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Radford NG @ February 14th, 2018 – 08:25
Only today, a pancake day in the household kingdom of Baron, a meal between breakfast and lunch, (hence the gap in his annoying you), yes, a day late, it would be rather complicated to explain why, but there goes, the last day of ‘fat eating’ before the fasting that’s supposed to last 40 days, never exceeds a day if that.
On offer a dozen or so thin but still full-of-calories crêpes and a selection of toppings, berries mostly and Ajwa dates. Were Baron blindfold you, mash the berries up, spoon feed you, you couldn’t tell what it was when it grew, it’s blueberries Baron’s talking about here, five quid for two boxes of about five dozen berries each at M&S, it’s not so much the money, it’s the taste, or rather the quality of the stuff. The other berries were not much better, but one could taste them.
We’re supposed to eat five veggies, fruits per day, but it’s the real stuff we need, not this crap grown from some solution in water, harvested prematurely, ripened in transport. Someone should look into it.
Haldane @ February 14th, 2018 – 09:43
Spot on, Haldane, that’s exactly what the threat of legal action was, in this the Left leaning wankers can be relied upon, they dig themselves into a hole, keep digging.
The thing is that they, the anointed, are not used to being challenged, resisted, argued with, if they do encounter someone courageous enough to stand up to them they interrupt and interrupt, the guest cannot answer properly, gets annoyed, on occasions blows up. Credit to Kathy that she let Peterson talk, didn’t interrupt too often, and lost on points heavily.
If it’s any consolation to her, she looks sexier than Peterson, no question about it, to Baron anyway, those of the other phylum may see him and her differently.
For reasons known only to the MSM poodles and their handlers, nothing much has been said for a long while about Ukraine, it’s now getting close to the 4th anniversary of the February 2014 putsch in Kiev that installed Nuland’s favourite into the Presidency, one may well ask how is the process of democratisation going, is corruption down, the rule of law upheld, four years is surely sufficient to show some noticeable results, no?
Here’s an example of how things are in that part of Europe that was a basket case country before Poroshenko, the darling of the Americans, got the job of governing, is now just a country without even the basket. Millions of Ukrainians have left, demonstrations take place almost daily, the fighting in east Ukraine carries on, corruption is perceived by the unwashed to be worse than at any time before ….
Not that Saakashvili, a man with more passports than brain cells, is a paragon of probity, far from it, he’s as corrupt as the one he criticises, he is also wanted in his native Georgia for amongst other things embezzlement, but is this how a country aspiring to join the Brussels club treats a human being?
And not a word in his favour from the Left or the Right.é-before-deportation-caught-on-camera.html
The South African farce keeps entertaining, one hopes it never ends.
Everyone, even the deaf and blind, have known for years the misogynistic Zuma is corrupt, nothing happened. Now everyone’s clever, morally upright, disgusted with his shenanigans. Sad.
What about the two ‘Beatles’ nobody wants to touch even with a bargepole?
They got stripped of British citizenship (even though one of them was born in London), neither we nor the Americans are keen to give them what’s guaranteed by the ‘uman rites’, a due process, both countries fear, rightly, they would be as dangerous, if not more, incarcerated, would recruit many followers, inspire many to adorn T-shrts with their faces aka Che …
There’s seemingly an easy way out, shipping them to Assad, after all, they committed the heinous crime on the Syrian territory, he knows how to deal with thugs of this caliber. But can they be entrusted to the Syrian President? Wouldn’t their ‘uman rites’ be violated? They hang people in Syria.
Don’t take life so seriously, it’s not permanent.
That’s the last posting, for now, Baron cannot talk to himself all the time.
“…a man with more passports than brain cells…”
LoL Baron, for me the quote of the week!
And a status, (already achieved in name at least, by the ubiquitous comrade) to which we should all aspire.
Noa @ February 14th, 2018 – 14:38
Where have you been, Noa, you are missed both here and even more so on the Spectator blogs, the progressives have been staging a takeover there.
February 14th, 2018 – 09:43
“It’s also worth asking whatever happened to the alleged abuse that Cathy suffered.”
It is there. Watch it again. And then also watch the Camille Paglia interview.
In both Peterson exhibits passive aggression throughout. He will not even, most of the time deign to eye contact.
Yes the man quibbles with personal pronouns but I suspect that is an aspect of his deep misogyny rather than the transphobia mentioned by others.
Worse, his alt right cheerleaders unleashed the most vicious misogynist attacks on Cathy after she resisted his dreadful attempts to destroy her.
And while I think of it
Occam’s Razor states:
The simplest explanation is usually the right one
16:47 = repetitive assertions of the fake news kind, made here, there and just about everywhere
16:48 = ignorance of how to apply Occam’s Razor to a specific argument
Both together = lurking and stalking using various disguises; an inability to engage in honest debate; a compulsion to influence or control what others believe; frustration at not being able to; adopted personality swings between pretend reasonable and absolutely demented (bold-type Feminist Futures, etc)
Simplest explanation for that behaviour – Psychosis
The amount and origin of abuse following the Peterson-Newman Fight:-
Passive-aggressive. Another clinical term re-invented and misused by the left.
“Passive–aggressive behavior was first defined clinically by Colonel William Menninger during World War II in the context of men’s reaction to military compliance. Menninger described soldiers who were not openly defiant but expressed their aggressiveness ” by passive measures, such as pouting, stubbornness, procrastination, inefficiency, and passive obstructionism” due to what Menninger saw as an “immaturity” and a reaction to “routine military stress”. According to some psychoanalytic views, non-compliance is not indicative of true passive–aggressive behaviour, which may instead be defined as the manifestation of emotions that have been repressed based on a self-imposed need for acceptance.”
Did Peterson really exhibit any of this during the interview with Newman? Only in the minds of those suffering a psychosis which fuels the compulsive-obsessive expression of partisan political dogma to unappreciative and hostile audiences.
Peterson certainly resisted Newman’s attempts to trip him up, to put words into his mouth and to belittle his propositions. He responded with calmness and logic, precision in his language and patience with her 2 +2 = 5 projections.
Examination of the footage of the interview will show, categorically, that Peterson did NOT avoid eye contact.
Of all the places to peddle lies about that, Coffee House Wall is probably the least likely to be taken in.
So why do it?
I wonder whether David Lindsay/Telemachus/wha’ever (yawn) bothered to read the comments following the BS piece in the Indy he cited. Every one pissed all over the article.
“He responded with calmness and logic, precision in his language..”
It is worth watching some of the analyses of the psychological techniques Peterson used to destroy Cathy from the studied laid back relaxation into his seat to the aggressive “Gotcha” in an effort to stop her incisive questions
Psychotic I may be but until recently I did not post on TCW and I have no notion as to how to bold post on Disqus
Jordan Peterson is obviously doing something right, or he wouldn’t be attracting the attention of the usual howling mob.
Baron February 14th, 2018 – 00:35
Thank you, Baron. You’ve been holding up the Wall today!
I am content with my lot! In the film The Blue Max (1966) the rookie pilot Bruno Stachel (played by George Peppard) remonstrates with his CO because he will not be given recognition for shooting down his first enemy aircraft. The CO responds: “Then, you have the deep satisfaction of knowing that you have served the Fatherland.”
The “deep satisfaction of knowing” is enough and unseen devotion in the task does not lessen the satisfaction.
18:09 There has been so much deceit and subterfuge from your various identities that any expectation to be believed now is bound to be disappointed.
Rather than furthering your cause the approach you have taken of hubris, hyperbole and sanctimony, combined with that deceit and subterfuge, simply reinforces aversion to it.
Who and what are the English?
Alistair Millar’s excellent essay from the Salisbury Review
As someone might once said of something else.
We’re not going away, you know.
It was a most interesting interview. Newman’s questions were not “incisive” but contrived. There was not a genuine interest to learn more about Peterson’s beliefs or philosophy or to challenge them honestly but rather the usual partisan and highly selective Channel 4 News attempt to present the interviewee in the light required.
On that occasion the Channel 4 modus operandi and Newman’s belligerence were soundly defeated.
That of course has rattled the cages of those who want their political dogma to dominate. And the result is the usual manipulation to deny the facts and create an alternative reality conforming to that dogma. When the mindset is to always win by any means that reaction is inevitable, whether it is the Peterson-Newman interview ir Brexit. By going on about it so much it just shows how much the cages have been rattled. And a good thing to. The left deserve far more robust push back than they actually get, especially the ghastly BBC and Channel 4 who spit in the face of impartiality.
Baron 1229
I have not forgotten Ukraine. Nor has Alexei Navalny who I see from the Times today is firing on all fronts.
“Russia’s main opposition leader has asked the Serious Fraud Office to investigate a Russian billionaire who is close to the Kremlin.
Alexei Navalny told The Times that he and his team of anti-corruption campaigners want the SFO to look into the affairs of Oleg Deripaska, 50, a metals magnate.
Mr Navalny, 41, published an investigation last week stating that Mr Deripaska met Sergei Prikhodko, Russia’s deputy prime minister, on a yacht belonging to the businessman off the coast of Norway in 2016. Mr Navalny alleged that providing the yacht trip was a bribe. Both men deny wrongdoing.
The meeting was revealed after the activist tracked social media posts of a woman who was on the boat and posted images of the two men together.
Mr Prikhodko had been a foreign policy adviser to President Putin, who will seek a fourth term in elections next month that are seen as perfunctory. Mr Navalny is President Putin’s only real political opponent but he has been banned from running. He and his team have staged protests across Russia urging voters to boycott the elections.
In a letter to the SFO Mr Navalny wrote: “Due to the fact that Mr Deripaska is the executive director and major shareholder of the company listed on the London Stock Exchange (En+ Group) such meeting and provision of advantage to the high-ranking official might constitute an offence under the UK Bribery Act 2010.”
Mr Navalny’s Anti-corruption Foundation also plans to write to the London Stock Exchange because, it said, the exchange’s corporate governance guide “supposes that the management of a company must do all it can to try to prevent corruption and we, on the contrary, see that an executive director and major shareholder is sailing on a yacht with a vice-premier and girls from the sphere of escort services.
“We expect that the SFO will find out from Deripaska who paid for Prikhodko’s trip on the yacht, and the aims of their meeting,” the foundation added.
Mr Deripaska is the founder and principal owner of the conglomerate Basic Element and is worth an estimated $5.2 billion. En+ Group, which manages his aluminium and hydropower businesses, floated on the stock exchange in November.
After publication of the yacht investigation last week, Mr Deripaska issued a statement saying: “Outrageous false allegations appeared in social networks and mass media that I allegedly committed unlawful actions. These allegations have nothing to do with reality, are the fruit of the imagination of a group of people and the result of a planned campaign aiming to damage my reputation.” Mr Prikhodko also denies wrongdoing.
Mr Navalny said that he did not have evidence that Mr Deripaska paid for Mr Prikhodko’s trip on the yacht but said the close contact of the two men demanded scrutiny. “We very much hope the SFO will examine this case,” he said.”
Postergirl 18.24
“…the usual howling mob.”
The ‘mob’ consists of a pea-brained collection of fantasising, psychotic, personality disorders within one chromium plated skill.
correction – for ‘skill’ (hah!) read ‘skull’.
Noa February 14th, 2018 – 18:43
Interesting article. I’m guessing that Alistair Miller is fairly young. For those of us born as English people, in England, and brought up with no need or desire to question that, the issue of “identity crisis” does not even arise. We are to England, this our country, as the Japanese are to Japan.
The rise of self-doubt and denigration by the left has impinged upon that peaceful certainty but exploration of the backgrounds of those voices often reveals no innate Englishness but instead an ancestral axe to grind, often imported. The coercive policy of multi-culturalism and reckless foolishness of mass immigration to a scale and on a rate that are unprecedented in our history have also impinged.
When Blair’s creatures contrived all that they might as well have set out to “rub England’s nose in diversity” and it does often feel as though this, our country, has been hi-jacked by a political creed bent on its obliteration and that the loudest voices are now not those of the English. To be surprised and outraged at English objection to that is extracting the Michael. To set out to suppress it on bogus grounds is sinister.
British politicians need to understand that to defend the existence of English identity as the prevailing identity of England is not to attack anyone. A little more humility and good manners towards us is warranted. We are not collectively represented in the British Parliament and very few, if any, of the incumbents there demonstrate recognition or respect for our national identity. It’s time that they did.
Colonel Mustard February 14th, 2018 – 19:12
As usual a most perceptive and just analysis of both the problem and how it might, but won’t) be addressed by its politicians.
One of the key claims of the left and its major justification for the unprecedented invading waves of mass immigration launched by its own governments at Britain in general and England in particular, has been that we are a nation of ‘mongrels’ and
benefit from such mongrelisation.
Miller’s article points out that the archaeological and scientific evidence emerging is equally supportive of the view that mongrelisation, in the case of the English, is a myth.
The supposed benefits of mass immigration are, in any event, simply a social justice chimera; an ideological attempt to dissemble, cloud and confuse the public mind. The growing refutation of such lies in the archaeological, genetic and genealogical fields of study is to be welcomed in reasserting your view of the quiet certainty of the quintessence of Englishness.
I enjoyed the Peterson interview, not least because the questions, which were ideologically based, were refuted, as Peterson stated on empirical and logical grounds.
If Newman had real intellect ability allied with forensic skill in questioning she might have thrown greater doubt the evidence used to support his propositions.
That she failed completely to do so was due to the fact that her logic and reasoning stemmed from a flawed dogma of gender based ‘equality’. This was ultimately based in turn upon the failed and false doctrine of marxist communism.
ideo normaly provand .
It seemed that
On Sunday The TaxPayers’ Alliance released a ‘Quangocrat Rich List’, revealing details of the 238 Quango chiefs who are in the top 1% of earners. The report follows the announcement that Network Rail boss Mark Carne will step down this year after concerns about performance.
The purview and spending power of quangos, has grown substantially over the last two decades. Despite David Cameron’s 2010 call for a bonfire of the quangos, there are still hundreds of taxpayer funded public bodies, costing taxpayers’ over £200 billion last year.
The research note looked at 305 quangos and listed the details of all employees earning more than £164,000.
Key findings:
The number of super quangocrats in the 1 per cent in 2016-17 was at least 238.
The top earning super quangocrat was the chief executive of Network Rail, Mark Carne. His salary band was £745,000 to £749,999.
Network Rail had the most egregious largesse, with 52 employees in the 1 per cent.
Another seminal piece from Melanie:
Note the carping in the comments from the parasites of the charity industry.
Tom Daley and Dustin Lance Black are having a baby
Unless I’ve got this wrong since Dustin is referred to as the husband that means Tom is pregnant.
A Brexit miracle.
I don’t normally read this sort of shit but we could do with a miracle or two at the moment.
Colonel Mustard, February 14th, 2018 – 17:56
I saw an interview with Prof. Peterson where he spoke about his “interview” with Newman. He said it was impossible to have a genuine conversation with her about an important topic because of her constantly restating his answers to either say something he hadn’t said or indeed the opposite of what he had just said. He went on to say that at some point he felt that he was no longer dealing with an agenda driven journalist but a patient struggling to reconcile an ideological when presented with facts and the real world. His concern is plain enough to see to anybody who actually saw the full interview.
You’ll have no doubt noticed many hilarious Cathy Newman “So what your’e saying is…” Memes that are around on the internet. Like the many Hitler “Downfall” mashups, they are not going to go away anytime soon!
I don’t think she’s clinically nuts, but I’m afraid tha tin attempting to conduct, imo, a dishonest, poorly prepared interview in order to stitch up the interviewee, NewmN has brought all this mockery upon herself.
Newman is not in the same league, for example, as the formidable Andrew Neil, who is always fully briefed. Brillo, however, never attempts to roast an interviewee who can bring the same, or better level of facts to an argument!
If anybody ever receives any credible threats from loonies on “social” media then they should go to the police. If, however, Inspector Knacker One has not been called in then one can’t help but speculate about the substance and motives of such claims. CNN’s many examples of “sources” comes to mind.
should read “reconcile an ideological position.”
John birch. – 08:55
I don’t know if it will inherit Tom’s head for heights, but it’s already proved to be a strong swimmer!
The boy Daley barely fits in his little blue pants as it is.
EC – I have been watching some of the charlatan’s protean videos
Jordon Peterson is undoubtedly a very clever man. Why right wing bloggers love him is because he distorts the truth to please his audience
For example a common ruse of his is to say that if someone tells you racism is still a problem and that something should be done about it, they are part of a Marxist conspiracy to destroy your way of life
He is clever enough not to say “We must protect our white children’s future”
Instead he writes
“While there does appear to be a causal relationship between empowering women and economic growth, we have to consider whether this is good for society, because the birth rate is plummeting”
His call for a “white ethnostate,” is effected by his constant retweeting of articles with opening lines like: “Yet again an American city is being torn apart by black rioters.” He has dedicated two-and-a-half-hour-long YouTube videos to “identity politics and the Marxist lie of white privilege”
His fundamental misogyny is encapsulated his video explanations that men are helpless before “crazy women” and “harpies” because it’s not socially acceptable for men to hit women and that this is “undermining the masculine power of the culture”
He should be banned from ever coming to our shores again
What a load of rubbish David whoever.
Anyway this is interesting.
John birch. @ February 15th, 2018 – 21:05
Agreed, John, it’s good, and correct, not for the Davids of today, but for the common sense people it ‘makes sense’, his explanation of how we got here.
One may say, yes, we’re going through a bad patch, but given time, the diversity will, in the Hegelian fashion, morph into unity different from the past, but unity nevertheless, the disparate groups will find a common denominator, a ‘new nation’ will emerge.
This may or may not happen, who knows, more likely it will be one culture that takes over, the common denominator will be it, the culture that destroys all the others, and common sense again suggests it will not be a refined set of beliefs that wins it, but on the contrary, a set that doesn’t shy away from violence in imposing itself on the rest of the society.
Colonel Mustard @ February 15th, 2018 – 20:55
Short, Colonel, and right.
One can never kill an idea by preventing the individual who bears it from crossing a physical border, even harder in the age of the internet.
John birch. @ February 15th, 2018 – 08:55
The question that nobody has yet answered satisfactorily is what happens after the baby grows up, cannot reconcile the homosexual parentage with is or her own take on it’.
Frank P @ February 15th, 2018 – 01:38
Good article, Frank, but will anything fundamental happen after the outcry about the Oxfam misbehaviour dies down?
Most of the major charities, are no longer fit for purpose, they’ve morphed into corporates without the statutory oversight other companies or organisations either in the private or public sector are subjected to. The Commission is toothless in face of the emotional appeal of the job these charities are telling us they carry out.
On a BBC Radio4, a woman who used to work for a major charity left it, set up a help line for charity workers who were either abused, or reported an abuse, got kicked out. The number of calls her charity gets Baron doesn’t remember, but it was quite high. Why hasn’t the Commission acted?
Noa @ February 14th, 2018 – 23:17
If only the barbarian knew, Noa, he would have smuggled himself into one such quango, a job for life that, if not in the same one then in another, these people seem to leave a quango only re-appear in another.
There’s also a list, quite recent, on the pay in the charity sector. Also revealing:
Another mass shooting in a gun free zone, it must be the shooter didn’t know one should not bring a weapon into a gun free zone (only joking).
In a country saturated with guns as much as the Republic, the only way to prevent a massacre of this sort is to allow ‘concealed carry’ everywhere, no ‘gun free’ zones anywhere. This of course will not stop a deranged individual from opening fire, but it will avoid having unarmed civilians to be sitting ducks.
If any of the teachers, janitors, campus guards or whoever were armed, the list of the dead may have been shorter, but would have included the villain. As it is, the deranged bastard shot seventeen, but he himself is alive.
Baron 23-34 virtually word for word what I said to my wife, I can see no other option.
Baron @23:34, John birch. @05:30
I agree. It’s a sad an sorry situation all ’round.
This appears to yet another case where the FBI/Cops were warned about the perp’, aged 19, but where they did not do anything about it.
In most states in the USA, 21 is the legal age at which you can purchase alcohol.
I wonder if similar restriction on the the purchase of firearms if it would make any difference?
Every state has its own gun laws, some more bureaucratic and draconian than others. Many of these laws seem orientated toward harvesting licence fees for permits and registration.
Once again the American media are giving far too much publicity to the perp’ thereby turning a “nobody” into a “somebody.” Not good.
Colonel Mustard – 23:47
BBC QT: I feel your pain! I took one look at the panel and went to bed, glad that I’d given up watching some time ago!
I really don’t know how the BBC can justify recruiting such wildly biased panels and audiences. The Tory MPs they invite on the panel often are faux conservatives. Any non-politicos with a conservative mindset that they invite on the panel are there for the purpose of being pilloried and stitched up, and if they have the temerity to stand their ground, handle themselves well, and challenge the rest of the panel then they are never invited on again.
BBC Delenda Est!
I’m re-posting this as the last attempt went into “moderation.”
Colonel Mustard – 23:47
I feel your pain! I took one look at the panel and went to bed, glad that I’d given up watching the charade some time ago!
I really don’t know how the BBC can justify recruiting such wildly biased panels and audiences. The Tory MPs they invite on the panel often are faux conservatives. Any non-politicos with a conservative mindset that they invite on the panel are there for the purpose of being pilloried and stitched up, and if they have the temerity to stand their ground, handle themselves well, and challenge the rest of the panel then they are never invited on again.
Baron – 23:31
That’s a great link. The Common Purpose gravy train!
EC @ February 16th, 2018 – 09:43
The law imposed restrictions on alcohol for the young exist, EC, the young drink, mostly in private, but now often in public drinking dens, it may differ from one state to another, but the trend is for a much looser drinking culture what with laws on the weed getting more relaxed, too, a friend of Baron visited her parents recently, says she was shocked what she saw, nobody minded.
Tucker’s right, the cries for tougher gun controls are but a proxy for more control of the people. it’s the same technique, the yapping about Russia’s interference is a cover for the removal of the Donald, the same for fake news, it’s not lies that worry them since the progressives are excellent at it, but that they are losing control of what people are brainwashed with, hence believe in.
Sorry, I could resist sharing this one.
“So what you’re saying is…”
John Birch (21:05)
One of Fred’s best. Mind you, he’s a polemicist who can argue the opposite just as effectively as his regular punters will confirm.
But this little masterpiece needs wide dissemiation via the hard truths segment.
Baron (23:25)
See my post Feb 10th (17:11)
I was hired by a private TV production company to investigate Oxfam and its many tentacles back in the eighties; an investigative reporter from the Gruniad was also hired. I dug out some hard evidence of both complaints from victims of various scams and a great deal of background material about the Charity Industry in general ( and Oxfam’s roots in particular). The reporter was invited to South America to view one of their projects: when he returned to the UK he advised the TV producer in question that it would be harmful to follow through with our enquiries, as it would discourage donors from donating to good causes. They closed down the project and paid me off. Go figure. I tried to get of the ground elsewhere. Nobody would touch it with a bargepole. That is why I drew attention to the list of the ‘G & G’ whose Mafia controls the rackets and provides sinecures for those wishing to ‘lead beyond authority’. The Charity Watchdogs are toothless tigers.
It’s now cumuppance time; but it will be whitewashed – as it always has been. Royal Family; the gubmint; Show Biz; the UN – all in cahoots. Caint fuurrt agin thunder, my noble friend. That has been my life – a pointless exercise!
EC February 16th, 2018 – 10:02
The Tory MP was Villiers who is a Brexiteer and not bad but the audience appeared to be stuffed full of NUT Labour activist teachers. Highly suspicious given one of the questions was about the snowflake cherubs being persecuted and “fearful” of the wicked Tory times tables tests. On the panel was thick as mince Mastermind star Lammy shamefully shouting and rabble rousing and a truly ghastly woman called Faiza Shaheen whose mockney accent was almost a parody. She is director of a “think tank” outfit called CLASS. Check it out for all the university bods on its “advisory panel” as well as BBC Left Luminary bores Toynbee, Jones, Williams, Maguire, etc., all the usual suspects whinging and whining about how unfair it all is.
“Originating in the labour movement, CLASS works with a broad coalition of supporters, academics and experts to develop and advance alternative policies.”
I just bet it does. It is funded by the unions.
The other panelists were bland and forgettable. The head honcho of Iceland attempting to defend chicken nuggets in the face of nannyism gone bonkers and some Baroness who was ennobled just for being one of Cameron’s policy wonks.
In response to the inevitable Oxfam question Lammy’s deflective whinge about the colonial exploitation of Africa (not half as bad as the post-colonial exploitation of Africa by its corrupt and war-mongering governments and dictators) was parroted by the resident troll at TCW this morning. So there is obviously a script being put together by the communist conspiracy.
It was all bollocks from beginning to end.
EC (11:14)
🙂 🙂
Don’t miss Steyn’s latest on “anglo-american law” A phrase which apparently brought out the hounds of hell, when Geoff Sessions used it.
Mark’s riff on Francis Bacon in the last para will delight the punsters hereupon. Wonderful!
Colonel Mustard (12:58)
Brilliant review of a ghastly travesty of political discussion.
You need to look no further than the scatty (menopausal?) hysterical teacher who was with wild-eyed abandon ranting about her potentially suicidal pupils wilting in the face simple test for literacy and numeracy at the age of 8, as to why they are emotionally disturbed. Look in the mirror love and do that gig again! Stupid bitch! The profession is stuffed full of ’em.
As for Lammy – lammy-pooning him is a waste of your wit and wisdom. 🙂
Frank P February 16th, 2018 – 14:2
Yes, what was so alarming was that the deranged teacher, almost in tears on behalf of the poor children facing tests, is a deputy head no less. God save us!
It’s a horrible situation, with the whole education system operating as an opposition party against the Tories, but the fools only have themselves to blame.
Slovakian press are running a story that former StB member Jan Sarkocy has confirmed that both Babiš (the Czech PM and another “ex-communist” wrong’un) and Corbyn consciously collaborated with the StB.
The BBC have been desperately burying this story but it is just the tip of the iceberg about Labour’s past connections to Cold War enemies of this country:-
Entitled ‘Corbyn “also got the money” the Slovakian article reads’:-
“In the case of Corbyn, Sarkocy confirmed earlier information that he had repeatedly encountered Corbyn during his post at the (Czech) embassy in London. Corbyn, according to him, was not the only representative of the Labour party who cooperated with the StB.
“Corbyn was recruited, and he was getting money for information,” Sarkoci said, although he did not give (Ciorbyn) the money himself. He added that Corbyn had “earned” from the StB and that his recruitment was “under the protection of Russia”.
“All the information we received not only from him, but also from one other verifiable supporting source, was evaluated in Moscow. What the Russians could not do we could,” said 64-year-old Sarkocy. Corbyn, for example, was attending receptions at the Czechoslovak embassy twice a year. The content of the information Sarkocy did not specify. He only said that he knew what the then British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher would have for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and what clothes she would wear. The motive was not just money
“He added that Corbyn’s idea of cooperating with StB was not just money and that he had met him more than three times. He also pointed out that the StB was also interested in Corbyn because of his contacts with the family of Nelson Mandela. Asked if Corbyn knew he was speaking not only with the diplomat but also with the StB’s member, Sarkoci replied that at that time there was no doubt that Czechoslovak diplomats were working for the StB.”
“Sarkocy today claimed that the British Secret Service had learned about Corbyn’s recruiting and that he (Sarkocy) had to leave Britain afterwards. “If something happened at that time, Corbyn could have gone to live in Russia,” he said.
“According to Sarkocy, who, according to archive documents as a member of the StB, worked at the embassy in London between 1986 and 1989 as third secretary of the embassy, the Labour Party and other representatives of the Labour Party cooperated with the StB. “They were not only in the position of deputies, but they were also in the ranks of a higher authority,” he said without further details.”
2/16/18 | 4:40 PM: “Corbyn’s StB (Statna bezpecnost – Czechoslovak secret service) contact agent Ján Sarkocy has just confirmed to the Czech press agency that Corbyn knowingly met with him several times, and was even paid for the information he gave to our secret service by StB. According to Sarkocy there were several members of the Labour party who worked for StB.”
Taking the piss.
“He should be banned from ever coming to our shores again”
Welcome to the mind of the Wall’s own Gulag Gaoler, as the protagonist for Stalinist GroupThink once again demonstrates its intolerance for original, rational thought and the challenge to the permitted socialist consensus.
JRM speaking at Bristol University tonight and trouble expected. A Facebook page has been set up to organise a protest demonstrating the intolerance Noa describes above. The angry, violent left have now descended to protesting about the expression of a different point of view.
Bristol University:-
“The Member of Parliament for North East Somerset, Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg, has been invited by the Bristol University Conservative Association (BUCA) to speak at a private, ticketed event for students and staff at the University this Friday.
“In light of the recent protests which took place when Mr Rees-Mogg visited UWE, the University of Bristol is working with organisers to ensure a full risk assessment is conducted and that additional security measures are in place, including working closely with the Police, to ensure the event is safe and secure.
“The University of Bristol welcomes lively and legitimate debate and we have a duty to protect free speech on our campus. We support the democratic right to peaceful protest; however, we will not tolerate actions which aim to disrupt respectful debate and compromise the safety of our staff and students.”
Noa (17:14)
Just wait until they get the keys to No.10. (and, as a concomitant facility the keys to every pokey in the UK).
Waiting to hear our exiled Slovak’s take on the Colonel’s 16:34 et seq. It becomes increasingly obvious that not only are our spooks actively working for the other side, but that they are facilitating an imminent, inimical coup against the UK Government – by ‘democratic’ vote, no less! 🙂
It was already heading that way covertly when I retired; now it’s not only overt, but rampant. ”
No Nazi salutes this time – just the middle finger of derision. And we deserve it.
Noa 1715
Amber Rudd banned Jacek Miedlar last year. Jordan Peterson is far more dangerous
Like Corbyn, sleeper Amber is one of yours, as Iraqi priests also know, Comrade.
I noticed on EC’s Third Sector link that bankrupt pickpockets Phil and Theresa, managers of the bankrupt institution formerly known as the United Kingdom are looking to extend the faganisation of private assets commenced by Cumryd Brown.
“First they came for the building society accounts, and I did nothing because I had no such account…etc”
Jordan Peterson is far more dangerous to the current epidemic of left wing bullshit in Britain and the morons who swallow it.
Nice bit of deflection from Corbyn mouthpiece:-
“Gavin Williamson should focus on his job and not give credence to entirely false and ridiculous smears, which as we know from Darren Osborne [jailed for life for the attack on Muslims in Finsbury Park], can have a potentially deadly effect …
“Jeremy has consistently made the correct calls in the interests of security and peace, including on the Libyan intervention and his opposition to the disastrous Iraq war that has caused catastrophe in the region and made us less safe at home.”
Notice the sly and conniving way of invoking the far right and referencing only recent intervention and war. Nothing about the Cold War or the IRA. It shows just how their minds work.
Another clip from a Petersen interview with a New Zealand ‘professor’.
The only question I have for the Maori prof.
“Show us your dick, sunshine!”
“Right – off you go to the female flowery. You are a ‘she’ for our intents and purposes.”
For those who appreciate it from the horse’s mouth:
For those who like Abba: dia/ats/video/sweden-multi-cul tural-utopia.mp4
For those who cannot wait to have guns banned in the Republic.
Oh – those were the days! When if some confused person in the street claimed to be Napoleon Bonepart and demanded that you call him General, one just called the DAO and fixed him up with a room in St Bernie’s. This way, General! Mind your head!
WTF do the plods do these days? Now that a Dick is their Guv’nor!?
Frank P @ February 16th, 2018 – 21:13
The one with (or is it without) the member could be a comedy act on its own, Frank.
How loopy, idiotic, totally imbecilic could a society get to let a squeak like that lecture at a university? One has absolutely nothing against his desire to chop (or grow) the member, heshe can do whatever shehe wants, but teaching the young? Arghhh
It was only eight minutes the barbarian could stomach, he may go for the other seven, but only after he calmed down. Peterson amazes with his coolness, how can he.
“Rod Rosenstein’s Last Ditch Effort to Justify Mueller’s Existence: Indicting 13 ‘Russian Nationals'”
Lionel calling out Rod’s BS.
Where is Jeff Sessions?
WTF have “they” done with him?
On the Florida massacre:
The FBI were told about the culprit six weeks ago, visited the guy who told them quickly, but after the visit found it impossible to locate Nikolas Cruz because he used a moniker Nikolas Cruz on Facebook, says the DM.
The agency seems unfit for purpose unless the purpose is the Donald’s collusion with the Russians.
EC @ February 16th, 2018 – 22:09
The great Mark is right, EC, it’s the process that does the damage, the outcome matters little.
The indictment is a joke, who are these people, nobody has ever heard of any of them, the budget of one of the outfits that fronted the Russian interfering effort had a budget of $1.2mn, if that could sway the election Donald’s way, then only God may help the country.
In the case of the Donald’s collusion with Putin the process that lasted well over a year must have made it hard for the Administration, but thanks to the Donald’s refusal to submit may do greater damage to those that began it. One hopes so.
Frank P @ February 16th, 2018 – 18:07
Who is ‘our exiled Slovak’, Frank?
Colonel Mustard @ February 16th, 2018 – 16:34
Not that the barbarian has any wish to defend the cumryd, Colonel, but one may be wise not to jump to conclusion quickly.
The guy you take as a reliable source Jan Sarkocy has a questionable past. Baron cannot go into many details (these are complex, would require alot of background info that may confuse even more). He was an StB operative, worked also in London (as you say), but the most significant event that relates to the current Czech PM in waiting, the man called Babis, is the following.
When Babis wanted to clear his name in courts (he has consistently maintained that he had not been an agent or an informer of the StB) the guy Ján Sarkocy visited Babis’s lawyer, told him he would testify for Babis, for a reward. The lawyers refused the deal.
The barbarian is not a backer of Babis, far from it, he’s arrogant, got rich quickly, controls a part of the MSM, wants to run the country as a company, but his party came first in the last election, people trust him more than the corrupt political elite that worships the EU, aims to adopt the Euro, is in favour of letting immigrants from distant cultures in.
Whether Sarkocy’s right about the cumryd, Baron has no idea, there isn’t much on that in the MSM, even less in the blogs.
As if it wasn’t enough for the Donald to collude with Vlad, the Facebook CEO Zuckerberg is also implicated in a collusion, or so alleges the darling of one of our contributors Navalny. Since he, the contributor, speaks Russian, has deep understanding of Russia, can explain everything related to Russia, he should enjoy Navally’s broadcast (a part of the write-up).
The great Mark may be right, massacres such as the latest one in Florida may indeed be meaningless, but one cannot help thinking that, perhaps, the atrocity did have a meaning for the villain, he became instantly famous (or rather infamous), which must mean something to him even if that infamy was at the expense of the seventeen dead.
Burke: “Society cannot exist, unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere; and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without. It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters.”
Now, think what we’ve done to institutions that in the past installed controls from within – the family (the nuclear family is no more, single parenthood seems the norm), the school (sex education took over ethics), the church (the hierarchy turned into a joke of PC).
Having if not destroyed the from-within institutions, have we at least beefed up those that in the past enforced limits on appetites from without, the judiciary, the police, the system of punishment? Not at all, we increasingly punish not actual crime that causes damage, but thoughts.
The Florida shooter didn’t have it in him ‘not to kill’, the institutions to install it have failed, the institution from without that could have prevented the slaughter, the FBI, failed, too, it was pursuing a political case of alleged interference in the election rather than going after him when told about his intentions.
Someone should tell the Americans to re-dust the old thinkers, they may learn a thing or two, and neither of those two things will be about guns.
Melanie debates the treatment of ‘British’ jihadis.
Baron, you had a productive night:
February 16th, 2018 – 23:35
It is now official as part of DT dogma.
What is more his final sentence (see below) shows perfect understanding of the Cumryd.
Mr Sarkocy said it was routine for the Czechoslovak secret services to pay informants, but he stressed he had not personally handed over any money to Mr Corbyn.
“Mr Corbyn was an honest man, but stupid,” he said.
Mr Sarkocy said it was routine for the Czechoslovak secret services to pay informants, but he stressed he had not personally handed over any money to Mr Corbyn.
“Mr Corbyn was an honest man, but stupid,” he said.
February 17th, 2018 – 00:08
Alexei Navalny is beginning to do Putin real damage. Facebook has caved in to Putin pressure but not s Google which owned YouTube which is made of stronger stuff. I do not understand a word of this but I am sure Putin is furious.
I enjoyed Mr Boot’s analysis of Boris’ Valentines Speech, particularly the final paragraphs.
“What Mr Johnson should have said, but didn’t, is that of course we care about the economic well-being of the British people. But 17 million Britons didn’t vote for Brexit because they wanted to become rich. They did so because they wanted to become free.
So by all means, let’s talk about trade, free or otherwise or anything in between, but only after the only relevant aspect of Brexit has been settled: sovereignty.
This, according to the will of the British people, must be regained, and the only way to do so is to leave the EU effective immediately. Not in two years. Not even in a year. Now.
That done, do let’s have friendly and, one hopes, productive talks about trade, regulations, immigration or the relative merits of Manchester United, Bayern Munich and Paris Saint-Germain. But first things first.
One tell-tale sign of an intellect, especially a gigantic one, is the ability to strip a seemingly complex issue down to its core and express this in clear terms. The ability to spin out waffle that obfuscates without elucidating doesn’t quite qualify.
Baron February 16th, 2018 – 23:35
I don’t believe that I suggested anywhere that Sarkocy was “reliable”. I don’t care much whether he is or isn’t. Whatever kind of communist scumbag he is the main point is that there is a proven connection to Corbyn, another communist scumbag, so the focus is/should be on the latter.
The Stasi have a file on Corbyn too which cannot be released without Corbyn’s permission. Corbyn “toured” East Germany during the Cold War. Corbyn’s public record of activities in this country make these revelations unsurprising.
Profumo resigned for far less and he was just a minister. Corbyn is leader of the opposition and wants to be PM.
I have just listened to national executive committee member Paul Oakley for UKIP talking about Henry Bolton and how he will engineer his political assassination today.
As I said when the spat started, Bolton showed his lack of good judgement by throwing over his beautiful partner for a dying party.
Make no mistake, Putin has begun to dismember and re-annex Ukraine, Estonia is next.
And his London Ambassador has the UK in his sights:
“Only British soldiers are standing on our borders,” Yakovenko said. “This is in Estonia – 800 British soldiers are located there.”
“It’s not Russian soldiers on the border of Scotland or England, this is British soldiers on the border of Russia,” he added.
Colonel, the one thing we can agree with Sarkocy about is that the Cumryd is “stupid”.
And this from the French Russian émigré actor and businessman Gerard Depardieu,
“Russia is a new phenomenon in Europe: a state defined and dominated by former and active-duty security and intelligence officers. Not even fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, or the Soviet Union – all undoubtedly much worse creations than Russia; were as top-heavy with intelligence talent… There is no historical precedent for a society so dominated by former and active-duty internal-security and intelligence officials; men who rose up in a professional culture in which murder could be an acceptable, even obligatory, business practice… Those who operated within the Soviet sphere were the most malevolent in their practices. These men mentored and shaped Putin and his closest friends and allies. It is therefore unsurprising that Putin’s Russia has become an assassination-happy state where detention, interrogation, and torture; all tried and true methods of the Soviet KGB; are used to silence the voices of untoward journalists and businessmen who annoy or threaten Putin’s FSB state. “
Talking of stupid.
Max Mosley is using the law to suppress the history of orgy allegations:
“Mosley’s lawyers have written to at least three newspapers, demanding that newspapers “block or erase” data that he believes is inaccurate.
If Mosley wins his case, then newspapers would be forced to remove from the internet historic articles including reports on and orgy with prostitutes in 2008. Mosley successfully sued the News of the World, winning £60,000 damages for breach of his privacy.”
So we hear a 10 minute segment on Today, the net result of which was that he gave the opposing journalist chance to talk about sadomasochistic orgies.
Colonel Mustard @ February 17th, 2018 – 07:28
Point taken, Colonel, and once more, the barbarian is not trying, in any shape or form, to defend the cumryd, but simply points out that there’s not much difference, if any, between the two when one seeks to discover what’s true and what isn’t.
The Spectator has a piece on the subject, the postings are of interest more than the article, the attitude of the young to the ideas of the cumryd in particular. This, if anything, is the most worrying thing, it links to the finding in the Republic that half of the young (up to 25 years old) would prefer to live under communism.
Baron – 23:12
Mm, the indictments of these “Russian Nationals” represents a significant change in the narrative… Will the coverage the NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, ESPN etc. etc. reflect that change, I wonder…. NOT. I don’t expect any accurate reporting out of those orifices anytime short of ELE meteortite strike.
The activities of the “Dirty Dozen” commenced before Trump even announced he seeking the GOP nomination.
They nothing to do with the subsequent Trump campaign.
They even organised anti-Trump protests.
IF this is all Mueller has got for all the time and money, then he must be covering his arse. Will he continue to cover Comey’s arse?
Meanwhile WTF has happened to Uranium-gate and FISA-gate? Where is the Special Prosecutor for those?
Is Jeff Sessions still alive? What have “they” got on him?
In the USA the pantomime season is running all year long at the moment.
May the farce be with you.
Frank P @ February 16th, 2018 – 18:07
One can only hope this tricky question hasn’t added to your health problems, Frank.
It’s not that the barbarian’s touchy on the subject of his gene allocation or his tribal home, but there are times when greater accuracy may be better than the opposite.
Marshal Roberts, February 17th, 2018 – 07:57
Stupid, although Mosley, a busy man, was probably too tied up to Google “The Streisand Effect.”
EC @ February 17th, 2018 – 09:16
Agreed, EC, but the point the barbarian was making is different, it’s the low grade of the individuals indicted, more to the point, they are in Russia, would Putin oblige, ship them to the Republic?
What does John Kerry have to say, he allegedly issued the visas, will the anti-Trump mob change its tune? Very unlikely, they’ll try to blow it up as much as they can, but all in all it’s, as the great Mark says, all in the process, not the outcome.
(have to go, more later)
It is said he prefers spanking to bondage.
He certainly got a verbal spanking on Today.
And while we are talking, there is a lot of comment in today’s papers on the ISIS Beatles.
I cannot for the life of me understand why we do not take the Gavin Williamson dictum.
The fact that they are still alive is a statement on our weakness.
Baron February 17th, 2018 – 09:13
I wouldn’t pay much attention to the Spectator. That one time bastion of conservative free thinking fell to the Bubble some time ago and its comments threads fell to the transatlantic sockpuppet army about the same time.
Bolton voted out!
February 16th, 2018 – 09:43
Apropos the latest U.S. school massacre it certainly has been, as you say, yet another case where the FBI/Cops were warned about the 19 year old perpetrator, but ignored it and did nothing about it.
That the FBI did nothing is – at the very least least – strong evidence of the most extreme incompetence and negligence.
Or is it worse? It should make everybody ask – what are the FBI’s priorities?
Is the first priority of the FBI not to protect the public from criminals, but to undermine Trump?
Peter Hitchens review of the film ‘Darkest Hour.’
Bolton considering legal action.
More evidence that he has an ‘EU attitude’.
The FBI; they have no shame.
I said some months ago that Semper Infedilis Mueller would not have to be removed as Special Counsel; he would be laughed out of office.
Well, have a good laugh:
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
And if you want a laugh from someone with with greater bottom on the same topic here is a lengthy contribution by Dr. Jerome Corsi on Rosencranz’s announcement:
Jeff Sessions is said to be close to the Bushes. Q, however, seems to be saying not to lose faith.
Rod Liddle today:
“Slugs and snails and the PC mob rails
Asda is in trouble for its T-shirts again. A while back the company was criticised for selling T-shirts that bore the words “Boys Will Be Boys”. A woman complained that this sort of statement could encourage sex attacks. No, not kidding.
The latest T-shirt simply features a mock dictionary definition of the word boy: “Digger of dirt, noise maker, lots of mischief.” Campaigning groups have said this is gender stereotyping, and one mother said the definition could end with boys having mental health problems. Less severe mental health problems as those occasioned by having her as a mother, I suspect, but there we are.
My own T-shirt suggestion is a short slogan: “Boys — we earn more than girls.” That should keep everyone happy.”
And in Speccie:
“The point I am trying to make is that there are differences between men and women, on average. Many and complex differences. Some feminists will insist those differences are learned, rather than innate. Although how one can learn to be useless at parking is to me mystifying. But either way, those differences are there, are they not? We are not quite the same. Equal but different.”
I will remember all these things when I see the Lumley driven attacks on me and all my gender at the British Academy of Feminist Importance tonight.
“Tory coup: Ukip members defect to fight for ‘REAL Brexit’ and back Jacob Rees-Mogg
A FORMER senior member of Ukip has urged his ex-party colleagues to join him in defecting to the Conservative Party. Peter Harris, who was the candidate for one of Ukip’s top two target seats in last year’s election and the party’s regional organiser for London, last week became the most senior figure to quit and join the Tories.”
SunExp: Emma Thompson and Emma Watson lead calls to end all [sexual] harassment
Yes Cathy, what we are saying is that we have given up on ‘World Peace’.
RobertRetyred – 23:04
Bolton makes Nuttall like a political colossus!
RobertRetyred – 09:48
… and signalling, also, that they haven’t had any free publicity recently!
For anyone who wants to have an idea of the man who has been banned by successive British governments since the last Labour administration was in power, here is Michael Savage speaking last month in Beverly Hills:
If you don’t want to watch it, DON’T CLICK on it!
I was actually watching interviews and speeches online with Yanis Varoufakis when I came across the Savage interview by chance. Yaroufakis has sound things to say.
OMG, I must stay away from the computer! Now I have a Douglas Murray speech, warning America, that I want to post. What the hell!
John birch, February 15th, 2018 – 08:55
Mr Boot clears up some of the confusion I had upon hearing “they” news…
Frank P
February 16th, 2018 – 18:07
This rang a bell. I remember you saying something similar [CHWs passim] when expressing a lingering, nagging doubt about a certain pair of brothers…
There’s no past tense to ‘communist’. Espousing that evil ideology in one’s mature years takes a certain temperamental predisposition, which doesn’t change with age. Communism isn’t an opinion. It’s a character trait. That’s why I’m always suspicious of ‘ex-communists’ who see the conservative light late in life. Changing one’s hat doesn’t change one’s head.</i
It's what I've thought about Merkel and all the recycled "former" Reds, East and West, many of whom have rebranded as "Greens!"
A good piece, imo, anyway.
#Vlad Warning# So maybe better not to, Baron 😉
In Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe is pushed out by his own Party. In South Africa the ANC votes out their own State President. In Britain UKIP votes out their leader. Would that the Conservative Party had such spirit.
As somebody said what we had there was a `coup`.Each successive candidate fell one by one in ways not comprehensible until Ms May (who was never one of us) was the only one left standing.
Oh dear, the BBC. Playing fast and loose with Homer now.
Troy. Where to begin. The requisite BBC gratuitous bonking within the first 5 minutes as well as the usual shrieking childbirth for a bit of sisterhood angst. The BBC think shrieking and shouting is “drama”. It’s not. It’s that odd, tedious and yet noisy boredom of the BBC kind.
The Trojans appear as sort of John the Baptist bearded hipster cowboys in homespun gym slips riding very modern looking horses with very modern looking saddles to drive very modern looking cattle. No six guns, so far. And their father Noah is probably off building an Ark somewhere.
That’s as far as I got. Tosh.
Colonel Mustard 18.39
And them Greeks, they is bros, don’t ya know man?
Colonel Mustard (18:39)
Noa (23:01)
🙂 🙂
Thank you. I needed that; it’s the small wee hours, I should be sleeping, preparing for D Day on 26th, can’t. Thought I’d reach for my gizmo to see whether there was any light reiief on the Wall. You did not disappoint. TYVM!
Ee Y Adio ( as they were wont to chant on the football terraces ) : the wrath of Achilles is my theme.
It turns out that, according to reports , Achilles and Patrocholus are black africans ; in the latest drama.
As,also, was Coriolanus;according to the Royal Shakespeare Company.
Ah; so that’s what Noa meant.
Not much to laugh about these days, but just as I was about to give up hope along comes Brendan Cox to join the ranks of outed gropers. This is the surviving spouse of Murdered Jo Cox who has made a profession of his widowhood while spewing left wing tripe at every opportunity. It could not have happened to a nicer and more deserving guy. The harridans who specialize at ovulating with outrage over frequently overstated male misbehavior have been strangely silent, even on one occasion offering the man sympathy. His behavior has been described as inappropriate, but with the name of Cox what else could one expect.
stephen maybery – 07:10
Bloody hypocrites the lot of ’em! Anyone who witnessed last night’s BAFTAs luvvie wankfest would have had that confirmed by the bucketload. Unfortunately, after watching a recording of something else, the TV slipped back on to the “live” schedule. Two minutes was as much as I could stand. “Who are all these people?” asked Mrs EC as she left the room.
Noa February 18th, 2018 – 23:01
I’m just grateful I never got that far!
Could you imagine the furore if Colin Firth was cast as Shaka the Zulu? Or Gary Oldman as Martin Luther King with beaucoup make up and prosthetics? It was bad enough with Keanu Reeves channelling the 47 Ronin. How the Japanese actors kept straight faces as he lumbered about I’ll never know.
Radford NG February 19th, 2018 – 05:00
The BBC must have been taking Greek silhouette Lekythos too literally! Achilles’ mum was a sea nymph and his Dad king of the Myrmidons (Thessaly) so his ethnicity was likely to have been proto-Armenian with a bit of sea weed thrown in.
Maybe they were thinking of Othello?
stephen maybery February 19th, 2018 – 07:10
“Do as we say, not as we do”.
Left wing sanctimony excuses everything, even Stalin.
Never mind the outcome, feel the “he meant well”.
Do you remember the days long long ago where you were innocent until proved guilty, and that was after a quaint thing called a trial.
And you tell that to the young people today and they don’t believe you.
It’s time to banish them black thoughts. Unless you want to get into real trouble…
Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili Not only meant well but delivered
Delivered his nation from back woods serfdom to become an industrial giant that put the first man into space
Like JFK he inspired the youth of his nation
Who knows what his people would have achieved if it were not for his untimely death
I had been planning for a week or two in Greece this spring, perhaps re-reading my battered copy of the Flashman Papers whilst sipping my expresso and raki. Or on second thoughts perhaps I should take a pristine, (yet soft and thoroughly absorbent) copy of the koran instead, to prove my bona fides to Suleiman the Magnificent’s descendants….
Will NATO continue to hold in the face of the growing rapprochement between Putin’s Russia and Erdogen’s Turkey? Or will we see the Southern flank of the Alliance tested by a secret alliance that would rival the Ribbentop-Molotov pact in its duplicity?
Does a population drained Greece and Europe even have the will and strength to hold against the fecund ‘minarets of islam’?
I see that the cumryd has returned, his neck firmly gripped by the old murderer’s recal muscles whilst his open mouth attempt to regurgitate the rivers of sewage his lodgement there has caused him to imbibe.
sp recal = rectal
Colonel Mustard 11.59
Being black is the new white.
Whites having no culture it is impossible for backs to appropriate something which doesn’t exist.
Geert Wilders considers the role of governments in the nation state. As if Europes politicians wished to uphold that outmoded concept…
Noa February 19th, 2018 – 16:00
On a par with Abbott’s attempt to exonerate Mao. Simply reveals their ghastliness.
Battening down UKIP’s hatches, or taking up the cudgels?
“Labour Action for Peace, a pressure group that had no formal role in the Labour Party, and for which Corbyn was an officer, was notoriously and idiotically pro-Soviet. Corbyn, in making Seumas Milne and Andrew Murray key figures in his team, both of them rather keen on the Soviet Union in the 1980s, obviously doesn’t think any of that too important. Murray, head backstairs honcho of Unite, the main union backer of Corbyn, used to buy space for advertorial in left-wing British papers for Novosti, the Soviet press agency. My hunch is that there is still a fair bit more of this to come.”
Let’s just have that again:-
“Labour Action for Peace, for which Corbyn was an officer, was notoriously and idiotically pro-Soviet.”
This all comes as absolutely no surprise to many of us who were watching it all happen in real time.
1758 You are obsessed.
Andrew Drummond-Murray should not be targeted simply for being a peace campaigner. He is a thoroughly nice bloke who I came across in 2003 when Tariq took a few of us into Stop the War events in an attempt to stop the disastrous Iraq War
If he had succeeded there would have been no ISIS
If the plausible allegations are correct there is a prima facie case of Treason or Treason Felony against Mr Corbyn and other senior Labour party members, by their “adhering to the sovereign’s enemies, giving them aid and comfort, in the realm or elsewhere…”, or to “compass, imagine, invent, devise, or intend”:
…to deprive the sovereign of the Crown,
to levy war against the sovereign “in order by force or constraint to compel her to change her measures or counsels, or in order to put any force or constraint upon or in order to intimidate or overawe both Houses or either House of Parliament”, or
to “move or stir” any foreigner to invade the United Kingdom or any other country belonging to the sovereign.
I look forward with confidence to the DPP, Alison Saunders, treating these treasonable matters as seriously against our Monarch the Queen as she does sexual offences, prosecuting the Defendants with the same utmost rigour of the law which she is prepared to use against the muslim rapists of Rotherham, Conservative MPs who may caress a nearby knee, BBC disc jockeys (dead or alive), a dead (Conservative, well it was claimed) and a distinguished former soldier.
Failure to act would be unthinkable, however I will be very happy to contribute to the cost of a private prosecution.
“The Stasi had a secret file on Jeremy Corbyn which could now be in the hands of Vladimir Putin. The Labour leader visited communist East Germany in the 1970s with his then-lover Diane Abbott. During the trip the state security service compiled an intelligence dossier on the pair which is now held in the Stasi archives. The documents would have been passed to Russia’s notorious KGB agency at the time meaning they will still be in the hands of officials in Moscow.”
Dearie me! Lordy! FMOBB! What a shadowy business. Corbyn links with:-
Czech Státní bezpečnost (StB – secret police)
East German Stasi (secret police)
Corbyn’s 100 subversive acts:-
Invited two IRA members to parliament two weeks after the Brighton bombing.
Attended Bloody Sunday commemoration with bomber Brendan McKenna.
Attended meeting with Provisional IRA member Raymond McCartney.
Hosted IRA linked Mitchell McLaughlin in parliament.
Spoke alongside IRA terrorist Martina Anderson.
Attended Sinn Fein dinner with IRA bomber Gerry Kelly.
Chaired Irish republican event with IRA bomber Brendan MacFarlane.
Attended Bobby Sands commemoration honouring IRA terrorists.
Stood in minute’s silence for IRA gunmen shot dead by the SAS.
Refused to condemn the IRA in Sky News interview.
Refused to condemn the IRA on Question Time.
Refused to condemn IRA violence in BBC radio interview.
Signed EDM after IRA Poppy massacre massacre blaming Britain for the deaths.
Arrested while protesting in support of Brighton bomber’s co-defendants.
Lobbied government to improve visiting conditions for IRA killers.
Attended Irish republican event calling for armed conflict against Britain.
Hired suspected IRA man Ronan Bennett as a parliamentary assistant.
Hired another aide closely linked to several convicted IRA terrorists.
Heavily involved with IRA sympathising newspaper London Labour Briefing.
Put up £20,000 bail money for IRA terror suspect Roisin McAliskey.
Didn’t support IRA ceasefire.
Said Hamas and Hezbollah were his “friends“.
Called for Hamas to be removed from terror banned list.
Called Hamas “serious and hard-working“.
Attended wreath-laying at grave of Munich massacre terrorist.
Attended conference with Hamas and PFLP.
Photographed smiling with Hezbollah flag.
Attended rally with Hezbollah and Al-Muhajiroun.
Repeatedly shared platforms with PFLP plane hijacker.
Hired aide who praised Hamas’ “spirit of resistance“.
Accepted £20,000 for state TV channel of terror-sponsoring Iranian regime.
Opposed banning Britons from travelling to Syria to fight for ISIS.
Defended rights of fighters returning from Syria.
Said ISIS supporters should not be prosecuted.
Compared fighters returning from Syria to Nelson Mandela.
Said the death of Osama Bin Laden was a “tragedy“.
Wouldn’t sanction drone strike to kill ISIS leader.
Voted to allow ISIS fighters to return from Syria.
Opposed shoot to kill.
Attended event organised by terrorist sympathising IHRC.
Signed letter defending Lockerbie bombing suspects.
Wrote letter in support of conman accused of fundraising for ISIS.
Spoke of “friendship” with Mo Kozbar, who called for destruction of Israel.
Attended event with Abdullah Djaballah, who called for holy war against UK.
Called drone strikes against terrorists “obscene”.
Boasted about “opposing anti-terror legislation”.
Said laws banning jihadis from returning to Britain are “strange”.
Accepted £5,000 donation from terror supporter Ted Honderich.
Accepted £2,800 trip to Gaza from banned Islamist organisation Interpal.
Called Ibrahim Hewitt, extremist and chair of Interpal, a “very good friend”.
Accepted two more trips from the pro-Hamas group PRC.
Speaker at conference hosted by pro-Hamas group MEMO.
Met Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh several times.
Hosted meeting with Mousa Abu Maria of banned group Islamic Jihad.
Patron of Palestine Solidarity Campaign – marches attended by Hezbollah.
Compared Israel to ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah and al-Qaeda.
Said we should not make “value judgements” about Britons who fight for ISIS.
Received endorsement from Hamas.
Attended event with Islamic extremist Suliman Gani.
Chaired Stop the War, who praised “internationalism and solidarity” of ISIS.
Praised Raed Salah, who was jailed for inciting violence in Israel.
Signed letter defending jihadist advocacy group Cage.
Met Dyab Jahjah, who praised the killing of British soldiers.
Shared platform with representative of extremist cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
Compared ISIS to US military in interview on Russia Today.
Opposed proscription of Hizb ut-Tahrir.
Attended conference which called on Iraqis to kill British soldiers.
Attended Al-Quds Day demonstration in support of destruction of Israel.
Supported Hamas and ISIS-linked Viva Palestina group.
Attended protest with Islamic extremist Moazzam Begg.
Made the “case for Iran” at event hosted by Khomeinist group.
Photographed smiling with Azzam Tamimi, who backed suicide bombings.
Photographed with Abdel Atwan, who sympathised with attacks on US troops.
Said Hamas should “have tea with the Queen”.
Attended ‘Meet the Resistance’ event with Hezbollah MP Hussein El Haj.
Attended event with Haifa Zangana, who praised Palestinian “mujahideen”.
Defended the infamous anti-Semitic Hamas supporter Stephen Sizer.
Attended event with pro-Hamas and Hezbollah group Naturei Karta.
Backed Holocaust denying anti-Zionist extremist Paul Eisen.
Photographed with Abdul Raoof Al Shayeb, later jailed for terror offences.
Mocked “anti-terror hysteria” while opposing powers for security services.
Named on speakers list for conference with Hamas sympathiser Ismail Patel.
Criticised drone strike that killed Jihadi John.
Said the 7/7 bombers had been denied “hope and opportunity”.
Said 9/11 was “manipulated” to make it look like bin Laden was responsible.
Failed to unequivocally condemn the 9/11 attacks.
Called Columbian terror group M-19 “comrades”.
Blamed beheading of Alan Henning on Britain.
Gave speech in support of Gaddafi regime.
Signed EDM spinning for Slobodan Milosevic.
Blamed Tunisia terror attack on “austerity”.
Voted against banning support for the IRA.
Voted against the Prevention of Terrorism Act three times during the Troubles.
Voted against emergency counter-terror laws after 9/11.
Voted against stricter punishments for being a member of a terror group.
Voted against criminalising the encouragement of terrorism.
Voted against banning al-Qaeda.
Voted against outlawing the glorification of terror.
Voted against control orders.
Voted against increased funding for the security services to combat terrorism.
Fake News
Fake News.
Not “news” and not fake.
A matter of historical record. Corbyn is a wrong’un.
What is FAKE is calling yourself David Lindsay when you are not. Even before we get to all the other names used.
Teletwat gets all worked up about Corbyn’s StB and Stasi shame and suddenly “Strong Woman # FBPE” is back and frothing over exactly the same stuff at Guido.
What a “coincidence” . . .
If anybody’s casting around for something to rhyme with #Me2 , how about “Mean Shrew”?
“Labour’s deputy leader Tom Watson has launched a major attack against “right-wing” newspapers he accuses of spreading propaganda about Jeremy Corbyn to bolster declining sales.
Writing exclusively for The Independent, Mr Watson said the stories making allegations about Mr Corbyn‘s contact with a Czech agent in the 1980s are “false and ridiculous smears” based on discredited sources.
The senior Labour figure goes on to accuse the newspapers’ proprietors of abusing their power to print “poorly sourced” stories simply because it suits their political agenda.”
So then
Again I say
Fake News
Ha ha! Methinks someone protesteth too much.
Only recently cod communist Corbyn was engaged in demagoguery to a mob of red flag waving cod-communists in front of a huge poster of Marx, Stalin and Mao.
Repulsive and chilling.
If Watson were any kind of champion of truth he would worry more about BBC’s fake news or “non news” than the Daily Mail:-
“The senior Labour figure goes on to accuse the newspapers’ proprietors of abusing their power to print “poorly sourced” stories simply because it suits their political agenda.”
Oh, the irony of that fat cunt saying that.
Colonel Mustard,
I look forward to more stones being turned over and the light of day falling on certain other of Corbyn’s maggoty comrades.
Pat Condell on the Google ‘feminists’
Intelligence is not dead yet.
The mother-in-law came round last week. It was absolutely pouring down. So I opened the door and I saw her there and I said, ‘Mother, don’t just stand there in the rain. Go home’
– Les Dawson
Has anyone else noticed men walking around wearing “Baby on board” lapel badges? I passed one earlier today who was giggling to himself and muttering. Reckon he was gone in the head.
Ahh, the joy of black empowerment in South Africa.
Why do sub-saharan blacks have an average IQ of 70?
The comments on Guido regarding TWat’s latest weasel words are a real treat…
A victory for Free Speech in Canada? One that will give people confidence that they really have the right under our famous, so-called “Charter of Rights and Freedoms”, to say anything they feel like saying?
Hardly. I’d call it typically Cold Canadian Comfort….
Transitioning from Orwell’s 1984 to Gilliam’s 1986…
“A disabled women died alone surrounded by soiled clothes days before Christmas after a council stopped her care. Anne Savidge, 64, was reportedly abandoned by 18 agencies contracted by Portsmouth City Council to look after her”
We all thought Terry Gilliam’s nightmare vision of a bureaucratic, totalitarian dystopia (BRAZIL, 1986) could never happen. Looks like we’ve arrived!
More FAKE NEWS from the BBC…
The Munich Security Conference, which ended yesterday, was marked by appeals for “Europe” to be more willing to go to war and have a resolute EU “global projection of power.” In addition to a significant arms buildup, the EU needs a “common desire to actually use its military weight,” German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen admonished. German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel warned that Europe’s future “projection of power” cannot “do without” military force. Currently, this is not yet possible without the involvement of NATO or US armed forces; however, cooperation with Washington should be “on a par” and “not as deputies.” In the foreseeable future, the EU will be able to buildup its arms to such an extent that it will no longer need US support. Gabriel branded Russia and China – current “rivals” to the Western “system” – as “autocracies.”
Noa, February 20th, 2018 – 08:55
Re : Pat Condell on the Google ‘feminists’
I couldn’t get that link to show me, but Pat has posted alternate one’s here:
“YouTube Censorship”
So-o, Corbyn’s getting cocky? Good.
Ostrich (occasionally) – 16:10
Is that a standard issue KGB/stB/Stasi watch he’s wearing?
If an enterprising Paparazzi has got a 40Mb RAW file of that snap then it should blow up quite well…. in more ways than one 🙂
One is beginning to feel sorry for the cumryd, pummelled even for wearing a watch that EC believes is the standard KGB issue, he should be toast by now, obviously he isn’t, the question’s is why.
The reason why he’s still there, in opinion polls close to the Tories, is simple, one should attack the man’s policies, rather than him, the messenger of them. This is a mistake that could backfire, hitting the communist nutter does nothing to destroy the evil of what the man’s proposing, we should focus on what it is he says he will try to accomplish if he gets into no10 – the bribing of sections of the electorate, the takeover of key commercial, financial and productive sectors of the economy, the disastrous foreign policy. That’s what one should be critical of, no?
Noa @ February 21st, 2018 – 09:57
Whatever the Germans may be saying NATO is unlikely to survive, it has outlived its purpose, a new realignment is on cards. The Germans will get their long hoped-for EU Armed Forces, will ask the Americans politely to pull out of Germany, the Turks even today are not fully reliable, it may only be a matter of time before they pull out of the alliance, align themselves not perhaps with Russia, but China, the French will increasingly rely on their own military, they never trusted the Americans, and the Poles will have to decide what to do, whom to join to muscle on the Russians.
We may have to set up another alliance with the Americans, leave Europe to the Germans, both these two European powers should be happier, we, because nobody could ever be sure what the Germans want (although one may suspect it), the Germans, because they never completely trusted us, our closeness to the Republic have made them suspicious.
Any fault in this rant?
And this on the subject of autocracies:
For some reason, Ukraine is left from the list of autocratic regimes, Poroshenko was in Munich, had a talk, the auditorium was less than half full, people were leaving it as he was talking, both the German and the French Foreign Ministers refused to attend a meeting of the four countries (the Normandy Four) that took it on themselves to solve the Ukrainian revolt in the east.
Andy Car Park @ February 20th, 2018 – 16:13
Nice to hear your voice, Andy, but is this all you have to say?
Noa @ February 20th, 2018 – 16:50
Not something that either the GEs (that’s governing elites), or their laptop dogs here, the MSM are interest in, Noa, it’s bloody fault of the farmers, they are white.
David Lindsay @ February 20th, 2018 – 07:52
Do we have a right leaning paper, David? Which one?
Colonel Mustard @ February 19th, 2018 – 20:16
If you were the one who compiled it, Colonel, one should take one’s hat off, if you only gave it a wider coverage, also thanks.
On the question of his saying ‘Hamas should “have tea with the Queen”, perhaps you’re too critical. Her Majesty has met many bad people, the list is quite long. In the case of Hamas perhaps she would have been more successful curtailing their bad deeds, could have persuaded them to have new election, give up power if they lost it.
Heard on the car radio:
The PM, the saintly One, was castigating Assad and his backers (she didn’t mention their name, who could that be? Any ideas?) for bombing the chunk of Damascus under the control of ISIL. Many civilians including children got killed, she said.
It is very regrettable that civilians were harmed, perhaps she should have offered to the Syrian Government our missiles and ammunition that kills only military combatants. She may have also mentioned the use of depleted uranium in Iraq by the Americans and our forces that greatly improved health prospects of those civilians who survived it.
Baron 1802
All except the Guardian
You should be more concerned about the right wing news bias of the BBC
Ex chair of 2 Tory committees Robinson now leads Today
2 Ex Tory MP’s – Paris and Brandreth and a previous Tory leadership candidate lead the commentariat
And Murdoch place man Neil is sounding more and more like Fox News
PS prospective Tory leader was Portillo
I think that a combination of social changes have led to tremendous stress on today’s kids that my generation did not suffer. To wit:
In my rural Virginia school, there was no racial tension. We were all white: teachers, students, parents.
The black kids went to their own school, Ralph Bunche. We had virtually no contact with each other. There was no hostility, just no contact. The academic gap didn’t exist in the absence of contact. Inintegration would prove cruel when it came. and the black kid s sank to the bottom. The causes can be argued, but the fact cannot.
Baron February 21st, 2018 – 18:08
Not my work Baron, just passing it on. But it speaks for itself.
What strikes me over the whole business of “Agent COB” is the apparent naivety of the media and public, given his well documented modus operandi in political activism. The police now use the term “a pattern of behaviour” for historic crimes but it is astonishing that Corbyn’s very own “pattern of behaviour” has not featured strongly in the question of StB and Stasi records.
Another factor not well understood about the dismissal of all the evidence is the extent to which the German government machinery has been compromised by ex-Stasi officials. In 2013 the commissioner in charge of the Stasi archives admitted that his agency still had 37 former Stasi employees among its staff. And in 2007, a leaked German government report revealed that the archive had since its inception employed as many as 79 former Stasi members, some of them without the knowledge of parliament creating suspicions that incriminating files could have been destroyed or been tempered with. Joachim Gauck, who criticized the political left of ignoring communist crimes, gave permanent contracts to ex-Stasi staff around 1997 saying it was essential in order to understand the records.
In 2009 it was revealed that approximately 70,000 current employees of the German government used to work for the Stasi.
A project to re-assemble 16,000 bags of Stasi shredded paper has so far only finished working on 500 and it is reckoned it would take 700 years to complete the work, even if it goes ahead in a now lukewarm environment to proving communist secrets.
The softening of official German government attitudes to the ex-Stasi began with Merkel gaining power in 2006. She even empowered a notorious ex-Stasi informer, an absolute horror of a woman called Anetta Kahane, to establish “anti-hate” legislation which is a slow burning project to eventually criminalise dissenting right-wing views.
The draconian tendency of the German government since Merkel came to power is also underestimated outside Germany. The Justice MInister, Heiko Maas, although not ex-Stasi, is another horror (google him to get a look at him). He has authorised 27 offences for which the government can use malware to spy on peoples computers, made it a criminal offence to leak government information and pushed through a draconian “Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz” (“network enforcement law”) to combat online hate speech and fake news, which seems to have inspired May to pursue a similar authoritarian nanny line. Despite being opposed as unconstitutional and risking catastrophic effects on freedom of expression the law was forced through. German newspapers refer to him as the “Prohibition Minister”.
In Britain the situation is comparable because the leftist subversives sponsored by the Soviet Union have never been called to account and were allowed to re-invent themselves and burrow into various NGOs and other organisations, ib some cases setting up their own.
From the Stasi files:-
“Die Labour Action for Peace ist eine Organisation, in der Labour-Abgeordnete des Britischen Parlaments u.a aktive Mitglieder der Partei zusammengeschlosssen sind….Dabei werden von Vertretern der LAP in Grundfragen Positionen vertreten, die weitgehend mit denen der sozialistischen Staaten übereinstimmen.”
Corbyn was highly active in LAP. The idea that he was not a communist fellow traveller and “agent of influence” in the West is ridiculous. It ran through him like the name through a stick of rock.
The East German Stasi files do not contain a list of UK spy identities. The identities were in a set of files called the Roseholtz files – that were stolen by the CIA when Germany fell. The Rosenhoktz files are not available to the Stasi archives. Until they are returned they cannot search them.
From the Guardian 28 Dec 2011:-
“Britain has been accused of “sheltering communists” after refusing to hand over a cache of Stasi files revealing the names of British spies who worked for the East German secret intelligence agency during the cold war.
“The cache belongs to a set of mysterious microfilm images, known as the Rosenholz (Rosewood) records, that contain 280,000 files giving basic information on employees of the foreign intelligence arm of the former GDR.
“The records were obtained by the CIA in murky circumstances shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall. American agents analysed the data before distributing relevant portions to countries in which the Stasi were active.
“A swathe of files relating to Stasi activity in the UK were given to MI5 by the Americans in the 1990s. Now Germany wants the files back, to add to its extensive archives on the GDR’s ministry for state security, commonly known as the Stasi.
“If the files are returned to Germany, they will be made available, unredacted, to scholars and historians. That means that British Stasi sympathisers and spies could be outed for the first time.
“Today, Germany only has those sections of the Rosenholz discs pertaining to activity in former West Germany – though the governments of Norway, Denmark and Sweden recently indicated they were ready to hand over the Rosenholz files they were given by the CIA more than 10 years ago.
“Since the return to Berlin of the West German portion of the Rosenholz files in 2003, a number of public figures have been outed as Stasi collaborators, most recently a priest who allegedly spied on Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI .
“”We need access to these British files in order to understand the cold war, which was a war fought by secret intelligence operatives all over the world,” said Helmut Müller-Enbergs, one of the world’s leading scholars on the Stasi.
“In 1999, the then home secretary, Jack Straw, told MPs that MI5 was investigating more than 100 Britons suspected of having been Stasi agents.”
Telegraph, 18 Sep 1999:-
“A massive undercover investigation is now under way by MI5 and MI6, Britain’s internal and external security services, to track down and prosecute up to 30 Britons suspected of handing secrets to the Eastern bloc before the fall of the Berlin Wall. They are thought to include serving police officers, who have been identified by the former Scotland Yard detective and the self-confessed agent, John Symonds.
“Ann Widdecombe, shadow home secretary, demanded a full explanation from the Home Secretary, Jack Straw about the Government’s failure to prosecute the alleged agents.
“The Home Office issued a statement saying it would be impossible to disclose all details of security service investigations. “In fulfilling its function of protecting national security, the Security Service has … carried out a great many investigations, including into alle- gations of espionage and hostile foreign intelligence activity.
“It is wholly unrealistic to believe that the detail of [investi-gations] should routinely be made public. It would be grossly irresponsible, as disclosure could seriously compromise the work of the agencies which, to be effective, have, to a large degree, to remain secret.”
” . . . how could a prominent Stalinist such as Professor Vic Allen Get away with meeting a succession of Stasi controllers in London, when everyone knew that he was a prime candidate to engage in such activity? I take little pride in pointing out that I drew attention to Professor Allen’s record and proclivities in a letter published in The Times in mid-1985. He had a record as long as your arm for subversive affiliations and activities, both in this country and previously in Nigeria.
“Finally, what about the 100 leads from the Berlin archive who are supposedly still being investigated? Are they still being investigated – or have 105 people been amnestied for Christmas, rather than just five?”
I have a deep suspicion that the full extent of this treachery was buried by New Labour during their 13 years in power and political corruption of the security services.
More on Kahane.
“The Ministry of Justice has come under renewed pressure to cut ties with Anetta Kahane after a Stasi expert declared her unfit to lead a “sensitive task like controlling the internet” based on her history working with the Communist secret police.
“A review of the former Stasi informant’s files has led to further questions over Justice Minister Heiko Maas’s decision to use Kahane’s Amadeu Antonio Foundation to oversee a programme of removing “hate speech” online and prosecuting its authors.
“Writing in Focus on Sunday, Communist political oppression academic and Stasi expert Dr. Hubertus Knabe, said it is “incomprehensible” that the ministry chose a foundation headed by Kahane to lead a “sensitive task such as controlling the internet”.
“Director of the Hohenschönhausen Stasi Memorial, Knabe reviewed Kahane’s files and found that she had lied about her history with the Communist secret police, whose repression leaves many survivors still traumatised today.
“Kahane hid her involvement for decades but when the files were made public, and revealed her to be an informant, the campaigner for open borders claimed she was put under extreme pressure by the Ministry of State Security (MfS) and forced to cooperate.
“In his article for Focus, Knabe revealed that the foundation head, under the codename “Victoria”, delivered reports about friends and conversation partners, relayed the names of people who were sympathetic to dissident songwriters, and even reported a student for being “politically unsettled and unclear”.
Far from having only cooperated under pressure, Kahane received a gold fountain pen from the MfS for her service, management recording that she “has a strong positive attitude towards the security services”.
Knabe concluded the piece by recommending that the Ministry of Justice “would be well advised to end cooperation” with the Amadeu Antonio Foundation. Former Bundestag deputy Vera Lengsfeld, who was a prominent civil rights activist in Communist East Germany, slammed the task force at the weekend as an “internet spy group”. Noting the foundation’s recording and removal of ‘hate speech’ from the internet had increased 353 per cent over last year, but that nearly 90 per cent of these were not legally actionable, she accused Maas of having launched a “procedure of extrajudicial censorship”.
“Alternative for Germany (AfD) MEP Beatrix von Storch took to Facebook following the revelation, writing: “We pay taxes for the Ministry of Justice to give money to a Stasi-led authority to make propaganda against us? I propose to examine as to whether tax evasion is justified in self-defense. My money should not be spent directing propaganda against me.”
“Kahane is a fanatic supporter of open borders and has declared it vital that the European Union change its immigration policy so as to eventually make natives of the continent a minority.
“This is very important; you have to change the educational system and the self-understanding of the states. They are not only white anymore or only Swedish or only Portuguese or only German. They are multicultural places in the world,” she said.
I know you all take Mr Mustards quotes as gospel but just remember his motivations
“Jeremy Corbyn has revealed he was at a meeting in Derbyshire at the exact time that a former communist spy claims to have been with him in London.
The Labour leader said his records prove he attended a gathering of socialists in Chesterfield in October 1987, when the Czech agent claims to have been talking with him in the House of Commons.
It also happened to be the day after Mr Corbyn’s mother died and a Saturday – when the Commonsa does not sit – making the alleged meeting in Westminster more unlikely.”
“Radek Schovánek, an analyst with the defence ministry of the Czech Republic – which emerged, along with Slovakia, from the peaceful breakup of Czechoslovakia in 1993 – has spent 25 years researching documents filed by the now-defunct spy service. He told the Guardian the suspicions against Corbyn were unfounded, and the claims of Ján Sarkocy, a former intelligence officer expelled from Britain in 1989, to have signed the Labour leader up were false.
Schovánek also poured scorn on Sarkocy’s boast that he used 10 to 15 other Labour politicians in the 1980s as sources, including the current shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, and Ken Livingstone, the former mayor of London.”
See Graham Greene : Our Man In Havana.
What happened to the Stasi files under New Labour? 100 British agents but only a handful of prosecutions and the subject gets buried.
My “motivations”? To explore the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the left’s collusion with the enemies of my country.
Won’t take lectures about motivation from someone who trolls under a variety of disguises, habitually deceives, openly admires Stalin and once demanded that we give the ISIS “Caliph” a “fair hearing”.
Besides, his “Feminist Fighter” strategy for disrupting conservative websites was posted again several times today at Guido.
October 1987? Oh dear. Agent COB’s spinners have already admitted that he met Dymic on 25 November 1987:-
“Mr Corbyn’s aides finally on Tuesday (20 Feb) revealed more details about the first of three meetings he had with Czechoslovak spy Lt Jan Dymic logged in his now defunct StB agency’s archives. The Opposition Leader invited Lt Dymic to the Commons on November 25, 1986, to discuss “the issue of disarmament”, his spokesman claimed.
But he insisted that Mr Corbyn still “doesn’t recall” as many as three other meetings recorded in the archives.
Labour are now misrepresenting the whole thing as being untrue in order to mislead those members of the public who won’t do their own checking. Their trolls are at the same business and revealed in “Feminist Fighter’s” strategy document.
Busted yet again, tele.
Baron, February 21st, 2018 – 17:43
The reason that the “cumryd” is still there, if you remember, is that Mrs May totally cocked up the 2017 GE Tory manifesto, in particular with regard to the issue of “social care” funding cap (with implied property grab) The quite unnecessary introduction of this issue at an election that was supposed to be about BREXIT handed the opposition parties a stick with which to beat her, and distract from the main issue. The relatively few fevered millennials that voted for Corbyn’s false promises were not as big a factor as those who would normally have voted Tory but either stayed at home or voted for the MRLP in protest.
I afraid that the days of ancient Greece etc. that you obviously yearn for, where the men wander down to the town/village square each morning and discuss the political issues of the day in a gentlemanly fashion, are long gone. The enemy needs to be attack on all fronts! In particular, Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” needs to be digested and then shoved right back up the left’s fundament!
BTW. The downfall of politicians between elections is unpredictable, and is very rarely about policy issues. It’s usually about the other piggies trying to keep their snouts in the trough. Never forget, “they work for you” you know!
Freds correct as usual.
Who says that crime doesn’t pay?
Over the last decade, the number of proli c criminals has grown dramatically, and the proportion of all crime for which they are responsible has grown even faster:
• One in ten of the most serious crimes in 2016 – 29,400 indictable offences – were committed by criminals with at least 36 previous convictions or cautions. This 10% is more than four times the 2006 gure of 2%.2
• Three in ten of the most serious offences (30%) are now committed by criminals with at least 15 previous convictions or cautions – almost double the 2006 gure of 16%.
1 ‘Justice Secretary says prison population should come down’, BBC, 17 August 2017, at news/av/uk-40964809/justice-secretary-says-prison-population-should-come-down
2 All the data for this report is taken from the ‘Offending History Tool’, Criminal Justice System statistics quarterly: December 2016, Ministry of Justice, 18 May 2017 at attachment_data/ le/615135/criminal-history-pivot-table-2016-q4.xls
For offences like violence against the person, theft and robbery, the numbers are even more stark:
– 21% of violence against the person cases were committed by criminals with at least 15 previous convictions or cautions – compared to 7% in 2006.
-Almost half (47%) of thefts and robberies were committed by criminals with at least 15 previous convictions or cautions – compared to 21% in 2006.
– 24% of convictions and cautions were of criminals with at least 15 previous convictions or cautions – almost double the 2006 figure of 13%.
– 13% of convictions and cautions were of criminals with at least 36 previous convictions or cautions (compared to 4% in 2006).
John birch.@ February 22nd, 2018 – 13:38
Absolutely spot on, John. It’s in tackling what he says is different today where the American unwashed will find the answers to the massacres.
Amazing as it may sound, it was the same in the other Red half of the world that suffered when Baron wore short trousers except for the constant brainwashing of the sort ‘with the USSR forever’. (To which one would add ‘but not a minute longer).
EC @ February 22nd, 2018 – 09:45
Good point, EC.
It was meant in jest, the remark about your spotting the cumryd’s watch.
Colonel Mustard @ February 21st, 2018 – 19:06 et al.
One only hopes, Colonel, that you keep copies of your postings. Later, at your leisure with only gentle editing you’ll have a readable tome on hands, the publishers won;t be able to say ‘no’.
(The barbarian has to dash again, how did one have a job, did other things, no job today, no paid job that isyet one cannot get a minute to himself).
Baron – 17:23
Sorry, Baron, obviously a soh failure on my part. I’m preoccupied with other matters at the moment.
My comments on the latest Boot polemic on Gerard Batten are awaiting moderation over there. Something which never happens with the teleturd here… still I reproduce them here as a reminder that we haven’t yet reached consensus on how many muslims we want and need in Britain. (The real and only currently acceptable answer of course, the left tells us, is all of ’em.)
Politicians of all hues remain unwilling to discuss the consequences of mass immigration and the challenges it presents. Gerard Batten’s relatively innocuous proposals attempting to integrate the un-integretable have inevitably resulted in the usual tired cries of islamophobia and accusations of racism from the media and the left; (generally the same thing. nowadays)
Yet these are to ignore what is at least a rational response to the growing threat identified even by the vile Trevor Phillips. (Any man who glories in using his public office and taxpayer funds to hound a legitimate political party out of existence is vile in my book.
Yet, according to a 2015 poll by Survation for the BBC, British muslims (or should we call them “muslims of Britain” in adherence to the modern, inclusive vernacular?) hold what one Muslim commentator coyly called some ‘disconcerting’ atttudes. A third of UK Muslims would like their children educated separately from non-Muslims. A quarter disagreed with the statement that ‘acts of violence against anyone publishing images of the Prophet could never be justified’; and a quarter were sympathetic to the ‘motives’ of the Charlie Hebdo killers.
A new study showed that a significant part of the British Muslim community is becoming a separate “nation within a nation.” The 615-page survey found that more than 100,000 British Muslims sympathize with suicide bombers. Only one in three British Muslims (34%) would contact the police if they believed that somebody close to them had become involved with jihadists. In addition, 23% of British Muslims said Islamic Sharia law should replace British law in areas with large Muslim populations.
The issues underlying the demographic time bomb a secular, generally post Christian Britain faces are explored in the following links for anyone still interested.
Douglas Murray assesses the intellectual dark web.
News from Chequers is that at last showing some balls to the Brexiteers
But the big important speech will be on Monday, just trailed by Emily
Noa @ February 22nd, 2018 – 18:54
You haven’t yet figured it, Noa, but if the omni-all one were in charge things would be as bad if not worse than when the commy thugs were in charge in the East, the man was incubated in a regime that didn’t allow dissent, one had to follow the orthodoxy of the anointed, only HE was always right, on his blog here, HE’s him.
Noa @ February 22nd, 2018 – 19:22
The one aspect he doesn’t touch on, Noa, is what future for this new, technology based freedom of expression. Those who controlled the minds of the unwashed for decades through the poodles of the MSM estate must have the control levers back. Failing to dominate again in the dissemination of their agitprop would undercut their power, make them vulnerable, ultimately ending their right to govern us.
The 4th anniversary of a ‘nationwide revolt against the corrupt administration of Yanukovych’ in Ukraine has passed, not a word in the MSM, nobody has the slightest interest in the country, it seems the new (and quite sizeable) contender for the membership of the EU and NATO doesn’t exist.
If the anniversary wasn’t enough to wet anyone’s attention for the land of the Ukrainians, then the court case with Yanukovych should have done it, alas didn’t, or hasn’t until now. It goes on with his absence, nobody’s interested.
To remedy this omission on the part of the MSM giants, here’s a piece from a leading (and influential) Internet blog, more than chauvinistically opposed not just to Putin, but Russia, the equivalent of the omni-all one next door, a blog that is as close to the current admin in Kiev and their US backers as it gets.
If you don’t want to waste time, read the five headings that sum up what it was Maidan stood for, and how much of it got accomplished.
Do the American GEs (the governing elites) care? Why should they, they are in Ukraine not because some crap about democracy and all that, they’re there for their own geo-strategic reasons. Vlad may have snatched Crimea from them, they will snatch Ukraine from him, (or so they think even though at some point in the future Ukraine will again embrace her bigger brother to the East, Baron reckons).
David Lindsay @ February 21st, 2018 – 21:28
You don’t have to listen to the barbarian, David, but here’s his take on the accuracy of the archives of not just the StB, but any other security service from the former satellites of the Kremlin: One can never be sure which one is the one that tells the truth (even though one actually must be, but which one?).
Your Schovánek may spend millennia studying it, it won’t make any difference, those who had things to hide would have made sure the things got hidden, falsified, erased, probably forever.
Baron February 23rd, 2018 – 12:39
Labour’s script for that is certainly trying to keep things hidden.
What I’d like to know is what happened about the more than 100 British Stasi agents identified to Jack Straw in 1999. Only a handful of prosecutions and then silence. We have no idea who those people were and New Labour had 11 years to make sure we never will.
Here is a book to be written:- ‘The Subversion of Western Democracies by the Left 1968-????’
“Corbyn shows his true colours by threatening the press”
“As Isabel Hardman notes in the Spectator: “What the Labour leader is doing isn’t so much threatening the press with Leveson 2, which naturally the press doesn’t want, but undermining the press as a vital part of democracy.””
That man is an absolute horror. And it should be of the gravest concern that England might one day be in the hands of a communist proto-monster with 2 E-grade A Levels and a lifetime political career as a contrarian trouble maker, terrorist sympathiser and misfit.
It seems that if one holds views similar or identical to those of Putin one is Putin’s stooge.
(You may recall Baron saying again and again that one of the reasons, if not the crucial one, the Western GEs are after the man in the Kremlin is his take on things fundamental to the societal construct’s (on the family, sovereignty of nations, the the Judaeo-Christian culture et hoc genus omne), which contradicts that of the progressives, but resonates with a large chunk of the Western unwashed. This cannot be admitted, of course, hence the need to find proxy reasons, of which the interference in the US Presidential election is but one).
Colonel Mustard @ February 23rd, 2018 – 12:53
That’s a legitimate wish, Colonel, but one can guess (and be right) what happened to the 100, no?
To be fair to those in charge, often there’s more to these cases than meets the eye (double agents, the fear of undermining on-going spying, stuff like that).
The book may indeed be worthwhile to write, the question is will the one penning it live to finish it?
Colonel Mustard @ February 21st, 2018 – 19:06
It didn’t have to be the Stasi’s old guard, Colonel, new staff would have done what you think only the old one could have done i.e. the removal or falsifying of the files. Bribing people wasn’t that hard (it still goes on today).
The barbarian has no knowledge of the agencies that were tasked to look after the Stasi’s files, (or files of this kind in other former satellites of the Kremlin), but it’s unlikely those with direct access to the files were paid alot, and they had families to feed, if someone with a bad past wanted his or her files removed, altered, burnt he would have bribed them.
You may think it’s a cynical take on things, but unfortunately one cannot rule it out in any of the countries run by the communist thugs. Under communism bribing was the most effective tool to get things done, and habits do indeed die hard.
Colonel Mustard @ February 23rd, 2018 – 13:01
However much agrees with your slicing of the evil the cumryd represents, Colonel, one has to prepare for the day he may indeed get the reigns of power, the Tories seem hellbent assisting him to do just that.
Paradoxically, this may be the last straw before the progressive project collapses, it would be a total economic catastrophe that he and his crew could maintain going only with repressive measures, the time for the ‘healthy core of Englishness’ to stand up, get counted.
This much harder for Corbyn and his communist handlers to dodge:-
“The meeting was for the conservation and deepening of trust. The conversation was to discuss the problems of the self-liberation movement and the position of Britain, the USA, the Middle East and the Persian Gulf.”
“Self-liberation movement” eh? The idiots always think that they are on the cusp of a “revolution”.
For avoidance of doubt
Dagmar Hovestaedt, a spokeswoman for the Federal Commission for the Stasi Records, said: “Currently there is a debate in Great Britain about a possible documentation of activities of the Labour politician Jeremy Corbyn in the Stasi records.
“The Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Records (BStU) usually only releases information with connection to a person when records document an official or unofficial collaboration with the Ministry of State Security.
“Otherwise there is no further disclosure.
“But because speculation have risen because of this policy in the case of Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott, the BStU for this case makes the following statement.
“The most recent researches in the written records of the Ministry for State Security of East Germany have not produced any records or any other information on Jeremy Corbyn or Diane Abbott.”
Even Murdoch placeman Andrew Neil is getting fed up with the lies
This to Steve Baker
The BBC presenter Andrew Neil said: “Surely the real scandal isn’t what Jeremy Corbyn supposedly has or hasn’t done, but the outright lies and disinformation that your fellow Tories are spreading!”
The Corbyn Files: Line by line, the Czech secret service dossier that PROVES Labour can’t just dismiss 80s spy as a fantasist
“Agent Sarkocy told his handlers he met Mr Corbyn among MPs at a social event of the Left-wing peace group Liberation held at the Houses of Parliament on November 26, 1986. His report describes the ‘relatively young’ MP as having a Chilean wife and being ‘very well informed’ about the activities of ‘anti-communists’.”
‘Liberation’ was the former ‘Movement for Colonial Freedom’ (MCF) re-named in 1970
The Gramscian-Eurocommunists, who split away from CPGB, favoured the “cultural” politics of new social movements, such as feminism, environmentalism, anti-racism campaigns, student politics and gay rights (from 1975, backing the NUS) over militant working-class politics. Prominent figures were those associated with Martin Jacques’s Marxism Today. As early as 1983, Jacques “thought the CP was unreformable … but stayed in because he needed its subsidy to continue publishing Marxism Today.”
Jacques formed Demos in 1993 and Julia Middleton was involved with him in Demos. Interestingly this fact used to be included in her bio on the Common Purpose website but that connection to communists has been redacted now, as is her Wiki entry.
On 6 February 2002, the official website of the UK Prime Minister announced, “Dame Rennie Fritchie re-appointed as Commissioner for Public Appointments.” In the following minutes (Number: 716), dated 23 May 2002, Julia Middleton, CEO of Common Purpose, states that she is working for Dame Rennie. This gave Middleton a great deal of influence in appointing suitable Common Purpose graduates to key leadership positions throughout the public sector. Fritchie was first appointed in 1999, re-appointed in 2005 and stayed in the role until 2010.
As Jeremy said
“Publishing these ridiculous smears that have been refuted by Czech officials shows just how worried the media bosses are by the prospect of a Labour government.
“They’re right to be. Labour will stand up to the powerful and corrupt – and take the side of the many, not the few.”
Czech officials have NOT refuted the allegations. Read the Daily Mail article instead of continuing to post your tedious tripe.
In my experience Labour governments are always powerful and corrupt. The power is misused and the corruption is incestuous and often concealed.
“The Corbyn Files: Line by line, the Czech secret service dossier that PROVES Labour can’t just dismiss 80s spy as a fantasist”
Corbyn hopes these revelations will be viewed as “ridiculous smears” but only the brain dead will swallow that.
Clearly Harry Potter fantasies again above
After author J.K. Rowling wrote an article about her experience as a single mother and a single negative incident of stigmatization while working at a church, the Daily Mail misrepresented her case in an article entitled “How J.K. Rowling’s sob story about her single mother past surprised and confused the church members who cared for her,” alleging Rowling had falsely accused her former church of bigotry. Rowling had said nothing of the sort. In her article, written for single parents’ charity Gingerbread, she spoke of the social stigma she felt as a working mother on benefits and made reference to a single woman visiting her church who referred to her as “The Unmarried Mother.”Taking passages of her article wildly out of context, the Daily Mail played it up as “hard-up single mother finds low-paid, menial work in an inner city church but bigoted, unchristian people make clear their disapproval of her unmarried status, and cruelly taunt her.” They interviewed members of the church, who understandably expressed confusion over the incident, most likely because they hadn’t read the article in question and were just hearing a twisted version of it from the lips of the Daily Mail journalist. Rowling, furious, sued the paper for libel, forcing the Mail to print an apology and pay her substantial damages, which she promptly donated to charity.
White refugees in South Africa, No mention by the BBC.
A holiday in Sweden seems like a better idea than a visit to a Muslim country:
Colonel Mustard @ February 23rd, 2018 – 21:52
Baron has said it many times before, Colonel, the tree deadly effective tools the MSM warriors possess, (the BBC happens to be core their core garrison), are fine tuned to intimidate, bribe, or ignore (or a mixture of the three).
In the case of South Africa you refer to it’s the ignoring that’s at play currently, (they do the same re Ukraine). It may well be that sooner or later, the BBC or another member of the same progressive diaspora, will field a hack who will cover the events, but from their angle, blame the farmers for their whiteness even. If an independent journalist were to make an attempt to correct their distorted slicing of what’s going on there, they will try to bully him, let him know he will never get an assignment from them. This may see trivial in a society that is supposed to honour free speech until one remembers that the BBC has over five billion quid annually, alot of money that, and alot of assignments for those who embrace to their narrative.
If we were to strip the BBC of its massive annual fee, the society would become more normal, less PC, rational debates will be possible again.
But she was an unmarried mother, David, no?
And as for the donation of the money she won, why would;t she, she has tens if not hundreds of millions, a pocket money for her. Why doesn’t she donate the lot less (say) a couple of million, enough for her to live quite comfortably?
Colonel Mustard @ February 23rd, 2018 – 21:40
What Andrew Neil said in the Daily Mirror piece posted by out resident cumryd’s lover may be going too far, Colonel, telling the public what the cumryd was up to is right, the one who aspired to lead the country has to answer for one’s actions in the past.
What makes the barbarian anxious (as if anyone cared) is that it may backfire. The unwashed have very sensitive antennas, can judge well when things get over the top, when it’s primarily the individual rather than what he stands for that’s the target.
Instead of boosting the opposition to the convinced Lefty, the overkill may actually gather support for him.
Are they beginning to wake up?
February 23rd, 2018 – 23:32
As if by your command, the Tory house journal turns up with a picture of a fresh faced young man looking honestly into the camera, followed by some dry speculation from an establishment sleazeball looking something like a recently discredited Cabinet sex pest
Baron February 23rd, 2018 – 23:32
He keeps posting to pursue his demented “strategy” of disrupting conservative websites by posting what he thinks are rebuttals for casual readers to see. God knows why Peter facilitates him doing that here, of all places.
Clearly this story about Corbyn’s unsavoury past has got the radicals really rattled!
Baron , at the other place :
The answer to Johnny Mercer is in the Obama Doctrine : ” Don’t do stupid shit “.
It was on the day after the British vote ( our MPs having taken the measure of their electorate ) that Obama pulled the rug out from under the Washington neo-cons and broke with the `Washington playbook`.
There is a long article on this in The Atlantic magazine.
“On 19 February 2018 I made a seriously defamatory statement on my Twitter account, ‘Ben Bradley MP (@bbradleymp)’, about Jeremy Corbyn, alleging he sold British secrets to communist spies.
I have since deleted the defamatory tweet. I have agreed to pay an undisclosed substantial sum of money to a charity of his choice, and I will also pay his legal costs.
I fully accept that my statement was wholly untrue and false. I accept that I caused distress and upset to Jeremy Corbyn by my untrue and false allegations, suggesting he had betrayed his country by collaborating with foreign spies.
I am very sorry for publishing this untrue and false statement and I have no hesitation in offering my unreserved and unconditional apology to Jeremy Corbyn for the distress I have caused him.”
What one Tory MP might have foolishly and prematurely tweeted has no bearing on the FACT that Corbyn met with an agent of the Czech StB who was apparently planning to groom him as a source of potential information, or the FACT that the East German Stasi had files on the Labour party peace movement in which Corbyn was heavily involved, couched in terms of empathy and shared beliefs.
And what one leftist serial trolling PEST posts in a desperate but futile attempt at damage control has no bearing on those FACTS either.
Long runs the fox and he who laughs last laughs longest.
RodLiddleday again:
“There’s a new region-by-region list of the most popular names for babies from the Office for National Statistics. So here’s your starter for 10. What’s the most popular name for baby boys in London and the West Midlands, and second top in Yorkshire and the Humber and the northwest? Here’s a clue — it begins with “M”. And it ain’t Marcus or Martin. You could draw a cartoon of someone called Marcus or Martin and you wouldn’t risk getting your head chopped off. Yes, that’s another clue. The top girl’s name in England and Wales, by the way, is the rather mimsy Olivia. But she might have to change that later if she marries one of those baby boys.”
A little bit old but I love this man:
Ben Shapiro Amazing Passionate Speech At CPAC 2018
Liam Fox:-
“I think that the Labour left during the Cold War were extremely unhelpful to this country. We believed that we should see off Communism, we believed we should see off tyranny… I certainly think the Labour left were the Soviet Union’s useful idiots during that period…”
And from the troll’s eight years of postings on Stalin, Mao, gulags, “necessary violence”, the Katyn forest, the ISIS “Caliph”, etc., who can ever doubt it.
“Jeremy Corbyn and others were very useful to the Soviet Union during the Cold War because they undermined the arguments of the West… I think in the broadest sense he was undermining the security of our country by siding with the Soviet Union in that argument and I think that was very damaging to the country. Luckily it was our side of the argument not Jeremy Corbyn’s that won the day. I think he certainly undermined the security of the United Kingdom by their one-sided disarmament and their very clear preference for a Soviet style communism during that period – fortunately we beat them then and we have to beat them now.”
Hee hee.
Yes, it was funny how all those red banner waving, bearded, duffel-coated, pushchair pushing marches for “peace” and disarmament were never directed towards the Soviet Union. No marches by Tariq Ali & Gang during the Prague Spring or Hungarian Rising, just a lukewarm little protest against a Russian cellist outside the Albert Hall. No rushing of police lines, ball bearings under the hooves or calls for volunteers for the Viet Cong.
Now Tariq Ali has “appropriated” the Prague Spring by re-inventing the Soviet Union as a non-communist power in order to – wait for it – advocate revolutionary communism.
Thank you Juan Coeur:-
“Oh, fuck off Andrew Marr….why focus relentlessly on whether someone should apologise for havng MAYBE used too strong a word (betrayed the country), when clearly the main goddamn story to focus on here is the hatred for the West that Corbyn and his comrades have displayed over and over, the clear bias they have towards socialist dictatorships, the chummy history they have with enemies of the West (Hamas, IRA, Hezbollah)….Why do you have to be such a pig-headed cunt by constantly asking the same stupid question over & over again? Do you really think the public gives a shit about your “Gotcha journalism” where instead of letting the man finish his sentence you keep badgering him with the same stupid question, where you try to push one member of the Tory party to state that another member of the Tory party was wrong & should apologise? Do you think we’re too stupid to see the blatant deflection strategy, and that we can’t see that the real story here is Corbyn’s status as a useful idiot to the Soviets, his status as someone who has NEVER had Britain’s best interests at heart?? Seriously, maybe that stroke did more damage than we think.”
That little marxist weasel who trolls here has dropped the mask and gone into full tagging every comment mode at TCW, feverishly excited and frothing at the prospect of a Starmer “game changer” and demanding that Article 50 is withdrawn.
It is hilarious to see that malevolent pea brain working so transparently, presuming everyone has the same enthusiasm for warmed up Soviet has-beens and slippery socialist chancers that he has.
You could bottle the hubris and sell it as lubricant. The predictions? Not worth so much – crap track record there.
The 25th of February 1956 : Khrushchev denounces the Cult of Personality at the 20th Party Congress.
I wonder how The Spectator website is getting on for comments now even print subscribers are reduced to 5 a week.I tend not to bother.The point of a web-site is to get `clicks`to appeal to advertizers.
Radford NG @ February 25th, 2018 – 16:19
Simple, but more or less an objective explanation of what happened that February 1956, Radford, except that the barbarian has a somewhat different explanation for the speech, it was fear, mostly fear not only on Nikita’s part, but most of the other top thugs (not all by any means) that compelled him to speak the way he did.
Each of them desired the top spot, each of them knew that it was unlikely they would ever attain the same degree of power the Georgian thug had possessed for almost three decades, and each of them could figure what awaited anyone deposed from power by someone else hungry for the post.
Not many historians would back the barbarian’s slicing of the most evil construct known to mankind (so far anyway), but Baron reckons the cult of personality of just one man was where most of the responsibility for it resided.
The Georgian beast could easily dispatch from this world any one of the men that surrounded him, dined with him almost daily if he so wished, killed or tortured for him, worshipped him, but were also petrified of him. If they couldn’t get rid of him, nobody else could.
In the known human history there has never been an individual holding such totally unchecked powers, Adolf’s or Mao’s grip on people and things don’t even come close.
Radford NG @ February 25th, 2018 – 16:29
That’s new to the barbarian, Radford, are you sure?
Colonel Mustard @ February 25th, 2018 – 14:53
A two page spread on the cumryd in the ST today, Colonel, that should help. Also a front page news on David Floyd, a DT man, who allegedly was passing secrets to the KGB in the 50s, got off lightly, only lost his job, the MI5 was trying to find him another.
Baron February 25th, 2018 – 17:14
And the little marxist weasel who trolls here admires him. . .
The nausea rises . . .
A new height of absurdity? –
Cry the Beloved Country
Not only powerful but admired for his magnificent actions dragging his adopted country from serfdom to become the most advanced country on the globe at the time he died
Who knows what heights Russia would have reached without his premature death
Those who came after were pygmies until the Traitor Gorbachev
I for one am grateful that he led his people to, against all odds, to smash the Germans and save us all from fascism
Today we will hear from a man on the subject of Europe who may begin to give us something of the goodness of that great man
Says it all.
Corbyn will be Britain’s Stalin?
Repulsive and disgusting beyond belief. But confirms everything we knew and suspected.
Jennifer wexler, an academic who has been working for the British Museum for four years, the home office is trying to deport this lady, why? we should be honoured that a person of such standing should choose to settle amongst us. Unfortunately she is just the type of person the authorities love to kick out in order to to demonstrate their commitment to diversity. Now contrast this lady’s treatment to that of two Albanians who lied to get into this country, were awarded refugee status, and then they lied again and were given residency. These two charmers were found out in court and ordered to be deported. With that the usual brigade of legal schysters came crawling out of the woodwork, their deportation has now been halted, all this of course at public expense and doubtless at the end of it all they will be given a large dollop of our cash as compensation. The problems of immigration are solely of our own making and it is about time the political class were made to admit this publicly.
Who will rid us of this accursed pest?
Noa February 26th, 2018 – 11:37
My thoughts exactly.
You do need serious medical attention, David, a long term care in an institution with no release ever would suit you just fine.
You haven’t lived in the Soviet Russia, you haven’t probably even visited the country, unlikely speak the language, in no way can you imagine what life was like in a country one couldn’t leave, it was the biggest nationwide Gulag known to men where many of the 180n burghers went to sleep with a ‘chemonanchik’ (a small suitcase, one was allowed to take 5kg in weight) waiting for the knock on the door in the wee hours of the morning, slaved for next to nothing and even when they got their few kopecks worth they didn’t have a chance to spend it, the shops were seldom stocked up.
Each and every grand project starting from the first White Sea canal to the last linking Volga and Don were built mostly by zaks, guests of the Gulags, the last canal is the longest grave in the world.
You reckon you would love to live in a society such as this, getting ‘dragged’ to a bright future, do you? There’s a chance for you then, buy a one way ticket to North Korea.
Baron February 26th, 2018 – 12:12
Please don’t address him as “David”. It’s a fake name, a disguise, like many others the tele-troll creature uses to harass, disrupt and provoke at websites like this.
The real David Lindsay has his own blog and writes in a completely different manner. He is also a tribal lefty but his writing, if often dogmatic, is not the puerile, provocative tripe that the troll posts.
It is astonishing that the troll is still allowed to intrude and post here, after so much mischief and deceit, using YET ANOTHER disguise. He is literally taking the piss.
Peter Hitchens on Corbyn’s speech.
The supposedly liberal Cyril Rhamaposa shows his true colours.
It’s time for white South African to leave, if thy can.
I don’t know where they can go to though. The UK government is unlikely to help them as we need to priotise the annual accommodation of 600,000 muslims and black africans before we can look after our own kin.
Ireland’s homosexual Indian, ‘hindu’ Taoiseach leads the commitment to genocide against the Irish who elected him.
Well, why should he care? After all, the perpetuation of the Hibernian Celts is hardly the key item on his globalist agenda.
The current Spectator’s Reaction Podcast with the Spectator’s Lara Prendergast talking about Millennials, Corbynism and Moggmania shows just how the Spectator has fallen.
Superficial and unobservant: they can’t see that JRM can disect a problem and put forward a suggestion clearly, unlike most of the political heavyweights on TV. And they appear to find the current Tory Party agenda too extreme!
I didn’t know they had one! 🙂
The modern Anglican Christian clergy have succeeded in alienating their fast emptying pews and non existent congregations because they themselves no longer believe in the God they are supposed to serve, yet they have not succeeded in finding a new role or mission for themselves.
Not social workers themselves and yet no longer the spiritual bedrock of English society they find themselves preaching progressive socialist, secularist cliches to the surviving remnants of the society they contributed so much to destroying, what is it that they actually do?
The answer, as the knavish Welby demonstrates, is nothing, they and the Church of England, founded after all to facilitate Henry VIII’s sexual promiscuity, mean nothing to a society in which marriage, the legitimacy of children, death and immortal salvation are irrelevant, otiose concepts.
Yet there is some hope for the Church of England, those vast empty decaying buildings and their foresaken pastors may yet be saved; as they seek to appeal to a new, vibrant following there remains only one step for them to take, to renounce Christianity and embrace the newly fashionable ‘abrahamic’ islamic alternative. Vicars must become Imams.
It’s a big step admittedly, for a start what will become of all those women vicars? Sadly they’ll have to go. Back into the burqa with them and silence too, extremely difficult for a woman I know, but at least they’re half way there with the black cassock, so it won’t be too much of a shock for them. Then there are all those homosexual vicars (the men I mean), and bishops.
If they’ve come out of the closet they’ll have to get back into it pretty damn sharply, or they’ll find they won’t be ascending their new mosque spires as being pitched off them by the literal minded faithful.
But the greatest challenge of all for them will be to compete with those fanatical Imams coming out of the madrassas of Morocco and Afghanistan who do literally know their korans back to front and that the message within is not one that can be changed to suit individual tastes.
I suspect that, with odd exceptions, and in the interest of self preservation, they’ll surprise us all by showing how well they can rise to the challenge, after all they already accept sharia…
RobertRetyred February 26th, 2018 – 17:01
That the Spectator has fallen to the enemy is clearly demonstrated in this weeks editorial with its call for ‘progressive conservatism.’
What in heaven, or rather more correctly, what in hell is progressive conservatism?
An mis-joined abortion, an inconceivable conception, a magnetic repulsion of polarities.
There can, in short, be no intellectual compromise between conservatism and the fulminating ravings of post-Christian communist secularism.
One is based on what has worked in establishing Western civilisation the other is the failed, rotten, fallen fruit of Rousseau and Marx.
And after the Anglicans the Roman Catholic are next…
February 26th, 2018 – 16:32 –
(Peter Hitchens on Corbyn’s speech.)
That and your postings that followed it, certainly highlight the fact that we live in what the Chinese curse calls “Interesting Times”.
Harold Harold MacMillan once described the operation of economics as “All very curious”. Heaven knows what he would now call the present operation of politics.
Democracy has become a malignant sham so false that living under a civilised and benevolent despot might well be an improvement.
If anyone asks for a recent example of one, how about Dr. Salazar?
Following on from when the first homo-marriage in the Church of England takes place in an English church I look forward to the same ceremony taking place in the East London mosque, presided over by chanting gay and niqabed female imams.
Herbert Thornton, February 26th, 2018 – 18:01
I believe we in the UK now live in an oligarchic society, the labour and conservative parties, together with the mandarins of the civil service, now forming together a cohesive political elite undifferentiated by significant differences in policy, which masquerades as a democracy.
Would a benevolent dictator be an improvement? We may never find out, though we already experiencing the de facto impositions of practical dictatorship as the progressive implementation of hate and equality legislation forces the pace of western destruction.
I’m sure I express the thoughts of us all when I write that our thoughts are with Frank P today and express our hopes and prayers for a successful operation and swift recovery.
Noa- 19:01
Yes, I wholeheartedly second that. I’m certain that we’ll get an update towards the end of the week.
May I add my own good wishes. May his pen be back with us soon.
Noa February 26th, 2018 – 19:01
Yes indeed. My thoughts are with him and in hope that he will back here soon.
Pat condell
Dangerous, Fascist Throwbacks Like You! | Gates of Vienna
February 20th, 2018 – 16:50
“Why do sub-saharan blacks have an average IQ of 70?”
I think it’s pretty clear to everybody here that I’m not just a long, long way from being a liberal or leftist, and moreover, that I detest Political Correctness.
But I once lived in East Africa (Tanganyika/Tanzania) for eight years, and I also learned to speak fairly fluent Kiswahili.
That makes me challenge the idea that sub-Saharan blacks “have an average IQ of 70.”
My experience from interacting with black people in East Africa makes me firmly believe that their average IQ is no different from ours.
More unthinking absurdity from Canada –
Perhaps people should now consider buying two of these pigs – and naming one of them “Sweet” and the other one “Sour”.
Herbert Thornton February 27th, 2018 – 18:27
Genetics, nutrition and to a lesser extent, education appear to be the key determinants in national IQ
February 28th, 2018 – 01:18
Thanks for drawing my attention to that. I don’t dispute that those were the key determinants used, but I see that the site also says –
“These results are controversial and have caused much debate, they must be interpreted with extreme caution.”
I think that the warning about extreme caution is entirely prudent. I believe there is a strong probability that the “key” determinants used must fall short of being adequate.
Herbert Thornton February 28th, 2018 – 05:13
It is unsurprising that the leftist world of academe has considered the results of the study to be unsatisfactory for their purposes, reacting with horror, and has consistently sought to disprove the original thesis.
As you will have noted subsequent attempts to do so have claimed to reduced, but not successfully eliminated the 30% empirical difference between the West and South.
And as Africa reverts increasingly to tribalism and barbarism it is most likely that objective contemporary studies would detect a growth in the differential.
Lovely suggestion for a gay wedding at the East London Mosque, I live just across the road and if it does take place I will send you a running commentary, and send over a tray of bacon sarnies.
February 28th, 2018 – 08:29
It is interesting that you mention African reversion to both tribalism AND barbarism.
To my mind that suggests an uncomfortable parallel with European tendencies to reject the E.U. in favour of nationalism – accompanied, unfortunately, by widespread embracing of the horrors of the new barbarisms of Political Correctness.
I think that the big picture is one of our own civilisation going downhill.
Maybe we should agree to disagree?
Herbert Thornton,
Herbert you are entirely right when you suggest our civilization is going downhill, but as I have said before, history repeats itself, and what is happening to our society mirrors the events which led to the fall of the Rom,an Empire, the parallels are almost exact, the outcome will be the same.
stephen maybery – 12:10
I believe it is customary for consummation such marriages for the other celebrants to usher the happy couple upstairs and toss them off. Hopefully you’ll have a video camera on hand to capture the departure on their honeymoon.
stephen maybery – 12:30
“If men could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us. But passion and party blind our eyes, and the light which experience gives us is a lantern on the stern, which shines only on the waves behind us.”
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Table Talk, 18/12/1831
Why don’t we go to war with Europe and clear the matter up.
John Birch. February 28th, 2018 – 15:05
It will be here in due course…
stephen maybery – 12:10 & EC – 12.50
Hee hee. I shall look forward to the video uploads on Youtube.
The Horse Guards pass Buckingham Palace in the snow.
Divorcee accused of fraud over Grenfell tower claims
Grenfell survivor faces jail over tower cannabis farm
Radford NG – 18:36
That’s a great photo
Why did the turkey want to invade the Greek Islands?
He didn’t want to be called chicken.
They love us really.
It’s an interesting article but this section amused me.
Workers for UNICEF, the perpetrator of one of the greatest mass poisonings in human history (arsenic in the water from ground wells in Bangladesh), with beatific smiles on their faces, rattled their tins to raise funds for the annual leave, dependency allowances, medical and dental insurances, pensions, rental subsidies, education grants, home leaves, life insurances, paid sick leaves, family leaves, family visits, maternity, paternity, and adoption leaves, and special leaves for UNICEF workers worldwide.
Leicester explosion : shop-keeper allegedly arrested; explosion allegedly an illegal distillery in the basement.
Thought I’d pop in to find “David Lindsay” had posted some tripe about May’s game-changing speech. How disappointing.
This morning he was boasting that his chum “Jeremy” had forced Theresa to keep us in the Customs Union. Instead she cooked Corbyn’s goose. And how. A fair if not fine speech.
No Customs Union.
No Single Market.
No free movement of people
No hard border with Ireland
And yet another hubristic teletwat prediction crashes and burns. The Norman Wisdom of political commentary, the Jerry Lewis of intellect, the Mr Blobby of prose, is found wanting yet again.
Ruddy marvellous. In my East Anglian “idyll” I shall fill a pipe with Condor for a celebratory smoke and watch something with Basil Radford and Naunton Wayne in it.
In the north west of England we have been dealing with the wintry weather by forcing small children up our chimneys as sweeps, so that we pensioners are not suffocated by back blowing billows of anthracite fumes.
The theft of land owned by white South Africans to give it to Blacks is imminent. White genocide is next.
I awoke this morning to see the landscape carpeted with snow. I was truly astounded, Whitechapel has not been so white for the past fifty years.
, obviously the met office must be a tad racist.
I awoke this morning to see the landscape carpeted with snow. I was truly astounded, Whitechapel has not been so white for the past fifty years.
, obviously the met office must be a tad racist.
Leicester: two more men from East Anglia arrested for conspiring to cause an explosion;and also under the profits of crime act.
Noa at18-05.
I believe white farmers are already being murdered on a frequent basis .
A letter to my MP
Dear Mr Wallace,
Institutional discrimination against white citizens in the Republic of South Africa
I have become increasingly concerned by the precarious position in which the white population of the Republic of South Africa is finding itself.
As you will no doubt be aware White farmers are given little or no protection from attack and their murder rate is one of the highest in the world. White people are routinely discriminated against, assaulted, raped and persecuted in an institutionalised manner that, it it happened elsewhere in the world, and was conducted against any other minority, would be considered to be institutionalised genocide.
This includes a declaration by the new RSA President, Cyril Rhamaphosa that he will institute a policy of the confiscation of land from White South African farmers without compensation and its re-distribution to the Black population. As we have witnessed a similar policy in Zimbabwe has resulted in the destruction of that country’s economy and led to widespread poverty and hunger. It is inevitable that the same policy, instituted in south Africa, will have a similar but magnified effect and no doubt increase the existing pressures on Europe arising through mass migration.
At present HMG, through the DfID programme, has a funding commitment of £4.5billion to South Africa and Asia. In view of this financial commitment one asks what pressure is the Government exerting upon the government of RSA to prevent a genocidal calamity of international proportions arising to the white population of RSA and to ensure fairness and equality in their treatment in the face of institutional discrimination and hatred?
The following brief videos graphically illustrate the problem and concerns that arise from this anti-white racism and persecution.
I would welcome your assistance in clarifying the UK Government’s position on this issue and the steps it it taking in order to prevent a recurrence of the tragedy that is Zimbabwe.
Yours sincerely
The truth about Nelson Mandela
Feet of Clay II
The truth about Ghandi
“With the benefit of hindsight, the Zimbabwean experience tells us is that the notion of expropriation without compensation is a bad idea. Zimbabweans might have seized the land without compensation 18 years ago, but they collectively paid for it through eight consecutive years of economic decline that led to job losses, deindustrialization and a loss of agricultural export revenues. In 2009, economist Eddie Cross estimated the cost of Zimbabwe’s land reform at $20 billion–which included lost export revenues, food aid imports and economic growth foregone, which could’ve sustained Zimbabwe’s once promising economy, had it not seized farms without compensation.”
Headlines on France24
“Prime Minister Theresa May told the British people Friday that they have to face “hard facts” about Brexit, warning that the UK will have less access to European Union markets once it leaves the bloc.”
Funny, that was not my take home message.
And this delicious moment from Robert Peston.
Everywhere that communists have instituted “land reform” it has resulted in misery, death and ruined economies and food supplies.
The idiots who promote the vile creed have learned nothing. It is to the eternal shame of Western governments that they have largely ignored it.
Anyone heard how Frank got on?
Where are Baron and Colonel Mustard?
Sorry, posted my 2nd 20.06 without seeing the Colonel’s post.
The worry is that many of these farms are owned by first or second generation English who have put life and soul into making the farms a success. If displaced they have no capital and are often post retirement age with no pension. They will be destitute.
Marshal Roberts March 2nd, 2018 – 20:12
Rather than being destitute they will be dead.
Interesting that both Major and Blair took to the streets to try to bamboozle the PM into reneging on Brexit.
David Green wrote this in Speccie:
“We are in the middle of a concerted attempt to reverse the result of the 2016 referendum. The reactionaries want to keep control in the hands of self-appointed oligarchs who feel superior to the majority of the population. But the rallying cry of the leave campaign was right: we should take back control and renew our heritage of liberal democracy.”
David Green is director of Civitas
Not sure that that is not better than being destitute in the Brave New South Africa.
Not sure if you have learned to say people kind yet.
Jacob toeing the party line today in the Telegraph
“This was a good speech by the Prime Minister. She was forthright that she is delivering on the promises of the previous speeches and the manifesto commitments: this Government will take Britain out of the customs union, the single market and the European Court of Justice.
Mrs May is taking a sensible, pragmatic and generous approach; offering something to the EU whilst also being extremely clear on Northern Ireland, so I am content.
There are inevitably a few small points that will concern Leave campaigners but we must all recognise that everyone will have to give up something to get a deal, so now is not the time to nitpick.
I do not agree with those people who have said that paying for associate membership of EU bodies such as the European Medicines Agency amounts to a betrayal of Brexit.
Consider, for example, the European Aviation Safety Agency. Our own Civil Aviation Authority takes a leading role in providing the experts for that body, so in paying for associate membership of it we would, in effect, be paying our own people. Importantly the sums involved will be tiny in comparison to what we have paid for EU membership – millions, not billions.
Also, such decisions will be subject to British laws and courts. Likewise ‘binding commitments’ will be on the basis of normal international treaty law and not subject to the ECJ.
So it has been a good week for the Prime Minister and a good day. She has shown that being strong and clear works. It is now for the Commission to respond with wisdom and not aggression.
Has Theresa May beaten everyone into silence?
Is everybody’s modem disabled?
Sunday = RodLiddleDay.
“A punch, too, for The Guardian, which told us that the coldest January and February on record were the consequence of global warming. Everything that happens in the world is cantilevered by The Guardian within a nanosecond into its own weird Stalinist agenda”
Marshal Roberts – 10:35-6
Any chance of you cutting and pasting that article for us cheapskates without a £wall sub?
Very good of you, btw, to being manning the CHW pumps single handed this last few hours.
Well, I have to say that May’s speech was better than I expected. It contained less fudge than I was predicting and several unequivocal statements that ought to reassure. I thought that it pulled the carpet out from under Corbyn’s recent attempt at a “university fees” type scoop with his pledge to stay in the Customs Union. May did not capitulate to that as some predicted but instead ruled it out. To push it further Corbyn will have to get Sinn Fein into the Commons which will reinforce everything already suspected about him and thoroughly cook his goose.
My concern is that May. like Cameron, always does more talking than doing. That the bold rhetoric she sometimes deploys in her speeches is not matched by her deeds afterwards.
I don’t have a problem with the UK continuing to participate in selected joint initiatives with EU “agencies” provided that our contributions are not under EU governance or direction but voluntary and mutually agreed. May needs to emphasise that the EU is not Europe and that the UK can co-operate with Europe on its own terms without being part of the EU. One of the deceits of Remainers is to conflate the EU with Europe to peddle the “Little Englander” pejorative.
She spoke about the internal UK “common market”. Well something more will have to be done to give England collective representation in that rather than simply having a UK government speak for it alongside Scots, Welsh and Irish self-representation. The situation where England is used by a British government as a cash cow for Celtic devolution is no longer acceptable. English MPs need to make some collective representations about this because in terms of the “equality” they are always waffling about the imbalance is bleedin’ obvious.
And no “city region mayors” or “regional assemblies” either. No indirect emasculation of England as a a whole entity. No more divide and rule between north and south. No more “city state” pandering to urbanising agendas.
England must be recognised as a country in its own right within the Union and provided with some form of collective representation, not balkanised and broken up.
Marshal Roberts – 10:36
“Cantilever,” you say. Fond mammaries (sic) of bygon days when women were women and had some had need of discreet support. I had always assumed the cantilever bra owed its existence to the applied engineering genius of I.K. Brunel and his 50% share of French genes… However it was Howard. Howard Hughes, that is, who invented it especially to enhance Jane Russell’s performance in “The Outlaw” (1943) which was a fillum that he was producing/directing at the time.
Jane Russell, now there was a woman…
EC 12.45
But it has gone out of fashion-
Except who knows what #MeToo will dictate tonight at the Oscars.
Colonel Mustard 12.26-
“To push it further Corbyn will have to get Sinn Fein into the Commons”
I would not put it past this nasty piece of work.
“THE SUN SAYS Jeremy Corbyn has betrayed Labour’s Brexit voters — which may prove politically fatal for him.
The Marxist leader’s constant lie that he speaks for the working class is proven wrong by his constant caving to Remainer MPs.
Almost inevitably he will cave to his Remainer MPs and members to demand to stay in the single market and surrender immigration controls too.
It’s not just us saying that. So is Labour’s biggest private donor John Mills.
The most cynical lie of the many, not the few, that Corbyn told yesterday was that he speaks for the working class.
In fact he has calculated that he now needs middle-class Remainers more — and thinks Labour’s core voters will stick with him come what may. That may prove politically fatal. We hope so.”
Corbyn’s voters are not the working class. His voters are privileged middle class lefties in the public sector, the rent seeking “charity” and NGO sector, urban immigrant communities, academia, students, luvvie-land and the BBC.
Colonel Mustard
March 4th, 2018 – 12:26
“…….My concern is that May. like Cameron, always does more talking than doing. That the bold rhetoric she sometimes deploys in her speeches is not matched by her deeds afterwards……”
Absolutely true, but the “bold rhetoric” in her speeches is presumably written by someone else. Otherwise we would hear the usual robotic, wishy-washy fudge we have come to expect from her.
How I wish that Michael Gove was PM. By “stabbing Boris in the back” as the tabloids so delightfully put it at the time, Gove did the country a favour, delivering us from the prospect of a woolly-minded, over-ambitious charlatan attempting to run Britain.
Marshal Roberts – 15:34
Now you’re attempting making mountains out of molehills, or whip up a storm in an A cup!
No doubt there’ll be no shortage of virtue signalling titless sisters on show at the Oscars tonight but they’ll all be too busy queuing up to bash Trump rather than mention Weinstein, Spacey, Polanski, Allen et al.
The world doesn’t owe Hollywood a living. People are getting tired of being lectured to by a bunch of overpaid, hypocritical, amoral political h-actor-vists.
Colonel Mustard,
“Come to parliament, Sinn Féin, as saviours of Ireland – and Britain”
Polly Toynbee, March 1st.
SOooo Guardian, it hurts!
EC March 4th, 2018 – 16:54
Quite astonishingly appalling, even for her. But the lack of widespread condemnation of that disgusting plea is even more appalling and shows how far this country has already fallen.
She was on the optimistically titled ‘Free Thinking’ on Radio 3 the other night and absolutely ghastly. I kept thinking as I listened to that wheedling voice spouting predictable left wing tripe from a position of wealth and dynastic privilege how and why has this appalling woman been elevated as some kind of political sage? There are good conservative women journalists out there who get only a fraction of her BBC appearances.
She failed the 11-plus, got only one A Level, but somehow managed to get a scholarship to Oxford. Was it the name? Both her “distinguished” grandfather and great-great uncle were at Oxford but she apparently passed an admissions examination, itself a strangely shrouded thing. She dropped out of reading history after 18 months, did some menial stuff for 8 months to claim her “working class” grievance credentials, then worked for Amnesty International in Rhodesia but got expelled. Then she got taken up by The Observer where of course her father (first communist president of the Oxford Union, alcoholic friend of Donald Maclean and all-round weirdo who savaged Tolkien, unsurprisingly given the metaphor in his books) had worked, surprise, surprise.
She came from what appears to have been a totally dysfunctional family background and attracted controversy for her destructive but nevertheless influential views on marriage.
There runs some of the poison in our society.
Just who are these jumped up Irish to start dictating terms to our Government?
“The EU is unlikely to accept the UK’s latest proposal for avoiding a “hard border” on the island of Ireland after Brexit, the Irish government has said.
Theresa May has said 80% of firms would face no new customs checks between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic and others would be simplified.
But Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney said he was not sure it would adequately protect the EU’s market.
The proposal, he said, was a “starting point” for talks not a solution.”
This should provoke a lot of interesting comment –
Excellent comment by one Angela Kewell at Liberal Democrat Voice on an article regarding the statue of Mrs Thatcher. As you might expect most of the comments were predictably anti-Thatcher, trotting out all the usual stuff beloved of lefties, but Angela’s stood out:-
“May I put another side to the feeling that Mrs Thatcher did more harm than good. Let me start with the miners strike. Mrs thatcher closed fewer mines than the labour governments under Wilson and Callaghan. I listened to a wonderful talk by Jo Gormley who at that time led the Miners Union. He expressly said that many mines needn’t be closed but the coal board was facing pressure from Polish mines and in future Chinese mines which would make British mines too expensive. He wanted investment in the mining communities and he was fearful that when he retired the militant Scargill would take over and ruin all his hard work. Mr Scargill new what had been agreed but wanted to bring down a Conservative Government because he had been brought up to abhor Tories.
“I was never particularly political until I wanted to become a printer. I was not allowed as a woman to be trained in what was then a closed union where all printers were from the same families or communities. Jobs for the boys. I was 24yrs old and my parents paid for me to go to America to be trained. However, when I returned I couldn’t open my own business or be employed unless I joined a union. Then Mrs Thatcher gained power and my whole life turned around. Suddenly I could buy my own home as a single woman without my father being my guarantor. I could choose whichever profession I wanted without recrimination or block.
“Mrs Thatcher won an incredibly important victory over Scargill. It wasn’t just the breaking up of union power. It was showing women that they were as strong and capable as men. It was showing women they could indeed have choices and be proud of those choices. It was psychologically a huge step for women. Arguably as big as Millicent Fawcett work because without saying anything about feminism or quotas or all women shortlists, it opened the door for bright, intelligent woman to walk through the so called glass ceiling. No one needed play the victim. No one needed to justify their ambition. It was accepted that the Grantham girl done good.”
Italian Elections.
Exit Poll.
5 Star Movement……31%
Right coalition:
Forza Italia……………14%
(northern) League…..14%
(southern) Brothers…05%
Where are you when we need you?
Putin has poisoned another Russian – this time in a Salisbury car park.
Marshal Roberts – 18:17
Scopolamine, also known as “The Devil’s Breath?”
“Boris Johnson has called Russia a “malign” force and promised that it will be “brought to heel” following the alleged poisoning of a former Russian spy on British soil.
Sergei Skripal, 66, and his daughter, Yulia Skripal, who is in her 30s, were found collapsed on a bench at a shopping centre in Salisbury, south England, on Sunday. Both are in critical condition at a nearby hospital.
“Russia is in many respects a malign and disruptive force,” Johnson told MPs.
The UK foreign secretary said the Skripal case had “echoes” of the assassination of Alexander Litvinenko in 2006 and promised a “robust” response if a link is found to Moscow in this case.
“I can reassure the house that should evidence emerge that implies state responsibility then her majesty’s government will respond appropriately and robustly,” Johnson told MPs in the House of Commons.
He added: “I say to governments around the world that no attempt to take innocent lives on our soil will go unpunished.”
In a forthright attack on Russia, Johnson accused the regime led by President Putin of undermining Western democracy.
“This house has profound differences with Russia,” he said.
“By annexing Crimea in 2014 and igniting the flames of conflict… and by threatening western democracies including interfering in their elections…
“Russia has challenged fundamental basis of international order.”
And for balance:
“The Russian embassy in the UK has denied that any national special services were involved in the incident, stating that the case was “demonizing” the country.
“The situation that is developing around the hospitalization of [Sergei] Skripal and his companion on March 4, as described by the British media, causes serious concern,” the embassy’s press secretary said in a statement.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “We don’t possess any information about what could have been the cause [of Skripal’s illness], and what this could be connected to.” He added that Russia had no contact with the UK over the incident, but that “Moscow is always open to cooperation.”
Keep an eye on Mr Boot
Baron – Are you in the UK?
“Vladimir Putin vowed to kill the Russian double agent who was poisoned on British soil and has been left fighting for his life.
President Putin issued the death threat that “traitors will kick the bucket” as Colonel Sergei Skripal, who was convicted of working for MI6, was being sent to the UK in a spy exchange.
The emergence of Putin’s warning will reinforce the increasing belief of ministers that the attack on Colonel Skripal on British soil was a ‘state-sponsored’ assassination attempt and perpetrated by the Russian intelligence agency, the FSB.”
Political prisoners
Britain First leaders are guilty of religiously aggravated harassment
John birch. @ March 7th, 2018 – 21:23
How kind of you, John, unfortunately, the barbarian has other worries at present, but thanks nevertheless.
Mark Steyn’s final verdict on the Oscars 2018, and also on his own guest host performance on TCT.
Beautifully written, sharp, witty with his words dancing off the pen…
There’s a few “keepers” in here, Baron, if you’re interested…
Baron 08-22
Best wishes Baron, hope you’re ok.
Hi Gang!
Just to let you know that on1st March, the superb surgical team at NNUH managed to remove the offending piece of malignant gristle from my oesophagus (and most of my oesphagus and stomach with it) plus the lymph nodes from the adjacent locality – they also repaired a hiatus hernia simultaneously. It took ’em 10 hours apparently, during which time I enjoyed a long nap courtesy of an equally skilled anaesthetics team. They have relocated the rest of my innards to accommodate the realignment of the vital organs. Given the manpower involved in the operation – and other necessary resources, I am extremely flattered that they even considered rescuing a rusting 1934 vintage model from the scrapyard rather than letting it continue to succumb to the rampant rust job it had become.
A quick respray will soon have me back on the road; the coordination is still a bit sporadic so won’t be boring you with twaddle even more boring that my pre-op output, until the synapses automatically reallignin (a few days, apparently). Arrived home yesterday in time for my birthday celebrations today. Sad that I can’t share the Prosecco!
Hope Baron’s current preoccupation is about the implications of spooking, rather than those of personal health problems.
Anyway this is a piece that spontaneously appeared on my screen today:it encapsulates thoughts that I wish I could could have expressed myself today:
Well worth a book mark. Now for som kip.
Seeya anon.
Frank –
Many Happy Returns!
Frank; nice to hear from you, and hoping you will soon be feeling better. I had major surgery myself last summer, and I know how it knocks you sideways for a time, but hopefully it won’t be long before you return to your unofficial position as the Wall’s resident sage/professor of criminology/soothsayer/comedian, etc. All my good wishes, and keep on posting!
John birch. @ March 8th, 2018 – 14:10
It was or rather still is the boss, John, that makes it worse, the barbarian can assure you, but things are on the up, fingers crossed.
Frank P @ March 9th, 2018 – 13:37
The top dig has made it then, from the brief description of the procedure you’ve furnished us with, Frank, it was child’s play, heh, heh, heh.
Now, for the recovery that you must accomplish equally successfully, the coming Spring should help, but do stay away from Salisbury, or any Russian, spy or not, dangerous people they.
The barbarian has done few postings on the Spectator’s blogs on the most important event that hit this country for a century i.e. the Salisbury poisoning case, but why bother, it’s a dead cert the perpetrator was a Putin’s operative, who else, the substance’s deadly only someone well trained to carry it safely, administer properly, then vanish without being infected himself (or herself) could accomplish it. In the whole world, only someone trained in Russia by Putin himself could be that individual.
The barbarian may say more after he scanned all the MSM, listened to the pundits and their theories provided the boss’s condition allows for it.
It was a slip, the barbarian didn’t type ‘dig’ but ‘dog’, sincere apology, guru.
Fantastic to hear Frank back, hail and hearty.
Just heard John Simpson give an interesting angle on the Salisbury assassination attempts.
Turns out that they were orchestrated by Putin to show the Russian electorate who vote tomorrow that Putin did not fear to hunt down traitors wherever they were.
Putin’s message has been for years that strength is the important characteristic of the Russian leadership.
“What we see is only news reports… saying that if it is Russia, then a response is going to be given that Russia is going to remember forever. That is not serious.
“This is propaganda plain and simple, and it is trying to raise tensions,” Lavrov said. “If someone wants us to engage in an investigation – be that on the poisoning of the UK subject or the rumours about alleged interference in the electoral campaign of the US – if you really need our assistance, then we will be willing to contemplate this possibility if we have the necessary data and facts.
“But in order to have a serious conversation… you have to use the official channels,” Lavrov said.”
Meanwhile in the US Blair has been awarded the Lincoln Leadership Prize, as reported in Russia Today:
“MP Nigel Evans pointed out that the ex-PM had spent much of his time since leaving office advising figures such as the president of Kazakhstan – a country accused of a veritable trove of human rights abuses. “Tony Blair is not a democrat,” Evans said. “He has spent a lot of time advising countries which are total strangers to democracy.”
MP Nadine Dorries also added her voice to the choir. “It is beyond belief that Tony Blair – the man straining every sinew to overturn the votes of millions of people to leave the EU – is now being lauded for his commitment to democracy,” she said. “I think the Americans should have taken a closer look at his record.”
Frank P, March 9th, 2018 – 13:37
You Norfolk boys are TOUGH!
Speedy recovery, Frank, and hopefully soon to be aided by some decent solid tucker to get your teeth into.
The daily diet of crap that the elite fawning British, US and worldwide media continue to dish up is, however, still mostly impossible to swallow.
British cops are unlikely to probe Keith Vaz’s property empire not least because of a rule protecting politicians from scrutiny placed in UK law at the behest of the European Union. Tory MP Andrew Bridgen asked the National Crime Agency to serve an unexplained wealth order on Vaz. Fortunately for Vaz measures put into the Criminal Finances Act (2017) mean politicians in the EEA can only be served with such an order if there is sufficient suspicion that they are involved in serious organised criminality.
As usual with these things the rules will be selectively applied with free passes give to the usual suspects. Conservatives on standby, and expect to get hammered!
“I will bring the whole edifice down on their unworthy heads”
John Morlar, The Medusa Touch,(1978)
Aye, “John”, would that you actually existed , and would that you could!
Is it “March” in Orthodoxlandshire yet?
Doddie dies.
R.I.P. Ken Dodd : 8 November 1927 – 11 March 2018 ( Aged 90 )
Doddie was one of comedy’s gentlemen, a true northern comic
You would never find him calling a lady a scraggy old bird, for example
It’s long puzzled many how so many poverty stricken refugees escaping from war-torn countries can afford to pay the 10,000 or so Euros needed to cross the Mediterranean into Europe. Austrian intelligence officials have revealed that US government agencies are paying for the transport of a great deal of these migrants in to Europe. On August 5th, 2015 Austrian magazine Infodirekt reported:
“It has come to our knowledge that US organisations are paying for the boats taking thousands of refugees to Europe. US organisations have created a co-financing scheme which provides for a considerable portion of the transportation costs. Not every refugee from North Africa has 11,000 Euro cash. Nobody is asking, where is the money coming from?”
French government officials and Turkish authorities are also reported to have been caught red handed selling life boats and equipment to refugees in Turkey. Billionaire George Soros, alleged funder of numerous revolutionary ‘springs’ and movements including the divisive race baiters Black Lives Matter in the USA, who also has a global network of non-governmental organisation (NGO) fronts operating under his Open Society Foundations, recently insisted that the European Union should spend a further 10 billion Euros to facilitate the movement of more than a million mainly ‘Muslim refugees’ into Europe every year from now on.
Tommy Robinson may be working for Infowars with Paul Joseph Watson.
See Monday’s Alex Jones Show:
Fight the good fight with all thy might.
A rallying point for all Englishmen of goodwill.
Journalist ‘third anti-Muslim activist to be barred from Britain’
Pat at his best.
Laughing At The Fake Feminists
This is published by the Washington Post, it may not necessarily reflect the official view of the US Administration, but it certainly isn’t far from the view of the American Governing Elite. The special relationship everyone’s so proud of does exist, but on the level of families, individuals. The American GE don’t give a shite about us, hurt us as much as they like e.g. the treatment of BP, the extradition warrants, the threat of putting us at the back of the queue for a trade deal.
The elevation of Winston to no10 was one of the three decisive events in the WW2 that shaped not only the war itself but the post-war world settlement, too.
(The other two key events were the Kursk battle, and the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan, that’s the barbarian take on it, you may argue your case, of course).
Tillerson’s gone, Pompeo’s in.
The Spectator piece on the change of personnel in the US Administration says it wasn’t because of Russia, Baron reckons Russia must have contributed to it.
The poised man was a consultant to a company run by Steele, who apparently didn’t talk to him on the Russian dossier, but can that be true.
The New Scientist has a piece on the poison, it stresses few times the culling of the tragedy with Russia but also says:
“According to Mirzayanov (one of the men creating it), N-5 and N-7 are the most potent, both are binary agents, meaning they are made from two precursor chemicals that are mixed together just before use. These precursors could be made at pesticide or fertiliser manufacturers without arousing suspicion.”
Baron @ 1521 –
So, this poison isn’t understood in the west, even though Mirzayanov, one of the chemists who invented it, has been living in the U.S, since the 1990s?
Moreover this same Mirzayanov is now quoted as saying that Putin directed the Salisbury poisonings.
What we’re being fed about the whole affair sounds fishy.
Rather like what we were fed after Dr. David Kelly died.
This nerve gas business – I think we need a regime change – in England.
A propos:
What it means to have an IQ of less than 83.
All change at the White House again, that place increasingly resembles Russia at the early part of the last century, a sequence of events known as the ministerial leap frog, only Trump is no Romanov.
Much is being said about the events in Salisbury, and as usual the bleeding obvious is studiously ignored. Why do the Russians feel they can perpetrate such such acts on British soil with impunity? because there is no reason for them to fear us. For decades our armed forces have been systematically reduced to the point where we could not resist an invasion by the corps de ballet of the Kirov. Si vi pacem and all that jazz, but they will never learn, need the money for the ‘ealth service dont we.
Leading `bastard` dies.
Sir Richard Body ,ex M.P.for Holland and Boston (etc), died at the weekend aged 90.
Served as MP for Boston etc from 1966 to 2001: one of Major’s Bastards.RIP.
Three cheers for bastards.
How Europe’s Way of Denial Became a Way of Death | Public Discourse
Thank you Amber Rudd, useful idiot for islam.
We need to arrest more blondes for terrorism and ban them from entering the UK.
March 14th, 2018 – 10:38
Thanks for posting the link to Dr. Jordan Peterson’s fascinating series on the significance of having an IQ of less than 83.
I wonder if Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ (1932) is ringing any bells?
Herbert Thornton 17.34
Please pass the Soma. 😉
A Texan walks into a pub in Ireland and ……………….
Child sex slaves for muslim sex gangs were worth £200,000 each in 2014. How much are they worth now, in Telford or any other British town? £250k per annum, or more?
I don’t know how the rest of you feel, but I’m bored by the Prime Minister’s silly posturing about the occasional Russian being poisoned while living in Britain.
I think Britain needs a good dose of Realpolitik – and that doesn’t include cowardly submission to Islam or to Europe.
Mind how you go Frank. 🙂
Herbert Thornton @ March 14th, 2018 – 21:45
The ‘robust’ response by the Saintly One amounts to a face saving exercise, Herbert, because from the evidence available so far, Russia has FA to do with the tragic case in Salisbury except for the two of Soviet scientists developing the evil compound in the late 70s in the communist USSR.
It was produced in the USSR in Uzbekistan, after the implosion of the communist monstrosity many of the dangerous chemicals there began disappearing, in the end the Uzbek Government asked the US to take over the facility, according to sources in Europe (not in Russia) at least 17 states are known to either have it or to have the formulas for its manufacture, some for quite legitimate reason i.e. the development of neutraliser serums.
One would hope (for the sake of Mr. S and his daughter) the Porton Down establishment just down the road from the park bench did have the countering serum (which would suggest they had at least the two inert compounds which, when mixed, produce the poisonous reaction).
Fortunately, you don’t have to take Baron’s word for it, here’s an American source, not too keen on Russia, as you can check looking at other pieces, outlining the debate on the poisoning in the land of Putin.
In comparison to the unison cry ‘Russia did it’ here, in Russia itself there are MSM that take, unsurprisingly, the opposite view, but also MSM that agree with the saintly One. The same goes for the blogs, some argue strongly the tragedy was the work of Western agencies, but others the opposite i.e. ‘Putin did it’. Neither camp’s censored, ordinary people say what they feel or think. It truly bothers the barbarian that our MSM find it so clear cut when all that links the tragedy with Russia so far is the development of the evil compound by two Russian scientists in the USSR. It worries because this escalating warmongering euphoria could result not in ‘cold war’ MKII, but a seriously hot one, a calamity for us all.
Radford NG @ March 14th, 2018 – 18:04
A welcome relief, Radford, thanks.
John birch. @ March 14th, 2018 – 16:05
An excellent summary of Murray’s book, John, powerfully articulated, too.
It’s inconceivable to think the governing elites in Europe are unaware of the boil, they must see it, but either have no clue how to tackle it, or are actually hoping the supplanting of the indigenous European culture is what needs to happen. One would like to know why? Is it purely for party political reasons? Is there some deeper motive?
Here’s another piece, unrelated to the single issue of immigration directly, but in a broader sense it’s linked to it arguing that the societal crisis in the Republic cannot be reversed, the society must convulsed in a bloody war, the same may be said about Europe, a frightening vision.
Apologies for the errors, both today, but particularly before today, it’s the bloody software that inserts whatever words it feels like it, and the barbarian doesn’t check, inexcusable that.
March 14th, 2018 – 23:54
You been taking tutorials from Seumus Milne?
“However, also there is a history in relation to weapons of mass destruction and intelligence which is problematic, to put it mildly.”
EC March 10th, 2018 – 10:43
Only we crumblies probably remember that nihilistic piece. If you’re quoting from an original Peter Van Greenaway novel that you actually own you must be a rich man indeed, at least in literary assets, given their rarity.
I seem to remember Richard Burton playing the explosive telekinetic, between
bottles and wives, in the fillum version.
“Take the War to Washington” was preposterously enjoyable agitprop.
It worries me that I can often find common ground with the commies at Spiked.
The Star Chamber antics of modern government provide the latest example.
See this image
The Destiny Man ([Gollancz suspense]) Hardcover – 23 Jun 1977
by Peter Van Greenaway (Author)
5.0 out of 5 stars
1 customer review
See all 2 formats and editions
March 15th, 2018 – 09:01
I did not believe how much you can pay until I googled Amazon:
The Destiny Man
from £10,254.02
1 Used from £10,254.02
Robert Sheriffhales March 15th, 2018 – 09:05
That means an expedition into the loft this spring… 😉
An interesting post-porridge polemic.
March 15th – 09:04
I know, I know. Yesterday, for example, I actually felt quite sorry for John Humphrys when I read that he was being pilloried on “social” media, with demand for his sacking no less! etc. His crime? He dared to go infinitesimally “off message” regarding the latest entry to the BBC book of saints.
Noa – 09:01
Alas, I’m more familiar with the works of Peter Greenaway than the one with the interposed “van.” Alway supposing that there’s not a Iain Banks / Iain M. Banks type situation existing here.
Congratulations on your new found wealth, and let us hope that the mice haven’t been too busy! If you’ve got any actual cash stashed in the attic then I hope you had to foresight to put it an tin. Mice are particularly found of the pre plastic banknotes.
“then I hope you had to foresight to put it an tin”
Following Kennybhoy’s advice, above, I’m off for another glass of Movicol to counteract the last two days of painkillers.
Salisbury, a counterview to the HMG current policy.
Noa, March 14th, 2018 – 16:16
The ghastly Amber Rudd, majority 346, is only there to do the bidding of her boss, Sharia May, who has exemplary record in all aspects of applied dhimmitude.
I’m glad to read that I wasn’t the only one who found Mrs May’s “robust” response to Russia in parliament yesterday less than convincing.
Mr Boot was positively foaming about it, but after Tony Blair’s flaccid response to radioactive contamination of London by Po-210 in November 2006 how could anybody expect anything different?
“Was the Russian Spy Poisoned to Avert Brexit?”
Does Britain have a swamp to drain…? Are there female alligators…? Is anyone who automatically believes any variation of the globalists’ “Russian narrative” credulous?
Does someone want war with Russia?
Why did the House of Commons vote against an adventure in Syria?
The personality differences between Conservatives and Liberals.
Teresa May has an NTD – a Net Terrorism Deficit.
Aside from the normal 560,000 migrants into the UK of unquantified hostility last year she is content to let 400 proven ISIS terrorists returning back into the UK from but deports 23 Russian diplomats. So the 2017/8 GSD -the Gross Safety Deficit- is 560,377.
Rod Liddle from Behind the Spectator paywall.
Last time I was in South Africa I spent two weeks deep in the Karoo, that desiccated wasteland in the Northern Cape which is home only to a handful of jackals, the occasional springbok and supporters of the Afrikaaner Resistance Movement. I had been visiting Orania, a smallish town in which no black people are allowed. Set up by the son-in-law of Hendrik Verwoerd, its existence now is very grudgingly protected by the South African government under regulations which preserve minority cultures — ah, the irony.
I was doing a documentary, the gist being: ghastly, ghastly, racist white people. I have to admit that I, as a white supremacist bigot, was a little more equivocal about the issue than the rest of the crew, which is perhaps why the programme never got on TV. Even back then — this was 2011 — white farmers were being driven from their land by the blacks and fleeing to Zambia, or the UK, while senior members of the ANC demanded the spilling of Boer blood.
Didn’t the Orania people therefore have a point, I wondered, even if it was one only of self-preservation? The point — a dream, for some of them — was to carve out a new nation for Afrikaaners across a hugely unprofitable swathe of the north of the country, from Kimberley to the coast. A new Boer trek, a new homeland. And of course they would make it work, despite the aridity and the inhospitable landscape, because when it comes to farming and modernity they are extremely competent. Racist and competent, while the blacks were racist and hilariously incompetent. Orania was thriving and, like Israel (which is not a bad comparison), turning the desert green.
Prim, reserved, polite, little kids marched in line to the schoolroom like creatures out of a John Wyndham novel, or maybe an Amish community in the south of Ohio. In the pleasant and leafy high street, baking in the heat, I spoke to a woman doing her shopping. She would have been about 80, I’d guess. I asked her if she liked Orania. Yes, she did indeed. But what about the fact that there are no black people allowed into the place? ‘That, young man, is the very best thing about it,’ she replied. Horrible old cow, everybody agreed, viewing the shots later.
By this point the ANC was well on its way to reducing a country which, during apartheid, was easily the richest on the continent south of the Sahel (and afforded its black citizens the highest average wage and longest life expectancy in Africa) into a typically corrupt, massively useless, vicious and racist one-party state which is on the verge of civil war and where the blacks are worse off than ever and the whites are being murdered or evicted.
Hell, only sayin’, you know? That is what has happened. We may not like to accept it, but that’s how it is. I believe something similar happened next door in Zimbabwe, no? Still, at least in both countries the black majority are in charge of their destinies and that fact necessarily trumps every other. There’s nothing quite like white liberal self-flagellation to create misery for all races — it’s worse, in its effects, than colonialism. Incidentally, virtually nobody inhabited the Karoo before whitey got there. The Afrikaaners have at least as much right to the territory as the people who have taken it off them.
The plight of the South African whites does not much bother us these days. They’ve got their comeuppance, the bastards, is the approved view. We prefer to agonise about the real or supposed privations of people who fit into our expedient political worldview: the Rohingya, the Palestinians, the black Africans.
There is another narrative about South Africa to the one I have presented here, and a narrative which has almost as much force and should be heard. That other narrative is the only one you will hear, pretty much. Indeed if you were a foreigner and dared to articulate my narrative, you might well be kicked out of the country.
Shockingly, almost I might say unbelievably, a Canadian libertarian blogger has been refused entry to the UK because she subscribes to the narrative which I outlined above. Lauren Southern believes that genocide is being enacted against the whites in South Africa. Any other brand of genocide and she’d have been courted and asked to give evidence to a select committee, and probably be guest-editing Newsnight and presenting Woman’s Hour right now. She arrived at Calais, was interrogated and told: no entry. Two other supposed alt-right speakers were also denied entry to the UK, via Luton airport. What the hell is going on? I rang the Home Office and the only thing they would tell me is that they considered Southern’s presence here was ‘not conducive to the public good’. No further explanation.
There are an awful lot of people in the UK right now whose presence here is not conducive to the public good, beginning with the Home Secretary, Amber Rudd. She is palpably no good to anybody. We have just waved goodbye to a state visit from the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, whose grim, totalitarian, misogynistic regime is responsible for a grotesque humanitarian disaster in Yemen and whose country is the no. 1 exporter of Islamic terrorists to the rest of the world. Over the last 15 years we have let in Islamic fundamentalists who want us all dead, racist Palestinians who want Israel wiped off the map, and all manner of deranged leftist academics who believe that the West — and in particular the UK — is to blame for every evil present in the world. They all got through immigration OK. Most of them were feted, mainly at the taxpayer’s expense. What happened to Lauren Southern is, frankly, chilling. Her views are broadly in line with those of the US President — and a fairly hefty proportion of our population, I would guess. Why has there been no furore?
Noa – 14:16
Thanks for that.
Lauren Southern was in Luton recently where she handed-out leaflets saying that a certain anthropomorphic cosmic entity was GAY.That was why she was refused entry.
The Tommy Robinson interview of Lauren Southern and her refusal of re-entry to the UK.
EC @ March 15th, 2018 – 18:14
Mr.Boot would, wouldn’t he, EC, but what he missed is the way the case is being handled by the saintly One, she really lacks in judgment, it’s almost painful to watch her.
If she were genuine, she would have waited until the police had enough evidence, even the nasty Putin deserves his due process, the Nazi hierarchy got it, and they behaved more beastly and to ordinary people, millions of them.
The police should have followed the leads, weighted up the evidence up, then report. And only then she should have jumped on the culprit or culprits, that was the proper way to go about it. Instead, within hours she and everyone was pointing the finger at Putin, which to the barbarian smells of a put-up job, the great Mark got it right, the process of investigation will do the damage, the outcome would be of no matter, you will see.
Btw, the Blonde Inseminators says ‘our quarrel is with Putin, not the Russian people’. Hmmm, someone should tell him the over 80% of the Russian unwashed back him, the logic would suggest we, or rather the deluded political elite, is having a quarrel with the vast majority of the Russian people, no?
This afternoon, the barbarian did a little survey amongst East Europeans living here (not enough time to visit other shops run by the East Europeans), ordinary young people, altogether nine of them, two Poles, one from Ukraine, the rest from the Baltic.
Five would’t commit themselves, they were rather sheepish (not surprising perhaps, they have never met the barbarian before), of the four (an Estonian, two Poles and one from Ukraine) all said it wasn’t Putin ‘why would he do it’ was the reasoning, but one of the Poles also said ‘if Putin were to hit us he would have used missiles, not fugging poison’. Go figure.
Noa @ March 16th, 2018 – 15:53
You know what truly hurts, Noa, (the barbarian has seen it before), it’s that they are in France, of all places in France, the Republic down south let her in, we did’t.
Poor Albion,it used to be the cradle of democracy, free speech, unrestrained freedom of association. Sad this.
I begin to wonder how long it will be before either the Canadian or British Parliament enacts this –
1. This Act may be cited as the Establishment of Decency and Good Government Act.
Fundamental Crime
2. (1) A person who does anything bad commits a fundamental crime punishable by such a term of such imprisonment and other penalty as a court considers necessary or desirable.
(2) In this section
(a) “ bad” includes
(i) voicing hatred of, dislike of, or contempt of or ridiculing a religion other than Christianity;
(ii) voicing hatred of, dislike of, or contempt of or ridiculing a person on account of that person’s non-Christian religion, or race, or gender or alleged lack or nature thereof; and
(iii) behaving in a bigoted manner or in a way that hurts another person’s feelings.
(c) “voicing” includes exhibiting feelings.
(3) Nothing in subsection (2) shall be interpreted as in any way confining or restricting the meaning of “bad” and “does anything bad” includes failing to do anything that ought to be done.
Other Acts
3. Where there is any conflict or inconsistency between this Act and any other Act, whether enacted before or after this Act, this Act shall prevail.
Sunday 18 March ; Speakers Corner,Hyde Park , London at 3pm.
Meeting in support of Free Speech addressed by Tommy Robinson ( the Fergus O’Connor of our times ).
He will be reading a speech written by Martin Sellner of the Austrian Generation Identity movement.This was to have been given by Sellner last Saturday to members of Young UKIP in Milton Keynes but was cancelled because of threats of violence (for the second time).So he intended to give it at Speakers Corner.
He was detained last Friday at Luton Airport,and deported on Sunday.With him was Brittany Pettibone,a young American who was coming to interview Tommy Robinson.She also was refused entry in a letter from the Home Office describing
Robinson as `a far right wing extremist who incites race hate`:( a letter written in poor English ).
Tommy Robinson has been given $20,000 to buy video equipment and personal `security`which he says will be there on Sunday.
This is from Alex Jones of infowars. (Malfleur :13 March at 00-05)
An interview with Jones is below at 1hr 42min50 to 2hr 40min
You will see that last Friday he and his camera woman were attacked by a gang of masked antifa who had been at a nearby mosque.
Tommy Robinson speaks to the Nation. ( 2min20)
BBC blows the gaff : lets the cat out of the bag.
Three weeks ago a young Egyptian woman was attacked in the middle of Nottingham by a gang of women .She has been in a coma and has died in hospital.The police claim it is not a race hate crime : no details are given.
Now BBC online has issued a video clip : Not only are these a gang of young kids : they are `Nubians`.
Still the police claim they can’t give details as it might effect the case (as if they don’t need witnesses ) and the Nottingham Post are maintaining the cover-up.
Herbert Thornton @ March 16th, 2018 – 18:37
You shouldn’t plant ideas in their minds, Herbert, you may wake up one day, and presto, the statute will be there.
Radford NG @ March 16th, 2018 – 23:21
Borders on the unbelievable, Radford. This country needs help, and soon.
Radford NG @ March 16th, 2018 – 21:30
The shy outfit should make posters of the picture of the jihadists and the girls, Radford, display them prominently.
The two links are short, but worthwhile to scan:
The Sewer of Left-Wing AntiSemitism in the United Kingdom by Melanie Philips:
I am not sure what you are left with when you drain a cesspool – just the paedophilia of our elite?
We can’t go wrong though if we start by draining the UK swamp.
I would propose an amendment to Herbert Thornton’s draft statute at March 16th – 18:37 as follows:
“2 (4) Nothing in this Act shall be interpreted as circumscribing in any way the freedom of speech of any person.”
Noa- thanks for the Rod Liddle article.
”There are an awful lot of people in the UK right now whose presence here is not conducive to the public good, beginning with the Home Secretary, Amber Rudd.”
How long will it be, unless something is done, before the presence of returning Englishmen in their heimat is ruled as not conducive to the public good and they are refused re-entry?
Another draft Bill please, Herbert Thornton: “The Protection of the Heimat Act”.
The Noble Friends opine:
Malfleur –
Thanks! Freedom of speech – especially of of minorities – must be protected, come what May (pun intended).
The new Section 2 (4) should read –
“2 (4) Nothing in this Act shall be interpreted as circumscribing in any way the freedom of speech of any non-Christian person.”
One Noble Friend to the other Noble Friends:
“These girls are usually raped several times a day”.
Herbert Thornton
Agreed unanimously…
March 16th, 2018 – 23:44;
March 17th, 2018 – 02:32
Now I’m getting depressed.
Thank God it’s nearly spring and I can get back to concentrating on gardening.
Robert David Steele early {about 5:42 mins in] in this interview by Sarah Westall charactrises our PM as a liar (shome mishtake shurely!) and believes that she sponsored the false flag on the London block of flats. That would make her what…? For raisons d’etat of course, so that’s alright… Anyone on the Wall believe this or entertains it or have any information that would illuminate it?
Drain the UK swamp!
Who invented jazz?
Beethoven in his Piano Sonata No. 32 in C Minor, Op.111, 2. Arietta
This nerve gas narrative of the British government is complete bullshit and I was surprised to see our colleague stephen mayberry going along with it here a day or two ago.
The formula for the specific nerve agent alleged, without evidence, to have been used by the Roosians could have been bought for about US$8:00 in a book available on the internet in the early years of the century.
Meanwhile, so far as I can establish, Porton Down remains about eight miles from Salisbury. Follow that train of thought.
Do we have any conservatives in the Conservative government?
BREXIT – Drain the UK Swamp!
Ben Garrison – Cartoon – The Fall of Hillary
Drain the Swamp!
Operation Disclosure
This is a site for unreformed reprobates.
The Bullshit Russian Narrative of our Government – Taken from Operation Disclosure = see previous post
FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2018
Source: Facebook | By JOHN WHITE
The Skripal Saga.
Observations from the edge.
A British Truthseeker’s perspective.
In the last 12 days, relations between the United Kingdom and the Russian Federation have nosed-dived into the floor.
This follows the poisoning of Ex-Russian spy Sergei Skirpal and his daughter Yulia, discovered frothing and twitching on a bench in the town of Salisbury at 16:15 hours, Sunday 4th of March. This is now claimed to be an attempted assassination with a Nerve Agent, named as Novichok: an action so botched that it’s also put 100’s of people at risk in the town and surrounding area, as well as causing the critical illness of Policeman DS Nick Bailey: according to the UK Government.
Speaking as a Truthseeker, these have been challenging days. It is a very uncomfortable feeling, to feel that the lives of everyone in the country could be at stake: based on a narrative from the government we still don’t know if we can trust. Well actually, that we are mostly certain we can’t.
Where is the line the patriot walks in such times? This is the sobering question that has confronted the truth community in the UK.
Did the Kremlin want to take out this guy? And gave the order to do so with NERVE AGENT!? Why not just a bullet? The victim was Russian: so in the current political climate, there’s a high chance Russia would be blamed whatever: was it worth the risk of killing him at all?
Now Skripal, he was traitor. That cant be argued against. He was in Russian Intelligence, he was a double agent, and he shopped vital information to MI6 for cash: for years!
BUT: he was caught. He was tried. He was sentenced. He was jailed. Then, in 2010, the Russian state chose to release him and swapped him with the UK to get femme fatal spy “Anna Chapman” back. As far as Russia was concerned Skripal was old news. He wasn’t on Putin’s desk or pinned on the wall having knives thrown at him. He was nothing.
Unless: it was something Skripal was up to over here more recently We now know that he did help MI6 ex-spy Christopher Steele write the “Russia Russia” dossier through Orbis/Fusion GPS, paid for by the FBI, the Democratic Party, and the Clinton Campaign. This document’s credibility has now totally collapsed with the revelations of the FISA and SENATE memo’s. It seems that Skripal was looking over stuff that Steele was cooking for the dossier and using his knowledge to add a little verisimilitude: but this also explains mistakes in the dossier: because at that point Skripal hadn’t been in Russia for 8 years and out of the loop even longer.
Now that Dossier has damaged Russia’s reputation badly: traduced would be a good word. And Putin has been rather tolerant in the face of continued provocation with US accusations Russia interfered in some way in the US election: as well as claims Trump colluded with them.
So its also interesting that the very day Prime Minister Theresa May accused Russia of being responsible, the Congressional Intelligence Committee cleared Donald Trump of collusion.
Therefore on that basis, Skripal’s involvement in the dodgy dossier (a scheme that has now failed, with the Mueller investigation pushing into a close-up phase and Trump looking strong in office), gives a motive for several parties to potentially want him killed.
Sure, the Kremlin is one, but such a possibility is consistently problematic in terms of rationality.
Another would be the Clinton Cabal, the corrupt clique at the heart of the prior admin. Skirpal’s testimony could potentially have seen them hang. Taking him out, and blaming Russia at the same time, that’s a good scam.
Yet another would be the UK state itself.
The Establishment in the UK is a knotted ball of privilege and advantage. Politicians, Lords, Clergy, Bankers, Freemasons, Judges, Moguls, Spooks, and everyone ultimately jumping to the strings of the Monarchy. Its fair to say, the longer the day: the less they do wrong: because whenever the light is off them, the darkness comes out to play.
Sorting this mess out, the snakepit of the City of London and the corridors of power, the secret societies and conspiracies, let alone the dodgy stuff the actual government gets called on, the British state struggles for any trust from the British people.
While true, some yahoo’s are backing the governments claims against Russia, most are far more cautious, and disquieted by the unseemly rush and refusal to show evidence for objective international analysis, as stipulated in the Convention on Chemical Weapons, to which both Russia and the UK are signatories.
With Portland Down, the notorious chemical facility of the UK state, that has a history of testing chemical weapons on the unsuspecting public and morals that would disgrace a rat, a mere 8 miles away from Salisbury, the ease with which the UK government could have done this itself and pointed the finger at Moscow is well within the “child play” level of difficulty. Also, the Skripal poisoning occurred on the 2nd weekend of a 3 week Chemical Weapon exercise, “Toxic Danger”, being conducted by the Army. Hundreds of soldiers have poured into Salisbury: very “Johnny-on-the-spot”. Is this another example of “exercise” going “real-time”? The Hallmark is there.
Moscow, actually, has been DIRECTLY saying this in Tweets from the Russian Embassy. Directly accusing the British State of putting this on to smear them. Some might say that was desperation to shift blame. Others might say desperation to be heard, through a relentless barrage of belligerent propaganda from the UK press and broadcast media.
Why might the UK state want to do that?
The British people have been causing the state no end of trouble. Especially by going along and Voting for Brexit 21 months ago. The entire UK establishment is against the people on this, they drag their feet, they try to subvert the vote, and the Remain campaign just made a very concerted effort to try and whip up demand for a 2nd EU Referendum: that fell flat on its arse. The people want the Brexit they voted for, they want Britain to be an independent nation on the seas of commerce once more, able to bring prosperity to its people. We are a long way still from that and the British Swamp needs draining for that Vision to have a chance to succeed.
By creating a “scary Bear out there” narrative the UK Gov may hope to get us to cling once more to the bosom of Brussels. Certainly, if the deeply refrigerated relations Britain and Russia are now sinking to, any military action would see the EU leap to the UK’ side, creating the EU vs Russia war the Euro-elites have been spoiling for at least the last 4 years. They are insane, so what can we expect?
The EU is collapsing internally, German debt levels are going critical, Italy wants to break out of at least the Euro, Britain’s money being taken off the table creates a huge shortfall in the EU’s budget. With or without the UK, the EU is a collapsing Empire. And in such situations, getting into a War has been used as a reset button many times through history: no: it doesn’t work very often. But it remains an option of last resort.
Yulia Skirpal is also a potential target: in fact, this could equally as well be a hit on her, not her father. Skripals niece, Victoria, has gone on record saying Yulia was in a relationship with the son of a powerful female intelligence officer ( the UK press has not given the names) who was angry her son wanted to marry into “the family of a traitor”. The possibility rogue agents within the Russian State, or criminals with access to Russian weapons via the post-Cold War corpse stripping of the USSR, could have done this are strong.
For all the world turns on grand narratives and tales of plots and conspiracies, the world also turns on dumb luck and stupid incompetence. The idea some bonehead could have been given a mission and cocked it up can never be 100% ruled out. Would make a tragedy of the damage to international relations.
But then Putin also has enemies: one of them was Sergei Skripal himself. Skripal would have the attitude and experience to be able to do something like this: maybe he was distraught with his daughter from the other point of view, mad with her for being willing to marry into the upper circle of the Putin regime? Maybe his time was done, maybe he was ill, and he decided to use that special vial he had smuggled in for a final revenge on Putin, knowing his death would be blamed on the Russian state. UK media is a snarling pack of wild dogs, who are hardly going to hold off on judgement with a poisoned Russian Spy to shout about: he could be certain who they would blame. If this supply had been stored incorrectly for some time, could that weaken its strength and explain its failure to be swiftly lethal, and sporadic contamination? I don’t know…. seems possible.
But, beyond the suspects, now we have the reality.
President Trump has given cautious support: but also there are noises the Americans want their own people to look at the evidence.
And the evidence remains a troubling factor.
There is the Convention on Chemical Weapons that stipulates an international process to bring an accusation of the use of banned chemical weapons such as Nerve Agent: especially Novichok. Both the UK and Russia are signed to that convention and should be using that process.
If the British State’s evidence is so compelling that “there is no alternative explanation”, as Prime Minister May has claimed, should it not be simple to skip along to the OPCW, flourish our evidence, and have every country in the world, obligated by law, standing with us against Russia, backing our demands for explanation/reparation?
Yet that’s the last thing the British Government seems to want to do.
That is disturbing, because if this was a British Inside Job, protecting our “evidence” from being examined, and found to be rubbish, would be vital. Why will my government not use all the channels available to it, and give the world, and myself, a solid case to get behind? If Russia did do this thing then of course I would back the British state making a response such as expulsions and sanctions. Instead, the people are left in the dark.
Even more disturbing, is if this was such a conspiracy, its aim in provoking Russian War would be to re-cement Britain to the EU and make the next War “EU vs Russia”, with Britain caught up in the wake of conflict.
Can we believe the British Establishment could trigger a war for its own aims and loyalties to groups like Bilderberg, above and beyond the plebiscite of the ordinary British people? We would have to be utterly ignorant of British History not to be sceptical of the UK Establishments narratives, both in general, and in this specific case.
And that seems the most dangerous risk of all now: If Britain could pull off one false flag: it can pull off another: and simply strike itself, blame Russia, and unleash hell.
I also try to think of this from Putin’s point of view.
Of course, if Putin was behind this he would just tough it out. But that’s the problem when a State is accused. If the accusations are lies, they will be denied. If the accusations are true, they will also be denied. There isn’t a “win” there for Russia. It can speak Crystal truth, and it will still look like lies. Indeed the Russian Embassy has been tweeting with true transparency, directly accusing the British State of “putting on” Salisbury to smear Russia. This does not bode well for where this is going. Russia isn’t going to accept Theresa May’s say so, that’s for sure.
But lets assume that Putin didn’t do this. For all his time in office, he has dealt with an aggressive and expansionist EU, with western interference in internal Russian Affairs, including elections. He has dealt with military encirclement of Russia by NATO, increasing numbers of missile systems able to fire deep into Russian Territory.
On top of Ukraine, accusations over Russias role in Syria: and of course the traducing Russia has taken on the basis of the Steele Dossier that Sergei Skripal worked on, helping out his ex MI6 mate, have all been warning signs of increasing risk of conflict with the West. If Hillary Clinton had won the White House, she was hell bent on imposing a No-Fly Zone in Syria that would have swiftly led to conflict with Russia and its middle east alliance.
Putin might look at this, and the fact that Russia is being accused of major crime without being shown proof: (which in fact impedes Russia’s ability to investigate within to maybe find answers), and think that his nation just doesn’t have a chance of a fair shake in its relations with the ruling establishment in the UK and the EU. He might look at the encirclement and calculate it is only a matter of time before his potential enemies could strike damaging targets deep inside Russia, and that waiting just makes them stronger and his position weaker: for a War they are SURE to start at some point: as a distraction from the EU’s internal woes: possibly soon!
At which point does Putin decide that tolerance is no longer rational?
Russia has a significant military advantage over Europe. A EU vs Russia War is the war the Russian Army is designed to fight: a War of swift total territorial advancement with hardened troops known for aggressive fury. A nightmare to take on.
On top of this, Russia has been strongly developing nanotechnology for 15 years: while the wet has stood dead still, vested interests unwilling to unleash the next wave of technology for fear of losing their dominance. This has not been an issue inside Russia. As a result, Russia has the cutting edge of military tech, hypersonic missiles, radar invisible planes, cloaked submarines, and advanced armour and battlegear.
Europe could not stand against Russia without bringing in the USA. But that doesn’t mean the EU’s leaders aren’t crazy enough to believe a scheme to drag the US in could work. Georgia’s President did in 2008: he actually declared WAR on Russia believing he could force NATO to come to his side. NATO did no such thing and Russia took Georgia in less that 24 hours in a lightening tank strike with over 6000 vehicles, swift overwhelming: decisive.
I certainly have no desire to see Britain conquered by Russia. A War is a horrifying prospect, especially how easily Nuclear Weapons would obliterate mainland UK. This is a small Island hardly able to take Nuclear hits.
I do know that the British people have got genuine cause to seek reformation inside the UK. As President Trump is draining the US swamp, and the world is about to learn how far that means going, people across Europe including in the UK are going to be thinking “we could do with some of that”. That may also explain the desperation of the EU elite, including its loyalists in the UK. Trump is about to provide all 550 million people in the EU with the threat of a jolly good example, and they know what that means for their way of life: and their necks!
Peaceful diplomacy, democracy, and the application of the rule of law. This is what I stand for. I never for War, I also stand for Peace. If people start anyway, dammit, I did what I could, and sooner or later Peacekeepers will be needed to end the bloody thing.
If a declaration of War was made between Russia and the EU, my mission would be to survive long enough to be part of re-making the peace.
But unfortunately, Russia’s hypersonic technology looks like it may well give them first strike advantage: they out-nuke the EU 5 to 1 at least, and if EU weapons can be disabled before they can fire: Nuclear War is winnable: seductively attractive even.
The old doctrines of Mutually Assured Destruction might not apply.
Now in the case of a Nuclear Exchange across the UK, most of the population lives in a primary blast zone. Its not a big country. It would all be all over real quick. So I would just like to take this opportunity of saying to any future reader in a parallel universe where such a thing has occurred, on behalf of all British Truthers… as livestreamed out the UK in our last 10 seconds…
“Oh well. Bugger. Served Truth with Honour: Over to you: make the best of it 07”
However we are not there yet, and despite the increasing severity of repressive pressure on speech in the UK, it is still Peacetime, and I will exercise my rights accordingly.
Dire threat of extermination NEVER stopped Doctor Who fighting to save the day: I can but emulate that example and trust you do too.
Links from the last 2 weeks will be placed on the comments here to be used as a common resource.
Much love: John White
The broken prison system.
Mongoose: Did MI-6 Kill the Russians & Did Trump Fall for It?
Come on, Britons! Wakey-Waaaaakey!
(wakey-wakey – “A cute/nice way of saying “wake the f*** up”!!!”
– Urban Dictionary)
Fact picked up while surfing the net: As a Congressman, Pompeo co-sponsored a Bill to ban the Muslim Brotherhood.
Almost live:Tommy Robinson interdicted by Captain Euro.
Radford NG
When i click on your link, I get the following:
“What happened?
Your account appears to have exhibited automated behavior violating the Twitter Rules. You can use all of Twitter’s features again once you complete the following steps to confirm you are the account owner.
What next?
For full access, you must:
Pass a Google reCAPTCHA challenge”
I do not have a twitter account and this response by twitter refers to an account in a name which is not mine!
Can the content of your link be found anywhere else?
Tommy Robinson interviews Lauren Southern – detained in Calais and banned from entry into the United Kingdom under the Terrorist Act.
Hugging can now be a criminal offence – The Salisbury Review
Malfleur at 06-18.
I don’t know what happened there ; but try
Peregrine falcons nesting in the snow .
Noa @ March 17th, 2018 – 09:53
The restorative justice system that has replaced the retributive one has had an abysmal record of re-educating offenders, Noa, as you well know, a vast majority of offenders’s back inside within two years, there’s little hope that the separation of the jihadists will do better, their belief system that perceives non-believers as the enemy is by far more deeply cemented in their psyche that a mere solitary confinement can break. It would need a through and well designed re-education programme run by genuine specialists, but do we have the money to fund it?
AND: peregrine falcons .
Malfleur @ March 17th, 2018 – 09:32 & 12.26
The White’s rant doesn’t say much new, Malfleur, one cannot rule out the Russians are behind the atrocity, but the choice of the target, the poison, and in particular the timing (few days before the presidential count, several months before the World Cup) makes one suspicious of the claim by both the saintly One and the Blonde Inseminator.
Unfortunately for the barbarian he’s been short on time, wasn’t able to surf the Net properly. One thing that one should know is the evidence, what is it?
The papers say the poison was ‘of a type made in Russia’, well that doesn’t sound much as evidence, as the Baron’s link posted before demonstrates, here it is again:
What else is there to charge the Russians? That’s a genuine question, the yapping about Russia doing it before and stuff is not evidence.
The Blonde Inseminator is saying we also have evidence that Russia makes the stuff, has a stockpile of it (of what? The two harmless compounds, or the poison itself, which allegedly loses potency very quickly), was going to use it. This is a dangerous territory. If we indeed had a knowledge of all this, should we not have made it public?
If one were to know of someone possessing a poison, planning to use it, actually went on killing someone with it, what would happen to the one who said after the event ‘I know about it’, would it not have made the one in the know an accessory to murder?
Still, Malfleur, if you come across a piece that furnishes the evidence, let the barbarian know.
John birch. @ March 18th, 2018 – 10:37
Good one, John, as was you short riposte. The barbarian could;t resist, had to educate those who object to the man’s treatment.
“One should welcome the coming of the new age of puritanism, not be critical of it, today we have virtual reality to take over any physical contact between the genre fluid sexes, that should be enough.
Just imagine if what this man did were to spread, surely a health a safety issue to start with, who knows what the lips of men may be in contact with before they land on the necks of these unfortunate women. More to the point, what if the kiss was just a quick surveillance of her neck, the next move could have been his hands on the neck, strangling her … And it could not be that any such seemingly innocent peck on the neck is but a prelude to some serious grooming e.g. Telford?
Can you see the wisdom of the court case, punishment, now?”
Baron hopes you see i his way, now, he, he, he.
Baron ; 17 March 00-06 etc.
I think there is a lot to be found about this in the blogs of *Craig Murray* ,one of which you link.
Murray was a Foreign Office diplomat : he was sacked for some very undiplomatic attitudes to the government of Uzbekistan when British ambassador there.
He would be best known for having deserted his wife and two children to run off with an Uzbekistani lap-dancer.
I voted for Putin today.
In spirit.
“Russians vote in a presidential election on Sunday expected to give Vladimir Putin an easy victory. Watch live FRANCE 24’s special programme on Russia’s presidential election starting at 7pm Paris time.
Putin is polling at around 70 percent, or nearly 10 times the backing of his nearest challenger. Winning another term will bring his tenure to a quarter of a century, making him the longest-serving Russian leader since Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.“
“Alexei Navalny, the popular 42-year-old anti-corruption crusader and leader of the Progress Party, had his name struck from the Central Electoral Commission’s list of approved candidates owing to convictions on embezzlement charges that the European Court of Human Rights has declared to be political frame-ups.
At least Navalny wasn’t killed.”
“After completing his law degree in 1975, Putin famously started his career at the KGB, the Soviet secret police force. He was posted to Dresden, East Germany, where he posed as a translator.
Although much has been made of his spy career, including sly allusions from Putin himself, his biographer Masha Gessen has written that his time in Germany was “reduced mainly to collecting press clippings, thus contributing to the mountains of useless information produced by the KGB.”
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, Putin returned to his home of St. Petersburg. He would continue to rise through the ranks of Russia’s political establishment non-stop from there.
In 1990, in his very first year working for Saint Petersburg city hall, city counsellors discovered that Putin had permitted the sale of highly undervalued steel in exchange for foreign food aid that never arrived. Despite an investigative committee recommending his ouster, Putin remained in his position until 1996, have already formed a close friendship with Mayor Anatoly Sobchak.
Throughout the following years, Putin used his network of political friendships to make his way up the ladder. In 1997 then-President Boris Yeltsin named Putin his chief of staff, and a year later he was made the chief of the FSB, the post-Soviet successor to the KGB.
Shortly thereafter, Yeltsin appointed Putin to be his prime minister. Putin managed to take this post this despite Yeltsin’s rivals and loyalists both trying to take him down, as they all jockeyed to put themselves in position to succeed the ailing president.
When Yeltsin unexpectedly resigned in 1999, Putin became acting president. One of his very first acts was to pardon Yeltsin of corruption, before setting his sights on being elected outright.
In March 2000, Putin steamrolled past the other two contenders to become president with 53 percent of the vote. One important factor in Putin’s victory was image. Unlike many of Yeltsin’s other would-be successors, Putin had taken an unrelenting position in support of the Second Chechen War. This made him appear like a strong law-and-order candidate — a welcome relief after years of chaos.
Putin’s success was not only because of his own image but because of how he changed Russia’s image of itself. The fall of the Soviet Union and the administration of the often drunk, sickly Yeltsin were both deeply embarrassing. That Putin managed to bring his country out of the economic ashes into a period of boom time during his first administration also helped solidify his popularity.
Barred from running for a third consecutive term in 2008, Putin became prime minister to President Dmitry Medvedev. During that administration, the presidential term was extended from four years to six, to take effect at the next election. In 2012, Putin became president once again and named Medvedev his premier, prompting allegations of a tandemocracy.
‘A mafia state’
According to Russian-American author Masha Gessen, Putin’s ability to so easily wield power at home is derived not only from a carefully crafted image. The former spy has remained in the Kremlin despite a declining economy, diplomatic isolation and nearly continuous allegations of corruption and human rights abuses because of his ability to “have words mean nothing.”
“He just keeps talking … It’s meant to create the impression that he knows what he’s talking about. But it’s also just meant to drown you in meaningless stuff.”
Speaking with the Atlantic, Gessen added that Putin’s desire to build a mafia-style government on the ruins of a totalitarian regime had left Russia “a mafia state and a totalitarian society.”
Gessen also takes issue with the West’s idea of Putin as a “Bond villain mastermind of global chaos,” but does argue that this very perception has worked in the president’s favor.
And the Putin political machine shows no signs of slowing down. Having set up a complex web of political and economic cronyism, the end of Putin would also spell the end of stability in Russia. But with a victory on Sunday, Vladimir Putin will remain in power until at least 2024.“
Remember: Putin and the Russian oligarchs are very bad people……apart from the ones who are donating big time to the Conservative party.
It gets worse, and we were told that the gang raping girls have been dealt with after Rotherham two years ago.
Two things on Russia, the election.
Navalny was sentenced for embezzlement well before he decided to stand in the Presidential election. In the first trial he claimed the documents proving he had done wrong were planted, in the second he dropped this defence, claimed others did the same, are not prosecuted. If he stood today, he would have got fewer votes than Sobchak, he is disliked by everyone on the Left (probably more than by Putin).
Look at the world ranking of GDP on the PPP basis i.e. in PPP dollars, that’s the preferred measure by economists because one buys bread and tanks, butter and planes with roubles in Russia, dollars in the Republic, yen in Japan … It may shock you to note that Russia’s GDP is higher than ours.
Between 1999 and 2014, the Russian government budget increased 13times, gold and foreign currency reserves 45times, average wage 7.5times, real average wages (sans inflation) 3times.
This comes from a large piece in a Czech paper that likes Putin about as much as Mr. Boot, the paper headline commenting on todays election in Russia says: Putin wins by a bigger margin than Brezhnev’, which is silly because when the communist thug got elected he was the only candidate, Baron quotes it to give you a flavour of the paper’s political orientation, and its love for Vlad.
Radford NG @ March 18th, 2018 – 17:23
Thanks, Radford, the barbarian will look, it pi$$es him he cannot spend more time speculating about events (so much to speculate about), he has more important things to attend to.
Radford NG
March 18th, 2018 – 14:40
same same!
Baron March 18 15:09
You write:
“ cannot rule out the Russians are behind the atrocity…”
“One cannot rule out” – Bravo!
Compare the words of the British Foreign Secretary (none more foreign some might say):
“Our quarrel is with Putin’s Kremlin and with his decision – and we think it overwhelmingly likely that it was his decision – to direct the use of a nerve agent on the streets of the UK, on the streets of Europe for the first time since the Second World War.”
“Overwhelmingly likely” – Bullshit!
“Overwhelmingly likely” means “I have no credible evidence that I can produce but I have been instructed by my globalist masters not to let this stand in the way of articulating their anti-Russian narrative.”
Poisonally, I think the Salisbury hit was a globalist false flag – or, at least, overwhelmingly likely to have been.
Drain the UK swamp of the globalist cross-party War Party!
Speaking of the globalist cross-party War Party, where is Max Boot these days? No articles that I can find since early February….Could it be the men in white coats were finally called in to the Council on Foreign Desolations?
“Putin inherited a ransacked and bewildered country, with a poor and demoralized people. And he started to do what was possible, a slow and gradual restoration. These efforts were not noticed, nor appreciated, immediately. In any case, one is hard-pressed to find examples in history when steps by one country to restore its strength were met favorably by other governments.” (Alexander Solzhenitsyn)
Jeremy Corbyn in the House of Commons makes the outrageous suggestion that the United Kingdom government might be asked to produce some evidence of Russia’s involvement in the Salisbury attack.
The Cross Party War Party was apparently incensed by this:
Berto Jongman: United Kingdom (UK) Pedophilia Central — with Muslim Religious Extremism Mixed In…
Drain the UK swamp!
You really do not like Navalny, do you?
He strikes me as far more honest than Putin.
And now for something completely different…
“The Mandelbrot Set” (NOT the Primrose Hill gang)
Hardcore Mandelbrot!
“The Hardest Mandelbrot Zoom in 2017 – New record, 750 000 000 iterations!”
Rather wonderful!
“Russia’s main opposition leader launched a fierce attack yesterday on the candidates who ran against Vladimir Putin in the presidential election, accusing them of helping to prop up his rule.
Alexei Navalny, 41, a lawyer and anti-corruption campaigner, was barred from standing in Sunday’s election despite having campaigned for a year across the country.
Mr Putin took 76.6 per cent of the vote, according to official figures, giving him his biggest ever victory. There were widespread reports of vote-rigging. Turnout was 67.5 per cent.
Mr Navalny, who had called for a boycott of the vote, criticised Mr Putin’s opponents for helping to tarnish the idea of a credible opposition by achieving poor results and for taking part in the first place. “The task of all the ‘oppositionists’ was so that on the next day we were all struck down by horror and anxiety, thinking that there are very few of us, no one supports the opposition, and so on,” he wrote on social media.
He posted results from the election to prove his point. The former television presenter Ksenia Sobchak, 36, was given 1.7 per cent and the veteran economist Grigory Yavlinsky received only 1 per cent. Pavel Grudinin, a Communist, came second with 11.8 per cent. Mr Navalny said: “They are not democrats and they are not liberals. They are needed in order that we always lose.”
Mr Navalny reserved particular ire for his erstwhile ally Ms Sobchak, having already clashed with her over her decision to stand in the election and defy his call for a “voters’ strike” to erode the legitimacy of the election. He drew attention to a state television interview yesterday, in which Ms Sobchak said: “People with liberal attitudes in our country today are, unfortunately, in a minority. We must understand that and be realists.”
Georgy Alburov, an associate of Mr Navalny, said of the footage: “This is what the laughing stock candidates are for. To make such pronouncements about the results of the Putin re-elections.”
Mr Navalny has low popularity ratings and he is in effect banned from state television. Analysts suspect that he could have built a following if he had been registered as a candidate, meaning that state media would be obliged to give him coverage. He was excluded because of a criminal conviction that he said was fabricated by the Kremlin.
Sunday’s election was marred by numerous reports of legal violations. The monitoring group Golos said that it had received 4,200 calls and 1,500 messages about voting irregularities or fraud. That included people being obliged to report to employers that they voted and several cases of ballot stuffing. Footage from surveillance cameras showed people pushing sheaves of ballots into boxes at polling stations.
Results were annulled because of irregularities at five polling stations, the central election commission said, but Ella Pamfilova, its chairwoman, said: “Generally, serious complaints have not been identified so far.”
A delegation from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe said the vote showed a “lack of genuine competition”.
Pat Buchanan Asks “Cui Bono?” in the Salisbury Affair:
Prince Bandar commits suicide in London – warning: not for the sqeamish
See the section on Saudi Arabia about 55 minutes in in this conversation of Dr. Jerome Corsi with Charles Ortel and Jason Goodman on Donald Trump and the Deep State:
Are you progressing well?
Where are Baron, Noa and the Colonel?
Now Time Magazine:
“Facebook is under fire this week over a controversy involving tens of millions of users’ personal information.
The drama began when the $500 billion company admitted Friday that data analysis firm Cambridge Analytica, which has close ties to President Trump’s election campaign and right-leaning megadonors, used data that had been collected from 50 million users without their consent. Facebook has since suspended Cambridge Analytica’s access to its platform.
Still, Facebook is taking a beating from commentators and investors alike. Facebook’s stock was down about 7% Monday afternoon and dropped another 2.5% Tuesday. Meanwhile, lawmakers in the U.S. and the U.K. are demanding CEO Mark Zuckerberg explain his company’s practices.”
Good to see the smile wiped off his face.
And in the Express:
“Until a few weeks ago, Michael Gove and other senior ministers said the UK will be taking back control over its borders.
But Mr Farage claims they have backtracked.
The former-Ukip leader added: “These mealy-mouthed words are insulting to those communities which have been deeply bruised by 40 years of being ignored by the Westminster elite and which voted overwhelmingly in June 2016 to quit the EU.
“In order for Brexit to truly mean Brexit, we must take back control of our territorial waters. I fear this transition period will see many more of our fishermen go out of business, particularly in small fleets under 10 metres which are the most sustainable part of our commercial fishing industry.
“Quite frankly, the European Union do not give them sufficient quota to survive.”
May’s Brexit sellout fisked by Jack Buckby, but did we expect anything else?
Theresa May ignores the basic law of economics regarding supply and demand.
We don’t have a housing shortage. We have a migration epidemic.
I see that a man in Scotland has been convicted of a Hate Crime. Apparently he’d trained his dog to raise its paw when he said something like “Heil Hitler” and had posted a picture of it on the Internet.
It is of course still only 2018. But it’s made me imagine what 2020 will be like.
“2020 Breaking News
Teacher and student arrested after teacher asks students who would like to visit Mars to raise their hands.
Several students did.
One student called the police with his cell phone and complained that he had witnessed a Hate Crime.
10 minutes later Police arrived and arrested the teacher and one of the students who had raised her hand.
The Hate Crime consisted of raising her hand at the wrong angle – the angle used in a Nazi Salute.
The teacher has now been convicted of causing a Hate Crime and the student has been convicted of committing a Hate crime. Each has been sentenced to two years imprisonment.”
never forget the old saying “Many a true word spoken in jest” Have any of these sanctimonious prats infesting life in this country, which refined the concept of free speech for the Western world, ever heard of the Bill of Rights of 1689?”
Stephen #18:03
They’ve probably never heard of it, or if they have, contemptuously dismiss it as outdated and irrelevant.
They remind me of a couple of lines from Gray’s Elegy –
“Some village-Hampden, that with dauntless breast
The little tyrant of his fields withstood;”
We’ve now got to the sad state where village-Hampdens like the Scotsman who owns the pug are few.
The power-hungry little tyrants and sanctimonious prats on the other hand are many.
stephen maybery – 18:03
Is Bill of Rights any relation of I Naomi Rights?
Tommy Robinson on the Conviction of the Nazi Pug – Tommy interviews the pug.
Drain the United Kingdom Swamp!
The gentleman investigating the murder of Seth Rich has been shot twice in the back and run over by a car.
And there was me thinking America deliberately exported all those jobs to allow corporations to use cheap labour to make more profits.
But it seems China was stealing those jobs.
Talk about fake news.
Emotional name-calling and using catch-phrases is a very shallow approach.
What matters is what is now the wisest and most prudent policy for the future.
I’m a supporter of trump and he’s doing what he said he would do. But I spent a long time in china and they were being given those jobs, not stealing them.
Melanie Phillips seems to share the anti-Putin view in certain key matters and we should give anything which she says serious attention. Unfortunately, I can’t get access to the full Times article to which she links here:
John Birch – 22 March – 20:47
A receiver of stolen goods is a thief.
THE ISLES of Greece! the isles of Greece!
Where burning Sappho loved and sung,
Where grew the arts of war and peace,
Where Delos rose, and Phœbus sprung!
Eternal summer gilds them yet, 5
But all, except their sun, is set.
The Scian and the Teian muse,
The hero’s harp, the lover’s lute,
Have found the fame your shores refuse:
Their place of birth alone is mute 10
To sounds which echo further west
Than your sires’ ‘Islands of the Blest.’
The mountains look on Marathon—
And Marathon looks on the sea;
And musing there an hour alone, 15
I dreamed that Greece might still be free;
For standing on the Persians’ grave,
I could not deem myself a slave.
A king sate on the rocky brow
Which looks o’er sea-born Salamis; 20
And ships, by thousands, lay below,
And men in nations;—all were his!
He counted them at break of day—
And when the sun set, where were they?
And where are they? and where art thou, 25
My country? On thy voiceless shore
The heroic lay is tuneless now—
The heroic bosom beats no more!
And must thy lyre, so long divine,
Degenerate into hands like mine? 30
’Tis something, in the dearth of fame,
Though link’d among a fetter’d race,
To feel at least a patriot’s shame,
Even as I sing, suffuse my face;
For what is left the poet here? 35
For Greeks a blush—for Greece a tear.
Must we but weep o’er days more blest?
Must we but blush?—Our fathers bled.
Earth! render back from out thy breast
A remnant of our Spartan dead! 40
Of the three hundred grant but three,
To make a new Thermopylæ!
What, silent still? and silent all?
Ah! no;—the voices of the dead
Sound like a distant torrent’s fall, 45
And answer, ‘Let one living head,
But one arise,—we come, we come!’
’Tis but the living who are dumb.
In vain—in vain: strike other chords;
Fill high the cup with Samian wine! 50
Leave battles to the Turkish hordes,
And shed the blood of Scio’s vine!
Hark! rising to the ignoble call—
How answers each bold Bacchanal!
You have the Pyrrhic dance as yet; 55
Where is the Pyrrhic phalanx gone?
Of two such lessons, why forget
The nobler and the manlier one?
You have the letters Cadmus gave—
Think ye he meant them for a slave? 60
Fill high the bowl with Samian wine!
We will not think of themes like these!
It made Anacreon’s song divine:
He served—but served Polycrates—
A tyrant; but our masters then 65
Were still, at least, our countrymen.
The tyrant of the Chersonese
Was freedom’s best and bravest friend;
That tyrant was Miltiades!
Oh! that the present hour would lend 70
Another despot of the kind!
Such chains as his were sure to bind.
Fill high the bowl with Samian wine!
On Suli’s rock, and Parga’s shore,
Exists the remnant of a line 75
Such as the Doric mothers bore;
And there, perhaps, some seed is sown,
The Heracleidan blood might own.
Trust not for freedom to the Franks—
They have a king who buys and sells; 80
In native swords, and native ranks,
The only hope of courage dwells:
But Turkish force, and Latin fraud,
Would break your shield, however broad.
Fill high the bowl with Samian wine! 85
Our virgins dance beneath the shade—
I see their glorious black eyes shine;
But gazing on each glowing maid,
My own the burning tear-drop laves,
To think such breasts must suckle slaves. 90
Place me on Sunium’s marbled steep,
Where nothing, save the waves and I,
May hear our mutual murmurs sweep;
There, swan-like, let me sing and die:
A land of slaves shall ne’er be mine— 95
Dash down yon cup of Samian wine!
Malfleur you steal my cloak,
Please leave the poetry to me
You are really such a good bloke,
But your doggerel is that of a flea.
This is an excellent article I picked up in comments on the American bridge collapse (which gets worse the more you learn )
Blacks and High Steel – American Renaissance
I had a lot to do with work this guy is writing about and believe me everything he says is true.
John birch March 23rd, 2018 – 08:17
Many thanks a fascinating link and insight into the construction world, as well as black vs white intelligence and ability.
Noa 14-03
Glad you enjoyed it .
It’s like a door opening into a different world.
Parsons Green bomber jailed for 34 years trying to kill 93 commuters
Calling an Arab devious is like calling water wet.
And of course now we’ve got to pay to keep the devious lying bastard for the next 34 years.
I’d say that’s a good result for them, not us.
john birch,
Absolutely John, it is a good result for them, and I seriously doubt that he will serve the full term or anything like it. When he is finally returned to the “Community” he will be given a nice berth with lots of financial backing,Heaven forfend the prick should be deported, his human rights don’t yer know. I have spent half my working life in the Middle east and they see the liberal instincts of the western elite as the best joke on the planet and they will continue their outrages on our cities until we retaliate with an eye for an eye. Paris has just gone up again, Merde.
I’m sure we appreciate Fergus Pickering’s critique of Lord Byron’s `Isles of Greece`:from `Don Juan;Canto the Third` : but the last two lines of the Canto may be relevant.
When you read this it makes you suspect kids company was probably similar.
The English Phoenix – Free Speech is Reborn through Tommy Robinson at Speakers Corner last Sunday
John birch. – 07:54
John birch. – 15:47
Two excellent articles, thanks.
John birch and Noa,
Many thanks a fascinating link and insight into the construction world.
I have read the article ( about the comparative performances of whites and blacks in that particular segment of the construction industry.
It rings solidly of true and accurate reporting and is very persuasive indeed – up to a point.
But are we correct to infer from it a far more general opinion about the relative intelligence and abilities in other fields of blacks versus whites?
For example, I think we would all agree that very few people indeed, no matter what their race, have a special aptitude for walking a tightrope strung across Niagara Falls. But is possession of that aptitude a serious indicator that such people possess a general level of intelligence and ability that is higher than that of people who would be terrified of even trying to walk a tightrope? I very much doubt it.
Similarly, I think that the article, good as it is, cannot be overwhelmingly relevant outside that segment of the construction industry.
“Assange Suggests British Government Was Involved In Plot To Bring Down Trump
In a series of tweets Thursday night, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange suggested that there is evidence indicating that the British government and intelligence agencies were involved in a plot to bring down the Trump presidency….”
Drain the UK Swamp!
The US Omnibus Funding Act
Antischool here is eloquent and instructive on the merits of this legislation for Wallsters requiring ammunition at fashionable London dinner parties:
Historic handshake in Birmingham (Sat 24 March):Tommy Robinson and Gerard Batten MEP [Leader of UKIP].
A rally in Birmingham by Football Lads Alliance,ex-service men and locals protesting for justice for those killed by the P-IRA.
Herbert Thornton.
Try these .
A view from abroad.
“A college in America has instructed its professors that students must not be referred to as “women”. The word is now banned.
The twist in this particular story is that the learning establishment is Mount Holyoke College for, er, women. The only students in the place are women.
Mount Holyoke has explained that this new dictum was a consequence of the institution “becoming aware of the multiple forms of oppression and privilege each individual faces and how they interact with one another”.
No kidding. Misogyny has many faces, doesn’t it?”
This guy Janda is really good on draining the swamp in the USAL
John birch
March 25th, 2018 – 07:24
Thanks for drawing my attention to those two URLs. The experiences of the person who wrote them make very interesting reading, especially because but they are so different from my own 8 years experience of living in East Africa (in Tanzania).
Herbert Thornton.
I have worked in Kenya with good people though for much less time than you, most of my time was spent in the Middle East, China , Eastern Europe, South America.
These articles suggest a problem with those from the early days of America.
Not that recently, but not far back either the following events happened close to each other: The barbarian’s Mail app got corrupted (it’s now running, still with hiccups), he was barred from commenting on the Spectators blogs (now back), couldn’t reach three internet sites, the internet connection terminated, and twice on his walks he was followed by a drone (one may say ‘so what, people fly drones even in the wilderness of East Anglia’, and they do, but close to midnight?). It’s all a coincidence, Baron reckons.
John birch.@ March 26th, 2018 – 06:15
Solid write-up by Douglas, John, the barbarian read it, contributed a posting, not much of a response because his take on it doesn’t go down well with Spectator bloggers.
The barbarian can think of four families, all middle class, who between them give employment to eleven immigrants, are happy about it. How much they pay them he doesn’t know, but it’s unlikely to be even the going min wage.
Q’s post # 607 suggests that Theresa May, to all intents and purposes, and Donald Trump are working together (with China and Russia) to destroy the NWO. May has been neutralised and MI6 too which is now cleaning house.
Malfleur @01:29
That sounds a bit strange. Who or what is Q and where can post # 607 be found?
Herbert Thornton @ 03:44
Post 607 is discussed at about 8:28 minutes in on
Q is said to be one or more persons, probably in military intelligence, working closely with President Trump to use social media to educate the Administration’s base into what is going on.
Below is another good explanation of why the Omnibus Bill recently signed into law by President Trump involves no betrayal of principle by the president but gives him a weapon which he can use to implement his agenda.
Baron 2032
You should support Navalny and these things would not happen.
What is going on with Trump’s twitter?
“Those omissions were especially noticeable on Monday as the Russian President and Daniels were vying for top billing on news shows.
As tempting as it must have been to hit back at Daniels, Trump kept quiet, possibly seeking to avoid being drawn any deeper into a thicket of litigation by three women who have brought sex-related civil cases to which he is linked.
Also Monday, Trump’s White House rolled out its toughest action yet on Russia, kicking out 60 diplomats over the attempt by suspected Kremlin agents to assassinate a former Russia spy in the sleepy English city of Salisbury.
But Trump, consistent with his practice of never personally calling out or criticizing Putin, was nowhere to be seen.
The reasons for Trump’s reticence were not clear, since he’s not talking. But there will be suspicions that he’s keeping quiet because both Putin and Daniels may know something about the President’s past that could hurt him.”
Baron 20-32
Don’t walk near any woods with a drone following you Baron
Sir Lenny Henry has confessed to having had great reservations about accepting a knighthood, citing the usual gripes about slavery etc. It is about time someone pointed out to him one or two truths of this particular and oft trumpeted complaint of those who have availed themselves of our hospitality. First, had it not been for the immeasurable evil of colonialism they would not now been in this country. As for slavery, the majority of slaves were carried off to the slave markets of Cairo, their descendants did not inheirit islands in the Caribbean, and we abolished slavery in 1834 while the practice is still rife in the Arabian Peninsular, although we do not hear much about that for some reason. If these people who so visibly complain about our history find us so distasteful then they should be told to bugger off back to where they came from.
If you go down to the woods tonight you’r sure to get a surprise, and it won’t be Stormey Daniels.
John birch.- 08:05
Baron 20-32
Drone or no drone, highly inadvisable to go for a walk in the woods alone, as Dr. David Kelly found to his cost.
EC. Exactly.
EC. Mind you, he was probably killed by our lot so difficult to blame the Russians Trump, Brexit, Tommy Robinson, or Nigel.
March 27th, 2018 – 05:54
Thanks for referring us to this –
“Post 607 is discussed at about 8:28 minutes in on”
It’s certainly fascinating, but the way the topics are presented is so disjointed that a lot of people are going to be discouraged from making the effort needed to grasp what Q is trying to tell us.
Not just that, but (as a particular example) things get even less clear when –
1. The voice cites Putin as saying “The New World Order worships Satan.” which sounds encouraging, but
2. Immediately after that the voice says “Vladimir Putin is working to..(pause)…”with the New World Order.”
Maybe she meant (at least I hope she meant) – “Putin is working AGAINST the New World Order.”?
Point taken, boys, thank you, the barbarian will try to avoid any wooded areas, which is not going to be easy, but he still reckons the events happening close to each other was nothing but a coincidence.
This however is an event they call a game changer.
You may recall the big headed yet poorly educated Slav rabbiting on more than one occasion about one of the pillars of the US dollar reserve currency status being the pricing of oil in dollars? That is likely to end, not quickly, but not in a distant future either.
Amazingly, nothing much in the MSM, understandable perhaps when diplomats are the most visible traveling clientele, he, he, he.
Herbert Thornton @ March 27th, 2018 – 17:42
Too much for barbarian, Herbert, he managed few minutes over the Putin’s quote, is still puzzled, only Malfleur has the necessary brain (and experience gained from listening to the girl) to decipher the stuff. And possible you and others.
Malfleur @ March 27th, 2018 – 06:19
This is OK, Malfleur, except that what the guy says tries to look for some cabal that runs the progressives, Deep State or whatever. The guy, or those looking for ‘the centre’, will never find it. It’s the progressive system or rather the system’s inertia that propagates the status quo.
Here’s an example: After the invasion of Czechoslovakia, virtually nobody in Eastern Europe believed in the communist monstrosity, yet it carried on because if an individual or a group of individuals were to try to overturn it, other individuals or groups would prevent it because by halting it they would benefit themselves or at least would not be harmed.
Better example still: You recall the assassination attempt on the Austrian house painter by colonel Count von Stauffenberg? When it failed, many of the officers who were hunting him, the conspirators helping him were themselves plotting to dispose of Adolf, they had to, they had no choice, the system compelled them to do it.
Here’s something new for you, the darling of one of our contributors himself in a 12-minute clip. Regretfully, it’s in Russian, but worry not, the man who appears in the clip essentially says one thing: ‘It was the Russian Security services that did it because it helps Putin to avoid the examination of his domestic policies that are nothing but a massive failure. The use of the poison linked directly to Russia is a warning to the rich of Russia who haven’t yet left Putin, but want nothing else – ‘you think of syphoning off your wealth to Britain, beware, my boys will get you’’. (This argument of his makes little sense even though he dwells on it, would;t any poison be sufficient? Why should it be a compound developed by the USSR scientists?).
You don’t have to watch the lot, just move the cursor along.
Why cannot someone in the MSM translate it? It would be a solid example of Mr. Navalny seeing it the way the MSM here see it. It would, of course, also debunk the notion that opposition in Russia, if it exists, exists in prison only.
This is an internet TV channel, over 150,000 views so far (over 70% of the Russian have an internet connection), nobody has banned it, the postings must have been removed, not one of the postings backed him (but that may be because of Kremlin trolls). Baron occasionally watches him, but it’s like watching the BBC only the language’s somewhat cruder. He isn’t that bad when it comes to corruption cases, but his take on the issue of the poisoning mirrors that of the Times and other MSM here, goes even further suggesting that an irrefutable evidence backs his view.
Btw, one thing that puzzles in the video is the chemical experts all wrapped up in a protective gear, yet the firemen who are in close proximity of the polluted areas these experts are searching seem to be OK without the protective clothing.
Having said all this, Baron still reckons one cannot rule out fully an involvement of the FSB for at least one key reason. The Russian government has made no effort to gain consular access to the two unfortunate individuals. Why? Both Skripals are Russian citizens. Nor have any relative of them tried to get in touch with the hospital. There’s more to it than …..
And the last one:
Does anyone know the composition of the OPCW team, not the names, just the nationalities of the experts?
this is the last one – sorry for the errors, quite embarrassing like ‘relatives of them’, it’s the bloody software, Baorn thinks.
Ever since Trump was elected I’ve been thinking – “I wonder what sort of bargain might he and President Xi arrive at in order to stabilise the relationships among the countries bordering on the Sea of Japan and the South China Sea?”
“Is it possible that in exchange for guarantees from China for the de-nuclearisation of North Korea and the security of Japan and South Korea, Trump would agree to effectively withdraw the U.S. military presence from that part of the world and to not in any way interfere in any Chinese action to re-incorporate Taiwan into China?
It makes me wonder what significance this has –
Herbert Thornton – 02:14
Indications are that China, Russia and the USA are cooperating against the globalists. Some say that President Trump met the NK leader at that dinner in the Forbidden City hosted by Xi in November last year and that basic principles were agreed at that time. That could well have included an understanding that China would not cause trouble in the South China Sea – though the belligerent rhetoric of the Chinese press, in particular the Global Times, sometimes belies that.
X22 Report is always good value and puts events which appear negative in a [positive framework:
X22 Report
“…the darling of one of our contributors…” – and there was me thinking it was going to be about a Boot!
Herbert Thornton on the disjointed lady
Yes, but those of her ilk are ‘citizen journalists’ which, to our immense advantage, have proliferated over the last seven or eight years and should be welcomed warts and all. Furthermore, she is trying to ad lib on AnonQ’s posts which require some interpretation and cross-referencing on screen in real time which I doubt lends itself to the flow expected of a barrister’s brief. There are numerous others giving their views on Q’s posts and generally they suffer from the same problems for the same reasons. Some are less disjointed than others, AntiSchool (see link below) for instance – though he does not concentrate on Q’s posts so can speak more fluently as he ranges freely across a range of topics and for the most part not having to navigate his way through the doubledutch of military intelligence code craft. There are also some points made here that address Baron’s citing of Operation Valkyrie. There is really no comparison. “The Plan” in the present case has been long laid and prepared, and is not the last minute opportunism of the July plot.
Oh, and at this point, I cite a new maxim of Baron yesterday at 23:41, who seems finally to have grasped the point where long clips posted here are concerned: “You don’t have to watch the lot, just move the cursor along.”
This is an earlier (March 17) #AntiSchool clip with a section on Q beginning at 4:53 in:
What is Q?
Baron 2345
Wikipedia has this but probably you have seen it:-
“All 192 parties to the Chemical Weapons convention are automatically members of the OPCW.[21] Other states which are eligible to become members are UN member states Israel, which is a signatory state that has not ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention, and Egypt, North Korea and South Sudan, which have neither signed nor acceded to the Chemical Weapons Convention, as well as UN observer state Palestine, which has also neither signed nor acceded to the CWC.[22][23] Angola was the most recent state to submit its instrument of accession to the treaty.[24]”
You would have a job to make this up when you read all the details.
Jihadi who wanted to bomb Big Ben had TWO council houses
9.5 signatures to the petition calling for the of the lifetime ban on 22 year old blonde conservative Lauren Southern.
Said to be QAnon’s most recent posts at source – March 28th
Q post number 966
Drain the UK swamp!
Baron cannot post, he clicks the ‘comment’ button, the posting disappears.
Strange this, the barbarian has posted a clip, it doesn’t appear on the site, when Baron re-posts it, the system responds with ‘double posting’.
You couldn’t switch to a new blog, Peter, could you?
Malfleur @ March 28th, 2018 – 12:38
You see, Malfleur, that backs Baron’s contention that the Deep State is everywhere, the creators of it, their followers, have succeeded since the war in infiltrating every pyramid of social, political, judicial (and in large part) economic power, they are everywhere one looks, it’s ‘they’ who form or rather are the system, the inertia of which keeps it going whatever those trying to break it say.
Noa – 11:43
Malfleur @ March 28th, 2018 – 12:04
The Chinese guy must be confident he can deal with every challenge the Americans can throw at him as he pre-emptied the Donald’s meeting with the North Korean nutter.
Xi not only got China involved, he ensured a prime position for his country in that meeting even though we won’t be there.
Noa @ March 28th, 2018 – 11:43
Also signed, Noa, and an e-mail sent to Baron’s MP urging him as true Conservative in favour of free speech to also sign it.
Marshal Roberts @ March 28th, 2018 – 07:09
Thanks, Marshall, but what the barbarian’s after is the composition of the team, it seems nobody knows, why?
John birch. @ March 28th, 2018 – 09:39
We should be thankful, John, he only had one wife.
This is a good example of how members of different cultures relate to statutes. The law was meant to assist families that break up because of incompatibility, the man and woman who married reach a point at which they can no longer live together, not to allow spouses to break up a family units to take advantage of it.
March 28th, 2018 – 12:48
Typical central European defeatism in the face of authoritarianism. Trump will break it.
This is the document presented in Moscow on March 22 at the British Embassy to representatives of some 80 countries, note that it’s no longer ‘very likely’ Russia did it, it’s certain now.
Deadly convincing piece of evidence except that there isn’t enough of the pentagon squares showing Russian misdeeds, they should have also included the doping scandal, the Swedish fear of Russian submarines, the MH17, the help to Brexiters and the Italian election of anti-Eu parties ….. the list is endless and it’s all extremely relevant for the discovery of who tried to poison the two unfortunate Russians.
I like this chap Rees-Mogg
Nigel sticks it to Mr. Speaker:
Drain the UK swamp!
Female Minister sticks it to Diane Abbott on the Blue Brexit Passport contract:
Drain the UK swamp and abolish the central bank!
Peter Hitchens believes it most likely that the attack in Salisbury came from Russia:
I’ve also written to my MP regarding the disgraceful barring of white Christian Conservatives from the UK. Given that he is Ben Wallace. Security Minister, famous Cameroon lickslittle and in favour of the unjust trial and imprisonment of Sgt Lawrence I won’t be holding my breath for a favourable response.
No question about it, she was abusive, prejudiced, hurtful, but two years for an emotionally disturbed individual who lost it because of an attack that could have been fatal suggests something’s seriously wrong in that society.
Another expert pronounces on Salisbury:
March 28th, 2018 – 14:24 –
Peter Hitchens believes that the attack in Salisbury “came from Russia.” He is, as usual, very persuasive. But on the other hand he stops (I think) well short of saying that the attack “came from Putin”.
Perhaps the most important question to ask is – What was the motivation behind it all? Did somebody want to drive a huge wedge between Russia and the West? If the answer to that is “Yes” then it has certainly worked.
So the wider question needs to be – who (in Russia or indeed elsewhere) could it have been ?
Interesting article on European migration and related matters on former Chechoslovak z President Vaclav Klaus’ web site.
My posting @ 14:24 was followed by lunch. While eating I had two ideas. –
1. That a strong motivation for driving a wedge between Russia and the West could well be attributed to people who are part of the conspiracy known as the New World Order. I suspect that they are most numerous in the U.S. but at the same time they could well include Russian Oligarchs whom Putin has not yet detected and ousted.
2. A much less serious idea than the first one, but rather one to be used a the basis for an exciting Science Fiction novel.
The novel would be based on the premise that Artificial Intelligence has already reached an advanced form, and that Artificial Intelligence it is what comprises and is managing the New World Order’s doings…..
I need to proof read better. That should have read -Artificial Intelligence “is” – not “it is”.
Herbert Thornton and Baron
News media today are now saying that the nerve agent was applied at the Salisbury home of the Skripals, not on the bench in the city which became a focus of Theresa May’s visit some days ago. Neighbours of the Skripals are being warned of lingering danger while officials without benefit of the advised protective clothing are busy at the Skripals’ house.
So the government based its assertions of Russian involvement on at least one important piece of admittedly wrong evidence, namely where the attack occurred and were, to say the least, slow in identifying the site at which they now believe that the nerve agent was actually administered.
For the British government to move closer to a serious break or worse with the Russian government without the kind of scrutiny that would be demanded by a court in a trial for attempted murder is grossly irresponsible, as is anyone who believes at face value what appears likely to be more New World Order propaganda.
The Russian government is lining up with those who oppose the globalists and institutions of theirs such as central banks.
Drain the UK swamp!
Meanwhile, closer to home:
(hat tip: Drudge Report)
“#QAnon’s Latest Drop: POTUS Means Business — Enemies of Our Beloved Republic Are Sweating Bullets”
Where Skripal came into contact with a toxin changes every few days : restaurant ; bunch of flowers ; brought by his daughter in her suitcase from Russia ; through his car air vent.
FBI Snatches Ted Malloch at Cleveland airport; then he and his wife disappear.
Starts at about 17 minutes in at this link:
What’s the point in blaming the Russians?
Ray McGovern interviewed by Richie Allen on things Russian including David Kelly, the British intelligence history of assassination, Salisbury, Russiagate et al.
It’s a bit long for early Spring and Aprill with his shoures soote, so you might want to reserve it for a long winter evening.
Ron Paul: No Proof Russia Poisoned Former Spy — Robert Steele: Former Spy was PARDONED and EXCHANGED — This was a False Flag
Malfleur @ March 29th, 2018 – 11:53
The demonising of Russia deflects from other boils such as the one Douglas is talking about, Malfleur.
Radford NG @ March 29th, 2018 – 07:10
Hard to blame the boys in blue, Robert, microscopic traces of the stuff must be everywhere, amazingly, nobody has yet suggested to check for the presence of the poison on planes from Russia starting with the one S’s daughter was on.
Obviously, Mr S didn’t have security cameras installed, that would suggest he didn’t fear much for his life (neither did the British security services supposed to look after him, protect him). Whoever did the vile act must have known no cameras are overlooking the house.
There was an even bigger risk still for the perpetrator, depositing the poison on the door must have been timed with superb precision to avoid poisoning innocent callers (say) the postman, anyone who may have touched the door from the time the stuff got deposited on it to the time Mr S, his daughter left the house. Only someone knowing accurately Mr S’s plans for the day could have executed it, no?
Malfleur @ March 29th, 2018 – 03:59
Sadly, Malfleur, too late for the barbarian.
It’s unlikely a football match will break out:
I suggested, earlier, that somebody should write a science fiction Thriller about Artificial Intelligence being the force that is working towards establishing the New World Order.
I think that part of the theme should be that to prevent Humans putting up any resistance, Artificial Intelligence is brainwashing them.
How? By filling their heads with Artificial Stupidity.
Does that sound frighteningly plausible?
The news that may excite you:
The gadget the barbarian uses for blogging got attacked, Baron was trying to reach the Greig Murray site (also under continuous attack) when the screen went haywire, all sorts of messages appeared, all at once, accompanied by a screeching noise, truly unpleasant. The screen got locked. Fortunately, years ago, the barbarian was told to go for the ‘force quit’ button, which he did, the app closed, the gadget seems to be working OK, but who knows.
Just be careful, please.
What has happened to the Colonel and Frank, Baron’s been looking back at postings, can find nothing from either, Frank’s absence is understandable, but he should at least say ‘hi’, but what about the Colonel, why the silence?
Classic FM news bulletin at 15.00 hours today: Russian Foreign Office complained it’s been denied access to Julia S.
Classic FM news bulletin at 16.00 hours today: Julia Scripal is improving rapidly, can talk.
It’s only a day after a guest on the Sky News suggested both Mr. S and his daughter were in such poor condition their life support should be switched of.
Could anyone offer any idea why has it taken the Russian Foreign Office more than three weeks to request a consular access? Malfleur, you should have an answer, no?
Two questions that may never be answered:
The police are now saying, the two got hit after touching the handle of their entrance door. How can one explain that both Mr. S and his daughter could then walk to the Zizi outfit, eat, leave the diner, sit on park bench before the poison began to bite.
If the Novichok was such a killer how come Yulia has recovered, almost miraculously?
This may worth your reading even if it is from the Indy, focus on the comment below, some of them are priceless:
That’s why the American Armed Forces have to refurbish the gear they play with, it will not only bring them back to number 1 position in the world, it will also beef up the bottom line of the companies that make the stuff (most of them are still located within the Republic, unlike the consumer gadget making that got pushed offshore), it will also boost employment. That’s something the Donald’s getting right.
“ROBERT STEELE: Ron Paul instincts are good, Paul Ryan’s are not. This was a false flag. The individual allegedly poisoned by Russia:
a) was pardoned by a former President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev
b) was exchanged in an amicable spy swap in July 2010
c) was allegedly poisoned with a nerve agent so difficult to handle that the Russians themselves stopped processing it, and the last remaining source on the planet was only available in a Ukrainian factory decommissioned by MI-6 and the CIA. Had it actually been that nerve agent, they and others would have been killed instantly. This is a false flag operation and the UK government is not providing the actual facts of the case.
In a most interesting twist on the expulsion of 60 Russian intelligence officers, there are two stories circulating in retired intelligence circles:
First, that Trump and Putin agreed on the list of names, and Putin is a full partner in trimming down his presence with an emphasis on removing those suspected of disloyalty to Putin inclusive of secret members of Opus Dei, Knights of Malta, and the Freemasons.
Second, that a very deliberate subset of those expelled are known Zionist assets who will be dealt with most severely upon their return to Russia.
My bottom line: This “poisoning” was a false flag operation, a deliberate provocation intended to poison (pun intended) the deepening personal presidential-level relationship between President Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin. When the time is right, the USA needs to withdraw from NATO, close all of its military bases overseas, radically reduce all CIA Stations world-wide, end funding for dictators and GLADIO and rogue private military corporations…..”
Herbert Thornton – Yesterday @ 18:18
Artificial Stupidity
CIA Director William Casey, February 1981:
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
30,000 March for Trump in Birmingham
Artificial Stupidity #2
I see that a review is going to take place to look into somebody or something (whatever they or it is) and that it will include looking into whether other persons or things need to be looked into and if so how to look into them and, presumably, what to look for, should that look necessary.
Or something like that? –
Sean Hannity interviews the FBI informant in the Uranium One scandal, William Douglas Campbell. This starts at about 34 minutes in at the following link:
Drain the swamps!
Herbert Thornton @ 5:08
Hannity treats that topic earlier in the link given in my previous post.
…and subsequent to that short interview with Mr. Campbell, when Hannity talks briefly to the Fox Washington DC correspondent, Ed Henry.
As a responsible expat, I try to keep abreast of the quality of prominent politicians who my compatriots whom I left behind have elected to the House of Commons; some good, like Moggy and some not so good. See the following link for a profile of Diane Abbott…. I think this lady may have been the subject of comment on the Wall last year; I am just catching up:
Baron 2111
Or Flounce
Referring to CM
PS It is beginning to look like March 2018 has been abolished
“Attorney General Jeff Sessions revealed on Thursday that he had tapped a longtime federal prosecutor to help investigate FBI decisions in 2016, saying a new special counsel was not yet needed to look into GOP criticism about the bureau’s handling of investigations into Hillary Clinton and the Trump campaign….”
Trump wants ‘out’ of Syria ‘very soon,’ contradicting top officials
Tommy Robinson talks to RT about free speech
teleturd @06:40
You know full well that is not the case. You know that Colonel Mustard has been posting elsewhere as you have been stalking him using one of your shapeshifting transgendered alter egos.
Baron – 19:24
Patients and patience, Baron!
Herbert Thornton, March 29th, 2018 – 18:18
Soaps, Reality TV, & Sleb culture is the opiate of the western masses.
That was an excellent reveal (above somewhere) about Mrs Rod Rosenstein – the disappearing Lisa Barsoomian.
Salisbury poisoning – a new theory.
Could it have been some organisation testing a revised version of a poison and using the Skripals as Guinea Pigs?
Noa’s gentle attempt to have a say receives not an unexpected bollocking from the professional hater Boot, it mazes that our regular contributor hasn’t yet wised up to a simple truth, Boot, having been bred under the Soviet thugs, is just like them, a bully who can never accept that views other than his may be expressed, or even exist. If the verbal vomit machine were in charge in Russia, gulags would be the only real estate the Russians would inhabit with Noa gracefully allowed to join them.
March 30th, 2018 – 15:20
Re the Opiate of the masses.
Marx wasn’t the first, by a long way, to recognise the fact that the masses can be made addicted to trivial and thoughtless ways of life.
Didn’t the ancient Roman governing class also recognise it when they said that the key to controlling the mass of the people was to ensure that were supplied with Bread and Circuses?
Plus ca change ……
Herbert Thornton @ March 30th, 2018 – 17:00
This suggestion of yours, Herbert, adds to the list of of over 20 possibilities that one can get reading eastern blogs or watching TV broadcast there. The debate is lively, the vast majority rejects the offer of the saintly One, but some go wild e.g.
Theresa May helped orchestrate the attack because she is a friend of CIA director Gina Haspel (Zvezda), it was an attempted suicide, an accidental overdose, it was due to accidental exposure from Britain’s Porton Down research facility (Russia 24 TV channel), the Porton Down lab carried out illicit human testing and is lying about not producing Novichok, terrorists did it, Skripal was a chemical weapons smuggler ….
At World at One today, Mardell presiding, had a short item on the miraculous recovery of Yulia, an expert got few minutes to say that ‘yes, it’s possible to recover from an attack by a nerve agent (the name Novichok wasn’t mentioned), cases of such recovery are known (he did’t offer any though), then prompted by the man in the chair he went on to explain what’s involved in the poisoning and the antidotes.
Not a word about why the poison took hours to bite, nobody but the Skripals got hit, how come the recovery was so sudden (only a day before the suggestion was her life support will be switched of). Amazingly informative, and so to the points of interest.
Btw, despite heavy pressure Israel refused to expel any Russian ‘spies’.
This is only for the connoisseurs of the issue, but the piece is persuasive and well written:
The guy’s right, the influx of immigrants did result in a boost of drug abuse in the Republic, he’s also right that tightening of prescription drugs pushed people into illegal drugs, as well as that getting border policing sorted out will cut drug abuse and deaths from it.
What he’s missing is what those demanding tighter gun controls don’t get. It’s the reason why people resort to drugs, prescription or illegal. What is the malady that has been pushing more and more people to take drugs? If people were happy, content, without fear of the future would they look for drugs?
The boil that inflicts the American unwashed in such number won’t be cured whatever the Republic does either on border control, harsher penalties for drug distribution or whatever.
Malfleur @ March 30th, 2018 – 07:41
What the Donald says about foreign policy is listened to about as much as what you or the barbarian says about it, the US foreign policy hasn’t changed for the last fifty or so years, it’s the ‘siloviki’ in the Pentagon and State department who run it.
Malfleur @ March 30th, 2018 – 07:36
Whatever site Jeff is on, it certainly isn’t the site of the law, Malfleur, there’s no evidence that the Russians influenced the US election to any measurable degree, if the Clinton woman won there would have been no Special Prosecutor, but there’s enough evidence of the Security Services’ involvement on behalf of the Dems, no?
Not a bad summary of the show so far:
March 30th – 23:33
Non sequitur. The fact that Mr. Trump may not be listened to (also highly arguable) does not mean that US foreign policy has not changed for fifty years. It is changing before our eyes. See also 11.11 or, as Q says, the future proves the past.
Footnote: ‘Siloviki’ – isn’t that some kind of sour cream and something rolled up in thin unleavened bread? I dunno.
The Opium of the People
“Religion used to be the opium of the people. To those suffering humiliation, pain, illness, and serfdom, religion promised the reward of an after life. But now, we are witnessing a transformation, a true opium of the people is the belief in nothingness after death, the huge solace, the huge comfort of thinking that for our betrayals, our greed, our cowardice, our murders, we are not going to be judged.”
― Czesław Miłosz
And while we’re on Milosz, for those taking swipes at expats for being ex patria:
“Language is the only homeland.”
Baron, 2018 – 23:37
And while on language, “side”, Baron, “side”.
“Have you totally lost your minds, ladies & gentlemen from the Downing Street?”
Malfleur @01:12
Czesław Miłosz no doubt enjoys great esteem but I think his description of the modern “true opium of the people” is misplaced. It feels (to me) more like a description of the true opium of many modern intellectuals.
“Silovki” does have a ring of sour cream about it, but I think it’s used for people like Human Rights and Political Correctness enforcers and snoopers including the modern British Police.
Milosz in identifying what he names as “the true opium of the people” is, I believe, commenting ironically on “the benefits” of a world without religion. Marx wrote, in part:
“Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. “
Silovki: if so, Herbert Thornton, perhaps we can work to introduce the word more widely into the English language.
GOLD STANDARD BILL:3/22/18 –H.R.5404 – To define the [United States] dollar as a fixed weight of gold.
March 31st, 2018 – 03:39
English certainly needs a suitable word.
I wonder if “Plugs” (short for “Police Thugs”) might catch on?
“Careful mate – the Plugs hang around here a lot”.
Herbert Thornton
I wonder how ‘siloki’ translates and what is the root of the word? Perhaps Baron can provide the etymology which might provide a pointer to an English counterpart. ‘Plugs’ will do in the meantime.
Steve Smith ; Australian cricket captain…….
“You do well my son , to cry like a woman for what you couldn’t defend like a man”
The mother of the last Emir of Granada.
Melanie Phillips writes:
“Many progressive Jews believe that “anti-globalists” pose a mortal threat to human rights, peace and justice and that their attachment to “national identity” threatens the Jewish people. Read me here on why these liberal globalists couldn’t be more wrong.”
The trouble with opiates, no matter who feeds them to you, is that they tend to make one constipated.
Malfleur – 01:26
Now now, Malfleur, I’m certain that all those side swipers are either only having a bit of fun or are really jealous.
The English language is being destroyed on a daily basis by the burgeoning number of foreigners who think they can speak it (international engrish). Anyone who has wrestled with a foreign call centre (eg Manilla, Croydon or Bradford) will confirm that they seem to be incapable of understanding anyone who doesn’t speak a limited vocabulary in the same stupid accent/patois as they do. (Also don’t forget the French in this regard. FUCK the French!)
Also, in what used to be England, English language and English history has not been taught for decades. Unrestricted mass immigration has accelerated the decline.
Malfleur @ March 31st, 2018 – 01:29
Deep and more the deepest apology, Malfleur, and no excuse for it except for the poor education of the poorly educate d Slav.
(no time for nayhting else, now)
Herbert Thornton – 04:42
I wonder if “Plugs” (short for “Police Thugs”) might catch on?
“Careful mate – the Plugs hang around here a lot”.
Brilliant! Here’s a case of someone who got “Plugged” with eight slugs to illustrate your point…
Mind you, the British police are no strangers to “accidental” extrajudicial killings either.
Thank you for the Boot update. I hadn’t checked his blog and having done so. I’ve replied to his ‘polemic’.
Like the teleturd, the fellow has become a monomanic, hysterical, boorish boor.
Radford NG March 31st, 2018 – 06:17
I’m damned if I understand how applying a piece of yellow tape to a cricket ball adds supernatural aeronautical characteristics to its flight, or to its pre or post impact trajectory. In my school cricketing days we were extremely lucky to have a spherical ball, and would have used the tape to repair the torn ones.
As for crybaby Smith, what a f**k**g big girls blouse!
Time to tell them to keep the Ashes.
Baron, March 30th, 2018 – 17:20
Noa – 11:23
My, my, you have been having fun 🙂
It all went thru DEFCON Level 5 to Level 0 in record time!
Being of a religious bent I was surprised that Mr. Boot didn’t employ the more genteel English construct of “Go forth and multiply with thyself,” but there again he isn’t.
I was also surprised that you’d been allowed back on this morning to contradict Corporal Jones on the subject of School Milk when someone else (not me) was barred from the blog a few months back for the sin of posting responses that were too Delphic.
If I read of your untimely demise in the Lancashire Telegraph in the coming months then I’ll suspect that codename: “Mr. Big” sent round his top enforcer codename: “Bishop of Bath & Wells” to whack you.
By coincidence, and on the other foot, I had lunch in “The Boot & Shoe” the other day. Very nice.
From the BBC:
“A request by the Russian Embassy to visit Yulia Skripal in hospital is being considered by the UK government.
“The UK holds Russia responsible for the poisoning of Ms Skripal and her father, ex-spy Sergei Skripal, by a nerve agent in Salisbury on 4 March.
“The Russian Embassy in London says it “insists on the right to see” Ms Skripal, who is a Russian citizen. The rights and wishes of Ms Skripal will be taken into account, the UK said.
“The Foreign Office said it would consider Russia’s request in line with its obligations under international and domestic law. The BBC understands Ms Skripal, 33, is now conscious and talking.”
Personally I wouldn’t give much for Ms Skripal’s chances of recovery if the Russians get anywhere near her, especially if she is now “talking”. A ring of SAS men around her bed would be a good idea.
Whacking as an alternative career path was much the theme of my latest, “nuanced” response to the former Muscovite.
Given the sledging levels he’s achieving I he must be preparing his job application for the vacancy Steve Smiths departure has created.
Fortunately we recently moved the privy indoors so I don’t expect to be pokered one frosty Spring evening. However Album’s oil on the Izal would be a particularly cruel alternative to Home made Novochuk….
Erm Albus oil not ‘album’.
A lot of information about Silovik (силови́к) can be found here –
It’s more and more rare to see rational and balanced comment in our newspapers but trawling the Internet about the word ‘Siloviki’ led me to the Christian Science Monitor, where I found this. It seems to me to be well worth reading –
EC 1511 30th
Frit without FP to hold his hand
Not because of your politics, but because of your character, a lower, lesser man than you would be difficult indeed to find someone. You aren’t fit to lick the soles of either man’s shoes.
Noa – 17:11
Noa – 15:50
“Albus oil on the Izal”
Aaargh. That’s real cutting edge Assassins’ Guild stuff, maestro!
I think that Cluedo is badly in need of an update.
Mr.Boot let his mask drop about a year ago when he wrote of a recently deceased person that they had had a “wasted life”. A person who he didn’t know, had never met and about whom knew the SQRT(FA). A not a very nice, mean spirited, breathtakingly arrogant, but definitely a not very English thing to say – not whilst the corpse was still warm – was it…
Mr B. writes, “I was one of the dissenters at a time when your idol Hitchens was still an overt, rather than just typological, communist. But that’s neither here nor there.”
“During the leadership of General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, psychiatry was used to disable and remove from society political opponents (“dissidents”) who openly expressed beliefs that contradicted the official dogma. The term “philosophical intoxication”, for instance, was widely applied to the mental disorders diagnosed when people disagreed with the country’s Communist leaders”
Fast forward to today and our fugitive emigre is claiming that Peter Hitchens and dissenters on his blog either have mental health issues and are in need of “sedating.”
I’m afraid its a question of “there now here” rather than “neither here nor there!”
I rarely visit.
An excellent, inciteful exposition.
The French deserve to host him full time.
I won’t be going back to endure his sentenious, turgid prose.
Herbert Thornton @ March 31st, 2018 – 16:46
You right, Herbert, the piece isn’t bad, indirectly it tells you that oppositional voices in Russia do exist, not everyone who is critical of Putin is got rid of.
Three key power pyramids are manoeuvring for power, have been since Putin took charge, or at least for the chance to influence power: the people (contrary to what the MSM here says, or perhaps doesn’t say, people yield considerable power, they helped to sack governors they didn’t like, the one in Kamerovo, that’s the region of the burnt down shopping centre, may be next to go), the siloviki that includes not just the armed forces and security services, but others civil service arms, too, the Treasury and the Foreign Office amongst them, and the oligarchs, whose major weapon is the jobs they provide. So far, Putin has been able to keep all three in check, this presidential term is his last, some manoeuvring to replace him must be taking place already, hence the muted response to the Salisbury poisoning.
Have you noticed the French judiciary are chasing Sarko? No such move against the ghastly Bliar here, yet wasn’t he also kissing the Colonel when he was in power?
EC @ March 31st, 2018 – 19:46
Excellent point, EC, when never forgets what one learns when young, it seems.
That’s not to say contemporary Russia has no boils and warts, on the contrary, plenty to improve upon. Two points remain, however, (1) the living conditions for the Russian unwashed are immeasurably better than at any time before, and (2) we don’t live in Russia, we should leave them to sort things themselves.
One hopes the two are dealt with by the Syrian regime rather than brought back to the UK, vile and despicable creatures. Complaining about the loss of British citizenship, arghhh.
Two down, three million to go.
Baron has googled for it, found nothing in the Anglo-Saxon world, but one Russian source – see below – says that five Welsh footballers have asked for Russian citizenship, want to play for Russia in the Cup. Allegedly, Gareth Bale wrote personally to Putin asking for a citizenship, and a Russian passport.
This seems like a silly piece of fake news, no?
Who’s to blink first?
One hopes the diplomats prevail, the last thing we need is a violent spat between the two NATO members, it may spill over, involve other players in the region e.g. Russia, Iran or Iraq, and Europe isn’t that far from the place and cannot take another tsunami of refugees.
And the last one before you turn in:
What’s the difference between Putin and Clinton? Putin can win an election rigged in his favour, he, he, he.
Baron @ March 31st, 2018 – 23:51
It was already April 1 in Russia when the story appeared, arghhh.
H.R.5404 – To define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold.
As far as Baron can see not a word of the Skripal tragedy in the MSM – the papers, radio or TV are free of it – the case is closed for them, the great Mark got it spot on, it’s the process that does the harm, the outcome’s neither here or there.
Still, one has to tip one’s trilby to the saintly One, the security services, everyone involved, Baron does, they have outsmarted Vlad scoring top points whilst he is beginning to recover from the shock only now – see the link.
Given there are over 300,000 Russians here, there must be scores of them reporting back to Russia, yet they all missed it. That’s a coup worth celebrating provided they can keep a lid on the questions that the solving of the tragedy may raise.
Malfleur @ April 1st, 2018 – 01:06
Apart from the heading there’s nothing on the site, Malfleur, the man who’s behind it, Mr. Alex Moony, doesn’t appear too bright, google him.
Unless the greenback can be converted into gold, not by individuals but sovereign states, backing the paper currency with gold does nothing, no?
Herbert Thornton @ March 31st, 2018 – 16:46
The power pyramid of the unwashed has scored again, Herbert, the governor of the region where the shopping centre burnt down is gone, he’s resigned before getting the sack, was supposed to be close to Putin (but then if you listen to (say) the Rain TV every governor’s close to him.
The saintly One should send a bill to Vlad asking him to compensate the Salisbury shopkeepers for the loss of trade, that will anger him more than the expulsion of useless diplomats.
The joke – the difference between Vlad and the Clinton woman – comes from the people’s cube, here’s their Full Monty on the Russian election, those who run the site are able to maintain reasonably good standard, smart guys.
Is anyone awake yet?
Baron – 00:37
“What’s the difference between Putin and Clinton? Putin can win an election rigged in his favour!”
That’s really very witty!
Baron March 31st @ 1:06
Baron, you may not be familiar with the mechanics of legislating new laws in a democracy, but 5404 is a bill which was referred to the House of Representatives on 22nd March and Mr. Mooney sponsored the bill i.e brought it forward. Whether he is intelligent or not is really neither here nor there. Have you heard anything about this bill in the dinosaur media…?.
The new dollar is unlikely to be issued by the group of private bankers known as the Federal Reserve Bank, but most likely by the United States Treasury. The target, or one of them, of the Trump administration is the Federal Reserve Bank (so called). Why did president Trump hang a portrait of president Andrew Jackson on the wall in the White House and have himself photographed in front of it on numerous occasions? You should understand this move in Congress in that context. It is therefore not without significance….
See also this interview with London Paul on X22 Spotlight on March 31st dealing with the new petroyuan and related matters:
Russia’s Questions on the Skripal Affair
Why has Russia been denied the right of consular access to the two Russian citizens, who came to harm on British territory?
What specific antidotes and in what form were the victims injected with? How did such antidotes come into the possession of British doctors at the scene of the incident?
On what grounds was France involved in technical cooperation in the investigation of the incident, in which Russian citizens were injured?
Did the UK notify the OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) of France’s involvement in the investigation of the Salisbury incident?
What does France have to do with the incident, involving two Russian citizens in the UK?
What rules of UK procedural legislation allow for the involvement of a foreign state in an internal investigation?
What evidence was handed over to France to be studied and for the investigation to be conducted?
Were the French experts present during the sampling of biomaterial from Sergei and Yulia Skripal?
Was the study of biomaterials from Sergei and Yulia Skripal conducted by the French experts and, if so, in which specific laboratories?
Does the UK have the materials involved in the investigation carried out by France?
Have the results of the French investigation been presented to the OPCW Technical Secretariat?
Based on what attributes was the alleged “Russian origin” of the substance used in Salisbury established?
Does the UK have control samples of the chemical warfare agent, which British representatives refer to as “Novichok”?
Have the samples of a chemical warfare agent of the same type as “Novichok” (in accordance to British terminology) or its analogues been developed in the UK?
Additional Questions
On what basis did the UK government come to the conclusion that Novichok was used to poison the Skripals almost immediately after the incident whereas the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will need to analyse the agent for at least three weeks to reach a conclusion.
What precisely is the Scotland Yard investigation seeking to determine?
Has the identity of the individual or individuals responsible for the attack been determined?
Given the potency of Novichok why were UK citizens advised to clean potentially contaminated surfaces and personal items with e.g. baby wipes?
Why are there such inconsistencies in the UK media in terms of their reporting of the facts surrounding the poisoning of the Skripals?
Would you concede that it is perfectly feasible for any nation or individual to acquire or manufacture a nerve agent?
Can the UK government provide categorical assurances that Porton Down have established that the agent used was produced in Russia?
Can you clarify precisely what the statement that the poison used was “a military grade nerve agent of a type developed by Russia” means?
Why has the UK government consistently refused to cooperate with the Russian government with respect to the Skripals?
Given the OPCW confirmed that Russia has destroyed all its chemical weapons, at what point did the UK government inform the OPCW that they were in possession of intelligence which refuted that statementt made by the OPCW?
Can you confirm whether or not there was any direct or indirect connection between Sergei Skripal and Christopher Steele?
Why would Russia grant Yulia Skripal a visa to come to the UK and then allegedly be involved in the attempted killing of her on UK soil?
Please can you clarify why it appears that a Consultant in Emergency Medicine at Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust stated in a newspaper article that “no patients have experienced nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury and there have only ever been three patients with significant poisoning.”?
How can the UK government make accusations against the Russian state whilst failing to provide the evidence to support their claims to Moscow?
The Pearls before Swine comic strip in this morning’s newspaper struck me as something you may enjoy as much as I did –
This Youtube item may appeal to Baron. I didn’t see or hear any reference to Salisbury, but it has one page that refers to “Poison” and another that refers to “a minor swell of violins”. (Think Skripal and Skripka).
Thanks, Herbert, a clever association of the two words, but the song’s too melancholic for the barbarian.
The name Skripal is not uncommon as a surname in Czecho, it would have an accent on the letter ‘r’ and translates as ‘a screecher’. The guy’s ethnicity is Ukrainian, as you probably know.
Malfleur @ April 1st, 2018 – 15:51
You reckon they’ll bother to answer, Malfleur? Hmmm
No, but failure to reply raises the probability of inability to reply in a way that would be consistent with the British government’s position. The questions themselves contain a suggestion of British hanky-panky. Are the prime minister and the foreign secretary someone’s “useful idiots” in this matter and, if so, whose?
For those interested, Caligula’s site has just been updated by a swath of articles for the month of March:
It seems nobody but nobody can communicate with Yulia, not even close relatives. The hospital wouldn’t allow it. Not really a behaviour the British are famous for.
‘“Staggering Boost” given to US-Russia relations”
‘”An astounding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today detailing its meeting yesterday reveals that President Putin has “agreed with the consensus” to expel 59 more foreign diplomats from 23 different countries in addition to the 150 expelled on Thursday over the “UK Poisoning Charade”—but whose most startling revelation is the “staggering boost” given to US-Russia relations after President Donald Trump said Moscow could begin immediately replacing the 60 Russian diplomats he had just expelled from the United States—and that comes in the aftermath of new evidence showing that the American shadow government “Deep State” plot for global domination is nearing its death. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]”
A traditional Easter Bank Holiday Monday: Temp 4C with driving rain and sleet all day.
Global Warming, My Arse!
A question about the labels –
New World Order,
Common Purpose,
Deep State, and
Whatever others are used.
What do the labels actually mean? I think most of us believe that they refer to power-hungry, malevolent and often depraved groups, classes or sections in western civilisations who are very influential and share very similar ambitions but who, at the same time are very shadowy and avoid openly forming any sort of frank, clear, and formal associations consisting of themselves. Rather, they have avoided detection by infiltrating existing governmental organisations and institutions.
What can be done to thwart them and their malevolent, self-aggrandizing, unspoken conspiracy to step by step destroy western civilisation and, seize and invest themselves with universal, tyrannical and very depraved power. Power moreover not only over the entire western population but over an entire, brainwashed world? A conspiracy of such foolish Hubris that it may drag us into a catastrophic nuclear war?
Democracy obviously does not have an answer. It has failed. They have already cut its throat. It is bleeding and is quietly dying, if not already dead. Depravity, foolishness, triviality, stupidity and brainwashing of the population on the other hand are all flourishing.
More and more, it seems to me, that now that Democracy has been taken from us we desperately need something better to replace our current systems. We need (for lack of a better description) a kind of non-violent coups d’etat that put someone like President Xi Jinping or President Putin in power. At least, their governments actually work and are, on the whole, benevolent rather than depraved.
We obviously don’t want a Stalin or Hitler or, heaven help us, an insanely murderous Pol Pot.
Portugal before Dr. Salazar was in a very bad condition. Perhaps Portugal’s example of turning to Dr. Salazar is something to consider? Who, as Malfleur keeps recommending, would actually Drain the Swamp.
Herbert Thornton
Democracy in my view cannot yet be said to have failed to defeat the globalists and has at least one answer to your question “What can be done to thwart them….?”, namely the Executive Order signed by President Trump on December 21st 2017:
Why, if judiciously applied, this EO might even garner sufficient funds to pay off the US national debt (US$21.1 trillion) as well as paralysing major globalists!
“The Move To Remove The Central Bank And Reset The Economic System Is A Go”
April 3rd, 2018 – 01:17
All I can say to that is that you are more optimistic than I am and that I hope it’s you who is right.
Herbert Thornton
Well, at least perhaps we can agree to say: GAME ON!
Herbert Thornton, April 2nd, 2018 – 19:42
Portugal after Dr. Salazar was in pretty bad condition too. Even to this day, despite decades of munificence from Brussels, it is still in pretty bad shape. Then as now, motoring around the Iberian peninsular it difficult not to notice the marked difference in prosperity when one crosses the border from Spain into Portugal. Where have all the billions of Euros in EU handouts gone?
“The long march by socialism through the institutions is now complete and Britain is doomed.” Discuss.
April 3rd, 2018 – 10:17
If you are saying that Portugal under Salazar was no better than it had been before I think that is a mistake. Salazar actually rescued Portugal.
Portugal’s present condition, it seems to me, illustrates rather what has happened to it after after Salazar ceased to hold power and Portugal was returned to Democracy.
I do not dispute your saying that Spain was and is better off.
If you are implying that General Franco did a better job I think you raise a have a worthwhile point.
Also, looking at the bigger picture of the present time, your question asking where all the billions in EU handouts to Portugal have gone vividly illustrates not just what is wrong with Democracy in Portugal but also what is wrong with the E.U. does it not?
April 3rd, 2018 – 15:3
You began by writing this – ““The long march by socialism through the institutions is now complete and Britain is doomed.”
I agree, but would word it differently – ““The long march by socialist materialism through the institutions combined with the complete abandonment of existing social and moral standards is now complete and Britain is doomed.”
Perhaps we can add to that discussion –
“…and moreover, all those things that Britain is doing wrong, China and Russia are getting right.”?
This should please you, it furnishes the icing to the news of London beating NY in the crime race, a real journalism that, but one cannot but admire the thieves, they are focused, quick, and all in all support the i-phone manufacture because people deprived of their phones will get another one.
Pity Frank isn’t around, he would have had something to say about Dick who runs London policing today.
You are right, what can one possibly say about Cressida Dick? other than the woman is a complete prick.
Baron – 17:58
Time for the Met to up the ante!
Herbert Thornton – 16:26
My very vague memories I have of this man in the news were programmed into me as teenager by the BBC when I had no reason to distrust it as I do now. Similarly with General Franco. Perhaps I should now read up on both of them if I get the time.
It seems the Porton Down boys are distancing themselves from the take on Salisbury atrocity pushed by the saintly One and the Blonde Inseminator before the experts from the OPCW tell us the stuff wasn’t made in Russia but possibly closer to home.
You may like to pay a visit to Craig Murray’s site, the guy’s a hero.
Herbert Thornton April 3rd, 2018 – 17:46
Of course we can expand the question as we wish.
Will it change the answer? Sadly I doubt it.
“Guilty until proven innocent” remains the default position of HM Custabulary.
Says Cressida Dick:
‘It is very important to victims to feel that they are going to be believed,’ she told the Times.
‘Our default position is we are, of course, likely to believe you but we are investigators and we have to investigate.’
April 3rd, 2018 – 19:37
Sadly, I think I’m just as sad as you are. It makes me wonder where I would want to flee to if Canada continues on the same downward path.
I incline to choose Australia (or just, maybe, New Zealand) as the only decent, English-speaking countries left. One of the comforts of being 88 is that I can really mean it when I say “Thank God I shall not live to see it.”
In the swirling fog of information and misinformation surrounding the Salisbury affair combined with the various mirrors reflecting it all here and there one interesting titbit concerns Boris Johnson telling (or so it’s alleged) Parliament that he was told by a person at Portham Down that there was “no doubt that the poison used came from Russia” whereas the COE of Portham Down has denied that Portham Down believed that.
OOPS – I pressed the send key prematurely. My post was intended to continue – “…or so it is alleged by some people in Russia.” And I hadn’t checked my spelling either so it seems “Portham” should have been “Porton”.
My main intention was to point out that even if the CEO of Porton Down now says one thing it in no way proves that another person at Porton had not earlier told Boris something different and that therefore Boris misled Parliament.
My own conclusion – as I peer bemusedly into the fog – is that I very much hesitate to think ill of Boris.
April, Arrests, A Very Big Month – Trust the Plan
At 14:50 minutes into this link there is an interesting suggestion that the authenticity of QAnon was confirmed in a recent speech by president Trump himself. The piece also has interesting things to say about the possibility of “draining the swamp” and the “you can’t touch me” mindset of the swamp creatures…
H.R.5404 – To define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold.
Here are 5 minutes + of reflection on the Bill in the US Congress
Section 2. (2) of the Bill is particularly noteworthy. The new dollar would presumably be issued by the US Treasury. The Federal Reserve Banks do not, that I know of, hold any great quantity of gold. They would not therefore be able to comply with Section 2. (2) and the American fiat currency would immediately become worthless and the Fed would effectively abolish itself. Section 1 – FINDINGS prepares the political ground for an attack on the Federal Reserve System.
Effective 30 months after the date of enactment of this Act—
(1) the Secretary of the Treasury … shall define the dollar in terms of a fixed weight of gold, based on that day’s closing market price of gold; and
(2) Federal Reserve Banks shall make Federal Reserve notes exchangeable with gold at the statutory gold definition of the dollar.
In 2014, much fun was had with this concept:
When Lord Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown in 1781 and the British Army stacked arms before the victors, their band played the then popular tune “The World Turned Upside Down”.
The world of 2018 is no longer the world of 2014.
Noa, April 3rd, 2018 – 15:35 & Herbert Thornton et seq.
With the global population pushing past 7.5 billion on towards eight I say that the whole planet is pretty much doomed! The burgeoning population is simply not sustainable. Forget the CO2 scam, the pollution, poisoning and destruction of the biosphere will get to us long before we choke on CO2.
Time to retreat behind our castle walls, prepare to repel invaders, and thank “Almighty Bob” (©Douglas Adams?) or whatever or whoever we believe in that we had to best of it?
Herbert Thornton – 20:49
Will Canada survive the infant Justin Trudeau? His election was a symptom demise and not the cause, no?
Prof. Jordan Peterson’s depressingly accurate analysis of your PM.
I’m afraid that Australia is not far behind the UK in its descent into PC madness. There is no shortage of corrupt politicians at state and federal level willing to sell their heritage for a pile of cash.
Tasmania and New Zealand are the new property buying destinations of choice for the global elites. They are preparing refuges from the shitholes that their home countries are rapidly becoming – thanks to open borders and hostile migrants and cultural rapists that they keep telling us are good for us!
Social Media:
Chickens coming home to roost… Yup, it’s fibrillating sphincters time in the corridors of cyber power in Silicon Valley!
Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Wojcicki, and Pichai will no doubt be trebling the armed guards behind the walls of their mansions whilst espousing open borders, repeal of the 2A and disarming the rest of their fellowing citizens.
Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Google – the political wings of the Democratic party.
File under: “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned…” etc.
Fraser Nelson still vigorously supporting The Lady Macbeth of Maidstone (Teresa May)
in her claims against Russia.
I can’t answer any of this as ,whilst I get all the articles free to view (with-out paying extra), the comments column doesn’t appear whether I log-in or not.
Baron thinks he has problems with moles in East Anglia.He should see what they have in West Virginia. 2018/03/the-planet-of-the-skunks/
Radford NG – 12:26
Regardless of the rights and wrongs of any establishment matter it’s nothing less than what one would expect from Fraser “Never Neather” Nelson, is it?
Radford NG
Is it just Peregrines, Raptors or birds in general that you like?
Easter Egg hunt in Florida…
Oh, how I could do with some of that sunshine and those blue skies!
Radford NG 1226
“I can’t answer any of this as ,whilst I get all the articles free to view (with-out paying extra), the comments column doesn’t appear whether I log-in or not”
That happened to me:
The problem is probably that your subscriber number is not in the required field
Click on My Account-
Then scroll down to Link my account and put in your number – on your magazine address slip-
Failing that ring them
O330 333 0050
April 4th, 2018 – 10:11
It’s about 25 years since I last visited Australia, so (with much regret) I defer to you on what it’s like there now.
I clicked onto Prof. Jordan Peterson’s analysis of Justin Trudeau. It is, as you say, depressingly accurate.
By coincidence, this piece in today’s National Post about one of the Trudeau government’s legislative programs is a further illustration of level of shallowness and triviality that now reigns in Ottawa. –
I just popped over to the fugitive Russian emigre’s blog to see what the latest snapshot core dump from the great man’s brain is…
I couldn’t help but notice that he’s been doing a spot of “tidying up with regard to last week’s spat with Noa. However, at the time of writing this, he hasn’t done a very thorough job. 🙂 ALL Noa’s comments and the link to Peter Hitchens are GONE, as are most of Mr B’s ad hominems, yet two orphans remain!
So we can add rewriting history to Mr B’s list of retained Soviet Practices mentioned above. YCMIU!
To illustrate this, I was fortunate enough to come across a photograph of Alex & Noa pictured together when they were friends. However, you’ll notice in the latest version of the photo that Noa has been airbrushed out!
( & with apologies to Noa)
EC @ April 4th, 2018 – 17:14
Nice one, EC, made the barbarian chuckle.
Herbert Thornton @ April 4th, 2018 – 17:04
The whole piece produced a result similar to EC’s posting at 17.14 but for different reason. We need grounding, and we will get one.
This is one of the bits the barbarian cannot memorise and repeat, and not because of his age:
“But under new federal legislation tabled in February, the scope of impact assessments is being broadened well beyond fauna, requiring project proponents to take into account “the intersection of sex and gender with other identity factors.”
Radford NG @ April 4th, 2018 – 12:48
Everything’s relative in this world, Radford, but thankfully these creatures that stink malodorously are absent from the garden (as are the moles, all departed now).
Bloody rabbits are the nuisance now, they dig holes, many holes. Any idea anyone?
Radford NG @ April 4th, 2018 – 12:26
‘Who done it’ we’ll probably never learn, Radford, but what worries the barbarian most (apart from the danger of nudging closer to a nasty conflict with missiles flying around) is the way it’s being handled. Even the Nazis got their due process, and they behaved more dastardly than the one in the Kremlin. The barbarian would have never imagined a behaviour of this kind, and from Tories at that, will arrive in Britain.
If the cumryd plays his cards right he’ll cream it in the forthcoming local elections, which is a bigger disaster than what happened to a double agent (not his daughter though). Madness.
Malfleur @ April 4th, 2018 – 03:41
We/ve heard this before, haven’t we, Malfleur? It’s like the second coming, it keeps coming.
EC @ April 4th, 2018 – 10:11
Peterson’s an amazing guy, EC, we need someone like him here, his take on the Canadian boy ‘he hasn’t grown up’ applies to many of the upcoming generation, that’s why they voted him in.
EC @ April 4th, 2018 – 09:45
You quite right, we haven’t had it that bad, EC, but what to expect in the days that come?
‘We were born during the war, will die during the war’, is what the boss keeps saying. Baron hopes she’s wrong there, but who can say who’s right, who’s wrong?
For those who can bear it, two clips:
The first one is an interview with the father of Litvinenko. Baron doesn’t watch the RT, the clip was sent to him from the Republic by an American friend who hates the Deep State as much as the omni-all one hates Russia (his current obsession is the 2nd amendment, this is a diversion from it because of the Scribal case). Litvinenko senior lived in Britain, left the country after his son’s death. The girl talking to him has an annoying habit of interrupting, but what surprised the barbarian is the doctor’s insistence that it wasn’t the two Russians accused of his murder who harmed him. the barbarian wasn’t aware of it.
The other clip is short, it’s the leader of the Liberal party of Russia, the party polled close to 10% in the last presidential election. Here, he behaves what is for him a state of normalcy, on other occasions he gets more excited. If you think that his take on Britain is exceptional, think again. This is what Russia is likely to get when Vlad’s gone. But perhaps this is what the Russia haters here want.
Baron @ April 3rd, 2018 – 19:23
Why is this posting in moderation? Does it appear on your screens?
HR 5404 – Update
My latest gleaning from Operation Disclosure is as follows:
“…5. Note that the USD is already gold-backed and is listed under the new financial system as “United States Note (USN)”.
6. The appearance of the HR5404 bill is a cover to legally implement the gold-standard for those unaware of happenings behind the scenes….”
Baron @ 00:53
Zhirinovsky’s tie knot and unbuttoned shirt collar fall a little short of requirements. A touch of the Dostoyevsky’s about him, no, Baron? Or may be a Russian Hamlet?
“O, what a noble mind is here o’erthrown!
The courtier’s, soldier’s, scholar’s, eye, tongue, sword,
Th’ expectation and rose of the fair state,
The glass of fashion and the mould of form,
Th’ observ’d of all observers, quite, quite down!”.
My guess would be that he is the once and future victim of a British nerve agent.
What we need to cultivate in our relations with Russia is Catherine and Potemkin’s love of English gardens.
April 5th, 2018 – 00:11
“….. under new federal legislation tabled in February, the scope of impact assessments is being broadened well beyond fauna, requiring project proponents to take into account “the intersection of sex and gender with other identity factors.”
No wonder you write – “Que?”
Here’s my shot at enlightening you.
It means that if somebody applies for a permit to build and operate a factory where, say, furniture or plastic toys or will be made, the assessment can consider –
1. whether the factory building will have separate toilets for different people of different sexual inclinations, or
2. whether management and other employees will be required to address each other by whatever forms of personal pronouns they choose for themselves, or
3. whether employees at the factory will include a required proportion of #metoo women.
4. How much accommodation will the factory provide for special kinds of gender and identity interaction?
That of course is only the start.
The exercise began on February 22 lasted three weeks, coincidence? For some reason, the MSM, the Government kept quiet about it, virtually nobody k new.
Good work. Salisbury Plain, huh…?
Major news agencies confirm reports made in 2013/2014 by Alex Jones’ Infowars on Stingray phone tracking network in the USA. First few minutes of Wednesday show:
Radford NG, April 4th, 2018 – 12:26
“Fraser Nelson still vigorously supporting The Lady Macbeth of Maidstone (Teresa May) in her claims against Russia.”
It must be a “Three Line Whip” for the media as far as pushing the government. narrative is concerned. BBC2 Newsnight was having a concerted pish (I meant push but on second thoughts pish is better) last night hosting a pow wow with some stooges to spin away the statement from the head boffin at Porton Down. They were ably assisted by the unquestioning Emily NoMates in black tights wearing a skirt riding up exposing vast areas of thigh – de rigueur for a teenager on a night out but somewhat courageous attire for a 50 year old married mother of two!
Apparently everything but the government narrative is either misinformation, conspiracy theory or fake news. Guys, you’ve been caught out lying so often in the past that “trust us” just won’t wash with a skeptical public anymore. PROVE your case with ACTUAL evidence and facts, not supposition and speculation!
April 5th – 00:25
These things take time Baron. The USA does not have a government which can act by fiat. There are exceptions to this of course such as the quiet creation of the gold backed United States Note in 2013 and the Executive Order signed by Mr. Trump on December 21st 2018.
Nonetheless foundations have been laid. There are now some 25,000 sealed indictments. See also the appointment by Attorney General Sessions of US Attorney for Utah John Huber and his remit.
Here’s what may have happened.
The Skripals get food poisoning (or overindulged on drugs) as they sit on the bench, some clever dick says ‘wait a minute, we have a chemical exercise going on, light doses of some nasty stuff at the ready’, they get the pair to the hospital, announce to the world it’s Novichok, the DS who appears on the scene first is the ‘spreader’ of the diluted version of the nasty substance, on the door handle, in few places in town, and the whole charade gets going. It fits the hospital doctor saying ‘we haven’t treated anyone for nerve gas, just poisoning’.
The samples for the Porton Down examination are faked, as are those for the OPCW team, but because they didn’t have any Novichok from Russia (Russia says it has never made any) neither the former (nor hopefully the latter) can identify it as of Russian origin. The Skripals recover as one would from poisoning from food, an overdose, too much alcohol.
Any buyers of it?
Btw, a suggestion on the net – Yulia was lent the phone from one of the hospital staff, she couldn’t use hers, it was taken from her, that’s why the MSM poodles are saying the call is fake. Who’s right then?
I was amused to see that Caligula had unpersonned me.
As I fisked his 2 posts in detail I might publish them here with my comments.
You can take the boot out of Soviet Russia, but you cant wipe the Soviet off the boot…
April 5th, 2018 – 00:53
One of the clouded mirrors in the fog swirling around Salisbury perchanced to momentarily show up this. (Not that I believe anything I read in the Telegraph any more than in the rest of the media.) –
To me, it looks like Russia, Britain and the US each has its own Swamp. Each Swamp is infested by own variety of malevolent Swamp Creatures and each is highly damaging to the country in which it exists (not to mention to the rest of the world).
I wonder if history will look back on our era and call it The Second Dark Age?
Herbert Thornton @ April 5th, 2018 – 22:17
Agreed, there are times when the Ruskies misbehave, Herbert, but here, in the Scribal case, Baron cannot swallow that the FSB is that incompetent, it smells of a provocative move from miles away. You’ll see.
Al Jazeera had a live broadcast from the UN Sec Council, the UK rep, a female, continued to claim that Porton Down confirmed the stuff was made in Russia, it was followed by the station’s correspondent who said exactly the same, the UK scientists examined the nerve gas, confirmed Russia was the country that made it it. Incredible.
And another thing:
The UK rep at the UN Sec Council didn’t use the word Novichok, but opted instead for ‘weapons of mass destruction’, this is rather unfortunate because of the WMD fiasco re Iraq.
This is well argued, furnishes a strong backing for the suggestion that the stuff couldn’t have been a military grade substance, if it were, the three would not be with us today.
On April 4th in post # 1021 Q appears to be taking aim at the Vatican and in particular at the Vatican Bank (established in 1942…).
April 5th – 19:23
Worth investigation….
Baron – ibid
“Edgewood’s entry for compound A-234 in the public database has been deleted.”
I read somewhere else a few days ago about A-234 with the comment that deleting an entry from a public data base of this kind was pretty much unprecedented.
April 5th, 2018 – 23:23
April 5th, 2018 – 23:23
I largely agree with you.
Also, what Walter Litvinenko had to say about the death of his son and about the character of Putin struck me as being sincere and truthful.
George Orwell’s 1984 and the New World Order – Part 1
George Orwell’s 1984 and the New World Order – Part 2
David Seaman: Sealed Indictments Now Unsealed — Take Down Imminent, It’s Over
Herbert Thornton, April 5th, 2018 – 22:17
“To me, it looks like Russia, Britain and the US each has its own Swamp. Each Swamp is infested by own variety of malevolent Swamp Creatures and each is highly damaging to the country in which it exists (not to mention to the rest of the world).
I wonder if history will look back on our era and call it The Second Dark Age?”
Spot on! That’s about as close to the truth as we are ever likely to get. The world of spookery is, as you say, enveloped in swirling mists. Only people who are actually “in the game” know what’s truly going on, and even then only the ghouls in the upper echelons truly know what the real game plan is.
I’ve know doubt that Mrs May is sincere in what she’s telling us based on what she’s been told. Most politicians are at their best, do least damage, when they say little and do nothing [preferably asleep! 🙂 ], and they are always at their most dangerous when they they are manipulated into knee jerk reactions out of a desire “to be seen to be doing something.”
Baron, April 5th, 2018 – 07:59 & April 5th, 2018 – 19:23
Could be a coincidence, but really? Doesn’t past the smell test.
& April 5th, 2018 – 19:23
Listening to the recording of the alleged telephone call, the conversation sounded a little arboreal – emotionless. Is the alleged nurse’s name now a state secret? Surely somebody somewhere must know who might be?
We’ll probably never find out if it’s a real person or not as I suspect that the whole hospital staff has been coerced into signing the Official Secrets Act – the only thing MI5 appears to be any good at.
Regarding the dead burglars family, no ones used the word pikeys yet in anything I’ve read.
“In Britain everything is policed except crime.”
Mark Steyn
April 6th, 2018 – 08:16
Thanks for your drawing attention to Parts 1 and 2 George Orwell’s 1984 and the New World Order.
The commentator doesn’t, so far as I recall, use the word brainwashing, but he does describe with frightening accuracy the absolute uniformity of thought and of news reporting that exists in virtually all our news media, so that no matter what the the great bulk of the population population read or listen to, they are compelled to think as it were – (somewhat like the Borg in Star Trek) – with similar mindsets.
This all reminds me of the fate of Conrad Black’s National Post in Canada. Under his ownership it was outstanding in it’s independence of thought.
It is difficult not to think that this independence was found intolerable and that that was what led to the closing down and virtual theft of it’s assets, and to the prosecution and profoundly unjust conviction and imprisonment of Conrad Black himself.
The National Post has now been largely turned into just another member of the Uniformity of News cabal. It has of course to be conceded it continues from time to time to publish pieces by Conrad Black himself, but to my mind that is merely cosmetic – to disguise the newspaper’s new nature.
April 6th, 2018 – 08:16
Pondering again what the presenter of Parts 1 and 2 George Orwell’s 1984 and the New World Order said, I am a bit surprised at the extent that he dwells on people like H.G. Wells and Bertrand Russell and the Clivedon Set and the deluded, cold-blooded pair Sidney and Beatrice Webb who put together the enormous, untruthful and sickening book called “Soviet Communism A New Civilisation”.
He gives the impression that the source and current epicentre of the New World Order plot is the British Swamp. I should have thought that if their diseased ideas did have their origin in Britain, they are now certainly endemic in the rest of the English speaking world and have spread beyond those places.
“London violence: Extra Met Police officers on patrol”
“London Mayor Sadiq Khan said police should opt for “intelligence-led” stop-and-search, if they suspect someone of carrying an offensive weapon.”
1. Yeah, Sadiq, it’s called common sense policing, or ‘profiling.’ But you stopped them doing that.
2. “Intelligence led?” The police are ideologically driven these days, and intelligence is as rare as rocking horse shit. Intelligence is weeded out at the recruitment stage prior to the Bramshill and Hendon brainwashing process
If anybody can stomach any more BBC BS then follow the link to…
“London killings: Why are they happening and what can be done?”
… and you’ll see it’s all Old Whitey’s fault yet again.
From the latest Operation Disclosure, posted 6th April:
“…6. Among those named in the over 20,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the US this last 15 months were members of the royal family, celebrities, politicians, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Clintons, Podestas, Obamas, George Soros.
7. The sealed indictments have been unsealed and arrests have begun…”.
“People are trying to drive us to war with Russia”.
April 7th, 2018 – 12:37
From the latest Operation Disclosure……”
Is this “Operation Disclosure” site responsible and serious?
A lot of the material on it strikes me as being – to put it mildly – unconvincing.
Only this since it seems that apart from Malfleur and Herbert the others have deserted us.
Read the piece from about the middle down (you can of course read the lot), i.e. the ‘debate’ part that contains the idea of the similarity of white fish food poisoning with that of Novichok symptoms. It fits the bill well, one is left only with explaining the traces of Novichok on the door handle, the car, on the cat’s fur that was allegedly burnt, the cat not just the fur.–food.html
Herbert Thornton
Like many things, I don’t know. On the matters connected with the “RV” and the “GCR”, personal experience suggests that they have the craic or, at least. are on the right track. On quasi-mystical topics, well….I scroll on by. My principle with new sites that I visit is wait and see if the future proves the past.
This is just over 3 minutes. Message is: it’s the Chinese, stupid!
April 8th, 2018 – 01:07
That message – from the same man who was seen in one of the other videos – is, to my mind, a long way from being persuasive, let alone convincing.
The hysterical level of hatred of Trump that pervades many circles in the U.S. makes me suspect that if there have been incidents of sabotage of helicopters used to transport the President or his family members, it is much more likely that those circles are responsible rather than the Chinese.
“Future Hate Speech as yet Unsaid.”
Marshal Roberts : Wed. 4 April at 14-40.
Thanks for the tip re. the Spectator web site.Not sure I will bother to `plug-in` to get the ability to address comments to 5 articles per week (I decline to pay extra for full access).
What they have to address is ; is this stuff enough to garner the Conservatives the 2 or 3 million extra votes they need to win a General Election ? UKIP mostly stood down at the last election to allow the Conservatives a free run at brexit : but now they have a good leader ; have got re-financed ; and 900 new members. They should be able to put up a better show at the next General Election.
As for the Spectator : I was previously doubtful when it was editored by Le Grand Boris ; what could he (as a Conservative politician) do except keep whistling in the dark.
E.C. Wed.4 April at 13-11.
I am mainly enthused by the local Peregrines.After a slow start in Nottingham and Derby (in the snow) Peregrines are nesting. This morning I saw 3 eggs in the Nottingham nest.
April 8th, 2018 – 11:55
Thanks for drawing attention to the Katie Hopkins speech. She’s much more rational and lucid than some of the very strange people in the videos that you drew attention to a little earlier.
The Red Line and the Rat Line
Seymour M. Hersh on Obama, Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels
This article in the London Review of Books is from 2014:
“In 2011 Barack Obama led an allied military intervention in Libya without consulting the US Congress. Last August, after the sarin attack on the Damascus suburb of Ghouta, he was ready to launch an allied air strike, this time to punish the Syrian government for allegedly crossing the ‘red line’ he had set in 2012 on the use of chemical weapons.* Then with less than two days to go before the planned strike, he announced that he would seek congressional approval for the intervention. The strike was postponed as Congress prepared for hearings, and subsequently cancelled when Obama accepted Assad’s offer to relinquish his chemical arsenal in a deal brokered by Russia. Why did Obama delay and then relent on Syria when he was not shy about rushing into Libya? The answer lies in a clash between those in the administration who were committed to enforcing the red line, and military leaders who thought that going to war was both unjustified and potentially disastrous.
Obama’s change of mind had its origins at Porton Down, the defence laboratory in Wiltshire. British intelligence had obtained a sample of the sarin used in the 21 August attack and analysis demonstrated that the gas used didn’t match the batches known to exist in the Syrian army’s chemical weapons arsenal. …”
“Robert Mueller is prosecuting Manfort for doing work in Ukraine for Viktor Yanukovych back in 2013”
“New Photos Reveal Robert Mueller And Paul Manafort Both Worked With Former Ukraine President In 2013”
Herbert Thornton
Yes, there are some very strange people around.
Here’s a real weirdo for instance:
April 9th, 2018 – 02:07 and
I don’t know whether Chutspah is an adequate way to characterise Robert Mueller’s prosecuting Manfort but it certainly sounds breathtakingly cynical, as well as being absurdly comical.
Maybe weirdness, these days, is in the eye of the beholder because the Edmonds woman doesn’t strike me as being quite as much out of touch with reality as some of those earlier ones, though to read that she owns something called the Boiling Frogs Post is, I would think, a definite indication of weirdness of some sort.
I wonder if she really does speak all those languages? And if she really did once work for the FBI what does that say for the people responsible for recruiting FBI staff? God knows – maybe they hired a woman of great integrity and that was led to her being fired by the FBI.
Malfleur @ April 9th, 2018 – 02:32
Herbert Thornton @ April 9th, 2018 – 04:42
The weirdo published a piece, in the BFP, well documented, too, that is amongst the best on the Ukrainian crisis – the reason for it, the key players.
The Mueller’s story’s incredible, Baron’s in total agreement with Herbert take on him, the Americans seem to have no capacity for embarrassment, the lot of them, and that includes the Donald.
After being powerless to remove the flowers for the burglar I bet the police will be interested in who destroyed them
Well done Adam Boulton:
Things seem to be hotting up. I enjoyed reading the description of Mueller and his fellow Swamp Creatures in this paragraph –
““It’s clear Mr. Mueller’s operation has nothing do with fair enforcement of the law or equal justice,” Joseph diGenova, a Washington lawyer who agreed to join the president’s legal team last month before potential conflicts of interest prevented his hiring, said in an appearance on Fox Business Network. “It is basically a bunch of mobsters.” –
I had thought the Christian Science Monitor was a fairly impartial and balanced newspaper, but a piece in it today, written by somebody called Peter Grier about the FBI raid on Cohen’s place includes this –
“The Justice Department appears to be treading very carefully as it investigates President Trump’s lawyer. It must know that every legal step taken will be examined for integrity and fairness.”
Examined for integrity and fairness? By whom? The people and institutions that ought to be the best of examples of it are the ones most lacking in it themselves.
Who does Peter Grier think he’s kidding? ROTFLMAO.
Herbert Thornton – 04:40
Careful with all that rolling about, Herbert, or you might do yourself a mischief! One would have thought that the author might have realised that just as organised religion has very little to do with GOD then lawyers and the law have got bugger all to do with “integrity and fairness.”
On the subject of GOD and lawyers…
“An engineer dies and reports to the pearly gates. A newly appointed angel, filling in for St. Peter, checked his dossier and grimly said, “Ah, you’re an engineer, you’re in the wrong place.”
So the engineer reports to the gates of hell and is let in. Pretty soon he gets dissatisfied with the level of comfort in hell, and starts designing and building improvements. Very soon he had installed air conditioning, flush toilets and escalators, and the engineer became a pretty popular guy.
One day God calls Satan up on the telephone and asks with a sneer, “So, how’s it going down there in hell?”
Satan replies, “Hey, things are going great. We’ve got air conditioning, flush toilets and escalators, and there’s no telling what this engineer you sent us is going to come up with next.
God replies, “What? You’ve got an engineer? That was a mistake, he should never have been sent down there. Send him up here immediately.”
Satan says, “No way! I like having an engineer on the staff, and I’m keeping him.”
God says, “Send him back up here immediately or I’ll sue.”
Satan laughs uproariously and answers, “Yeah right. And just where are you going to get a lawyer?”
“Only the small secrets need to be protected.
The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.”
Herbert Marshall McLuhan
Are other people having a problem commentating.
Every time my TV sneakily switches back on to the BBC my screen is filled with Claire Balding. The Beeboid’s Beeboid is apparently experiencing no difficulties whatsoever commentating, spouting bollocks, on everything from the Varsity Boat Race, Beach Volley Ball down under and everything in between. No doubt she might even manage to sound quite knowledgeable if the BBC were to do a live broadcast on Sunday afternoon tractor wankfests held in the muddier parts of Belgium.
Here’s an old one…
“Do you know why the [ ‘stralian ] code of conduct prevents lawyers from engaging in rumpy pumpy with their clients?”
It’s simply to prevent them from billing them twice for the same service…”
Commonwealth Games
It appears that Britain and Australia by colluding with globalists in the United States government have been involved in trying to bring down the president of the United States. This is effectively sedition of the Australian and British governments. How can we root these seditionists out? What punishment is good enough for them?
I’d lock ’em up for all eternity with Clare Balding and Gary Lineker.
WHat with both of them, you cruel xxxxxxx.
EC : Clare Balding ( the BBC’s favourite married lesbian ) is on about every other radio programme according to the listings.
“So we must have military action in Syria because Assad has allegedly gassed his citizens. Therefore, in accordance with universal humanitarian principles, we need to bomb some airbases. Of course, our universal principles of human rights aren’t in practice all that universal. There are some countries which appear to demand from us an overwhelming moral obligation to intervene. We must intervene in Syria because Assad is a war criminal, responsible for the deaths of thousands of his countrymen. We need to protect the Syrian people from their own government by the timely lobbying of the odd cruise missile or two. Yet curiously we feel no such obligation towards a dozen other benighted third-world nations. The Congolese civil war, which by 2008 had caused the deaths of 5.4 million people, did not trigger a morally ordained military intervention. We have not subsequently felt compelled to intervene in the residual conflicts going on in the eastern part of that country. In the early 1980s, Robert Mugabe’s regime engaged in a brutal ethnic cleansing of the Matabele minority. His deployment of the North Korean-trained fifth brigade against unarmed civilians resulted in the death of around 20,000, while the famines triggered by his expropriation of white farms left millions more facing starvation. The number of deaths caused by Mugabe vastly exceeds the estimated 16,000 deaths during the Bush wars under the much-maligned Ian Smith’s premiership. Yet we never dispatched troops to Harare. The now deposed despot Mugabe will never face trial for his crimes against both the black and the white populations of the former Rhodesia. Nor will the constant cycle of tribal warfare in the highlands of New Guinea (automatic machine guns and grenades replacing clubs and spears) ever elicit the boot print of the British or American soldier or the hum of a Tomahawk. Our greatest deviation in practical terms from human rights rhetoric comes in those countries not to which we have turned a blind eye, but where we have actively facilitated humanitarian crises. The war in Yemen has seen tens of thousands of civilian deaths as a consequence of Saudi Arabia’s blockade, while British manufactured weapons don’t somehow magically avoid Houthi women and children when guided by Saudi pilots. The fifty or so deaths attributed to an Assad regime gas attack seems a small number compared with the millions lost in conflicts in more neglected parts of the world.
But this matters little to neoconservative agitators on both sides of the Atlantic. They argue that there are certain times when we have to fight. But it just so happens that these times always involve countries in the strategic orbit of states such as Russia, and never countries with whom we have close economic ties. There is no moral requirement to act in Syria because the moral principle being invoked — that we must protect civilians from harm — doesn’t apply in most parts of the world. Even putting aside the seeming moral inconsistency of humanitarian interventionism, there are other questions which arise. Why does a chemical weapons attack mandate western intervention when the barrel bombing of cities doesn’t? When Assad levelled rebel-held areas with mortar fire rather than gassing their inhabitants was it particularly less heinous? Why do we do decide now, when the tragedy that is the civil war is finally drawing to an end, that the west must make a military presence felt? If we bomb Syrian bases, putting aside concerns over potential civilian deaths, surely we will be prolonging the conflict by weakening the military strength of what is now clearly the stronger party? The stated aim of humanitarians is the preservation of life, yet this has never been done in the third world by substantial western military intervention. It certainly won’t be accomplished by the cosmetic destruction of a few bases. And it very certainly won’t be accomplished by attempting to engage in liberal social engineering in countries which have no precedence of democratic governance. If we really wanted to save more Syrians we would withdraw all military aid to the rebels and wish a swift victory for Assad. Yet we cringe from such realpolitik as if denying some basic moral principle which must animate our foreign policy. We deride the consequentialism which says that sometimes it is best when murderous but strong dictators hold onto power for the sake of peace. The moral universalism of the liberal which finds practical expression in the airstrike, which nonchalantly dismisses any dead as ‘collateral damage’, is somehow better because it won’t grubby its hands by tolerating, let alone working with a war criminal (oddly the same concerns expressed about Bashar al Assad don’t apply to the Islamist rebels we have happily funded in Syria).
The reality is that at a basic level our foreign policy is directionless. The democracies of the west which lurch from one position to another (first proposing to bomb Assad, then ISIS and other assorted groups, then Assad again, and now Assad again) have no underlying strategic or moral consistency. The people who now so avidly agitate for war have no real long-term plans for Syria. They bully and harangue their opponents as ‘appeasers’ and ‘Russian tools’ yet they urge an intervention which, if initiated, might cause untold suffering and trigger a further exodus of asylum seekers who the beleaguered nations of Europe will inevitably be expected to accommodate. The armchair warriors don’t have a plan for what Syria will look like in five or ten years but they can entreat us to watch the cathartic destruction of several Syrian airbases to somehow show that we really care about the average Syrian. We should stay out of Syria and we should never have got involved in the first place. If the chimeric democratic aspirations of that nation’s liberal middle class had actually been fulfilled in the heydays of the Arab Spring I strongly suspect that today there would be no Christians in Damascus celebrating Easter.”
The “chemical attack” in Syria is a “New World Order” racket.
President Trump, not a globalist, chairs the opening phase of a Cabinet meeting on agriculture.
But there’s no oil in Zimbabwe or New Guinea …
I see the Met has imported the cavalry to protect the Pikey’s shrine.
Proves the old adage ‘What is the only animal that has a c**t halfway up it’s back? A police horse.
I guess we’re all scratching our heads over the matter of Robert Mueller’s prosecuting Manfort.
I wonder – what’s it really all about? Could it possibly be that it isn’t a bona fide prosecution at all but part of some kind of stitch-up between the two of them – e.g. to concoct a prosecution of somebody else?
Marshall 19:56
Whilst I fully agree with your underlying point that flinging armaments because a relatively few Syrians have been gassed whilst in other places a blind eye seems to be turned to the deaths of hordes appears rather hypocritical, I care little in either event.
The overwhelming majority of these ‘proxy’ wars are in Africa and the Middle East. It strikes me the dead would be dead soon anyway, either at the hands of religious nutcases, despots, famine, natural disasters or long-standing tribal violence. As long as that remains the case and the wider Anglosphere remains broadly unscathed, long may it continue.
After all, the greatest cause of climate change is overpopulation.
Robert Mueller is investigating Oleg Deripaska, the Russian oligarch, who has ..serious connections to John McCain”…. Deripaska paid partially for the Steele dossier…There’s a Clinton/Deripaska connection. See more: Tracy Beanz 11th April
If Oleg Deripaska is the key then Robert Mulleur should investigate this pair of Greek shipmates too…
“Nigel Farage: Globalists Want The War With Russia To Force Us To Surrender Our National Sovereignty”
A new twist to the story of the Skripals that sounds outrageously (un)believable, you take your pick.
Such a pity both Frank and the Colonel aren’t around.
EC @ April 13th, 2018 – 14:53
A brilliant point, EC, perhaps they’ll be next (or not?).
Marshal Roberts @ April 12th, 2018 – 19:56
Wise words from a wise man, Marshall, but wisdom seems not in vogue these days.
Apart from virtue signalling (we cannot accept the use of chemical weapons, it’s immoral) what possible advantages could there be from killing more people bombing Syria? If anything, it would engender more tsunamis of refugees to Europe.
You may have noticed two major world players haven’t been seen much in all the latest and fast developing story of the use of chemical weapons in Syria – the Mutti and Xi, a smart move on their parts, Baron reckons.
Could it be some sense is beginning to creep in?
John Brennan projects*. See Drudge’s lead article today.
For those who have to look it up, I had to and this will save you a couple of clicks:
“A kakistocracy (/ˌkækɪsˈtɒkrəsi, -ˈstɒk-/) is a system of government which is run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. The word was coined as early as the 17th century.”
* Though you might say that Brennan was (remains?) part of, to coin a neologism, a cacastocracy as in ‘John Brennan is a cacacrat’.
“The US Is In The Beginning Phase Of Joining China’s Trade System”
0100 GMT 14/4/2018, the start of WWIII.
Lunchtime here in Oz, time for a cold one before everywhere gets too hot.
When Iran drops its bomb, just remember which useless black lump gave them that capability. And which corrupt bitch supported him.
Clear Memories –
And bedtime here on Canada’s Pacific coast. Just a few minutes for a glass of Australian Whiskers Blake Port to help me sleep – and while I’m sipping it, to wonder what the world’s going to be like at breakfast time tomorrow.
Clear Memories (02:51)
Wonder what Neville Shute Norway would have made of all this?
Have only read ‘On the Beach’ – perhaps it might turn out to be prophetic! On balance, I’d rather be here at the moment and it’s not just the general absence of the sand-niggers.
I trust you are keeping well?
What authority did the United Kingdom government have to join France and the USA in the attack on Syria?
Frank P
It’s great to hear from you!
We trust you are well and recovering rapidly?
Clear Memories – 07:09
It sounds like Canberra is long overdue from a visit from of one of Rocket Kim’s rockets. ‘stralian PM Malcolm Turdball has reportedly discovered a way of turning $500 million and Brown Coal into “up to” three tonnes of hydrogen… for Japan!
Cui Bono?
[Forget Lionel, John’s an epic ranter!]
In the summer of 1940 Parliament voted on war or peace : on whether to support Churchill and a National coalition or the europhile conservative establishment.
It was Leo Amery (for Churchill ) who called across the House to the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party : “Speak for England , Arthur”.
Rivers of Blood (?)
Radio 4 (Sat.14 April) at 8 pm : A programme on Enoch Powell’s speech of 50 years ago. This has all the marks of of an antifa put down.
See Breitbart at
X22 Report – 14th April – Syria
“What You See & Hear Is Not What Is Happening, Troop Withdrawal On Track”
EC – perfectly correct, Turnbullshit is an arse. But sadly, Bill Shortarse is even worse. A nasty corrupt ex-union official who traded away workers penalty rates for union donations from big business, he makes Corbyn look a moral giant.
And at the end of the day, the world’s problems are not too much coal as too much people.
President Trump has recently used the expression “Witch Hunt”.
It made me wonder whether the FBI has the actual power to conduct a Witch Hunt?
The link below indicates that the answer is – “Yes”. So, consider what can happen if the FBI comes to be managed or staffed by self-serving or power-hungry or unscrupulous prosecutors and other such people.
War Games in Syria – Total Eclipse
Trump positions for counterattack against Mueller – Dr. Jerome Corsi 15th April
Clear Memories 0714 13th April
I guess the good thing our strike on Saturday did was to keep us credibly in the Western Military club notwithstanding all the military cuts.
Clear Memories
Use them or loose them.
Loosing get them anyway, the Tornadoes go out of service this year.
Re: The recent Doodlebug fest in Syria. Do these things have a limited shelf life, and is it this that makes their period use inevitable?
Good news for Raytheon Corp who will presumably get the order for another 105 replacements at $1.5 million a pop! I say “pop” as with a conventional payload of only 1000lb they seem rather “unexceptional” compared with the WW2 efforts of Werner Von Braun. So much for progress!
Nobody in their right mind would drop 100 or so cruise missiles on an operational nuclear power station or a nuclear waste storage facility.
Q. Who in their right mind would bomb a facility that they KNEW was an active chemical weapons factory and storage faciltiy. Surely the contamination and resultant casualties would be significant. Where are they?
Now now EC!
That’s a very sardonic post there. Not really nuanced at all. Cumryd Caligula would boot you off-piste without a moment’s thought. Nothing new for him there though.
The doodlebugs aren’t lifed.
They even have a tiny UK electronics content input from some semi-derelict factory in Gollum Bruin’s old constituency and present lair. (Hence the expression Laird perhaps?). So, not lifed per se, though as we all know, your chips go cold quickly. And no doubt we need the Donald’s permission to use any US technology. Certainly the high altitude look-down US radars on Raytheon’s RAF Sentinel aircraft are de-sensitised to below optimum operating capability and can’t be repaired by RAF personnel.
Nice of the Yanks to let us rent their kit and use it on their behalf, really.
A. Syrian ‘R&D’ facilty is Boris speak for they let us blow something up that was waiting for demolition.
On other matters; whilst I have had no reply to my enquiry about HMG’s position on the ANC white farm land grab from the pusillanimous creature that passes himself off as my MP, the government has revealed its position elsewhere.
Harriett Baldwin, the Minister Of State For Africa, explains in a letter to the Health Secretary Jermey Hunt ‘that the government “understands” the need for land to be taken from whites in South Africa without compensation.’
What an excellent precedent this will provide for the seizure and confiscation of all UK land purchased post ‘Windrush’ by non-ethnic migrants!
My second letter to my MP regarding the future White genocide in South Africa.
Dear Mr Wallace,
I refer to my previous email, below, to which I find no record of either an acknowledgement or a reply, in which I sought clarification of HMG’s position regarding the compensation and seizure of farmlands owned by White citizens in South Africa by the RSA government.
However clarification of HMG’s position on this matter has been provided to a constituent of Mr Jeremy Hunt by Harriet Baldwin, the Minister for Africa.
Following this astounding revelation I request you to raise the matter of UKG’s support for this deeply racist policy in Parliament. The debate centring on whether South Africa should be removed from the Commonwealth for its actions. The forthcoming Commonwealth meeting also provides an opportunity for the UKG to clarify its views on this issue.
It is unclear whether the words quoted in the letter are Ramaphosa’s words or Mugabe’s.
When the law was first introduced in South Africa, Julius Malema, the leader of the Marxist opposition party, said:
“The time for reconciliation is over. Now is the time for justice. We must ensure that we restore the dignity of our people without compensating the criminals who stole our land. We are not calling for the slaughter of white people, at least for now”
I am deeply saddened and gravely concerned to learn that the present government is supporting the persecution of white farmers although I am not surprised. HMG has done it before, in Rhodesia, (a country once described as the bread basket of Africa that recently went through a famine because of the very policies that are now being put into place in South Africa) and indeed to the whole Commonwealth when we signed up to the common market as we started putting high tariffs on Australian, New Zealand and South African produce.
The UK Govenment’s decision to support Zimbabwe-style farm confiscations in South Africa is astounding.
This is at best, completely naïve, and ignores the current wave of violence and murders of famers, which is likely to increase. It will encourage hardcore elements who call white farmers ‘criminals’ who are guilty of ‘original sin’ on the basis of their skin colour.
The government is now supporting Marxist-Leninist confiscation of land without compensation, which is what the ANC called for in its conference last year. Simply, it is not conservative and it is not fit for purpose. It also sets a remarkable precedent; would a future UK Government support a policy of land confiscation of all British citizens of non-British ethnic origin who arrived for example, post 1945?
Following from the present policy clarification, and in lieu of any change thereto I now ask how much relocation and foreign aid will UKG budget for the assistance of the re-housing of the White farmers once the famine starts in South Africa?
Or perhaps in the event of civil war and genocide which side will we sell arms to in the coming civil war? The White citizens, Afrikaners and British by origin? The Marxists? Or both?”
Yours sincerely etc
Sometimes the awful truth inadvertantly leaks out; even in Government reports.
Overall, House prices have increased by 21% due to migration, who would have guessed?
“…In 1991, the population of England was 47.1 million. In 2016, the population of England was 54.5 million6. This is equivalent to an increase of 16 per cent over this period (1991 to 2016). Applying the relationship from the University of Reading model set out in the methodology section above (a 1 per cent increase in the number of households leads to a 2 per cent increase in house prices)7, this increase in the population is expected to have led to a 32 per cent increase in house prices, holding all else equal.
Over the same period (1991 to 2016) the non-UK born population of England increased by 4.8 million; from 3.5 million to 8.4 million (these figures do not sum due to rounding). Applying the relationship between household growth and house prices derived from the University of Reading affordability model, the increase in the non-UK born population in England is expected to have led to a 21 per cent increase in house prices; holding all else equal…”
Noa –
” Syrian ‘R&D’ facilty is Boris speak for they let us blow something up that was waiting for demolition.” – Priceless!
It stimulated me to look up ‘FBI’ in a dictionary & read that its function was ‘to investigate crimes such as smuggling and espionage’ which struck me as equally pricelessly misleading. In fact, it’s taken on a lot of the character of the KGB and of the Gestapo.
Unless Trump can reconstitute it with better people who will not abuse their powers and, hopefully, persuade Congress to take away it’s powers to ruin decent people, it needs to be thought of as the Federal Behavioural Inquisition.
Spectator cartoon on bombing Syria.
I only read the Straits Times occasionally, but this took my attention –
Unfortunately I got little further than the headline because I don’t intend to subscribe, but maybe there is some other way to get to read the full article? I expect that it’s both thoughtful and fascinating.
A follow-up (of a sort) to my previous post @23:59 –
More fodder for the discussion of the Israel-Syria-Iran situation. The N.Y. Times article may be virtually the same as the one in the Straits Times?
Herbert Thornton
And great minds think alike.
Will Soap on a Rope be a future experience for the language hate criminal that is Rod Liddle?
Looking through the Expectorator I came accross a pictre of the cringing, gormless Rambler Crudd apologising for her latest cock-up, it was, I think, unleashing the seven plagues upon the Caribbean babies of Lewisham, prior to placing them in prison hulks for onward deportation to Timbuctoo.
What drew my attention to her was that more than anyone I have ever seen, a glottal stop of a woman, her visage resembled the marriage of the nose cone of a Concorde, her ears with the operating ailerons of a Hercules in emergency landing mode.
Still, what with machete and knife crime soaring, burglary and benefits fuelled Pikey funeral power coming back this week to haunt the streets of Kent and a boss whose consistency is best likened to the lead whirling dervish of Konya, we should I suppose display a little empathy for this harassed and abused woman, the Conservatives own Emily Thornberry on Sennacot.
It is worth the time and effort to watch this and parts 2 & 3.
Having come through the valley of the shadow of death and been immersed in a slough of despond for the past two months or so, hell is no longer merely a concept devised to bring unbelievers to heel. I have had Boschian glimpses of it and will not daub the Wall with the resultant graffiti. Anyway I know others here have already travelled a similar path and need no reminder.
Seeking no sympathy, because I chose to grasp the nettle; after being fully apprised and warned of a protracted aftermath of such radiical surgery and realignnment of the residue of my offal. The ‘palliative’ alternative did not appeal at the time. With hindsight I am wondering whether the siren voices should have been heeded.
My apolgies for the scant contribution to the war effort over the past few weeks. I’!l attempt to do better henceforth.
Trawling for a ray of light midst the deepening gloom, I found this (which illustrated that there are gradations of hell that put my own recent glimpses into perspective):
Many thanks for your messages, prayers and vibes. They have been a great comfort.
Good to hear from you Frank P.
You have been on my ( ever-lengthening ) prayer list.
Thank the good Lord for your safe passage.
Welcome back.
This Italian chap has a winning way. Here he addresses the recent US missile strike in Syria and other topics broadly related to globalist affairs.
By the way, I note that Robert Fisk just reported from the site of the alleged Syrian government chemical attack and finds no evidence of the same.
Re Fisk’s Report from Douma
Mr Steyn worries about all the Syrian boys missing the fun in Douma.
Federico: On the Mueller Crime Family and Sean Hannity
An informed and active citizenry is the best way to preserve liberty.
Further into that Steyn link, what is a “man bun”? Do I have one? Should I?
If you still have hair you can always try and see if you like it. Think David Beckham….
Very good to see you posting again Frank.
Also good to have your erudition again, Colonel.
Pearls before swine in your case.
#AntiSchool April 18 2018 – Good roundup of some pertinent news and speculation. (e.g.He is a “Mueller is working with Trump” man.)
Ah! And there was I at the wrong end thinking gluteus maximus and man spreads, that kind of thing.
This could bankrupt Starbucks 🙂
Fake “reparation” free coffee vouchers, and now a fake apology letter offering free coffee and discount food!
Fred lets rip. Difficult to deny his logic.
As a trans-black woman (albeit in a white pensioner’s body) I demanded my free latte from the Asian wearing a man bun (Malfleur take note), earlier today at the Starbucks stall in the foyer on Glasgow Central Station. His unprintable response, barely translatable from Glasgwegian to queen’s English, confirmed that this example of liberalism has crossed neither the Transatlantic nor the British intra-ethnic and multicultural barriers.
One of the lessons to be learned from the recent fracas over the “incident” in Douma is that our Prime Minister, or should one say the Queen’s Prime Minister, was willing to risk war, to put it politely. or was willing to go to war with Russia, to put it more accurately, over a chemical attack which did not happen. Furthermore, the Cabinet and the loyal opposition was willing to go along with this, and the possible consequences of accepting the “attack” at face value and with no proof or even evidence, without forcing a debate in the House of Commons. The government is running the specious argument that humanitarian considerations did not allow them time to obtain the consent of the Commons before they were compelled to act.
Now in fact it appears that Messrs. Trump, Putin and Assad were probably playing Ms. May and others and, incidentally, drawing them out as puppets in the globalist camp. Some of us had already placed Ms. May there as we observed her subvert the will of the people on Brexit.
I just read in a Spectator bog online that “Jeremy Corbyn has won approval for an emergency debate on a motion reaffirming the convention that Parliament should have to approve military interventions”. That is probably too broad and should be narrowed to approval on occasions designed as reprisals for attacks by the Syrian government on its own people using chemical weapons. At the least, however, the debate should provide a pulpit for Members to show up the Prime Minister, her supporters on the Syrian issue, and military intelligence as damn fools or worse on this matter.
Frank P
April 19th, 2018 – 21:01
April 20th, 2018 – 03:07
Fred on Everything is certainly sensible in most of what he says especially when he points out that using poison gas is morally no worse than killing maiming people with other weapons. On the other hand I disagree with his superficial and sneering assessment of Trump.
Too many academically inclined people mistakenly rate Trump on the basis of his unusual style instead on the basis of his substance,
I believe that Trump is quite as fundamentally sound, rational, able and patriotic as Putin.
Herbert Thornton (05:49)
Fred is a polemicist who can adopt any stance on any topic, wrting with wit and flair and then argue the opposite case the next day just as convincingly. His CV says it all.
As for Trump – he’s the world Champion bullshitter – eclipsing even Cassius Clay. Your comparison between Trump and Putin uses words extracted from the lexicon of a different planet than the one on which was born. While I accept that of the ultimate choice available after the 2016 campaign, it was a Hobson’s jobbie – and while I fervently hope that The Donald survives two terms and destroys both the Washington elite and rearranges the geopolitical mix more favourably for The West, he is basically just a cunning deal maker, a hedonist with a gigantic ego. Showbiz with knobs on, festooned with rattles and bells. Politics needed a shake-up, but returning to the fray after a two month enforced sabbatical, Fred’s latest struck a chord. I see no ships …. WTF as been coming down since I handed body and soul over to the medics? 🙂
And what has the cunning Hun been plotting during Zizzigate and its aftermath?
From German Foreign Policy Newsletter – In the Wake of the Bombs
(Own report) – The German government, after having applauded the bombing of Syria, is now demanding participation in the country’s reorganization, once the war has ended. Chancellor Angela Merkel announced her intentions to have a meeting with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin “in the foreseeable future,” to discuss particularly the development in Syria. The enormous costs for Syria’s reconstruction, which can hardly be covered by Russia alone, are viewed as a means of leverage on Moscow. Berlin also sees itself in a position to mediate between Russia and the USA in view of Washington’s threat to attack Russian positions in Syria. While the German government is going on the offensive to win influence, new foreign policy controversies are developing among the EU member states. In addition, questions are also being raised about the legitimacy of Saturday’s illegal air strikes: A renowned British journalist reported that doctors in Douma have doubts that chemical weapons had been used in that city on April 7. According to the OPCW, the research institute that had been bombed on Saturday had had nothing to do with poison-gas.
Noa, April 19th, 2018 – 22:16
You should’ve nutted the bastard and walked off crying, “FREEEEEdum!”
Frank P – 10:00
A beautiful word, that. One of my favourites!
“WTF as been coming down since I handed body and soul over to the medics?”
I didn’t appraise you of the following earlier because I didn’t want to depress you, but seeing as you asked….
Sadiq Khan wants to ban cutlery and some DIY tools, reportedly
“he is basically just a cunning deal maker……” True – that’s the substance.
“a hedonist with a gigantic ego. Showbiz with knobs on, festooned with rattles and bells.” Also true – that’s the style. But at the same time, it seems to me that it helped him to achieve the Presidency: and if so it can be said to be part of his cunning.
You refer to your birth on this planet. I don’t know whether it was before or after mine, but at 88 I suspect I preceded you. How long either of us will have to continue to endure the social decay of our shared environment is unknown, but it comforts me to know that you are still around to protest against it. So I wish you a good convalescence followed by more years of protest.
Well, well, well, the guru’s back. Welcome, young sir.
You’ve been missed, the country’s trying to solve the crime of a century, perhaps two, you decide to take weeks off, how could you.
Who’s more than glad you’re back is the poorly educated Slav, he has this pet theory on Salisbury, the little town up there which is now suffering as tourists, mostly from the Republic (why?) decided to give it a miss fearing poisoning from a nasty Russian made Novitchok.
Can he test the theory under the eye of the man of the Yard?
Here comes the shortened version stating the Skripals were poisoned by anything but Novitchok (or any other nerve agent).
Exhibit One:
The Times’ letter that says exactly what Baron does. No treatment in the hospital of 40 patients for nerve agent poisoning, just three patients treated for poisoning (from whatever). The letter is never mentioned by the MSM scribblers, it simply doesn’t exists, it has been disappeared from the public view. Why?
The defence council may argue that the hospital consultant didn’t know what he was talking about, but his statement is supported by everyone who witnessed what was happening when the two Skripals were discovered, they exhibited well observed symptoms of poisoning. It was reported as such in the local paper immediately after the incident happen.
Of course, the consultant may have been a Russian one-man sleeper cell, or he could have been bought by the Russians, but that may be hard to argue given the man’s credentials.
Exhibit Two:
Let us assume the Skripals got smothered by the poison Novitchok as they both touched the outside door handle (that’s the official version, which is possible, one of the Skripals closes and locks the door, asks the other one to make sure the door’s closed properly).
After they left the house they did whatever it was they wanted to do, but we know for certain they entered Zizi, ordered a sea food risotto, ate it, paid, left the diner and walked eventually to a bench where they collapsed.
Whilst they were in Zizi they couldn’t have avoided touching the table, the cutlery, the money with which they paid, and whatever else one may touch in a restaurant such as glasses, the napkins, possibly even a pull in the toilet if they felt like using the loo.
Why is it that not one individual who subsequently sat at the same table, the waiter who removed the empty plates, the staff that put the plates, cutlery, glasses into a dishwasher reported poisoned? At least one, or possible more individuals who touched the stuff the Skriplas handled must have got infected, too, and infected as near bad as the Skripals themselves.
The same goes for anyone else who handled the Skripals on their way to the hospital, and in the hospital itself. Remember, the study didn;t know at this stage the Skripals were full of a killer agent. And again, not one of these people has exhibited any symptoms of nerve gas poisoning, whatsoever, and yet we are to believe that dangerous spots of the compound are still scattered around the town?
As our special friends, the Americans, say ‘how does this reasoning grab you?
(It’s not just for Frank, it’s for everyone. Can you shoot this down? Please, do).
Herbert Thornton @ April 20th, 2018 – 16:57
One of Fred’s best, Herbert, the barbarian has given it wider coverage in the Spectator.
Whilst Baron was going through his medical nightmare he discovered three site s worth visiting from time to time, you may check them out;
Noa @ April 20th, 2018 – 10:16
The Mutti’s boys and girls fear that a recession’s coming, all of the forward economic indicators say so, the sanctions on Russia are a contributory factor, bad news for it would be mostly the Germans who’ll have to foot the EU bill after we are gone.
Malfleur @ April 20th, 2018 – 03:07
One has to look at the positive side of the missile attack, Malfelur, both sides had a chance to test the gear they have, it also enabled the three participants to dispose of the old missiles, give them a genuine reason to replace the stock.
The exercise may damage the Donald though, the Congress has set up a committee to look into a possible collusion between the Donald and Putin in planning the attack that was widely applauded by both the Lft and the Right.
Malfleur @ April 17th, 2018 – 23:15
How could you believe Fisk’s reporting is objective, Malfleur, he’s been in the area controlled by the Assad forces, the Russians were there, too, what else could the poor man say? He, he, he.
Clear Memories @ April 17th, 2018 – 06:30
Long, but you’re right, well worth the time, CM.
The barbarian has come across it before, sent it around, the guy seems to know the facts, his slicing of them is quite correct, but sadly, truth is of no interest to those who govern us.
Could someone prod Peter gently to push the button, switch to a new week (?), please.
Prince Charles declared Heir Presumptive as Head of the Commonwealth. All he has to do now is get selected as Heir to the Throne of England ; something that should not be taken for granted . The English Throne is not only hereditary but also elective. The Scottish Throne even more so given the propensity of the Scots to get upright and personal about the position of the King of Scots. Few of the Stuarts died peacefully.
James I , King of Scots , was cut to death in his own palace sewers having ordered the potential exit to be blocked-up days before because his Real Tennis balls kept falling into it.
You’re doing noticeably better without the barbarian, he won;t interfere again, you look after yourselves, stay young and healthy for as long as possible.
Offered without comment: clear, concise and comprehensive. The shining city on the hill merely a whited sepulcre and the evil therein apparently indestructible:
Thank you for your kind thoughts; still extant, regardless, as indeed is the mad, mad world around me.
As for the Salisbury Affair, I’m hoping that Jonathan Meades, a native of that delightful little city, will make it the centrepiece of one of his brilliant quirky satirical television masterpieces. He is the only person I know who is intelligent enough to unravel the whole travesty and reconstruct it into a cogent narrative, interspersed with brilliant one-liners that even Mark Steyn would envy. 🙂
Let’s face it, my noble friend. The Great Game, in which you and I once played sporadic bit parts over the decades, has now descended into a childish farce. Our corridors of power infested by idiots and traitors: some of the latter unwittingly so, they are so stupid. But what does that make us, the electorate? Enablers!
Baron’s “Young Sir”, addressed to Frank, reminds me of the time when after watching repeats of “Are You Being Served”, complete with “young” Mr Grace, my (middle-aged) son started calling his rather ancient dad, “Young Alan”.
On overhearing this, my six-year-old grandson looked carefully at “young” Alan, and protested, “But Grandpa’s not young, he’s old. You should call him “Old Alan”.
Kids! They take everything so literally.
April 20th, 2018 – 17:52
I am looking forward to the first February in May.
And now to Bill Maher:
“Maher said, “[I]f the president is not a Russian agent, he certainly acts like one. Because, once — you know, I remember all the way back to last week, exactly a week ago, when I was sitting here, right when the missiles were being fired at Syria, and we were like, ‘Oh, this is going to be different. He’s really punishing –,’ it turned out, it was just a one-strike thing, just a pinprick.”
After also citing the White House walking back UN Ambassador Nikki Haley’s announcement of new sanctions on Russia, Maher stated, “It’s not a pivot at all. He’s still — he’s obviously being blackmailed by Putin. It’s so obvious. He just cannot make a move against Russia.”
But all is OK
“Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump will absolutely not allow armed confrontation between Russia and the US, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told RIA Novosti in an interview.
“Speaking about risks of a military confrontation, I am 100 percent sure that [both the US and Russian] militaries won’t allow this, and of course neither will President [Vladimir] Putin or President [Donald] Trump,” Lavrov said.
“After all they are leaders, elected by their people and are responsible for their peace,” the Russian foreign minister added.”
Boot has now got his teeth into Macron:
“A nationalist not only loves his country but believes everything it does is good because it does it. A patriot loves his country and is prepared to defend not only its borders but also its soul.
Manny may be smart enough to detect such nuances, but not when his dander is up. It is now, and it’s all Hungary’s and Poland’s fault.
Those two countries got into Manny’s bad books by refusing to accept the EU’s mandatory immigration quotas. How very nationalistic and egoistic of them not to open their arms to a few hundred thousand Muslims.”
“Carwyn Jones has announced he will stand down as Wales’ first minister in the autumn.
The AM for Bridgend made the announcement at Welsh Labour party conference in Llandudno which he said would be his last as leader.”
It was Rod wot dunnit!
Baron April 20th, 2018 – 17:28
Mebbe they is looking down the wrong end of the telescope? I don’t know how it would be possible to tell whether the door handle transferred to the hand or the hand to the door handle.
I have seen the substance reported as taking effect from 30 seconds to two minutes which makes the restaurant business as suspicious as you suggest. Somehow the novichok was slowly taking effect as they went about their business but not apparently affecting anyone else.
Maybe it was put in the seafood (ingestion) and then the door handle was contaminated afterwards as a red herring? But as a fan of Sherlock Holmes I rather hope that this might involve an acrobatic Jarawa pygmy from the Andaman Islands with a blowpipe.
Yes Herbert, I bow to your seniority – just -but still find it impossible to correlate words like
” sound; able; rational and patriotic to either Trump or Putin, let alone as attributes of both.. Not even with the assistance of M.Roget. 🙂
Nor would I apply the antonyms to either of them. Those considerations, I fear, are only used as devices in the art of the deal by one, and to retain absolute power by the other. Whether successfuuly still remans unclear, but in the case of each, as with all of us – death will render the outcome irrelevant.
Lesley C
Indeed! I am constanly grounded by the three generations of our issue – where would our flights of fancy lead us, were it not so?
Colonel Mustard (16:11)
I think that you should launch a joint investigation/eterprse wth Jonathan Meades into the Salisbury Affair. I’ll buy the book and watch its subsequent serialisation on BBC Four. Make sure you include the Ted Heath mystery – there must be a connection. The PM – that is, not the bandleader. Ahhh, those happy nights at the Hammersmiff Pally.
enterprise – apol.
This is Conrad Black’s latest in today’s National Post –
I think it reinforces my suspicion* that the legal machinations that resulted (inter alia) in depriving Conrad Black of his control of the National post and the placing of it in the hands of its present owners were part of a much larger conspiracy to make the entire News Media speak with virtually only one voice.
*It has led me to repeating this –
April 6th, 2018 – 08:16
Thanks for your drawing attention to Parts 1 and 2 George Orwell’s 1984 and the New World Order.
The commentator doesn’t, so far as I recall, use the word brainwashing, but he does describe with frightening accuracy the absolute uniformity of thought and of news reporting that exists in virtually all our news media, so that no matter what the the great bulk of the population population read or listen to, they are compelled to think as it were – (somewhat like the Borg in Star Trek) – with similar mindsets.
This all reminds me of the fate of Conrad Black’s National Post in Canada. Under his ownership it was outstanding in it’s independence of thought.
It is difficult not to think that this independence was found intolerable and that that was what led to the closing down and virtual theft of it’s assets, and to the prosecution and profoundly unjust conviction and imprisonment of Conrad Black himself.
The National Post has now been largely turned into just another member of the Uniformity of News cabal. It has of course to be conceded it continues from time to time to publish pieces by Conrad Black himself, but to my mind that is merely cosmetic – to disguise the newspaper’s new nature.”
“Rivers of Blood and the Tides of History”
Mark Steyn
Baron – 11:52
“You’re doing noticeably better without the barbarian, he won;t interfere again, you look after yourselves, stay young and healthy for as long as possible.”
Come off it, Baron! We know that you’re just looking for an excuse to watch the snooker for the next two weeks.
April 21st, 2018 – 18:59
Thanks for the link to Mark Steyn’s comments. Enoch Powell’s declaration – “ “I would fight for this country even if it had a Communist government.” really caught my eye. If ever something encapsulated patriotism that did.
But could he decclare the same thing today? Does the essence of his country still exist?
No doubt remnants of Britishness still exist, just as remnants of the Afrikaaners still exist in South Africa. But Afrikaaners and their culture are now no more than an increasingly a persecuted minority – and Britishness is accelerating towards the same status.
To put it another way – the British now have very little to be patriotic about.
Contrast all that with Russia. It makes me repeat my belief that Putin is a patriot – and, despite the strange alliance of so many to denigrate Trump, I maintain that he too is a patriot.
Total Eclipse –
Q Anon April Punishments Smallville Actress Charged, D S Connected, EMF Op, Dems Lawsuit
X22 Report –
The Law Suit by the Democrat National Committee against Trump, Wikileaks and Russia –
‘Cornered, No Way Out, The Trump Card Is About To Be Played’
April 20th, 2018 – 17:46
I don’t believe that I said that I believed Fisk, although I believe that his reputation for accuracy of his factual reporting is recognised widely. Exception is taken to his editorial bias.
The importance of Fisk’s on the spot reporting is that it is a contrary “narrative” which should be addressed and analysed. Furthermore, he is not the only reporter who has gone to Douma to cover this story and has found that there is no substance to the globalist line.. I chose him because most Wallsters will have heard his name.
Here, as another example, is a piece on Pearson Sharp:
“One America News reporter Pearson Sharp visited the war-torn town of Douma outside the capital of Damascus, looking for evidence of a chemical attack. However, residents there deny the claims of an attack, and say it was staged to help the rebels escape.
“When I asked [the doctors at the hospital] what they thought the chemical attack was, they told me –all of them told me– that it was staged by the rebels who are occupying the town at the time. They said it was a fabrication and a hoax an when I asked them why, they told me it was because the rebels were desperate, and they needed a ploy to get the Syrian army off their backs so they could escape,” Sharp reported.”
Do you have any evidence that the facts reported by Fisk and Pearson are any less reliable than those asserted by the mass media and government spokesmen in the United Kingdom, France and the United States. Perhaps you have a prejudice that the fine gentlemen in those three countries – who have not yet so far as I am aware reported from Douma – are more trustworthy?
What work is the prime minister’s husband, Philip May, engaged in?
Will Charles still become King when the present Queen Elizabeth dies? And will he be the last Monarch if he does?
Whatever one’s views on the indvivdual candidates a Britain without the Monarchy (and the House of Lords,) will have lost what little remains of its inherent constitutional checks and balances on the Commons. We will have become a dictatorship in a nominal two party state and the totalitarian dictatorship so chillingly depicted in 1984 will have become reality.
A UK Israel oil and gas deal, now that would drive the Left loco.
Malfleur – 08:57
“What work is the prime minister’s husband, Philip May, engaged in?”
No doubt amassing a mountain of moola for his and Doris’ retirement, somewhere nice. As Reginald Maudling put it, “A little pot of gold for my old age.”
Malfleur – 08:57
“Et Thybrim multo spumantem sanguine cerno.” Virgil.
“…..I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood .” Brigadier,the Rt. Hon. John Enoch Powell M.P. , P.C. , OBE : Double 1st at Cambridge; Fellow of Trinity.
EC @ 14:13
Thanks for the heads up on the relationship manager.
Hm; Collateral reparation:
“Isaac Green EPIC RANT on Sex Cults, Satanism, Communism, and Conformity #AntiSchool #QAnon”
Baron – Syrian “chemical attack”
Try this: “A senior correspondent for German state media broadcast ZDF heute stunned his European audience during a report from on the ground in Syria when he gave a straightforward and honest account of his findings while investigating what happened in Douma. The veteran reporter, Uli Gack, interviewed multiple eyewitnesses of the April 7 alleged chemical attack and concluded of the testimonials, “the Douma chemical attack is most likely staged, a great many people here seem very convinced.
It appears that all local Syrians encountered by the German public broadcast reporter were immediately dismissive of the widespread allegation that the Syrian government gassed civilians, which the US, UK, France, and Israel used a pretext for launching missile strikes on Damascus.”
Typical of you, truly typical. How could you disbelieve the poorly educated Slav when he says ‘good bye, will never write another word on this blog, be good and behave …’. Is it how you treated anything else he has said in the past? Why did he bother then?
Is it Baron or (some of you) going loopy. Malfleur, for instance, castigating Baron for doubting Fisk, furnishing more evidence that Douma was a false flag op. Malfleur, please, Baron’s original posting on Fisk was in jest, read it again, it ends with the treble of Frank’s hehs, that should have been a hint, if everything else wasn’t.
It matters not that perhaps even the OPCW finds no presence of chlorine or sarin or whatever, anyone who expects the three leaders that pummelled Douma last Saturday with missiles should have his or her head examined.
It will be argued that the Russian decontaminated the place, removed any trace of any killer chemical, cleaned it up. It will not occur to the poodles in the MSM echoing this explanation that in Salisbury where another chemical attack was supposed to occur, traces of the agent are still around even though the whole might of the British and American know-how of removing them has been ongoing for well over a month. Go figure then.
Malfleur @ April 22nd, 2018 – 23:12
Not that Baron’s keen on the childless woman but this is somewhat unfair, her husband has FA to do with the shares the company he’s associated with buys, no?
Noa @ April 22nd, 2018 – 09:24
There’s an alternative to Charles, Noa, and it isn’t William, but Anne, the Princess Royal, she would be Baron’s preference to the deluded next to throne old man who will most likely get it.
If the changeover gets mishandled, we may well end up with no monarchy in the end.
Btw, did you know yesterday’s was the birthday of Lenin?
EC @ April 21st, 2018 – 19:02
No, EC, not the snooker, who on earth would watch it anyway.
It was the reoccurrence of an old ‘reoccurring malady, the high systolic BP. The medical people have been trying to lower it using a standard NHS approach, which may be fine for many, but not those whose relaxing pulse stays well below 40. Beta blockers lower blood pressure but also kick south one’s pulse, no good to wake up in the middle of the night with pulse at 28, Baron can tell you, you do everything to stay healthy.
EC @ April 21st, 2018 – 18:59
Seconded, indeed a brilliant piece, EC.
The most irritating accusation against this great man is that he was racist. It’s totally unfounded – when serving in India he refused to use the officer’ mess if Indian officers were to be excluded, Wolverhampton’s Singh Jolly was one of his best friends (that was the guy who started the headgear strike in the town, won). Enoch also brough in black Caribbean nurses when he was Minister for Health in early 60s.
Great man, truly great man, the country no longer breeds men (or women) like him.
(more to come, you may be dreading it, but come the rabbiting will, when Baron gets back).
Baron – 11:06
“It will be argued that the Russian decontaminated the place, removed any trace of any killer chemical, cleaned it up. It will not occur to the poodles in the MSM echoing this explanation that in Salisbury where another chemical attack was supposed to occur, traces of the agent are still around even though the whole might of the British and American know-how of removing them has been ongoing for well over a month. Go figure then.”
My thoughts exactly, Baron!
Baron – 11:22
Once again, seconded! The Heirs of the Great Hippocrates really haven’t go their head around BP problems at all. The standard GP’s pavlovian ‘one size fits all’ treatment of high BP with Beta blockers doesn’t work for many, including thee and me – but for very different reasons! The drastic reduction of heart rate makes it very difficult to exercise and reduce weight, but I suppose taken to extremes a heart rate of Zero BPM cures BP problems once and for all!
Also regular use of painkillers exacerbates BP problems, but hopefully that will become less of a factor for me now, post the recent knee job.
Topsy Turvey:
I’ve received a flurry of communications recently from various organisations and agencies informing of their new “data privacy” policy, presumably in response to legislation regularising the expansion of government data collection. i.e.snooping.
The main thrust of all these communications is basically take it, or leave it and fuck off! Additionally, they all claim to be “keeping your data safe” and “promise we won’t sell it on” etc. This is laughable, not only because of recent high profile revelations concerning “social media” but because over the years there has been a constant stream of cases where Banks, Credit Card Companies, Government Depts and other organisations have been hacked and have had all their client data stolen. Piss poor security with seemingly no accountability with nobody fired or fined!
Do the ‘powers that be’ think we are all stupid, have no memory, or both?
Breaking News
The Democratic National Committee has launched a further lawsuit against Russia and Trump accusing them of hiring a prominent Astronomical Physicist to pull Quantum Strings that manipulated the minds of U.S. voters, no matter where they were located.
In fact the Astronomical Physicist, working using the equations of Max Planck, was in two places at the same time – i.e. in the Kremlin and in the Trump Tower. These of course, as demonstrated by the basic principles of Quantum Physics, are actually two sides of the same thing.
It was from that joint location that the Quantum Strings were set up linking to the minds of large numbers of voters, causing them believe that the candidate they voted for was the opposite one to the one they actually intended. Such a phenomenon is of course also consistent with the laws of Quantum Physics.
The first person to become aware of this and to record the facts in his notes was Steven Hawking, and those notes, which only recently came to light, will be produced in evidence.
Turn your attention to Toronto, Herbert. Another massacre by white van. 8 people mown down.
Btw what’s happned to Fox News live stream on You Tube, while I have been away? No longer available, apparently. Hmmnn…
Noa April 22nd, 2018 – 09:24
That may be the time to die in the ditch.
I was both angered and saddened today to see all the sneering from people living in England about St George’s Day. One woman on Twitter, with an Irish surname but living in London, sneers at May’s “warmest wishes” and reiterates the old canard about St George never setting foot in England.
Corbyn pledged to make it a bank holiday but only by equivalence with all the other UK patron saint’s days, as if if to say that even on this special day for the English the Celtic fringe must get a look in.
And May chooses today to announce an annual Stephen Lawrence day.
We, the English, are ill served in England by those who rule over us.
Baron April 23rd, 2018 – 11:14
It doesn’t work like that Baron. The continuity means you get the good, the bad and the mediocre (as well as the ugly). It’s the symbolism of the continuity and disconnect from politics that’s important. The fact that no jumped up greasy little politician like Macron gets to strut the ancient Royal stage.
The dumbed down British might think it’s like X-Factor and demand a ‘phone poll for the succession, and indeed it might go that way as infantile politicians pander to an infantile public. But it won’t be for the good.
Frank P
April 23rd, 2018 – 19:36
Toronto? The first thing that I’ve noticed is a report that the van driver has been caught.
But there’s no indication whatsoever of either his name or ethnicity. But so what? The Canadian media and Establishment are as politically correct as their British counterparts.
For a moment I thought you might be suggesting a connection between the Toronto van incident and other recent, similar incidents elsewhere. Or maybe you were and there is?
Colonel Mustard
We live interesting times when a purported Conservative PM announces the annual commemoration of Steve Lawrence whilst passing over the thousand of victims of mass immigration. Kristen Donald and Drummer Rugby come to mind, but we should also commemorate the 6tb of July atrocities well as last year’s Manchester children’s and the Westminster massacres.
And all those to come in the future whose deaths serve only to shame a government without shame or conscience.
Frank P – 19.36
Frank, great to have you back and I hope your rearranged innards are causing less grief than before. And with regard to Fox News being hidden on You Tube, if you scroll down about a mile or two you will eventually find a ‘Live” channel, but it won’t be full-screen and there’ll be a simultaneous broadcast of an ancient Trucker Carlson going on on your left, with lots of snow etc in the background, but only Laura is worth looking at, so sound-only, mostly, is my recommendation!
I moved to Walmer in Kent a few months ago, and today I wandered down to Deal Castle to watch and support a company of Royal Marines, a Marines Band and a doughty corp from the local Royal Marines Association who were there to mark a little project here called the Royal Marine Heritage Trail. As we faced the Castle, at our backs just a hundred yards up the beach is the Royal Marines Memorial Bandstand around which are plaques with the names of the Musicians of the Royal Marines who were blown to pieces in Deal in, I think, 1988. These innocents, like so many others, were murdered by the IRA, but actually were killed by their own Government who, ably supported by the bastards who comprise our Civil Service who, through that psychopathic detachment at which the Entitled of Whitehall excel, gave legitimacy to the IRA and didn’t use the tools they had to hand to protect their own people, and showed no sign of being remotely touched or angered by the brutality and endless pain and grief suffered by so many. Well, every time I walk past that Bandstand, I remember, I get angry, but unlike the bastards in Government, I have no tools and am proscribed by law from even speaking about future atrocities and who will bring them. Hey Ho. Anyway, there were lots of good people in Deal, not just the more senior, but young’uns with their babes in pushchairs too, who won’t find any information on the Heritage Trail about the betrayal of a people and it’s fighting men by their Government. All the marching men were, down to the last little Sea Scout, warmly applauded and the Band’s playing of “A life on the ocean wave” provoked smiles all round.
When I have some time on my hands Frank, I will write on the subject of Trump upon whom I view with hope and without your jaundice!
Colonel Mustard @ April 23rd, 2018 – 19:46
As always, Colonel, you’re right, let us hope HM the Queen outlives the boy, the country needs her.
Colonel Mustard @ April 23rd, 2018 – 19:41
Elegantly put, Colonel, the last sentence couldn’t resonate with the barbarian more if it were chiseled in stone.
Baron has celebrated the bard’s birthday (and death) today by reading his sonnets, drinking Merlot, and consuming large quantities of a marzipan cake, he needed to, the world of today depresses him beyond words.
Frank P @ April 23rd, 2018 – 19:36
Tucker’s gone, too, Frank.
The great Mark has replaced him, but he isn’t Tucker. As Baron told you many times before Mark excels at wordsmithing, in this medium he’s unbeatable, Tucker, on the other hand, reigns supreme in fast, sharp and heated head on exchanges, the barbarian misses him.
Herbert: Watching the TV news tonight, switching channels frequently, Herbert, Baron was hoping to learn who the latest ‘confused’ van driver was, not a word anywhere, which is suspicious, if he were of a Caucasian background we would have been told by now, no?
(Fortunately for you, Baron cannot carry on posting, the buffering takes ages, it may be the length of the blog and the low internet speed don’t gel well).
Baron 22.22
Ah, Shakespeare! I’m happy to know that a good man such as yourself, depressed like me beyond words at our world, should honour himself and such a poet, known in his day as Sweet Will, with good wine and love of words.
And having been only a rare contributor here for a long while now, I will avail myself of this space and post in full the wonderful eulogy which Ben Johnson wrote on Shakespeare and which appeared in the First Folio. A brilliant poet too, equal to the Bard in wit, but not, as those sonnets so display, in gentleness.
To the Memory of My Beloved the Author, Mr. William Shakespeare
To draw no envy, Shakespeare, on thy name,
Am I thus ample to thy book and fame;
While I confess thy writings to be such
As neither man nor muse can praise too much;
‘Tis true, and all men’s suffrage. But these ways
Were not the paths I meant unto thy praise;
For seeliest ignorance on these may light,
Which, when it sounds at best, but echoes right;
Or blind affection, which doth ne’er advance
The truth, but gropes, and urgeth all by chance;
Or crafty malice might pretend this praise,
And think to ruin, where it seem’d to raise.
These are, as some infamous bawd or whore
Should praise a matron; what could hurt her more?
But thou art proof against them, and indeed,
Above th’ ill fortune of them, or the need.
I therefore will begin. Soul of the age!
The applause, delight, the wonder of our stage!
My Shakespeare, rise! I will not lodge thee by
Chaucer, or Spenser, or bid Beaumont lie
A little further, to make thee a room:
Thou art a monument without a tomb,
And art alive still while thy book doth live
And we have wits to read and praise to give.
That I not mix thee so, my brain excuses,
I mean with great, but disproportion’d Muses,
For if I thought my judgment were of years,
I should commit thee surely with thy peers,
And tell how far thou didst our Lyly outshine,
Or sporting Kyd, or Marlowe’s mighty line.
And though thou hadst small Latin and less Greek,
From thence to honour thee, I would not seek
For names; but call forth thund’ring Aeschylus,
Euripides and Sophocles to us;
Pacuvius, Accius, him of Cordova dead,
To life again, to hear thy buskin tread,
And shake a stage; or, when thy socks were on,
Leave thee alone for the comparison
Of all that insolent Greece or haughty Rome
Sent forth, or since did from their ashes come.
Tri’umph, my Britain, thou hast one to show
To whom all scenes of Europe homage owe.
He was not of an age but for all time!
And all the Muses still were in their prime,
When, like Apollo, he came forth to warm
Our ears, or like a Mercury to charm!
Nature herself was proud of his designs
And joy’d to wear the dressing of his lines,
Which were so richly spun, and woven so fit,
As, since, she will vouchsafe no other wit.
The merry Greek, tart Aristophanes,
Neat Terence, witty Plautus, now not please,
But antiquated and deserted lie,
As they were not of Nature’s family.
Yet must I not give Nature all: thy art,
My gentle Shakespeare, must enjoy a part.
For though the poet’s matter nature be,
His art doth give the fashion; and, that he
Who casts to write a living line, must sweat,
(Such as thine are) and strike the second heat
Upon the Muses’ anvil; turn the same
(And himself with it) that he thinks to frame,
Or, for the laurel, he may gain a scorn;
For a good poet’s made, as well as born;
And such wert thou. Look how the father’s face
Lives in his issue, even so the race
Of Shakespeare’s mind and manners brightly shines
In his well-turned, and true-filed lines;
In each of which he seems to shake a lance,
As brandish’d at the eyes of ignorance.
Sweet Swan of Avon! what a sight it were
To see thee in our waters yet appear,
And make those flights upon the banks of Thames,
That so did take Eliza and our James!
But stay, I see thee in the hemisphere
Advanc’d, and made a constellation there!
Shine forth, thou star of poets, and with rage
Or influence, chide or cheer the drooping stage;
Which, since thy flight from hence, hath mourn’d like night,
And despairs day, but for thy volume’s light.
April 23rd – 11:09
“…somewhat unfair…”?
Not if you recognize that the New World Order is a mutual benefit society.
“I still think Comey is an honest man. But his memoir is a big mistake.
Comey’s book undercuts his standing as an impartial avatar of justice.”
(Caligula, April 16)
“Trump is drowning in scandal. He can’t focus on Syria.
He’s still calling his enemies names when he should be doing his job as commander in chief.”
(Caligula, April 14)
“The latest chemical attack in Syria reveals the bankruptcy of Trump’s policies toward Assad
By advertising our plans for Syria, Trump has encouraged a fresh round of atrocities by the Assad regime.”
(Caligula, April 8)
Malfleur – 03:59
Meanwhile, I note elsewhere that someone has mentioned a book that Germanicus doesn’t own, hasn’t read! I fear that Mrs Mills’ housekeeping is going to be £30 or so light next week.
Baron, April 23rd, 2018 – 22:41
Habeas Carlson!
Mark only guest hosts when Tucker fancies a night off.
According to Canadian meeja, Toronto massacre down to ‘mental illness’. NTDWI.
I await Mr Steyn’s assessment of that sagacious analysis.
Frank P – 09:44
Mark’s initial verbal response to the Toronto ‘incident’ is @ 6mins 30sec in the TCT video linked above.
Very depressing reading and viewing all round today. Thanks for that clip. Added to Mark’s latest update of the saga of the Katz, Levin legal mess and the confusion contained therein, it seems that conservatism is now in the process of suicide.
Then there’s Hannity’s distraction of allegations that his property empire (immense apparently) is riddled with money laundering scams.
The seeds of chaos are now burgeoning in the Spring sunshine. We are truly fucked!–regional-govt–politics/sean-hannity-trump-defender-under-scrutiny-for-real-estate-deals/pZ5Juk6qoNpqqG1BzH7jLO/,
I look forward to your paean on Trump. It would be good to have my naive faith restored.
And thanks for the Ben Johnson essay. Hadn’t read that before. Excellent uplifting stuff. Much needed given my last post to EC. 🙂
Frank P – 10:57
Re: Hannity investments
A great pity that the Graunid hasn’t ever found the time to investigate the property empire of the the Vaz’s or the Blairs. Strange, that!
“Nobody Knows”
Nobody knows how to say goodbye
It seems so easy ’til you try
Then the moments passed you by
Nobody knows how to say goodbye
Nobody knows how to get back home
And we set out so long ago
Search the heavens and the Earth below
Nobody knows how to get back home
Through the darkness to the dawn
And when I looked back you were gone
Heard your voice leading me on
Through the darkness to the dawn
Love is deep as the road is long
And moves my feet to carry on
It beats my heart when you are gone
Love is deep as the road is long
Nobody knows how the story ends
Live the day, doing what you can
This is only where it began
Nobody knows how the story ends
Nobody knows how the story ends
IRISHBOY @ April 23rd, 2018 – 22:52
Very kind of you to post it, Irishboy, thank you, it must have taken time to copy, (it would be even more amazing if it’s from memory), Baron enjoyed it, he likes poetry of quality even if a drop of roughness seeps in.
Decades ago when the poorly educated Slav was attempting to master the English language (still is as you well know), a brochure or perhaps a pamphlet issued in the pre-war years by the British Embassy in Prague was of help, the copy was in tatters, but few pages that contained parts of S’s sonnets remained OK, Baron can visualise it as if it were today, he sitting on a window sill trying to memorise the stuff, he cannot recall however which sonnet it was, or even a word of it, amazing how things learnt quickly also quickly leave one’s cranium. It was since then that Baron tries to celebrates S’s birthday each year (avoiding celebrating his own).
Still, this and then enough of the bard. Amongst the several book son Shakespeare, one stands out for Baron, it’s by Bill Bryson, it is exceptional in that it’s penned with alot of humour. Here is how the book opens:
“Before he came into lot of money in 1839, Richard Plantagenet Temple Nuggent Bryndes Chandos Grenville, second Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, led a largely uneventful life.
He sired an illegitimate son in Italy, spoke occasionally in the House of Commons against the repeal of the Corn Laws, and developed an early interest in plumbing (his house at Stowe, in Buckinghamshire, had nine of the first flush toilets in England), but otherwise was distinguished by nothing more than his glorious prospects and many names.
But after inheriting his titles and one of England’s great estates, he astonished his associates, and no doubt himself, by managing to lose every penny of his inheritance in just nine years through a series of spectacularly unsound investments”.
Bryson then goes on about the Duke leaving for France in a hurry as creditors demand money that was raised through an auction at Christie & Manson, and which the Earl of Ellesmere purchased a dark oval portrait, twenty two inches high by eighteen wide for 355 guineas known ever since as the Chandos portrait, of whom many think is that of the bard, few have doubts ab out it.
An enjoyable book even for someone who knows alot about Shakespeare.
Malfleur @ April 24th, 2018 – 12:13
If one could say good bye to the political class, fine, Malfleur, but the song isn’t about it, is it.
Frank P @ April 24th, 2018 – 10:57
In the property business, Frank, one can be found sinning even if the rules are followed minutely, it’s probably the one business where even a compliance with the laws gets you in trouble. This is not Baron talking, but one of his friends, and he should know he’s been at it all his life (has retired now).
EC @ April 24th, 2018 – 09:18
Thanks, EC, point taken.
Frank P @ April 24th, 2018 – 09:44
What is the nationality, or rather the ethnic group membership of the confused driver? Is anyone saying?
Malfleur @ April 24th, 2018 – 03:59
Is the man who penned it, Malfleur, in a padded cell?
Frank P @ April 24th, 2018 – 09:44
A redundant question, Frank, please don’t get up to answer it, it was inconsiderate of Baron to ask in the first place (it was only a rhetorical q anyway).
It was Alek, a 25 year old, no strong views on anything, no religious affiliation, socially somewhat awkward he may have been, but as it turns out amazingly inventive and amazingly effective, he tops the list of van killers, does he not?
April 24th, 2018 – 14:59
There seems (to me) something a bit doubtful about one of the statements in Bill Bryson’s book. It says that the second Duke of Buckingham and Chandos –
“….spoke occasionally in the House of Commons against the repeal of the Corn Laws……”
How, I wonder, could he, being a Duke, speak in the House of Commons?
Herbert Thornton @ April 24th, 2018 – 18:01
It was before he inherited the title, Herbert, not after.
Read also the postings.
It’s all water water off the duck’s back, the governing elite pays no attention whatever to it, they don’t have to, the voting system is corrupt enough to keep them in power, if a new party emerges e.g. the UKIP, all hell breaks loose, the party’s accused of every sin under the sun, words like fascists, racists, homo-islamo phones get banged around, the MSM poodles ban everyone objecting to it, and the lobotomised voter trots to the voting booth again, cast the votes for them.
Hopefully, this will not in any way harm Frank, even though it’s his comrades who decided to take action against the driver:
April 24th, 2018 – 19:59
But of course! My making a mistake like that has me wondering whether Dementia is starting.
Alex Jones is Compromised w/ Adam Green
This episode of Tucker Carlson should be encased in a fireproof container and buried deep, so that future visitors from other worlds can be apprised of the beginning of the end of what was known as Western Civilisation, during which humanity achieved its apogee then self destructed virtually overnight during an unexplained inundation of moral decline, blatant lying and suicidal insanity.
Frank P @ April 25th, 2018 – 06:52
The great Tucker doesn’t dig deep enough, Frank, the Republic has to stay in Syria, leaving would be an acknowledgement of defeat, a step towards sharing power with the arch enemy Russia, a prelude to losing an even greater share of control to China later on. Holding on to, or at least doing everything possible to keep her hegemonic position in the world intact, is at the top of the list of ‘what’s in it for America’ in Syria, Ukraine and wherever. It costs them but it’s unavoidable burden for someone who cannot but be number one in the world.
The US foreign policy since the war has never ever wavered (as Baron keeps saying), it’s a ruthless prosecution of American interests, the securing of resources, natural, territorial, human, directing them in the service of the Republic. It’s hard to blame them for it, that’s how empires behave, and that’s why countries pursuing such mercilessly feral policies are empires.
The place the Americans have settled in Syria (north east) has almost all of the Syrian oil an gas reserves. How likely are they to give up on it?
Malfleur @ April 25th, 2018 – 05:14
These two are articulate, avoid shouting, and have a point (or more).
Are we to understand you’re off the yelling champion of all ages, Malfleur.
Herbert Thornton @ April 24th, 2018 – 23:30
Your postings, Herbert, are far from suggesting your brain cell engine is slowing down, just the opposite.
Baron must have read this passage few times, not once did the question you’ve asked occurred to him, it did to you, and it is totally relevant (btw, using Baron’s cranium as a calibrating point may in itself be laughable).
Worth your attention, and it’s short:
Herbert Thornton – 18:01
Bill Bryson only wrote one decent book, imo, and it was one of his earlier scribbles.
Baron, April 24th, 2018 – 23:09
Some of the comments linked under that article are priceless!
“In the UK everything is policed except crime.”
Mark Steyn
Baron – Bill Bryson
I do have the Bill Bryson book on Shakespeare on my shelves of “Bardolatory” though it hasn’t been read yet, but after your recommendation I now look forward to it very much. My recommendation is a wonderful book by Peter Levi, “The Life and Times of William Shakespeare” which shows how contemporaneous events of plague and pageant, weather and wars etc. found their way into the plays and which the audience would recognise. This has greatly enhanced my enjoyment of the plays and perhaps it will yours too.
And so often over the years many here and formerly at the other place would beg Frank to write about his life, and I wish you would too. We get snippets which convince me that you have quite a tale to tell – that little bit the other day of how you came across Shakespeare’s Sonnets for instance. Just a thought!
April 24th – 09:13
Lost me there, I’m afraid, EC. Please provide the key!
Baron 25th April – 10:03
No, not at all; though I suppose I will have to look further into this wretched Zionist business which is alleged to be the source of the pressure for compromise on that issue. I am rarely closed to weighing reasoned criticism of gurus, compared with “snake oil salesman” jibes. It is always possible that offers can be made which cannot be refused when someone’s head is a certain height above the parapet.
Give Us Your Cash to Fight Climate Change: Globalist May Takes Your Money Away – but in a good cause of course.
Theresa May and the British government are running a high octane scam on the British people.
See details at about 28 minutes into:
Harrison Smith shines light on this scam in the prime minister’s energy policy. It will be remembered that Ms. May has committed to the closing by 2020 of all the United Kingdom’s conventional power plants using that “carbon-producing pollutant”, coal. The extent to which the Chinese government has committed in turn to provide us with their nuclear option remains opaque. What is clear though is that technology can provide coal fueled power plants that generate clear energy and Britain has significant reserves of coal with the government contributing significant numbers of unemployed coal miners to mine them.
Dr. Miller exposes the laughable chain of contradictions down which slow-growth, hardwood trees logged in Virginia are reduced to pellets and then exported to us as “bio-mass” to fuel the Drax power plant in North Yorkshire producing “clean” energy. Coal is of course fossilised trees and similar organic matter.
The University of Nottingham has shown that bio-mass burned in power plants produces greater carbon emissions than does coal.
“Some of the comments linked under that article are priceless”
Yes- i particularly like the contribution by this guy:
Yer ol’ Woodpile Report No.526.
The musings of Ol’ Remus will keep you occupied and informed for several pleasurable hours, despite the dark content of many of the links. His conjoining narrative is unique – and he opens this issue with Manet’s “Ship’s Deck” (1850). Enjoy.
One of Remus’s referrals:
But with the sagacious caveat:
“Notice “Hillary Clinton and others”. Now it’s a criminal referral against one principal at least, in addition to the usual surrogates and confidants. If this gets traction, watch closely. If there’s evidence this was prompted by the Attorney General, watch even more closely.
As satisfying as it would be to see the Clintons and others answer for their many crimes, if the palatine start arresting each other, the tipping point is passed. There are no honest brokers, the list of federal agencies having revealed themselves to be partisan frauds is nearly all-inclusive: the FBI, IRS, CIA, EPA and more. Consider what it means when a lynch mob would more nearly express the will of the people, and be more accountable, than these institutions.
Vendettas rule and the courts have taken sides. DC hasn’t demonstrated the will to contain such a furball, nor does its maze of overlapping authority warrant confidence in its ability to do so. Which leaves force majeure, the suspension of restraint and obligation. It’s just here we step off the edge of terra cognito.
Outside DC, look for ’60s-style riots, bombings, assassinations and arson. Nonstop. Stay away from crowds. Prepare.”
Read the whole goddam issue. A characteristlc cornucopia of cerebral sustenance.
Correction at 01:09: 2015 not 2021
Correction to Correction: 2025 not 2020!!!
Paul Joseph Watson (Infowars editor-at-large):
‘Conservatism IS the new counter-culture. Deal with it.’
Wonderful to see Amder Rudd digging deeper and deeper.
A panel chaired by Judicial Watch considers the nature and operation of “the Deep State”:
Tucker Carlson follows through on his probing into the alleged gas attack by Assad, as PJW and Syrian Girl warn that a 50-50 chance that WWIii is imminent – breaking news reports that a US warship is steaming toward Syria.
A heady brew of Chicken Soup? 🙂 Or should that be “Duck!!”
Frank P – 03:10
Yes, I read them all but that one resonates / chimes.
[ “WTF Is My Jetpack?” RIP TIM Wilson (1961 -2014) ]
We spend most of our lives either being deliberately lied to in varying degrees, in one forum or another. The outright lies come in the form, misinformation, disinformation or partial information(i.e. lying by omission) I find it laughable when the BBC complain about others it’s the pot calling the kettle black! They have been “at it” since their inception!
The awful truth is a slippery customer, so often unpalatable that most people would prefer to ignore it!
Trust nobody, establish motives, follow the money, gather the evidence!
Malfleur – 23:48
You linked to articles written by “Caligula.” [April 24th, 2018 – 03:59]
I was referring to something I’d read on his father’s (i.e. Germanicus) blog.
Mrs Mills is my pet name for Caligula’s stepmom.
Mueller has discovered so much information that Obama together with establishment Republicans set up Trump with a false Russian connection that Mueller cannot keep the lid on any longer.
Thnks, I will have to research branches on the Caligula family tree a little!
If your young (great)-grandchildren are orphaned you have no authority over them.They become the property of the State in the person of the local social workers.(Great) grand parents,uncles & aunts,etc. have to apply to the State to adopt them. This may be refused on such grounds as that the family members are too old /are smokers/would not give a positive view of homosexuality/were supporters of UKIP etc.
There was a case in Scotland of a little five year old girl who lost her lone mummy and was snatched from the loving grandparents and allocated to two homosexuals by social workers.
David Cameron said he would strengthen the rights of grandparents ; but he did not.
I would advice parents to put into their Last Will those who should become their children’ Guardians should they die.
Just five degrees C, that was the temperature last night around Baron’s abode, to add rainy insult to the injury of impotence, the blue veined barbarian was only some ten minutes from safety when the heavens opened, a shower of biblical proportions aided by massive gusts of wind.
Lucky for any of the AGW proponents, had any of them been to hand he would not be breathing today.
Radford NG @ April 26th, 2018 – 17:28
Will a privately drawn ‘last testament’ overrule a statute, Radford?
If it does (Baron will inquire) your suggestion will be followed by him, thank you.
Malfleur @ April 26th, 2018 – 12:52
Tempting, Malfleur, to discover what Mueller found on the Clinton woman &co, but sadly Baron isn’t prepared to spend 45 minutes on it.
What is then? Cannot you tell us? Briefly, in (say) half a dozen sentences?
EC @ April 26th, 2018 – 12:14
Or has Baron lost it altogether?
Frank P @ April 26th, 2018 – 10:20
Whether true Baron cannot say, Frank, but the Czech NATO high officer turned pundit says most of the rocketry fired last Saturday were of prehistoric age (bit exaggerated that, but you get the drift). It may be that the Americans are assembling in the Med ships that are also beyond MOT, may have been tinkered with many times before, are worth not more than scrap metal prices.
If the Russians were to sink the lot, which they should be able to because they possess missiles that skim the sea surface undetected by any radar the Americans have, the furore would be the same as if the best of American Navy got sunk, and the Pentagon will then easily get the funding for new better toys. Possible, no?
Ans another thing, Frank.
The barbarian reckons the Americans and their close friends have a window before the World Cup opens. Vlad is unlikely to do anything before or during, he wants ordinary people from the West to come, see who’s right on Russia, the professional haters or Baron, heh, heh, heh.
Malfleur @ April 26th, 2018 – 09:22
Thanks, Malfleur, Baron has watched it before, it is good, close to what makes sense, but who wants the truth in a post-truth times?
Frank P @ April 26th, 2018 – 03:53
This is also few days old, Frank, the barbarian has come across it, agrees with you, the line between what’s political and what’s criminal is not well defined, given the Donald’s approach to things, the fact that most of the players are of legal background, have plenty of money, and also that the mob will not be happy unless one of the culprits gets sent down, the whole affair may backfire on the man in the Oval Office..
Robert Sheriffhales @ April 26th, 2018 – 08:58
Exactly what Baron thought when the poor woman was facing the Commons today, Robert, even the dreadful Diana looked more statesman (or is stateswoman) like.
Why lie when it’s bleeding obvious the truth will out? These people are truly and unquestionably anencephalic, no other way to explain their loopy behaviour.
Malfleur @ April 26th, 2018 – 01:09
Russian gas will come to our rescue, Malfleur, quietly, unobtrusively, and in massive quantities.
Irishboy @ April 25th, 2018 – 20:47
The recommendation sounds exactly the sort of book the poorly educated Slav likes, buys often and devours in numbers, connections are what explains many things we puzzle about.
As for you thought, tempting as it may be, Baron lacks one small ingredient one needs to pen something others will spend time reading – a genuine ability to write. Frank, on the other hand, should follow your friendly advice, his wordsmithing ability should be envied by the majority of scribblers of books, if they had to ability to judge.
Still (and it’s only between you, the barbarian, and the twisted pair of copper wires that will carry it, in part anyway), the poorly edu Slav has already done for his grandsons, is sitting on it, hopes to find a sub-editor, the bit about the bard is a re-worded bit from it, but please not a word to anyone, heh, heh, heh).
Apologies for you know what, Baron’s going to have a cup of tea now, you can relax for a while.
Why aren’t you in the QT audience tonight? It’s on your manor. The panel is stacked with nutters, you could have had some fun winding up Flabbot, the Green bird from the Planet Zog and the little twerp Hancock allegedly the Tory Party.
Gobsmacked at the drivel emanating from the usual suspects. Dunno why. … Same old, same old .
Hope springs eternal, I suppose. Heh, heh, heh …
Then there’s this:
Dutty barstewards!
April 26th, 2018 – 19:19
We don’t know yet, Baron. Mueller’s investigation is confidential pending a formal report.
What I am more concerned about at present is one of the latest posts by QAnon , which seems to foreshadow public release of further Strzok/Page texts which imply they contain conversations which turn on threats to the life of President Trump and members of his family. Particularly worrying is the suggestion that these threats do not come only from the FBI and other domestic sources, but also from “foreign allies”. These would of course be mouthpieces and operatives of the globalists; but I pray that the United Kingdom is not one of those “allies” because of the shame that it would bring on the country. The latest posts seem to confirm what was foreshadowed in drop 586 on January 22.
The latests texts between Strzok/Page seem to have already been given to Congress, which is now trying to decide what to do with them – the mother of hot potatoes (MOHP).
Malfleur @ April 27th, 2018 – 04:23
Thank you, Malfleur, helpful to figure what’s going on, but Baron hears the Congress is mulling a statute that would give Mueller legal protection (against sacking, Baron assumes, but is it so?)
Frank P @ April 26th, 2018 – 23:44
For some reason, he failed to mention the Scottish Tory ‘miracle’ woman (Ruth is her name) and her partner’s announcement that one of them (it is Ruth) is going to have their dream fulfilled, she is pregnant, the progressive lad of Scottish ancestry Alex Massie gets overjoyed, you can share in his acclamation – see below.
The immaculate conception is off, the immaculate contrivance in, it seems.
Which is to be?
Lets fight for it, the comedian Harry would shout, but Baron reckons nobody will follow his call to arms, we need more hurtful reason for a good fight, always have done, such as a solid recession, better still falling house prices.
Now, that would do it, the moral morass will then add more than a touch of ferocity to the fight (but will Baron be around to witness it, possibly get harmed, too? Only He knows, and He hasn’t told anyone).
Baron – 05:11
The OBN (Order of the Brown Nose) for Alex Massie, then…
Immaculate contrivance? Shame on you, Baron, for mocking this desperate woman. It would’ve taken a lot of dutch courage for her to conceive by the traditional method. She would have required a large stiff one before, during and afterwards…
Frank P, April 26th, 2018 – 23:44
AND… then there’s some more weighty matters to consider…
More stories from the lunatic asylum we live in obtained here…
Having pissed off the sheep-shaggers, Rod hits the commie-nail right on the head:-
Hurrah for Prince Louis of Cambridge.
Which brings me to Prince Louis Battenberg who with Churchill and Fisher prepared the Fleet for War in 1912 ( and before that).
His eldest child was mother of Prince Philip’s;his youngest was Lord Louis Mountbatten of some what contested memory.
I remember a song from years ago :” Prince Louis Battenberg is burning the Admiralty lights down low”.
Erratum:mother of Prince Philip.
Radford NG,
Did you see the televisual program on Peregrine Falcons last night?
Some stunning photography and scenery with a dash of some actual science and engineering – which makes a refreshing change.
NB. An Attenborough free zone. 😉
“A Tale of Two Bills”
Mark Steyn
Baron – A Note on Rants
I am not sure you appreciate what a valuable thing a good rant really is. If this gentleman has the passion, why should we not have the patience?:
Even if you have nothing to write, write and say so. Marcus Tullius Cicero
Latest QAnon
The Australian chap in my the last link doesn’t seem to have much of a clue as to the significance of Q’s posts but does give an up to date text. For up to date AND informed comment look to this rather excitable Italian:
Total Eclipse
Q Anon JL Versus Kanye, Moon Child, Kanye Protected, North and South Korea Unified, Haiti, JFK Files
This is a well-organized and designed site which displays and comments on QAnons comments. In this link, posts are for April 27th and cover ##1280-1290:
Peter John Dalglish: Canadian – Humanitarian & UN Paedophile – Founder of “Street Kids International”
“On April 9, 2018, I re-blogged Dr. James Tracy’s post on the sudden and untimely death, at age 42, of Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Jason Fitzsimons, who had questioned the Parkland school shooting’s gun control agenda.
Now comes another Broward County sheriff’s deputy death — that of 53-year-old Marshall Peterson on April 24, 2018….”
Bravo for your post at Speccie on the Alder Hay baby
This is good, really good, it out masks the vile BBC more than 100%, a man who actually lives in Aleppo says what he knows from his living there, the BBC fruitcake keeps repeating the standard lie ‘we have proof, the Syrian observatory (one guy living above a KFC shop in Coventry) confirms it’.
The Syrian businessman should have said ‘come, have a look’, but even this would probably not persuade the nutter to change his mind, he’s either brainless, or so deluded that nothing short of a treatment in a psychiatric ward can cure him.
David Lindsay @ April 28th, 2018 – 21:48
It wasn’t that powerful, David, and the barbarian wasn’t the only one making this point.
Malfleur @ April 28th, 2018 – 12:10
Malfleur, you should give up watching these weirdly conspiratorial videos, this one dates from April 15, yet nothing has leaked to the MSM. Why?
Malfleur @ April 28th, 2018 – 01:32
It’s not patience that’s in short supply, Malfleur, it’s time, the barbarian just doesn’t have enough of it.
Btw, you do anything else, like a holding job, or just watch the stuff?
Clear Memories @ April 27th, 2018 – 11:20
Excellent feature, Rod excels here, Clear Memories, the barbarian has a written version of it, he subscribes.
EC @ April 27th, 2018 – 10:04
Someone came up with better one, EC, ‘the immaculate assumption’, it fits, no?
That you are still subscribing to the Old Queens’ Street mob’s rag is one thing; but leaving a comment thereon that pleases the Shavian-Telly-Lindsay troll machine is surely beyond the pale?
Why not express your view here and submit it to the scrutiny of your peers? You do worry me sometimes. WFSAYO?
Baron 0101
But very eloquently put
I Personally am glad of Frazer’s Input, but think that if the doctors regarded the parents and child as a family unit they would have let the baby go to Rome as part of their best interests judgement
I can not access the comments at the Spectator at all and do not want to pay extra to do so;but because of a quirk in their computer system I get to read the articles without.
EC April 27 at 16-49.
I missed the documentary on the falcons as I tend to miss most of what is on TV these days.
Frank P @ April 29th, 2018 – 06:11
No excuse for subscribing to the rag, Frank, if it were up to the blue veined barbarian from the east the Scottish fruitcake and his deluded crew would have been without Baron’s financial support long ago, it is the boss who will not heed Baron’s advice (seldom delivered not in a harsh voice), will not give up the subscription we’ve had since Alexander Chancellor was running it in the 80s (?).
Often Baron’s prevented posting here because the system’s painfully slow, it may not be because of the number of postings (it looks we’ll hit the million mark soon – only joking), many other sites are equally lazy, the Spectator response time is better (even though on occasions it slows down beyond what Baron can stand, too, hence no postings there either)
You still subscribe to the notion that ‘those who’re not with us are against us’, but there are issues not connected with politics where co-existence does no harm, you may have noticed we live side by side with the phylum of the anointed, have to co-exist, soon may have to take up arms together with them if the Ruskies arrive, no?
Btw, why don’t you do what Radford’s doing, read the articles there, comment here?
Radford & EC:
A pair of buzzards is nesting (or is it ‘are nesting’?) in Baron’s garden, well, the trees in his garden connect to a a line of trees cum wide hedge leading to a farm, the pair gave preference to a tree that stands on the barbarian’s property, they circle around, make a chicken like noise, a thinnish ‘aeee’, rather silly that because other birds can hear it, often the crows have a go, but the buzzards ignore them, never make even a slight effort to threaten them.
About tree weeks ago, the barbarian dispatched another rabbit to meet its maker, left the carcass in the middle of the garden, one of the buzzards made a swoop for it within minutes, amazing tO watch it, but it lasted but seconds. Other rabbits, helped to be motionless by Baron, also disappear, but it was the first time Baron watched it happen.
“Why don’t you like Radford’s doing read the comments there and comment here?”
Because I cancelled my sub when they shafted Melanie and thereafter they blackballed my comments. Unlike Radford I am unable to access any articles beyond the opening para.
Anyway m’Lord, while I fully accept m’Lady’s right to invite the enemy’s propaganda into your stately pile, I still think that basking in the trolls’ plaudits is more than iffy. The Colonel has mastered the put down of that tactic. Nota bene. Heh, heh, heh !
Btw, Rod’s pieces as a polemicist and contraversialist are always worth pasting and copying; even though he’s still a dyed–in-the-wool-lefty and achieves his aims with panache. We shouldn’t be seduced by his cunning, he feeds the poison into his salad sandwiches that have a variety of flavours for all tastes, but deep down, the relentless toxins do their work. There are more ways of killing a cat … as you well know.
Baron – 00:59
Re:Hard Talk:
It’s good to know that someone has been sticking to Sackur-Shit but, in addition to X-rays & CT scans etc., I’ve also reached the safe limit of exposure to the toxic Beeboid for 2018.
Frank P & Baron
“There are more ways of killing a cat … as you well know.”
I reckon that with, correct choice of pellet the right shot placement, and maybe lubing the barrel with a drop of diesel for extra muzzle velocity… then Baron’s baroque blowpipe could just about memorialise a moggie.
Ninety percent through a rant on corruption on the Council and it disappear, life is too short to repeat it, but at least I tried. By the way, I too am pissed off with the content of the Speccie, they have definitely lost their way and they will lose me when my current subscription is up.
Could this new legal action succeed? About as likely as is the barbarian likely to become Pope.
stephen maybery @ April 29th, 2018 – 17:39
Glad to hear your voice again, stephen.
EC @ April 29th, 2018 – 14:11
A useful verb, memorialise, EC, but difficult to pronounce (for Baron anyway).
Rudd’s gone.
Brandon Lewis defended her this morning, but missed a golden opportunity, should have argued the Windrushgate is yet another unforgivably evil Russian meddling into how we’re governed. He should have said Ms Rudd was scheduled to work on a new set of policies on immigration that would have fully addressed and ultimately cured for good the old boil of Windrush, (of which she was totally unaware before), on the weekend March 4-5.
Unfortunately, she had to drop it when the Russians so unexpectedly poisoned the Skripals on March 4th, there was an urgent need to quickly identifying the culprits, i.e. the Russians, which she did. A new danger loomed, however, it was very likely that the Russian FSB operatives i.e. most of the population of Russia, may also begin poisoning the good burghers of Salisbury and beyond.
This, an even graver menace than the poisoning of the two Russians, was prevented by her, no other citizen of this country has been harmed with the nerve gas Novichok even though millions must have touched door handles of many shapes and sizes.
The unavoidable diversion from Ms Rudd’s stellar effort to sort the Windrush issue out once and for all, (and one must stress again interrupted by the vile Russian poisoning of the Skripals), meant the work on immigration, amongst which the Windrush saga was on top of her list, had to wait, but is currently getting addressed with speed, openness, and a total absence of mendacity by Ms Rudd, who has the full backing of the TM, her colleagues in the Government, the country as a whole, the EU, and (provided he’s in a special relationship mood) the Donald, but above all, by the world community.
That explanation would have been very believable, the MSM would give it full support, no resignation needed, no?
(That’s Baron’s posting on the S blog tonight, no upticks though).
Frank P @ April 29th, 2018 – 11:12
You sure you cannot access the blogs? You may have to register on the site (and if you also register on Disqus) you should be OK, no?
Point taken on the ways of a cat disposal, but Rod writes wittily, often has a point.
Mueller and Rosenstein Turned and Working with the Good Guys as a Small Part in their Larger Plan?
This is the best reasoned argument in the the affirmative that I have heard:
Newsletter – Dispute over Russia Policy
(Own report) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s meeting today with US President Donald Trump is not only overshadowed by his threat of applying punitive tariffs and the Iran conflict, but also by a dispute over economic aspects of the USA’s Russia policy. On the one hand, the Trump administration is calling on Berlin to forego the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. In fact, the pipeline, which establishes Germany as the EU’s central distributor for Russian natural gas, is one of the main aspects of Germany’s energy policy. On the other, the newest round of sanctions that the US has levied against Russia – without consulting Berlin – threatens to cause serious damage to German companies. The dispute with Washington is escalating at a time when the Russia policy is becoming more controversial in Germany. Whereas the German government is accentuating its course – while media organs are openly campaigning for being prepared to go to war with Russia – business associations are pushing for moderation. Some formerly influential politicians are warning of the “danger of a third and final world war.”
Amber Rudd (formerly Mrs A.A. Gill)
Good Riddance, I say, but not for the reasons that many are giving.
She is totally useless, ineffectiual, wishy-washy, and a just what you get when there are quotas for Wimmin MPs.
She is no conservative and also infected with the toxic, civilisation destroying, gLiberal pathogen – just like her former Boss!
Unfortunately it’s probably not literally Adios though, as being one of the elite club she’ll no doubt be given a well paid grace and favour sinecure somewhere.
‘Olly Robbins. People’s Soviet’.
Good luck for today & tomorrow to all those Wallsters living in Norfolk, Suffolk & Essex. I hope that the Global Warming doesn’t make it too hot!
EC 08.08
Let us welcome the prospect of Mad Annie ‘git yer gun’ Soubry as Gauleiter for Internal Subjection, possibly even Gove the Cove. Whatever the candidate selected by the Hertfordshire Tory Mafia we can certainly agree that none of them wish us well or will in any way act in any interests other than their own.
I will be in Chichester tomorrow, joining the Reinstate Bishop Bell Massive and signing the petition organised by the ‘Sew Testes on the Archbishop of Canterbury’ Collective.
Wednesday will see me, as a taxpayer, inspecting the collection of non functioning, pensionable,rust buckets that passes under the title of the Royal Navy. The ships that is, not the Admiralty.
Agreed, but the party allegiance is irrelevant to the self-serving gLiberal elite found floating on top of the septic tank that is party politics, meeja, quangocracy and fake charities. Ultimately the S will HTF and I hope they all suffer the same fate as Mussolini or Gaddafi. Bastards!
Chichester: It’s reportedly going to be “cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey,” so don’t forget to wear long johns or the arctic blast may well see yours withered on the stump! Cantaur’s may need arc welding than sewing.
Rear Admirals: They “feel the wind but never put to sea” you know. Rather like us contractors seemingly now permanently “resting between engagements.” Still, never say never again, and if the phone rings remember our Guild motto, “Nil Mortifi Sine Lucre.” (T. Pratchett)
Does the RN have any wimmin rear admirals?
Mueller’s Diabolical Plan Exposed – Clapper & Dershowitz are Deep State Operatives
The Argument for Mueller and Rosenstein being central characters in the New World Order Plot against President Trump and Constitutional Government in the USA is put here by Feisty Federico:
EC on Rudd
“Good Riddance…for the reasons…” that include her perpetuation of the ban on Michael Savage visiting the United Kingdom handed down from Home Secretary to Home Secretary from the last Labour government…
Lazy, talentless, Savage Ginjavitis is the new home secretary, truly we are ruled by a clique of shystering rogues.
Malfleur – 11:58
Not forgetting, recently, 22 year old Canadian journalist, Lauren Southern.
Noa – 13:20
He’s a former Deutsche Banker.
It’s as you said…
Frank P,
ICYMI on Saturday – then here’s a double treat, sort of…
1. Judge Janine’s Saturday “Opening Statement” on the egregious Comey.
2. Which was immediately followed by an interview with Mark Steyn
As a Ageing White Male I will charitably assume that the fragrant blossom which is Diane Abbott is not representative of all Ageing Black women.
Tomorrow I plan to dance round the February pole.
Marshal Roberts @ April 30th, 2018 – 20:34
Around here the temperatures are barely above zero, Marshall, (well, 5.5C, but the easterly winds make one feel it’s around zero).
If it were the other way round, April was above the average, we would hear over and again about AGW, the need to save the polar bears, to punish the disbelievers, to ensure that future generations can experience snow. Instead, the BBC wankers are saying that a joint study by the US & UK scientists will study a ‘doomsday’ glacier in the Antarctic because it could collapse within decades and cause a 10ft rise in sea levels.
That’s bye-bye to East Anglia then if it happens, but probably not because happen it will not. These scientific brains have failed to predict a Spring that’s as cold if not colder than the last December, and they think they can predict what will happen in decades ahead. Padded cells for them.
Noa @ April 30th, 2018 – 16:11
Your assuming the cumryd’s former mistress isn’t what other ageing black women are must be correct, Noa, if you were wrong, we would truly be in a shite.
EC @ April 30th, 2018 – 15:48
She remarks to the great Mark that ‘there will be no consequences’ (Mark disagrees), EC, but Baron reckons she’s right, nothing will happen because the key misbehaving players in the Justice Dept and the FBI have connections, there are more of the same ilk where they come from. Even if Session were to get them before a grand jury, these guys are lawyers, they have money, can get other lawyers, and ultimately succeed in staying free.
EC, Malfleur, Noa:
On Rudd: Not as morally corrupt as the trio that made the running on Salisbury, boys, it was her brief, yet she let the saintly One, the Blonde Inseminator and the Pinocchio in defence to make the running on the poisoning, when she talked about it, it felt she wasn’t convincingly comfortable.
On Javid: Let Baron remind you that it was Muslim CPS guy who re-opened the files on the abuse of girls, it opened the floodgate, the gate’s still open. Javid may similarly surprise, he won’t be afraid to hit the jihadis amongst us harder than a white equivalent would. Let’s give him a chance, he may not have time anyway if the cumryd and his girlfriend get the saintly One in the dock.
The al-Jazeera TV said that up to 300 British passport holders are preparing to return ‘home’ after they got rooted out by the Syrian Army. If Javid confiscates their passports, tells them to fugg off, he would be more than applauded, no?
EC @ April 30th, 2018 – 09:42
See Baron’s lament to Marshall above, impossible to type more, the fingers suffer from frost bite.
Noa @ April 30th, 2018 – 08:22
Someone should tell the cretinous people who are trying to scrap or at least derail Brexit that democracy can only work if after a vote everyone follows what the vote delivered. They cannot and should not be fighting a war they’ve already lost. If a losing side were to do what they’ve been doing since the referendum, the society couldn’t function, the mob would take over, we would all suffer.
This may wake you uu, could also explain why the Russian took the beating, didn’t hit back, it’s the Steele connection that made them suffer the indignity of getting accused of a crime they didn’t commit. But why? What do they have to hide?
Btw, there’s an error, quite significant error, in the posting at 23:07, the last sentence should read “if each time a losing side were to do what ….. ” the ‘each time’ is important, the barbarian thought he typed it in, obviously didn’t. When he re-read the sentence the Alzheimer doped brain of his also concluded the ‘each time’ was in, they were both wrong, sorry.
Russians, not a single Russian in the above @ 11:07, do forgive, please, and ‘up’ not ‘uu’.
Baron – 11:07
“Novi-Fog™ “ I like that one!
The article poses some interesting questions, but as to the truth of the matter? I suspect that one could count the number of people who actually know the truth on the fingers of one hand, and I don’t include our PM in that number. That’s spookery for you.
Who was it that said, “Never believe a rumour until it has been officially denied”?
Baron May has come but you and Peter are not the only ones who think it is still February.
Another floater…
Marshal Roberts – 12:34
I take it that you don’t live in East Anglia then?
May 1st – Scotland ends cheap booze as minimum price starts!
Good news for supermarkets just across the border in England! Also, some good news for the “Wegies” too, as the price of the “Holy Swally” [i.e. Buckfast Tonic Wine] remains unchanged…
EC at 13-19.
English farmers from Riever(?) families can set themselves up along the border ;or go back to the old ways and transport it across the border in the dark.Just like in Ireland where cattle pass back and forth according to the subsidies available (along with contraceptives ).Why can’t the EU and Mrs.May solve the Irish problem by leaving it to the Free Trading Gentlemen?
Radford NG – 14:40
Aye, I’ll drink to that!
I don’t see the attraction of Buckfast when at 15% it isn’t particularly cheap compared to Supermarket Port at 19% (even if the former is fortified with meths.). But it is fortified with caffeine;perhaps that does it.
Didn’t the City of London destroy the economy on champagne ,cocaine and Red Bull caffeine drink?
EC 1256- Do you think the February wall can stretch until next February?
I see Exeter University has expelled some law students because of banter on twitter.
e. mailed Peter at 18-54 to ask him to attend CHW .
Seem to remember Exeter being a hot-bed of the muslim brotherhood.
EC 1151
We can forget about Russia. Novichok was developed by the UK and US. But you knew that:
New World Order’s Plans for Us to Enjoy Nuclear War with Russia:
Further details of the globalists’ conspiracy to involve us all in a nuclear war with Russia helps us better to understand the anti-Russian narrative, including the temporary Hillary Clinton “reset”, (and also perhaps to understand on us Wallsters’ parochial level the part played by the anti-Russian stance of Germanicus and Caligula).
1. Deep States Plan Much Larger & Horrific Than Originally Thought
2. Q Anon Eager Lion 18, The Nuke Plot, And How It Failed – Iran Deal, DS, Syria, Israel, & Songbirds
Praying Medic – Q Anon Update May 1 – The Iran Deal Exposed
Tommy Robinson Interviews UKIP Leader Gerard Batten
“Can anyone explain to me why it is wrong for the Home Office to have a target for the removal of illegal immigrants? And would not the ideal target be 100 per cent? Rudd is inept, I think. She probably should have gone – although as ever, the thing which pushed her over the edge was nonsensical.
Failing to keep count of how many are coming in and failing to stop them is, of course, the much bigger crime. As is presiding over a magnificent London stabfest between young immigrants and the children of immigrants and doing nothing about it. “
Above from Speccie and apologies to Frank but it is Rod Liddle.
As Paul Joseph Watson points out in his MAYDAY! video, most of London’s problems aren’t necessarily all to be laid at the feet of Dick, Khan or even Rudd, they are caused by some Theresa “Sharia” May’s chickens coming home roost…
“What They’re NOT Telling You About London|
Marshal Roberts – 09:05
Copy and paste it, please.
The post above is the totality of it.
EC & Marshall:
This is a typical posting by Rod, its baiting quality fully present, of course there’s nothing wrong kicking people who’ve arrive dhere illegally out, nothing wrong to have targets for it (however meaningless such targets are for as Rod says the target should be the Full Monty, and pretty pronto, too).
You must be by now totally fed up with baron banging about it, but listen to it again. Immigration will never end because it is an economic phenomenon, it benefits both the new arrivals and the middle classes that run the country, will they consciously and voluntarily deprive themselves of a cheap often well educated labour?
I short, immigration is but colonisation with the travelling arrangements of the two parties reversed. Baron appreciates your reluctance to embrace this slicing of immigration, but deep down you have to admit there’s more than a grain of truth in it.
We could do without immigration, Japan does. It’s also an island country, roughly the same population, GDP, living standards, not so much the same or even similar history though, but all in all not that different in economic parameters, diametrically different in culture though, hence no immigration, and virtually no naturalisation, the Colonel has explained it well before.
Btw, has anyone met the Colonel on any other blogs? If his absence’s voluntary that’s OK, but if he got cut off because of what he says it would be awful.
Have look here, and ponder howling do we have here on our little patch.
Marshal Roberts (09:05)
Only too pleased to read Rodder’s article which you kindly cut and pasted. I’m not averse to his output, just can’t access the Speccie stuff because they have blackballed my comments, so I cancelled my sub. My caveat was in regard to his leftist leanings always present if you read between the lines. His seductive sardonic wit can sometimes make one forget his indelible leanings. He has mastered the the crafty art of propagnda.
May 2nd – 10:54
Good stuff and suitably shocking to expats like myself who try to keep abreast in the alternative media.
In a remote capital city in South East Asia understanding reaches us who are listening. Is the lesson being learned by the vanguard in advanced areas of the motherland like Cornshire and East Anglia, though what should they know of England who only England know?
PJW needs to take one more step in his analysis which would be to look into and then shout out about the faction which has consciously sought and planned ad acted to bring about the Congolisation of our capital and which does not intend to stop until it has completed its work; or until patriot forces have drained the UK swamp to expose them and have arrested, tried, found guilty, jailed and, where necessary, hanged the individuals responsible, so that the faction is expunged or no longer has a role in the country’s fate….
“There exists a law, not written down anywhere but inborn in our hearts; a law which comes to us not by training or custom or reading but by derivation and absorption and adoption from nature itself; a law which has come to us not from theory but from practice, not by instruction but by natural intuition. I refer to the law which lays it down that, if our lives are endangered by plots or violence or armed robbers or enemies, any and every method of protecting ourselves is morally right.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Have look here, and ponder how long do we have here on our little patch”.
That was how the last sentence at 12:34 should have read. Sorry.
Frank P @ May 2nd, 2018 – 15:01
Perhaps the Left-right slicing is no longer as valid as it used to be, Frank, the society has segmented beyond this old filter based on money, or the lack of it, i.e. labour for hire, no?
Rambler Crudd’s illegal migrant deportation target was about 11,000 pa. Assuming Ginjavitis maintains and reaches it we should see the last of the present batch leave our shores in about 4018.
An we’ll, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Keep up the good work Ginja.
Jacob’s now the bookmakers’ favourite to become the next PM.
Noa @ May 2nd, 2018 – 17:50
Who knows, Noa, what science could come up with, both you and Baron could still be here to witness the last one depart in 4018, heh, heh, heh.
The old left v right thing is outdated?
Surely that depends on your brand of conservatism. Between the Cameron progressives and Blairites of New Labour there is little to choose. For traditional Burkean Conservatives, who regard the past as the repository of our treasured inheritance, the core of which should be maintained for our descendents, the thoughtless, wilful or ignorant destruction of that heritage is at best ignorance at worst treason.
Baron 17.56
Do you think the Barklay’s NHS will be happy to put two of its critics in cryostasis for a couple of millenia?
Baron – 12:34
Colonel Mustard was in action on one of Guido’s threads yesterday.
I gave him an “uptick.” I usually do.
Baron – 17:56
Some brave, dare I say most courageous, wishful thinking on your part!
Send me a PayPal or bank transfer for only £850,000 and I’ll have you cryogenically frozen before things get worse. On a future date of your choosing we’ll have you thawed out, connected to the internet, and blogging away in no time. You (*) will, however, be inside a large glass jar filled with a special liquid containing a high concentrations of Serotonin and Brainforce™ There will be lots of tubes and wires but I promise you you’ll not notice them! On the upside, there’ll be no more beta blockers!
(*) WeeeeLL, when I say “you”, your head at any rate
See: Dennis Potter’s most disturbing “Cold Lazarus” (1996) for further details.
Noa – 18:28
Ah, Roald Amundsen I presume?
That’s me done for tonight!
” I am just going outside and may be some time….”
Leo Zagami on the Coup Taking Place in the Vatican
Sessions Compromised – InspoNews
Henry Ireton ; born Church Lane , Attenborough. (Photo)
I was sifting through RT yesterday looking for some actual hard news (rather than holographic) when I happened upon this:
You seem generally clued up about both Gemany and also defence matters, so I have to ask you, is this article true? Part of me wants it to be true because I really love it when the Krauts f*ck up.
Wiki reckons, to date, the RAF have about 120 Typhoons “in service.” Is this true, and are they actually any good?
I’d be very surprised if the RAF has more than 6 combat ready/rapid reaction Typhoons in the UK and 4 Tornados. Some aircraft up to 20, may be available for training etc
Are they any good?
That depends on what the operating requirement is. The Typhoon was originally designed as an air superiority aircraft, but delays due to multiple design changes, cost overruns and the end of the Cold War meant that the four nations buying it had different requirements and reduced budgets. Pilots speak well of it but their view is subjective and the latest F15 is considered superior. Disastrously effective flying from Sicily against Gaddafi’s ground forces in Libya a cheaper and more capable solution would have been the carrier borne Harriers Cameron himself had just scrapped.
I saw the new carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth being fitted odesfryut at Portsmouth yesterday. Originally envisaged as Blair’s International Air Force it lacks both effective aircraft and adequate Frigate protection, the latter suffering from systemic engine problems and lack of missile def
capabilities, again due to cuts in Defence spending.. My own recent experience on RAF stations has been of declining morale, and resulting widespread early retirements and departures coupled with a terrifying decline in equipment, support and capability.
Thankfully however, International Aid expenditure, unlike Defence budget, is ring fenced.
Dire! It’s worse than I imagined. Sad!
EC & Noa:
Below is a rushed (but accurate) summary of a foreign mag feature about the state of the German Armed Forces. You can get the source (in German) by clicking on the blueish highlighted words after each item in the lower part of the feature below the horizontal line (Baron left the foreign, added the English name of the month).
October (Říjen) 2017: all submarines are out of action, the last of them brushed itself against a rock near Norway, since then the whole fleet is moored, not enough spare parts.
The Germans have fewer subs than Greece (Řecko).
December (Prosinec) 2017: All military copters are in such poor state the military pilots have to train on private machines.
March (Březen) 2018: All 24 modern Airbus A400M are out of action, not enough spare parts.
November (Listopad) 2017: Out of the total number of 232 Leopard tanks only 92 are useable , the same story, lack of spare parts.
December (Prosinec) 2017: The project to supply a number of modern frigates costing billions has gone all wrong, the first one had to be returned to the makers because it was too heavy, is listing even in calm seas, radar doesn’t work, the computer system is full of bugs.
The last bit: The German fleet of Tornado planes is so old that NATO (i.e. the Americans) refuses to include them in their squads, only 23 out of the total number of 93 can actually fly (again, no spare parts).
Novi-Czech !!!
Czech President Milos Zeman coughs!
EC @ May 3rd, 2018 – 22:40
Those who claimed Novichok was only made in Russia, EC, knew very well that it was never made there, but was made in other countries including the Czech Republic. The Zeman’s revelation will therefore change absolutely nothing at all.
In fact, as the barbarian keeps saying, the only relevant, unquestionable and believable fact in the story is the letter of the hospital consultant, backed by both the first witnesses at the scene of the Skripal’s collapse (see the local paper Salisbury Review), as well as the deductive backing that nobody who touched anything the Skripals touched (after they got allegedly ‘contaminated’ by the nerve agent deposited on the door handle) reported ill, contaminated, harmed.
The case against the evil Russians has been closed, nobody will ever bother with it again, but from now on the MSM will add to the evil deeds attributed to the evil Russians the poisoning of the Skripals with a nerve agent. Simples, no?
And this: Breaking news latest, Novichok on the Skripals’ shoes.
Don’t miss scanning the postings, even if you don’t read the feature piece.
Baron, EC
The inadequacies of the UK’s Defence capabilities are summarised in the following article, with more detailed information on current issues, such as the imminent loss of capability to deliver long range Air to Ground havoc until possibly the mid 2020’s covered elsewhere on the site.
“US ‘freezes funding’ for White Helmets as group’s Douma chem attack claim falls apart”
This comes from RT, so as the left and the right boot might tell us must lack all credibility. Shouldn’t the Prime minister be asked to justify, however, why she was prepared to focus her considerable sense of self-righteousness into leading the country into action which on the face of it risked involving us in military hostilities with Russia but in the absence of any evidence for the crimes of which she so recklessly she accused the President of Syria, and in a manner as she had a month earlier treated the President of Russia? Whose agenda is she following? In whose interests is she acting?
Drain the UK swamp!
Noa @ May 4th, 2018 – 09:51
Hard to figure then, Noa, why are we barking at the Russians. Is it to provoke them to hit us, a move that would draw the Americans into the fight? Unlikely.
As the barbarian said many times before, the animosity against Russia is to condition the unwashed to accept more military spending, we need to do more than a serious MOT, that requires some serious money, money’s tight, very tight, hence the posturing, accusing Russia of imperialistic behaviour, staging of false flag ops then blaming Russia ….
Don’t be put off by the redirecting, you’ll get there, it’s worth reading even though Frank has his reservations about the guy:
Still on things military, here’s Fred on the American Armed Forces.
So spot on, it pains.
Is anyone around?
Robert Mueller is not a “shark”; he’s a punk. To paraphrase the 1st Duke of Wellington, I say to President Trump “Fire him and be damned!”:
‘A federal judge sharply challenged special counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecution team Friday, questioning how its indictment of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort on financial charges relates to Mueller’s core mandate to investigate alleged 2016 Russian election interference.
U.S. District Court Judge T.S. Ellis said Mueller’s team seemed to be pursuing the case — which involves bank and tax fraud — in order to “tighten the screws” on Manafort, in the hope that he will testify against others including President Donald Trump.
“I don’t see what relation this indictment has with what the special counsel is authorized to investigate,” Ellis said during an hourlong hearing in Alexandria, Virginia. “You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud. … What you really care about is what information Mr. Manafort could give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump or lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”
The 77-year-old appointee of President Ronald Reagan went on to colorfully describe what he thinks Mueller’s team is up to with the pressure it is putting on Manafort.
“The vernacular is to ‘sing,’ is what prosecutors use. What you got to be careful of is they may not only sing, they may compose,” Ellis said…’ [Read on]
And this minute just came into my email:
Looking increasingly likely Manafort could escape his charges…”
Fire him and be damned!
May 4th – 14:12 “…why are we barking at the Russians…”
In my view, it’s because the Russian government is anti-globalist and ours is pro-New World Order.
I believe that some in discussing “the correlation of forces” today, although highly reasoned and articulate (on the Wall Colonel Mustard springs to mind) are often constrained within the narratives and battle order of the 20th century political conversation whose authenticity is now being questioned.
‘This is a runaway, criminal coup…unfettered, rogue government…Mueller lied to no fewer than 3 judges..nothing to do with the Russian investigation, etc.’ – Senior Federal District Judge T.S. Ellis III, US District Court, on the Mueller Probe.
Reporters at the closed hearing say the Judge was yelling.
Alex Jones monologue/special report before the first birthday anniversary party of his daughter:
‘A knuckle dragging piece of shite’: Jones on Mueller (ibid).
Fire him and be damned!
“We are going to butt heads big-time”
Manafort was a plant. A prelude to gutting the FBI? This is an interesting commentary by X22 Report on the Ellis Court response to Mueller and set in the larger context of the struggle of the resurgent American Republic with the globalists.
‘Funding Has Been Cutoff, The Plan Moves Forward’
P.S. 05:26 – Rant alert
Gutting? Evidence?
Better the old failed Nationalist enemy that you had prepared yourself to contest, than his new, fifth column, multicultural replacement.
The former is within the comfort zone of both politicians and career Admirals, Generals or Air Marshals, which latter in turn form a symbiotic relationship within the military defence complex.
Politicians are primarily concerned with balancing buying their voters with the available tax revenues.
Britain Today!
“It took me only seconds on the internet yesterday to discover a current recruitment advert from the RNLI for a full-time Safeguarding Officer, on a salary of up to £41,926 a year.”
Richard Littlejohn
WTF!? The RNLI have had their last £1 out of me!
Noa – 08:56
“Politicians are primarily concerned with balancing buying their voters with the available tax revenues.”
That and “Building up a little pot of gold for their retirement.”
“Little” these days meaning the exact opposite, and the gold coming via many routes in addition to their over generous MP’s pensions… eg. back handers, insider dealing, non executive directorships, paid committee work etc. etc. etc.
Britain Today (2)…
I received a DVLA notice this morning to re-tax my car for the next 12 months.
“TAX IT OR LOSE IT”</b" it read in very large bold type letters.
Not very nice is it, but typical of the bullying attitude that the government and their agencies take toward the people that pay their wages! Bureaucratic Fascism!
“Safeguarding Officer,” “Diversity Officers” etc.
A sure sign that the RNLI, or any other organisation with those non job sinecures, has been taken over by Common Purpose!
“Somehow it seemed as though the farm had grown richer without making the animals themselves any richer-except, of course, for the pigs and the dogs. Perhaps this was partly because there were so many pigs and so many dogs. It was not that these creatures did not work, after their fashion. There was, as Squealer was never tired of explaining, endless work in the supervision and organisation of the farm. Much of this work was of a kind that the other animals were too ignorant to understand. For example, Squealer told them that the pigs had to expend enormous labours every day upon mysterious things called “files,” “reports,” “minutes,” and “memoranda”. These were large sheets of paper which had to be closely covered with writing, and as soon as they were so covered, they were burnt in the furnace. This was of the highest importance for the welfare of the farm, Squealer said. But still, neither pigs nor dogs produced any food by their own labour; and there were very many of them, and their appetites were always good.”
George Orwell
There is no demurral from me on your assessment of the troughing classes!
further to mine at 1:56
The Praetorian Guard
This is less than two minutes of William Binney including the question from the young Scotch gentleman who asks it and is probably all you need to know:
Draining the Swamp: A School of Pilot Fish
…and this by Andy Giardina is another, more detailed, answer to your same question: “…why are we barking at the Russians…?” – because the draining is, so far, incomplete….
The Sunday Times has the next fabulous Liddle entreaty:
“Were you still up for Barnet? Hasn’t really got a historic ring to it, that question, has it? I wasn’t up for Barnet. I was in a deep sleep and had this weird dream in which Diane Abbott could fly and was soaring above the field next to where I live calling “Kee-ow, kee-ow” and swooping down every so often to pick off a newly born lamb, or maybe a rabbit, and then retiring to a tree, cackling madly and devouring her prey.
I’ve got to give up on cheese and biscuits as a supper option — no good comes of it. My father would eat a bowl of cornflakes just before bed and was never plagued by nightmares like that. But, then, he never experienced the reality of Diane Abbott — or the Momentum crowd, with their conspiracy theory paranoias, their epic delusions, their virulent anti-semitism, their thick-as-mince adolescent agitprop, their loathing of our country, their spite and their bullying of people who, unaccountably have different views from themselves.
The worst my dad, a habitual Labour voter, could imagine was Tony Benn. But that late, deranged charlatan would have been a voice of comparative sanity in today’s parliamentary Labour Party. Or at least among those PLP members who have adhered themselves to Catweazle Corbyn and his slender retinue of semi-house-trained, inarticulate halfwits.
Labour had hoped to take a triad of London boroughs in Thursday’s local elections and rather marvellously took none of them. They were horribly surprised not to take Barnet — and one would share their alarm given that London is a city that is more achingly liberal left than any other in the world, apart from maybe San Francisco or Brighton.
But then a few days before the elections Labour’s shadow foreign secretary, Emily Thornberry, was filmed sitting with that pleased-as-punch expression on her fat and very smug face in Ramallah, demanding all manner of rights for Palestinians.
She sat there through a three-hour demented rant by the boss of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, during which he suggested the Jews had brought the Holocaust upon themselves because they were absolutely ghastly people. I assume Thornberry felt immediately at home, these views being the kind of thing you might hear at any domestic Momentum gathering.
Still, at least she later begged to differ from the stuff expressed by the repulsive Abbas and put out a statement saying that, on balance, having weighed the evidence, he was probably wrong. But you have chosen the likes of Abbas as your ally, Lady Nugee, Abbas and the rest of the Jew-loathing Palestinian politicians. What did you think he was going to do — dance the hora, eat a bagel with lox and cream cheese and wish everyone a happy Yom Kippur for September?
Do us the credit at least, Thornberry, of not pretending you were shocked. Hell, back home in Momentumville, there were probably plenty of people suggesting that Abbas had not gone far enough and arguing that the Holocaust was either an invention of the Zionist media or actually a bloody good thing, all things considered.
But don’t then look appalled when you fail to take Barnet, with its 15% Jewish electorate. And, indeed, that proportion of its electorate that is not actually Jewish, but nonetheless has one or two misgivings, here and there, about anti-semitism.
Perhaps we have now passed the point that my Conservative friends refer to as “peak Corbyn”, when the public has suddenly wised up to the fact that he’s not the messiah, just a sincerely stupid sock puppet for a fairly unpleasant coterie of affluent bourgeois Marxists and teenagers whose memory of the Soviet Union does not exist. Maybe.
Elsewhere, in these historic local authority elections, the Liberal Democrats did well and Ukip was almost obliterated. Both of these parties will rise a little in the polls at a general election, to the detriment largely of the Tories, depending on the success or otherwise of Brexit.
And the Tories themselves? A hilariously incompetent government kept in power by the almost surreal uselessness of the opposition — and leaving an awful lot of people in the country with nobody to vote for at all. My guess is that very few people were up for Barnet. They were tucked up in bed, like me, dreaming bad things”
Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone takes command of #USCYBERCOM & @NSAGov
I thought Wallsters might find this ceremony encouraging, and that the globalists inside and outside the USA might find it worrying, as Admiral Rogers passes the baton to the new head of the NSA and US Cyber Command:
Marshall Roberts, 08.19
Like Rod Liddle, I sometimes have nightmares about Diane Abbott, but in my case she has become Prime Minister, and has decided there will be no further need for elections, and that her beloved Party will remain in power for evermore. (A bit like Erdogan or Putin).
Waking up in a cold sweat, I think “Theresa, please don’t go, all is forgiven”.
I hope those dreams about Abbott are not the same as those of the Leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition.
Malfleur @ May 6th, 2018 – 12:23
The flowing hears did it for the barbarian, Malfeur.
Would you care to explain the significance of it? Baron watched the presentation of the hon people, switched off in the middle of it, too many hon people, sorry.
Thanks for the clips, Malfleur, the guy Orlov is forgetting another options the Americans have, they can match or even out-match the Russian wonder missiles, that’s what the military budget increase is for (the increase itself is equal to Russia’s entire military spending).
He’s right though, the boost to the US military spending will help boost not only the bottom line of the hundreds of companies participating in it (the military manufacture is based in the US as opposed to the non-military stuff that got off-shored to the Far East). It will also furnish new jobs, one of the Donald’s aims.
The future doesn’t look too good, does it?
It’s the flowing hearts, nor ‘hears’, the bloody software should pi$$ off.
Rod’s piece is amusing, but he forgets the Muslim voters outnumber the Jewish ones by almost 15 to one, and they vote, vote mostly Labour. We will get MPs (or candidates) of other parties to begin accommodating Islam’s take on things more as their numbers grow, it cannot be otherwise if a candidate wants to get elected.
“Mueller accused 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities – one of which was Concord Management and Consulting, of “knowingly and intentionally” conspiring to interfere with the election by using social media to disparage Hillary Clinton and support Donald Trump…
…And Concord Management decided to fight …
‘…the briefing sought by the Special Counsel’s motion is pettifoggery.’
Definition of pettifogger.
1 : a lawyer whose methods are petty, underhanded, or disreputable : shyster…
…And the Judge agreed…
…A federal judge has rejected special counsel Robert Mueller’s request to delay the first court hearing…
…As Mueller’s “witch hunt” moves from the headlines to courtrooms with no-nonsense Judges, dismissals and withdrawn cases risk further delegitimizing the already-beleaguered Special Counsel investigation of President Trump and the 2016 US election….”
I don’t don’t do flowing hearts, Baron, and am not sure what your reference is to ‘hon people’;but in my view the clip as a whole was instructive in showing the character of Rogers and Nakasone, the outgoing and incoming heads of US Cyber Command and of the NSA, – not insignificant US government organisations in the battle for the ongoing American Republic and of the overall quality of the “culture” and people involved.
It may have been only on the video the barbarian watched, Malfleur, but from the bottom right corner a bunch of multi-coloured balloons got released continuously, the more someone thanked someone, which was often, the greater their number and speed. They disappeared on the right, roughly in the middle of the screen.
Baron did listen to the Nakasone speech (any relations to one of the former Japanese PMs? Very likely not, the name’s quite common in Japan).
Nothing that remarkable in his speech, the standard ‘we will serve the people in a changing and demanding world’, something one would expect him to say.
Two more points: the applauding of the speaker together with the audience not for an individual but an idea, a mention of a well done job and such reminded Baron of the gathering of the high and mighty in the USSR. The creation of this powerful agency aimed at adversaries everywhere concentrates too much power in one place, whether this is the best solution only time will show (and Baron rather questions).
Let no man boast himself that he has got through the perils of winter till at least the seventh of May. – Anthony Trollope
“Ne’er cast a clout till May be ooot!”
Duncan Bannatyne, or was it Rab?
“Farmers fear unkindly May,
Rough by night and hail by day…”
May 8th, 2018 – 10:28
“Brexiteers also fear unkindly May…..”
Today, 8th May, the anniversary of VE Day.
One of my earliest memories (I was six then) was hearing my parents saying, “Thank God it’s over, now we can have a holiday”.
That summer we sailed on the ferry to the Isle of Man (exciting stuff – my mum was seasick the entire journey) and while there saw the new musical film “Meet Me In St Louis”. I was given a new skipping rope with red handles (oh the joy of childhood!) My first ever holiday.
I’ve never been back to the IOM, even though I’ve always lived in the North West. All I can remember about the place is that it rained the entire week we were there.
“…calling into question the very justification for the House of Lords”.
Drain the UK grimpen!
Lesley C.- 16:56
“All I can remember about the place is that it rained the entire week we were there.”
Pretty standard for family holidays in the 1940s! In Scotland once the rain eased briefly to a drizzle and the coach driver stopped at the side of the road to allow us out to pick white raspberries.
I’ve never seen a white raspberry since.
Malfleur – 23:54
Once upon a time the Scotch used to fortify themselves against the rigours of their summer with porridged oats, now more instant remedies are available…
The fact that this spineless trio….
plus invertebrates O’Bummer & Kerry are all against it leads me to apply the “Rule of Korski or “Vulture’s Law.” ergo In this instance Trump is 100% correct to put a stop to the ultimately suicidal process of appeasing Iran.
All part and parcel of Khan’s London…
h/t Guido Tower Hamlets:
Meanwhile, Labour’s re-elected mayor in Tower Hamlets proclaimed the borough has “moved on” from its history of corruption issues.
Not quite…
Named, but the unelected, sometimes never elected, bastards have no shame!
All the usual suspects. Lords a plenty, so many (fake) Baronesses, who apparently “rose without trace”, but so few Barons?
Tower Hamlets is as corrupt as ever it was. Lutfer Rahman was turfed out but his place men are still in place and doing his bidding. John Biggs is only a figurehead, Rahman’s acolytes is still running the place. As for electoral fraud it is as rampant as ever. The authorities can not be unaware of what is going on here, the question is why have they done nothing? I have more on the state of things in this benighted patch, which without fail I will post for you tomorrow, it’ll do yer bleedin’ ‘ead in.
h/t Guido
The roll call of the 256 wrong ‘uns who tried to implement Leveson 2.
er… 295
e&oe !
Here’s Jonny!
(& Jimmy)
You are probably fully unaware of the world championship in ice hockey (as is the whole country), it’s in Denmark, a fantastic show, a truly amazing game, so different from the times when Baron had a go (at a low level, of course), one can watch it over and over again, the speed, the imagination, the manliness of it, the barbarian is, away from the country having a go at Brexit.
Why has Britain adopted cricket, a game one can play whilst drinking tea, eating cucumber sandwiches, arghhh
EC @ May 10th, 2018 – 13:48
You should have reminded of the two the BBC, EC, they’re the monstrosity to blame as much as the duo, if not more.
EC @ May 9th, 2018 – 11:54
If only the blue veined barbarian from the East could claim a seat there, EC.
This is one of the reasons that I was recommending a look at the ceremony for the change of leadership of IS Cyber Command and of the BSA a few days ago:
“A change of guard and a purge of secret power brokers is breaking the deadlock in the battle for the Earth, say Pentagon, Vatican, agency, and other sources. This is expected to result in the official disclosure of 9/11 and 3/11 truth as well as the removal of several G7 leaders, according to the sources. To kick off this process, Admiral Mike Rogers, the head of the NSA who “resigned” on May 4th, “will testify before Congress to deal death blow to the cabal,” Pentagon sources say….”
We will get another angle on Admiral Rogers if the Congressional hearings are public, but we are already aware of the important role he played in the foundation of the Trump administration. There are concerns about the formidable capabilities of the NSA, but we can believe that both institutions will be active defenders of the American republic as it returns to its principles set by those Englishmen such as Jefferson and Washington and Madison, and Adams, and Henry and Hamilton – “There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself in acts of bravery and heroism”.
The ceremony for the change of command added to our sense of the character of the Admiral and General Nakasone and the flavour of the culture of a vigorous and healthy of republic as it responds to the interests of the people at large.
“…16. Over the next week keep an eye on visible remaining Cabal leaders like Theresa May in the UK, Angela Merkel in Germany, and Emmanuel Macron in France…”
(Op. Disc.)
Good afternoon Peter
Are you intending to let the Wall die a natural death or will you close it down formally I the near future?
With best wishes
Noa -13:47
The Lady Ghislaine comes to mind.
This boat will remain adrift until 5th May, 2020
Tee hee!
What do you call a man in the sea with no legs?
Can even the most ardent Wallzter endure another two years of the Groundhog day that is February 2018?
By way of some explanation Baron (May 2nd, 2018 – 12:34) my absence has been largely involuntary. I have had issues with the browser used to access the site which makes posting sometimes difficult (there are all sorts of odd scripts running in the background here which I do not care for and which have resulted in machine freezes).
But in addition I had noticed that often when I posted it would bring the attention of a certain lurking troll. Under his old disguise he was banned by Peter for continuously referring to me here as ‘Nicholas’, a stalking behaviour which he has resurrected at The Conservative Woman (TCW) where I now post fairly regularly.
This morning he publicly alleged at TCW that ‘Nicholas’ had been ‘thrown off’ the Spectator website in 2013 for ‘a more extreme form of right wing nihilism’, associating Colonel Mustard with that name. There was no reason for this intervention as my comment which he tagged was in response to another poster about the Labour party and did not concern him. Mine was about politics, his was personal.
The nihilist label has been a constant from him, also applied to me at the Spectator and here. I note that he has also publicly accused me here of being absent because I am ‘frit’, have ‘flounced’ and/or do not have Frank P to hold my hand. The ‘Nicholas’ association and my posting activities seem to be an unhealthy obsession with him. There is no similar pattern of behaviour with regard to other posters. And I know more about that than I am free to divulge at this point in time.
Your concern that I might have been ‘cut off’ because of what I say also concerns me, because it tends to give credence to the troll’s smear. For the record I have never been thrown off any forum, under any pseudonym, and I have only ever used one. I do not have multiple Disqus accounts like the troll.
I do not believe that my expressed views constitute ‘a more extreme form of right wing nihilism’ but I am content to open that up for substantive discussion. I do not believe that opposing socialism, communism or any other terms that lot use, or any political parties they hide in, is any form of nihilism. I also do not believe that opposition to that lot confers being a fascist, racist, misogynist, or any of the many ‘phobes now resorted to by them to try to intimidate and shut down dissent.
Thank you for your attention in this matter.
I remain, Sir, etc.
Mustard N.
(Colonel of Horse)
My colleague tells me that a period of purdah and reflection is in order.
Bye for a bit.
Malfleur @ May 11th, 2018 – 01:19
Excellent points, Malfleur, if you’re right, let’s hope so.
Colonel Mustard @ May 11th, 2018 – 15:57
An explanation worthy of your rank, Colonel, thank you, the barbarian wasn’t aware of some of what you say about the trolling attacks, you have every right to object to being trolled. Baron has genuinely missed your postings, together with Frank, you hold the position of the blog’s guru justifiably, no troll is ever likely to dent it.
(Baron’s away from the UK, too busy to post often).
Noa @ May 11th, 2018 – 18:41
A hugely enjoyable piece, Noa, for Baron this in particular: “Young Prince Harry—whose nuptials bear down on us with such terrifying determinism—has pinned his colors to the mast of Men’s Mental Health”. How accurate heh, heh, heh.
EC @ May 11th, 2018 – 15:06
The link beats the barbarian, EC, please help.
Noa @ May 11th, 2018 – 13:47
Good afternoon, Peter.
Baron would like to ask the same question.
Thank you for the answer.
The Donald is going to meet the North Korean nutter on June 12, that’s the day the world football championship kicks off.
What a fantastic timing for the meeting, if that was the Donald’s idea, the guy’s smart like nobody else.
Malfleur @ May 11th, 2018 – 12:16
Any reason for keeping an eye on the trio, Malfleur?
Baron May 11th, 2018 – 20:49
Thank you. And as to be expected the stalking, lurking troll continues his pattern of behaviour, posting because I have.
Roy Orbison ” Only the Lonely ” . (2min.47)…….Referenced by Pamela Geller.
Sound, tentative, level-headed and rational analysis of OAnon’s latest posts which in my opinion are well worth listening to by those who consider this matter important to everyone – including to the British people – and are trying to understand:
Q Anon Update May 11- Black Hats & White Hats
– prayingmedic
“In this message, I review what Qanon has said about Robert, Mueller, Rod Rosenstein and Trey Gowdy and I discuss those who have attempted to discredit Q and his team.”
This is the article on Reddit referred to at the end of my previous link:
“The long and secret info wars against Q and how he stayed alive. You really need to know this and move on.”
Why is Baron attacking the cucumber sandwich (at May 10th – 19:09)?
The problem with ice hockey is its febrile rhythm with no time allowed for gentlemen to ponder its philosophy from a deck chair over a four or five day period. In cricket, the tests of manliness, which include courage, endurance, patience, speed, intelligence and the judgement to vary pace with the rhythms of the game, are there though, to the percipient eye, for both spectator and player, as can be seen in some measure from the accounts of the first day of the first test between Ireland and Pakistan, 11th-15th May in Malahide, County Dublin, which was rained off; “… no play was possible after persistent rain and strong winds for much of the day”*. Further, all the risk of skidding over on his bottoms to which Baron, as a barbarian, may be drawn by ice hockey, can be matched in cricket as he would know if he had ever faced the cunning googly at one end and then arrived at the other to meet the body line bowling of the opposing team’s fast bowler. It is to be regretted though that a pusillanimous generation has now adopted for cricket the grilled helmets of ice hockey
Ice hockey is to instant gratification as cricket is to a whole night of love-making..
Americans used to play cricket; but epigones abandoned it for rounders last century.
Baron, May 11th, 2018 – 20:54 & 20:55
Re: “This boat will(could) remain adrift until 5th May, 2020”
1. Click on the link:
2. Scroll down past the “Available” domains to the ones that are “Taken”
3. Click on the blue “i” next to “”
4. BEHOLD the full registrant details of the site are revealed.
5. Scroll down to the “Relevant dates:” section,”
6. Behold the “Expiry date:” i.e. 05-FEB-2020.
So this site/boat could be ploughing on without a “Capn Ball” at the helm until then. If he’s not still aboard the he must be Bobbing about somewhere?
BTW if your still confused. “John Ball” is an alias.
Hope that helps,
PS. Don’t blame you if you don’t care as apparently nobody else does either.
“if you’re” not “if your” etc.
The gentle English rhythm of Cricket has been ruined by hard hats, face grilles and coloured pyjamas with advertising on them. Complete Philistine spivs dreamt up these ghastly, infantile aberrations, probably imbued with that self-appointed arrogance for “modernisation” which has vandalised so much beauty in England. Then came the uncouth crowd with the beers and jeers, shouting the bowler up to his line, ignorant and crass, A game for gentlemen, spoilt by ruffians.
The skill required to protect a wicket from a deadly bowler and to hit a cricket ball the furthest distance whilst evading the eager fielders is easy to underestimate by those who have never played the game. The bat and ball must impact together precisely for maximum velocity but at the same time the batsman must try to impart perfect or safe direction on the rebound. Watching a skilled batsman make a perfect hit is one of the most beautiful displays of human sporting movement it is possible to see, not least enhanced by the distinctive sounds of ball hitting bat and the gentle applause which follows. It soars above the vulgar speed of the frantic cyclist or the bobbing monotony and vanity of the marathon.
There goes the neighbourhood…
I fear that children/grandchildren of the virtue signalling idiotic gLiberals that are cheering this on now will reap a bitter harvest.
Colonel Mustard
Not to mention the elegance of the perfect plate of cucumber sandwiches…
May 11th, 2018 – 21:00
Yes, they are all globalist operatives who are about to get their comeuppance.
Or, rather, the elegance of a plate of perfect cucumber sandwiches…
Wallsters will no doubt have diarised that the The “Holy” month of Ramadan, 2018, will begin in the evening of Tuesday, May 15, and will end in the evening of Thursday, June 14.
Previous years have turned out to be a bit of a deathfest, 2017 breaking all previous records with muslims killing and maiming other muslims whilst prosecuting their internecine doctrinal differences. One might call it the “Christmas” in the ROP’s religious calendar for coffin makers.
This year, as usual, the
website will be keeping its “Ramadan Bombathon Scorecard.” As you will see from the published historical weekly/monthly statistics the brothers have certainly been putting in plenty of practice on the run up to this year’s event.
I’m certain that Wallsters will wish all peace loving muslims a safe passage through this year’s religious observances, Rather them than me!
Colonel Mustard, Malfleur, Baron
Cucumber sandwiches if correctly prepared are sublime, almost heavenly.
In the same way that Germans cannot pronounce the word “squirrel” correctly most, if not all, foreigners wouldn’t be able to show any appreciation of, or know how to prepare, a decent plate of cucumber sandwiches.
Sardony on stilts:
A serious crunch of the geopolitical techtonic plates is imminent. There will be new mountains, valleys, islands – and rivers of blood, just as Virgil and Enoch predicted.
And cucumber sandwiches will be banned.
Which reminds me – anybody know where I can purchase warm salt-beef-on-rye sandwiches within easy reach of West Norfolk? I can no longer make it to the Brass Rail at Selfridges, the only thing I miss about the Metropolis since my self-imposed exile.
This, in today’s National Post, is well worth reading –
Frank P – 20:50
“And cucumber sandwiches will be banned.”
Cucumbers are halal as they are banned from the harem – unless pre-sliced.
Here’s some Russian collusion we can all believe in…
Salt Beef: Order online for a DIY sandwich using bread from local baker?
Iranian Jewish Music
Alex Jones called out by #QAnon
EC (22:46)
Salt beef: wonderful website there – thanks – salivating; but I was only dreaming and teasing myself with fond memories of past appetites and satiation thereof. At the moment the upper section of my redesigned alimentary tract can only cope with minute mouthfuls of porridge/poached eggs/chicken broth and similar pap, which all tastes the same anyway. Any bolder experimentation results in volcanic regurgitation. My pre-op weight was 104 kilos. Now it is 82 kilos – waist size down from 42 to 36 inches (since 1st March). Not recommended as a crash diet regime though. What remains is withered and weak.
I’ll bookmark the Henson website though. The medics assure me that taste nd appetite will return after about 6 months, but the small portions are forever: which leaves me with the old dilemma – how long is a piece of string?
Q Anon They Reveal Themselves AJ And Corsi The GAME Or Exposure Process No Name, Q Right Again
Surfing the TV channels last night, looking for an antidote to the disappointing denoument of the Belgique-noire series two – Salamander: Blood Diamonds – (BBC Four) I accidentally zapped into the final frenzy of the Eurovision Song Contest, only to discover that it had been won by Harvey Weinstein, in drag, performing a paedophiliac fantasy with a doll. Ye Gods!!
One shudders to contemplate what the rest of the extravaganza comprised.
A truly splendid article on Brexit and the Irish border by Lionel Shriver in this week’s Speccie that by rights should be drummed into the questionably resident brains of the cabinet and especially Theresa the aptly named Appeaser.
Post war British governments have been marked by their tendency to give the other side what they want whilst compromising what we want, the resultant fudges lasting long. Remember, Mrs May, you are not in power to advance the causes of the EU or the Irish Republic, or even to avoid offending them at all cost. You are there to advance and protect the interests of the UK.
Frank P May 13th, 2018 – 09:47
EuroTrash – I mean Vision. It was extraordinary cultural appropriation, but without leftist protest, drawing strongly on Japanese youth culture and its obsession with cats and kitties, with a hint of rap thrown in. Most peculiar.
As for Salamander – indeed what an ending. But probably appropriate for Belgium. Ho-hum, what else is on . . . !
Did you notice the odd plot manipulation of having the cars parked far apart on the car park roof? Why? So that Incredible Eyebrow man could be shot by the sniper in dramatic tension as he made that long and totally unnecessary walk. There was no ‘Spy Who Came In From The Cold’ exchange. Incredible Eyebrow man could have driven right up to Brian Keith II’s car to hand over his daughter and the memory stick.
Also, the ease with which a memory stick can be downloaded to multiple copies seemed to escape the dastardly plotters.
The “agreement” between Iran and the USA was NEVER signed…!
Not long to go now folks, and we will witness the nuptials of Harry and his Mrs. Simpson. The papers report that at Meghan’s insistence the lesson will be read by a black bishop from Chicago, how very American, but why has nobody pointed out to the lady that she is consciously coupling not with Hollywood royalty but with the real thing and should not be indulging in self serving gestures of politically correct morality. Why ship this prelate in from the Americas when we have a perfectly suitable candidate in the person of the Archbishop of York, and if it is felt that such a gesture is entirely necessary then go thew whole hog and have the duties performed by a witch doctor dressed in a grass skirt and sporting a bone through through his nose?
MEP Godfrey Bloom Exposes Criminal Takeover Of England
GODFREY BLOOM still has his regimental sword:interviewed by Alex Jones about Common Purpose, House of Lords real and fakeetc.
Cucumber sandwiches with no other filling, are horrible.
The only way cucumber is desirable in a sandwich, is peeled, de-seeded & finely chopped, then mixed with finely chopped Piccolo cherry tomatoes, well-drained tuna, mayonnaise, a little mild chilli powder and topped with rocket leaves. This makes a really tasty sandwich. The cucumber gives it crunch, the chilli a bit of zing, and the rocket leaves go really well with tuna.
Cucumbers, being tasteless, green and wet, are only acceptable in a progressive May Cabinet.
stephen maybery at 13-50.
It is questionable if Bishop Michael Curry has any right to preach in Windsor Chapel. He is the Presiding Bishop of the American Episcopal Church which has been put under sanctions by the World Wide Anglican Commune ; this is because they have broken ranks over `gay marriage`. The official position is not to have one yet. The American Episcopal Church , including Bishop Curry , has come out of the closet to support `gay marriage`. How then is he welcome here ?
It is not something that will have the approval of the Archbishop and Primate of the largest Diocese of the Anglican Commune : the Arch Diocese of Lagos.
Noa, Lesley C,
Preparation is everything. Variety is the spice of life. Bland isn’t always bad, but I have to confess that I do quite frequently dip mine, peeled of course, into Sambal sauce or something similar. Cucumber, that is.
From the vaults:
“It has been a common saying of physicians in England, that a cucumber should be well sliced, and dressed with pepper and vinegar, and then thrown out, as good for nothing.”
Samuel Johnson
stephen maybery – 13:50
“…and if it is felt that such a gesture is entirely necessary then go thew whole hog and have the duties performed by a witch doctor dressed in a grass skirt and sporting a bone through through his nose?”
Only after “reading” the entrails of a recently dead or dying chicken…
Or is that Voodoo?
May 13th – 22:59
Dr. Johnson would not have been acquainted with the cucumber sandwich.
Anglican Communion, I believe; not yet Anglican Commune.
Bland hate criminal Norman Tebbit has been roundly condemned by the CofE liberati for his slicing and dicing of its cucumberesque sodomite infested cathedral.
The Cof E’s response has been to say he would be surprised at the number of such cucumbers he would find in the Church.
As an ex BA pilot, well used to the vagaries and sandwich leaning propensities of its cabin staff. (when did you last meet a straight BA male steward? 1989 in my case) I very much doubt that Lord T would be surprised at the extent and practice o feither voodoo or buggery in the Cathedral Vestries of England.
Or of a propensity for the concoction and consumption of le sandwiche concombre con boeuf de sel.
I have long thought and, at some risk of physical harm and mental assault by bad historians, occasionally argued at London dinner parties that the logical answer to the persistent, if largely artificial, dilemma of “the two state solution” was for Amman to be recognised as the capital of a Palestinian state within the present borders of “Jordan”..
The likelihood of logic ever carrying any weight with the muslims being slim in deciding matters of political history in Jordan or Israel, the policy of the Labour and Conservative parties in the United Kingdom over past years to encourage the islamicisation of England might be turned to advantage in this hard case by having the government and opposition, after a suitable apology for British misgovernance in Palestine before and during the Mandate, issue a “National Declaration of Reconciliation” to all muslims in “Palestine” coupled with an invitation to them to immigrate to the eponymous village in Hampshire. The present inhabitants could be told to get out.
Noa – 09:16
Re: The Chiswick Strangler.
Any bloke that can punch his way out of the canopy of a burning Mosquito is OK by me.
EC May 14th, 2018 – 21:44
It was a “meatbox” – a Meteor jet. Even more of an accomplishment to get out of that and he broke his back doing it.
Far too plain speaking for that shower in Westminster.
E C/Colonel Mustard
Damaging MoD property in such a cavalier manner is almost as severe an offence as soldiers shooting the enemies of the Crown, but not as bad as homophobic hate crime.
The Chigwell Cyclist must expect the full rigour of both Common and Church law to be applied without fear or favour.
“….While Lord Tebbit disagrees with the cathedral’s decision, he said he will continue his financial donations to the church….”
“Q Anon Iran Threatens To Expose US Bribes For Iran Deal, Define Indictments, HA, EU Contracts” – Andy Giardina
Jeez! Thanks Gerard.
See comments:
May 15 2018 01:04:10
“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
We Fight!
The times they are achangin’
Tragic comedy.
Frank P – 08:44
Sounds like an ideal accompaniment to this?
Being a feminist no doubt her sourdough was extra sour!
Sick of Megan and the causes of Megan?
Sick of the liberal electrodes being applied to your frontal lobes by the BBC?
Then at least for fans of foreign drama I recommend checking out the box sets at Walter Presents on Channel 4.
It’s interesting to check out the varying levels of political correctness in Western drama across Europe and South America. (Try the Chilean ‘Fugitives’ for some ethnic homogeneity, no good moslems and bad whites there, though one of the main characters turns out to have been a Pinochet torturer, transferable skills for modern drama…).
The Swedes are very much into cultural appeasement, self abnegation and the enthusiastic promotion of buggary. Hells Angels appear to be the bete noir of the Danes. Norwegians, like the Scots in the Outer Hebrides, happily transpose Syrians as the policemen to the remotest fjords.
The Germans and the Finns, though both Merkelised to some extent, are more honest in addressing the growing issues and concerns arising from the replacement of their current viewers by the followers of the world’s most enthusiastically practiced religion than the cultural defeated cowards of the BBC. Try Inspector Falke and Inspector Borowski.
Dabble in the travails of Czech border guards…mix it with the Helsinki police…
My own preference is for French drama, try ‘Forgotten Girls’
Of course they all need to be watched with care and stringent bullshit filters applied, (note how many dramas are EU funded sponsored), to the subliminal messages being pumped into the minds of Europe’s own Disappearing. That said travel broadens the mind when judiciously sampled, and travelling via your TV is a darn sight cheaper, and safer, than visiting some of Europe’s major cities these days.
Here’s the link.
Frank P and EC
Thank you for the culinary links.
I’m sure both bread and beer would add lustre to a strong, tangy Lancashire cheese.
Chuckling at the Windsors Royal Wedding on Channel 4.
Chuckling at the Windsors Royal Wedding on Channel 4 and the Tramp Catcher of Windsor lecturing Wills of his powers undsr the Act of Settlement.
Well, I guess I should have known that, if I kept moving around alt-media as I have been doing long enough, I would stumble across a persuasive voice of the view, substantiated by “follow the money” facts that Donald Trump is beholden to the New World Order. In which case, we are all doomed. Here’s what I found; let me know what you think –
Has everybody got their invite to the big fat chavie wedding ? ( No insult to the chaves ; a word that is a dialect word in the North West for young children )
The invite gives the right to stand in the outer-ward of Windsor Castle for four hours watching the Toffs and trailer-trash come and go.No refreshments are being provided ; nor are on sale. ( I hope there has been provided some porta-loos ).
The local railway franchise is giving out a chocolate and a box of confetti to those who arrive at Windsor Station.
May 15th, 2018 – 23:22
I certainly believe that in the cesspit of the Middle East there are labyrinths of cynical, excessively powerful, and mutually conflicting interests at work.
However, the material in URL that you posted seems to me to have a less than convincing ring to it. It falls short of persuading me that President Trump is ‘beholden’, as you put it, to the New World Order.
I believe that Trump is fundamentally his own man and beholden to no-one.
Conrad Black’s assessment of Trump (which I drew attention to a few days ago and am now repeating) seems to me to be a great deal more balanced, insightful and comprehensive –
Another view from abroad. In this case the comments, on the Irish Red Cross asking people to house Syrian ‘refugees’, are as interesting, and more revealing, than the article itself.
‘Oldest living person ever at 128′ wishes she had died young and says her longevity is “a punishment”
“Tired” Koku Istambulova says she hasn’t enjoyed a single happy day in her life and has “no idea” how she has lived so long.’
Devastating news from the ME.
Jordan Sather ‘Destroy Illusion’ – Weiner Indictment Unsealed, and More.