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Happy Christmas to all
Even Nigel
“What people don’t know, Eric, is that the Russians are ready to shelter the majority of their populations in major cities in the event of a nuclear war. By contrast, the United States only has facilities for the elite and key personnel in the form of roughly 234 underground bases. These bases are referred to by the military and the elite as Deep Underground Military Bases (or DUMB).
And if you look at what is happening right now in the United States, I’m getting reports from all over the country from food processors about huge orders of food by U.S. government agencies to be delivered to these underground bases. The key is the government has requested immediate shipment of this food so that it can be stockpiled.
These are the type of preparations that would be taken if it appeared that world war, or a possible nuclear exchange was on the horizon. Concurrent with this stockpiling, I am getting reports from all over the country from store managers that selection and quantity of food is disappearing from grocery store shelves in states where these underground bases are located such as Kentucky, West Virginia, Kansas, Pennsylvania, etc.
Meanwhile, the Chinese are buying factories, farms, mines, fresh water resources, etc. Other Far Eastern and Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds are also accumulating these key resources. The Chinese and the Russians understand that at the end of the day it’s all about natural resources and being able to deliver these natural resources to a market that has the money or gold to pay for these key commodities.”
Happy Christmas.
The cash strapped NHS is going to spend millions on a project involving genetic material, in order to understand and identify DNA. All in the name of medical knowledge and to cure diseases. Fine. If you believe that is what they want the DNA for, you will believe anything
Sorry, when I try and post it says DUPLICATE before I try again.
Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!
You’ve posted the same thing 5 times! It’s saying HELP! I’ve tidied it up.
NYC Mayor De Blasio faces firestorm after officer murders: Giuliani speaks…
GOOGLE’s religious insight
A picture is worth 1000 words… er, um…
OK, then.
In the GOOGLE search box type “How do I convert to ”
The top four suggestions I get are:
How do I convert to islam
How do I convert to judaism
How do I convert to mp3 in iTunes
How do I convert to catholic
I didn’t know that mp3 was a religion?
December 22nd, 2014 – 17:10
GOOGLE’s religious insight
A picture is worth 1000 words… er, um…
OK, then.
In the GOOGLE search box type “How do I convert to ”
How do I convert to islam
i didn’t know that islam was a religion! 🙂
Police state the incident in Glasgow is just a traffic accident
,and nothing more. without any link or suggestions as to what else it might have been.
Any ideas.
More interesting is to ask google, because I am mentally deranged I am thinking of converting to Islam .
Chimp Smoker @ 12:22
Chimp Smoker, sir, you’re a star, and your take on things Ukrainians and those further east is spot on, well, at least Baron, for hwatever it’s worth, backs both you and Peter H to the full.
As to why the Western political elites, assisted by the oldest and one of the most brutal Saudi dictatorship (and by far worse than Putin’s), are kicking the KGB colonel more than ISis and similar monstrosities around the world, the poorly educated Slav can furnish three reasons:
Militarily, the Crimea is of great strategic importance. For Russia, it’s the only deep sea port this side of the Urals that doesn’t freeze. Lose it, and Russia’s defence suffers massively. The Ukrainians were leasing the port facilities to Russia before the Kiev’s February putsch. After Yanukovych fled, Vlad figured it wouldn’t be long before the lease is annulled, NATO boats (read the US Navy) move in. This must have upset the likes of the messiah and Nuland whose department had spent $5.0bn in Ukraine, not an inconsiderable sum of money even for the Yanks. What on?
Putin says publicly what alot of hoi polloi in the West feel. He backs heterosexual families, feels no shame for the Christian culture, tells immigrants to Russia ‘when in Russia do as the Russians do’, believes sovereignty matters, one doesn’t hear him saying ‘the international community will not allow … condemns … will deal mercilessly with…’, he speaks for Russia because it was the Russians who elected him.
Few months back, a US survey that has not been mentioned by any MSM or the BBC here found the American unwashed prefer the KGB colonel to the messiah by a ratio of two to one, even the Democrats agreed albeit by a smaller margin. This must have touched the raw nerve of the narcissist what with only few years back women were fainting listening to his ope’n change yapping. It my seem rather childish to believe top leaders are vain, but they are, more than ordinary people, Baron has some experience of it. The survey’s results must have pained him more than any other political setback, and like a spoiled petulant child he’s hitting back.
John Birch
At Christmas we preach forgiveness and tolerance
“The Christmas holiday is coming upon us, with colorful lights, joyful carols and people going to churches to celebrate the birth of Jesus (Prophet Isa). It is well known, particularly in this holiday season, that Christians follow the teaching of Jesus. What is less well understood is that Muslims also love and revere Jesus as one of God’s greatest messengers to mankind.
The personality of Jesus plays a central role in Islam. Muslims believe that God delivered the Gospel — Injeel to Jesus, just as he did Ta’wrat with Moses and the Old Testament (Zabur) to David and the Koran to Prophet Muhammad. It is critical for Muslims and non-Muslims to understand that a person is not considered a Muslim unless he or she believes in Jesus, and Islam is the only religion that testifies to Christianity.
Islam also assigns a very high degree of respect to the mother of Jesus, Mary (Mariam). There is an exclusive chapter in the Koran on the mother of Jesus by the name of ”Sura-e-mariam.” The life of Jesus Christ is a momentous event for Christians and non-Christians alike. Jesus Christ’s birthday is a signpost, and of all the great people born through the ages, imagine that Jesus is so important that his life divides time between B.C. and A.D.
Christmas is an awesome time of year, but the irony is that Prophet Jesus and his teaching are becoming more and more absent from the celebrations. However, there is a positive side of Christmas becoming increasingly secular. I think it’s awesome that Christmas brings some of the greatest truths of the gospel to light. If it were not for the Christmas or Thanksgiving holidays, family relationships would be worse than they are. In fact, these are the only times that many families make an attempt to mend broken relationships. ”
Christian, Jew, Sikh, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist will sit down on the family holiday on Thursday and thank their God for togetherness
Those of you who remember Dave Allen
May your God go with you
telemachus @ 17:16
With that deep knowledge of things Islamic, telemachus, you’ve either already converted to the ROP, or are about to. Tell us then, which branch of it appeals to you most?
More to the point, it’s what’s going on today that should worry you forgirls as yung as twelve are getting married to middle age plus men, any NGO concerned with the issue could tell you that, it’s not a secret.
I know little of Islam and care less(about the religious beliefs)
I recite and mean the Nicene Creed each Sunday and to this day decry the Schisms of Cerularius and later of Martin Luther and John Wesley
My problem with Women Bishops is that they will delay the reunification of the Western Church (and the subsequent reunification with the East)
That said
I have also said many times that we must embrace and integrate the 2.6 million Muslims in our midst
To not do this will store up grief for our children
December 22nd, 2014 – 18:17
Christians have a bit of a problem going to church to enjoy Christmas in the Middle East , all those lovely cuddly muslims seem to have destroyed them.
December 22nd, 2014 – 17:10
‘How do I convert to Judaism?’
According to one obituary of girl about town, Miss Mandy Rice-Davies, you emigrate to Israel and submit to six (6) years of rabbinical instruction.
Six? Really? She could (being a bright girl) have learned nuclear physics or Mandarin Chinese in six years. Whence the mind-boggling complexity?
Baron & Chimp Smoker
Der Spiegel has an interesting article on the history of the Ukraine crisis and Germany and the EU’s shameful part in it.
In my view it supports Peter Hitchen’s perspective on a grotesque, contrived and dangerous confrontation. Whatever conclusion may be reached there is of little or no interest or benefit to the UK.
I ask, why is Cameron indulging in this childishly analysed and petulant hate fest against Britain’s traditional ally and counter balance, against Prussian and German hegemony?
I speculate that, since the bayonet-orectomy of Colonel Ghadaffi, (successor to Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussain), he (and Obama), have had no convenient pantomime villain to distract the electoral untermensch from the wasteland that is Coalition policy in practice.
Mr Putin conveniently, now fills that void.
Are there any alternative theories?
Noa @ 20:21
Nigel Farage said correctly last March that the European Union had blood on its hands by its meddling in Ukraine in breach of the understanding by which the Soviet Union had withdrawn its forces from eastern Europe. A year earlier Mr. Cameron had lost a vote in the House of Commons on joining the USA in military action in Syria where Russian interests are engaged but did not do the honourable thing and go to the country. NATO has now sent a 100 tanks to the Baltic States and is organising a force of 3,000-4,000 men for some dark purpose. Following this year’s Bilderberg conference in Copenhagen, it also launched a financial and economic war against Putin’s government.
I do not hear any significant voices in England calling for support for the reckless policy of the war party in the west which wants to crush any dissentient voices to its great plan. I sense a tide against it. I would like to see UKIP seize the opportunity to lead this groundswell and reach out to Germany and Russia.
I would like to see that outreach combined with an attack on the three old parties focusing on this weak point:
and on all aspects of their politically correct propaganda, such attack to be integrated with a plan for free trade in Europe outside the Brussels behemoth and rid of divisive forces deliberately inserted into civil society to debilitate our culture; a parliament speaking for national and not special interests, accountable, and not under the threat of foreign military bases of corrupt republics.
Is that too much to ask of a party speaking for England which has the wind in its sails?
Noa @ 20:21
Thanks for the link, Noa, an interesting piece but for a few omissions:
The essay skips through the Maidan’s affair, it covers it in three sentences or so, (for good and obvious reasons, of course), it leaves out totally the role of the Americans and their $5.0bn spend in Ukraine (and the Eu430mn expenditure in the country in just two years). They could have looked into it. Why didn’t they?
It also fails to mention the fighting in east Ukraine between two oligarchs ( a pro-Russian one named Achmatov, and a pro-American chap whose name escapes Baron, but he’s the one who sits together with Biden’s son on the board of a shale gas exploration company, the latter’s armed forces were guarding the drilling sites in the east, the former didn’t like it, kept attacking them; whether the drilling was a part of Shell’s $10bn investment in Ukraine now shelved Baron doesn’t know).
And lastly and most importantly, the idea of Yanukovych that Ukraine should be ‘a bridge’ between the two blocks is not given higher prominence in the narrative because it sits at the core of the whole affair. Most Ukrainians Baron speaks to are backing it, they still dream of being independent, getting help both from Putin and the West, but don’t seem to favour being fully coupled with either.
It hard to to accept than any of the above wasn’t relevant to what has happened in Ukraine either before Maidan or since.
Your theory why the Western political elites home on Putin is just as good as Baron’s. We can only speculate what with very few hard facts.
If the ghastly Blair was a free running poodle to the Yanks political elites, the boy is a poodle firmly chained to the Yanks dog house of breeds of many sizes, it seems.
Your point of German’s growing hegemony within Europe and its threat to our interests is well made. Baron has received recently a copy of a proposal (he knows not how serious it is, must investigate) for the Czech Republic to become an integral part of Germany. This may sound ridiculous, but German direct investment in this small sliver of mid-Europe dwarfs the total from all other countries, and the lands of the Bohemians were a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire for close to 300 years. Why not turn the clock back, this time under the wings of the new and ever powerful Germany. Arghhh
telemachus @ 18:39
Baron has some sympathy with your idea of integration but for this: How do you integrate a minority that holds firmly a view that the governance of a country should derive from a book written some 1400 years ago, and not from secular law making.
What do you reckon? How do we mix the two?
The spectre of 503 has struck again, Peter, five times.
Malfleur @ 23:34
What are the odds, you reckon, discovering the truth abotu pedophilia in the higher echelons of any society?
Noa @ 23:35
Not unlike under the communist rule in the East, the belief that truth and hard facts can trump the dream of the progressives, the ones who have made it the mecca of their lives to mould the society in their deluded image is what?
Laughable, or, in the end end, not displaced? Will the truth eventually out, as it should?
Noa, my take on Cameron’s vested interest is this: he’s almost out of office (as is Obama) and the payoff for doing what the Bildergberg collection of multi-national bosses wants is: give us this expansion in the EU (the cheap labour and so on) and you’ll live in clover for the rest of your life in one of our multi-national sinecures.
He is the heir to Blair and like Blair knows that if he does what those pulling his strings want, he will get a job with someone like JP Morgan that doesn’t really involve anything other than sashaying about the place and picking up millions. Obama will be doing the same. It’s time to collect for both of those two. They’ve obeyed orders in office, time for the scrummy millions in kickback. The JP Morgan job was Blair’s payback for Iraq. You got your case of beer for that, Tony. By God, you did. Follow the money.
By the way, Cherie Blair is busy building up a buy to let portfolio of flats and – even though Labour is pledged to save the NHS from private skullduggery – she’s set up a private healthcare company to milk the NHS.
Endless smears and postal vote fraud aside, it seems the back-up way to defeat UKIP is to do what used to happen in EU referenda: keep getting the voters to vote until they vote for the right result, in the case LibLabCon.
We are almost certain to see two general elections in 2015. The plan is to wear out UKIP’s war chest and to wear out the voters (who, unless they like politics, don’t like elections – everyone hates voting for politicians). So the fixed term parliament is fixed if it delivers some combination of LibLabCon, but nothing else. They will say to the voters, ‘This won’t work, you’ll all have to vote again, like you used to, for LibLabCon. Understand?’
The LibLabCon cartel are not going to be put out of business that easily. They’ve had years of subverting democracy, so they’re not going to give up that easily.
“Sunday 22 December 1661
To church in the morning, where the Reader made a boyish young sermon. Home to dinner, and there I took occasion, from the blacknesse of the meat as it came out of the pot, to fall out with my wife and my maid for their sluttery, and so left the table, and went up to read in Mr. Selden till church time, and then my wife and I to church, and there in the pew, with the rest of the company, was Captain Holmes, in his gold-laced suit, at which I was troubled because of the old business which he attempted upon my wife….”
Baron 0026
I would agree were it true
In the same way it would be crazy to live by the Bible (which bit?)
I know well a fair few Muslims and none see the Koran as anything other than a holy book written long ago and relevant to long ago
And none see ISIL as anything other than a cache of dangerous barbarians
“And none see ISIL as anything other than a cache of dangerous barbarians”
Er-hem. You, at the other place, when the video of their leader first emerged, urged us to give the “Caliph” a fair hearing and compared him favourably to Bush, who you described as a “crusader”.
So, nothing you write can ever be regarded as credible.
“I have also said many times that we must embrace and integrate the 2.6 million Muslims in our midst”
That is a two-way street. The Muslims in our midst have already been “embraced” in terms of their simply being here, enjoying all the benefits of citizenship and being free to practice their religion and customs. An embrace requires the willingness of both participants.
Once again I am compelled to remind you of the fable of the frog and the scorpion – or alternatively the farmer and the viper.
It is a peculiar and destructive tendency of leftists to always place the onus on “us” rather than “them”. You look first for fault in your own and attempt to excuse all wrongdoing as somehow motivated by failures in society rather than flaws in the individual. It is to a large extent why we are where we are.
To all my friends on the Wall. A very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year. Inshallah (Couldn’t resist that).
I forgot to add this to my last post. Enjoy the festive season responsibly, i.e. don’t get rat arsed you boozy lot.
I would like to know the bin lorry drivers name before I decide if it was an accident or not.
Baron, 00.21
Thank you for your observations. Piecing the truth of the events concerning Ukraine together is extremely difficult and your insights illuminate. Even the partial Der Speigal article contains more information and conveys a better feel of what happened than the curiously fact free and shallow reporting and analysis in the UK MSM.
It was so in 1914 and again in 1938/9. So why should a British public given the mushroom treatment then expect any better now? The sheep is most easily channeled when it doesn’t know its journey ends in the slaughterhouse. The truth may be out there, but it comes from a variety of sources.
The end result is a zombie-like socialist tribe of gurning telemachians, unthinkingly continuing to mouth the cliches dropped by even by the Russian CP after Stalin’s demise.
Chimp Smoker,
Your view of Cameron and Obama may be cynical but the empirical evidence tends to support it. Five to eight years in the hot seat, cracking the whip and hauling the reins of power and then, proven and accepted, on to the boards and committees wielding real power. It begs the question though, why were the Assad’s, Ghadaffi’s, Saddam’s and now, Vladimir’s not admitted to this exclusive Club?
For various reasons, each one a different case, but ultimately they do not play to the Western Neo Con ‘narrative’. In short, having been blackballed, they are not members of the Club.
Chimp Smoker. I don’t believe we will see a second election. I expect that a Government of National Unity will be formed by LibLabCon to exclude pressures from UKIP and the SNP. Most of their policies are already the same. Each party will be able to claim it would act otherwise while maintaining EU membership, mass immigration, high welfare and multi-culturalism.
Baron 00.44
The truth, my dear Baron?
Can we handle it? Probably not, for eighty years at least.
Three assaults in France by Muslims. The latest driving a van into a crowd. But the French describe them as isolated incidents. Or the perpetrator has a mental illness. Nothing to do with a Islam.
I was saying to my Dad this morning that this will be copied in the UK. It requires no great planning. There are no difficult items to obtain. You rent a large van or a lorry and choose somewhere busy and public. How long until we see this happen here?
Thinking back earlier this year there was the incident of the taxi driver who tried to mow down a crowd of off-duty soldiers?
I hadn’t expected the war in Europe to start quite so soon, but with over 10% of the population in France now muslim, it’s kicking off in a manner entirely consistent with the demographics.
“…In November, French jihadists fighting with the Islamic State released a new propaganda video in which they urge Muslims living at home to carry out terrorist attacks in France. The video states: “Allah says in the Koran, ‘March forth, whether light or heavy.’ What is your excuse? Then operate within France. Terrorize them and do not allow them to sleep due to fear and horror. Kill them and spit in their faces and run over them with your cars.”
I received this thought today and consider it extremely apt.
“We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. Funny how that works.”
Perhaps a few handy firearms might have prevented or at least shortened the Sydney siege.
Just FYI. Over the last three days I have blocked 240 distinct IP addresses being used to attempt to post spam. Each address would usually be trying to posts tens of spam messages. And the CHW is not a major site. So imagine the weight of spam being pumped into more popular sites and around the internet. No wonder things go slow!
Clear Memories, December 23rd, 2014 – 12:58
Sometimes I am almost prepared to believe that there will be an outbreak of reason and logic in the Conservative party. Witness the two recent speeches by Owen Paterson on the subjects of keeping the UK’s lights on in the face of climate change insanity and how to negotiate our departure from the EU’s customs union
Another example is John Redwood’s post in the Commentator arguing for a foreign policy based on the UK’s best interests:-
Unfortunately, like Churchill’s in the nineteen thirties, these are lone voices, crying out in wilderness of cynicism, duplicity, self interest and treachery.
Expect no sanity before the apocalypse they have helped to create is almost upon us.
Inshallah to you.
By which I mean peace will come when all pursuing the warrior creed are bombed to glory.
Those muslim demographics- the effects and consequences of the presence of the ‘religion of peace’ in societies, from 1% to 100%, peace be unto you, and even to the telemachian dhimmis, at this time.
I see ISIS are now active in London.
Noa, I used the census data for 2011, (now out of date of course), to rank councils by size of Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Arab population. Of course this will also reduce the actual proportion of Muslims. But your article suggests that 10% is a level at which Muslims start to use lawlessness and the threat of lawlessness to achieve their ends.
I note that all of these places have much higher %s of Muslims than Rotherham, and many are well past the suggested 10% population lawlesness level.
Blackburn – 13.5%
Manchester – 12%
Oldham – 18%
Rochdale – 13%
Burnley – 10%
Hyndburn – 10%
Pendle – 18%
Sheffield – 6%
Bradford – 23%
Kirklees – 10%
Derby 6.5%
Nottingham – 6.5%
Stoke on Trent – 5%
East Staffordshire – 5%
Birmingham – 18%
Sandwell – 7%
Walsall – 7%
Luton 22%
Peterborough – 7%
Watford – 7.5%
Inner London – 9%
Newham – 23%
Tower Hamlets – 35%
Westminster – 11%
Barking – 9%
Brent – 9%
Ealing – 8%
Harrow – 6%
Hounslow – 8%
Merton – 5.5%
Redbridge – 18%
Waltham Forest – 14%
Reading – 5%
Slough – 19%
Wycombe – 8%
Oxford – 5%
Woking – 7%
Crawley – 5%
Good steady sales of this essential handbook in Blackpool, Rotherham, Rochdale, Blackburn, Birmingham, Luton….
Not as bad as I expected.
It’s only hundreds of millions:
Thank you for that analysis, Peter.
It begs the question of why we haven’t yet seen the levels of violence we might expect, based on the results elsewhere.
Of course we aren’t the only ones who can analyse the relationship between the cause and effects of islamisation. The government is equally aware and has so far addressed this issue by a number of policies; downplaying it, hosing massive additional resources at it, silencing concerns from the indigenous population and de-weaponising them (that is, us). And of course by glorifying and exalting islam above Christianity as the ‘religion of peace’ etc
We haven’t yet reached the threshold nationally, and that makes a difference I suspect. In France muslim gangs burnt 40,000 cars last year, we have yet to witness such overt levels of violent crime here. Just the seizure of control of the UK heroin trade, VAT fraud, 100,000 or so rapes and the odd decapitation or so.
In great part this apparent law abiding behaviour is due to the UK’s benign welfare system, a marvellous substitute for the Jhizya we would otherwise have to pay, the willing prostitution of the nation’s unprotected female young by their state guardians. We must also pay tribute to the willingness of the existing political parties to freely transfer power to our vibrant inner city communities, the aptly named Luthar Rathmann being one example. For a compelling account of the entirely resistible rise of the appalling Warsi, try reading “The Islamic Republic of Dewsbury”.
And of course the Labour party long since abrogated any loyalty it might have felt to its working class core, witness this disgusting act of dhimmitude in Preston:
Peter from Maidstone @ 14:29
When I see those figures, I find myself asking again and again ‘How did this happen? Who let this happen? How could this have happened? ‘.
And then ‘How can this disaster ever be undone? How can this terrible thing ever be reversed?’.
Noa, I think that the situation is that at present Islam has not been resisted. What will happen if there is an increasing backlash? What if, for instance, there was a real effort to ban unlabelled halal food?
Let’s remember this incident, 5 years ago…
A member of the Lords intended to invite her colleagues to a private meeting in a conference room in the House of Lords to meet the Dutch politician Geert Wilders, an elected member of the Dutch parliament, to watch his controversial movie Fitna and discuss the movie and Mr. Wilders’ opinions with him.
Barely had the invitation been sent to all the members of the House when Lord Ahmed raised hell. He threatened to mobilize 10,000 Muslims to prevent Mr. Wilders from entering the House and threatened to take the colleague who was organizing the event to court. The result is that the event, which should have taken place next Thursday was cancelled.
Lord Ahmed immediately went to the Pakistani press to boast about his achievement, which he calls “a victory for the Muslim community.”
A victory for the Muslim community, but a defeat for British democracy where topics to which Muslims object cannot even be debated. That, apparently, is what one gets when one accepts Muslims into the House of Lords.
Give yourself a Christmas present:
Teach Yourself the Internatioanl Banking Cartel:
Malfleur @ 01:53
Did you really go through the whole of it? You should be given a prize, Malfleur.
Peter 15.25
I think we are in agreement. The willingness of our politicians to appease it has satiated the appetite of the Beast, so far…
Noa @ 11:39
That’s a superb clip on the matter of truth, Noa, Baron should have thought of it, didn’t, and the colonel’s right, we most likely wouldn’t be here if our fathers, who fought the Nazis, were guided by uman rites conventions. Pain as it may, there are times one has to pick a gun, if under threat from a gunman, try to be the first pulling the tigger.
stephen maybery @ 08:14
and Merry Christmas, too, to the yet undiscovered author of quality.
PS you’re on schedule, are you, stephen?
Clear Memories @ 12:58
That’s an excellent analogy, Clear Memories, and Baron will pinch it, use it if an opportunity arises, if you mind not.
And you are right, if the gunman knew there may be someone carrying a concealed weapon, he may have not committed the atrocity (it took the religiously inspired thug some time to put the shotgun together).
Allow me a little more analysis, since we know that there is a desire to implement Regional Democracy rather than to allow England to have a distinct voice. The Muslim representation (certainly under valued) by each region is:
North-East – 1.5%
North-West – 4.0%
Yorkshire & Humber – 5.0%
East Midlands – 1.5%
West Midlands – 5.5%
East – 2.0%
London – 7.0%
South East – 1.7%
South West – 0.5%
Wales – 1.0%
This illustrates that there are some Regions which would have a significant Muslim population, especially since it is already entrenched in the urban context. If Regional government were to be implemented then some of these Regions would be at risk of a Muslim domination much more readily than others. London, the North-West and the West-Midlands are most at risk.
Stephen Mayberry, Huktra and Noa
Inshallah indeed
Noa @ 15:12
The local quislings are as bad as the jihadists, if not worse because they have the legitimacy of being elected.
Baron continues to hold on to the view that if we ‘silenced’ the preachers of hate, the religiously inspired thugs, and ultimately the foreign powers that fund them, the majority of the ordinary Muslims here would side with us because, as the now deceased Osama quipped, ‘they would see us as the winning horse’. It was thus in the past when the West had self-confidence, hadn’t yet embraced the shibboleths of moral equality and stuff, punished severely, unsparingly and harshly those who engaged in violence against us.
0725 The Colonel Mustard
As the much missed and deeply respected (unlike yourself, comrade), Verity often said, ones’ eyes scan seamlessly past the postings of trolls and traitors.
Are our two or more proud British Jihadist battalions exporting the lessons learned from Rotherham and Rochdale to Iraq?
One is inclined to think so.
Baron – 16:34
I believe you to be entirely correct in that assessment, Baron.
Why should the followers of islam, advocating the practice of the Sharia, settle for inferior western substitutes whose leaders seek only to bribe and appease them?
They would respect far more a civilisation which holds its own morals and values in high regard and as infinitely superior to islam’s barbarism.
At least they are not worrying about an anti-muslim backlash:
France urges people to stay calm as it deploys extra troops on the streets
“The French government deployed extra troops to patrol streets and urged calm today after three attacks which caused one death and injured some 30 people, stirring fear of copy-cat violence by Islamist extremists.”
Peter from M. @11.36
Don’t forget the 8 or 9 seats for the DUP.With UKIP this gives from 13 to 17 votes to the Conservatives on finance Bills and votes of confidence…..if agreements are made on items essential to DUP and UKIP.
Radford, I think that the Tories and Labour have much more in common than either with UKIP. I expect to see a grand coalition rather than any reliance on UKIP.
At the third attempt. 503 succeeding in irritating the hell out of me, but then I am hardly alone in that department. Yes, I am on schedule. Cui Bono should be signed off by the end of January, therefor Christmas is cancelled in order to accommodate the slog. I will of course receive the customary authors allocation and one of those will have your name thereon.
Mental illness or muslim, that is the question:
It’s Not an Either/Or Question
While all the Western media is anti-Putin I see that in the web sites that allow comment there are many items against the West…and these are not just from the usual idiots.They come from comments in both the Guardian and Mail.In general the British response is to blame Baroness Ashton for causing all the trouble.
There is an American web-site by left-wing journalists of the old school which counters Obama’s ant-Putin policy.One article is headed “The Liberal Idiocy on Russia/Ukraine”.One item claims Putin represented the pro-Western faction of the KGB.
It can be accessed as below.Clicking on to “Vladimir Putin”at the bottom of the article leads to many more articles.
Arbitrary terror comes to France prompting armed patrols to take to the streets
“France is torn between fear and incomprehension.
Even as the government called for “calm, unity and vigilance” yesterday, reinforced armed patrols took to the streets after three random knife attacks on police and pedestrians in three days.
At least two of the attacks – which have led to two deaths and 23 injuries – are believed to have been irrational acts by disturbed individuals. Nonetheless, France fears a wave of copy-cat violence over the Christmas holidays.
President François Hollande appealed for calm and insisted that there was no reason to suspect that the incidents were connected. A van driver deliberately ploughed into shoppers at a Christmas market in Nantes on Monday night, injuring 10 people. It was announced last night that one of the victims had died.
The driver, who stabbed himself in the chest 13 times after the attack, was identified as a 37-year-old white Frenchman, with a history of petty crime, alcoholism and psychological problems.
A similar attack on pedestrians in Dijon 400 miles away on Sunday night was carried out by a 40-year-old Frenchman of Arab origin with a long history of mental health troubles.
Authorities now believe that the second incident was inspired by the first and that neither of them had political or religious motives. “What we are seeing with the events in Dijon and Nantes is a copy-cat reaction,” said the Prime Minister Manuel Valls.
He dismissed all links with a savage knife attack on a police station near Tours in central France on Saturday evening. In that incident, a 20-year-old Frenchman of African origin – a recent convert to Islam – was shot dead after slashing three police officers with a foot-long knife.
In both the Dijon and the Tours incidents, the attacker is reported to have shouted “Allahu akbar” (God is great).”
You had better add ‘disturbed’ to the list. It’s the only safe option.
Mine @ 20-44
The link hasn’t come up;but try
France is to step up police and military patrols in areas frequented by the public following recent attacks, Prime Minister Manuel Valls has said.
He said up to 300 soldiers would be deployed around the country to boost security over the Christmas period.
The attacks, seemingly unrelated, in Nantes, Dijon and Tours have left more than 20 people injured.
One person injured in Monday’s attack on a Christmas market in Nantes has been declared clinically dead.
Nine others were injured in the incident, where a man drove a van towards a stall in the market before repeatedly stabbing himself.
In Dijon on Sunday, a driver shouting “God is great” in Arabic ploughed into pedestrians, injuring 13 people.
On Saturday, a man using the same phrase was shot dead by police after attacking them.
Seemingly unrelated, ??? who could spot any clues, I can’t.
BREAKING NEWS: Man arrested in counter-terrorism raids ‘in possession of documents citing potential government targets’ for terror attack… and has suspected links to IS>
BUT he was Mentally ill or ‘disturbed’, wasn’t he? It has to be one of those two options.
Baron @ 15:55
I was brought up as a Protestant in the Church of England through which a loving but also often angry God encouraged me to defer pleasure to duty.
I hope that this shameful item (h/t Drudge Report) is merely a reflection of Peter’s shocking percentages:
Not read the linked article yet Malfleur and about to go to bed. But I believe that it has been reported that a surge of anti-semitic behaviour has been linked to Muslim communities. Especially vandalisation of cemeteries.
The Barclay Brothers are not entertaining comments on this. I’m gobsmacked myself.
John Birch, I have been listening on iPlayer today to some UK output on Radio 2, the middle of the road, mass audience station and that news item was covered on the news bulletin at the start of the show I was downloading.
No mention of Islam, terror, not even the BBC’s favourite fake word, militant. No mention of Muslim or anything else. You would have to have used another news source to fill in the most important element of the story: why?
The BBC News: in-depth and – most of all ‘ independent’. They must laugh when they pen these news reports. The Gramscian gigglers.
There is a false flag campaign going on, organised by my favourite sxxtbag, Lynton Crosby.
Unelected Sayeeda Warsi was supposed to appease the blue rinse set and soak up lots of Muslim votes. Very quickly, it became apparent she did neither. So she’s been shoved off to the closet.
So in order to court the Muslim vote, there has been a steady drip, drip, drip of ‘You know, Sajid Javid might be the next leader’.
Are they that stupid to elect an openly Muslim politician their leader?
No. I think this is just chatter to fill up the airwaves to say: ‘Oh, yes, we’re so Muslimy and multi-culti now this Sajid Javid is in line to be leader.’
We know his Musliminess appeals to Muslims. But to appease the blue rinse set, Javid’s back-story has been very carefully spun around a Thatcherite narrative. It is being repeated ad infinitum across many months and many different publications, a sure sign that a spin doctor has ordered it to be so: keep repeating the lie until it sinks in.
I don’t buy all this stuff about him being the leader, though. I think the Tories are just desperate to get a Muslimy person in the headlines a lot between now and polling day to say: ‘We’re Muslimy and multi-culti and we hope this phoney Thatcherite narrative about Sajid Javid’s background is enough to make you forget what happened with Sayeeda Warsi. He’s not like her. Not at all. Oh no, this is new Thatcherite Muslim person. We’ve demoted Sayeeda. Please trust us.’
So that’s the two audiences this is playing out to but I don’t believe they really want him as leader. That role is still being set aside for closet Muslim (although he likes to shout about Turkey joining the EU) Kemal Johnson, Mayor of London.
Note how far apart the dates are. This is a steady drip, drip drip, signed off by Lynton Crosby a long time ago, all presented in the guise of ‘independent’ journalism (Tory propaganda rags):
GUSHING PROFILE: The Spectator 26 January 2013
HEADLINE: Interview with Sajid Javid, the bus driver’s son who may end up leading the Tories
GUSHING PROFILE: Daily Mail 9 April 2014:
HEADLINE: The Muslim bus driver’s son set to become a Commons superstar: ANDREW PIERCE on the new Culture Secretary Sajid Javid
GUSHING PROFILE: Daily Mail 27 September 2014 huge gushing two-page profile of ‘culture secretary’ Savid Javid opposite the Leader column:
HEADLINE: Could Sajid Javid be Britain’s first Asian Prime Minister?
The Spectator 16 December 2014 Isabel Hardman
HEADLINE: Is this the best speech given by a minister in this government?
The other thing about the multiple attacks in France and Abdullah (for crying out loud!) in New York is that they are like Lee Rigby and Sydney: there is now wave after wave of attacks that are designed offline. The terrorist planners went offline ages ago.
All these attacks are designed not be electronically eavesdropped on – that’s just for the critics of Islam.
Most disturbing of all is that the authorities around the world have learned from Lee Rigby: don’t say that it’s an Islamic terror attack. Just in the past week or so Sydney, France and Abdullah – all of these are Islamic terror attacks, scaled back from large scale attacks so as not to be spied on electronically in pre-planning.
And the Press? They just forget all that. That Mark Steyn article is fabulous. Absolutely fabulous.
Baron et alios – on Russia
Dr. Steve Pieczenik in a short section about 2.00 hours into Alex Jones’ Monday show has a radically different analysis of what the West under the leadership of the USA is doing, indeed has already done, to Putin and why. I shall have to think about this. I would be interested in your views – and those of Mr. Boot.
The fact that this is all going on in the Anglosphere of New York and Sydney and in France yet is not reported on either for what it is or in any great detail contrasts very tellingly with the coverage of ISIS. The latter, clearly (whether those beheadings were real or not, we can leave that debate aside here) was being exploited by governments asking media to put that on front pages and top of new bulletins for days. Yet all this stuff is closer to home and is therefore a clear and present danger to us all. So why the difference in coverage? The people who edit these newspapers and news bulletins are up to something and being balanced certainly isn’t what they’re up to.
I was singing this in the shower this morning with the rain falling outside; then looked it up on YouTube and found this version…
This is good for the shower too, but because of the high notes it’s best to keep the door shut…
What are Wallsters’s favourite shower songs at the moment?
December 23rd, 2014 – 16:34
Once again you are cherry picking in order to dissemble.
You originally referred to Bush as “crusader” in imitation of the language used by jihadis in the context of your complete comment (comparing the ISIS “Caliph” favourably to Bush and urging us to give him a “fair hearing”). You also attempted to excuse/justify jihadi terrorism by referring to a historical crusader atrocity perpetrated by Richard I.
It was apparent, at the time, that you were attempting to provoke/wind up in your usual fashion by endorsing ISIS and that you have subsequently attempted to distance yourself from that repulsive behaviour by displaying exaggerated vehemence towards them. Whilst your tendency for that sort of provocation is unsurprising given your track record that particular comment was extraordinary.
Your latest trick of trying to condemn Bush as a “crusader” by his own definition simply reinforces the intent of your original comment.
The dark alliance between the left and militant Islam is peculiar but well-evidenced. Your exhortation to “embrace” in order to prevent radicalisation is typical of leftist thinking which seeks to excuse the perpetrators of terrorism/crime and to put the onus of blame on their victims.
Cherry picking will not obscure the overall pattern and direction of travel of your extreme political views. Those are well established and well known from your own commentary.
Seasonal greetings from t’other side of the world.
Malfleur @ 02:28
Here’s Baron’s answer to the fast talking doctor’s core argument that the US of today represents the most awesome hegemony ever witnessed by man. Argue with the poorly educated Slav, if you msut, Malfleur.
Around 1850, with the population of Britain less than 2 per cent of the world’s, the country supplied half of the world’s output of coal and iron, controlled two third of world’s shipping, and a third of trade. London banks had on deposits more money than all other banks in the world, and her anthem ‘the God Save the Queen’ was sung by a quarter of the world’s population. Her GDP was almost half of the world’s. That was the peak of Britain’s power.
Around 1950, the five percent of the Americans (as the percentage of the world’s total). possessed more wealth than the other 95% of the world’s unwashed combined. The Republic had no internal debt, the world owed it double her GDP, she controlled almost two thirds of the world’s productive capacity, 40% of electricity production, 60% of oil extraction, and 66% of steel output. It’s GDP was just over two fifth of the world’s. That was the top of the Republic’s power.
Around 2050, …..
Clear Memories @ 12:02
Tah (as an Australian friend of Baron likes to say), and the same to you: Merry Christmas and the Happiest New Year ever, (and the 365 days that follow).
France is basically experiencing a civil uprising. It is civil war. The army have been called out in huge numbers. The UK nearly got to that stage with the 2011 riots, but this is civil war.
Everything that Enoch Powel predicted is coming true in the UK and elsewhere. Enoch’s prophecy (he never said ‘rivers of blood’) was made true on 7/7 and the media have been in full lockdown mode ever since. As they are today with events in France. And yet they printed umpteen front pages about some alleged beheadings by ISIS.
There is no war with other nations that should concern the West for the moment. What should be number one priority is the war within its own borders and before you even deal with the jihadis on the streets mowing poeple down in cars and vans, we need to rid ourselves of the traitors who backed all this via mass immigration and race replacement by stealth.
I want the name, religion and race of that driver in Glasgow.
The Record suggests his name is Harry. That doesn’t tell us much.
I do love the smell of a turkey cooking, especially when Gerald Warner is the chef.
Malfleur, here’s another take on the rouble, Russia and Western banking. Baron’s in the same boat as Roberts.
The one black swan he doesn’t mention is the one the Russian may actually ‘release’. Many of the shorts on the rouble are ‘naked’ i.e. those who sell the shorts don’t have the roubles, bet that as the currency goes down they’ll buy them, or simple pocket the difference (that’s what happens as a rule in this segment of the derivate market). The shorts are dated i.e. they mature after certain date.
All Russia has to do is either suspend convertibility for a defined period of time, the same time span in which most of the naked shorts mature, or buy up the shorts, insist on the delivery of roubles.
Chimp Smoker
December 24th, 2014 – 14:16
I agree whole heartedly with your posting of 14:08, and would be interested in knowing the details of the driver in Glasgow. But, I dont think this was a terrorist attack. Unfortunately, large lorries have become a nightmare on our roads. Overloaded, speeding, think they own the highways. Whenever an accident happens involving these monsters, they seem to get off lightly. Even when people are killed, they get bail and hardly ever are held in custody. Probably many are overworked, and tired, putting in too many hours without proper rest hours and breaks. Many are foreigners with a poor knowledge of English and not much knowledge of the rules of the road here. I checked on Google, and found that I was correct in assuming that incidents involving heavy vehicles had increased. Every year the number of serious incidents has gone up and they seem to be getting away with it.
Foreign lorry accidents on UK roads cost £57m each year Cached
… of all motorway incidents involving foreign lorries. … heavy goods vehicles were involved in 88 … 49% of the total incidents Accident Exchange …
It seems it’s the turn of the Swiss. A man barricaded himself in a Zurich bank with an unknown number of hostages.
What a Christmas it’s turning to be.
This is an interesting development on the now almost forgotten MH17 disaster taken seriously even by the DT:
Noa, love the Gerald Warner link and as to Dave’s legacy being ‘the succession to Number 10 secured for an Asian prime minister – a real modernization programme’
I had four xxxx-licking articles linked in my post this morning at 01.43 on the rise of Javid:
Chimp Smoker
December 24th, 2014 01.43
And look which Cameroon has joined the list – Matthew D’Ancona:
‘The hope among a growing number of Conservatives that, when the time comes, and Cameron regenerates in a pillar of fire, the new leader will be [Sajid] Javid.’
Because all the talk I have with people in Britain is about whether they’ll be lucky enough to have Sajid Javid as their next prime minister.
All the talk I in fact have is people of every age and gender saying they are now UKIP voters. Tory voters seem as rare as hen’s teeth, but apparently, among this small number, there’s a massive fan club for Sajid Javid out there somewhere. It must be true because the Press say so. It’s not like they’d do a Peter Kellner and try to manipulate public debate, is it?
baron @ 1537
Chimp etc
“…The hope among a growing number of Conservatives…”
W’ancona’s gift- hisChristmas oxymoron!
Quite right, Noa! He wrote another article a few weeks before virtually admitting the Tories are pooping their pants that all these cooked-up UKIP ‘scandals’ have reached the point where no-one gives a xxxx. I would have thought the EU election results would have told him that. He said, she said – who cares? Britain looks like a Third World Cesspit and there are three parties responsible for that.
O/T, This is a fascinating document, written by bien pensant think tank – forwarded to Peter Hitchens, who has linked to it:
‘The newspaper observed that “Western interests are pressing for change” and that “big multinationals have expressed tentative interest in Ukrainian agriculture.”’
‘It further revealed how the reforms of the Ukrainian economy and particularly of its agricultural sector that were tied to the $17 billion IMF deal sought to “bolster the confidence of foreign investors” by addressing the Ukrainian agricultural sector’s “red tape and inefficiencies.”’
The multi-nationals? You mean the ones that are more powerful than governments and who use them as tools and who use their presence at Bilderberg meetings to see how they can align their money-grubbing interests with the political aims of the Frankfurt School and so on to work out where they can make common purpose* in effecting ‘change’ (translation of ‘change’: race replacement).
* pun intended – Common Purpose targets leaders in big business and the public sector
For those who like an in-depth debate, Peter Hitchens’ Sunday column on Ukraine had a huge response and he has added this to his blog to supplement that column, and there’s a lot more on there vis-a-vis Ukraine.
Global crusades and cultural colonialism
1416 & 1427
Extreme care please
tele, nobody has said anything offensive or attributed anything to anyone.
A question was asked. A fact was supplied. Why is it that you Lefties seek to close down free speech at every opportunity anyway?
You’ll pardon me if I’m not always so cowed, but living in the US we at least have a constitutional right to freedom of speech so the cases that crop up so frequently in the UK don’t crop up here. It’s one of the things the UK needs remedying. It doesn’t need to close down free speech, so much as criticism of it. Of which tele and friends are just a little too fond.
And what a warped sense of priorities. Tele-blind-eye-to-Rotherham gets worked up about thought crimes on Twitter. Anyone would think you Leftists are manipulating an agenda. Oh, hang on, you are.
I dont care what anyone says. i think its a legitimate question to ask about the driver of the glasgow bin lorry. But realistically I think it was a heart attack.
how we protect ourselves from out of control road vehicles when the driver is incapacitated I dont know
on the railway they have a driver safety device. Usually pedal operated. he has to depress and release it once per minute to show he is concious or the brakes go on.
but would that be safe in a road vehicle? Especially an HGV?
The big question posed by Peter Hitchens’ latest article, which he hints at, is what is someone like David Frum doing all over Twitter on his Christmas holiday?
This is a man with form for taking a fait accompli and pretending there was debate and ‘tests’ before going to war on Iraq. Is war with Russia a fait accompli? Is all this a Joseph Goebbels-style tell the lie enough times exercise until the public can stomach war with Russia? Is that why Frum is on Twitter patrol?
It’s one of the greatest dirty secrets of all modern politics (and some consumer campaigns) that they all use Jospeh Goebbels’ first rule of spin before anything else. No one would attribute theor use of it to him (oh no!). And yet they all do it. Ad infinitum. Every day. Repeat after us folks ‘ the economy is recovering!’ Of course it is.
mucus – Who appointed the thick, obnoxious and cowardly you as the censor on this blog?
To issue such implicit threats is to invite the renewal of calls for your expulsion. There is a counter argument to most political polemics. Regrettably you are demonstrably incapable of fashioning any, preferring to parrot others or threaten them.
It is not your professed socialism that is so utterly repellant, but your invincible stupidity.
For an example of an well argued socialist (actually communist) view, I refer you to Tim Black’s argument for free speech. In your case, however, I’m happy to make the exception that proves the rule.
Alexsandr – 17:25 ‘out of control road vehicles’
There is little need for service vehicles, like bin lorries, to travel at more than 20 mph, let alone 30mph while in the area where they collect rubbish. Travelling between the depot and area to be ‘processed’ would be more often on open roads with more than just the driver in the cab.
So why not have two modes of speed. I think that it was the high speed that not only caused greater injury, it gave little time to avoid the run-away vehicle.
“..There is little need for service vehicles, like bin lorries, to travel at more than 20 mph, let alone 30mph…”
As I recollect, the police helicopter which fell like a stone through the roof of the Clutha bar was stationary at the time.
We should be careful not to attribute to random tragedies and acts of God, about which we can often do nothing to prevent, the attributes of a deliberate or malign intervention.
Noa – 18:32
What I suggested would not inconvenience the driver, as pressing lever every minute would, and it would restrict the speed at all times during that mode of operation.
It might even make driving it easier!
I wasn’t expecting a helicopter to be included for collecting rubbish. 🙂
May you all have a happy Christmas Day tomorrow.
Noa 1812
It is my regard for your welfare that leads me to advise
I will take the ad hominem with the spirit in which I know they were written
As you well know there are those who are not as benign as the intelligentsia that post here
David Ossitt
December 24th, 2014 – 19:47
May you all have a happy Christmas Day tomorrow.
And David a very happy Christmas to you and yours
It’s time for you to get ‘on message’ and, being unable to hold and create logical thoughts yourself, nevertheless adopt O’Niell’s mantra, below, and grow some:
And all remember as we drink in the joys of the Christ child
That the Cratchits are in high spirits because for once in a way they have enough to eat. The wolf is at the door, but he is wagging his tail. The steam of the Christmas pudding drifts across a background of pawnshops and sweated labour, and in a double sense the ghost of Scrooge stands beside the dinner table. Bob Cratchit even wants to drink to Scrooge’s health, which Mrs Cratchit rightly refuses. The Cratchits are able to enjoy Christmas precisely because it only comes once a year. Their happiness is convincing just because Christmas only comes once a year. Their happiness is convincing just because it is described as incomplete.
You are I think proposing a vehicular equivalent of the ‘Dead man’s Hand’ which operates on trains to stop them automatically, in similar circumstances to the George Square tragedy.
I’m not certain that it would be either safe or effective in dense, urban driving conditions. There is a clear tendency for drivers suffering strokes to cause their vehicles to veer to the left.
This is can be helpful in motorway conditions, causing the vehicle to head to the hard shoulder, but tragic in towns, as we have seen, when it scours the pavement and pedestrians.
You ask, plagiarising of course, (in this case the words of George Orwell), whether socialists can be happy.
To which the answer is, it is not relevant to ask whether or not socialists can be happy, but whether their innumerable victims ever can.
Of course foreign trucks with the steering wheel the wrong side are especially dangerous because they cant see where they need to.
and they have the dangerous habit of using the left hand lane approaching roundabouts when turning right.
and they cant see properly when moving left on a motorway.
I think they should have a lower speed limit at the very least.
A fire-side pantomime to listern to or read for Christmas:`The Rose and the Ring`by William Thackeray.Four (or five) Princesses and Princessess;a Fairy God Mother who gets tired of the job;and various Kings and Queens.Written for English children in Italy in 1848(?).It can be heard on BBC iplayer Radio4Extra (Tue23/Wed24 Dec 2014).The book can by downloaded for free.
A very happy and peaceful Christmas to you all, and a healthy and joyful new year.
God bless us all this Christmastime. May we remember those less fortunate, especially those followers of Christ in Syria and Iraq.
This Christmas, let’s all doff hats for dead dogs on Dartmoor and hope that they get a better deal next year.
“‘Oh no, not my dog! Oh, please, no, not my dog!’ wailed Scott and tried to give it mouth to mouth resuscitation.”
A happy and peaceful Christmas to all, with prayers and material support to the victims of religious persecution in the middle east.
And to Anne, my belated best wishes and hopes that Hanukkah has been happy and peaceful for you and your family.
Cameron, Miliband and Clegg are on a long flight in RAF One.
Clegg produces a £50 note and says “I’m going to throw out this £50 note and make someone down below very happy.”
Not wanting to be outdone, Miliband says, “If that was my £50 note, I would split it into 5 x £10 notes and make five people down below very happy.”
Of course Dave doesn’t want these two characters to outdo him, so he boasts “I will take 100 x £50 notes and throw them out to make 100 people even happier still.”
At this point the pilot, a UKIP supporter, who has overheard all this bragging and can’t stand it anymore, comes out and says,
“I’d like to throw all three of you out and make 65 million people absolutely ecstatic”.
Happy Christmas
On the 101st day of the defense of Kobane from the forces of Morlock;the Kurdish militia send their greetings:
And for all the fans of Steam-Punk:
Merry Christmas to all from the one who celebrates on Christmas Eve, and has just finished watching the midnight Eucharist from Arundel Cathedral.
Noa – 20:18
No, just having two modes of gears; one up to around 20 mph and the other for getting to places. It could be mechanical or computer controlled.
It might be a bit of an exaggeration, but witnesses have been saying the bin lorry was traveling at 70mph. Within the city limits, where crowds may exist, 20 mph would be enough and these lorries often need to travel quite slowly, which is difficult – 1st gear in a normal car can be a jerky sort of gear.
Like all of us, I suspect the bin lorry incident was a genuine accident.
But, I saw there were three people in the cab.
I have seen no comments from them.
I Have seen no statement from the employers of the men.
It’s the lack of information that raises questions.
December 24th, 2014 – 22:37
Thanks, Noa,
and today as ever I am thinking of Verity, missing her and hoping she has found a place to call home. The CHW is, for me, a rare place where I feel in harmony with its members. Thanks, Peter!
There was a suggestion on the Wall last week that Michael Savage is a demagogue.
Dr. Savage is in fact an enemy of the demagogue. We are free to say what we think on this site; but we should know to use the English language with precision.
John birch – 06:31
“It’s the lack of information that raises questions.”
Isn’t it always the case, especially with the awkward squad that we have on the CHW!
Merry Christmas to all, and a special thanks to PfM for allowing us to let of steam, in a fairly controlled fashion, throughout the year and to be reassured that civilisation is still lurking within these isles.
Hosea 4:6
I would like to wish a very happy christmas to all our muslims.
Put away your warlord and embrace the love of Jesus.
You know it makes sense.
Especially for telemachus and any other socialist scumbags lurking here:-
(We didn’t get out of our trenches to play football with the opposition today – bah, humbug)
Malfleur, we’ve not all forgotten yet.
Three hours of Christmas song and music and scenery;with a play list.
More sluttery and badly cooked meat for Samuel Pepys’ lunch on Christmas Day 1661; but Sir William Penn comes up with a good way of ridding the company of a too loquacious guest at supper time:
“In the morning to church, where at the door of our pew I was fain to stay, because that the sexton had not opened the door. A good sermon of Mr. Mills. Dined at home all alone, and taking occasion from some fault in the meat to complain of my maid’s sluttery, my wife and I fell out, and I up to my chamber in a discontent. After dinner my wife comes up to me and all friends again, and she and I to walk upon the leads, and there Sir W. Pen called us, and we went to his house and supped with him, but before supper Captain Cock came to us half drunk, and began to talk, but Sir W. Pen knowing his humour and that there was no end of his talking, drinks four great glasses of wine to him, one after another, healths to the king, and by that means made him drunk, and so he went away, and so we sat down to supper, and were merry, and so after supper home and to bed.”
Penn would have been about 17:
As I was checking that I had the right Penn, I came across a note that he had published a plan for a United States of Europe. In case we don’t manage to put Mr. Farage’s party in government in 2016, we might dust it off and see if it is worth proposing to Mr. Cameron as a basis for reforming the current disaster short of complete abolition…
I believe it can be found in here somewhere:
– a link full of plums worth pulling out.
For instance, in the account of the case against Penn and another on a charge of unlawful assembly which in turn grounded the action against the jury in Bushel’s Case, there is the following exchange at the Old Bailey between the Court and Penn:
“What say you William Penn, and William Mead, are you Guilty, as you stand Indicted, in Manner and Form as aforesaid, or Not Guilty?
It is impossible that we should be able to remember the Indictment Verbatim, and therefore we desire a Copy of it, as is Customary on the like Occasions.
You must first plead to the Indictment, before you can have a Copy of it…”.
which closes the gap of nearly 500 years between the mindset of the reactionary bench in 1670 and that of the reactionary Speaker of the House in the USA, Nancy Pelosi,in 2010 when she notoriously commented:
“We have to pass the [Patient Protection and Affordable Care] Bill so that you can, er, find out what’s in it”.
Later in the proceedings Penn was forcibly removed from the court for protesting that the court’s decision to fine the jury for holding Penn and his co-defendant ‘not guilty’ was contrary to Magna Carta.
I am sure that the Wall will be turning its attention to vigorously and imaginatively celebrating the continued relevance of Magna Carta in England and throughout the world as its centenary celebrations approach in 2015.
The Queen.
A New Year Wish List:
Cameron gone; David Davis installed in Downing Street with Farage as DPM.
Clegg, Milliband & Balls lose seats.
Blair in either the Old Bailey Dock or the Hague War Crimes Court
Obama shot by another black (most blacks murdered by other blacks, not whites)
BBC transmission licence revoked.
God proves his existence by turning Mecca to dust.
(Well, we can dream.) Happy New Year to all.
Clear Memories
I applaud your bravery with the leadership of our great country
Most observers are surprised at David Davis’ decision to fight a by-election on the 42 days issue and some are condemning. ‘David Davis’s behaviour is a pure piece of political theatre’ ; ‘David Davis sounded slightly unhinged.’ ; ‘This forced by-election is a farce’
I opposed David Davis as leader of the Conservative Party (not that my opinion, having resigned from it in 1990, counts for anything) partly because his verbal delivery was so poor that people would not connect with him. I turned on the radio shortly after the beginning of his speech, to the staccato, disjointed mumbling and said ‘that sounds like David Davis, but no, it can’t be him resigning…’
I’ve got a yard full of these bloody things. They wreck the flower beds and attack anything yellow and red. Apparently, the abos boil them for 12 hours in a pot with 2 rocks – then throw the birds away and eat the rocks.
Not ‘game’ birds, just a bloody nuisance – a bit like Teletwatus.
Tommy Robinson – Guilty of Speaking in Gracious-Street.
telemachus at 07:32 is at it again. Cut’n’paste without credit or inverted commas from here:-
In anticipation of the 800th anniversary of the date when the Crown was compelled to commit in writing to its submission to the laws of England and the rights of free Englishman, we should consider entwining ideas for its celebration through this site with examination of the implications of the mission said to have been sent by King John to the Almohad caliph in Marrakesh with a proposal for the submission of England to islam.
Just in case our Crown-in-Parliament-in Brussels had thoughts of a similar enterprise let’s ensure that islamicisation of the doctrine of the Church of England is eradicated next year and that the noses of our political class are pushed to the parchment of a reanimated Great Charter next 15 June which also expressly holds it to be self-evident that shariah law is not the heritage of free Englishmen – then they can all get on a plane and fly to Brussels on 18th to celebrate another reason why resistance to attempts to integrate us into a monolithic European state can have benefits.
Clear memories.
I’ll be very happy to support your list.
One (only) good reason for being an Old Fogey, I don’t have to pay for a TV Licence. The Christmas offerings were a damn disgrace. Old, really old repeats of comedies that were relevant in their time, but beyond understanding for younger viewers. Corny old movies, really sick-making, and daft programming. One good show was “Send for the Midwives”, actually had this family in tears. I am not a Christian, but I found “The Vicar of Dibley” very offensive. Mocking the very principles of Christianity and extremely vulgar. The BBC would never dare show a programme dedicated to a female Iman deriding Islam in the manner in which Christianity was shown.
We appear to share a common fundamental and possibly existential problem with Israel, political correctness:
“…Only if the Israeli leadership is willing and able to strip off the layers of distorting political correctness that have accumulated over the last quarter-century, and clearly identify the true nature both of the prevailing realities and the Palestinian adversary, will there be any chance of halting the descent into catastrophe….”
“City Link goes into administration City Link timing ‘absolute disgrace’ Watch Rentokil sells City Link for £1”
Aptly named!!!!!!
I see that the AoC has been diagnosed with pneumonia. He was being tested for Ebola, since he had just come back from Africa. I don’t wish either illness on anyone.
King John and the Almohad Sultan.
The way that the British government have seized on this supposed incident, alleged by the St Albans chronicler Matthew Paris 20 years after it supposedly occurred, as a positive element in Britain’s relationship with Islam suggests the direction of travel:-
Colonel Mustard
A very revealing link. I missed that government spin when it came out last year.
Geert Wilders take on Moroccans today is the more realistic, summed up in his question to the Dutch people “would you prefer more or fewer Moroccans in Holland?”. Of course he, like William Penn and Tommy Robinson, is now being railroaded by a government which uses the law as an instrument of arbitrary power – see as misreported here:
Elsewhere, this article on December 21st claims that “… the Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV, led by Geert Wilders) remains the #1 party in the Netherlands, and has increased its lead even further”.
Gates of Vienna (why that name for the site, now?) also carries a piece entitled “The Revolution in the Netherlands Will Have to Wait” and three others on Wilders: A Grotesque Prosecution posted on December 19th, and Galileo in the Dock (Again) and four more in this month. He says “”It is my task as a politician to name the Moroccan problem which we have here in the Netherlands.”.
What is the task of Her Majesty’s government in Britain?
“It is reported that King John asked for an alliance against France and support against his enemies within England with the promise that he would embrace Islam.”
You see folks
We have been embracing Islam for 800 years
As I keep saying embrace and integrate
Take a leaf from the Mail
I will embrace islam when they stop saying slaying christians, jews, atheiets,apostates etc, when they treat women as equals, stopping paedophilic marriage, female genital mutilation, hijabs and burkhas. when they stop using white children as prostitutes and when they accept the laws of the UK are THE law and Sharia law has no standing here.
Until then they should learn to fit in of eff off. Like westerner have to in islamic countries.
and have you seen the story of 2 women in saudi being charged with terrorism for driving a car. FFS.
fit in or eff off. – sorry for typo
telemachus 13:15
A survey funded by George Soros. The director of the survey is Nazia Hussain and the whole thing is part of the Open Foundations project which makes it deeply suspect.
And what exactly were the contributions of the unelected American Christopher Stone to the “reform” of criminal justice in the UK for which he was awarded an honorary OBE?
Oh yes, of course, the subjective justice of prejudicial “victims” rather than the criminal intent of the offenders.
And then there is Starmer:-
“Keir Starmer crackles with ambition, you can feel it coming off him like an electric charge. Labour party wonks are busy eyeing up successors to the lacklustre Ed Miliband. In the short term there is Yvette Cooper with her bulldog husband, baby-faced beauty Chuka Umunna and pugnacious Liverpudlian Andy Burnham. But Starmer, 52, a top human rights barrister and former director of public prosecutions (DPP), is playing the long game.
“Last weekend he was nominated as the Labour candidate in the safe seat of Holborn and St Pancras. Limp leadership hopefuls with sparse experience outside politics should beware — some Labour MPs are already placing bets on Starmer as a future leader.”
The “impartial” civil servant who politicised the CPS on behalf of the Labour party and got away with a knighthood instead of the sacking he so richly deserved.
The 800 years relationship “celebration” curiously misses out the depredations of Muslim barbary pirates whose slave raiding extended to the south coast of England. It also misses out the whole 1,000+ year history of white slavery in the Middle East, although we are never allowed to forget Britain’s negative role in the African slave trade or remember her positive role.
telemachus needs to understand the difference between history and an agenda that seeks to distort and exploit history for modern political ends.
starmer should be in jail for the CPS’s failure to prosecute child rapists in the northern cities.
for Rotherham, Rochdale and Sheffield were all due to council staff, plod and the CPS not doing their jobs because of political correctness.
have any been sacked? Stripped of their pensions?
“…telemachus needs to understand the difference between history and an agenda that seeks to distort and exploit history for modern political ends..”
I’m sure he does.
Like the manipulators of truth in government, he also seeks to twist and use events for his own purposes.
300 years of the 1,000 year timeline for UK/Morrocan relationships.
The lesson of 800 years ago in Morocco when the King of England offered to sell the country out to the satanic ideology of islam and had to be slapped down hard by the barons and freemen for breaking the social contract is this.
Crown-in-parliament has hi-jacked the constitution which as can be seen from June 1215, through William Penn and Bushel, down to Tommy Robinson has barely held its own since Magna Carta. A case can be made that the usual suspects have tried with some considerable success to transfer power, and with it the English people’s ability to hold its rulers accountable, to bodies outside the country let alone outside the control of Crown-in-Parliament, be they the European Commission, the IMF, the UN, NATO, the World Bank, the international corporate banking system and an array of feudal arab and other gangsters posing as the courtier’s, soldier’s, scholar’s, eye, tongue, sword, th’ expectancy and rose of the fair state, together with multiple other carrion birds who can be seen from time to time emerging from the shadows in comely feather to peck over the corpse of our freedom.
Well, you’ve got to start somewhere and it ought to be with re-asserting our principles. The immediate way to do that is by calling for a revisiting of Magna Carta. It was fresh enough for Penn and Bushel 450 years after King John was forced to sign it, it should still have life in it to call Crown-in-Parliament to order 800 years after. We are the jury in such fundamental matters, we nullify by our verdict their unconstitutional break with our traditions, if we base that verdict on the common law of England and remind the people what was at stake in Runnymede and the Old Bailey. When our political class try to silence us unless we come up with the “right” verdict, or the “right” vote, then so be it.
So let’s revisit and introduce a contemporary note by adding a question to the debate on the importance of Magna Carta in our time: is Shariah law and the murderous ideology of the koran consistent with the principles which gave the impulse for Magna Carta and those which struggled to develop from it these last 800 years?
The anti muslim movements that are growing across Europe tells me we will soon have serious restrictions on reporting these situations.
Just as in this country many terrorist activities end up being on the news as police incidents with no more information issued apart from local news which is deliberately only reported locally.
I personally was involved in a long delay around midnight on the m25 where the holmsdale tunnel had the bomb squad in to sort out a situation which never made the news.
We are heading towards a society where ignorance will be the norm.
I remember a court case many years ago in which a guy was prosecuted for having infomation which he had obtained from news , newspapers and other sources which were freely available, but by gathering them together he had committed an offence.
I could never understand how this reasoning went unchallenged by anyone.
PfM – 11.50
I wonder when the Archbishop started feeling poorly? I ask because on Monday of this week I attended Evensong in Canterbury Cathedral and was sitting a few feet away from him. If indeed he was being tested for Ebola, or indeed had suspected pneumonia, what the hell was doing risking the health of his flock? His sheep are already small enough in number.
And thank you to all the regular Wallsters (bar one) for keeping me sane, informing and entertaining me over the last year, and a special thanks to Peter for the continuance of this lifeline. And Verity, wherever you are I wish you well and hope very much that you’ll be back here this year.
December 26th, 2014 – 13:48
fit in or eff off. – sorry for typo
OK then
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group has continued its effort to destroy the Christian faith in Iraq, as reports come out revealing the extensive killing of Christians, including crucifixions and the beheadings of children.
“They are systemically beheading children, and mothers, and fathers. The world hasn’t seen an evil like this for a generation. There’s actually a park in Mosul that they’ve actually beheaded children and put their heads on a stick,” Mark Arabo, national spokesman for Iraqi Christians told CNN.
According to a report by Arab News, ISIL militants have moved on from beheading to burying women and children alive in mass graves.
In July, the ISIL captured Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, as they looted Christian homes, desecrated cemeteries, destroyed tombs of biblical prophets, ruined churches, and pulled down crosses.
Christians were told that they could escape this harassment and death by paying a fine. However, Arabo says the ISIL broke this so-called promise.
“The letter that they sent out with those three items (convert, pay a fine or die), they did ask to pay a fine but actually after they pay a fine, they (ISIL militants) are actually taking over their wives and their daughters and making them into their wives. So really it’s convert or die, face death by the sword,” explained Arabo.
“They’ve marked the red stamp of death on Christian homes and basically saying we know who you are and if you come back, you will get killed. That’s why we’re saying this is a Christian holocaust within our midst and the world community cannot turn a blind eye,” said Arabo. “They are absolutely killing every Christian they see. This is a genocide in every sense of the word. They want everyone to convert and they want Sharia law to be the law of the land.”
Now Alexandr
Let us all condemn these barbarians
telemachus@December 26th, 2014 – 15:23
I condemn all barbarianism. by ISIL
But let not be deluded.
people with this mindset exist in the UK in large numbers.
its written in their so called ‘holy’ book, the rabble raising book that incites violence and racial hatred – the Koran.
Mucus, the stench of hypocricsy overwhelms you.
Come now, you were the one saying “Give the Caliphate a chance”.
And remind me again, given the image of the year, where it was taken, Raccq’ua, Rochdale or Rotherham?
`The Times names Farage:`Briton of the Year`.
Here’s a health unto Her Majesty,
With a fa la la la la la-a la,
Confusion to Her enemies,
With a fal la la la la la-a la,
And he that will not drink this toast,
I wish him neither wit nor wealth,
Nor but a rope to hang himself,
With a fal la la la la la la la la la ,
With a fal la la la la la-a la.
Malfleur 14:38 Boxing Day
As always, ca me plait beaucoup.
May I ask, who do you think is behind our progressive weakness? I suspect it be not a Muslim force: I suspect they simply fill the void.
I value your opinion: who really controls the Western World?
Who? I am still working on that. Many of my posts here are attempts to fit pieces in the jigsaw puzzle. I think it’s something of a hydra.
But as to WHAT is behind our progressive weakness?
The rejection of reason – of the idea of good and evil.
Serendipitously this morning,in that connection I came across this short speech by the Jerusalem Post journalist, Caroline Glick, whose passionate analysis brought that into the sharpest focus – and which again serendipitously links with my posts yesterday on Magna Carta, R v Penn and Mead and Edward Bushel
Btw, those who like…may also like:
The Danish Ambassador expressly supports a double standard for “palestine” and Israel – and Caroline Glick calls him on it:
“The Federal Reserve has propagandists in every major city on record trying to fight the public discovering that this is a foreign occupational government – corporate government that’s in control that has used our country to take control of the planet”.
That is Alex Jones in the USA raving on Boxing Day at about 25 minutes into his show at
Fortunately, as Jones is a ranting demagogue and conspiracy theorist, we can dismiss what he says without further consideration of the evidence.
The War Party – update
60 prominent Germans have signed an open letter to the German government opposing the Drang nach Osten of NATO.
I have thought about your comment on “the fast-talking” Dr. Steve Pieczenik two or three days ago. You focus on the likelihood of the USA being an economic power-house by 2050,. I was referring to Dr.Pieczenik’s complacent view, which I was initially encouraged by, that Ukraine and sanctions were all a response to Angela Merkel’s initial perception that Mr. Putin is a mere kleptocrat too incompetent to govern Russia in a way that would bring economic benefits to the world through free trade and thus had to be removed. Dr.Pieczenik’s view was ‘mission accomplished’ in so far as Mr. Putin had already been discredited among Russians.
Without going into details, I believe that Dr. Pieczenik’s perspective is either unreasonably optimistic or even a “narrative” to support the policy that the War Party would like to divide those resisting their aggressive plans.
Now it may be, as a current interview with Dr. Philippa Malmgren in King World News suggests, that war in cyberspace has already broken out between the USA and Russia and China. That is something which is probably in the nature of things and altogether unavoidable. I do however agree with David Stockman in another article on that site and who raises the broken promise of the USA to Gorbachev which obtained the peaceful withdrawal of Soviet forces from lands occupied by them in eastern Europe, that “…Our foreign policy regarding the Ukraine and eastern Europe is absolutely stupid and irrational….There was no reason to expand NATO all the way through eastern Europe — adding 14 new countries since the Cold War ended — coming all the way to the border of Russia, creating tensions and antagonisms that have no reason to exist…”.
As the open letter to the German government states in part:
“. . Whoever is constructing a bogeyman, putting the blame on only one side, is exacerbating tensions, when the signals should be for de-escalation.
We appeal to the media, to more scrupulously adhere to their obligation to provide unbiased reporting than they have hitherto done. Editorialists and leading commentators are demonizing entire nations, without fully taking their histories into account…”.
” Whoever is constructing a bogeyman…”. There it is again, the same question that Redneck was asking just a few hours ago and which I am trying to answer myself. Who is behind this – and much else? In the absence of a clear target, we can only bring pressure on our government and elected representatives, on the media, and on the people that we communicate with on an everyday basis. Nigel Farage spoke out early that the EU has blood on its hands over Ukraine. I hope that he will pick up the theme of the 60 prominent Germans and develop the debate in the United Kingdom.
A ‘go to top’ button after the last posting would be good for those reading on a phone. Pease.
alexsandr – 08:17, and FAO PfM!
I was thinking of a ‘go to the bottom (of the posts)’ button, as I have the latest post at the bottom. There may be a site-supplied option that takes you to the last post displayed (or selected) so, on entering the week’s posts, you would end up where you were on your last visit.
As we have a button for ‘This week’s CHW’, is there a possibility of activating it from a standard URL, because that is what I invariably do?
Morning-after pill for all following EU move
I am not sure it will do me any good. And will it be compulsory?
More barbarians to condemn
A judge in Pakistan has issued an arrest warrant for a cleric at a radical mosque in Islamabad who has refused to condemn the massacre of children at an army-run school.
Imam Abdul Aziz has been accused of threatening protesters outside the Red Mosque.
The cleric said the charge against him was insignificant.
Last week, Taliban fighters attacked the school in Peshawar, killing 152 people, including 133 children.
Mr Aziz said that the authorities should focus on arresting people accused of more serious crimes.
“My case is very small and even a sub-inspector can grant me bail,” he said.
A present for Malfeur
You missed off the “h”
So we cannot click through
I don’t remember seeing this before, it’s dated Oct 23rd, but Richard North has put forward a way of leaving the EU that allows some of the change to be gradual.
I don’t think it will be the last word on the subject, but with the EU unlikely to be cooperative, it should help those wanting to leave:
Flexcit: the Dawlish experience
Noa @ 13:03
Thank you, Noa.
My father is an old man. He has asthma and has gone down with a bad chest infection. He rang 111 at 8 am this morning and after over 12 hours is still waiting for a doctor to call him. I’ve ended up finding some medication myself for him in our own medicine cupboard! In my own life time I could ring my own doctor in her bed and she would come out if it was urgent!
Accessing CHW via Google/Chrome on a PC laptop.
I go to each new weekly CHW;click on `Leave a comment`.This takes me to the bottom of the page.Then click on the `star` near the top right-hand corner of the screen:this files it as a `favourite`and the star turns yellow.
From then on I click the two little >> near the top right;this brings up the `favourites` list with the current CHW at the bottom.Clicking on this takes me to the bottom of the current page.
Radford NG – I’m sure it was much easier when we sauntered to the newsagent and handed over tuppence when we wanted the truth!
Hallo, Peter,
How did your dad manage with the NHS overnight?
Peter from Maidstone
December 27th, 2014 – 20:39
Wishing your father well. The NHS GPs are a disgrace. In general they are overpaid, arrogant pen pushers. Best thing in an emergency is to go private for initial, immediate treatment.
Hope your dadis OK
But this is symptomatic of the state of the GP part of the NHS.
Labours fault -their GP contract taking away their obligation to care for their patients 24/7 is why A+E is in crisis.
May sound paranoid, but another missing airline, could islamists be involved?
anne wotana kaye December 28th, 2014 – 11:45
“May sound paranoid, but another missing airline, could islamists be involved?”
Or even Kim Jong-un!
Peter from Maidstone December 27th, 2014 – 20:39
“He rang 111 at 8 am this morning and after over 12 hours is still waiting for a doctor to call him.”
This is disgraceful, we are more fortunate, our GP’s practice, has four doctor partners and a further five GP’s employed.
Whilst we cannot guarantee an appointment with our own GP, ours is the senior partner we can always have an appointment with someone, if our needs are not urgent we can book ahead for our own GP.
Like your father I have breathing problems, as I have C.O.P.D. and colds can quickly result in nasty chest infections, because of this my GP allows me to keep at home a week’s supply of a particular antibiotic, so that when I feel an infection starting I can start on medication immediately.
Alexsandr December 28th, 2014 – 11:44
“Labours fault -their GP contract taking away their obligation to care for their patients 24/7 is why A+E is in crisis.”
That friend of paedophiles Patricia Hewitt was the stupid Health Secretary that made the most disastrous offer to the GP’s Union Representative, less hours, no night time or weekend visits and a whopping great pay rise.
The head of the Union negotiating team said afterword’s that they could not believe the offer that was put to them, he said they accepted the terms offered without debate.
Airbus, crap weather, pilot requested change to the flight plan…sounds a bit more like AF447.
O(o) – 13:15
It’s ironic that you comment about flying 🙂
As we enter a new year, it looks like it is going to be somewhat like the current year:
Allah in our schools
CANADA: Muslims demand apology from Montreal police boss who said Muslims are a threat to officers
And if he doesn’t, they might kill him, as Muslims are wont to do whenever you tell the truth about them.
I hope we are taking note – and doing something about it.
I was quite worried about my father. He finally got a call and was invited to drive out somewhere to see someone. It was much too late for him to feel comfortable driving out. I’d avoided any alcohol in case he called me. In the end he used the antibiotics and asthma medicine I’d provided. It’s his birthday today so I’m popping in to see him soon. Should we have expected public services that seemed to work well 30 years ago to collapse in our lifetimes?
David Ossitt
December 28th, 2014 – 12:47
Could be!
David Ossitt
December 28th, 2014 – 13:03
Hi David,
We too have a GP practice with a lot of partners and other GPs. They also have quite a few registrars and final year students who are sent for experience. What actually happens is that when calling out a doctor at weekends, evenings or other times, a registrar is despatched. Nice kids, they do their best, but……..
Radford NG – 23:49
Thank you for your review. It was most helpful.
Is telemachus alone in finding the repeated allegations based on the testimony of just one man a tad convenient?
“The man at the centre of the Dolphin Square inquiry says he was abused at depraved sex ‘parties’ from the age of seven.
Known only by the pseudonym Nick, he claims to have witnessed horrific acts at the luxury estate in central London between 1975 and 1984.
After being abused by his father, Nick says he was handed to a gang of top Establishment figures. He has described being driven by a chauffeur, along with a terrified 12-year-old boy, to a luxury townhouse where he watched as a Tory MP strangled the other child.
Nick also said he saw a second boy being brutally murdered in front of a Tory Cabinet minister in 1981. A third boy, aged ten or 11, had died in 1979 after being deliberately run over by a member of the paedophile gang in a ‘warning’ to victims not to speak out, he alleges.
He says he was taken to Dolphin Square at least ten times for ‘abuse parties’. He claimed one MP told him to thrash another boy – and ‘sexually punished’ him when he refused.
After receiving counselling he contacted the investigative website Exaro in May, whose investigators described him as ‘intelligent and articulate’, before going to the police.
Admittedly I am a somewhat sceptical cove, but can I be alone in feeling that these allegations of historic sexual abuse owe more to current hysteria than to factual happenings? All these claims are, to me, more reminiscent of Salem Massachusetts than twentieth century London.
TF for wind turdbines, eh?
@16:40 supplying 0.64 GW out of a total demand of 43.15GW
I can report in the outer western are of the UK they’ve been motionless all day, and probably drawing power from the National Grid to prevent frost damage.
EC@December 28th, 2014 – 16:50
bet the solar outout is low too. 🙂
this is the type of weather that destroys the case for renewables
long cold windless periods caused by a winter anti-cyclone.
I find it interesting that Glasgow Council has said it will never release the name of the driver of the bin lorry that killed 6 people. I’m not sure how that is reeasonable or legal. Has any other person who has killed while in control of a vehicle been granted such anonymity?
Peter from Maidstone
December 28th, 2014 – 18:14
Could it be Abu Hamsa bin Mohammad perchance?
Peter , I find it bizarre, highly suspicious and cannot believe they have the power to do this.
Peter from Maidstone
December 28th, 2014 – 18:14
For starters, how about if all of us, with the usual one or two exceptions, write to Glasgow Council requesting information? Next, is Scottish Law the same as English Law on transparency?
Peter from Maidstone, David Ossitt @ 13:03
As an alternative to antibiotics, and for other reasons, colloidal silver is a remedy that should be considered.
I am hesitant to mention Dr. Edward Group here because of his association with Alex Jones with whose style and general message some on the Wall are uneasy. To the citation of a clip from his show below in which colloidal silver and its use against respiratory infections,among its other claimed benefits, are discussed I have therefore added a link to an interview with a less excitable Swede,a manufacturer of colloidal silver in Europe for the last 14 years with whom those CHWs may be more comfortable – although this second video is also an exercise by the alternative, rather than the controlled, media. His approach is perhaps particularly attractive because of his personal preference for what he calls ‘the Silver Cocktail’ taken on the rare occasions that he catches a common cold and which has a red wine base…
Here follows a reference to the credentials of Dr. Group. To those objecting to long hair on a male, especially on a male Texan, I should add that as a young man Dr. Group saw service in the US military where as a member of Special Services he patrolled the South Korean border with North Korea – on which side of the fence is not clear.
Perhaps AWK has knowledge of the medical use of silver and might like to comment.
I hope and expect to be in England next month and, if so, I will try to arrange for samples of the Silver Bullet to reach Peter some of which he can forward to David.
Unreported elsewhere:23 Dec;two people killed crossing road in Manchester by hit-and-run driver.Mobein Ali later arrested and charged.Report below,with photos and further links.
December 28th, 2014 – 23:53
Sorry, but I am completely ignorant of the use of silver in medicine.
Radford NG @ 01:23
Following your cited Manchester story to Jihad Watch where it had been picked up, I noted the descent of the comments there into the gutter. Who is served by the mindless hostility generated by the article, I wondered.
On December 26th at 22:28, Redneck asked: “who do you think is behind our progressive weakness? I suspect it be not a Muslim force: I suspect they simply fill the void”.
One possibility is that the muslim population in England has been deliberately cultivated by elements in government and that islamic ideology has been purposely encouraged to express itself in action against the English people.
The ready-made black and white divide in the USA may allow the same leverage a considerable head-start there towards the same end. So we read that the Department of Justice, a tool of the Obama administration, which it has been suggested is in turn controlled by interests not entirely friendly to the Jeffersonian concept of the American Republic, has been ‘funding a “community” organization linked to a controversial rap music video glorifying the murder of New York City police officers’ – so far to the tune of at least US$1,500,000.
Islam in England is a danger to our country’s stability per se. How much more so when it is a weapon in the hand of the enemy within?
We should look for the hand holding the weapon.
Radford NG
And in Kent messenger Crusader/Jihad Watch:
A man has been arrested following a crash on Christmas Day that left three people with serious injuries.
Officers arrested the 21-year-old, from Orpington, in Maidstone at 3pm on Boxing Day on suspicion of dangerous driving and failing to stop at the scene of a collision. He has been bailed until December 31.
The arrest follows a hit-and-run on Christmas Day which left a man and two women with serious injuries
“On Christmas Day there’s not so many people around. We’re normally quite busy here, lots of shops. People walking up and down.
“In one way we were lucky there was no one else around.
“He was tall, white. He had a grey hoodie on and jeans. Early 20s. That’s all I saw, I never saw his face.”
@AWK 29th 01:56
“Silvadene”, the burn cream supplied to my ship’s medical locker, has as its active ingredient a complexed silver salt.
“IT IS time for Australia to end its strategic dependence on the United States. ”
Malcolm Fraer
Ostrich (occasionally)
December 29th, 2014 – 10:08
Wow, you must look like a Darlik!
“…let’s get back to the crucial showdown about to take place on the 29th of this December, 2014. As you may know, today Modern Greece is in the midst of a parliamentary procedure to elect a new president. As a parliamentary democracy, the President of Greece, much like the Queen of England, plays mostly a ceremonial role as the figurehead of State. It is the Prime Minister and Parliament that actually govern the State’s affairs. So why is this important you ask?
Well, here’s the deal. To be elected president, the proposed nominee must receive a supermajority of votes from the parliament, and should the current governing coalition fail to achieve the required number of votes, it is promptly dissolved and national elections are immediately held to elect a new government. Moreover, it is widely believed that the next ruling coalition to be voted in would likely be controlled by the popular SYRIZA party led by a new Prime Minister in Alexis Tsipras.
I’ll be perfectly blunt here. The current Greek Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras of the New Democracy party, is exactly who the Autocrats and financial Kleptocrats in Brussels want to work with. I’ll be equally blunt here again. Mr. Tsipras of the Syriza party is their worst nightmare. ..”.
anne wotana kaye
December 28th, 2014 – 19:18
Peter from Maidstone
December 28th, 2014 – 18:14
For starters, how about if all of us, with the usual one or two exceptions, write to Glasgow Council requesting information? Next, is Scottish Law the same as English Law on transparency?
Reposted the above as nobody responded. If there isn’t anyone prepared to protest this, then we have no cause to complain! Don’t we have any lawyers, or legal experts on the CHW? Practising lawyers or retired professionals? This seems absolute fascism and just what one would expect from Scotland.
Anne I think that the Council would say that it cannot release details of an employee due to data protection rules and the duty of care it has. I sympathise to some extent with this – unusually! But I would expect the media to have found this information, and that they would be all over it. His name must come out at inquests etc where he will be a key witness. And I would expect him to be subject to some police investigation. We have been kept up to date by the press and police with every detail of the arrest and alleged offences of Cliff Richard for instance. But in this case, where there is silence, six people are dead!
Peter from Maidstone
December 29th, 2014 – 13:15
Peter, seems like Scotland has an agenda here. At the time of this dreadful event I did not suspect islamic involvement, but now I am growing ever more certain. There is a deliberate wall of silence here, by police, hospital staff, and many others.
AWK – 13:26 ‘bin lorry’
We normally get some idea of what happened when there has been an incident, such as a plane crash (if found), oil rig disaster or even a terrorist attack, even if it is in an impersonal way, but any details about what happened ‘in the cab’ have been very sketchy.
This article would imply that something happened to make the situation worse:
Glasgow bin lorry crash: Drivers given emergency training just hours after the tragedy
I still think that for it to be possible for a large lorry in a very crowded area to be able to accelerate to, what people were describing as, 70 mph, without any need to change gear, or anything like that, is potentially dangerous. If it had careered along at 20 mph, it would have given people more time to jump out of the way.
Not perfect, but better, and with little inconvenience during normal operation, if it was, that is.
RobertC – 14:21
And there was that article that I thought was really weird:
I don’t blame lorry driver, says victims’ nephew
How does he really know what happened?
After Rotherham etc, how do we trust anyone? Well, we don’t! We wait for formalities to proceed, and hope we get to the truth!
The nephew tweeted that he “… understands that it wasn’t his fault”.
An ambiguous statement? Yes, but the headline wasn’t! Journalists! No, they are not journalists, just hacks.
December 29th, 2014 – 14:21
Thanks. Lorries drive too fast and literally get away with murder, but the drivers are always named. The victim’s nephew? Is he a psyche? Very odd and glad he is not my nephew.
Why are we not allowed to know the name of the driver? Or his nationality? It would seem a reasonable question to answer in today’s troubled world. Normally, the sentence would open with” The Scot was on pole position” or “The Scot reached the Wimbledon final”. So we must assume that something is being with held. The world seems to have lost direction when it comes to the truth.
A point well made Anne Wotana
There seems to be a lot of ill feeling around.
Testing for response