the past. There’s going to be a bumpy landing!
Noa: December 15, 2023 at 5:08 pm
Busy today, but what has Simon done now?
I haven’t seen anything of his recently that wasn’t anything other than quite reasonable.
Did the thought cross your mind, too, that Mr & Madam Z’s pre Chrimbo trip to DC might’ve been to either…
1) Finalise their accommodation for after their 2024 flight into exile?
2) A Madam Z shopping spree to unload another $5M-$10M of funds on jewellery?
3) For Mr Z to remind the swamp on creatures on Capitol Hill that there’s only 14 more money laundering days until Christmas.
4) All of the above
Just asking for a friend.
EC says @ December 16, 2023 at 9:40 am
Good thinking, EC, it may have been all of the above, one has to think of the future, stash few valuable in a bank vault, ask the generous donors for more.
Noa says @ December 15, 2023 at 4:27 pm
In the past, Baron didn’t pay much attention to the Colonel, Noa, because he often said the Ukraine war’s finished but Baron didn’t think so, then he, Baron, forced himself to listen to him on the Judge Napolitano channel and was pleasantly surprised, he is eloquent, well versed in facts and talks sense, Baron’s now a regular.
Noa: December 15, 2023 at 5:04 pm
Simon explains his absence:
Today one is not allowed to mention the “V” word in any context!
“plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose”
Two Greek blokes discussing the endgame in Ukraine.
Pure comedy gold from wee Willie.
Noa: December 19, 2023 at 9:34 pm
Wonderfull. Not only is he talking bollocks, plural, but he looks like one, singular, after chemo’.
The Greeks consider what will happen when the fighting stops in Ukraine.
Nothing good, unfortunately, for the populaces of the West, especially Europe whilst the present crew remains in power.
EC says:
December 20, 2023 at 5:35 pm
LOL.He looks like Humpty Dumpty on speed, with a two shirt buttons undone look. No doubt to impress and overawe the current Aids de Camp!
Noa says @ December 19, 2023 at 9:34 pm
The man’s a licker, Noa, he cannot say anything else if he wants his Parliamentary pension and seats on as many boards as he asks for, what will destroy the British culture is immigration, it’s already half way through.
You may not be keen on the guy, Baron is, from around 9:00min on he gives Biden a chance to talk, that’s more than enjoyable:
From the vaults:
A parody killing three birds incl. two stoners…
The Hunter Biden Song (Old Man) | Neil Young Parody
Peak Crowder, before his fall from grace due to domestic difficulties, and the dispute with those lovely people¿ at the Daily Wire.
Put a target on his back, didn’t it…
Also from the 1970s vaults:
The BBC pioneering work: regional accents on TV – sans Brummie though
British regional accents? A bygone era.
The lovely Rita’s roundup of 2023 cultural marxist absurdities:
I see your Hunter and ease you one Joe.
In Britain he would be seeking hus pee rage; more status but poorer kickbacks.
Ah Rita.
Every billabong should one.
There was time when Baron was OK with Murray, but here the OK has broken down, how could anyone not be appalled by the massive murder of children, not human that,the man should stick to puffting.
EC says @ December 21, 2023 at 10:50 am
That’s talent, EC, a commodity in rare supply these days. thanks for posting it, Baron was watching it twice with pleasure (no, a lie, it wasn’t her name, heh, heh).
EC says @ December 21, 2023 at 10:53 am
Nice summing up, EC, short, varied and to the point, to the skinny female yapping about gender here’s something she should do: try milking a bull, that might clear it for her in no time at all.
A song for oil! Was it entered for the BBC’s Carol of the Year competition or is it being saved for a thong for Europe?
They’ll be cringing along with this ditty in the student unions and asylums of Broken Britain on Christmas night!
Baron says:
December 21, 2023 at 11:35 pm
The US failure to control Israel’s response is a symptom of its massive domestic and foreign policy failures, that have also affected its European allies.
America no longer influences events, it reacts to them. The massive immigrant invasions, the 7th October massacre, the expansion of the BRICS, the development of an alternative world financial structure are examples of indirect warfare, a response to the indirect warfare the US initiated in Ukraine.
Will the Chaiwallah tell Fondin’ Joe to keep his nose out of British affairs on the matter of Northen Ireland and the continued malignant prosecution of former British soldiers?
Will he repeal the HRA and withdraw Britain from the ECHR?
Will he continue to make Britain a primary target for Russian emnity and retribution whilst walking away from the war he started?
And finally, slogging it out in Colerado, the loons on the bus and elsewhere…
Noa: December 22nd
@ 1:18 pm. A sad case of BBR (Chimp Brain Rot) due likely to veganism, and brain flossing that tertiary education provides. A “thong for Europe”? Flossing? Megyn comes at modernity from a different direction…
@1:32pm – Indubitably!
@1:39pm No, No, Yes.
@2:52pm Excelent.
“John Ward has gone for a long lie down in a dark room”
I think we all know how he feels!
Tucker Carlson Visits Julian Assange
Powerful stuff. There’s an even bigger target on Tucker’s back now!
Full interview on…
This is a good one, and it’s new to Baron, this small bit of it reads rather well:
” In the US, that paragon of virtue, Anthony Blinken, is telling the Ukrainians that after being led astray into a war that the US knew they could not possibly win and which has bankrupted their country, they must now ‘learn to live without money from the US’. How much practice will that involve, Mr. Blinken??
And this is all for Ukraine’s sake: ‘The United States wants to make Ukraine independent of the help of its partners’, he said. Sorry, but the hypocrisy that spews from this man’s lips is nauseating in the extreme – and he does it all with a straight face and an air of righteousness.
His boss, Sleepy Joe Biden can’t make up his mind whether Russia is about to collapse or overrun Europe with its armies. Finally, the battlefronts in Ukraine have been much the same as they were last week and wintry weather has taken its toll on the combatants, especially on the Ukrainian side”.
This is even better, if you are short on time go to the slicing of the second report but read it, please, it’s priceless because we hear from the horse’s mouth what Ukraine’s all about:
Actions have consequences.
The votes of the six million Ukrainian refugees in Poland were decisive in putting Tusk and the Socialists into power and replacing the Law and Order party with the crew that has just shut down the State TV and Radio stations.
Von der Leyen has of course released the retained EU funds on the promise of ‘reform’ and Poland is getting ready to receive its first batallions of Asian and African doctors…..
Thank you Baron
Fascinating posts both and well worth considering.
We are witnessing the slow motion collapse of the Western political and military model and a very dangerous future: one doubts that the NeoCons are prepared to go quietly into the good night.
A seasonal warning, and from the BBC of all people… 🙂
Merry Christmas everybody, and stay safe!
File under: Beer Goggles
A happy Christmas Wallsters.
Here’s a thoughtful tribute to the brave sailors defending our borders, in the erm…. Black Sea.
The Merriest Christmas ever, boys, and even more than the Happiest New Year, let us hope 2024 will see the u-turn we are hoping for.
If the turkey has now settled down you might enjoy two of my own favourite nutcases amiably chatting about stuff.
Finally, the Russians have owned up to their blatant interference in the US election, also said they would do it again next year:
To be frank, the satire is rather laboured, they should have asked some who has a genuine sense of humour to come up with the script, Baron cannot score it more than four out of ten.
Noa says @ December 27, 2023 at 10:18 am
Simon can be listened to over and over again, he’s the embodiment of common sense and what passes for the traditional Englishness, the breed that’s on the way out getting replaced with Mohamed.
Russian elections:
This Babushka is not at all H A P P Y about a number things, but particularly with Vlad’s model of democracy. She doesn’t hold back in the same way that we have to in the West for fear of the Rainbow Stasi knocking at our door in order to “check our thinking.”
I wonder if it would cheer her up a bit if we explained to her the British model of Democracy, akin to musical chairs, and how next year we will be getting rid our pathetic gutless corrupt government and swapping it for something even worse.
Grumpy old womenh eh? The Russian equivalent of our own Mariam Margoles, a National Treasure (and as such as yet unburied in an unmarked grave).
“…I wonder if it would cheer her up a bit if we explained to her the British model of Democracy, akin to musical chairs, and how next year we will be getting rid our pathetic gutless corrupt government and swapping it for something even worse…”
The difference is that, in Russia, the successful candidate retains his chair for as long as he wishes, at least until has has earned $45 billion in office. The unsuccessful candidates also retain their chairs permanently, being lashed to them in stylishly macho prisons.
In Britain such treament is conducted in HMP Belmarsh and is generally reserved for colonial journalists and the more coarsely behaved working class peasantary.
Noa: December 28, 2023 at 3:55 pm
Notional treasure? “Shurley shome mishake?”
How could you have overlooked Voordernorks in favour of Gargoyles?
The churlish Babushka doppelgänger for Mrs Brown should be grateful that she’s got Vlad at the helm. He’s streamlined and implemented that slippery old customer, “our Democracy” in its purest form. i.e. One Man And His Vote.
Talk to the lamppost.
Does nobody listen to you any more when you bloviate about Climate Change? The Dundee SNP has developed the perfect solution.
Noa: 10:17
That’s hilarious!
There’s an open border between satire and reality these days.
Meanwhile in North Carolina, land of the free, the street monitors, informants, are looking out for you but not necessarily in a benevolent way. Miss Piggy explains…
@11:53 cont.d
With maybe just a couple more years of AI development it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that Lamp-posts, Bus Shelters, Traffic Lights etc. will been allowed to vote in Council Meetings!
Meanwhile in Brechin City the clash of the “tight-uns” takes place at 2pm, Glebe Park today.
It’s disappointing to see “Inverurie Locos” languishing at #13 in the table, Bonkers, I know, but they are talking about signing Lionel Messi for the 2024/25 season.
Here’s a place to get away from the madness of it all !
Hermen seems to be on a permanent hike, away from it all, and mostly silent. I like that.
I thought that this one would remind you of your days in the Alpenkorps, or was it the Partisans ? 😉
Silent Hiking Europe’s Forgotten Trail: Peaks of the Balkans
Thank you for the link to Charlotte’s ever so nice Council workers popular coalition. As a proud member of Lancashire County Councils Proletariat Coalition it made me feel very much at home.
Regarding Brechin: nice pitch! Shame about the match being cancelled today. Perhaps they installed an AI capability in the famous hedge.
There is one clear message from the Ukraine war; there’s some way to go in Defence and Aviation stock increases.
And in a stroke of pure genius the occupant of the White House has decided to confiscate Russian State Bank assets in order to fund the expansion of the Military-industrial complex.
No problem though, those bank shares are collapsing anyway as the nascent BRICS financial systems get an unexpected boost.
Time was.when taking a witness statement used to be quite straightforward…
Only just over eight hours to go, chaps, and the boil that was 2023 will be lanced by the BBC with its usual inspirational programming, yet another Jools Holland’s”Hootenanny.”
Meanwhile, Mark Steyn asks the “What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?” with assistance from the classy Carol Welsman and Russell Malone
EC says @ December 29, 2023 at 9:56 am
She isn’t alone moaning about Vlad, EC, others are as well, the best way to throw them off the track is to ask ‘was it better when the Bolsheviks ruled?’
EC says @ December 30, 2023 at 12:20 pm
Awesome scenery the Balkan’s walks, EC, but not in the Winter for Baron anyway, too cold.
Noa says @ December 30, 2023 at 2:47 pm
Not a smart idea to confiscate Russian dollar assets, Noa, it won’t hurt Russia much, but it will hurt the dollar as a reserve currency, why should anyone keep the greenback if the Americans can steal it?
It’s only two hours to go now, Happy New Year to both of you boys and anyone else who may visit this site, probably by mistake, more importantly happy 365 days that follow the 1st of Jan, that matters more because it lasts more than 24 hours.
it’s old but good, it fits not just Cal but virtually every other Welfare based regime such as ours:
A happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to all at the Wall, gentlemen.
“…Meet the New Year, same as the old Year….”
..After the Who..
Reuben Wade from TCW
“Most of us have no wish to live under authoritarian rule, Mu-5lim or otherwise, but it is easy to see how an authoritarian government could take over an increasingly apathetic and disillusioned country.”
We already live under an authoritarian government. A government that without asking the question or stating its intentions in any manifesto, forces its population to pay for and accommodate a million unwanted foreigners each year, and provide them with welfare benefits, housing, schooling, and medicine, with nothing demanded in return. People who voice their objections without the delicacy and ineffectiveness demanded by the authorities are sacked, cancelled, or questioned by the police, and have been prosecuted, fined, imprisoned. The general population is subjected to relentless propaganda from state broadcasters, the publicly-funded ‘arts’, the education system, and the all-pervading swarm of quangos and charities, to have us think in prescribed, government-approved ways. That qualifies as authoritarian, surely?
Of course if our mode of authoritarian government is compared to the fashyst or commyunyst models of the past then some elements are missing. There is no concept of a ‘fatherland’ or ‘motherland’ for such are anathema to the globalist UK authoritarian; there is no concept of a ‘British people’ or a ‘volk’ that has a right to live in its homeland unmolested and at peace in the company of its own kind. Instead the authoritarians are destroying any such notion and replacing it with the idea, and the fact, that the terrain of the British mainland is there to be colonised and settled by anyone from anywhere in the world, and it does not matter what or whom displaces and supplants the old British stock. The British man or woman has no rights to his own national territory. The authoritarians insisting on multiculturalism will simply take his money in taxes and then spend that revenue on taking the land from under his feet and giving it over to occupation by foreigners. There is no desire, requirement, or intention to ask for the British population’s approval, and objections are simply ignored. This is grossly authoritarian behaviour.
The UK authoritarian government is not in the style of the USSR, or H’s Germany, because it lacks those notions of motherland, fatherland, or ‘the people’, or ‘volk’. We have none of that. Nor do we have the religious authoritarianism of the vanished Catholic Ireland or of the I5-lamic theocracies, because the British are now a long way from coming under the psychological sway of any god-based story. Of the traditional authoritarianisms, ours most resembles that of the military dictatorships of South America: a supercilious, superior, isolationist elite, advancing their relatives and social stratum, their school chums, business associates, lovers and cronies, and most of all their ideological fellow-travellers, sneering down on the peasantry who exist merely to toil and pay taxes. Punishments await those who step out of line or oppose. Privacy in communications is eroded, better to effect the spying of the state upon its opponents. In the case of the UK, the ruling junta cunningly bifurcates itself and maintains a semblance of plurality for the purpose of the electoral pantomime, where despite being of one mind as regards the proper fate and role of the British paeon, it pretends that alternatives are possible. In truth, Generalissimo Conlib and Generalissimo Labgreen are in complete concord as to the benefits of dispossessing the British people of their homeland, and disagree only on who should hold the status and the power to hand out the rewards to his own supporters en route to the goal.
Whereas the military junta proper acquires power by taking over the systems of state administration at the point of a gun, our own ‘parliamentary junta’ has crawled into power over decades via the electoral system, and now sits there ignoring the British population, not so much as individual parliamentarians (for these come and go), but as a mind-set, an ideological concord, a consensus, an all-party consciousness, that clings and saturates like an immovable fog across the legislature and the executive, right down to the head teacher of your local primary school. To clamber into the foggy halls of power, a man must have proven himself already to be full of the fog.
It would probably take a military coup in the UK to shift this anti-British miasma, such is its grip on the democratic system and all the apparatus of the state and its associated bureaucracies and tax-dependent organisations. Hence no doubt the frantic haste with which the government seeks to infiltrate the army with the culture and personnel of woke. No surprise that at this year’s Armistice Day parade, the town’s army cadets, with a significant proportion of girls, were led by a Mu5-lim girl, complete with hijab under her head-dress.
While on the topic, one might ask why there is an Armed Forces Mu5-lim Association (AFMA) in the UK”One of our main aims is to bring Mu5-lim serving personnel together from the Army, Navy and Royal Air Force so they can connect with and support each other, and share their experiences of serving in the armed forces.” But to what end do they so come together? Why are members of an expansionist, aggressive, conquest-minded, politically active religious compact, among whose members are people with loyalties to foreign powers and terrorist organisations, even permitted in the British forces? Why is this religious faction permitted to have an organisation set up to glean and share and combine intelligence from all three arms of the British military?
There is no sense from our masters that the British people are worthy of any special consideration in Britain. We are here to pay taxes to fund the hand-over of our country to each successive government’s foreign colonists of choice. That foreigners wish and feel entitled to rule us is evident from their eager grasping at political power via the democratic system at every level. It is revealing that hundreds of thousands will march on the streets to protest for the Palestinian’s right for a homeland, while colonising and taking the British homeland for themselves.”
Noa says @ January 2, 2024 at 9:12 am
Read the short excerpt below as a counterpoint to your posting, Noa, and weep, REC could join you:
Baron & Noa,
Both great posts, muchachos.
I would like to respond but I’m still in the halls of hell with this ‘seasons’ ‘flu.
Day 12 and counting
Get well soon EC.
A sexy bottom, before the intended swim:
EC says @ January 3, 2024 at 2:18 pm
Stay in bed, EC, drink alot of warm water with an even greater lot of vitamin C, sweat it out, and remember there must be others that suffer more than you, and not only in Ukraine or Gaza.
If you want to view the 08:20 clip again you have to close the page then reopen it, you cannot reload the watched video.
Tee hee Baron!
Laughter is always the best medicine!
Good one from Unheard:
Clever guy:
Baron: January 5, 2024 at 12:38 pm
Well, that was a rarity!
i.e. that egregious and generally despicable gobshite staying quiet for long enough to allow a quietly spoken, intelligent, and knowledgeable interviewee to give their perspective on an important subject.
Good spot, Milud
Baron: January 5, 2024 at 11:07 am
“The way the American media has dealt with the Ukraine War brings to mind a remark credited to Mark Twain:
“The researches of many commentators have already thrown much darkness on this subject, and it is probable that, if they continue, we shall soon know nothing at all about it.”
Now ain’t that the truth! Samuel Langhorne Clemens for POTUS, I say!
I’m sure he’d get even more votes than Biden allegedly did.
Pleasing to note that an increasing number of commenters are referring to “Obama’s 3rd or proxy term in office.”
Baron: January 4, 2024 at 8:20 pm
That young lady should take more care of herself.
I’ve never understood the Nordic and other European tribes’ desire to plunge into a frozen lake at New Year. It’s perfectly possible to get cleaned up using a M&S face flannel and a kettle of warmed water.
The Eskimos don’t do this, do they?
If a country can afford to spend money on something like this, it cannot really be in trouble, could it?
EC says @ January 6, 2024 at 12:24 pm
The boss and Baron had an argument that lasted hours came to no agreement whether the girl knew the lake was frozen or not, Baron reckons she didn’t know, had she known she wouldn’t have jumped, the landing must have been pretty painful, ice at low temperatures can be as hard as a stone except that one slides on ice as the top layer melts.
Was he murdered or did he end his life himself?
EC says @ January 6, 2024 at 12:14 pm
A fitting quote, EC, it’s a tragedy of a biblical magnitude what has been happening in Ukraine, and for what?
It was an emergency, Boeing’s contraption again, the plugged window blew off, but the crew and the tower handled it quite well, it’s quite reassuring:
The answer to the CBI’s housemaid shortage?
“We’re 7 and 6 an hour you know. We’re not cheap!”
“Parquet flooring? Boner!”
Baron says:
January 7, 2024 at 12:01 am
Through plane ventilation?
Invented by Sopwith, refined in the Comet, re-discovered by the chaps in St Louis!
Baron: January 6, 2024 at 11:57 pm
Murdered, imo, as was John McAffee and Dr. David Kelly. #guyswhoknewtoomuch
Jill Dando, Jo Cox, also murdered in broad daylight. The good ole British plod ensured that justice was seen to be done by fitting up two hapless patsies who were then sent to prison.
Then there’s the ongoing murder, one day at a time, of Julian Assange in Belmarsh
Noa: 1:44pm
I can recommend the air quality of the Sopwith or B757Max over that experienced in the passenger seat of a Dromedary. The most bad tempered of beasts producing an almost constant flow of eye-watering, pungent, toxic flatus… or was that Les Dawson’s mother-in-law?
EC says @ January 7, 2024 at 2:37 pm
It’s disgraceful what’s happening to Assange, EC, he should ask his lawyer to approach the courts get a release on human rights grounds, it’s inhuman he has been behind bars for so long even though he isn’t charged with any crime in Britain.
EC says:
January 7, 2024 at 2:47 pm
I enterrain hopes that, one day soon, that quaint 19th century invention the motor car will reach the outer reaches if Britain, especially Cumbra, so relieving you of the need to import transportation methods more commonly found in Jeddah than Windscale.
So far as I’m aware Mr Assange’s last legal appeal against his deportation to the US to stand trial for the offence of paissing off Mike Pompeo and the CIA has failed.
Why then, has he not been quietly renditions at dead of night?
It cannot be because of any sense of shame by the succession of political ciphers pretending to be Home Secretary.
Have increasing concerns about his rendution in the UK delayed matters? Doubtful, but possible.
Has Bide-a-wee told the charwallah to keep him here to avoid US based protests? Again, unlikely.
Reasons, on a postcard please, to Toby Young at the FSU. (He can’t really help but might just be interested).
EV charging problems solved!
…and to think that this idiot is now running Arsstraylia!
Noa says: January 8, 2024 at 4:00 pm
“I entertain hopes that, one day soon, that quaint 19th century invention the motor car will reach the outer reaches if Britain, especially Cumbra, so relieving you of the need to import transportation methods more commonly found in Jeddah than Windscale.”
Au contraire, Effendi.
Batrians and Dromedarys are the LDVs and HGVs of the ungulate world.
As a consequence of di gubmint’s ZEV Mandate that came into force on January 1st 2024 the sales of ALL ICE vehicles are now artificially restricted, with heavy fines for non-compliance.
The upshot of this being that there will be increasing numbers of camel trains seen on the trans-pennine routes delivering supplies from the poppy fields of the Golden Triangle of North Yokkshire and the Golden Brown plantations of West Yokkshitt. Any hiatus is supplies would result in social unrest in the rust belt and the coastal nuclear enterprise becoming seriously unstable as the staff start to twitch. [Look at what a happened to the ‘wegies the last time supplies of the “Holy Swally” [i.e. Buckfast] dried up.
You’d be surprised at the numbers of Camels, Llamas and Alpacas in Cumbria these days, bringing some respite, I suppose, to the hard pressed Herdwicks!
T&E UK appears to be the non-elected organisation/lobby/pressure group behind the ZEV Mandate and associated policies aim at returning everyone apart from the elite, to the age of the horse and cart.
Think what you like, but you know what I finks.
@10:56 cont.d
Euro-grifters inc. , in my opinion.
I confined my own very limited interest in the came to visiting the fairs at Al Hofuf and the annual race at Suliemanayah outside the motor capital of the world, Riyadh.
You are right about tge smell, it matches (almost) the aroma of your contemporary beduin, and xan compete with even that of the East Lancashire fells farmer: a sub species that considers the ten day scent if a herd of Jersey cows to be aphrodisiac.
Will camel trains catch on?
The jury is out in that one…
The sheer logistics of them suggests not; not enough carrying capacity, ñot enough food, too much dung, lije the Navy not enough young, attractive boys willing ti take up the trade…
But, don’t get the hump. Perhaps they could be used to soak up all the surplus water the Nut Zero warriors are producing in flood plain Britain….
It’s all down to the Dissgenics innit!
How to waste billions, behave treasonably and be well rewarded for it.
And no, it’s not the post office vicar or Ed Davey, the turd that prevented Prestonions from demolishing it’s hideous brutalist bus station.
Interesting though it is, this article pushes an F18 carrier aircraft solution. In light of the Ukrainian war, the bad experiences with baroque US and NATO equipment and astounding progress in drone warfare that cannot be a sensible solution. BAe did look at a marinised Typhoon solution but MoD stymied that by deliberately making the through deck lifts too small. (By that time they had already spent over a £billion funding the US development of the useless F35C…
As to the now useless carriers themselves, even then Gordon and his band of MoD Climate Loons refused to permit the development of nuclear powered carriers, so vastly increasing operating costs and imposing further operational limitations.
Noa, 4:54 & 5:06
I cannot remember who said it but something along the following lines comes to mind:
“In order to effectively ” destroy a country you don’t need superior weapons or a big army, all you have to do is to ensure that there is an idiot in charge.”
Preston: Agreed, but more than just he bus station requires the attention of Messrs Swingball & Dozer. Also, who is responsible for the sclerotic roads? I was going to use “design” and “system” in the previous sentence but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Not just swivel-eyed Ed, but the town/country road planners need stringing up with your finest piano wire.
You’ve all heard of MAGA, obviously, and some of you may even have heard of MALS (“Make Arrrstraya Less Shit” ©John Cadogan) but have you heard of KBB ?
Stick around for the. impetus, nay betrayal, that caused the founding of KBB. [1min 36sec] Bloody hilarious.
Baron: January 7, 2024 at 12:37 am
An additional perspective on the B737 Max blowout from Prof. Holland…
If nothing else you’ll be in wonder of Simon’s luxuriant hair growth, Milud.
“Google prepares for ‘the event’ ”
As the illusion of the invincible US MIC and the narrative of heroic victory collapses in the Eatern fields and the sky over Kiev, how long will Zelensky last?
And Piano wire shares soar.
Climate change nonsense exposed, but will it make any difference?
Still, it’s worth watching.
Tucker Carlson generally gets to the heart of the matter and does so here.
Are you blowing the bloody doors cos I is black?
EC says @ January 11, 2024 at 11:01 am
Thanks, EC, and apologies, Baron has time to read your postings but not to respond, too busy, but soon the time will be available again.
This smells of the end of the DA of Kiev:
That was the week that was.
Meeting this guy, not literally of course, was by accident, Baron was searching for something close when he appeared and because he was talking at reasonable speed and the clip was of reasonable length, Baron listened, so here he is, he doesn’t say anything new but what he says would be hard to argue with:
Baron: January 14, 2024 at 8:37 pm
“Whatever gets you thru the night”, Milud.
Noa: January 14, 2024 at 2:19 am
That’s a good round up of our “interesting times” by King Neil 1st of Scotland.
Realities that are beyond even the wildest parodies and flights of fancy imagined by Terry Pratchett in his Discworld novels.
“Turbo Cancer”?
That’s a good one. Cue Jeremy Clarkson…
Apologies if you’ve heard these before:
Vindicated at last!
EC says @ January 15, 2024 at 10:43 am
Pfizer has bought for $43bn a company that specialises in curing turbo cancers, EC, and has a turnover of only some $2.0bn, when the investors puzzled why such massive sum for a small outfit the boss of Pfizer said turbo cancers are the future, the pundits in the know are saying it’s the vaccines that are the cause of the turbo cancers, Pfizer should know, the company was the biggest vaccine supplier, the turbos differ from the normal cancerous attack on the human cells in that it will be a short time from the diagnoses to the trip to the cemetery, hence turbo.
Baron:January 14, 2024 at 8:37 pm
EC: January 15, 2024 at 10:18 am supplementary
“he doesn’t say anything new but what he says would be hard to argue with”
Well, I love a challenge! 🙂 I’m bored this morning, so here goes…
The guy is rock solid on the modern origins of the Ukraine tragedy, but on very he’s on dodgy ground thereafter. How anyone can see the UN as a solution to anything is beyond my ken. Not even if I wore tinted sunglasses adorned with rainbow coloured unicorns, and had full access to Hunter Biden’s drug stash, could I ever espouse that.
Yanks go home? How many overseas bases do they have? Maybe they should now try staying at home, for say ten years, and try fixing the problems with their own country before trying to sort out the rest of the world?
Baron: January 15, 2024 at 5:26 pm
Yes, they are going to have to increase the though-put at the crematoria.
Mebbe install a “turbo” button on the conveyor belts?
EC says @ January 16, 2024 at 9:30 am
It should teach Baron a lesson, EC, he only watched few minutes of then guy’s spiel, apologies.
Airbrushed out of history…
Andrew Bridgen documents his part in drawing the initial attention to the PO/Fujitsu scandal.
USA: The end is nigh?
Vivek: “We’re on the Cusp of a Revolution”
Tucker Carlson Network
Fiscally, at any rate, which is pretty much the USA’s raison d’être.
Amazing to hear from an American who is so articulate and, more importantly, clued up.
For those CHWallsters who enjoy a sardonic smirk…
“Somehow it seemed as though the farm had grown richer without making the
animals themselves any richer-except, of course, for the pigs and the
dogs. Perhaps this was partly because there were so many pigs and so many
dogs. It was not that these creatures did not work, after their fashion.
There was, as Squealer was never tired of explaining, endless work in the
supervision and organisation of the farm. Much of this work was of a kind
that the other animals were too ignorant to understand. For example,
Squealer told them that the pigs had to expend enormous labours every day
upon mysterious things called “files,” “reports,” “minutes,” and
“memoranda”. These were large sheets of paper which had to be closely
covered with writing, and as soon as they were so covered, they were burnt
in the furnace. This was of the highest importance for the welfare of the
farm, Squealer said. But still, neither pigs nor dogs produced any food by
their own labour; and there were very many of them, and their appetites
were always good.”
Animal Farm, George Orwell
A clever guy, Vivek:
EC says @ January 17, 2024 at 11:16 am
Apologies, EC, Baron should have looked before posting.
Here you have it from the horse’s mouth, survive the first 36 hours and you’ll be fine.
If morons like him are in charge any wonder we are in a shite?
This is somewhat out of the topics we run on the site, but you may find it interesting, it will take 12min of your life even though the guy talks fast, he has some important news for anyone thinking to buy a Tesla car, he bought the fastest of the range and listen to what he has to say about the decision:
Baron: January 19, 2024 at 9:41 pm
What did he expect?
The road to Electric Utopia is paved with lies, Kemo Sabe.
On another side note, my son informs me that in Sydney Petrol (95 octane) is now down to AU$ 1.40 / litre or £0.73p / litre.
The convicts tax their fuel too. Go figure!
Two Greek blokes chatting again:
“Sunak faces election wipe out. Russia sanctions sink UK economy’
Contained within this cheery update is the nugget that the fiscal sanctions imposed on Ukraine by BoJo and the Chaiwallah have not only fucked the country, but also the City of London as a financial hub. It’s all about trust.
Baron: January 19, 2024 at 8:56 pm
So Dutch “farmers” (Bauer) are being reemployed as Admirals?
Agreed, he’s an idiot.
Worth your attention:
Would you defend the Sulwaki gap?
Would you have defended the Polish corridor?
Nah! I is White in’nit!
If the L’leccie is runninig today pass me the X Box!
The very essence of the difference between why Islam is successful and Christianity is becoming extinct is because Islam will not tolerate any deviation from the literal word of allah, as given to his prophet, whereas both the Old and New testaments of the Bible have been subject to any interpretation for two millenia by any persasive zealot who can read and preach to the credulous.
As the sheer multitude of cults, sects, fanatics and lunatics has copiously demonstrated, if belief systems are not subject to rigorous secular control they degenerate and become infectious, viral and ultimately weaken to the point of extinction.
The consequences of such anarchy of faith are not abstract and distant but practical and immediate. For example, Prince William who aspires to and may even one day become King clearly has no belief in the Church of which he is the spiritual head and which is the bedrock of both the Constitutional monarchy which is the foundation of British government.
That being so, he has no basis upon which he can justify his existence as the hereditary monarch and opens the way for a secular, republican replacement.
Mark Steyn is still fighting the good fight.
We can hope he wins.
The most revealing bit in the attached is the Frenchman talking about the French involvement in the Ukrainian war, one can guess other NATO countries have similar to even bigger numbers in the country if only to learn from the war, an experience one can never get in exercises, it’s indeed NATO against Russia:
One truly puzzling feature of the video, why has not the supply road to Avdeevka been hit? It’s untouched, the Ukrainian forces in the village can get resupply easily.
Does anyone have any idea? The guy that runs “the new atlas” blog keeps saying it’s because the Russians do want more and more of the NATO gear and the foreign and Ukrainian fighters to get to their defence lines to be destroyed, but it also costs the lives of the Russians, could the DA of Kiev be right the Russians don’t care about their troops? Hmmm
Short, but informative fro A Crooke:
If you’ve missed it in the simplicius piece here it is, it’s longish but worth reading, it tells one more about contemporary Russia that the whole bunch of the MSM poodles can:
That’s the last time Baron posts today, it’s an interesting interview with Arestovych, as you know he was close to the DA of Kiev, broke away from him, now lives in the US, intends to stand for the Ukrainian presidency:
Crooke lost the argunent for ne with hjs blatantly partisan and ‘incorrect’ assertion that:
“…Hezbollah is a central part of the fabric of life in almost every village and has been for some 500 years…”
He is entirely correct to say ‘it will not be moved and will not disarm”.
For Isreal this has now become a fight to the death.
Noa: January 21, 2024 at 11:19 am
Exactly, on all points.
Noa: January 21, 2024 at 3:57 pm
“plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose!”
For Nobility substitute the permanent political class.
For the Clergy substitute the 1st Church of Global Warming/WEF etc.
Indeed, “A faut esperer q’eu jeu la fininra a bientot!”
Noa says @ January 22, 2024 at 9:19 am
It’s impossible for Baron to comment, Noa, he isn;t an expert on the ME, Crooke is, he was our man for the region, why do you think he’s wrong on Hezbollah? This is not a tricky question, but a genuine one.
A bunch of Shi’tes…
Disadvantaged by the French, roused by the PLO and financed by more shi’tes in Iran.
Dunno where Mr. Crooke gets his 500 years from.
Re Baron’s enquiry.
EC thanks for the links, I’ve been busy rodding out drains on the estate.
As the Ottoman Empire conquered in 1516 and were kicked out by Allenby’s army in 1917 its clearly infeasible that the arab peasants were much bothered about
zionism and organised Jew killing before 1948.
Bald and Bankrupt has been visiting the NW Frontier (not Shap) requiring a Pakistani armed forces escort.
It seems that the Islamic tribes of Iran, Afghanistan, Balochistan are still murdering each other to this day. Inshallah.
Whereas a lot of B&B’s videos have been quite ropey since Vladimir politely asked him to leave the Russian Federation, this one is quite interesting.
I feel very sad for the kids in these regions. They are just trying to have the best childhood and lives that they can, ultimately constrained by lack of education, and being born in an area of murderous fusion of stone age tribalism and a stone age religion.
“…They are just trying to have the best childhood and lives that they can, ultimately constrained by lack of education, and being born in an area of murderous fusion of stone age tribalism and a stone age religion….
Yup, that’s West Yorkshire and East Lancashire to a T. But with the consolation of little white school kids.
EC says @ January 22, 2024 at 10:27
Thanks for the link, EC, the guy’s amazing, all that it needed was one angry man, but it seems then people are genuinely friendly, this is what’s so genuinely puzzling, the plebs are peaceful, kind if cheating, but a few of them spoil it for the lot, the slum was unbelievable, how cold anyone live in such dirt, sleep, have sex, arghhh.
Two things, he must have eaten something, what was it, also what about the toilet facilities on the train and out of it, some time ago Baron watched a similar video taken by a couple of Czechs copies of Ben, it showed a youngish women crouching performing the big one on a moving train, catching the stuff in her hand, throwing it out of a window, then washing the hand and drying it, yes, unbelievable, but trust Baron the video recorded it.
EC says @ January 22, 2024 at 1:18 pm
Many thanks, EC, point taken but the whole thing of the religious sects still confuses, Crooke should know, he was our man in the region, should know it well.
He says: Houthis maybe Shi’a — as are Iranians — but they are Zaidis and not the same Shi’a as Iranians — Iranians are ‘twelver’ Shi’a; whereas Houthis are ‘severners’. The fiercely independent Houthis (Ansarallah) may see eye to eye with Iran on many things, yet no one, but no one, tells them what to do.
That suggested to Baron he knows his stuff, well, still a puzzle.
Noa 11:40 pm
Indeed so, Noa. The importation of third world cultures antithetical to our own has had tragic consequences up and down the country. The cosy bubbles where the elites, the virtue signalling troughing politicians and overpaid luvvies live are unaffected – economic apartheid. Bliar, in particular, and many others should swing for it.
Noa says @ January 22, 2024 at 4:35 pm
But it wasn’t until 1948 that the idea of a Zionist state came to be realised, Noa, many Jews are very much opposed to it, a good friend of Baron is, it’s not that unusual that there’s a dissent, as they say a group of five Jews will set up seven political parties.
Since the creation of Israel the animosity towards the Jewish tribe got beefed up noticeably essentially because the sect of religiously zealot Jews (Bibi and his lot) decided to win the argument with a gun, someone like Gold Meir had a different approach (she herself held once a Palestinian passport) that could have worked if the zealots in the Muslim camp got shifted out of power also.
It may be arguable but Baron reckons what Netanyahu’s doing now will not bring peace and security to the good burghers of Israel, just the opposite.
‘Zionism’ is a something of a red herring with our Islamic friends, I’m afraid.
One has to be very trusting, or naive in the extreme, to put one’s hand into the snake’s liar and not expect to be bitten.
Tolerance seems to be a one way process with Muslims.
I find nothing contentious in the idea of a Jewish homeland. Of course it actually existed long before Alexander the Great, the Roman empire or Islamic arabs, so the idea that zionism only became an actuality in 1948 is a non sequitur.
Unfortunately the fertile crescent is something of a pit stop for passing conquering armies
Is Charles Moore losing the plot? This recent piece provided me with hilarious delight and readers comments range from the credulous to the acerbic.
Lord Charles is clearly not of the view of the Young Conservatives, who want to sink the boats in the Channel, and presumably he makes the mistake of relying on the DTs Ukraine reporter for accurate up to date information on events there.
Presumably that is why he is unaware that the Krynky ‘beachhead’, in Zel boy’s ‘magical thinking’ it is Omaha and the Gateway to liberating Crimea. In reality it is now reduced to about 50 starving Marines and several cemeteries worth of fresh corpses.
Following on from Moore’s idea though HMG could also ship the Boaty Mcboat Face passengers to Ukraine to serve a practical purpose.
The Russian minefields have been the primary obstacle on which the Summer offensives foundered, and the cause of many casualties.
Yet a precedent for success in countering mines was established during General Sherman’s March through Georgia. When Johnson’s Confederate army concealed shells in and around the roads the advancing Union troops used Confederate prisoners as pioneers to ‘clear’ them. Using the alternative of a return home such an option would immediately reduce the hotel shortage, though sadly at the cost of forcing Zel to buy his own dingies.
Noa says @ January 23, 2024 at 3:11 pm
Your take on the issue suggests you know alot, Noa, what would you say to the guy who said the following on another blog (see below), it was in response to the Israeli Foreign Minister Livni saying Palestine has been the Jewish home for 3007 years, Baron didn’t have enough ammo to reply, he doesn’t know, but leans very much to the view of Yitzhak Rabin, the assassinated Jewish leader, who said that the Bible isn’t a land registry of the ME, it seems more than silly to argue about a piece of land that can easily be shared in the 21st century::
“The Romans expelled the Jews from Palestine in 135, after putting down yet another rebellion. The Davidic kingdom, which Livni seems to reference, was established about 1000 B.C. As a united kingdom it lasted until 922, when Solomon died. It divided into northern and southern kingdoms, which themselves were conquered in 721 and 586. And that was that, save for the Maccabean/Hasmonean interlude from 164 to 40.
The focus on Jerusalem which endured among some Jews thereafter is similar to the ancestral memories of some Irish for Tara, a sort of “When We Were Kings” motif. The drive to recolonise Palestine didn’t gain force until the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881. The Russians blamed the Jews and took revenge in many and various ways.
That’s when Theodor Herzl had his big idea, which the Rothschilds picked up on and induced British Foreign Secretary Balfour to endorse in 1917, when the war against Germany was in deep kimchi. And here we are.
Note: In 1517, the Ottomans counted a total of 300 thousand souls in Palestine, of whom only 5 thousand were Jews. In 1887, there were 5.5 million Jews in greater Russia, but only 24 thousand in Palestine. Not a great case for Palestine being the “united and undivided” home of the Jews for 3007 years.
The true home for the Jews, we could better say, would be Russia. But Russians hate Jews. More to the point, Russians are indomitable. Palestinians seemed to be domitable until October 7.”
Noa says @ January 23, 2024 at 3:48 pm
Well said, Noa, but Baron cannot read the Lord Moore’s offering, he doesn’t have subscription to the rag.
Noa says @ January 23, 2024 at 1:24 pm
The attachment speaks volume, Noa, Baron will use it if you don’t mind.
Tolerance seems to be a one way process with Muslims.
Very true, Noa, more than very true but there are hundreds of millions of them, we have to find a way of co-existing, we cannot keep on killing each other, what would you suggest we do then?
A thought-provoking piece by Tom Stevenson on the strength, consistency and resilience of the US and its foreign policy.
“News of my death may be premature…”
An interesting argument, I think it fails on the basis of the 2 state solution identified in the Balfour declaration that the Arabs assigned to the new stare of Palestine and their neighbours, have never, for various reasons, accepted. Now Mediterranean oil and gas reserves add a new source of conflict to the toxic mix.
Others would disagree and are entitled to do so.
Bob Moran’s Kosher is probably the current ‘final word’, until the next one.
Of course it’s arguable that when the various Arab African nations expelled all their native Jews, approximately a million, to Israel during the Nakba, whilst expropriation their lands and money, they were recognising the de facto existence of a Jewish state and homeland.
Unless they just considered deportation to be the penultimate stage of the Holocaust…
As for the present, the only (temporary) solution is a ceasefire, imposed by the US. Biden has no choice, a war with Iran will not distract and Bibi has to accept, on pain of annihilation.
Baron: January 23, 2024 at 9:07 pm
Noa: January 23, 2024 at 1:24 pm
The attachment speaks volume, Noa, Baron will use it if you don’t mind.
In addition to the graphic and timeline supplied by Noa, I submit the following presentation [5 mins] for your consideration.
As you will see it’s not just the Jews, it’s everybody! The 548 battles that Dr. Warner documents are just those directed Westwards against Europe and the mediterranean world. It is not and exhaustive list, and obviously doesn’t include the murderous expansion of Islam Eastwards.
I’ve been posting this video on CHWs past and present, and various places, for the last 10 years.
File under: RoP? Don’t make me laugh! etc.
Noa: January 23, 2024 at 3:48 pm
Re: Is Lord (nay Baron!) Moore losing the plot?
Thank you for giving that one an airing. 🙂 🙂 Desperate stuff. The DT is really scraping the bottom barrel with that one.
I can only answer your question with another question. Did he ever have a plot of his own? i.e. one that wasn’t fed to him.
Until today I always thought of Lord Charles as the dummy that sat on the gifted and brilliant Ray Alan’s knee. I wonder whose knee Charles Hilary Moore is sitting on?
File under: Operation Mockingbird et seq.
Britons speak
“We don’t want to join the army.
We dint to go to war,
We’d rather stay at home…
Living off the warnings of a high class lady…”
Noa: 5:35 pm
“…they [white “working class” males] would rather fight for Russia at this point.”
🙂 🙂 🙂
Many a true word said in jest! Authoritarians hate comedy, and love censorship!
Britains shibboleths are being challenged everywhere.
How long will Chuck III CO and family last?
More pertinently, when will he go?
Godders thinks he ‘married out of his class’ and then put his mistress on the throne.
EC 8.52am
If I remember correctly Britain has fought more wars against an aggressive would be and subsequently United States that against Russia, and has a longer record of alliance with Russia too.
But of course that was in the days when politicians put national interests before those of the Cabinet’s personal wealth portfolios and careers.
Sexualist old joke of the week:
The smallest kerbside space successfully reversed into by a woman was one of 19.36m (63ft 2ins), equivalent to three standard parking spaces, by Mrs Elizabeth Simpkins, driving an unmodified Vauxhall Nova ‘Swing’ on 12th October 2023. She started the manoeuvre at 11.15am in Ropergate, Pontefract, and successfully parked within three feet of the pavement 8 hours 14 minutes later. There was slight damage to the bumpers and wings of her own and two adjoining cars, as well as a shop frontage and two lamp posts.
How low can Harry’s IQ go?
Ed Dutton has a hilarious, delightfully bitchy go at finding out.
Neil Oliver weighs in on the latest scare mongering by the establishment.
The cheerleaders for war with Russia will overstep the mark at some point. They want regime change and then to asset strip the country. The Russians will never allow that to happen.
In the event of war with Russia, we the plebs will have no choice but to do our patriotic duty by King & Country. We will demonstrate this by instantly turning into air-fried pork scratchings as the Tsar Bombas airburst a mile above our heads.
Irs probably getting close to the time to open a slave plantation in the Gambia, like the Slog.
Life in Kiev, more pantomime than theatre.
Noa says @ January 25, 2024 at 5:19 pm
Good read, Noa, thanks, nothing new but a balanced take on the life in the cold.
One very much wishes the fighting were over, it must be truly awful to live without heating, in fear one may get hit, in an even greater fear one may get conscripted.
Noa says @ January 25, 2024 at 3:11 pm
Good read also, Noa, it reminded Baron he should put the Slog on his round again.
What Norfolk missed, he probably doesn’t know it is that Sunak went to Kiev to collect 18 dead bodies of our men, they were killed in one of the hits on a hotel in Charkov, it’s from an Ukrainian papers, not just one.
EC says @ January 25, 2024 at 1:20 pm
Neil is excellent, as always, EC, and the comments are revealing, not much enthusiasm for fighting the Russkies, but when ordered there will be no saying ‘no’.
Baron may have said it before, he reckons it’s all an agitprop to install fear in the plebeians to control them better. Has Baron posted the philosopher Rose piece on what makes a successful tyrant?
Thank you for that information. I had heard nothing of that. Such plausibly deniable events are not reported in the censored and censorious dictatorship that is Britain nowadays.
Add that to the targeted death of 67 French Foreign Legion Ukr specialists in Karkov and one discerns a pattern arising, a specific warning against further Western military intervention.
Sadly Britain and France seem to be doubling down and the threat of conscription and the banging of ewardrums by Elwood and other tawdry moth-eaten hawks is a symptom of this.
I greatly enjoyed Godders’ twopenn’orth on Chuck III et uxor et frenum in latus.
Difficult to disagree.
I thought that the pantomime season had ended (*) but “the war with Russia and conscription” narrative being pushed by the powers that be looks like an extension of it and/or project fear. Of course, the tsunami of protests will fall upon deaf ears, so is/was it misdirection? What else are they up to?
* btw. This year’s “Sleeping Beauty” at the Lancaster Grand Theatre was excellent.
Don’t worry chaps, you can sleep easy tonight. The
menahem, er… persons from the ministry have got it all sorted.
Updated 16th March 2023, sadly no mention of the major threat to our safety being the spivs in our government being Neocon lapdogs.
More misdirection: This week’s other major confected news story… All Outlets!
We are all supposed to be outraged by an altercation between a group of Chinese and a Cock-a-knee sounding geezer on St Pancras station concourse. This man, who by the sound of it plays the piano with his elbows, thinks he’s a celebrity. A reasonably attractive, imo, young Chinese girl politely asked him to refrain from what he was doing in order that they could have a go at doing something. The chap, who then cut up rough, should have been arrested on the grounds of bad musical taste alone, and then dragged off to the nearest Chinese Police Station in central London.
Toodle Pip!
Steady on!
‘Ave an ‘eart gov! ‘e’s got a blog to run, in’ne’
He was right about bossy woman copper though, he’s got just as much right to be obnoxious as any knife wavingman or woman of ‘color’ .
EC says @ January 26, 2024 at 11:55 am
“The programme remains within budget and on track for the first new submarine to enter service in the early 2030s”.
As the one of the ‘the healthy core of Britishness’ would say ‘this isn’t really good enough, is it, what if the bloody Russkies attack the day after tomorrow?
Noa says @ January 25, 2024 at 8:34 pm
It isn’t really something one would be keen to make public, Noa, as you well understand, the same goes for the Il-76 crash, one bit of news that has been debated alot on Russian media is that the crew could have bailed out, were told to bail out, refused because the plane would have hit the village, if true (there’s a recording but Baron cannot make heads or tails of it, garbled against the background of the transmission noise), it’s unbelievable that someone would lose one’s life to save the lives of others.
It’s a relief to learn, mi’lud, that the same wide and levels of paranoid sczophrenia exist in the RusF as in the West.
Still, they have an excuse, having had a succession of murderous, Communist governments for over a hundred years.
“Nothing lies like an army bulletin” Napoleon’s soldiers used to say.
But now the habit of disbelieving everything politicians, newspapers and media say has taken deep root in a once trustful West and I can’t imagine why.
“… it’s unbelievable that someone would lose one’s life to save the lives of others.”
On the contrary. It was commonplace amongst British and US aircraft fighter and Bomber crews during the war. Numerous instances are recorded.
I cannot see why such courage and self sacrifice would not be a part of the esprit de coeur of the Russian Air Force.
No sleeping bag and cardboard for this ex-squaddie!
Guess who’s looking for some MIC directorships when he leaves the Army this June!
Noa @ 7.30pm
Correction.That should be ‘esprit de corps’.
Are the SAS deployed in Ukr?
Have they taken casualities? Such information has not been released.
Bill O’ Reilly back from the dead…
“Is Nikki Haley Corrupt? Bill O’Reilly fact checks Vivek Ramaswamy’s allegations”
Find out in only 2min 51sec, starting in 3 – 2 – 1
Yessirree, the yanks are streets ahead of Grant Schapps/Michael Green.
I just wish Boeing SC could make something that can reliably stay airborne for longer than this video.
Diversity Inclusion and Equity aka DIE will be the death of all of us.”
Cough up $100 for Steve, or it’s the Dogs!
Tim Stanley won’t fight for hyper liberals.
Lavrov’s recent speech at the UN Security Council. Well worth your attention, not least because it states the conditions for peace negotiations.
Putin’s speech in St Petersburg is also available on YouTube.
Noa says @ January 26, 2024 at 7:36 pm
How is the British Army going too build the heavy military contraptions if we no longer have a domestic steel manufacture, Noa, it’s a disgrace, we should follow the Americans, certain assets should never be in foreign hands and should never totally disappear from our lands, steel manufacture should be one of such sectors, or we should copy Russia’s Lisin, if we want to avoid buying steel from him – see below.
If one considers how much steel the economy needs it’s more than disgrace, it’s criminal.
Noa says @ January 26, 2024 at 9:16 pm
Interesting, Noa, and it’s from June last year, it’s more than likely our special forces are there in greater numbers now, the Ukrainians need them, one of their soldiers trained in Britain (two weeks training) captured by the Russians complained it wasn’t enough, he never shot a gun before the training, wasn’t comfortable shooting after it, the reason he got taken prisoner, he said.
EC says @ January 27, 2024 at 10:06 am
An excellent find, EC, God forbid if she gets in, she will be a multibillionaire after the turn in office.
This is what’s so sickening on today’s America, her joining Boeing then coming back to politics shows how powerful the industrial military complex is, how it has the good burghers of the Republic by the balls, not at all surprising that one per cent of the Americans holds half of the country’s wealth.
EC says @ January 27, 2024 at 10:11 am
Only in America, EC.
Noa says @ January 27, 2024 at 12:35 pm
The narrative has already collected over 600 postings, Noa, Born will copy few when it interest in it slows down.
Noa @ 7.30pm
Furher correction.
That should be ‘esprit des corpse’.
If you havent read them Lewis Page’s “Lions, Donkeys and Dinosaurs” and The Ministry of Defeat” by Richard North, both are now over 15 years old but spraking as one with direct knowledge and experience, are and remain accurate about the corruption and operational incompetence of British MoD and military equipment, its usefulness and its procurement.
Noa: January 27, 2024 at 6:51 pm
Thanks. Sergey Lavrov’s address (@13:12 mins) was well worth listening to. Articulate and cogent. It probably fell upon deaf ears in the “collective West” but the truth deserves an airing whenever possible. I was also pleased that he found time to mention the fate of Gonzalo Lira at the hands of the SBU.
Noa: January 28, 2024 at 9:19am
“l’arôme incomparable des corpses ?”
The narrative has already collected over 600 postings, Noa, Born will copy few when it interest in it slows down.
What is this fugging trash above, it should read as follows, and even that is as close to trash as it gets:
The narrative has already collected over 600 postings, Noa, Baron will copy few when the interest in it slows down.
Baron: January 28, 2024 at 11:09 pm
You pay a subscription for that?
John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton, 13th Marquess of Groppoli, KCVO, DL (10 January 1834 – 19 June 1902), better known as Lord Acton, was an interesting and exotic chap, and he said some very interesting things about power and authority…,_1st_Baron_Acton
One of Acton’s lesser known quotes, and amusing to me, could have been straight of the mouth of Terry Pratchett’s character Lord Vetinari, the “Patrician” the absolute ruler of the city state of Ankh Morpork,
“The strong man with the dagger is followed by the weak man with the sponge.”
EC says:
January 28, 2024 at 9:29 am
“…Sergey Lavrovs address…probably fell upon deaf ears in the “collective West” but the truth deserves an airing whenever possible…”.
It certainly did with the Ukranian delegation, who when captured were all busy with their mobiles, obviously, like teenagers, they were checking out their investment returns from the booming Ukrainian porn industry.
If you have half an hour to spare you can listen to two pundits discussing the chances of Nadezhdin, the anti-war candidate in the March Presidential election in Russia, it’s from Medusa, an anti-Putin site, an interesting stuff, Baron hopes the guy’s allowed to stand:
This you should at least scan, penned by Helmer it covers the Tower-22 attack in Jordan, the one that sadly killed three US servicemen, wasn’t there a book with 22 in the title called Catch-22? A popular number, it seems, but unlucky in both cases.
If one were to trust Helmer’s judgment (the 2nd video), the hit is significant both because the RAM-C may have been found not fit for purpose, also because it may have been Russia that cracked the system software, passed the result how to beat the system’s defence to Iran. The first video shows the delivery of the RAM-C to Kiev.
And lastly, RAM-C in action:
Baron @9:19pm
On the above topic.. i.e. of US military personnel, left where they ought not be, being deliberately left exposed to harm in order to promote more war:
Last night Tucker Carlson’s guest lifted the lid on this:
The Benghazi stratagem?
File under: tethered goat.
You might not like her, but when she goes for the jugular on another woman, she’s deadly…
Everything but the comparison to Magda Goebbels!
You might not have a vote in this next one but will you be out campaigning on the streets of Rochdale in February, and for whom? 😉
Will the faithful postal balloters of Ramsbottom mossque swing it for George, d’ya reckon?
We must see how the Workers Purrty gets on, no doubt Gorgeous George will make the fur fly and as the campaign gathers farce he will make the fur fly…
Let’s be Frank about this.
You have been admitted to the must expensive bordello in Brussels, at your tax serfs’ expense, having perused the multifarius delights available to tittilate your senses you have made your selection.
After sipping your bottle of xhilling champagne you are ushered to your luxurious penthouse, there, awaiting the opportunity to provide the extra sensory stimulation of which every MEP dreams, are meine fruelein Von der Leyden black lederhosen clad, Jack booted, deaths head skull capped and cracking ing the most slender whip you have ever seen, in a most assertive manner. And an Irish peasant, the bog squeezing out from between her bare black toes, raw tatties dangling from her hair, a shellailigh in her left hand and a broken Guiness bottle in her right.
You must now decide.
With whom are you going with tonight- on a pub crawl of the bars of Brussels?
If you are an M15 officer how do you persuade the mother of a murdered son to plead the Government’s mass immigration before a public crowd the day after he has been butchered?
Noa: January 30, 2024 at 5:48 pm
My selection, for bodyguard duties only you understand, for a Dublin pub crawl it would definitely be the latter. For Bruxelles? Maybe a fatal femme a little more slavic, krav maga trained, but also packing a lot of heat.
Back in the day I remember…just… that one of the more amusing exotic beers available in the city centre bars is named “Delirium Tremens” easily recognisable as has a Pink Elephant on its label. It’s was a long time ago now but I could’ve sworn it was stronger than 8.5% abv back then.
It didnae take many of them to get a sing-song going!
Noa say @ January 30, 2024 at 8:27 pm
The argument of the three gets echoed by virtually everyone on any blog that covers the issue.
EC says @ January 30, 2024 at 10:44 am
And deadly Clare should be, EC, the Ursula female deserves it, she fugged up in the country that sent her to Brussels, she’s fudging things up now, come to think of it, they are all past failures in their home countries, how does that pass for democracy beggars belief.
A good summing up of what’s going on in Ukraine and the ME except that the good professor errs in thinking the Ukrainians shot the Il-76 thinking to was a Russian plane on a mission to attack them.
Whatever you say the guy tops it, what he says cannot be faulted, if only he spoke abit slower, some people may be finding they cannot absorb what he says effectively because he piles it up at such speed, Baron has talked to few that listen to him and that was the view of them all, for the barbarian he’s fine, in fact for Russell slowing down would break the thought process (Baron suffered from an identical syndrome, but on subjects miles removed from politics).
This morning Baron posted a small paragraph in Russian and its English translation, the system refused to post it, here’s the latter only:
“The crew of the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system, from which the Il-76 military transport plane with Ukrainian prisoners of war on board was shot down, consisted of Polish and American military personnel. Information about this appeared on social networks on Thursday, February 1. In addition, it became known where the American air defence system could supposedly be hidden (it got shipped immediately into the Odessa region).
Play it again, Rita…
The Met’s finest in action…
A the heart of Obama’s third third term… Djibberish Joe, Cuckoo Kamala et al…
Madame Genocide leads the call for the subjection of the masses from the platform of the guillotine.
Why Victor Urban recanted as his tumbril reached the guillotine…
Urban’s humane, sane view of the insane conflict In Ukraine.
The tragedy is that we as outsiders can see that the war and its resulting mass deaths were and are unecessary.
The threat is that if the US and EU political elites can start the conflagration there they can and will spread it elsewhere.
It’s not often Baron gives time to the guy, he’s OK but labours the topics, here it was different, a new tank for Ukraine that’s going to be a game changer was something not to be missed, it’s short, which helps:
Noa says @ February 2, 2024 at 12:08 pm
The sooner the talking shops disintegrates, Noa, the better, the language is redolent of the one of the communist era, it almost pains Baron to read the stuff, a bunch of traitors.
Baron: February 3, 2024 at 10:31 pm
No publications have been left untouched by the left, Milud.
Not “Popular Mechanics”, “SciFi American” (formerly Scientific), “Sports Illustrated” and I suspect that the “Victoria’s Secret” catalogue’s real secret is the predatory meat and two veg’ lurking within its lace panties.
Baron : February 3, 2024 at 10:35 pm
Well said!
Trump 2024 & Ukraine: Steve Bannon getting the better of the egregious Robert Peston.
Interesting how when Bannon started reeling off too many facts, figures and home truths that the control room/Peston shut him off!
If “a week is a long time in politics”, then now until Nov 5th is a whole geological era. I’d be very surprised if “the swamp” permit him to be on the ballot. They will stop at nothing, including murder, to prevent him.
The EUs threats and bullying was very redolent of the speeches of the mullered moustached man of the 30s and his propagandist media.
The criminal, Tusk, was also filmed snarling vile threats against Hungary and Urban.
Urban himself has done well, dodging an EU bullet and introducing an annual review on the donations to prop up the EU burocratic satrapy that is Ukraine and which probably will be gone by this time next year.
On the subject of junk Nato weaponry to Ukraine Col MacGregor pointed ut that the fuel demanding Abrams tanks were being stripped back to 1991 Gulf war standard to prevent more recent technologies, including Chobham turret protection, falling into Russian hands.Its an odd echo of the old saying about turning swords into plough shares, though nowadays, turning armour plate into junk via the Ronson methodology is more common.
“Ronson methodology”
Ah, the Ronson Lighters. Sherman tanks aka “Tommy cookers!”
Tusk is only there because the Ukrainian refugees voted him!
Viktor Orban is quite right to keep his borders closed to all so called “migrants” whatever religion they are!
Good one, the Florida event sounds almost real:
EC says @ February 4, 2024 at 10:44 am
A superb find, EC, the guy looked like killing Peston with the depth of knowledge, but if what the Donald is going to accomplish what Bannon outlines, the Florida flashpoint in the Baron’s posting at 06:11 becomes almost a must for the current establishment.
Noa says @ February 4, 2024 at 10:53 am
The Abrams have not been seen anywhere near the front line, Noa, it may be because of the weight, the ground isn’t that hard, but the main reason is in that there are no engineers capable of maintaining the contraptions, for an hour in combat these tanks require as a minimum three hours of maintenance, to truck them to Poland (the Americans have a repair facility there) is ineffective, hence the tanks are well in the rear.
Clearly the Abrams ranks are being kept in reserve for the final glorious advance to the sea of Azov.
EC says @ February 4, 2024 at 10:44 am
Like Bannons trainees a future UK government that is really conservative would also want to cleanse the Augean stable that is the Civil Service if it wants to achieve anything.
Unfortunately our ossified uniparty and paralysed (or is it paralytic?) state will permit of no such sweep.
Baron: February 4, 2024 at 6:24 pm
One way or another, by foul or fouler means, {{{The Swamp}}} is going to ensure that The Donald never steps into the White House ever again.
Murdering or even jailing Trump would certainly provide a flashpoint
Biden is only offering more of the same misery for the electorate. The only people he hasn’t pissed off are the migrants flooding across the Southern border, and those sucking on the public welfare teat. Even many of those in the latter category are starting to worry about their “free stuff” being adversely affected by Joe’s imports.
As someone once said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Once the credulity of the large, armed and impoverished unwashed has been exhausted the result will most likely be a civil war.
Newsletter – The legal arm of NATO
(own report) – The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague has largely dismissed a lawsuit brought by Ukraine against Russia. The ruling clearly runs counter to Western interests, now for the second time in just a few days. Kiev initiated proceedings against Moscow back in 2017. The charges were mainly based on accusations of Russian financial support for eastern Ukrainian separatists and repression of Ukrainian and Tatar minorities in Crimea. The ICJ does not share this interpretation of events. It merely accuses Moscow of insufficiently promoting the Ukrainian language in school teaching in Crimea. This major institution of international law cannot now be relied on to support Western claims. In response, Berlin, Washington and NATO have begun to work on setting up parallel structures. A special tribunal is to be established to condemn Russia’s attack on Ukraine. It is to be installed solely for this purpose, and thus exclude potential prosecutions for waging wars of aggression, in violation of international law, against Iraq or the former Yugoslavia. The West is effectively discarding the idea of equality of all states before international law.
All that Frau Genocide needs is to appoint a few Roland Freislers to run her tribunals and she will have recreated the new Reich.
I’m sure we can second her a couple of likely lads and lasses from our own Supreme Court if she’s short of candidates from the Baltic satrapies.
What a fugging waste of human life, not to mention the gear that consumes resources needed everywhere else. Why don’t the Russian hit the DA of Kiev, with him gone the talking should be that much easier:
Matt Goodwin interviewed by John Anderson on the culture wars and how to fight and win them.
Thank you for that link Baron. I gave thought for 30 years, since watching Tonahawks striking Baghdad and dodging the shrapnel from Patriot missiles in Riyadh, that the next revolution in military affairs (RMA) would be in the multiplication of drones and their ubiquity in warfare. They are are great leveller and force multiplier, a drone costing a few hundred dollars can achieve the same effect as a two million dollar AGM released from a
$100m A35.
The US and West went for baroque expensive Reapers, Russia, Turkey and the third world for low cost, high volume Lancet equipments.
Like aircraft deployment in WW1 we are witnessing the birth and rapid evolution of a new form of war.
And the latest Duran with guest US Lt Col Davis, is worth half an hour of one’s time, as it considers the effects of military experience, and lack thereof, in the Ukr war.
In answer to your question I an reminded of the Iron Duke’s reply to a subordinate’s advice that Napoleon was within range of British artillery and asked whether they should fire on him.
His answer?
“It is not the business of generals to fire upon each other.”
At first sight it appears an autocratic and haughty response. Further consideration reveals it to be pragmatic and practical. Why interfere with your enemy when his presence guarantees the continuation of the mistakes he is currently making?
The DA is doomed anyway, God forbid that someone with even a minor degree of competence is found who might continue the bloodbath a day longer than necessary.
The Colonel should be running NATO, Noa, what he says makes sense, it’s senseless to keep on fighting.
It feels it’s indeed the forthcoming election that prevents Biden quitting either in Ukraine or the ME, he cannot afford to have the look of a coward, he must carry on, the MSM must be pretending that Ukraine’s winning, the Hamas barbarians are being destroyed, anything else would turn against him baldy.
Tucker’s interview with Vladimir Putin will be interesting.
Noa says @ February 6, 2024 at 7:27 pm
A usable quip, Noa, Baron will pinch and use it, if you don’t mind.
If one thinks about it, in WW1 the fighting on the land had few tanks and planes, a couple of decades later in WW2 it was the tanks and the Junkers that mattered and in the end the nation or nations that could make more of them came first, but no drones or missiles anywhere, if we are to face, God forbid, another global inferno it will the two new tools of killing that will very likely decide the outcome.
And yes, you’re have a point, Noa, the Americans do go for bigness, be it the aircraft carriers or drones, the Russians are betting on the opposite, small boats equipped with powerful missiles, cheap plastic drones but hundreds of them. One wonders what the Chinese military will plump for.
The great Tucker will interview Putin, and the Woke loonies are more than up in arms, Tucker should be careful, they will try and sonic him just as they are trying to prevent the Donald entering the White House:
From the 2021 vaults:
Bill O’Reilly
“The Two People Pulling Joe Biden’s Strings”
“There are two people who are part of the Biden Administration that you need to know about. Susan Rice and Ron Klain.” I’ll take a lot of convincing that Barry isn’t actually the man behind the curtain directing Team Obama. The parallels between his and the current the domestic and foreign policy disasters are just too similar.
Susan rice is big buddies with Bathhouse Barry & Michaell, reportedly….
Imagine my surprise.
I wonder if Barry’s 3rd chef has kept himself out of the soup, if not the swimming pool?
R.I.P. Seth Rich.
Love the top comment on this one:
“You can’t get rich in politics unless you’re a crook”
-Harry S. Truman
As a taster for the Tucker interview this one should do:
EC says @ February 7, 2024 at 12:11 pm
That’s how one becomes a millionaire, EC, having a supporting job for any of the top political dignitaries, and the quip is again very useable, and used it will be.
He talks well, his judgment is equally good:
Baron: February 8, 2024 at 12:30 am
KK sums up exactly how I feel towards to over 90% of “our” MPs.
NB. I put our in “” as they primarily represent themselves.
i.e. Self-interested and/or venal, invertebrates, and with no moral compass whatsoever.
The foundations KK’s criticisms concerning the leadership and governance of his birth country are built on somewhat sandy ground though. In his lifetime he was witnessed how easily “democracy” is corrupted, the societal rot, when countries are run by weak “gliberal” men and/or idiots in charge. Yet would he rather Russia be run by the likes of a Boris (Yeltsin or Johnson), Cameron, Sunook, Schatts, or Trudeau? Gimme a break!
Putin and Sergey Lavrov et al seem to be doing a comparatively better job running the shop than their counterparts in the “collective” West. KK should be careful what he wishes for as the next leaders might be even less palatable to him!
Flight of fancy: There may exist an alternate reality where a horrified KK is an onlooker witnessing Victoria Nuland and Ursula asset stripping Russia of all its mineral and fossil fuel deposits. Of course that will never occur in this “reality” as the war pig and 18’s Handmaiden will have been turned into carbonised crispy pork before that can happen!
Q. In terms of IQ , how many Camerons would equal one Sergey Lavrov?
Give us a job, gov!
We will talk about the interview in the days ahead, here the great Joseph is presenting a female showing how to conduct an interview, priceless.
If only her name was Joan Hunter-Dunn one would whisper:
Oh, Miss Joan Hunter-Dunn, Miss Joan Hunter-Dunn,
Take off our knickers,
Let’s have some fun.
Baron at 1:30 am
Noa: February 8, 2024 at 7:52 pm
That’ll be another Council Tax hike for you in April, my lad!
Up here in in Solway swamp country it was about a 15% increase in what we had to pay last year.
The ad’ doesn’t actually say, “old whitey need not apply” but it does say this:
“Applications will also be considered from those with lived experience.”
WTF is that supposed to mean? We all have “lived experience”, but Is that code for “applications from illegal migrants preferred?”
Ah yes, the gift of “lived experience.”
Even cosseted Western populations are cottoning in to the demographic war now being waged, of the Chinese technique of ‘becoming’ a territory. In short, the invasion of the buddy snatchers.
On the bright side, after a long winded start crediting Western viewers with far less ADHD syndrome than their Ritalin doses indicate, Putin named Johnson as the Ukraine war fomenting psychopath and again offered peace negotiations on the starting basis of the Istambul Accords.
Will the Hill take up the offer? They may be down to PRC, the Houthis and Bibi.
She looks good and talks good, a star:
Change the DOT, please
A short but concise take on Biden that should convince the US Senate (or whoever is is) to remove him before he collapses in public, the man’s sick, he may not have the finger on the red button, but who can guarantee that he will not create a situation that will compel another leaders or leaders to take a step we will all regret
How could the Americans put up with him, he should be looked after in a secure unit, Harris should take over, she may not be the smartest cookie in the jar, but she seems sane:
Having you been disposing of old holiday souvenirs, EC?
Noa: 10:01pm
The Franken-turtle should get on quite well with the 50% locals who claim to be “indigenous” despite very little history here. Migrants are welcomed as long as long as they are not white and speak with an educated southern accent. It’s worth putting on the posh occasionally just to see their hackles rise :-). To add insult to injury whenever I make a cultural visit back to Surrey I have occasionally been accused of being a northerner. Just can’t win!
From the article:
“The news comes as one of Britain’s most notorious invasive species, the American mink, could soon be eliminated from the UK after a successful trial.”
Not in Cumbria! Only last week I was shown photographic evidence by another camera guy. The impressive, gory, photos, taken at a spot close to Wrkngtn , showed a Mink dragging a dead Moorhen by the throat out of a bank of reeds of a frozen lake across the ice to the other side.
{{{That Interview}}}
I finally got around to watching the whole two hours of it yesterday.
I thought it was very naive of Tucker, who commented later, to expect VVP to turn up on time. Journalists, even real ones, are not VIPS. Only two hours late was not bad by Russian standards.
I thought it very clever of VVP to couch the whole interview as that of an Oxbridge History Don holding a tutorial to an undergraduate student. The first part where he was speaking extemporaneously on the timeline of Russian history for nearly an hour was most impressive. He didn’t miss a beat. Imagine Biden doing that, on any topic!
There wasn’t much he said that wasn’t already a matter of record. The format and delivery may have been way beyond the attention span of VVP’s target audience in the collective west. They need one liners, juicy soundbites. Very clever of VVP to bring up the Zionist claims to their ancient lands, even more so as the ethnic Russians, Hungarians had never abandoned theirs.
It was pleasing to see Boris Johnson get nailed, twice!
The times, when Tucker put on his earnest, puzzled face, his eyebrows appeared to knot in the middle, and I feared that they would never disentangle.
At the end of the interview, Tucker pressed VVP about the WSJ’s Evan Gershkovich.
VVP said negotiations were in progress, but he missed an opportunity to say that the WSJ man was alive and well, unlike another American journalist Gonzalo Lira who was tortured and murdered by the Ukrainian SBD.
It was a shame that Tucker didn’t bowl VVP a Googly and ask him about, nuclear terrorism. i.e. The murder of Alexander Litvinenko and the trail of radioactive Po210 that was left around central London and on BA’s decrepit jet aircraft. Also why so many expat Russian oligarchs resident in the UK had so carelessly fallen out of upstairs windows. (*)
What a pathetically weak government we must have had back then… nothing changes!
* Defenestration, a method used by professionals who care about tradition.
I had hoped TC might have asked VP about the strange anti-gravitational exit of the Conductor Prighozin, but I suppose TC preferred to not to transfer his hotel suite to the Lubyanka’s Inquisitorial suite.
It’s been a delight to read the post mortem analysis, from Bojo’s warmongering double down, totally ignoring being named by Vlad himself
as the war starter, to Hitchens odd pedantic piece, to the DTs mendacious warmongering.
Defenestration: The systemic failure of double glazing due to its unfitness for purpose of protection from the winds of change.
EC says @ February 11, 2024 at 11:28 am
One of the best summings up Baron has come across, EC, the one thing the great Tucker failed to do was ask for another meeting, “lets make it a regular event”, he should have said “you will be in the Kremlin for another 5 years, I intend to be around for at least as long as that”.
Asking about Litvinenko and co would have not elicited anything more than we already know, in the past Putin has always maintained these were matters for the security services of the countries involved, he would have very likely repeated the same.
What Baron enjoyed very much was the quick answer the great Tucker gave when Putin said ‘you’ to his question ‘who blew up N-2?’: ” I was busy that day’. That suggested the great Tucker was truly relaxed, and so he should have been.
Baron’s preference would be the definition of defenestration coupled with the tradition, top marks EC.
Noa’s not bad either, Baron cannot think of anything even mundane to come up with, the old age with its dose of senility should be avoided at all cost s.
Another short but excellent summary, this time of the Ukrainian tragedy:
You may like to know Baron posted a short response to an article in the Spectator about Japan’s abandoning many old carnival rituals in order to attract people to the country and to boost the output of babies (see the lower video), it was censored, that’s funny, in the Russian media there is more of the same and more explicit than Baron’s silly posting:
“They aim to boost the output of babies with the cancelling of Gachachin? Hmmm If anything, the whole of Japan should adopt it, and not necessarily as a lolly to suck.
Btw, 2023 was the first year of the withdrawal of the official backing for the mascot at the Kanamara Festival.
Japan does provide us with food for thought, Baron.
I will say no more…
Ronnie and Reggie were men born before their time !
“Extortion is out of control in Canada”
Unfortunately Mr Pollyever’s Lily livered solution won’t solve the problem.
Not pleasant, but only the Chinese method will stop it.
i.e. summary execution and organ harvesting… in no particular order.
Will this be the speech that gets The Donald assassinated?
Charlie Veitch and Ed Dutton talk amiably about Britain, stuff and the Pre Civil war.
You’re going to get more of the great Tucker, the guy seems to be saying more loudly and in a far better English that Baron can ever muster what we’ve been saying here on this blog, just listen to him even intermittently, it pleases one’s sense because it’s rational, based on facts, fair and with enough common sense that if he were to flog half of it he would still make more sense that any of the warmongering monsters running the Republic.
Noa says @ February 12, 2024 at 6:42 pm
A nice chat, Noa, but would you take your children to Manchester (say) a month after the cleaning op? Hmmm
If you were to listen to the great Tucker he says something similar, when he was born America had cities that Russia and other countries have today, why has the Republic lost them?
EC says @ February 12, 2024 at 11:42 am
It’s typical Trump, EC, but the point’s valid, til now Europe and that includes us has had a free ride, not that Baron believes Putin will move west north or south, but if the warmongering fruitcakes think the taxpayers money should be wasted on then tools of killing then everyone in the alliance should pay its share, it’s only fair that that happens.
Whatever it is that launches the move to get rid of him they can’t fail to carry it out, if he only does a fraction of what Bannon said recently they were planing to do, the US jails will not be sufficient to accommodate them all.
CanUK – Police5 – Car theft:
How’s that catch and release policy working?
Fidel Trudeau’s Justice Minister has had his car stolen three times! 🙂
Noa: February 12, 2024 at 6:42 pm
I’d forgotten about Charles Veitch.
I must pay him a visit, on YouTube that is.
Are you and Mrs Noa in training for the coming apocalypse?
Baron: February 12, 2024 at 7:31 pm
Tirana was crime free, the streets safe to walk day or night, whilst Enver Hoxha ran Albania.
He must’ve been on commission with Gillette™ and/or Wilkinson Sword™ as if one got caught outdoors with long hair or a beard then you’d be detained and given a good kicking prior to being restrained, scalped and/or shaved!
Andy Burnham could create 1000s of Barber jobs if he were to introduce such a law.
EC says @ February 13, 2024 at 9:13 am
You were in Tirana when Hoxha ran the country, EC, were you?
Where should they go? Any suggestions?
Have you ever come across the verb ‘excoriate’? Would everyone born here know the word?
Baron: 11:54 am
Yes, Verity ( pbuh ) late of this parish used to do a lot of excoriating of people on the CHWs old and new. To be on the receiving end was, I imagine, like having FieryJack™ or chilli powder liberally rubbed into one’s privates.
Baron: 11:48 am
No, not I, Baron. It was a visit described to me by an elder brother. He worked in W. Germany, as it was then, for a well known manufacturer of automotive components, and he had to go to Tirana on business. He was almost as well travelled as you are, Baron, regularly travelling on business to most iron curtain countries, N. Africa and the middle east.
He had many interesting anecdotes. A great pity he didn’t put them all in a book! Have you not considered publishing your memoirs, MiLud?
Baron: 11:54 am. cont.d
The word is not in frequent use. Some might know it, but I guess a great many will not.
EC says @ February 13, 2024 at 1:26 pm
It would have been a coup for you if you did visit Tirana, not many did, your brother should have monetised his visit, you may find it weird it was one country Baron very much wanted to visit, and please laugh not, it was because many Albanian girls have very pale blue ‘Husky’ eyes but black hair, enchanting that.
The Russians hit a military training ground only some few tens of kms from Avdiivka, the Ukrainian heavily protected town, some 1,500 well trained mostly Azov fighters were gathering there, the elite reserve of Syrsky, the new Ukrainian top general, they were hit by two waves of missile attacks, some sources say 500 dead, 700 injured, the place got sealed off, the Ukrainian security service is looking for people directing the Russian attack (you can google translate the piece, it’s short, but say basically what Baron’s saying).
It may have been the Azov neo-Nazis, but these are also young men, re-educating the lot would have been better than killing them, Baron’s getting pi$$ed off with Putin (as ion that can change anything), he should end the slaughter, end it now, ending it would also make it harder for Biden to win the count in November, what TF is Putin waiting for?
EC says @ February 13, 2024 at 1:28 pm
Thanks, EC, that’s the signal for Baron to use it, it will annoy some again on the Spectator’s site, to$$ers.
As Tolstoy said, war takes on its own momentum.
If Putin declared a ceasefire he would probably be defenestrated at home.
It would be considered a godsend by the Bidenites, who along with Zelensky, would declare it and any subsequent negotiations a declaration of surrender by Russia.
Putin has no option but to let Ukraine destroy itself.
It finished about half an hour ago, Baron’s still regretting he lost his temper, it has never happened before, you have to believe him even though he says it himself.
It’s all about a radio that the Amazon said had been delivered about an hour ago, the picture of the package was attached to the e-mail, rather murky, blurred with the package hardly recognisable, ‘it was left in or near the shed’, the short message said.
It’s raining here but Baron was despatched to retrieve it by the boss, it’s her radio, nothing was found in the shed that looked like the right one because of the rotten plank of wood at the bottom of the shed door, Baron searched other sheds, nothing there either, came back to report.
Was forced to go look again with the encouraging ‘you can never find anything in the fridge, just look properly this time’, in the fugging rain, his ankle swollen (inflammation being cured with Naproxen, quite a painful malady), not in the best of moods Baron was searching again even though it was obvious no parcel was anywhere near the bottom of the door sporting the rotten plank of wood, he managed to drop a small pot made of clay on his foot, fortunately not the inflammation infected one, found nothing again, told the boss what reported before, no parcel, nothing even resembling the parcel in the picture that was supposed to contain a radio, a rather pricey one, was found anywhere in the shed or the other sheds.
What did Baron do next? He was forced to contact Amazon. Have you ever tried it? In the end the phone was answered by a girl in the Philippines, nice, firm, quite a pleasant voice, but did Baron understand one word she was saying?
Perhaps one word, but that was about all out of the 20min conversation where the girl kept asking over and over again for Baron to repeat that the radio was delivered according to Amazon, but was not delivered according to Baron, at least this is what Baron reckons the girl was asking, please do do believe him it’s not racism or any bad ism that make Baron say it, he just didn’t get what the girl was yapping about.
Each of those yaps lasted two minutes or more, then she stopped, presumably waiting for the answer, Baron always answered what he already told you which only prompted the girl to have another long yap.
After about the girl’s fifth monologue Baron had enough, ‘I’m pissed off with this, is there someone else I could talk to?’, he said, the girl didn’t seem upset, carried on as before, but Baron truly had enough asked her whether she understood him, she said ‘yes’ and that was the end of the call that still makes Baron angry with himself.
She was trying to be helpful, it wasn’t her fault the accent was indecipherable to Baron, he shouldn’t have lost his temper, hopes she will forgive him, she very likely already have forgiven him because she said (Baron thinks this is what she said) ‘have a nice e day, sir’.
Noa says @ February 13, 2024 at 7:34 pm
You are right, Noa, even if Putin wanted to stop the slaughter, the Americans would not allow it, they cannot have another disaster similar to Afghanistan before the November election, whilst the fighting goes on they can carry on saying ‘Ukraine could eventually win, get Crimea back …
Newsletter – The Butcher
(own report) – The Inspector General of the Bundeswehr, Carsten Breuer, has held talks in Kiev with the new commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, Olexander Syrskyj. The discussions covered future German arms supplies. Syrskyi had replaced the previous army chief Valery Zaluzhnyi a week earlier. Zaluzhnyi’s relationship with President Volodymyr Zelensky had been considered irreparably damaged since autumn 2023, especially after Zaluzhnyi had declared Ukraine’s June offensive a failure. Indeed, in his view, formulated in an article for the British Economist magazine, the war was de facto unwinnable. Zelensky has now replaced him with Syrskyi, a military leader who is nicknamed the “butcher”. He has a reputation for ruthlessly sending large numbers of soldiers to certain death. His appointment has unsurprisingly been greeted with dismay by elements in the Ukrainian military. The armed forces are already suffering from a shortage of personnel. It is reported that units on the front line have barely 35 per cent of the personnel numbers originally planned. Ukrainian forces also lack ammunition. Chancellor Olaf Scholz is expected to attend the laying of the foundation stone for another Rheinmetall ammunition factory in Unterlüß on 12 January.
Worth reading in full. The whole war, of old men led by a modern John Bell Hood, against tanks and drones, cannot last much longer.
Can it?
What are “Bills of Attainder?” A Lancastrian migrant (*) barrister explains…
* Mr Robertshaw does most of his excellent explanatory videos from Cornshire these days where I presume he’s now resident. Must have plenty of dosh to afford to live there.
Noa – 9:00
Very depressing news. Germany fuelling the never ending wars.
They have a Black History, not in the Simon Webb sense.
It sounds like Putin needs to extract his digit and finish this Ukr business asap.
Ukraine will soon run out of men young and old, and women, pregnant or not. Surely the mercenaries that have been bolstering their numbers will also start to dwindle? Mercenaries get no protection from the Geneva PoW Convention do they? Mercenaries, apart from the ideological nutters, are only in it for the money, aren’t they? Expecting turkey shoots and not to get killed or executed themselves?
As Ukraine expires, thoughts on what
happens next.
I totally understand your frustration with Amazon, I bought a new lawnmower last year, which was delivered broken. Although I returned it and got a full refund I was still out £20 on the return carrier charge.
My revenge, such as it was, was to leave a stinking review on the manufacturer and their appointed agent, the carrier.
The replacement Japanese mower has proved to be excellent.
My experience was like yours, Amazon’s complaints procedure was polite but ineffective. But you should follow it, refute the false claim of delivery, challenge them to provide evidence. Restore health to your sore ankle with medicaments and sooth your temper with the best brandy, or slivovic.
Patience mi’lud and best wishes for success in the righteous enterprise.
Tempting fate, but I’ve never had a problem with either Amazon or Evri deliveries.
In my experience DPD is by way the most reliable and fastest courier that delivers/collects to/from the outer reaches beyond the hills.
Tucker is asking for it, why did he choose the most ‘Soviet’ station, the Kiev one, of the Moscow metro? He had other options unconnected either with Ukraine or Lenin.
Not all metro stations in Moscow are ideological, they have themes that are not objectionable to anyone, (say) the beauties of the stan Republics, but he has to go for the one station that will annoy many, he has to be careful, they will try and get him for stuff like that:
EC says @ February 15, 2024 at 8:25 am
Until now, EC, B aron was like you, no problema.
There was a satisfying conclusion of the parcel saga, the next morning Baron found the radio thrown in by the gate, the packaging wasn’t wet, the parcel must have been delivered in the morning, it was raining heavily at night.
The picture the delivery man took and sent to Baron via the Amazon website was totally different from the place where the package was found in the morning (Baron took pictures for comparison).
Amazon was told the radio arrived, but not that it was found at a different place where it was supposedly left the night before. You reckon Baron’s right or wrong, should he tell Amazon what truly happen?
Noa says @ February 14, 2024 at 10:43 pm
G&T it was, Noa, against the doctor’s advice, the drug Baron’s taking is called Naproxen, a powerful anti-inflammatory stuff, hence the abstention order from the doctor ‘no alcohol’, she said, ‘wait until you finish with the medicine’.
Noa says @ February 14, 2024 at 6:53 pm
Good stuff, Noa, very good stuff except that nobody mentions, not the narrative, not the postings, the key to the ending of the conflict, the current American Administration can hardly afford another flop before the election in November and so soon after Afghanistan, the fighting will have to carry on even if the DA of Kiev were to dig up the dead and force them to the trenches again.
I had a similar incident with a delivery Baron.
The driver retained my package for over a week, delivering on the final date promised.
The choice is yours.
The driver would no doubt be investigated if you provide the photographic evidence, indeed may already be under scrutiny for similar behaviour to others.
Baron 19.49pm
Acutely observed mi’lud. Nubiden-Zelensky will fight to the last Ukrainian soldier.
The should make a poster, Baron would buy one, it’s useful to know who the sane people are:
Baron: 12:39 am
George Galloway will be crestfallen not to be included on that schematic. He is used to being on all the denounciation lists of note.
@10:08 I saw that TC video on his website. It was impressive. I had no idea that the Moscow underground stations were themed. Meanwhile in Londonistan Sad iq Khan & TFL are renaming stations and lines as part of an ideological makeover – same shithole stations & trains though.
PJW explains
This must be a record in disinterest in one’s skills, 265 views in 10 years, no uptick:
EC says @ February 16, 2024 at 8:08 am
The great Joseph never disappoints, EC, superb, but the unhappiness of the ‘healthy core of britishness’ will do FA whilst the moron is in charge in London.
Baron: February 16, 2024 at 9:52 pm
She also plays the cello, MiLud.
@9:38 Any female attempting to play the cello should bear in mind Sir Thomas Beecham’s remarks appraising a cellist’s performance in his orchestra.
The snowflakes of today would’ve demanded that he was “cancelled” immediately.
What’s Lozza Fox doing these days?
EC says @ February 17, 2024 at 9:38 am
If she also play the cello, EC, one hopes she gets better response from the public, it must be enthusiasm suppressing to get so few views.
I thought that this video was very well put together, and well argued.
“Demoralization: What Yuri Bezmenov Didn’t Tell You”
Now you know too.
Navalny, anyone?
Any mentions of Gonzalo Lira or Julian Assange in our “free” press or broadcast media?
Too late for the former, but on de Judge’s channel…
here is John J Mearsheimer On behalf of Julian Assange
Brian Berletic of The New Atlas comprehensively refutes Vox claims of ‘malinformation’.
Where’s Bald and and Bankrupt when you need a chuckle?
Dismembered for body parts by refugee soldiers of the PRC whilst crossing the Darien Gap?
Hanging on Abbots old barbed wire after being shot by the Texas National Guard?
Or waiting in Donbas for the next bus to Avdiivka?
Cui bono?
Wars are always about the money when you drill deeply enough.
This was recovered by the Russians, an ambush of an escaping unit from Avdeevka (the two top videos), the retreating unit is filming itself in a car, happy to be leaving the place before the Russian intercept it, all of them get killed in the end, the video was recovered by the Russians, except swearing, Baron couldn’t get anything what was said.
The third video made Baron sick, these are injured soldiers crawling back, why target them, that’s fugging wrong. Baron’s not on the side of the DA of Kiev, but hitting the injured should not happen.
“…The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 26, contains this invaluable insight: “As dogs return to their vomit, so fools repeat their folly. You see those who are wise in their own eyes? There is more hope for fools than for them.” Invaluable because, in connection with the Russia-Ukraine War, the passage powerfully illuminates the current debate about Ukraine’s future strategic prospects…”.
Noa says @ February 19, 2024 at 9:09 pm
Good read, Noa, the right conclusion also except that the guy that penned it forgets that the fighting cannot end before the November election, no way could Ukraine surrender or begin any peace talks, that would be disastrous for Biden, the GOP would crucify him for wasting billions on what – another disaster à la Afghanistan?
Noa says @ February 19, 2024 at 8:39 am
This guy, Noa, has been saying from the very beginning of the invasion that Russia would not take any territory unless she has to, instead the Russian forces will stay put, build strong fortifications, invite the Ukrainian to attack, demolish them.
He’s been spot on, one of the supporting arguments of his was that going deep into Ukraine would prolong the supply lines make the Russian forces vulnerable to Ukrainians shelling the lines, dropping into the rear which would cause big casualties.
Baron: 5:58 pm
Awful. Those poor basterds looked like conscripts.
Regular Army and Mercenaries know exactly what the score is.
The slaughter could have all been avoided if the peace talks in 2022 had been allowed to progress. Death by Boris/Biden/Blinken/Nuland
Noa: 9:09 pm
I do hope your bible readings are not motivated by the same imperative that those of W.C.Fields were?
Toad Hall: Weasels are on the run as Stoat(alitarian)s set to take over!
Did anyone watch ” Ukraine, the other side” on ITV last night. Despite the reporter’s conviction (Sean Langdon, who should know better at his age) that the war was all Russia’s fault it was unusually moving. Based in Donbas he spoke to civilians and soldiers about this horrific war, which for many has been going since 2014.
Worth attaching on ITVX if you missed it.
A tactical rather than a strategic withdrawal by Geert Wilders, I suspect.
The war goes on, regardless of one action.
In the meantime, reality fails to intrude in the halls of the MoD, who continue to listen to fantastists of the DIE propagandists in RUSI and other Think Tanks.
Depressing, but let’s look forward to cheering HMS Caliph Charles and the 1st Royal Jihad Fusilers as they parade in polished sandals across Horse Guards.
An investment in the future…
Maybe the world is not going to end until at least February 5th, 2026
Lionel Nation on…
The Ins and Outs of Prosecutor Fani, and the Ups and Downs of Attorney Wade
File under: Pass the popcorn.
The gap between fantasy and reality iis growing.
Ah, lovely Rita, funnier than GB News and Talk TV combined.
Please expect not anything from Baron, his gadget got attacked, it wasn’t a virus it was a deliberate h**k
one of the bookmark folders got removed, the keyboard messed up, he can get stuff in, he cannot respond, some of the keyboard letters fail to appear.
PS: This comes to you from a different source.
@3:54 mins into the lovely Rita’s video…
Barbers & Dentists: … it has always been tricky trying find one you can trust.
Baron: 10:52 pm
With your eclectic browsing habits vis-à-vis {{{the war}}} and I suspect low grade hireling of one of those “three letter” organisations that don’t want any news counter to their narrative to get out!
“News is something somebody doesn’t want printed; all else is advertising.”
William Randolph Hearst
Baron, I would strongly recommend that you in particular download and subscribe to a VPN service like NordVPN or one of the other ones. It’s not expensive and most offer free trials
Never mind pian wire stocks , invest in cut throat razors!
Cumbria is about to become the Gold Coast of modern barber shops.
EC and Baron
Some of my friends, (well the last and only one really), tell me that he’s heard some of these East European websites contain very dodgy malware.
Noa: 9:07 am
We already have a Torquayish barbers in our nearest town. They have a neon sign in their window. Most amusingly for a while it read “Mo-fos-” as a couple of letters were on the blink. Dunno if they’ve fixed it.
I’ve not been to the barren, windswept, featureless Millom Next-the-Sea for a while. I remember it being quite a depressing spot even on a summer’s day. The Millomites, who used to be a rough bunch, may not take too kindly to outsiders being thrust upon them or their children.
Within a mile is HMP Haverigg (formerly a RAF base in WW2).
It sounds quite rough for a Category D.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
“Simply, the decision to buy is always yours. The decision to sell isn’t.”
Pythons in aphoristic mode…
[Never mind the subtitles, the sound is good on this one.]
Mediazona is not a Putin’s lover, they cooperate with the BBC, it’s their figures for the Russian deaths from Feb 24 2022 to the end of 2023:
“In war, truth is the first casualty.”
The sad truth is that ALL the deaths, military & civilian, were avoidable.
A refreshing change: An American politician, RFK, actually speaking the truth.
Who started it?
[4mins 23]
Cui Bono? Blackrock / MIC
[3 mins26]
The Theft Act defines theft as the intention to permanently deprive a person of their property.
Priapic Bojo preaches theft to the gullible.
BORIS JOHNSON: Two years after his monstrous invasion, it’s time to seize $300billion of Putin’s as… via
Noa says @ February 25, 2024 at 12:05 pm
Russia will survive the theft, but it sets a precedence, if the NATO countries could do it so can any other country, it’s a typical ‘rules based order’ act, stupid, short sighted, illegal.
EC says @ February 25, 2024 at 9:33 am
If only the word of the contemporary West was its bond, EC, it isn’t, just as Pompeo quipped ‘we were taught to lie …”.
If that carries on, the end will not be pleasant.
EC says @ February 23, 2024 at 10:28 am
One would be hard put to find a quality piece like that today. Where’s the fugging talent then?
It’s madness, Baron.
I was contemptuous of the jackanapes Johnson, but the impact of the theft on the standing of the Western financial system will be profound and result in its eventual abandonment by all other nations.
Once again, the Greeks cover it.
John Helmer on the Navalny’s death and what’s happened after:
Baron: February 26, 2024 at 6:47 pm
It’s a wise man who changes his underpants as infrequently as possible!
Twice a year might just be an acceptable risk, no?
Strange, isn’t it, that thousands of outwardly perfectly healthy people of all ages are dropping dead from heart attacks every day yet the medical profession profess to have not idea as to what might be the cause.
Before we forget, here’s how to deal with Islamopphilia, the PC Peter Pisspot way.
Noa – 11:33am
Aye, “Twat Valley Police” 🙂
LOL gets me every time.
Noa, You were enquiring about Bald and Bankrupt earlier?
Well he’s back doing a random tour de farce of England. I wish I could say that it was wholly unrepresentative, but it ain’t. Bombed out Ukraine is in a better state than some of the places he’s visited thus far.
Baron, Check out the living conditions that what remains of “the healthy core of Englishness” have to contend with
David Sacks brilliant summary of the war in Ukraine. A WAR OF LIES
The war in Ukraine is based on lies — lies about how it started, how it’s going, and how it will end.
We are told that Ukraine is winning when in fact it is losing. We are told that the war makes NATO stronger when in fact it is depleting it. We are told that Ukraine’s biggest problem is a lack of funds from the U.S. Congress when in fact the West can’t produce enough ammunition — a problem that will take years to fix. We are told that Russia is suffering greater casualties when in fact Ukraine is running out of soldiers — another problem money can’t fix.
We are told that the world is with us when in fact the Global Majority believes U.S. policy is the height of folly. We are told that there is no opportunity to make peace when in fact we have rejected multiple opportunities for a negotiated settlement. We are told that if Ukraine keeps fighting, it will improve its negotiating position when in fact the terms will only get much worse than what was already available and rejected.
Nevertheless the lies will succeed in dragging out the war. Congress will appropriate more funds. Russia will take more territory. Ukraine will mobilize more young men and women to feed into the meat grinder. Discontent will mount. Eventually there will be a crisis in Kiev and the Zelensky government will be toppled.
And then, when the war is finally lost, when the whole country lays in smoldering ruins on a funeral pyre of their own making, the liars will say “well we tried.” Having prevented any alternative, having smeared anyone who told the truth as puppets for the enemy, the liars will say “We did our best. We stood up to Putin.”
In fact, they will claim, we would have succeeded but for the fifth column of Putin apologists who stabbed the Ukrainians in the back. Then, having shifted blame and patted themselves on the back, they will blithely move on to the next war, as they moved onto Ukraine after their disasters in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The lies are comprehensive — but they will work.
Many thanks for that link to B&Bs video, other people, e.g the Wandering Turnip, Charlie Vietch also make these ‘man about town’ exposes, but he adds a touch of declasse to the crap shoot.
Like the Peoples Front of Judea I expect mass suicides to occur in our hundred greatest crap towns as new vlogs are progressively released. Subject to the NHS being able to satisfy the overwhelming demand.
And in the Reich the Greens are pressing for war with Russia, presuably its the same in the rest of Europe as these spoilt children stamp their feet and sream and scream and scream until they cry.
Newsletter – The will to world war
(own report) – In Germany, the second anniversary of the Russian attack on Ukraine has been marked by noisy sloganeering: calls to keep on fighting until Russia is defeated, and scorn for those who question the logic of ever more lethal weapons for Kiev. “They’re just scared”. From the United States come warnings that Ukraine will lose the war. Some voices within the US administration are now urging President Volodymyr Zelensky to negotiate with Russia. Yet Berlin is doubling down: Moscow must “lose this war”. The leader of the main opposition party in the Bundestag, Friedrich Merz (CDU), says bluntly that there should be “no negotiations” before Russia capitulates. Surveys indicate that not many agree: only 10 to 25 per cent of the German population think a Ukrainian victory is likely. Majorities expect a Russian victory and oppose further arms deliveries. Yet leading German media have joined in the ridiculing of Chancellor Olaf Scholz for his current stance against handing over Taurus cruise missiles to Kiev. He should, they say, stop being “scared”. Any fears are, of course, based on the well-founded assumption that Moscow would interpret the delivery of the Taurus as Germany going to war. Meanwhile, domestically Germany is in a downward spiral. The sharp rise in military spending is accompanied by social cuts and economic decline: “guns without butter”, as one economist quips.
The concept of Treason flows from the idea of sovereignty and governance over a specific territory, whether arising from the power if a monarch or a Republic.
If the idea of sovereignty is successfully challenged it follows that the Rule of Law exercised by the Sovereignty is no longer applicable: no individual owes it any loyalty and it has no powers to raise taxes, enforce laws or impose entry and exit restrictions because it has no borders.
If a key element of sovereignty, border control, has been waived how long will the rule of law last and why should the right to levy taxes remain in the now Anarcho-state?
Noa: 9:14 pm
…”but he [B&B] adds a touch of declasse to the crap shoot.”
🙂 Indeed he does! But B&B does get to talk to Baron’s unwashed that wouldn’t give the time of day to the loikes of Michael Palin, the mincing pastel clad Bradshaw toting Mikhail Portaloo, or that awful oleaginous lefty Simon Reeves.
In addition to the others you mention, JoeFish is the new kid on the block and shows some potential.
Noa: 7:48 am
Thanks for that article.
“Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat” comes to mind!
Taurus? What iteration of the “V” weapon is that? V69?
Noa: 8:38am
Good point!
@9:10am cont’d
B&B’s video has provided the basis of an amusing review and discussion on the “Podcast of The Lotus Eaters
Thank you Chancellor Sholz!
Are you feeling shamed by Macron?
Are you ready to fight for freedom alongside the SAS and US advisers operating Stormshadow and other missiles.
Then join the Ukranian Foreign Legion!
Noa: 5:37 pm
I am not only disappointed with the lack of responses to the above article, but also in the lack of fervour in the 6 comments thus far. Perhaps it’s time for a troll? Something along the lines of Kenny Everett’s appearance at the Tory Party (peace be upon it) conference:
PS. Good to see that the Deutsche Bundespost has finally delivered Meister O’Laugh’s Glass eye. The dapper Bond villain eyepatch look was starting to make Klaus Schwab jealous.
Will George Make Rochdale Great Again?
When a local independent candidate can come second, beating the official Tory candidate into a very poor third place, then maybe it’s time for Rishi to start crating up his belongings and shipping them out to California.
How the British Army works… er, or does it?
A military wife explains:
Noa says @ February 28, 2024 at 9:07 pm
An excellent examples of how lies are underpinning the Ukrainian conflict, Noa, but it’s not that only the conflict is based o n lies, the whole edifice of the Western policy making is.
Noa says @ February 29, 2024 at 7:48 am
Whilst rejecting sending the Taurus missiles to Ukraine (we would need to send our own technicians to launch them, the missiles have long range, could easily hit Moscow) Olaf allegedly said that the British were helping the Ukrainians to launch missiles the Storm Shadows, as were the French lobbying the SCALP missiles. Madness.
EC says @ February 29, 2024 at 9:10 am
The B&B guy is outstanding, EC, he is so natural, it seems he was made to explain complex things simply, is it luck of a serendipitous calling He endowed him with, it’s a joy to watch even when what one’s watching should make one cry.
EC says @ March 1, 2024 at 9:56 am
Is she for real or is it all a joke, EC, Baron has watched few of her offerings, couldn’t believe his eyes, we desperately need a new approach to the defence forces and quality should be the top requirement.
“…The days of poking the small boy with a stick are over…”.
Still less the bum snorkeling army Missus!
An enjoyable rant from Godders!
Col McGregor’s erudite analyses of America always evoke comparison with the similar desparate state that now exists in Britain.
It has become a race to the bottom for both nations.
Will we be overtaken by Germany? Or even France?
John Helmer’s interesting, informed analysis of what happens next in the Ukrainian war from the viewpoint of the Russian military command.
From the river to the sea, Rochdale will be free!
Ed Dutton roasts Aaron Bushnell.
Noa says @ March 1, 2024 at 1:08 pm
Bloom makes sense, Noa, he says exactly what we’re saying except when he was asked whether he thinks the neocons want a full scale war with China or currently with Russia, Baron reckons they want to avoid a global confrontation because of the risk nukes could be deployed, what they want and cultivate are regional conflicts, the more and the more lasting the better, they can furnish the tools of killing to both sides, make money out of it without the danger their farm holdings or other assets in the Republic getting hit.
Bloom’s added to Baron must check sites, thanks for the link.
Noa says @ March 1, 2024 at 2:35 pm
John Helmer is on Baron’s list, Noa, he gets it right, is amazingly knowledgeable, Baron’s view for what it’s worth is that the Russians should not move too deep west, if they do NATO will join the fighting, the Americans cannot afford to lose a war they cannot win before the November election, they will have to ensure at whatever cost that the fighting goes on.
Simon’s the embodiment of the old England, Noa, charming yet raw, Mike and his two friends are good also:
You are right I think in your view of the American way of global war. Through a series of loyal allies (or toadies, depending whether your viewpoint is inside or outside the barrel), like the UK, mechanisms like NATO and SEATO and proxies, like Ukraine, they pursue and maintain a regional ‘balance of power’ structure in their favour at minimal risk and cost.
As Colonel Macgregor has pointed out, like Great Britain is the days of empire being an independent island and maritime power and in the case of the US a premier aviation and maritime nation),they have the priceless ability to disengage when strategically necessary and politically convenient.
Both Ukraine and Israel are prime candidates for such precipitate decamps in 2024.
Today, 4th of March, it’s the sixth anniversary of the bench event in Salisbury, a couple, one young the other old, get poisoned by Novichok the most lethal substance known to men, after which they have lunch, feed ducks sharing the duck’s bread with some local boys, one of them eats a piece, then go sit down on a bench and voila, a full collapse, both of them together, neither they nor the boys, nor anyone else dies for weeks until ….
The couple hasn’t been seen since. Does anyone know where they are?
What do you make, boys, of the GRU recording of the long chat between the top brass of the German Air Force, could it have been done to warn the burghers of Europe what’s brewing behind closed doors, a warning delivered from a non-Russian source, hence more believable that if it came from a Russian source?
The snell of fear pervades the Cabinets of Europe as the Yanks prepare to abandon Ukraine and the warmongers are exposed.
My first thought was Pistorious, the Kreigs Minister related the bounding South African runber and wife murderer? After all they have similar tempernents, primarily of treachery to those above and below them but also a pechant for what I woukd term “implausible deniability”.
Bismarck he is not.
You arw right of course
The GRU has done us a service in throwing some light on the various machinations in the dark that our cockroches are performing. The revelations may prevent a wider war, it matters littke who acquired them or how they were disclosed, or by whom.
Which reminds me, thoughts and
prayers for Assange as the appeal judges deliberate before judgement. THE duran civered this well yesyersay if anyone is interested.
Apologies for the smelling errors. The only thing wurse than having predictive text-is not having it.
An ode tovthe dwath of King Cotton and the Raj.
The fate of Nelson encapsulates the future of Britain.
But I’ve been saying this for over 20 years.
Noa 9:47
“The only thing wurse than having predictive text-is not having it.”
Ducking trap, innit !
Noa 9:50am
” Colne پہلے سے ہی Nelson کا حصہ ہے۔ ”
Erm… G. Galloway? S.Khan?
Phew! I nearly had to go to Colne last Saturday.
Baron: March 4, 2024 at 11:50 pm
“The couple hasn’t been seen since. Does anyone know where they are?”
Good question!
Navalny’s deadly underpants(*) … also missing.
* Novi-Nut_chok-ers?
Having “mislaid” $10 billion somewhere in Kiev, the gorgeous pouting beauty that is Madam Kagan has departed, somewhat abruptly, to look for missing Whermacht General staff strategic planning recordings. The credits are flowing more freely than the United Utilities sewage discharge into the Irish sea.
“…Blinken said in a statement Tuesday that Nuland had held “most of the jobs” within the State Department, arming her “with an encyclopedic knowledge of a wide range of issues and regions, and an unmatched capacity to wield the full tool kit of American diplomacy to advance our interests and values…”
Noa : March 6, 2024 at 7:23 pm
So, the Blinken ‘n Blimp partnership is over. The war sow’s departure is one tiny Rayon of hope that the insanity levels in DC might subside. Would that she be gone forever.
“to look for missing Whermacht General staff strategic planning recordings. “
to quote the leader of the “free” world, “C’mon, man…”
What member of the latter day OKW hasn’t got pissed on Helles and Schnapps and then speculated about a rematch with the Ivans whilst being recorded…
Have the individuals concerned been named?
Bats: An apology. I now accept that no harm can come from them as a dietary component… as long as they’ve not come into contact with Fauci.
On a lighter note… Chickens?
Like you said somewhere above above, where is the talent these nowadays?
Spike you know, but the guy playing the stereotypical beeboid is John Bluthal. He was a brilliant comedic and straight actor.
“Wir fliegen uber Engerland…oops Russia”.
It was the head of the airforce and his chief of staff as I remember, who else gets the freebies to the Singapore Air Show?
Not a bad post mortem for the able but ghastly woman, pity they didn’t insert the Yatsenjuk walk to Damascus:
EC says @ March 7, 2024 at 9:18 am
A superb find, EC, pity the great Spike is no longer with us, he would ‘unawoke the Woke’, buried them with the chickens.
Barry’s Third Term summarised: Dementia, insanity and lies
“John Kerry says people would ‘feel better’ about the Ukraine war if Russia would reduce emissions”
This video was so embarrassing that YouTube pulled this from their site!
More supporting evidence that “The Republic” is too far gone to be saved.
They were better off under George III
Amazing gorgeous girl, and not only physically, amazingly in every respect, Baron had to subscribe:
Baron: 5:11 pm
Naughty thoughts Milud?
Does Maria Vladimirovna [Zacharova] know that you’ve been “two-timing” her?
This is good also:
Will the US really leave NATO? I’d not rate the possibility too seriously, but soaring US debt, southern border invasion, public disaffection with Ukraine and the inclination to hit the road when the going gets tough means it’s not to be entirely dismissed.
Meanwhile, whilst Lordy Snooty sends the Fatwah to Caracas to do, Gawd knows what? Secure a preferential supply of cocaine for Conservative HQ and the City, one foolhardy war loving lunatic condemns the lunacies of another with the faintest of faint praise.
The Lotus Eater and Nice, mild mannered Peter Whittle analyse the Tory non-performance and apologies for mass immigration. In the meantime, having quadrupled immigration the gubmint trumpets its going to cut it by 25%.
Pure genius!
Baron: March 10, 2024 at 8:46 pm
I reckon only throw in a Russell Brand video occasionally to distract from your expanding harem of online young hottie analysts & commentators… which is threatening to eclipse that of Mark Steyn. I was going to recommend Batya Ungar-Sargon, who is interesting, but I’m not sure she’d meet your exacting standards.
Meanwhile some anti Pootin propaganda… Vlad’s women!
This, imo, fails miserably as the guy must be superhuman to take so much punishment! He beats Trump “into a cocked hat” as the saying goes. Like The Donald he certainly has a keen eye for the ladies.
Noa: March 11, 2024 at 2:32 pm
Desperate stuff from Richard Kemp and the Barclay Bugle. Nobody in the comments mentioned Micron’s recent military victories. i.e. his troops being booted out of several African nations. For him there will be no triumphant balcony scene similar to that which featured the equally diminutive Sarkozy and Lord Slippery of Tripoli. If he goes on the way he is doing then his balcony scene alongside Brigitte will be at the Élysée Palace with the mob hurling the cobble stones of Paris that have been torn up once more – 1968 and all that.
Noa says: March 11, 2024 at 3:52 pm
Peter Whittle is awfully nice.
Laurence Fox with his “I wouldn’t shag that” comment fell into the identical same trap that Carl Benjamin did with his Phillips comment.
CB did very well to come back from that, but seemed to stop the lefty rot after he successfully defended a frivolous lawsuit and was able to recover substantial legal costs which crippled the original litigant 🙂
Also I note that the giant hairball, cigar smoking Fr. Calvin Robinson, has had a short back and sides after his departure from GB News. Do you think that the hair-do was a wig, or piss take all along?
Laurence Fox in discussion with Fr Calvin Robinson
This one is new to Baron, can anyone say whether what he’s saying makes any sense?
EC says @ March 12, 2024 at 8:36
One would have thought, EC, he has enough on the plate what with the sanctions, the never ending anti-Putin media barrage and most importantly the Ukrainian venture to have any time for the other sex, his choices looked as if they could exhaust a 20-year old one, what is it he is on, we should be told.
Mike Benz tells Carlson about the Deep State. It has a feeling of plausibility.
Men, women, he’s, she’s, zits,cats, trannnies, uthers.
Whatever they are there’s not enough of them to feed the meat grinder.
Obviously the US & EU elites see the imminent collapse of the Alensky armies under the murderous leadership of its own generalissimos and fear the consequences for themselves, if not for Europeans’cituzens, when the Yankees have had enough and reprise the ‘Saigon split’, leaving their broken HIMARs, Bradley’s and Abrams AFVs behind them.
Noa: March 13, 2024 at 8:33 am
Good one!
Google, and the rest, funded with DARPA/CIA money. Highly plausible.
The Polish President and PM (Duda & Tusk) have been in DC signing up to buy boatloads of advanced US Weaponry. $Billions of it. Get this, the Septics are going to “loan” the Poles the money with which to buy the stuff. Sound familiar? If they repeat this process throughout the “frontline” NATO nations then all of them, not just Ukraine, will all be placed in debt and servitude to the DC Swamp for the next 100 years.
This 20th century paradigm certainly worked to make an obedient poodle out of the UK. Strangely enough, even though Russia was lease-lent more than the UK, the US never even asked Russia to pay back a single dollar of their debt. Go figure!
File under: Special Friends
“Was bedeuteten Taurus-Marschflugkörper für den Ukraine-Krieg? Nato-General Kujat erklärt”
[What do Taurus cruise missiles mean for the Ukrainian war? NATO General Kujat explains]
The prospect of being royally rogered again by the Ruskies seems to causing fibrillating Sffincters (sic) amongst the cabbage and asparagus eaters in W.Germany.
Prize for the best comment thus far goes to:
@Xeno7771 26 minutes ago
“Apropos Wunderwaffen und den nächsten “Gamechanger”, Zelensky hat schon nach Geld gefragt um einen Deathstar zu bauen – das wird es den Russen sicher zeigen.”
[“Speaking of miracle weapons and the next “game changer”, Zelensky has already asked for money to build a Deathstar – that will surely show the Russians.”]
It’s a slow news day up here in the now submerged “debatable lands.”
I see “Madeline McCann” is in the tabloid headlines again, most notably in the “Currant Bun.” This is a sure sign that “they” are trying divert attention away from something else.
File under: Misdirection
Will le petit Napoleon return to Ukraine to the way to Russia?
Will anyone else follow the ‘War Leader’? Mrs Macrombie perhaps.
Democracy? What democracy?
Holland remains in a Rutte. Even though he wants to lead NATO into a post nuclear cockroach economy.
“Democracy? What democracy?”
The “Deep-state” defined in under 2 mins…
Double whammy: The UK is a satrapy of the EUSSR and the US at one and the same time.
Shed a small tear for the German economy.
“…70% of German business have relocated abroad to a moderate or large extent…”
Save the weeping and wailing for the UK, that EU/US satrapy.
“What’s the price tonight, Rishi?”
Sanctions: Die Wirkschaft Blunder?
Datei unter: Der Irony-Vorhang,
Two Greek blokes, one smiling, one chuckling.
It looks the Germans, or at least the military top of the German Armed Forces are looking for revenge for the defeat in WW2, these morons will bring about another global conflict even without the Führer unless the two new German political parties get in and put an end to it:
Oh the irony!
Biden trying to bully Victor Orban, who is after all the Vlad Boy of European politics; accusing him of trying to influence the forthcoming POTUS elections by meeting with the Donald.
Baron says:
March 19, 2024 at 8:52 pm
It’s remarkable if it’s true Baron. Why did the USAF leak the story to the FSB? It must have been on instructions from the top.
But why would the Men want to promulgate it? Mercouris considers that it supports his theory that the US is preparing to walk away, from Ukraine, particularly in view of last month’s revelations about secret CIA bases in
We’ll see what happens
The Russian and Western methodologies of war contrasted. What it does is show how weak the West is,and how incaoave of fighting a prolonged, serious war against a capable opponent it now is.
This video was sent to Baron by someone learning Russian, it’s nothing spectacular, the guy’s walking through a town talking about it in Russia with added subtitles in English, no need to watch the 30min plus walk, but move the runner to some 15min where he reaches the centre of the town, what even Baron finds amazing is how much a provincial town in Russia has changed in fewer than two generations, the houses, the cars, the graffiti even the trams seem not that different from what one would find in the West
Noa says @ March 20, 2024 at 12:12 am
Informative but also open to a challenge, Noah, the one Baron would have is quite simple, he reckons that if we were to reach the stage where WW3 would be unavoidable the fighting will be over quickly, it will be neither ‘force-centric’ war nor ‘terrain-focused’ one, it will be turbo-centric war given the decisive tools of killing, and not because of nukes, but because of chemical and bio missiles.
The party to the war that succeeds in getting through the other party’s defences with its missiles (to start with conventional) and simultaneously prevents the other party’s missiles (also conventional) reaching its lands will be the winner, and that will not take more than a couple of months at most.
One may argue that the loser will then deploy nukes, but that would make its plight much worse given that if the chemo cum bio missiles could breach its defences the nuclear warheads equipped missiles could do the same.
You reckon Baron wrong?
Let’s hope we never find out that you’re right.
Baron: 1:55 pm
When it comes to WMD then Bio and Chemical options, although dreadful, are simply not practical on the battlefield due to the vagaries of transmission, wind and weather etc.
There is nothing as reliable (*) and effective as a good ole bucket o’ sunshine going off at an altitude somewhere between three to five thousand feet.
* discounting Tridents launched from RN subs, of course.
Noa: 4:59 pm
Baron: March 20, 2024 at 1:42 pm
From the sun kissed wheat fields of Krasnodar to the rocky outcrops of Magadan at the end of the world where, thanks to “climate change”, the midsummer temps can hit 15C for about 2 weeks in a good year before rapidly plummeting toward zero again.
Pavlin from Varna, Bulgaria, gives you a tour on his Yamaha Ténéré 700
What do all these people do for a living? Interesting, no?
The Judge’s latest chat with the Weapons Inspector is very interesting, on two fronts.
35,174 views Streamed live 3 hours ago
The cute approach:
EC says @ March 21, 2024 at 3:28 pm
Scott Ritter is always worth listening to, EC, thanks for posting it, the guy knows what he’s talking about, the one point he didn’t cover re the election is that if 12% of the voters did choose a candidate other than Putin the 88% could have done so as well, nobody ever mentions this simple truth, if Putin were so hated one would vote for anyone but him, yet 88% of people didn’t vote against him even though they had a chance just as the 12% that rejected him had an opportunity to do so.
It’s either that the Western Governing elites are fully unable to comprehend the character of the Russians (see Winston quip ‘a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma’, or they get it but for nefarious reasons pretend otherwise.
EC says @ March 21, 2024 at 9:46 am
It’s the courage of people like the biker, EC, as he showed some of the past, Magadan was famous during the nightmare of the Georgian thug, one would have thought it would be the last place one wants to visit, but amazingly it looked quite habitable, the Mask wouldn’t look out of place in Britain, and the road surfaces were immeasurably better than in Suffolk, no question about it.
EC says @ March 20, 2024 at 6:11 pm
You are underestimating the evil of those wanted to kill us, the chemo is programmed to last hours, so are the lives of the bio creatures, the one idea Baron came across years ago when the US military research could be had on the net is what you say, a powerful nuclear blast high up to blind everyone that doesn’t blink when it goes off, evil, truly evil.
Whilst a macho Macron punches above his weight and height a disarmed and de-industrialised West prepares to fight to the last Ukrainian Year 1 school boy to protect its politicial class, whilst they try to coax/coerce a mentally ill benefits dependency class to put down X Boxes and pick up decommissioned Brown Bess muskets to protect them.
FAB 300s this week? FAB 1000s next?
A couple drioped on the shills in the Commons would be a good start….
The military writer on Russia Jim Kinnear describes a road trip to Russia.
According to one of the Telegram channels the Russian security has apprehended eleven suspects including the four gunmen involved ion the attack, one has an injury to his eye, is treated in a hospital, four of them were caught some 100km from the Ukrainian border in a Renault Symbol, when the car refused to stop the police opened fire, the four have non Russian names, all suspects are being questioned.
The majority of the postings are linking the atrocity to Nuland’s warning during her recent visit to Kiev about ‘surprises’ for Russia. The US State Department issued a statement within two hours of the terror attack saying it has all the hallmarks of ISIS, Ukraine has nothing to do with it.
A large queues on Moscow of people wanting to give blood.
Mr Shoigu gives us a tour of a FAB-3000 production facility
Dima’s initial analysis of this tragic, murderous business is as good as any. Putin will be embarrassed by his contemptuous rejection on Tuesday of the USG warning of likely attack, no doubt based on Five Eyes sigint.
Ukraine will be no less unhappy that the terrorists were arrested en route to the border.
An interesting ancestry…
“Victoria Nuland: The making of a psychopath. Chapter 1,2 and 3.”
Noa, Sometimes it takes more than a FABn…
I think it’s going to take a bible & silver crucifix, rosewood stake & mallet, a garland of garlic & a liberal sprinkling of holy water to finish this one off!
R.I.P. Peter Cushing
Meanwhile EC, whilst the Russkies make ever bigger bangs, back in the Real World of Woken Britan, the Met and West Yorks Schutzstaffel robustly patrol the dangerous stockpile of old jokes being mined for hate and racism by the maddest of Blick Wimmin MPs.
Reminds me of Air Afrikaans, enjoy it if and whist you can.
“Death for Death”.
Medvedev and Putin
“Don’t look back in anger”.
“…Lydia Bernsmeier-Rullow (and fellow leftist appeasers) when people joined her in singing Don’t Look Back in Anger in St Ann’s Square, Manchester, after Thursday’s minute’s silence for the victims of the Ariana Grande concert bombing…”
I know which view I and most other English people take.
EC says @ March 23, 2024 at 9:34 am
A top find, EC, truly a big thank you for it.
Noa says @ March 23, 2024 at 9:56 am
If the joke case was happening in Russia, Noa, it would be on the front pages of newspapers and the BBC would run with it for weeks.
The transformation of Britain into a country of 1984 is close to get finished.
Moscow mass murder: Is anybody buying any of the instant and superficial explanations available from the mockingbirds and Judas goats in the MSM? Deprived of the bellwether that was once Daniel Korski of The Spectator we now have to rely on other sources to divine what is more likely to be true.
I suspect that when all the layers surrounding this terrible crime have been peeled away then shadow hand of one of the septic’s three letter agenda agencies will be found close to the centre of the onion. Was this one of Vicky’s “upcoming nasty surprises in store for Putin” that she boasted about as she was given the boot from the US government.
US Auto industry:
Trump was right. “Stellantis” kicks off the redundancy cycle with the first “bloodbath.”
More to come? With Net Zero, an impoverished “middle class” & unaffordable, unsaleable, EVs then matters are only going to get worse!
Noa: March 23, 2024 at 7:01 pm
I’ve been to a lot of places but, hand on heart, I’ve never been to Ongar so I can guarantee that I’ve never looked back there. Over the decades I’ve morphed from angry young man into an angry old man. I try never to look back but sometimes when I do then I get very angry.
Did the victims of the Manchester Arena get justice? Did the police and security services do a proper job, or did they do just enough to get the atrocity and themselves out of the newspaper headlines? One has some sympathy for the sentiments expressed by Medvedev but was that just for public consumption? Will the FSB pursue everybody involved “for as long as it takes”?
I know that in KJV Romans 12 it says “Vengeance is mine…etc.” but is there anything wrong with dispassionately, and without dissimulation, providing an express courier service to deliver his customers? What would the Allah fearing Saudis do, I wonder?
In Clown Brittania today
Owen Jones announces his resignation fron the Labour party
His succeasful infiltration campaign of Burkean conservatism successfully completed, no doubt Owen has been in secret discussions with both the Conservatives and Reform about standing for them.
If it is true all political careers end in failure we must take this latest golden opportunity to which him every success in his!
Re Gubernator Korski.
Shurely Bellend or Withercock, maybe even both?
Clown Brittania today, part 2
Mrs Noa, eaking out the soup ration for the kitchen skivvies, had acquired a packet of Thomson and Morgan Gormandia Tomato seeds for £2.50.
Imagine her surprise to find a total of just four, yes you read that correctly, that’s four seeds inside it.
Not normally an intemperate woman her language took on the colour of a Red Wall Tory MP at defenestration time.
Noa 12:22pm
“Re Gubernator Korski. Bellwether?”
He was a tool, agreed, but with the application of “Vulture’s Law” (Spectator CHWs passim) an unwittingly useful tool.
Vulture’s Law: “Whatever Krapski maintains to be the case, then the opposite is invariably true.”
See also: BBC Verify & BBC/CH4/Sly News etc.
Noa: 12:33pm
I shouldn’t laugh but that’s really funny.
I hope that she calms down soon.
Have you tried Gin?
EC @ 1.59pm
Gin? Yes, she likes that, but unlike peat, (now illegal of course), it’s not a good growing agent.
Fortunately I was able to calm myself down after her histrionics with a decent snifter of courviosier.
“Vultures law”.
Once, whilst driving through the back roads of Riyadh, I came upon a dead sheep in the middle of the track.
Upon it perched a vulture some 3 feet high and with a wingspan I estimated to be some six feet wide.
Naturally I took a photo as it and its petrodyctalic brood glared at me.
I rediscovered the photograph recently whilst prowling through an old album.
For all the world, with its baleful, hooded eyes, skeletal cheeks and lipless curved beak, designed for flaying morbid flesh, it looked tge identical twin of Jeremy Hunt.
Politically correct it ain’t, but a black woman can get away with what a white woman or man cant. Still, it made me chuckle.
“…One has some sympathy for the sentiments expressed by Medvedev but was that just for public consumption?…”
Well, if not exacting biblical justice of an eye for an eye, and regardless of the origins of the attack, the Russians seem to be working on the basis of ‘an ear for an ear’.
Noa: March 25, 2024 at 6:37 pm
As a Rugby Union enthusiast you’ll no doubt be aware that the England team have sustained far worse injuries playing the Boers, one of whom memorably chomped off the lughole of an All Blick.
Then, in an ear munching league of his own, there was Luis Suarez the Argy footballing cannibal.
Mary Kaldor wrote about baroque Western military technology being both over designed whilst ineffective and expensive in quantity compared to then Soviet equipment. As Brian Berlatic of New Atlas has said repeatedly, nothing has changed in 30 years, except that the chickens are coming home to roost.
Theft is the continuation of government by other means.
Electoral Fraud & “Mail-in” Ballots: The continuation of government by another means
File under: Team Obama
Meanwhile, from out of the east and over the Ganges…
“The Pakistani Flag been hoisted above Westminster Abbey”
Cue: Richard Littlejohn, YCMIU etc.
GDP. The eternal Ponzi scheme.
The economics of madness. The more migrants the better the GDP ratio and the more the government can borrow.
All operated by George Osborne’s Office for Budgetary Irresponsibility.
Amazingly, they haven’t yet figured it could be Putin’s revenge for the Moscow atrocity what with Nuland warning on her visit to Kiev before she got sacked that ‘the financial help to Ukraine will lead to some nasty surprises for Putin’, so in Baltimore it was a nasty surprise for the party administering a nasty surprise on Putin (only joking, but what’s the bet the West will wake up to the offer?).
Noa says @ March 27, 2024 at 8:46 pm
Two points, the best to explain the GDP is to say it’s the income of everyone in the UK, the income of the ordinary people, the companies and also the government, its agencies and anyone else that receives an income of whatever kind, people understand the idea of income because income is what they have and need to spend to live.
The other point is GDP measured in purchasing power parity, again not that hard to explain, but a notion that doesn’t appeal because it puts Britain towards the number 10 in the ranking table, countries like China (close to a third bigger in PPP dollars than the Republic) and Russia ranked fifth in gross GDP PPP.
Baron: March 27, 2024 at 11:44 pm
Being a dinosaur that never understood money (and quite a lot else) I always thought that the “product” was money derived from something that was made/manufactured that someone else wanted to buy.
Is “product” now defined as borrowed money? How would you navigate the tricky waters between Loan Default and Hyperinflation caused by printing money?
Baron: March 27, 2024 at 11:44 pm
From “Midnight in Moscow” to midnight in Baltimore:
Surreal. The MV Dali was well named!
Bridge seems to have been under engineered somewhat.
Ship in darkness? To quote the late and much lamented (by me at any rate) HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, “This wiring looks like it was done by an Indian.”
On other nautical matters:
If it is to avoid annihilation in the South China Sea, Gulfs of Aden & Oman etc, then the US Navy need to reintroduce the use of carved wooden figureheads on the prows of their fleets’ flagships. The sight of Victoria Nuland, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi coming at them would make their adversaries about-turn and flee in terror! Minor vessels could similarly utilise carvings of pop icons like Madonna, Taylor Swift etc.
Due to lack of ships there would be far more competition for the positions on Royal Navy prows. Throwing a couple of suggestions out there… Maggie, Angela Rayner, Nicola Sturgeon, Diane Abbot etc. Any other suggestions?
EC says @ March 28, 2024 at 10:32 am
‘If one forgets the tel number, the economist will estimate it for one’, says one definition of the profession, EC, it fits well when one talks about the future, but also about the current (say) the state sector, if the NHS gets £10bn that the Government borrows the £10bn is the NHS income, it is added in the calculation of the GDP, it may seem crazy, but it’s true there is no other way to do it.
EC says @ March 28, 2024 at 11:19 am
Just as well the Duke’s dead, EC, his Indian wiring quip would have assured he was sent down in Scotland in no time, probably down south in England as well.
Every female witch working for the BBC News would qualify as well for your excellent suggestion of an additional piece of ‘weaponry’ to be added to our non-existent boats, furthermore, since we indeed lack suitable dinghies, these harridans could be tied up to wooden planks, their bottoms equipped with easily obtainable firework rockets left over from the NY celebration, which the average pyrotechnic could safely ignite, and voila the enemy retreats away in great panic.
You are doing a great injustice to our communities in limiting the nammeing of ships to hell-bound politcal harpies.
The Navy aspired to something less ephemeral, with names like Victory and Indefatigable.
How about honouring our trans and Queer icons more? The Izzard, MS trans disabled blick activist Narsga P Johnson Bobby Pickard and oooh ever ‘Foxy’ Fox Fisher all come to mind as modern erm, heroetties and suitable for the modern navy’s figureheads.
To borrow the Iron Duke’s comment about the British Army,
“I don’t know what they do to the enemy, but they frighten the life out of me”.
I see that Grant Shapps, the useless Utility Minister that gave us the motorised escootering mini-mugger, has made his mark on the fast disappearing army by allowing the remaining elite ‘Fat Bastards” brigades to grow beards.
I’m not sure how the ‘screaming hissy fit’ corps of trannies and lesbians will cope with this new direction, but tgee are always creams and false beards to assist in creating the new shock troops that will scare the Russians and Chinese to death, if nothing else.
The Salisbury Review has launched a new website, accessible here.
Worth a look.
Yes, yes, one shouldn’t laugh at other people’s misfortune, but Baron has to confess he has not had as big a laugh for years as he did watching this guy’s worth while attempt to create a piece of domestic fireworks and make it work in fewer than 2 minutes:
Noa says @ March 29, 2024 at 12:54 pm
Useful, thank you, Noa.
A duty to warn?
Baron: March 29, 2024 at 8:21 pm
Mishaps happen in daily life, more so in times of war, but one of the problems the Ukrainian boys have is the handling of the Western gear, the Western tools of killing are quite sophisticated, in the West they are handled by non-conscripted men, men that want to serve, serve long enough to learn how to handle the intrinsically not-easy-to-deploy weaponry, that’s missing in Ukraine, but as this tragic incidence shows not even the Western instructors get it always right, the guy was on the wrong side of the conflict, but one cannot but feel sorry for his and his family.
Is debt realy sinking the West? A fascinating discussion with Prof Michael Hudson.
Well, the sun is shining for the second day running up here in the “Debatable Lands.”
It’s always easier to be optimistic when the sun is out. Cue: The Beatles on this one!
So Happy Easter Noa, Baron & Peter.
And a happy Easter to you and yours too, EC and to Baron, Peter and the Wallsters who visit occasionally.
Here’s a piece on the cost of visiting the South. We’ll be needing visas soon. (Ausweiss bitte!)) I enjoyed the snail video; reminding me of Baron’s moles.
Noa, Re: “Ausweiss bitte”
What could possibly go wrang?
I am fully confident that the useless tossers in the civil service (aka the crème de la crème of Oxbridge) will do a thorough market appraisal and review of all available systems before the corrupt bastards in the Politburo of the Unaparty select the tender with the best kickback$.
You know how it goes…
Talking about Fujitsu…
“Post Office lawyers behaving badly”
EC says @ April 1, 2024 at 7:41 am
It was a scandal, EC, and it continues to be a scandal, sadly for the victims the Establishment isn’t interested, the agencies charged with looking after the wronged have failed abysmally, but will they admit to it?
Apologies for missing you at Easter, things interfered, not only time was missing the mood wasn’t right either, Baron hopes your Easter turned out at least as good as before preferably better.
Prof. Richard Dawkins for Archbish’ of C*nterbuty, I say.
At least he has a firmer grasp than Welby of what the CofE’s role should be in national life.
More to the point, and most importantly, Dickie is no Dhimmi !
That only leaves me or Noa for the role of Pontifex Maximus. I, Earnest-ly :-), recommend Noa, unless you want to see Roderigo Borgia 2.0 in the Vatican 😉
“It’s good to remember the unburied dead and the uncollected rubbish. Most of it can now be seen on the Labour benches in the House of Commons.”
-Norman Tebbit.
Mr Tebbit is surely missed. No doubt he would have described the Tory benches of 2924 in the sanecor even mire contemptuous terms.
BBBC site this day:
“William Wragg: Tory gave MPs’ numbers to dating app contact, report says.”
William Wragg, the vice (fnarr, fnarr!) chair of the ’22 appears to represent just the sort of MP we’re saddled with in our inclusive and oh-so-caring times.
“Speaking to the Times, the vice-chairman of the 1922 committee of backbench Tory MPs said he had sent intimate pictures of himself to a man he met on gay dating app Grindr.”
“They had compromising things on me. They wouldn’t leave me alone.
“They would ask for people. I gave them some numbers, not all of them. I told him to stop. He’s manipulated me and now I’ve hurt other people.
“I got chatting to a guy on an app and we exchanged pictures. We were meant to meet up for drinks, but then didn’t. Then he started asking for numbers of people. I was worried because he had stuff on me. He gave me a WhatsApp number, which doesn’t work now.
“I’ve hurt people by being weak. I was scared. I’m mortified. I’m so sorry that my weakness has caused other people hurt.”
Never mind that the frickin’ country’s going down the pan and the Conservative Party is the biggest non-funny joke around, eh, little Willy? There are far more important “issues” out there!”
Hat tip to John Bridge, formerly a spin-ster of this parish, on today’s TCW.
Most people are ‘Cultural Christains’ now, given the general collapse of a belief after WW1. It was manageable until in their hubris madness of the Western political and appratchik class decided that everyone else in the world had reached their stage of enlighted nirvana and imported the worlds ‘untoilet trained’ to crap upon Mr Crappers products rather than aim into them.
Primative beliefs accompany primative practices, as da Bish will fnd out…
The “Chiswick Strangler” is much missed, by me at any rate.
Here’s part of a speech Maggie gave at an election meeting in Plymouth, May 2001.
Her contempt for Blair, Brown and New Labour now equally applicable to her own party and doubly so to the “Hollow Man” and his third rate team of shockers that are about to replace them!
“Plus ca change plus c’est la meme chose”, eh
From someone that posts as GUBU on another blog:
“But surely you know how it is. Somebody sends you a text with a few kind words, or expresses their admiration for you, and the next thing you know your trousers are around your ankles and you’re desperately trying to bring your thrupenny bit into focus whilst making sure it all fits onto the screen at the same time. With only one hand on your phone.
There but for the grace of…..”
Baron: April 5, 2024 at 8:18 pm
Another day, another acronym…
I just had to look up what “GUBU” stood for.
Is there anybody in Parliament who isn’t a crook or a pervert?
“Is there anybody in Parliament who isn’t a crook or a pervert?”
I would not tar the bar staff on zero hours contracts in the Strangers Bar with either of those brushes!
Just saw something, somewhere in “the wee small hours…”
The most dangerous thing that one can be asked in Scotland…
“What do you think?|
This now replaces the rhetorical invitation to a brawl, “See You Jimmy”
The revival of the ‘entente cordial?’ What has mi’lor Camerloon been cooking up with le sweaty boxer boy? Is a joint expedition with France to Ukraine in plan?
Sanity is apparantly starting to prevail in the US, so here’s why it would be madness.
Le cook up pour les chefs. The butcher of Libya strikes again.
Today is the second anniversary of Johnson’s visit to Kiev to persuade Kilzensky to withdraw from the peace agreement with Russia.
Yet the fat slug and his murderous co- bully boy are still schilling for Bidon, Blackrock and Soros rather than facing trial for war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya Ukraine and London.
“Lord Slippery Of Tripoli” [©P. Hitchens] hedging his bets?
All about Kagan, also Nuland:
EC says @ April 9, 2024 at 10:16 am
Paywall interfered, EC.
Noa says @ April 8, 2024 at 11:34 pm
Once more, Noa, it’s the paywall ‘what did it’.
Noa says @ April 8, 2024 at 8:34 pm
Nothing much to disagree with, Noa, a good find, thanks.
I’ve just finished reading Glenn Diesen’s “The Ukraine war and the Eurasian World Order”.
I highly recommend it. Its a comprehensive geo political analysis of the titanic struggle between the current leading world power; America and the two rising and competing world powers, China and Russia. It’s
both informative and enlightening. The innumerable references and quotations are as contemporary as any published book can be, and its written with a fire and scholarship that belies the writers academic appearance.
The duplicitous West comes out badly, Putin more of an honest broker than perhaps he is. But the consistent bad faith of US and Western politicians, especially the pussilanimous clowns in Westminster is pitilessly exposed.
One feels only a sense of shame at the cringing, obsequious and treacherous behaviour of British politicians that is relentlessly exposed in its pages.
Recommended, but requires patience and a even a re-read to understand many of the points it makes. For example when did Britain’s hatred of Russia start? Was it the Czars cossack army arriving on the Indian frontier in 1801? Ever heard of the 1847 Russia Persuan war and its consequences for Britain? Or the existential threat the Chord of the Russian landmass presented to the Arc of the world encircling maritime corridors of Britain’s empire? (The inherant weakness of one was sublimely exploited by Stonewall Jackson in his 1862 Shanendoah campaign to defeat three separate Union armies, but I digress..)
You will be wiser, and far better informed for reading Diesen’s book.
An excellent primer to current geo-strategic and geo-political ideas
Oh no. Now Japan is starting to experience benefits of diversity…
Mittlerweile im Land der 24-Stunden-Spargelesser…
Migrant crime is exploding in Germany: Where are the mass demonstrations against the left?
Noa: April 10, 2024 at 10:08 am
This sounds very good, always supposing that you are not Glen Diesen’s Mum 😉
I might just manage the Kindle price.
Get ready for April 22, even if you are not talking about it as everyone else is, or so the guy says (not Baron, he was totally unaware of the coming event):
Noa says @ April 10, 2024 at 10:08 am
How could one resist your recommendation, Noa, thanks.
Few days ago Baron ordered ‘Seven roads to Moscow’ by Lieutenant-Colonel W. G. F. Jackson, he will report whether it’s worth reading.
Revenge is a dish best served cold?!
Orange Man says nuts to Chipmonk.
A dominating Hegemum versus a new multi polar Westphalian world?
Glenn’s mum explains all!
Next review (maybe) “A Misfit in Moscow”, a British embassy staffers recollections of his experiences in Mocba. So far an enjoyable read….
Here’s an insightful article from Vershinin in RUSI on the attritional war in Ukraine and why Russia is winning. God only knows how it got past their censor and mind controller.
And giving read it, apply the same lessons from Ukraine to the absolute structural indefensibility of Britain, now captured in the North and South by the nass invasionof our cultural enemies.
And further on the Chipmonk…
We see that its been chucking it down in Limassol. Poor Alex Christoforou! Meanwhike Russia is investigating Burisma (and Hunter) for terrorist activities including but not limited to Crocus.
Maybe you wish to preview the good General’s work before the hard copy arrives, mi’lud.
Baron: April 10, 2024 at 8:14 pm
As frequently exclaimed by Jimmy Olsen, “Holy Cow!”
Noa 8:34pm and 9:01pm
The other Greek bloke covered the same topic.
Lord Slippery’s “brush off” extended all the way from Mar-a-Lago to DC.
No blushes spared. How embarrassing for him 🙂
Noa 8:51pm
10APR24 – Glenn Diesen got the thumbs up after a look up
I seems that whenever somebody tries to document anything of comment upon anything to do with Ukraine, Russia or China that isn’t 100% negatively biased then they are accused of being an apologist or propagandist.
Noa 8:51pm cont.d
A good article.
Further to Baron’s Ginger Bovines @8:14pm
I can remember much simpler times when the only “Red” Heffer that was in the news was called Eric.
If the Nukes or the eschatological Red Heffers don’t get us then the Red Roosters will be along shortly afterwards to finish us off!
Neil Oliver on the next pandemic for which the “vaccine” has reportedly already been produced.
Baron and EC
Ref ‘ffers indeed!
Abd just when we all thought mad cow disease had long perished on the perennial bonfire of humanities innumerable insanities another idiocy comes along after Covid and Chipmunkitis.
Things have come to a pretty pass when bith the left and right are united in their dislike for Chipmunks bletherings and manipulations. Heres Con Coffin putting a nail or two into his Laudship’s political career. And Bloviating Boris is also making mischief over in Ottawa.
Sorry Mi’lud if you can’t read this….
It makes one feel very very insignificant:
Noa says @ April 11, 2024 at 4:37 pm
Interesting piece, Noa, but why the duplicate?
The future security of the secular West depends not on winning against Putin in Ukraine, it depends on preventing the worshippers of Allah taking over both in Europe and in the Republic, the thinking of the man who penned the piece is as shallow as is the preparedness of the NATO member countries insufficient to begin a war with Russia (possibly joined by China).
Noa says @ April 10, 2024 at 9:17 pm
That’s bloody clever of you, Noa, thanks.
EC says @ April 11, 2024 at 10:38 am
More than a chuckle, EC, how did Jimmy know, a clever boy, a pity he gets killed (or does he, Baron forgot).
EC says @ April 11, 2024 at 11:39 am
Is there anything one would be free to possess in the future, or shall one expect to only have what the government decides one can have, and not just chicken.
The coming chicken registration is worrying Baron’s supplier of eggs, he reckons it’s a part of preparing for the war what with eggs being a solid source of protein, all the chickens and hence the eggs every farmer produces will get counted, then a decision will be made how many eggs the chicken farmer can have for his own breakfasts and how many will be requisitioned by the Government for its own breakfasting, also possible for people sans chickens, if there were to be a surplus.
Madness rules OK.
Baron says:
April 11, 2024 at 8:04 pm
Very true milord.
The West has a collective squint that enables it to miss seeing the 100 million followers of ROP whilst it’s remaining eyes focuses on the Russian chimera.
The latest mad distractio plan is for British, French Polish force apparantly to cover the Ukr retreat across the Dnieper in respective occupation zones.
Dear God, do they have any idea what they’d be invoking by such reckless, idiotic folly?
Dexter Reed got stopped by the police for not wearing a seat belt, for unknown reasons he refused to open the door of the car over and over again, then opened fire injuring one of the female officers, she ran away, a colleague of hers began shooting, she also returned and began pummelling the guy, altogether four guns were use, 96 shots in total to end the life of Mr. Reed (the Russian mag believes this is another George Floyd in the making, the officers must have been white):
I cant see what all the fuss is about. That’s just a normal evening in many parts of London Manchester or Blackpool these days.
Cultural enrichment reaches Sydney. Part of the post Ramadam celebrations or just aboriginal revenge?
Man shot after stabbings at a Sydney shopping centre
Hundreds of people were evacuated as police responde
13 April 2024 • 8:12am
A man was shot at a mall in Sydney on Saturday following reports of multiple people stabbed, police in the city said.
Emergency services were called to Westfield Bondi Junction just before 4pm local time following the reports, New South Wales Police said in a statement.
“People are urged to avoid the area,” the statement said.
“Inquiries are continuing in relation to the incident and there are no further details.”
Hundreds of people were evacuated from the shopping centre after the incident, news site reported.
State broadcaster ABC reported some people remained trapped inside.
Two witnesses told Reuters they heard shots fired.
“Even 20 minutes after people were rushed out of the mall, I saw SWAT teams of people sweeping the surrounding streets,” one of the witnesses said.
One witness said they saw a woman lying on the ground and took shelter in a jewellery store.
New South Wales state police said a police operation was underway but did not provide further details.
Several posts on social media showed crowds fleeing the mall and police cars and emergency services rushing to the area.
Not that different then from the American experience, Noa, we should be truly grateful it hasn’t reached us yet in as vicious form as the two shootings, it’s still down to knives mostly, possibly machetes, guns are mercifully rare, and AK-47s used in the Crocus massacre rarer still.
Apart from the police women that shot the terrorist in the Sydney stabbing atrocity, it was only a Russian that tried to stop him with a metallic bollard to get up the escalator to reach a floor with a children corner, the Russian was heard shouting ‘go away’ many times, the terrorist didn’t risk it.
Another wise man talking, there’s nothing Baron would disagree with (as it mattered if he did), the professor cuts it just as it should be cut, both on Ukraine and Gaza, a smart guy.
Noa: April 13, 2024 at 8:50 am
Carry On Up Bondi Junction:
The Westfield complex there is HUGE.
It has many high end retail outlets and eateries where the supposed “nice” people go shopping
OTOH, the Westfield “Eastern Garden” shopping mall in the SE ‘burbs down near the Airport has a completely different clientele altogether. Many more tattoos, revolting, self-inflicted, body piercings and a high incidence of missing teeth – and that’s just the women! If the fervent hothead had pulled that crap down there then no doubt he’d have been swiftly disarmed and disembowelled by a woman from Cronulla using only her bare hands.
Baron says: April 14, 2024 at 12:12 am
De judge and his various guests are always worth watching.
Cauci didn’t suffer from an “ideation”, he was just a mad, drug raddled piece of rats excrement.
So that’s all right then.
New South Wales Police Commissioner Karen Webb told a press conference that her officers believe the attacker “is a 40-year-old man”.
She added: “If in fact it is the person that we believe it is, then we don’t have fears for that person holding an ideation – in other words, that it’s not a terrorism incident.
”He is known to law enforcement but we are waiting to identify him formally.”
I see WW3 kicked off last night.
With a”massive told you so” from the Walrus
Apparantly last nights firework show was a pre-agreed minuet between Washington and Tehran. Given the lack of ballistic missiles and hypersonic drones involved that a real attack would have summoned we now have an opportunity for cooler heads to prevail.
And the Slog does an everyman summary of the new geopolitical realities.
Comment #1600
…and all fireworks paid for by the USA.
Comment #1601
Further to Noa’s observation @1:54pm
Indeed, it was truly all an arranged performance, lacking only perhaps a Daily Mail photo op with Chuck III at the controls of a Vulcan Bomber at the end of a runway, turbines rolling, and eyepatch at the ready! Yee Ha!
(NB.. Of Course, given his religious proclivities, HRH would never condone bombing the Mullahs unless his chum MBS gave him the nod.)
See, you, Jimmy!
Rishi can’t do gravitas! He can barely keep a straight face, but he expects us to believe this horse shit?
Yes, Tehran Tommy is an another rant, but he does make a valid point or two.
Worth checking out the Greeks (shudder at the hideous green wallpaper! Drool with envy at the Cypriot spring sun!), about the devious machinations of the Israelis and Iranians in avoiding any civilian and significant military casualities abd losses.
World War postponed until tomorrow maybe, everybody happy, muscles flexed, inner Scwarzeneggers satisfied.
O won’t be booking my holidays in Tel Aviv just yet though.
What’s the difference between an ally and a proxy?
About 61$ billion!
Youre a proxy when your death is an investment for the American taxpayer. (You die so they don’t have to!)
But when you’re an Ally your security is, in the new Washington vernacular, guaranteed by US dollars and Grunts!
(per Dimitry Medvedev).
Ah the Rotal Mail scandal! Hopefully it will end eventually with the cat being scragged by the evil Ms Vennells!
Is she a dyke? She’s got to be a Dick Van with that hair cut!
Rishi reminds me of the Indian teaboy, who in his bowtie and waistcoat, would bring tea around fivectimes a d..ay in my Riyadh office.
The teaboy was more efficient.
Anyway here’s some exclusive footage of him rehearsing his Green card retirement to California when he’s thrown out here.
Manchester Arena survivors sue MI5 for failure to stop bomber
Wishing them success
Group of 250 victims and loved ones submit claim to Investigatory Powers Tribunal
Hundreds of Manchester Arena terrorist attack survivors are suing MI5 for an alleged failure to take action that could have stopped the bombing.
The group of more than 250 victims and their loved ones have submitted their claim to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT), which considers complaints against the intelligence services.
It is understood to be the first time legal action has been taken against MI5 for an alleged failure to stop a domestic terror attack.
It is reported that complainants are arguing that officers’ negligence breached the injured survivors’ “right to life” under the Human Rights Act.
In a joint statement Hudgell Solicitors, Slater and Gordon, and Broudie Jackson Canter, the three lead firms representing the group, said: “Legal teams representing injured survivors of the Manchester Arena bombing in 2017 can confirm that they have collectively submitted a group claim on behalf of more than 250 clients to the IPT.
“As it is an ongoing legal matter, we are unable [to] provide any further details, or comment further, at this stage.”
Members of the public observe a national minute’s silence in remembrance of all those who lost their lives in the Manchester Arena attack, on May 25, 2017 in Manchester
Members of the public observe a national minute’s silence in remembrance of all those who lost their lives in the Manchester Arena attack, on May 25, 2017 in Manchester CREDIT: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty
In the attack in May 2017, Salman Abedi murdered 22 people by detonating a homemade bomb in the foyer at the end of an Ariana Grande concert.
Hundreds more were seriously injured, mostly children and young people. Abedi had packed metal nuts and bolts into his bomb.
In 2019 a judge-led inquiry found that MI5 had missed a “significant” opportunity to take action that might have prevented the bombing.
Its chairman Sir Jonathan Saunders concluded: “There was a realistic possibility that actionable intelligence could have been obtained which might have led to actions preventing the attack.”
Andrew Roussos, whose eight-year-old daughter Saffie was the youngest victim of the attack, has previously said that suing MI5 was the “only way” the security services would learn.
Speaking to Times Radio last year Mr Roussos said: “It’s the only way to learn, everybody learns by hitting them hard in the pocket, I am sorry to say.”
Noa: 7:28 pm
“Will Post Office have assets seized under Proceeds of Crime Act?
Quite possibly.”
One also hopes that that ghastly woman and the others involved have all their personal financial assets seized and are sent to prison for fraud, perjury or whatever else they can pin on them.
Noa at 7:11 pm
“the hideous green wallpaper!”
Yes it makes one feel rather queasy, doesn’t it.
it looks old enough to be original Victorian, imbued with arsenic, that came with the house.
“This wallpaper is killing me; one of will have to go.”
Oscar Wilde – reportedly from his deathbed in his lodgings in [not so] “Gay Paree”, Nov 1900.
Noa at 11:23 pm
I hope they are successful too.
I’ve lost count of the number of “lone wolf” terrorist atrocities where it is rapidly discovered that the perp’ was on a watchlist of the police or one of the ‘Three Letter’ agencies.
Liability doesnt go far enough up the chain of causation.
It started with the political approval of unsuitable entrants to the country from a Libya bombed to rubble by the regime changers Barack and the Chipmunk, the Home Secretary and HO who expedited entry. The system that fed and nutured them , failing to monitor or control.
So its back to Arkright, the piano wire and the Westminster lampost as the only just solution for systemic, totemic treason.
Thisvis a reposting of a polemic I wrote in TCW under the nom de plume of King Cotton.
“Like most insane ideologies the climate change heresy is starting to disintegrate as it encounters reality.
The decline of the West has accelerated since it embraced the alter of this false diety. linked as it is to the pagan idea of gaia, an earth god.
The switch from fossil to misnamed recyclable and ‘free’ fuels is bankrupting Western economies as their dis-economies are ignored by the new rising economies of Russia, China and the Global South, who reject them in favour of developing their own resources and industries in parallel with the standards of living, skills and life qualities of their own populations.
The reality which is contributing the most to the destruction of this false idol is tge Ukraine war.
The futile imposition of sanctions on the most resource rich nation on earth, whas resulted in the formation of the alternative BRICS trading block, and a formidable strategic alliance between China and Russia, fast becoming the world’s second and third industrial abd economic powers and replacing the West as they do so.
In consequence the falsity of climate change has been clearly exposed.
As Europe has shut down her own fuel sources and reduced imports from Russia it has destroyed its own industries and has actually transferred their acceleration to its competitors, including the United States, which considers the forced transfer of Volkwagen, Mercedes and the German Mittelstand, due to the forced purchase of expensive Qatarian LNG and US shale oil to be ‘reshoring’ its own shuttered industries.
Britain long ago closed its own pioneering industries, to replace them with the commercial and financial services which as a result of sanctions, are now being decimated and replaced by the gold backed alternatives which the BRICS are developing.
Whilst it is fascinating to watch the hubris of the Baal of climate change being destroyed by the nemesis of its worshippers, the global and political elites, there is no pleasure whatsoever to experience that destruction at first hand, in the collapse of Western society, as we are now doing.”
Noa says @ April 18, 2024 at 9:25 am
Very timely and very true, Noa, the idiocy of the net zero carbon will bury us, the IMF latest is that Russia will have in 2024 the highest GDP growth rate of all advanced economies. Perhaps we should self-impose the same sanctions on us, beat Russia.
EC says @ April 15, 2024 at 8:22 am
This truly puzzles, EC, why hasn’t there been even a single prosecution of the culprits , there surely must be a statute under which the top of the Post Office could be brought to justice, some of the wrongly accused spent time in prison, some committed suicide, could it be the authorities are reluctant to hit the guilty hard because the affair shows them in a bad light.
Just throwing this one out their, chaps…
Q. Why is the Cabal fighting to the last Ukrainian to prevent Russia liberating it?
A. Because BlackRock own it!
Something for the weekend…
Many a true word said in jest, out if the mouths of… etc.
I see Bibi has just returned serve in the current game of inter-continental ballistic ping-pong.
As they might have used to say in Ulster: ‘They’re holding a rally.’
We must just wait to see what happens next….
Mushroom clouds at dawn, anyone?
“Something for the weekend,sir?”
If we survive the barbershop confrontation between Tek Aviv abd Tehran it will be interesting to see how out own dear homegrown jigadists take on board the full-on FVB drone warfare we’ve been witnessing in Ukraine.
Why risk being shot carrying a knive to stab a shopping pensioner when you can drop an Accrington brick or a homemade bomb on them from the
perfect safety of your local mosque?
Allahu Akbar!
Noa: 08:40
Or as they used to say in (duodenal) Ulster: ‘It’s all over, bar the shooting.’
“Mushroom clouds at dawn, anyone?”
Cue: Vera Lynn, “We’ll Meet Again.”
On a lighter note, some nice edits of “To Catch A Thief” set to music…
It evokes for me some pleasant memories of Monte Carlo, Cote d’Azur and Aix en Provence.
It also evokes fond memories of a time when Hollywood could turn entertaining fillums made by good directors, had engaging actors, and engaging actresses who weren’t flat chested.
Don’t get caught on the streets of the Met’ being “openly Lancastrian” or, heaven forfend, a male white one. If you must go then slap on an appropriate shade of Cherry Blossom™ or Kiwi™ before you set off, leave the whippet and flat cap at home, and, if you are into that sort of thing, your favourite pigeon in its loft.
I see the axis of evil is back again, according to the US Congress Speaker.
Haven’t we heard that somewhere before?
They’ll be dancing round the altar at t’black mass tonight then.
I don’t imagine the chap will pay too much attention to this letter which was sent to him.
If you were to listen to the professor you may find a kind of contradiction, he says that Russia has no territorial ambition, not interested in invading any country surrounding her (say) Poland to any of the Baltic states, not even in Ukraine she doesn’t want to occupy the whole, Baron totally agree, Putin has enough on his plate to hold together what he has, bu then the professor says that NATO is essential to Europe to provide the security umbrella for Europe, which begs the question ‘security against whom or what country’ if Putin’s Russia it isn’t. Could it be China?
Noa says @ April 21, 2024 at 12:20 am
Good read, Noa.
EC says @ April 20, 2024 at 10:29 am
It won’t be long, EC, when being openly English will not go unchallenged.
EC says @ April 19, 2024 at 8:32 am
The boy should be careful, EC, the grass eaters can be dangerous, and their breaths stink.
Seldom will you hear an uninterrupted rant of high quality covering all the major boils that not only the Americans are suffering from:
Melanie Phillips: NatCon Brussels 2
How Conservatism’s Chickens Came Home to Roost in Gaza
Food, or at least a few crumbs, for thought here.
Worthwhile forwarding to all the lefties in your life 🙂
She did her best in the time available, completely missing the point in some areas. eg. why the UK’s young people would no longer volunteer to be cannon & drone fodder for a Chuck & Rasheed war. Pleasing to see that Lord Slippery got two mentions.
The “App Man” (aka Dominic Frisby) is back with his new app called “Democracy”
Clever man.
Dominic Frisby at Comedy Unleashed’s Scottish Hate Crime Special
All your old favourite characters and songs in here:
Nicola, Humza, {{{t’other Nat’ Soc’s}}}, Hate Speech, and the priceless, “We’re All Far Right Now.”
Baron at 8:32 am
Good spot.
A rant maybe, but he’s not wrong.
EC says @ pril 21, 2024 at 11:19 am
Excellent, EC, a very clever guy, and the hat suits him.
An article in the UK Defence Journal has shown how much it costs to train a Royal Air Force pilot to drop milion pound smart bombs on desert tribesmen in the Yemen or use three quarters of a million pound air-to-air air missiles to shoot down what a government spokesperson condescendingly described as Iran’s ‘flying lawnmowers’ over the Jordanian desert.
Clearly these expenditures are misconceived and much more should be directed to training and pilots and navigators in spotting the dingle carrying invasion dingies in the Channel.
Or we could just scrap RAF pilot training and their useless toys for our politicians altogether and train sixth form school leavers and apprentices in the use of cheap mass-producèd Chinese made FPV hunter- killer drones needed to defend our own shores rather than attack other people’s and encourage them to comecgerw and kill us.
How much does it cost to train a Royal Air Force pilot?
The average cost of training a Royal Air Force pilot ranges from £953,817 for multi engine aircraft to £5,362,085 for fast jets.
A recent statement from the Ministry of Defence has put a number on the financial investment needed to train Royal Air Force pilots.
In response to a parliamentary written question by Nick Smith, Labour MP for Blaenau Gwent, Minister of State for the Armed Forces, Leo Docherty, unveiled the average costs of training RAF pilots in the fiscal year 2021-22.
Docherty revealed, “The average cost of flying training per trainee in the RAF varies according to specialisation:
RAF Fast Jet: £5,362,085
RAF Multi Engine: £953,817
RAF Rotary Wing: £1,041,84″
These figures encompass a range of expenses, including salaries, support costs, and expenditures within the UK Military Flying Training System (UKMFTS) contract, up until trainee pilots commence training on frontline aircraft as part of Operational Conversion Units.”
I remember this:
Cheaper than dinghies, could put the migrant traffickers out of business, and would also spare the RNLI’s blushes!
R.I.P. Larry and his imitators. esp. Fr. Adelir Antônio de Carli
The joys of helium!
Flight and a squeaky falsetto too!
“Tiptoe through the tulips…”
Noa says @ April 22, 2024 at 11:59 am
Castrato or the candidate for a tran, Noa, even when young he had sizeable breasts (at 1:20sec), creepy, but normal for the Americans.
Noa says @ April 22, 2024 at 10:01 am
Pity it doesn’t say how long the training lasts, Noa, the F-16s deliveries to Ukraine will be flown allegedly by Ukrainian pilots, what sort of training could they have had?
Ahh, the F16s.
Too little, too late?
Mark Sleboda’s analysis of the aircraft, pilot and support training is excoriating, like every other weapons system the West has provided.
On a lighter note BBC Iplayer enables one to stream Kenneth Clark’s great series “Civilisation”, made in 1969.
I missed it the first time, due to an unhealthy interest in socialising, alcohol and tigers opposite sex.
Unfortunately I’ve since had to give that all up, enabling me to ‘catch up with Ken’.
This goes on for some time, but it’s informative and well produced:
Noa says @ April 23, 2024 at 9:19 pm
Brian’s very good, he has been on Baron’s list of regulars, he’s right pointing to the Rumanian experience, it must take the decade if not more to get the required proficiency, the 6-months training will teach the Ukrainian boys how to fly the contraption, but that’s only the first step of a first lessen, there are nine lessons to follow, it will be a total waste, but the West will pad itself on the back saying ‘we did our best, it’s Ukraine that has failed us’, madness, utter madness.
Noa says @ April 23, 2024 at 9:24 pm
But will the enjoyment be on par with those earlier unhealthy interests of yours, Noa, now that’s the question one should ask, or perhaps not.
Noa: April 23, 2024 at 9:24 pm
The BBC iPlayer app IS the worst out there.
I only watch the BBC during the Holy Month of the World Championship Snooker from Sheffield, over which they still unfortunately have the UK TV rights.
Although using BBC iPlayer streaming one can watch all channels “Live” the geniuses (twats) at the BBC seem to have forgotten their famous “Red Button” (Freeview Ch601 upon which half the games are televised. Still what can one expect from the impoverished state broadcaster that has to rub along on an income of only £3.5 billion, £5 billion if “profits” from their private scam BBC Studios is included.
BBC commentators ruin any sport anyway. They seem to think that they have to fill every nanosecond with their “expert” commentary consisting of stock phrases or the bleeding obvious. Best seen with the sound muted… unlike Lord Ken reportedly.
Will the unfortunate Ukrainian pilots be supplied with the latest variants, I wonder?
Are not these “baroque flying weapons platforms”(© Noa) only effective in uncontested airspace against an unarmed adversary?
If they are used to launch cruise missiles into Russia from a safe distance then won’t the Ivans be justified in considering the suppliers of the F16s and Cruises a legitimate target?
Would not our now retired and equally baroque Bloodhound missiles (1958-1991) been able to pick these F16s off?
I’ve seen one of these up close at RAF Neatishead museum.
Impressive speed, op ceiling, and range stats!
Scary stats: This bloke is a good communicator.
“China now has superiority in satellite navigation. This means decades of commercial dominance.”
“Huawei is killing Apple in China: the Kirin chip, the Mate-60, government iPhone bans, and now Pura”
Anybody know how long before the Wunderkind’s Starlink™ comms system is up and running? How much will it cost? Will Elon enter the phone market with his own brand?
Hopefully it’ll force EE et al to drop their prices!
This is how the other half lives in Putin’s Russia, the heading says ‘They found the living mansion of the former deputy defence minister Ivanov’.
Some 2900 m2, rooms with special conditioning to preserve the furniture in them, the land of 19 hectares was bought by a company headed by his close associate Borodin in 2020 (also arrested … (you can google translate more and also the postings, the first one says ‘they found it? Was the building hiding? Will they confiscate it, and who will decide what to do, the prosecutors? Do not say the president will decide’.
This is a kind of corruption that doesn’t do Putin any good, the guy will probably claim it was to entertain foreign visitors bla, bla or stuff like that but as the write up says ‘it’s a mansion not unalike what the landed gentry in the past had.
A bumpious Blinken threatens a prepared , resolute and subtle China.
“No progress means regress.” Says President Xi.
And so we see the US roll out its Schieffen plan, a military masterpiece that will see it fight its wars on three fronts against close and competent allies fighting multiple asymmetric wars whilst having the benefit of operating on interior lines like our old friend Stonewall Jackson in the Shanendoah
Baron : April 27, 2024 at 5:28 pm
A very nice gaff indeed, Milud, not unlike Noa’s homely summer accommodations secreted in Ribbleswickdale leading up to the Khyber Pass over to W. Yorkshire.
Such examples exist in every country in the world wherever there is “public money (i.e. Tax) to be spent, and irrespective of the system of governance.
Taxation is theft, pure and simple. The Krays used a very similar business model.
Government everywhere, to a greater or lesser extent, is Organised Crime.
Noa: April 27, 2024 at 11:17 pm
I watched the two Greek Blokes’ chat yesterday about Blinken’s visitation upon Xi.
The USA’s policy of “sanctioning” every nation on earth that won’t fellate it is not a survival strategy in Darwinian terms, imo. Sooner of later it will run out of nations and people to sanction, trade with, and then and implode.
The status of the US$ as a reserve currency hangs in the balance.
Noa, Upon the training of fighter pilots…
All you can eat, DEI and an Air Commodire(sic) worthy rainbow pedestrian crossing at Brize Norton, and more…
The USAAF has similar recruitment problems?
A British firm ships old Iraqi artillery to Ukraine.
A Twitter commentator wrote.
“The situation seems dire if you’re compelled to fetch remnants from Iraq’s stockpile to postpone an impending defeat.” Another remarked: “Assuming this is accurate, it’s disheartening to see museums being emptied to highlight the toll of previous wars on soldiers… I aspire for a future post-conflict where Ukraine returns these
vehicles to the open market, replenishing Western museums.”
It begsxtge question if where the Russuan munitions required might cone from though.
“Wolf biter syndrome”, eh?
“Dermatodaxia describes as an individual who eats his skin. It is a body-focused repetitive behavior and is classified in the group of obsessive-compulsive disorders. Previously named wolf-biter, because angry or trapped wolves will bite themselves. Other synonyms are chewing pads and dermatophagia.”
Not just RAF aircrew, understandably a narcissistic set of individuals, but akso I suspect the entire British population would bite off their paws to be rid of the wierdos deliberately inflicted upon us to embed cultural Marxism.
The female Grope Caprain, now Wing Commander who put the first Rainbow road crossing in Brize Norton, would have found herself/itself descending on Frankfurt from 15,000 ft in Bomber Harris’s tenure.
ECThe Two Greeks surmise that the US wants Europe to steal the $200bn Russian funds so that Madame Genocide and Co take the financial opprobrium, fund the Ukraine war/remnant rump state from the theft, and lets them walk away to try some kung-fu fu with China, whilst still getting Mrs Pelosi’s cheap garden furniture on credit is delusional.
And a mordant take on it all from the Slog in sunny Gambia.
How difficult can it be to set up a slave trading post there these days?
Surely the EU and the Yanks must give full grants for that sort of thing, given the massive workforces required to maintain the Western Industrial and services boom?
Those Deliveroo ebikes won’t propel themselves you know!
What will be the best future currency to acquire?
Once it would gave been the Swiss Franc, now dubious due to EU domination.
The Saudi Riyal, the Qatari Dinar, both supported by oil and LNG? THE Riminbi or the Rouble?
Thought ls please on the back of a shinplaster dollar, to Janet Yellen.
We forget how much of the happily now decolonised, British Empire has been successfully following the pioneering Rochdale/Rotherham diversity, integration equality model.
Noa says @ April 28, 2024 at 10:03 am
Every little helps, Noa, some of the older Ukrainian men may be familiar with the Akatsiyas from the days of the USSR, but it’s ironic that the howitzers made to fire against the enemies of Russia will shoot at the Russians.
EC says @ April 28, 2024 at 8:38 am
What a guy, EC, fast talking but all common sense, it truly pains to see guys like him out of the Air Force, out of the Armed Services, he oozes quality, experience but most of all honesty, he’s right, we are promoting the wrong people, we are electing the wrong people, we are allowing the wrong people to make decisions.
The guy sounds strange to start with, but his take on the Blinken’s China visit cannot be faulted:
Baron: April 28, 2024 at 9:41 pm
I dunno what he sounds like in Mandarin but his English accent sounds a blend of Kiwi and Afrikaans… but there again, I’m three parts deaf.
In memory of absent friends today.
[superb acting from Griff R-J ]
It must have been quite a culture shock for a young Norfolk lad to get to grips with the lingo and culture of the Cock-a-knee tribe daarn the smoke.
A great pity he never published his memoirs.
File under: Sweeney Todd
Noa: April 28, 2024 at 11:33 am
That was quite a tour de force!
Climate change and other fairy tales…
Pass the Nitrous Oxide cylinder please.
File under: Brass Monkeys, Scania Wheel Nuts(Nipples like) etc.
I’m reading Naill Mccrea’s excellent book “Green in Tooth and Claw” atm. Its recommended, flows well and is utterly convincing.
Unfortunately the forces that promulgate the CC tosh are the same forces that push for two fronts wars with Russia and China, previously they demanded the worship of a pantheon of gods, then just one, but argued about how to do that, until the public, cynical beyond further belief and boredom, moved on and a new brand of snake oil was needed.
The modern cult creates the likes of St Greta, the reincarnation of Jennet Device, the child who at the Pendle witch trials gave evidence of witchcraft which hanged her own
mother, and a precursor of an entire generation of ideologically inseminated anthropogenic Pavel Morozovs.
Baron: April 28, 2024 at 4:57 pm
Here’s Fast Jet guy, Tim Davies, on another rant about the UK’s missile defence systems, or rather the lack of them.
Some unkind words about Penny Mordaunt, Tobias Ellwood, and Greg Bagwell.
You won;t believe it, Baron fell out of bed laughing watching the clip, yes, it’s nasty scaring people, but their reactions are priceless:
EC says @ April 29, 2024 at 4:00 pm
Also enjoyable, EC, but in a rather serious way, his take on the warmongering fruitcakes priceless also.
Interesting to see the way J Guy has spotted the way the Home Office, Defence and Camel Corps policy press briefs are farmed out vurtually unchanged for compliant Ministers to issue.
Do they even read them one wonders?
I very much doubt it.
“Give me an exec summary for the car, Jenkins. In case some gabbler thrusts a mike at me”.
What cslumnies and contortions the Ministries of Lies and their Catemites perform on our, or rather their behalf.
An interesting discussion on globalism on the Duran and a passising reference to paganism in Ukraine led to the following commentary and observations. Paganism in many forms has grown over the last 30 years, one Russian commentator arguing that like ISIS extremism, it has been encouraged the CIA. It’s particularly interesting to
see the Azov Battalion conducting paganism rites, as the Ukr government is now persecuting the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
I give the link below for anyone interested understanding more about this bizarre, obscure and ultimately perverse human regression.
Noa: April 29, 2024 at 10:28 am
Thank you for that. It’s now on the list.
Noa: April 30, 2024 at 9:55 pm
I always prefer the conciser videos on ‘The Duran’ to Alex’s own channel where his videos always seem to be at least 90 mins.
Aren’t all religions and ideologies essentially pagan? Holy War??
Christianity wasn’t supposed to be as it is today, but then it got hijacked by a clergy, pipe smoking committee men, you know the types, who then imported the pagan calendar and ritual flummery for their own aggrandisement. What the flock? Mm.
Aren’t all wars pagan? Holy War? WW1 mortally wounded the the CofE with both sides professing to be Christian, the Padres on each team saying their cause was just and God was on their side. Then WW2 followed and finished it off. Despite the best efforts of the incumbent in the Vatican, Popery is still holding in there for some reason – stronger rituals?
Himmler and the rest of the gang were obsessed with Norse, other myths and pagan rites. The Azov mob are real Nazis and I’m not all surprised that the Russians want to clear them up once and for all. The Baltic States would do well to heed this and clear up the remnants of Nazi culture in their own back yard.
The United States is essentially a pagan construct so should we be surprised by the way its federal government, grown fascist, conducts itself…
Yesterday, for some reason which escapes me, the Police found it very easy to quickly release details, videos and photos of the sword wielding murderer nutjob.
Own a copy of Lord Ken’s Civilisation?
Congratulations, you are on de gubmint’s list of the radicalised.
The lovely Rita, Douglas Murray, and your old mucker the Cambridge Bag Lady…
“Douglas Murray hits out at Mary Beard and the BBC over ‘Civilisation’ warning”
Unherd: Inside the ‘disinformation’ industry
I see your Kenny Clarke and raise you one ‘its an ancient heap of junk, older than a red wall Tory MP”, Brian Berletic sneers at the adorable Chally 3, of which we have, erm just one atm.
That’ll scare them Russkies with their
Turtle tanks!
“Get back in the trench Mary and collect those lice!”
EC May 1 at 10.15am.
I broadly agree with your analysis and observations EC, their as cynical as my own, at least when I find the best brandy bottle is mysteriously empty and the chef has left
only a soupcon of Tescos cooking sherry.
But with a multiplicity of idols-and none, comes an infinite variety of
moral, cultural and legal values together with the constant arguments over which is better ans which should prevail by the interfering morally certain and so superior busybodies that worship them.
I’m at a loss as to why any sane educated person would believe the ramblings of a mad 7th century desert warlord and mass murderer, still less worship a collective of bearded hammer wielding Norse psychopaths. At least we can say In favour of the latter that their followers are probably
distant relatives, whilst the former are moronic inbreds, escaped field hand with an eye to the main chance.
Now then, ots sacrifice time, where’s my nice stabby knife…?
Hunter got high:
Baron 9:13pm
If that’s the UK’s 2024 Eurovision song contest entry then it’s a winner! 🙂
Heute haben wir eine Wahl für die Cumbria Police, Crime & Fire Kommissar.
For the first time ever I will need to present my Ariernachweis and a photo before being issued a ballot paper! Disappointingly on the ballot paper there will only be three candidates representing political parties. i.e. Two cheeks of the same arse, and a Tit! (LibDem)
EC says @ May 2, 2024 at 8:00 am
If only the ‘Hunter got high’ were the entry, EC, we will come up with a dreadful piece that will guarantee us the last place again.
Please do find the time to watch the video, it has little to do with Gaza or Ukraine, it’s perhaps somewhat a mundane matter, an issue a Department has dealt with, not correctly as it turns out, but it’s what the short clip reveals that’s more than worrying, not just for America, for us also, it the rich guy can behave in this manner once, he can very likely repeat it elsewhere.
There should be a statute preventing rich people funding anything unless they stand for election, get in, then they can spend their dollars on their hobbies.
Baron: May 2, 2024 at 11:01 pm
That was highly entertaining, as are the comments.
Josh Hawley’s preparedness was exemplary.
Just the tip of the federal government corruption iceberg, Milud.
Corruption can of course be non partisan but it seems that the application and enforcement of the US FARA law (Foreign Agent Registration Act) is increasingly non-partisan. Foreign funded elected officials {DAs etc}, “charities” and NGOs present a huge subversion problem to any nation. Hypocritcally, the current US administration whines like f*ck when countries like Russia, Hungary, India etc. enact their own FARA laws.
“FIGHTER JETS do not CARE about your PRONOUNS!”
This is a really good one, chaps.
Not a rant, but a very sober assessment of the relevance of DEI in the cockpit.
Baron 11.01pm and EC
An excellent entertainment. Polite and brutal, designed to show the woman is either lying or doesn’t know what is going on in her own department. “I provide vision…” wtf!.
But the brute reduced her to tears, poor little woman!
We are witnessing the same causes and effects in Georgia atm. Where the bill to enact a FARA just passed its second vote The French born President opposes it and Madame Genocide threatens to withdraw Georgia’s preferred EU candidacy status if the law passes.
I’ve had enough of this masculine brutality in the already uncomfortable abd non-gender friendly environment of an ineptly “cockpit”.
Why, even the rear mirror is totally inadequate for the mandatory lippy and stubble pre-flight checks!
As for all those dials-theres not a single pronoun to describe them.
And the sanitary arrangements. Primitve or what!!!! Oh for a decent wide-eyed receptacle that doesn’t empty when looping that loop!
Noa 9:31 am
LOL See also, “joystick” which need a delicate handling in order to take the contraption to heaven and back…
Ahem, er… “control column. ”
But they still all come with triggers, don’t they?
EC at 7.38am
They come with Trigger warnings nowadays, surely?
I know, I know, don’t call me Shirley….
Will the pissing never stop, will it carry on till the end of the world, the lawn cannot be mowed the grass stays wet, who TF is responsible for it, is it Putin again?
I was reminded of the new shibboleth of slovenliness and sluttery on a walk through the streets, shops and cafes of of Clitheroe yesterday.
Going into a charmingly idiosyncratic shop which sold coffee, cafetieres and other accoutrements to its consumption I had to reciprocally swivel around one kf the Very Large New Women that Doc Daniels forensically analyses below. Not being as lean as I used to be I suppose I should be less judgemental, but there are more of them than they used to be and they are generally less polite and certainly less attractive.
Or is it just me that doesnf find fat girls attractive?
May 3rd at 10.39
May one respectfully enquire as to whether Milud has been performing any Spring Rites involving Maypoles or the aerial sprinkling of home made chemical potions from his estate drone?
I can advise that its dry up North, atm.
Baron: May 4, 2024 at 11:24 am
We’ve just returned from the BH weekend spent in Noa-shire. I can confirm that we had shirt sleeve weather, and that the sun was beating down yesterday afternoon.
Despair not, Milud. Jo, my new “goto girl” for weather, says that things are about to get markedly better for all of us.
Weather for the Week Ahead – 6 May
“who TF is responsible for it?”
Yes, “they” do actually fugg about with the weather, and that’s not a conspiracy theory!
Here’s Jo again interviewing a respectable looking retired chap who used to do it for a living.
To ask you to persevere reading the lot may be too much, Baron had to skip large part of it, what one finds rather amusing about this piece and those similar if not identical is how the scribblers leave out any event that doesn’t fit their view of the world, this woman would go into a great detail about demonstrations in China, Russia and every country she has on the list as a baddy, but leaves out totally the farmers revolt in Holland, the French or American rioting, talking about Ukraine it never occurred to her to mention the Feb 24 putsch, her yapping about the world order didn’t lead naturally to the blowing up of the N-2 ….
If ever there was a disinformation vomit hers it is, full marks for it.
Noa says @ May 5, 2024 at 9:56 am
Enjoyable lament, Noa, the doctor should be available more widely, the Takimag doesn’t do him justice. And no, no dancing around poles for Baron, he doubts it would have had any bearing of the fugging weather, pissing again today. arghhh
Btw, what has happened to Taki, is he around?
EC says @ May 6, 2024 at 6:17 pm
Thank you for furnishing a man that devoted his whole life to follow the weather, EC, Baron did make an effort to follow his talking about it but as he that is Baron is deficient in the hearing department and the guy mumbled more than spoke Baron had to give up, it’s a major miss for him, but that’s life, we cannot get everything, can we.
EC says @ May 6, 2024 at 6:10 p
A lovely and happy girl but totally wrong for Monday, it began raining in that part of the map that was green, the East Anglian corner, and it didn’t stop until around 18:00 hours.
It’s more than certain she will get the following days also wrong, the western skies were dark in the Monday evening, and it’s from the west we get the rain, in fact Baron cannot recall a year in which the forecasts were so consistently wrong, since about the start of the year one was told over and over again the snow was coming, there has never been one snowflake to be seen, just the never ending pissing, one wishes these morons were to look through the window and say what they see, that would be by far more accurate than the costly AI derived forecasts.
Baron 12:16 am
Absolutely no complaints about the last fortnight’s Spring weather up here, old bean. Previous to this it had rained almost every day since last August. Your turn now. 🙂
Obviously, East Anglian/Essex Man has done something to attract the wrath Allah!
On the subject of weather manipulation: If that yank was prepared to go on camera and give us the soft soap “Mickey Mouse” version of his career activities, then just imagine what he was keeping back for fear of an attack of Sudden Instant Death Syndrome!
If the yanks are meddling in things they shouldn’t (weather/viruses etc) you can bet that everybody else is too.
MoD payroll “hacking”:
After a pleasant weekend of ignoring everything I was amused the morning to see that the MSM were blaming China for the above, with GB News leading the charge, as it has done of late… probably out off fear of OfCom shutting it down.
Whenever a monumental piece of incompetence by the government and/or its agents is revealed the the orders go out from the No.10 nudge unit to blame somebody else.
They must have a dice that they roll with Russia, China, PRNK, Iran, Turkey, Ruritania etc. on each of the faces. This time it was obviously China that came face up.
GB News wheeled out a former “expert” who said it must be the Chinese because of… well, er, other things. The most amusing accusation being that the Chinese were sending platoons of attractive women students to enrol in the University of Brest in the hope that they could “befriend” any French submariners or dockyard staff to steal state secrets.
“Ah so, Bonjour matelot, voulez-vous…” LOL. No jokes please about the French aquanauts being up themselves… Oh, go on then.
More importantly, will the company that the MoD payroll was outsourced to be fired or sanctioned in anyway? Nope. It will have been a lucrative contract with lots of hidden beneficiaries but will the MSM/Press follow the money? Nope.
EC says @ May 7, 2024 at 10:16 am
You are so right, EC, it’s a merry go round, a short season for Russia bashing followed by one for China, Iran, North Korea … It’s rather funny, it makes a mockery of any of the allegations, it’s almost as if someone were doing it to showcase the imbecility of it all.
In Ukraine, they arrested a number of people yesterday, two of them are colonels in the Security Services who are alleged to have been conspiring to assassinate the DA of Kiev as a gift for Putin on the day of his taking the oath.
Everything’s possible one can never rule anything out, but it would seem unlikely that the Russians are behind it, the DA of Kiev is useful for the Russians with his interfering in matters military, both in Bachmut and Avdeevka he insisted the two towns must be held at all cost, the cost was high, but the troops had to withdraw anyway, the usefulness of his is that as an actor he often succeeds in convincing the foreign donors to cough up more money and weaponry that the Russians more often than not manage to destroy.
One wishes Putin speeded things up, there have been enough cadavers already.
The Judge and the Weapons Inspector on the prospects for peace…
Putin’s inauguration speech yesterday confirms Ritter’s assertion that, “Putin ain’t bluffing!”
EC says @ May 8, 2024 at 8:25 am
Ritter sounds convincing, EC, but one hopes it never comes to it, it may indeed never come to it because the US military are the least keen of all the pyramids of power that are involved in the decision making in the West.
Micron’s a lightweight, the man has no principles, opportunism is his guide, that’s no substitute for vision, and the boy Cameron is not that different, totally under the control of the Americans, a spineless creature, one hopes the Donald gets in, he may not be the right solution, but he may just may break up the old regime, the one idea he or his advisors have floated is to insist the dollar to be used in all international trade, that could be a mistake, it must backfire, the BRICS can never agree to it, it may, ironically, break the dollar status as a reserve currency, gold back alternative will come in.
Eeh up lads!
Triumphant Islamic cavalry in the North West.
The Greeks talk about the local elections.
Rocks ahead, we’re doomed to crash on them… the bands played on…
And the Commisar promoting Online hate promulgated her first batch of laws controlling thoug….
Should the Palestinians gain UN membership as a direct result of the commission of the 7th October mass murders rapes torture abd kidnappings?
Noa: 6:51 pm & 7:33pm
Thanks for the infrequent Steyn’s latest. Quality as ever.
He’s taken on the mantle of Asimov’s ‘Hari Seldon’ character but with a touch more humour. His absences of late, though, I have put down to him either being embroiled in legal matters, or being on a cruise in the Med’/Caribbean with his harem of hotties.
Up here in the Ferric Oxide and twinkling U-Pu belt I fully expect that both constituencies will return Labour MPs in the upcoming GE. Thus the “Tory voting gammons” of 2019 will access the same zero respect and rewards as they did by electing Labour MPs at every GE since the 1920s. Mind you, the Tories deserve nothing more than electoral oblivion for their BRexit betrayal and Covid corruption. However, I can guarantee that the comrades will none too happy with what Sir Kneels-a-lot has in store for them, and the changing complexion of their quite tribal communities.
The ‘Red Brigade’ have been quite active in feeding the plantations up here with misinformation about the true nature and causes of the Ukraine conflict. It’s quite surreal that they are now siding with America, and the capitalist corporations of big tech media censorship, big pharma and arms manufacture.
@9:33 am cont’d
“…It’s quite surreal that they are now siding with America, and the capitalist corporations of big tech media censorship, big pharma and arms manufacture…”.
Aye lad, we’re all Neocons now, Comrades!
The Russians aren’t bad staging public shows, it’s impressive even in the rain, but there’s something special in the British pageantry, a display of power accumulated over the centuries in the language of a comfortable sofa, one could almost imagine the monarch in the Royal coach munching cucumber sandwiches, the might, today the former might, of the military being a sort of afterthought.
Noa says @ May 8, 2024 at 6:51 pm
Only two things wrong with the Burnley election celebration, Noa, it should have been camels not horses.
Noa says @ May 8, 2024 at 7:33 pm
It must have been only the followers of Allah that voted, Noa, the participation was the lowest on record.
Cummings is about to launch a new political party, should Baron join?
EC says @ May 9, 2024 at 9:33 am
Is there a political party in any of the American vassal states not siding with the American Governing elite, EC? The unity we are seeing today, if a unity it is, has never been seen before, united we follow the lemmings over the cliffs, sad but true.
Baron: 9:48 pm
It all started going wrong for Dom’ the wannabe Svengali when Boris took up with Carrie. She became the Princess of the Nuts which she had promptly removed and locked away before the ink on their marriage licence was dry.
Although Dom’ had a worthy vision of clearing out the lefties and other undesirables from the Augean Stables of the Civil Service, he lacked foresight. More daggers in his back than Julius Caesar. Cue: Kenneth Williams, “Infamy, infamy. They’ve all got it in for me etc.”
In the end it was his vision, or rather the claimed testing of it, that led to the death of his political career upon a hill in Barnard Castle.
Enjoy the glorious weekend weather, chaps. These could be the last days of summer we get before 2025!
Isn’t he always going, or is it coming?
As I was saying earlier…
Gather Ye your “Nuts In May” tomorrow.
Square Raindrop: The Weekend’s Weather – 10 May
Relax, Baron. The armpit of England gets off quite lightly.
The rest of us? Well, we’re used to it…
Cool or overdone?
The head of the Personnel Dept of the Russian Defence Ministry Yuri Kuznetsov (Кузнецов Юрий) was detained today, it seems the new man Belousov is starting to cleanse the corrupt guys very quickly, here’s the BBC take on him:
Noa says @ May 10, 2024 at 2:30 pm
Is it genuinely from the Blond Inseminator’s diary or just a fake, Noa? Baron cannot decide, the style isn’r exactly Boris or is it?
EC says @ May 10, 2024 at 6:22 pm
She looks good, EC, the forecast has worked till today when it clouded up and turned fugging cold (today was Monday, although it’s typed very early on Tuesday, Baron cannot fall asleep).
Baron at 1:17 am
The BBC should love this new guy as he embodies all the things they are in favour of: big government, state controls on industry, higher taxes etc.
Wasn’t it Shoigu, amongst others, that Yevgeny Prigozhin had a bee in his bonnet about? If the Musicians’ Conductor hadn’t gone insane, could have held himself together for another 12 months, then he might have got a promotion.
Baron at 12:56 am
Cool, but somewhat parochially earthbound.
Toyota have gone one better than Nissan with their band new Landcruiser-Moonraker.
Details follow…
May 14 at 1.22am
I find it very difficult to tell what is fact and fantasy in Boris Goodenoughv’s world of magical thinking, inviting could be true it almost certainly would be, given the opportunity.
Here’s another example of ‘magical thinking’. Perhaps he should have stuck to the old family dreams of uniting Grosse Deutchland than applying the wrinkle cream to the trout pout? Or was the daughter his preference, not least by age? How the elites must miss the “Lolita express”.
Kate Moss and lover Nikolai von Bismarck share some VERY frosty front row chemistry… after photo … via
You may want to intermittently stop the fast talking guy to read properly what it is he’s saying, Baron listens to him, not often for reasons other than his take on things, but this one you may like to watch, he makes a good point about how to measure the importance of governmental jobs, Baron agrees with him fully, the three elements are indeed what gives a job the power to play with:
If you find Maxim interesting Baron will post him again, you decide.
Noa says @ May 14, 2024 at 9:26 am
Ugly people, Noa, and an even uglier behaviour.
EC says @ May 14, 2024 at 8:58 am
What’s inside the Mooncruiser, EC, that would be interesting to know, probably half a dozen Chinese to start a colony.
EC says @ May 14, 2024 at 8:52 am
You’re spot on, EC, Prigozhin wanted Shoigu out, the Wagner people have sent a public letter to Putin yesterday thanking him for having Timur Ivanov, Shoigu’s deputy, arrested, the guy Maxim also touches on it.
There’s another video talking about the sins of near corruption of Belousov, unfortunately it’s only in Russian, he and his family run a business, the business gets a contract, passes it to whatever company can do the job but collects a commission, or when Belousov suggested to Putin to supercharge (impose higher tax rate) some of the richest oligarchs, Deripaska wasn’t one of them, Belousov did a job for him, that sort of stuff, but the researchers agree the degree of corruption is anywhere near the level that Shoigu tolerated.
Can the Greens drag Biden into a nuclear war before November and so complete Operation Barbarossa?
Az always, rhe solution is more EU. With Germany the mini-hegemon and Madam Genocide the whip mistress in Brussels.
Newsletter – An EU defence force for Ukraine
(own report) – As Russia’s current offensive gains momentum in Ukraine, politicians in Berlin are debating the merits of deploying European soldiers on Ukrainian territory. Last week, Lithuania announced that it was ready to send military trainers to the war zone without delay and was only waiting for a request from Kiev. Estonia has said that it is prepared to demonstrate military presence of its own on Ukrainian territory as part of a hoped-for “coalition of the willing”. Its focus would be on air defence capabilities. In Germany, the direct deployment of German troops is, with the exception of a few hardliners in Berlin, not publicly advocated. This is partly due to the important state elections upcoming next autumn. However, politicians from the CDU, FDP and Greens are backing intervention proposals that envisage the stationing of air defence systems on Polish and Romanian territory that can shoot down Russian offensive weapons over Ukraine. Warnings that this step would be tantamount to entering the war are being played down. At the same time, discussions are taking place on post-ceasefire scenarios, which might see the deployment of EU or NATO troops in Ukraine.
Baron says:
May 14, 2024 at 6:39 pm
Noa says @ May 14, 2024 at 9:26 am
Ugly people, Noa, and an even uglier behaviour.
Noa: May 15, 2024 at 8:55 am
The “entry-ism” and hijacking of the “Green” movement by the followers of the prophet (pbuh) in the UK will not have gone unnoticed by their counterparts in Chermany. Their days maybe numbered with or without external intervention.
Mr Putin has been dusting off his tactical nukes of late.
Hopefully Mr Stoltenberg will relay the message that he and M. Micron recently got from
Obamaer Biden. i.e. tell the bellicose Baltics and posturing Poles to “STFU.”EC – of course Green is the colour of the RoP, the pink hairs have been guilty of lesé Majesté and may soon be suffering the delights of skyscraper free fall as a result.
Politically led hatred is an integral part of the Great Replacement.
There will be no grief for Robert Fico in Brussels and Berlin.
As we gave the Empire to the United States to mismanage after 1948 why do we need also a Navy to support their hegemony, avd agressions in the Baltic, Mediterranean, the Red Sea and Pacific, consisting of aircraft xarriers, frigates, destroyers and invasive marine carrying auxiliary ships, when the primary and immediate threat is clearly from the invasion of our own shores?
Britain urgently needs a land based local Militia armed with drones, cudgels and halbards to repel the hordes of beach invaders.
What worked in 55BC will certainly work in 2024 AD.
They need to be supported by drone spotters and FAB operators, together with a 30 strong fleet of Motor torpedo boats and naval drones armed with machine guns.
Total cost?
The Militia would operate for free out of patriotic duty, supplying their own uniforms and weapons, though a old few SAs might be required to ‘return fire’ from people smugglers, ie armed terrorists.
£50 million for the MTBs and drones.
£2 billion per year for the generals, admirals and civil servants to mismanage and render it all pointless.
How to win.
Planning the election campaign.
Noa – 9:01pm
That guy should get an award from the sheer amount of effort involved in the application and subsequent removal of all that red skin dye!
The Dems already have a Plan B for when the inevitable happens in November…
“Why dem tell dis man say e no be British citizen afta 42 years e live for UK?”
h/t Simon Webb
Noa says @ May 18, 2024 at 9:01 pm
Good one, Noa.
EC says @ May 19, 2024 at 9:55 am
That could truly break up the Republic, EC, scary stuff.
You have to scroll down somewhat for the clip, it’s in Czech but nothing much of any importance or new is said, it’s the assassination attempt on the Slovakian PM Fico, who is now allegedly out of danger:
A bit late with this one, but to paraphrase Admiral Beatty…
“There’s something wrong with our bloody helicopters today?”
“They’ll be dancing in the streets of Tehran tonight!”
Noa says @ May 20, 2024 at 9:39 am
It may be a start, Noa, but Baron fears it won’t be, another hardliner will fill the post, nothing much will change.
EC says @ May 20, 2024 at 8:22 am
It must have been the pilot’s error, two other copters that were flying the same route carrying other potentates of Iran made it safely.
A friend in Spain is reporting that Cameron, the cowardly, treacherous egregious turd who is prepared to go to war with Russia to defend the EUs sovereignty over distant Ukraine, is prepared to hand over the sovereignty of his own. Soros will be putting the cheque into the post.
Yes, a public announcement within weeks.
A few minor disagreements still but essentially Gibraltar to be inside the Single Market/Customs Union and Schengen.
This Gibraltar will have to take its laws from the EU in all the areas of EU ‘competency’.
About 70% of its laws. It will be ruled, in effect, by Brussels.
EU Frontex will man Gibraltar airport and external borders.
Cameron is just giving Gibraltar to the EU.
“Cameron, the cowardly, treacherous egregious turd…”
Exactement, mon brave!
I notice that somebody in the MSM had dug up Heseltine and Major again in recent days.
Is it Halloween again already?
At a time when the demand for prison cells has reached maximum capacity I read an article by Toby Young in this week’s Spectator that an Act will soon come into law that will criminalise the enticing
away of a cat with a sentence of up to 5 years imprisonment.
Expect to see the imprisonment rate rise exponentially as many thousands of batty OAPs are summarily rounded up and jailed for cat knapping.
“…I notice that somebody in the MSM had dug up Heseltine and Major again in recent days.
Is it Halloween again already?”
Obviously they smell blood in the air.
Mrs Noa has embedded us in the Grabd Hotel at Whitby this week, the very place where Bram Stoker is reputed to have written his famous novel in the reading room.
It is a full moon tonight, the bat had already been tapping on the window. Strange ethereal lights were seen earlier on the Abbey headland opposite and caskets washed upon the shore.
Perhaps the High Tory undead are arriving for the Gothic Festival…
I see Rasheed Sunook’s Green card, new Callifornia job offer and School place Autumn offer have now arrived.
I hope you enjoy Whitby.
Fond memories of 50 year ago, downing pints of Samuel Smith’s Old Brewery Bitter at The Plough, and the occasional gigs, & others, by Mike Harding when he/they used to be funny.
Now on to a cinematic entertainment that neatly encapsulates some of the themes that you mentioned above. i.e. Missing cats, corpses, and the antics of the Indian elite:
“Murder Mubarak” (2024) “Congratulations on Murder” available on Netflix.
Thoroughly recommend this one, and modern Bollywood fillums in general. A brilliant cast and a sharp and witty script. An homage to Agatha Christie’s Poirot set in the environs of the “Royal Delhi Club”
It’s in Hindi, subtitled, but don’t be put off by that as at least 50% of the dialogue is in Indlish. Modern Bollywood films & TV have little or no singing and dancing and more er, um.. how shall I put it.. “human behaviour” than one might imagine. In short, more creative and entertaining. Better scripts, better actors, better production and much less of {{{The Message}}}
Noa – 11:33pm
Chin up, chaps.
Only 6 more weeks and it’ll all be over… Quite literally!
No appetite for the GE, chaps?
It’s all pretty much all been said about Mr Sunook’s Ceaușescu-esque appearance on the steps of No.10 the other day as he rambled on at length recounting his “best bits” in the Reality TV show fashion that has become the norm. Not one commenter has hit upon the reason why he was ten minutes late coming out, and why nobody was holding and umbrella for him, let alone his beer. Rasheed was in fact actually waiting for it to start raining in order to exploit the commercial opportunity of modelling one of his uncle’s new line in waterproof drip-dry business suits. No such entrepreneurial flares will ever be worn by Herr Starmer, I vouchsafe!
Now on to loftier matters. I guarantee that you won’t see this on the “Antiques Roadshow” or “Flog It.” Was this piece of functional art…
1. A later work, but an original by Eric Gill?
2. Inspired by the above’s BBC sculpture?
…and was it later discovered during the rewiring of…
1. BBC Broadcasting House?
2. The Vatican?
3. Lambeth Palace?
Answers on a postcard please to Fiona Bruce
Why did Lil’Tit pick 4th July as Defenestration Day?
Is he formally recognising Vassal State Britain’s supine position to the US?
It’s clearly a US artefact, presumably a present from Hillary to Fondlin’ Joe.
EC says @ May 23, 2024 at 9:54 am
It may be the age, EC, but the subtitles ran so quickly Baron failed to read them, he will have to slow the movie if he decides to watch it as it looks good, gorgeous women, devious men and a killer amongst them, too.
EC says @ May 24, 2024 at 9:31 am
What the hell is it, EC, please do tell.
EC says @ May 23, 2024 at 9:58 am
Baron hasn’t made up his mind yet, should he go cross everyone out or should he not bother have a nap, any suggestions will be received with thanks.
Noa says @ May 22, 2024 at 11:18 pm
Good one, Noa, just make sure you are not placed in one of the wooden boxes sent to the Med to be unloaded for the despatch to Gaza, dangerous place that.
Noa says @ May 21, 2024 at 7:46 am
If that news breaks before the election, Noa, that’s another nail in the coffin of the Tory dead, as if another nail was needed.
Theres aleays room for another in the coffin, Milud!
Why hold an election now?
Have the Greeks have got it right?
CuI Bono! As EC says and keep on buying BAE shares!
Andrew Bridgen MP speaking before last week’s GE announcement…
“The GE will not be about any meaningful change, it will merely be a baton handover.”
In consideration of the apparent stark difference in the preparedness of both teams, I cannot help but think that Sunak briefed Stürmer about the date weeks ago whilst keeping his own side in the dark.
“Mr Sunook from Accounts told the generals that he didn’t want to be a wartime leader.”
To paraphrase David Steel’s 1981 legendary rallying call to his Liberal party…
“Go back to your constituencies and prepare for
governmenter… WAR?”Attent…shion! Private EC.
Hands off clocks on socks!
Commander in chief Sushi needs you to…erm fight them with the bedpan in the trenches abd the wards.
What freebies will General ‘US’ “Unconditional Surrender” Grant Shapps offer to incentivise the 16 year old electorate I wonder? A free X box drone controller with every conscription notice perhaps?
No politician ever got elected by underestimating the intelligence and cupidity of the voter.
In this case the Conservatives, fearfulbof the growing threat from Reform and the possibility of their coalescing with the smaller parties on the rjght, have decided to crush that possibility with an early election.
They think that throwing the old chewed bone of national service to the Reform voters together with some transient tax cuts, will secure a sufficient number of their votes to save them from extinction.
I suspect that they will be proved wrong and an enraged electorate will see the move as a manoeuvre to accelerate the destruction of the native British population whilst hastening the importation of its replacement.
Noa – 11:23
It all underlines Andrew Bridgen’s comment about election charades, pantomimes and baton handovers.
Apropos “Privates on parade”
The Cons recycled their National Service schtick, but the Labs have recently resurrected their “Comrades, we’ll slap VAT on private school fees, that’ll larn ’em!” schtick. Of course this will never happen as all of the uni-party MPs’ kids, the long marcher through the institutions’ kids etc. all go to private schools. Those kids, to a child, that’ll all have, guaranteed, allergies or some other medical/special condition that will render them unfit for military duties and therefore unable to receive a bullet at the behest of Herr Stürmer in service of Chuck III.
Maybe Ray Nelson, John Carpenter, and indeed David Icke all had/have a point.
File under: “Eight ‘O Clock in the Morning”, “They Live!” etc.
Noa: at 10:05 am
I think you have it right. The Conservatives are toast, as they pissed of their traditional voting base who are tired of their endless lies, broken promises and in the case of this last term shameless corruption. However, I do not see much enthusiasm for any of the alternatives. Labor is no longer the party of “the working man” but rather of the benefit classes whose vote can alway be relied upon so long as they can be bothered to turn out – rain or daytime TV permitting.
There should be a “None of the above” box at the bottom of every ballot paper. It would win all the seats!
Could “Gorgeous(ha!) George” be the leading successful insurgent party at this GE?
“..Could “Gorgeous(ha!) George” be the leading successful insurgent party at this GE?”
His Party of Islam” has real traction within the ‘ New Settlements’ and unlike the already withering mini parties on the right can and will only expand and grow. In 5 to 10 years it will supplant the labour party.
Sadly, very very sadly Baron couldn’t get to see this one, he was lucky to attend others, impossible to be there for the final unless one were prepared to fork out some £300 for the ticket, considerably more for one on the black market, only the rich could, not Baron’s category:
This is a game that’s totally different from cricket which one can play whilst drinking tea, it’s that different, just have a look, it’s short:
Were we told about the drone attack on the over-the-horizon radar? It caused severe damage, the Russians haven’t said anything either, it must be the Americans are testing a new set of red lines by the Russians, the sooner the war ends the better, it’s close to spilling over, what of the Russians lobbed few Iskander missiles over our way to harm our strategic radar installations?
EC & Noa:
A hung Parliament anyone?
Hung would be good, milord.
Well hung, of course.
I remember watching a game of ice hockey in the Boeing box in St Louis. Free Buds. Hot dogs and a cracking sport and game.
Those Czech lads are good.
Baron: 8:54 pm
“A hung Parliament anyone?”
A most generous offer, my good fellow.
From Westminster bridge?
Baron: 8:53pm & Noa
Where are the UK’s Storm Shadow(?) missiles manufactured? I wouldn’t want to be living anywhere near that factory!
“Comical Ali” – the former Iraqi Information Minister under Saddam Hussein – is alive and well and has found gainful employment in Estonia of all places.
You’d be advised to review and disgorge your property holdings in Stevenage, as well as Bolton and Bristol.
I suspect your Chinese washing machine chip stocks will be fine though.,amounts%20to%20%C2%A32.2%20million.
EC says @ May 28, 2024 at 6:06 am
It wouldn’t;t surprise, EC, if these missiles were made in China, heh, heh.
EC says @ May 28, 2024 at 6:18 am
Alex’s presentations are excellent, EC, he’s to the point but doesn’t dwell on an issue too long, it’s questionable whose is the weaponry supplied by the parties to a conflict, if the stuff were to be made on behalf of (say) Russia, Russia paid for it then it’s Russian, if someone like Belgium were to gift the F-16s to Ukraine one may argue that even though no money changed hands the jets are Ukrainian, the NATO talking puppet may have a point.
Any other rationale on offer?>
Noa says @ May 28, 2024 at 8:41 am
So far the Storm Shadows have been the only success story in Ukraine, the tanks and the other stuff like the armed vehicles haven;t delivered what was promised, Noa, the Russians are probably working on a countermeasure, but it will take time.
Pity the Minister didn’t say how many we are assembling now, who pays for the Ukrainian shipments (us probably) and if any were shot down, in the Telegram platform the Russian Defence Ministry says often they intercepted one, they didn’t catch the drones hitting the over-the-horizon radar, one must be suspicious of their claims.
Baron says:
May 28, 2024 at 5:10 pm
Let us consider another scenario Mi’lud.
Cameron, a local criminal, gives an automatic weapon to Vlod, an ally of his gang, in order to defend himself from the rival Sturm mob, who have taken control of some of Vlod’s disputed territory after peace negotiations have broken down due to Cameron’s interference by his pledge of unlimited support to Vlod.
The gang war turns very nasty.
The Vlods are losing badly and Cameron is in danger of loosing face if his proxy, Vlod is humiliated. Vlod asks Cameron for permission to invade Sturm’s territory and shoot Sturm’s own gang and suppliers, plus if needs be his and his gangs’ wives and children and maybe Sturms local neighbours too, with Cameron’s weapon.
Sturm hears about this and warns that he will deploy his far greater resources to attack not just Vlod but also Cameron and his family if Vlod is allowed to attack him outside the disputed territory.
In their many previous indirect conflicts through proxies Cameron and Sturm have never allowed their proxies to directly attack their respective territories and people, not least because only Cameron and Sturm possess nuclear weapons and direct conflict is likely to result in their use with the result of mutually assured destruction.
Now let us return to the question of whether Cameron should:
1. Extend Vlod’s scope of use of the weapon he borrowed and invite Sturm to do his worst.
2. Tell him to resign and let his successor make peace with Sturm.
3. Throw good men of his own, together with scarce money and equipment, into the dispute, knowing that he will be defeated and his own primary status, prestige and possibly power within the current mafia structure will be irrevocably changed for the worse?
Baron: May 28, 2024 at 5:10 pm
“Any other rationale on offer?”
The problem with your “gifting” example is where the gifted weaponry is so sophisticated or so maintenance dependent that the equipment cannot be operated by the local grunts. Thus the all the “trainers” from NATO nations currently on the ground in what used to be Ukraine. If the gifted weapons are used within the borders of the former Ukraine by the Trainers/Mercenaries then that’s not too much of a problem BUT… and it’s a BIG BUTT of Abbottonian/Voorderman proportions…
IF however, taking the Storm Shadow as an example, if it is in fact the “Brillo Boys”(RAF) that are lobbing these things into Russia then that becomes a huge problem, and I wouldn’t want to live in Stevenage. Who would anyway, but particularly now it is a legitimate target.
Also, taking the “gifted” F16s as another example: Pilots notwithstanding, these flying contraptions need proper runways and a vast amount of logistical engineering support in terms of technicians and spares. If they decide to operated the F16s out of airbases in Poland, Romania, any NATO country, then Putin/Russia has said will Nuke them. Putin isn’t bluffing. This is because F16s are nuke payload capable, and the US has distributed some of its nukes around NATO countries that border Russia (*)
* How did Putin let this state of affairs happen? When Kruschev was in the process of putting his missiles on Cuba, 90 miles off US mainland, there was nearly an all out war about it. It beggars belief that Putin let this state of affairs develop on his doorstep.
My own understanding is that in the anti-missile electronics war, the Russian ability to destroy the fire and forget, sub-sonic Storm Shadow has increased considerably since last year, though of course the loss/attrition rate is known only to the Ukrainians, Nato and Russians.
However there are a limited number of these weapons available within Nato and UK stocks and their overall effect in this brutal land war is minimal.
It’s a little known fact that the Cuvan missile crisis was proviked by the placenentbof US Jupiter medium range nuclear missiles in Turkey, directly threatening Moscow.
The much-lauded diplomacy of JFK in forcing the Soviets to stand down
was in fact based on a secret agreement with Nikita that if the missiles were withdrawn from Cuba then the Jupiters would be pulled out of Turkey ,as in fact happened 6 mountgs later.
Even then US prestige and
hegenomy were as important as the possibility of global extincation.
Noa says @ May 29, 2024 at 9:33 am
EC says @ May 29, 2024 at 9:47 am
Points taken, boys, it’s by far more complex that Baron’s simple brain can comprehend, but your take on it would explain the American hesitancy in allowing the DA of Kiev to lob the American sourced missiles into Russia.
President of Russia
Answers to media questions following the visit to Uzbekistan
Vladimir Putin answered questions from the Russian media following his state visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan. The press availability took place at Tashkent Airport.
May 28, 2024 16:25
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon. What will we discuss today? Please go ahead with your questions.
Yegor Piskunov: Hello, Mr President. Yegor Piskunov, Russia Today TV channel.
Your visit to Tashkent was absolutely unprecedented in terms of its packed agenda. You spent two nights here, and some of us thought you might stay for the third. You had a lengthy face-to-face conversation with the President of Uzbekistan. What are your impressions? What are your expectations for cooperation with Tashkent, especially in trade and economic matters? And what are Uzbekistan’s prospects for taking part in integration structures in the post-Soviet space? Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: As you know, I arrived here on Sunday evening, so we did not have anything on our agenda for that day except for the official events – a flower-laying ceremony at the Independence Monument. That was it for the day. But the next day was packed with all kinds of formal contacts, meetings and talks. It all happened on Monday, and we worked late into the evening. This is true. The hosts scheduled our visit this way.
This was the first time we attended a meeting of the regions. Do you know why this visit was so effective? The composition of our delegation was impressive; it included nearly half of the Russian Government members, all the key ministers. Naturally, a meeting that involved heads of regions and Cabinet ministers from both sides featured a wide-ranging and fulfilling discussion. I am not even referring to the number of documents signed, but to the actual face-to-face contact between people who want to work together and know how to do it. Russia has a genuine interest in expanding our relations with Uzbekistan.
First, Uzbekistan is currently the second most populated country in the post-Soviet space, after Russia. Today, it is home to 37 million people, and it adds one million every year. That is how Uzbekistan’s population is growing.
It has a vibrant, fast-growing economy which has gathered substantial momentum. Last year, Uzbekistan’s GDP increased by six percent, which is a major achievement compared to other countries of the world. The President of Uzbekistan has implemented an effective governance framework and a growth-driven economic model.
We have a lot of joint plans in terms of industrial cooperation, energy, and infrastructure, as you have probably seen and heard.
Uzbekistan faces some problems because it is a landlocked country with no access to the sea or ocean. In this connection, we and other regional partners can take action to help our friends in Uzbekistan resolve this logistics task and create essential conditions for entering external markets. We have a lot to discuss here. So, there are very many issues, and there is a large volume of potential projects.
As you know, we have established a US$500 million fund for conducting joint work, and the Russian side has contributed US$400 million of this amount. This does not mean that we have more money, this is because we have major interests in this part of Asia, and we can see that it is possible to realise them, given the stability of the political system and specific terms for investing in Uzbekistan’s economy. I repeat, we are very much interested, and this explains such intensive contacts.
Speaking of integration processes, we never insist on anything. To be honest, Nursultan Nazarbayev, the first President of Kazakhstan, had initiated these integration processes, if you mean the EAEU (above all, we are talking about the economy, of course). This organisation has gained considerable momentum, and it is yielding real results for all participants. However, any sovereign state is free to decide whether to take part or not; this decision is motivated by specific interests, primarily economic interests, and economic expediency. We have different levels of economic development and financial system development. When any particular government makes a relevant decision on taking (or not taking) part in any specific integration association, it proceeds from these considerations, in the first place.
On the whole, if such an economy as that of Uzbekistan joins the association, then I believe the association would only benefit from this. However, Uzbekistan’s economy should also benefit. This amounts to a rather complicated negotiating process because while establishing the EAEU, we had debated for many days and nights on what specific mandatory terms and mutual obligations would arise. Consequently, this is a steady and smooth process.
Our economies are aligning and developing, and numerous joint projects are emerging. We will gradually chart our mutual interests in the sphere of subsequent cooperation and involvement in integration associations.
Pavel Zarubin: Good evening,
Pavel Zarubin, Rossiya TV Channel. I am sorry but I have two questions and both are extensive.
Here is the first one. You went to Tashkent and we arrived together with you, practically right from Minsk. Since then we have been interested in this issue: In Minsk you replied to a question about Zelensky’s legitimacy and with whom to hold talks if and when they become possible. You said it was necessary to look up in the Constitution of Ukraine what government authorities can operate without elections. But proceeding from the Constitution of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada is the only body that can work now. Not a word is said about extending the powers of the president. Zelensky seems to continue to stay in office exclusively on the basis of martial law. You said a legal analysis is needed. Are we conducting this analysis? Who are we going to talk to if we do?
Can I ask you a second question right away?
Vladimir Putin: Go ahead, please. Whatever suits you best.
Pavel Zarubin: More and more bellicose statements are made from high Western rostrums. Now they are even saying that Kiev should be allowed to strike deep into Russian territory with Western weapons. The EU Defence Minister spoke about this issue today, and the NATO Secretary General said this: We are giving weapons to Kiev and consider them Ukrainian from this moment, so Ukraine can do whatever it wants with these arms, in part, strike at Russian territory where it deems necessary.
Thank you very much.
Vladimir Putin: The first question was about the legitimacy of the Ukrainian power. Indeed, it is necessary to conduct a serious, deep analysis of this.
The first point is on the surface and is mentioned by my colleagues. This is what it is about. The Constitution of Ukraine only extends the powers of the Rada. It says nothing about extending the powers of the president. This is the first point.
Second. Indeed, the law of Ukraine on the legal status, legal position and martial law reads that presidential elections are not held during martial law. However, this does not mean that they are extended. They are not held but who said that they must be extended? The Constitution says nothing about this. But Article 111 of the Constitution of Ukraine reads that in this case the powers of the supreme authority, actually the presidential powers are transferred to the Speaker of Parliament. All the more so since the powers of parliament are extended during martial law. This is a preliminary analysis. We should take a deeper look into this issue.
Some specialists say that there are contradictions between the Constitution that provides only for the extension of the Rada’s powers under martial law and the law I have just mentioned – I think it is the 2016 law that defines the legal status of martial law. As I already said and repeat, this law stipulates that the presidential elections are not held but nothing is said about the prolongation, and this is a problem.
What is the point? The point is that in essence, the Ukrainian statehood is based on the idea of the parliamentary-presidential republic rather than the presidential republic. The main levers of power are concentrated in the representative state body. Therefore, it is quite logical that the Constitution itself and other legal acts adopted on its basis are construed in such a way.
Therefore, speaking strictly, in a tentative estimate – I am just talking about a tentative estimate – the parliament and the Rada Speaker remain the only legitimate power. And so, basically, if they wanted to hold presidential elections, they should have simply repealed martial law at that time and held elections. But they did not want to do this for a number of reasons.
I think, and this is not linked with the Constitution in any way, that maybe the current bosses of Ukraine, who are overseas, would like to place the burden of making all unpopular decisions on the current executive branch. This includes the adoption of yet another decision to further lower the conscription age. It was 27 years, now it is 25 and next it may be 23 years or even 18 years.
I believe that after this and other unpopular decisions are made, those who are acting today as representatives of executive government would be replaced with people who would not be responsile for the unpopular decisions made. These representatives will be simply replaced in a snap. If this is the idea, the logic is understandable in principle. Let’s see what happens next.
But as I said in Minsk, the final say should be made by the political and legal system of Ukraine. It should formulate and explain what is happening in Ukraine. I believe, this is not too difficult, indeed. I will repeat for the third time that the 2016 law prohibits holding presidential elections under martial law but nothing is said about extension of these powers. So, what? See Article 111 of the Constitution – all power is transferred to the Speaker of Parliament.
With regard to the strikes, frankly, I am not sure what the NATO Secretary General is talking about. When he was the Prime Minister of Norway, we communicated and addressed challenging issues concerning the Barents Sea and other issues, and generally, we were able to come to terms, and I am positive he was not suffering from dementia back then. If he is talking about potentially attacking Russia’s territory with long-range precision weapons, he, as a person who heads a military-political organisation, even though he is a civilian like me, should be aware of the fact that long-range precision weapons cannot be used without space-based reconnaissance. This is my first point.
My second point is that the final target selection and what is known as launch mission can only be made by highly skilled specialists who rely on this reconnaissance data, technical reconnaissance data. For some attack systems, such as Storm Shadow, these launch missions can be put in automatically, without the need to use Ukrainian military. Who does it? Those who manufacture and those who allegedly supply these attack systems to Ukraine do. This can and does happen without the participation of the Ukrainian military. Launching other systems, such as ATACMS, for example, also relies on space reconnaissance data, targets are identified and automatically communicated to the relevant crews that may not even realise what exactly they are putting in. A crew, maybe even a Ukrainian crew, then puts in the corresponding launch mission. However, the mission is put together by representatives of NATO countries, not the Ukrainian military.
So, these officials from NATO countries, especially the ones based in Europe, particularly in small European countries, should be fully aware of what is at stake. They should keep in mind that theirs are small and densely populated countries, which is a factor to reckon with before they start talking about striking deep into the Russian territory. It is a serious matter and, without a doubt, we are watching this very carefully.
The focus is on the developments on the outskirts of Kharkov. But they were the ones to provoke those events. I made it clear publicly, I think it was six months ago, that if they continue to target residential neighbourhoods, we will have to create a security area. Not long ago, we started doing what I said back then.
First, they provoked us in Donbass. For eight long years they have been pulling the wool over our eyes and making us believe that they were going to resolve the issue peacefully and eventually made us try to restore peace by using the armed forces. Then, they deceived us during the negotiating process and decided that they would defeat us on the battlefield by inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia. We warned them against making incursions into our territory, shelling Belgorod and neighbouring areas, or else we will be forced to create a security area.
Look at what your Western colleagues are reporting. No one is talking about shelling Belgorod or other adjacent territories. The only thing they are talking about is Russia opening a new front and attacking Kharkov. Not a word. Why is that? They did it with their own hands. Well, let them reap the fruits of their ingenuity. The same thing can happen in case the long-range precision weapons which you asked about is used.
More broadly, this unending escalation can lead to serious consequences. If Europe were to face those serious consequences, what will the United States do, considering our strategic arms parity? It is hard to tell.
Are they looking for a global conflict? I think they wanted to agree upon strategic arms, but we do not really see them being really eager to do so. They are talking about it but are not doing much to make it happen. We will wait and see what happens next.
Viktor Sineok: Mr President, my name is Viktor Sineok, Izvestiya.
For several months before your visit, delegations from the US Treasury and other agencies implementing the sanctions regime were coming to Central Asian countries, including Uzbekistan. Unprecedented pressure was put on the Central Asian capitals in order to exclude and strangle all the possibilities and prospects for cooperation with Russia. How do you find this behaviour? Can Russia redress this pressure for the Central Asian countries, including Uzbekistan?
If I may, I would like to ask a second question very quickly. News came out that Russia was considering the possibility of removing the Taliban from the list of terrorist organisations. How has this decision been made and why? How will it affect our relations with Afghanistan, and when will it take effect?
Vladimir Putin: I will begin with the second part.
This is constantly being discussed, and I will not comment on it now, because relations with the Taliban and Afghanistan are constantly being discussed. It cannot be denied that there are problems in Afghanistan. Everyone known this very well.
How can we build our relations with the current regime? It is a different question altogether. However, we have to do it. These are the people controlling the country, its territory; they are the power in Afghanistan today. We must proceed from reality and build relations accordingly.
We stay in contact with many partners, including with many partners in the Central Asian region. We take into account each partner’s and friend’s opinion and will formulate this position together.
As for the first part of your question, there is nothing new about it. I mean the voyagers flying all around the world, be it Latin America, or Africa, or the East, threatening everybody. These are elements of imperial behaviour. American political observers and analysts say directly that the United States is an empire, and its imperial ambitions are connected with internal political events to a large extent. Presidential election is coming soon, and the current authorities want to confirm their status as an empire. Many in the United States do not like this, do not want to be an empire and bear the imperial burden. They do not want responsibility, and do not want to expose their country to any dangers or get it into a difficult position.
What about Central Asia? Uzbekistan is not only the biggest country in Central Asia. It is second after Russia in terms of population – 37 million. But voyageurs from the US are flying to all parts of the world. As you know, quite recently, the Secretary of the Treasury, I believe, also visited China. What did she talk about? I think I also recalled this in Minsk. She said the Chinese produce too many cars. They talked about overproduction of cars. I don’t think that the US Secretary of the Treasury is an illiterate person. This is simply juggling with facts.
What is overproduction? If we live in the market conditions, the market regulates whether this is overproduction or not. If people buy products and they are produced with a profit, there is no overproduction. And how else do you force another country to stop the production of different goods? By using force? Sanctions? And this is one of the variants of using force, and this is how they are trying to act all over the world.
Of course, countries that are weak, insecure, especially those with dozens of NGOs that feed off the American hand, are pecking at what they have been given, and, of course, it is easier to manipulate public consciousness in these countries, easier to pressure incumbent authorities. But the countries where the authorities feel confident, where they devote all their activities to strengthening sovereignty, the interests of their people and their country, do not respond to these peremptory orders from across the ocean. This is the case with large countries and small states if they are self-sufficient and dignified.
We know that pressure was exerted on Central Asia as well. So far I haven’t seen people kneeling ready to blindly obey any edicts from across the ocean.
They – the Americans and the Europeans – certainly take certain steps that deal damage to our partners but eventually this is also a sovereign choice of any country of how to create its policy, fight for its sovereignty or not, consider sovereignty a value or not and so on.
I think it represents a value. This is because if a country wants to be successful, it must be sovereign, even on the socioeconomic plane. If it wants to be successful, it must be sovereign. Otherwise, other states will always pressure it and subjugate it to foreign interests – like what they are now trying to do with China regarding cars.
They will do the same with fertiliser, chemicals, aircraft – you name it. We are facing this. Yes, we are seeing this and there is nothing good in it. This is damaging both international security and the global economy.
Konstantin Panyushkin: Good afternoon, Mr President. My name is Konstantin Panyushkin, Channel One.
Yesterday, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Alexander Syrsky was reported to have approved the deployment of French mercenary instructors, who can be called the military, on the territory of Ukraine. Now it is official and was finally made public. Moreover, Syrsky says he hopes that the Kiev regime’s other partners will also officially follow the French example. What do you think about this and how far can it go?
Please allow me to add a bit of clarification as a follow up on the question of legitimacy. It is clear from your answer that, until Western handlers replace Zelensky in Kiev, you have virtually no one to talk to in Ukraine. But I wanted to ask: did Alexander Lukashenko offer you the Ukrainian military as the ones to talk to?
Vladimir Putin: Who? The military?
Konstantin Panyushkin: Yes, the military.
Vladimir Putin: Unfortunately, Mr Lukashenko does not command the military in Ukraine yet. If he did, we would have ended this conflict long ago, and to mutual satisfaction. We would have found a solution on Ukraine if Ukraine were now managed by people guided by national interests, and not by the interests of their masters in Europe or overseas.
As for the fact that there may be mercenaries in Ukraine, we are well aware of that, there is nothing new about it. The fact that the military in Ukraine are now saying that they [the French] may come is because they have been there for a long time. We hear English, French, or Polish on the radio. We know that these mercenaries are there. But there are specialists there under the guise of mercenaries.
There was a question about long-range precision weapons. And who controls and maintains these weapons? Of course, the same instructors who are disguised as mercenaries. They exist and they suffer losses. Perhaps this statement has been made because it is apparently increasingly hard for them to conceal these losses. Therefore, perhaps the time has come to show that they are officially there, so that these losses can be shown realistically, legally. I do not know. Maybe.
As for various contingents, I have already spoken about it. The Polish authorities say they are ready to send their contingents. We can hear Polish language, so there are many mercenaries from Poland. If some contingents from European countries enter [Ukraine] together with the Poles, others will later leave whereas the Poles will never do. This is obvious, at least for me. I might be wrong but I doubt that.
Therefore, this pretext of “freeing some Ukrainian units along the border, releasing them so as to send them to the battlefield, keeping them along the borders to ensure their safety” is nonsense. If they are there, then they will also be in the engagement area of our Armed Forces.
I do not think that this is the right decision or a good way out. This is escalation and yet another step towards a large conflict in Europe and globally. Do they need it? They are welcome. We will continue to do as we see fit, regardless of who is on the territory of Ukraine. And this is what they must remember.
Alexei Golovko: Alexei Golovko, Rossiya TV channel.
There have been reports in Western press that Western countries allegedly want to hold another conference in Saudi Arabia after the Swiss conference on Ukraine, and officially invite Russia there in order to show Moscow a purportedly consolidated position and begin some kind of talks.
Mr President, if we receive such a proposal, will Russia attend this conference? If yes, on what conditions?
Vladimir Putin: I do not have an answer now, because I do not know what you are talking about. They say that now they are not ready to invite Russia, and later they will be. We never refused them: not now, nor later, nor a year ago. We have said that we are ready.
It wasn’t us who stopped the talks. We were told: that’s it, we will no longer have talks with you. They could have said we are not satisfied with the agreements that were reached in Istanbul. The talks were launched in Minsk and were completed, brought to a certain stage in Istanbul. They could have said this this had it not been for the signature of the head of the Ukrainian negotiating team on the digest of the agreement that we had prepared as a draft.
He initialled this which means it suited Ukraine. They were ordered to throw it into a rubbish can and try to beat Russia on the battlefield, to inflict strategic defeat on it. But he said directly and publicly – had we not been ordered from abroad (from Britain in this case, that is, from the US – the same thing), the hostilities would have stopped a year and a half ago. He did say this.
We have never refused to talk on this basis and we are ready to continue the negotiating process. But we do not know what and who will offer us at some other stages, in view of the legitimacy of Ukrainian representatives. Therefore, I do not have an answer to this question.
I am always looking with surprise at some antics of our “friends” and partners that are saying that Russia is rejecting talks. I have said a thousand times but it seems they don’t have ears. No, we are not rejecting talks. Ukraine rejected them in public. They initialled the agreement and rejected it with a view to beating us on the battlefield. They are not succeeding in this. Now they are ready. Well, if you are ready, come back. What’s the problem?
They want to paint something, to create a semblance of global support for what they have painted on their own free will, proceeding from their own wants and wishes and present this as a consolidated position of the international community. They won’t succeed. This shows that they do not want to come to terms but are still wishing to get something and turn the tide on the battlefield but all in vain. The more attempts they will make, the more losses there will be, and these losses will by no means be in favour of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Why is this happening? The current rulers of Ukraine do not feel sorry for these people. They do not consider them their own people. This is the gist of Ukraine’s problem and tragedy today. They do not consider these people their own people. They do not protect the interests of the Ukrainian people today. I am hoping that people will still realise this eventually.
Foreign policy
Publication status
Published in sections: News, Transcripts
Publication date: May 28, 2024, 16:25
Text version
Noa: May 29, 2024 at 11:13 pm
Thanks for the primary source info. Putin’s dig at Stoltenberg was a bit of light relief (an Ali Shuffle?) before he delivered the right hook. Not only a chilling warning to to the BSE addled Burgers(sic) of Stevenage but also to the wankerati of Whitehall. The only time I went to Stevenage was in 1973, for an interview. I thought it was a shite-hole back then, I shudder to imagine what it must be like now! However, they might well get the opportunity to “build back better” so to speak.
It’s always interesting to read what an intelligent, measured and articulate politician, probably the best of his generation, has to say on such an important subject.
There is no Macronitic strategic ambiguity here. Actions and consequences are clearly identified and defined.
Contrast what he has to say with the ranting soundbites that Zelenski dribbles. Wind and fury signifying nothing…
An interesting comparison is also with the UKs reaction of absolute silence, possibly best described as funk, to Russia’s warning of the consequences of UK directed missile strikes onto its home territory. Clearly the destruction iof Stevenage by a carrier busting Kinzal is not a great vote winner for the ‘Three Cheeks’ uniparty.
On the subject of the terrifying sound of silence there is clearly a post Brexit secret agreement of Ribbentrop Molotov proportions in place between the UKG, Berlin and the EU to facilitate and ensure Britain taking its EU alloted quota of illegal immigrants.
When will we find out what its highly confidential and detailed most secret provisions are?
Not by any admission by HMG, Sunak or his treasonous Cabinet.
But perhaps more simply, by counting the numbers in and the assistance HMG provides in importing and housing our replacements.
Of course it could all be ended overnight. One teasing, amusing way would be by UKG implementing an counter EU ESTA scheme and so requiring all those boat citizens, who must have been cleared under it to enter the EU, to show their “ausweisses bitte!” to the RNLI before they leave their dingies, just as soon Frontex won’t allow British citizens to enter Gibraltar if theiy don’t have their EU entry visas and finger prints.
It won’t happen of course, ever.
Professor Sachs lucid and insightful summary of the post 1991 Ukrainian crisis.
Noa: May 30, 2024 at 8:47 pm
That interview would be both revelatory and uncomfortable listening for most Americans if could ever get to hear it. Prof JS’s account of recent Ukrainian history, and of the international skulduggery and thuggery of the CIA in general, was spot on, with a occasional piece of gallows humour. He also appears on De Judge’s and other YouTube bulletins from time to time. Dunno if he’s been on GG’s MOATS. He’s definitely on the CIA’s (s)hitlist, are are Tucker, De Judge, GG, Russell Brand, Scott Ritter, Bill O’Reilly, Megyn Kelly etc. etc. The list is extensive.
Noa: May 30, 2024 at 8:24 pm
“Of course it could all be ended overnight. One teasing, amusing way would be by UKG implementing an counter EU ESTA scheme and so requiring all those boat citizens, who must have been cleared under it to enter the EU, to show their “ausweisses bitte!” to the RNLI”
Genius! 🙂
Despite his claims to the contrary, as soon as the “The Hollow Man” enters No.10 he will lodge an application to have the UK “Back In The EUSSR” on the grounds that we never actually left – certainly never stopped the payments. From the time he disappears behind that shiny door that application will be in quicker than it takes Frau Genocide to sing The Horst Wessel Song.
The second thing he’ll do is to sack Angel Rayner, if by some miracle one of GG’s candidates doesn’t scalp the “ginger growler.” This of course won’t be a universally unpopular decision.
Noa says @ May 30, 2024 at 8:47 pm
If only people like Sachs were in charge everywhere, the world would be at ease with itself, Noa. Why aren;t they?
EC says @ May 31, 2024 at 12:49 pm
It may be foolish, EC, but Baron still reckons it will be a hung Parliament, the decision not to allow Diane to stand, now reversed, must have put many of the BME voters off Labour, some two thirds of them voted for the left leaning loonies in 2019.
Good read:
What do you make of this, no need to read the whole thing, just the beginning, could one trust the guy, he had to reason to lie, and if so, is the impact of the two a-bombings in Japan blown up?
I trust that by now you have tamed the lawn and gardens below the terrace at the rear of your baronial hall. It’s now “flaming June” 1st and it should now “croquet ready” for Pymm’s o’ clock. It’s up to every one of us to show the Ruskies what we are made of when the nutters in the US State Department and Pentagon finally drive Vlad over the edge!
“Never let it be said that we arrived at the Pearly Gates with an untrimmed privet…”
Winston Churchall
Chin-Chin Up!
The collection of hand grenades collected by the Russian forces down south, one of the respondents says ‘the first is a Czech one out first in 1954, rechecked in 1983 and 1995, one throws it, the tape unwinds and the thing goes bang (or words to that effect).
It may seem insignificant but the variety, not only in hand grenades, must make it hard for the Ukrainian boys to learn to use safely, NATO has had decades to standardise this stuff, failed to do so.
Baron says: June 1, 2024 at 10:08 am
Well, your past predictions have been over 80% correct. That’s on a par or better than Nostradamus.
Here is a taste of what is to come if the Hollow Man gets in…
It’s either going to be her or David Corb-Lammy at the FO
EC says @ June 1, 2024 at 11:15 am
Sadly, EC, no sign of the sun yet, none expected until later in the week, Baron suffers from flu (the boss is the source, she’s been suffering for weeks now), the lawn not mowed, but why bother if the nukes are on the way (only joking).
In the postings there is one for the Russian election that Baron cannot figure.
EC says @ June 1, 2024 at 11:30 am
That must be one of the better April 1 offerings, EC, what with Putin readying to lobby nukes all over the place.
People are talented, this is very good, the voices sound like those of Trump and Putin, the story fits, the music is simple one can almost hum it:
Here may be the explanation of the never ending pi$$ing, it’s something Baron wasn’t aware of at all, the Met guy is reasonably open about it, the reply from the CAA is not.
Is it really possible that they would disperse in the air chemicals designed to lower the amount of sunshine the earth receives? This is a decision that should be debated at some length not only in the House of Commons but by the people, how many know about the geo-engineering in general or specifically the solar radiation management.
It has been fugging cold for weeks, no proper or very little sunshine and we are three weeks from the Summer solstice, the official start of the astronomical Summer and of course the longest day of the year.
Who’s responsible for it?
You’ll find this article of interest, Milud.
There are a great many grants and far too many vested interests for there not to be megalomanic rulers and crazed scientists exploring the now liitemitless opportunities for mass orgiastic armageddon.
I myself have been exploring the possibilities of growing pilao rice in Lancashire’s now currently disused coalmines, using the vast resources of Ukranian labour and redundant Thai nail bar operatives.
Noa says @ June 3, 2024 at 8:58 am
Many thanks, Noa, how has it escaped Baron’s attention nobody knows, in his view it borders on the criminal, it’s releasing compounds into the air that we breathe, it’s not unakin to spraying the same at the ground level for even in a confined places, it’s a major step in messing up the environment based on the theory still unproven that it’s the human activities generating CO2 that are driving the climatic changes, it bothers nobody that climatic changes have been with us well before the industrial revolution.
We’ve truly lost it, it may well be that only a new global nuclear conflagration killing millions will bring us to our senses.
“Ukraine: Should Russia hit some key Great Britain facilities?!”
Seapy Joe: “Should have gone to Dignitas”.
It would stop us all involuntarily joining him in the global crematorium he fancies creating.
As UK targets I look forward to nominating:
Daves ‘Bid a wee’ Chipping Norton caravan where the greatest fictional autobiography in literary history was penned.
Heseltine’s 1100 acre Midlands mansion and Rishi’s unassuming Richmond pad come to mind, as does Kiers pad and Abbotts rest home.
On the road to Hell Nigel gas decided to enliven an otherwise boring election by standing as Reforms leader- he can do no worse than Tice and Clacton will fall before Trump’s rock breaking becomes due.
I hope he’s right and that Eeform becomes the opposition in Baron’s hung parliament.
Andrew Lawrence
One month to save Britain… [2mins]
Slightly out of date, but a most amusing quip in there about NF’s “rictus grin.”
The Walrus suggests that Nigel may be playing a long game and looking to take control of a future centre right Conservative party.
Given the greater chance of a 200 seat majority Stalinist government that seems unlikely. But if Boris of the krusty socks could do it perhaps the Czar of Clacton can to.
NF as leader opens the way for a Reform-Conservative pact, probably now post rather than pre election. But remember he has form I.e. the Reform stand down in the Brexit election deal that gave Boris his 80 seat majority. Xx
Noa : 9:13 am
Steady on there Noa old chap, we haven’t even met! 😉
Wouldn’t an electoral pact between Reform and GG’s Workers’ Party of Britain have more impact on reducing Der Stürmer’s majority? An unholy alliance for sure, should George and Nige’ come to an arrangement, “for the greater good” so to speak.
Now Noa, here’s a question. If you lived in a former “red wall” Labour constituency where voting for GG’s candidate had a better chance of winning than reform who would you vote for? Same question for a Tory seat with Reform and WPGB.
Up here in the far Noarth we have the return of Patrician politics with a former Lab MP’s son standing for parliament. Despite both having as much in common with the local electorate as supermodel and a square meal, the sprog will certainly be “returned” as opposed to “elected” as the majority won’t vote for the reasons discussed previously.
Quelle Horreur! / Jaká Hrůza!
Just imagine if Boris put all his sprogs up for parliament… He could start his own party!
Organised crime in Mr. Verucca’s Ireland.
They are only following the example set by the politicians, but on a smaller scale.
Bad weather? You’ve been imagining it…
“The hottest May on record; world-class gaslighting by Britain’s Met Office”
Yup, a Nige George combo would provide entertainment, if nothing else.
The fraternal alliance of foaming, scimitar weilding Jihadis’, Tea drinking English widows and Tommy’s tattoed patriots, a veritable Doctor Dolittle ‘push-me pull-you” creation would be a sight to behold on the green benches.
I’d love to participate in the negotiations on power sharing in such a flight of fancy. George’s and Nigh might be friends off stage, the followers and supporters aren’t.
Let’s hope the Macdonalds Milkshake man sues the botoxed Clacton Slapper for the cost of his suit, a few bodyguards would be in order. After all she could have been an acid dispensing Jo Brand or Lady Izzard giving a mighty slap.
When are they going to come for us?
Would anyone imagine that the Americans will be barred to travel freely? Not in a million years, and yet here we are, two individuals were prevented from leaving the country, is this a mistake or are we entering a new world modelled on the former East’s time of darkness?
BaronThat was interesting-and concerning.
As the judge pointed out US citizens have far greater Constitutional protections than we British peons, whose occasional revolutions have resulted in no such lasting protections from State incursions into our erstwhile liberties.
That it happened is an interesting revelation in the progressive worsening of US/Russian relations and the obvious placement of restrictions on the movements of its more dissident citizens.
Mr Ritter’s further revelation about the US nuclear doctrine of mass world destruction in order to ensure the survival of 20 or 30% of its own population was however, truly terrifying.
It seems ‘Tiger’ Tice shares the same view of the risk to NF from a deranged element of the public as me.
That being so, why hadn’t he done anything about it?
As pertinently, are ordinary Reform candudares and canvassers anow at greater risk? Likewise are Independents and Conservative candidates and supporters at greater risk than their Socialist counterparts?
The exposure of US and Western military weakness and the commensurate strength of Russia, has been one of the revelations of the Ukraine war.
Baron: June 4, 2024 at 10:56 pm
I was going to post that up first thing this morning.
I echo what Noa said at 12:17am
“Mr Ritter’s further revelation about the US nuclear doctrine of mass world destruction in order to ensure the survival of 20 or 30% of its own population was however, truly terrifying.”
That doctrine was hatched up by madmen in the Pentagon. Even more terrifying is that the Neocons are now running the show in the Biden MIC junta.
Noa : 12:32 am
The hopeful sprog, accompanied by his red brigade minders, was out canvassing around our neighbourhood at teatime yesterday. I returned home just to see them leave. Dressed in a very dark suit he could have been mistaken for a Mormon or JW except for his red tie. Looked like JRMogg in his 6th form days.
“…I returned home just to see them leave. Dressed in a very dark suit…”
I assume you had been out tobuy a Macdonalds milkshake to celebrate his arrival.
Andrew Lawrence
“Circus of Horrors…”
NB. vid contains an exposé of yesterday’s milk thrower. A gal’s gotta earn a living, but she should’ve given Nigel a broadside of two jugs in order to maximise the commercial opportunity – carpe bonorum so to speak…
I assume that the Campbells soup scion is your nominated man of the Peoples party in the Northern marches.
Is there no Reform option in the ancient fiefdom of John Wesley?
The march of the Spads, or
“Clowns to left of me
Jokers to the Right.
Stuck in the middle with ewes”.
Noa at 9:14 am
Aye, that the 6th form, JW/Mormon suited fella that I’ve been describing to you above.
“Markus Campbell-Savours, son of Lord Campbell-Savours, was selected at a meeting of local party members on Thursday.”
He was actually selected as PPC months ago, and has distributing his bumpf around the plantations well before the GE was announced. Keswick and Hampstead too?
The Conservative Chap: not only will he not fit through the eye of a needle, he did a Pontius Pilate on Julian Assange, thinks the WHO Treaty is a great idea, and maintains that there is/was absolutely nothing to fear in the “Trojan Horse” censorship clauses in the Online Safety Bill.
I am informed that the LibDem personage of the antique name is not a pleasant prospect, and is also a Green.
The Reform Party Candidate is…. {DRUMROLL}
That photo reminds me of Sir Les Patterson in his earlier days. He has two parents, which is a good start!
The Religious vote? Not many RoP-ers in these paaaarts, but if either the Reverend “Wild” Jock McSporran and/or Monsignor Fr. Paddy “Bear Strangler” Malarkey are on the ballot then they are going to pose a serious threat to at least the top three.
Fool of the week.
Can anyone argue with Robespierre’s logical judgement on “I’m always right”” Peter Hitchens?
Peter Cook and Sir Les Patterson.
Smoking on TV, hung Parliaments, the moustache theory of power and invasion, on being a spy….
Will he do it? Baron reckons he will together with the healthy core of Britishness:
Noa: 9:41 pm
From the days when TV was worth watching.
Sharp witted, clever, clever stuff. Many thanks!
Baron at 11:27 pm
He’s certainly stirred the buggers up, thwarting their “let’s have a nice quiet sham election” deal. In 28 days time we’ll know the answer to your question.
It’s funny how The Hollow Man has just started wearing spectacles in the quest for added gravitas, just as Rasheed has stopped. More evidence for the sham election “Baton Handover” theory?
Noa at 9:26 pm
Just showbiz. A case of “Never mind the blather, trouser the fee.”
If you’ve missed the event of the millennium here is a short dissection of it, the two guys talk well, you may of course form your own take on it:
Baron: June 8, 2024 at 8:59 am
“you may of course form your own take on it”
So kind, and by your leave Milud…
Utter bilge from start to finish, both the debate and the commentary.
They sound a bit light on their loafers if you ask me, and as if they have consumed far far too many soya products.
Q. Isn’t Novara Media riddled with closet commies?
Some interesting reading: (lost)
“Starmer is a Far Left Trotskyist” says er… a “former” Trotskyist.
Well, as the saying goes, “it takes one to know one.”
“”Reform Party is NOT Conservative”, it’s Neo-Liberal “like Truss”
Peter Hitchens “Goes into Bat on behalf of the Conservative Party…
Whilst we are trying to ignore…
1. The phony UK GE/Baton handover “debates”
2. Trying to think up alternate explanations of the POTUS visibly taking a dump in his trousers on the podium alongside M.Micron at the D-D Memorial in France
3. Waiting for Ukrainian Nazi to trigger WW3 by using a UK/US long range missile to destroy one of Russia’s early warning stations
We might as well while away the time listening to…
Tucker Carlson Interviewing Mark Steyn [7th June 1hr 44mins]
A thoroughly enjoyable conversation with many a true word spoken in jest!
Royal pageantry for the peasantry.
Every time there is an event in the calendar that occasions a royal procession involving horses it is some poor sod’s station in life to have to get up at 3-4am, proceed to the stables of Buck’ House in order to give the horses an enema. Thus by the time that the hooves hit the streets the horses have already evacuated their bowels, thus preserving the dignity of the occasion.
Surely Dr. Jill could perform the same procedure on Joe so that he didn’t have the need to take a shit in his pants on a podium in front of the whole world, as happened at the recent D-Day memorials. You’d think that “American exceptionalism” could extend beyond the use of adult Pampers™, and wearing a pair of cycle clips for backup.
Was anything worthwhile said in the seven way debate by tedious lefties of various loony parties?
I didn’t notice in the 2 minutes I watched it Witchfinder Mordant cast an evil eye on Farage but the rest was ranting. As fir the commentary Milud…. nooooo!
But, I’m currently reading ‘Vassal State’ at the moment and I found this link to Aarain Bastani’s interview with its author underneath the Loafer boyz. You may find it interesting, or not.
Noa 9:23
Neither fragrant ginger growler nor the ice queen bitch could handle Farage in Donald mode. Penny Mordaunt for the next Tory leader?
Aaron, carnivore by the look of ‘im, was better than the other two.
Let’s remember why Israel is at war in Gaza.
EC says:
June 10, 2024 at 9:17 am
Fnar Fnar!
I’m sure Macron and Olaf would pay for that glass ceiling scenario! Goodness only knows about the Speech dodger.
Surely it’s long past the time for Joe-bi-Wan to take a wrong turn on a holiday walk.
EC says:
June 10, 2024 at 9.23am
Thank you for watching so that I and many others did not have to.
A humbled and grateful nation bows its head in due humility.
Paws for thought.
A humbled nation etc.
Paws for thought.
A humbled nation etc.
Noa says @ June 10, 2024 at 9:23 am
The book’s on Baron’s want list, Noa, your take on it will be appreciated, the hint was the same interview and also that because the guy is saying what Baron, amongst others, has maintained it was the case for years, we are indeed a vassal to the Americans, get nothing for it, not even a simple trade deal.
You may recall the “Seven Roads to Moscow’, just finished reading it, superb, truly superb, one should have on a night table if only because of the style, simple yet well memorable.
EC says @ June 9, 2024 at 6:47 pm
Good one, EC, thanks, it’s the first time Baron has come across the guy, he’s on the list now.
EC says @ June 9, 2024 at 6:26 pm
Not a bad slicing of it, EC, but you can hardly deny their articulateness, not on par with Brand but close.
I enjoyed ‘Vassal State’, Milud, finding it thoughtful, provocative and well informed read. I’ve posted a link below to the first chapter or two so you can take a view on whether it’s of particular interest.
You will never think of the ‘Special Relationship’ as ‘mutually beneficia’l again!
Thank you for reminding ne of Jacksons “Seven Roads to Moscow…”, fortuitously I found and ordered a copy for the summer holiday read.. roll on to Poltava and Kursk. Im currently John Keegan’s “The Mask of Command” to which it will make an excellent accompaniment. It contrasts nicely in style and approach with Lawrence Freedman’s study of military leadership, “Command”.
You may find the somewhat leftist Tom Stevenson’s “Someone Else’s Empire: British Illusions and American Hegemony” of interest. A collection of reviews and essays on various contemporary aspects of the US-UK relationship.
I found the analyses of US Proxies and the importance of Saudi Arabia of particular interest, as well as US CIA interference and dabbling in Algeria and North Africa.
Again here is a link to the book’s preview.
Professor Geoffrey Roberts considers the fast shrinking range of alternatives for the future.
Continuing the CHW’s “anything but the GE” theme…
Tucker Carlson interviewing Alexandr Dugin. [19mins]
Apr 29, 2024. “Aleksandr Dugin is the most famous [living] political philosopher in Russia. His ideas are considered so dangerous the Ukrainian government murdered his daughter and his books have been banned by the
Bidener… Obama administration, you cannot but them on Amazon. We talked to him in Moscow.”
In which AD explains the West’s self-destructive, anti-human obsessions, and Russophobia amongst other things.
Noa says @ June 11, 2024 at 12:09 am
Thanks for the previews, Noa, very useful, what amazes if that nobody is talking about it, no public debate, the scribblers mentioned (mostly the Daily Mail) are just moaning, we need the politicians to get oil the act, take action, unlikely that, they are all under the American command.
Noa says @ June 11, 2024 at 12:50 am
A good shot, Noa, he points to and articulates well one of the options that should be pursued, but in the narrative he says ‘… Ending the West’s proxy war with Russia would regain Ukraine’s sovereignty’. Will it? Hmmm
One’s more than sceptical, Ukraine has been a colony of the US since the Feb 24 2014 Kiev’s putsch, it was Nuland that named the first post-putsch Government with Yatcenjuk as the PM, the same control remains in place now, it will be the Americans that will choose who gets the President’s job after the DA of Kiev pushed out, how could this ‘regain Ukraine’s sovereignty’?
You may find not nauseating, Baron’s been yapping about it over and over again, but it’s the Wolfowitz doctrine that has been guiding the US foreign policy since it was penned by Paul in 1992, the American Governing elites cannot allow another adversary identical or similar to the USSR to ever emerge and threaten their hegemony, even when the war in Ukraine ends it’s unlikely in the extreme the Americans will give up their control of the country, they are in Ukraine for the long haul, the aim remains the same, the encirclement of Russia, her eventual balkanisation, Ukraine’s the God given hammer to fulfil this aim, it’s exactly what the doctrine calls for re Russia, China will be next.
EC says @ June 11, 2024 at 9:19 am
A fantastic find, EC, thanks, Baron heard Dugin talking about the October revolution in Russia, but not about the subject raised by Tucker, it’s amazing we ban his books, what he says makes sense, his observation of the science fiction of the 19th century turning into reality in the 20’s is by and large correct, extending today’s science fiction into the future would seem logical if frightening, what may offer a better future is that not all the world’s tribes subscribe to the Schwab’s ‘you will own nothing and you’ll be happy’.
Never ming the rigged GE- a rigged interview for Rasheeds new
EURO 24 starts this week.
David v Goliath or
Steyn v Ofcom (and spineless GB News).
Jessica Boyd KC, representing Ofcom says: “The programmes (that led to the Steyn’s ban) could cause potential harm to the rights of viewers by distorting their understanding of issues which were likely to have a significant bearing on their health decisions in the context of a continuing pandemic.”
Almost immediately the same female adds: “Neither decision sought to prevent the claimant, or his guests, from ventilating controversial views about important public health issues or from challenging the reliability of official medical advice, including in inflammatory or provocative terms”
Is this female with a brain?
She claims ‘the programmes in question may have caused harm by distorting the viewers understanding of issues that were likely to have significant bearing of their decisions’ then almost in the next sentence she says ‘the Offcom decisions didn’t seek to prevent Mark Steyn from ventilating controversial views ….”
Every controversial view must by definition cause harm by distorting the viewers understanding of issues, this is what controversy happens to be, the distortions then are likely to have significant bearing of their decisions (whether to have or not have the vaccine)’.
It’s fugging illogical what this female says, if this is the caliber of the judicial phylum we seem to be in genuine shite. One cannot have it both ways, one either bans controversial ideas, follows the official state backed narrative or one allows ‘the ventilation of controversial views’ but not both simultaneously, it’s non sensical what the female says.
That leaves out the rather confusing insertion of ‘rights’ into the equation when she says ‘the programmes (that led to the ban) could cause potential harm to the rights of viewers …” what rights exactly? To hear an opinion whether controversial or not? Is hearing a view a right now?
The more one thinks about the more one feels we are moving to a time of censorship with not double speak but silly speak that makes no sense whatsoever.
McGregor must have read Baron’s postings most;ty on the Spectator, the blue veined barbarian has been preaching the same for years, as were you:
Baron says:, June 12, 2024 at 7:45 pm
Exactement, à tous égards, Mi’lud
Baron says:; June 12, 2024 at 8:12 pm
Let us hope that Russia brings this matter to a close asap.
Noa: June 12, 2024 at 10:31 am
Of course, Mark is most famous for taking the Canadian Govt to court and winning. Last I heard he was bogged down with post trial arguments about costs, after “Dr. Fraudpants” was awarded $1 in damages. I certainly hope that Mark has got enough mojo left to take Ofcom to court and WIN.
Reports from the US suggest that cracks are starting to appear in the communist façade of the media landscape. There’s trouble t’ Washington (com)Post 🙂
Let us pray, bruvvers, that the same trend occurs here!
Continuing the CHW’s “anything but the GE” theme…
Somewhat ironical that we live in a country where annually countless millions of trees burn’t in “biomass” power stations. They are felled here or imported from Canada, transported hundreds of miles by lorry or shipped thousands of miles by boat. Madness!
Madness of course. Though no madder than a chai wallah as a cuntservative pm or a malign Marxist pabloist knight as his equally incompetant successor..
Whats next?
Human sacrifices to Gaia to turn the lights back on when the darkness ordained by the high priests and vestal virgins of the National Griddescends upon the earth?
Noa 1:16pm
Thank you. An educational site, the CHW is. 🙂
Quick change artist, should be on America’s Got Talent.
This is how it’s done, chaps.
EC says @ June 16, 2024 at 10:11 am
Sickening, EC, just as well Baron didn’t have lunch, arghhhh
Continuing the CHW’s “anything but the (UK) GE” theme…
Well, I’d vote for her… 😉
Not quite the GE…
A song, a dance and a few jokes before the Vale of Tears.
EC says @ June 17, 2024 at 12:14 pm
She’s also an expert on condoms, EC, up to a point:
Noa says @ June 18, 2024 at 8:58 am
God one, Noa, but would it change anything?
Baron at 7:50 pm
She is a very talented comic actress/comedienne. She has other characters too, apart from “Bush Barbie” who was primarily developed, I think, for the “Moments” ad campaign.
Is there anything happening out there today that I should be worried or outraged about?
EC says:
June 19, 2024 at 8:57 am
Everything. But as the sun is shining in the Northern Marches for the first time in years. I recommend that you celebrate it by flogging Lord Snooty through the street of Barrow, Wigton and Workington before ritual hanging, drawing and quartering in Carlisle’s market square.
Oh and don’t forget to wear your long jobs and bring an umbrella for Mrs EC. Things could change….
And talking about the weather….
Here BB.
EC says @ June 19, 2024 at 8:57 am
The soporific lawyer that runs Labour has suspended a candidate that expressed doubts about the Skripals poisoning, EC, the man has guts, but it cost him standing in the election, he should have waited, an error on the timing, but that’s life.
Noa says:
June 19, 2024 at 9:08 am
One is wise to cautious about both the weather and conditions underfoot here in the far north. With the general improvement in the last 48 hours the Edward I Monument has actually emerged from the fog, mist and rainclouds that shroud it for 350 days per year.
Good suggestion! I was saving Dave’s Denouement for the annual Wicker Man ceremony at the end of August, however the natives have been getting very restless of late, and they really need something to cheer them up a bit NOW. We will now need to find a new occupant for the Wicker Man, though. Gareth Southgate may shortly be available?
Lord Warden of Liddel Water and the Western Marches
Is Baron available for comment?
“How a young Keir Starmer ended up in Communist spy files after joining a Czechoslovakian work camp during Cold War”
A good balanced piece on Putin and Russia:
EC says @ June 19, 2024 at 4:40 pm
You may have noticed, EC, the frequent repeating of ‘undermining the West’, which is laughable given the shaky position of the regime internally, it imploded four years later in 1990, the seeds of the collapse were already visible from the early 80s.
Of course, the STB, the secret police of the country, would have probed trying to recruit potential collaborators, these young men must have been as impressionable as any other young people are, but Baron guesses they were well briefed before they went to be careful, more to the point, the CIA or the MI5 would have done the same with young men and women coming over to the West, it’s a game both parties played and are still playing today.
Baron says:
June 19, 2024 at 9:57 pm
I wonder if any enterprising journalist (Ha! remember them?) ever checked the STASI files for any records on Jeremy Corbyn and the Member for Hackney North and Stoke Newington?
Their motorcycle tour of the DDR was bound to have generated some entries. It would’ve been nice if the thoughts of the border guard had been recorded as the BSA Bantam(?) with Jezza & Di perched on the pillion coughed to a halt at the barrier. It must’ve been a sight to behold!
Instead of the Swan Lake it’s Barnyard, says the heading, is this progress? :
You make an excellent point Baron. But will it make any difference?
Of course the Africans are happy to culturally appropriate Western art forms when it suits.
And interesting to see two black European teams, the nations formerly known as the Netherlands and France, playing in Leipzig. The sporting strand of cultural assimilation is now nearly complete.
How odd to see Opera described as a “colonial art form” by the white author. Self abasement and humiliation is carried to a new low level.
Still, I enjoyed the poster of the witch Doctor with pe nebulous fake breasts performing an aria.
“Your little hand is cold… ” perhaps.
…pendulous breasts…”
Noa says: June 21, 2024 at 10:40 pm
Steady on there, old bean. Don’t let that unrelenting effikan heat get you!
Keep knocking back the Gordon’s for anti-malarial medicinal purposes, dressing for dinner served at 7pm and several Cognacs later passing out clutching a copy of your chosen book religious observances. This might help keep any visions of voluptuous native girls in grass skirts at bay, and also suppress any Baden-Powell tendencies that might have crept in from repeated flogging of your estate workers.
Stay strong, Brother Noa, and do not let Bonnie Greer get to you!
“White Men are Cracking Up”
Summer will take place over the next four to five days.
Make the most of it, it could be your last.
Noa says @ June 21, 2024 at 10:40 pm
A charming adjective, Noa, and how timely to describe Baron’s pendulous bit no longer in use, arghhh
EC says @ June 22, 2024 at 10:47 am
All we need now, EC, is for one of the AGW fruitcakes to say that the first half of this year was the hottest six months ever.
Under the sun it’s pleasant, not more, but when the sun’s gone it fugging cold, it must be the wind mostly north or north easterly around Baron’s abode, one hates to say it, but could it be Putin who’s behind it? Shouldn’t we be told?
Amazingly on the Spectator blog some 80% are backing Nigel, the others need looking after in a ward with locked doors.
He didn’t say anything new, the NATO chief said exactly the same, as did few others, more to the point, his quip was only an inch or so closer to the truth not the truth itself, the truth is about a mile from his take on the American Ukrainian project.
How could Britain sink that low? Sad really.
“…the truth is about a mile from his take on the American Ukrainian project…”
USG, EU and UKG propaganda has been so prolonged, consistent and one sided that even to challenge it in a small way, as Trump and Farage have now done, is to invite the wrath of the Western political heavens to reign down on them both. All credit to N, he has stuck to his guns on this profound and denied truth, despite the buckets of merde now being poured over him accusing him of being a ‘Putin stooge’ .
One small, uncertain step towards the truth from NF. Has the damage been completed? Is it now too late to reach a rapprochement with Russia?
I was amazed when he dropped that into his BBC interview with the disgusting, biased Nick Robinson. The day before I saw a snippet of an interview with someone else where he said we needed as many young people and possible to join the army, navy and airforce so that “the UK could stand up to Russia & China.” That remark made me feel more politically homeless than ever. Stand up to Russia? The UK cannot even stop a few dinghies crossing the English channel.
Good for Nige’ to tell the truth, but he might just have disembowelled himself and his campaign. The vast majority of Labour voters, including 2019 “red wall” absconders, do not have a clue about history, US, NATO bear-baiting in particular. I was talking to a tedious tribal Labourite yesterday and he was all Putin this, Putin that, and Putin whatever. The media has done a really good job on him. The red wall is full of these now remorseful “gammons” who now think that the Hollow Man is the new messiah… and all will be well Labour are in No.10 despite the evidence of the ninety years before 2019 GE.
Boris Brexit betrayal of the Red Wall, not to mention Covid corruption, has finished the “Conservative” party. The GE aftermath will seismic, and make July 5th an interesting day!
Now on to more weighty matters…
How come none of you learned fellows apprised me of this before…
Piers Morgan goes “A Brigitte Too Far”?
Watched the master MSM tabloid scumbag milk this story whilst roundly condemning it.
Unfortunately trails Candace by at least 20 IQ points.
File under: Bathhouse Barry & Michael, Two Dead Chefs etc.
Prediction: Slovenia 2 England 0
Oh no! “It’s Iceland All Over Again”
Your man on the terraces.
Yogi Eee-aye-addio
Quote: “It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again”
Yogi Berra
“If we could deja vu it again We’d deja vu it over vu”.
“Wishi, your boys took a beating!”
As to the Labourites.They are and always will be members of the perennially thick lumpenproletariate, dependent upon the Fabian loons for any vestige of an idea. Thejr ancesters were too thick to think and too cunning to get hanged or deported before they gained the vote and invented taxpayer funded perpetual retirement for the cretin gene.
Neil Oliver on bo bo Biden and Westwrn dictatorship.
The King of Scotland in conversation with Tucker Carlson
“Neil Oliver: How Banks Took Over Empires, and the Truth About WWII, Brexit, & COVID”
This one is a bit of a marathon at 2hrs 3min, entertaining and well worth watching…
unlike the Scotland vs Hungary match, I daresay.
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
H. L. Mencken
“In Defence of Wonen”
Think the War on Terror, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Balkans, Syria, Brexit; Covid, Ukraine….
You should watch it even of it’s Russell:
The great Alex Thomson takes part in the broadcast, it’s worth watching the start:
EC says @ June 23, 2024 at 7:04 pm
Indeed a piece worth watching, EC, the part about Oliver’s family and kids was quite touching and Tucker’s right, people here are more obedient, the compliance with the consensus is greater in the UK than in the Republic.
“…Tucker’s right, people here are more obedient, the compliance with the consensus is greater in the UK than in the Republic…”
I refer to my recent comment on the British lumpenproles.
The unprpertied intelligent and rebellious were imprisoned, hung, deported or left of their own volition.
Unfortunately the replacenent population is not as timorous.
Maintaining the theme of the many issues not talked about in the GE on CHW here’s one that irks particularly.
“I’m not paying your taxes kaffir!”
Julian Assange may be free but the iniquitous and unjustcvassal state US/UK extradition agreement remains in place to seize, try and imprison unwary UK citizens who may transgress the US transnational boundaries and mores.
Not an election issue of corse. Except that the UKs foreign policy relationship with the Puritians on the Hill certainly is.
Simon reminds us why Assange was in gaol in the first place.
Noa says @ June 23, 2024 at 1:38 pm
The man has courage, Noa, amazingly, they haven’t silenced him yet.
Noa says: June 25, 2024 at 12:06 pm
It is outrageous that some piggies are more equal than others!
Stamp Duty should be abolished for all!
Also, bigamy should be decriminalised for all, and attract generous state benefits
Noa says June 25, 2024 at 2:34 pm
It’s very unusual Baron would ever disagree with Simon, Noa, but here he does, confession first: Baron listened to only the first four minutes of the clip, if Simon changed his take on it in the last three minutes, Baron apologises.
The disagreement rests on one fact Simon doesn’t mention at all in the first four minutes, the rape charge was dropped, this suggests to Baron that Julian must have more than suspected the trial for rape in Sweden will go against him 100%, it was made up to get him imprisoned, then the Swedes, a US vassal, would have easily agreed to his extradition to the US, he jumped bail, better seven years or whatever in a small room in an London Embassy that 156 years in a US jail.
Noa says @ June 25, 2024 at 12:06 pm
This is something known to Baron, Noa, but thanks for reminding him again, it’s sickening what the ghastly Blair did, and that includes the non-payment of the stamps duty on a property purchase by Muslims.
Noa says: June 25, 2024 at 1:16 pm
Watch as all the silent msm presstitutes finally stick their head above the parapet and say they were backing Assange all along.
The American citizen that actually gave Wikileaks the info in the first place was one Bradley “Chelsea¿” Manning, and he was pardoned by Bath-house Bazza & Big Mike on their way out of the Oral Office – presumably for service to the transgender cause.
De Judge shares your opinion about the US “justice system” and is particularly withering about Donald Trump’s part in all this.
[also contains beach bombs]
Baron says: June 25, 2024 at 6:59 pm
Agreed. The “rape” charges in Sweden were “trumped” up at the behest of the CIA. Similarly the charges in the US were literally Trumped up by the same people.
At times, Simon the Sage has his fingers in too many pies, hairy or otherwise. On this occasion displaying a rather prurient interest the bedroom matters which must be a dim and distant mammary for him!
At the end of the day, Assange should’ve used professionals and got a receipt!
This video is rather weird as it lists 10 new weird MEPs, it’s perhaps as well that those in the EU Parliament can only talk, no power to enact laws or formulate policies:
Baron says: June 25, 2024 at 10:59 pm
I shall miss former MEPs Clare Daly and Mick Wallace “giving it some welly”, albeit to a mostly empty chamber.
Bought and paid for politicians:
“I’ll see what my AIPAC guy says…”
“Julian Assange’s lawyers speak outside US court in Saipan”
Elon’s gone to Mars and the Czechia team are probably back down the saltmine
Where’s everyone else, I wonder?
Hark! Is that Jimmy and Jonathan that doth approacheth?
EC and Baron
“Elon has gone to Mars” and Julian to Australia, which is even further away.
We must await the publication of his autobiography before any further assessment of Australia’s bareback rider can take place. No doubt it won’t be long in appearing. He has had sufficient ‘quiet time’ to write it and he apparantly needs to find $500k to repay the Aussie Gvt for the private jet that flew him to his US trial in Saipan.
His innocence may be supported by his wife standing by him, maybe not. She could support him in the matter of journalist amd press freedom whilst reserving the use the ritual gelding knife for a later personal post trial date.
In the meantime we may enjoy the O’Hagan prequel autobiography of this complex, unreadable and mpossible unlovable, but relevant character.
How the Babylon Bee took Assange back to the Pacific penal colony.
Noa says @ June 27, 2024 at 3:26 pm
The O’Hagan’s piece just runs and runs, Noa, Baron managed to consume about a fifth, learnt little, the narrative leaves him confused except for the habit of Assange to eat with his hands, no forks or spoons or anything, not that it doesn’t work eating some foods like pizza or a sandwich, but lasagna?
The Babylon Bee video is enjoyable watching, travelling on one of the Boeing planes less so.
Boeing-Boeing-going-soon be gone.
What happens when you build planes, spacecraft with diversity hires
The most complete review of the {{{ DEBATE }}} that I’ve come across this morning.
SkyNews Australia’s Paul Murray and Rita oooh Panahi in hysterics watching the train wreck unfold.
Boeing Boeing gone.
Ed Dutton pointed out that Western intelligence has been declining at the rate of 1% per generation since the 1850s. Add in the decline in the educational standards which helped to mask the growing idiocracy levels and you reach the technological decline which resulted in the Concorde runway maintenance disaster.
But Ed failed to take into account the enhanced stupidity levels that DIE has created in the US and subsequently the rest of the West.
Odd questions arise.
Are people of African origin less intelligent than people of Eurooean and Asian origin? If so has their intelligence been in equal decline over the same period?
If so has positive discrimination accelerated the decline of the West and impacted its technological competancies even more adversely than the general 1% intellect decline suggests?
RAF tests conducted on Black and White subjects solely on the basis of competencies would imply that there is no ‘levelling up’ in the interracial stupidity gap.
At best all are becoming stupid. But some are becoming even more stupid than others.
So in the hierarchy of stupidity we must give bottom place to the PofAO, followed by the PofEO, then the PofAsianO.
But this begs the question of where in the Stupidity Hierarchy we must put the absolute cretins who created and imposed the positive discrimination credo?
After all these cretins are our political and administrative elites and they are the very frequent users of the very aircraft which their policies are rendering unsafe and unfit for the purpose for which they were designed.
Perhaps there is a solution though. We can send them to the ISS on the Boeing Starliner before Boeing calls on the Chinese equivakent of Jimmy Saville to fix it!
EC says @ June 28, 2024 at 11:42 am
What do the Chinese, the Russians … think is more to the point, EC, it’s beyond cruel, there ought to be a law that limits the candidacy to people whose sanity is backed up by the medical profession, Baron genuinely felt sorry for the guy however much he disagrees with everything the corrupt man and the rest of his family stand for, sickening, this is the man who has a finger on the red button.
Noa says @ June 28, 2024 at 12:36 pm
The decline in intelligence and our return to stupidity may have happened thanks to the technological progress, Noa, one no longer has to remember, one can google for everything.
It’s a story of Socrates and it all began with writing, the story goes that a wise man Theuth was trying to convince the king of Egypt Thamus to adopt letters and writing arguing that it will make all Egyptians wiser and will improve their memories. “For it is an elixir of memory and wisdom that I have discovered”, Theuth said.
But Thamus would have none of it saying “your invention will produce forgetfulness in the minds of those who learn to use it, because they will not practice their memory.
Their trust in writing, produced by external characters which are no part of themselves, will discourage the use of their own memory within them. You have invented an elixir not of memory, but of reminding; and you offer your pupils the appearance of wisdom, not true wisdom, for they will read many things without instruction and will, therefore, seem to know many things, when they are for the most part ignorant since they are not wise, but only appear wise”.
One may argue that the Net has taken it a stage further one doesn’t have to record in writing anything to get reminded of, all one has to do is google for it.
Well, the likes of CH4 and BBC Panorama do have a track record in these matters…
“The mainstream media are trying to stitch us up.”
Nigel Farage
Here’s a guy that would do nicely:
EC says @ June 28, 2024 at 6:06 pm
If this is the quality of thinking by the top educators in our universities one shouldn’t be at all surprised we are fugged:
A reasonable if rather cautious take on the Andrew Parker story, you may have found better.
What strikes Baron most however are the remarks made by the guy, it’s exactly what one would expect a racist to say if one were to write a script encapsulating racism, homophobia and anything else that is close to a taboo today, one could perhaps allow for it in a family or amongst very close friends, but for an English person to air the views Mr. Parker expressed amongst people he met only hours ago it’s stretching it beyond believable.
In the past Baron has told you he speaks to people freely more than the average English person would, in fact only a couple of days ago Baron met Andrew, a local ‘events photographer’ or so he said himself when Baron pointed to his three cameras hanging on his stomach, he and Baron were buying coffee at Costa, we had a chat, matters not what about but neither one of us touched upon what one may call the ‘sensitive issues’ of the day.
In the Parker’s case it wasn’t touching on the near taboo issues of the day, it was a field day for the issues, which suggests to Baron that it may have been planned or staged, how come that a undercover film makers happens to get attached to a man that turns out to be a revolting racists plus? .
Of course, you may say here goes Baron again, seeing conspiracy in everything that may be just a coincidence, always poking into the darkest side of man’s behaviour, never willing to accept that $hit happens, you may think otherwise but given the animosity towards Nigel and Reform one cannot help to be suspicious of such coincidences.
Baron: June 29, 2024 at 12:01 am
It’s a smear operation.
Here’s Andrew Parker speaking in his normal voice.
Like I said earlier CH4/BBC have got a track record when it comes to fabricating news stories. Hence they now hire “outside” production companies to give themselves plausible deniability.
Baron says at 10:30 pm
As Vivek Ramaswamy says, the Dems have a big problem.
The DEMS are wedded to the DEI agenda so that means that their next candidate cannot be a white male. It cannot be Cackling Kamala as well er… you know why. I cannot be Hittlery Crinton as she’s white. So they are left with either “Big Mike” {with Bath-house Bazza behind the curtain} or Oprah Whinfrey {same} neither of whom has run for anything before. God forbid they choose Whoopi Goldberg or Maxine “Flawda “Waters as they are imo both batshit crazy.
Still who’da thunk that anaemic nonentities like John Major or Starmer would ever become PM of the UK?
Is Colonialism defunct?
Not when it’s practiced by the Western democracies it isn’t!
See also the earlier links in this series of articles.
What raises deep and long held concerns about the Parker affair is not that such things were said-prejudices are held and uttered by all people and races- but that a bigoted, puritanical class tries to exert a silencing moral superiority to silence them, so denying the right of free thought, speech and debate to either refute them or demonstrate their hiw correct they are in whole or in part.
An interesting debate on intelligence.
The possible connection between intelligence and memory is interesting, though I while would consider memory a major factor it js surely a collection of individual experiences, a personal (RAM) database, upon which the intelligent mind can reflect and draw down, rather than a common store of collected knowledge (and rubbish) like the Internet.
Unlike Thamus, the representative of a ruling and priest class who is concerned only to control and limit the development of ideas and protect his preeminent roke in hus society, the development of writing enables business and commerce to grow by recording transactions and eventually mes thoughts and ideas. It is, in short the building block of civilisation,
It augments intelligence.
The oral tradition which still persists in the middle and far east, may demonstrate prodigious feats if memory, such a learning the koran by heart, but that rote learning significantlyy fails to develop or demonstrate analytical intelligence. On the contrary it is a substitute for it.
I know that Diaper Joe can’t think or speak and freezes from time to time like a Tesco sausage, but is that really sufficient to debar him from holding the office of El Presidente in the once greatest country in the world?
Noa says: June 29, 2024 at 9:59 am
Excellently well put. Deserves a wider audience!
Noa 10:32
“prodigious feats of memory”
Women are better at it.
eg. I’m certain that Mrs Noa can remember everything you’ve ever said or done wrong since the day that you both got married.
EC at 12.20pm
I can’t disagree with that assessment. Mrs Ns memory is indeed a very powerful matrimonial tool.ŵ
Col Mac considers eBiden’s and the travesty that is now US government.
Is Macron as mad as he seems calling the election? T Dalrymple considers the tortuous reasoning of politicians.
“Gordon Brown’s Bottom”
Starting Friday there’ll be another Labour PM, and this one will be intent on robbing your piggy bank.
Prediction: “They’re Coming Home” t’nite, you know!
Why I won’t be watching…
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” If Einstein actually said this then he read it somewhere else
The intellectual devaluation of sport nowadays known as Euro 24, formerly known in better tines as the European Championships, finally wends its weary way through the quantative easing stage of reducing 24 sets of
overated tattoed narccissists to, erm, 16. The multicultural multitudes gathered in Grossdeutchland to celebrate this festival of levelling down can start to appreciate the festival of sensual rapinary delights that awaits them in Macrons Olympian Paris.
Marc Steyn ably captures the excitement building as the pre match atmosphere rises.
It’s like watching Brixton Strollers FC!
And where’s an ashen faced Rev Ron Knee when you need him to impose a sense of Protestant structure and discipline on the chaos!
And its strange to see all white European football teams at the Euro. Still they win the “My tatts are better than your Tatts” competition hands down!
It’s the latest from the guy Baron never fails to read, also buys cups of coffee for, you may like to read it, please notice the clip with Arestovych talking, that may be the next Ukrainian President unless the Americans change their mind:
Noa says @ June 29, 2024 at 10:32 am
Excellent points, Noa, also could anyone ever stop progress in any fields of the human endeavour?
EC says @ June 29, 2024 at 9:05 am
Agreed, EC, it’s a put up job which is disgraceful, but one hopes it will result in the opposite.
Noa says @ June 29, 2024 at 3:02 pm
Until and unless the good burghers of the American Republic vote for someone like the Colonel to occupy the Oval Office, Noa, the country has no hope to return to its former glory. It’s a superb lament, top class.
Baron – 10. 11am
Sadly the same lament applies to the United Kingdom but except for Farage we have no orator to read the perforation.
Peroration not perforation argh!
Your autocorrect spell checker has come up with a good-un., Noa.
“Perforated UK” is a perfect summation of “Rip Off Britain”
The hirsute Swami to the nation’s Yoof came up with a good clip here…
Russell is ok, time is short, I’m not his target audience.
From the 2019 Clown World vaults:
#Warning# Do not view whilst sipping a hot or cold drink.
File under: Oh England! ; Perforated below the waterline etc.
EC says @ July 1, 2024 at 9:15 am
The man that asked the question must be a member of the ‘Healthy Core of Britishness’, EC, as are those applauding him.
On the other side of the ring is the female fruitcake that presented today’s World at One on BBC4 calling Reform and Le Pen and her RN Far Right, a ghastly gargoyle she.
At least we can console ourselves that buffoon hairstyled dwarfish Deputy Chief Cunsrables will be lauded for evacuting those in peril from leaky reservoirs and promoted to identify the multitude of Hate Criminals out there.
And are Britains own much loved perforations under renewed threat from Putin’s ‘horizontal war’ retaliatory measures against against US ATACMS?,of%20a%20national%20tea%20shortage.
By jingo, that merchant’s wife looks well fed!
Here’s a manifesto worth voting for:
I thought that this might be of interest to you.
It might help fill in the time between trips to the polling station… in different disguises.
I had never heard of Andrey Melnichenko before Tucker released this video.
I expect the ever fragrant Vicky was coveting his impressive assets for years before she finally got her hands on them¿
Conflicting policies Baron.
What’s is to be? Send politicfans to Rwanda or put them in green fluorescent cars? Or is that just the MRLP MPs?
But their hearts are in the right placec- just not on the left side of their bodies like normal people. Maybe that also applies to all MPs-which is why even when we drive a steak through them they arise with the coming of the night, to stalk the comely virgins and more attractive catamites of the worshipping SPAD communiity.
Still, I admired their immensely practical immigration solution.
“Immigration..We will replace employees of the Border Force with GP receptionists. This will dramatically reduce the number of people getting in.”
This First Gender, this fearsome core of British womanhood, has for too long been taken for granted. It is time to deploy their awesome skills in the frintline of the fight to Save our Nation!
Who’s worried about Internet censorship?
The simpke truth is that we suffer from information overload. YT, Rumble, Tic Tic etc combine to swamp us with a plenitude of conflicting facts, troofs abd opinions from the sane to those written by the pen holding toes of the straight jacketed loon in the confined cell at Broadmoor.
So two hours with Tuckers latest Oligarch was more than I could spare from the compelling attractions of Monoparty PPBs and my celebratory Ch4 recordings of Gay Pride month. I look forward to some cheerful self respect being promoted in our embattled nation at last!
In other recent recordings I discovered that Ena Sharples needed to wear 7 hairnets, yes 7! To be seen on the screen.
I shall pay more attention to her performances when she next appears in the Rovers Return.
Par excelence:
Matters of great importance, but not quite salacious enough to for our organ of the press.
eg. After spending his early sales career “Travelling In Women’s Underwear” did Leonard Swindley become a closet cross-dresser? What exactly did he and Miss Emily Nugent get up to after hours in the stock room of Gamma Garments?
Now get out there and bring back a f*cking story that’ll sell some f*cking papers!
pp Kelvin Mackenzie
Stories from the Nortgern Marches No 49C
After the Tory requiem we churn to the bereavement process.
We can only ask- gad fid you miss this one, EC? We’re you stalking the enobled scion and Labour loon MP?
Entirely predictable that the Wankerati would have to get involved – at public expense of course!
Incontinence of Biden-onian proportions, only of the Emotional kind.
Emotional incontinence only matched by Princess Di-odrama in modern times
I did mention the Holiest of trees a while back. Penned by a friend of mine…
Right, I’m off to try and get a snap of the outgoing MP’s office before he does a midnight flit after he’s out for the count t’nite!
MRLP Forever!
Here speaks the next PM of Britain:,vid:msFvpEp99qk,st:0
EC says: July 4, 2024 at 1:02 pm
Double-barrelled dynastic rule returns to Cumbria! Jawohl, Keswick ist already part of Hampstead! The Reform Party candidate cost the incumbent MP his seat.
Nigel Farage made good on his promise to destroy the Conservative party after Boris’ BRexit betrayal, and abandonment of the Red Wall seat voters. He all but buried them, and he now he’s in the HoC he’ll no doubt give the Prof. Van Helsing treatment to the twitching Tory rump.
Shame about Andrew Bridgen. Decent bloke, a good MP for 14 years. The ungrateful ‘tards of prosperous NW Leicestershire have just sentenced themselves to five years’ of higher taxes and Labour neglect!
Goodbyee Rashid. So long Tobiarse, Sir Fabricant of the Wig, Penny farthing, Shapp Fell of the Bike and all the other nonentities too numerous to bother remembering as rhey line up for their titles, honorific punishment beatings and benefits and gold plated pensions.
Welcome to the new boss; same as the old boss…
COUNT BINFACE WILL RETURN… to fight the next by-collection!
Rashid should be personally responsible for the cost if the next Ruchmond bin-collection, given that his electon was always going to be driven by the start date his new job in Caliphornia.
I likened living in the new Britain on Friday morning to going into a butchers ahop. There he is in his white smock, steel gauntlet on the left hand, razor sharp, pointed disembowelling knife in the right, looking with a measured dispatch at the dangling, ungutted corpse awaiting his attention.
Mark Steyn summarises it well, even maintaining a occasional macabre humour I can’t manage. At least he has the option of twin retreats. To Canada or his retreat in the States. I’m too near the Islamic Rwpublics of Blackburn and Dewsbury for comfort.
SO, Paris IS Burning, and will continue to do so in between breaks for leisurely mealtimes and whilst the sun is shining. I blame it on the prevailing awful baguette monoculture and inaccessibility of healthier loaves not to mention the complete absence of Mother’s Pride™ medium sliced which is absolutely essential to a decent ‘elphy squashy fried bacon and egg sammich eaten alfresco.
AND another thing… Them pansy summat ‘n nuttin’ CrossAunts of theirs are no good to neither man nor beast, and they can stick them where the sun don’t shine! They should suffer the same fate as Samuel Johnson’s Cucumber:
“It has been a common saying of physicians in England, that a cucumber should be well sliced, and dressed with pepper and vinegar, and then thrown out, as good for nothing.”
Boswell: Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides
I read somewhere rhis fine morn’ that Madame¿ Macraaawn is suing somebody or other for alleging that she start out in life as a man. Good luck to her with the DNA test that the defence will require. In some other recent internet commentary Col. Douglas Macgregor quite definitely referred to Manual Macraaawn as “a homosexual.” That’s the beauty of the 1A for you…
Steyn’s damning verdict on the UK above was mercifully brief.
Decent of him not to rub the noses of a depressed nation in it, innit.
A good read by Miller on the fortunes of Le Pen, EC, that Baron gladly endorsed saying:
Absolutely spot on, Mr. Miller, to be involved in governance or be close to it would be suicidal in the turmoil if not an anarchy of today’s France, she and Jordan Bardella couldn’t have lasted in such conditions, the rioting would never stop, the machinations of her enemies would run in the top gear, the Brussels gnomes would undermine each and every step of her, now she’s safe, she can watch and enjoy how the also-ran squabble and bicker and lose it with the electorate.
Well done Le Pen, Jordan Bardella and the Rassemblement National, relax, your day will come, probably sooner than you may think.
Noa says @ July 7, 2024 at 1:43 pm
The great Mark is charmingly right, Noa, it saddens that it isn’t even a third of the electorate that backed Labour’s manifesto, when asked, half of those casting their votes for the soporific lawyer on July 4 said they did it to ‘punish the Tories’, that gives some 15% of those eligible to vote that support the direction Labour is intending to push the country towards.
That reminds Baron of the now defunct communist countries of the East, when the dogma collapsed in or around 1990 and the first free election took place 15% of the electorate voted for the communist party again, it wasn’t banned sadly, those 15% got from the society more under communism than they contributed to it, they felt more than nostalgic, they felt robbed of their privileged status.
Here’s the same, Baron reckons the Labour’s socialism suits about one in seven, why wouldn’t they vote for Labour?
Godders meet EC’s referral Tim Davies for a good rant about how promotion in the Services ain’t necessarily fair, providing relief from the stalemate of macro politics to explore the consequences of applying grotesquely misconceived principles in practical situations.
Oi Vay, one of Sarkia’s “Changes” has hit the streets of Halifax, already!
File under: Laura Norder
“That reminds Baron of the now defunct communist countries of the East, when the dogma collapsed in or around 1990 and the first free election took place 15% of the electorate voted for the communist party again, it wasn’t banned sadly, those 15% got from the society more under communism than they contributed to it, they felt more than nostalgic, they felt robbed of their privileged status.”
Indeed, Baron.
When the EU (& NATO) were expanding into the Eastern void in the 90s their sales pitch was accompanied by bags full of Ca$h to the right people as “convincers.” The suddenly “reformed” Commies were particularly enthusiastic about joining the unaccountable bureaucracy as MEPS in the sham parliament. A veritable “home from their former home” where they could dip their snouts in a bottomless pit of unearned income.” Irresistible!
Noa at 1:17 am
Tim Davies is not wrong.
In some, not all, of his video rants he doesn’t appear that emotionally stable.
II wish him well.
As Col. Jock McSporran has previously pointed out, there’s no way that the combined woke-errized armies of the Collective West, as currently constituted, could put up a fight against he Russians. Conscription? fuhgeddaboudit!
Baron: July 8, 2024 at 8:03 pm
He’s right, and Paris and Bruxelles will continue to burn. The only way that Mimi (to his friends) Macraaaawn can prevent LePen winning the 2027 presidential election is to resign “immédiatement” and pull the same trick that he just did in the parliamentary elections.
How long before the wheels fall off the clown car of the bespectacled Sarkia?
They are already ripping up pavements in Halifax, and then there’s Blackburn…
“I read the news today oh boy
Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire
And though the holes were rather small
They had to count them all
Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall”
Lennon, McCartney
On the topic of the hit on the children hospital:
If you look at the top picture it shows the incoming missile that hit the hospital, the missile is blurred, it wasn’t a high speed camera that took the picture, under and next to it is the same missile as it leaves the hardware that fires it, it was taken as the installation launches it, as you can see the two missiles are identical, they are deployed by the Ukrainians as AIM-120 ЗРК NASAMS (you can google for it), the upgraded version of the system should be in Ukraine in 2026.
The other video below shows the actual hit, you have to watch carefully not to miss the missile:
EC says @ July 9, 2024 at 10:25 am
Micron will probably remain President again in 2027, EC, the French regime is as corrupt as the regime in the Republic, they have it all under control, it would be a miracle if the Donald could make it in November.
Noa says @ July 9, 2024 at 1:17 am
Indeed a good rant, Noa, but it’s too late to yap about it now, he should have done something when he could.
Filip Siman, a 27-year old citizen of the Czech Republic is on trial in Prague charged amongst other offences with joining illegally armed forces of another country without the permit of the Office of the President, also with marauding, intending to bring into the country grenades, flog them on the black market and more, he says he joined the Carpathian Sitch of volunteers fighting alongside the Ukrainian Armed services also as a volunteer to help his family, he didn’t know he had to have the required permit, he only followed orders from the officers, the case continues.
The most revealing part concerns his team getting posted to Butcha in March 2023, he says he was deeply traumatised witnessing for the first time in his life illegal killings, torture and rape, ‘an American volunteer went genuinely mad after three days’, he says ,’I felt for him very much’.
The other Czech volunteers that were with him in Butcha back his story up, but also allege that he stole valuables mostly gold and silver, a pair of Gucci glasses, even wedding rings from dead men’s fingers, stored the loot in a box under his bed and even boasted about it, ‘we were told to do it, bring everything we find back to HQ’, he says.
His Butcha testimony reveals a very important point: Who was it that did the illegal killings, the torture and rape in Butcha that traumatised Filip Siman, one of the volunteers with the Ukrainian Armed Forces?
There is much more you can google ‘Filip Siman u soudu’, then-google translate from Czech to English.
A truly superb dissection of our laughable criminal justice system by the great Mr. Dalrymple, please read it:
What do you make of sortition?
Baron 8:05pm
It doesn’t fix “the tyranny of the minorities” and also it presupposes that “politicians” are the real problem and not their corporate puppet masters.
It takes a very sturdy utopian indeed to think that ignorant arseholes are suddenly going to be imbued with critical thinking and wisdom when surrounded by “experts.” We already know what happens… eg. Boris Johnson, Covid, and the needs of the corporatocracy. etc.
Isaac Asimov, the 20th Century Sci Fi author, in one of his short stories postulated an electoral system whereby the details of all eligible adults were fed into a giant computer (LOL) and the computer selected one individual at random to have the single vote to be cast to decide which party was to govern for the next five years. I cannot remember how that worked out, not one of his better stories, a load of bollocks really. He was on much firmer ground when it came to Robotics. Anyway, I used to prefer Harry Harrison who was far more entertaining,
Baron at 6:52 pm
” [the] French regime is as corrupt as the regime in the Republic, they have it all under control, it would be a miracle if the Donald could make it in November.”
I think you could be right there. If he does make it in November then how long would he last? Half of his own party hate him. His choice of VP needs to be someone who won’t stab him in the back like the last one did. He needs another Kamala! LOL LOL
Neil Oliver Interviews Ivor Cummins…
“Ivor Cummins BE(Chem) CEng MIEI completed a Biochemical Engineering degree in 1990. He has since spent 30 years in corporate technical leadership positions. His career specialty has been leading large worldwide teams in complex problem-solving activity. “
[ Ref: ]
This is a fascinating window into the world of the old money vs new money, the corporatocracy, and the very people that own the Media Industrial Complex, the MIC, Big Pharma, and Big Tech.
We might have all been just lab’ “Beagles” to Anthony Fauci [the man with the rictus smirk] but to the billionaires that Ivor is talking about we are all just ants on their ant farms!
I know Noa will complain about the 58 mins but if you cut out the preamble then its a lot shorter. What else is there to do indoors whilst we are enjoying this lovely weather, killing time before Darren Northgate’s “lads” dénouement against the Netherlands later this afternoon?
Thanks EC
And let me return the favour. Maybe.
Richard Vobes on paying his water bill. Or not?
I dont follow and haven’t looked further at the logic or legal principles behing this promissary note and I expect it will collapse if too many folk try it, and it snacks of Venice a bit ponzi to me.
Still for us OAPs it’s got to be worth investigating, even if only to keep us awake during the Somafest that Gary’s Gullibles will be serving up later.
Kissin at full throttle, worth the listen:
Noa says @ July 10, 2024 at 1:43 pm
The Cestui Que Trust floored Baron as well, Noa, he will have to look into it, pity the guy didn’t elaborate but if anything it intrigues and must be thoroughly investigated.
This is a year or so old but it comes from the people that should know, a guy called Knight has written to the Government and the Ministry of Justice replied to all the questions he asked, in short, it appears there is no such trust, hence no trustees or beneficiaries, why should Richard get away with it is a mystery.
Keir digs out his jacq boot.
Noa at 9:07 am
Awful innit. I felt physically sick when I saw the photo, even before I read the text setting out her career highlights, which are on a par with the egregious Sturgeon.
Apropos another Blair “babe” (LOL) : Has anyone ever seen Avvit Cooper outdoors in direct sunlight?
And the full horror of ÈU style sovietìsation continues through the NATO Biden senility mechanism.
Food and geating Riots this winter I reckon.
Beware the Brides of Blair!
Neil Oliver: Watch out, the Undead are back!!!
Noa at 11:47 am
If it doesn’t stop raining, if we don’t get some warmth and sunshine soon, then the crops are going to rot in the fields. The fields, that is, that remain after Defra’s “re-wilding” interventions.
File under: Soylent Green™; Food riots etc.
Thanks for the link to the Sage of Stirling’s latest monologue. Profound but sadly depressing though his prognosis is he is always worth one’s attention.
Would he have been a wee free moss preacher in an earlier age?
And the world watches in awed dismay as a malignant, crazed old man mis-identifies the Green Man.
Melanie Phillips has a podcast with Jonathan Tobin ‘Britain choose Labour: will the West Choose survival’, a rather timely reminder that there is no politician in the West who would make a case for peace but the Hungarian PM Victor Urban, the Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Chinese paramount leader Xi Jinping, it’s beyond ironic that of the three two are maligned, ignored and presented as a threat to the mankind, the Hungarian politician is treated only marginally better.
One can doubt whether they are sincere but a number of events of the recent past suggest that it’s the Western political leaders that have failed the test of trust, more to the point, unless the offers of peace and a new arrangements for the security of the world of the troika are answered, one cannot judge whether they are made vacuous of deceit and in good faith.
How on earth has the world come to this, what has come over the West to act as a bully extraordinaire, is there no political figure in any of the countries west of Elbe to realise that the one thing the mankind should avoid is an apocalypse, a day of final judgement to which the doomsday clock is as close to as it has never been before?
Noa says @ July 12, 2024 at 10:41 am
But you’ve got to give credit for correcting himself at once, Noa, not all brain cells are dead yet.
Credit where its due Milud.
In Joe’s case his credit limit is overdue for settlement to Vice President Trump.
Noa – 41:11pm
Baron 11:58 pm
“The Ronald” on his worst day was still better than “Crooked Joe” on his best day!
Baron – 11:58am
To suffer ignominy, the criticism of one’s peers, is one thing but can you imagine how Joe must’ve felt when he lost the public support of George Clooney!
Even “The Kenyan” knows the game is up!
link for above:
Mr Starmer’s notebook…
“Hello. You don’t know me, I’m sir something and this message has been endorsed by the Tony Blair Foundation. As you all know over the past few days I met with President Joe Biden at the NATO Summit in Washington …”
EC says @ July 13, 2024 at 9:41 am
The guy had wisdom and the style of a statesmen, EC, and the wit and the voice to project it all charmingly, they no longer breed men like this in the Republic.
Why DEI and not ÐIE? Because then the connection between Critical Race Theory and the consequences would be obvious to even the most stupid people.
The good news is that the people who push these crazed ideas are destroying themselves.
The bad news?
We don’t know when that will happen and the extent of the damage that they’ll do before sanity reasserts itself.
Hitchens after his vote ‘Conservative or else suffer a fate worse than a fate worse than death” reversal before the election, seeks to rehabilitate himself with those naughty Reform voters who ignored him for his betrayal of his principles through the Lucy Letby conviction.
Was it only keep your job at the Daily Mail and the money that you did it, Peter?
We’ve not considered the serious concerns arising the Lucy Letby conviction. The Guardian and Telegraph both detailed serious concerns this week and Peter Hitchens replies to some robust challenges defending the conviction.
Easy to follow, not much to argue with:
Bastards, shots fired at the Donald’s rally:
Whatever you may think of Trump, the guy has guts, it should propel him into the Oval Office whoever his opponent may be.
We are looking at a world on the edge of chaos, milud.
We will learn much more of the attempt to assassinate President Trump but what is clearly and most required in the Uniited States is decisive leadership to move the world away from the direction of war.
Col Macgregor’s video, made before the attempt is prescient in its warning and message.
It cannot wait for the result of the election of a new POTUS.
Not that Baron was a member of the jury that convicted the girl, Noa, but from what he remembers from the trial was that all the evidence was circumstantial, the autopsies of all the bodies found nothing wrong, and other babies (if memory serves more that the ones she was supposed to have killed) also died.
A proper examination of the case would seem the right way to go, imagine someone serving a multiple of full life sentences for what he or she didn’t do.
A measured dissection of the event:
The more I think of it the more angry I feel.
Trump’s shooting was the result of a sustained campaign of public divisiion, disaffection and hatred created and led by the Evil Old Man and the vile witch Pelosi.
Nor will sanity and reason return as a result of this tragedy.
Look, there’s no place in America for this kind of violence. It’s sick. It’s sick,” Biden said. “It’s one of the reasons why we have to unite this country.”
“We cannot allow for this to be happening. We cannot be like this. We cannot condone this.”
But not a word of compassion or humanity from the EOM to his political rival, no acknowledgement that it is his behaviour which has created this divisive hatre
hatred. A gradated step of escalation from personal hatred to embryonic civil war and international conflagration in Europe, the Middle and Far East.
Brian Berletics informed military analysis of the circumstances pertaiining to the shooting.
Noa says: July 13, 2024 at 6:34 pm
The Daily mail is a globalist ‘Judas Goat” publication. Over the years Hitchens has been allowed to say pretty much anything he wanted when it didn’t actually matter. However to urge the destruction of the status quo at GE time is not allowed. His first allegiance is to his wallet, and continued TV appearances where he can trouser some cash for sounding sagacious whilst waffling an increasing amount of BS and Humbuggery.
I don’t know anything about the Letby trial, but in general terms any convictions that rely on circumstantial evidence and/or “expert” witnesses alone are unsafe imo, and needs to be revisited.
eg. Who can forget Prof. Sir (my arse!) Roy [73,000,000 : 1] Meadow.
The bastard should’ve been struck off permanently but the establishment circled the wagons and got him reinstated.
R.I.P. Sally Clark
Noa says: July 14, 2024 at 1:23 am
Col. Macgregor is right.
The US cannot afford to wait for Monday January 20th 2025
Joe is geting everbody confused…
A playfully speculative and cynical post from the Walrus
Iwo Jima indeed
EC says:
July 14, 2024 at 10:36 am
Quite so. Hitchens has become consumed by his own vanity and self worth. The remaining unctuous comes to mind. Still, the job of Columnist and a platform on Talk TV for moral lectures of an ‘I told I was right’ get him out from under Mrs H’s feet and pad out the pension.
And thank you for reminding me of the fact that, with the precedent of Ray Mcgovern, there’s nothing new under the Sun.
From the insanities of the Pendle and Salem witch trials to the failure to provide any causal link between the supposed crimes and the Accused in this demonisation is a gap not of five centuries but of moralility. reason and professiona l intellect, integrity and competeence.
Noa says: July 14, 2024 at 9:11 am
The prepared statement that Biden read demonstrated the complete cognitive dissonance of the Dems/lefty/liberal mindset. Pure projection!
Getting you through the evening.
(And UP YOURS Ursula).
Interesting thoughts from the Doc: totalitarianism from the bottom up.
“More drivel than dribble!”
Quoth Mrs N as the long agony of watching England was thankfully foreshortened in the final minutes.
Unfortunately Google does not have a Glaswegian to English translation facility and the nation had until the inevitable goal been condemned to incomprehensible commentary from the furthest reaches of Britain.
Rome’s Legions were alas, ultimately unsuccessful in cleansing the Celtic menace, as a consequence through the bad offices of the multi-cultural media we all suffer today.
Noa says @ July 14, 2024 at 10:13 p
One has to admit, Noa, they were better, we were not relaxed sufficiently, looked confused on occasions, the second goal confirms it, but there’s another day.
Noa says @ July 14, 2024 at 10:02 pm
A very apt observations by the good doctor, Noa, except that he wrongly identifies personal rectitude to be of the ideological views held by the leadership in the communist societies, it was only a pretend personal righteousness that was of the same mould as the prevailing orthodoxy, in private most people, certainly those that wanted to, thought differently.
Noa says @ July 14, 2024 at 1:25 p
This is a technique one may use to evaluate individuals, pictures, societies or whatever else one wants to praise/to condemn
Not a bad interview, Kimball is relaxed, Freddy rather subdued, he hasn’t been a fan of the Donald much before, he seems warming up to him.
If Trump’s speech is measured, vacuous of accusatory rhetoric, calling for unity he will walk into the Presidency in October.
The more one thinks about the event since the time of the shot that missed, the more is one pulled to believe there may indeed be powers, an entity that we the humans cannot detect, an entity that interferes when the need for interference in an affair of the humans arrives, not only did the bullet only grazed Trump’s ear, also the composition of the bodies of the bodyguards with the Stars and Stripes waving in the wind in the background exudes exquisiteness, and the photographer standing in a place that allowed a genuinely unique picture to be taken, how could it all happen in such perfection unless there was a hand of an unknown to us entity in it, a miracle really.
Apologies, here’s the interview:
Interesting thoughts about that ‘Iwo Jima’ flag from Brian Berletic. Handy for even the most ìncompetent of shooters to know the wind speed and direction.
And just because he missed doesn’t mean Donald Trump wasn’t a target.
Is it a case of conspiracy? It feels like it but it can also be a case of either negligence or a break up of communication between the agencies involved.
Trump picks Vance as his running mate, not a woman not a minority, one would expect the Left leaning fruitcakes to turn madder than they already are.
The guy’s young, not yet 40, that’s what the Republic needs, until now except for Obama it was all men born in the 40s – Clinton, G Bush, Biden, Trump, too old, the new blood should help to turn the flailing Republic.
Or its a case of diversify and DIE.
Ex-agent reveals how Secret Service women DEI hires risked lives at Trump rally ‘screw up’ via
Meanwhile, getting on with it…
Who’da thunk that Iceland would have a better summer than us?
Certainly better roads than around these parts, by the look of it!
Lets face it Bhutan has better roads than Britain, EC!
So, is it any clearer yet?
As someone put it the other day,
“How are the FBI going to find out whodunnit when they cannot find who left all that cocaine in the White House?”
Nothing at all strange about the Crooks guy turning up in a BlackRock video?
That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.
“If Fascism comes to America, it will come In the name of Liberalism.”
Ronald Reagan, and others.
After viewing below one might ask, did it ever leave Germany?
PJW: “This is Chilling Beyond Belief”
“The King’s Speech will take place at around 11.30am on Wednesday, July 17. It will be read by King Charles from the throne in the House of Lords.”
This is when we get to find out everything that our Nation’s / National Socialists omitted to put in their election manifesto…
If the decision to go to war has already been made it’s more than disturbing:
“A new report by Policy Exchange published on Sunday, ‘Getting a Grip on the System: Restoring Ministerial Authority over the Machine’, exposes how power has slipped away from Ministers in recent decades – and why this needs to be reversed if difficult reforms are to be undertaken.
The report – backed by former Conservative Senior Cabinet Minister Rt Hon Michael Gove and former Leader of the Scottish Labour Party Rt Hon Jim Murphy – is based on in-depth interviews with former Cabinet Ministers of all major parties, top Special Advisers and two former Cabinet Secretaries, as well as their personal experiences within the Government system.
The report identifies that Ministers’ ability to influence the system has declined dramatically over the past 30 years as a result of:
A more complex landscape of arm’s length bodies with more limited ability for Ministers to influence them. The rise of judicial review. An increasingly independent civil service. A growing tendency to subcontract important political areas to regulators, advisory bodies and to set policy objectives and targets in legislation. Ministers’ reduced access to independent policy advice as parties’ membership and policy functions shrink.
The report also analyses features that have degraded the effectiveness of the machinery of Government, including rampant grade inflation and churn in the civil service accompanied by declining salaries and training. The Senior Civil Service has increased in size by at least 67% since 2013.
Churn has also affected Ministers. The average length of cabinet experience has declined from 60 months at the end of the Callaghan government to 38 months at the end of the Sunak government. The average ‘apprenticeship’ period Cabinet Ministers have spent as junior Ministers has fallen from 70 months in the last Major cabinet to 31 months now.
The report questions whether there is evidence that this ‘technocractic’ approach to policy making and delivery works and challenges its legitimacy.”
It’s all a little too late, Master Gove. This is what should have happened and been done in 2010.
Comrade Keir isn’t interested since the voters put the fox into the hen coup.
There’s nothing sadder than a redundant Think tank.
I suppose they are known as Thunk Tanks.
George Carlin: Three types of people…
Lisa Numpty ticks all three boxes!
Today life imitates art, but it it didn’t always used to be that way…
“Thunk Tanks”
Nice 🙂
Thunk Tank:
A hostel with a revolving door. A state of limbo for recently redundant political types with no other trade or income whilst awaiting rebirth in the next change of government. A place where they can receive ca$h and a fancy sounding title to spare them the ignominy of having to claim Job Seekers Allowance like ordinary people.
Similar to but not quite the “House of Lords.”
I don’t understand this either…
“Someone Shorted Trump’s Stock Just Before The Assassination Attempt!”
The Jimmy Dore Show
Have patience, you are going to warm up to the guy:
EC says @ July 18, 2024 at 5:59 pm
TMTG is the stock, EC, if you check, there seems to be no suspect trading, certainly not in the days before the assassination attempt, there may be another stock, but unless it’s closely linked with the Donald, it would be hard to argue for a connection between the dreadful act and the share price movement.
EC says @ July 18, 2024 at 9:43 am
Good one, EC, Baron missed the one about the vice-presidency, that truly was awful, but again it tells you what the Z-man said the American Republic is running itself, no need for any of the political gargoyles either in the Oval Office or in the Congress, the real shakers and movers are elsewhere in the offices of the industrial military complex conglomerates.
Today’s Britain, it means it, it’s today:
Cyrus is right, China’s next:
Did anyone hear about David Kurten?
Baron at 11:44 pm
One is reminded of the old(?) adage, “The truth is never popular, and what is popular usually isn”t true.”
also of, “There’s no news in Pravda and no truth in Izvestia”.
I would suggest that today the mainstream broadcast and printed media of the “collective West resembles the landscape of that which existed in the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War.
EC says @ July 21, 2024 at 10:16 am
A point, EC, Baron would endorse in full and some more, have you notice the shock on the face of the moderator, priceless.
Baron at 10:36 am
🙂 The official narrative holed below the waterline on Iain Dale’s watch. A sackable offence!
Earlier I forgot to mention the big tech censorship and shadow banning conducted on behalf of the Corporatocracy by FaecesBook and YouTube. Thank God that Elon bought Twitter/X
It seems Max Boot or rather his wife may have been doing things not necessarily kosher:
Baron says: at 9:19 pm
Well spotted! That should put a dampener on the gathering of the Boot clan at Sandy ‘n Penny’s place this Christmas. Log fire in the drawing room still, but the sing-songs around the ole joanna (piano) might be less exuberant than in previous years?
I thought that S.Korea was supposed to be an ally? Fair play to them though, as the USA spies on every single one of their
allieser… vassal states. One sincerely hopes that the couple meet a kinder fate than the Rosenbergs, although they’d be best advised to flee IF The Donald wins in November.Tucker Carlson’s take on all this is going to be interesting.
EC says @ July 22, 2024 at 10:09 am
You have a strong point, EC, why should South Korea not spy on the country that spies on everyone including South Korea?
It was really a bargain for the Koreans, few trinkets here and there, one would understand it if the pair got few millions but would a rational human being risk the ignominy for few thousand bucks if caught?
If it’s Kamala Trump cannot miss it unless he gets loose and messes it up for himself, or there’s another shooter trying to save democracy (only joking), the Dems should give up on November focus on 2028, select someone who can beat Vance.
Nothing about Ukraine except the DA of Kiev says he’s ready to talk to Putin, the F-16 have arrived but not seen action, an Ural based Russian company offered three million roubles for the one that downs the first of the jets.
General Oberst Von der Lier’s backdoor reappointment not uniformly supported.
Joe firmly lashed into the saddle for the final ride to November glory.
Wgen you poke the bear he lashes out.
“…We’re going to have a situation where Russia is reconstituting its force, it is located at the borders of NATO, is led by largely the same people as it is right now, is convinced that we’re the adversary and is very angry. So, we have a big Russia problem looming….”
US Gen Cavoli. Military head of
And they are surprised conspiracy theories exist:
Everything seems in place and going well for the Ukrainians, Noa, except the war itself, the general cannot really say anything else, it wouldn’t look good on his promotion prospects.
It has now emerged the assassin flew a drone before the attempt on Trump, it’s either an utter incompetence or there’s something fishy about it.
Baron at 9.20pm
One of the ‘benefits’ of the TAA (Trump assassination attempt) may be the wrecking ball that is being taken to the implementation of the DIE Agenda and the concomitant appointments of the woke and incompetent, in this case in the ritual scourging and excoriation of Dir Cheatle and the Sercret Service “team”.
The Boeing crisis started it and it can only continue.
As to General Coveli’s speech. Perhaps the better view is that, in this key kernel of his speech, he identifies the forthcoming defeat of Ukraine, the election of Trump and the resulting departure of the US from Europe and NATO.
Here speaks the true leader of NATO, not the puppets Stoltenberg and Rutte.
Once again we are watching the US preparing to board the last Globemaster leaving the airport and
waving their forage caps at the EU quislings hanging on to the rising
Das General Oberst, with the Bunker team, will try to assimilate NATO into the EU via the mechanism of the Defence and military industrial Compacts they gave been concocting. My own feeling is that this attempt to cobble a puny army together is doomed to failure. Each nation will revert to deciding what accommodations it must make with Russia for its own survival and best interests.
General Cavoli can afford to allude to the trye situation in his speech. His career and pension are secure and he can and will safely retire before the curse of reality dawns on the magical thinking of the West’s politicians.
Noa : July 17, 2024 at 9:16 am
“Trump? Conspiracy!”
In the light of all the details that have subsequently come to light and the analyses thereof, for what it’s worth, I am inclined to agree.
The secret service woman’s reluctance, stonewalling, to answer ANY of the questions asked by the House Oversight Committee yesterday only intensified suspicions. She deflected most of them using the “active FBI investigation” shield. I wish that one of the Reps had asked her how long it would take, and if the ‘tards had concluded yet who left all that cocaine in the White House.
One week after “they” failed to take out Trump, “they” took out Biden by another method.
Noa: July 22, 2024 at 8:10 pm
“Joe firmly lashed into the saddle for the final ride to November glory.”
Brilliant! As soon as I read that I thought, “Charlton Heston, El Cid”
… and so it was 🙂
@9:35am cont’d
“One week after “they” failed to take out Trump, “they” took out Biden by another method.”
Dr Jill, that is! A bitter blow, but I think that Hillary, humiliated by both Bill and Donald, retains her crown as “The Bitterest Woman in America.”
Noa says @ July 22, 2024 at 11:14 pm
Good points, Noa, in fact excellent points, let’s hope that whatever happens we avoid the catastrophe of another global war, unthinkable, but close, the world in desperate need of a decisive leader, November is the month that should furnish him unless the deluded progressive fuggwits have or allow another go.
EC says @ July 23, 2024 at 9:35 am
She’s gone now, EC, she was an appointee of Biden, not from within the service although the top layers of the service have been deeply politicised, need cleansing anyway.
This raised an eyebrow ( à la Roger Moore) this morning…
Why is Russia still supplying crude oil to Ukraine?
I supposed that’s the difference between a “Special Military Operation” and All Out war, no?
Hungary, Slovakia call for EU action after Ukraine bans Russia’s Lukoil | DW News
Chiponda Chimbelu – now there’s a name to conjure with…
Bob Morans latest.
Ahh, the powerful magic of Roger’s eyebrow!
Roll on the next election!
Where is he when we need ti address the Great Resetter?
If you don’t fiddle with my pipeline I won’t tickle your remaining electrical supplyvcable….
(No matter how many sleazy winks and elections la femme fatale Sturmbanfuhrein Ursula gives little Vlodomyr…
Noa at 10:11 am
Yerrs, the embargo on Hungary and Slovakia will not stand.
One cannot let a minor border skirmish resulting in half to three quarter of a million corpses get in the way of making money. The “management” above the “here today, gone tomorrow puppet politician level will not permit it.
10:04am. “Roll on the next election!”
Yes, quite! Something to put the conscripts on the front line in the mood?
EC says:
July 24, 2024 at 12:14 pm
As Vlod might say to Viktor “Pull the other one, its got Bill’s on!”
Apparantly Uncle Sam is now expecting the EU’s freeze “in perpetuity” on Russia’s siezed assets and arising interest to fund its $50B ‘loan’ to the Vlodster.
Wasn’t the EU supposed to be giving this interest to Ukr for ‘Reconstruction’, or us my memory doing a Joe?
“in perpetuity”
The latter day Magda Goebbels’ newly acquired assets might well remain frozen until the end of the upcoming nuclear winter if the collective west continues on its current trajectory of provocation.
According to UK armed forces chief General Sir James “Jingo” Blowhard the UK, NATO, EU must be ready to go war with Russia in 2027! Others say it will be sooner.
Does the Trident Missile system actually work?
The last test in January this year was the second failure in a row and nearly took out Grant Schapps and the head of the Royal Navy. who were on HMS Vanguard at the time. The submarine had just had a more than seven-year refit.
According to the BBC (Ha!) the last successful test was in 2012.
Despite all this…
In a written statement to Parliament, Mr Shapps confirmed “an anomaly did occur” during the test on 30 January this year, but said Trident was “the most reliable weapons system in the world”.
Doesn’t say much about the other systems!
US coup d’etat:
There are Herculean coordinated efforts going on stateside by the DNC, Media Industrial Complex, and pollsters to rebrand Kama Harris. She is now being portrayed as a heroic and likeable savant, a Captain America figure instead of the lazy incoherent hapless klutz with a nasty temper that she’s shown herself to be over the last four years.
By comparison our Angela Rayner is not only Mother Teresa, but also a political colossus standing in black pvc thigh boots etc. over a prone Kier Starmer.
File under: Madam whiplash.
EC 9.25am
After the leader of the “New Contempibles”, Admial Sir ‘Tobyjug’ Radakin, General Sir ‘Rolling Thunderbox” Walk’ntalks contradictory predictions are becoming justifiably infamous for their risibility:
-Britain at War in three years .
– conscription to fight it. (But of whom and given the handouts to Vlod, with what?)
– But Russia to suffer a million casusalties in Ukraines attritional war.
-The Ukraine war to last 5 years.
Well, which is it a continuing 5 year war or the Slavonic hordes conquering Berlin, Brussels, Paris… etc?
He cant have both.
In the meantime perhaps the New Contemptibles, silent so far, can explain the loss of 50 British troops by missile strike in Russia and the continuing attempted murder on the streets of British soldiers by the New Citizens.
EC @
“..She is now being portrayed as a heroic and likeable savant..”
All part of the Democrat Party’s Blackwash of this idiot ‘savant’.
Its the sort of propaganda and narrative a mere $84m buys you.
Will it work? I doubt it.
The corruption and duplicity shines through, irresistably floating to the surface of the punch bowl.
Not that the CrowdStrike failure has anything to do with any of us, it’s something for others to deal with, what has fascinated Baron was the guy’s knowledge of the law and the presentation of it with the CrowdStrike issue as the case in point, truly impressive:
Short and to the point:
http:// the zman DOT com / wordpress/
The system stopped Baron posting the link, you have to join the bits fully and put in a dot instead the DOT
if this appears then it works fine…
“…From the canal to the sea
Rochdale will be free… brov.”
And spare a thought for Cwessida…
As we have seen with David Cameron’s exploitativec father in law Sir Reginald Sheffield and indeed King Charles III and his family through the Crown Estate, it is the likes of the land owning elites in the Lords and shires, firmly ensconced reminders of the land owning feudalism established by the Normsn conquest, that are exploiting their massive ‘inherited’ assets to establish the Wind and Solar farms, establishing a new rack rent feudalism as they do so.
And when the solar farms are gone they are at liberty to exploit the land for mass building and housing construction.
But still, remember the motto of the Chattys:
“Newts when it suits,
But Purleys for the Hairy Burlies!”
Noa: July 25, 2024 at 6:42 pm
Manchester Airport:
That was a prime example of FAFO (Fuck Around & Find Out)
Did the dude who gave the WPC some involuntary rhinoplasty get charged? Not many people opt for that Maxine Waters look.
The “Brovs” concerned should’ve tried kicking off in Riyadh airport etc. and see what they got meted out to them over a period of months.
I have no sympathy for these turds because of the wasted hours and trouble we’ve all been put to in getting through airports since Black September.
OK, Noa, you got me, I surrender…
Some quote from Lewis Carroll? Edward Lear? Maybe a Paddy Roberts song?
It’s only 10am and you’ve set me off thinking about a “Large Cod ‘n Chips” from Chatties Chippy in Fleetwood.
EC says @ July 25, 2024 at 3:24 pm
It must be, EC, Baron’s cursed, he couldn’t post it, tried four times, not even a slightly corrupted address was good enough to get through.
Noa says @ July 25, 2024 at 6:42 pm
Made Baron more than chuckle, Noa, but what about the Manchester airport fracas, Baron has made himself very unpopular arguing there was no need for the kicks, the one on the floor presented no danger either to the public or to the armed officer.
You may of course see it differently (as did 99% of those posting on the Spectator), the reason for Baron’s take is simple, first, a behaviour redolent of the American way of policing has no place in Britain, second, watching it on the media cannot but compel a religious zealot of the phylum of Allah to commit an act in which many may be harmed.
The way to solve the boil of the two cultures is not to kick the heads of the few of them when they are tasered and on the floor, but to kick them out of the country, permanently together with the families that should have brought them up law abiding.
EC says @ July 26, 2024 at 9:44 am
Solid points, EC, but see Baron’s response to Noa above.
You two boys are often confusing the easily confused barbarian from the East, he cannot respond because he has no idea what you on about, you must sometimes translate for him.
The French trains have been sabotaged, the suggestion is it was the evil Putin paying back for Micron’s sending French troopers to Odessa, a few days back the Russian hit a building housing foreign advisors somewhere in the Odessa area (?), over 50 allegedly killed, the time must have come to start talking, far too many dead already.
Today, RaHDit, a Russian hacker group (also known as “Evil Russian Hackers”), published the data of more than 1,200 Ukrainian drone operators and more than 3,200 foreign mercenaries fighting in the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, both the result of a successful hacking.
Among them is allegedly one Evelyn Aschenbrenner, born in 1981, a assistant commander in the personnel unit of the 1st Battalion of the International Legion in Ukraine’s Territorial Defense Forces. Aschenbrenner is an LGBT*uses the “they” pronoun.
Also, allegedly Pearce Tanner Reed, born in 1993, a US citizen, a former Oakland Police Department officer. On July 26, 2023, he was arrested in the state of Indiana for molesting a minor and aiding and abetting juvenile offences and many others .
According to the Ministry, over 13,000 foreign mercenaries have arrived in Ukraine to fight for the Kiev regime since the start of the special operation. During this period, about 6,000 fighters have been eliminated.
EC & Baron
Noted-will try and stay more comprehensible in future!
Chatty- a confession and shared post with the Chatty post in todays Conservative Woman.
Manchester muslim thugs, we dont know the full story or the officer’s reason- the mam was interfering, could have been a weapon.
Contrast the crowd reactions to the mass child murders at the GMEX and the arrests at MAN-an airport I hate to frequent.
ps. The Olympics- dont ya just hate it?!
But do the Frogs deserve the problems the Macronite has landed them with by siting it in Gay Paree?
“…From GMEX to the sea…”
Noa 12:53pm
I thought that Galloway was looking tanned these days.
Noa at 12:20 pm
Ah, very good 🙂
… and a third thumbs up from me.
It reminded me a little of Tom Sharpe’s of “Blott On The Landscape.”
Noa 12:20 pm
As world weary observer of Britain’s decay I fear that the full context of events that led to that final scene will be ignored and that the officer will crucified on the altar of institutional Dhimmitude. He probably should’ve just tasered the twat and anybody else that tried to interfere.
It’s easy to follow, listen to it:
It appeared on the screen by default, Baron listened to him, he seems to make sense more than the Blond Inseminator:
Paris Olympics 2024 Opening Ceremony.
Either way, you’d have been InSeine to have missed it, or watched it.
Mrs EC expressed a desire to view the spectacle on our “Interocitor” device. I think that we may have missed some of it, but it was not long before she announced that she’d seen more than enough and switched it off. I was a little disappointed as by that time I was almost rolling on the floor in tears of laughter.
Our viewing window opened up what looked like a ghostly figure doing a mime act. How typically French, I thought, but alas there was no piano accordion accompaniment. The thought occurred that if they could summon up the spirit of the late Marcel Marceau for this then why couldn’t they get him to run for President. He would make a much better job of wearing down Messrs Putin, Peskov, and Lavrov during the inevitable upcoming armistice meetings.
So then came the flotilla of nations in the rain. So much for French “égalité” with some nations more equal than others it appeared. The waving athletes of mainly “western” nations cruising past on luxury stabilised barges scoffing Canapés under canopies… Whereas the athletes of poorer nations clad in translucent condom like Pac-a-macs™ went bobbing past confined to little more that rowing boat smaller than a cross channel migrant dinghy. A blatant display of French Imperialist/IOC racism, I say.
I think it was the “dance of diversity” that was the final straw. A Danse Macabre indeed, and in part misogyny on steroids. Sodom, Gomorrah & Berlin on steroids?
Hazel Irvine was assisted by some Beeboid, who sounded like Steve Cram but wasn’t.
Hazel did her best to keep it professional but she must have chewed her fist off. It’s on occasions such as this that I miss the gentle humour and un-pc commentary of the late lamented (by me at any rate) Terry Wogan.
Viewing the universal praise by “les pisseur de copie” of the world’s media industrial complex this morning confirms to me was a crock of shite it all was.
EC says:
July 27, 2024 at 11:17 am
A tour de France Mmon brave! I haven’t sieneit no will I, but I reveled in vous descriptions de pusseurs and pissoirs!
Ou est la Legion when you need them?
En Donbas en la terre I assume.
Noa: July 27, 2024 at 12:08 pm
I must admit that I didn’t watch the drag procession for long enough to pick up on “The Last Supper” them. The TV got switched off when the purple life-form came out of a clamshell.
Douglas Murray with a real 24 carat diamond here:
I got tired of all the compulsory Maori bollocks, expected genuflection, when I went to NZ some years ago. Apart from the southern alps NZ is overrated. Scotland is much nicer by comparison, and far more accessible thanks to General Wade 🙂
“Ou est la Legion when you need them?
En Donbas en la terre I assume”
I really don’t know why the political puppets and media industrial complex puppets get so upset when the Russians say they are going to target any foreign mercenary, advisor or instructor that they can spot in Ukr. What do they expect?
“C’est n’est magnifique mais il est la guerre.”
To re-arrange a well known saying.
Babylon Bee | Fake News You Can Trust…
or to put it another way, “Many A True Word Said In Jest.”
If you have the time have a look here, the guy’s on Baron’s must read list:
EC says @ July 29, 2024 at 5:52 pm
The site’s on Baron’s list, EC, thanks for posting it though, often they are very good, sometimes abit laboured, the consultant female in the often repeated insert comes in the former category.
Thank you for the link Baron.
It covers most of the antecedents and cultural failings in Western abd Pakisami Islamic societies tht led to the debacle at ManX.
Physically useless WPCs, violent entitled Muslim thugs the punishment of the innocent, the freeing of the guilty abd so forth.
We remain asking why spectactors did not intervene- but not for long. Most were fellow ethnic Muslims, too busy making their Tik Tok videos.
There are rumours: Mamacita had been living high off the hog on Disability Benefits in Pakistan forc2 years. Arresting her violent brood followed incidents on ther aircraft and an apparant violent assault in a MANX bar. Is there video footage of this?
The whole event is now moved into the shade by the tragic murderous attack in Southport on children.
Que the singing of candles and the lighting of sings by appeasing cowardly politicians, officials and police.
“”We will not look back in anger…”
Oh yes, we bloody well will.
Make no mistake, every single murder, insult, injustice and grievance is stored in the collective and individualcultural conscience of the cultural West and will be repaid tenfold in a way that will make the abusers wish they had never been born.
And Fast Jet Performance’s blow by blow analysis of the whole sorry saga should be a lessons Kearney analysis of whylhats wrong with us and the 12th circle of hell that we have created for ourselves.
Last night I happened upon another candidate for your list. It’s a fascinating treasure trove of old recordings, interviews, films and other broadcast media. Check it out…
eg. “Bertrand Russell on his meeting with Vladimir Lenin in 1920”
The audio on the above is not great so it’s best viewed (for me) with the “CC” captions button clicked on. I tend to view everything with the subtitles on these days.
“Make no mistake, every single murder, insult, injustice and grievance is stored in the collective and individual cultural conscience of the cultural West and will be repaid tenfold in a way that will make the abusers wish they had never been born.”
Indeed. Axiomatic.
UK Pensioners are now involuntary conscripts in the war against ‘the evil Poootin” as chancellor of the exchequer Rachel Reeves announces that their winter fuel payments and £10 Christmas bonus are being sent to Ukraine.
So it’s going to be hypothermia in the trenches this winter, lads.
Alternatively why not seek shelter in the cosy, centrally heated climes of your nearest 4* migrant hotel.
LOL Is it soon to be Comrade Godders ?
“King Charles The Kn0bhead – Greeny Woke Moron & General Cretin”
Like the BBC Licence Fee (TAX!) is the institution of the monarchy now an anachronism?
Over to Huw Edwards in the Newsroom… Oh, er…
In and out Starmer visits Southport.
The man has all the compassion and empathy of an iceberg.
Noa says @ July 30, 2024 at 8:27 pm
Does anyone know, Noa, if the ‘boy of seventeen’ that killed three girls injured six more as well as two adults all seriously is local or Norwegian?
Noa says @ July 30, 2024 at 9:08 am
We are very likely going to mull the incident over and over again, Noa, Baron’s 100% behind the fast talking guy except for one thing, when the light guy gets tasered he’s totally off, the suggestion that his right hand slides on the officers right side where the gun is true but whether he was going to go for the gun or not is not clear, what Baron objects to very much however is the kicking, the fast talking guy stops the video always at the first kick, there were other kicks and also stamping on the light guy’s head, this wasn’t necessary, all the police officer had to do is handcuff the bastard, not kick his head and stamp on it.
The kicking and stamping on the head of someone tasered prostrated on the floor should not become the norm for one important reason, on Saturday it a Muslim bastard that attacked a number of police officers, on another day it may be someone demonstrating against immigration (say) Tommy Robinson, it should be no go for both cases.
As we consider the issue of whether the Police officer acted reasonably in kicking his attacker’s head I’m watching the tail end of riots in Southport and Southend.
Apparantly the mob were protesting outside a mosque against the murder of the three children and it’s manipulation by Starmer’s photo shoot visit for the purposes of the political message of Kumbaia, peace and love.
Men of African extraction were also apparently simultaneously conducting machete duels on the front at Southend.
But it’s all really just a celebration of our diverse culture.
And it will end when the rain returns later in the week.
As for the police officer, he was hit repeatedly on the head by the
brother in black, then choked and hit on the head again by blue brother. He could not be aware that Blue had been tasered as he fell and probably dazed and concussed from the blows he received, was surely reasonably entitled to ensure that blue was removed from the fight before turning to deal with any remaining or new threats from the surrounding onlookers.
Personally, in that situation, fighting for what I feared was the real threat to my life. I would gave been entirely unconcerned about the wider implications of community relations, or the wider lessons for police crowd control.
Blue would have received from me precisely the number of kicks I considered necessary to ensure he was permanently removed from the melee, no more or less.
Which was I believe exactly the treatment me received.
The 17 year old appears to be either born in Cardiff of Rwandan parents or came to the UK with them.
How much more we will learn about him will depend on the information released about him, at the sole discretion of a High Court judge.
Is martial law the solution?
Somehow I don’t think Godder’s would share Charlie Vietch’s answer.
Mr Robinsons summary. How long will it remain on YT?
Noa at 8:27 pm
I’d forgotten about “The Preston Journalist.”
I note that Starmer was accompanied by Wigan MP Lisa Nandy. After just three weeks of de high octane gubmint rations the gap between her waistline and IQ appears to be narrowing.
Noa 12:15am & 8:19am
BS fatigue, continued gaslighting of the public on a number of issues, and inaction by the authorities and their callous disregard for the British people are all factors that are going to make for some turbulent years ahead.
I wonder what Mr V has been taking?
Chuck III sending all his WEF chums back home?
Martial law? The police have been captured by Common Purpose, and can anybody identify any of the armed forces top brass that haven’t sold out to either the MIC and/or wokery?
In the days before Blair’s mass migration/population replacement took off, unseasonably good weather in July and August always meant riots. But they were only in duodenal Ulster: papists vs prods.
The Battle of Brighton Beach (pre-nudists)
I remember this but was too young to attend being only 12 at the time
Stateside they had more calories, more money, better bikes and could afford to do things properly:
“In 1948, the AMA supposedly made a statement that ninety-nine percent of the motorcyclists are good people enjoying a clean sport and it is the one percent that are anti-social barbarians. The term “one percenter” is born.”
Unlikely as it may seem, if your “Healthy Core of Englishness” is to be saved then it’ll be the 1%ers in society that’ll do it!
Better a frisky Romanian Roma, mama defending ‘Stani and Rochdale islamist, pro hamas scuts politically concerned ‘Deshi than fah White.
Noa says @ July 30, 2024 at 11:26 pm
Point taken, Noa.
“China is Stealing Air now? Seriously?”
I’m not sure how Winston and his buddy Matthew manage to make enough funds out of YouTube to live on, but there’s no denying that the footage here is real.
Perhaps us English OAPs could learn a trick to survive the winter here. Congregate in cosy taxpayer heated public libraries, council buildings, migrant hotel foyers this winter?
How will we afford go to the town libraries without our bus passes EC?
Still. those heated council buildings will be both empty and heated. Unless being used to accommodate migrant overflows of course.
Of course there are always the U3A ‘re-education’ classes, organised by the prematurely retired headspinster classes looking to tell us how to behave whilst looking for weak willed men to paint their lounges, change lightbulbs and untimately augment their Spanish retirement villa funds.
U3A? Do not provoke me. Grrr! They should all be terminated, as the official warrant will read, with “extreme prejudice.”
That reminds me, your new venture. Are the Arkwright-Zaptheon Drones with fully programmable targeting AI in full production yet? They are urgently needed!
Sir Keir ‘Dzerzinski’ Starmer is an inspiration to corporate capitalism! Today’s post security review has sent Chinese AI and facial recognition software stocks soaring as Government Departments rush to implement the Dear Leader’s new directives restricting the anti-social movements of Fa White elements.
Apparantly such tools are not available to use on diverse minority ‘eccentrcs’ but will work just fine on the 80% of the UKs indigenous population that us slowly awakening to its imminent replacement. Pareto would be thoroughly proud of this display of his principle in operation.
So the message is clear, fellow comrade proletarians, buy China technology stocks now, before Karmala nukes Peking as she rushes to suppress Hexbollah in the Special Military Operation she js rushing to celebrate with all the gay peoples shortly to be liberated in Trans Jordan.
Noa 1:12
🙂 Good work there, and Trans Jordan too.
One of the Colonel’s illustrious forebears?
Gregor MacGregor of the Clan MacGregor:
“History’s Greatest Conman?”
I’m surprised that the SNP grifters haven’t set up one of their “embassies” in Darién.
Oh, wait a minute…
An excellent tale, it puts Bernie ‘ I’ve Madeoff with your savings’ abd his twin blonde leather clad lesbian chauffeured in the shade! The ‘Big Mac’ was clearly an inspiration to Larry Fink and the US equity companies who’ve been buying up the UK, Europe and Ukraine, and flogging it all off piecemeal at ‘mates rates’ to Uncle Sam and their porcine pals like Lindsay Graham and Gorgeous Nancy on the Hill. BTW wots been ‘happenin’ in the nappy’ with Colostomy Joe recently?
You may like to occasionally have a look at the new site run by Tom Armstrong, it’s the place for the ‘healthy core of Britishness:
Noa says @ August 2, 2024 at 10:16 am
Good points, Noa, if only the nappies could talk.
EC says @ August 2, 2024 at 8:30 am
One of your best finds, EC, informative and highly enjoyable, one could try and replicate his idea trying to sell parcels of land on the moon.
Noa says @ August 2, 2024 at 1:12 am
You should have offered the posting to the Babylon Bee guys, Noa, superb.
A fitting symbol of the 2024 Olympics, boys:
A shake up of biblical proportions at the top of the Russian military hierarchy (as if the hit to the world stock markets wasn’t enough):
Baron: 11:49 pm
Excellent. There’s a lot of references to “shitting oneself” in the comments, even a poem!
Must be shome idiomatic reference? I’m a bit puzzled about that.
I read somewhere the other day, that the various teams are not happy about their accomodations in the Olympic village:
1. The beds are made of recyclable cardboard and too small, the pattern being taken
from Micron’s cot next to Brigitte’s bed. They are at least 18in too short for your average
olympian, and the cardboard won’t take the weight of two randy ones.
2. The rooms are stifling hot, have no air conditioning, athletes are unable to sleep.
3. The food served up is reportedly not only atrocious but also being 50% vegan is totally
unsuitable for most olympian carnivores. There’s an egg shortage, reportedly. They didn’t order en-oeuf and there’s rationing in place. A boiled egg is rarer than a tin of pineapple chunks in HMP Slade [“Porridge” Ronnie Barker et al]
4. The organisational shambles is not confined to the village.The debacle is a tribute to the green virtue signalling, and wokery. Still it’s the French generally being “up themselves” again, innit.
You’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.
Good links and insights from the Thinker, Milud.
The UK and EU military Industrial complex is no less corrupt than that of Rusdia abd the US, it is merely less well publicised.
EC says:
August 3, 2024 at 9:46 am
Very enjoyable EC, I confess I’ve paid little attention to the (mainly French) state sponsored shagfest that is any sports gathering.
And Microns cot?
En oeuf!! Priceless!
As you say, it’s the Frogs innit!
Still, nice to see they’re maintaining the now well established tradition of importing perverted Algerian ‘men’ to molest and attack European women.
In other news.
An empty police station catches fire in Sunderland whilst wheely bins self-ignite across the Midlands abd North.
Police are baffled and cite Global warming as the probable cause.
Is this why ‘Kneel, Sir Keir!’ got mixed up in woman beating?
Godders explains the respective Leeds, Manchester and Metropolitan policing protocols.
Two things one cannot fail to notice, why are they masked and where is the police?
Noa – 11:14am
A freak of nature. The result of inter-family breeding? I’d like to see it it box a man, or failing that Oz’s champ Kangaroo. Was it you or someone else who quipped the other day, “that following a successful trial in the boxing then “Domestic Abuse” will be. included as an event in its own right at the 2028 Olympics”?
My view on the IOC is that it’s prime purpose is to facilitate international money laundering.
[Every host country has to sign a ‘facility and no questions asked’ agreement.]
Baron at 12:56 am
The muslim community is being used by the deep-state.
There’s something off about about the recent “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests by “old whitey.” I suspect that the incendiary aspects (more French than English) are the work of agents provocateur. This is to create a narrative that gives the uni-party the excuse to introduce even more draconian laws that will make the UK an even bigger Gulag than it already is.
Who has really been organising tThe weekends “Enough is Enough” demonstrations?
Cui bono? As EC saus.
The net effect of these protests has been to bring out the firebrands and fools onto the streets, where Starmer’s well briefed and prepared Cuntstabularies have been able to photographically arrest or record; identify and document them for future ‘processing’ and restrictions.
Disorganised, often drunk, looking for fisticuffs and a ruck on a summer afternoon.Remember that any fawhite organisations there are are subject, like the BNP, to stringent oversight and figuration. Organisational kettelng is long established.
Baron’s link, on the contrary, captures a masked, blackclad ISIS brigade. No doubt one of many a cross Britain.
A satanic parallel to the now defunct Boys Brigades.Flying pickets, a fleet of coaches at their disposal to rush to ‘trouble spots’ in need of reinforcement.
Recruited (and armed) in the
Mosques the authorities gave little òr no idea who they are, how well they are structured, organised and funded or what their strategic as opposed to their operational objectives are.
Appallingly, Starmer has given them carte blanche to act as they wish, promising them full protection by the Authorities and in effect licensing these Al Aksa brigades of islamist thugs to act as paramilitary thugs under police protection.
One is irresistibly reminded of Ernst Rohm’s SA.
Content in the knowledge that hee has set and baited his traps Sturmbahnfuhrer Starmer’s well earned holiday now beckons, whilst any putative opposition identifies itself for disposal.
Expect to see a return of the “Flying pickets.”
The government is going to repeal all the trade union and anti-strike legislation enacted post 1979. Welcome back to the days of the Callaghan Lib-Lab pact.
It’s going to be “Déjà Vu All Over Again”, comrades!
Perhaps members of the Labour Cabinet fancies being rogered by some burly docker or horny handed miner.
Those trades having gone forever all that’s left for them is some overweight trans middle manager in HMRC who’s only available two days a week because he/she/her is
WFH the other three days.
Given the class warfare any such relationship would inevitably generate together with the inevitable chaos, they would surely be better waiting repeal such laws until the near end of the Labour givernment, as a full hearted gift for any successor.
On second thoughts the opportunity of beer and ham cheese sandwiches with Rachel, Ang and the dear leader is too great to reject.
An interesting new website.
Following the COBRA meeting this morning an emboldened Metropolitan Police Chief filmed assaulting a journalist on the street…
Such thuggery!
Fear ye not!
It was only a Sly News Wormtongue trying for a gotcha moment!
It won’t change their A Grade anti English bias in the least.
An interesting analysis of events by the Lotus Eating chaps.
This piece is by Meduza, an anti-Putin outfit about the arrests of two of the guys that were included in the last swap between Russia and the US:
The best 4:42mins that you will see on YouTube this week. Not to be missed.
“Keir Starmer and a warning from history”
Real footage of a prescient Christopher Hitchens in 2009, and Two-tier and Sad-IQ pre-election plotting… All finished off with a song and dance by the dear leader and his grisly dance troupe. AI at it’s finest.
Bush Barbie with some helpful Olympic advice.
Douglas Murray: waiting to be remanded by Sralins goons.
Whitney Webb with Neil Oliver hard pressed to get a word in edgewise…
She sure is a fast talker but she knows her stuff….
If you have the time then you may learn something. I did, about the CIA for example.
James Montieths piece, ‘Britain on the brink’ in the Salisbury Review is worth reading.
Amongst otger articles James Montieths piece, ‘Britain on the brink’ in the Salisbury Review is worth reading.
We wait to see whether the little girls and children murdered at the Ariana Grande GMEX Concert and possibly, the Tyler Swift dance class, will ever be recognised as the child martyrs they are by the de-christianised globalist Churches.
The creation of the first English religious martyrs since the Reformation should galvanise the cause of patriotic English Nationalism, but sadly, won’t.
Somewhat long but the Southport lecturer is worth some of your time.
From the depth of the number 10 house
came a shriek that resounded for miles
said the cop at the gate ‘good gracious’
has the homo salacious
forgot that **** has piles?
No harm intended, it probably scans badly, can you do better?
Noa says @ August 6, 2024 at 3:23 pm
Short but excellent and to the point, Noa, the politicians know it but they fear that dispensing a balanced policing and justice may anger the others, and when they get angry they don’t stop at burning cars and breaking windows, the Manchester Arena is but one example, after all the politicians and the policemen are human also, they are genuinely scared of the consequences of facing up to the Muslim mobs the same way they are dealing with the white mobs.
Not perhaps the politicians but the individual policemen, many of them, may feel the same about immigration, their roughness dealing with the white mobs may be boosted by their impotence to treat the others in the same manner, but Elon’s wrong, Marx’s right, if the English were to have a revolution it would be only in gardening.
I’m sure your intuition that the police as individuals, as well as being instructed to ‘protect Muslim communities’ who are entirely disinterested being the recipients of such protection, are scared to enforce the law. Witness the further vile accusations against the suspended Police officer made today by the Rochdale crime
Politicians, senior civil servants and police officers stand united: doubling down in their implausible abd ultimately unsustainable defence of the ungovernable situation they have created over 50 years by blaming the White working class for their protests against being responsible for the twin abuses they suffer from both their government and the alien settler communities planted within their midst.
Just a couple of random thoughts, the police must now know the Southport child murderer’s motivation whether self radicalised Islamic convert or lone paranoid schizophrenic.
The riots and associated racial tensions would perhaps have been averted if such information had been divulged in the public interest rather than witheld for the murderers defence.
The second question is whether and if so how the child of immigrant Hutu parents, the tribe responsible for the mass murder of the Tutsis in Rwanda has been directly or indirectly affected by that Genocide.
Noa says @ August 6, 2024 at 10:47 pm
Very good points, Noa, the first point is certainly 100% true, one wonders why the information on the ethnicity of the 17-year old was withheld, sooner or later it would have either leaked or was made public officially, the secrecy was silly as the historian says himself, it makes the authorities responsible if not for the rioting itself then certainly for furnishing a reason for it to happen, as it indeed did happen.
On your second point, the now 18-year old was reported to have smiled in the courtroom as he looked around, you may indeed be right, he may have been more than touched by the atrocities of the murderous span in which 300,000 Tutsis perished, but how come it wasn’t detected?
Noa says @ August 6, 2024 at 10:27 pm
But can you see any of the two lots putting an end to it? Baron cannot, they cannot make a u-turn, it would be disastrous for them, they have no option but to keep on pushing the same lies come what may, diversity is a strength whether one likes it or not, they have plenty of backing for it, some of it is a pure obsequiousness as it pays, some because of a genuine desire for it to be true.
History shows that mixing two non-mixable cultures always comes to a sticky end, the Hutu-Tutsis bloodletting, the breaking up of Yugoslavia, even the separation of the Czechs and Slovaks could qualify, tribal blood ties trump any societal constructs that ignores them.
Are these thugs also Far Right? Obviously not because not a single policeman heavily armed and supported by tens of his colleagues is seen in any of the three clips:
Somehow I missed this one…
Will rioting become an Olympic event?
But Aussoe Barbie doesn’t ask.
Noa: 11:46 am
Olympic Airport baggage handling hurling event:
Back in the 90’s I witnessed that for real at Frankfurt airport. It could’ve been Munich, though, I regularly flew into both. Carry on/cabin luggage was the way to go.
Got the bi-annual Water Bill this morning. As the potability of the damn stuff goes down the price goes ever upwards, as do the shareholder dividends. Are there any water companies left that aren’t foreign owned? Skimming all the profits, the bastards polluting our rivers, lakes and coastline and there should be no more dividends until they’ve cleaned their act up.
Riot News:
Well burka me, or rather begorrah!
The Irish Gov’t are going to ban balaclavas, ski masks, any sort of face covering.
Have they run this one past the Provos, I wonder?
Also as anybody waving a “Death to the West” placard will tell you…
“A niqab in time saves doing time”
EC says @ August 7, 2024 at 6:24 pm
Very good one, EC, from the burkame to Inshallah.
Few hours ago Baron posted on a Spectator blog a smart version of the link to the three videos posted here on Aug 6, 11:51pm, it got removed within minutes, his MI5 file got thicker for it, he will be more careful from now on.
Tucker is right, very right, cheap energy is the most important component of life, whether for nature or the economy or an individual energy makes things move, it’s life itself, make it expensive and life suffers:
The guy’s amazing, he should be President for life, not one of the other top American politicians are anywhere near his acuity, his articulateness and the brilliance of his delivery:
JD Vance offers some real hope for the West.
Unfortunately events may overtake any ability he may have as VP after next January to influence them.
Baron at 9:58 pm
That was quite a shock! I was totally unprepared to see an American politician be that responsive and articulate.
Baron at 7:15 pm
Fear not, Milud. Today’s digi-goons of three letter agencies might have the best IT & surveillance tech’ but they are distinctly cerebrally challenged as compared to their former cold war “analogue era” colleagues. Mental agility, or acuity if you will, and tradecraft being their prime survival tools.
Meanwhile in a banana republic formerly known as the USA…
Scott Ritter Statement Following FBI Raid on his home
This Czech female athlete has raised a few er… eyebrows?
The LEFT, a smirking gun, inshallah!
EC @11.02am
For a brief moment I mistook the young lady in question as Scott Ritter: blocking out the daylight on his drive and screaming ‘there is much much more of me than you!’ before falling enraged on and wiping out an entire team of female FBI agents, recently demoted from Trump protection duty.
Soz! for -female’ substitute ‘non binary’.
Who benefits from the massive demographic change in Britain?
Does the Sage of Stirling tell us anything we didn’t know already?
Having driven Britain into the second world, as we have seen clearly from the coverage across the country this week, we can see that it makes us much easier to adapt to and welcome the incoming third world.
Cui bono 2.
Do the Greek boys have it right?
The Srarmbahnfuhrer to criminalise retweets?
Imagine a copy of the Guardian smacking a human face, forever.
I think that Elon Musk might have it right. I always thought that a civil war might kick off in the disUnited States first, but now I’m not so sure. The atrocity that was committed in Southport was far too close to home for my liking. That could’ve been my granddaughters in that dancing class. If, god forbid, anything else similar happens then the backlash might be unstoppable.
If in November the Dems manage to cheat their way to another stolen election victory then there will be a civil war, guaranteed. Same thing if Trump gets bumped off before the election.
‘…The atrocity that was committed in Southport was far too close to home for my liking. That could’ve been my granddaughters in that dancing class…”
Me too.
A close friend of Mrs Noa knew one of the little girls in the class, fortunately not injured but traumatised. Apparantly the class was held on the top floor of the building and the murderous shift locked himself in there.
Will we ever find out the truth? Mmm. Khumbia, don’t look back in anger, look forward in fury.
Sargon of Akkad’s analysis of
Sturmer’s Harrowing if the North.
And Brian Berletic’s analysis of who really makes US foreign policy. It’s informative and interesting, if unsurprising.
Longish, but you should watch at least the first 16 minutes:
Noa at 10:27 pm
Carl B chose his words extremely carefully, and is 100$ spot on.
In addition to dark days ahead, there will cold dark nights ahead for pensioners unable to afford heat and light – especially when prices rocket after rEd Milliband takes his ideological wrecking ball to UK energy policy and infrastructure.
Like you said Berletic’s video is detail and confirmatory.
Once our last hope, imo the Republic is too far gone to be saved. The whole place resembles a lunatic asylum where the criminally insane have taken over the management.
Perhaps it would have been better if Clinton had won in 2016 and Sergei had got to use his present from Hillary in 2009 ?
Hillary looks delighted, but I think she misunderstood when Sergei quipped, “Mine is much bigger than Bill’s.” He was actually referring to his nuclear arsenal.
Is it just me or has the intersectionalist,newly NHS bespectacled Two Tiers Keir taken on an uncanny facial similarity to fellow eugenecist and Lorr’n ordure enthusiast Heinrich Himmler?
Life imitating art yet again!
File under: Bloefeld, Spectre, Le Chiffre etc.
Noa at 12:33 pm
Nah that must be the Boddies.
I’m currently on St Austell “Proper Job” and my first thought upon reading your comment just now regarding a lookalike was… “Klaus Fuchs?”
Resurrecting the spirit of Roland Freisler haranguing people in the dock is something else that wasn’t mentioned in Labour’s manifesto. I think that power has gone to their heads, as happens with all tin-pot dictatorial regimes.
“Two-tier er, um… [REDACTED] – Social media crackdown”
The Walrus also identifies the imminent death of ‘democracy’.
I’ve not yet watched this Tommy Robinson 1 hrs long interview by Rebel News.
Good rant:
Here’s the truth, the evil Putin is behind the rioting, who else, this chap Steele is telling it as it is:
Baron – 9:57 pm
Why, I am shocked that anyone could possibly have cause to doubt even a single word that Christopher Steele says or writes!
Bellingcat seems to have dropped off my radar in recent months:
The Russia coverage is almost as entertaining as the Babylon Bee.
Good to see that the three letter agencies haven’t run out of Operation Mockingbird money yet. Bellingcat seem to have rather annoyingly incorporated an upside down question mark “?” into their logo whereas, imo, a percontation point “(point d’ironie) might be more informative to the reader.
The CIA have been busy in Bangladesh it would appear.
After recent events this old joke has a bit of a hollow ring to it:
Q. Why hasn’t the USA ever had a coup d’etat?
A. Because it doesn’t have a US Embassy
Tommy Robinson – Message To Piers Morgan, and others
How did that guy on the “Twilight Zone” introduce each episode:
“Consider if you will…”
IF British establishment get TR incarcerated once too often and he ends up being martyred at the hands of some of the peaceful inmates that haven’t yet been released by tool of toolmaker, THEN the government is going to have the mother of all riots on its hands.
When the police are unable to cope will the British Army, when ordered, fire upon its own people? That’s the question… Could it come to this?
Stabbytown News:
Another stabbing incident reported, this time in Leicester Square. According to GB News “an 11 year old girl and a 34 year old woman have been taken to hospital.”
An unnamed lone wolf has been arrested.
“Move along, nothing to see here”
Insp. Knacker
The archmufti speaks!
Konstantin Kisin at his most articulate best:
“Douglas Murray Was Right ”
Apologies, boys, Baron has to deal with three projects, all of some importance to him, he has not much time left to either absorb what’s going on, or add a few words on it of no consequence to anyone, but hopefully things will lighten up.
Please keep at it, the times are such that the truth seekers are even more needed now than ever before, one can only despair Frank is no longer with us, it’s his patch that’s getting kicked.
Andrew Lawrence on remand: Comedy gold:
. I do understand that jokes about the political legal and cultural establishment are now a criminal offence in communist Britain.
I am aware that under the equalities act 2010 as a straight white male living in conventional family circumstances, working paying taxes and raising a child I am very much a second class citizen in KStarmas Britain, and that the police and judiciary do have the right to
flagrantly discriminate against me wherever they see fit to do so.
In the future I promise to follow standardapproved BBC guidelines for comedians which advises removing all punch lines from material before presenting it for public approval.
I’ve let myself down, I’ve let Multicultural Britain down, and in the interests of diversity I promise to do better. I appreciate your support at this difficult time.
No need to explain Mi’lud, the gates of Noa Towers are being reinforced with new buttresses and a glacis with an extended zone of fire as I speak,(Great workers, these Irish and Roumanian Roma lads!)
we’re all busy in what passes in the north for summer.
And as Dominic hints ‘White Riot’ is a Summer activity.
Baron: August 13, 2024 at 10:17 pm
I hope that you resolve the Kursk situation in an expedient manner, Milud.
Presumably the Russians are free to use battlefield nukes on their own territory?
Did you know that it was 24 years to the day (August 12th, 2000) that the nuclear submarine “Kursk” (K141) sank in the Barents Sea? [“Not many people know that.” Michael Caine]
Ya think that the Z-man would’ve chosen a different place for an incursion if he wanted a positive outcome.
Nah, Pootin will surround and destroy the Azov brigade, triggering the total collapse of the Ukrainian army.
Even if T-shirt man has forgotten the significance of the battle of Kursk in the Russian psyche the people haven’t.
Expect a fully co-ordinsted Roosian, Houthi, Iranian, Chinee response in the assymetrical prixy wars that the Hill, Brussels,Davos and Westminster have initiated.
David Starkey on why Labour has lost rhe working class forever.
It’s the lack of time that prevents Baron to seek more on this story, he doubts whether an individual or even a few of them on a yacht could plant the explosives without being noticed by anyone, the place of the implosion is as crowded as the Oxford Street.
Noa says @ August 15, 2024 at 5:53 pm
Starkey’s spot on, Noa, but sadly many of the abandoned working class people will continue to vote Labour for the old times sake, that’s what happened at the last election, who in his right mind would vote for the two-tier Kier but someone who like his predecessors will never have voted for anyone but Labour, sad but right.
EC says @ August 14, 2024 at 10:29 am
It’s only a guess, EC, but the time may come when we learn the whole project was designed, carried out, controlled and run by NATO, most of the Ukrainians involved were trained abroad including Britain, brought in in secret as the op began, many of the foreign fighters are NATO troopers in Ukrainian uniforms, the gear’s all NATO as is the recognisance, drone driving and stuff.
What totally puzzles Baron is how could have the Russian secret services missed it, it’s a more serious incompetence that the US Secret Services missing the shooter before he fired the first shot.
Col Doug Macgregor opines, informative, amusing realistic.
The most dramatic news of the week is EL Presidente’s purchase of a magnificent vineyard and luxury villa in Tuscany, from which he and Mrs Zelenski can plot the final advance of the victorious Ukranian army into Moscow, where he will hang Pootin and his gang in the Security Council off the lampposts in the Kremlin, whilst a mad cackling Von der Leyden and her EU puppet leaders, sitting on cases of Pol Roger, knitted scarves and mittens for winter use in the Brussels Central library.
In other news a squadron of flying cochons was seen to land at Kiev airport bringing gold, frankensence, and the remainder of Britain’s arms and treasury to cement the glorious Ukranian triumph.
“In other news a squadron of flying cochons was seen to land at Kiev airport bringing gold, frankensence, and the remainder of Britain’s arms and treasury to cement the glorious Ukranian triumph.”</i)
Good to see the Challenger 2 tanks performing so well on real life battlefield, eh what.
Not suitable for 'front line" duty it would appear. The crews would have a longer life expectancy if they jumped out of a plane without a parachute.
File under: wunderwaffen
Dear Peter,
It is now case law that “anti-establishment views & rhetoric” are now punishable by life-imprisonment. Given that the three of us on here are serious. regular, and serial offenders then our imminent tasering, arrest , arraignment before Justice Roland Freisler, and incarceration seems likely. Should then, the site be renamed “The Gaol House Wall?”
Noa says @ August 16, 2024 at 5:32 pm
The squadron of flying cochons, Noa, is priceless, Baron has to admit he had to look it up, his French is on par with his Mandarin, but it adds a touch of class to any debate where it can be successfully weave in, the alternative the pig is so trite, could Baron pinch it?
EC says @ August 18, 2024 at 10:36 am
Stop frightening Baron, EC, he’s easily scared, in addition to his occasional postings here he also posts on the Spectator’s site, his postings have already earned him the moniker ‘Putin’s bot’ and worse, it’s rather ironic that the communist thugs wanted to hang Baron, failed, could the British democrats do better? Arghhhh
Very good one from Douglas, the one thought that Baron should have figured for himself is the distinction between the American construct versus the European nations, the former based on an idea that united those that left Europe, the latter on ethnicity, that’s a useful edition to Baron’s argument that the American society was set up from the bottom up, the Federal institutions followed the State ones and these were still began functioning after the genuinely locals set-ups, in Europe it was the reluctant and gradual wresting of power from the top whatever the top was, a King, a Tzar or whoever.
Here’s an interesting bit of gossip, Baron was listening to an interview with Alexei Arestovych, a former advisor to the DA of Kiev, now a resident of the Republic, amongst other things he said he had known about the Kursk project a week before it began, he can be lying of course, but that’s unlikely, he cannot make any capital out of such a lie.
If he knew how likely is it the Americans or the Europeans didn;t know as they insist they didn’t until it began, even more to the point why Putin didn’t know, and if he did why didn’t he ensure the mines were left in place (they were removed days before the Ukrainian invasion), the border was defended by better drilled troops than those made of conscripts?
Something’s not right here, don’t you think?
George Floyd:
“…posts on the Spectator’s site, his postings have already earned him the moniker ‘Putin’s bot’ and worse…”.
Noa receives similar ad hom abuse from the hard of thinking when he posts on the Conservative Woman, (thats enough of this he/him trans pronoun stuff for me, mi’lud!). especially from the ex military types who pine for the discipline of uniform and regulations and were long ago trained to trust and unquestionably obey what their Generals, Air Marshals and Admirals told them to think and do.
There’s an exact similarity between such folk who profess themselves Conservatives and the foot soldiers of the Communist abd Labour parties.
Baron at 11.56pm
Brian Berletìc comprehensively covers the topic of the implausible deniability of US involvement in the Zel Man’s Kursk mis-adventure. Given the 10 plus years of direct intelligence, physical and military, CIA (and MI5) participation in Ukraine its impossible to doubt Western involvement in the planning of and participation in this murderous farce.
It’s also impossible for the Russians, given their own and PRC space, intelligence and espionage capabilities, not to have been fully aware of the planned raid and
happy to let it proceed.
A similar parallel exists with the Battle of Crete in 1941. Churchill and his Generals, because of Ultra intelligence, were well aware of the German intention to invade Crete using paratroop forces but decided to let the invasion proceed with minimum overt resistance in order “to kill Germans”. Unfortunately they miscalculated German capabilities and overestimated their own.
Russia has made no such mistake. Kursk Oblast is a killing ground for the remains of the Ukraine army reserves, its purpose is primarily to buy time for the Kiev junta to indulge in a final bout of Kabul style looting before either departing to the West for a life of Western taxpayer luxury or a pensioned political half life in a Lvov based puppet government.
Oddly enough the Russian clearance of defences before Kursk has an exact parallel. Stalin comprehensively removed the deep Soviet defences opposite Germany before Operation Barbarossa in preparation for a Russian offensive. That Germany invaded first is a matter of record, but they beat Stalin to the punch by a matter of weeks.
The great thing about ideologies are that they remove from their adherents all responsibility of thinking for themselves and/or their subsequent actions. A lobotomy performed without the need for a drill!
The coterie of unknowingly trepanned “establishment thinkers” [oxymoron] that have become lodged on TCW may not be ideologues (*) but they’ll attack any unwelcome thoughts, ideas or info’ that impinges on their cosy, head in the sand, petit bourgeoise indexed-linked world
““Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious {ideological} conviction.”
Blaise Pascal
(*) They’re “noidealogues” ?
ho-ho, ha-ha, hee-hee.
Noa 7:08 am
Brian Berletic is essential viewing.
I wasn’t aware of this. Operation Fish reprised.
Anyone know what 40 tonnes of gold is worth in US shinplastwrs?
EC @10.03am
Simply brilliant!
“Operation Early Dawn”
I must admit that when I first heard that phrase my immediate thought was of the Gestapo and KGB’s habit of dragging people out of their beds during the wee small hours.
Perhaps we should all comment here at least once a day to prove that we haven’t been dragged off to the cells?
File under: Habeas CHWallster
Noa: August 19, 2024 at 10:46 am
Germany To Ban New Ukraine Aid, $1.7 Trillion Shock Triggers Gold, China Giant Sues U.S. Pentagon
This Foo fella reckons that as the ongoing US$ train wreck proceeds the price of gold could soon go up to $2500+ an ounce.
Well, if Clotted Cream then why not Bullion?
I suppose those thieving buggers at the Post Office would only nick it!
Radio silence? Crikey!
If they’ve go both of you… then I’d better head for the airport!
All quiet atm EC, though recent drone and helicopter recon suggests the enhanced defences at Noa Towers are under review for potential dawn attack by the forces of the state!
Noa: August 21, 2024 at 1:46 pm
The only approach to Noa Towers, I believe, is through the lower fields of Arkwright Estates which are even more treacherous than the quicksands of Morecambe Bay. It was with great foresight that you spent those all those annual pre Brexit Defra/EU grants for drainage on Cariibbean winter hols.
The X-squad won’t stand a chance if they pay you a visit, particularly as they seem to be comprised of short-arsed, overweight, androgynous bipeds, with weak and patchy, gingery facial hair. The moobs and bum-fluff the result of ingesting too many soya products and/or a vegan diet?
I dunno about about you southerners but for the second night in a row I was up all night with the wind! This morning the memsahib’s back garden bore a close resemblance to the Somme/Bakhmut etc.
EC says @ August 20, 2024 at 10:42 am
It’s not a bad idea, EC, that each of us says at least ‘hi’ every day, the way things are evolving we must be target, Baron in particular what his being an import, it’s just that one’s too busy during the day, come the evening exhausted, the bed is the only place one has the strength to crawl in.
EC says @ August 20, 2024 at 10:54 am
Someone must be selling the stuff, EC, the drop in price may suggest money is being channeled to other assets that yield something even if they are less secure, but what assets?
Noa says @ August 19, 2024 at 10:46 am
You are aware, Noa, the shipment took place ten years ago.
Forty tonnes doesn’t seem much, if one googles for Russia’s stock of the metal one gets: ‘Gold Reserves in Russia averaged 1146.71 Tonnes from 2000 until 2024, reaching an all time high of 2335.85 Tonnes in the second quarter of 2024’.
Noa says @ August 19, 2024 at 7:08 am
Excellent points to ponder, Noa, as is excellent EC’s slicing of the TCW and the role and impact of creeds on their followers.
Konstantin Kisin speaking about Bolsheviks both past and present…
EC says @ August 23, 2024 at 8:46 am
A superb lament, EC, nothing to bicker about except one thing that puzzles.
The population of Russia was 119.1m in 1960, it was 148.4m in 1990, no vacuum cleaners, millions in gulags, substandard health delivery …. and the impoverished Russians kept bonking as if there was no tomorrow.
The population began declining (even though it was a smaller Russia after 1990) only after the Russian plebs were furnished all the goodies making life easier.
This is not to devalue what Kisin was saying, he was right, Baron backs him 100%, but how could one explain the population growth?
Baron – 10:53am
“but how could one explain the population growth?”
Long dark & very cold winter nights necessitating, huddling under blankets for shared body warmth, M’lud. Also, Soviet TV was total crap!
File under” Fur coat & no knickers, Stoking the boiler etc.
Baron – 10:53am
It was Kisin’s comparison of today’s Western gLiberal Marxist politicians – “Bolsheviks nouveau” – with the Soviet old guard that was interesting. Just look at the idiotic policies that Kamala Harris, Starmer & Rachel Reeves have been coming up with in recent weeks.
More alarmingly I suspect that the Civil Service is stuffed full of Guardian reading lefties eager to do their bidding. We already know where the Police’s proclivities lay!
A tale of two squirrels:
I spotted a grey squirrel (immigrant) marching as bold as brass across my back lawn yesterday. This doesn’t bode well for the locals!
Whom to believe:
Some anti-establishment rhetoric here…
‘The Starmer Masterplan Makes Everything Worse!”
@ (August 23, 2024 at 12:54 pm)
NW Breaking News:
In a keynote speech on Tuesday der Führer will brand Red Wall squirrels as “far right racist thugs” for merely raising concerns about unchecked migration of Greys northwards.
Prospects for pensioners? Things are not only going to get cold, but also very bitter.
Other News: Netanyahu goes into full Armageddon mode as things kick off in Lebanon.
Dr. Strangelove commented, “Ja, vee may be in für ein “bumpy ride” deises wochenende.”
Cue: Very Lynn music.
EC @ 3.56pm
Are you not listening to the wise words and sage advice of our Beloved Comrades?
Wise up and Warm up!
Or maybe the Donbas Front might welcome new British advisors from Hadrians Wall to demonstrate the workings of UK Military aid!
Noa – 10:53
That woman is very talented, unlike “ruthless Raych!”
I think that when it comes to training them thar Ukeraniums in the use of advanced weaponry like trebuchets it is far safer, for me at any rate, if they come over to RAF Spud-u-edam on-the-wall.
I seem to remember that Jezza Clarkson et al once launched a Reliant Robin into orbit from there. It has to be said that the Robin was prepared to a far higher engineering standard than the Boeing Starliner currently marooned on the ISS.
Baron, Noa
Want to flee the madhouse?
Well, Vlad is pitching for your business…
… with Noa need even to speaka da lingo!
Russia: “The New “Anti-Woke” Visa”
I don’t think it’s for me, though. My old bones crave year-round warmth.
Definitely not the BBC or a gubmint approved news source…
“Cut the white guilt out bro!”
Wot Boeing Diversity Hires are the Yanks going for in the US remake of Michael Caines’ space rescue classic, “I told you to blow the bloody doors!”
What do you make of the guy?
EC says @ August 28, 2024 at 12:19 pm
Very funny, EC, the guy was a first class communicator, with one joke he could gather millions to his take on the world, they don’t come like that anymore, he was unique.
An amusing satire, though the tyrant Putin is more likely to ‘liberate’ Stoma Britain than the Tuscan Vintner and RussianOrthodox church outlawer.
A smart girl:
A well written piece, nothing to disagree with.
A pre-Stoma dictatorship article, before the ratchet turned a durther couple of notches.
Noa: August 29, 2024 at 9:07 am & 6:24pm
“Good Evening Comrades…” Ben Leo
About a week or ten days ago, when the arrests and the Freisler committal proceedings were in full sway, some guy called Ben Leo of GB News gave a wickedly satirical intro to his hour long current affairs show. I’ve been trying to find it on YouTube ever since but I suspect that {{{the management}}} flushed it down Orwell’s memory hole for fear of yet more punishment from the Ofcom-munists.
The main thrust of the intro was that Kim Jong Un had announced a raft of unprecedented social and economic liberal reforms as he didn’t want the PRNK being compared to the UK.
Is this it?
It cant be long before Dear mles miserable barsteward Comrade Sir Keir Stoma the first, in addition to banning smoking, makes Britain a no smirking zone.
Managed decline, don’t ya just love it!
Blair: “things can only get better”.
Stoma: “things will get wurst before they get butter…”
As Mad Ang raves on in Malaga a nation looks on in awe at its own destruction.
On Spike someone is arguing Lucy, the baby killer, was convicted correctly, the first argument he offers is that only in seven cases of the babies’ mortality other nurses were present, she was there on all 22 cases, which is true (or must be true because both the prosecution and the defence accepted it), but it doesn’t say whether any other employee of the hospital may have been also on duty when the 22 deaths occurred and that includes the doctors and the cleaners and other similar workers, only if the prosecution could establish that nobody of the hospital staff was present when the 22 mortalities happened would the evidence against Lucy stand.
Baron didn’t read the piece after that bit, pointless if that’s the logic of the guy that penned it.
Noa says @ August 30, 2024 at 11:30 am
The guy that sniggers at North Korea should be told we are only at the very beginning of the cleansing of the undesirables, other measures will be considered in the months ahead, the clown can do virtually everything he wants and will do.
Noa says @ August 29, 2024 at 6:24 pm
You, Noa, and EC should put the Tom’s site on your visit list, your sarcasm would fit in charmingly the tone of the site, Baron’s there and here as often as he can, regrettably not often enough thanks to the projects that must be tackled and completed zs soon as possible.
Noa says: August 30, 2024 at 11:30 am
“Is this it?”
Yes, that was the edition of the show, but it was the unexpected intro at the start of the program that made Mrs EC and myself fall off our chairs. I expect that the GB News management gave Mr Leo a yellow card for that. No satire allowed, by Order of the Ofcom-munists!
“It cant be long before […] Sir Keir Stoma […] makes Britain a no smirking zone.”
🙂 🙂 🙂
That’ll be all those “born again” repentant Red Wall Labour voters in Tyneside and Wearside buggered then…
Apropos GB News:
Commenting recently upon the departure from our shores of Fr Calvin Robinson, Lozza Fox hit out at GB News’ shameful treatment of the good Fr. calling their actions toward him as “shameful”. He also referred to them {GB News} as being “a bunch of controlled opposition, “cos play” freedom fighters.” A most delicious barb with more than a grain {a bucket load} of truth to it.
Baron: August 31, 2024 at 9:48 pm
In Dom Joly’s book “The Dark Tourist” there is a largish chapter devoted to his 2009 package holiday trip to the PRNK. For me the most interesting chapter of his book was his trip to Lebanon, and Beirut where he grew up.
Official statement: This one scores 10/10 on the Nandy scale:
“… our thoughts are with the family during this difficult time.”
He was homeless FFS !
We are all Winston Kodogo now!
Comedy then
and now
Oh for the days when politicians where at least as articulate and shaepminded as the comedians who satarise them.
My apologies for the dreadful spelling mistakes in that last post. If Gates and his booles can do such mutilation to a simple sentence what is the wierd bustard doing to the world?
The Pension Credit scam
In happier times, before 4th July 2024, the powers that be were always telling us that we had a top ten, first world, economy. So why are UK Pensioners treated so poorly as compared to other nations? If I could have a state pension on a par with the French then I’d vote to go back into the EU tomorrow 😉
PS.This has nothing to do with BRexit. This situation existed for the entirety of the time that the UK was in the EEC/EU
“The Truth About Starmer’s £22 Billion Black Hole.”
Now this random bloke in a far off land is difficult to listen to, but he argues his case quite well. Not that long, be patient.
All about the deleterious effects on societies over the decades of the Fabians, and also the Bank of England.
R.I.P. Paul Harrell
One of the good guys.
Nobody wants a new EV, and definitely NOT a 2nd hand one!
Net Zero legislation sales quotas have forced car dealers start rationing of sales new ICE cars.
Prices of new and second hand cars will inevitable rise!
“UAE Shocks the World by Freezing $10 Billion Rafale Jet Deal with Macron After Pavel Durov’s Arrest”.
A good start, you can see it on u-tube under the above heading, not a mention of it in our MSM.
EC says @ September 4, 2024 at 9:51 am
Regretfully, EC, Baron hasn’t come across the guy, pity because he is one of ours and very courageous, too.
EC says @ September 4, 2024 at 9:35 am
The table may not be exactly accurate, EC, the google furnishes the 2024 Ukrainian pension at 5,717.0 hrivnas or $140.36, the average Russian pension for the current year (again from google) is 20,800 Russian rubles on average, or 233.0 U.S. dollars per month at the exchange rate as of August 15, 2024.
This still doesn’t reveal the true difference because the conversion is in US dollars, not in PPP dollars, dollars that take into account the different price levels, in PPP$ the Ukrainian pensions would not be as low measured against the Russian pension, but that in itself is questionable because one of the reasons the older Ukrainians are keen on Russia is the level of pensions in the country, Putin has bought the older generation by boosting their pensions, it’s commonly acknowledged in the Russian MSM and on the internet blogs, not many young ones are happy about it.
The other country that looks odd is Finland, could it really be that the Finnish pensions are so low? Google furnished the following: ‘The average monthly pension for Finns in 2023 was 1,977 euros or $2191, the table says £662 or $870’.
It may be that the guy used other methods but the differences between what one gets googling for the data and the data in the table are just too big.
EC says @ September 3, 2024 at 9:14 am
Mr. Webb is quite right, EC, but what has happened to his nose? Was he involved in a fight? We should be told.
Baron: September 4, 2024 at 10:19 pm
“The table may not be exactly accurate, EC”
Yes, but it’s indicative and it has been for a long time! No mention of the bratwurst and sauerkraut eaters either in that table but most public employees in the Fourth Reich, and there’s a lot of ’em, get indexed linked final salary pensions – lovely jubbly!
What is beyond dispute is that British expats in certain EU countries will continue to receive the winter fuel payments. Well done Lord Frost.
Grrrrr… !
The future’s looking a little chilly for the Seniors community. Its time to start considering downsizing to something mobile but spacious, as capable of providing home comforts outside Carlisle Crown Court whilst awaiting trial for rioting or tax evasion as the local hospital for an assisted dying slot.
Sport Tent Inflatable Tent with Pump,Family Tent for 4-6 Persons with Stove Jack Hole,4 Season 3000mm Waterproof Windproof Large Air Tent Pop-Up Tents,Quick to Set up
I’ve applied for a nice centrally heated, triple glazed single occupancy cell in Estonia this winter. They also come with kitchenette and ensuite facilities, and 8K TVs with Netflix etc.
Ooh look at you with your triple glazing, cheap coke and a nice cell mate called Bubba Vlod!
But for the real internationalist there’s always Rwanda, just say you’re from Southport when you fly in from MAN to Templehof and you’ll be on the next flight out faster than you can say ‘Mein Kampf’!
Not that Baron has followed the case dot by dot, he has already told you this, but one thing mentioned also by Davies continues to puzzle, why only half of the deaths was analysed, as it happens the deaths that occurred when Lucy was on duty, what about the other deaths that happened when she wasn’t present?
Noa says @ September 6, 2024 at 9:43 am
It looks cosy and inviting, Noa, except for the gay colour, but what about if a gust of strong winds were to hit it, what then? Would the pump be of any use?
Erdogan has submitted a formal application to join the BRICS, not much in the MSM about it, in fact FA about it in the legacy media which doesn;t really surprise, it’s a blow of near biblical proportions, it may the matinee for the Turkey’s big performance, the quitting of NATO, something that would not displease the new occupant of the White House.
What a stupid thing to do for Putin to endorse Harris for President because he likes her cackling, the Americans will say quite correctly that this is a serious interference in the US election process, may even sanction him again as his endorsement must be worth millions and millions of votes, it wouldn’t surprise for Trump to be furious at Putin’s behaviour, the two were supposed to be pals.
What has the world turn into?
If you think our PR boys know the job think again, here’s what the PR crew of Mongolia came up with to cover Putin’s visit to the country, notice the guard of honour at the start of the clip, Baron rather likes it, we could have something similar rather than a bunch of young men dressed in contemporary gear, don;t you think?
Dud you nit think the honest Mongolian welcome was just a little bit…Well, gay?
All those,blues, reds and golds, and those boots!
It’s any dancing politizi summer pride march in Britain isn’t it?
Seeing Putin and t’other one bowing to the buddaesque statue of the truly evil, genocisal Ghengis Khan was a small revelation.
One small steppe for man, one gaint steppe for man-unkind.
Ps and what will Zing and the rest of China make of it? No hero he in China, despite BRICS.
Baron: September 6, 2024 at 9:47 pm
I knew David Davies would come good eventually.
Cases like this remind me of this organisational chart I came across some decades ago.
I would suggest that things haven’t changed much, except that more middle managers have managed to enter the “Blameless” category in recent times.
The chart needs updating to include a “patsy” category for high profile cases. eg. Marinus van der Lubbe, Barry George, Thomas Mair etc.
“One small steppe for man, one gaint steppe for man-unkind.”
LOL, nice one.
It won’t please the parents in many cases but an ideal present for those with grandchildren…
In the shops for Christmas
5.30.2024: American exceptionalism – Biden style
“There’s no hope for a nation that cannot even write its dates down properly.”
Alexis de Tocqueville (1835; 1840)
…. “Why aye Man”
Zhōu Ēnlái (1974)
The master:
As Lammy indulges his inner anti semite by restrictions on the supply of arms to Israel and restoring alms to the islamic genocidists via UNRWA, Melanie Phillips (remember her?) points out a few inconvenient facts to the Camel shaggers like Alaister Crook.
Noa – 11:14am
Regarding the proper use of a camel…
Noa – 11:14am
I’ve noticed Melanie Phillips appearances again recently. She has has two homes one in England and one in Israel. Has she made a tactical withdrawal to Peckham, or wherever, until peace breaks out?
This is purely a personal observation and not a comment, but…
…all the photos of Netenyahu that I’ve seen recently show him to be even more gaunt and haunted than General Taketoki Washizu (played by Toshirô Mifune) towards the end of Akira Kurosawa’s 1957 classic film adaptation of “The Scottish Play.”
Media manipulation?
Brilliant film. General Washizu ended up with more arrows in him than General Custer.
When it comes to the human condition Shakespeare has most of it, if not all, covered.
Noa says @ September 7, 2024 at 7:46 am
A Mongolian gay differs from the one of the West making, Noa, he enjoys the females.
EC says September 8, 2024 at 9:24 am
But it’s not satire, EC, it’s for real.
Noa says @ September 8, 2024 at 11:14 am
Had it been Netanyahu rather than Rabin who stopped breathing having been shot in November 1995, Noa, the ME would not be in the $hite it’s in today, the circumcised and the sheep shaggers would coexist, Baron reckons, and there would be fewer of the latter amongst us.
EC says @ September 8, 2024 at 4:46 pm
Good one, EC, but the practicality of the act of shagging escapes Baron, does one use a ladder or will a chair do?
Baron: September 8, 2024 at 11:22 pm
Imponderables, eh.
Had John Smith not died in May 1994, had the demonic Blair not got the to job and set about wrecking the country in order to “rub our noses in diversity,” how different might things have been now?
Middle East: As you said on…
Baron: October 18, 2023 at 5:52 pm
The boil is incurable not because the unwashed of all three Abrahamic faiths couldn’t live at ease with each other, they can and did, it’s because those that rule them have designs above what’s achievable, and even more because the world powers interfere for their own selfish interests, the time’s passing as it always does, but the squabbling remains essentially the same.
It still presents an intractable problem. The motives of our Special Friends are as always suspect, as they invariably driven by money and arms sales. The prospects of the Israelis ever being allowed to live in peace are imo exactly fn(sqrt{FA}). They are up against an implacable ideology more committed to their destruction than the Austrian Lance Corporal was. The Jews won’t go quietly this time!
Mr Webb has something to say about history repeating itself and previous attempts to establish a worldwide Ummah or supremacy.
Part three of Kathy Gyngel’s bio of Tommy Robinson. Its well worth reading the series, if only as a reminder how dextrous the British state is in suppressing the views if those it really fears.
“…if only as a reminder how dextrous the British state is in suppressing the views if those it really fears.”
eg. Gandhi ?
Watch out EC, Godders is in your neck of the woods and no foubt coming to an as yet unclosed pub near you for a rant.
Following the shameful scenes in the HoC yesterday of Labour MPs cheering having won the vote on removing the Winter Fuel Allowance, now this…
“Reeves Screws Pensioners Again!”
NB. Baron…
“It must be taken into consideration that Britain has just about the lowest pension of the
developed world, and indeed to be relevant to… and you know sort of
averaging the European average it would need something like a 25% over two years 25% this year 25% next year just get up to the European average.”
Noa : September 11, 2024 at 8:51 am
Crikey! I’ll keep an eye out for him !
The guy has matured, learnt the brief more than well, added his own oomph to the couple on minutes he got, and beat her to a pulp:
EC says @ September 11, 2024 at 9:00 am
Most of the pensioners vote Tories, EC, as you well now, it was expected 2TK will hit them, and why do you think Baron doesn;t believe our pensions are ow possibly the lowest in Europe?
John Meersheimers handy explanation of the Ukrainian political situation.
And an explanation of the geology in Donbass tht goodole boy Lindsay Graham so admires and covets.
Noa: September 11, 2024 at 10:37 pm
An excellent nugget of information that you dug up there.
Very interesting indeed.
Baron: September 11, 2024 at 10:03 am
“Most of the pensioners vote Tories, EC, as you well now…”
I would strongly disagree with that proposition, M’lud. The tribal voters on the social housing Labour vote plantations the length and breadth of the country would either not vote or vote Labour rather than vote Tory. There are a lot of ’em! Has anybody provided any hard evidence that it was the pensioners alone that caused the collapse of the ‘Red Wall’ in 2019? It was an anomaly brought about by anger and frustration of the electorate in general, and BoJo lying when he said he would “Get BRexit done” and sort immigration out.
I find current vogue for stigmatising the elderly, whipping up a generational war, I find quite disturbing. If every state pensioner were ZyklonB-ed by this jackbooted national socialist minded government it would make Fn(sqrt{FA}) improvement in the financial situation of the nation. This, and the last lot, waste.squander £100’s billions every year.
Old Age Pension:
Here’s the Walrus saying out loud the thoughts that I’ve trying to keep suppressed for a while now. I choose to ignore these thoughts and I’ll just keep taking the magic money while it’s on offer!
“The Old Age Pension is just another social security benefit, which can be withdrawn at any time”
NB. The old guy’s nose is gradually healing. I suspect he either had a BCC or an SQC chopped off it recently. Not exactly the most fun way to spend a morning, as I found out a few years ago!
Older people are a reservoir of inherited knowledge, experience ro gave accumulated assets and wealth and are more likely to be intelligent than younger and people un high risk environments and occupations.
For politicians and administrators of totalitarian inclination, that is, all of them, other than their wealth and property, what’s to like about that Human core of innate Conservative values?
Oh Reservoir:
Did your kids ever ask for your sage advice and then end up either ignoring or it or doing the exact opposite?
Asking for a friend 😉
Trump vs Camel A: Did I miss something?
Dontcha just trust Anderson Cooper. The most reliable Newscaster since little Brian Stelter(*) squeaked his last pip.
* (he of CNN’s ironically named “Reliable Sources” fame]
EC 4.32pm.
Yup and yep.
But, whether they (or 2TK and mates) listen isn’t the point – if they’re paying rather than the Bank of M and D.
In Stoma’s case we are paying.
Time to reform the voting ststem-OAPs (not imprisoned, tax paying , here legally etc)to have 10 votes, crims, spongers, Labour MPs,Trade Unionists, NHS and public sector shirkers to lose all voting rughts in order to restore the balance of due respect!
Noa- 8:05pm
I’ll vote for that.
It is an ill wind that doesn’t blow someone some good, so as geriatric Joesm and the Stomafuhrer escalate and create an infuriated Russia with less and less to lose by going nuclear, let’s consider what may happen.
The “cons” of nuclear war are well known: your favorite cities vapourized, friends and family instantly air-fried, etc.
So what are the “pros” of nuclear war?
1. Global warming will be immediately stopped. In fact, we’re likely to experience a nuclear winter.
2. Release of carbon from fossil fuels will drop to near zero.
3. The NHS trans surgery project you had planned will be postponed.
4. You’ll never again have to endure islamic propaganda and hate from Hope not Hate and the Socialist Workers useful morons.
5. Taylor Swift will be reduced to her constituent atoms along with many of her annoying fans.
6. Nobody will care about the Elgin marbles anymore.
7. Underfunded pensions will be a thing of the past and tge loss kf the winter fuel allowance will be superceded by the extinction of oerm, humidity.
8. Everyone will be out from under any debts they currently have.and you won’t have to file a tax return.
9.No need to worry about being sentenced to an overcrowded prison for your Facebook rant about accommodating irregular migrants in a 4☆ hotels whilst you live in a tent underneath an M6 bridge.
10. If you’ve always been annoyed by your neighbours, well, now you can eat them and their pets, especually if you live in Ohio or even Blackburn.
Problem solved!
Of course!
What’s not to hate?
Noa: 10:19 am
6. Ernest Marbles used to be Minister of Transport
10. Blackburn will be one large hole rather than four thousand of them.
John Jefferson Burns will be both a name and a statement.
Chorus: “Down by the old maelstrom… etc.”
“Starmer’s Punishment Beatings questioned in US.”
Pensioners have to pay to visit English Heritage properties; refugees go free…
City of sanctuary? Tell that to the Reivers !
For connoisseurs of weapons grade virtue signalling BS check this out…
This should get an award…
“An English Heritage spokesperson confirmed: “English Heritage is welcoming refugees into our sites free of charge. Across Britain, people are extending a warm and generous welcome to refugees, and we at English Heritage are determined to play our part. [,,,] “We think that our sites represent some of the ‘best of Britain’, places whose age, beauty and atmosphere can provide comfort in an uncertain world. Sharing them is the right thing to do,” they said.
Both Cumbria Tourism and Carlisle City of Sanctuary welcomed the move.
Gill Haigh, managing director of Cumbria Tourism said: “Cumbria is world renowned as a warm and welcoming county and this is a lovely and important gesture from English Heritage.”
Adrienne Gill, from the Carlisle City of Sanctuary group, said: “The Carlisle City of Sanctuary group welcomes this move to waive fees for people seeking sanctuary at some of our local English Heritage castles, museums and monuments. We look forward to introducing them to refugees and asylum seekers who have come from all over the world to make Carlisle their home.”
The thing that really gave rise to howls of laughter was:
“Cumbria is world renowned as a warm and welcoming county…”
Anywhere South of Milnthorpe and you might have a problem!
As John Cleese nearly said”
“Isnt Carlisle twinned wih Cleveland? Larks tongues, cats, dogs..What have the refugees ever done for us?”
As John Cleese nearly said”
“Isnt Carlisle twinned wih Cleveland? Larks tongues, cats, dogs..What have the refugees ever done for us?”
It’s a either a brave or foolhardy traveller from the south that sets foot over the border.
“A traveller lost in Liddesdale who, seeking help in vain, had cried out, ‘Are there nae Christians here?’, only to be answered, ‘Na, na, we’s all Armstrongs and Elliots.’ “
The Debateable Land, Graham Robb
George MacDonald Fraser’s history of the Northern March Reivers was one of the formative reads of my youth. The Gill Haighs of this world would have experienced a different welcome in the 15th century from that she purports to offer invaders today.
John Ward from the Slog, talking about corruption, taking back control and such.
President of Russia
Answer to a media question
Following his address to the plenary session of the United Cultures Forum, Vladimir Putin answered a question from a media representative.
September 12, 2024 18:55
St Petersburg
Vladimir Putin answered a question from a media representative.
Question: Over the past few days, we have been hearing statements at a very high level in the UK and the United States that the Kiev regime will be allowed to strike targets deep inside Russia using Western long-range weapons. Apparently, this decision is either about to be made, or has already been made, as far as we can see. This is actually quite extraordinary. Could you comment on what is going on?
President of Russia Vladimir Putin:
“What we are seeing is an attempt to substitute notions. Because this is not a question of whether the Kiev regime is allowed or not allowed to strike targets on Russian territory. It is already carrying out strikes using unmanned aerial vehicles and other means. But using Western-made long-range precision weapons is a completely different story.
The fact is that – I have mentioned this, and any expert, both in our country and in the West, will confirm this – the Ukrainian army is not capable of using cutting-edge high-precision long-range systems supplied by the West. They cannot do that. These weapons are impossible to employ without intelligence data from satellites which Ukraine does not have. This can only be done using the European Union’s satellites, or US satellites – in general, NATO satellites. This is the first point.
The second point – perhaps the most important, the key point even – is that only NATO military personnel can assign flight missions to these missile systems. Ukrainian servicemen cannot do this.
Therefore, it is not a question of allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons or not. It is about deciding whether NATO countries become directly involved in the military conflict or not.
If this decision is made, it will mean nothing short of direct involvement – it will mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European countries are parties to the war in Ukraine. This will mean their direct involvement in the conflict, and it will clearly change the very essence, the very nature of the conflict dramatically.
This will mean that NATO countries – the United States and European countries – are at war with Russia. And if this is the case, then, bearing in mind the change in the essence of the conflict, we will make appropriate decisions in response to the threats that will be posed to us.”
Noa: at 10:10 am
There’s going to come a time when Putin and Lavrov get tired of constantly having to repeat this!
They are so desperate to room for illegal migrants that…
Labour: more like Nazis every passing day!
I don’t live there, but he’s a little bit too close for comfort!
Hopefully he’ll bugger off back to Yorkshire and take his weather with him!
I predict that Labour’s housebuilding programme will be as successful as that of the Trudeau government in Canada. i.e. billions spent on Administratium and zeros houses built – hence the government’s pensioner winter cull and just announced euthanasia program.
Here’s a trip down memory lane for Baron:
My Russian Apartment Tour: A run through apartment builds form Stalin to Putin.
i.e. Stalinka buildings, Khrushchevka buildings, Brezhnevka buildings, and Novostroika
buildings (modern)
I found it quite interesting. Although sub-optimal by today’s standards the Soviet era apartments are still more than habitable and compare quite favourably with the social housing (i.e slums) built post WW2 in the UK.
Of course only 4* Spa Hotels with Michelin* chef will suffice for the recent arrivals to our shores.
@4:23 pm
Blue skies and sunshine now. Hooray! Which must mean the old sod has crossed the M6, and is travelling SE on the A65, past Ingleton. 🙂
The UKG and its tody politicians have always had a problem with its inconvenient peasantry and has controlled it by defending it, as Mencken identified, from a a series of hobgoblins, covid, Ukraine, now the Far Right.
Here’s an early example: on it!
Now our Dear Comrade, ever direct, has decided to deal with all the Goblins simoly, by just putting them straight into the Hob.
The Dear Leader is failing to to join the dots. Instead of cutting the WFA to kill off the OAPs and fill Rachel’s Black Hole (didn’t Dear Diane vote against him, or did abstinence make her heart grow Fonda?). All he needed to do was encourage more smoking! Result: NHS coffers, coughers and coffins overflowing, OAP houses emptying, Pixie Balls – Cooper’s army of Dover Beach Irregulars funded and housed out of HMCR revenues!
All well known no brainers and sorted by HM Civil Service over40 years ago.
EC says @ September 12, 2024 at 11:10 am
It’s not a proposition, EC, it’s a fact that most pensioners vote the Tories, have a look, please:
EC says @ September 14, 2024 at 9:54 am
The best option on the Winter fuel allowance for both the government and the people receiving it, EC, was to let everyone qualifying have it but tax it, people on universal credit pay no tax but as income increases so does the tax take, someone on 40% tax rate would pay 40% of the allowance back to the Treasury, to make a cut off at the level of universal credit stinks.
EC says @ September 14, 2024 at 10:14 am
Just as well that most refugees are not that keen on heritage sites, EC, very likely their concern is how to find a job better still how to join the black market, make money there.
Noa says @ September 14, 2024 at 7:23 pm
A superb rant, Noa, the descriptive slicing of the Tory government clowns’ nature deserves a prize.
Noa says @ September 15, 2024 at 10:10 am
God forbid that Putin does something that will escalate the conflict further, Noa, he missed a number of opportunities to take the initiative, he could have made a deal with Cuba à la Nikita, or the Houthis, even Iran, he hasn’t and now he seems to respond rather than take a lead.
The one thing that his military should have done is the hit the bridges over Dniepr, the supply routes to the East. On some of the Russian blogs people complain about it quite openly and harshly, it also explains the popularity of Prigozhin who was for all out war rather than the slow attrition approach to the operation.
EC says @ September 15, 2024 at 4:12 pm
As you well know, EC, it was Labour after the WW2 that fundamentally changed three public domains – that of health delivery (the NHS), education (the comprehensive model) and the policing (the abolishment of capital punishment), all three areas have been in a permanent chronic disarray since then, the law to allow assisted dying will be an addition to the trio that will deliver an identical outcome, the country will become a killers’ paradise.
EC says @ September 15, 2024 at 4:21 pm
Mr. Bloom doesn’t mix his words, EC, even when he indulges in what looks like a single malt.
Unless he takes greater precautions they will get him:
Informative and enjoyable at the same time, informative because the clip tells one what these loonies are like, enjoyable because one can have a good laugh:
As good as the two andles?
One is absolutely astonished that even Peter cannot say why the war in Ukraine started, has been backed so massively by the US and its vassals since, and will not end up until either Russia’s destroyed or Ukraine’s ceases to exist.
Read the tugging Wolfowitz doctrine, Peter, it’s all there.
Baron: September 15, 2024 at 8:55 pm
YouGov? Don’t make me laugh this early in the day/week!
1. “Using a sample of over 35,000 voters”
It didn’t say how big the sample out of 35,000 was.
2. Don’t you have to sign up to be on YouGov?
A closed group of bourgeoise PC owning coupon mining junkies then.
3. “89% of Statistics are made up on the spot” – Vic Reeves
A beautiful photograph of the happy smiling couple, though. It bolsters one’s faith in the institution of marriage
Baron: September 16, 2024 at 9:12 am
Talking into his beard, Hitchens minor’s is very careful about what he says because he’s keen to keep the £payments rolling in for his punditry. Ofcom will GB News get rid of him just like they did Mark Steyn if he drops too many truth bombs.
EC says @ September 16, 2024 at 9:40 am
Good point, EC, it’s all lies.
EC says @ September 16, 2024 at 9:55 am
That’s what Baron thought listening to him, EC, but at least he doesn’t subscribe to the forced orthodoxy of how one should see the conflict.
The guy that shot at Trump with AK-47 was promoting the Azov battalion when in Kiev, he’s seen in one of their agitprop videos, the fear is the neo-Nazis may have recruited and trained others to threaten anyone suggesting the shooting should end, the talking should begin:
“The Telegraph: rump assassination suspect Ryan Routh speaks from Ukraine in 2022”
A very good advert for making it harder for Americans to get passport or be granted visas to travel.
Baron at 11:30 am
Upon reflection, it matters not a jot who the pensioners vote for. The punishment beatings of old people, widows and disabled are not a good look. Electoral suicide. Every pensioner, widow etc, is somebody’s parent, grandparent or great grandparent. Who knows WHO their progeny voted for but one thing for certain they will be pensioners themselves one day.
Suits you sir?
Katie calls out the spiv’s visit to Melonii.
Where do the Americans breed fruitcakes like him, EC?
You know what frightens Baron? That although there aren;t that many of people like him. they are dangerous because they are willing to kill.
The story of a coconut:
How to deal with the thought Po-leese – American style
We have no such freedom in the UK
Another warmongering sucker pens a piece for the Spectator about the fighting in Sudan urging our government to get involved, questioning our closeness to UAE, which backs the wrong side, castigating the Wagner group.
Why do you think the Americans don’t get involved in Sudan, saving democracy for the good burghers of the country, what’s so special about Ukraine that has cost the US taxpayers well over $200bn and counting in addition to the billions we and the other vassal countries have spent beefing up the killing fields for the DA of Kiev. Could it be the Americans cannot be bothered with Sudan, the country doesn’t border with Russia.
EC says @
September 17, 2024 at 9:38 am
Sadly, EC, very sadly, the Americans have their freedoms chopped also, these two guys are an example of the change, why should the State get involved in what people say?
“From the liver to the spleen, Israel shall be free”.
Is there a war in Sudan over something or other? Today’s news is that ‘BBBB”, Bonkers, Bankrupt, Broken Britain is even nuttier than the descendants of the Mad Mahdi, many if not most of whom are probably are already comfortably ensconced in a council block in Shepherds Bush if not enroute here in an RNLI lifeboat.
“Here is an extraordinary and arresting statistic: of 71 countries, the UK ranks second to last in mental health. Only the good – though glum – people of Uzbekistan are more distressed and struggling than we Britons. According to the research organisation Sapien Labs, we lag behind Sudan, Yemen, Zimbabwe and many others on this wellbeing chart.
There may be decent reasons why people living in failed states run by tinpot dictators, with a GDP per capita 10 times smaller than ours, might be jollier than we are. But is it not possible that the luxury of affluence and abundance has led us to exaggerate the “problems” we have here? A recent disclosure from one Liberal Democrat councillor offers a helpful illustration of this issue: “I actually have,” she says, “a diagnosis of PTSD over Brexit…”
No need for voodoo ritual pet eating Haitian migrants up here, we’ve got “far right” black Lurchers owners! …
The cat is out of the bag!
Springfield, Ohio.
The Deep State won’t be able to get him now!
@9:54 erratum..
That should read: “we’ve got Labour vote plantation “far right” black Lurchers owners…”
… and then there’s the killer XL Bully Dogs. Lurchers don’t lunch on people!
The list of postcode areas proves my point…
Missing: Larry the Downing Street cat.
Now an Alli cat?
Trump was right!
Noa says @ September 18, 2024 at 8:36 am
Good one, Noa, made Baron more than chuckle.
EC says @ September 18, 2024 at 1:07
It’s comforting to know, EC, that when it comes to setting priorities the British cannot be bettered, Larry should be found whatever the cost, failing in this endeavour may lead to WW3 for Baron more than suspects the evil hand of Putin behind the feline disappearance.
It’s all happening and Baron’s missing the all, he has other duties to perform, has little time to absorb the news of the world slowly but irrevocably edging to another apocalypse, an apocalypse no doubt more painful that the one initiated by Adolf.
What do you make of the pagers’ explosions, now apparently even i-phones are blowing up people’s bodily parts, how on earth could, whoever’s behind it, have managed it? Many suspect Hungary, but would Orban nod to such a sickening enterprise?
More to the point, if it turns it’s true that even i-phones can explode would that not hurt the sale of the Apple devices, push people to acquire the equivalent Chinese gadgets (say) made by Huawei? Would it not put people also off buying any electronic device that has Israeli or even American made high-tech bits inside?
All it needs now is one or two of the i-phones in use in Europe or outside the ME to detonate for the public to be running scared, a self inflicting damage for the sake of injuring a few thousands of Hezbollah nutters, but also civilians and apparently two children are dead because of it, a short term success, but a long term fiasco, it feels like.
That made Baron’s day, cheered him up for hours (but not a minute longer):
The Miller’s piece was published months ago, Baron read it but before dr. Salisbury’s rant, tonight out of interest Baron clicked on the piece again to find the wanker’s long piece, could you help putting him right? Baron will do his bit when he has the time.
Baron: September 18, 2024 at 8:30 pm
WW3 was averted last weekend, M’lud, when our igNoble Knight went to Washington with er… [redacted] and got told in no uncertain terms not to bomb Russia and, in essence, to “fuck off back home and don’t rock the boat.” It’s seems that the Russians’ final warning that any retaliation wouldn’t just involve Europe finally got through their skulls.
@11:09 pm
Larry should have been put on the fourth plinth!
Stick to chicken for any meat based effnick takeaways for the time-being.
Baron: 12:47
Miller: “Putin’s Russia is a gangster state led by a monstrous tyrant”
As is the UK after only 90 days since Starmageddon.
The USA has been behaving that way since it thought it could rule the world after WW2.
Not only does Miller sound like an idiot, he doesn’t sound that useful either.
Baron, Now on to matters of greater import!
“Zločiny Velké Prahy (The Crimes of Greater Prague) “
This 2021 series of 10 episodes is currently screening on Amazon Prime.
A costume police drama set in 1922 during the First Czechoslovak Republic (1918-1938)
The language is impenetrable, and not just because I’m half deaf!
I expected to hear more German or Russian influences in the dialogue?
Is the Czech language the same as Hungarian? How slavic is it?
How/where does Czech fit in with the regional languages of the regions Romania, Bulgaria, Balkans etc. ?
Completely baffled, and I’m fluent in “Pingu” after watching all the cartoons when our children were young!
The Salusbury Review is strangely Orthodox about the Ukraine conflict and seems to have adopted the neocon/Conservative party narrative without review or challenge.Ive had one or two scuffles with the surprisingly ill and uninformed precious types that believe Scruton was the last word in Conservative thinking on there.
Even so I’m saddened that the current edition is the last print copy due to costs.
The good news is thatcthe online edition is £10 per annum.
With Cabinet members like Mad Ange 3GK is home and dry.
Noa says @ September 19, 2024 at 10:06 pm
The girl is quite convincing, Noa, towards the end Baron began to feel for the man thinking how unjust the world is towards the greatest legal mind and one of the Britain’s political greats … (only joking).
EC says @ September 19, 2024 at 10:06 am
the Czech language belongs to the Slavonic group of tongues, EC, it’s probably the most difficult to master because of the complex inflections in virtually every shape you can think of like a case, gender, number, tense, person, mood, or voice, just as the definition of it says it, it’s useless, only 10mn people speak it, Baron advice has always been ‘avoid’. There also are many local patois, one in the Sudetenland is sickeningly awful, a mixture of Czech, Polish and German, arghhh
The best sounding of the Slavonic languages is Russian, the least liked (by Baron anyway) is the Polish language, the others fall in between, the Hungarian is totally different, it links to the Nordic languages, as is Rumanian which is close to French.
Thanks for the tip on the Czech detective stories, Baron will look it up, he’s watching the French Maigret series with a pipe smoking Bruno Cremer, a new one is on each Tuesday at one minute past midnight, a glass of g&t or single malt goes nicely with it.
EC says @ September 19, 2024 at 9:31 am
One of the posting on the subject of the new plinth, EC, says ‘the pigeons will do the job in time’.
If you have the time listen to the two men, they make sense:
This is how Britain’s 21st century democracy works:
Baron: at 8:26 pm
When I saw the Bridgen result on July 5th my initial reaction was one of disbelief.
Something rotten went on there, but without a whistle blower and some hard evidence nothing will be done.
Has “Free Gear Keir” published his Christmas wish list yet?
It’s beyond crazy, the more we anger the other the greater the possibility of another atrocity, if they left the boy alone, took a picture, visited the family, explained it was against the law to wave the Palestinian banner the outcome would have been much better, Baron’s far from backing the followers of Allah but we have to be smart to defeat them, arresting young boys doesn;t feel smart:
It’s more frightening than anything else, not because of the parameters of either of the cars but because what the Chinese engineers are capable of, does any other country, and that includes the great US, have any chance to compete? What are we, the non-Chinese going to do, take up knitting?
The fast talking man is telling us a lot about the desirability of the electric contraptions, even if you are not car enthusiasts you must admit the guy’s story is convincing, the existence of only one Merc, diesel estate of the 320cc category for sale in the 2nd hand market shows people have no desire to dispose off the internal combustion cars, embrace the electric contraptions:
War pigs.. ?!
Noa says @ September 23, 2024 at 10:04 pm
Rather disappointed that Wesley Clark signed it, the clip about his visit to the Pentagon where he learns about the US hitting five ME countries is still available on u-tube, it’s a pure condemnation of the American elite bullying and more, it may be he’s trying to repent for it, pity.
Noa 10:04pm; Baron 10:03am
“The endorsement seems like the Babylon Bee wrote it and contains numerous absurdities.”
Indeed, satire is dead!
The list given is proof beyond reasonable that the signatories are all completely stark staring mad!
The “War pigs” of the US and Europe are going the right way to transition themselves and everybody else into “crackling”, or “pork scratchings” Somewhat disappointingly for at least 2 out of 3 of the Abrahamic desert death cults nobody will be exempted!
Trump was better option that Hittlery in 2016, and he is a better option than Camel-A in 2024 but it’s more marginal than people think. By no means have our “‘special friends” got our, or indeed Europe’s, best interests at heart. Like the Ukeraniums we are just cannon fodder for the Neocon 21st century project to asset strip the Ivans. Nobody is coming to rescue us, and the sooner that realisation dawns by all the NATO vassal states the better!
Baron : September 23, 2024 at 6:43 pm
The Germans are shockers, always have been. As, indeed, are the French CRS.
Not exactly what Sir Robert Peel had in mind.
The police in most countries now are divided into two specialised squads. Both squads instruments, or tools, of state repression:
1. Paramilitary clad shock troops, bovine, baton wielding head crackers.
2. Agents of the surveillance state, Thought Police, Social Media eavesdroppers.
The tool of the toolmaker has recently coopted the Judiciary as his personal tool too.
Baron:September 23, 2024 at 9:17 pm
“What are we, the non-Chinese going to do, take up knitting?”
When you’ve got the hang of it then please can you knock me up a Lamborghini Muira SV, M’lud… 😉
“Jeremy Clarkson reveals what he thinks of electric cars in Grand Tour Finale”
…and so say all of us, well me at any rate.
EC says @ September 24, 2024 at 3:39 pm
First class points, EC, but have a tiny bit more of (granted), unwarranted optimism, nothing ever lasts, everything has an end, just as human lives come to ends, regimes collapse.
EC says @ September 24, 2024 at 4:19 pm
Could Baron join you and Clarkson, please.
The danger the deluded fruitcakes that govern us may and probably will price the lovers of the petrol engine out, they will make petrol in relative terms as expensive as cigarettes, a packet of 20 sells for over fifteen quid, Baron remember buying a packet of Peter Stuyvesant in the early 70s for three shillings and sixpence, then the VAT kicked in in 1973 (?) and the cost got hiked to four shillings and sixpence (what is it in the new ‘Europeanised currency?).
Sausages are welcome here.
No doubt the Neo-Stalinists will ensure that petrol will become too expensive for use by anyone but the Chinese and Russians-and the pollyticians.
How they will do it, whether by penal taxation or rationing, or a mixture of both, is simply a matter of expedience. It hurt many, but not all.
Pollyticians are not unfeeling. Their pipes and drains get blocked up just like real humans. They are humans too, (but not nasty smelly old people). Their fuses blow too. you know, so exemptions from road and fuel taxes will be granted to ‘key skills’, plumbers, sparkies, and armoured Range Rover mechanics.
There’s a clue here too.
Why are the gaylord hairdressers of the world really buying Keir hus shut abd glasses? Well, it’s a great way of getting on the exemptions from inconvenient laws list.
But if you’ve got grabdchildren a safe career awaits them in Keir’s stasi.
“The tool of the toolmaker” 🙂
What have the toolmakers ever done for us?
Fast track long term imprisonment for After Eight tweet crime.
Its good too see the housewives of Britain being sent back to their kitchen stoves, with or without their Cumberland sausages.
Will Trump make it to the election?
It’s almost as though the deep state didn’t support the basic principles of democracy.
This is rather wonderful…
… as is this
“Room Sits In Stunned Silence After Black Woman Says What Few Will Admit”
@11:05 am. Starmer-gate: Die Würsten kommt noch!
@9:45pm. With the Ukeranium, the Iranium Mullahs, and most probably the CIA out to get him I reckon his chances are about 50/50. If they are successful then a not so civil war will ensue.
Tucker Carlson Network: “Jack Posobiec Reveals There Are Five Assassination Teams Targeting Donald Trump”
“The book that Brussels doesn’t want you to read”
An interesting channel:
Too good not to share…
“Keir Starmer Talks His Autumn Wardrobe”
Datei unter: Bringen die Würstchen nach Hause, usw.
“What is the point of him?”
Steer Klear Keir’s falken out of love affair with Britain’s people.
Noa – 7:20pm
I watched the two Greek blokes yesterday. They appear to have escaped to Kuala Lumpur!
I’m a tad jealous of all that that warmth.
I watched the bearded Alex become ever more incredulous as London Alex of the green wallpaper laid out just “what’s been going on” to him. The disbelief on the former’s face was amazing…
Last night in Downing Street…
“Move along there, nothing to see here…”
“He’s Lived A Complete LIE” – Mike Graham & Lady Isabel
Question Marks About Keir Starmer’s Past
If you click on the YouTube “CC” icon [subtitles/closed captions] you’ll note that the “algorithm” several times converts the spoken words “Keir Starmer to the text “Queer Starmer.” How embarrassing 🙂
Indeed it makes one wonder, “what does AI know that we don’t know?”
File under: Fibrillating Sffinctarse etc.
I wonder what, five years on, the Blogfather, who never minced his words, would have had to say about it all…
Vintage Spike Milligna:
The BBC would never let this be screened today!
… and THIS
Ed, Greta & Kweir’s Bath ‘n Bog Patrol
The Camel corps rides again!
The Camel corps rides again!
How do we now unfailingly recognise when the public is being patronised by its politicians?
When the politician in question lecturing us on TV is tieless.
It’s no longer fashionable for our lumpen political class to demonstrate good manners the public by wearing a tie, except literally, amongst their peers: at Lords, in the Lords and whist visiting their clubs.
“A face like a swollen thumb…”
Noa: 1:30 pm
Andrew Lawrence’s impersonations of our dear leader are becoming more Camp with every episode. Tomorrow’s edition will have added Polari à la Kenneth Williams, I guarantee.
I notice that today the Pressitutes are in full misdirection mode running cover stories for No. 10, with front pages devoted to two of the most despicable [imo] characters in the country, namely Boris and Philip Schofield.
There is a dark secret at the seat of this government which everybody in the Westminster bubble knows, but which has been kept from the peasantry by use of a High Court legal suoer tool.
Maybe one of the Sunday Papers will break the story to the rest of us great unwashed tomorrow?
Simon Webb has also thrown his hat in the ring…
Best comment so far is:
BREAKING – Rosie Duffield Quits Labour Party – Slags Off Starmer and his “inner circle”!
“Maybe one of the Sunday Papers will break the story to the rest of us great unwashed tomorrow?”
Mm. Maybe not. I have great hopes however that Pravda or Izvestia might break the news soon. No doubt the newest recruit to the Azov Brigade knows about Kier and the holes he gets himself into.
“…Simon Webb has also thrown his hat in the ring…”
Sadly I very much doubt that Kier will give it back!
Noa 9:34am; 9:37am
Your are of course correct on both counts, Guv.
Well, he certainly rose to the top of the sump.,_Baron_Alli
File under: Archimedes etc.
According to the late Geoff Hoyle today is already too late.
EC says @ September 29, 2024 at 10:48 am
The Wiki information reveals a lot, EC, thanks for it, Baron wasn’t aware the guy’s openly gay, and the front pages you posted are enough to see how the MSM see the world, war ranging in more than one place, we may be close to a global armageddon and they yap about some dancing frivolity, arghhh
And now all together:
It’s truly impossible to decide who to believe, but the video below seems to suggest that most of the Iranian missiles were not intercepted either by the Israeli dome or the Americans, the Iranians claim they totally destroyed the Nevatim airbase, one of the biggest in Israel, this cannot be true, to fully eliminate the facility would need more than the number of missiles Iran has fired:
The very recent review of the Russia’s nuclear doctrine by Putin didn’t sound as a surrender, just the opposite, but that may have been deliberate if Paul Roberts and Helmer are right that Medinsky will make concessions to the DA of Kiev in the peace talks that the Donald will initiate (provided he gets in).
Are you still with us or have you switched to the Woolwich?
Longish, but worth reading:
Your last comment numbered 2442 was palindromic !
Meanwhile somewhere else…
# Breaking #
Shock poll reveals that Trump will fail on November 5th.
The Babylon Bee is the ONLY news site that you can trust!
Later this evening, pour yourself a generous glass of your favourite drink, sit back and watch this:
Glencoe 02:10:24
It’s only 14 mins but you’ll see much of the Western Highlands in crystal clear conditions.
You will also get to witness a Brocken Spectre!
“The Brocken Spectre, first described in 1780 by Johann Silberschlag, derives its name from the ‘Brocken’ peak in the Harz Mountains of Germany. The circular rainbow observed by Fawcett is often seen in conjunction with the Spectre and is referred to as a ‘glory’.”
By coincidence, as a teenager was a fairly reluctant participant in a route march up and down and through the Harz Mountains. In misty conditions too.
Sadly, I didn’t see the Spectre !
Bon weekend, M’lud
Whatever happened to that Levanon war? Like the Brocken n spectre it seems to gave disappeared faster than the lovebite from an Osmanic neck nibble!
‘Caabon capture, wĥaack!!’
Something to console the Anfield faithful when the Lob scouse is rationed and No Beer Keir has served the last pint.
And sometimes the comments are better than the article itself, do read the excellent readers letter from Rueben Wade.
Lest we forget. The horror of the 7th October massacres from the viewpoint of those involved.
And a sneak preview of Britain’s own dystopian future. 10 years? 20?
Harry Harrison’s Stainless Steel Rat brilliantly captured the conundrum of civilisation defending itself from mindless barbarism. The West’s own civilisational front line is in places precariously held no more than 20 miles from the eastern Mediterranean coast.
How did I miss this?
And how did the BB staffers find out about the Project?
Another No brainer from the Muncunian remsiner.
“…We’ll retain Cornwall as an enclosure for the Royal family…”.
EC says @ October 4, 2024 at 5:46 pm
The North Carolina spoof is quite enjoyable, EC, but it’s not a fiction, if the DA of Kiev were smart he would lend the money instead of wasting it fighting the Russians.
Scotland has a lot to offer, a truly stunning countryside in the highlands, Baron’s family used to do the annual pilgrimage to Duirinish, Kyle of Lochalsh, Plocton for 15 years, the problem are the midges, without this nuisance the country would top the list of many a holidaymaker.
Noa says @ October 5, 2024 at 9:36 am
Why did people vote for the deluded clowns, Noa, it has been known for years what policies would Labour pursue on climate, yet many cast their votes for them, it may indeed be true that a nation gets the leadership it deserves.
The problem has always been the voters.
Cheapskates all of them. Fools wanting to believe the best Web spinner and willing to buy the biggest bottle if snake oil he is selling.
The law restricting voting to property ownership were sensible and just. However small the elector had a direct stake in the land, the nation which formed it, the money it generated and the tax he could afford to pay. The landless were supported by the work he could provide and his charitable nature and donations.
The very essence of government is a permanent civil war between the Haves and the Have Nots, grossly distorted by the fact that there are far Many more Haves than Nots.
That rant should conclude “there are far many more “Have nots” than “Haves””.
Is it just me that considers it to be ironic that a prominent Jew, Esther Rantzen is the leading media proponent and of State sponsored Gerontion Genocide?
Noa: October 6, 2024 at 11:30 am
“The Walrus” also highlighted this recently. I have never liked the woman, or the awful iterations of her ripped off show. I think that, if Mrs Desmond Wilcox The Second is so keen on the idea then should be given every assistance to “blaze the trail down the conveyor belt., so to speak.
I have never liked Sundays. In my youth “Pick of the Pops” and “I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again” on the radio were the early evening highlights. Sunday evening TV was dire but more tolerable before Wilcox got straddled. The Billy Cotton Band Show was lot better than what came after it.
File under: WAKEY-WAKEY!
Noa: October 5, 2024 at 1:16 pm
“…We’ll retain Cornwall as an enclosure for the Royal family…”.
Bwa-hahahahahaha. Excelllent!
Noa: October 5, 2024 at 12:16 pm
The “Intel Lady” is brilliant!
Deliciously scurrilous satire. She has an eye for detail too, right down to the poorly laundered knickers on display! 🙂
File under: Brand X not Persil™
Noa: October 6, 2024 at 9:43 am
Democracy today? Best summarised as: “Those who promise to rob Peter to pay Paul can always rely on the vote of Paul.”
Noa says: October 5, 2024 at 10:12 am
I’m afraid the future holds nothing good on this over populated polluted rock.
A fresh start? If Elon is successful in his bid to “Occupy Mars” I’m afraid than Homo Sapiens will take all it’s baggage with it.
I must re-read the exploits of James Bolivar DiGriz to cheer myself up a bit!
Baron: October 5, 2024 at 8:50 pm
These days the roads of the Western Highlands, and especially the Lake District are choked with tourist vehicles almost 365/365. Ow-er large Camper-vans and caravans are a particular problem. Sadly these places are not the tranquil scenic idylls places they once were!
God save the Midges!
The Navy Lark down under… in more ways than one.
“DEI Hire Crashes $100 Million Navy Ship”
A great loss to Yorkshire!
That photo in the above video @0:18 sec is the spitting image of former Metropolitan Police Chief Cressida Dick! Why do these people always look the same?
The above story just keeps better and better…
“Arriving in the south seas, the vessel was retooled as a state-of-the-art military asset with the promise of a bright and limitless future.”
1. Shirley, the ship should’ve be detooled?
2. A future of ever after, in a land of rainbows and unicorns and rainbow unicorns!
Only Pravda dare print the truth that The Spectatesman and the Daily Mirror et al dare not utter! Well done Dmitry!
EC and mi’lud
For those who would brave the horrors of the A9 and Ali Humza’s 40 SNP Glasgae thieves the road past Stirling to the Isles, that ‘land of a thousand lovebites’ is a relief, and a delight to drive and view at this time of year, despite the wild hags, or is that haggii?
And here’s a reminder,
courtesy of Pravda, of what the real attraction is.
No brainer (but no nickers)-with siddiqi!
Godders and The Jolly Heretic (Prof.Edward Dutton) explore the childhood of Sir No Beer (&others)
“The Dark Psychology Of Keir Starmer – Why Do Politicians Have Mental Disorders?”
They seem like nice girls…
Part of the Colonel’s drive to halt the decline in population?
“Ах, вы сени мои, сени”
I’m deeeply sympathetic to the immensity and complexity of the muultituse and variety of the threats which apparantly threaten to overwhelm our perplexed and overstretched, that is civil service codespeak for underfunded, home security service, MI5.
Its leader, an anxious and serious looking if not reassuring confidence inspiring chap by the name if Ken McCallum, tells us that there are a range of growing threats out there, ISIS is back! Via some sub group via Afghanistan apparently, Brummie gave apparantly been rushing there to try and join it. A couple of them were jailed for it, for 8 and 10 years 12 months ago he says. It seems like only yesterday that over
30,000 were fleeing the place to get here, so a couple going there seems an infintismal loss, and even thiugh small, a welcomereduction on the equally hard pressed state benefits budget.
Still, bang em if you can catch ’em, Ken!
Those damn Iranians are up to something too, though it’s kess clear just what, on the streets apparantly, just likevthe troublesome Russkies. Dropping litter perhaps, empty Stolnichnia bottles perhaps?
But the real threat is apparantly the threat from the Far Right. Computer savvy schoolboys as young as 13 are apparantly interspering their normal and healthy online porn with, what, exactly? Downloading Mein Kampf? Hardcore videos of the Southport riots?
Remarkably Ken fais to allude at all to the greatest terrorist threat at all we face, the rampant collective hotbeds of extremism, asininity, greed and treachery that constitute the Lords and Commons.
Still, Ken is really asking then for more money, so he’s unlikely to bite the hands that he wants to feed his voracious service even as, with 660 000 residence visas granted last year it actively imports ever more work for his doughty team to do.
On the bright side he has a Prime Minister who shares his draconian approach to the Far Right teenage onanists abd has conveniently started to empty the prisons to
accommodate them. And did the departing offenders include the recently gaoled Birmingham Two, one wonders? Now safely on their way to Kabul after a body building and ISIS indoctrination course at His Majesty’s hostelry?
If so we should not be surprised The politics bf the madhouse now prevail in a country where schoolboys of patriotic disposition are investigated and derained while the wardens scour the world’s sewers to replace them.
Noa says @ October 6, 2024 at 9:43 am
A brilliant point, Noa, even if it took Baron ages to respond, he’s been on the move, still is, but will rejoin you and EC soon in the joint effort to educate the ones that cannot be educated.
EC says @ October 7, 2024 at 11:40 am
Let’s add to the list of stuff to be saves the haggis and the single malt, EC, Baron’s keen on them more than on the midges.
Noa says @ October 7, 2024 at 4:47 pm
Fancy, Noa, it should be the Pravda that speaks the truth about the monster, and on issues other than the Halloween creatures of the myth.
EC says @ October 9, 2024 at 2:17 pm
Unbelievable that you should post them, EC, Baron has been listening to their singing, not often, but certainly for years.
Noa says @ October 10, 2024 at 5:31 pm
Had he made the speech twenty years ago, Noa, it would have been ISIS, Iraq and Russia.
Another solid example of our policymaking based on lies, half-truths and deceptions, it will bury us unless common sense kick in.
EC says @ October 9, 2024 at 9:04 am
The slow speaking chap is getting better and better, EC, good on him.
I came across this link to Pat Buchanon being interviewed about his ɓooj ” Hitler, Churchill andctge unnecessary war” back in 2008. Like the book the man is contentious, fascinating, perhaps flawed but always thought provoking. He holds Churchill responsible through his role in the two world wars for the destruction of the British Empire, an assessment with which I concur. Witness how WC pushed Chamberlain to give the Poland guarantee and then criticised him for doing so. His ‘we shall fight them on the beaches, we shall never surrender” speech prevented a negotiated peace and condemned us to a subsidiary role in victory and set us on the road to our present wretched state of decline.
A moderate Anglophile at heart Pat captures it well.
Safe travels and return, milud.
Noa has been attending to the squirrel infestation in his roof and new, remotely controlled gates and in consequence his scribbles gave been at best hurried and semi literate.
Apologies gentlemen for that, the wit and views you have shared have provided many welcome moments of humour, insight and reflection.
Noa: October 10, 2024 at 5:31 pm
“Remarkably Ken fails to allude at all to the greatest terrorist threat at all we face, the rampant collective hotbeds of extremism, asininity, greed and treachery that constitute the Lords and Commons.
That is exactly what I think.
I’m only surprised in that in the myriad of threats mentioned in the Grauniad article that Kim Wrong Un and the PRNK didn’t get a mention. The fat bastard must’ve felt slighted about that!
“In a 2024 speech he stated that Russia’s intelligence agency has been on a mission to generate “mayhem on British and European streets”
No, a non-indigenous person murdering little girls at a dance class did that.
Also I fail to see that Russia has got to do with the weekly anti-Israel protests on the streets of Britain and Europe. I’d say that the actions of another nation, which must never be criticised for anything whatsoever no matter how small, just might have had something to do with that. Zero Ivans required!
Ken must think that we were all born yesterday.
Back in the early days of MI5 when Russian agents really were trying to infiltrate Trade Unions and other organisations the spy boss at that time was an odd but very clever chap called Maxwell Knight. He never met any of the agents that he recruited “at the office,” the reason for that being he said, “There’s too many bloody spies there.”
Noa : October 11, 2024 at 12:42 am
Very interesting, thank you.
Here’s Condoleeeeeeza with her pre-election charity appeal on behalf of the impoverished members of the “Military Industrial Complex” community.
She just doesn’t get it, does she? The US has had its turn at running the world and made a really poor job of it. They’ve screwed everybody over since WW2, and now the Neocons within have screwed over the US itself. Rotten at the core, mired in corruption, sleaze and debt, their time as the world’s bully boy is at an end.
What is it with these pianists anyway?
Will The Donald/Camel-A let her keep ‘elensky as a pet, d’ya think?
File under: 10 inch pianist
Thanks for the Rice link.
She’s probably right in so much as the US isn’t going to renounce its role as world hegemon quietly at the least there’s always those ‘allies’ to bully: Britain and Germany in particular both have an inexhaustible production line of political lickspittles ready to apply their tongues to the MICs fundament.
And as Condy illustrates, if it is prepared to recognise the true needs of the world’s rising economies the US has a world beating industry in which it can remain unsurpassible: American dental work leaves the teeth of its elites as immaculate an example of chromed perfection as the front bumper of a Lincon Continental. Therein lies their key to domination of the world’s future markets.
EC says @ October 11, 2024 at 2:47 pm
The Condolee’s delusional short sums up what the American Govern^n g Elite is aiming for, EC, they left it too late for the reasons you furnish, the question is how will the dethroning happen, will it be a relatively peaceful sharing or will the old hegemonic monster convulse internally or involve the rest of the planet in a turmoil of biblical proportions?
“What the hell is America trying to do?”, asks HMS Terror on another blog and answers:
“They’re trying to split the China-Russia axis that threatens American supremacy. The circle-jerking echo-chamber in which they live and operate resounds of America’s decades long pre-eminence. They’ve spent their adulthood and careers marinated in it, and they’ll die embalmed in it. They’re no more aware of it than a fish knows it’s wet, and they can imagine a world where America is less than pre-eminent no more than a fish can imagine a dry life.
All that results in their conviction that they have the power to intimidate China – that the Chinese fear war even more than they fear losing Western business. Unfortunately for them, Russia & China have gamed this out. Past masters of the calculus of power, they’ve done their sums and waited patiently for the cracks in the American led West’s power to widen to the point where the entire structure is in jeopardy”.
As one of the postings says: the AK-47 is the gun for the common man:
Noa says: October 11, 2024 at 12:51 am
Glad, Noa, there is someone else with the same take on the tree rat, Baron regards it as the prime menace killing the singing birds, he must have dispatched scores of them in the last few years, yet they coma back again and again.
After the Rachel Reeves as Chancellor impersonation we may enjoy the disposal of our common foe.
Pat Buchanon talking about his book “Death of a Superpower”.
The concerns of the US are those of the UK.
It’s deja vu to say we’ve been here before.
EC says:
October 11, 2024 at 10:48 am
Excellent analysis, covering ground, on Russia, Iran and PRI scarcely consudered let alone nentioned mentioned.
The whole peech is an exercise in fantasmagorical scaremongering and holding out the departmental begging bowl.
One of his best:
Noa says @ October 11, 2024 at 7:05 pm
That’s quite clever of you, Noa.
One’s gone, many to come still, one hopes.
Give Keir a chance, comrades!
He’s only been in public orifice for a hundred days and he certainly hasn’t net his Waterloo yet.
It takes even the truly gifted like Him to organise the necessary work camps, fields and canvas cities in which to move the bulk of the population.
You must agree that in wealth and property confiscation he’s off to a flying start. That, together with his assisted net zero energy abd euthanasia policies should rid our near future utopia of its useless aged, complaining mouths.
I do see a benefit here. All those anti-fracking and Green luvvies protesters with be able to join tge rest of us in sheltering under disused motorway bridges in vermin infested quilts.
He is making significant progress too in the matter of the useless NÈETs and the societtaly non contributory young, which nowadays comprises anyone under 66.
His threat to introduce compulsory conscription feeds well into his constructive campaign to commence a war with Russia, which has obligingly confirmed it will happily reciprocate.
His renewed commitment to WEF and WHO dogmas happily ensures that Starmocracy will be here to lead us for the next 4 years – and forever!
Noa: 10:54 am
A good omen?
Reportedly, after 100 days Madame Tussaudes have yet to ask Sir Freegear for one of his spare suits and a pair of spectacles. Waxworks are expensive and they adopting a “wait and see” policy to see if he makes it past Christmas!
Shouldn’t Toussi’s be asking Lord Alli Alli for Sir Rōhmster’s suitably discarded garmentry?
There used to be a somewhat convoluted legal argument between the passing of property and the passing of title in property and I’m sure that in the interests of propriety, probity and the dignity of the upper and lower Houses neither
Knight nor Peer would wish to give away the tokens of affection they may exchanged.
The right to publish Johnson’s memoirs of his disastrous period as a politician and Prime Minisrer of our poor (in all senses) benighted country apparantly cost Wiliam Collins £5,2 million.
And I confess I havent read it. His bibulous, bombastic self audulatog prose style has always irritated me, like a louse trying to crawl out from a hairdresser’s dryer
Nor, seeing its title was “Unleashed” am I likely to. “Unlashed” would have been better was my first thought. The man’s sexual activities have provided ribald entertainment for both me and the country, if not the wives, paramour, mistresses and unnumbered offspring of his fertile, unemcumbered loins for years.
Perhaps, I thought, its title was appropriate. Though short, the Blond rug does have the appearance amd character of a shaggy St Bernard, eager to please,
always willing to chomp your shoe, then hump your leg or the wife, whichever comes first.
The new Spectator editor Michael
Gove reviews it in this weeks sadly diminished weekly. in a piece dripping with barely suppressed vitriol, loathing and hatred he manages to damn BlowJo whilst praising himself as Minister for Inequalities. In the resulting tsunami of public money, from Covid to EU extortion and the bottomless pit of inequality, this pair of faux Conservatives and wet liberals excelled in their staffing it against the wet leg of their respective political chimeras.
It is a review which might encourage a buyer to get it for his dog to chew, when it slips unread from his sleeping hand.
And as I saw yesterday in the Works where it is already reduced and available at half its list price of £30 it is a view the public, glad to see the back of the parasitic pair of them, clearly shares.
100 days.
But things can only get better…?
“And as I saw yesterday in the Works where it is already reduced and available at half its list price of £30”
LOL Pulped by Easter!
By Gove! The Scotia Nostra [© Frank P] still at the helm of the Spectatesman, post disposal, then…
At least Frasier wiil now be free to resume his former occupation of part-time Cornishman with all that entails…
File under: Jamaicy Inn, lamplighters, footpads, Bodmin etc.
I dearly hope that the rumours of the imminent closure of Sly News are true.
Hopefully more of the same will soon follow Boulton, Burley and Rigby around the s-bend of history.
As Snivel takes the helm at the Spanktater we witness the slow death of Conservative thought, (except in honourable but much restricted blog commentators).
Here’s an essentially navel gazing piece from the Septic.
EC at 9.14am
Interesting, I hadn’t heard that. Perhaps we can hope import the Sky News Australia team to replace the present dreadful crew…
Noa says:
October 13, 2024 at 9:56 am
Sorry about the spelling mistake.
It should of course be the Spanklater.
On a lighter note, scan down for the three songs, also look at the two cartoons close to each other, the top one says ’till death do us part’, the one below has a poster say, ‘no, that’s not us, this is us’.
Baron 5:03pm
It was the Easter Islanders that made me smile.
Continuing the lighter note…
A tale of a succulent Chinese meal, an American Express “investigator” and some even dumber Brisbane cops, one of whom was a groper!
Some background…
Quite a character!
Is this a comment?
It’s number #3000 anyway…
The gift of laughter may be universal, but we do not always share the same taste in humour.
Humanity remains unchanged though. The Ukranian soldier returning home to discover his unfaithful wife is universal as arecthe jokes at his expense.
Tarnation! It was only #2500
Now I know how Sherpa Tensing felt when Edmund Hillary beat him in the race to the top of Everest.
And the story behind the chinese takeaway.
Before the imposition of sanctions in 2014 Russia imported $35b worth of agricultural produce from apples to pork, how has the situation changed since, today the Russian producers of pork and chickens satisfy fully the domestic demand but also succeeded in capturing a noticeable share of the export market, it shows how counterproductive sanctions are for a country that has the natural resources, the finance and the will to counter the effect of any measures aimed at destabilising its economic sectors.
This guy should run with the Donald:
Noa says @ October 14, 2024 at 10:04 am
It’s amazing, Noa, both the guy’s performance and the fact it’s still on u-tube, but then it’s the Chinese he’s making fun of, not those whose grievances we haven;t yet fully satisfied.
EC says @ October 14, 2024 at 9:34 am
He should have taken the cops to the court, EC, but then he’s alive not like the Brazilian young man that got shot by mistake on the tube in London.
EC says @ October 14, 2024 at 9:42 am
The number 2500 isn’t bad either, EC, quite an achievement considering nobody has ever jumped on us.
If only half of it is true, it’s beyond scary:
@9:30pm. He said in the interview that he’s, “All In.”
@10:19pm Add Elon the Wunderkind’s Tesla Phone and satellite Starlink system into the mix roo. But will his “AI” be any more benevolent than Apple, Google, Nokia, Microsoft etc? He says it will but we have no control over that.
In fact the control over our lives diminishes by the day. “They” are making it increasingly impossible to exist without a mobile phone. Apps for every occasion. You’ll soon need one just in order to break wind.
George Orwell must be chuckling in the hereafter… that it is now almost obligatory to buy these EXPENSIVE devices that eavesdrop and spy on us, record our every move!
Longish, but top quality:
EC says @ October 15, 2024 at 8:30 am
Good point on Musk, EC.
Scroll down, listen to George Webb saying two Iranian hitman are still in the country …
Why would the Iranian mullahs want to kill the Donald if they have no desire for a war with the Americans?
An excellent post, milud. You and indeed EC and I should write more for a,wider public.
In confess I have something in work atm and may send it to the same site…
Dullness be my friend in the Starmockracy of our future.
Personally I believe the Sausage maker to be a very bad bugger indeed.
Noa: 11:49am Thanks for the link.
and Baron: Wow, that was a mighty piece. An excellent tour de force.
Here’s a warning about the MIC that went unheeded:
President Eisenhower’s Farewell Address – January 17, 1961
It’s all worth listening to, but his comments on the birth of the MIC start at around 5mins50sec.
Hearing Eisenhower, articulate, cogent is like a breath of fresh air compared to the senility and gibberish of Biden and Harris But, there again, the audience that Eisenhower was addressing was much better educated than the dumbed down serfdom that exists today. It was a literally a different country.
Noa: October 16, 2024 at 12:17 pm
Good article. When it comes to Trotskyists, then Hitchens certainly knows his stuff !
Plan A: If the Press ever grow a pair of balls then sausages may yet well come back to topedo the HMS Starmer.
Plan B: If the upcoming budget is the shit-show that everyone expects it to be, then will the Deep State/City of London etc. get then gone a la Truss? Would this see the return of one Sir (my arse!) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair in order to steady the ship?
@1:36pm correction
” get them gone a la Truss? ” i.e. “them” as in Starmer & Reeves?
Gad Saad’s comments on last night’s Fox/Brett Baier interview with POTUS candidate. 🙂
Archívelo bajo: Que-mala; ensalada de palabras etc.
Grifters here, grifters there, grifters grifters everywhere…
… even in countries that don’t really exist!
NZ’s own “Neil Oliver” explains…
C’mon chaps…
…and John Jefferson Burns let’s be ‘avvin’ your prediction too!
Only eighteen days to go:
Who is going to win on Nov 5th? Will it be Que_mala or Donald?
Given the parlous state of the Republic, does it really matter?
Answers by Monday, please.
For my part, I’ve every confidence that the ‘Good Ole Boyz’ “Electoral Fraud Machine” so candidly announced by Biden in 2020 will, once again, emerge triumphant after a few weeks of chaos. Que-mala is the continuity candidate…
After her last interview, it turns out that ole Joe was sharper, and had better recall and improvisation skills than Que-mala all along…
Sir (my arse!) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair in Downing Street as PM by New Year’s Day?
Noa says @ October 16, 2024 at 11:49 am
You should finish whatever it is you are working on, Noa, and send it to Tom, you and EC are by far better wordsmiths, more to the point, your take on things goes deeper than Baron’s.
He must say it has been more than testing in the last few weeks, without going into the details, nothin g has gone right, it must have been the time the bad fate decided to teach the blue veined barbarian a lesson or two, thankfully things are getting better, Baron will have not just more time, he will regain the desire to join in with you again.
EC says @ October 17, 2024 at 8:32 am
Mr. Saad doesn;t like the female then, EC, not surprising at all, she’s out of her depth, there must be some capable women in the Republic, she’s just a cackling imbecile, the world’s full of them, but why select one of the American mutations to run for the highest office in a country that had it all yet fugged things up so badly that only a domestic convulsion could right it again.
The fall and rise of the Talentless Trougher, or how to gain membership of the best subsidised club in London.
I see the crime lords Biden, Macron and Sholz are ‘minded’ (ha!) to accept Zlods ‘Victory Plan’ and start the New Year with a nuclear bang by ‘allowing’ the Ukranians to fire missiles into Russia.
In the meantime PRC blockades Taiwan and Iran scrounges Kinzals to complete the reconstruction of Netanyahu’s summer villa.
Madly, we in the West may now be dependant on Turkey, Hungary and
Slovakia to reject Ukraines’ NATO membership and Iran, Egypt and Saudi to oppose Erdogan’s attempt to emulate Sulieman the Magnificent to revive the Turkish empire in the middle east.
He us not of iur generation butMatt Goodwin speaks forcefully for a generation of young native British people, many of whom would otherwise have no voice raised either by or for them against a political and media class whose values are antithetical to their own.
Here he reduces Nick Robinson to silence in a tough debate. Refusing to let him narrow the boundaries of dicussion by framing it in socialist terms of race and the demonisation of ideas about immigration as evils propounded by Enoch Powell.
‘Elites listen horizontally to other elites, they do not resoect the social contract and listen to ordinary people.
Goodwin is honing both his ideas and his rhetorical and debating skills in these intellectual contests. Look out his successful debate with Medhi Hasan in frontbof a hostile audience whom he was starting to ein over.
Check him out Hes well worth watching and I believe he is a man who offers hope for the future.
Noa: 12:48am
Nick Robinson is a slithery shocker, isn’t he.
Prof. Matt Goodwin’s intelligence and mastery of the facts was more than a match for the serpentine sod.
“Wirtschaftswunder” – It wasn’t all thanks to the Marshall Plan?
Sometimes when something appears too good to be true…
Another interesting video from Dr Mark Felton.
Reportedly the “Preston Journalist” who suddenly went missing is alive and well.
He had his YouTube account hacked and he’s currently “rebuilding it back better” hopefully.
‘…the slithery ahocker..’ 🙂
Old Nick is ehat an Aussie might call a “four eyed trouser snake”.
Satire and reality gave become strangely intertwined and almost impossible to disentangle. Compare and contrast the following and ask yourself how we can any longer distinguish between truth and reality.
Noa: 11:30pm
“Satire and reality gave become strangely intertwined and almost impossible to disentangle.”
There’s a gap in the UK market for a “Babylon Bee” inter-web satirical publication.
Under the stewardship (or bastardshit) of the egregious establishment toady Ian Hisplop, the former satirical publication called Private Eye Magazine died years ago. It’s like a corpse with only the maggots (lefties) shifting inside the clothes giving it any signs of life.
Noa, didn’t you say that once upon a time that you idled away 3 years in Newcastle?
The thought occurred to me later on, that “establishment toady” in a Geordie accent would sound like “establishment turdy.” Either way, fits Hislop.
Groucho Marx: Did he actually say it? Which film?
“I wouldn’t that [insert politician here] looks/is dumb, but the last time I saw a face like that Tarzan was feeding it Bananas.”
No names no pack drill here… in order to save Peter from the wrath of the UK’s People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs, or indeed the DNC.
File under: Chimp world.
Abraham Lincoln: Did he actually say it? When?
“There is no bar to stupidity, ignorance or incompetence in politics.”
File under: Labour Cabinet.
Comrade Keir is working hard to undo the half Brexit that eventually fell from Westminsters monstrous bottom.
Will we be rescued by the eventual collapse of either EU and NATO? And why would we enter into a defence agreement either a bankrupt Greater Germany anyway?
Fishy I’d say, which industry is exactly what the continents want to get their hands on in exchange for continuing to let us pay through the hooter for their overpriced energy.
Not that we’ve any brass to pay for it.
Still blankets and mittens are cheaper than the spinoff from the milliband windmills.
Long, but well articulated:
Don’t’cha just luv it!
But- time to leave and Come on Whitey-Cough it up wealth
And return all its citizens abd revoke their hated British passports.
Alex Phillips ©
Dear Our Friends in The Caribbean,
We’ve had a look at history and we can recommend that you ask for reparations from Benin, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Cameroon, Chad, Nigeria, Ghana and Mali, for capturing and selling slaves to Europeans
Meanwhile, given Britain led the way in ending slavery, spending an astonishing 40% of our entire national budget in 1833 to buy freedom for slaves, and a further 2% of our GDP on The West Africa Squadron which seized over 1600 slave ships and freed 150,000 (at a cost of 1600
Royal Navy sailors) –
So we would like you to thank us by offering to pay 40% of our annual budget this year and 2% of our GDP
That’s £480 billion + £11.4bn
We can settle for £450 billion if that’s easier (we estimate this will be the size of Rachel Reeves ‘blackhole’ next week)
The invoice is in the post!
Love Britain
MP auditions for leadership role in Slavery Reparations negotiations!
How “us Labours” broke Britain, Starkeys excellent analysis including the Starmer dictatorship.
I do not know why people like GG idolise this guy!
Are you up to speed with the shenanigans happening in Tibilisi as the EU attempts to reverse the Georgian election result. Maiden 2.0 ?
Madam President is EU right to the core…
Moldova and Transnistria next on the EU/CIA’s list for a coup d’état after an election rigging disappointment?
Only just over 24 hours to go before Labour’s economic master plan is made official.
File under: Ceramic Bob-Head – hair sponsored by Lego™ (© Katie Hopkins)
How is your stock of fork handles?
Are you prepared for Ed’s Bracing Blackouts? Vlad’s retaliatory rain of thermo heat?
There is a malign elegance to ‘us Labours cabalistic economic ‘management’, closely planned in collaboration with the Mandarinate before the GE the application of Term One economic Supply and Demand theory to energy is resulting in the rather neat reduction of both power supplies and consumer demand, by ending the Winter Curvoisier allowance.
Filed under
Dial a pod, Film noir ‘Bring me the heads of the Energy and Utilities CEOs.
The CEO of Ed’s newly created State owned and £8.3bn taxpayer funded energy company is a Cherman chappie called Jürgen Maier. GB Energy [formerly the Davey-Trotter Turdbine Co] is going to be based in Abbodeeeen but Maier reportedly refuses to move there. Can’t say I blame him for that, would you?
He used to work for Siemens but as long as he doesn’t purchase the Fujitsu-Siemens Horror-izon Accounting Software then what could possible go wrong…
Datei unter: Windturdbinen, Weißer Elefant usw.
The Starmer government should be twinned with the equally useless, and spendthrift Trudeau government in Canada.
PS. Plenty of subsidised XO Hennessy, Remy, & Courvoisier available in the HoC bar.
They’ll all be topping their flasks up for the weekends.
The Babylon Bee Officially Endorses Kamala Harris
How to circumvent the “fuggin spellchecker.”
Lord Vinheteiro demonstrates…
Rossini – Figaro on Chicken – Il Barbiere di Siviglia “Largo al factotum”
A bravura performance from Lord Vinheteiro.
NB. Any jokes about ‘elensky’s virtuosity on his chicken may result in a long stretch at HMP Assange [formerly HMP Belmarsh]
Peter from Maidstone
What are the site stats?
Will we, should we, all still be here on All Saints Day?
The most knowledgeable guy on the ME, a superb slicing of the latest response by Israel:
EC says @ October 30, 2024 at 9:31 am
The guy’s priceless, EC, piano isn’t Baron’s favourite instrument but he makes it more than enjoyable, he also has 9 Russian songs that nobody knows the name of, the same for Italy plus, he included Kalinka in the Russian selection but not Sulikoi, the favourite of the Georgian thug:
From the Sturgess’s public enquiry:
Will it get better?
EC says @ October 29, 2024 at 8:43 am
It will take time for Baron to get back, EC, he had no time to absorb anything for weeks.
The Georgian lawmakers are demanding for the female president to come and get questioned, she has to have evidence for disputing the election outcome.
If she fails, it will amount to a very rare failure of the CIA to have it their own way.
“Ceramic Bob-head” spoke these words during yesterday’s UK Budget statement:
“Today, I am announcing a total increase to the Ministry of Defence’s Budget of £2.9bn next year, ensuring the UK comfortably exceeds our NATO commitments and providing guaranteed military support to Ukraine of £3bn per year, for as long as it takes.
Last week, alongside my Right Honourable Friend the Defence Secretary, I announced, in addition to this, further support to Ukraine — on top of our NATO commitment through our £2.26bn contribution to the G7’s Extraordinary Revenue Acceleration agreement repaid using profits from immobilised Russian sovereign assets.
To quote the “Dear Leader’s” special friend, “Uh-ee-uh-ee-uh! Howz about that then, Guys and Gals…”
I suggest that thieving “from immobilised Russian sovereign assets” will come back to bite her on her immobilised, ample, becoming ampler, middle-aged bum… that’s if she still has a job after Christmas.
The “collective west” is a Looney Bin, and the lunatics are inn charge,
As an aside, she also said this: “So that our young people can develop the skills that they need for the future, I am providing an additional £300mn for further education. ”
Well that figures, It’s essential to boost the indoctrination of students prior to entering the “workplace” in case the whole program collapses!
“India becomes Europe’s largest supplier of refined fuels after Russian oil ban”
Meanwhile Russia has become the major supplier of crude oil to India!
One would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh!
The latest from Ukraine, the article claims Russia is now in control of close to a fifth of the Ukrainian territory:
EC says @ October 31, 2024 at 9:57 am
The money for Ukraine will be fully wasted, no way could the forces of the DA of Kiev win, it may be that we are supplying some written off gear we no longer want or would use, but if not it’s almost criminal to cut the Winter fuel allowance for 90% of the former recipients (saving £1.6bn) then spend £3.0bn on Ukraine each year, madness.
I wonder how long the likes of Naill Macrea, a leading active campaigner for freedom,can manage to avoid imprisonment in HMP Belmarsh?
The reality of Starmer’s world – diversity is weakness reality of Starmer’s world – diversity is weakness
Never plead guilty to anything, after all der Stat already considers you to be “garbage”, why remove the burden of proving it from them before they throw you in the bin wagon?
“Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.”
Was that Beria or Starmer?
So, Is justice coming, or will the gerontocracy that is the DNC Politburo suddenly play the same card of mental incapacity used by good ole Joe?
An unbroken and angry Steve Bannon calls out Nancy Pelosi after release from prison…
A former naval officer and Goldman-Sachs VP, perhaps they picked on the wrong guy?
File under: Clantons, Wyatt Earp etc.
Keep in mind if ever you need a new heart Ukraine’s the place to get it, it’s pricey, but hey you have a new young heart, the foreign hearts are apparently dearer than those of the Ukrainians, one of the posters that got more upticks than the others is asking whether anyone knowns the people that removed the brain of the DA of Kiev:
China anyone?
Bald and Beautiful is back, test social credit to destruction.
If you watch it, it only takes 20min, you will not regret it, Niall Ferguson at his best:
Baron has watched it, Noa, it’s not much different from what one gets from others that don’t suffer from Sinophobia except for warm human touch that on ly the B&B can furnish.
As he says ‘it’s close to miraculous how the Middle Kingdom transformed itself in just thirty odd years’.
It got close to having a coronary for Baron reading the attached, a piece in mainstream media that is close to the reality of life in Putin’s Russia, not much of the obligatory and obvious lies, half-truths and deceptions, what may have been the motive for Owen Matthews penning it?
Noa: November 1, 2024 at 7:00 pm
I too viewed it yesterday. Enjoyed it. I note that it was strictly a travelogue, and loose tongued comment on the leadership – lesson learned from Russia. By coincidence Bald’s erstwhile travelling companion “Backpacker Ben” has also posted a video on Chongqing in the last couple of days. They even appeared to have stayed in the same hotel although not necessarily at the same time, judging by the smog.
Also, “Backpacker Ben” seems to have acquired a new travelling companion, a female from Portugal, whose name I can remember… and I thought he was gay (not necessarily because of his sobriquet)
Baron: November 1, 2024 at 11:32 pm
That was top notch, well constructed and articulated, compelling viewing.
Like t’ Soviet politburo, the kleptocrats that reign over the “collective west” have given the “deplorables/gammons/garbage” no reason other than to be disillusioned with them and their rule.
I particularly like the way he wound up his talk by saying that applause was “compulsory, Comrades.” He might have also said that spotters would be looking out for the first person to stop clapping! 🙂
Baron: November 2, 2024 at 10:22 am
“What may have been the motive for Owen Matthews penning it?”
In order encourage our beloved, god-bothering KGB fugitive émigré to return to mavva Roosia? 🙂 Murray Walker wrote much better advertising slogans anyway, and Murray was a much better motorsport commentator too.
I must admit that, due to being a bit peaky, I’ve not been paying attention recently.
I’ve been confused by all the inexplicable, to me, Squirrel memes that have suddenly cropped up in the last couple of days. This morning I found out that a Squirrel in NYC has become a major talking point in the US GE.
Proof, beyond a reasonable doubt that the US has finally gone NUTS !
@6:55pm November 2, 2024 ; corrections.
“I note that it was strictly a travelogue, and NO loose tongued comments on the leadership.”
“… a female from Portugal, whose name I canNOT remember…”
Sorry for all the fugg-ups.
Que-mala’s supporters are celebrating her appointment as POTUS early, reportedly.
If “A week is a long time in politics” as Arald Vilsn, a former “far right” Labour PM. once averred, Then from November 6th until January 20th is a whole geological era!
Forty four days is too long for a “so long” imo. Too much time for the DNC-CIA to do what they do best. i.e. organise a coup d’état.
NB. A strange production quality on the above video.
Rumour has it that Neil Oliver will soon join the long list of EX GB New presenters, as the management replace them with Sly News people looking for another job, post redundancy.
Mark Steyn
Colin Brazier
Dan Wootton
Lawrence Fox
Fr. Calvin Robinson (formerly the Giant Hairball)
and now Neil Oliver? Andrew Doyle?
Peter From Maidstone
I think it’s time to switch off the life-support, don’t you?
If this doesn’t turn you mental, nothing will:
This is better, it has pictures, and the pictures are moving:
Baron 8:18pm
“If this doesn’t turn you mental, nothing will”
Nah, but the sight of Peter From Maidstone, Justine Welby, and il Papa, cassocks raised waist high, dancing “The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” might just tip me over the edge!
Well, there will be a lot of loose bowels in Downing Street, and the Foreign Office today as they contemplate all the loose lipped comments they’ve made about Donald Trump over the last couple of years! 🙂
Also I’ve seen a clip of the fragrant Wiktoria Nooooland on the Rachel Madcow program blaming it on {{{The Russians}}} again, to mention Elon Musk who “takes his orders directly from Poootin.” Also Musk is to blame for buying Twitter-X and depriving the DNC of 100% control of the the media.
Meanwhile, the Preston Journalist exposes Ed’ Milland…
Labour Sleaze.
Trump that!
In a stunningly underwhelming display of hilarious venallity Boris plugs his 784 page spanking odyssey “Unlashed”, a political tour through the beds and bordellos by the finest sexual political athlete since Lloyd George
And what does it all mean for Vlodd the Impaler?
Will he buy next door to Mar el Largo?
Not a vlad analysis by Patrickl Lancaster.
Landlords wanted!
Does Mrs Balls have any room?
Is he holding out an olive branch to the Tears for Keirs maladministration?
After all, he’s that kind of guy.
EC says @ November 5, 2024 at 6:25 pm
That’s what talent does, EC, the guy’s amazing.
Noa says @ November 6, 2024 at 11:42 am
One shouldn’t be so sure the helping hand for the DA of Kiev will be withdrawn, Noa, the Wolfowitz doctrine is still valid, there may be a tactical lull, but the aim to balkanise Russia as a possible challenger to the US hegemony stays, it’s the Council on Foreign Relations that runs the US foreign policy and if one googles for the members one sees a sea of warmongering fruitcakes who are unlikely to give up going after Putin.
Noa says @ November 6, 2024 at 11:56 am
Pity they didn’t choose one of the Hollywood celebrities (say) de Niro, he loves the immigrants, he would certainly be more than willing to house them.
The great American unwashed has been unburdened by what has been.
You nay be right Baron though I hope not. The new administration will hopefully do as Steve Bannon has promised and sack the top 2000 burocrats, and if that doesn’t satisfy the 4000 below then and so on until serendipity is obtained.
Not bad, but still not a full cigar, no mention of the Wolfowitz doctrine, which is the primary guide for the US foreign policy, always has been since it was penned in 1992 and amended in 1995, only the doctrine could explain the massive amount of money that has poured into Ukraine, in just over two years the fiefdom of the DA of Kiev swallowed close to half a trillion dollars (that’s probably an understatement of the help from both the US, the other NATO members and other vassals of the US (altogether 48 countries furnished Ukraine either with military hardware or money).
Compare that to the two trillion bucks spent on Afghanistan in 20 years. if the Ukrainian war were to last another eight years and the spending remained the same the total for the decade would come to $2.5tr, a staggering amount.
You may well think that it’s preposterous to argue such case, but is it? Pompeo seems to be in the running to head the Pentagon, he proposed a Marshall plan like package for Ukraine worth $500bn, that’s well on the way to hit the target for the decade mentioned above.
And why? Because the W doctrine demands it, it demands the US stamps out any country that could challenge the US hegemonic status as the old USSR did. The doctrine runs the Ukrainian project, which may the reason no pundit has ever mentioned it.
We can only wait and see what happens Mi’lud.
Pompeo had wanted to assassinate Assange, didn’t he? Trump had planned to free him until Biden did.
(I know, it was Wishi who was keeping him but who really decides who goes to gaol and stays in, in Britain’s prison system.
Perhaps Reform and Farage need to organise a petition for a Presidential pardon for the Southport Tweeters and include Officer Chauvin in that too).
The selection process is underway. It will be harsh and one can only surmise that a man who has survived two assassination attempts in the Election run up is unlikely to make the same selection mistakes he did the first time he won office.
Never seen old Joe so happy and coherent, almost gleeful, as he was when he was addressing his nation on Trump’s victory the other night! Also noted was that when he and “Dr” Jill were photographed going out to vote on Nov 5th she was all decked out in red. After the coup d’état the there was revenge to be served cold upon the Harris camp !
“…Never seen old Joe so happy and coherent…”.
Fresh diaper, perhaps?
Beat this:
That’s not teasing you, it’s not promoting the Middle Kingdom either, it’s not even being jealous, for Baron the Chinese reawakening is a phenomenon he cannot figure, in just a couple of generations a turnaround of, forgive the blasphemy, biblical magnitude.
Noa says @ November 8, 2024 at 11:29 am
Naughty, Noa, but nice.
Any balanced take on the Amsterdam ‘pogrom’?
Who to believe, the BBC says it was all football related, hooligans of the two clubs bashing each other, Bibi sends a plane load of heavily armed IDF boys and girls to rescue the supporters of the Israeli football club Baron has never heard OF.
BBC, Baron?
Ajax, Feyenoord, Dutch clubs in general, have a long history of hooliganism and violence. Back in the day, during the normal course of football thuggery, 4x2s were not necessarily required…
Jig-saw man?
R.I.P. Brian Clough.
The best manager that the England football team unfortunately never had.
I lived in Amsterdam briefly in the early 70s. It was always a violent, dangerous place, immigrants ran the prostitutes and drugs, mainly hashish then though heroin was growing.
I actually witnessed two Surinamese stabbing a MSN to death in front of me in the Vondels Park. A horrific experience for a 20 year old, or indeed anybody of any age. The police suspected it to be drugs related, but after giving my statement I never heard any more of the matter.
Amsterdam, like the rest of Europe, is reaping the consequences of generations of diversity. Wilders, like every other European political who wants to do something about it is gampered
The Greeks share your concerns Mi’lud, but are rather more optimistic. Summarised thusly:
‘Keep away from Ukraine, Mr Trump. No need to get involved. Don’t fall into the Neocon trap. Leave it to Victor Orban to sort it out”.
EC says @ November 8, 2024 at 2:30 pm
Baron wasn’t aware of the Ajax reputation, EC, thanks.
Noa says @ November 8, 2024 at 8:00 pm
You should be the one advising Trump on Ukraine, Noa, if only he did what you suggest.
Noa says @ November 8, 2024 at 6:09 pm
Amongst Baron’s memories of Amsterdam, Noa, is one of a young man on a tram trying to burn the hair of a girl sitting in the seat in front of him, hard to recollect whether he was successful or not, probably the latter because even Baron would remember that there was a commotion or a response from the girl hard to forget.
Some good news on Trumps selection of his foreign policy team is that apparantly the good Colonel Macgregor is involved.
In the meantime, I enjoyed this ‘View from the Asylum’, from the bitterly vitriolic former NSA to Trump, John Bolton.
And Trump’s view of Bolton? Enjoy.
Strange people. Strange times to be young, Mi’lud. And no stranger place to be than Amsterdam.
I remember going into the City Council chamber and finding that anarchists had placed large gnomes in all the council seats.
I still chuckle at the memory and wish that the green baize of the Commons could be similarly graced with such august abilities.
Noa says @ November 9, 2024 at 9:22 am
Trump’s take on Bolton is priceless, Noa, just the one short sentence ‘ he would like to drop bombs on everyone’ described Bolton fully, he must be insane, hopefully he won’t be anywhere near Trump when the new administration formulates its foreign policy.
Long, but listen to the start, then intermittently as you want:
Noa: November 9, 2024 at 9:22 am
I enjoyed both of those clips, thank you.
I think Trump summed up Bolton nicely, paraphrasing;
i.e. “Stark staring bonkers, but useful to take into meetings to put the wind up the other side.”
Bolton: He bears a remarkable physical resemblance to “Mr. Pastry” but is a cerebral pygmy by comparison.
Hannity? A standard issue corporate media pundit, with all the loyalty of a rattlesnake.
[Personal opinion.]
R.I.P. Richard Hearne.
Much missed, by me at any rate.
Baron: November 10, 2024 at 9:24 pm
Elbridge Colby:
@6:31 “And this is where I think if we appoint or if if people are put into positions of power who think that we can walk and chew gum [CLASSIC] and do everything and start wars in three different theaters at the same time, not only will that be bad like it was in the Iraq war , it will be far more catastrophic.”
As Colby correctly points out, Trump desperately needs peace in order to rebuild the economy. As Col. MacSporran has frequently pointed out, the US has run out of money, the military doesn’t currently have the MANpower or modern weaponry to fight anyone. As the Ukraine debacle has illustrated, unless one is going to contemplate Armageddon Bolton style, then “boots on the ground” are a factor, and China has plenty of them.
Pushing Russia into the arms of China was a massive mistake.
“Here We Go Picking Up Nuts
in Mayat Halloween.”Edinburgh Beheading Update!
“Cleanly beheaded, In Cowgate, By a Single Decker Bus?”
Nah, that too far fetched to make it into CLUEDO box set.
Have, once again, the police and media conspired to throw the truth under a bus?
The Coooooowgate beheading?
Definitely a case for Rebus.
But whether it’s the Dwarf or John Hanney is too close to call.
The Coooooowgate beheading?
Definitely a case for Rebus.
But whether it’s the Dwarf or John Hanney is too close to call.
Another take on the Amsterdam’s pogrom, watch the young guy fully, even he hints at the coordination of the disturbance:
Would job swaps work for the princes of Woke?
Justin as MOTD presenter, Gary as Archbish?
Alternatively Gaz could be Foreign Secretary, whilst Lammy presented the footy.
And a career with Deliveroo offers possilities for Justin.
Was it Mossad that “bumped off” Cap’n Bob (Maxwell) ?
Dunno, maybe. I would have thought the Russkies, PLO or most likely the RUC, or a devilish cabal of all three was behind it.
This speculation will cost you, but might shed some light on the wet workers.
Robert Maxwell, Israel’s Superspy: The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul
RUC? I meant the TUC…still, it’s possible.
The DOGE of DC (& Mars) in conversation with Tucker…
Noa: 2:09 pm
If the “B-Specials” had a Coracle Squad back then, your suggestion would have been perfectly possible.
“A Land Fit For Heroes” eh?
He wasn’t the first, and not the last to be abandoned by a grateful nation.
I suspect that the Russian response to the development of Ukraine as a rogue nuclear state will be both immediately forthcoming and extremely robust.
Which goes first, Vlod, the Ukranian general staff or Kiev? The difference may be a matter of milliseconds rather than minutes.
And what is Comrade Kier doing funding this new North Korea in Europe to the loony toon of £3bn pa?
Ukraine ‘could build a NUCLEAR bomb within months and use it on Russia’ via
Phil Cool, in the 1980s, predicting an inverted social order by way of regional accents.
We all laughed then, we’re not laughing now.
Not a bad summary of the state of the two camps in the hardware that matters:
The guy flying this contraption is 62:
Baron: 10:30 pm
A well written, seemingly well documented, article. Cue Noa: “Baroque weaponry” etc.
It was also laced with sarcasm. eg. “America has an entire class of people like him[Jake Sullivan], who are professionally wrong and only fail upwards.”
Mind you the American political and classes are not entirely on their own there in that regard. It’s a human failing in general (no pun intended), but there does seem to be a colossal strategic thinking deficit in the “collective West” at the moment.
Thanks to its geographical position the USA is removed from suffering any direct consequences of its footling little wars in far flung places. It doesn’t matter that the MIC is producing eye-wateringly priced weapons to fight the wars of the last century as long as the politicians get their share of the profits!
Cynical, Moi?
Baron: 11:08 pm
I’ve seen that bloke before. But flying what?
Will the real Allison Pearson please stand up…
“Allison Pearson Tweet Case leaves Police and Grauniad with egg on faces.”
“…Thanks to its geographical position the USA is removed from suffering any direct consequences of its footling little wars in far flung places…”
No longer.
Andrei Martyanovs’ books in particular “The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs” explain the importance of and the strategic advantage provided by the suite of hypersonic very long range ballistic and cruise missiles, both conventional and nuclear, developed by Russia. The West simply has no defence against them and has failed to develop its own. The Russians are also ahead in the race to develop antocipated hypersonic missile defence capabilities. In addition their strategic and battlefield electronic warfare and defensive capabilities are unsurpassed, having been shooting down thousands of US aircraft for over 50 years.
Suddenly the Hill is well within the reach of Kinzals and associated weaponry and the politicians, like Netanyahu, have wised up to the proposition that 50lb of semtex immolatiing their breakfast waffles is a real possibility.
Taking the MIC from the US and UK is no longer a possibility and the likes of BAE, Boeing and Raytheon are going to have to earn their crusts in future.
In the meantime Vlods ‘Victory plan’ having fallen on deaf ears has seen him retain the Gotterdamerung element, the suicide note of building a dirty nuclear bomb. His intention is unclear, but how about him sticking it in an F15 air launched Stormshadow, launched at the Kremlin?
Now that wIll get a reaction.
EC says @ November 16, 2024 at 10:11 am
The 62 years old man is the pilot of the Su-57, EC.
EC says @ November 16, 2024 at 10:07 am
Not cynical at all, EC, critically sensible.
Baron, Noa
Is the Spectatesman worth £11/£14,50 a month?
Do you still subscribe?
Has the stiletto wielding hand of Brutus made anybody redundant, or other improvements?
Presumably his took his well travelled portrait of Antonio Gramsci to replace that of Brillo in Frasier’s office in Old Queen Street?
Is the Gove edited periodical worth it?
It’s a matter I’m currently considering and havent decided on yet.
Annual sub-Cost £110 Inc a bottle of bubbly. Cheapish but there are good online and print alternatives, e.g Salisbury magazine @ £25 pa, The Critic.
Writers-Rod Liddle, Douglas Murray, Toby Young, Lionel Schriver.
Cons- Edt Gove, the jury is out, Charles Moore, bore, CCHQ mouthpiece.
But-it’s essentially a liberal mouthpiece of the Uniparty, So don’t expect to see Tommy Robinson writing about life as a political Prisoner.
It was more than a month ago when Baron cancelled the subscription, was then bombarded with offers, succumbed to 3 months for a fiver, will decide whether to continue or not when the cheap phase is over. Baron was a subscriber since last century in the early 80s, began with Alexander Chancellor as editor.
Thank you Baron,
As with the Telegraph offer I’ll hang on and see what they offer.
Noa & Baron
Thank you. The Speccy & DT both have offers on at the moment like £1 per month for three months & a lot more thereafter. It would be amusing to aggravate people in the comments sections, but not at any price. £1 a month in perpetuity would seem a fair price for us impoverished, WFA deprived, pensioners. I think of the full subs in terms of 50 pence pieces that my Leccy meter won’t see.
I was looking up the annual salaries of RBL and other charity CEOs yesterday. The annual salaries that I could find, although dated 2020 were outrageous. Recent data was not immediately forthcoming, I wonder why… So in addition to Bore ‘n Gollum et al of Fleet Street the fake mainstream charities can GF themselves too. I only donate to local charities now, with the exception of the Sally Army… and if I find out that they are hiring £80K pa “Diversity Officers” that’s them done too.
ATACMS here, ATACMS there, ATACMS ATACMS everywhere.
If the US/UK provide targeting data for Russian…
Early Warning Stations
Nuclear Power stations
Civilian Populations
…then it might be, “Goodnight Vienna” for everybody.
I dunno about you down there on the mudflaps, but I haven’t seen a wind-turdbine turning for about a month now.
A sharp ground frost here last night and more to come this week, so by the end of it “they” will be having to take electricity from the grid to stop the useless contraptions from icing up.
File under: “Beam me up, Scotty” etc.
A thought provoking essay:
Chilly on the flat lands here too. I was stuffing old copies of the Graunhad into the wife’s thernals to keep her from freezing up, despite the fact she was wearing all three of her Grandmother’s trusty thermal nighties at the time.
Even the squirrel had come down from the loft to borrow a puffa jacket.
Diaper Joe is certainly trying to leave a full nappy for the new man before he exits stage, left.
With the remants of the press and UK efnik public banged up like ÀfD and Le Pen there won’t be any serious objection from Europe about deploying its finest and gayest special forces along the Dnieper for final Gotterdammerung flounce against the Skavic hordes, whilst Vlod, his boys, the Starner, Macron and Olaf juntas and the EU Commissioners hurriedly arrange their ESTAS for Florida.
The northern hemisphere will not be a very healthy place to be, Noa. Not even the egregious Maxine Water’s “tate of “Flawdah” will be exempted this time!
Ursula et al would be better advised to resurrect the rat lines of their predecessors from Genoa to S.America.
Just imagine, Pirate Scholz, Aniline Baercock et al being cooped up on a tramp steamer to Fortaleza, no AC, with Frau Fond-of-Lying running the Glee Club.
I reckon that the south coast of Arsestraya will be the safest place, where the radiation gets to last. I’d pick Mclaren Vale, SA, as there are some excellent wines to sip whilst one is waiting, reading the bible à la W.C. Fields.
File under: Neville Shute, “On The Beach” etc.
What else will they come up with?
The Russians claim they shot down five ATACMSs and damaged the sixth one that caused fire on the ground, no casualties, no damage to assets, but again it’s the Russian claim.
Nothing from the DA of Kiev yet, but the Times say Ukraine has about 60 of the missiles.
Have a look what is the reach of this category of the missiles:
Baron says: November 19, 2024 at 9:49 pm
“What else will they come up with?”
A white Elephant?
I heard, and saw, someone on Talk Radio yesterday refer to our Dear Leader as a “Pound Shop Stalin.” Of course, I wasn’t offended by this myself but under the provisions of the Equalities Act 2010 some wannabe acolyte can be offended on AMK’s behalf, and report the “far right” scoundrel to the
NKVDer… Metropolitan Police.When Vapid Dave waived thru H.Harridan’s Bill without any debate the week before the May 2010 GE I did warn that the Trojan clauses hidden within it would cause problems down the line. Still, what I know, eh? I mean, someone who can barely manage to string two sentences together without typos or need for an e&oe.
“…When Vapid Dave waived thru H.Harridan’s Bill without any debate the week before the May 2010 GE I did warn that the Trojan clauses hidden within it would cause problems down the line…”
I fail to understand why the NKVDs NHCI teams have not been overwhelmed by the complaints about discrimination from the efnik, disabled Agricultural and OAP communities by Keir, Rachel from Accounts and Maded. Such a campaign would simply swamp the fetid swamp and prove we’re all Victims now. Where’s the radical activism in that nice Reform bunch, FFS?
Perhaps Diaper Joe would have more success, and be more useful, if he was firing his ATACMS at No 10 (current vacant) or Westminster (ditto, not a brain cell to be found there.
Thank you for the link, the comments were also interesting, shohave far Britain’s respect and standing in the world has fallen.
The Jaguar Marketing team has a “Gerald Ratner” moment…
You’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.
Sums it up:
After the UK’s Storm Shadow attacks into Russia Putin has no choice but to respond very publicly, to set an example, to prove he’s not happy and not bluffing. I dunno where the UK’s flagship aircraft carrier is right now but I suggest that the RN make preparations for it to be sunk.
Most of the hard line communist Nomenclatura of the former Soviet States; countries like East Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia, with state officials like Angela Merkel, found natural homes in the soft Liberal Western democracies and in particular in Germany and the EU, where, in a similar process to the “re-na zification” of Western Germany after 1945, they thrived, and brought an increasingly totalitarian and seemingly irreversible strain of hard line socialism into European governments.
The eminent Polish politician and writer, Ryszard Legutko, graphically describes this Capture Process in his excellent book ‘The Demon in Democracy”.
It’s well worth reading in order to how, as Len Deighton once memorably wrote, how the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall facilitated the spread of Communism from the Urals to the Atlantic-and arguably beyond.
Noa: at 10:05 am
Absolutely 100%spot on, and most articulately put.
Len Deighton was/is one of Mrs EC’s favourite authors, btw
“Weee’ell, I woke up dis morning…”
Defrosting the car just before sunrise. Clear skies, I saw a towering cloud to the east. It was white at the top and orange toward the base, and I wondered if that was Newcastle…
Apparently not, Anyway I’d rather it was Westminster or, failing that, Leeds.
Bon Weekend, chaps.
Dragged from the Lancashire veldt to Keswick for the weekend to celebrate eldest daughter’s birthday, very nice it is too. Lots of good pubs, even more outdoor clothing shops and it seems, more dogs than people, all horribly white and not a hijab, architect or dingy pilot in sight.
Waycism, Pure and simple!
And like EC I’ll be keeping an eye out for Starmaggedon.
EC says @ November 20, 2024 at 10:29
A fitting moniker, EC, but the Georgian thug may not like it.
Noa says @ November 20, 2024 at 5:16 pm
If only we were to act the elder statesman role in international politics, Noa, the respect for us would be sky high, the world is missing a country that has an illustrious history and could adjudicate objectively, our playing a poodle to the Americans makes us a laughing stock.
EC says @ November 21, 2024 at 9:40 am
The companies seem to be outdoing each other in their Wokefarting, EC, how on earth could that commercial get through? Arghhh
Noa says @ November 21, 2024 at 10:05 am
Merci for the book tip, Noa, Baron will get it read it over Christmas, as things are he’s still rather busy, but an end to the busyness is getting close.
Noa says @ November 22, 2024 at 5:24 pm
You mustn’t say it too loudly, Noa, or they will move in.
What you and EC reckon, will the two tier Keir arrest him if he lands here?
EC says @ November 22, 2024 at 9:11 am
A light covering of snow here this morning also, EC, and minus four, but this is the deep wilderness of East Anglia, one must take it.
Noa: November 22, 2024 at 5:24 pm
It’ll be warmer today, but not calmer. You might detect a lal bit of a southerly zephyr later on. Not a day for the fells, mon brav. An excellent excuse to stay by the pub/hotel’s log fire and drink pints! 🙂
Taking action to recover your kidnapped and bodies of your murdered fellow citizens is definitely a Far Right Terrorist thug activity and calls for the immediate exercise of Britan’s much vaunted Soft Power by Sir Screamalot.
Interestingly he’s mooted to send Mandelson to Washington as US ambassador, which should go down well with the new administration. I would describe the anointmemt /appointment as asynchronous at best. Especially if Wes Streeting succeeds in the coup thats being plotted in Labour’s Lubianka basement.
Are there any other out loud and proud homosexual couples running a state elsewhere in the world? Nero? James 11 but I cant think of any else. Even the Macrinite keeps his granny closer than his bodyguard.
” ooh my Stormshadow’s bigger than your SCALP, monsuier!”
Ta ta, TATA.
The jaguar’s revenge…
Noa says:
November 23, 2024 at 8:51 am
I mean’t Nero and his horse Incitatus of course. Though Im not sure they made it beyond the stall to the alter.
Not sure if that counts as gay, or just making hay…probably just ++++
Noa says @ November 23, 2024 at 9:46 am
Good one, Noa, witty.
Noa says @ November 24, 2024 at 9:00 am
Priceless, Noa, and as witty as your ta-ta.
President of Russia
Statement by the President of the Russian Federation
November 21, 2024 20:10
The Kremlin, Moscow
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: I would like to inform the military personnel of the Russian Federation Armed Forces, citizens of our country, our friends across the globe, and those who persist in the illusion that a strategic defeat can be inflicted upon Russia, about the events taking place today in the zone of the special military operation, specifically following the attacks by Western long-range weapons against our territory.
The escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, instigated by the West, continues with the United States and its NATO allies previously announcing that they authorise the use of their long-range high-precision weapons for strikes inside the Russian Federation. Experts are well aware, and the Russian side has repeatedly highlighted it, that the use of such weapons is not possible without the direct involvement of military experts from the manufacturing nations.
On November 19, six ATACMS tactical ballistic missiles produced by the United States, and on November 21, during a combined missile assault involving British Storm Shadow systems and HIMARS systems produced by the US, attacked military facilities inside the Russian Federation in the Bryansk and Kursk regions. From that point onward, as we have repeatedly emphasised in prior communications, the regional conflict in Ukraine provoked by the West has assumed elements of a global nature. Our air defence systems successfully counteracted these incursions, preventing the enemy from achieving their apparent objectives.
The fire at the ammunition depot in the Bryansk Region, caused by the debris of ATACMS missiles, was extinguished without casualties or significant damage. In the Kursk Region, the attack targeted one of the command posts of our group North. Regrettably, the attack and the subsequent air defence battle resulted in casualties, both fatalities and injuries, among the perimeter security units and servicing staff. However, the command and operational staff of the control centre suffered no casualties and continues to manage effectively the operations of our forces to eliminate and push enemy units out of the Kursk Region.
I wish to underscore once again that the use by the enemy of such weapons cannot affect the course of combat operations in the special military operation zone. Our forces are making successful advances along the entire line of contact, and all objectives we have set will be accomplished.
In response to the deployment of American and British long-range weapons, on November 21, the Russian Armed Forces delivered a combined strike on a facility within Ukraine’s defence industrial complex. In field conditions, we also carried out tests of one of Russia’s latest medium-range missile systems – in this case, carrying a non-nuclear hypersonic ballistic missile that our engineers named Oreshnik. The tests were successful, achieving the intended objective of the launch. In the city of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, one of the largest and most famous industrial complexes from the Soviet Union era, which continues to produce missiles and other armaments, was hit.
We are developing intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles in response to US plans to produce and deploy intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. We believe that the United States made a mistake by unilaterally destroying the INF Treaty in 2019 under a far-fetched pretext. Today, the United States is not only producing such equipment, but, as we can see, it has worked out ways to deploy its advanced missile systems to different regions of the world, including Europe, during training exercises for its troops. Moreover, in the course of these exercises, they are conducting training for using them.
As a reminder, Russia has voluntarily and unilaterally committed not to deploy intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles until US weapons of this kind appear in any region of the world.
To reiterate, we are conducting combat tests of the Oreshnik missile system in response to NATO’s aggressive actions against Russia. Our decision on further deployment of intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles will depend on the actions of the United States and its satellites.
We will determine the targets during further tests of our advanced missile systems based on the threats to the security of the Russian Federation. We consider ourselves entitled to use our weapons against military facilities of those countries that allow to use their weapons against our facilities, and in case of an escalation of aggressive actions, we will respond decisively and in mirror-like manner. I recommend that the ruling elites of the countries that are hatching plans to use their military contingents against Russia seriously consider this.
It goes without saying that when choosing, if necessary and as a retaliatory measure, targets to be hit by systems such as Oreshnik on Ukrainian territory, we will in advance suggest that civilians and citizens of friendly countries residing in those areas leave danger zones. We will do so for humanitarian reasons, openly and publicly, without fear of counter-moves coming from the enemy, who will also be receiving this information.
Why without fear? Because there are no means of countering such weapons today. Missiles attack targets at a speed of Mach 10, which is 2.5 to 3 kilometres per second. Air defence systems currently available in the world and missile defence systems being created by the Americans in Europe cannot intercept such missiles. It is impossible.
I would like to emphasise once again that it was not Russia, but the United States that destroyed the international security system and, by continuing to fight, cling to its hegemony, they are pushing the whole world into a global conflict.
We have always preferred and are ready now to resolve all disputes by peaceful means. But we are also ready for any turn of events.
If anyone still doubts this, make no mistake: there will always be a response.
Armed Forces
Foreign policy
National security
Publication status
Published in sections: News, Transcripts
Publication date: November 21, 2024, 20:10
Whatever one thinks of Mr Putin-and I have the greatest respect for him-he and Russia’s politicians act in an informed, clear comprehensible and statesmanlike manner.
Without the duplicious ‘strategic ambiguity’ of Macron, the stony, righteous silence of Starmer or the insensate, care home rage of Biden.
I wish that the West had one politician , other than Victor Orban, of his abilities and sense of his nation’s interest.
Port Talbot:
“The Labour MP for the area, Stephen Kinnock, said it would be “utter madness” to close the heavy end of the steelworks”
Ha ha, go and see EdMilliband, “You slag.”
“The new £1.25bn greener arc furnaces are expected to be operational within three years of getting regulatory and planning approval.”
“Greener arc furnaces?” Really? Powered by Wind Turdbines?
“The GMB’s national officer for steel, Charlotte Brumpton-Childs, [Ooo-h, Up The Workers, eh] saying: “Tata must pull back from the brink, work with us to deliver a better outcome for their workforce and protect UK virgin steelmaking.”
Lotti got “pulling back from the brink” and “virgins” into the same sentence.
1. Scrapie has jumped the species barrier, broken out of the Wales Gulag and is now infecting lefties [aka the weak minded] everywhere.
2. (Sir) Richard Branson [Virgin Islands] would be well advised to “pull back” from an investment in this case!
Noa: !1:19pm; 9:05am
There’s a hell of a long time between now and January 20th, 2025.
Will Donald, we, make it, or will the Neocons have started WW3 by then? They are certainly mad enough to do so.
My enemy’s enemy is my friend” is simply another way of expressing the political maxim of “Divide and conquer”.
We should never forget that the Stuart monarchies and their descendants, Scottish in origin, were bought and paid for by our French rivals, financing them to foment civil wars and insurrection in these Islands in 1642-51, 1685, 1715, 1745 and 1798.
Our Home Nations’ enemies will ALWAYS seek the opportunity to divide and conquer us, witness the German supply of arms and equipment to the Irish Republican Brotherood, to start the traitorous Easter Rising of 1916, or the US government and its armed support of IRA terrorists, resulting in the national humiliation of the Stormont settlement brokered by Clinton.
Too late the Irish people now realise that their long fight for Independance from the hated ‘Brits’ has resulted in their treacherous political class delivering them as à vassal state to the German and French dominated EU, to be used in their classic role as a back door means of attacking the British mainland.
Witness Blair’s supremely malign achievement of international socialism in Britain through the mechanism of devolution, resulting on the breakup of Britains own Constitutional Union and Settlement and the wholesale invasion and existential destruction of a thousand year culture, our unique civilisation the incomparible scientific and imtellectual gifts we have collectively provided to the world through the Enlightenment.
EC says:
November 25, 2024 at 10.27 and 10:34 am
I love Lottie! Or was it Lassie?
If Brits want steel in future I suspect we’ll be resorting to trusty pre Bessemer techniques in the near future,
Pass the matches and charcoal, Justin!
Perhaps we have midunderestimated the Great Leader, EU. It’s possible he may have a Cunning plan to save Britain abd Europe, by encouraging a Russian invasion an the subsequent launch of a Putin Plan, like the Marshall Plan but smaller, whereby Russian Oligarchs save us all by buying up what left of Europe and Britain and deploying us all into healthy recreation camps, like Butlins but better, to make mail bags and Eccles cakes.
Andrew Lawrence (wot, he’s still here and not embracing a large man called Achmed in a bijou two-up two-down cell in HMP Belmarsh brings us his customary cheery start to the week.
As does Walrus Webb, unlike Colostomy Joe, the Thinking Man’s
Cluster munition, who is liable to explode at any time and impossible to hose down afterwards. Here he muses on the rise in Britain of the paid State snitch, once the province of the Communist state.
Considering our aircraft carriers which rarely work, due in large part to the fallacious Labour government decision to install non-nuclear powered engines, and a lack of any initial aircraft, (remember the scrapped Harrier fleet) or an adequate number of affordable US F35 STOVL procured aircraft, the best and most economic use to be found for these vessels, which would certainly be destroyed in moments by a 4 or 8 missile salvo of satellite network directed hypersonic cruise or ballistic missiles, whether sea or land launched, would be, as Max Hastings said upon their commission into service, to take them into the North Sea and scuttle them in deep waters.
I suppose now, they could also be used as floating hostels for homeless ex servicemen from ISIS, the Taliban, Hamas or Hezbollah.
But perhaps their best use in future may well be to scuttle them as armed blockships, using EW and radar, together with surveillance and weaponised drones in the enemy approaches to the ports of Le Havre, Calais, Dunkirk or Ostend.
Noa: November 25
@3:39pm & @7:46pm. Why Aye Man!
5:08pm. Frau Knödel started the fashion for “monitoring” back up again when she hired one of Eric Mielke’s men to head up a new “Bundes-ear” department to patrol social media looking for anti-migrant comments.
‘You can take the girl out of the DDR, but you cannot take the DDR out of the girl” etc.
Fast forward until today and you can now get arrested in Germany for calling the Vice-Chancellor(Green Party) a “professional idiot.” I don’t think that many of us here would last long in today’s 4th Reich! 🙂
“Mutti’s” autobiography “Freedom” is published tomorrow. If you are going to buy this reportedly sparsely detailed, dare I say self-serving, account then may I also suggest that you buy Professor Harry G. Frankfurt’s handy little reference “On Bullshit” [ISBN-13 9780691122946] to accompany it. It’s and essential guide to humbuggery, bullshit and lies.
Noa says @ November 25, 2024 at 5:08 pm
Andrew excels himself, Noa, a first class posting.
Noa says @ November 25, 2024 at 7:46 pm
All this ‘unbeatable might’ is a must to prevent the evil Putin attacking us, those in governance must think we are insane to swallow the cr*p about the Russian threat.
The public enquiry on the unfortunate death of Dawn Sturgess is coming to an end but not without a hiccup from one of the witnesses see the first link. The other link shows how it is close to impossible to construct a believable lie.
The guy was recommended too Baron, he seems to the point, usually comments on what the Western sources say, here’s one of his takes:
“Sir Humphrey explains about The Church of England | Yes Prime Minister”
This is so true.
We all laughed back then, we’re not laughing now.
Plucky Ukrainians, mostly of the female branch, are having a go at Rogan:
Baron: November 26, 2024 at 10:13 am
The problem Mr Helmer has is making his case are the dastardly events that took place in London in November 2006, which were a perfect cover for any black op to blame it on the Ivans The FSB should’ve opted for the traditional mafia method of defenestration rather than poison. On that occasion half of central London and a British Airway 737 jet were rather publicly contaminated with Polonium 210 which can only be brewed in in a nuclear facility. All this happened on Bliar’s watch with hardly a raised eyebrow!
The whole point of Public Enquiries is to kick the can down the road a bit, and then, once initiated, take years interviewing witnesses and another couple of years writing a report to reach the “right conclusion” which can often mean no conclusion at all. By the time the report is published the people concerned, malefactors & victims, are often dead and the “public” has completely lost interest KaChing! £££s. They are a good gig to get if one is a member of the panel or the Chairman, often a Judge, presiding.
I thought that this was interesting:
“The chief lawyer for the Sturgess family, Michael Mansfield KC, has been focusing on the negligence compensation campaign for several years. In last week’s hearings he raised no objection to the judge for the restricted time rule. He has presented no evidence of his own to substantiate negligence, either on the part of the secret intelligence and security services, MI6 and MI5; or the Defence Ministry’s chemical warfare establishment; PHE; or the Wiltshire and Metropolitan police.
Mansfield’s silence indicates that either his compensation claim has been abandoned, or that a secret deal has been reached with the Home Office for a confidential payout to follow if Mansfield stays silent. Not proven, “could indicate” would’ve been better.
Mansfield is a formidable advocate, Not many would want to go into bat against him.
Were Dr. David Kelly’s relatives similarly silenced?
File under: Chilcott, Hutton etc.
EC says @ November 27, 2024 at 12:59 pm
Excellent points, EC, totally in agreement.
Thanks for the literature tip EC, I’ll gave a look at that.
Mind you, the way crap is pulled high in the bookshops, in the form for example of BJ’s shoddy wares, the world doesn’t need an explanation of how to detect the stuff, (the #mell usually gives it away), we simply need a lot less.
Perhaps e should demand “Horse whipping for oral defectors!”.
Clever man, the professor, full of common sense:
Not an orange man, but an orange female worth listening to:
A trenchant analysis of the UKs Defence status by Abdre Neil, which can be summarised as
“Shout loudly and carry a small stick”.
Noa says @ November 28, 2024 at 8:40 am
Two possible explanation of the paradox, Noa, it’s either that the Western Governing elites including ours know Putin’s unlikely to unleash a global Armageddon, the yapping about the Russian threat is a fake designed to control the unwashed, or the Western leaders, certainly the one that governs us, other than those in the US believe it’s up to the Americans to demolish Putin’s Russia.
President of Russia
Speech at a restricted attendance meeting of the CSTO Collective Security Council
November 28, 2024 12:30
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: President Tokayev, friends.
Like the other participants in this meeting, I would like to first thank the President of Kazakhstan and our Kazakhstani friends for preparing this meeting and for the active work of Kazakhstan’s presidency throughout this year, supported by the teams from all the member states.
As my colleagues rightly noted, cooperation between our states within the Collective Security Treaty Organisation is indeed of high significance. It is an alliance built on the principles of friendship, neighbourliness and respect for each other’s interests.
The CSTO is a military and political organisation. Some of our colleagues have asked me to report extensively on the latest developments in the zone of conflict in Ukraine, the zone of the special military operation, in view of the recent developments. Certainly, recognising the importance of the ongoing events, I will gladly provide an update on the situation today, as I believe it is my duty to inform you about the latest events.
As you know, earlier this month, Western officials announced their decision to authorise the Ukrainian armed forces to launch strikes at Russian territory using long-range high-precision weapons produced in the West. We have repeatedly pointed out that this decision would mean direct involvement of Western countries in the armed conflict, as it is simply impossible to deploy this type of weapons without directly involving the military personnel and the military specialists from the respective NATO countries. As you know, despite our warnings about the dangers of escalating this conflict, strikes were delivered at targets in the Bryansk and Kursk regions with American ATACMS missiles and the British Storm Shadow missiles. I spoke about the consequences of these attacks and the damage we sustained, in my statement on November 21.
For your information – some of our colleagues asked me to provide this information as well – the Russian Iskander missile system and its modifications represent the Russian analogue of all three ATACMS missile modifications. The warhead weight in TNT equivalent is about the same, but Iskander has a longer range. The new US-made PrSM missile is not superior to its Russian counterparts in any specification.
The Storm Shadow air-launched missile, the French SCALP, and the German Taurus have a warhead weighing between 450 and 480 kilogrammes in TNT equivalent and a range of 500 to 650 kilometres. The German Taurus missile has a 650- kilometre range.
The Kh-101 air-launched missile is the Russian analogue of these systems which has a comparable in terms of power warhead, but significantly exceeds each of the European-made systems in terms of range. The new US-made PrSM missiles, as I mentioned earlier, as well as the JASSM, are inferior to their Russian counterparts in terms of technical specifications.
Without a doubt, we are aware of the number of the relevant weapons systems that are in service of our potential adversaries. We know how many of them are kept in storage facilities. We know their exact location, how many weapons have been supplied to Ukraine, and how many more are planned to be supplied.
As far as the production of relevant missile systems and relevant equipment is concerned, Russia has 10 times more of them than the combined output of all NATO countries. Next year, we will increase the production by another 25 to 30 percent.
We can see that the Kiev regime ringleaders are begging their masters for military equipment of a different kind. Let no one forget about the Kalibr, Kinzhal and Zirkon hypersonic missile systems, which are unmatched around the world in terms of their technical specifications. Their production is also being ramped up and is going at full speed.
More such products may show up shortly on our menu of the products of this class, if I may put it that way. As they say, customer satisfaction is guaranteed.
By the way, we used these particular weapon systems over the last two days in response to the continued strikes by ATACMS missiles targeting the territory of Russia. We used a total of 100 systems, 100 different-class missiles which I just mentioned, and 466 strike drones.
Last night, we conducted a comprehensive strike utilising 90 missiles of these classes and 100 drones, successfully hitting 17 targets. These included military installations, defence industry sites, and their support infrastructure. I want to emphasise once again that these strikes were carried out in response to the continued attacks on Russian territory using American ATACMS missiles. As I have repeatedly stated, such actions will always elicit a response.
Finally, the latest hypersonic strike system, Oreshnik, in its non-nuclear configuration. We had to test it under combat conditions, as I just said – had to, as a response to the Western weapon strikes on the Bryansk and Kursk regions involving ATACMS and Storm Shadow missiles.
The Oreshnik system, of course, has no equivalents in the world, and I doubt we will see anything comparable in the foreseeable future. Allow me to briefly explain its operation, as requested.
The system deploys dozens of homing warheads that strike the target at a velocity of Mach 10, equivalent to approximately three kilometres per second. The temperature of the impact elements reaches 4,000 degrees Celsius – nearing the surface temperature of the sun, which is around 5,500–6,000 degrees. Consequently, everything within the explosion’s epicentre is reduced to fractions, elementary particles, essentially turning to dust. The missile is capable of destroying even heavily fortified structures and those located at significant depths.
Military and technical experts note that when used in a concentrated, massive strike – using several Oreshnik missiles simultaneously – the resulting impact is comparable in power to that of a nuclear weapon. However, the Oreshnik is not classified as a weapon of mass destruction. This distinction is due to two key factors: first, as confirmed in the November 21 test, the system demonstrates exceptional precision; second, and most importantly, it operates without a nuclear warhead, meaning no radioactive contamination follows its use.
As of today, we have several ready-to-deploy systems of this type. Naturally, as previously stated, we will continue to respond to ongoing strikes on Russian territory carried out with Western-made long-range missiles. This may include further testing of the Oreshnik system in combat conditions, as was successfully demonstrated on November 21.
The Ministry of Defence and the General Staff of the Russian Army are currently identifying targets for strikes within Ukraine. These may include military installations, defence industry sites, or decision-making centres in Kiev. All the more so that the Kiev regime has repeatedly attempted attacks on critical infrastructure in Russia, including in St Petersburg and Moscow, with such attempts ongoing.
The serial production of the Oreshnik system has commenced. However, the choice of weaponry will ultimately depend on the nature of the designated targets and the level of threats posed to the Russian Federation.
Publication date: November 28, 2024, 12:30
It seems from the above that Russia has better Western intelligence sources in the West than the CIA and their national counterparts have in Russia.
I think it tends to support Baron’s analysis at 7.32pm, a severe, if not a final warning to the bloviating blowhard in No 10 and Bidens West Wing warriors prior to their departure.
Sadly we can’t get rid of ‘Mad Ange’ to Moscow for the Christmas holidays. Rather than find a Dacha in Siberia for her after potential misbehaviour Putin has decided to punish the innocent citizens kf Manchester by keeping her here.
I do hope that President Zelensky, with his customary generosity, invites her to stay at his Kiev Palace and to share the promised Russian firework display. Perhaps Lord Alli will even provide Comrade Stalin with a flight ticket to join her.
We can but hope.
Noa: November 28, 2024 at 10:35 pm
It seems from the above that Russia has better Western intelligence sources in the West than the CIA and their national counterparts have in Russia.
That could well be the case. OTOH, the people in the lower echelons of the West’s three letter agencies may well be fully informed but their briefings to their bosses fall on deaf ears because the bosses only dare tell the ruling executive/junta what they want to hear.
Once thing for certain is that {{{the Russians}}} ain’t bluffing!
File under: Untergang! etc.
Noa: November 28, 2024 at 10:48 pm
When you tagged “Mad Ange” I must admit that at first I thought you were referring to the “Rheintöchter Häuptling.”
Following the publication of her autobiography, “Freeeedum,” on Wednesday we learn of the dastardly Vlad’s stratagem in 2007 to render her helpless without resorting to Scopolamine.
There is something deeply suspicious about somebody who doesn’t like dogs.
Even more suspicious when a black Labrador, the friendliest of all dogs, appears to shun a visitor.
File under: Middle-aged overweight bitch [ahem: Konni the dog].
Noa says @ November 28, 2024 at 10:26
If only would the Western leaders listen, Noa, one is under the impression they think Putin’s bluffing, that’s a big error of judgement, he means what he says.
What can the West, or NATO, or the American Armed Forces do if the Russians were to lob half a dozen of the Nuts each with six charges with specific addresses too hit that were to destroy all airports, the top political centres like London Westminster, and most of the power generation/transmission, will we respond and with what, will NATO respond and with what, and most importantly will the American respond and again what with?
Click on the link, even if the pundits are half right we cannot win. Why cannot they follow what Reagan did, talk, come to some com promise, lower the temperature.
Sorry, you will have to do a substitution for the two DOTs, the posting refused to go in without the corruption of the address.
Enriched or not enriched, shall we fight for it?
It feels NATO will march into Ukraine, the Spectator has articles pointing to the growing Russian sabotage, nothing specific but as always ‘it’s likely or very likely it’s Russia’, also the meme of the Korean troops in Russia is getting revived again, and the boss of our MI5 or MI6 has raised today the issue of the Russian sabotage, all leading to a justification, however false, for NATO to help Ukraine, to defend Ukrainian democracy blah blah blah.
The Kill Bill if passed will have an identical outcome to the 1967 Abortion Act, abortion is now one of the normal accepted pregnancy controls, give it time, the assisted dying will be a normal procedure to cull the unwanted.
The investigation is for the Australian net zero imbecility but it reflects the boils of the AGW for everyone else, one listens to it and thinks how on earth could any sane individual buy this trash of net zero C, it’s unbelievable that the political class managed to impose it on us everywhere, how could Australia, a complex society get 82% of its energy needs from renewables when as one of the guys says ‘ the sun doesn’t shine always, the wind doesn’t blow always’. It’s certifiable lunacy, these people should be inside, the key thrown away.
An interesting dissection of the Nut missile, and not that long:
The “Z” man’s take on the Russian Nutcracker, you can read the whole piece clicking on the link:
“What this means is that the Russians, if sufficiently provoked, could remove any European city from the game board in a matter of minutes. There is no defense and not much of a warning to the target country. If France, for example, starts firing SCALP missiles into Russia, Paris could cease to exist within a few minutes of someone telling Macron that he better say his prayers. It is easy to see why the deployment of such a weapon is so terrifying to fans of human civilisation”.
Interesting links Baron and thank you for posting them.
The ISIS invasion of Syria appears to be a second front, a US proxy to distract Russia and Iran, providibg Israel with a cessation of its pyrric multi-front war by the classic technique of division and conquest. Interesting analyses by Brlrtic on his New Atlas site and Alwxander Mercouris on both the Duran and his latest blog.
The Lebanese ceasefire allows Hezbollah to fight the ISIS invasion and secure its supply lines from Iran via Syria, the UK and US are both involved, no surprise there. The Tutks disclaim all knowledge (ha!) of course. Well they would, wouldn’t they?
It all demolishes Col Macgregor’s always far fetched theory that the Arabs, both Sunni and Shia, led by the Ottomans, had united in Islamic rage against a genocidal Jewry obliterating Gaza as though if was the Lodz Ghetto or Warsaw with the Red Army having a smoking break outside.
Any fragile alliance there might have been between the vipers in the pit of Hell that is the Fertile Crescent and the wider Middle East has been shattered in a moment by the interpkay of self interested forces, both local and external, that operate to maintain their own interests.
In short, Israel survives once again, by a hairsbreath, by itsintelligence and strategic ability that, at least for the present, has rescued it from the consequences of Jr’s own Schlieffen plan.
Besides a hot war in Ukraine with Russua, cooled by pouring Kinjals over US missile launchers and unleashing barbarous ISIS Militias upon the Syrian population, we are left to wonder what other Christmas presents the White House Scrooge has in his stocking for the people of the West and indeed the world.
Tomahawks for Tbilisi? ICBMs for Peking? Or just an old fashioned trench war for a 100,000 European troops outside Kiev?
It would surely be in the best interests of the West if its people could give him a fitting gift in return and that he could wake up on Christmas morning to the sight of a Starmer pod ready to embrace him on the White House lawn.
Noa: 9:40 am
The people running the shop in DC/Langley really are abominable people.
It’s no wonder that two thirds of the world’s “sanctioned” population ” is either deeply suspicious or despises “The Great Satan.”
I think that DJT is going to have his work cut out, because in addition to all the usual suspects there are still a number of malignant swamp people in the GOP that he was unable to scrape off its backside!
Deployment of power: China vs USA:
It seems to me that China has a track record of building infrastructure in other countries it seeks to “befriend’ and trade with
The USA prefers les coup d’état, economic sanctions, blowing up infrastructure.
Which is the most successful long term strategy do you think?
An gross oversimplification I know, but am I wrong CHW sages?
Any festive recipes for roast squirrel?
…and do Reds taste better than Greys?
Both avec a sweet chestnut stuffing?
This is amusing, in a sort of gallows-y humour sort of way…
Dominic Cummings explains how Cabinet Government works, or rather doesn’t…
“The Real Power behind the government”. [2mins:48secs]
Chin Up, eh lads!
There’s no getting away from the fact that Jihadi Joe is an existential threat to the planet, not just those unfortunates caught up in his poxy wars, plus bankrupt Europe.
The link below is interesting, but do we really believe that thus book wasn’t thrust into his hands by a Leftie bookseller in an attempt to cause mischief?
After all he can’t even read his own prescriptions.
No question, the Belt and Braces approach is a better long term strategy than ‘Bomb n’Go’.
Just as we found in Empire building days, a gandful of cheap beads, or in Xi’s caae, a few thousand tons of second grade concrete or steel, goes a lot further in relationship and entente building than the
explosive excretia of a B52 Squadron.
Weapons Grade Flatus:
DJT grasping at straws with a dollop of projection?
Without the “petro-dollar” the “wonderful USA econimy” would suffocate under its debts, wouldn’t it?
Still at least DJT is “talking up” his domestic economy, unlike our own dear leader.
File under: King Canute
EC says @ December 4, 2024 at 9:32 am
Good point EC.
He talks big but the market deeds are bigger, the dollar will go the way of sterling, the central banks will slowly replace it with the BRICS unit for a good reason, the great American Republic is no longer the top wealth creating nation, it now specialises in wealth distribution that smells of weakness not of strength.
Noa says @ December 2, 2024 at 1:27 pm
Good point also, Noa, Tucker has said the same, bullying can only work if the bullied are weaker than the bullies, Trump has to accomplish MAGA first before he regains the top spot for the Republic.
Tariffs will not do it, China’s exports to the US are only 10% of the country’s total exports, even if the whole lot was subject to to doubling the tariffs it would not get the Middle Kingdom to its knees, it would however hike inflation in the US to unsustainable level.
Four fifth of what the US gets from China is made there on behalf of the US brand names in manufacturing plants funded by the American capital, but by far more in plants owned by the Chinese money.
Who is Gorka?
Read please and tell Baron whether this could work:
One cannot but admire this chap Crooke, his grasp of the real world is unsurpassed, why TF can we not listen to him and people like him, if the Gorka nutter persuades Trump to go nuclear after Putin’s ‘niet’ to what may be installed for the Ukrainian slaughterhouse, Britain may be the prime target for the Russian Nutcracker, we’ve been boxing in the Ukrainian conflict far above our capacity to protect ourselves if Putin hits us:
The trade war between China and the US is going to hurt everyone, that’s the most injurious policy Trump has articulated so far, one hopes he changes the tune because the pain would befell mostly by the Western unwashed:
Owen Matthews has a piece in the Spectator, you can read it clicking on the link, Baron responded, got censored, and it isn;t because of the balls, what do you reckon he was barred for?
“Sweet baby Jesus, if you’re there give this man few functioning brain cells, add a couple of b for courage also.
The Ukrainian project is far from finished, the forthcoming election will be a farce, what happens to the DA of Kiev or who gets the top job matters not, in fact nothing Ukrainian matters at all, it’s the Americans that have been running the project since they turned a deeply corrupt but an independent Ukraine into a colony of theirs in the Feb 24 2014 Kiev’s violent putsch, then went on spending hundreds of dollar billions to compel the country’s people, mostly men, to hammer Russia with the aim of balkanising her just as the Wolfowitz doctrine demands.
The W doctrine has been the guiding light, it remains fully in command of the US foreign policy for the future, any country challenging the US hegemony akin to the former USSR must be destroyed, full stop.
Nothing short of either Russia prevailing to snatch the opportunity of their success in Ukraine backed by the new Nutcrackers to negotiate a new security arrangements not only for Europe but the world that would acknowledge the new reality of power distribution, the demise of the US hegemony, or the Americans will indeed escalate to a point of deploying nukes that the Russians will respond to in kind.
One hopes for the former, not many great unwashed in the world are keen or mad enough to wish to either burn to cinder when the nukes hit or to keep on dying slowly with their eyes bleeding”.
Sorry, it’s not ‘befell’ it should have been ‘be felt’, please ask not how the error happened.
Baron: December 4, 2024 at 10:44 pm
Should the Donald’s sabre rattling also a cause for concern, or is it just flatus?
If DJT doesn’t play nicely with the MIC then I would caution him to eschew any open top motorcades past book depositories or grassy knolls,
Baron: December 5, 2024 at 2:33 pm
Blasphemy, but not for mentioning the “J” word in vain!
Thank you for the link to that jaw dropping Spectoid article.
“If Ukraine is very lucky, it may find another leader of Zelensky’s strength and calibre.”
Give that man an OBN. (Order of the Brown Nose) and a Mockingbird Medal.
“Get a free bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label when you subscribe to 12 weeks of The Spectator for just £12”
Aye, alcohol! An essential anaesthetic, it would appear, if one is going to attempt to read the Spectatesman!
News: “Khan to be Knighted.” Mmm, I’d rather that was “benighted.”
One can only hope that Chuck III slips with the sword 😉
Khan and Hunter: is clear evidence that the rot in the UK and USA is beyond treatment. The patient cannot be cured.
Hunter: Neil Young did not approve of this message 🙂
For any “ecos” in your life…
“Meet the new boss, sane as…”
Welcome to the paranoid sczophrenia ward that will be the new world from January.
Two Scots just chewing the FLATUS.
Mrs EC and myself have been watching Keith Floyd’s “Floyd On France” (1987) on BBC iPlayer. (*). It’s like a breath of fresh air, being transported back to a world when we were’nt being constantly bombarded with the {{{MESSAGE}}}.
A supremely talented witty, unpretentious and un-PC chef, decent grub and plonk. Cheers!
R.I.P. Keith Floyd
(*) Mrs EC buys the licence despite my disapproval.
In case you thought that the UK economy could be rescued in 2029…
Al Queada, the CIA affiliate and the incoming Hell for Syrians.
Noa: 10:29am
“Two Scots just chewing the FLATUS.”
Very good 🙂
Gobshite Gorka could power a whole wind-farm all on his own.
The alliterative Col. Mac has it right, the USA needs a new paradigm because
Bully, Bribe and Bomb from afar won’t work anymore.
Noa: 11:43 am
Brian Berletic is good.
With Yevgeny Progozhin not available for active duty in Syria then it sounds like a job for Ramzan Kadyrov when he’s finished mopping up in Kursk.
Have a good weekend everybody.
Odd, isn’t it?
I never thought I’d be watching an insane collective of Western politicians trying to start a war, or three, with well, anybody. Including their proles.
At least there are grown ups in the room, even if they live in Moscow, Peking and Budapest.
That call for Floyd in France was inspired, EC, worth the licence, almost. Hideously blanc though, those Francaises….
Have a good weekend gentleman.
EC says @ December 6, 2024 at 10:19 am
A fitting tune, EC.
Odd, isn’t it, that the POTUS can, like the Pope, grant forgiveness for all sins, I thought that the Americans had settled there to get away from all that papist mummery and wanted to deal in the bright new tools of reason provided by the Enlightenment.
Who would have thought it would all go to Hell in a nappy bucket and turn into the Communist dictatorship it always despised?
But even the Pope requires true repentance from the sinner for absolution to be effective
I can’t imagine that Hunter feels repentance only exhileration and relief.
Poor Ange, apparantly she picked something up after kissing the Pope’s ring…
Is Lammy growing a cervix for Eddie Lizard…?
Noa says @ December 6, 2024 at 7:43 pm
The whole of the American governing elite is morally corrupt, it was sickening when Biden said that he has faith in the justice system and the rule of law ….then pardoned his son. This is the model of democracy they are trying g to export to other countries.
Noa say @ December 6, 2024 at 8:06 pm
It’s the ‘must have for Christmas’ for Baron, Noa, a queer lens, where and how can he get it? Pity there isn’t the source of this outstanding gift that everyone should aspire to obtain. Baron will complain.
How about if you two had a look at the and put in a posting or two or more occasionally? The guy that runs it is 100% free speech, almost all contributors are of the same phylum, have a try, please.
Posted own the Spectator site, but you should have a chance to have a go at Baron also.
A much better take on the developing story of the fall of the house of Assad (see the link below please) except for the claim that the loss of two small military bases in Syria may hurt Russia strategically (it may be temporary – see below), the protection of Syria was but a pain in the neck for Putin for no obvious advantage, the country had nothing to offer, it’s not Africa, it’s the ME that has been unstable politically and close to ungovernable in the shape decided by Sykes and Picot in 1916.
One has to wait for the American reaction though, what our politicians say matters not, HTS that spit from al-Qaida is a proscribed terrorist organisation by the US and the UN, it’s base is in the north together with the Turkish backed Syrian militias known as the Syrian National Army, the south is the heartland of the Syria’s religious Druze minority where the uprising is reported to be local, also the fate of the coastal region where Assad enjoyed large support is still undecided, a civil war cannot be ruled out whether the Americans get involved or not.
What may be significant is the rebels ransacked the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, left the Russian building untouched, in fact protected it whilst Ahmed Hussain was in contact with Putin.
There are also reports of huge flows of refugees, mostly Shias, into Lebanon through illegal crossings in the district of Hermel. It’s somewhat ironic because only last month the flow was the other way round.
(The above is based on outside sources not the UK legacy media).
Baron: 7:46pm
“it’s the ME that has been unstable politically and close to ungovernable in the shape decided by Sykes and Picot in 1916.”
I was going to mention that very same thing this morning!
I wonder if the Americans stopped to wonder what would happen after the various CIA sponsored ISIS rabbles succeeded in toppling Assad? Who would be in charge?
Based on their previous track record in the ME I’m fairly certain that the Yanks haven’t got a bloody clue what they’re meddling with. Do they G.A.S.?
Over100 years ago after driving the Turks out T.E. Lawrence found out that the various Arab tribes squabbled amongst themselves. Have things change that much? Will the former landlords, the Turks, swoop down, finish off ISIS and then resume their former iron fisted managerial duties?
Who’s next? Jordan with and is the next weakest link. Egypt is run by a much bigger and better military . It must still niggle though that the Obama/CIA sponsored attempted takeover by the Brotherhood failed. Electoral fraud par excellence!
Interesting times, chaps.
Baron: 7:46pm
The Donald, in part, appears to agree with you about Syria/Russia.
There again, one wonders where he’s getting his figures from?
Clearly not from Col. Douglas Macgregor, Profs Sachs & Mearsheimer, Brian Berletic, Glenn Diesen, The The Duran(two greek brokes) etc. etc.
This statement was issued at 14:28 Moscow time (yesterday):
We are following the dramatic events in Syria with extreme concern. As a result of Bashar al-Assad’s talks with a number of participants in the armed conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic, he decided to leave the presidency and left the country, instructing to transfer power peacefully. Russia did not participate in these negotiations. At the same time, we appeal to all parties involved to renounce the use of violence and resolve all issues of governance through political means.
In this regard, the Russian Federation is in contact with all groups of the Syrian opposition. We call for respect for the opinions of all ethnic and religious forces in Syrian society, and we support efforts to establish an inclusive political process based on UN Security Council Resolution 2254, which was unanimously adopted.
We hope that these approaches will be taken into account by the UN and all interested players, including in the context of implementing the initiative of the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Syria Geir Pedersen to urgently organise inclusive intra-Syrian talks in Geneva.
At the same time, all necessary measures are being taken to ensure the safety of our citizens in Syria.
Russian military bases in Syria are on high alert. At the moment, there is no serious threat to their safety. [My Emphasis]
EC says @ December 9, 2024 at 9:05 am
Excellent points, EC, a full agreement (as if it mattered).
The Trump’s X posting is wrong on the casualties, right in calling for a peace in Ukraine.
Off you go to Paris to see how badly one pygmy has restored Notre Dame and low and behold, another turns up wearing the sane unwashed green tee shirt he was in when you last stood on him. At least the granny snatcher was between them, emphasising that he was taller by draping an arm over the midge, though he could gave just been making a pass…
As EC points out, the Don’s
counting skills seem way off. If even Vvlod admits to 400k Ukr dead then the number is more likely 3 to 5 times that. Russian casualties perhaps 10 to 20% of the Ukr level, who knows? But the level of ignorance exposed is concerning.
At least Starmer and ‘how I luvs ya, my dear old lammy’ weren’t embarrassing themselves and us, by taking the knee for BLM in the aisle. No doubt thunderbolts would have smote them for dis-respec’ to the Bros.
As for Russian involvement in Syria, they seen to have secured their military and political interests and declared neutrality, for the present. The US now has to defend its scattered bases in the vipers nest they have created.
Will it take the pressure off Israel as the muslim mayhem spreads across Lebanon and the ME?
Are der ‘MerkelsKinder’ the 2015 cohort, already accepting the ISIS invitation return home and build that Syrian demos?
Well done to Netanyahu though, for giving Europe’s anti semitic elites something else to think about, as Everyone in the ME packs their bags to make a benefit claim in Kuffirisstan.
Thank Allah the lad’s has grown up and changed. “Diversity is their strength”.
And Keir dobs in the great reset tories, not that he will be changing anything.
Some of it has been overtaken by the fast developing events, but it’s worth reading, the end in particular:
Noa says @ December 9, 2024 at 6:58 pm
The admission that the open border policy was planned, Noa, is akin to a nuke exploding over Britain, but the good burghers will keen on voting for the traitors of the old way of life, unbelievably imbecilic, existentially a suicide by apathy.
The great Joseph is priceless, the American have a $10m bounty on the HTS leader and they also are helping his fighters to gain control of Syria arghhhhh
It’s ‘Americans’ and not a single one of them, sorry.
Can you guess which way the refugees move? Is it from Turkey to the new Assad free Syria or the other way round?
Baron says:
December 9, 2024 at 9:46 pm
In answer to your question, Baron, in whatever direction you go if you are a Yazidi it’s surely a case of deja vous all over again.
This paper, published just over a month ago, seems to be overtaken already by events.
Baron: December 9, 2024 at 9:27 pm
Ray MCGovern, who knows about this stuff first hand, in conversation with De Judge throwing some light and perspective on the CIA’s operations both ancient & modern
The whole world has gone fucking mad. Cognitive dissonance rules as politicians, MSM all laud the exploits of the head-loppers in ridding Syria of the “terrible tyrant” and former gently spoken, mild mannered optician(?) from Aylesbury, was it?
Noa: “déjà Vu All Over Again”
Aye lad!
All together now: Chorus: “Here we go picking up nuts in
May[insert month-name]File under: Eid-Begum etc
The link is from Larry Johnson’s Sonar21 blog.
Syria from a Russian journalist’s point of view: a Jihadi problem dumped on the West and Turkey whilst the BRICS initiative quietly prospers.
Assad’s departure: Cui Bono?
It’s always about the money.
One waits to see how the Russians
will respond to the latest ATACAMS strike on the Russian port of Taganrog.
Is all US military hardware junk, designed by technocrats for bureaucrats for use by cretins. Watch ‘The Pentagon Wars’ the You Tube free to view fact based (and very funny) film on the evolution of the Bradley tracked troop transport
If you don’t believe it can happen here check out the Tornado ADV ‘Blue Circle’ radar and Mauser 30mm cannon prematurely exploding ammunition. And of course the UKs own beware APC carrier is a re-run of the Bradley fiasco.
Still, nobody ever got poor buying Defence stocks, so just keep buying the shares and just think of all those lovely post-production modification contracts!
Cyrus is now saying what we’ve been saying before the N-2 was even finished, energy is the key ingredient to life, both in nature and for every man made construct, the cost of it makes a society a pauper if it’s high or a success if it’s low, serves the German unwashed right, they elected a licker and suffer for it:
Noa says @ December 12, 2024 at 2:05 pm
As you well know, Nope, Assad’s refusal to let the Qatari pipeline through Syrian territory turned him overnight from a friend of the West to the most evil dictator that gases his own people, amazing turnaround.
EC says @ December 10, 2024 at 10:22 am
Thanks for the link, EC, and you couldn’t be more correct, madness rules, but for how long?
Noa says @ December 10, 2024 at 1:59 am
If they stay, Noa, there will be nobody left when the ISIL butchers are finished with them, truly tragic, but does any of the democratic politicians care?
I daresay that is not exactly what Sir Robert had in mind…
Is it any wonder that the public now distrust the police?
File under: Southport, MAN airport myriad other examples, Thought Police, Two Tier Kier etc.
Have a good weekend, chaps.
Whatever else we are fortunate that the MIC cannot see a profit into laying waste to our Septic Isle. Not yet anyways…
See you on the other side…
It may be too early but so what, Marry Christmas boys, and the happiest New Year together with the 365 days that may follow.
EC says @ December 13, 2024 at 8:31 am
One hopes ‘the other side’ is the new year, EC, and not the place where the angels sing pain is absent and He rules.
EC says @ December 13, 2024 at 8:26
One reads Sir Peel’s principles and thinks ‘how on earth could people allow their replacement with the Woke imbecility that turned the service into a military combat unit’.
Longish with a number of video clips, but worth reading, it differs markedly from the China’s image pumped by the MSM poodles, unless we face the truth the 1.4b of the Middle Kingdom residents will take over us.
Some VERY SALACIOUS gossip for you!
Not that I could care less, really, what people do in private as long as they don’t seek to make it compulsory, want a round of applause, or pretend to be something else in public.
File under: “Big Mike,” Brigitte etc.
What with all the missiles, bombs, assassinations, the never ending murders of unarmed men, women, children and babies…
Is anybody else finding that the compulsory consumption, piggery and traditional greetings of “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year” to be even more hollow and pointless than ever, this year?
A new, very funny song & video from Dominic Frisby
“Right Wing Woman”
Beautiful actress!
Rod Liddle on the Foreign Secretary, in case you’ve missed it:
EC says @ December 17, 2024 at 2:49 pm
Just that Baron has already had his dinner, EC, the image of Gove getting ready to mount an attractive 30 something is sickening, but then more things that could make one puke are happening in the world.
EC says @ December 17, 2024 at 3:50 pm
Impossible not to join you thinking the same, EC, it may seem weird yo say it, but abandoning God didn’t make the world better.
Frisby’s song cheered Baron a lot, EC, thanks, he needed cheering up after he read a piece in the Spectator by the dear professor Galeotti and the postings under it, arghhhh
Baron says:, December 17, 2024 at 9:37 pm
“David Lammy Is “A pig Ignorant Grandstanding Oaf” | Rod Liddle – Kevin O’Sullivan”
Well, Rodders was more polite about him than I could’ve managed.
I try not to look at him but when I o his seems to be taking on the appearance of Idi Amin. How long , I wonder, will it be before he takes to carrying one of those swagger sticks with a tassel on the end so beloved by African dictators for keeping the flies at bay.”
The major difference between the Member for Tottenham and Amin being that the latter was by far smarter. If Lammy is also reported to have bought a large deep freezer then start to worry! 😉
South Africa? Nowadays it’s almost as bad as Broken Britain.
But at least they don’t have Lammy as Foreign Secretary.
I note this morning that “The Oaf”above has said that British born Asma Assad “is not welcome in the UK.” Also that the Oaf and Comrade Starmer are considering stripping Mrs Assad of her British Citizenship. I far rather that that malign pair were stripped of theirs!
The hubris of these people! What makes them think that Asma Assad or anyone else in their right minds would want to come settle in a country with a rotten climate that is fast developing into an impoverished economic backwater and a dystopian totalitarian shithole!
Baron says: December 17, 2024 at 9:40 pm
“Just that Baron has already had his dinner, EC, the image of Gove getting ready to mount an attractive 30 something [Lola] is sickening, but then more things that could make one puke are happening in the world.”
The clue was in the reference to the Kinks’ 1970 hit record “Lola L-O-L-A Lola.”
If you Google the lyrics of that song then you might be uncertain as to who might be pegging whom, and then might you not eat for a week! LOL LOL LOL
All enquires to:
The Editor, The Spectator, 22 Old Queen Street, London.
Another song, something more Chrismassy for you:
As Noa will noa doubt knowa, Lancashire Lass Maddy Prior is still going strong, in her late 70’s now.
Also: That bloke 2nd from left nicked my flares, and I’d like ’em back!
For those like myself, and UK fishermen, who are a little hard of herring nowadays…
EC says @ December 18, 2024 at 11:27 am
Rather unconsidered of the group that employes also the flared trouser bottom’s guy, EC, they cover their ears but we have to listen to the noises (only joking, but what was the language exactly?)
EC says @ December 18, 2024 at 10:40 am
A real goodie this posting of yours, EC, Baron chuckled through it, burst into laugher at the end.
Noa says @ December 18, 2024 at 10:46 am
An interesting also short take on a nation of 60m people that have been going south since the ANC took over, Noa, thanks for supplying it.
Two points, perhaps we should lure the excellent private health sector of theirs, the one we have is as bad as the NHS except that one can get in quicker, also how would any of the three friendly nations of China, Russia and Iran take over the country? Will they invaded, buy the lot or what?
EC says @ December 18, 2024 at 11:08 am
Merci, EC, will do at some point, when very drunk.
Talking of poisons, Baron was given a proscription for Tramadol in the early Spring, he suffers from peripheral neuropathy, when it hits it’s seriously painful and only aspirin, the big one, and Tramadol ease the pain.
The doctor warned the barbarian from the East that the synthetic morphine could be addictive (he got only 29 tablets still has six left) and also furnish a high, something Baron was looking forward to, he has never done any mood boosting drugs except for nicotine, but would you believe it, absolutely FA, nothing, no high not even a hint of one, the doctor says it may be because his brain got wired to get high on nicotine, which made Baron think he may start smoking again. Sadly Balkan Sobranie is no longer to be had, the stupid makers of the best pipe tobacco in the world have given up making it.
What has the world come to?
Mark Dolan sacked?
GB News to hire the ghastly sociopathic Kay Burly from the unemployment line at Sly News?
Shurely shome mishtake?
Unthinkable 55 years ago, not at all silly today!
11 dead 90 injured in Magdeburg.
Slay bells are ringing…
The Welsh Presbyterians strike again?
Another member of the “Amalgamated Union of Lone Wolves” with mental health problems?
Standby for:
1) Candlelight vigils, the same old platitudes from the same old politicians, celebZ and MSM, and Welsh “community leaders” and Presbyterian clergy saying that they are all living in fear of a backlash.
2) Twitter/X Stasi on full alert , as Roland Freisler cancels his holidays
3) SarKia charters private jet to visit the stricken Magdeburg.
The latest enrichment of the West in this case Germany:
EC says @ December 21, 2024 at 10:28 am
Very fitting points, EC, you should say so also on the ‘;Free speech backlash’, blog, it would get a larger circulation that it deserves.
Baron: December 21, 2024 at 3:31 pm
An excellent piece of reportage from Mr 2C
Today, The Walrus also echoes what many of us have been thinking:
Brian Berletic with a thorough and objective briefing on the current situation and what we can expect from Trump’s USA in 2025.
“Russia Advances in Ukraine, Pivots to Libya as US Poised to Continue Global Aggression into 2025”
The US Governing Elites would have never allowed Russia into the EU, the merger would have created a powerful economic entity competing with the US, destroying the American hegemony, imagine Russian natural resources ranked no 1 in the world combined with German industrial prowess, unbeatable after the US have shifted most of the former manufacturing might mainly to China.
To paraphrase Lord Hastings Lionel Ismay, the first Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the purpose of the EU/NATO, now as incestuosly linked as a Yorkshire first cousin marriage; is to “keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down”.
The appointment of the former Dutch PM and globalist traitor Mark Rutte, as Ismay’s latest successor validates his assessment.
“How We Heat Our Apartment in the Coldest Town on Earth – Yakutsk | Siberia (-64°C| -83°F)”
Only $8 per month on Gas!?
Noa at 9:22 am
The always smug Rutte looks far too pleased with himself these days.
Three years of vicious war, 2500 sanctions by every D&H, evil Putin in charge and look at them, no Islamist driving into the crowds.
This is Moscow, a showcase, not everywhere would be a repeat of it, but even so it’s a remarkable achievement in only 25 years of the evil Putin’s governance.
Noa says @ December 23, 2024 at 9:22 am
You’re absolutely right, Noa, that’s exactly why Jason gets it wrong, Russia and Germany together would be a fatal combination for the American hegemony, Rutte is one of the keenest lickers, the man will get far.
EC says December 23, 2024 at 2:19 pm
One can only envy the Russians, EC.
If only the clowns looked after us not the interests of our special fiend they would have leased or even bought the N-2 from the then owners, got as much gas and as cheaply as possible for us and to re-sell to the Germans and other Continental crowd, we would have basked in the warmth of our houses now and the country would be going much better than the anaemic stagnating that we are going through with no improvement in sight.
Please do make the effort click on it, enjoy the poem of extraordinary quality and timeliness:
There is no more appropriate time, nor a more necessary one, to wish peace upon the earth and goodwill to all men, than upon Christmas Eve.
I wish my fellow Wallsters and their families the greetings of the season and every success in the unending quest for peace, harmony and justice.
Baron at 8:49 pm
” Baron has already filed it in his box of literary gems.”
So many quotable gems in there Milud, including,
“The new left’s acolytes of Roderick Spode…” Spot on to a “t” that one!
I was perplexed by, but liked the flow of “A shrine to Foucault and to Foucault else.”
I had to look that one up! It speaks volumes about Google search engine that an obscure modern philosopher(ha!) takes precedence over a physicist in their search results. [The only person of that name I’d encountered previously was French physicist Léon Foucault of the eponymous Pendulum fame]
…also I, old Horatio, gave your comment above “thumbs up.”
Noa says: December 24, 2024 at 9:15 am
Merry Christmas to yourself, Baron, Peter and any “lurkers” such as John Jefferson Burns, and also to the heirs of Erich Mielke who may be listening in.
Also today, I was forced to Google what the hell “STEAMPUNK” was…
This AI generated stuff is getting more realistic by the day!
How long have we got before humanity is wired into the virtual world of “The Matrix”
…where apparently nobody feels the cold!
“STEAMPUNK Christmas Magic – AI Short Film”
A STEAMPUNK Christmas Carol – AI Short Film
EC says @ December 24, 2024 at 12:22 pm
Where did they dig up such gorgeous girls, EC? (only joking)
EC says @ December 24, 2024 at 11:59 am
How talented the guy is, EC, it’s not often one comes across an individual that displays the gifts of a savant, perhaps in the next life Baron will get endowed with a little of what one calls an aptitude or a talent, anything will do.
Informative if somewhat too long:
Impressively knowledgable guy, Chris Hedges:
Baron: December 24, 2024 at 8:26 pm
Pretty yes, but one suspects that the “AI” entity that constructs all these “retro-future-past” visions was programmed by somebody with a definite liking for females of the more pneumatic variety.
As Admiral Ackbar (Star Wars) once exclaimed, “It’s A Trap!”
Travelling… from today for a while.
Happy New Year.
Good fortune, and what goes for good health at our age, be upon you chaps.
This one’s for you, EC, as you roll along the asphalt.
As we prepare for the forthcoming living Hell of Comrade Steir Karma’s
2025 let us enjoy a nostalgic tribute to the sheer calorific joy of the Full Fat English.
And a passing thought on what may await our hardy traveller at journey’s end.
Charles Christmas speech, clinically analysed by a former Royal Chaplain.
Happy New Year, boys.
Try, because the next year may be even $hittier than the one that’s passing.
With best wishes to Peter, and all the Wallsters both regular and very occasional, for a happy and prosperous New Year.
And our Dear Leader, with every confidence in me, has given full approval for me to say so.
Mental Elf isshues have interfered with local celebrations in New Orleans.
As the Lunatic was shot dead in a gun fight with police nine British soldiers face prosecution for ‘war crimes’ in Syria and Afghanistan, joining the OAP on trial for ‘double murder’ in Nothern Ireland over fufty years ago, a Mrs Robinson is urged NOT to put her daughters in the SAS, as they’ll be far better off and much less likely to be arrested, on the stage.
Noa says @ January 1, 2025 at 4:13 pm
A succinct summary, Noa, just what Baron needed to start the new year, arghhh
If this is what gets one a knighthood, is it any wonder many are looking towards Putin’s Russia?
Thank you Milud.
I am particularly pleased to have invented a new numeric system to greet the new year.
Furty, Fufty, Suxty, Suvunty….
I am quite prepared to licence its use by the current government if it would be if assistance in their accounting practices.
Is it defamatory to call a newly mounted Knight a coward, I wonder?
‘The greater the truth the greater the libel’, as my old Tort lecturer used to say.
The old goat is currently trolloping with some catemite 40 years his junior I hear.
Have a look here, could there be a stupider idea than this? It’s beyond laughable, how could someone in a position of importance ever come with the idea of a tank run on batteries, these people ought to be certified, locked up, the key thrown into the deepest ocean:
Much better idea would be to run the tanks and other military vehicles on human flatulence, first design a detachable, portable and light contraption for collecting human farts, then feed the troopers plenty of baked beans, in fact nothing but baked beans, collect the output and use it to propel the moving military hardware.
Sounds a silly idea? Baron reckons it would be more doable than the battery propelled tanks, certainly cheaper, no need for reachable gear, the human body would produce the fuel 24/7. Consuming beans may not be the best for the astronauts, the tank crews and other military personnel may welcome it, provided they like baked beans, of course.
Noa says @ January 2, 2025 at 9:29 pm
The old goat is currently trolloping with some catemite 40 years his junior I hear.
Tell more, young sir, tell more.
I couldn’t remember where I saw the shaggjng gossip, milud, though for a normal like me the truth is offensive enough.
Flats powered tanks?
Well, why not? The result of beans or even vegemite sandwiches, it would make no difference though given the way in which different Government departnents always work in complete opposition to each other at worst, and at cross purposes at best, I would expect the whole tankful of crap and gas to blow up in the faces if the respective competitors The first candidate would obviously be the DIE in the MoD, overbudget due to the unexpected gas mask requirements of the Tank crews. The second would be the Bovaeer induced effects on those same crews reducing their fuel output.
Clearly the only solution is to subcontract the whole defence requirement, Land, Air and Sea, to somebody actually capable of providing it effectively and within budget.
Obviously this rules out any Western nation and Russia, China and North Korea come to mind as both competent and prepared to honour contracts awarded to them.
sp.Flatus not Flats
As 2025 gets under way its …educational, to observe dispassionately the progression of Turkish and Biden sponsored CIA liberalism in another of its proxies. No, not Britain or Zelenskyia, but ‘liberated’ Syria.
With luck one might just have ended up living in an Israeli controlled area of the recreated Hell that is now a post-Assad Caliphate.
Wilson, Keppel and Betty show us how it’s done.
A tribute to the missing Wallsters.
Why does Britain have an inferiority complex with regard to Russia?
Noa says @ January 3, 2025 at 2:55 pm
Not a bad suggestion, Noa, it would save us enough to double or treble the Winter allowance for every pensioner needing it badly, and the country’s security would be enhanced also.
Where’s EC, still travelling? How far could he be going? Is Mars the destination?
Simon Webb’s admirable recapitulation of the long and dishonourable tradition of the British government’s suppression of freedom of speech, expression and publication in the media.
It’s not the Dawkins’s piece but the postings below, if you can get them, Baron’s at awe at the thinking power of some, amazing, truly illuminating, here’s a sample, whether you agree or not you must admit the point made is thought provoking:
“Dawkins does not grasp a simple fact: Any statement of “truth” is made by human beings, individually or collectively, and what is perceived (that which Dawkins calls “reality”) by a human being is inseparable from the person perceiving it.
Object of perception and organ of perception are inseparable. But we do not all see alike, even though there may be large areas of overlapping agreement in our interpretations of what we do perceive. Christianity has never been anti-science. It accepts a great many scientific conclusions based on empirical evidence.
But the evidence for God is not of that kind. God is an experience whose validity is up to the individual, not “science,” to decide. Not everyone has the inner ear to hear or inner eye to see what words of faith can only point to, not define or describe, as words themselves are rooted in empirical experience.
See Matthew 13:13: “Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.” Christ didn’t expect or even want everyone to believe. Some people just don’t have it in them—Dawkins is clearly one of those. Empirical experience is, obviously, the only kind of evidence Dawkins will accept. When it comes to parables and atheists, the words fall on deaf ears. You have to feel sorry for them. It’s rather like being confined to two dimensions and railing against those who enjoy a third.
Nothing we believe “actually exists” apart from our experience. Proving that what we experience “actually exists” still occurs within our experience. What we accept as “proof”—empirical evidence, that of our eyes and ears and other senses—is, certainly, a kind of evidence.
All I’m saying is that Dawkins (or science) does not accept any other kind of evidence, and so for him, there is no other kind, and so anything known by any other kind simply does not exist for him. Whether or not God “actually exists” is not something any amount of empirical evidence will ever prove, because God is not, by definition, an object of sensory perception—or intellectual perception, for that matter”.
Noa says @ January 4, 2025 at 9:59 pm
Simon excels himself, Noa, the guy’s grasp of history is second to none, thanks for posting it.
Not bad at all, but will anything happen?
“Regarding the Pakistani rape gangs is the tide turning in the MSM? This is from the DT:
It has been known for years that networks of men of Pakistani background gang-raped young white girls, while the authorities failed to tackle the issue or looked the other way out of political correctness. Renewed interest has been driven by viral posts featuring horrific extracts from official reports.
This has exposed the story to a global audience, including Americans like Elon Musk, whose shock is palpable. He’s right to be shocked: the grooming gangs scandal is the worst crime in modern Britain.
When people talk about our international reputation, they should realise the UK is now known for the racist gang rape of white girls. Take Bill Ackman, the billionaire hedge fund manager and former Democrat donor.
He expressed disbelief, then suggested that the USA sanction Britain until the gangs are smashed. He’s also called for the use of the death penalty and the deportation of the friends and family of rapists who knew but said nothing.
A decade after the scandal broke, the need for stronger measures is obvious. Not one police officer or council official who was complicit has been jailed. Many rapists have faced only a few years in jail, with early release and a welcome back to their community.
A few brave voices excepted, there has been little self-criticism among British-Pakistanis, with the most common response being to lash out. Their claims that those who speak out about the scandal are Islamophobic or racist are then amplified by academics and activists on the left. Grooming gangs continue to operate.
This is the very reason why calls for a national inquiry should be met with some scepticism. Inquiries in places like Rotherham and Telford have put useful information in the public domain and allowed for estimates of the number of victims. However, they have failed to achieve lasting change.
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse lasted seven years and had four chairmen. One of the investigations was to look into “child exploitation by organised networks”, including grooming gangs; but five of the six areas chosen to look at were overwhelmingly white, while areas where the grooming gangs had already been found were deliberately excluded. The final report only mentions Rotherham once and limply recommends creating a Minister for Children.
It wouldn’t matter anyway, as prior inquiries found the rules were often broken. Take a case from Bradford, where a 15-year-old girl was placed as a foster child in the family of her rapist and made to marry her abuser in an Islamic ceremony with her social worker present. During this period she was forced to convert to Islam and treated as a domestic slave. So what can we do?
Those in positions of authority who are culpable should face consequences. A public sector blacklist should be introduced, barring those on it from employment by the state or working on any project reliant on taxpayer funds for a period of several years.
We should shame people with the scale of the crimes, to ensure they never happen again.
Whistleblowers like Jayne Senior and Maggie Oliver should be elevated to the House of Lords, there should be a public memorial, and schools should receive educational visits to show how the anti-white racism of the grooming gangs is as bad as any other form of prejudice.
We also must recognise that these cases are a result of ill-considered immigration policy. This is a wake-up call to think carefully about future immigrants, to ensure they come from cultures compatible with British values.
Too much immigration allows the creation of enclaves that sustain the culture of the home country and prevent assimilation. That’s how you end up with places like Blackburn, where some Asian schoolchildren think that Britain is 50 to 90 per cent Asian. It might seem unfair, but this means restricting family immigration, as marrying people from the home country, many of whom are close relatives, maintains this insularity.
It should become the norm that grooming gang members are deported. Under already existing visa penalty powers in the 2022 Nationality and Borders Act, the government can force countries like Pakistan to take back their criminal citizens by taxing remittances, which from Britain alone make up around 1 per cent of Pakistan’s GDP, and blocking the issuing of visas to their nationals or to government officials who want to travel here.
If human rights law frustrates this, then introduce a new deportation bill with as many clauses as necessary.
Instead of being outraged by Elon Musk’s colourful comments, Britain’s elite should reflect on how they allowed the grooming gangs scandal to happen and how they failed to end it. We can’t afford to trust the process and have another inquiry. We need action.
‘Shall he or shall he not’ was what has troubled Baron the whole day, in the end he decided to post it with a question: When the British were ruling India the country had at the end some 350m inhabitants, do you think it was as bad as the video says it is today, not everywhere obviously, but in many a place?
As far as Baron can say, this is the best summing up of the rape gangs:
Pleasure to read him, as always, the great Mark Steyn on the spat between Farage and Musk over the issue of the rapes of underage children:
Is anyone still around?
What has happened to Peter, he hasn’t said a word since he set up the new run in 2023.
Thanks Baron,
Good links both.
Here’s Jeffrey Sachs 1 hour long but watchable discussion with Glenn Diesen, reviewing his excellent book, in my opinion the best read of the year.
“The Ukraine War and the Eurasian World Order.”
I have never understood the English aristocracy’s passion for India, or seen any significant benefits that the Raj, run by a few thousand civil servants, and unlike America or Australia never settled, provided to Britain.
That Britain’s heritage in India was to provide a unified, well governed relatively tolerant country, if not quite a sub-continent, a democratic Parliamentary governnent, an effective judiciary and rule of law effexindustry and infrastructure, is beyond doubt.
Whilst Ghandi and Nehru delayed economic development by 30 years tge country has become ever more over populated commensurate with its resources and may as a result become a failed state, though its chances are better than Muslim dominated Pakistan and Bangladesh.
It’s people generally bear no great regard for Britain, perhaps understandably or not. Most Britons reciprocate that feeling and are vemused that a nation and people who so vehemently demanded independence in 1947 and have since accused us of exploitative colonialism have nevertheless invited themselves to settle in Britain in enormous numbers, though not as large as their Pakistani or Bangladeshi cousins.
Noa says @ January 8, 2025 at 12:56 am
Thanks for the response, Noa.
Noa says @ January 7, 2025 at 8:28 pm
The order has been placed, Noa, thank you, nothing to disagree, great minds, both.
No doubt Putin’s an autocrat, but compared to the lot that had governed Russia since the country got going in 1612 it’s astonishing what the Russians succeeded building during his governance after he got to the Kremlin in 2000 (sorry for the convoluted English):
An autocrat? Yes, nevertheless I’m of the view that he is the finest politician of the 21st century so far.
A glutton for hard work, a supreme grasp of his brief and what actions are required for the best interests of the Russian nation he has painstakingly rebuilt.
Ruthless? Yes, but no Lenin or Stalin, using a scalpel rather than a sabre against his politicial enemies.
No other politician meets the actual measure of his attainments and mist have falken woefully short..
Noa says @ January 8, 2025 at 11:27 pm
Good points, Noa, but his style at least resembles that of an autocrat, something that the Russian great unwashed prefer, a Tzar like ruler, but pray that he be enlightened, Putin certainly was, of late he seems to be turning too much towards the autocratic.
Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Putin the Great?
Consensual democracies don’t seem to have had much chance or standing in Russia. Which shows how precious the British Parliamentary tradition, which evolved almost entirely by accident, really is, and how easily it could have gone in a different tyrannical direction and the risk of doing so continues at any time in the present and future.
Kier the Terrible is but one deferred election away.
President Trumps historic, if belated recognition of Russias legitimate concerns about NATO Eastward expansion and of their sphere of influence reflects an epochal change in US foreign policy which is reflected in two fascinating articles in the American conservative. The first is the prescient Merry brief, being compared to the Kennan analysis, provided by the advisor to the US Ambassador to Russia in 1994 and forwarded on the US Foreign Affairs Department and disregarded until December.
The second is the following article by Jack Bandow, presaging US disengagement from that debacle, now in a painful endgame.
Both reflect the likely change of direction in US foreign policy; acceptance of defeat in Ukraine, realignment of US interests from Europe towards the southern US border, Central America and the Artic and the Far East.
Musk talks with Alice Weidel, under the EU’s Heydrich emulated supervision.
This is a better link to the interesting Musk/ Weidel discussion.
Someone that goes as ‘Chalkandtalk says:
Looking at all these comments, it is clear we actually have all woken up.
However, the elephant in the room is Fear…
Fear makes police, MPs, councillors all look the other way
Fear makes moderate Moslems too afraid to speak out
Fear creates subjugation and makes a woman wear a burkha
Since the very first images of 9/11 were seared into our brains, fear of Islam has gripped us like a vice because from that day, we understood they despise us.
Yes, we have woken up but the reality is worse than a bad dream.
Is he right?
Noa says @ January 9, 2025 at 7:45 pm
Ewell observed, Noa, but the Eastern tribes are all like that, even the Japanese.
Rupert Lowe, MP:
This is simply staggering. I have verified the source of this information as reliable, from a GP practice in London:
On a daily average at this practice…
– Just 8% of appointments are used by British citizens.
– 51% of patients require an interpreter (at the taxpayer’s expense), also in effect
taking a double appointment.
– 72% of all sick notes are issued to patients
who do not speak English.
– 92% of appointments at this practice being taken by foreign nationals – over half
requiring interpretation. This is not what the NHS was designed for, this is not what we pay our taxes for.
Uncontrolled mass immigration has failed the British people.
Many have known and argued this for years if not decades.
The winds of change are blowing out the windmills and windbags-of Europe.
And Ursula von der Liar has not been invited to the Donald’s Inauguration.
Blinken is not only a warmongering monster, he seems to be stupid into the bargain, why admit to equipping the Ukrainians after the coup, no point in saying it, it only re-enforces the notion that Ukraine was turned into a colony of the US to hammer Russia.
It also raises another question, why didn’t Putin act earlier with the special op?
The Trump Presidentacy wants do the usual in foreign policy defeat, chuck the bill at the natives from the top of the deoarting aircraft stairs and transfer the Ukraine war to the European vassal states.
In the meantime it will establish a US led Arctic alliance to counter the Initiative held by the Russians in establishing the various disputed territorial boundaries, new shipping routes and the division of energy and mineral resources. Both Brezinski’s ‘The Global Chessboard’ and Tim Marshalls ‘Prisoners of Geography’ have good maps and in the case of the latter an excellent short explanation of the salient strategic issues that the YT pundits have not yet discussed, but they will once the realities sink in.
The end of US involvement in Ukraine merely sees a transfer of strategic fronts in the uni polar struggle with Russia, not its ending.
Noa says @ January 12, 2025 at 10:24 pm
Good points, Noa.
Apparently the Danish PM who was very critical of Putin’s Ukrainian adventure said she would ask Russia to help if Trump makes any moves to take over Greenland, this is more than likely to put the Donald into sixth gear on the takeover, interesting times ahead.
That is interesting.
Is Russia really interested in a new Cuba crisis before the bromance before Don and Vlad revives?
What have they to interest Russia, except Danish pastries (and shared Arctic exploration rights)?
Like the other EU satrapies I don’t know if Denmark still has any ability to exercise an independent foreign policy. I had imagined it had been transferred to some Estonian Brussels commissar who is torn between fingerwagging at the Donald over Greenland that the Micron claims as ‘EU territory’ and begging him to send dollars and weapons to the Zel retirement fund.
To paraphrase Napoleon, ‘how many variations does the EU have?’
As if Germany and the EU doesn’t gave enough problemos at the moment….
Sp ‘battalions’ not ‘variations’
It must be AI generated, right?
Greenland may be of greater interest to China, Noa, Russia has enough natural resources, more to the point, except for having a go controlling the smaller Slavonic tribes as USSR Russia has never ventured big out of Europe.
How can the Germans stand for the decline engendered predominantly by the massive hike in the energy cost? Re-connect the N-2 and things will get better at a stroke.
The p;rofessor’s amazing, he truly is, Trump is right to give him a platform, the CIA must be brought to heel, failing that the outfit will overthrow Trump as well:
One of the gems that you’ll find in the piece, if you read it, of course:
“As for the Army, 77% of military aged kids are ineligible because they’re too fat, too mentally ill or too retarded”.
One wonders what % of that 77% is made up of over-privileged, patriotic, hetro White boys, I imagine that they’ve now learned that they’re not wanted and sought alternative career opportunities.
Baron says:
January 13, 2025 at 6:39 pm
“Greenland may be of greater interest to China…”
Fair comment Milud!
“Belt and Sleigh” eh? Seems plausible, and using the NW passage would save a month in shipping time to the East Coast..
This has sub-titles but runs and runs, as a summing up of the case against the DA of Live it’s pretty conclusive, Sharij has turned against him after the green T-shirt abandoned the Istanbul deal:
it should be ‘the DA of Kiev’, Baron’s rather careless, must do better, sorry.
One shouldn’t really laugh when others suffer, but this short clip made Baron’s stomach wobble in p[ain:
Priceless except for one minor detail, no mention of the Wolfowitz doctrine, it furnishes the mafia boss with the underpinning for the Big Lie that may spill over into a global conflagration that ends civilisation as we know it:
Why Is the US Framing Its Cold War with China as Against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)?
Blue Monday.
Life in the Sturmbahnfuhrer’s Reich is relieved today by the Inauguration of Donald Trump.
Will he foment a similar revolution in the Reich to that which he is promising ‘Over There’?
We pray that he does.
Hard to make a judgement on this short performance of his and the gesture, it may have been spontaneous, he seems to have imbibed a lot, he’s known and said it himself he takes drugs, but his opponents, the orthodox Zionist lot of the Netanyahu’s breed in particular will not let him forget it.
“Welcome to Britain Bro! Here’s the grant of asylum I got for you at our (but not my) expense”!
Given for example, Kier Starmer’s direct culpability in ensuring the success of Rudikabana in obtaining political asylum in Britain and the dreadful consequences of that decision, the relevant question arising is; to what extent should the judges, assessors and advocates of Asylum claims bear direct responsibility for the consequences of their decisions?
At the moment they bear none whatsoever. Their ‘work’ is treated merely as a routine part of their professional duties. Those whose claims are successful and those who are not, leave to mix, if not blend, with the native population of law abiding citizens.
Would the decision making of all the participants, state and private, in the burgeoning Asylum Industry err more on the side of dutiful circumspection towards their fellow citizens if they faced a range of punishments from dismissal from office, through fines, imprisonment and execution for their malfeasance and deemed abuse of public office and finance?
Would Starmer and the HR clique argue so fanatically for asylum if they bore the direct responsibility for their actions, as once they did?
I rather think that such direct liability would reduce the number of successful asylum claims to the level seen in the 1970s for genuine claimants, like Russian political dissident Alexander Solzenitsyn, than the adventuring illiterates of Sub Sahara or the fifth son jihadists of the Sahel and Hindu Kush.
Noa says @ January 22, 2025 at 10:35 am
A first class point, Noa, unfortunately never to be implemented with the current lot in governance.
Fully understood milud. One for a future Trump like governmentbof change.
Are the TikTok saga and the RedNote related app fortune really such an eye opener for the American plebeians?
That’s how the Chinese Armed Forces train their drone operators, or so one is told, but is that true? It seems the speed of the contraptions is too high for a human being to control them effectively:
Worth reading for the feelings of implacable hatred the German establishment holds for the Trump establishment and its European allies, as well as the contempt it displays for the Demos, those suddenly non-compliant herds.
The contining march to civil war in Germany and Europe.
Who’s this twerp James O’Brien, Baron has never come across him, could there be a more thickish moron given an access to a public platform?
Noa says @ January 24, 2025 at 11:09 am
OK chat, Noa, but the two Greeks should remember that until 1999 the Americans have the right to approve the German Chancellor, Metz just as the present non-entity Olaf are their choices, just as Mutti was. In order to control Germany, it’s a must to control the top dog and for that there must be the files containing stuff injurious to the top dog, not many Germans desired Mutti, even fewer Olaf, but the American files won and they will always win before this century is over.
The AfD candidate has no choice, here stance on Russia and the Russian gas bans her fully from ever getting to the top job.
There isn’t a single word Baron would disagree with in the linked write-up and that includes the statement that the AI is still largely an overblown progress of what the silicon based ICs are capable to deliver:
One is of two minds on this:
What has happened to EC, we should be told.
Baron @11:30pm
“EC says: December 27, 2024 at 8:58 am
Travelling… from today for a while.”
Regrettably, I’m back, and it was wonderful whilst it lasted!
It was warm to very hot, sunny, a place still with a cheerful and optimistic outlook. Outwardly a surprisingly good economy despite the efforts of the political classes. A place where owning a V8 Ford Ranger was perfectly affordable with petrol at only 88p per litre.
A complete contrast to Keir Wrong Un’s UK.
Hopefully the “UK Spring” uprisings, and some warmer weather are not that far off.
A Special Relationship? A good analysis by an institutionally progressive author.
Of course Trump will probably destroy this lingering fantasy shortly.
Long, but worth reading even if it confirmed what Baron thought almost from the very start, the Pompeo’s possible role in what turned out to be one of the biggest man made disasters comes towards the end, Unz is very likely correct what the reason for removing the former Secretary of State protection>
EC says @ January 26, 2025 at 9:01 am
Welcome back, young sir.
Noa says @ January 27, 2025 at 3:08
Nothing much to disagree with, Noa, good stuff, Baron has always maintained that it would have been much better for the interest of Britain, or rather her people, us, if our political elites were to play the role of “the elder statesmen” in international affairs, adjudicating without taking sides, not joining any other state or alliance however powerful, finding solutions both sides to a conflict could live with rather than the often acutely embarrassing obsequiousness, the licking so that not even the feet of our leaders protrudes.
Scroll down for the 75-year high in the US stocks outperforming global (ex US) equities, we are in for some interesting times ahead:
Baron says: January 23, 2025 at 9:06 pm
Answer: Yes.
Most Americans know very little about anything at all let alone anything of the outside world or how it works.
The above also holds true for their federal government who have made a right mess of running the world since WW2, spreading corruption wherever they go, all in the name of, as they cutely say, “our democracy.” The “Four Horsemen” encapsulated!
The Walrus made a post this morning rumouring that the CPS were considering bringing charges against Russell Brained for some historic alleged heinous conduct whilst at the BBC. The Moustachioed Maestro gave very few details but dropped the names of James Saville and Grigori Rasputin into his discussion, en passant as it were. A conflation too far?
Of course, no discussion about the institutionalised culture at the BBC can be complete without a mention of their favoured sculptor, Eric Gill. Disappointing that the Schnurrbart Supremo made no mention of him.
The verve and energy of the Trump Revolution is most clearly demonstrated by the replacement of the Biden quipi doll with the Marilyn Monroe lookalike-but with brains in the White House press briefings.
Some Russian media are discussing the possibility of Trump buying half of N-2, this sounds like a piece of a wild dis-information, but given he wants to buy or take over Greenland, the Panama Canal, Canada and Mexico, one would be foolish to ignore the rumour fully, lets’s wait and see.
New tariffs on imports from Canada and Mexico (add 25%) and China (add 10%) will kick in from tomorrow, but as Baron have said many times before, most of the Chinese imports are goods manufactured in China on behalf of major US brands (say) Apple and many others, the new tariffs will hit both the US companies and the US consumers.
Amazingly without any tariffs involvement, the price of eggs in the US went up close to 40% last year, is predicted to go higher by another 20% this year, it must be Putin again, slaughtering egg laying hens by the millions, an evil man.
On the Ukrainian war: Major US newspapers have said the North Korean troops have been withdrawn from Ukraine having suffered heavy losses to be possibly retrained and sent back to the front once more.
As the guy that runs the Moon of Alabama sites points out not a scrap of independently verified evidence has been presented of the North Koreans in either Russia or Ukraine, the few videos that purport to furnish such proof have the faces of the alleged captured North Korean soldiers blurred, or are fakes put together by the Ukrainian security service.
Noa says @ January 31, 2025 at 7:22 pm
A change one can only welcome, Noa.
The rather excitable man has a point, American went truly mad, the DEI cover made it easier, the Dems cannot blame Putin for getting the loonies in the positions of power, or can they?
Duetschland unter alles?
And Merkel re-emerges from the primordial slime to prevent some resurrection of reason.
Surely the AfD will be strengthened by Merz’ defeat.
Over an hour to spend watching it, not much new except a hint at multipolarity, the rest still the same ‘we are the best’, it seems they want a war with China to fight for the top spot, not impressed was baron:
Noa says @ February 1, 2025 at 10:45 am
Baron thought better of her, Noa, a ghastly women, cannot she busy herself with cooking or planting flowers?
My favourite moment of last week’s DC public inquisitorial sessions of Trump nominees was when RFK Jnr stuffed Bernie Sanders big time. RFK waved all the ca$h Bernie got from big Pharma in his face and then stuffed right back down his throat… with attitude. The old hypocrite went so crimson with apoplectic rage that I thought he was going exit this mortal realm (stage left) to meet his maker. Whether or not his transit demanded “Not Passing GO and Not Collecting $200” we’ll never know… but I suspect he would’ve tried.
Baron says:February 1, 2025 at 10:34 pm
Noa says @ February 1, 2025 at 10:45 am
I’ve always considered her as Erich Honecker/Eric Mielke’s “Plan B.”
If one examines her conduct after her damascene conversion to all things “West” one might be forgiven for thinking that her ultimate mission was to destroy Germany.
You’d think that the Germans would’ve been wary of choosing another leader without any children.
Noa 10:45am
It’s guaranteed be Inger-land Uber Alles at ‘t Berlin Masters tonight
But who will prevail? Hawkeye or Kryten?
Tulsi Hubbard reamed her crooked Congress questioners when they tried the gotcha moments. But the MSN coverage is still in the hands of the Biden comptroller.
“Germany: Rebellion on the Rhine”.
An interesting BBC report on Ludwigshaven, the home of BASF and the energy problems that are destroying it, a bitchy swipe at AfD by the reporter doesn’t prevent exposure of the real reasons for the major political changes there and
why they’re objecting to disappearing down their own big hole, just like Britain.
Jack Lopresti, former deputy chair of the Conservative Party and ex-MP for Filton and Bradley Stoke in Gloucestershire, is now based in Kyiv, contributing his expertise to Ukraine’s ongoing war effort.
(Source: Ukrainskaya Pravda)
This guy knows what he’s talking about, a half an hour well spent if you want to get a better handle of the Washington crash:
The corruption is truly of biblical proportions, the Americans say Ukraine got $177b, the DA of Kiev says he received only $77b, more than criminal:
This is an interesting one…
Putin being interviewed in the back of a car, speaking candidly.
NB. VVP with a constant tight grip on that strap. I had no idea that Mrs EC had been moonlighting as his chauffeuse! 🙂
Not that any of us would ever move to Moscow, but here’s Jim, a Scottish guy who lives there, is looking to get closer to the Moscow centre, an interesting video that you don’t have to watch in full, quite an expensive city, Moscow.
Many a true word said in jest…
Is Rach from Accounts on the take from Aberdeen Asset Management to ensure a Dutch style breakup of family owned land for cheap purchase by ze bug growers?
The man was a prolific writer, what a book:
Did you know that USAID, using YOUR tax dollars, funded bioweapon research, including COVID-19, that killed millions of people?
Baron @1.42pm
I’m pleased that I didn’t give the ɓounder my card,who would want to be on the same list às Andrew, Jagger and Michael Jackson?
It was an inspiration for Blair, Cameron and the foreign aid scam, Not to mention what could have been if they had only up-muscled the National Trust in the same way. Britain could have resumed the reins of Empire if they had only seized the political opportunities such charities provided.
Is this where the ‘missing’ US $100b has gone? The institutional Ukrainian corruption echoes the wnd days of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Baron says: February 3, 2025 at 1:42 pm
There’s a difference between a phone book and a client list.
Now the unredacted flight logs of the “Lolita Express” and Epstein’s actual client/blackmail list would make interesting reading. Also, what happened to all the video tapes that the FBI reportedly seized when they stormed “Nonce Island?” Trump should release all that info.
Trump has being playing some great poker against the small fry in the last couple of days. eg. CanUK’s Justina Castro & Mehico’s Stormy Shinebum. However he’s not holding a great hand of cards when it comes imposing a Ukraine settlement. He can trash-talk and bluster all he likes but it won’t change the situation on the ground as the NATO proxies fold and crumble each passing day. Trump’s best option would be to cut a deal, walk away and blame it all on Biden, Sullivan, Blinken, Nuland et all.
“There are no solutions, only trade-offs”
Thomas Sowell
Baron says: February 2, 2025 at 8:49 pm
A Loose or a Lose cannon?
My own view, EC, fwiw, is that walking away from the walking corpse that is Zelboy is exactly what the Don is doing.
First rule of business: sieze the low hanging fruit or in this case, the testes of Justine, Kier, Macron, the Danish binti and Urslime
Trump has dried up the cash, Vlad is solving the war militarily. When they get together for a nice chat it will be a division of the spoils a la Treaty of Vienna 1816, rather than a 1918 Armistice.
“…what happened to all the video tapes that the FBI reportedly seized when they stormed “Nonce Island?” Trump should release all that info…”
Bwaarrgh! Wot and have half of Congress, the EU and the European aristocracy expensively not explaining why their flaccid extremities were lodged in American children?
The girl has a funny accent, you should be able to decipher it, but her message resonates:
Noa says @ February 4, 2025 at 11:58 am
One of the more important questions that needs answering, Noa, but will anyone have the guts to even try and give us a reply?
EC says @ February 4, 2025 at 9:25 am
You are too clever for the barbarian from the East, EC, Baron’s been pondering this question for days, cannot make up his mind, probably both depending which angle one takes to be the decisive one.
You have any offers?
Baron – 8:35pm
You must’ve spent too much time amongst the accents of East Anglian bog hoppers and Essex estuarial classes. The girl is speaking perfectly intelligibly, in fact a little too clearly for her own good. It won’t be long before she gets to 2am knock at the door from the Dear Leader’s Stasi, and then dragged off to the cells.
Speaking of he who must remain blameless:
1. Are Voice coaches key workers?
2. What family man books a session with an actress er… voice coach on Xmas Eve during the middle of a strict Covid lockdown?
3. What voice coach would prefer to spend an Xmas Eve evening torturing someone’s b… er… vowels rather than with her own family?
There’s an old Woody Allen joke that goes: “Not only does God not exist, you can’t get a plumber on weekends…” One can only speculate about the availability of voice coaches on festive occasions.
File under: Trump, Stormy Denials etc.
You wait ages for two memorable public presentations then two come along at once.
First there’s the Letby review saying there’s no way she killed anyone, it’s all due to medical negligence and third world facilities.
Then there’s the Donald doing his Property development solution for Gaza- perhaps he’s inspired by the opportunies on Sunset Strip for Gaza Strip. Bomb or build eh? Wonderful stuff!
And wonderful people, those Gazans, living in their soon to be Mediterranean Seaside paradise, built with Saudi and Emirates oil wealth, with the Peasants moved to the new Egyptian amd Jordanian desert ènclaves being created for them, on condition they want to continue receiving any USAid that is.
And it looks like Ukraine might offer similar estate development opportunities: Zelboy Developments could be next when he gives up politics, its either that ir one of those tragic plane crashes, me thinks. Zel is now a historical footnote on the bottom of a page that Don and Vlad have already turned.
Elecution lessons for the Grating Gutbuquet?
A shame it wasn’t electrocution or simply execution for the spasticated cretin.
Butlinz by the sea, holidayz for you and me!
One would like to know also how much of our £13bn plus has gone missing, not as big a chunk of course as what the American and Ukrainian facilitators managed to squirrel away from the $177bn but still.
It makes one truly sick to learn how much money got stolen, over $100bn, no wonder the Congress kept voting for more and more. Trump should find out and hurt those responsible even if it means to bring the geriatric to the law courts.
EC say @ February 5, 2025 at 9:00 am
Good posting, EC, and that includes the joke.
Noa says @ February 5, 2025 at 10:29 am
It may be, Noa, the new messiah will drop the building of a resort of enjoyment on the land of GHaza if the Saudis and the other Sunni Arab nations make solid peace with Israel.
Noa says @ February 5, 2025 at 4:12 pm
One of the postings below says: It looks and feels like Sweden. Priceless.
You should know Baron watched only half of the fast talking man’s gibberish and had enough, you are offered it to figure for yourself whether what he says makes any sense.
Why would Putin want to attack Western Europe to help him win in Ukraine? That’s just bollocks to the power of n, how would it help, what’s in it for him even if he did anyway, attack how, bombing, dropping parachuters in, invading with tanks. The man shows all signs of an imbecilic behaviour.
More to the point, NATO is only an alliance in name, it’s a cover for the US Armed Forces, the other nations just play a second fiddle and rightly so, no standardisation on many of the gear the different forces are using, the provision of spare parts for the NATO tanks alone must a nightmare, not to speak of the different languages of the units, not even the officers are that proficient in English …..
Kennedy says now what many of us knew years ago:
I often think the world is one giant car crash arranged by MI5 and the CIA.
How will Starmer go out, Wagner style?
As Alexander Mercouris is never tired of quoting Lord Ismay, ‘the purpose of NATO is to keep the Americans in, the Russians out and the Germans down’.
The truly remarkable thing is that duch an unstable compound has not imploded before now.
Noa: February 6, 2025 at 9:39 am
In just seven months Obi Wan Keir has clocked up many more air miles than Yevgeny Prigozhin, and is therefore tempting fate I would suggest. It would be delicious irony if it was DEI hire that finally got him.
The reported £billions that Obi Wan Keir plans to give to Mauritius to take the Chagos Islands of his hands is very nearly the same size as Rachel Thieves much flaunted black hole. That’s sinking to depths which take a lot of plumbing!
Impressive video and not that long.
The Americans may be starting to talk about a multipolar world when China maintains it’s not just the world of the big boys, but everyone whether big or small:
Noa says @ February 6, 2025 at 9:39 am
A top quality humour, Noa, hard to find something as good today.
We Lancastrians are used to treating women as witches and hanging them, I really don’t know what Prisoner Letby is complaining about, there she is, safely locked up with three square meals a day and all the BBC news she wants to watch showing howxthe society of which she is not a part is run by lunatics.
Vintage, and still the great Mark Steyn, enjoy:
Baron says: February 7, 2025 at 4:00 pm
Wonderful stuff!
It’s £50 Billion now!
Chagos: I hope that Mr Trump launches a “special military operation” of his own!
Being already on-site they shouldn’t be able to fuck it up. The cry of “Medals all ’round” will be heard in the Pentagon and generals will be queueing up for photo ops with The Donald.
An added bonus it might also rid the UK of its mad despotic leader.
We desperately need Elon Musk’s DOGE team to come in and do an audit the UK’s MPs, government departments and quangos!
“I have been ARRESTED!”
Things never end well for quislings and tyrants… ask Vidkun, Nicolai & Elena, Muammar, #18 to name but a few!
With the Don its always down to two key questions that useless civil servants, those parasites on the taxpayer forget: the second us who benefits, but the first is who pays.
In Ukraine he’s passing the steaming pile to Sturmer and the brainless cretins in Us Labours, “thatll teach you to support Kamala, scum!”
Chagos? The £50B 99 year gift is the penalty and price of wokeness, and let us never forget the useless ficking tories initiated this betrayal.
The concern all Reform supporters should have is that with primadonna Farage running the show they will fail to take advantage of the hard lessons the Don learned and implemented following his election in using every weapon within his power to smash his enemies.
The US, now independent in oil and gas, can afford to tell the land, oil and gas rich Arabs/muslems that, as they’ve created the Palestinian terror/jihad problem, they can have the responsibility of paying for and resolving it.
EC says @ February 8, 2025 at 9:08 am
And yet the plebeians do nothin g, will vote for the clowns again and again, arghhh
EC says @ February 8, 2025 at 9:36 am
And another case of the police state silencing a critic, why donn’t the police put an end to the young girls rapes instead?
Noa says @ February 8, 2025 at 10:55 am
The chairing of the Group must be a ‘reward’ for our being heavily involved in Ukraine since 2015, Noa, training mostly, but also furnishing intelligence and stuff, stupid this, we may get hurt more than the other backers if it boils over.
Stupid indeed, when Trump edges towards an endgame, or at least a stalemate and only a lunatic Zelboy and Rutte push for a fight in the losing corner.
And Britain has contributed substantially in terms of military equipment, 10% of our tanks, 50% of our artillery, most of our munitions, substantial quantities of logistics transport and NATO food and equipment stocks.
The madness is that the threat is not from a largely disinterested and openly contemptuous Russia but the Islamic divisions advancing unceasingly across an undefended channel, to be fed and accommodated until ready to conquer the kaffirs betrayed by their own elites.
, And
Noa says @ February 9, 2025 at 4:59 pm
More than 100% true, Noa, why are they so blind to the never ending invasion? Could it be they are scared they may get a rusty screwdriver inserted at some speed into their chest cavities?
Also, watch this to the end when Tucker asks “who attacked NATO in Yugoslavia?’ and Piers is stuck.
It’s cognitive dissonance milud, that clash between the dogma of the political elite and the waves of reality that keep challenging and washing over it.
They want to stick to the lies that have been inculcated into them abd which they continue to practice diversity equality etc because to dk otherwise is to admit that everything they’ve ever said abd diversity is wrong and that truth will destroy them.
Lena Petrova on the Green Goblin’s drug habit, and attempting to sell Trump stuff in territories that Russia has already repossessed, and which Trump says he’s already bought and paid for!
FIRE SALE: Zelensky Offers $15 Trillion in Resources to the US Continue the Proxy War
Articulating a dislike of Imagine and its lost, dead soul of a creator.
EC says:
February 10, 2025 at 5:39 pm
Its the old story, a man who doesnt own one selling a lithium mine or ten, to a man who wants to pay with past credit given by the previous bank manager.
Still, there are a couple of million diggers to be redeployed from Gaza whilst the casinos are being built…
The Don may be a ‘deal maker’ but the Russians must find his logic as baffling as Biden’s soliquies to a Year Eight Girls class.
Tucker has Piers by the balls…
I really must watch the whole debate, but here’s Tucker demolishing Morgan again…
Piers has balls? Who knew?
Certainly not the Loyals, whom he falsely represented as murderers in Iraq, a worthy scion of the traitor MSN class
Still, we’re all Nazis now,
“Sprechen sie Deutch, Kamerade?”
I cant say I care much about the safety of the rest of the world, only the safety of Britain, its patriotic native population and fellow citizens and friends concerns me.—adrian-hill
This will without any doubt whatsoever secure the best trade deal with the US, also prevent Trump to impose sanctions on Britain, well done Angela Rayner, truly well done:
EC says @ February 11, 2025 at 9:55 am
Piers knows perfectly well Tucker’s right, EC, he just cannot admit it, he isn’t big enough and rich enough to endorse truth, Tucker has no fear of the Wok fruitcakes, he can outsmarts them all.
Noa says @ February 10, 2025 at 10:26 pm
The Israeli scholar Ze’ev Maghen gets itnspot on, Noa, and articulates it equally well.
All you need to watch is the first two minutes, this short time tells it all:
Would you put your Gran in a Ferrari F40?
One on the UK’s biggest
scamser schemes has hit a problem with its EVs hitting other things.>
The first 5 mins will tell you all you need to know… Boggling!
Motability cars might not be 100% free but I’m led to believe that they come with 3 years worth of Road Tax, Insurance, and Servicing! It’s a great
schemescam if one can get in on it.<
Forget planes & atacms, Donald, PLEASE send us Elon's DOGE Team!
One has to ask why Egypt, Jordan, any of the wealthy Arab states have never accepted any Palestinian refugees, ever…
File under: Lebanon
Regretfully, it’s in German but has Russian subtitles, it’s Olaf talking saying ” I didn’t invade Ukraine, I didn’t cut the supply of gas from Russia, I didn’t create the current economic situation (in Germany), it was Putin who did it, you mustn’t be critical of the (German) government.
The man has lost it, he should be institutionalise for the rest of his life.
EC says @ February 12, 2025 at 10:58 am
The guy’s missing the reason for the provision of super fast TVs to people with disabilities, EC, the sooner they kill themselves the better, it saves money in the long run.
EC says @ February 12, 2025 at 11:44 am
We must be all in favour of it, EC, we have the spaces, the money, the good hearts to take everyone from everywhere.
Can anyone, never mind the Russians, trust a word or agreement, no matter how sincerely said or entered into, that Trump or any American politicians
or officials, with a four year lifecycle says or does?
Noa: February 12, 2025 at 7:56 pm
Short answer, NO.
A legal beagle once explained to me that contracts can never be watertight. They are merely aspirations and as such always open to default and/or challenge in court. The Mafia however tend to enforce their contracts rigorously.
The government model of organised crime in essence was used quite successfully by the Krays, their forebears and successors.
Noa: February 12, 2025 at 7:56 pm
I read yesterday that Harry Bōlz (aka Elon Musk) found an instance of a contractor hired on a temporary 3 month contract but then subsequently paid out for the next 20 years!
That’s epic MoD/BAE stuff, innit?
If you listen to the Donald it’s all over bar the shooting.
A good summary by the finest exponent of the tasteless Florida shirt.
If you think about it every defence contract ever let by the MoD has a cist included for conteact labour and overheads; that’s the guys making the planes, (bits of them), tanks (not any more) and bombs(some of them), the agreed (greed) overhead covers the non contract staff, the R and D, directors and admin, given good negotiators and endless contract changes and extensions the parasite class will be there for life or VR, whichever comes first. Not as good as politicians or the Civil service, but not as bad either.
As for Hairy Bolz, that Musk, he’s a card in’ne? South Africa for the Boers maybe?
Noa says @ February 12, 2025 at 7:56 pm
More than an excellent and valid point, Noa, one can hardly trust the same politician just look at the two Minsk deals, sadly, Putin or anyone else has no choice, one has to do what the great schemer and man killer Lenin said: ‘Trust but keep checking’
EC says @ February 13, 2025 at 9:07 am
If only Baron knew how easy it was, EC, probably still is, he would be settled for life.
From one of the blogs in the Spectator:
For those interested, the Daily Sceptic (via their excellent German correspondent “Eugyppius”, Spiegel and various other German media sources) has named the wayward car suspected driver as one Farhad Noori, 26. Arrived as a Merkeljugend in 2015, refused asylum but given a “visa of tolerated stay.”
He’s a competitive bodybuilder (not a cheap pastime by any means), with 68,000 followers on Instagram and another 33,000 on TikTok, many of them young German women from a quick look at profiles. He’s been so kind as to pose next to the car pictured in today’s “incident” with the registration clearly visible.
Every RTA by a Merkel enriching brain surgeon/ bodybuilder increases the AfDs votes, milud.
There probably won’t be enough to gain a majority, but the Trump addled Merzs and Scholzs admirably fit Urbans description of them, amongst others, as ‘cowardly rabbits’.
As such they will get the treatment they deserve from the German electorate.
Noa says: February 13, 2025 at 9:54 am
“South Africa for the Boers maybe?
I’m afraid that Elon’s pasty coupon wudnae fit there anymore. Cries of “kill the Boer” in the fitba stadia there. Things are so bad Trump is accepting a new class of refugees!
Winston explains…
Unfortunately rather than introducing a similar scheme Kier and the Lammy dummy want to empty the last groat from the Treasury into the grasping hands of the genetic inferiors of the murderous Bantus whose not too distant ancestors enslaved them in the first place.
Truly we deserve to become the minority serfs in our own country, but our grandchildren don’t.
Now, something completely different:
(Change DOT for . twice, please).
EC says @ February 14, 2025 at 8:39 am
The guy’s amazing, EC.
One is beginning to feel sorry for the man, he began trying to sort out Donbas, failed, has been prevented throughout by the Right Sector and the un-helping hand of the Americans to end the conflict, he will end up badly, if he settles in the West the neo-Naz*s will find him, they hate him more than any Russian, blame him for the setbacks, his best chance would be to get to Russia, much safer for him there:
Again, please swap the two DOTs
Baron: February 14, 2025 at 9:14 pm
A sad, drug addled wretch indeed.
One is reminded of a famous Austrian whose personal “physician” Theodor Morell who for years had to put the Fuhrer to bed every night with syringe full of barbiturates, and then wake him up each morning with another syringe full of go-go happy juice.
I think it was The Duran commentator Alex Christoforou who recently observed that the “green goblin” is slowly transitioning to blue attire ,and predicts that by the end of March he’ll be in a suit and tie… if he lasts that long.
EC says @ February 15, 2025 at 9:23 am
An informative observation, EC, yet Baron cannot stop himself feeling bit sorry for the guy, he joined the wrong party, should have been smart to give up (say) after the second offensive failed, pass the responsibility to someone else, flee the country or at least go in to deep retirement.
This comes from Ukrainska Pravda, a medium totally under the control of the DA of Kiev, it shows you that only graphite is in abundance in the west of Dniepr, most of the rear earth are in the lands held currently by the Russians.
It doesn’t show the areas of chernozem, Ukraine has the most fertile of this type of soil, also about a quarter of th world’s total, the whole country has it, the highest quality, the true chernozem is located in the east and south of the country
This is what taking drugs does to you:
This puppet may not cooperate with the right leaning parties, but it may well be that the electorate will not co-operate with him, he will hopefully get booted out, the clown deserves not
If you have the time:
As Verity once wrote, ‘No immigrant ever emigrated for the benefit of the host nation”.
The truth will out, but is it too late?
“Speak loudly and wave a little stick”.
The Navy with more Admirals, (and Royal parasites), than ships.
Next, the Air Force with more Air Vice Marshals than fighting aircraft and the Army with more Generals than Divisions….
An interesting piece of work on the Donald’s tariffs on China and the effect of their reciprocation, especially on our old friend, Tungsten, by Larry Johson.
This girl’s is so far the only pundit that sees Ukraine as she is, and exactly as Baron has been arguing, a colony of the US, as she says ‘if Trump says jump, the DA of Kiev has only to ask ‘how high’.
The Professor shouldn’t worry about a civil war, Der Sturmbahnfuhrer will have triggered a preemptive nuclear strike on Britain before then.
Though whether Russia or Washington will launch it remains to be seen, both will have just cause given his increasingly irrational behaviour.
Identity politics is the genie that rubs a hundred lamps in a fractured, ‘multicultural’ society. Take for example the Southport childkiller; is he an Islamic jihadist, aggressive black psychopath, hutu child soldier, or simply a lone nihilist? Any of these is dangerous to society, any combination of two or more lethal. It is a concern that he had manufactured sufficient ricin to kill 10,000 people, yet there has been no published analysis of how he might have deployed this; via the public water system perhaps? The consequences of mass deaths from such an event would likely serve as the very trigger for such a civil war of which Betz intimates, but with far wider scope and consequences.
The question we can ask now is how many ricin makers are working in the bedrooms of Britain as we write, and how do they intend to use their personal WMDs?
Noa: February 16, 2025 at 12:27am & 12:32am
Indeed, and Col. Douglas Macgregor has often highlighted the over supply of generals on the payroll in the US army. They got thru WW2 with many times more men and only four star generals. Today the number (can’t remember) is quite staggering. They should give the buggers a rifle and make them fight on the front line, that’d thin the numbers out a bit. Also, they should’ve strapped Bidenopoulous to the front of an Abrams and sent him into battle at Bakhmut on autopilot… channeling El Cid. Hu knows, it might just’ve worked!
I can’t quite forgive Dr. Feltone for the egregious brown nosing hagiography he did on the accession of Chuck III to the throne, in which he claimed that CIII’s skills a pilot were second to none, even flying Vulcans! We all know this is complete nonsense. He may once have been allowed on the flight deck of of a Vulcan in flight, he may have briefly been allowed to touch the controls, but those notoriously unreliable contraptions were difficult enough to keep in the air at the best of times without allowing a congenital idiot actually fly it.
Noa: February 16, 2025 at 11:04 pm
Indeed, this is true. We may have all been converted to pork scratchings before the Prof’s video concludes!
File under:Starmergeddon
“chernozem”? I had never heard of this before.
This surely cannot possibly compare with the green fields of Cumbria & E.Lancs enriched as they are by farm bovine slurry and the contents of so many domestic septic tanks.
Cue: Phil Collins, “Something In The Air Tonight”.
Brian Berletic (New World Atlas) once did an excellent video on the locations of the various oil, gas and mineral deposits in Ukeraine. They not as impressive as some people would have you believe. I cannot find the video, and he hasn’t posted on his own channel for quite a while. I wonder why?
Noa says: February 17, 2025 at 9:53 am
We reached the point of no return years ago.
FWIW, all of my grandchildren will be on school and private visits to London within the next four weeks. I am deeply troubled by this and concerned for their safety.
The great Mark Steyn on Munich, Vienna and the unsophisticated hillbilly.
The best thing one can now say of London, or Vienna or Munich, is bollards and the lack thereof
Berletic is back!
“The New Atlas: What Everyone is Missing about US VP Vance’s Munich Speech”
Noa: at 4:17 pm
Vintage Steyn. Pure class. Many a true word said in jest.
The Auberon anecdote was the icing on the cake! 🙂
“Nevertheless, the German defence minister Herr Großer von Wichser spoke for the entire European establishment when he magisterially pronounced Mr Vance’s remarks “not acceptable”.” LOL “Mr Big Wanker”
“As you can see, Herr Graf von Muschis und Heulsusen was so distraught he had to be comforted by one of those Aryan hotties who should be on the endangered-species list in the New Germany.” LOL “Count of Pussies and Crybabies”
“The court eunuchs of the elite “international security” media treated this as the greatest faux pas on the public-speaking circuit since my late Spectator colleague Auberon Waugh, invited to give a speech in Senegal, misheard the desired topic – “press freedom” – and so landed in Dakar and delivered an address on “breast feeding”.”
EC says @ February 17, 2025 at 12:31 pm
You are quite correct, the natural resources of Ukraine are not as big as the DA of Kiev is saying they are, it’s to boost Trump’s appetitive, more to the point, apart from graphite the rare earth are mostly under the Russian control, also many of the licences to drill for gas and oil have been already issued, you remember Burisma, the outfit that Biden’s son was involved with, they have the largest share of them.
The one resource that is more than attractive is the chernozem, the best soil that there is, Ukraine has the top quality and a quarter of the world’s total, it attracted Adolf (together with Baku’s oil), also some of the US and Saudi corporates today have already put in bids, it’s located in the east and south-east regions, it elevated Ukraine to one of the world’s top producers of wheat and rye.
Baron visited the areas, many very much underdeveloped when he was there mainly because the Winters are killing and the Summers also, often the dry winds from the east (from the Gobi Desert) turn the leaves so dry that when you touch them they disappear without you seeing the disappearance, not the best description perhaps but you get the drift, truly testing conditions, the communist planted trees in rows calling them windbreakers, didn’t do much good.
The one thing nobody mentions much is the size of Ukraine, some 2.5times bigger than us, one travels for hours to get from one village to another and not only because the roads are awful.
Another interference with Baron gadget, he cannot clear history whatever he does, and his left column of sites he bookmarked got muddled up, some sites disappeared, others go relocated to different folders, any idea what to do to prevent such incursions? Should VPN be installed?
I’m delighted to see that Whoopi Goldberg (she based her stage name on the fact that she was known for her farting by her fellow actors) has been expunged from the ‘View’ by ABC because of the lawsuits Musk and Karoline Leavitt have brought, the Coven must now either disband or find a new Witch. Personally, I’m in favour of burning but its nothing personal. As for Whoopsi she can get a new hairstyle, something that looks less like a recycled prop from ‘Alien’.
More ECs fiel of expertise than mine but it potentially sounds like a malware attack, àn inadvertant download perhaps.
Activating your existing security software may clear it, otherwise it require reset.
How likely is it that the US taking over Canada making the country the 51st State of the Republic?
Noa says @ February 17, 2025 at 11:08 pm
Thanks, Noa.
The Duran boyz on the chances of peace in Europe…
“War party meets in Paris”
The state of Democracy in Jeermany?
GG interviews a candidate who’s been blackballed.
Nailhead hitting satire on the Paris appeasers by the Angry Bootneck.
Noa: 8:03pm
That was absolutely brilliant, and all true too !
Loved the Jonny Cash reference
John Ward of The Slog considers the paripatetic role in US Constitutional government ²of the Muskovator, otherwise known as the Loins of Silicon.
🙂 ‘s “The Loins of Silicon”
Hairy Bōlz makes our own “Blonde Inseminator”‘s love spuds look like small potatoes.
To paraphrase Gag Halfrunt, Zaphod Beeblebrox’s mindcare specialist,
“Well look, Elon’s just zis guy, ya know?”
It wuz wrong! A better description of the Elongator would have been the ” “loins of Lithium”, but unlike Hairy my thinking equipment suffers from what I’d describe as ‘selectile dysfunction’ before my second cuppa of the morning.
As for the Angry Bootneck, his ad hom on the rat scrote that is Rory Stewart is simply an abusive delight not to be missed.
As to reality and Kier, here’s a further couple of nut sacks for him to chew on.
“As for the Angry Bootneck, his ad hom on the rat scrote that is Rory Stewart is simply an abusive delight not to be missed.”
Pure Gold!
Ofcom won’t like these 😉
Irish Noughts & Crosses Championships
… and definitely not this one!
Dominic Frisby – The Ofcom Song
or this one…
Anglo-Italian Police Training Film
R.I.P. Spike, and Frank.
Q.How many houses does a Ukrainian need?
A. Who knows?
Ever heard of her? Apparently she is good but not for the middle aged:
No tattoes Milud.
That always scores heavily with me, as does not looking like a bricklayer who’s just dropped his girlfriend off in the Wheelbarrow at the nursery with little Testetube Dwayne.
The new tootsie on the block is surely Witchfinder General, the gorgeous.
pouting Karoline Leavitt.
Surely she doesn’t have the cock of Beethoven’s tit?
Surely she doesn’t have the cock of Beethoven’s tit?
Priceless, Noa, you clever chap.
Noa: 9:18am
KL would also appear to be un-inked.
Smith & Jones – class act!
Ive warmed somewhat to Georgeous George, he’s moved on from his TV romper suit days. I have no time for his Marxist support for the Hamas Jihadist murderers of Gaza, a place for which the inly fitting end is capture, destruction and the salting of the very earth upon which it stands.
Interesting how the real Conservative Right and the Far Left differ on this immediate existential matter.
Baron: February 20, 2025 at 9:15 pm
She scrubs up well, Milud.
The cosmetics they’ve used have given her face and exposed bits a ceramic sheen.
Agree with Noa about the pleasing absence of tatoos.
Cue Smith & Jones song; “Nice video, shame about the song.”
Noa: 9:18 am
You fiend, you! Slipping in a double entendre this early in the day?
Whether it be “tattoes”, tatoes, taters, or indeed tattoos, the absence of all of them are a prerequisite for me. I don’t envy the young, as the “dating game” is fraught with perils these days!.
Noa: February 20, 2025 at 4:15 pm
Q. How many houses does a Ukrainian need?
Q. Grandpa/Uncle, where was Ukrainia?
Goergeous George’s link should have been:
The Greeks were saying last night that Zelboy was ‘too tired’ to need Trumps Treasury representative and that, unsurprisingly, he received zero cooperation in his audit.
That Zel is a fool is not in doubt, but only a congenital idiot would pass off the Trump government and Treasury combined.
If ‘Little Al Zelpone and da Gang are just itching to find themselves bunged up in a Federal penitentiary with all their assets siezed or frozen they’re going the right way about it.
I doubt that seeking asylum in any of his European safehouses is going to protect him when he finally exits Kiev, by then his marginal utility to Kier, Merz and Un Der Lying’s replacements as leader of a government in exile will have surpassed by the need to reopen a bankrupt Europe and meet Trumps and naybe Putins extradition demands, th latter will cerrainly have a cell in the Lubianka ready for his pending War Crimes trial.
Starmer’s deployment of his much vaunted skills of persuasion and influence, possibly in conjunction with Macron, upon Trump and Vance will trigger a showdown that will put the Gunfight at the OK corral to shame.
Supporting Kamala, previous personal abuse and publicly expressed contempt, the debacle of Chagos and continued support for the fools venture in Ukraine, in opposition to the Trump peace initiatives, as well as the march tocTotalitarianism in the home of Magna Carta and Common law, are likely to result in the unleashing of Trumps weapon of choice, a barrage of tariffs designed to swiftly re-establish Britain’s true and permanent status of loyal and subservient vassalage
Not least would I be surprised if Trump demanded the immediate repayment of Britain’s World War One debt to the US, currently sitting quiescently on the US Treasury’s Debtors ledger at US $ 45 Billion.
Now that would give Starmer cause for thought, would it not?
Noa says @ February 21, 2025 at 1:26 pm
What a summing up of our predicament and that of the two-tier clown, Noa, top marks, one hopes Trump will serve it to the moron in heaps, Baron cannot wait for it, he needs cheering up.
If you want to get your blood pressure up watch this, unbelievable, a brainless female, a thief and an nobody pumping them old progressive nonsense, the read too comments below, almost all against the trio of the imbeciles.
The artist did a good job, the organ is what furnishes one half of the stuff humanity needs to survive, an existential organ it is, if they made small replicas Baron would buy one or two.
Baron: February 21, 2025 at 10:40 pm
A verbal volcano of shite. I could only stomach listening to about 60 seconds of the intro.
Arrrgh! Imagine being married to her, Milud!
Baron: February 22, 2025 at 10:23 am
Let’s hope that more people get to listen to Profs Sachs and Mearsheimer.
Did you see Farage being interviewed on GB News, yesterday was it?
When asked by Tom Harwood, ‘Is the Green Goblin a dictator?”
Farage replied an unequivocal, “No.”
The despotic actions and crimes of GG and the Azov gang are well documented
What a weasel NF is!
R.I.P. Gonzalo Lira
You shouldn’t miss it, boys, it goes to the bottom of the malaise of our military thanks to the totally inadequate governing elites:
EC says @ February 22, 2025 at 3:33 pm
It surprised Baron greatly also, EC, He should have said something along the lines ‘of course, it depends what the definition of the word ‘dictator one uses, his election term ended in May …” his unequivocal and sharp ‘no’ wasn’t a smart answer, it must be he feels abandoned, Trump has Musk now, poor Nigel is upset sulking …
On Nigel
Can he be trusted?
Brexit abd the betrayal of his supporters there to Johnson is not forgotten.He does have a gift for falling out with people who don’t do what he wants.
Is that why Musk’s supposed offer of £100m fell through, one wonders?
Most importantly, there is time for Reform to develop and build upon a hard core of ability and experience, Starkey, Goodwin, Lowe, new people will emerge, there are four hard years ahead to quench the steel needed.
Mark has nothing nice to say about the Gaza baby killers, unlike the Ɓestial Broadcasting Corporation.
Mind you, if you’ve actually managed to conscript and deport your fellow English men’s children to a premature demise in Lodz its handy to have a ready trained Militia to implement a Green Terror on their parents, daily and relations whilst they’re absent.
Noa says @ February 22, 2025 at 9:14 pm
Good points or rather pointers, Noa, Baron cannot make up his mind, the one plus for him if one can call it that is there’s nobody else, not yet hopefully.
I am looking forward to seeing the list of ‘Demands’ Starmer will be given by POTUS after he has made his obeances to him by prostrating himself on the Oval Office floor and ritually licking the soles of his shoes, before receiving the ritual gard cuff on the head by the Donald’s fist.
Surely they will include:
-The immediate unconditional transfer of the sovereignty of the Chagos Islands (and whatever other territorial bits and pieces he might fancy( to the United States.
-An undertaking not to interfere in anyway whatsoever with the pursuit of US Busness and commercial interests, together with the personal information and data of US citizens. Zuckerberg hasn’t been buttering up Trump for nothing and he has an early opportunity to repay Zuckerberg’s election support. Unfortunately he will probably allow Starner to continue to pry and terrorise his own citizens, after all we were stupid enough to vote the Dictator into power.
-Immediately repay, in full and in gold the outstanding UK sovereign debt of $44 billion arising from WW1.
– “A dish best served cold” statement that like them he is not prepared to host either Starmer or Lammy his political and ideological enemies for dinner, that the proposed British Ambassador, as a certified EU advocate, is persona non grata and that warrants for unwonted electoral interference in the Presidential election have been issued for participating Labour activists, together with their instigators and sponsors.
-As an afterthought, advise him that the deployment of British troops to Ukraine is entirely at Britain’s risk and will receive no encouragement or support from the US.
Any additional thoughts on what POTUS might add to his list of Special Relationship requirements?
Naughty but nice:
Please substitute DOT
Noa: February 23, 2025 at 2:19 pm
Yes, the demands of Magda Cooper (nee Balls). and also the EU, for the end of E2EE should be be robustly rejected by The Donald as they have been by Musk.
Noa: February 22, 2025 at 9:14 pm
Nigel, Tom Harwood and the rest of the weasels at GB News, are just that. Dishonest!
If we CHWallsters can give at least 5 reasons, off the cuff ,why the Green Goblin ticks the box as a dictator then it shouldn’t be beyond them to be honest with their audience.
GB News is a Judas goat publication just like the Daily Mail, and the rest of them.
We all know the non result kf the German election, but like me you may enjoy Zelboys bad dream more than the machinations of the Sholz-Merz Pushme-Pullyou creature.
I’m looking forward to reports of our dear leader getting a good spanking in DC today.
Noa: February 24, 2025 at 9:50 am
Looking at that map it looks like the states of the former DDR should secede from the federal republic, EU, Nato, and enjoy the many benefits neutrality.
Noa says @ February 24, 2025 at 9:50 am
Good old Prussians, Noa, they are beginning to change the fate of the German tribe again, one hopes for the better.
EC says @ February 24, 2025 at 8:17 am
Seconded, EC, and again seconded.
Someone must offer a diss3nting voice Wallsters and so I suppose in this case that falls to me.
GB News offers the main outlet for an alternative UK news outlet and covers mainy stories the Blob wont.
That it is forced by Der Ofcom rules ja, to present a two sided view and routlinely sacks Presenters suffering like the great Mark, from Adam’s course of Original Thought is just the spoilage of unceasing attrional media war.
The consolation is that there’s always another new controversial talk show host when you need one.
They’ll probably even be gay.
And apparantly they now have M&S as an advertiser, which means that the lights might stay on a little longer and more Grannies and Gentlemen voyeurs, check their lingerie campaigns
And that mention of the Dear Leader, and his copportunity for a photoshot with the White House cat, occasioned the my Thought for the Day.
That living in Britain today is like sharing the High Security Wing shower with Bubba and his friends- and dropping the soap.
Just saying…and enjoy the fine Spring day and the sight of the crocus.
An Norther Ireland ex soldier’s caustic assessment of the UK.
Noa says @ February 25, 2025 at 11:33 am
Can you, Noa, or anyone else see the TTK signing that waiver?
About as much chance of that as the GG signing the mineral rights agreement and resigning as the Fuhrer of Kiev to a retirement villa in Florida.
What do you think chaps?
Has Kier entered into a secret agreement with Zelboy to acquire Ukraines mineral rights, ports (sic) gas reserves and indeed anything else that can be siezed and sold in the ‘going out of business’ fire sale.
The story is eerily reminiscent of the 1939 Poland agreement, which of course was ‘trumped’ by thr Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
One waits with exquisite pleasure to see how Kier will try to spin this piece of duplicious dealing to Trump tomorrow and the consequences for both him an Zelboy on Friday.
Trump Reins in Europe and Israel, While Daniel Levy Shines Before the UNSC
One thing is for sure, the Donald has certainly ended the era of boring consensus politics.
After yesterday’s session in DC I think our dear leader will be too busy applying a soothing balm to his rear end today to spare the GG of Keeeeev a thought.
The Russians won, they will not be relinquishing any territory. Indeed it’ll be the Russians who decide when to stop advancing, not Trump, and they have stated more than once that any peace deal will not involve any foreign troops [“Peacekeeper?”] being allowed into rump Ukerane. Minsk 3.0 simply will not do!
Meanwhile Donald has been named as 2025 Hat Salesman of the Year.
A heartwarming story concerning the Brussel’s elite sesselfurzer who would rule over us all.
“EU plan to crush Kaliningrad fails”
Kosy in Kalliningrad, but baltic in the Baltics!
The end is nigh? Surely it can’t be long before Ursula is handing out C≡N capsules for the EU high command to chomp down on?
Brrrr, Winter is coming…
EC says:
February 27, 2025 at 9:14 am
Yup, you’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at the antics of Von der Leyden, the broom stick Prussian with Nazi antecedents and her ‘stunning and brave’ high foreign factotum and plenipotentiary Kaja Kallas, the representative of the Baltic states, “the mice that squeak”.
The EU high command has not yet been summoned to DC to offer fealty, and Von Der was not invited to Trump’s inauguration.
When and how will Orban mount the putch customary in such circumstances?
When Merz has sorted out his puppet junta he may be summoned by the Don, no doubt he will be impatient to hasten the transfer of BASF, Mercedes, and VW to Georgia and other states where the swamps are being drained in anticipation if their imminent arrival.
But back to the representatives of the Socialist Republic if Britanistan, our own ‘stunning and brave’ Dear Leader is preparing to recantvhus Chaggosian heresy and is leaving his House Boy to take the flogging.
BBC News – Chagos deal will not go ahead if Trump rejects it – Lammy
Once we indulged and tolerated such insane ganja induced fantasies.
Now we view them properly as existential declarations of racist war.
Some sober appraisal of the capabilities of the American weaponry:
Can the Scot Fraser Nelson really not tell an Englishman from a bottle of Tizer?
Thank you.
Very interesting isn’t it, this Technology race v precision v quantity peer v peer war?
Brian Berletìc’s blogs and Jacque Baud’s and Marty Andryanov’s books have all covered the technology disparity between the weapons of overpriced, under producing West and the Russians well stocked arsenals of hypersonic missiles and the Oreshniks. Capabilities the West doesn’t have and will struggle to develop even to reach parity with a continuously developing Russia and China.
The Russian EW capabilities are also grossly underestimated. After all since the Vietnam war their equipment has been continuously tested by the USAF, and their systems have destroyed over 2600 military aircraft.
And the Iranians gave converted a cargo ship into the world first drone carrier, giving them the sort of potential leading edge, however temporary, that the Monitor and the Merrimac gave the Confederate and United States over the suddenly obsolere fleets of the Royal Navy and the rest of the world combined.
Combined these developments have resulted in the remarkably frank admissions from Rubio and Hegseth that the US is no longer the prime Hegemon in the world and that peace and rapprochements with Russia and China urgently necessary to prevent an unintended Armaggedon.
The Treaty of Wesphalia, establishing the inedependance rights of states was quetly superseded by the various international settlements reached by the Treaty of Vienna in 1816, the Treaties of Versailles and Sevres in 1919. Subsequently we have seen the mechanisms established under the United Nations replaced by the US Hegemon seeking primacy through the ‘Rules Based International System’ (RIBIS).
One may reasonably ask the questions “Whose Rules? Upon what basis of legitimacy? Who has the authority to apply them and upon what grounds, military philosophical or moral?”
We have witnessed in the recent inaugural discussions in Riyadh a possible return to a more pragmatic approach to the settlement of international issues by direct negotiations between great powers.
It is likely that, as with the European and Middle Eastern settlements in 1919, the ‘inviolability’ of nation states and borders will take second place to hegemonic interests and their material resources requirements.
Noa: 12:35 am
Frasier was born in Truro, Cornwall, which disnae excactly make him Ingerlish, slightly more Scotch than Sen. Elizabeth Warren is an ‘Injun.”
Noa: 9:57 am
“The future belongs to those who show up for it.”
Mark Steyn
Noa says @
February 28, 2025 at 1:23 am
It may not be the top reason for the makers of the tools of killing reluctance to come up with completely new designs, Noa, the manufacturing gear used to make the designs from the 70s and 80s have been fully amortised, the retool the production lines cost money, it’s much cheaper to tinker with the old stuff make MK II up to MK X or more but flog it to the Government for more money because of the usual excuses, inflation everywhere, Baron used to work for a company that had another trick up its sleeves, the spare parts it supplied to the military had to be tested and if faulty replaced after certain years, instead the stuff got only repackaged, no testing at all, but the charge was for the Full Monty, it may well be that the spare parts (all electronics) were still top quality, but if not it wasn’t mortal in a sense the equipment were to blow up, it didn’t work.
EC says @ February 28, 2025 at 4:12 pm
How true, EC, the great Mark comes up with them, amazing guy, smart and clever, pity his heart gives in on occasions.
Noa says @ February 28, 2025 at 9:57 am
Good points, Noa, and another thing, instead of the EU and Britain getting together allocating to the making of the tools of death more money which no country really has, they should talk to Russia and conclude an non-aggression treaty, ask the Americans to back it, much better for every unwashed whether he or she lives in the West our in Russia.
Hat Tip to Mike Hutchinson’ letter in TCW’s article, celebrating the portrait replacement by the great politician Yvette Cooper of the pale, male and stale Nelson,
.Admiral Horatio Nelson and Captain Thomas Masterman Hardy are on the deck of HMS Victory, 21 October, 1805. Nelson starts a conversation with Hardy.
“Order the signal, Hardy.”
“Aye, aye sir.”
“Hold on, that’s not what I dictated to the signal officer. What’s
the meaning of this?”
“Sorry sir?”
“England expects every person to do his duty, regardless of race,
gender, sexual orientation, religious persuasion or disability.
What gobbledygook is this?”
“Admiralty policy, I’m afraid, sir. We’re an equal opportunities
employer now. We had the devil’s own job getting ‘England’ past the
censors, lest it be considered racist.”
“Gadzooks, Hardy. Hand me my pipe and tobacco.”
“Sorry sir. All naval vessels have been designated smoke-free
working environments.”
“In that case, break open the rum ration. Let us splice the
mainbrace to steel the men before battle.”
“The rum ration has been abolished, Admiral. Its part of the
Government’s policy on binge drinking.”
“Good heavens, Hardy. I suppose we’d better get on with it. Full
speed ahead.”
“I think you’ll find that there’s a 4 knot speed limit in this
stretch of water.”
“Damn it man! We are on the eve of the greatest sea battle in
history. We must advance with all dispatch. Report from the crow’s
nest, please.”
“That won’t be possible, sir.”
“Health and safety have closed the crow’s nest, sir. No harness.
And they said that rope ladder doesn’t meet regulations. They won’t let
anyone up there until a proper scaffolding can be erected.”
“Then get me the ship’s carpenter without delay, Hardy.”
“He’s busy knocking up a wheelchair access to the fo’c’sle
“Wheelchair access? I’ve never heard anything so absurd.”
“Health and safety again, sir. We have to provide a barrier-free
environment for the differently abled.”
“Differently abled? I’ve only one arm and one eye and I refuse even
to hear mention of the word. I didn’t rise to the rank of admiral
by playing the disability card.”
“Actually, sir, you did. The Royal Navy is under-represented in the
areas of visual impairment and limb deficiency.”
“Whatever next? Give me full sail. The salt spray beckons.”
“A couple of problems there too, sir. Health and safety won’t let
the crew up the rigging without crash helmets. And they don’t want
anyone breathing in too much salt – haven’t you seen the adverts?”
I’ve never heard such infamy. Break out the cannon and tell the men
to stand by to engage the enemy.”
“The men are a bit worried about shooting at anyone, Admiral.”
“What? This is mutiny.”
“It’s not that, sir. It’s just that they’re afraid of being charged
with murder if they actually kill anyone. There’s a couple of legal
aid lawyers on board, watching everyone like hawks.”
“Then how are we to sink the Frenchies and the Spanish?”
“Actually, sir, we’re not.”
“We’re not?”
“No, sir. The Frenchies and the Spanish are our European partners
now. According to the Common Fisheries Policy, we shouldn’t even be
in this stretch of water. We could get hit with a claim for
“But you must hate a Frenchman as you hate the devil.”
“I wouldn’t let the ship’s diversity co-coordinator hear you saying
that sir. You’ll be up on disciplinary.”
“You must consider every man an enemy who speaks ill of your King.”
“Not any more, sir. We must be inclusive in this multicultural age.
Now put on your Kevlar vest; it’s the rules.”
“Don’t tell me – health and safety Whatever happened to rum, sodomy
and the lash?”
As I explained, sir, rum is off the menu. And there’s a ban on
corporal punishment.”
“What about sodomy?”
“I believe it’s to be encouraged, sir”
“In that case, kiss me, Hardy.”
Mike Buchanan
Admiral Horatio Nelson and Captain Thomas Masterman Hardy are on the deck of HMS Victory, 21 October, 1805. Nelson starts a conversation with Hardy.
“Order the signal, Hardy.”
“Aye, aye sir.”
“Hold on, that’s not what I dictated to the signal officer. What’s
the meaning of this?”
“Sorry sir?”
“England expects every person to do his duty, regardless of race,
gender, sexual orientation, religious persuasion or disability.
What gobbledygook is this?”
“Admiralty policy, I’m afraid, sir. We’re an equal opportunities
employer now. We had the devil’s own job getting ‘England’ past the
censors, lest it be considered racist.”
“Gadzooks, Hardy. Hand me my pipe and tobacco.”
“Sorry sir. All naval vessels have been designated smoke-free
working environments.”
“In that case, break open the rum ration. Let us splice the
mainbrace to steel the men before battle.”
“The rum ration has been abolished, Admiral. Its part of the
Government’s policy on binge drinking.”
“Good heavens, Hardy. I suppose we’d better get on with it. Full
speed ahead.”
“I think you’ll find that there’s a 4 knot speed limit in this
stretch of water.”
“Damn it man! We are on the eve of the greatest sea battle in
history. We must advance with all dispatch. Report from the crow’s
nest, please.”
“That won’t be possible, sir.”
“Health and safety have closed the crow’s nest, sir. No harness.
And they said that rope ladder doesn’t meet regulations. They won’t let
anyone up there until a proper scaffolding can be erected.”
“Then get me the ship’s carpenter without delay, Hardy.”
“He’s busy knocking up a wheelchair access to the fo’c’sle
“Wheelchair access? I’ve never heard anything so absurd.”
“Health and safety again, sir. We have to provide a barrier-free
environment for the differently abled.”
“Differently abled? I’ve only one arm and one eye and I refuse even
to hear mention of the word. I didn’t rise to the rank of admiral
by playing the disability card.”
“Actually, sir, you did. The Royal Navy is under-represented in the
areas of visual impairment and limb deficiency.”
“Whatever next? Give me full sail. The salt spray beckons.”
“A couple of problems there too, sir. Health and safety won’t let
the crew up the rigging without crash helmets. And they don’t want
anyone breathing in too much salt – haven’t you seen the adverts?”
I’ve never heard such infamy. Break out the cannon and tell the men
to stand by to engage the enemy.”
“The men are a bit worried about shooting at anyone, Admiral.”
“What? This is mutiny.”
“It’s not that, sir. It’s just that they’re afraid of being charged
with murder if they actually kill anyone. There’s a couple of legal
aid lawyers on board, watching everyone like hawks.”
“Then how are we to sink the Frenchies and the Spanish?”
“Actually, sir, we’re not.”
“We’re not?”
“No, sir. The Frenchies and the Spanish are our European partners
now. According to the Common Fisheries Policy, we shouldn’t even be
in this stretch of water. We could get hit with a claim for
“But you must hate a Frenchman as you hate the devil.”
“I wouldn’t let the ship’s diversity co-coordinator hear you saying
that sir. You’ll be up on disciplinary.”
“You must consider every man an enemy who speaks ill of your King.”
“Not any more, sir. We must be inclusive in this multicultural age.
Now put on your Kevlar vest; it’s the rules.”
“Don’t tell me – health and safety Whatever happened to rum, sodomy
and the lash?”
As I explained, sir, rum is off the menu. And there’s a ban on
corporal punishment.”
“What about sodomy?”
“I believe it’s to be encouraged, sir”
“In that case, kiss me, Hardy.”
Mike Buchanan
Noa: March 1, 2025 at 9:07 am
The {{{RUSSIANS}}} are coming…
72 hours? That was optimistic 50 years ago, more like 7 minutes now!
Yes Prime Minister – Bernard Woolley on defence capabilities
Some truth bombs disguised as jokes in the above.
Cumryd Kier should be nice to them thar Oligarchs, I recollect the Orishnik time between Konigsburg as was and Back Alli’s pad is 82 seconds.
“Better get yer noshers round that, there’s still time….., milud!”.
Baron at 7.17 pm
Agreed milud.
The Germans in particular seem to have forgotten the words of the Great German Von Clausewitz, “War is the continuation of politics (not the prologue).
Zel sycophancy is a confected neurosis which is destroying the West.
No bad thing if we see the EU, NATO, the WEF and the current MSN consigned to the flames and the return of the Nation state.
But for such intraveneously tax feeding institutions death is a long time in coming: the chains rusting in the swinging gibbets may secure these rotting corpses for generations.
Noa says @ March 1, 2025 at 9:07 am
Priceless, Noa, absolutely top, why don’t you publish it on the Tom Armstrong site, offer it to him, Baron’s still weeping, it’s no joke, it’s the reality.
(Baron was out for two days, fullY, apologies).
EC says @ March 1, 2025 at 10:25 am
How timely to have Baron weeping some more, EC, it bloody accurate, two of the Trident tests failed.
The utterly ludicrous and farcical ‘Coalitiin of the Wailing’ reported so widely in a concupiscent media igores the real developments which will be addressed in the forthcoming Trump Putin Summit in Riyadh.
Ukraine is a now subsidiary issue, to be resolved by the hapless Europeans.
What is of strategic importance to both are the new international financial tools and arrangements which Russia and the other BRICS members have created and are now implementing, in order to counter the US domination of world trade and politics through the petrodollar and its role as the world’s reserve currency.
Crucially the Dollar remains a fiat currency, unbacked by gold or any other viable medium, whilst BRICS has developed inter-member trading tools based on their respective currencies and baskets of currencies, including gold.
Putin has however said that despite sanctions, the ‘freeze’ and attempted seizure of Russian assets, the closure of SWIFT and international market trading to Russia, he is open to the normalisation of international Dollar trading.
This is really the nub of the projected Trump-Putin discussions: the resolution of the international trading crisis, the salvation of the US Dollars status as the world’s reserve trading currency, including the restoration of confidence that trading reserves will not in the future be siezed and used as political weapons.
Regardless of the Summit outcome the US and the West’s former financial pre-eminence has been irreparably damaged: BRICS now represents the greater world volume of trade and wealth and it will continue to develop trade and the means to trade independently of US domination.
A final consideration, we should not be surprised if Trump, being the businessman par excellence that he is, seeks a direct trading relationship with BRICS, leaving the Europeans chained to Wall Street and the Dollar and left to sort out the squalid Ukraine mess directly with Putin when the Kiev junta hascollapsed.or ensconced itself as a dependent EU puppet regime in a remnant Ukraine rump.
Germany, Mannheim
The “Amalgamated Union Of Lone Wolves” strikes again!
“Crucially the Dollar remains a fiat currency, unbacked by gold or any other viable medium,”
What was the result of the Fort Knox audit? Has it happened yet?
Noa says @ March 3, 2025 at 10:49 am
Excellent commentary, Noa, quite informative, too, one of the reasons the dollar should not collapse as many are hoping for is that many countries, the biggest China but also Britain, have invested in capital projects in dollars, the projects take years, the investing countries expect dollars back, any sudden run on the greenback would be disastrous for them.
Baron reckons the dollar will gradually lose the prime position in the central banks holdings exactly as happened to sterling, the central banks and any other holders of dollars will gradually reduce the proportion they keep in the US currency.
EC says @ March 3, 2025 at 2:57 pm
Where do you dig them up, EC, it took Baron few seconds to get it, when he did the boss said ‘have you gone mad? What is it you are laughing at?’
Since his retirement Baron’s clothing came entirely from charity shops, not all, some items like socks, the underwear and partly shoes and boots are purchased off the chain of the charity shops now dominating the landscape of city centres, but never at full price.
For a change Baron got the idea he may purchase a new pair of jeans since it’s the pantalon type he wears most often, he googled and one of the offers was the link below, which apart from inducing a minor heart attack cleared his mind of any desire to possess a new pair of jeans.
Are we for real? Who TF is so rich that he can afford to buy jeans at the price looking as the pair does? Probably someone looking like the guy of his white equivalent dealing in drugs. The money’s more than Baron’s and the boss’s food money for a year or more. More to the point, he wouldn’t wear a pair like this even if he were paid to.
Wet truly are asking for a catastrophe of a biblical magnitude, nothing else would bring common sense to our lives.
We Wallsters can organise a whip round if you really want them. Send you the collection instead of the Ukraine Relief Fund we normally make contributions to, via the Zelensky Caribbean Bank account we normally use.
Go on!
Just say Yes!
You know you want to!
Baron: March 3, 2025 at 9:47 pm
“We are truly are asking for a catastrophe of a biblical magnitude, nothing else would bring common sense to our lives.”
You are not wrong!
Baron: March 3, 2025 at 5:32 pm
“EC says @ March 3, 2025 at 2:57 pm
Where do you dig them up, EC”
Apologies, I forgot the attribution.
It was, of course, the great Mark Steyn. Now a stock quote.
Noa says @ March 4, 2025 at 9:09 am
How kind of you, Noa, thank you, but no, please don’t even think about it, if the authorities were to learn what you intend to do Baron may himself being sent down, all and every penny should go to the DA of Kiev, he needs it more than any other human being including the British pensioners on the state pension.
EC says @ March 4, 2025 at 10:09 am
One is told the great Mark has health problems, EC, he should take it easy, relax, he’s done more than any other sane and talented individual to point not to the foibles of mankind but to the turpitude of the anointed to$$ers.
There are some excellent links to both familiar and new commentators in the Alt media in John Le Sueur’s weekly TCW summary.
The tie is astounding, the suit is bizarre, but the message is furious and brilliantly delivered.
Noa: March 6, 2025 at 12:17 am
He’s good, innee.
Last evening my Interocitor™ briefly flashed up some legacy news channel whilst en route to YouTube. I noted that renta-flash-mob were protesting in London again, this time waving blue and yellow flags. The thought occurred to me that if all these people were so deeply concerned about the former Ukraine then why didn’t they all fuck off to Kiev and help bolster up the front lines of the Bandera-ite Nazty battalions vs the Russians.
I also wondered who prints all the flags that are used at a moment’s notice, deployed on whatever the protest de jour happens to be. Does the CIA keep a warehouse full of the flags of all nations and the various “disputants de terra”? Flag stockpiles financed by USAID, naturally.
Re flags, red, Socialist Verker, trannie etc.
Good question!
Presumably private enterprise in action.
If not then Privatise and in the words of the Great Orange One:
“Print, Baby, Print!”
Noa says @ March 5, 2025 at 12:26 pm
Many thanks, Noa, very helpful. the Jupplandia piece is priceless, the others are excellent also.
Noa says @ March 6, 2025 at 12:17 am
An accurate take on the man, Noa, the message cannot ignored but very likely will be unless Europe copies the Republic, also weird as it may seem to you the attire suits him and Baron likes it.
EC says @ March 6, 2025 at 9:26 am
Your guessing the CIA keeps warehousing flags and other paraphernalia to deploy when the time comes must be correct, in one of the demonstrations in Prague few years ago the crowds were waving red cards meaning ‘out’ just as in football, one of the cameras took a close picture of the box contains the cards, it was addressed to the US Embassy.
Russophrenia is a condition where the sufferer believes Russia is both to collapse and take over the world.
Good one, you must admit.
Baron 8:18pm
Cognitive dissonance indeed, Milud!
Macron and Starmer appear to have locked horns (HA!), so to speak, to see who’s the biggest cock in the euro farmyard.
“Russophrenia” A good name for a Punk pop Group/Combo, or LP record?
The thought occurs that if the Ivans ever mount a “surprise” attack against the garlic munchers it’ll be at lunchtime when they are having their 2 1/2 hours lunch break. They’ll all be gone sometime between the Horses Dooverers and the Dessert trolley/Cheeseboard. On the upside at least their steaks will be cooked properly… for a change!
EC says @ March 7, 2025 at 8:24 am
Good one, EC, the euro farmyard fits well, as do the dicks.
Soyboy TrudyTrudeau was appparantly in tears as Trump ‘tarriffed’ him up the Hudson.
Canuks are entitled to better from the Great Warrior, but can any of us expect any better from any member of the fatuous Coalition of the Wailing?
As I was saying about “the blue and yellow flag wavers” above…
EC: March 6, 2025 at 9:26 am
It appears the Babylon Bee is of the same mind… 🙂
“Army Announces People With Ukraine Flags In Bio Will Be Drafted First”
Should be enacted in the UK too.
Noa: 12:20 pm
One man stands head and shoulders above the rest, Noa !
Reform UK urgently needs reform?
It looks like Elon Musk has been proved right, yet again!
EC says @ March 8, 2025 at 8:44 am
Quite, EC.
PS: Baron’s out for today.
Fool me once…
As Nige and the collec5ivecegos of Reform vanish up their collective backsides the message from broke and broken Britain is reinforced.
“collective egos”
Both excellent links. Thank you.
“Baron’s out for today”
That must be some ‘right hook’ your missus has!
She’s not by any chance from South Shields like Mrs EC is she?
Top links, Noa, Barn has already given them wider coverage.
Back but tired, hence Barn only.
It’s the Women’s Day on March 8 in Russia, or rather it was yesterday, the only bit of the song Baron can get is not the singer’s lyrics, but the boys singing ‘where is March 8’ over and over again, the postings are mostly suggesting nobody’s much impressed:
Watch it on u-tube, otherwise you have to sign in, if you want to watch it.
Good news for Mark, about the fat bastard who caused his heart attack.
Priceless, truly so:
Todays Dauly Sceptic is exceptional, all the main articles are worth reading.
Noa 08:56
Great link, but sadly the Steyn article has gone behind a £wall.
The Boys in Blue?
I didn’t think we had that many fast jets that were still airworthy, but reportedly many of the ones that are have empty seats due to not enough of the DEI trainees being made of “the right stuff.” Predictable.
A good clear out of the military’s top brass, Tick-Tock-er and Rainbow ranks is long overdue.
That’s the man that can save Britain, we should all back him fully, if he sets up another party as the rumours suggest Baron will not only vote for him, he will help with everything he can.
Mark covers the story himself better and for free, applyiing the hockey stick enema to the mann…
Noa: 4:03 pm
Thanks, Noa. That whole 7th March edition was a real Steynian tour de force of current affairs.
Minsk 3.0 offer? ” Aye, there’s the RUBio”
Z’s reluctant acceptance of a ceasefire offer mandated by the American’s is no doubt prompted by the fact that his army is being routed pretty much everywhere… according to the two Greek blokes. The Russians will not be fooled by empty offers again.
Yesterday in Moscow, the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, ably assisted by FM spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, held a 90min interview with US bloggers Mario Nawfal, Larry C.Johnson and Andrew Napolitano.
Very interesting… ALSO Larry was in a suit and tie ! Albeit a very loud tie.
I lament the fact that UK, EUssr does not have anybody approaching 10% as capable and professional as Sergey Lavrov as foreign minister. “Our” own Foreign Secretary doesn’t even reach 1%.
Our Foreign Secretary gifted £50m to the butchers of Syria, impossible to make it up.