This is the Coffee House Wall for this month. I won’t say that it is your chance to communicate with us, as we are all in this together. It is, nevertheless, the Conservative Blog post that has no particular theme, and where everything is on topic. Let’s just remember that we want to avoid ad hominem attacks on others. We don’t want to engage with trolls. We want to moderate our language ourselves as responsible and mature adults, choosing to use fruity language only where it is necessary. This is our opportunity to show what the Spectator Coffee House Wall could have been like.
It’s a sign! A sign that Peter Farrington is still out there.
Thank you Peter.
Hi Peter, you are OK which is good news, the nasty pathogen has given you a miss, well done.
if you look in again could you tell us whether anyone apart from EC and Baron ever visits this blog, please.
Malfleur, May 29th, 2022 – 21:46
“So; what advice to a man considering return to his homeland later this year after many decades abroad?”
For whatever reason I hope that your desire to return isn’t prompted by ill health and an imminent need to claim 275 cubic feet of English soil. Other than that, then quite why you would want to return to this lunatic asylum beats me.
To respond to your request:
1. Don’t. (best advice)
2. There are still a few oases of old England as you might remember it, but they are very, very expensive.
3. After decades of being comfortably warm can you afford the UK’s heating bills?
4. Since you are accustomed to living in places far flung, then Tower Hamlets might not be too much of a culture shock, and it’s relatively cheap.
5. See #1
I’ve noticed that, over the last year or so, your “Big Bad Flower” avatar seems to come and go. Did you write or own that computer game, btw? I never did get to ask Noa about his brief excursion into avatars, which did cause some private amusement at the time.
Good one, the clip, in about sixteen minutes the girl makes an unarguable case for the cause of what we are witnessing now in Ukraine, Baron’s quibble remains what it was when the invasion began, Putin left it too late, he should have figured what the governing elite of the country of the exceptional people is up to years ago before only Ukraine was left to join NATO.
If he were as smart as some believe he is, he should have acted after the Yushenko’s presidency (2005-2010) when the Ukrainian unwashed rejected the glaringly pro-American stance, elected Yanukovych, convinced the new man to turn Ukraine neutral, imbed the new status in the constitution, negotiate both with the Americans and Russia a treaty acknowledging the country’s neutrality.
EC @ May 31st, 2022 – 08:03
Not only Baron, EC, nobody could have said it better, seconded many times and more.
Malfleur, May 29th, 2022 – 21:46
What possessed you to return now, Malfleur? Could a visit to a psychiatrist help? Is life wherever you may be that punishing?
The only reason, rational reason for you to return would be to set up a new political outfit, convince the unwashed of Britain they should wake up, vote for you, then you put and end to the asylum, heh, heh …
Baron – 08:10
An excellent clip. A testament to what some CHWallsters have been witnessing and commenting on since Gordon Brown’s unqualified chum Baroness (my arse!) Ashton was High Priestess of EU Foreign Affairs, un-ably assisted by equally deluded idiot, Daniel Krapski.
The woman commentator was streets ahead of either of the two male panelists, the one in the flowery shirt being a complete waste of space.
Malfleur, May 29th, 2022 – 21:46
In my opinion, one of the nicest areas of England in which to reside is West Sussex. Somewhere either in or close to the South Downs National Park. There are plenty of villages and small towns from which to choose. There are large hospital facilities in Worthing and Eastbourne should you ever require them.
Also, this area of the country gets to most sunshine hours per year, which always helps.
Tony Blair is reportedly considering staging a comeback.
GB News’ Colin Brazier gives a nice 4 minute summation of what he did last time…
Blair’s toxic legacy:
There was a news clip last night of the unimpressive snd unelected Ursula Vonda Lying claiming that her EU sanctions were “really hurting” Vlad and that by the end of 2022 only 10% of the “EU’s” Oil imports would come from Russia. The credulous sycophants assembled lapped it up. What a joke. She made no mention of GAS, which if Vlad turned off the taps tomorrow then not only would German industry immediately grind to a halt but the Volksgenossen would freeze next winter.
have a laugh or at least a chuckle:
EC @ June 1st, 2022 – 07:19
The man needs to be retired forever, EC, he’s done enough damage, the tap on immigration he opened up is now pouring a million of new ones per yer. Soon, we will not all be gay as Mahler thinks, we will all be strangers in a foreign country.
EC @ June 1st, 2022 – 07:33
As you well know, EC, there was no reaction, no sanctions, no nothing when in the ME the Americans invaded one country after another, but hey, these are the Americans they run the world.
There should’ve been a reaction after the invasion of Ukraine, it’s was a tragic move too late, it revealed Putin wasn’t;t the smartest thinker in the world, he may have been warning the West not to move east with its NATO vehicle, but he left it too late to place the red line at Ukraine, he should have acted before when Yanukovych was President.
Still, one can hardly turn the clock back, but what one can do is ponder whether the reaction of the West to the invasion is even more tragic that the invasion itself, in Baron’s view, it is, it only boosts the Far East chances to replace the West as the leading region this century.
It will take time for things to settle, new structures put into operation, new deals to sign, but in the end more than the two thirds of the world population living in the broader East (China and India account for roughly half of the world population), by far hungrier that those in the West, cannot but engage in a magnitude of wealth creation the West cannot even dream of aided by the cheap Russian fossil fuels and other natural resources whilst the West, deprived of them, will have to utilise more expensive energy alternatives including solar and wind, the intermittency character of both making it even more expensive as massive back-ups must be available in case the sun refuses to shine or the wind to blow.
It won’t be as the pouting Ursula whatever thinks ‘hurting’ Russia, it will be hurting the set-up she’s presiding over, not that any of the countries or the whole bunch of them will collapse, they will not, but they will trod along as the former Bolshevik East did before the creed collapsed, it won’t be life for the plebeians but a mere existence, and rather painful for many, what that can do for social cohesion? Such conditions could even lead to a confrontation between the unwashed of the Old Continent and those that control them, the EU disappearing into the hole of has-beens.
It won’t be that different for the Anglo-Saxon world either, it shares the insanity with the Continental Europe, if anything we are even more eager to hurt Russia only to find we are paining more than the intended target, the first signs are already here, more is to come.
It truly amazes how a policy ostensibly designed to contain and ultimately break up Russia will unquestionably inflict more damage on the policy creators, those in power should have learnt that sanctions do not yield the intended results even when applied to small countries, see North Korea, the most sanctioned country in the world happily perfecting its long range rocketry and nuclear capability. Why should the sanctions work on Russia a country endowed with massive natural resources helped by a neighbour that’s emerging as the most serious challenger to the hegemony of the American Republic?
Madness, unbelievable madness.
Hard to say whether he’s been forced, or is genuine in what he’s saying:
His prattling may seem to be pointless, but if you stick with him he makes sense, at around the 6th minutes he says ‘the elites aren’t evil, they are stupid’, which could indeed be the case as he explains:
Baron – 23:50
He is right. However, if the likely outcome is the same then it doesn’t matter if “the elites” that hold sway over governments are mad, bad or just plain stooopid.
This is good, it lasts 45 minutes, but you can miss the introduction, start watching around the 8th min when the author begins:
Here’s the result of a poll amongst Ukrainians living west of Kiev published today i staunchly anti-Russian media called the Maidan Press:
The Democratic Initiatives Foundation’s opinion poll shows that Ukrainians living in Ukraine’s central and Western regions:
-believe that Ukraine would defeat Russia (94%);
-put blame for the war on Russia’s leadership (94%) and the Russian nationals (54%);
-don’t support any concessions to Russia (78%);
-strongly support Ukraine’s accession to the EU (89%);
-favor the country’s NATO membership (74%);
-see the UK (66%), US (65%), Poland (63%) as Ukraine’s biggest allies.
Here’s the latest on how well the Western sanctions on Russian shipments of oil are working:
“Overall, Russian oil exports rebounded in April, after dropping in March as the first Western sanctions took effect, the International Energy Agency said. Russia’s oil exports rose by 620,000 barrels to 8.1 million barrels a day, close to its prewar levels, with the biggest increase going to India”.
Where does he get the information from? This is the first time Baron came across the guy, he seems confident, attracts a reasonable number of postings, but is the stuff believable?
Not too long to read, not a bad point either:
Baron – 00:15
There are ordinary guys on both sides caught up in this futile conflict that won’t solve anything. I doubt whether many of them, if any, want to be sacrificial pawns in the game of chess being played out between Vlad and Z’s puppet master.
Mr. Johnson’s bio reads like that of a bit of a blinkered knobhead, imo.
Baron, June 3rd, 2022 – 14:18
Sanctions have never worked, anywhere at any time.
Sieges are another matter.
For those who have expressed a desire to return to dear old “Blighty”
A few thoughts from Neil Oliver.
Rwanda might be the better option.
No heating bills and cheaper cost of living.
“During World War I Major Errol Phipps is determined to escape from Stalag Luft 112B but his attempts all fail. However all the other prisoners and the guards succeed, leaving him alone in the camp to make elaborate plans – including a tunnel system so extensive it becomes the Munich Underground. He is so obsessed with his escape plans he fails to realise that the war has ended and dies a disappointed man. He does however manage to escape from his grave after he has been buried.”
Goodbye-ee, Errol.
EC, out.
EC @ June 5th, 2022 – 10:32
Take great care, my blogging friend, au revoir.
Prince William on the environment.
As daft as his father.
John birch. @ June 8th, 2022 – 18:52
With great regret, John, EC and Baron have decided to pack it in, no more postings, nobody visits the blog, it’s close to pointless, you are of course free to visit and post as much as you like, Baron will occasionally look in as well, Noa said the same.
What a shame, I always enjoyed reading your posts , knowledgeable and insightful.
Where are you going.
If you were to visit more often, John, Baron may reconsider, he finds it hard not to have an outlet, like you he’s on CW and on the Spectator, but it’s not the same, one has to comment on what the two publications put up, this limits what one would like to comment on, for inst. in Russia today it’s said Putin’s preparing a major address for the Russian unwashed, could it be he’s to resign? Probably not, but one cannot really debate it because not one of the MSM mentions it.
There are other issues, again impossible to mull over anywhere but here, the problem is nobody visits. Baron will get in touch with EC, find out what he thinks.
I may not have always commented but I regularly came to read the comments by the main contributors, always worth reading.
John birch. @ June 14th, 2022 – 08:0
OK, John, Baron will carry on, he has checked with EC, he is OK with it, he was, after Frank, the most senior, also the one mostly read, Noa may look in also, Malfleur hasn’t;t said anything yet, he may be moving to the UK anyway.
It may be just a single trooper, but he doesn’t look like someone training the Ukrainian military, he’s fully equipped for action, it confirms what the Russians have been saying, that there are some combat troops from NATO countries, also that some of the drones are run by NATO operatives. This can only prolong the conflict, unlikely to help the Ukrainian party to win it:
Dr Faucci tests positive for covid.
Who says He doesn’t exist.
For the avoidance of doubt it is Peter that has 100% proprietorial interest in this incarnation of the CHW.
It was a pity that Peter didn’t have the time to develop it into something along the lines of American Digest. In the early days Frank did his best to create content by contributing some excellent articles.
“If I want an opinion from someone who chases a ball, I’ll ask my dog.”
Altogether now, to the chant of “You’ve all gone White over there.”
With much waggling of fingers.
Re Baron
“…There are other issues, again impossible to mull over anywhere but here, the problem is nobody visits…”
Precisely, other than Baron, EC and an occasional visitor one is commenting into a vacuum of silence
EC & Noa
What if Baron were to convince someone of fame (say) Liddle, to do an occasional posting here? Not that Baron could, but he can try, one never knows, weirder things have happened, it may be a platform for him, the name’s close to what the Spectator runs, the terms of reference are better than anywhere else (they may change because who knows who may start posting if someone like Liddle were to host this blog).
Btw, is it possible to contact Peter? He seems rather blaze about it all, it must cost him money, no?
The guy Nattrass that penned the footballing piece is an ass, Noa, it’s not just taking the knee that irks, it’s the whole wokenism including the standing ovations in the Commons for the Ukrainian drug addict.
Zelensky spoke to the Czech Parliament few days ago, they dutifully applauded standing up, but not all, twenty members of the Okamura opposition party sat, no applauding, another MP abstained, the reaction of the public backed them, that’s democracy for you.
In Russia many public figures are objecting to the invasion, nobody has touched them, here it’s all as it used to be under the Bolsheviks, the contemporary West has morphed into the past East, arghhhh
EC @ June 16th, 2022 – 11:26
Agreed, EC, Peter has been neglecting this blog from the world go, why on earth did he take over it when the Spectator dropped it?
Frank is missed, very much so, he would bashing all and sundry if he were alive, sad, very sad he’s no longer with us.
As usual, all interesting reading.
And not will Europe have the highest energy cost worldwide, it’s till now the engine and the funding source of the EU Germany will also lose its independence, it will be the Americans that will control her energy policy, it may not have yet dawned on the Germans that whoever controls the energy input of a society controls the society:
(please change COMMA for .)
Soory about the start of the posting, it should read ‘and not only will… You may directly go to ‘unz review’, the piece is there.
Also, Baron couldn’t;t post the link, the system wouldn’t have it. Strange that.
The best thing about taking the knee was watching the British police loose all the dignity they were just about hanging on to in a single moment
The best thing about taking the knee was watching the British police loose all the dignity they were just about hanging on to in a single moment .
Absolutely pathetic.
Sounds Like we need a brothers of England party.
The madness of the West is destroying it faster than expected. Ukraine is simoly a sideshow, a distraction in comparison.
First the future king (Jesus!) came for the belching and farting cows and sheep then they came for everyone else.
Is Murray right? Will we win the kultur War?
Given that we’ve just witnessed the Boris plan being thrown off the flight by the EU I can’t agree.
We’re doomed, doomed! I say.
No-one cares best we just pay the Traitor Class their salaries and let them get on with it.
Baron 15.57
Yes the writer, like most of the erstwhile “journalists” who write for Unherd is a foredeck tugging lefty, whose only excuse is that he possibly has a ‘partner’ and child to keep. Too much conservatism and the editor will simply not use his copy.
The letters are more interesting than the semi woke thought piece that provoked it.
As the world bifurcates into the US and its UK and EU satrapy and the Sino-Russian alliance together with their related Indian, middle Eastern and other satrapies satrapies, a future ground for potential conflict is developing in the Artic.
I don’t believe that we should worry. Once the testosterone driven Ben Wallace deploys a few electric tanks and drones that should sort out who owns the ehorrible nasty oil and such up there.
If you want to escape the transatlantic Oirish snarling lectoors of Orla ‘gimme a fecking war now’ Guerlin and a standard beeb toady boys its good to know that one sane place in the world now offers Sanctimony sanctuary.
What a pleasant surprise, Baron will check all recommendations later, too bloody busy, he wonders how he managed when he also had a daily job.
For the time being only this:
Yesterday he dispatched to Farage’s GB News hour (mostly about immigrants) his rant about immigration equals colonisation, shortened of course … no luck, those doing the filtering decided against it, will try again one day.
“The flow will never stop when the country’s governed by the middle class, immigration equals colonisation only with reversed travelling arrangements for the two social classes of people that benefit from it – the British middle class and the foreign plebeians.
Instead of the sons of the middle class parents boarding the boats, settling in foreign lands where the local unwashed do what they are asked to do, it’s the unwashed from the foreign lands that arrive here, doing what the middle class wants them to do”. Baron
Also this, Baron couldn’t;t resist even when he may be latee:
If you’re looking for a well paid job, here’s your chance:
Noa, June 16th, 2022 – 18:10
Noa, June 16th, 2022 – 17:11
“We’re doomed, doomed! I say.”
Well, Julian Assange is definitely doomed as, reportedly, Priti Patel has just signed his death warrant. What with staff shortages, flight cancellations, transport strikes she’ll be lucky to get him on a commercial flight. No doubt the CIA will step up and offer to put him on one of their extraordinary flights out of Farnborough.
Will the “Stop The Plane” mob, lefty lawyers, and ECJ Judges be out in force to save Assange? No, thought not.
Will there be yet another determined case of suicide in the US prison system to spare the blushes of some high profile Septics? Probably.
R.I.P John McAffee and others.
It’s 239 years since the treasonous revolutionaries in the American colonies refused to accept our white convicts, though Assange hasn’t actually been convicted of any crime here. If they’re now happy to accept more we can supply them with virtually unlimited quantities whose diversity is guaranteed.
The ideal solution for the Patel woman would be to make the Rwanda route a success by shipping him there and the boat invaders to the States, which is where most of them want to go anyway.
It took Herr Schicklgruber only 13 years to reduce his country to rubble.
The Romans took longer but they had orgies, wine, cheese and other entertainments to distract them.
Westminster today…
… it’s getting there.
File under: panem et circenses, Fitba, Corrie, Love Island… etcetera.
EC @ June 17th, 2022 – 15:32
Powerful stuff, EC, who is to be the one repeating it though?
Noa @ June 16th, 2022 – 17:55
What you may have missed, Noa, that we have a 12-page strategy for the Artic, that’s a sure winner.
Noa @ June 16th, 2022 – 17:11
Murray cannot be right, Noa, he’s bleating about Western war on the West, forgetting the orthodox view is it’s the Russian war on the culture of the West, the heredity guilt, the denial that diversity is a strength, that equality rules and stuff are all originating in the Kremlin and streaming to the West from the evil Russia, it’s Russia that funds the culture war on the West, controls it, determines which way it should go next … That’s what one’s told when the crunch arrives.
The guy won’t get far with his take on the culture war the West’s fighting and losing unless he recognises the ‘significance’ of Russia in the onslaught on the old cultural values of the West, only when he does so, will he be taken seriously by the ruling class. This may seem to you rather silly, but you look at any wart and boil we suffer from it’s never far from the officialdom blaming Russia for it. He has to join the bandwagon or he will be ignored.
Also, the one female holding a placard saying ‘British history matters’ even if repeated thousand times is not going to win the culture war, one needs more than placards with the right slogans.
Not sufficiently pessimistic, the good professor could have suggested a longer lasting turmoil not because of the realignment of trading routes and stuff linked to the Ukrainian fighting, but to forces that have been breeding exclusively in the West before the invasion began, namely the size of the QE in all major Western countries, the insanity of the zero net carbon, and the influx of immigrants both into Europe, the UK and the US, all that combined may lead to a social convulsion that those in power won’t be able to explain by Putin’s excursion into Ukraine, they will try, but the plebeians are unlikely to buy it. As EC pointed out dark times are truly ahead, one would do well to stock up on the essentials.
Our leader on a visit to our new special friends today, rather disorganised show having about of everything including the destroyed Russian tanks, but then he and the crew around him must have been anxious the Russians won’t do anything naughty to spoil the theatre.
Will that help him in the two coming by-elections? Hmmm
It lasts for around an hour, but it should be a must watching it even if the professor reckons nukes will come into play, frightening that.
Further to the 23:22 posting:
If you are pushed on time, put the cursor to 54min and watch to the end which is only some 9 minutes duration, the stuff before is essentially a repeat of what we’ve been saying ourselves, or the professor said in other presentation but here in this lecture it’s in greater detail.
It’s hard to argue with his logic about the high likelihood of an escalation he talks about but for one point, the Americans are used to losing, if one looks at their involvement from Vietnam forward it’s mostly losses, the last big one in Afghanistan, with Russia it’s somewhat different but one has to consider that the Americans may open another zone of conflict probably in Syria to stretch Russia’s resources further, what then? Will Russia resort to nukes? Will China step in?
Truly frightening if one inputs into this nightmarish military scenario the looming economic disaster with high inflation, close to unaffordable energy prices for many and the food shortages.
The last and hopefully this time the correct timing from which anyone that hasn’t;t got the time to watch the presentation fully should put the cursor on, it’s from the 51st minute, apologies.
Baron 23.08,
Perhaps some Russian drone operator was waiting for clearance from the Kremlin before launching an air to ground missile at Bunter.
Perhaps it never came, ,because Vladimir shares the view of the Iron Duke that:
“It is not the business of generals to shoot one another.”
Ben Wallace has promised to train ‘thousands” of Ukrainian troops to defend their homeland.
Given the British Army’s outstanding success in defending its homeland from more invaders than the Whermacht deployed in 1940 we anticipate that the boys from Kiev will endure the similar rigorous training our own lads endure.
“Minsk, I said you ‘orrible lot, not mince!”
Nothing much to report, more sites have been shut down, pity that, one can still listen to the Navalny’s web broadcasts, millions do, Putin hasn’t blocked it, yet anyway, why do we prevent the other party to the war to say what they make of it?
Noa @ June 18th, 2022 – 11:23
You may not have listen to the full video of the good professor, but one bit of information he furnishes is that starting from 2014 (the year of the coup) each year NATO trained 10,000 Ukrainian troops, that’s a lot, it must have involved our military taking part, you may recall that there was a denial of a video posted by the Azov Brigade showing our officers in conference with the Azov top leadership. The Ukrainian troops must have well prepared when the Russians invaded.
The one source that hasn’t been blocked yet (Baron won’t tell you the name of the site) is saying that earlier today a large number of Aidar Battalion fighters at the town of SeveroDonetsk including the commanders have voluntarily surrendered, during questioning one of them said they had been trained by the Lithuanian officers how to attack one-two-three storeys buildings, they were told it would be needed when they attack Donbas.
Noa @ June 18th, 2022 – 09:57
Like the moniker, Noa.
For eleven gallons some £44 that’s not that cheap in Russia, it’s only less than a half of our price, but considering the Russians are earning less, it’s about in par with us.
Baron – 00:14
His memory lives on, M’lud, if only as a branch of ‘spoons in Somerset.
First, apologies for the errors, Alzheimer perhaps or a lack of education?
Plenty of blocked sites, pity that, one’s left with nothing because to believe the agitprop is almost impossible.
Beats Baron, EC, it must be the Alzheimer, but Noa’s supplied quote is good, quite usable.
German Foreign Policy reports NATO expansion in Europe, together with expanded weapons supply and the development of interoperability with Ukrainian forces.
In addition it us extending its remit to cover opposition to PRC expansion in the Far East. Compare that with Robert Frosts Civitas proposal which I previously mentioned to form a new anti Russia PRC alliance to combat Artic material and supply route control.
Does anyone else consider there is an increasing and inevitable drift to world wide war, both in Europe and the Far East?
In the event of sturgeon achieving the SNP target of Scotzit is one of the likely consequences to be civil war, as the Highlands and Islands split from Edinburgh dictatorship and the Northern borderlands with England become the subject of Donbass-like separation, reclamation and fighting?
Will England’s traditional enemies, France and latterly Germany, support Edinburgh with troops and materia,possibily under a NATO umbrella? Will Russia and PRC supply support? If so, to whom?
We will watch with interest as Bunter presides,successive ly, over the creation of a new coterie of British dictatorships, bankruptcy, wholesale population replacement, a bloody breakup of the Union and in an attempt to stop it all, leads us into a major war.
Still on the Scottish theme:
Leslie Sinclair, a proud Scottish male and a committed donor came to give blood but was turned down because he refused to answer a question whether he was pregnant.
Silly of him, he should have said to the young nurse ‘not yet but if you take your knickers off, you could be’.
Noa @ June 19th, 2022 – 10:15
Those running the show for the West, Noa, believe Russia will never resort to deploying nukes, this is a grave error, we will all suffer because of ti.
Since Baron arrival in the UK he has been consistent in saying the Bolsheviks would have never ever deployed nuclear weaponry because they knew that doing so would have invited a swift retaliation and hence an imminent collapse of the regime.
It’s impossible to test it now, it has always been impossible to test it, but an indirect evidence that Baron may be right was furnished by the collapse of the Red Menace in 1990, it vanished within hours, except for a few at the very top there was not one single state institution (and that included the KGB), a social institution, or an individual that stood up in support of it, almost 99.999% of Russia and even a higher percentage of the satellite vassals welcomed the the implosion, many aided it happily.
With today’s Russia, things are totally different, whatever the warts and boils of Putin may be, he has the backing of the majority, a true backing, the Russians are as well informed about the world at large if not better than the plebeians of the West, they know Putin’s faults, many don’t like them, but all in all his faults are of little consequence for them considering what he’s done for Russia. The unwashed of this largest Slavonic tribe truly never had it as good as today in spite of sanctions and anything else cum the invasion.
It’s of course a guess, but Baron reckons Putin will unleash all that Russia possesses in her arsenal of nukes, he will not hesitate, he will go all the way, and that scares Baron no end, he often has sleepless nights as if he could do anything about it.
Briefing by the official representative of the RF Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov as of 11.00 June 17, 2022 on the progress of the special operation in Ukraine:
Against the background of the growing number of military failures of the Kyiv regime and massive daily losses in manpower and equipment, the flow of foreign mercenaries to Ukraine has not only decreased, but is actually turning in the opposite direction.
Despite the efforts of the Kyiv regime and the increase in payments, the process of departure of mercenaries to the “other” world or back to their countries of residence cannot be stopped by the Kiev leadership. The recent empty talk about “20,000” foreigners “fighting” against the Russian armed forces is a common lie.
The Russian Defense Ministry monitors and records the stay in Ukraine of each representative of this international gathering of “headless horsemen”.Moreover, not only mercenaries directly involved in hostilities as part of Ukrainian units are now included in the databases. The Defense Ministry also takes into account instructors who arrived to train, assist in the operation and repair of Western weapons supplied to Ukraine.
Among European countries, the undisputed leader in the number of both arrived and dead mercenaries is Poland. Since the beginning of the special military operation, 1831 people have arrived in Ukraine, of which 378 have already been destroyed and 272 mercenaries have left for their homeland. It is followed by Romania – 504 arrived, 102 dead, 98 left. In third place is the UK: 422 arrivals, 101 deaths, 95 departures.
From the American continent, Canada is in the lead: 601 arrived, 162 destroyed, 169 left. In second place is the United States: 530 arrived, 214 died, 227 left.
From the Middle East, Transcaucasia and Asia, most of all, 355 mercenaries arrived from Georgia, of which 120 were destroyed and 90 left Ukraine. This is followed by militants of terrorist groups deployed from US-controlled areas of the Syrian Trans-Euphrates – 200 people. To date, 80 of them have been destroyed and 66 have left Ukraine.
In total, the lists of the Russian Defense Ministry as of June 17, 2022 include mercenaries and weapons specialists from 64 countries. Since the beginning of the special military operation, 6956 people arrived in Ukraine, 1956 have already been destroyed, 1779 left. While they are alive, 3221 mercenaries have not yet been captured, or have not reached the Ukrainian border.
Detailed data is published on the information resources of the Russian Ministry of Defense on the Internet. The Embassies of the appropriate countries were informed.
This isn’t what they supposed to be training for:
It may be that Russia is prepared, as a last resort, to launch nuclear weapons against Europe and the USA, the result would be catastrophic for the entire world.
The point is that we simply don’t know to what lengths Russia is prepared to go in respect of the proxy US NATO conflict in the Ukraine. As the war whilst acting as a running sore on the economy, does not pose an existential threat I’m of the opinion that the possibility of escalation to nuclear war is at prest low.
Baron 22.59
Where do yo get them from, Milud!
You are probably witnessing the new intake in the vlog. Course graduates would have pre tested the proctal equipment in other orifices before oral deployment!
Noa @ June 20th, 2022 – 09:46
The Russians will have to respond to the bait of having Kaliningrad cut off, that will show us how far Putin may go, God forbid if he calls the bluff, goes Full MOnty.
I suspect that both Russia and the EUNATO have exhaustively wargamed the possibility of sanctions and escalation and see the possibility as remote.
At present the concern of the replacement Russian settlers in Konigsburg is a potential shortage of DIY materials rather than manning the barricades against the crazed militarist hordes that Von Der Leyen and Stoltenberg may unleash.
That said I’m concerned that British forces are inextricably interwoven into this military strategic tapestry and that Johnsons intention is to increase our commitment and make it irrevocable.
Thus rejoining the EU via NATO commitments.
You should listen to Simon’s musings in this video till the end, in fact you can easily shift the cursor to roughly the middle of the 10 minute slot if you don’t have the time, there he goes though the case of the 66-year Scottish guy who refused to say whether he was pregnant, as a result was refused to give blood, but then Simon goes on, and it’s the going on that will put a smile on your face, or is it despair how loopy we’ve become.
Noa @ June 21st, 2022 – 21:18
The thing that worries Baron about our Armed Forces, Noa, is their strength, the politicians keep yapping about the threats to our democracy, yet the size of those that will protect us, one hopes, will be cut to 72,500 by 2025, that’s roughly five divisions or a third what Ukraine furnished against the Russians, Ukraine a country that close to broke.
It’s fine to focus on cyber warfare, but that won’t safe us if and when the fighting starts, we may have a string of water between us and the Continent, but our enemies have parachute regiments, boats and planes.
I am very grateful to Gary Winston Lineker for drawing attention to the lifelong racism that many of us, myself included, have suffered merely because of our skin pigmentation. Since I was a child I have felt a foreigner in my own country during the summer months. Mr Lineker is fortunate in having been gifted the melanin reserves to cultivate his tan over a number of decades without ham, giving him in old age the distressed leathery permanent patina that he exhibits today. He has been able to enjoy his millionaire lavish sunshine holiday lifestyle in a manner that those less fortunate than himself could not begin to contemplate. i.e. unclothed! He appears to have thus far dodged the melanomas, SQCs and BCCs that those of us with less fortunate than Winny have had to deal with.
Baron – June 21st, 2022 – 23:32
“the politicians keep yapping about the threats to our democracy”
Indeed they do, Baron.
The permanent political class use the term “our democracy” to maintain the charade that it is inclusive of the rest of us. It is not. What we have today is a developing Oligarchy. Crony capitalism gone bad. (i.e. state sponsored fascism) The politicians who once gifted favours to business are now in servitude to it.
@9:38 additional
If you’ve ever wondered why the current crop of MPs of all parties…
(with a few exceptions)
1) Are not very bright
2) Couldn’t give a f*ck
3) Have no moral compass
4) Have no philosophical policy differences
etc. etc.
It is because they are not running the show.
They are there purely to maintain the charade.
File under: Ginger growlers
EC, June 22nd, 2022 – 08:52
“without ham” should read “without harm” 😉
Or even without haram. Halal food certification. There’s money in that. I would be surprised if his crisp company haven’t already jumped on that bandwagon – smoky bacon excepted.
Baron 23.32
Sadly the armed forces are an expensive joke. In the army not enough soldiers, a high percentage of whom are Africans, Gurkas or South Sea Islanders after UK settlement, over 50% are unfit for active service, women and other sexes, with equipment such as the new APCs that dont work. The upgrade of our few remaining tanks will cost nearly a million pounds each.
The RAF has only 4 Typhoons that are fit for service at any one time. Hving spent billions on buying US UAFs we now buy cheap and cheerful drones from the Ottomans, who have made themselves world leaders in that field. a glorious opportunity to lead ourselves was thron away.
The fleet is robbed to keep the Typhoons flying, as for the rest US equipemnt that has exorbitantly high maintennace costs. The Navy is lumbered with its useless and expensive, indefensiible carriers, and a small number of ineffective destroyers. The bureaucratic MoD which controls all procurement has more personnel than the RAF.
Such resources as we do have are directed at escorting an invading muslim army into our country to utilise surplus hotel accommodation.
The only thing that saves this country from conquest is the unenviable task any invader would face in restoring order from the ourdure created by 25 years of treasonous incompetent governance.
EC 09.18 et all.
Come on there EC, tell us what you really think!
08.52 -Is it cos I is Black?
We are all Ugandan now, or wanna be-if we want to any life at all.
If only those pulling the levers in the West were to listen to the Colonel, the sooner the war ends the better, the loss of life is regrettable, as is the destruction of assets in a country that was broke before the war began:
Kigali is also a wonderful place, but you won’t see me outdoors ‘twixt sunrise and sunset, Bwana.
Noa – 10:02
Did you know… that HMG’s Secretary of State for the Colonies, Joseph Chamberlain [Neville’s dad], offered Uganda to Theodor Herzl and the Zionist Commission to be settled as the jewish homeland instead of Palestine? The offer made in 1903 was rejected in by the Commission Congress in 1904.
[Ref: Orientations by Sir Ronald Storrs KCMG; Chapter XV P 338 – 347;
“Excursus on Zionism -Vere scire est per causas scire”. ]
The rest, as they say, is history.
Isn’t Uganda owned and run by the Mandarin speakers now?
Is that Kigali, twinned with Kowloon, where the Han are ‘cleansing’ the locals, who in turn are moving to Kamden, where they are kleansing the locals…..
The trouble with going woke is going nuke. Promote to pacify, emote to ensure the weaponry is used on Whitey, the real enemy!,+Now+He%27s+in+Charge+of+Our+Nukes&utm_campaign=20220623_m168328577_Daniel+Greenfield+Article:+(post_title)&utm_term=Read+More&m=1
Western sanctions are working against Russia I see.
Property is theft, and its confiscation is good!
The first link furnishes few new dictionary entries, quite amusing, the other is an idea being debated in the West, probably an item for the forthcoming NATO gathering:
Noa @ June 24th, 2022 – 21:47
Sadly, Noa, no mention of the number of immigrants, this must have made the situation worse as it boosted demand whereas supply hasn’t been ready, it must have also contributed to the worsening of living conditions for those that rent, more people squeezed in, more people tempted to rent even if the rented accommodation may not be up the standard.
Noa @ June 24th, 2022 – 19:17
The rouble may be too strong, Noa, Ms Nabulina, the top banker at the Russian Central Bank should start selling some, the strength favours imports, one thing Russia shouldn’t indulge in, new sanctions may cut such imports.
Noa @ June 24th, 2022 – 14:07
What matters, Noa, is the man worships diversity.
EC @ June 22nd, 2022 – 13:38
Isn’t most of Africa owned and run by the Mandarin speakers, EC, the eyes of the world are on Russia, our leader believes that only his failure to win the war would make him resign, there’s nothing to stop China taking over the world.
The US Embassy in Moscow wishing the tell the brainwashed Russian unwashed that they are on their side regardless what the evil Putin may be doing to Ukraine sent a message of congratulations on June 6, the birthday of Puskhin, the message was in Russian of course and ended with ‘all the best on your birthday Ivan Sergeyevich Pushkin’.
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was born on June 6, 1799, but whoever penned the message wasn’t that far off, he got two out of three correct, for a leader of the world that’s pretty good going.
And lastly a short video on a small screen, only in B&W, it’s from the Moscow exhibition of the downed U-2 spy plane in 1960, the reason for posting the video is not the bits and pieces, but the people coming to see the remnants of the plane, not many shots of them but all rather dull, flat caps for men, women with heads covered with scarves, unfashionable clothes, drabness galore, and this was Moscow, the capital, compared to today’s Moscow the exhibition attendees look like they were from the middle ages.
Of course, fashion was quite different then in London as well, but the difference between London 1960 and now is anywhere near as big as it is between the fashion in Moscow between the two dates.
To borrow from the former US Ambassador to Ukraine when the ‘fugg-the-EU Victorian Nuland made mark on history bigger than the man that sits in the Kremlin and is supposed to be smart; “We are in play again”.
Thank you, Peter, you should come and visit occasionally, furnish us a prayer of the month or something, you’ll be warmly received.
‘Will he or will he not go’, is the question and the answer is very simple, he isn’t going anywhere, certainly not to get his P60, he will not be moved.
A couple of resignations or even more than a couple is bur a minor irritation, he will survive them all, even if all the Cabinet were to decide to quit, he would still insist he has a job to do and he will continue failing doing it, the man’s obsessive desire to stay in the job trumps everything else, soon people will begin to admire him not for the hairstyle but for the animal stubbornness, the dogged blindness to anything but how to survive in the job, the pertinacious streak to keep going what may.
The guy will be there until the nature decides to claim him, we are stuck with him, to borrow from the great Basil ‘we should have him stuffed’.
What happened a few days ago. I could only see a message about this page being reserved for the future.
Or something like that.
Now things seem back to normal.
Unlike the real world.
Baron, talking of which did you spot the rumour about his hairdresser ( who knew) being packed off back to Canada allegedly pregnant.
John birch. @ July 6th, 2022 – 07:59
You missed it, John, Peter who wins the blog forgot to do something or other, he was contacted, it’s fine now thanks to EC.
No, Baron hasn’t heard the rumour, but it sounds plausible, we should creates a Procreation Ministry for the guy, he would reverse the downward trend in births at a stroke, siring thousands of babies, it would be good for the country, and obviously for him, his meat&twoveg seems to be overflowing with sperms, not trouble there, he must have bucked the trend of sperm reduction thanks to, allegedly, the vaccine.
He could procreate for England .
Any guesses about how many days before he’s forcibly evicted.
What a disastrous period of our lives, with everything that’s going on I’m glad I’m at the wrong end of life.
I pity youngsters growing up facing the reality of the world today.
John birch. @ July 7th, 2022 – 07:49
Your guess is as good as Baron’s, John, the guy’s immovable, even if the whole Cabinet were to resign he’ll run the Government on his own.
It may not be sensible by the 22 Committee to change the rules, ‘no cricket’ that, one doesn’t change the rules after one’s loss, the people may not like it, but apart from a no confidence vote nothing else could dislodge the buffoon.
Bizarre that.
The editor of the US Spectator thinks the buffoon was luck, to was luck that accompanied him throughout his career, but abandoned him now.
It wasn’t so much luck although it never harms to have it, it was that he was exceptional, unique, a one off in one respect, he was a clown or at least displayed the behaviour and mannerism of one backed by an unquestionable astuteness both in wordsmithing and the manner of speech.
That was totally new and unheard of for anyone in any of the jobs he’s had, and certainly sui generis in politics, there has never been anyone like him in British politics before, a jester, an entertainer that never failed to warm the cockles of everyone’s heart. Sadly, he lacks what it needs to be a leader of a nation, hence the downfall.
Who next, and does it really matter who gets the job? We’re likely to get the same menu of the old policies only the mix may alter somewhat.
Where is Frank when one needs him?
Tom Tugendhat is the first to wave his manifesto, Fraser in the Spectator doesn’t think much of him, neither do the postings, here’s a selection of them:
Never forget this tvrd’s treatment of Roger Scruton.
Tom Tugendhat is just back from the globalist billionaires’ Bilderberg Group meeting in Washington DC.
Why did he go? Presumably to keep in touch with the wishes of Big Money and provide as necessary if elected as Prime Minister.
What an extraordinary coincidence that Bill Gates flew into the UK at exactly the moment this week when the UK government was in turmoil with Ministers resigning, followed by Boris Johnson!
This is exactly what one would expect in the event of Bill Gates being the UK’s puppet master as he clearly is on behalf of the World Economic Forum!
Remoaner. Do not touch with a barge pole.
He rather incredibly regards a low-ranking, part-time army career as conferring global statesman status. He is also a French citizen. Utterly delusional even by HOC standards.
His uncle was an EU commissioner, his father a High Court judge. Levelled up or levelled down another man of the people.
Many of Boris’s supporters and admirers point to the three of his biggest achievements as Brexit, the vaccination of the country and his stance on Ukraine. All either wrong or suspect:
He didn’t get us out of the EU, the groundwork was done by Frost & Baker, he furnished the clowning with a dose of a big lie (you remember the figure we were allegedly saving not being a member of the ghastly monstrosity?).
The vaccines cost us tens of billions even though they seem to be causing more deaths, pain and suffering than all the other vaccines before combined.
The Ukrainian venture was only and solely for his own benefit, not the country’s, the front page of the Private Eye got it spot on, a bubble shared by him and the drug addict saying “thank you for coming to my rescue”.
The biggest achievement of the dear Boris was getting the PM job, that’s it, he had nothing in his armoury of abilities to offer in performing in the job, he has been a jester all his life, capable, often witty, excellent in wordsmithing and the manner of speech, but even more so in lying, and not just about the groping guy, he has lied throughout his life, to women, his employers, lately the Parliament and the country, he got away with it till now because of his clowning ability, charm, charisma and the benevolence of the great British unwashed, not one of such attributes of his is enough to run a country of 70mn people facing the biggest crisis since WW2.
Britain may not be what Britain used to be, but she still deserves better.
Baron, July 7th, 2022 – 21:46
“Who’s next?”
Our boy Paul is somewhat scathing about the runners and riders…
Nothing will change. Amongst the reasons are, Baron…
1) hardly anybody in the higher ranks of any of the parties have a clue what life id like for most people, and couldn’t care less. None of them have done an honest day’s work in their lives, and from their well paid lofty perches presume that they have the intellectual and moral authority to lord it over the rest of us. Those that are “cut from the common cloth” usually tend to be numpties. eg Lisa.
2) The civil service and local authority offices are chock full of lefties who are operating with the same mindset as 1)
Beer Starmer,
How did he get away with it?
You won’t see this anywhere else… not even GB News – ehich tells you a lot about GB News. With the exception of one or two there it’s 90% pure drivel. There are obviously no real journalists to ask the obvious questions.
“Political Links Between Labour AND Durham Police EXPOSED”
The Labour fiefdoms of the NE always have been corrupt as hell… since they were established 100 years ago. Despite a few of their MPs getting temporarily booted out in 2019 they still have full control of all aspects of local government and the quangocracy. They are as a permanent feature as the CCP are in ChyNa.
Simon has spoken again on Ukraine, he’s done it before, but this time he’s more explicit than he has ever been blaming NATO as well as Russia for the warring in Ukraine:
EC @ July 10th, 2022 – 07:57
He’s excellent, EC, as always and your two points sum it up more than well, we really are doomed, it’s a great pity Baker withdrew, he isn’t ideal, but he ticked for Baron all the essential boxes, it was he and Frost that did the Brexit negotiations, he’s also a backbencher, and more to the point, his ancestors paid taxes to the first Elizabeth.
Baron does think the time has come when the English have to have a say in how they are governed, it’s not racism, far from it, Baron’s an import also, it’s just common sense, when a crisis hits someone of a heritage pedigree with the stake in the future will respond differently to someone like Sunak who together with his wife will very likely bugger off to the American Republic eventually.
EC @ July 10th, 2022 – 08:13
This piece of speculative but fact based news, EC, must have Frank turning in his grave, the Scottish fiefdom is in urgent need of an investigation, surprisingly Alex Salmond has gone totally quiet, it must be his association with RT, he would have been the one pointing his finger at the shenanigans, or more.
Quite a find, some valid points, the take on the Spectator and the chums attending its garden party points to the new generation that may shock some if not all oldies, but then there’re young, sooner or later some of them will get sucked in, attend the garden party also, unless they dislodge what’s there today, reface it with what?
Baron – 08:35
That woman is Ash Sarkar, Baron. She is a communist, and as such she is an expert on revisionist history – it’s what communists are really good at, that and piling up corpses. Her whinnying on about Democracy with a straight face is a good laugh though, innit.
She is also part of, part owner of, “Novara media”. A 222K subscriber YT channel is not enough, even if they were all real, to generate enough ad revenue to make it sustainable. A perennial shortage of funds must be s Soros point Hu knows where they get donations from. (‘scuse my spelling M’lud)
Vilfredo Fritz Pareto, originator of The Pareto Principle, was an interesting chap.
I think that the 80:20 rule is a bit too conservative in the modern economic world. Today I think it is more likely to be 95:5. The same principle can be applied to achieving outcomes from “social” media agitation, whether it be for political, religious or environmental (a combination of both} purposes.
Any thoughts?
If you have a few minutes to spare then this is fascinating.
Largest European Cities(agglomeration) in History 7500 BC – 2020.
Top 11 biggest cities in Europe
The mere blink of an eye! But how long can it go on?
EC @ July 12th, 2022 – 08:22
Got it, EC, thanks, it’s the first time Baron came across the youngsters, the female and the rest of the crew, very articulate but not as Russel Brand, their criticism sounds OK, they said nothing about what should be done and why, but of they are anywhere near the cumryd, thank you.
more to follow
Im glad to see the Wall has returned, its requiem premature.
The Egregious Eight race to save the soul of the Conservative party from the bowels of Johnsonism.
Or perhaps to save the bowels of the Conservative party from the arsehole of Johnson.
Noa @ July 13th, 2022 – 17:44
This one’s better, Noa, as is the choice of the suicide squad, top marks for it.
It’s currently Sunak and the fragrant one Penny Mordaunt, Hunt’s backing the former, the members of the Tory tribe prefer the latter, the one smelling of the tank oil is trailing, the Saffron Walden girl Kemi Badenoch is even further down the list, it would be a miracle if she could make it to the final.
Seems rather pointless though, come 2024 they are out anyway.
EC @ July 12th, 2022 – 11:42
Agreed, EC, a fabulous presentation, too fast for Baron’s Alzheimer infected brain, the BC period is essentially mostly Greek cities then Italy comes in but everyone’s dwarfed by the Islamic Constantinople, the other thing to notice is that when the cities reduce they almost always reduce all except for the Muslim one, what is also interesting that London doesn’t appear but when it does it rushes to the top at a speed never seen before.
Truly enjoyable and informative, thanks for it, it has been filed, it would be harder to do it by country since many countries changed boundaries, the growth or decline of the city populations must be driven by many factors, it may not reflect the population changes in the country though.
This is very long but worth the read even in stages, it hits all the right buttons and concludes that the world will again be of two parts, this time however the winners of the old division are likely to trail those of the incoming challengers:
Noa, July 13th, 2022 – 11:13
The Johnsonian years: quite literally “A Cock & Bull Story.”
The Bull is dead, long live the Bull.
It matters not who is elected the new Bull, the continuity of BS is assured.
Labour will win the next GE. The MSM really want Sir Beer in No,10, as their steadfast refusal to examine his record. and Labour links to and their recent interactions with the Durham C*nstabulary show.
I think that Jake Thackray summed it up nicely decades ago.
Nicola might not know much about railways…
but she knows how to run a Gravy Train!
This is not a surprise to gnarled old freelancers.
i.e. When the overpaid “permies” are incapable of doing their job, hire contractors!
An excellent write-up in today’s CW, an enjoyable read too:
Soon we will be down from the slimy six to the furtive four. None offer any feeling of optimism for the future.
None mentions their solution to the forthcoming winter food and fuel shortages. The reality and real Net Zero awaits us.
This would disturb you if violence, even unseen violence, disturbs you, it’s two videos by Anatoli Sharij, you may remember the blogger, a journalist, the leader of the party called also “Sharij’ in Ukraine, now banned, some of his top members either in jail or not known where.
The first is an interview with a soldier of the Ukrainian Army stationed in Mariupol when it was still under the control of Ukraine, he’s now a prisoner of war, he describes a harrowing incident, he speaks Russian but there are subtitles. The other video, also subtitled, follows the first, it has an interview with the wife of the killed man, Baron couldn’t watch it in full.
Sharij published other interviews of the prisoners of war not one with subtitles, mostly about the conditions they have to endure in the hands of the Russians, some were asked ‘have they beaten you’, few of them said ‘yes’, they got hit, kicked but when asked whether they had injuries answered in the negative, most said they were treated well, some were even expressing gratitude (probably those of the Russian ethnicity), whether one can believe them is hard to say, there was only corroborative evidence in a few of those interviews where Sharij’s people in Ukraine contacted those the prisoner mentioned, once a man the prisoner hit over the head, nearly killed him, the wound partially healed looked sickening. Sharij says that the Russians are not present when the interviews are recorded, Baron believes him, the guy has never lied before.
One cannot rule out that the individual Russian soldiers don’t engage in something similar one can see in the two videos, war’s an awful undertaking, people turn worse than wild animals if they have full control and power over others.
The has been plenty published about Russian atrocities, the source of most it was the former Ukrainian human rights ombudsman Lyudmila Denisova that got fired (google for her), but was not prosecuted, some of the fake evidence is still around as if it were true. Had there been such cases the Russian perpetrators of such heinous behaviour backed by evidence those involved should be prosecuted, punished severely also, hopefully when it’s all over that’s what will happen.
Noa @ July 14th, 2022 – 17:32
You, Noa, and EC should be on the Spectator blogs, you’re missing it not being there, it’s hard to sum up what the prevailing view is probably that it matters not a bit, the candidates are all globalists, so are the selectors, the party members will be served two of them it’s likely to be Sunak and Penny Mordaunt although Truss is possible also, Kemi, the favourite of Rod Liddle and few others, also Baron’s is out.
Apologies for the errors in the long and short postings, Alzheimer, Baron should have checked, will not promise to check in the future.
It took Baron a minute or so to work it out, you may be smarter:
A nicely balanced take on the historical events related to the East European affairs of the last 100 years or so.
One can expand the puzzle further, it seems the guy that panned the piece, Larry Johnson is unaware that it is the hierarchy of the Polish society that is close to the Ukrainian leadership, the governing elite, not the unwashed, they are not in favour, at best they’re indifferent, but from what Baron hears it’s not to their liking at all.
There are allegedly 400,000 Ukrainian kids enrolled in Polish schools (this may be an agitprop, the number seems massive even if one accepts there are over 3mn Ukrainians in Poland), apparently the Poles are looking for teachers preferably that could speak also Ukrainian or Russian. Whatever the number of children, the influx of the Ukrainians cannot but burden not only the Polish educational system but the economy overall, it’s close to a 10% boost to the population of the country.
John birch. @ July 15th, 2022 – 07:59
It’s behind a paywall, John, but Ridley’s right, it’s in large part the Green imbecility ‘what did it’.
If Penny gets the job, she’ll carry on with the net zero carbon insane policy, she’s been keen on it, keener than Sunak, we should at least decide to delay any of the intended measures indefinitely, then quietly drop them.
For a start we should stop all the Green subsidies from cars to solar panels at a stroke, that would ease the burden of the high energy bills that will get higher still in October, imagine that the average energy bill is likely to be £3,300 when the average pension stands at £9,627.80 a year, leaving just over £100 per week to live on, madness.
Thought for the day.
“Say what you want about Arthur Scargill, he organised the Miners Strike to keep the pits open.”
Noa, July 14th, 2022 – 17:32
Baron, July 14th, 2022 – 22:31
When the dust has settled Claus Schwab will be the de facto PM of the UK.
The WEF is running at least 3 candidates in the leadership election.
“Vee hev vays of making you serfs. Mein Fuhrer!”
“Ready for Rishi? NOT!”
Gotta Love Katie. She always tells it like it is.
The only “Apprentice” candidate ever to make Lord (my arse!) Sugar’s inquisitor Claude Littner break out into a cold sweat! 🙂
Noa – 09:15
Welcome to living in the New Helotocracy, the exquisite revenge and Trohan gift of the modern Conservative party,from Halifax, Eden, Cameron and Johnson, to the working classes for their impertinence in presuming that they have any say in ruling Britain.
Wee Hinnie, the rotten moler in the national upper jawbone of Britain, has been unusually quiet for a few days, no doubt she’s hubble bubbling over some Edinburgh cauldron with some other wig wearers.
Here’s a reminder of why she’s amongst the nations all time referendum favourites.
Noa @ July 15th, 2022 – 09:15
Isn’t it ironic, Noa, that some of the big decisions of the past that had profound impact on not just the economic fortunes of the country but also on people’s lives at the time they were implemented have come back to bite us? The railways cutbacks and the closure of mines are the two obvious examples, but there are others such as the almost wholesale switch to comprehensive schooling.
We’ve got enough coal to last us for centuries, furnish cheap electricity aplenty, no need for imports of the expensive LNG, and when it comes to the climatic changes – adapt to it, adaptation is the way of survival, fighting it is futile, however much science may have progressed nature, still rules, and rules big.
EC @ July 15th, 2022 – 10:02
The most succinct summing up of the debate, EC, absolutely correct and delightfully short at that.
Could he say it so publicly?
Neil Oliver’s thoughtful appraisal of the candidates for UK Gauleiter…
(pro tem until the MSM get Sir Beer into No.10.)
The first link explains what was the occasion, the other link is furnished only because the picture reveals not a bad pair of legs, you must admit.
He sounds convincing, but it’s too late, the world has moved on:
EC @ July 16th, 2022 – 10:34
Neil’s observations are excellent, EC, he’s right, of course, it matters not one bit who gets in, it will not matter who wins in 2024 either, take the issue of the zero net carbon, they are all backing it, not just the Tories, every politicians that desires to make has to back it.
The highest number of upticks was for David Brewin, he says “they (the politicians) will do exactly what they are told”, this is where he gets it wrong, the politicians know what to say, nobody tells them anything, they know that should they say the opposite they will be toast.
The policies are worked out by the likes of Schwab &co, but these originators of the tenets of “the reset”, the “bring back better” and other stuff do not send anything to the politicians, there are no e-mails, letters, dispatches, the politicians are astute enough to get these messages, to act on them, they don’t have to be “told’, they swallow these ideas because they are fully aware of what would happen to their careers if they opposed any of these shibboleths.
It was the same in the totalitarian regimes of the East, the Politburo worked out what they regarded as the right stance on an event, the correct interpretation o fit, it was presented to the masses in Pravda, the official mouthpiece of the Politburo, and that was it, nobody from the top echelon insisted or issued an order that everyone has to follow the official line, but everyone that wanted to make it knew that going against it was a career suicide, the end of one’s good life, shovelling coal at best or digging up uranium.
Each of us instinctively know what would make it for one to become a member of the progressive tribe, and what keeps one out of it, it can be worked out by a school kid, to believe that one has “to be told’ introduces an element of coercion that doesn’t really exist, it’s fully absent, that’s the clever part of it, it is not compulsion, arm twisting or even gentle persuasion that makes those hoping to make it in such a society to follow the tenets worked out by the totalitarian authority, it’s but knowing the consequences of failing to follow the orthodoxy – everyone can see what befalls on those rebelling against it – that by itself is by far more powerful lever to ensure compliance, it’s self-imposed, the one complying could even explain it to himself, I have a family to look after, what about the kids’ future, if I didn’t embrace it someone else would and benefit …….
Baron, July 16th, 2022 – 22:05
You’d be surprised. perhaps not, a what all manner of things lurks beneath the facade of UK establishment’s finest!
Vladimir Vladimirovich has publicly stated, on several occasions, that they/he would never launch a first strike… which means he almost certainly would – given the right conditions. They will have war gamed every every starting position and outcome. At the rate at which the west’s military are being weakened, demoralised and subverted perhaps they won’t need to?
The tip of the iceberg…
Gotta luv Katie…
Wallis, you have to be wealthy to be a respectable pervert. Personally I was disgusted that the dirty batch didn’t remove his slap before going to bed.
EC 09.15
I can’t imagine that any Russian invader would now consider the West as entirely ungovernable an impossible mess not worth saving. Nuclear cauterisation would be an effective and pragmatic solution for the proto-sub-saharan colony.
It’s bad enough that Gates has taken to planetary destruction without changing my description of Wallis M.Perv from dirty bitch to dirty batch, inextricably associating him in my mind forever with a useless bread roll.
I was sheltering from the Saharan heat(*) up here on the borders yesterday and to my surprise Gorgeous George (Galloway) popped up on my “YouTube” with the latest edition of his MOATS (Mother of All Talk Shows0 This was a surprise to me because I thought that he’d been banned.
In one segment he was reviewing the Tory hopefuls. He covered the Cummings-Sunak plot, and he made the allusion that Rishi was “a backstabbing snake. So low he could walk under a snake with a top hat on” ROFLMAO!
If you think that was bad you should hear what he’s got to say about Liz.
“A Pound Shop Margaret Thatcher and Norman Bates’ Mother.”
A 2 min clip of GG at his articulate best. Only Steyn can match him.
Thought: When GG refers to Liz as “A clear and present danger to the peace of the world and to the very existence of my country” one is apt to speculate which country that would be ! 🙂
* Climate Crisis: it got up to 20C here yesterday!
Noa, July 17th, 2022 – 12:01
He could always start by dropping one over Davos. It would bugger the skiing season up, but that’s a bonus as I’ve never taken to the skiing classes. There again, I’d never join any club that would have me as a member.
Good morning “Useless Eaters !”
Are vee all vell?
Liebe, Claus
“Mein Führer I Can Walk!!!”
PS. kein mehr “Veal meat” fur dich!
“You’ll have to answer to the Coca-Cola company”
We all answer to the Diet of the Coca Cola Company eventually, even Imperateur Wihelm Gates.
We will be rejoining der Grosse Reich shortly, and marching under Berlin orders against the Bolshevik hordes.
There will be no negotiated peace, the wealth and territory of the West will be commandeered and mobilised to buy the fickle support of the third world in the
We’ve been missing all that German revanchism for the last 70 years, its nice to remind ourselves of what we’ve all been missing.
Noa – 12:00
Yes, good one. I saw that Scholz memorandum to the rest of us yesterday.
In due course Sir Beer will be installed UK Gauleiter
Heil Schwab
But will ‘der juden welcommen ist?’
Politics and the paraphernalia of politicians are now irrelevant.
We are now controlled by the Mandarinate and the role of the 650 machine politicians that Parliament houses is simply to relay and their instructions to we villeigns and sign off the implementing laws when they instructed to do so.
Fortunately this means that we serfs can now judge them not on their policies and their success in executing them, but on more modern criteria: first their pork barrel ‘take’ then their sexuality, this requires detailed examination and ranges from their habitual gropings in the Stranglers Bar to their right to breastfeed during debates. At present this remains mother to child, though we may expect future developments in this new area, as in others.
In the meantime,fellow peons, enjoy the grotesque clown show that the real rulers of Britain provides to destract us from reality!
From the egregious eight to the terrible two- none of the above.
The Tory party, a distant, fast fading light in the maelstrom of a dying democrac, is now headed for electoral oblivion.
Noa – 14:29
“Public warming halls”
One part of their community must already being getting excited at the prospect!
Noa 16:37 & 08:43
Yes, The Party really is over! The Reds vs Blues etc. always was a charade. It was the Civil Service that really ran the country, not the “here today, gone tomorrow” politicians. (Robin Day)
In days of yore, before Gramsci’s long marchers got to work, Academe turned out educated and relatively free thinking people (by today’s standards) to run the various branches of the establishment. Academe today takes in students and churns out fully lobotomised & reprogrammed graduate ideologues, The Civil Service, Local Government and the rest are chock full of them.
The MSM has been a useful tool in bringing about the demise of the current Tory reign, but don’t expect the same scrutiny of Beer Von Sturmer. There are no longer any real journalists, just like there are no longer any real police. It all reminds me of what I have read about Berlin in the 1930s.
Noa – 08:43
The look of self-congratulatory smug satisfaction of the 1922 gurning bods that flanked Brady as he announced the final three, and then the final two was really noticeable. I remarked to Mrs EC that they were like turkeys voting for an early Christmas, and for once she actually agreed with me!
May the farce be with you.
Noa @ July 20th, 2022 – 12:21
Provided they survive the Winter, Noa, they should be OK in the Spring, it will be warmer then, hehe, heh.
Have a shufti what a young and determined wife in love with her husband can accomplish in the democratic Ukraine and the totalitarian Russia:
Why don’t we hear about what should be the trial of the century, the poisoning of Dawn Sturgess after the failed attempt to novichok the Skripals? Not a word in the MSM, weird that.
Btw, it seems China (apart from Baron but nobody would listen to him, they should listen to her though), is the only country calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities in Ukraine, the talking to begin, the West seems determined to see the conflict to carry on indefinitely.
The courage of the Australians should be appreciated more:
If you want to read or listen to the article the good professor wrote click here:
Is Putin going to die, ever?
Here you have two takes on the man who seems to want to live forever, and so far so good, the first one is a Spectator piece, pity you cannot read the postings, the other is by the guy Anatolij Sharij, the Ukrainian blogger, journalist and a party leader, it’s subtitled but he talks fast ending the clip with ‘Putin alive, it’s the Western Media that are dead’, and right he is:
PS: Apologies, here’s the third slicing of Putin’s health, or rather a chronology of the reporting of Putin’s state of health in the Western media, you don’t have to read it all, not even some of it, it’s just that it fits the other two links above.
Alzheimer is to blame, it must be, first, in the second para of the 22:21 posting it should say ‘….and right he is, too’, that’s typical of Baron he thought he did type the ‘too’, but obviously he didn’t, the other failure blamed on the Alzheimer is not posting the promises third link, here it is:
Baron, July 22nd, 2022 – 22:21
As far as death by natural causes is concerned, longevity for all of us is a bit of a lottery. Some political leaders die young, and others like “Uncle Bob” Mugabe go on till they are 95.
Political leaders ‘enjoy’ better living conditions and healthcare but that doesn’t enable them to outrun the Grim Reaper for very long, as when the sand in their hourglass runs out they’ll get a tap on the shoulder.
The lifespan of political/military leaders who outstay their welcome is often tragically, for them, cut short.
Baron, July 22nd, 2022 – 15:26
There’s a reason why Bill Gates has been buying up farms and is now the (western) world’s largest landowner.
EC + Baron
I have been considering the matter of His Holiness the Lord God Gates and the miraculous transmutation of software into land through the medium of money.
It it my speculation that the wretch is not interested in the mass production of grain and its glorious end product, the Wonderloaf, but rather the partial recreation of the seven plagues of Egypt. It is of course locusts which come to mind and I’m certain that the rogue would have us all crunching the wretched things instead of our corn flakes or muesli in the mornings.
Certain approaches have indeed been made by the brute to acquire the rolling wheat plains of Noa Towers. My Latvian overseers had to see of his representatives with the trusty whips which have served them so well through the generations.
Baron- the Altzheimers? I’d not noticed it, but I now suppress all symptoms by the strictest application of Sloe Gin an and Champagne brandy..
Thanks be for summer cricket, the palliative that soothes the fevered brow and skills forth…
So, not skills.
My ye be consumed by your own locusts, Gates.
No doubt about it now, Putin’s toast, the Russians should begin to walk back to the Motherland quick, the Ukrainian win is guaranteed:
Noa @ July 23rd, 2022 – 16:56
Now that you’ve mentioned it, Noa, last year in October Baron set up four large glass jars with measured amount of sloe berries, dry London gin, and sugar (an old recipe), he tried one last week, couldn’t wait any longer, a success, half of the output’s already consumed, the other three jars are waiting to be processed later in the year.
Good stuff that, next year the production may double, pity we cannot meet, Baron would be only too happy to share the delightful home made sap with you and EC.
EC @ July 23rd, 2022 – 10:46
Gates must be buying the lands, EC for reasons connected either with his vaccine obsession or some environmental concerns hoping to wild it with bisons and other creatures that roamed these lands in pre-history, right?
EC @ July 23rd, 2022 – 10:40
Your short musing, EC, reminded Baron of a film called the Green Man, one of Baron’s favourites, it’s got Alastair Sim and Terry Thomas in it, great actors, also others of course, but these two with few others are on top of Baron’s list of the British cinema greats.
Where is Hawkins when the country needs him?
Noa, July 23rd, 2022 – 16:56
The overnight rainfall was enough to refloat your Ark.
I truss that you were able to complete your combining before the deluge, inshallah. The rains, have come in time, though, to save your paddy fields located in the upper terraces of The Trough. That divide, the other side of which lies {{{Yorkshiristan}}}, is known locally as the hindu crotch, i believe?
Following the declaration by The Who (*) that Monkeypox is now the new global health emergency I was wondering what implications this might have for this winter’s Six Notions Rugby Foot-the-ball competition, particularly with regard to transmission of the virus. Will the Scrummage (**) have to be abandoned until further notice, or will face masks, butt plugs and hi-tech jockstraps have to be worn?
* Tedious Tedros, not Roger Daltrey et al.
** I have always considered our sewer breathed cross channel colleagues to have an advantage in these close quarter encounters, exuding as they frequently do the vapours of semi digested garlic and well rotted brie from all orifices.
July 24th, 2022 – 22:04
The infidel Gates has his Monkey Pox vaccine ready to go. $$$$-ching!
Baron, July 24th, 2022 – 22:11
Stop it!
You are making me nostalgic for the days when films had actors who could act, talented directors shooting decent plots, from well written scripts.
Why anybody would actually pay to watch any of the garbage that Hollywood produces today is beyond me.
Dr. Jordan Peterson pontificates on the “civil war.”
@4.00 mins he asks…
“What is going to happen to a country that is already paranoid and misguided…”
Apparently, he thinks that only one of the protagonists (Russia-USA) in the conflict suffers from this problem! That’s the problem with academics when they start pontificating outside the realms of their speciality.
EC @ July 25th, 2022 – 10:23
A revealing interview, but I agree with you, he’s transparently not fully in the picture, his slicing of the Europe’s dependence of Russian fossil fuels has been there since 1966 when the Yaman oil fields were discovered, never any problema, not a hutch, as Baron keeps pointing out in one year of the Cold War West Germany purchased as a per cent of her aggregate demand more Russian oil&gas than she’s buying now united with the Eastern part.
The dependence of the Americans on the titanium imports is twice the dependence of the EU on the Russian fossil fuels, does any raise an eyebrow? Nope, nobody, but more than an eyebrow was raised for the Europe purchases of Russian fossil fuels because it was gelling the two European giants closer together, and as Baron has said many times the aim of the US Foreign Policy on Europe is to keep the two separate, never ever allow Russia nd German to get to bed together, that’s even more important now when the Germans have their pet EU project going.
The insanity of the EU decision to switch to non-renewable energy sources other than Russian fossil fuels beggars belief, the price of landed LNG is over $30 per million Btu in every region but the North America compared to $8.00 again for million Btu for piped natural gas from Russia.
Suicidal that.
Team Obama’s Third Term: It ain’t going so well…
Looking at the ramping up of #projectfear on multiple fronts it’s looking like the Dems will firing up their election fraud organisation after the summer recess. Another substantially rigged Postal Vote is the only thing that will stop them losing both the House and the Senate.
Actions have consequences. How much of the AGW agenda is concocted in the hoof? Who is responsible for realigning the global energy and food supply chains? Do they care?
It would be a pleasure to drown the troubles of the world together with EC of the Northern Marches. Come visit the North , we’ll launch the Reconquista.
Noa @ July 25th, 2022 – 22:19
Tempting, Noa, very tempting alas impossible, other duties interfere, but thanks for the invitation.
This is long, very long, but it contains historical and evidential bits Baron wasn’t aware of, if anyone makes the effort to read it also, we could debate it or at least make points.
Noa @ July 25th, 2022 – 22:12
The treatment of the Russia’s fossil fuels supply to Europe by the West is bizarre, there’s no doubt the Americans were determined to cut the supplies off, they said so many times, Biden once quipped ‘we will do everything to bury the N-2’, they had it as the prime objective that sat at the top of their list of priorities, and nothing below it for a mile or more.
Then when the supply of oil and gas gets curtailed as Germany and others seek urgently other sources of energy and Russia herself begins to pump less and less of the stuff she gets blamed for the ‘weaponising’ of the fossil fuels supplies. Unbelievable that.
Baron, July 27th, 2022 – 06:59
Thanks, I’m CTB today so I’ll give it a go,
Mark Steyn did a very short, sombre, interview with Julian Assange’s brother last night. It was about his new documentary “ITHAKA” that is about to be released, I fully expect that it will get buried.
Mike Pompeo and the fragrant Priti are now “Besties” reportedly. (…or so the deluded woman would like to think…)
Baron, July 27th, 2022 – 07:05
Team Obama and the US Deep State Malignocracy is thriving whilst their county going to hell in a handcart it appears. The US has been “printing” money at at exponential rate of increase in recent years. Any other country would have been declared bankrupt. However, they probably have enough nukes to blow the world up ten times over. This might keep them on their perch in the short term, but it cannot last.
The WEF and their place-men have launched what appears to be an orchestrated attack on famers and food production. Weaponising food. It is happening in too many countries at the same time for it just to be a coincidence. The timing of these efforts after the Plandemic and subsequent supply chain and inflation issues, after the outbreak of war created an energy crisis and removed the Ukrainian breadbasket from the table…. this is no coincidence either.
EC @ July 28th, 2022 – 09:56
Good points, EC.
The food crisis may fit the ‘bring back better’ push, instead of bread and butter we will be switched to bugs and greens, Gates will supply both, he has bought enough land to feed us all on the new diet.
What also worries Baron is the American belligerence towards China with the Pelosi trip, what an untimely idea, one would have thought they have Russia to deal with first, why poking at China at the same time, it makes no sense unless one assumes that the Governing Elite believes the American Armed Forces are strong enough to fight on two fronts, but can they?
When Putin invaded in Feb 24 the NATO Rapid Response units didn’t move one inch eastwards from the bases in Holland and Germany, that exercised the Poles who demanded the units move, Pentagon said ‘no way’.
Pentagon again advises against the visit, but apparently Pelosi is adamant she will go, asked other congressmen to join her, in response the Chinese said that they would try to force the plane to divert, if that’s unsuccessful they are ready to shoot it down, that the last thing the world needs, another conflict, probably once more a proxy warring between the Taiwanese and Chinese military units.
The world’s getting crazier by the hour, or rather the governing layers are, as if we didn’t;t have enough warts and boils domestic.
A rather unusual report on Ukraine from Sky Australia, by far more balanced than what we’re getting here:
And this:
Germany is ready to use Nord Stream 2 ‘if there are no other options’, so says the head of the Bundestag Committee on Energy and Climate Klaus Ernst.
Baron, July 27th, 2022 – 06:59
Re: Richard C. Cook’s US-Ukraine disaster
“This is long, very long, but it contains historical and evidential bits Baron wasn’t aware of, if anyone makes the effort to read it also, we could debate it or at least make points”
Well, I eventually flogged through it. Io be honest I don’t know why he bothered with his version of the potted history of the US. Some of it probably right, bits of it factually wrong, and some of it open to argument.(historians argue about everything)
Having said that, that’s an impressive catalogue of crimes and evil he listed. He was on more solid ground with his analysis of the history of events in Ukraine.
As for Mr. Cook’s final panglossian flights of fancy regarding the utopian future of the US? It ain’t gonna happen, imo. Not without a thermonuclear reset!
He refers to Biden as if he’s still a sentient being running the show, when it is the man behind the curtains pulling the strings… or typing on the autocue.
Team Obama’s Third Term ain’t going so well is it?
Unusually for former presidents, good old Barack has chosen to maintain one of his many residences in Washington DC.
“Barack and Michelle Obama live down the street from the White House”
Like Blair etc etc upon leaving office Barack, overnight, became suddenly incredibly wealthy.
Bidens got covid again.
No laughing at the back.
The Saturday DT has it as an important piece of news confirming the savagery of the Russians when the Pentagon spokesmen says that ‘if it were the Ukrainians that hit the detention centre in Yelenovka housing the Azov prisoners it was not intentional’.
It was without doubt the Ukrainians, it was the US supplied HIMARS that fired the missiles, the target was intentional, the Azov boys were telling things the Kiev regime couldn’t allow anyone to know about.
John birch @ July 30th, 2022 – 20:33
If the Americans were informed by common sense Pelosi would have covid also, John, cancel the trip to Taiwan, it’s a provocation the world could live without.
A big ask, will you please be very kind and elaborate on what you’ve said on the CW namely that you worked on a project that was to supply Russian gas to Norway for cleaning, the gas was the pumped to Europe, we may have bought it also claiming it’s Norwegian, is this correct.
When it comes to Britain’s purchases of gas the MSM claims we buy the bulk from Holland or Belgium never from Russia that is supposed to supply only some 5% of our purchases of gas, Baron has been googling like mad to find out what the truth is, thought even of contacting Centrica.
Here’s what Reuters said in March this year: “Centrica has a supply agreement with Gazprom Marketing & Trading (the UK entity) through which gas can be sourced from the open market and this does not necessarily mean Centrica is directly supplied with gas from Russia”.
This says nothing about how much gas the company bought from Russia, but could it be that the ‘open market’ gas is Russian?
Many thanks, John.
EC @ July 30th, 2022 – 10:34
Your take on the longer than long piece is fully endorsed, EC, Baron must confess he skipped more than half of it, it was mostly scanning the text, the part on Ukraine was better, but agreed, the rebirth of the West is hard to take.
Apologies if you spent too much time on it, it will not happen again that Baron recommends something of that length.
The Obamas residence looks fantastic, it should for over $8.0mn, pity the dogs cannot recognise the doorbell yet.
Not many young boys and girls aspire to enter politics, but they should, it seems to pay off to climb the greasy pole of political machinations, all one needs is the ability to rabbit a lot without saying much, to accept the orthodoxy of the time, never to divert from it, and to have thick skin to stand the heat in the kitchen.
It’s either politics or the field of charities, no fear of ever being taken to cleaners in either.
It’s short, but it contains an interesting duo of figures – 30 and 60 both as percentages, intriguing that, Baron wouldn’t have guessed it possible, it’s one of the unexpected consequences, it may even explain the visit, no?
Do you suffer from body dysmorphia? Then it’s antidepressants for you, amongst the few other avenues to cure it if one were to listen to the Guardian female advising a man that has everything but a big member.
In the past, people got on with life, no moaning about the size of their body parts or anything else, that’s how Nature of He created them, no point in feeling depressed, the antidepresants would be the last cure one should even consider, it seems it’s a drug for everything under the sun, it creates problems bigger than those it’s supposed to help to alleviate, the man should stay away from the poison.
You’re getting this link because the ghastly rag keeps sending similar offerings to entice Baron to give money. Never in a thousand years, in the latest issue the rag talks about the Ukrainian Kherson counterattack under the heading ‘Ukraine forces Russia to bolster troops in occupied south’ instead of calling for an immediate cessation of the fighting, shouldn’t;t this be what a supposedly liberal rag should advice in any military conflict?
Again, too much to ask, the video runs close to half an hour, Baron reckons it’s worth watching, it explains the one Achilles heel of China superbly well, it also furnishes a well articulated overview of the brewing US-China conflict over Taiwan, and much more.
The narrative below comes from a staunch anti-Putin anti-Russian site the “Maidan Press”, it’s in English, you can click ‘home’ read some of the other stuff published there, this piece is about the missile attack on the Olenivka prison facility, it’s rather informative, it gives away the reason for the attack, but it also shows, if the narrative’s correct, that the Russian failed to secure the place, they were told the bombing may happen:
This is what we are against, do we really want to fight her, would not coexisting peacefully be more sensible way forward? Even if nukes are absent, the sheer number of the combat troops would suggest accommodation now is what we should seek, we left it too late, some 20 years too late:
Sri Lanka, National Fuel Pass. The only way to get petrol will be though rationing linked to the national identification database. No QR code, no fuel.
I can see that one heading our way very quickly.
Today’s telegraph.
Behind a paywall so here it is.
A catastrophic energy crisis will fuel a revolt against our failed elites
Politicians cannot shirk responsibility now for the extreme hardship millions of people are about to face
This is the summer before the storm. Make no mistake, with energy prices set to rise to unprecedented highs, we are approaching one of the biggest geopolitical earthquake in decades. The ensuing convulsions are likely to be of a far greater order of magnitude than those that followed the 2008 financial crash, which sparked protests culminating in the Occupy Movement and the Arab Spring.
The gathering crisis could prove even more catastrophic than the oil shock of the 1970s, which wrecked the administrations of three British prime ministers, presaged 40 years of American entanglement in the Middle East, and (due to the oil glut that followed) ultimately triggered the Soviet Union’s collapse.
Carnage has already arrived in the developing world, with power outages from Cuba to South Africa. Sri Lanka is just one of a cascade of low-income countries where leaders face being driven out of power in an ignominious blaze of petrol droughts and loan defaults.
But the West is not going to escape this Armageddon. In fact, in many ways, it looks set to be its epicentre – and Britain, its Ground Zero.
In Europe and America, a technocratic elite system built on mythology and complacency is crumbling. Its founding fable – which prophesied the nation states’ glorious enmeshment in world government and supply chains – has metastasised into a parable of the perils of globalisation.
For all the attempts to depict the Ukraine war as a black swan event, a spike in basic commodity prices in a volatile world was perfectly predictable. People are left wondering why their leaders failed to make contingency plans, given that they sit on vast untapped reserves of gas, oil and coal. The EU was supine in the face of Putin’s bid to keep the region’s market divided and dominate its more compromised powers.
Nor is there any explanation for this fiasco apart from decades of failed assumptions and policy missteps by our governing class. In the wake of the financial crash, the establishment just about managed to convince the public to submit to the purifying rigours of austerity, persuading voters that we all shared the blame for the crisis and must all play a role in atoning for the country’s mistakes. This time, elites cannot shirk responsibility for the consequences of their fatal errors.
Put simply, the emperor has no clothes. The establishment simply has no message for voters in the face of hardship. The only vision for the future it can conjure up is net zero – a dystopian agenda that takes the sacrificial politics of austerity and financialisation of the world economy to new heights. Actively campaigning for boiler bans, 15mph speed limits, and speculative green bubbles may seem like madness. But it is a perfectly logical programme for an elite that has become unhinged from the real world.
There are several countries where we might see the first signs of a resulting populist revolt. The Germans must swallow national humiliation along with higher energy bills, as their political leaders are taunted on the world stage for their naive bid to prioritise economic harmony and trade links over security. According to some analysts, France, which is no stranger to protest, could be the first in Europe to experience blackouts despite its sizeable nuclear industry. But it is Britain where things could truly blow.
The UK may well be the tinderbox of Europe. With the ousting of Boris Johnson and his imminent replacement by a politician who will not have led his or her party into power via a general election, the political context is particularly febrile. Even more so given disillusionment at the waste of the past two years and the failure of the Government to capitalise on Brexit to renew the country.
Moreover, Britain’s consumers look set to be clobbered harder than most. We already have the highest inflation in the G7. But a succession of fatal policy mistakes – from the closure of gas storage facilities to the failure to exploit our domestic oil and gas reserves – mean that we will remain unnecessarily vulnerable to sky-high international energy prices for years to come, with all the pain that will bring consumers.
Despite this, Britons are set to receive less assistance from the Government than their counterparts in other Western countries. The 5p cut in fuel duty has been estimated as the second smallest in Europe. While our politicians pontificate about insulating more homes at some point in the distant future, Spain has made many train journeys free until the end of the year. France has vowed to fully nationalise the energy giant EDF, which it had already forced to cap consumer bills.
A civil disobedience movement, inspired by the poll tax revolt, has already been launched here in the UK. The Don’t Pay campaign, which is urging people to join a “mass non-payment strike” when the energy price cap is raised in October, has gained thousands of online supporters.
And if it does take off, what are the authorities going to be able to do about it? Such is the scale of the coming price rises that millions may simply be unable to pay their bills – including pensioners and families hitherto part of the middle classes. The risk is that, bogged down with leadership hustings, the Tories realise too late that they need to act. The predicament we face is likely game-changing. We have barely begun to grasp how unpredictable the next few years are likely to be – and how poorly prepared we are to face the consequences.
If weaning ourselves off Russia – a comparatively small economy – is this painful, how are we to end our addiction to cheap goods from China? If we do manage to achieve a greater degree of energy self-reliance, how will we contend with the collapse of petrostates in the Middle East and the migration crisis that is likely to follow?
This may sound like a grim prognosis, but particularly in Britain it does feel as if we just may have entered the final act of an economic system that has patently failed. It is clearer than ever that the emperor has no clothes and has no more stories to distract us with.
John birch. – 07:39
“No QR code, no fuel.”
Quite! The NHS vaccine status QR code/pass was obviously softening people up for what was to come The amount of fuel that one is allowed to draw per day/week/month linked to one’s social credit score. Also food.
No wonder that bastard Bliar is pushing for Digital-ids and a cashless society.
John birch. – 07:43
Thank you for that article from the Barclay Bros Bugle.
Is there an author quoted, and why only now are they circling the walls of Jericho?
The thing that puzzles me John, is why China would want to bankrupt the West when it would hurt them in equal measure? There would be mass unemployment and hardship there and surely Xi would be toast? Who else would buy all the mostly useless crap that they turn out?
Do anybody else watch Al Jazeera News? They actually cover real news stories rather than concentrating on the myopic trivia that forms a large part of other news outlets, including, sadly a lot of GB News output. Sky News Australia is an exception, too.
John birch. @ August 2nd, 2022 – 07:39
Please, John, look back at some postings, Baron’s asking you to say more about the Russia-Norway gas conundrum, please, it’s important, is it true that some of the gas pumped to Europe by Norway is Russian gas cleaned by the Norwegian?
You’d never see or hear this on the BBC!
“Zelensky ‘not all he’s portrayed as’ by Western media: Bernardi
Sky News Australia
Not any response to Baron’s @23:38:
If you reckon Baron’s backing China in any way you’re wrong, the barbarian hates regimes of the few controlling the many, dictatorships and autocracies are abhorrent, unless one tasted them it’s almost impossible to imagine, Baron did, and a part of his life spent behind bars in a regime much worse than China’s, one couldn’t pack up, leave the nightmare, but there are times when such regimes can be confronted head on, times where accommodation is preferable.
Baron says it because he also remembers vaguely the tail end of WW2, it wasn’t;t pretty, the one event that will never leave Baron’s memory is of two Austrian soldiers, very young, probably late teenagers (or so Baron’s mother used to say), walking west, with many others, stopping at the family house, unwrapping their rag cladded feet, you’ve never seen anything like it, it wasn’t individual toes, it was a rotting mess, and the smell was unbearable, Baron who was a young child, got sick violently.
Can you imagine what would happen if a global conflict hit us? We barely scraped in the years of covid, a gradual switch by Europe from the Russian gas is expected to cause hunger in many parts of the world, electricity cuts and God knows what else, and all this in a peacetime when there’s not a serious disruption to international trade, jut a minor dislocation of the boats carrying out the stuff we need.
One can recover from an autocracy, but not from a world polluted by radiation.
(More late r, have to fly).
EC @ August 2nd, 2022 – 10:51
That’s an excellent find, EC, you may like to know three of Baron’s web correspondents sent it also, it’s encouraging that someone has the guts to say it, alas nobody in the position of power would act on it, not even listen to it.
Not many people know it, but when after WW2 the regimes in Eastern Europe got to installing Governments totally subservient to the Kremlin, some political parties and also newspapers were critical of it, that period of relative press freedom didn’t last long, probably around 18 months or so depending on the country, but exist it did, the clampdown came later.
Why did Pelosi go to Taiwan? Anyone knows?
What China is planning to do amounts to almost a blockade of the island for at least four days, look at the map of the exercises that say they will conduct. They didn’t;t say what happens after August 7 though.
This sounds right:
“The rhetoric defending “the West and its traditions” continues in our vocabulary, but the reality has radically changed. T. S. Eliot noticed what was happening in his 1948 work, Notes Towards the Definition of Culture, that we in West were “destroying our ancient edifices to make ready the ground upon which the barbarian nomads of the future will encamp in their mechanised caravans.”
You will find more in the link below, it’s not too long, you can also skip parts of it.
In one of the many postings about something or other on the Spectator’s site one of the responses was rather enjoyable, it said (Baron quotes from memory): Never get involved in a urinating contest with a skunk, not only you cannot win, you will also smell.
Good one.
Baron – 00:34
“Why did Pelosi go to Taiwan? Anyone knows?”
Well, her reason certainly wasn’t anything to do with the interests of Taiwanese or US citizens, M’lud.
She doesn’t normally get off her arse unless it is stock market/share price related.
Her husband or two sons will be cashing in one way or another, bank on that.
Baron – 00:36
The march of the cultural marxists continues apace! It is imperative that somehow William Shakespeare is contrived to be and declared as Black, or at least darker that Gary Goalhanger, or he will suffer the same fate as Comrade Yezhov!
Modern Policing… #New TV Series
“Law & Order: Microaggression Victims Unit”
Tell me the UK police aren’t just the same!
They nay nit be able to catch a burglar, a Pakistani child pimp o or an illegal immigrants but they have no trouble dealing with wheel chair bound pensioners, Parva spray, a baton attack and tapering. If it’s good enough for the care homes its certainly good enough for Wallsters.
Clever guy, Larry Johnson, good clips, too.
Noa @ August 4th, 2022 – 17:25
Unbelievable story, Noa, if it were a rowdy teenager, a middle age man, or even someone in his 60, possibly 70s, but a one legged man of 93 in a wheelchair? Arghhhh
What has happened to the country, it’s not the same Britain Baron arrived to in the 60s last century.
EC @ August 4th, 2022 – 15:08
Give it a couple of years, EC, and it will be the norm.
EC @ August 4th, 2022 – 11:28
What pains is that nobody has instructed the Board to do it, EC, it’s their own initiative, the blacks haven’t asked for it, nor did any other minority group.
It was just the same for the regime in Adolf’s Germany or the Georgian thug in Russia, people instinctively knew what was ‘good’ for them, for their careers, money rewards. How on earth could the same be happening in the country that has kept its cool for centuries?
Noa – 17:25
Re: Death by Cop: I was looking forward to Steyn featuring that story last night, but alas I was disappointed.
Imagine my surprise…
Fire up the good ole printing press, boys, for the next round postal voting fraud!
An intriguing piece, and not that long:
This video is an Ukrainian release purported to show a bunch of Czech volunteers ‘punishing the intruders’, you could switch the sound off because nothing much gets said, few commands, advices what to do where to turn, a lot of swearing not only in Czech, it must be there are other nationalities in the group, but if you listen without the sound you miss the bursts of fire.
You may form a different view of the recording (if you decide to watch it) but to Baron it seems the heroic fighters are the scared party, they are running away from the advancing Russians rather than engaging them, they are not even shooting at the occupiers:
One cannot but wish very much the slaughter stops, it’s a massive waste of young lives, also assets, Ukraine was a poor country before the shooting began, when it’s over th poor people of Ukraine will have nothing, what can they do in such conditions but move west to seek shelter and sustenance in the EU and of course in Britain, madness.
It is to the everlasting shame of Britain that has Stoke the fires of violence and war in Ukraine, rather than taking the onerous, thankless rask of peacemaker.
It is unbelievable that a Bidenion political sockpuppet like Johnson has managed the truly impossible, by making Recep Erdoğan look like a statement of the calibre of Metternich or Kissiger in comparison.
Howdy to you English folk. How are y’all? Well at least the four of you left. I admire you, EC, Baron, and Noa, with a little sprinkling of John Birch. Nothing fazes you guys. Out here we are getting increasingly embarrassed by the dementing Democrat at the helm. Mind, I reach out to you folks who have lost a great man in deposing Boris Johnson as Premier. Do you hear from Andy. Good wishes to all.
Several German cities halt use of e-buses following series of unresolved cases of fire
Transport Cities
Die Welt
The potential risks of electromobility are being closely examined in Germany after a third major fire in a bus depot apparently caused by an electric bus. Public transport companies are taking action after the electric bus allegedly triggered a fire in Stuttgart last week, newspaper Die Welt reports. The Munich public transport company, MVG, is taking eight similar e-buses out of service until the cause of the fire in Stuttgart has been clarified. The fire may have started while the bus was being charged in the depot, according to investigators, who assume that a technical defect may be the cause of the fire. The 30 September fire completely destroyed 25 buses in the depot, including two with electric drives, causing damage worth millions of euros. The Stuttgart transport company, SSB, has also halted the use of electric buses in the city. The incident followed a similar fire in June in a bus depot in Hanover, which destroyed the hall and nine buses. E-buses were then recalled but are expected to resume service in November. In April, a fire at the Rheinbahn depot in Düsseldorf caused damages totalling several million euros. Investigators determined the fire had been triggered by a technical issue but could not clearly identify the cause.
While the number of electric buses in German public transport doubled last year compared to 2019, a recent survey found that 58 percent of Germans had doubts about the “environmental compatibility” of electric mobility.
I spent a lot of time in China a few years ago in fact coming and going over 20 years and I never met a single person who wasn’t prepared to go to war to get Taiwan back.
Even a young guy who worked for our office in China who I got to know very well and took him around England when he came here.
But he was adamant that he would leave his job and join the army in a war to get Taiwan under Chinese control.
John birch. @ August 8th, 2022 – 12:19
Following the Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, John, a poll of the opinion on the list by the Taiwanese burgers shows most are unhappy about it, they fear an invasion.
John, what about the job you had on the installations for pumping Russian gas to Norway to be cleaned, can you enlarge on it, please.
John Jefferson Burns @ August 7th, 2022 – 20:27
If you are not careful, John, you may get him again after 2024, he may be by then totally loopy, but hey, why should the state of madness prevent anyone from the job of the President of the USA?
This was sent to Baron with the question ‘you know anything about this site?’, Baron doesn’t, it seems the Scots are braver than the South:
As a supplant to the Russia bashing exercise the Spectator also has a narrative on China today, the country’s military drill in the waters around Taiwan, you can read it for yourself.
You cannot read the postings, nothing much there, not many of them either, Baron had to raise the temperature with his posting, a teaser was called for, it will stimulate the others to call him a China shill or labels similar, he will let you know:
Baron: The Middle Kingdom gets rich making stuff flogging it to the West that cannot be bothered to make it even though without it daily life cannot function, invading Taiwan would sever the flow of goods east west and money west east, it’s also unnecessary because the two lands are already the top partners of each other on trade, inward investment, tourism, cultural exchanges and anything else that a relationship between two countries requires to be for the countries to be close.
The invasion would also either at worst collapse the West for the lack of useful stuff made in China, or push western inflation sky high as the useful stuff needed for the daily life to function would have to be made in the West where labour and energy costs are immeasurably higher than in China.
The military exercises are merely to signal to the Americans not to get too close for their own safety and the safety of the world, as any objective reporting will tell you that’s exactly what the Americans are doing, avoiding getting close.
Baron, bit tied up at the moment but will do
John birch.@ August 9th, 2022 – 16:38
Many many thanks, take your time, it’s not urgent.
Could it be that the c-19 vaccines prevent one developing T-cells, the unquestionable protection against another infection? How else would people vaccinated more than twice catch the bug again yet anyone infected by the real thing seems to avoid another bout of the disease.
It should investigated, it’s not that impossible unless there already exists another explanation for how is it possible that individuals infected by the natural virus, surviving the infection, do not get re-infected (must have developed T-cells), but those vaccinated get infected over and over again (say) Biden.
John birch. August 8th, 2022 – 11:50
Google: “lithium battery thermal runaway”
also: “VW ship Felicity Ace lithium batteries
@12:24 cont’d
With lithium batteries temperature management & control systems are everything!
Even the boy genius Elon’s Tesla cars have been known to catch fire. As have his Rooftop Solar Panels!
This is weird, a Western reporter showing ordinary people going east to the Russian held territories, even though the travellers wouldn’t admit it, say they would be returning, the heavy loads of possessions would suggest they are leaving Ukraine for good, but at least the reporter doesn’t say which side blew the bridges up, it wasn’t the Russians even though they are said be blocking the stream of newcomers (too costly?).
Baron – 23:53
Even more bizarre, it was a CNN report. How did that one slip through?
After sanctions the oil&gas market operates at two tiers, countries that didn’t impose sanctions buy the stuff from all the upstream suppliers, countries that imposed sanctions don’t, Russia’s off their buy list, their demand for oil&gas however remains the same, it’s the supply side that’s short, what always happens when demand exceeds supply is the price mechanism kicks in, the cost of the stuff that’s undersupplied goes up.
It would not happen had any other supplier or a group of suppliers were able to compensate for the Russia’s share in the oil&gas market, they cannot, Russia accounts for some 12% of global oil market, more in the gas market (in a week, Russia pumps out enough oil to furnish every man, woman and child in the UK with one barrel of the stuff), moreover all suppliers would rather sell less at higher prices than the reverse, hence the price setting of the sanctioned marker prevails.
There also are operational difficulties for the upstream suppliers, in oil Saudi Arabia must already pump water into the wells to get the stuff out, the country cannot sustain running at a level it currently is, on gas Norway fearing low water for their hydro-electric generation wants to keep more gas for herself.
Taking Russia off the sanction list would lower prices immediately and very noticeably, the threat of our households either freezing or going hungry would not diminish but ease off massively, the need for new borrowing to offer them help paying the energy bills would be lower, that would subsequently lower the service cost of the national debt, it’s already getting close to the money we spend each year on the NHS.
Will the political gnomes even consider such a move? What a stupid question, heh?
EC @ August 11th, 2022 – 08:17
It won’t last, EC, it will be taken off just as another video, longer than the CNN’s was scrapped, you can see it on Larry’s site, the guy’s fantastic, his narratives are short, he posts daily, but most rewarding on his site is the quality of the responding postings, he’s well worth bookmarking. If you visit read also his ‘Did the Donald bait the FBI’, a nice piece that rings true, fits the Donald’s way of operating.
How is the Schengen open borders agreement working out for your former countrymen? Czechs and tourists are fair game, apparently.
Cultural question: What’s with all the spitting? A disgusting practice. [Outlawed in Hong Kong, even before Covid] Would lead to summary execution if I ran the world.
Baron – 08:27
FBI Raid: If Merrick Garland wanted a pair of Melania’s knickers that desperately then why didn’t he just write her a fan letter and ask nicely? That’s how I got my pair. 🙂
The great Joseph is at it again, what is it with the Germans, they cannot behave as normal people do, always have to find an extreme that leads them to bad ends:
EC @ August 11th, 2022 – 08:29
Informative, EC, thanks, what surprises is that they haven’t yet tried it here, or perhaps they did, we just don’t hear about it, it wouldn’t fit the rainbow set-up.
Why don’t the stupid Czechs kick them out of the country? Probably the ECHR would prevent it, heh, heh, heh
EC @ August 11th, 2022 – 08:42
Still nothing from the FBI, shouldn’t;t they explain the reasons for the raid? Larry’s right, the agency is no good, but then the whole edifice of the contemporary US governance stinks.
Any expert, new or different, slicing of the Crimean airport explosions? The stuff below Baron posted on the Spectator blog, you may like to see it:
Below u can see satellite pictures of the airport four hours before the explosions and then after when the recuse efforts are in full swing, according to the guy reporting on it there were altogether 16 fighter jets parked, nine 130s and seven Su-24s, after the explosion seven of the sixteen machines are totally burnt fully, the others look inoperable as well.
At 7:50 the guy marks the places of the three explosion in red squares, he then circles the explosion also in yellow, then goes on commenting on the damage, at 9:28 he shows the rescue vehicles removing the debris in yellow, at 9:50 he concludes that at best the loss is three 130s and four SU-24s (all seven marked in yellow), at worst all sixteen machines are destroyed.
At 10:45 he challenges those arguing the disaster was the result of a sabotage, marks a place in a red square, says a huge hole close to the roll-out to a runway, asks what could have been stored there, it would need a truck loaded to the full to produce such damage, at 11:19 he shows a picture of an object before the explosion, says he doesn’t know what it was, it’s overgrown with grass, the explosion happened at the edge of it on an asphalt surface, how could a sabotage take place on such a place, he asks, then he moves to another place of the explosion (11:50, red square) shows at 12:08 how the place looked before the explosion.
At 12:23 he marks the three explosions in yellow and says he cannot rule out a missile attack, it could be ether a sabotage or a missile attack, he finishes saying that’s all the info he has, it may not be something many want to hear, but truth is more important than anything else to correct one’s mistakes.
Baron – The Glorious 12th – Grouse Beware!
I don’t think much of the Ruskies airfield dispersal layout for parking its equipment. Those photographs, if real, show damage to be very localised to each piece of equipment. How many “Hellfire” missiles does a US Drone carry, and how many can they fire at once? Sabotage by special forces? Dunno mate.
Gone are the days when David Stirling, Paddy Mayne, and their lads used to shoot up Rommel’s desert airfields in N. Africa. The planes were easy targets, parked in orderly neat rows How German! 🙂
@11:20 cont’d
An additional thought Baron. It could’ve been a training mission for the some of the 87,000 newly recruited, armed and deadly, US IRS “auditors!” 🙂 🙂 🙂
I think that the Elon The Wunderkind makes a fair point!
EC @ August 12th, 2022 – 11:20
Sadly, EC, the Russian Defence Ministry is lying, it continues to say it was nothing much even though the pictures cannot lie, when Baron came across it last night he found it hard to sleep (it may have been the moon also, it was the fourth and last biggy this year, marvellous to watch on the clear skies), if that wasn’t an act of sabotage it must have been only the Americans that have that ability, not the Ukrainians.
A question, could one see a missile either in flight or landing at a target, Baron reckons it’s possible even if it’s hypersonic, the KInzhal that hit the training centre few months ago (also destroyed a shopping centre next door, Baron forgot the town) was visible, one of the videos of the hit did show the missile just before it struck.
The Wunderkid unloaded some seven billion dollars worth of Tesla’s shares, the man’s loaded too much for his own good, you reckon he would share if asked politely? Heh, heh, heh.
How one misses Frank, arghhh.
Wether it was Hellfire missiles, a special forces attack or mist worryingly Zeus deploying thunderbolts in divine and partisan direct intervention the effect on the actual Russian Air Force strength of some 3853 less 16 aircraft is minimal.
If the cause was the former that is of concern, would it be a a first strike by a USAF drone on Russian territory? Admittedly Crimea is arguably Ukrainian not Russian territory, but I wouldn’t want to split the atim on the difference.
Atom not atim, curse you unproductive text!
Something a little different before the plagues frogs, locusts and the murder of the first born are brought to us before the termination of oil, gas coal and nuclear power energy supplies is added to death by dehydration. And if you still remember train services here’s a little humour to remind us of what we are missing.
Steyn may be here today but if the anti-fossill Czars (Antifo?) have their way, probably not tomorrow.
A good joke to try on a neighbour you dislike: Get a thickish long cucumber, shove it through his letter box shouting ‘the Martians have landed’.
Noa @ August 12th, 2022 – 21:17
The great Mark is a must viewing in the Baron’s household, everything gets dropped, no watering, no walking, no chewing, it’s watching the one that knows how to hit them.
Sadly, you may be on to something, Noa, he won’t last, the woke fruitcakes will get rid of him.
Noa @ August 12th, 2022 – 20:41
It’s still hard to figure what or who did it, but Baron reckons Sharij, the guy the barbarian listens regularly, gets it right, it was an act of sabotage, the one reason for it is the machines are burnt all right, but they didn’t move at all, surely a drone strike would have resulted in some scattered bits, no? The jets look untouched yet are incinerated, one hopes the Russians figure the reason.
Allegedly, the airport wasn’t guarded much although the entry into Crimea has been, but there are many living there that hate Putin and the war, it wouldn’t be impossible to plant explosives attached to a timer on the three places that did bang causing the planes to ignite.
Noa @ August 12th, 2022 – 20:55
Superb, Noa, makes one feel better with no reason at all.
A part of what the guy says is said every time on all the trains Baron sometimes takes like the ‘not leaving anything behind’ stuff, to which Baron never fails to add ‘avoid stopping breathing as you leave the train’ and ‘be careful how you go after you’ve left the train, keep your weight on one foot whist you are putting the other foot forward then do it again reversing the order of the position of the feet’…..
The boss always says ‘do shut up, you’re being stupid, people may listen’, which is exactly the objective of it.
The old man is getting senile, he blames the GOP for blocking everything, yet conveniently forgets the Dems did more than everything to thwart the Donald from the day he entered the Oval Office, if anyone is moving the governance of the Republic towards fascism it’s the Dems, the recent raid on the Donald’s residence is but one example of it. Why nor ask for whatever it was they were after?
He’s right the great Republic has fragmented along any major issue one can think of, and that the military are massively overpowering, the structure of it is too complex however, almost convoluted, one cannot figure who runs what, who has the final word in any of the world theatres of possible conflicts, the reporting at all levels of command are confusing, it was bad when the two towers got hit, it’s worse now.
The most important reason for the Republic fear of the future is her inability to regain the economic power she used to have, it’s the economy that wins it, that’s where the threat from China is coming from, the Americans may lead in the service sector, that’s not the same as a leadership in the sector that makes stuff that one needs for everyday life, if Facebook disappears tomorrow life will keep going, but if China (and India, the others) stop making drugs, jeans, tyres …. life will suffer.
YOu’re getting this video only because Baron got it (has to respond to the sender), no need to spend time on it.
Flanders and Swann did the slow train better.
Baron, August 13th, 2022 – 00:21
Airport Security?
Did you see that last week that “Bald and Bankrupt” released the video of his escapade to the Russian/Soviet Baikonur launchpads in Kazakhstan? Bald and his muse, the lovely Alina Adzika, had no problems at all walking 30 km into this huge area which appears to be poorly guarded and the perimeter fences are shown to be in a poor state of repair. They even got into the dilapidated hangers where a couple of “Buran” Soviet Space Shuttles were stored. It was amazing to see this equipment after over 32 years. They only got caught on their way out of the area.
Noa & Baron,
I’ve been watching Mark over the weeks become increasingly frustrated and vocal over the many issues that confront our beleaguered nation and the western world in general.
He’s made a point of taunting the lefties, shock-jock fashion, who have been reporting him to Offcom over his reporting of Vaccine deaths, Policing, Child Rape Gangs, Climate nutters, and worst of all – taking the piss out of Klaus Schwab. They all want him gone, but I’ve got the feeling that he might actually walk before they get him. As he recently pointed out yo them all, GB News is only a small part of his life.
Re: Offcom: The attempts by the lefties to defenestrate Nigel Farage have failed as Offcom cleared him last week.
EC @ August 13th, 2022 – 10:10
Thanks for the tip, EC, Baron watches all B&B releases, the guy’s amazing, but also lucky, they found a makeshift ladder at the site, that if anything was a massive stroke of luck, the two vehicles that rust now were the last tech cry of the Red Menace rule over Russia, but what happened to the Western private endeavours to come up with a shuttle bus to the skies, the Bransons and Musks have gone quite about it.
Noa @ August 13th, 2022 – 10:06
But were passengers then warned of the dangers of leaving their stuff behind, Noa, stepping out of the carriage carefully, breathing without interruptions as they walked alongside the platform …. that’s what matters, no?
Nice tune, even a nicer lyrics that one can follow.
O have no doubt that your informative commentary is helpful and a great improvement on that provided by the train franchises. They can learn much and they would benefit greatly by employing you as their Irony consultant. 😉
Baron 12.23
An interesting thought there. Capitalism and communism had fought themselves to an intellectual and economic stalemate by the 1990s. In a sense Fukayana was eight and the history of the North had ended, its mutually exhausted contestants collapsing, as the interested bystanders China, in particular took over the levers of world power.
Have a chuckle:
Noa @ August 13th, 2022 – 17:30
Not just an interesting thought, Noa, a correct one even if it took capitalism few more years to ‘suicide’ itself.
You may find it hard to believe Baron hasn’t been that scared before, the Ukrainian boil may suppurate to a point at which it will burst into something neither side could have expected or even imagined.
Here is a polite request for your advice, boys.
After blogging for over two decades on the Spectator Baron decide to quit, not because he’s often attacked, called names, forced to correct lies and half-truths and stuff, he decided to leave because his postings get censored, eliminated without anyone saying why, they just disappear, no trace of them.
This may be to encourage self-censorship, something he cannot and will not do. There’s no redress, no-one to appeal to, others posting on the Spectator sometimes complain about it, but this is a smaller problem, almost always the wrong words used, in Baron’s case it’s definitely more than just words, a posting gets accepted, it appears, then after some time (hard to say when, Baron doesn’t check continuously), it’s gone.
What is the advice Baron’s seeking? It’s not about quitting, that decision’s final, it’s about whether he should say that he will continue to post on this blog and anyone interested could visit the cofeehousewall.
It may boost our numbers, the blog may get noticed more, the base of those interested in free debating will enlarge, it may also infest it with people that label, use uncivil language, in short trolls, people not interested in debating an issue but attacking the messenger of it.
What would you suggest? If even one of you says ‘no new visitors from the Spectator’, Baron will leave without mentioning our small community and the blog we’ve inhabited from its splitting from the Spectator.
Many thanks.
Publish and be damned Milud!
Say your piece there and refer the Speccie posters here as well!
An excellent initiative and I fully support it.
Baron – 12:24
That was very good.
Bill Maher has done somewhat of “reverse ferret” of late. He would never have been that brave even a year ago. A nice piece, probably by a team of writers, faultlessly delivered to camera from an autocue. It was spoilt only by the intermittent reaction shots of that turd Piers Morgan.
Baron – 12:48
The Spectator and The Daily Telegraph are owned by Press Holdings Ltd. which in turn is owned by the surviving Barclay Bros. twin, Fred. The parent company employs a some sort of configurable “cyber nanny” software that to look for trigger words and shunts any offending comments off to a staging area for review, but in practice they are never looked at. Think of it as “the memory hole” as describe by George Orwell in 1984. I gave up with Specstatesman well over 10 years ago, and also Guido Fawkes whose site nanny similarly frequently rejected my pithy, acerbic comments.
In answer to your question, link to this little backwater of the blogosphere where thou willst!
It shouldn’t be too hard to convince Joe and his CIA morons that Saddiq Piers bin Morgan is the new second in command of Al Queada and that after raiding his safe, llauncing a duet of Hellfire missiles would assist the Democrats in the mid terms.
A good rant from the Slog.
My neighbour, an Indian Muslim, a multimillionaire who, since the lockdown business handouts has bought himself and his sons a new Lamborgini and two Porches regularly asks me if if want to sell my house to his family. (They want to convert it to a gatehouse for their imported servants).
You can guess my answer.
Yesterday his question changed to:
“How long have you lived here?”
My reply was “Since about 650 AD given DNA evidence, what about you?”
No answer came.
Noa @ August 14th, 2022 – 15:44
Good one, Noa, but keep in touch with the newcomer, one never knows what’s round the corner.
And thanks for the advice, will tell them ‘come and visit us’.
Noa @ August 14th, 2022 – 15:33
Not always, but when the guy hits it, he’s close to perfect, never minces his words, the expressions fit like a man-made glove, this one is one of the best, even the beginning inspires.
EC @ August 14th, 2022 – 15:28
It really pi$$ed Baron when they took one particulate posting down, no explanation at all, and thanks, will tell them to visit if they wish so (come to think of it, one wonders whether anyone will, we shall see).
Newsweek doesn’t reach that many today as it did decades ago, it’s still weird that a narrative such as this should appear just now, August 14.
In another report that Baron lost it seems that only some 30% of the military gear (includes also body armours, helmets, medical stuff) gets to front line in Ukraine, it would be of interest to know what happens to the majority of it, it wouldn’t shock to hear about an attack on a Western asset by a piece supplied by the West to Ukraine.
If you read the Larry’s short write up, even more so if you listen to the lament of the fighters in the video you cannot but wish the whole special operation, invasion, call it what you will were to come to an end, the sooner the better, the loss of life must be horrendously high and for what? What is the bugging end game?
“One such myth concerns the fabled military aircraft, the P-51 Mustang which, according to the Americans, single-handedly won the war in Europe, defeated the German Luftwaffe all by itself, and “is widely considered the best piston single fighter of all time”.
Of course, it is no such thing, except to the Americans themselves. For one thing, the Americans’ brief flash at the end of the conflict hardly ‘won the war’ but, more importantly, this aircraft’s original designation was the XP-78, a name almost nobody has ever heard of, and for good reason. The aircraft’s performance was underwhelming to say the least and, with its American-built Allison engines was of no more use during wartime than a lawn mower.
It was the re-fitting of this aircraft with the British Rolls-Royce Merlin engine that made it useful. With the Merlin generating twice the power with less than half the fuel consumption of the US engine, the aircraft did indeed have great range and performance – as did the Spitfires and other British aircraft, but the original American version wouldn’t have made a list of the top 500.
And yet nowhere in any American narrative do important facts like these appear. In these areas, as in so many others, the US is a nation based on lies”.
You will find more about how the Americans are telling everyone how supreme and competitive and innovative they are when in fact nothing could be less true:
This guy got cancelled at the Edinburgh Fringe, not for the joke in the video, for racism:
That’s the lot for today, time to go, it will be a difficult night, the temp is 16degC, alot of moisture in the air.
Noa, August 14th, 2022 – 15:33
He’s not wrong.
Meanwhile, if you’ve experienced the early morning thunderstorms and torrential rain we’ve just experienced here in the marches, then verily I sayeth unto Ye, prepareth thine Ark for lift off!
Baron – 00:23
All part of “‘merican exceptionalism,” Mlud,
They have no history so are exceptionally good at mythologising their ‘walk on’ part in it Hollywood Style. These fairy tales become rooted in their heads and they actually believe the crap.
There’s been a lot of stuff on YouTube recently about the P51s and how they, American pilots, eliminated all of Germany’s best pilots despite not showing up for the Battle of Britain. Nobody else was involved, just them, apparently. No Brits, no Poles, no Czechs, no Canadian, Aussies, Kiwis, South Africans, or Indians. And let’s not forget the Russians.
Baron – 23:40
Re: Your difficulties with the Spectatesman gatekeeper, and other media outlets.
Two words, “Operation Mockingbird.”
Baron – 00:50
Apropos your posting.
“Jerry Sadowitz, woke authoritarianism and the death of UK comedy.”
The Americans have gone totally loopy, why the escalation?
EC @ August 15th, 2022 – 10:28
Nice one, EC.
What can one say?
It would seem the sooner Russia gives up in Ukraine and on anything else the better, failing that there will not be any cars in the country, no telephones, not even a scrap of paper to write on … anyone knows who is this chap Fraden? Surely, at least the Russian Osetra caviar is at least on par with the Iranian Beluga delicacy.
Baron – 12:23
Meanwhile back in “the West” the lunatics have run amok and have taken over the asylum. In a very short while our grandchildren will be asking how we used to light our houses before candles were invented. The answer, “electricity” will produce a blank look followed by “what’s electricity?”
Baron – 11:56
All together, sing along now…
The cat may still be possible to adopt:
Ode to Boris
A flavour without taste
An eye without a blink
A smile without laughter
A grace without a touch
A word meaning so much
yet so hard to explain
A word so helpful
yet very frightening
A word causing so much greatness
yet harming so many
Ode to Boris
A flavour without taste
An eye without a blink
A smile without laughter
A grace without a touch
A word meaning so much
yet so hard to explain
A word so helpful
yet very frightening
A word causing so much greatness
yet harming so many
Fergus Pickering @ August 18th, 2022 – 15:19
Fergus, dear Fergus, what kept you, long time no hear, you OK?
Ah Fergus
The verse is not worse.
It may even be better.
The Phillip Sidney of our Time.
Good advice. It is always best to set the cat upon any visiting inspector from the RSPCA or HMRC.
Baron, August 16th, 2022 – 21:58
Wrong technique. Pinky would’ve been alright in Mrs Slocombe’s hands.
Noa – 06:12
I thought that you kept a pair of slavering Dobermans for that?
Fergus Pickering, August 18th, 2022 – 15:19
Fergus Pickering, August 18th, 2022 – 15:19
In 3D too, with the right spectacles!
It’s cats, due to the cuts.
What happened to the famous hospitality of the northern Marches?
Can’t a simple Albanian found a county lines drug empire anymore?
LOL Yes, the hospitality of the Reivers was legendary, and that meted out by their present day descendants might not be to the liking of the recently arrived “entrepreneurs” either. The anonymity our guests seek cannot be found in a low density population area such as this.
The local TV and press haven’t covered this story as far as I’m aware. Imagine my surprise… We’ve just had one of the best spring/summers on record. How on earth will they cope when the unrelenting damp cold, amplified by the northerlies, of winter sets in?
Its no picnic up here in winter, as noted by one of my predecessors on the eastern marches wrote…
* exasperated in part by “factious and naughty people”
I recollect that the folk in the border regions used to take a much more robust attitude to hostile invaders, letting them lick the condensation off the prison walls in Carlisle Castle before the hanging, drawing and quartering our friend Simon Webb writes about in his books.
In those days the concept if the Rule of Law had real force, not just the right to police protection for male Conservative MPs who were trying on the latest lingerie styles from Anne Summers….
“August Blues”
How I long for your wide open sky.
I long for your sunbeams and your rain—whatever falls into my mouth,
I will gladly take in.
Come September fifth sin.
August. How I cling to all your pasts
and all your uncertain futures.
I cling to your promise of ever ever green
and I wait at your doorstep, naive nymph from nether.
Neither Rishi, nor Liz are that clever
Was it for nothing, August?
Do I keep you on my tongue and never in my heart?
August. August.
Disgust, perhaps lust.
But not for Liz
Endless pastures and lightning-laden nights. Your fleeting love speaks through the dark
We will love you til the next one comes.
Fergus Pickering @ August 20th, 2022 – 08:50
Somewhat sexy that, Fergus, you should leave that sentiment for the Spring, here’s a competitor of yours, Michael Murry, he often posts at Larry Johnson’s site, ‘A son of the New America’, worth visiting, the site:
“Peace With Horror
A leper knight rode into view
Astride his mangy steed
A harbinger of violence
A plague without a need
An apparition of discord
Upon which fear would feed
His unannounced arrival mean
t He’d lost his leper’s bell
And yet his ugly innocence
Could not conceal the smell
His good intentions only paved
Another road to Hell
With mace and lance and sword deployed
He vowed in peace to live
Through rotting lips he promised not
To take, but only give
He swore to only kill the ones
Whom he said shouldn’t live….”
And so it continues, you may like to read the whole thing on
or read another of his poems here:
Noa @ August 20th, 2022 – 08:44
You, you, whhhasist, Noa.
For the days when they are on and for some considerable time Baron has been emailing both Nigel and the great Mark with a message (see below), to no avail, both of these two stellar fighters of the unwoke phylum refused to read it, depriving Baron of his one minute fame, could Baron suspect it’s because they are both members of the middle class?
“Today’s immigration is but the past colonisation with only one noticeable difference, the two societal classes that benefit from it – the British middle class and the unwashed from the foreign lands – have swapped their travelling arrangements, instead of a member of the middle class traveling to the distant lands where the locals laboured for him, it’s the locals from the distant lands that travel to Britain to labour for the middle class member here.
It’s the members of the middle class that govern us, how can it ever come to an end?
EC @ August 19th, 2022 – 17:59
Let us campaign for the refurbishment of the East March with one difference, EC, let it be a self service, the new illegal arrivals that have no right of abode will quickly spread the good news, the flows of new illegal arrivals will come to a naught soon.
One cannot but admire the Japanese, they are very much in bed with the Americans letting them have a massive presence on their soil, boosting defence spending, taking part in military exercises any time the Americans asked them to, but are they willing to pay a fortune for fossil fuels other than those supped by Russia or freeze in the Winter?
From the yesterday’s Nikkei Asia:
“Japanese energy importer JERA and Tokyo Gas have renewed their contracts to buy liquefied natural gas from Russia’s Sakhalin-2 project under its new operator, Nikkei learned Friday.
The entity set up Aug. 5 by the Russian government to take control of the project in Russia’s Far East offered the same purchasing terms, including prices and volumes. J
Hiroshima Gas relies on Sakhalin-2 for about half its energy supply. Kyushu Electric Power and Toho Gas source roughly 20% from the project, and Tohoku Electric Power, Tokyo Gas and Saibu Gas Holdings around 10%.
Eight major Japanese power and gas companies source LNG from Sakhalin-2, which was previously run by a company whose shareholders include trading houses Mitsui & Co. and Mitsubishi Corp. None have opted to terminate their contracts at this time, according to Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry”.
Smart peoples the Japanese.
One of the hobbyhorses of the great Mark are the side effects of the vaccines, he furnishes a useful input for everyone considering the jab, should be knighted for it, it’s an input that the MSM poodles fear to provide, but he misses something. It’s OK to field many of the victims, some of their stories are more than touching, but the stories alone won’t do it.
Sadly, there’s now a sufficiently high number of deaths from the vaccinations verified by the coroners, the courts, the medical profession, cases where the ‘death by vaccination’ appears on the death certificate.
Should not someone attempt to find out whether there’s a common denominator to these deaths, or to at least the most common and unexplained of these deaths (say) the myocardial infarction? It may be something simple (say) they all had a weak heart, were on medications etc, or something far more complex (say) the same section of their DNA had an unusual amino acid inserted instead of the one common to most of us.
It’s the proteins that make us up, these are made of amino acids, it may well be that at some juncture in the chromosome chain one of the amino acids that the vast majority of us have is substituted by another far less common one in some people, it matters not for them except when they get vaccinated, the rare amino acid and the spike protein from the vaccine react, the individual suffers a sudden heart attack (even if healthy) and dies.
To keep on saying that some die from the vaccine doesn’t really help anyone, the majority survive, Baron hasn’t had the jab, everyone he knows has had it, but they are all OK.
The incident of death is rare, but not rare enough to be ignored, someone somewhere should undertake to find out whether a common denominator exists, If it does, as must be the case, then those that fall into that group of people would be advised to give the vaccination a miss.
One cannot but be excited being told what the future, the near future, is to offer:
Menus in restaurants will soon show not only the prices (didn’t they got hiked alot recently?), and the calories one’s body is to receive for a permanent storage, they will also show how environmentally friendly the meal is, how much of the “CO2 pollutant” was released into the atmosphere growing or raising the ingredients, moving them, preparing them (the “CO2 pollutant” is in inverted commas because the CO2 is anywhere near a pollutant, it’s a fugging useful gas that encourages growth of plants, trees ..)
Our clothing will have similar labels, listening to a BBC Radio4 programme yesterday they will tell us even how much water, a finite resource, is used to finish making something like a T-shirt, it was incredible but Baron was so exited instead of listening so that he can pass the invaluable news to you he kept shouting at the gadget so much that drivers of passing cars may have thought he went mad, a state of mind he’ll very likely attain when the fugging lunacy arrives.
What truly frightens is that they will throw it at us, and many will meekly take it, Frank was right, we’ve had it, we’re finished as free agents.
CNN’s Stelter’s gone, whom are the other journalist going to make fun of?
We may scribble here and there about it, but Bob Moran actually seems live in the Orwellian nightmare. How else could he capture it so brilliantly?
Don’t worry Baron, (@11.30).
Very soon the restaurant as a common facility will be a relic of historical memory, due to bankruptcy caused by the soaring costs of energy, raw ingredients and lack of staff.
National food kitchens will have been introduced to provide necessities like nettle soup and roach stew.
Tickets for the new warming rooms will be available, if you haven’t been complaining too loudly about the nice refugee family who have been billeted in your house. After all, they kindly let you continue to live in the coal cellar.
Taki does the cotton pickin’, arabellum week so well.
Sorry to spoil your dinner, but this is new to Baron and rather disturbing, and certainly not as enjoyable read as Taki’s musings on the cotton picking experiment (how far will the fuggwits go, Noa?).
Noa @ August 21st, 2022 – 08:45
That’s OK then, Noa, Baron likes nettles, the new shoots in the Spring are excellent in salads and soups.
Here’s another sober look at the energy issue from the FT, notice that even this guy will not mention that the reason for the hight cost of oil and gas is not the Ukrainian war, but our reaction to it, namely the sanction on the Russian fossil fuels.
Russia ranks second in the world with around 20% market share after the US’s 25%, to replace her share is not doable, no other single suppliers not the US and not even a group of suppliers (if they could, nobody but Qatar drilled for new gas holes in the last 3-5 years) can do it.
The only two options available for the governing clowns is let the people freeze, or lift the sanction on Russia, Baron reckons the caring Governing elites of the West will go for the former, the Japanese seems the only Government that goes for the latter – see one of the Baron’s previous postings.
A piece of news the MSM will not cover, and if they do, it will be bottom page 77 in small print. One couldn’t underestimate the importance of the visit if it takes place, it’s another step in the process of breaking up the American hold on the world finances, and as we all know it’s ‘money that makes the world go round’.
The biggest mistake the Americans and their vassals did when Russia marched into Ukraine is to freeze the Russia’s central government cash, the message it sent to everyone was ‘get rid of the dollars held in reserves’, these bucks will not be there if the Americans get displeased with you.
If they were to run it in the West there may have been some takers, but in Ukraine? Hmmm
It almost feels as if the one that came up with it wanted the slow down the recruitment, he must have known the belief system, the mores and habits of the Slavonic tribe in Ukraine or Russia, is not very much in favour of such progress, not yet anyway, the commercial may even put some of the fighters already in off.
Here’s Sharij’s latest vlog, it’s on Dugin and the tragic deaths of his daughter, Sharij reckons it’s the Ukrainians behind it, he has a piece of indirect evidence to prove it, he discovered a video published two days before the car blew up on one of the Ukrainian agitprop TV programmes ‘One-to-One’ in a slot called ‘Groshi’ (pennies or peanuts), you can see the Dugin item at 4:55min, the Ukrainian anchorman is saying ‘Dugin is running Putin, he’s Putin’s brains .. ….
‘That’s not true at all, it’s a lie, nobody has been talking about Dugin for years’, Sharij says and is right, Dugin hasn’t been in the news since 2019 the latest, the slot on Groshi was broadcast deliberately, it cannot be a coincidence that two days before Dugin was scheduled to get blown up (regretfully, it was his daughter that lost her life) his importance for Putin had to be established, elaborated on, reminded of, not a coincidence then, but a well prepared assassination attempt (not unakin to the assassination of the Iranian general few years ago).
The Spectator has a long piece on it by professor Galeotti, he is speculating, leans towards a theory that it was a contract killing ordered by Putin to whip up hatred towards Ukraine, many of the postings applaud the killing, the daughter was no good individual, worked for someone who’s close to Putin that sort of stuff, but there also are a few that represent what was good on this country when Baron arrived here:
“I know I don’t watch TV so I have happily avoided many graphic images in the news and I am getting older but I do find the photo of the father and the car with his daughter to be in poor taste. Quite indecent”.
“It is a very powerful picture showing an incredibly sad moment. What I miss in the article and the comments is that there is not even a trace of empathy for what was happening to those individuals in that moment, there is instead a huge onward jump to the bigger political and ideological picture, covering conspiracy, speculation, retribution, whatever. Pausing for just a moment would have been good?”
“I agree. What has happened to our humanity recently”?
“Oh, that died years ago for most people. Humanity is now reserved for people we agree with and support. The rest are considered non human and undeserving, now that is worrying”.
“I work for the god father of the infamous social media troll farms, you had better sanction me, or have me blown up in my car. If the west were strong, self assured, absolutely had the courage of its convictions, truly believed in democracy and universal suffrage it would not be remotely bothered about ‘troll farms’. Only those who believe the masses are feeble minded sheep could give a damn about the influence of such things, if indeed they exist. In the Mail Online this morning these ‘troll farms’ were described as the ones which interfered with the Clinton/Trump election. Dugin was also described as a Fascist in order to justify the murder of his 30 year old daughter.
Whether or not she was murdered by the Russians, the Ukranians, the British or the Americans the reporting of her murder here is unbelievably hypocritical. In the week we have seen all kinds of pro free speech hypocrisy from people who do not believe in free speech, over the attempted murder of Salman Rushdie it is amazing that nobody is batting an eyelid about the murder of this journalist because she and her father had views the establishment don’t agree with”.
“Can you not see how dangerous it is to pretend to detect no difference between people who write books about ideas and people who are in charge of military operations? And if we are reduced to slinging ‘fascist’ slurs around, when did it become acceptable for lefty liberals to champion the open supporters and lionisers of the world war two fascists in Ukraine? There is a great deal of hypocrisy here, you should be careful about taking sides between either of these groups and you should be horrified that our government has decided to get involved.”
Can this gets through?
There must have been some changes to what one can post, Baron cannot get through a table that’s of interest, here it is again, it’s the 5th attempt:
https://seed305dotb i t
To view the table posted at 15:41 you have do get rid of ‘dot’ and put the actual dot in, also combine the b i and t with chute, please.
Just back from a foray o’er the Fort into the highlands during which time I’ve marvelled at some the inhospitable and problematical places that electricity pylons and wind turdbines (sic) have been constructed by men. Giant Meccano™ sets.
I also reflected upon all the propaganda dished up on the run up to the 2019 General Election: “Vote Boris, Get Brexit Done, Get Back Control of our Borders, Don’t Let Corbyn’s Commies will turn the UK into Venezuela etc.” In hindsight it’s difficult to imagine how Jezza could have possibly improved upon Bojo’s achievements to date.
Tirana is already part of Eastbourne.
I also discovered the most alarming usage yet of a Percontation Point in a novel. Once again Cumbria leads the way!
@10:36 Forth!
Baron, August 21st, 2022 – 00:47
The departure of CNN’s “Eunuch in Chief” is to be lamented.
Let us pray that he gets a gig elsewhere or that Mark Dice can find another impersonation to cheer us all up with!
@10:36 additional.
NB. Whatever its other supply problems, at Venezuela has plenty of oil.
My dealer (merchant) tells me Columbia is also great for coal as well.
In case you missed it during your reiving expedition EC, Andrew Lawrence sums up the arrogant lunacy of the unrendered blob of pig fat that is Boris.
One doesn;t know whether to marvel at the achievements of the country of the 1.4bn burghers or be frightened of the same, some of the tech features, the face recognition amongst them, reminds one of the Leader of Oceania hold on the human pawns.
You will hear of the blue veined barbarian only intermittently, he’s travelling in the East, already has few stories of interest to tell you, but have patience, all in its own time.
Noa @ August 27th, 2022 – 16:58
Andrew’s spot on, Noa, the Blond Inseminator is now promising to re-built Ukrainian railways, which is more than rich given that ours need some urgent MOT also.
The other thing that infuriates Baron is the BBC spewing a big lie over and over again (Baron indulges in the luxury of listening to its overseas service) the monstrosity is quoting the Ukrainian drug addict saying the Russians are pummelling the Zaporozhye Nuclear plant, Europe could experience a nuclear Armageddon, unbelievable that given the Russians have captured the power generation facility back in March, how likely is it that they would be killing themselves, how stupid does the BBC think the people are?
EC @ August 27th, 2022 – 10:36
The moustachioed Simon has something to say about Boris’s war efforts, how right he is, too:
Safe travels Milud, try to avoid sharing a trench with Boris.
A post by Far Canal on TCW today.
“…I had an interesting fscr to face discussion with a total stranger who came to collect an item he had purchased off me on line.
At no time was politics mentioned or discussed and this person is a senior engineer, nearing retirement and working in Central London.
He was convinced that there would be rioting on the streets of London this year once there are energy outages. I explained that we had these energy cuts in the ‘Winter of Discontent’ but no rioting.
His answer was extraordinary, but I fear, true!
He said that there are thousands upon thousands of people living in high rise flats in London totally dependant upon electricity, bereft of storage for food, no money to cover increased costs and no recreational facilities other than TV and digital devices. with only emergency lighting and no lifts working they would be hungry prisoners in their own homes.
Again, I said much the same occurred back in the 70’s during the aforementioned period.
He then delivered the coup de grace!
Firstly, he pointed out that the majority were non British and did not possess the phlegmatic attitude of the native population and, furthermore, they were of the mindset that expected the government to provide for them. That there were considerably more people in this situation than in the 70’s and that there are far more agitators on the street to ensure maximum damage and publicity for the rioting he was convinced that it was a certainty it would happen.
Life could get interesting in a few months!…”
Personally I think that the mass rioting, looting and destruction will start in Europe, in Paris, Berlin, Brussels Amderstam and Rome where similar conditions apply and spread here.
Will it lead to the overthrow of national governments the irresistible rise in value of Arkwrights piano wire shares as politicos and mandarins dangle from lamp posts?
We shall see, for in Liz, as in Jim, we trust.
As in Attica so In Washington and Wurstmonster.
Noa – 15:05
Indeed, there was a riot in McDonalds, Nottingham, last week. Ronald’s bounty was looted. God knows what these crazed individuals will do when there’s a power cut and the deep fat fryers congeal.
An unusually restrained Mark Steyn highlights the UK’s descent into lawlessness:
For fear of looters the Friars of Buckfast Abbey will be requesting military escorts for their shipments up the M5/M6/M74/M8 to Glasgow!
The bartering of commodities: food & booze etc. will replace worthless fiat paper money. If Bill ‘n Greta are successful in culling all the cattle, sheep, goats, camels, yaks, horses etc. then the time of Soylent Green™ and not insects will soon be upon us.
“in Liz, as in Jim, we trust.”
Right now, it’s going to take someone of the ingenuity of James Bolivar diGriz to get us out of this fix!
LOL. Buckfast?
In exchange perhaps the canny jocks will in return be shipping tanker loads of the indispensable phlegm for use by the New Britons.
My earler post on the Salisbury Review.
And yet, the illegal immigrants are the least of the problem.
Ever generous with other people’s taxes the soon departing Mr Johnson has facilitated the current and future arrival of up to five million Hong Kong Chinese and two hundred thousand Ukrainians, amongst others: the regular ‘dependants’ from Pakistan, India, Nigeria and elsewhere.
Arriving in the New Jerusalem, as nearly a million have in the last year, they expect and are entitled to free money, accommodation, healthcare and education. And of course food into this soon to be re-wilded if slightly peckish and chilly country.
No matter that their skills are minimal, their taxi driving and social interaction, especially with white schoolgirls,is reknowned. In their gated estates our Mandarinate and politicians have already ensured that design powered generators will power their Teslas and lights in this and coming winters. The police and possibly the armed forces will, like those elsewhere in net zero anything Europe, will be tasked with contaiining the ‘exuberance’ anticipated by the Gang of Brussels from the new Europeans. That is, those who came to Europe to escape the very conditions they have been instrumental in creating here.
Perhaps the newest import into Britain and Europe, replacing all those unwanted nitrogen fertilisers, will be phlegm from the chemical factories of the People’s Republic. It may help those New Europeans and Britons to adjust to the iniquitie, of plague, poverty, hunger, cold, thirst and war that our politicians have deemed us worthy of revisiting.
I recently acquired (or reacquired) Harry Harrison’s Deathworld trilogy, the planet building sagas of Jason dinAlt and his dominating yet feminine girlfriend an straight line thinking friend Kerk.
All excellent stuff and as I read them in the armoured limousine taking me to the whinberry plantation workers cabins to become guest of honour at their annual harvest fest, I wondered why the CIA and DoS had never mandated them as the manuals for nation building in Iraq and Afghanistan, rather than the Washington Post and our own beloved Guardian?
Does the government really believe that wearing two sweaters will prevent major civil disturbance if the nation is deprived of its alcohol cosh after a thousand years?
Beer to hit £15 a pint, if you can find a brewer or a pub still in business to buy it. Stock up on homebrew kits, yeast and malt while you can.
Noa, August 29th, 2022 – 20:40
“LOL. Buckfast?”
Aye, the “Holy Swally” indeed. 🙂
Noa, August 30th, 2022 – 23:05
Noa, August 29th, 2022 – 15:05
Yes indeed, “Winter Is Coming.”
I’ve been pondering about that comment on TCW article. I think that the bloke who spoke about upcoming winter riots is very probably spot on.
Time to stock up on EVERYTHING, not just Bog. Following the recent news from Finland supplies at our local Lidl have been wiped out.
Noa, August 30th, 2022 – 08:44
Is “Useless Eustace” still nominally in charge of UK agriculture?
Paying farmers not to grow food and “rewild” or large lump sums to quit altogether is not only mad but evil. Boris ‘n Carrie und Klaus have earned their place in history alongside Mao, Uncle Joe, Pol Pot, and Uncle Bob. Mass starvation merchants one and all.
Plenty of people though, so stand by for Soylent Green™
h/t Mark Steyn
“Hunger ist kein Argument für Abstriche bei Biodiversität und Klimaschutz”
“Hunger is not an argument for making compromises when it comes to biodiversity and climate protection”
Cem Özdemir, 29/08/2022
German Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture since December 2021
Federal Chairman of the Green Party, 2008 – 2018.
“Secular Muslim” (whatever that means???)
Other thoughts of Chairman Cem.
“Es ist gut, dass die Menschen immer weniger Fleisch essen“
“It’s good that people are eating less and less meat.”
I hope that Germans vote for the AfD.
The German state and media, however, is as rabidly anti-AfD as the UK state/media were anti-UKIP.
Voters will be fed up with Greens, SPD, CDU etc but they’ll be told that the alternative is Nazism.
Germans, famous for being dim, will therefore keep on voting for the old parties.
Still, the four Generals: Unemployment, Cold, Hunger and Riot/War may cause a change of heart.
“Mark Steyn reacts to Leilani Dowding explaining being told by her bank that ‘the Government needs to know’ what she will spend money on while trying to withdraw her own money.”
A similar thing happened to somebody I know about 9 months ago. It was Santander in Carlisle that time.
Bald and Bankrupt inexplicably arrested (again) and now permanently banned from Russia.
“The Journey Is Over”
Sad news. See the last 10 min for what happened. Like Benjamin says, “Another example of Russia shooting itself in the foot again.”
@13:45 supplemental
UK Banks FREEZE People’s Accounts Due To Recession
A voice from the past: On today’s pervasive anti human hegemony or, if you will, Malignocracy…
“Truth, Sir, is a cow, that will yield such people no more milk, and so they are gone to milk the bull.”
Samuel Johnson
Boswell Life vol. 1, p. 444 (21 July 1763)
The natives were getting restless in old Czecho this weekend?
September 5th.
So this afternoon will E-II-R get to meet E-III-R, or will it be the Maharishi? Everybody assumes it will be the former, but I’ll laugh my socks off if the City has rigged at and it is the latter.
Unless the winner is prepared to take some radical steps within the first week, then the Tories are pretty much doomed anyway. Doubly so according to my great aunt Agatha.
Sitting on her perch of unearned moral superiority in one of the leafier, nicer, parts of Surrey, the senile champagne socialist has previously declared that the result will decide if the Tories have more racists than misogynists. Enough cognitive dissonance there to fill the void between here and Alpha Centauri.
To end on an optimistic note it seems that the trade unions want Sir Beer gone. So there might be something to cheer us up after all as we head into the party conference season and the northern hemisphere hurtles into the winter gloom and the purgatory lurking beyond…
Vote Corbyn, you know it makes sense! 😉
Sergei Lavrov expounding upon the current geopolitical situation…
No lectern thumping or repetitive soundbites, Russians always seem to give themselves to luxury of long speeches. Eleven minutes is hardly long, though, as compared to the interminable four hour speeches delivered by Gorbachev, Uncle Joe et al to captive audiences.
Eleven minutes is hardly long, though, as compared to the interminable four hour speeches delivered by Gorbachev, Uncle Joe et al to captive audiences.
… or even Noa’s ‘Town Hall’ addresses to his migrant estate workers!
EC 09.35
Would you interrupt a Russian politician? Comrade? I seem to remember Izzy giving him a lecture on how we would defend the Russian territories he mentioned to her a few moths ago. Such much for geography.
Yes Izzy, Edinburgh is in Britain. Stop crying, you don’t have to go and we won’t let Nikki shout at you.
Thanks for tge reminder EC! With the crops in and windmills oiled I have now signed off the redundancy letters and, in the adopted Liverpool style of the best socialists, a taxi will deliver them today.
“Will the next “Prime Minister” continue to salami slice the British nose to spite the Russian face?”
H/T Sandra Cooke The Salisbury Review
It’s takes an Aussie…
Rita with an honest appraisal of the outgoing PM
No doubt Britain and Europe, chained to the sinking USS Biden, will go down with her.
USS Biden: Well, Il Papa and anybody else downwind of the hulk, would definitely vouchsafe for stinking.
File under: Typhoo Tea, Britain, Scunthorpe etc.
An interesting video from Dominic Frisby. He’s right about commodities.
It’s almost as if western governments are acting in concert enacting restrictions, some say attacks, on farmers to engineer food shortages.
Here in the outer spiral arm of the UK we have cornered the market in water.
I do hope that Ms. Truss wasn’t expected to find her own way to Balmoral…
Will they share the same helicopter there and back again?
Let’s hope they both catch pneumonia whilst being kept waiting the unheated Balmoral anteroom.
Bye Boris.
Thank you for turning off the lights on your way out.
The last batch of non fancy household candles that I bought exactly a year ago would cost 50% more on Amazon, today. Last year postage was free, this year the buggers want £2.48 postage on top!
“I feel your pain, Bro,” as the boyfriend of my youngest and wokest daughter said to me. Once.
The laws of supply and demand obviously continue to operate, as we move towards rationing, wartime style black markets, spivs and the barter economy. (‘You want nice school girl for kebab, Mo?’).
The other economic principle of ‘Make or buy’ now comes into operation. Should we redeploy our house servants on making candles from our stocks of sheep tallow, or simply reduce their wages again?
RIP Your Majesty, we will miss you more than anyone or anything else.
That’s it then for the Kingdom, the loonies will take over fully.
Shall one despair or cut himself off from what’s coming next?
Noa @ September 7th, 2022 – 11:20
Not a bad one, Noa, would you like to be ‘Broed’ from now on?
The freeze of energy bills at £2,500 necessitating the borrowing of £150bn is the biggest folly, an error of biblical proportions, bigger even that the B&B’s profligacy with cheap money, it solves nothing, it’s an expensive plaster on a boil that will continue to fester, unless we switch to cheap Russian gas we will never get the same cost of primary energy that would make the households’ bills acceptably low and the industry competitive.
The boil is the cost of the primary energy, not the downstream distribution of it, it’s the oil and gas extractors against the solar and wind energy generators, the latter are intermittent hence must be backed up by fossil fuel generators that will idle when the sun shines and the wind blows, nuclear’s too distant to make any difference now, it’s rather ironic the imbecility of the £2,500 freeze comes along as the Queens leaves us.
In an interview with the FT Truss said: “I a going to be unashamedly pro-business government” that would reduce taxes rather than offering what she called “handouts.”
What she’s done is the opposite, it’s a handout to the distributors of energy, the taxes we will have to pay will increase and not be cut.
EC @ September 6th, 2022 – 12:11
The important question to ask, EC, are they scented?
Noa @ September 5th, 2022 – 13:51
An enjoyable quote, Noa.
Noa, September 7th, 2022 – 11:20
“Should we redeploy our house servants on making candles from our stocks of sheep tallow, or simply reduce their wages again?”
Here’s the nub of a good idea…
Install a few of these in your cellar and set your servants to work powering Arkwright Hall’s lighting and domestic appliances.
Baron – 12:40
Please give us an update on the recent demonstrations in Praha, and the part you played in them
Time to prepare for the revolution that’s coming. You can’t say we weren’t warned.
“The Pedants Revolt…?”
Barry Cryer: Comedy legend, Imo the best thing ever to come out of Leeds. He wrote with and for them all. I have bought and read many of his several autobiographies.
Barry may have been on one of the mosts memorable hours of BBC Radio 4 ever broadcast One of his writing partners, John Junkin, certainly was. My memory fades (I thought it was 1982 but Wiki says ’86) Victor Lewis-Smith hired Arthur Mullard as a guest presenter whilst the turgid Libby Purves was away on holiday. “Arfurr” got a panel of his comedy mates on, and the result was, imo, one of the funniest, side-splitting, unscripted conversations that was ever broadcast, before or since that date. However “Aunty” was not pleased. A pity really as they could’ve have made a fortune selling tapes of that show.
“C’mon Man!” Spill the beans on the Praha demo/riot.
“The Queen is dead. Long live the King.”
Hitchens hopes for the future.
It, together with Neil Olivers eloquent and thoughtful tribute to the Queen, may she rest in peace, constitutes the best journalistic analysis of this profound event for Britain that I gave seen.
Did you note the behaviour of the Slithereen today? How Blair invegieled himself to the front in the very Premiership of self audulating sharp elbowed chicanery?
What’s most striking, leaving aside the bad singing of the proper tune for the occasion, on this short video taken by the Guardian?
Or, to put it differently, can you spot any other face but white in the most multiracial city in the country?
EC @ September 9th, 2022 – 12:45
This make sense, EC, the Californians are keen on exercises, gyms are their second homes, running is as widespread for most of them as is sitting in a comfortable chair for Baron, the cost of the wheel cannot be that prohibitive, they can all run inside it rather than on the streets where they can be harmed by people driving cars with internal combustion engines or by criminals.
Noa @ September 10th, 2022 – 20:48
Neil’s excellent, it’s hard to fathom why Britain did so well when a woman was in charge, the first Elizabeth, Victoria, in our times Elizabeth the Great, she won’t be a hard act to follow, she cannot be followed, nobody can come close to following her, with her death comes the end of Britain as she was, the Mother of Parliament, the cradle of democracy, the land of tolerance, civility and common sense.
Sad, very sad but not unexpected, one wonders what Frank would have said.
What can Baron say about the demo?
What can anyone say about a large gathering of people expressing their unhappiness with a regime that doesn’t listen, cannot listen because the far far away masters wouldn’t allow it to listen.
Noisy, rather disorganised, not at all bad tempered until a bunch of provocateurs had to be calmed down by the police, surprisingly a rather well mixed composition of the demonstrators, probably more of the young than the old, plenty of orators addressing the crowds, unfortunately the noise was such that the speakers could have declaimed swear words and nobody would have noticed, more so for Baron who arrived late (a lunch with a friend was the reason), couldn’t get close to the podium that was close to the statue of a king of the past.
Speaking to anyone was close to impossible because of the racket, but surprisingly most of those Baron managed to speak, and those that went to have a beer with him after the tumult were not concerned about the hard times ahead, the cost of petrol or anything that one would expect to exercise them because such things have a bearing on one’s life directly, but about the country’s backing for Ukraine.
The young men and girls were well informed about the Kiev putsch in February 2014, some knew more than Baron about the events before it happened, one of them was in Ukraine, left after his girlfriend was threatened (not because of anything political but because she refused to say thank you in Ukrainian in a shop, she was told how to say it, but thanked the shopkeeper in Russian).
The pub drinkers didn’t add much to anything but showed again a remarkable knowledge of things Ukrainian and Russian (Baron talked to about a dozen of them), without furnishing support for either Ukraine or Russia, most of them didn’t want to have anything to do with the conflict, one of them feared it could spread.
There was another demo Baron missed because he was hoping to attend a lecture on the Ukrainian conflict in a church, the lecture and the demo to decriminalise marihuana took place at the same time but at different parts of the city, the lecturer didn’t turn up, Baron had to be happy with a piece of cake and a cup of surprisingly good coffee.
Baron – 00:16
Thank you. First hand accounts of these events are important.
Noa – 20:48
Agreed, Neil was excellent. Neil’ s beard trim, his donning a jacket and black tie, in stark contrast to his customary attire, served to amplify his comments about the gravity of what has just inevitably occurred.
Blair and Campbell should be in jail.
I’ll maybe see you all again on the 20th September when we get to see what “they” have secretly been up to since the 8th.
The Queen has died
London Bridge has fallen
A fairytale has ended
No longer can we
Cling to naiveite
There’s simply a day
That separates yesterday
From today
I’m sorry
What did you say
I’ve narrated this way
For so long
How can we say goodbye
To childhood
It was a great ride.
We’ve arrived
And the Queen died
And I can’t say I cried
Twas only a fairytale anyway
However grim the end
But we go on and on
I’ll tell you a new tale
With a different ending
Till then
Stay out of reach
Let them reach out to you
No skin off your back
Playing devils’ advocate
It’s what you’re good at
Mysterious aloof
That beauty surrounds you
Is proof
You’ve come so far
Only to find
You’re back at the start
Wherever you are.
Fairytales come and go
But we go on and on
I’ll tell you a new tale
In a fairytale world without end
Long live the King
Fergus Pickering @ September 12th, 2022 – 22:41
The ending’s OK though.
EC @ September 12th, 2022 – 10:58
Enjoy, EC, whatever it is you’ll be up to till September 20.
The Russian forces are getting pummelled, they withdrew from around Kharkov, are under pressure in the Donbas region as well as in Zaporizhzhia, it was major blunder by Putin to invade, it was equally insane to let the fighting be done by the forces of the two breakaway Republics, the Chechens and the volunteers, what did he expect these fighters can accomplish against a combined Ukraine and NATO combatants, intelligence and modern killing tools? The man has lost it, he should think about retiring.
You reckon it was wise of Charles to go for Charles as the sobriquet of his Kingship? The first one got his head chopped off, of the second it was said that he never said a foolish thing and never did a wise one’, our Charlie has said more than enough silly things, but will he manage the reverse of his namesake in doing wise things?
Something tells Baron we may hit some choppy waters soon, if the Winter turns cold, not bitterly cold, cold would be enough to get people thinking whether it’s the war in Ukraine that makes us shiver or our response to it.
He, the one with the capital H or whoever it is running the weather, must be siding with Russia, a couple of centuries ago it was the French that got the frostbites trying to conquer the largest Slavonic tribe, closer to our times it was the turn of the Hun that got frozen before reaching Moscow, and now, as a lesson seems not to have been learnt, it may well be the Full Monty of the West that will get iced unless of course someone somewhere wises up, gets real, turns the switch on on the N-2.
It doesn’t seem real that she’s gone, it’s hard to imagine she will no longer tell us what the past years had brought her and us, we will no more feel secure in the knowledge that even though she cannot say anything publicly she keeps an eye on things in her private weekly chats with whoever the clown in no10 may be.
It’s sad beyond comprehension, Baron hopes for the best fears that more than worse may lay ahead even though in a way he’s lucky, he’s old, thinks often whether there’s any point living in a world he finds difficult to figure, but the young don’t think that, they have sex, drugs and the booze.
“Let’s get der band back together and go on tour.”
There’s only ein problem, those teutonic German birthrates won’t sustain Barbarossa the replay. Will the new German s oblige?
Baron, September 13th, 2022 – 23:24
“Enjoy, EC, whatever it is you’ll be up to till September 20.”
I’ll not be up the much as the whole nation appears to be skiving off as “a mark of respect” until after the funeral
Noa – 08:34
There’s about six million Turks that Erdogan can call upon.
Baron 23.28
Are we seeing the real ‘Build back Better’ autocratic elitist in Pengate 1 and 2?
ECHR 09.01
The problems of WFH are twofold.
The schemes and plans ‘She who must be obeyed’ cooks up generally ruin one’s own best laid plans and the cost of heating and lighting is about to make it ruinous to do more than warm your mittens by the candle (four candles?)
Still, Socialist Lancashire County Council are offering us an escape plan, which they’ve obviously borrowed from the Germans…
Best of all they may enforce the no talking libray rule so her indoors can’t follow us.
“Still, Socialist Lancashire County Council are offering us an escape plan, which they’ve obviously borrowed from the Germans…” LOL, indeed!
Will LCC issue a “no raping” mandate for their indoor library warming sessions, or would that contravene their diversity and inclusion policy?
The end is coming faster than expected in the US.
Tucker explains…
You should listen to the guy, the argument put forward by Rand is almost exactly what Baron was saying on the Spectator blog, Olaf’s fugging Germany more than Adolf did considering that he, Olaf, didn’t really invade anyone.
What the report misses is the further erosion of German sovereignty engendered by the country’s refusal to buy Russian fossil fuels, the supplies of the commodity will now come from sources controlled either directly or indirectly by the US, the Germans are genuinely fugged, and with them the EU also because it’s Germany’s economy that was the major source of funds for the Brussels apparatchiks.
Interesting times lie ahead, boys (and girls if any is listening).
PS: Baron’s off for a few days, you keep watching the crowds lining up to enter the Westminster Hall.
EC @ September 14th, 2022 – 16:40
And some would insist, EC, the rest of the world should buy the American model, it’s the British way of life that should get promoted, the one before the country turned ‘rainbowed’.
Who the hell are the corrupt EUFA to tell football clubs not play the National Anthem?
Full credit to the protestants of Glasgow Rangers for playing it and shame on all the others for not doing so. And a special place in the pit of shame is reserved for the Celtic ‘fans’ who held up banners stating “Fuck the Crown” and sorry for your loss, Michael Fagan”. If Ireland is so good, go there.
The anti English and corrupt UEFA & FIFA organisations ought to be told to piss off for a number of reasons.
The activities and rhetoric of the Scottish National Socialist Party over the past years have only served to make the pre-existing tribal hatred and division within the ‘wegie fitba, and wider, community even worse.
Nicola took the shit stirring to the next level by shamefully flirting with Sinn Féin after the Northern Ireland Assembly election results in May.
September 13th, 2022 – 23:22 Baron
Fergus is misunderstood,
He was not rude.
He is not of the blood
But would if he could
I thank you for our Queen,
For all that she has been!
By generations seen
As steadfast and serene.
EC 10.06
Interesting, thank you. I wasn’t aware of Krankies’ manoeuvres with the PIRA PR unit. She may find that she’s bitten off more than she can chew in such hate mongering. Feelings still run deep and it’s not just Irish nationalists “that haven’t gone away, you know…” as the arch weasel Gerry Adams memorably said. English nationalism is still around and its getting more miffed by the day.
The Moustache covers a currently unfashionable view of patriotism.
And, not unrelated to this little polemic, one of the EUs most loquacious propagandists may seek asylum elsewhere. He should be able to buy a cheap inflatable from Border Forc, but will the French let him in?
The Swedish mirage may soon be followed by an Italian illusion. Do voters really think that their national nomenclatura are going to veer away from “ever closer union” with the Fourth Reich, as Celia Von Imrie trumpets Ukrainian fast track membership?
.I shall miss the Bellend, whose prison sentence seems uttely disproportionate to say the least, given the difficulties Pakistani nonces find in getting themselves locked up.. He helped to keep many of us sane during Dictator Johnson’s imprisonment of an entire nation.
A reasonably objective if ultimately techno-legal explanation of why Alex will be playing with Soap on a rope with Britain’s finest criminals for two and a golf years.
Noa – 00:43
A sad case. The fact that he insisted on representing himself in court and refused to give evidence defending himself proved to me that, how shall I phrase this, “that he “wasn’t quite the full shilling.”
“Sentencing guidelines” are all very well taken in academic isolation but, as you aver, sentences are not coherently comparable across different types of crimes.
The message has gone out though. i.e. “don’t fuck with the state broadcaster.” Do not mention Jeremy Vine, Gary Goalhanger, or Naga Munchies on more than one occasion on YouTube video as twice or more will now constitute stalking!
One can see why all the worthies,”the great and the good” in the politico-media swamp are so keen on the some of the Trojan horse clauses in the May-Dorries’ “Online Safety Bill.
I gave up watching Daniel Shensmith’s BBB channel for a couple of reasons. It became too click-baity, and the second reason was the depressing realisation of how over regulated our lives have become since my childhood in the 50’s. It’s got to the stage where one hardly can risk getting out of bed in the morning without contravening some regulation or another. Fart on the way out and that’ll be double the fine!
In Scotland they no longer have the luxury of free speech within their own homes!
Woe betide homes and businesses that don’t have the official portrait of Nicola on the wall.
Noa – 00:15
“The Swedish mirage may soon be followed by an Italian illusion.”
I must’ve dimension jumped. I thought that the Swedes made the Viggens, the French the Mirages, the Ruskies the Illusions (sic) and the Italians the Lambrettas and Vespas… 😉
“I’ll get me coat…”
I apologise unreservedly for Gripen about Swedish Mirages…
Arrrgh… Nurse, N-U-R-S-E ! The curtains…
That takes me back to the early 2000s, when I was engaged on developing and negotiating a joint venture agreement with Saab to market and sell the Gripen. A stupid idea, as we could never recover our own development costs out of the potential market. Still, we did as our masters requested.
It was an utter disaster, we only sold the thing to South Africa and were subsequentlyinvolved in corruption allegations, another sale to Hungary resulted in massive US government ffines. Not surprisingly ‘I told you so. did not go down well with our bosses.
I’ve never liked Sweden much since, boring humourless, prigs. The Sanes and Norwegians were much more fun.
If your getting your coat mate sure it’s a warm one!
As for Mirage, it was never easy dealing with Dassault, our deadly competitors and French, zout alors! Another joint venture, based on total distrust that worked reasonably well and the food was always good.
As for yakking about the Russians… no illusions there, after the Cold War ended Russias secrets were for sale to the highest bidder by destitute state employees and a trip to Berlin secured the complete aircraft specification for the Yakovlev 39 for a bargain USD 30k in cash of course, despite the attentions of the BND, all cloak and dagger, great fun but adrenaline inducing.
Ah, the BundesNachrichtenDienst! That’s Cherman for Colander, innit? 🙂
Reportedly, and unfortunately for some, all their best spooks were also in the employ of the Stasi and KGB.
In the 80’s the BND tried to recruit someone of my acquaintance to do some “research” on their behalf and he told them to piss off (very politely) in short order. The quickest way to secure accommodation at the Lubyanka Hilton!
Wiki: “In 2006 the Russian government merged Ilyushin with Mikoyan, Irkut, Sukhoi, Tupolev, and Yakovlev under a new company named United Aircraft Corporation.”
Recreating the BAE?
It was the Mother of all pomp and circumstance, of pageantry and substance, of public and private, no other country could ever stage anything even close to it, one can bet many burghers on the Continent in France, Italy, Austria perhaps even in Russia must have felt envious, had they retained their own monarchies, they would have also possessed a ready made fixative of national cohesion, politicians eat your heart out.
The most amazing part for Baron, who had never watched so much TV before and drank so copiously during daytime, were the crowds, silent in their respect and admiration for a single human being, they waited for hours and hours, stood quietly when the hearse passed them, watched patiently the last journey of an exceptional individual without anyone asking them to, close to unbelievable in today’s world where those in governance command us as if we were kids unable to make up our minds ourselves, the healthy core of Britishness they all are.
The monarchy got MOTed well in roughly a week with a panache that was both extraordinary and humbling, will the new King avoid denting it?
Noa & EC
You two boys are revealing till now unrevealed side of your past, non-kosher wheeling and dealing, fighter jet mishaps, massive fines imposed by our special friends, KGB secrets sold for peanuts …. Baron will have to be more careful from now on what he says, there must be an equivalent of the Ljubjanka hotel in this country also, he must avoid booking himself in.
More of a retold past. I spent all my working life behind a desk, essentially just pressing buttons. But outside of that I met a few older people who had more interesting careers. In my earlier decades I also met four real life WW2 Nazis ranging from charming to deeply unpleasant. Always interesting talking to older people.
The period following the collapse of the Berlin Wall was an interesting one. Moscow resembled Dodge City. There was a lot of ‘moonlighting’ going on, as the KGB acted as bodyguards and chauffeurs for western businessmen… all paid for in hard cash $$$$s
Have you seen this? Bald & Bankupt’s interrogation tape…
Deliberately leaked? And what happened to the rest of the tape?
It all seems very gentlemanly.
I kept expecting his inquisitors to produce a pot of tea, plate of cucumber sandwiches (no crusts obviously), followed by scones, jam and some clotted cream.
I didn’t realise he could speak Russian that well.
The only time I’ve seem him look serious.
Whaddya reckon?
EC 09.33
“…The period following the collapse of the Berlin Wall was an interesting one. Moscow resembled Dodge City. There was a lot of ‘moonlighting’ going on, as the KGB acted as bodyguards and chauffeurs for western businessmen… all paid for in hard cash $$$$s…”
It was a time of personal dilemmas and inner conflict for do many, witnessing the replacement of Pravda with Prada.
“…the replacement of Pravda with Prada.”
🙂 Wonderful!
There’s a new highly entertaining eight part series on Netflix called “KLEO.”
It is set in Berlin in the years before and after the Wall came down in ’89. Pure fiction, it’s best described as revenge movie with a heavy helping of black comedy. (*)
The Chermans have come up with a rip roaring winner here. It has a superb cast and the magic ingredient that Alistair Maclean used to call “pace.” The dialogue is in uncomplicated German with English subtitles.
Very difficult not to “binge watch” this. 10/10.
* Andy Carpark would maybe like this and he is a fan of works Dr. Anton Phibes and Edward Lionheart!
EC @ September 20th, 2022 – 09:51
He shouldn’t have been as apologetic at the start of the chat, he could have said the timing of the special op was wrong, why wait until Ukraine was ready, bolstered by NATO in training, military gear supplies and stuff, he could have said ‘why not tell Z if you don’t stop killing your own people in Donbas we will lob as many missiles as it needs to stop you bombing the place’, then do exactly that, missiles no boots for the special op, he should have said other top politicians do make errors, point to Mutti’s ‘come everyone, Germany’s open for you’, or Margaret’s polls tax.
It was a golden opportunity for him to spend few days inside Russian jail, that would have boosted his popularity sky high, the interview will very likely dampen the followers’ enthusiasm, not many but why hurting one’s popularity? The Russians that protest get weeks inside, he would have been given fewer days, a truly excellent chance missed.
Come to think of it though Baron behaved in a similar manner when interrogated by a KGB Colonel at Ljubjanka, he also chickened out, tried to put a more acceptable interpretation on his ‘sins’, but then his life was at stake, kind of different environment then.
Will come back, have to dash.
EC 09.51
His truly heinous crime is disrespecting YouTube! How dare he talk like that against our bastion of free speech, tge guardian and preventor of dusinfomatzion!
A very weird and disjointed interrogation, perhaps the cucumber was being used for other purposes than sandwich making.
A fine eulogy for Her Majesty, thank you.
Now we are left with her petulant idiot offspring, trying on his own to revive the device right of Kings I wonder how long the dislikeable Windsor family will last.
What were you doing to be hauled into the Lubianka by the KGB? How did you get out? Where can we buy your best selling memoirs?
Like Dick Barton followerswe wait breathlessly for next instalment….
EC 09.52
Its probably just as well that the Romanov family is no more, otherwise we could have witnessed the replacement of Isveztia with investiture after the fall of Gorbachev.
“…the device right of Kings…”
It should be the divine right of course. Arghh!
The best summer in 70 years and for some it’s still too grim up north…
From the dock of the court, the defendant said he wanted to be deported immediately.
He said: “I don’t want to stay here – not even for one minute.”
Meanwhile in Leicester there’s a turf war going on… Leics Police Twitter Squad and Elite TikTok Dancers prove ineffective. EL CID still missing. Truss to call in the Met. The Met Office, that is. “A good dose of rain should short ’em out.”
They’re a sparky lot these efnics, real dynamos, but thats down to the current buzz inn’t bro!
I’ll get me pads…
Baron, September 21st, 2022 – 10:46
Selling the big lie:
A while back you posted up a link to a shockingly graphic video “2+2=5”
Your comment was, “This is how it’s done, Chaps”
Link here:
Jordan Peterson was recently interviewed by the ghastly Piers Morgan,
The interview, ostensibly about Ukraine-Putin, contained an interesting snippet where Peterson touches upon the nature of totalitarianism:
Link here:
Notwithstanding the contribution by Morgan, fascinating stuff.
Ye Gods, not even the surviving Barclay brother is safe!
The Channel Islands were peaceful until some men from Slough arrived…
Knock, knock! Is there anybody there?
I’m having another Major Errol Phipps / Stalag Luft 112B moment here, chaps.
Is it really worth going on?
A pity, because I was hoping to ask if anyone could remember reading Dr. K’s 1957 tome Nuclear Weapons & Foreign Policy. Until the dawn of the Neocons was it unlikely that the Yanks would go “all in,” risk everything, if there was a limited nuclear exchange in Europe? If that was the case would that mean for the last 72 years Nato has largely been “smoke and mirrors?”
EC @ September 25th, 2022 – 09:48
Why did the Slough boisterous young men decide to go visit this small island in the first place, EC? Did they intend to burgle a house to two intentionally before they arrived there? Was it indeed the peacefulness of the place that made them do it? How on earth did they imagine to get away with it.
It seems that this enrichment of our culture is not going to stop anytime soon, the Female intends to boost immigration to get our economy booming, that’s the surest way of the Tories getting boots out of power in 2024, for her it could be the first signs of a creeping Witzelsucht decease, individual telling inappropriate jokes when it’s neither the time nor the place for such unwanted frivolities.
Everyone needs a holiday from time to time, EC, holiday from the drabness of whatever one may be doing most of the time, that must include blogging also, Baron has taken few days off because there still are things that take priority over penning stuff nobody ever reads.
Still, how are we going to fund the tax cuts? Sort of cutting back on services, a rather unwise move given the state of the NHS and the coming of Winter what with the health delivery service being the most expensive item on the Government budget, or reducing the money destined for the new enlarged Armed Services and our generous assistance to our newly found eastern friend Ukraine, it will have to be borrowing.
Here it may be the repeat of what happened in 2008 when it was the bond market that cut short the ‘no boom no bust’ idiocy of Labour, it may once more be the bond market that will hoist the cost of money to a level at which few companies or even financial institutions will go belly up, and then what?
Don;t be put off by the slow start, the guy has his own way of talking, but what he says makes sense, Baron intends to purchase the book, will report on what he finds in it.
That Russia was offered a NATO membership in the 90s when Boris was in the Kremlin and Berezovsky did everything he could to get the job that went later to Putin ws a revelation to Baron, he has always argued NATO was set up primarily not to prevent the communist decease spreading west, but to subdue Russia, take over her natural resources fully.
Not so sure the referenda in the four eastern regions of Ukraine are the best way forward in the Ukrainian conflict, there is nothing to stop Z shelling the regions after they join Russia, if anything the cutting off the east/south of Ukraine must necessitates the full takeover of Ukraine, something the West may not let to happen without a head on fight with the Russians, the NATO units will have to see combat in Ukraine, which could lead to an even greater escalation into Europe proper, God forbid.
Did Putin lie when he said the special operation was to denazify Ukraine? He must have because 225 of the Azov fighters have been allowed to travel to Turkey where they should spend the time it takes for the conflict to end in a well guarded establishment, or so says apparently the deal, but can one trust the Turkish tinpot dictator? More to the point, what happens after the conflict ends, do the Azov boys, the five leaders in particular, return to Ukraine, or to another country to plot again?
A rather stupid move as the released men include some that were accused of torture. It seems the Kremlin man has lost it, the people will dislodge him, the communists will take over, something no one should welcome.
EC @ September 22nd, 2022 – 13:25
Thanks for posting the Peterson interview, EC, Baron had been sent it earlier by a friend, refused to watch it because it’s that ghastly spineless Morgan doing the interviewing, Baron couldn’t miss your posting it, it’s superb, at the beginning the ghastly mesomorph interrupts, but when Peterson gets going, he remains speechless, far above his grade, couldn’t find a weak point in the great man’s monologue to exploit, the to$$er.
What if we learnt how to stay healthy and live longer from China, or even Canada would be better than what the NHS seems capable of?
For a Government it’s criminally reckless to give away money they haven’t got.
Anthony Barber tried something similar in 1972, he ‘dashed for growth’ in not unakin economic environment, it lasted for around two years, the quadrupling of oil prices killed it, sterling collapsed, inflation set it, peaked at some 25%.
This time round, we’re unlikely to get any growth at all as the cost of energy is already high, unlikely to come down soon, the sterling is already collapsing, inflation and the falling sterling will force the BoE to hike the cost of money more than the priced-in level of 4.5%, it won’t be growth we’ll get but stagflation.
Baron, September 25th, 2022 – 21:41
A bit of a faux pas from Liz on immigration his weekend.
She should engage Kamala Harris mode during any improvisations.
Re: Witzelsucht
No laughing matter. How typically Cherman!
I dislike the cultural Marxist PC term “inappropriate.” To whom?
Down with Huns, up with Puns!
Got Covid this weekend. Not much fun.
At my “witz ende”, so it’ll be up to Noa to discuss the finer points of Ms Melons and her stunning election victory in Italy.
EC @ September 26th, 2022 – 10:32
If it’s the Omicron variant, EC, it may be unpleasant as every flu-like infection is, but it’s not dangerous, it’s the best vaccine you could hope to get, your immune system will get a boost and you’ll be set for years to be free of another infection of the same family of viruses, just have patience, you’ll be fine, keep us informed though.
It’s funny how name conjures up a picture of a ripe melon for Baron, sweet, juicy and satisfying, let’s hope that’s the future the young lady will deliver for Italy.
Boosting immigration is certainly a bold move in the pursuance of unpopular policies, the new Female in no10 wasn’t joking when she said this was what she would not shy from doing, but it also neatly confirms Baron’s comparison of today’s immigration with the colonisation of the past, Mrs Truss is a member of the middle class, that fits also in Baron’s view that it’s the middle class that governs us, hence it’s the governance for the benefits of the middle class.
Most of the objections to it can be summed up as putting more stress on housing, schooling, social services and such as well depressing the wages of the lower strata the proletariat (who may not be that keen to go for the job vacancies the immigrants are going to fill), the one impact of economic nature of immigration that’s often overlooked is that immigration prevents productivity to improve, it puts a break on to, there’s little incentive for those using the cheap immigrant labour to mechanise, to install new technologies, computerise the operations performed by the immigrants, the risk is obvious, come a crisis, the cheap labour disappears, returns home, or simply gets on benefits as happened when the covid pandemic hit, the digging of carrots or pushing the trollies in hospitals no longer happens.
Who are the middle class?
How many of them are there?
Are we middle class?
Of course you being a Baron, in fact the Baron, are not Middle but Upper class, n’cest pas?
Noa @ September 26th, 2022 – 22:39
The majority of people living in the UK (say) between two thirds and three quarters of the population could be labelled middle class with an income from (as a guess) £30k to £140k all further divided between lower MC and higher MC according to the jobs performed or professions followed, or we can all be split into the seven classes that as we’re told we’ve evolved into – see the chart – that’s all very rough, but whichever one slices it the former working class, the one where men wore caps and women scarves has been on the way out for some time, is now largely populated by immigrants during their early years of arriving here.
Officially, people that are either without a job for longer than a year or those on disability benefits don’t count as a separate category, but they do for Baron, he believes that many in the latter group are people that chose not to have jobs and those in power to avoid calling this group ‘the long term unemployed’ have decided to make them disabled, Baron knows a couple of such individuals, no jobs for decades, listed as disabled but more than capable cutting large hedges, cultivating allotments and such.
And yes, we’re middle class, the upper echelon of the society are people who have either income or accumulated wealth of a magnitude where spending it is close to impossible thus they engage in not acquiring material assets like houses, cars, yachts or whatever but influence, control, power over others (say) guys like Soros, Bezos, Musk being the top of that layer.
Of course, as you point out Baron’s exceptional, he of the blue veined phylum doesn’t fit any of the categories, he’s in a drawer of his own, heh, heh, heh.
Why TF shouldn’t Rupa Huq say Kwarteng is ‘superficially a black man’? Has it in any way denied his right to do the job he’s doing? What if she said he was ‘superficially a man’, or that he was ‘superficially a well educated individual’ would that also have caused an uproar?
Racism is only when one’s denying an equal opportunity for someone of a different skin colour to one’s own, that’s it, anything else cannot be racist, it may be unpleasant, sickening, wrong or whatever, but never racist.
Unless we stick to defining racism as the denial of an equal opportunity to all regardless of their skins’ melanin content we will get into the realm of the ridiculous, this is one example to it.
What Rupa Huq said was, nasty, hateful, objectionable and wrong, but she should have the right to say it, in no way did it deny the guy the job in the Government or even question it
The EU has taken a firm stance, no refugee status to anyone leaving Russia, those that are saying good-by to the country of the largest Slavonic tribe must be turned back, their job is to stay put in the Kingdom of Putin, fight him.
One cannot but applaud this decision, it’s absolutely spot on, pity it doesn’t seem to apply to incomers from other countries (say) Syria, Afghanistan, Albania …. and most of all Ukraine, we should also send everyone that left Ukraine back, why shouldn’t they go hit the invading Russians, build democracy, enjoy freedoms of any kind in their own motherland.
Truly courageous of the great Mark Steyn to run a clip with Biden saying months before the N-2 got finished he would ensure the gas pipeline from Russia will never be operational, that may lead to Mark’s dismissal, not for saying it, they will find a different reason for sacking him.
Baron – 21:34
Mark doesn’t care anymore.
Of course the usual suspects are making the lazy accusation that the latest act of eco-terrorism was committed by the {{{Russians}}} with Ursula Von Der Lying being the primary smearleader.
The fact is, I don’t know, you don’t know, but surely any intelligent person would step back and ask cui bono? It’s not a difficult question to answer. I suspect you came to the same conclusion that I did.
Covid Day 4.
Bloody awful 3rd night. Prayed for Dr. Shipman to appear with a BIG syringe of morphine. Sadly he never came.
Baron, September 27th, 2022 – 19:48
Down in the trenches of the culture wars the lefties, and other loonies, are pleasingly turning upon themselves. Saul Alinsky must be looking down and thinking, “Oh shit! That wasn’t supposed to happen.”
Baron – 21:34
Tucker aired the same Lesko Brandon clip.
I sincerely hope your recovery is swift. I had the wu flu in June and treated it with contempt and sloe gin.
Down at the surgery for my annual flu vaccination this morning and noted that the mask gauleiters have given up the unequal task of scaring all but the very old and the intellectually credulous of unfortunately there are still too many.
Still does any of it matter when the mad old bustard Joe, or Zelensky, is inciting German and European unrest by creating fuel wars?
Could it be Vlad who is the pipe wrecker? He would lose his gas revenues, at least until new income streams from China and India come fully online, but will foment widespread unrest and destabalisation in Europe even before General Winter reduces the total energy supply to one unused charcoal barbecue pack in Pankow.
Modern ‘Racism’ is the substitution of skin colour for ability, and simply, like the sexuality campaigns one campaign front in the culture wars destroying the West.
Tuckers interesting analysis.
Does Smoky Joe even know what Nordstream 2 is?
Noa – 12:17
Why would Vlad go to all the time and trouble of blowing up his own pipeline under the Baltic sea when all he had to do was turn off the taps at his end, on dry land, without getting his feet wet?
OTOH could it have been a Spetsnaz black ops mission to discredit “our special friends” (© John Le Carré, Baron etc.)
We need to check your thinking!
How dare you apply logic and reason to the matter of the pipeline destruction huch is causing monumental ecological destruction!
Of course the new non Roosian gas supply to Dennarj gas new cine in line….
How we need Boris with his sore hands to lead us out of the valley of death in this time of crisis,…not.
There’s no doubt who’s behind the sabotage, it may or may not have been carried by the Americans (very like it was them, first, two weeks before the explosions the American Navy was having an exercise in the same spot, second, a US plane is recorded to fly over the area in a rather suspicious circles days before he bangs, Sharij has the recording, Baron will post it if you’d like to see it, it’s in Russian, but the weird flight path is in a graphical form), without the Americans nodded to it no vassal would have dared attempt it.
The Sikorsky’s tweet is the official confirmation the Americans are the guilty party, the tweet must have been agreed beforehand, it’s a part of the project, it’s to tell the world who’s the top dog, as Tucker says Sikorski’s closeness to Biden and the neocon mafia rules out the possibility the tweet was a faux pas, Sikorsky would never do anything to displease the Americans, the semi-official acknowledgement of the blasts is to humiliate Russia, Putin has to swallow it, it also humiliates Germany, and the poodles of the EU, the Polish PM’s anger shows they were not told even though they, the Poles, are the the most effective haters of Russia in Europe.
You may recall Baron saying that if Germany gives up getting her fossil fuel from Russia the country will give up its sovereignty because energy is the blood flow of not only the economic engine of every country, but of life of any country in general effecting everything from the households to each individuals living in it. The Americans have gained a fuller control Germany, off is the cosying up to China and Russia, the country (and also the German’s EU project) will suffer badly because of it.
Mark Steyn tonight was greater than great, he displayed the Sikorski’s tweet, mentioned the American Navy exercises in the area, also said that Ukraine is getting military gear the cost of which exceeds Russia’s annual military budget.
The Ukrainian conflict is turning into a clash of the woke against the traditional, one can only hope it doesn’t come to the nukes getting lobbied west and east, God forbid.
EC @ September 28th, 2022 – 09:52
Get well, young sir, that’s an order, the country needs you.
Noa – 12:00, Baron – 23:15
Improving now, thanks.
My annual flu jab will have to wait. It is essential to get one especially if you have grandchildren attending primary/junior schools. Some of the bugs brewed up within these overcrowded, overheated, places would eat anything produced by Dr. Faustus’ crew in Wuhan for breakfast!
Noa – 17:28
“We need to check your thinking!”
Some random thoughts this morning…
How long will the Norway pipeline last, I wonder?
Can Russia trust China? (no, obviously)
When the threats to an isolated Russia become existential, then what has it got to lose if it decides to distribute its “buckets of sunshine?”
Where’s Xi ?
The Americans have a knack for blowing Russian gas pipelines, they tried it and succeeded when Reagan was in the Oval Office, the bang seen from the space was as big as a nuclear blast:
The Female is as dim as will be the blackouts expected this coming Winter, you may like to push the runner along quicker because she repeats the same set of cliches over and over again, the girl around 18min is good, God help us:
Never a truer word said…
“The goal is to have an endless war, not a successful war.:
Julian Assange
Noa @ September 30th, 2022 – 12:43
Good posting, Noa, on the Salisbury Review site, Baron chipped in as well, Mr. Harris replied, Baron followed on, is now regretting the tone of his postings, too nasty, but how to repent?
EC @ September 30th, 2022 – 17:58
That’s exactly so, EC, the military/industrial complex is in charge of the US governance, they cannot be dislodged for it would lead to a large loss of employment, an even greater loss to the values of 401(k) pension plans of close to 40% of all Americans, the only way to ‘consume’ the manufacture of the tools of war is to have as many conflicts as possible for as long as possible, just have a look at the share prices of the key companies, the market’s down, their share prices are up.
I wouldn’t bother trying to apologise to Myles Harris, Baron. He’s a tough old bird with the hide of a rhino-and he called you a Putin apologiist.
Here’s a more gentle take on the matter..
Alex Boot delivered his customary expected anti-Putin rant, with much using and abusing of the word facist.
Tell me, Baron, is this a consequence of the old Soviet state education system? He has as yet to rise to my letter in defence of facism, a strong leader, love of country and family.
I salute you for going through the motions of the conceited fugitive emigré’s blog. A pious God botherer and ‘self-made man,’ which least absolve’s God of that charge. A PR/AD man adept at comb-overs. The opinions of his neocon offspring, who’s taken to wearing a tea cosy in recent years, are even worse. Have I left anything out?
I wouldn’t worry a jot about Myles Harris. That article deserved it.
His bio doesn’t say whether he was a sheep or a goat. Doesn’t acknowledge the existence of wolves, big mistake!
Keep on truckin’ M’lud!
apologies for the errant apostrophe above.
NB. Max, A tea cosy, a fedora, or whatever else it is that you wear, is not impervious to gamma radiation.
‘Have I left anything out?’
After “What a vain, unctuous prat.” Probably only his self awarded nickname of ‘three apples’, for the various laptops scattered between his houses.
Tragi-comedy at its best or worst. Taki mags view of the State of the Union. With frenemies like these who needs sanitation?
And a Final Thought for the Day..
Is Mad Max, like ‘little boits’ Nero, just a Bootee?
Noa – 12:41
A quality job, that one!
Noa @ October 1st, 2022 – 08:35
Your advice taken, Noa, many thanks.
Noa @ October 1st, 2022 – 08:56
It may have little to do with his education, Noa, more likely it’s a deeply seated Russophobia inherited from his father coupled with a large dose of obsequiousness to what the man of infamy Osama called the ‘winning horse’, it pays him to back the going regime, from Baron’s own experience it’s the reason why many back the authority they live under, they want an easy life, satisfying careers, money.
EC @ October 2nd, 2022 – 11:03
The same to you, EC, many thanks, but next time Baron will pen postings preferably sober.
Noa @ October 2nd, 2022 – 12:41
The Kama Pootra part was good, but what won it for Baron was the Latino part with the last words: ‘Fortunately for Biden, his flub went unnoticed as none of the attendees spoke English’, priceless.
Talking of the karma portrait, will anyone be making the spoilt little turd who dumped a bucket of shit over the Captain Tom statue be making him clean it himself? With his tongue.
Her mother perhaps.
A new take on the N-2 explosions is gaining track – it was a big maintenance failure, the Russians are incapable servicing the pipeline, they’ve been successfully piping gas to Europe for 66 years (since the discovery of the Yamal fields in 1966), but now, out of a blue, they’ve lost the knack for maintaining the pipes, the pipes blew up.
At least we know the answer to the question the Romans asked when a crime was committed – cui bono? Here it it:
You may have come across this one:
What puzzles on this video showing the military gear being delivered to the front (can Russia alone outdo the combined supplies of the 27 NATO members? Hmmm) is the number of wagons, is it possible to move such a massive number? How do they stop it? The inertia of the weight of the heavy gear must require many miles for the whole train to come to a halt, no?
Bad timing or Good timing?
“Poland demands nearly $1.3 trillion in WWII damages from Germany”
While we are at it, Germany still owe us!
Only $1.3B owing?? I would have guesstimated that by a magnitude of ten, given the abbotoir the Germans turned the place into, but then the Germans have already made a ‘full and final’ settlement and won’t be paying a further cent.
Will they forge an anti-EU/Germany alliance if they don’t get their suddenly fashionable “reparations”?
Nah, they’ll settle for a pro rata or percentage increase in the EU Covid recovery fund. Which Im sure is what they’ve been after all along.
On Ukraine against the latest advances of the Ukrainian forces:
One can only speculate on what Putin has been or may be after in the months ahead:
The snail like speed of the op from the start, avoiding the destruction of bridges over Dniepr, command centres, railway links, the giving up of territory and retreating now may all be a bait, Putin may want a had on confrontation with NATO aka the Americans (he may get what he wishes for – see the link).
Winning in Ukraine, if it happened, would solve nothing, Russia would be even worse off than when the special op began what with two more neighbours of Russia joining the alliance.
What the Stavka must believe is that there’s a window before the Americans have defence and attack missile systems akin to those Russia currently possesses, the Americans are unable to intercept all Russian missiles, Russia has the capability to intercept theirs.
Nobody can win a nuclear conflict but Putin doesn’t have to win it, all he has to do is inflict enough harm to get the Americans to make serious concessions to prevent most of their mainland turning inhabitable, in this he gambles thinking that few nukes over Russia will not destroy his regime, the Russian plebeians are backing him, the same support is missing in the West, the majority of people have had enough of the progressive wokeness, he must believe, they will turn against their leaders who are blamed for it.
The blowing up the N-2 gas pipeline wasn’t necessary, the Americans could have ordered the Germans/EU to stop buying Russian oil&gas, they would have complied, the destruction was chosen deliberately, it not only cuts off Russian gas deliveries to Europe opening the market solely for the American LNG, it also humiliates Putin, next the Americans will exacerbate the ignominy by imposing new sanctions on Russia for ‘disrupting the European energy network’.
EC @ October 4th, 2022 – 09:59
But would the Germans have that sort of money, EC, they have a new bill to pay for the American LNG, it’s roughly four times the price they used to pay the Russians for the piped gas.
How true:
Bad times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make bad times.
(Apologies to the female phylum, perhaps it should say ‘bad times make strong people or men and women or better still men and women and everyone in between or ….’)
What a foresight, one has to take one’s trilby off, a top class diplomatic coup of a different nature to the one in Kiev in 2014, in those days the diplomats still knew a thing or two.
You are getting this link also because Baron visited the mosque shown in the piece, many many years ago, unbelievable as it may be, he did, but he remembers it quite differently, certainly not surrounded with flower beds.
Regardless of the diffident omniscience of ‘British Intelligence’, surely an oxymoron, which really seems to be FO analysis, any sense in Western foreign policy seems to have been replaced in the 1990s by Fukushima’s hubristic End of History-End of Days US foreign policy.
Forget Fukushima, Kurosawa made far more entertaining films… subsequently ripped off by Hollywood. Seven Samurai, Throne of Blood, and Yo Jimbo! ;-). Although it took an Italian to spaghetti-fy the last one and Clint Eastward to carry off, quite literally, A Fistful of Dollars.
Nord Stream2 lives ? … or should that be a ⸮</B?
This comes from another site, what do you make of it? Have a look at the top 10 countries (plus the UK of course), and the disclaimer, if you highlight the line (the country) then move the cursor over the figures, t tell you what the figure was before.
“OneAngryAussie says:
7 October 2022 at 13:20
When I first came across the forecasts for 2025 back in 2020, they and the scenarios in their rationale looked fanciful. Today they look more and more likely…
They’ve been pulled from the site in Apr 2021 I think, but can be found on the wayback machine here.
The disclaimer below the table makes very interesting reading given the talk of nukes in recent weeks and Vlod Baby now asking NATO to send a couple to Rusher with love.
Ah, talk about giveus takeus lendus Elensky, he does have a habit of asking for more and more, and never was a weapon he doesn’t want”.
Why was it up to the Swedes to investigate? The explosions were close to a Danish island, also why wouldn’t they release what it is they found, there must have been bits not just of the pipes, but the stuff that caused the rapture. All rather unsatisfactory.
EC @ October 7th, 2022 – 10:42
Hard to fathom how those that placed the explosives messed it up so big, EC, but apparently one of the lines is OK, can be used to pipe gas to Europe, also the damage can be repaired.
In another piece of news Mutti has said at the Suddeutsche Zeitung Munich celebration of the newspaper’s 77th anniversary two days ago that a permanent peace in Europe could only be if Russia’s included, poor Olaf will be told off severely by the Americans for not preventing her talking publicly.
You may recall Baron saying in the past that the only objective of the US foreign policy on Europe after WW2 has been to prevent Russia and Germany coupling up, here we have a first class example of the policy in action, a few bangs under the sea and both Germany and the biggest Slavonic tribe get both humiliated and torn apart as much as one could hope for, even if the two European powers were to start patching up tomorrow it would take decades to get to the same coupling that existed only a year ago.
How we miss Frank, one wonders what his take of our plight would have been, but who knows, he may be looking at us, at the mess and worries and all thinking ‘how glad to be out of it’ (if you take the Deagel’s forecast of the UK population sent by Baron @ 23:56 seriously, what will it be that engenders the massive reduction in the number of burghers inhabiting this small island between now and 2025?).
Baron – 01:14
(Only when I) Olaf reminds me of Herman Van Rompuy, but without any of Herman’s presence or charisma…
If such a rapprochement developed then the Poles will be quoting Yogi Berra, “It’s like déjà vu all over again.” Maybe they should put their bid in for the next round of WW reparations now ⸮
To paraphrase Mr Spock, “It’s England Jim, but not as we know it…”
If the gender imbalance of recent arrivals continues at current levels (85:15) then there is going to be a lot of young men at a loose end…
London should be renamed Stabbytown without further delay.
It pains George to say this…
I think he’s got a fair point… What say you lot?
Sanity in an insane world?
“…Bros, which cost $25 million to make, brought in just $4.8 million. Gays usually don’t see an opening that wrecked outside a prison shower…”
An odd behavioural display from the Teutonic Megalomaniac’s handmaiden?
Comment: Nonsense Norman. 1 day ago
“You know you’ve got the people by the short and curlies when you display your habits without fear of reprisals”
The Teutonic Megalomaniac’s Handmaiden is probably not on Neil Oliver’s Christmas card list, 🙂 and I suspect that he is not on hers either!
All depressingly plausible.
An interesting debate, even if we’ve covered most of the same ground here and Nietzsche doesn’t get the same allocades here as all the other Tuetonic Megalomaniacs. Do you thinkk it might be something in their Weiss bier? Argot perhaps?
As for the Antipodean Bucktooth ewe, I wait with anticipation to read of her entry in Margaret Ashworths splendid Sunday column in TCW.
Very interesting account of the debate but, that Paul Mason eh?
Another “reformed” former Trot but apparently too still too red for the BBC and Ch4?
Mason could well be the bastard half brother of Well Self, another of the self anointed Hampstead Socialsterati. Both drenched in the same lucrative vat of sanctimonious hypocrisy, surfers both on a sea of Islington scum.
Talking if scum,our roving reporter was fortunately able to capture the Ardern breed savaging a reformed extinction rebel trading in their bicycle for a petrol driven BMW X5.
Iranian, genuine fugitive emigré, Mahyar can be a bit of a clickbait monster at times but he can be excused (by EC!) as he is trying to game the YouTube algorithm is search of ad revenue to support himself and others.
Yet more disturbing noseplay exhibited from the Tuetonic Megalomaniac’s handmaiden is contained therein…
The man to Baron’s liking, alot of liking, but a fat lot of good will it do to anything:
EC @ October 11th, 2022 – 18:49
It’s money, EC, that drives it, it’s not only her backing the closeness to China, many of the burghers of NZ are of the same view, it’s not that different from the American corporate class, most of the imports from China to the Republic is stuff made in China for the leading American brands, Apple is not the only company that sources over 70% of its gadgets there, many others do also.
Noa @ October 11th, 2022 – 16:38
One should breed them, Noa, then release them in London, that would teach the eco cycling fruitcakes to respect walkers.
Peter Hitchens is wrong, Noa, saying “is Putin crazy? Yes. Until recently he was a cynical, but rational actor. He’s now become irrational and self-destructive”.
The invasion of Ukraine was a tragic mistake of his forced on him by a few factors, the most important being two: the Z’s desire to go nuclear (the Americans keeping quiet, no reprimand) and the preparation of an attack on the two breakaway Republics, the OSCE reported a daily escalation of artillery fire in the seven days prior to Feb 24 (it’s checkable, the figures are available on the OSCE site).
This doesn’t justify calling the man crazy, reckless, yes, taking huge risks, yes, oblivious to what the West may think or do, yes ……, but mad, never. Hitchens also errs thinking Putin’s self destructing, far from it, his approval rating remains high, has gone up after the barrage of missiles hit Ukrainian infrastructure.
It may seem weird for Baron to suggest it but the game he’s playing seems to escape all the pundits Baron has checked, Putin has no intention of defeating the Ukrainian Forces and taking over the country, it would be a burden he has no desire to take on, the country was a basket case before the invasion, what could it be after it?
He needs NATO to confront the Russian forces head on as NATO (read the American Armed Forces, the 4,700 soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division are already deployed to locations across Europe) and not its proxy Ukraine, if that fails to materialise he’s lost.
All that either of the two adversaries has to do is to prove its missiles could breach the defensive framework of the other one, and its defence structures stop the incoming missiles, or at least the majority of them.
If Russia were to lob (say) a dozen missiles and most of them were to reach the targets in the mainland US, these missiles won’t have to have nuclear warheads, that’s not necessary, what matters is that they must get through accompanied with a diplomatic note saying ‘the next wave that will break your defences will be armed with nukes unless you get real come to your senses start talking about abandoning the Wolfowitz doctrine plus’. It would strengthen the case for the other side to concede if the Russian defences were able to stop the incoming missiles, or at lest the majority of them.
The same applies for the Americans, yet their note will very likely say ‘retire, we want Z, the drug addict to take over” (only joking, they will probably find a replica of Biden, someone that can be easily led).
Neither the American Governing Elites nor Putin and his merry men want to live in a world in which one cannot be sure whether the next breath one takes, the next sip of water one drinks or the next bite of food one digests will be the last. It’s unlikely actual nukes will ever fly, but to bet on it would be a fool’s errand.
No need to read the piece even though it’s short, or the postings, some of them are informative, but have a look at the third video in the narrative, ask yourself, how did Putin manage to get the Muslim contingent on his side? Just looking at the bearded warriors makes one shudder. Few weeks ago Baron came across a unit of them arresting a bunch of Ukrainian boys, an experience one would want to a void at all cost.s
It’s hard to say whether she was he or the other way round, but she furnishes a glimpse of how the other side sees things, what puzzles is what was the threat from Russia exactly when she was in the Baltics:
Baron, October 11th, 2022 – 23:04
“if you look carefully at the 28 second mark you will see that the Chechens are carrying the U.S. Javelin Anti Tank Guided Missile captured from the Ukrainians, thanks to the generosity of the United States taxpayers”
If they run out there’s plenty more of them for sale in Afghanistan. That’s if the Mandarin speakers have already snapped them up!
Baron, October 12th, 2022 – 00:25
That article is sooooo “Guardian” it hurts!
Good links and thank you.
It appears the balance of power is shifting in Ukraine and Europe to Russia and the ‘mad, vad and dangerous to know’ Mr Putin.
I’m curious, were where you to observe Chechen troops harassing Ukrainian teenagers and what were you doing there?
Are we receiving these bulletins from the Lubianka?
The course of events in the East does not auger well for Europe and in Britain the increasingly disunited Kingdom: the economy and assets, in particular pension funds, look in increasing danger of collapse. Energy cuts and concomitant civil disturbances and riots look ever more likely.
If they happen I shall be joining them, the normal dichotomy between left and right will have lost meaning by then-except as to who is left to pick up the pieces, which will bring a separate bloody fight.
A superb if long summary of two of the pressing global issues – the c-19 pathogen and the Russian conundrum, the guy should be in charge:
Noa @ October 12th, 2022 – 21:01
Apologies, Noa, it was a video, Baron wasn’t apart of the fracas.
The harassing happened as a bunch of bearded Muslim fighters apprehended a totally dishearten bunch of Ukrainian fighters that surrendered, were leaving a half bombed cottage, one by one, the former were trying to get the latter to lie down, put their hands behind the heads, spread their legs in a language that was supposed to be Russian but sounded like a howling of a pack of wolves about to devour a killed animal.
It confused the Ukrainians which enraged the Muslims, whether the arresting bunch behaved well, didn’t physically attack the prisoners because they knew it was being filmed Baron doesn’t know, but they shouted at them, shouted close to their faces, obscenities and all, it was more frightening that if they got kicked, the fear of what may happen is often more petrifying, intimidating and unnerving than the actual physical pain that may or may not follow a verbal abuse which was in abundance here.
The video was a part of a collection that was since banned, one gets a message that ‘safari cannot open the page’.
The difference may surprise some, on the Continent people demonstrate at the drop of a hat after some bad news, in Britain nothing, but when the islanders have had enough of bad news it’s not demonstrating it’s convulsing one doesn’t want to be near to. It may happen, the bad news are coming in in numbers, and Baron will join it also (health permitting).
EC @ October 12th, 2022 – 08:22
Good point, EC, it wouldn’t surprise if some of the weaponry found its way here, too, not everyone is arriving illegally on a boat that gets picked up by the Border Force, some get through without any help, most likely the criminal elements will use that route, what’s to stop them bringing in the weapons?
A piece of news that has cheered Baron no end, the hour of the great Mark Steyn on GB News had 3.5times the number of viewers yesterday than that of the ghastly Morgan, hurrah and again hurrah.
Today wasn’t;t bad either, and there is still one night to come.
As Mark Steyn keeps asking, who appointed Offcom as the nazion’s thought police and censors and who appointed their US billionaire fuct-chechers?
And who is the rioting Michael Grade anyway?
Sorry Baron, I had mistaken film for reality, not for the first time.
Rioting = revolting
A member of one on the big families in the showbiz Mafia, Noa, as I’m sure you know.
Not nice people by some of the accounts that I’ve heard. What is it with all the cigar chompin’ exhibited by these types?
I’ve just had an early lunch comprising of toast &. butter with crumbly Lancashire Singleton, accompanied by some home made Old Doverhouse chutney.
Bollocks to Bill & Greta!
I still have fond memories of a pub down south where lunch would occasionally be: fresh crusty bread, a large wedge of Long Clawson Stilton and a couple of pints of Guinness.
Thank goodness we have an expert overseeing our increased fuel bills
If you’re travelling South and want a great lunch just off junction31A of the M6 I can recommend the restaurant at Haighton Manor, in fact let me know if you plan to go and we can meet for a good grouse.
Sadly, you nay not know that Singletons, just up the road from Mr, went bankrupt and closed last month, a victim of Johnson’s lockdown imposed destruction and ‘harrowing of the North’. Levelling up eh?
Sp. Mr = me
Baron 22.40
Perhaps I should resume contact with the shadier Celtic relations.
Given the imminent transfer of Northern Ireland to the Induan Fenian in the South the IRA will no doubt be happy to dispose of all those redundant Armalites to a good cause.
How utterly stupid of the West to let Russia get closer to China:
The future of air combat, you look @ 2:40m for two drones attacking each other, the Ukrainian flying saucer loses, but the Russian one seems abit wobbly also, then @ 7:38 you can see an Ukrainian missile misfiring or rather firing then turning back on the guys that fired it:
Noa @ October 13th, 2022 – 22:08
An interesting piece, Noa, and Lavrov keeps still addressing the Western boffins as colleagues, arghhh
“Privately, U.S. officials say neither Russia nor Ukraine is capable of winning the war outright, but they have ruled out the idea of pushing or even nudging Ukraine to the negotiating table.”
Others, not necessarily US officials, hold a somewhat different view, it’s not really Ukraine any more it’s NATO plus, a much harder task for Russia, but Baron is sticking to his view that Putin wants NATO to enter the fray as NATO, that’s what he needs, if the conflict ends without the Americans confronting him it’s a failure for him.
The idea that he wants or needs Ukraine without the areas he annexed doesn’t fly, what would he do with a country of 30mn hungry stomachs, and Russia surrounded even tighter by the alliance?
Noa @ October 13th, 2022 – 17:06
It may be already under way, Noa, who knows.
Noa – 16:58
I’ve made a note of that.At some point I shall look forward to the grouse, with or without the lead shot.
Baron – 22:35
“Lavrov keeps still addressing the Western boffins as colleagues, arghhh”
Heh, heh, heh. Putin does it too. This usage I consider to be irony, and it always draws a sardonic smile from me. It cast doubts on the sincerity and objectives of the other party.
Would “brothers” be any better, or is that reserved for the Sunnis and Shi-ites
Colleagues: cont’d.
Back in the 60’s George Brown, who when he’d had a skinful, was arguably the most entertaining foreign secretary that we’ve ever had, used “Bruvvers” all the time. The labour party has long ceased to be the party of the “working man.” No Bruvvers allowed in New Labour!
Are Sir Beer & co ready for the General Election that the chattering classes seem to be clamouring for? We are nearing the ending of the 12 to 13 year election cycle where governments get the heave-ho from the electorate in favour of the other lot. Tragically, the despite 12 years of being in opposition Sir Beer’s lot still don’t have a single policy that they can put to the electorate that distinguishes them from the current lot, and they are just as clueless.
Scott Ritter with update on Ukraine, and attempted Turkstream pipeline sabotage.
Now with added US funded ISIS fighters!
Kwasi and his beads on a stick gone, the Barclay and Eton Bullies controlling what’s left of the money. Will the Truss last until Monday? General election in November perhaps?
Meanwhile in the real world, the war in the East continues… considered thoughts as usual from Alexander Mercouris.
EC @ October 14th, 2022 – 09:43
You cannot be more right about the two lots that aspire to govern us, EC, so little difference, if any, that the country would be just as much in a $hite as it is if the two merged, which is probably what may happen together with the disappearance of cash, a ghostly future awaits.
EC @ October 14th, 2022 – 09:18
How about calumniator, EC, the sound is close to both ‘comrade’ and ‘colleague’, it’s not that commonly used, how many would drop it in a conversation daily?
EC @ October 14th, 2022 – 09:43
The good old days of beer and sandwiches are gone, if one could pinch and twist Putin’s take on communism ‘those that don’t look at the old ways of governance with sad nostalgia have no hearts, those that want it back lack brains’.
Still, something must be said for pipe smoking Harold (pipe smoking arghhhh) saying ‘no’ when asked for our joining the ever keen Americans to fugg up Vietnam, it must have saved thousands of lives of our boys and girls, probably mostly boys then.
EC @ October 14th, 2022 – 12:17
You may find it weird, EC, but Baron reckons the Armageddon’s pummelling that goes on now is misplaced, it’s an emotional reaction, not much rationality in it, what the Russians should have done months ago is hit the seven bridges over Dniepr, that was important for moving troops and hardware east, and also go for two other targets – the supplies of Western gear and the command centres, they failed abysmally in that, breaking up electricity and water supplies will do FA, it will anger or at least deeply disappoint the Ukrainian unwashed who, as Ritter says, are their brothers, it will not dislodge the drug addict.
Sad, very sad.
Noa @ October 14th, 2022 – 15:18
Dear Sacha’s OK, Noa, but he just goes on and on twisting and turning for hours, one doesn’t the luxury of time, the best of this bit is the first posting under the clip saying ‘Saying that Russia has run out of ammo is like saying America has run out of fat people’.
Baron’s three pro-Russian sites are the ‘a son of new America’, Unz and Moon of Alabama, on the anti-Russian side it’s the ‘Maidan Press’, Meduza and Bell, Navalny got dropped because again the clips run for ages.
Noa – 15:09
A Kwasi chancellor replaced by a Quasi CCP one!
I am deeply disappointed that Truss rolled over and let Hunt be foisted on top of her.
It could hardly have been a free choice!
She should’ve driven straight to Buck’ House, or wherever King Charles was doing his Consorting that day, told him that she didn’t have the confidence of her party, demanded parliament be dissolved, and called a general election three weeks hence. Caught all the buggers off guard.
She might just have preempted the pantomime if she had held a meeting of her MPs after the mini budget and said something blunt like:
“Either back me in a confidence motion that I’m calling tomorrow or I’ll call a general election and at least half of you troublesome wankers will lose your seats. In addition I shall also be publishing the entire contents of the Chief Whip’s “little black (-mail) book” that contains all the things about each and every one of you that you don’t want to be made public. FABRICATI DIEM PVNCs!”
Time to put the wireworks on to three shifts production, Guvnor?
Baron – 08:29
Re: “calumniators” (or calunniatori – Italian)
I never cease to be amazed at your ability to conjure up some of the more archaic words lurking in the deeper vaults of the OED. Did you have Latin beaten into you as a child? “Hebetate” That was another one you plucked out of the Aether not so long ago.
EC 09.56
Such a course of action would require courage, EC real courage. I’ve not seen that displayed by anyone in the Tory party for a century or two.
You should listen to this clip, it’s important, what do you reckon China will do?
Baron – 00:46
I don’t buy that bit about the Chinese semiconductor/chip industry collapsing because a few American middle managers have been ordered to leave by the Commander (LOL) in Chief.
China will probably do nothing and continue to consolidate its position, stand by and let the USA borrow and spend its way into impotency. Fighting a war on two fronts never turns out well.The Ukraine debacle is probably only hastening the end of USA’s global dominance, and the days of the $ as a reserve currency are probably numbered.
Might the Chinese consider that foregoing the US’s $7 trillion marker a good deal in exchange for Taiwan?
Anyway, what do I know, I’ve never been any good with money…
Nigel Farage,
Conservative Party Funeral oration…
As Hitchens points out, it was Farage who kept the Tories alive by not contesting the 2019 Election.
And mad electric dreams…leading to the strategic wars of the future.
Whist the West is (deliberately?) distracted by the civil war in Ukraine the real threat continues to steal our intellectual property, skills and know-how.
Truly evil. I thought I’d heard it all, but apparently not…
All our supposed betters frown upon viglantism but when the politicians say nothing and authorities do nothing then nothing ever changes. Who will obtain some sort of justice for this poor little girl and her family?
Noa – 20:29
A very good point about the weaselly hypocrisy coming out of Farage’s mouth now.
With 20/20 hindsight it might have been better if Corbyn had won in 2019. The country would’ve at least been spared the spirit withering pantomime that we’ve all had to endure for the last three years. Mind you, we would have run out of pets to eat by now. On the upside at least the pavements around here would be safe to walk on.
I have no objection to the modern Mesdames La Farge, the ‘Nanas against Fracking’, the crazed old crones wearing their Damart underwear for a decade between washes who arw back protesting against fracking.
However they should practice what they preach, renouncing all oil, gas abd electrical energy and the machines that use it, together with the ancillary food and clothing produced.
Adopting the naked lifestyle of the early Stilites would surely suit both them in their search for ideological purity and we, the great majority, for whom heat, light and food have practical benefits we appreciate.
It is the attempt to enforce their views on the rest of us which is impertinent, overbearing and totalitarian in its self righteousness.
I am currently drafting a letter to the CEO of Cuadrilla, asking if the ‘Grandads for Fracking’ may have a warm cabin by the site entrance of the Thornton drilling site in order that we may demonstrate our democratic support for the maintenance of civilisation, rather than the post menopausal loons proposed return to the Stone Age.
Next, sectioning the ‘Aunty-Lentils for Tyres’ fanatrices,
Sponsored by Toyota and Dunlop!
But, Bro, puhleeeze, let insist that the crazed crones at least be clad in some coarse woven sackcloth burkas in order that the innocent be protected.
Del Boy vs Just Stop Oil
Another day, another resignation.
Poor England, what has it done to be served so badly by such people.
I see that Carrie has given Dylan permission to stand for the erection.
At least Mary Elizabeth won’t have had time to redecorate, so Princess Nuts expensive wallpaper will still be in situ?
I watched the customary seppuku at the lectern on the pavement outside No. 10. She should’ve leant around the front of the lectern and pointed out the unicorn as being the only replacement that might satisfy her party and the press circus.
What next? The Conservative party amalgamates with Billy Smarts circus with Johnson as the Ringmaster?
If they can stop arguing long enough perhaps Messrs Tice, Farage, Clauston, and Fox can present a sufficiently united front and complete the destruction of the ‘unfit for purpose’ party before the Islington socialists do it for them.
“Why I’m no longer talking to anxious White Men about meet meeting their serial killer quotas”, “Equality in the Kidney pickle jar” and other diversity delights, by the same activists that brought you “Floyd for President”.
Mr Greenfield should try watching “Dehli Crime” on Netflix.
All the cops and all the perps are “injuns.”
Noa – 13:52
Shirley, is it not time in our modern caring and inclusive world to stop using the emotive and pejorative term ‘serial killer?’ It’s outrageous that the broadcasters do not have rigorously enforced diversity quotas, including trans, for portraying these “people who inanimate people,” as Justin might say.
It maybe time to reevaluate old cases?
Topical question @ 1min 17sec
Even more topical than the last time I asked for answers!
Perhaps Liz had started stripping before she left? If that’s so can Carrie “carry forward’ the previous incumbents allowance and add it to her own? It will never be enough of course, but £60,000 would be a start for the poor thing…
As for this PM pension perk; if Boris gets fired again, or perhaps gabled, does he get a second pension on top of the first? After all he can only have one security team so that’s money saved….
Of course there could be a plot here to put as many Tory MOs and Cabinet ministers as possible through this Hog trough as possible before the next GM.
But Dilyn would be preferable, after all everyone loves a dog so there’s a real chance of restiring political stability and a truly Barking Tory majority next time…. woof woof!
Yerrs, next week will be a real life shaggy dog saga. LOL! It’s a win-win situation for the George Osborn family wallpaper magnates.
On a more serious note I hope that you took advantage of the, for the most part, congenial weather this last week and rode up to the guard post atop Salter Fell to ensure that Pte James Riddle is booking the refugees from Yorkshiristaan into suitable accommodation, down below, lest they stray up on to the Howlgill Fells (sic) and fall prey to boggarts or wolves.
Mr Z is looking remarkable well fed these days, no?
This one was doing the rounds the other day…
Number crunching:
Emmanuelle Micron – 5ft 8in (in heels?)
Maharishi Sunak – 5ft 6in
Finally someone that Micron doesn’t have to look up to.
Thank Goodness the supply of ambitious tea boys from Kent, to work at Goldman Sachs Soros can now continue unabated.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction though “…from unntameable Englishmen.”
EC 09.02
France united (in hastening the departure of surplus Muslims to the hated enemy) will never be divided.
Noa – 09:30
Re: “Mr Sunak from accounts” (© George Galloway)
A beaming Joel Bidet could barely contain his delight as he announced, to the applause of audience of his Goldmach Sachs interns, that “Rashid Sunook” was going to be the new PM of the UK.
“Go figure!” he exclaimed. Presumably this was his first instruction to Mr Sunak.
Now “the right man for the job” is in place the attitude of the MSM has changed in a heartbeat.
EC 13.58
Wry chuckle replaces LOL.
Did you notice the excerable Matt Hancock bending over, or was it down, to hug the newly anointed Ringpiece whilst the performing seals clapped His Odioum?
Perhaps a new post as HM Minister for Bottom Wiping now beckons for the Phantom Care Home Killer!
Whatever the future holds I’m sure Matt’s tongue will be salivating at the prospect.
And Swishi is not just “the right man for the job” but was we now see, demonstrably the Rght Man for the Jab!
As all the subsequent city bonuses, ROIs, ROCs, Stock price asset appreciations and “Big Pharmavestment” have successfully demonstrated.
If he’s successful in his new job there wont be an asset left to strip come election time.
The end of the Bounder, delightful.
Travelling, apologies for the absence, this may wet your appetitite to what’s coming:
Noa @ October 25th, 2022 – 19:52
If only, Noa.
The guy’s much craftier than you gave him credit for, why would he want to take over the governance now when the future looks anything but bleaker than bleak? He’ll wait until the country’s down on its knees, couldn’t sink further and only then he’ll strike again, just wait.
EC @ October 25th, 2022 – 13:58
One should be grateful for Biden getting the name approximately right, EC, the guy’s nuts.
The world is a touching distance from a war that may end all wars because there’ll be not many of us left, and the public obsesses about Kate’s eyelashes, who TF is Kate anyway?
Baron – 20:51
It wouldn’t be the 1st time that, by proxy, the US had pulled a stunt like the one being suggested. eg. Hiring ISIS nutjobs in Syria, giving them a captured chemical bomb and blaming it on the mild mannered optician from Aylesbury.
“Who TF is Kate anyway?”
Just another faded “pop star. ” now a tubby middle-aged woman trying to stay relevant. A former muse of old “@rustyrockets” himself (Russell Brand) no less, if I remember correctly.
Have you heard of Triethylaluminum?
A short 1 min demonstration with emphasis on the “demon” part!
(wait until the guy adds water!)
It can be put into bombs and dropped for incendiary purposes. If mixed with some other goo it can be used as a substitute for Naoalm – stick to people. I never cease to be amazed and horrified at the inventive ways that humans come up with in order to kill their fellow humans!
PS. “Tiraspol” sounds like one of those posh desserts at posh dinner parties that I don’t get invited to, and I wouldn’t eat it even if I did!
All such desserts, and other pretentious confections, are Haram, the works of the Devil, and should be banned!
EC @ October 28th, 2022 – 09:48
Funny that the getting close to another nuclear annihilation should happen the same month 40 years after the Cuban crisis, EC, it was also mid-October when the Americans said to the Soviets first ‘get your missiles out of Cuba’, then ‘let’s talk’, and talk they did, the world could breathe again.
This time the Governing Morons of the Republic may be stupid enough to start something, which those that survive may regret but not for long, they’ll drop dead only slower.
What totally beggars belief is the inability of anyone of any standing to call a halt to it, the risk these morons are running is obvious to anyone with only a few functioning brain cells, it escalation could reach a point where it becomes an issue of one side or the other losing face, there will be no turning back, and once the first missile leaves the silo nobody will be able to stop it.
Madness, we are governed by brainless morons who fully lost connection with the real world.
Thanks for enlightening the barbarian on Kate, it shows you how much in touch he is with the real world of the lost generation.
A demonstration in Prague to force the Government to resign, to cut supplying Ukraine with weaponry, to aim to end the conflict there plus to abandon few other issues of the woke kind, up to 80,000 people gathered, people from all walks of life, and if Baron’s chatting to many is any indication of the political mix also people from the many political parties that sit in the Parliament, the communists had a huge presence, one could sign up for membership, Baron resisted, buying a small flag and shouting was all he was involved in, coward.
The counter demonstration numbered about a tenth of the anti Government one, the flags mostly of the EU, only three of Ukraine, almost none of the country in which almost all of the young people live in, the youth is easily brainwashed.
You may feel Baron’s goading you to hate the decision to get jabbed, it’s not true, he’s genuinely trying to find out whether the vaccines were (and are) an effective preventive tool against the c-19 pathogen or whether they cause more harm than good.
Here’s a piece you may like to read, it basically says that it’s the choice of the spike protein that was deadly wrong (no pun intended), you may also like to read some of the postings, towards the end there’s one from “the Old Biologist”, a superb posting by someone who’s spent his all life in the field of virology, truly worth reading even if you ignore the whole pice by Larry and his friend which says:
“In fact, SARS-Cov2 the virus itself, aside from the spike protein on its exterior was virtually inert and harmless. The disease we know as COVID-19 and all its corresponding symptoms resulting from infection and viral replication of SARS-Cov2, is caused in its entirety from the spike protein. Spike causes the symptoms, Spike causes the damage”.
Still on the effectiveness and safety of the jabs, the documentary was banned on u-tube, the great Mark interviewed the maker, you can watch it with google for free:
What the female DA says makes no sense.
The intruder allows Pelosi to go to the bathroom? Does he want to hit him with the hammer only after Pelosi has an empty bladder? Why?
Why hasn’t the security system engage, there are four cameras clearly visible on the house, were they switched off? Why?
Who opened the door when the two officers arrived? It couldn’t have been the intruder, it made no sense opening the door if he wanted to kill Pelosi, if it were Pelosi why would the intruder allow him to do so when earlier he managed to prevent Pelosi to go to the kitchen.
This smells of a staged incident, a false flag op to gain the electorate’s sympathy before the November election, or a possibly a homo tryst that went wrong.
I confess I pay little attention to the post-asylum antics of US politics, a nation that was once the world leader is now struggling, like Britain to accept its relegated status. Unfortunately, like the dinghy attached to a sinking yacht, we and Europe, are being dragged down with her.
As for Pelosi, one of the hypotheses I’ve seen postulates a homosexual encounter between the underpants clad loon who assaulted him and the unfortunate victim of gerontal marital abuse.
Ca change plus meme..etc
The report may be 18 years old but it could have been written tomorrow.
The guy’s amazing, and right 100%, it’s coming, they won’t let go, we’ve been sufficiently conditioned, frightened, are willing to submit, the plebeians, that’s it, most of them anyway, they will swallow it because of the convenience of it, it may begin together with the traditional means of exchange, banknotes, coins, cards, mobile apps, but gradually these outmoded means will be dropped, the Government will simply say, from tomorrow no more coins or banknotes, you either comply or go without the means to live.
In the end it will a microchip implanted in one’s wrist, what’s not to like, one would be able to pay by just waving one’s wrist against a sensor, and it will be safe too, a thief or a villain may cut one’s wrist, retrieve the microchip, but it will be of no use to him, the circuitry will be programmed to function only with one’s individual DNA, what a future if combined with the WEF’s boss ‘you’ll have nothing and you’ll be happy’.
Not that long ago, one thought happiness was a cigar called Hamlet.
The control of each and every one of us extends beyond one’s imagination, they could reward or punish us at a stroke, but who are the ‘they’?
Apparently, some Russian hackers broke into the Cloud, retrieved Liz Truss’s short message to Blinken sent few minutes after the butchery of the N-2 pipeline saying ‘it’s done’.
Baron – 08:55
It’s an unedifying prospect to speculate upon what debauched nocturnal “goings on” may be happening behind the closed doors of the rich and famous. You could well be right.
Cunning stunt or vice-versa? The Dems/DNC are desperate at the prospect of getting their clocks cleaned next week. It beggars belief that this was the best that they could come up with? The timing was immaculate, but the execution flawed in terms of rigging the upcoming election. Only if the intruder in underpants had actually killed someone might it have possibly affected the election result. By the time that Nov 8th rolls around then this story will be last week’s chip wrappers, and also the official narrative being put forward may have imploded.
Taking the DA’s story at face value…
Notes & Queries:
1. Drug crazed nutter?
Either that or it would take a brave man indeed to demand a face-off with aged crone in her di-fannyous night-time attire. She’s scary enough fully attired after the make-up has been trowelled on!
2. All hands on the hammer
Who opened the front door?
3. Break in or break out?
There was a lot of broken glass on the patio outside the doors. Surely this glass should’ve fallen inside the patio doors
4. Déjà vu?
Yet again, when it is needed most, there seems to be a problem the household CCTV and Cop’s bodycam footage.
5. Chutzpah
The DA’s final remarks on “toning down the rhetoric” of political discourse were pure political humbuggery. Only recently either Biden, Harris, Pelosi or some other high ranking Dem/DNC personage called all GOP voters terrorists.
The FBI are now classifying as domestic terrorists any parents who turn up to school board meetings to complain about the poisonous ideologies that their children are being taught.
6. Land of the fee?
Where are all the usual suspects demanding that stricter Hammer control laws be enacted. Background checks on all people buying Hammers be licensed, proper licensing of Hammers etc.
7. Finale
This incident give the lie to the assertion of the gliberals that any old nutter can walk into a branch of Wallymart, or other emporium, and buy a gun doesn’t it?
Baron – 22:46
Not everyone can get away with the discovery that one has been using one’s personal phone for conducting the affairs of state. This was why she had to go. It would however seem a minor transgression in comparison to that of Hittlery Crinton who used an unsecured PC server in her bathroom for the convenience of conducting both state and administering Crinton Foundation “donations.”
Donations? Bwahahahahahaha!
Noa – 17:01
Your “dinghy attached to a sinking yacht” analogy is spot on.
The “special relationship” was certainly special but not in the way that was projected to the British public. Post WW2 the UK being, in essence, the USA’s court eunuch.
Noa – 17:15
An interesting article and inconveniently revelatory for some people today, I should imagine. All that detailed documentation of US election meddling wouldn’t see the light of day today!
I looked up Ian Traynor. Had he lived, I wonder what he’d be making of today’s mess.
Mark Dice thoroughly debunks Max Boot’s recent claim that almost all political violence comes from “the far right.”
“It’s Exactly The Opposite Of What The Media is Saying”
Tucker with even more details on DePape. A mentally ill, homeless, nudist drug abuser, BLM sympathiser, and an illegal alien from Canada.
“Without censorship, the Democratic Party can’t continue to hold power”
File under: Richard Littlejohn, YCMIU etc.
Court jester rather than court eunuch, I rather think.
Cannot vassal states be eunuchs too?
Yep… Add in Randy Andy and the humiliation is complete.
I was reminded of the Blessed George, America’s own Caught Jester, now secular saint by this tale of the 3rd Opium War, being waged by the CCP.
Matt Goodwin’s Substack
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Britain has lost control of its borders
And this will soon have a profound impact on our politics
Matt Goodwin
11 hr ago
Britain has lost control of its borders. Over the last four years, the number of asylum-seekers and illegal migrants who have arrived unlawfully in Britain in small boats, after passing through safe countries, has rocketed from just 299 to nearly 40,000.
This year, so far, the number of people crossing the Channel each month has surged from 1,000 back in January to more than 7,000 in September. Last week, nearly 1,000 people in twenty-four boats crossed the Channel in a single day.
Make no mistake. Many of the people who are making this perilous journey are genuine refugees fleeing war and persecution —including conflicts that were started by hapless Western leaders. The data show that the largest groups of people on the boats are from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Eritrea and Sudan.
But it is also true that many are not genuine refugees. The most remarkable statistic to emerge this week is that up to 2 per cent of the entire adult male population of Albania have now come to Britain on the small boats. There is no war in Albania. There is no persecution. The country is not only a signatory of modern slavery legislation but is also in formal talks to join the European Union.
Nonetheless, helped by a well-organised and dangerous Albanian mafia, which has established a strong foothold in northern France, some 12,000 mainly young Albanian men have crossed illegally into Britain this year alone. Contrary to all those people who only a few months ago said that the number of Albanians was being exaggerated, they are now the largest single group on the boats.
Here is what Dan O’Mahoney, the Clandestine Channel Threat Commander at the Home Office told the Home Affairs Committee this week. Given that he is on the frontline of the crisis, it is worth quoting him in full:
“Two years ago, 50 Albanians arrived in the UK in small boats. Last year, it was 800. And this year, so far, it’s been 12,000, of which 10,000 are single adult men. The rise has been exponential … Within that cohort there are undoubtedly people who need our help. But there are also a large number who are deliberately gaming the system … There is a huge amount of very harmful serious and organised criminality in the UK committed by Albanian criminal gangs. Whatever sort of criminality you can think of, the most serious sort, there are Albanian criminal gangs dominating in those markets, be it drug smuggling, human trafficking, guns, prostitution. And so a lot of the Albanian migrants who we see coming at the moment are coming to the UK in small boats because it is a very successful way of getting here … a lot of them are not actually interested in seeing their asylum claim through. They want to get through it as far as they can, we’ll typically put them in a hotel for a couple of days and then they’ll disappear”.
Much of this is being downplayed in Britain’s national debate, which is dominated by a liberal graduate minority who feel instinctively comfortable with accepting large numbers of asylum-seekers, who feel far more at ease with ongoing high rates of immigration and who often see the debate about the small boats as an unnecessary distraction from more important issues or, as one BBC presenter suggested this week, as little more than ‘a culture war’.
But very few other people think like this. A much larger share of Britain, as my polling this week reveals, see this crisis very differently. They feel deeply concerned about what is unfolding on the southern border. They feel utterly disillusioned with the failure of both left and right to deal with it. And they look increasingly willing to abandon the main parties to support a radical outsider if things do not change. The conversation on BBC Radio 4 Today, in London, among left progressives on Twitter is very different to the conversation that is happening out there, in the wider country.
Here are the facts. A clear majority of British people, six in ten, think the government has lost control of the borders. Only one in eight think they are in control. And three-quarters of the entire country now say the government is handling immigration badly.
At 49 per cent, the number of people who reject the suggestion that somebody who has arrived unlawfully in Britain on a small boat from a safe country should be allowed to stay is significantly larger than the number, at 25 per cent, who think they should be allowed to stay. And when it comes to the specific issue of Albanians, a large majority of British people, 61 per cent, say ‘they should be required to leave the country and return to Albania’. Only 13 per cent think they should be allowed to stay.
A large swathe of the country are also fed up with the continued ability of European courts and judges to block Britain from deporting foreign criminals or, as happened earlier this year, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) intervening to stop migrants being deported to Rwanda. This week, I found that more than half the country reject the idea that European courts and judges in Strasbourg should be able to override decisions about Britain’s borders that are made in Britain. Once again, only a small minority of 14 per cent think that institutions outside of Britain should be able to wield this much influence over what takes place inside Britain.
Much of the national conversation, in other words, simply does not reflect the reality of public opinion on this issue. There is an enormous gulf between a liberal minority in the media and the cultural class who shape the national conversation about who we are and what we think and the much larger majority who are forced to watch this conversation from the sidelines, often with a palpable sense they have no voice.
Rather than talk about how to accept more asylum-seekers and illegal migrants and make their lives more comfortable, while also spending £6.8 million a day on accommodation, many people would much rather talk about how to make the route into Britain much harder, how to deport those who abuse the system, and how to minimise the influence of the European courts and judges which they thought they had minimised by voting to leave the European Union more than six years ago.
In fact, consistently elite opinion on this issue does not come close to reflecting the wider public mood. Home Secretary Suella Braverman caused outrage on the BBC and Twitter this week after describing the escalating crisis as “an invasion”. Yet three-quarters of Conservative and Brexit voters say her language was entirely appropriate while the country, overall, is split evenly down the middle, with 43 per cent saying the use of “invasion” was appropriate and 44 per cent saying it was not.
Many of the same opinion formers have been similarly outraged by the government’s Rwanda plan which aims to establish a visible deterrent so that people do not risk their lives in the first place. Yet, last month, the share of voters who support the plan, at 42 per cent, is not only larger than the share who oppose it, at 37 per cent, but has increased since the spring, as the reality of the crisis has moved into focus. Had you relied only on the mainstream media in recent months you would have been left with the impression that this divide was closer to 90 per cent against, 10 per cent for.
And this conversation routinely glosses the political context. While this will not be a popular point in London the blunt reality is that almost three-quarters of the very voters Suella Braverman and Rishi Sunak desperately need to win back if they are to stand a chance of winning the next election and holding the Red Wall, the people who voted for Brexit in 2016 and then Boris Johnson in 2019, support the Rwanda plan.
As I pointed out this week, if Team Sunak are serious about restoring their party’s fortunes then they will simply have to do a much better job of reflecting where their voters are on these debates about cultural and national security. If they fall into the trap of thinking it is only ‘the economy stupid’ they will be completely blown apart.
And where are their voters? The vast majority of them back the Rwanda plan. The vast majority of them want to intervene and turn back the small boats. The vast majority think immigration into Britain over the last decade has been far too high. The vast majority say the government is no longer controlling the borders. The vast majority say that people who arrive on the small boats from a safe country should not be allowed to stay. The vast majority want their leaders to minimise if not remove the influence of European courts and judges. And the vast majority want to send the Albanians back to Albania. For the Tories, this is not a wedge issue. It is not a culture war. It is a consensus issue that unites much of their post-2016 electorate.
People Polling Polls, November 1-2 2022
This is why raising the salience of the small boats crisis, raising the salience of the cultural dimension in politics, is not a bad strategy for a party that has lost touch with the realignment and is looking for ways to reconnect with it. As I wrote in my last piece, while America’s Republicans have managed to hold their post-2016 electorate together by consciously leaning into the cultural axis, including by campaigning relentlessly on the southern border, the refusal of the Tories to do the same helps to explain both the speed and scale at which their post-2016 coalition has fallen apart.
One key lesson from recent elections, from Hungary to France, Sweden to Italy, and most likely America next week, is that it is leaders who take a tough line on illegal migration and national security who are prospering at the ballot box. This is not about being xenophobic or racist. It is about recognising the fact that the vast majority of voters are not liberal progressive cosmopolitans who are comfortable living in a borderless world but see themselves instead as national citizens who want to live in a national community which has strong and safe borders.
The only question is whether Rishi Sunak grasps this fact. If he does not then it is not hard to see where this ends up. My big fear, readers, is that millions of people who spent the last six years thinking they had finally regained control over immigration are now rapidly realising that, actually, they still have little control. And that is an incredibly dangerous place for any country to be, especially one whose leaders have repeatedly promised to reform and reduce immigration but are now presiding over escalating levels of both legal and illegal migration. When I asked voters this week which leader they trusted most to manage the small boats crisis the two most popular answers were ‘none of them’ and Nigel Farage. Worryingly, for Sunak, Nigel Farage was 22-points ahead of him among 2019 Conservative Party voters. It’s not even close.
This is what will happen unless somebody gets their arms around this crisis. British politics will return to the 2000s and the early 2010s when a previous asylum crisis and intensifying concerns over immigration eroded public trust in the entire system, flung open the door to populism and set the stage for Brexit. Do we really want to fuel another populist revolt against the elite? Do we really want to stoke a collapse of public confidence in the system? Do we really want to say that all the turmoil and turbulence of the last decade was for nothing? Or will somebody in power actually stand up, look past the hysteria among a small minority and give a large majority of the country what they were promised once and for all: control.
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9 hr ago
The high-social-status liberals in the Tories are wringing their hands and are unable to cope. Braverman is serious about addressing the issue which is why the London-left hate her, but notice how the ‘immigration minister’ Jenrick in effect criticised Braverman’s language. Yet another high-social-status-Liberal who will do nothing. Braverman is on borrowed time, let’s see if Sunak withstands the pressure and keeps her. I have to say I doubt it.
And Labour. Oh dear. I have *zero* confidence in them doing anything whatsoever about the issue when they get into government beyond ritual hand wringing.
We are on course for another populist revolt.
12 replies
Mrs Bucket
9 hr ago
edited 9 hr ago
I hope this leads to the complete destruction of the incompetent, lying, very low IQ, treacherous, voter hating Conservative party. Without any mandate from voters, Conservatives have massively expanded the open door evil started by Labour, to change forever the demographic make-up of Britain and sh*t on everything our ancestors fought and died for, not just in two World Wars but in every war prior and since. Most sensible countries have immigration policies giving work permits to qualified and desirable people, they don’t shower countless millions of chancers and welfare seekers with instant citizenships and rights. That we have imported thousands upon thousands of people with vile and criminal pasts is a deliberate offence against the decent people who work, pay their taxes and who respect our culture and history. We all know Labour is stuffed with some of the worst Marxists on earth but the Tory party appears to have a good number itself, sitting alongside their spineless Conservative colleagues who have lost all sense of what they are supposed to be doing, blinded by the fun of blowing billions on their idiotic pet projects from HS2, useless windmills, Covid alarmism, Ukraine and much more. The problem is that very few Tories today have ever run their own businesses, hired, fired or suffered in commerce to create real wealth, all they know is the safety of the Public Sector and spending other people’s money. That Matt Handcock wants to go on a celebrity show reveals the crass, puddle deep mindset of our politicians. A crushing collision with reality is coming. The Conservative Party needs wiping out before Britain is wiped out.
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Noa @ November 3rd, 2022 – 18:08
An interesting piece, Noa, but the analogy is rather forced, the Chinese burghers were compelled to inhale the opium pipes, the compelling was carried out by an economically and militarily much stronger power, in today’s Fentanyl war it’s just the opposite, the burghers of the great Republic, economically and certainly militarily more powerful than the Fentanyl supplier, are imbibing the hallucinogen voluntarily.
That’s what makes it rather intriguing because it would suggest that the only way out of the predicament is for the still great US of A to destroy the source of the substance that will have killed soon more of her citizens than did her enemies in the WW2 (the WW2 total stands just over 400k).
Don;t we live in interesting times?
The West has morphed very closely (the morphing isn’t finished yet) to what the communist East was, having severed itself from the cheap Russian fossil fuels, now also pushing for a cut off from the cheap labour of China (yes, Baron’s fully aware how you feel about the lands of the Mandarin speakers, he feels the same, nevertheless their cheap labour has kept our inflation down through their supply of virtually everything we wear, have around us or use each day), the West’s economy will be toast, not unakin to the uncompetitive economies of the communist East that in the end could ‘feed’ its own people, crumbled.
Energy is the most important component of not only the economic life of every country, but of life altogether, the West paid for one million Btu of piped Russian gas eight dollars, it now pays over thirty bucks for the Europe landed LNG.
The current leadership of the West, the American Governing elite, is redolent in age of the old Soviet Politburo, almost all geriatric, it’s a miracle they can stand up and open their mouths, and lastly and most importantly, today’s decision making in the West is based on lies, half-truths and deceptions, just as it was in the Bolshevik’s controlled Kremlin Empire of the East.
An interesting piece, rather unusual in current circumstance:
It seems the sanctions on Russia have yet to start biting:
The first serious attempt to convince people that Brexit was a mistake, wrong for us, something that we shouldn’t have gone for, notice how the graphical ‘explanation’ begin in time when it’s convenient for the argument, also how there’s not explanation which colour is which parameter, and how the charts are not entirely in unison with the argument. It’a all the fault of Brexit, of our leaving the Brussels monstrosity rather than the inability or unwillingness of those that have been entrusted to deliver the Brexit benefits.
More’s to come, they will do everything to get us back, first on some association basis, then fully again, nasty people.
It’s not at all surprising what the independent research finds, the University of Adelaide should be thanked for bringing it up, but as one may expect the MSM poodles have ignored it completely, what Baron finds more than mildly amusing is Nakasone saying the American agitprop only disseminates the truth, arghhhhh
Baron – 09:15
The sanctions are biting, but only on the countries imposing them!
That Russel bloke isn’t a patch on Bald & Bankrupt.
Baron – 19:45
The FT? Not even fit to wipe your backside on!
Ham fisted propaganda.
Talking down the UK is a favourite hobby of the Quisling classes,
No mention of the Banking collapse of 2008, all the printing of money and “borrowing”
between 2008 and 2016 and subsequently. Now comparison with the EU countries who are in the same dire economic $h1t, or worse.
Baron – 08:15
To quote Mark, “We are living in a world of a blizzard of lies.” The MSM is not to be trusted and YouTube also is flooded with propaganda channels and content too.
But, M’lud, in this topsy-turvy world, you should know that you can rely on that nice Mr. Pompeo, and other colossal intellects such as Hillary, Lindsay Graham, Adam Schiff, Anderen Cooper, George Clooney, Whoopi Goldberg, the “Loose Women’ panel, Don Lemon etc. to always tell you the truth.
Baron, The thing about waves…
What’s your prognostication on the result of tomorrow’s exercise in “democracy” in the republic?
If Mr Dead and his “firm” lose control of the House and Senate then what will change? True, the Dems won’t be able to frame and pass any more laws, but Mr. D will be able to veto anything the other lot put forward, He will still be able to issue POTUS Executive Orders (p.p. Barack Obama)
Waves are perturbations, nothing physical actually travels on a wave. When the wave subsides everything will be as it was before.
The swamp inside the Beltway will remain undrained, and the wars will continue.
EC @ November 7th, 2022 – 09:35
Good point, EC, about their cunningly missing the near meltdown in 2008, but they will keep trying, one almost suspects that they are deliberately messing things up to blame it on Brexit, a bunch of fuggwits they are.
EC @ November 7th, 2022 – 09:35
Queuing in the M&S store today to pay Baron remarked to a female in front of him how awful the weather was, it truly was, a very heavy rain, noisy too, she said: Not only the weather, other things are even more bothersome, I don’t recognise the country I was born in’. That was truly a surprise, one wouldn’t expect an indigenous individual to say it after B’s remark on the rains, people are beginning to wake up to what our governing class is up to.
EC @ November 7th, 2022 – 10:20
Some seem to be predicting a Senate majority of 1 or 2, EC, and in the House about 30 majority for the GOP, Baron cannot say, he doesn’t know enough to make even guess, but will the change lead to anything? One doubts it, both the main parties are rotten, what would be a piece of inciting news is the Donald saying ‘I will run in 2024’, that would get the loonies browning their knickers.
A nice selection of videos on a subject that doesn’t seem to go away:
A book ‘Grand Deception’ written by Alex Krainer cannot be bought from Amazon or anywhere else, it’s an answer to William Browder’s Magnitski Act and the stealing of Russian assets after the collapse of communism. You can download a copy of Grand Deception for free from the following link:
You may like to listen to the interview with Mr. Krainer in full or in parts clicking on the u-tube link, he essentially argue what others have said, but the book is supposed to go into details never revealed before, Baron has downloaded it in the pdf form, but hasn’t read it yet.
Do you think this guy was just trolling Mr. Z, or is it that they are both just completely incapable of seeing the irony?
EC @ November 9th, 2022 – 09:21
Without doubt the latter, EC, there’s another clip from the Independent, in which Penn looks as if he just returned from the eastern front, what pleases are the postings, good on the people, they are beginning to see through the tragedy.
One of the Spectator’s scribblers believes the US political system has broken down, hence the indecisive election results to which Baron took exception:
The broken political system is but a symptom of broken America, Mr. Gray, the country’s not only split, it’s fully polarised, there are the two camps and nothing in between them, no shades of the one or the other, in the past the country could decide ‘no abortions but …’ or ‘immigration yes, but …’ and both camps would have bought it, today that’s impossible, the shades of either camps are no longer there, a compromise, for this is what ruled when the great Republic was at ease with herself, no deep polarisation, that compromise isn’t doable.
The only way to win for any of the two camps is to cheat, that’s exactly what the Dems did when the Donald got de-throned, and very likely did again this time, it would also explain why without exception all opinion polls predicted a sizeable win for the GOP, the polls didn’t cheat, the count that mattered did.
Das stimmt!
Can you name me one person who writes for the Spectator who isn’t a pisseur de copie?
Mark Steyn: “Apparently we have to apologise for the industrial revolution!”
Make the most of Mark, I fear that he isn’t going to be on GB News much longer.
What the frack? Not on your Nelly!
One of the other absurdities to emerge from the Sharm El Sheikhdown boondoggle was that Mr Sunak from accounts, aka Rashid Sunook, announced a deal to buy $Billions of overpriced Yankee fracked LNG instead of exploiting the vast reserves trapped in the shale deposits beneath your country pile and its surrounding estates.
Yes, all the fracking about may well disturb Mrs Noa’s sleep, but she should lie back and think of England whilst the earth, and Arkwright Hall’s foundations, trembles beneath her…
You may nor like him, Baron reckons he guy’s exceptional, this short rant of his is spot on:
Thank you for your concern. We continue to fend as best we can.
Worry not for the old landowners of England: the methane gas tanks are now full, being topped up regularly by thankfully of the ‘good stuff’ from the curry houses of Lancashire. I understand a similar distribution scheme is now in operation from most of the best hotels around England. It should supplement the exclusive diesel generators powering our estates quite nicely and ensure that the satellite phone continues to operate, whilst maintaining the 50,000 volt current running through our sharpened razor wire boundary fence.
For self protection of course we are presently awaiting delivery of a container of small arms from our Zurich zupplier, a Mr Zinzski, who has proved reliable in providing T80 tanks and some natty little suicide drones made by the Cohen Brothers of “Oi Vey, bro where art thou?”
I’ve just received an email from Teavelodge hotels offering rooms at only £34 per night.
I have forwarded it to Mrs Braverman marked ‘Action this day.”
“I began to feel unsettled after 1991. After 1997 I became dissident. Nothing changed after 2010. The odious Clegg did a runner for Facebook after stitching the country up. From 2016 I became contemptuous of the government of the UK and its behaviours. Cameron did a runner after promising to see it through and bequeathed the country to the truly ghastly May whose destructive double act with Bercow finished me off. There was a faint glimmer of hope in 2019, quickly dashed as Johnson squandered his majority and embarked on continuity New Labour again. Various toxic Acts were left festering whilst new toxic Bills were put into the pipeline. None of them remotely connected to conservatism.
Having embraced and utterly failed to challenge the insidious left wing oxymoron of ‘political correctness’ the government de facto embraced ‘wokism’, imported without official demur from the United States. CRT embedded itself in academia whilst 650 clowns congratulated them selves with wrist bands and pins day after day. Every problem was to be solved by throwing borrowed money at it or creating more bad law. The dinghy invasion started and nothing was done to prevent it. On the contrary the forces that should have put a stop to it rallied round to aid and abet the criminal conspiracy. New waves of criminals were imported. The country became a beacon of benefits for foreign grabbers and grifters. The EU’s own rules were quietly ignored perhaps for the first time by the army of rubber stamping fools in Westminster.
And throughout it all the media sat and accepted the status quo, cosy in its Westminster Bubble with its anonymous ministerial sources and endless tittle tattle, eager to stay friends with the political class rather than rip them a new one.”
H/T Colonel Mustard on TCW, 12th November 2022
You may find the half an hour video disturbing, it was sent to Baron, you’re getting it because if you look at the postings, it’s the second one saying that a family member was an SS officer in the Foreign Office, the granddad boasting the ideology has never died…. Baron has a similar experience when he worked as a coal miner, one of the guys was in one of the Waffen-SS divisions, didn’t talk about it much, but like the grandpa also maintained that ‘our day will come again’, Baron remembers it well thinking initially it was a curiosity, it may not be.
Noa @ November 12th, 2022 – 09:20
The Colonel is mistaken in one detail, Noa, and not a small one, not only did the successive Governments ‘de facto embraced ‘wokism’, they ensured it has been enshrined in the law, many of the statutes that we live under the enactment of the woke charter (say) prevent the judiciary from allowing what the Government intends to do only because of the pressure from the plebeians, the deporting of some illegals to Rwanda is one example, but there re other examples more than hinting we have to remove or at least substantially amend some f the woke legislation.
It won’t take long for the MSM poodles to start claiming the two ships were Russian, a small figure on one of them resembled Putin, and the voices recorded sounded very much like speaking not in English or any other civilised tongue but in a language of a Slavonic group that suffers under the dictatorship of Putin:
The man’s right, it is wisdom that’s missing, but to explain Iraq, Afghanistan or even Ukraine or other seemingly irrational deeds by the lack of wisdom only won’t do, there seems to be, there always is a economic, or rather a monetary reason behind these tragic events that ignores and temporarily disarms wisdom out of monetary necessity.
The contemporary US hegemony is anchored, amongst other things, in the making of the tools of killing, this requires conflicts, not a global armageddon that runs the risk of turning the world into an empty contaminated and thus inhabitable space, but localised, regional conflicts because one cannot stock up tanks and ammo forever, the stuff has to be used, consumed just like fridges to tomatoes so that the making of it can continue, but Baron’s been boring with this before so listen instead to Eckhart Tolle, that’s the guy talking about wisdom to Russel who, thankfully for you, says very little:
Btw, the musings of the German teacher are worth the occasional visit.
Noa, November 12th, 2022 – 09:10
I’ve just received an email from Travelodge hotels offering rooms at only £34 per night. I have forwarded it to Mrs Braverman marked ‘Action this day.”
Noa, November 12th, 2022 – 09:20
The Colonel neatly encapsulates many of the jottings of many CHW contributors over the last 20 years. So I think that we can claim joint copyright on that one.
His last point about pressitutes , home and abroad, was particularly to the point!
“And throughout it all the media sat and accepted the status quo, cosy in its Westminster Bubble with its anonymous ministerial sources and endless tittle tattle, eager to stay friends with the political class rather than rip them a new one.”
When I read that, for some reason, Ian Hisplop came immediately to mind. He’s not alone in not in the media classes in selling out to one side, not wanting to jeopardise any possible cushty book publishing deals. I saw a snippet of that egregious little shit the other day claiming to be the heir of Peter Cook. The chunder welled up on hearing that one!
Baron, November 13th, 2022 – 19:26
Re: Herr Tolle: He’s new one for me, didn’t recognise his face but his name rang a bell.
The goddess like Eva Vlaardingerbroek (Mark Steyn’s Dutch milkmaid) was on Tucker’s weekend daytime show yesterday. She was bringing him up to date on the cultural collapse of Europe. Afterwards he ironically observed that Europe had suffered two wars so that they didn’t have to be ordered around by the Germans, only to be ordered around by the Germans… who run the EU and ECB.
The “Great Satan’s” destabilising role in world affairs, the China sell out, sadly didn’t get a mention.
Remembrance Day
History Reclaimed and the new Bronze Age.
Edward Dutton’s ideas are controversial, but is he right?
Noa – 22:26
That was a really interesting, thought provoking, article. Obviously the Finns are too clever for their own good, and we should redirect some of the dinghies of Somalis there.
Hanging? Dunno mate, that’s a difficult one to fathom. Frank was against it, in favour of an alternative of lifetime incarceration. Easier to correct mistakes! Should Brady and Hindley have been hanged or, after they’d gone mad, just quietly “Hessed” / “Shipmaned” / “Epsteined” / McAffeed in their cells. Lord Longford would have had Hindley paroled, but she’d have been torn limb from limb by members of the public as soon as her whereabouts had been discovered.
These days the UK has gone so soft that we’ve had to import predatory criminals from elsewhere. Gone are the days of where ODCs like Mad Frankie Fraser could make a living coshing bank couriers, the daring bank raids by South London gangs etc. etc. Now we have been forced to import not only minicab drivers but also terrorists, rapists, drug dealers, slavers and pimps from abroad. Was this all part of Tony Blair’s “Third Way” I wonder?
The Z Man’s analysis of the mid-terms was spot on.
His final comment, “This will not end well” also true.
Like the decline and fall of Rome, these things will run their course, only maybe quicker in our case!
ICYMI, 4 mins not to be missed.
Mark Steyn on Stanley Johnson inadvertently revealing the globalist “divvying up of carbon credits” and “the national plan” and YOUR future lack of travel plans. All this plus Mark’s most scathing dig yet at his former editor at the Spectatesman.
Also this (1 min)
The parade of the globalists at the “divvying up” meeting in Asean, Cambodia 2022.
ROFL Old Joe strutting across the stage like Mick Jagger. The boffins at DARPA have finally perfected the Wallace & Gromit inspired mechanical trousers that failed so miserably on the steps of Airforce 1.
This runs for over half an hour, but you should make an effort to watch it only to see the management team running a business valued once for twenty five billion bucks, incredible:
Baron – 01:32
If that guy, as reported, took Blackrock’s ca$h then I don’t give much for his chances of seeing another Christmas!
I’ve never understood Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. Always thought that Cryptocurrency mania was a bit of a bubble. These days fiat currency is hardly worth the paper it’s written on, Crypto less so!
The only thing that’s bi-partisan in the US Congress is the endemic, rampant corruption in the Senate and upper echelons in the House. This is self-serving and self-perpetuating, and cannot be fixed. The GOP in the House and Senate has been run by RINOs for years. Both sides of the ruling elite have common interest in preventing Trump from ever being elected again.
Similarly in UK the upper echelons of both parties are governing on behalf of themselves and their masters, and not “for the people.”
Q. Why do so many of them have Chinese wives?
You may recall Baron telling you about a web paper tuning one question surveys, the latest one was “are you threatened by the the actions of the Russian Government?”
Over 14,000 people responded, 6% answered in the affirmative, 92% said ‘no’.
EC @ November 17th, 2022 – 13:57
Just as (mostly) the British aristocracy married rich American women when the Republic was in the ascendancy, EC, so today it’s the British classless (hmmm) men that are marrying the rich females of the Middle kIngdom which seems to be getting richer every year.
That’s one possibility, the other one could be that the globalisation opened the market for brides more widely and the Chinese females are thought to be attractive.
Talking about females, tonight Baron was scanning what’s on offer amongst the hundreds of channels, discovered a programme called ‘naked attraction’ four females one uglier than the other were completely naked, all youngish, a man of a similar age was openly evaluating those parts of their bodies that in the past were admired by the vast majority of people in private, it was the end of it, the female moderator asked the guy to also strip, he did but his tattoos were so fulsome it looked he was still fully clothed, but his penis was clearly visible, hanging down, quite a size, the moderator asked the girls: What do you make of the size?’, they all approved …
How far are we from a programme of genuine porn?
EC @ November 15th, 2022 – 11:48
One of the suggestions the group of 20 of the anointed came up with, EC, is the idea of vaccine passports, one has one one travels, shops and attends events, that will be a disaster for Baron he has no intention getting jabbed for covid or any future mutation of it with the stuff they call vaccine but it’s anything but.
Amazingly, nothing is ever said about Sputnik V and the adverse effects, most importantly deaths, associated with it, Baron has been asking when the Spectator ran narratives suitable for such a question whether anyone knows, never any response, in the end Baron stated quite brazenly that Sputnik V deaths were on par with proper vaccines of the past, again, no challenge from anyone, no nothing.
Do you know what the death rate is for those that got pricked with the Sputnik V vaccine, it’s vector based, the old way of making vaccines, Baron may indeed be right claiming the death rate’s low.
One of the sites Baron visits often is Armstrong Economics (it may have been suggested by EC in the past?), not all the writing is accessible, but the piece below was, it’s rather harsh on the darling of the world, opposite of the standing ovation our lawmakers so eagerly offered to the drug addict not that long ago:
Amongst the books Baron is currently reading (it’s a bad habit to read more than one book, but the barbarian just cannot shake the habit off) is an on-line version of a book on Browder, the one of the Magnitsky fame called “Grand Deception”, if you are interested Baron will furnish the details, here is just a small example of the content:
“Given the impression of Russia that Browder strains to create in his book (from bad to very bad to very very bad), you might think that Magnitsky’s death must have been an unremarkable event since, “People in Russia are regularly killed,” for minor offences.
But Magnitsky’s death was not a routine business in Russia: on 25th November 2009, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev ordered an investigation into Magnitsky’s prison death and two weeks later his spokeswoman announced that 21 prison officials would be dismissed from their jobs. Browder deemed this investigation a sham, but this wasn’t the only investigation into Magnitsky’s death.
A non-governmental organization called Moscow Public Oversight Commission (MPOC) conducted an independent investigation. MPOC lead investigator, Valery Borschev interviewed all the guards, doctors and inmates who had anything to do with Magnitsky and filed this report with five different government agencies. Borschev’s report completely contradicted the official version of events, but Browder fails to tell us anything about its conclusions. As he did in chapter 27, Browder again unwittingly gave us a glimpse of Russia that clashes with the idea of a totalitarian dictatorship he is so anxious to convey.
First, the death of a Moscow prison inmate was a significant enough event for the President of the Russian Federation to order an official investigation. Then, a non-governmental investigator was allowed free access to interview Magnitsky’s guards, doctors and fellow inmates, and when this investigator produced a report that contradicted the government findings, he was not afraid to file it with five different government agencies.
Finally, the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta published Sergei Magnitsky’s unedited prison diaries on their front page where every Russian could see and read them![32] All this in Vladimir Putin’s totalitarian dictatorship? To me this seems more like an advanced society with a respectable degree of media freedoms and a viable system of government checks and balances”.
Here’s the last item that Baron found interesting, thought you might also like to scan it:
“…To me this seems more like an advanced society with a respectable degree of media freedoms and a viable system of government checks and balances…”
Thank you. An interesting article.
Naturally the same conclusion can no longer be applied to either the banana republic of the United States, or the neo-Orwelian aristo-dictatorship of its province formerly known as Great Britain, where as the following shows, nothing ever works as it is meant to and once did.
On Capital punishment.
Was it an effective deterrent? Yes. Would it be now? Undoubtedly. The evidential burden required for conviction is stronger than it ever was before its abolition.
It still exists of course. Its just that our cowardly Government’s prefer not to be directly associated with their ‘wet work’, delegating it to armed police and the ‘security forces’. The SAS are now the executioners of choice. The same methodologies apply throughout Europe.
In the broken prison system itself murder, torture and anarchy ensure that the roughest of justice is executed upon both the enemies of the state, sych as Tommy Roobinson (who he?) and those in the lower hierarchy of criminal activity.
I see that Rashid Sunook was in Kiev today, for a photo op, shaking hands with the Snowman. He recited his script quite well. Apparently the UK is to supply more anti aircraft guns(?) with which the Azov Nazis can bombard the border with Poland.
Baron – 23:54
Nobody ever dies in a US prison, didn’t you know that?
Was not the demise of unfortunate Mr Magnitsky used and excuse to introduce more sanctions or seize Russian assets? Extraditing, Sanctioning, Asset Seizing etc, are still things that the US still seem to be able to manage quite well. Also crying “Russia!” when a smokescreen is needed. Didn’t we all get taught in primary school the fable about the little shepherd boy who cried “Wolf!” ?
Baron – 23:31
Sodom and Gomorrah!
Noa – 09:10
Agreed, 100%
An official inquiry didn’t throw any light on the death of Dr. David Kelly, but that’s the prime purpose of official inquiries, innit. Suicide, my arse!
Nobody is going to convince Baron this young man is the brains behind the FTX shenanigans, he cannot bring a sentence together, he must be autistic, the odd speech pattern is very unusual, what is it he actually said?
IT should be ‘string’ rather than ‘bring’, the fugging software is to blame, and Baron for not checking before posting, but you get the gist of what he wants to say.
How will the G20 agreed commitment by Sunook to WHO vaccination passports work to control the Toynbeesque mass population movements from the Southern Hemisphere?
The obvious conclusion is that they won’t. Conflicting Human Rights laws will ensure that the civilisation destroying invasions will continue witout abatement, whilst the ability of their wealth owing and taxpaying citizens to flee a totalitarian and dystopian West will be first restricted and then eliminated.
Baron, November 20th, 2022 – 10:24
I suppose that it’s difficult to concentrate, to be articulate, when one is expecting to be suicided at any moment. The female presenter was a clueless airhead, and that didn’t help matters either.
I didn’t hear too many complaints from the MSM about censorship after Mr. Z’s Crime Inc. banned Sky News and CNN recently for “unauthorised reporting.” Ironic that their people, of all people, didn’t get the memo about actual news being verboten. We can’t have that can we. Only staged official photo ops allowed.
The Catt Concept: the New Industrial Darwinism Hardcover – 1 Jan. 1971
A most illuminating and amusing read. I had this book in the 70’s but then I lent it to somebody. Can’t complain because that’s probably how I came by it… 😉
It’s written by a British aerospace engineer who went to work in the USA in the mid to late 1960s. It documents various employment survival strategies in the world of the US MIC, which had a crazy culture of corporate hiring, lay offs, and firing.
Just as applicable today. This should’ve been, still should be compulsory reading in schools for anybody not considering taking up a trade.
“In 1997, the Labour government committed to a policy of state imposed multi-culturalism at a national level, supported by unleashing mass immigration into Britain to ‘rub the right’s nose in diversity’. There was pushback in the Noughties resulting in a contrived policy facade peddling ‘community cohesion’ instead but government and local government continued to institute multi-culturalism as a de facto fait accomplit. In 2010 Cameron declared that state multiculturalism had failed but his ConGlib regime did nothing to correct that failure.
The policy was then transformed seamlessly into ‘diversity, equity and inclusion’ (DEI) central to the 2010 Equality Act, a Labour generated policy (like destroying grammar schools) and the brainchild of Harriet Harmon (a radical), shunted in by the accommodating so-called Conservative and Illiberal Undemocrat government.. The policy was again imposed by the state top down but this time even more rigorously and formally, with commissars increasingly recruited for every public sector organisation and department to ensure it is enforced. The policy presents those three elements as follows:-
‘Diversity is about the ways in which people differ. These differences should be recognised, celebrated and treated as a natural part of society.’ So, effectively multi-culturalism again, that failed policy.
‘Equality is a natural extension of diversity and is based on the idea of fairness, whilst recognising that everyone is different.’ So, all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.
‘Inclusion means that all people, regardless of their abilities, disabilities or health care needs, have the right to be respected and appreciated as valuable members of their communities.’
‘Diversity refers to the traits and characteristics that make people unique, while inclusion refers to the behaviours and social norms that ensure people feel welcome.’
Sounds good, although it collides with the divisive and hate-loaded identity group politics also peddled by Labour and fatuously unopposed by a so-called Conservative government). And the reality of that collision has been brought into sharp focus by the introduction of CRT and the apparent acceptance of CRT by a so-called Conservative government. It also fails to accept the context of historical diversity so that the actions of long dead people are now being used as a cudgel to beat a nation’s identity and to force guilt upon them for things beyond their control. A form of hate which has led to our old statues being pulled down and demanded to be pulled down, those they represent not accepted to be diverse, unique or welcome…”
H/T Colonel Mustard TCW
Do the Westmonsteraty really hate and despise us and want to see us dead? The author puts forward a convincing argument that they do.
Noa – 10:39
All true. Once again the “Colonel” serves up a crystallised distillation of much of what was said on the CHWs Mk I & II.
Harridan’s 2010 act was given free passage by Vapid Dave in the last days of Blair’s Scottish Raj whilst the increasingly despotic Mad Gordon was holed up in the bunker at No.10 before the May GE. It was the beginning of the end of free speech, and comedy, containing the clauses which effectively criminalised any form of words that someone found offensive whether it was on behalf of themselves or on behalf of an undisclosed THIRD PARTY!
The result is what what we have now, an environment where a tiniest minority activists (eg. trans lobby, CRT, eco-Sci-Fi etc.) can shut down any debate about their lunacy, enforce it on the majority, despite their claims flying in the face of all empirical facts, wisdom and logic.
“Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.” It could equally well be said “Those whom the corrupt wish to destroy they first make godless,”
The proles get bread and circuses, the political classes fill their pockets, the media chattering classes hope for a bit of loose change to come their way if they propagate “the latest thing” aka {{{THE MESSAGE}}}
State sponsored capitalism or corporate/billionaire sponsored politicians.
Either way you get fascism
Get that piano wire on standby, Noa!
“Farage reacts to shocking immigration figures.”
Are you still $ub$cibing to this rag, rewarding its pisseurs de copie ?
Mark Steyn with photos from and some pithy comments on the 2022 Spectatesman Globalist Awards. Birds of a feather flock together!
Neil Oliver on the topic of leadership.
One of his best vlogs yet, encapsulated in a historical context
That’ll have to be it for a while.
US imperialism.
Don’t ya all just love being a colony?
Don’t be away too long. Take some of Arkwrights wire with you.
And what’s happened to Baron?
How kind of you to remember the poorly educated blue veined barbarian, Noa, he has changed gadgets and the new one wouldn’t;t connect to the net, unbelievable that, it cost a fortune, for Baron it’s a little fortune anyway, and the fugging thing refused to connect because the Apple id wasn’t recognised, rubbish this, the id hasn’t changed for years, never any trouble until the new machine arrived.
All nerds in the world should be castrated, no chemical castration, a quick cut with a sharp implement, a kitchen knife would do, they keep setting up password for ‘things’ but then they call the ‘things’ different names, how TF should one know that they issued a press release about it, does anyone read any of the trash one gets daily, of course not, how were Baron to know?
Enough of complimenting the to$$ers of the high tech world, sodom and gomorrah on the lot of them.
EC @ November 25th, 2022 – 08:51
The answer’s in the affirmative, EC, or simply ‘yes’, Baron has been a subscriber for decades, he began in the 80s is still paying the to$$ers whatever the going rate is now, the boss reads the rag, even the dots in in, but not the ;political stuff, she’s unmovable, any time Baron threatens to cancel she says over may dead body, it’s the literary section she indulges in, politics is trash, she says, never reads it.
No more from Baron for the time being, he has a major job on his hands, but the connect issue has been resolved.
Have a read in the meantime:
This is not something you may not appreciate given your take on the vaccines, also it contains segments that are stomach churning, and a message that goes directly against the official policy, the future of vaccinations for covid and like viruses including the vaccine passports, but the evidence of the video cannot be denied:
This is not something you may appreciate … is how the sentence should have run, apologies.
It’s not just FTX the failed blockchain and its affiliated subs, what about this one, just listen to its selling the idea of the tokens:
We may indeed be at the end of sanity, close to a collapse of the global financial system, the amount of money issued by the Western Governments in the QE issuances not backed either by taxation or borrowings but simply printing the stuff has created an opportunity for the shysters of the nerdy phylum to create entities that are essentially issuing monopoly money they call ‘tokens’ which they at some point exchange for the real money, a scam, it cannot be anything else, the danger for us is that some or most of our savings may be used to barter the real wealth for the monopoly paper by the custodians of our savings, why don’t the Governments step in, close the operations, take the culprits to court?
We’d be better off reverting to the Gold Standard, Baron.
A question I’ve always wanted to ask comrade Gordon Brown is, why didn’t you flog off our gold reserves to the citizens of the UK instead, of your ‘mates rates’ dealings to the French and Yanks?
And like Brown, John Maynard Keynes has much to answer for.
Chou ing on a BRIC and the coming end of RBIS. As I’ve mentioned before the East is refashioning the Treaty of Westphalia and the United States will be the big loser.
Which way will Europe go? As the marketeers would say the choice is between the Dying star of the Weat and the Rising stars of the East.
The Government had a team of 15 Foreign Ministry and Ministry of Justice civil servants working to arrest him and gave the US permission to murder Julian Assange in London. So much for its protection of free speech and human rites.
And finally, Unherd interviews Meirsheimer and playing Russian Roulette.
The subject of the conversation is almost a cliché, you must have heard, read or seen may such presentation, we’re bombarded daily with the net zero carbon. but Baron would urge you to listen to prof Harper, he says what Baron hasn’t heard anyone else to say about the usefulness of CO2, about the climate change religion, the politicians and the ‘scientists’.
The first 14 minutes are about him, his work at the White House when the Donald was in the Oval Office, after the 14th minute the real CO2 related stuff begins, truly educational, someone who knows his stuff deeply, and can communicate it in terms that one can understand:
Noa @ November 30th, 2022 – 14:06
Two points on the great professor’s slicing of things Russian&Ukrainian:
It wasn’t only nationalism that changed the course of the invasion, in fact nationalism wasn’t a dominant feature at all for the improved fortunes of the forces opposing Russia, the Russians did well at the start, the game changer was the massive support by NATO, the fighting today isn’t just the pure number of boots on the ground, it’s high-tech in everything from reconnaissance through communication to guided shelling, that was what turned the fighting in favour of the “Ukrainians’, the country furnished bodies enlarged by foreign recruits, NATO supplied the high-tech tools (say) the Musk’s Starling system, and the tools of the 28 member states outweighed those that Russia could bring to the warring.
On nuclear: It may be arguable, but Baron reckons Russia will not use nukes in Ukraine, it would be pointless, the whole world would turn against her, China will not approve, the Americans will use it as a pretax to lobby nukes at Russia. What good is winning over nuked Ukraine anyway?
If Russia were to go nuclear it will be against the West, Britain would very likely be the prime target, because as the good professor says it’s Britain that’s pushing the US to go further than the US feel comfortable with, will we or NATO ir the Americans alone respond when responding would almost definitely lead to more Russian nuclear missiles travelling towards us and the West? Hmmm
It’s arguable but Baron reckons the West would not respond but sue for peace, responding would be the end of the civilisation as we know it, one would prefer in such circumstances to die from the blasts rather than later slowly and painfully with the eyes bleeding.
Second attempt:
Noa @ November 30th, 2022 – 14:06
Two points on the great professor’s slicing of things Russian&Ukrainian:
It wasn’t only nationalism that changed the course of the invasion, in fact nationalism wasn’t a dominant feature at all for the improved fortunes of the forces opposing Russia, the Russians did well at the start, the game changer was the massive support by NATO, the fighting today isn’t just the pure number of boots on the ground, it’s high-tech in everything from reconnaissance through communication to guided shelling, that was what turned the fighting in favour of the “Ukrainians’, the country furnished bodies enlarged by foreign recruits, NATO supplied the high-tech tools (say) the Musk’s Starling system, and the tools of the 28 member states outweighed those that Russia could bring to the warring.
On nuclear: It may be arguable, but Baron reckons Russia will not use nukes in Ukraine, it would be pointless, the whole world would turn against her, China will not approve, the Americans will use it as a pretax to lobby nukes at Russia. What good is winning over nuked Ukraine anyway?
If Russia were to go nuclear it will be against the West, Britain would very likely be the prime target, because as the good professor says it’s Britain that’s pushing the US to go further than the US feel comfortable with, will we or NATO ir the Americans alone respond when responding would almost definitely lead to more Russian nuclear missiles travelling towards us and the West? Hmmm
It’s arguable but Baron reckons the West would not respond but sue for peace, responding would be the end of the civilisation as we know it, one would prefer in such circumstances to die from the blasts rather than later slowly and painfully with the eyes bleeding.
Apologies for the double, also it’s Starlink, the idiotic predictive software’s responsible, fully, Baron change the g to k yet when posted the bloody thing jumped back to g.
Noa, November 30th, 2022 – 13:16
“We’d be better off reverting to the Gold Standard, Baron.”
Guess which two countries which have been buying up all the gold that they can get their hands on…
“And like Brown, John Maynard Keynes has much to answer for.”
Well JMK got one thing right… he’s dead!
Also, given his fellow countrymen’s predisposition to cardiac arrests(*) then old Cyclops will be “Braaan Bread” soon enough.
* even before the advent of vaccine induced myocarditis
Noa, November 30th, 2022 – 13:50
Why am I not surprised? Despite Duncan’s revelation I still think he’s a cnut!
The war in Ukraine is a tragedy, it was 100% avoidable, and the UK’s part in it is a travesty. This conflict was provoked. is not be in the interest of the Ukrainian people but in the financial interest of a few western corporations funded by US and UK borrowing against taxes to be levied. No doubt the various corrupt politicians will be handsomely rewarded for their walk-on parts
The continued intransigence of Mr Z and his puppet masters, refusal to talk gave the Russians no other option but flatten the infrastructure western Ukraine. They are doing this now very effectively with conventional ordnance and do not need to resort to nuclear options.
If there is a nuclear incident it will be a black ops/false flag incident organised by the US, and conducted by others. The have a track record of doing this, and also election meddling, around the world, even on their own soil!
The imbeciles in the US still think that they won’t have to go “all in” if there is a limited nuclear exchange in Europe. There are two problems will this: 1. The Kissinger Doctrine may be past its “sell by” date. 2. I don’t the Russian have got the memo!
e&oe above.
not enough sleep, not enough coffee.
Here in the frozen North, or Far Noa, we are just about to get 10 days of leaden skies and Siberian easterlies. The Grim Reaper will be sharpening his scythe, and monitoring the sands of time in the personal hourglass of the legions of grey and wrinkly. The early morning silence, broken by the sound of handbells and handcarts across the cobbles as they collect the frozzn stiff.
Speaking of sands, I’ve done my final patrol, by motorbike, of the western marches for this year. It would take a plucky dinghy jockey to risk crossing the peat bogs or treacherous Solway sands at this time of year! Having said that I must check on the Edward I monument to see if it has been festooned with Albanian flags.
“So What,” then Savage Jagged?
Mark comes out swinging his fists!
Tucker: “Who exactly runs the Biden administration?”
FYI: In case you thought that there was the faintest glimmer of hope!
Ahhh!” Said the Savage Jamlid, stamping his tiny foot in his size 5 Loake,
“So what?”
“You English Peasants should be grateful that we survivors from your genocidal colonies have come here to relief you of the remaining savings we elite politicians haven’t yet stolen from you to spend on our hobbies! You know what we mean, lucrative government contracts for our friends, like Fatty Soames, windmills from Xi and Cruella.
“It’s time you people learnt the lessons we’ve been teaching you since good Comrade Milliband passed his Climate Act-with the full support of my Conservative party! Don’t you remember David Cameron licking his lips at the prospect of his father in law’s windfarm subsidy earnings? And asfor your Royal family! Well, they’re
not named the WINDsors for nothing you know! Who needs to keep herds of flatulent cows and sheeps when you can be a royal gentleman wind farmer! ”
At this point Mr Jamlid languidly waved a bejewelled hand holding his empty crystal flute at the kneeling bearded and turbaned SPAD, beckoning for a refill of his favourite Krug.
“Faster boy! Can’t you see I’m busy!
You see? You simply can’t get the staff in England these days”, he stated sadly to me. “You can see why we have to import our staff from wherever we can get them nowadays, Albaaaania, Iraq, Mali…its so difficult! They may not be as servile as the local ethnics but, he said cheerfully, “theyre cheaper”, as he ended our interview with his now famous catch phrase!
“So what!”
Far Noa indeed! Time for Timo to chop another another tree for the fire in the Great Hall. Our dancing Albanians will shortly be arriving from their Six Star barrack blocks to perform traditiobal ritual mid winter dances!
Are you eagerly looking forward to England playing Senegal this evening? Anticipating a fair contest and result?
Me neither.
Really? I honestly hadn’t realised that there was a match on. I gave up watching England attempting to play “foot-the-ball” a long time ago. If they “take the knee” then I hope they lose. Southgate needs to be replaced by the Albanian national team coach ASAP, imo
We are all Gordon Ottershaw now!
EC @ December 2nd, 2022 – 17:57
Sickening, EC, and they want the world to adopt their model of governance, arghhh
An early bus in London, it may not be early for many it is for Baron, since he retired he has never travelled before six on any transport in any city or town, the day break hasn’t begun yet, it’s dark, it’s early December, he’s waiting at the stop alone, the bus is coming at some speed, it has to be waved down, but instead of stopping at the post that has the timetable on, the bus overruns and stops few feet behind the bus shelter, Baron has to quickly move forward but as he reaches the front door the bus pulls forward some more, not much about four or five steps for Baron, but the door still doesn’t open, the bus lurches forward once more few more feet and only then the door opens.
Touching the round contactless reader with his credit card Baron ask the driver in as friendly voice as he can muster ‘what was this jerking all about’, the driver, a man of about thirty, middle eastern appearance with a full black beard doesn’t respond just keeps looking forward, Baron repeats the question, not angrily, you must believe him, waits few seconds, the driver continues to ignore him, makes no attempt to even look at Baron who goes and sits down.
There are only five other passengers on, all at the back of the bus, two men and three females, not one of them white. Before Baron disembarks, the bus stops nine times, new passengers get in, mostly black, mostly women, only three whites, the bus does no jerking forward, it always stops at the posts with the timetable on.
EC @ December 4th, 2022 – 16:42
it would perk the country up nicely if the boys won, EC, and who can tell, weirder things happened in the world.
The more one considers the war in Ukraine the more apt the often made comparison to the Spanish civil war becomes. It is a cynical ploy in a perpetual and self perpetuating struggle between Germany and its EU satrapy and Russia, with active and hegemonic US support.
Baron 07.54
Sundays game would be better played in Lagos, an African Cup of Nations match.
Did you witness the Muslim V Christians game between Morocco and Spain? The constant chanting of Allah and wistleblowing from the jihadi fans of the former? Football is the continuation of the ‘Holy’war for them.
Baron 07.52
There’s a reason for all that White Flight. The episode you describe so well, a vignette and parable for our times, captures it perfectly.
Baron – 07:52
Completely irresponsible of you venturing in to “Stabbytown” at all, let alone in the dark and using the shittiest form of public transport. Unless, that is, you had a CZ75 tucked under your arm.
You are the wrong age, ethnicity and skin pigmentation to we wandering about Khan’s Caliphate alone. The bad guys consider you easy meat. They don’t know that beneath your trench coat and trilby lurks a former Ninja.
Statistics show that pensioners are highly likely to be violently robbed. In the UK everything is policed except crime
Noa – 07:54
Excellent, deserves a wider audience.
Noa – 08:04
Football like Rugby is just ritual warfare, or it’s supposed to be, Unless one is unfortunate to be selected to play Rugby against Serf Effrika, when it is actually warfare on their part! I often wonder why NZ get a free pass on all the HAKA nonsense
Whatever one’s beliefs, religion and nationalism is a potent poison when injected into Football and other contact sports eg. Rangers vs Celtic!
Its good to see you back from your reprisé of Steve MacQueen’s role in ‘The Great Escape’, reconnotering the porous border with the ‘Auld Enemy.
Men in skirts prancing southwards through Carlisle are in truth provably the least of our worries these days. Probably they’re really looking to take back lumps of coal from Whitehavenfor ‘First Footing’ the New Year.
I often think that England, and other teams, should tell NZ to piss off as far as the HAKA is concerned, or at least take the piss…
I think that we witnessed the weaponisation of jihad for political gain as well a sporting national advantage in Qatar the other night.
And why not? After the screaming queen One love and knee capping nonsense from Das Reich and Nevilles cherubs we xant complain when others act, react according to their own interests.
As to the Afrikaaners, they’re just reprising the Boer and Zulu wars, whilst the All Blacks have a Jacinda complex.
I see there is an Africa Cup of Nations kick fest game today between the banelieu formerly known as France and the Rapfugee hostel of the International Centre for Reparations in Blingland.
It will make a change from the ‘Reconquista’ game between Morocco and Spain in which a partisan Muslim crowd chanted Allah Akbar throughout and blew whistles whenever the kuffirs had the ball. We were privileged to witness the practice of Jihad for political propaganda as well a
sporting national advantage in
Qatar the other night.
We will no doubt witness an uncritical rerun today by the Western media of the whole business when Portugal fights the old ‘Sallèe rover’ slave state of Morocco.
And why not?
After the screaming ‘One Love’ and
knee capping nonsense from Neville’s ‘Cherubs’ we can’t complain when others act, and react, according to their own interests.
Should post English football adopt a pre-match routine similar to the Haka?
Perhaps the players could be led out in chains, whipped and then ceremonially freed to play the game
by Lord Lineker himself, dressed as Wilberforce? Perhaps he could be
accompanied by a representative of the present Qatari slave state, holding hands and taking a knee in
No doubt the pre and post game antics could be
more interesting than the game itself.
Poland is permitting Germany to station Patriot missiles in their country, whilst fashionably but implacably pursuing them for 1.3 Trillion Euros in War Reparations.
Europe seems to be gearing up for war, but against whom?
It’s Perónistas vs Chetniks on Chewsday
and the day after it’s Grande Allemagne de l’Ouest vs Barbary Coast West.
I shall not be watching, but I think it’s high time that Mebyon Kernow demanded reparations from the Barbary Coasters on behalf of Cornshire, for the 300 years of raids and white slave trading that they conducted.
Noa – 13-59
“Europe seems to be gearing up for war, but against whom?”
Doesn’t matter to the MIC, as long as it’s an expensive one. However, all the good tax paying burghers might all end up on a rotisserie at a come as you are “grill party.” (as the Chermans like to call BBQs). As depicted from 2min:40sec below.
Stuart Hall was unavailable for comment.
You make an excellent point.
One of the problems the West now has is a dependence on US military equipment, much of which is unfit for purpose. e.g
The UK purchased VSTOL variant is even worse than the Oz version. Still, we ie BAE, makes the front fuselage, so everyone’s happy, except the taxpayer and the pilots.The manifest shortages and deficiencies in other Western weapons systems from tanks to longe range artillery and not really interchangeable NATO munitions are being clearly exposed.
All of which brings the use of battlefield and MRNW closer as a possibility.
Bye bye Gary?
No more taking da knee as you taka da pish…
And talking of taking the piss, Rod takes a golden shower on the Woke.
EC 17.40
As you point out the Sallèe Rovers will be entertaining us all again on Wednesday.
EC @ December 8th, 2022 – 09:31
The visit was to a hospital, EC, a very early procedure, quite risky, not own Baron, it went well, thanks be to Him.
A short ethnic/country of origin profile of a hospital staff that had something to do with the patient (not Baron), also a word or two about other things, the owner of the London hospital is a well known US hospital chain:
Out of some 27 people only three were white, the rest were all black or of foreign heritage (like Baron), including Romanians (2), Uruguayan (1), Israeli (1), American (2), Indian (2), Ukrainian (1), Philippine (1), the rest were all black, judging by their accents they couldn’t be born in Britain (except for two of them, both females).
The problem: All of the staff wore masks, more than half of them could not be understood with or without the masks, their diction was poor, one of the female nurses got genuinely pissed when Baron insisted, politely, she repeats what she was saying slowly and distinctly.
Most of the nursing staff were helpful, but often one had to ask more than once for stuff like water, meals or even towels, the cleanliness was prefect, but the taps in the room were no good, from one the water didn’t flow, it was a trickle not strong enough to wash one’s hands, the food was excellent, the visitors could order from the same extensive menu, the price unbelievably low (three courses at just over ten quid), the best main dish was a lamb curry, plentiful and tastily spiced.
The floor Baron visited had five individual patients rooms, three of them were accommodating Arab patients, another one an Englishman, a middle-age guy, exceedingly polite.
To get to the London hospital Baron had to travel to Sloane Square then walk through the Eaton Square, there in the middle of it on a bench slept a homeless guy, Baron says ‘slept’ because every time he passed his bench, in the morning, mid-day or in the evening, he was asleep, or pretending to be asleep covered in rags, not even his nose was protruding, judging from his boots it was a man.
On the third or forth day passing the guy Baron stopped, said ‘are you asleep, could I get you a drink or something to eat?’, the guy was silenced but as Baron was to walk away he said ‘something hot’.
It was bloody cold that day, it was the second (or third) day of the freeze (well, a relative freeze of minus 2-3degC), still, as the guy asked Baron delivered a hot cup of coffee, the guy took it, had a sip, then hid himself and the coffee in the tented heap of clothing, no thanks or anything, the same happened in the three following days, he never asked for anything else even though Baron asked if there was anything else he could do, a meal, another piece of clothing, a call to the social services, no response to any of it, he just took the cup, had a quick sip, then buried himself in the filth of the garb he must have accumulated over months.
The last day before he disappeared in the heap of the accumulated clobber Baron handed him a cup of coffee and a twenty quid note, he took the money very quickly, dropped the coffee cup, but paid no attention to it, covered himself again, ‘you should talk to social services’ Baron said, but got no response. ‘would you like me to call them?’, but again no response, Baron waited some then left.
If you visit London, you may very likely see the guy on a bench in the square where the average property price is some sixteen million quid, and in the middle of this wealth there exists a guy that has FA, a guy that was once a boy, had his dreams, probably fell in love, married, had a family and this is how he’s ending his life, no-one to help, no-one to hold his hand, no one to talk to even.
Early procedure? You are in my thoughts and wishes for a speedy recovery.
Baron, December 12th, 2022 – 23:08 & 23.37
Crikey, if that’s what a private hospital is like, then I hate to think of the Crimean War(1853) conditions that exist in the rest!
The main thing is that you escaped. I hope that you are recovering well at home.
Treat yourself, and also turn the heating up!
Noa, December 12th, 2022 – 09:16
It’s a miracle that the UK has survived to this day given the military equipment procurement procedures and historic incompetence at the MoD. I suppose the other countries must have been worse. I’m sure you have many anecdotes that could be put into a book… I don’t know who said it: (you?) “the top brass in the three services always want to buy equipment to fight the last war.”
The boys in blue were out over the Solway the other day, blowing their December paraffin ration. Didn’t see them but one of them was bloody noisy, so that could’ve been our single functioning Typhoon? In the distance I could also distinctly hear the rumble of a Chinook. (but that could’ve just been Ian Blackford’s gut
running low on pies)
Don’t much about F35 V/STOLs and other variants but I suspect that they have been oversold in more ways than one. Our special friends set great store by the late, great, W.C.Fields’ maxim, “Never give a sucker an even break.”
I might’ve mention this book before. It’s a thoroughly good read:
“Patrolling the Cold War Skies: Reheat Sunset”
I found Philip Keeble’s anecdotes entertaining and sometimes quite alarming. The more I have read about post WW2 military jets, Vulcans, Tornados etc etc the more I believe that one has to have balls of steel or be insane, or both, to want to climb in one and fly it.
I don’t know what the astronomical price of an F35 is, but I’m willing to put a tenner on the fact that it doesn’t come fitted with a hot drinks holder as standard.
We’re not the only ones to notice the new Jihad by Kickball.
Thanks for thinterse reading recommendations. Gatt is interesting, however his experience as a product engineer means he suffers from a lack of knowledge about how companies, especially US companies, really work and tge largesse dispenser known as the US government contract system.
Therecis no better cash dispenser, here or there, than a massive contract to design and build a new, plane, missile or ship. And then repeat the process every ten years.
For the Board and shareholders (who else?), it really is about the order book and nothing else.
I’ll have a lookout for Phillip Keeble’s book.
Keep an eye out for The Shadow World for a take on my experience in the murky Defence sales world. A world away from all that drearydesign and make stuff. .
Here’s a link, fortunately I can’t find my name anywhere amongst all the dodgy dealings it covers.
It must be a sign of age that I empathise with Peter Hitchens latest elegy to the past country that is England, definitely not Nueue Britain.
Noa – 15:44
“Here’s a link, fortunately I can’t find my name anywhere amongst all the dodgy dealings it covers.”
LOL, just bought it on Kindle, and I shall scan the BAE chapters very closely!
Any mention of the “Titfinder General” and his Sword of Truth?”
Noa – 17:07
Second hand, or antiquarian, bookshops on the High St have been disappearing at a rapid rate due to the scourge of OxFam, and others, charity shops. There’s still quite a large one in Carnforth, just up from the station that’s worth checking out. Don’t park in the station though, use Booths. There’s also Michael Moon’s bookshop in Whitehaven which is labyrinthine. A lot of the shops that are left only survive by trading in the internet, ABE Books, Amazon, eBay etc.
Iniquitous business rates, “pedestrianisation,” ULEZ etc have also got a lot to do with the decline of the High Street .
Terry Pratchett proposed that second hand bookshops were run by collectors who had simply run out of shelf space at home, explaining their general air of indifference. I have found this to be a truism.
I can appreciate Hitchens’ sentiments but I also have run out of space at home. The heirs are not interested, so it’ll have to be e-books from now on.
Re:Hitchens and bookshops…
This morning I was going to post the text of an essay written by George Orwell in 1936 entitled: “Bookshop Memories.” However, upon double checking I found that it was copyright in the UK by “The Orwell Foundation.” How feckin Orwellian is that !?
Happily Australia is having none of this nonsense, and the essay can be legally read online at the Project Gutenberg Australia website here:
The Fifty Essays Orwell page has got some good stuff on it.
Many thanks for sharing your thoughts on the bookshops of England, most definitely they are a dying breed, in a race against time between selling their stock and having to cinsign it to landfill.
Spring may see me venturing forth to Carnforth and Whitehaven.
Baron may find the following dark, Ukrainian take on the switching off of lights fascinating.
The patient in the hospital wasn’t Baron.
For the first 60 minutes or so the Argentinians were teaching the French how to play football, not even once did the latter threaten the former’s goal, the last thirty minutes were the most enjoyable football of the tournament, on balance the Argentinians were marginally better, they won fairly.
Noa @ December 16th, 2022 – 12:13
One can sympathise with the author of the narrative, Noa, Baron does, he’s of the Ukrainian stock, the invasion was a tragic error of judgment, the destruction of the Ukraine’s electricity grid is another one, it punishes the unwashed rather than the top layer responsible for the colonisation of the country, but Baron has decided he will not comment on any piece on contemporary Ukraine if it ignores, gives no mention to the Feb 2014 coup d’état or argues that to was a nationwide revolution.
EC @ December 15th, 2022 – 14:34
You, young sir, are a star, many thanks for the essays, there are many Baron hasn’t;t read yet, so once more merci beaucoup, or as the unwashed of the biggest Slavonic tribe may say благодарю вас.
You didn’t like the guy before, like Baron he favours a co-existence with the likes of China (or Russia or any other country), but his slicing of the contemporary America isn;t bad, you can skip the commercial bit in the middle of the video:
Baron 00.05
I agree with you.
The issue of man’s inhumanity to his fellow man should never trump reason, balance and a knowledge of history. The reaction of commentators to the Salisbury Review is similar.
I see you are maintaining your 100% Mystic Meg prophecy success rate.
Mark Steyn, the great force on GB News has gone, apparently he’s recovering after a couple of heart attacks. Were they caused by MRNa vaccinations?
The revenge of Cruella executed with the skill, precision and subtle dexterity of a Qatari EU qickback!
Could anyone answer the question, or at least speculate as for the reason or reasons for this rather massively steep drop? One is hard put not to think it’s the outcome of the vaccination with the ultimate aim to reduce the number of the world inhabitants, there are too many of us already.
Y’all still there?
Well at least Baron, Noa and EC. No signs of my old mucker Andy. I was just checking in to wish y’all a very happy Christmas. When the Christ child comes on Sunday, I will raise a glass to my friends in the UK.
Baron – 23:42
Part of the reason is that property and rental prices in the major cities are so high, Baron. Young people can barely afford to flat-share let alone find somewhere private enough for enthusiastic breeding and child rearing purposes.
One of the main reasons for the property price boom in Sydney, Melbourne etc. is the Chinese wanting to park their money somewhere that is at least semi-detached from the CCP. New developments are snapped up, they buy “off-plan” and when built they often mothball them indefinitely or until their children attend the Universities there.
Noa – 19:22
It was bound to take its toll, a man of his age. Four nights a week exposed to his regular guests, all young hotties, got to him eventually.
He should have stuck to strident, hatchet faced, lefty, feminazi harridans like poor old Lozza Fox got lumbered with last night…
He missed a trick, though. After she declared, “I AM A WOMAN” he should have asked her to list a few of the defining characteristics… for the benefit of Labour front benchers like Sir Kneesalot, and Lisa Numpty 🙂
John Jefferson Burns – 09:25
And a Happy Christmas to you, JJB.
Let us pray that old Joe gets an extra large ice cream, Max Boot gets a lead lined tea cosy for his greasy pate, and that Obomba aka “the man behind the curtains” doesn’t get your “Nuts roasting on an open pyre…” courtesy of a tsar bomba.
EC 11.01
LOL! Its the way you tell’em!
Sadly Lozza’s capitulation to the Witch on the matter showed he and perhaps actors in general, aren’t really up to dealing with the real socialust Gelderati.
It wanted a real nan, Clarkson himself or possibly Toby Young, to deliver the cerebral spanking that free speech denying piece of work needed.
And a very happy Christmas to you and the Burns clan over there and here.
If you gave a spare turkey left over from Thanksgiving you may consider airfreighting it to the Clovelly branch.
The three or four thousand immigrants per day now washing up in the UK may not seem as many as the 15000 a day at jCuidad Juarez but many of them have been shipped to Cornshire and no doubt pressure of hotel food stocks is increasing, unless you name is Fatty Soames!
John Jefferson Burns @ December 20th, 2022 – 09:25
You still breathing then, John, you Americans are indestructible, what’s the secret? Could be be that the more gaga you are the better the chances to sit in the Oval Office?
Merry Christmas and the Happiest New Year ever, celebrate well, nobody knows what the 2023 may bring what with Putin losing his marbles, but visit more often, the coffeehousewall needs you, the world’s crying to be put right.
Noa @ December 20th, 2022 – 17:54
Stupid of Clarkson to give in even bit, Noa, he should have doubled up, that’s the only wy to treat the fuggwits.
A sober reading, some of the points resonate with Baron, his mentioning the Wolfowitz doctrine is one of them, not one MSM poodle has ever raised it, yet it’s central to understanding the US foreign policy and not just in Europe:
If we don’t see each other before Christmas may Baron wish the two of you the merriest Christmas ever and the same for the coming new year, the happiest that you have ever had the pleasure to enjoy, we may need it, the Americans seem determined to escalate the conflict, it may not take much for the warring to spill over the Ukrainian western border, one cannot even think of it.
We are all hackable now, the pandemic was the turning point, evolution no longer applies, it’s all programable manipulation of the human beings i.e.all of us:
An interesting conversation between Godfrey Bloom and Colonel Douglas MacGregor–smS4w
Merry Christmas
Himalayan Motorcycle Adventure
A very happy Christmas to you all.
The Great Game continues. Just one hundred years after the last Armenian genocide by the Turks, are we about to witness another?
To settle down and reflect on the months passed,
Relishing memories and moments kept sacred,
Looking inward and healing a life once forgotten,
A year’s end to really pause and live,
For self actualization is as complimentary as winter and rain,
A chill flourishing among a fresh becoming; annual.
Longish but well worth your attention, it’s broader than Bron;s musings on the issue but in parts it echoes his slicing of it including the Wolfowitz doctrine:
Fergus Pickering @ December 29th, 2022 – 11:25
Hi Fergus.
You still breathing then?
on the verse: Que?
Noa @ December 24th, 2022 – 10:44
An informative piece, Noa, the Armenians have a problem that they won’t be able to shake off, they’re Christians.
Baron – 00:18
“on the verse: Que?”
Fregas is definitely on something, M’lud!
Did you notice the piece of misdirection in the press the other day emanating from the de-souled Whitty? Apparently all the Covid jab heart attacks are due to lack of Statins and Beta-blockers? Yep, 2023, time to give the two big Pharma ca$h cows a post Covid booster.
File under: Profit$ of doom, and Lysenko-ism etc.
There’s a distinction to be drawn between Humbuggery, Bulishit and Lies, as there is between Science, Ideology and Dogma. The current hegemony has perfected the perfect blend of all those factors into a “gain of function’ tool based on the pioneering work of the Frankfurt School and the Les Postmoderniste BS artistes.
The long marchers marched, the virus mutated and metastasised throughout academia, media and government. Its biggest scalp hasn’t been the bestial, brutish pagan USA but Christianity and the European enlightenment.
Štastný nový rok
triumf naděje nad zkušeností?
A Štastný nový rok” to you too.
Also a “Gëzuar Vitin e Ri me punë të palodhur” to the Albanians on your estate. I hope that your Serb overseers will keep the buggers in order.
The question for 2023 is, will the Spiv of Kviv gets his comeuppance sooner rather than later?
EC @ January 2nd, 2023 – 10:22
One suspects you are a linguist, EC, you’ve kept it from us for reasons we can only guess, but why on earth would you learn a deeply obscure and a rather difficult tongue when only some 10mn cowardly folk speak it puzzles.
Stil, the same two you, one hopes it will work out that way.
One’s told that splitting the excess deaths (some 1,000 per week each week for the last nine months) into those vaccinated and those unvaccinated, the former wins hands down (sorry for the silliness, but apparently it’s so), fewer of the unvaccinated travel to say hello to the maker which surprises given that the vaccines were supposed to save us all.
Germany’s doing a 180deg u-turn on net zero carbon, they are razing a village, even a wind farm to dig up the low quality coal below, they gave in to American pressure, stopped buying cheap Russian gas ($8-00 per one million Btu), figured their companies cannot compete buying expensive American LNG (over $30 per one million Btu), turned to lignite aka brown coal, the lowest grade coal with the least concentration of carbon, low heating value and a high moisture content, good mostly to generate electricity.
How long will it take us to follow?
Meanwhile in His Majesty’s Dominion of CANUK-istan…
Justina Castro is cracking down on dissenters!
Does this sort of thing ring any alarum bells from your early days?
Baron – 22:46
My main tongue is generally that of forthright Anglo-Saxon. I am fascinated by languages. My brother was the linguist of the family. In the unlikely event that you were both in the same country at the same time and had met him, then then you would have been amazed.
I have always enjoyed a bit of Cockney banter as popularised in the 80s TV series “The Sweeney” and “Minder” etc. It was also occasionally used on the CHW by the blog guru. As a sort of “lingua Franka” if you will.
To absent friends.
EC @ January 4th, 2023 – 13:29
Indeed it does resonate, EC, the saying, which must have an equivalent in English, goes something like this ‘if they want to hit one they will always find a stick’, it doesn’t surprise at all what’s happening to Peterson, he must be an unpleasant pain in the neck for the anointed fruitcakes of woke in Canada, but then, is one shocked?
Nope. the current West has morphed close to fully into the East of the past and vice versa, it’s beyond ironic that Baron is often thinking he should be returning to where he came from, if not voluntarily than almost certainly he will be kicked out by the order of the current regime.
EC @ January 4th, 2023 – 13:57
It’s amazing how much he’s missed, EC, a great guy.
Again, it’s not to scare you, you’re fine, but you should be aware of the new research into the effects of the jabs (unless you’ve seen it already), some of the sources referred to in the piece are very informative, one should know what could happen, be ready:
No substances Guv
Just the need to reconcile the passing of time
Endure thyself
Or myself
I fear thyself
I fear attraction
I fear unfamiliarity
I fear attention
I fear incidence
I fear conversation
I fear interaction
I fear answers
I fear questions
I fear to tell my story
I fear to hear yours
I fear compliance
I fear conflict
I fear benevolence
I fear mutuality
I fear victimisation
I fear change
I fear to love
I fear to hate
I fear significance
I fear insignificance
I fear the lies we tell
I fear the truths we hide
I fear imprisonment
I fear freedom
I fear hope
I fear despair
I fear old age
I fear children
I fear intelligence
I fear ignorance
I fear to take
I fear to give
I fear to borrow
I fear to loan
I fear to exchange
I fear to teach
I fear to learn
I fear to laugh
I fear to cry
I fear to be
I fear not to be
I fear to be afraid
I fear to be brave
I fear to die
I fear to live
I fear discomfort
I fear responsibility
I fear to gain
I fear to lose
I fear victory
I fear defeat
I fear antrophy
I fear hypertrophy
I fear inertia
I fear activity
I fear obedience
I fear disobedience
I fear justice
I fear injustice
I fear totality
I fear poverty
I fear embarrassment
I fear addiction
I fear declamation
I fear guilt
I fear pride
I fear delusion
I fear unfulfillment
I fear my apathy
I fear to be wakeful
I fear to be tired
I fear my capabilities
I fear my incapabilities
I fear my dreams
I fear my nightmares
I fear women
I fear men
I fear being disabled
I fear misinterpretation
I fear misrepresentation
I fear altruism
I fear limitation
I fear to endear
I fear to inspire
I fear to forget
I fear to remember
I fear self doubt
I fear discrimination
I fear starvation
I fear migration
I fear fragility
I fear formality
I fear banality
I fear enticement
I fear cruelty
I fear judgement
I fear to embrace
I endure what I fear
I endure because I must
I endure myself because I fear
Endure thyself
I can endure
Fergus Pickering @ January 6th, 2023 – 13:36
Now, Fergus, that’s close to the Mother of all Paranoias, but why leaving out the NHS? ‘I fear the NHS’ is a must, and only then will the endurance be worthwhile to proceed with.
Nothing much new in it, but a neat summary of what it’s all about, Baron has been arguing the same for some time, as have been many others, what the author misses is Putin’s failure to suss it up earlier, he should have known about the equipping and training of the Ukrainian military, the FSB must have told him, yet he and Lavrov and many others continued calling their Western counterparts ‘colleagues’, hoping Russia will be treated on par with the Western tribes, or rather with the Anglo-Saxon tribe, that will never happen, and just as well the world needs duopoly, it’s how nature is, it all goes in two, the one complimenting the other ‘for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health’ to which one may add ‘in peace and in war ….’.
Ukraine may have been saved from the colonisation up to about 2016-17, to invade in 2022 was too late, to add to the insanity the invasion was by the boots, instead he should have done what Sergey Surovikin is doing now, a massive lobbing of missiles targeting military objects with a message “the missiles will stop coming when you stop bombing Donbas’.
The guy’s lost it, he should be retired.
Baron, January 6th, 2023 – 17:22
From this list we can educe that, either way, plagiarisation and self-actualisation (ibid. Dec29th 11:25) are not amongst his top 98 concerns.
File under: Maxwell Frere, Hugo Fitch etc.
Baron, January 6th, 2023 – 17:39
Meanwhile in the republic the election of McCarthy as House “Speaker” signals that nothing is going to change in the DC swamp. If we are all still here in 2024 then it’ll be a miracle!
How’s your Mandarin coming along?
EC @ January 7th, 2023 – 10:49
Well spotted, EC.
EC @ January 7th, 2023 – 11:17
You’re quite right, EC, nothing will change because nothing can change, the desires and needs of the military-industrial complex rule the contemporary Republic, the complex’s priorities cannot be interfered with, the clowns in either House have no power to oppose it, it would be the career end for anyone that had a go, instead they are free to financially benefit from the spoils of the complex.
Just look how rich the retiring Dem speaker, the female whose face is redolent of a dry kangaroo scrotum, has become on an annual salary of less than a quarter of a million bucks, how on earth has she managed to become a multimillionaire with net worth of $120m?
Here’s something different, it comes from another blog, a vet (that’s a veteran of a US Armed Forces) is talking, informative:
Curt Nichols says:
Reference military recruitment. Here is a story for you. I was shot while in the US Army. It was a “good” wound and not much of a problem. I never gave it any thought. Years later a fellow Veteran asked me what my disability rating was. I said “huh”?
He said Dude, you get money for that. There was a local Veteran of Foreign Wars where they had a guy who did your paperwork. I wandered over. It was first come, first served. I went in, we talked for a bit. He said where are your medical records? I said “huh”?
Here is my DD 214. He gets up, looks outside, and closes the door to the office. I ask, “Am I in trouble”? He says no. I don’t want the people outside to hear this. He says you are your generation. You went in, did your job, and never thought of getting anything. Those kids out there? They do 4 years. They document every injury. Every illness. When you leave, look at the kid in front. He has two banker boxes of records. They go in planning on a 100% disability.
Here is what we do. To get you in the system, we do a hearing loss. That is an easy case. Then we start on the gunshot. 20% disability on the hearing within 7 months. The gunshot took 2 years and gave me another 30%. The 50% gives me free medical and medicines. The monthly check is over $1000. Our world.
Apologies for ‘a US Forces’, no idea how that happened.
More to the point, Baron has to enter his moniker and the e-mail address if he wantsa to post each time, is it something others have to do?
You reckon it’s a good or bad sign, the ghastly Nuland and the pusillanimous Medvedev together? Hmmm
Sorry again, it’s not ‘he he wantsa’, it should be ‘if he wants’, this must be a curse, what remains for Baron to do is find out whose curse and his postings will improve.
What would she be if she didn’t marry the royal spare? Not much, a second rate stripper, a third rate actress, a fourth rate human being, she cannot get along with her own parents, battles her own brothers and sisters, the same goes for Harry’s parents and his brothers and the sister, the female is a human rejects.
Years ago, it was in the last century towards its end, Baron used to know a family, they had a son aged about seven, he complained about the treatment at school, was transferred to another one, the same outcome, ‘they hate me there’, Baron recalls his saying, the third schooling establishment turned out once more unsuitable for the boy, ‘perhaps it’s not the schools that are to blame’, Baron said to his mother, ‘it could be your son’, she didn’t answer, but it was the last time Baron saw the family.
There should have been another paragraph to the 10:10 posting saying that unless the Monarchy fully severs the royal connection to the boy, the pair will dent the institution noticeably, perhaps even break it, she cannot give up piling dirt on them because this is where the money is, and she certainly isn’t dreaming about penury.
Baron, January 9th, 2023 – 10:05
Just above the Comment button is the text:
“Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.”
Click the Tickbox/Checkbox to the left of this text.
Baron @10:10, @10:14
You are being played!
Since the abdication of Edward VIII onwards the prime purpose of the Royals has been the creation an endless public pantomime to keep the great unwashed supine, and distracted to stop them thinking about anything else. It’s the ultimate Reality TV show.
The Royals are not like us, and just like our politicians they pretend to care about us but they secretly despise us. Why should we care about them? Let them get on with their very limited public constitutional duties, but FFS starve them of the oxygen of publicity surrounding their private lives!
Andrew Lawrence on the media’s role in this latest nonsense…
Lazy, degenerate MSM
Do you have any of the books of Dr John Coleman in your collection?
I came across this one this morning…
Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300
Click on the “Look inside” button – You get about 33% of the book
Amazing stuff in there about “events” and the plans made in the 70s which are coming to fruition now!
I envy you your annual winter sojourn in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
I hope that you and Nelly are getting a nice tan by the pool.
EC @ January 10th, 2023 – 10:46
Not that it matters much, EC, but on this issue we have to agree to disagree, Baron’s has been a staunch supporter of the Monarchy, of course the individuals within it are different from us, Charles has a lackey putting abit of toothpaste on his toothbrush each morning, but it’s the institution of Monarchy that matters, it serves a purpose no other institution could furnish, if anything, it was the constitutional monarchy arrangement that stood up to Adolf, the other major countries of Europe gave in to the Nazi creed, folded up, it’s also the bridging conduit with the past the guide for the future, it may change of course, one fears that the new King could turn as woke as the rest of the progressive clique, but until that happens Baron will defend it, even on the barricades if that were needed.
Andrew’s fantastic, top marks, short and to the point, his best or amongst his best.
EC @ January 10th, 2023 – 10:54
No, EC, no books by the good doctor, but Baron often listens to him on u-tube, he’s rather cautious, careful what he says, as far as Baron knows he hasn’t yet reached a stage of admitting that the vaccines could be amongst the reasons for the excess in mortality, and the excess is apparently getting worse.
It’s the ‘Cause Unknown’ by Ed Dowd that Baron’s after, it hasn’t arrived yet. The following is the start of what you an read if you click on the link:
“2020 saw a spike in deaths in America, smaller than you might imagine during a pandemic, some of which could be attributed to COVID and to initial treatment strategies that were not effective. But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails. The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18–64) was 40 percent higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID.
A 40 percent increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking. Even a 10 percent increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40 percent.
And therein lies a story—a story that starts with obvious questions:”
Baron – 23:41
I had no idea that you were an avid reader of Hello Magazine in addition to being a lifelong subscriber of The Spectatesman. I suppose the former covers the “ins and outs,” so to speak, in much greater detail than the latter. 😉 Do you queue up in W.H.Smith for your copy of Hello or do you have it delivered in a plain brown envelope?
Not that it matters overmuch, Baron, but we do have some common ground. As I said above, “let them get on with their very limited public constitutional duties, but FFS starve them of the oxygen of publicity surrounding their private lives. After all, it’s this very publicity that will kill off your cherished institution.
Baron – 23:51
Wrong Coleman, Mlud. John not Vernon.
С Новым Годом Yоллстеры!
Greetings from the luxury Ukrainian Cruise ship, the SS Perestroika, aboard which Milady Noa and myself, the proud possessors of a Paul Joseph Watson Scottish title and hereditary land plot, are taking a Baltic Sea cruise. MiLady Noa has obtained this wonderful free holiday by virtue of her combibed maritime geo-survey and undersea pipe laying and welding skills and is a great hit with the other Babuskas with whom we are traveling!
(I’ll never forget how Lady N and I first met at Clitheroe University bar, me drinking yards of ale, whilst she practiced he spot welding skills by welding importunate drunken tractor drivers to the bar stools to prevent them escaping from her mates. It was love at first sight.)
Do not be misled by the media skinny Minnies advertisng themselves as Internet brides on those Fraser Nelson popups, EC! Some of these lasses are of truly Cumbrian proportions!
Anyway, our dear captain, recently the skipper of the pride of the Russian navy until he accepted involuntary redundancy, has assured me that the underwater detonations we heard during the night as we passed the German coast were nothing more than his Deck officer resting the ship’s DAS, or Defensive Aid system, a residual remnant of its former role as the flagship of the Ukrainian Fleet!
He has promised his top table of guests, (of which we are of course the creme de la creme) the opportunity to watch the ship’s burly crew practice deep sea mining tomorrow. I’m sure watching the future of this new industry being laid will be fascinating!
Anyway more soon. We are also promised some land trips and the opportunity to see some of the night time fireworks up close!
С Новым Годом Yоллстеры!
Greetings from the luxury Ukrainian ( or is it Albanian?) Cruise ship, the SS Peres troika, aboard which Milady Noa and myself, the proud possessors of a Paul Joseph Watson Scottish title and hereditary land plot, are taking a Baltic Sea cruise. MiLady Noa has obtained this wonderful free holiday by virtue of her combibed maritime geo-survey and undersea pipe laying and welding skills and is a great hit with the other Babuskas with whom we are traveling!
(I’ll never forget how Lady N and I first met at Clitheroe University bar, me drinking yards of ale, whilst she practiced he spot welding skills by welding importunate drunken tractor drivers to the bar stools to prevent them escaping from her mates. It was love at first sight.)
Do not be misled by the media skinny Minnies advertisng themselves as Internet brides on those Fraser Nelson popups, EC! Some of these lasses are of truly Cumbrian proportions!
Anyway, our dear captain, recently the skipper of the pride of the Russian navy until he accepted involuntary redundancy, has assured me that the underwater detonations we heard during the night as we passed the German coast were nothing more than his Deck officer resting the ship’s DAS, or Defensive Aid system, a residual remnant of its former role as the flagship of the Ukrainian Fleet!
He has promised his top table of guests, (of which we are of course the creme de la creme) the opportunity to watch the ship’s burly crew practice deep sea mining tomorrow. I’m sure watching the future of this new industry being laid will be fascinating!
Anyway,more soon. We are also promised some land trips and the opportunity to see some of the night time fireworks up close!
Happy new year wallsters or С Новым Годом Yоллстеры!
bar stools to prevent them escaping from her mates. It was love at first sight.)
Do not be misled by the media skinny Minnies advertisng themselves as Internet brides on those Fraser Nelson popups, EC! Some of these lasses are of truly Cumbrian proportions!
Anyway, our dear captain, recently the skipper of the pride of the Russian navy until he accepted involuntary redundancy, has assured me that the underwater detonations we heard during the night as we passed the German coast were nothing more than his Deck officer resting the ship’s DAS, or Defensive Aid system, a residual remnant of its former role as the flagship of the Ukrainian Fleet!
He has promised his top table of guests, (of which we are of course the creme de la creme) the opportunity to watch the ship’s burly crew practice deep sea mining tomorrow. I’m sure watching the future of this new industry being laid will be fascinating!
Anyway more soon. We are also promised some land trips and the opportunity to see some of the night time fireworks up close!
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Lord Noa of Kirkaldy, Fife and Drum.
January 11th, 2023 – 20:34
С Новым Годом Yоллстеры!
Greetings from the luxury Ukrainian ( or is it Albanian?) Cruise ship, the SS Peres troika, aboard which Milady Noa and myself, the proud possessors of a Paul Joseph Watson Scottish title and hereditary land plot, are taking a Baltic Sea cruise. MiLady Noa has obtained this wonderful free holiday by virtue of her combibed maritime geo-survey and undersea pipe laying and welding skills and is a great hit with the other Babuskas with whom we are traveling!
(I’ll never forget how Lady N and I first met at Clitheroe University bar, me drinking yards of ale, whilst she practiced he spot welding skills by welding importunate drunken tractor drivers to the bar stools to prevent them escaping from her mates. It was love at first sight.)
Do not be misled by the media skinny Minnies advertisng themselves as Internet brides on those Fraser Nelson popups, EC! Some of these lasses are of truly Cumbrian proportions!
Anyway, our dear captain, recently the skipper of the pride of the Russian navy until he accepted involuntary redundancy, has assured me that the underwater detonations we heard during the night as we passed the German coast were nothing more than his Deck officer resting the ship’s DAS, or Defensive Aid system, a residual remnant of its former role as the flagship of the Ukrainian Fleet!
He has promised his top table of guests, (of which we are of course the creme de la creme) the opportunity to watch the ship’s burly crew practice deep sea mining tomorrow. I’m sure watching the future of this new industry being laid will be fascinating!
Anyway,more soon. We are also promised some land trips and the opportunity to see some of the night time fireworks up close!
EC @ January 11th, 2023 – 12:21
There must two dr John Colemans then, EC, this is the one Baron often listens to, the cautious one, but widely followed. Is it the one that penned the book?
EC @ January 11th, 2023 – 12:10
Nothing to disagree with, EC.
Btw where is Noa, he hasn’t yet enlighten us, what is his thinking on the Mother of all issues the saga of the mixed race couple, we should be told, shouldn’t;t we?
Baron – 12:21
That guy in your link, the nursing PhD and Covid guy, , is Dr. John Campbell.
@00:41 Noa, as conjectured above, is probably on his annual jolly in the Caribbean. After his first week in St. Vincent he may well have island hopped across to Mustique and is now hobnobbing with Richard Branston, Cliff Richard, and Mick Jagger et al.
Did you watch ‘low energy’ Rashid Sunook’s (© Joe Biden) address to the nation last night? Hardly Churchillian was it? It was really just a giant nothingburger, imo.
Now I know the poor chap probably cannot help it, but Rashid appeared to be smirking for most of it.
If you have spare eleven minutes you may like to watch it, it’s subtitled in English, the guy’s Baron’s favourite Anatoli Sharij, an Ukrainian blogger, the video is about a success of the Ukrainian Secret Service.
Few days ago he did another excellent video about the corruption amongst the top echalon of the Russian Armed services including Shoigu, the Defence Minister, his sidekick and others, unfortunately it’s only in Russian, pity because it’s well evidenced but far too complex to even summarise, one’s to know something about the structure of the top layer of the military.
On the stash of documents found in the Biden’s residence: it’s to put pressure on him to give the go ahead for NATO to enter the fray in Ukraine, or at least a number of NATO volunteer members such as Poland, probably us and few others. When that happens the investigation into the papers will be dropped, no more question asked, you can bet on it.
@21:46 Excellent, thank you.
@21:49 It’s all being carefully stage managed, imo, M’lud.
The raid on Trump’s home in Florida was to prepare the way for the raid on
Joe. The object is to get rid of Joe. But how will they get rid of VP Kamala?
Maybe old Joe wasn’t so far gone in 2020 after all. The prime qualification
needed for a VP running mate isn’t that they are good, but that they must be
so awful and hopeless that nobody dares to seek to replace you!
It is a great pity that all his other videos do not have English subtitles.
Happy new year Wallsters!
Dd you enjoy the holidays?
Lady Noa of Stromash and myself, proud holders of Scottish titles and lands following the superb Paul Joseph Watson initiative to reconquer Scotland foot by foot, from Wee Nicky, have been cruising around the Baltic as guest lecturers on the luxury liner Zelenski, giving occasional lectures on the prospects for Energy and Agricultural investment in the New Ostlands after the Special Operation, or whatever its called this month, is complete.
What’s all that banging on the Hull? Milady complained.
“I think we must have missed the SBS drop off point at Kiel” I replied. “I wouldn’t be too concerned, they’ll probably drop them off with the Army at Vilnius”.
What,All the Army?'” She cried aghast?
Not all of them my dear. “The Commando put his pants back on and is now living the dream in Montesito, about 5000 down shifted, (they couldn’t downsize) to Disability Benefit, after eating all the pies in the Serco NAFFis.
“Duck!” she cried.
“Where? I replied. “Don’t worry I said reassuringly. It’s just the captain testing the DAS and AAM suite before we leave Copenhagen!”
Corruption, don’t ya just love it!?
Not just your char wallahs, ex mayor and other PMs, but all those dodgy scientists too.
A good January piece to get you in the mood fr the rest of the year.
For her 50th birthday, a woman decides to beautify herself, spends twenty thousand quid not just on the face but the whole body, a full MOT, looks sensational, on her first outing after they ops asks the local newsagent ‘how old do you think I’m,’ the man looks at her says ’35’, ‘no’, she says, ‘I am 50’.
Very pleased and encouraged she goes shopping at M&S asks the same question the girl at the cake counter who says ‘I think you’re 30’, the woman replies with a big smile, ‘nope, I’m 50’,
Now she’s feeling really good about herself, thinks ‘perhaps a holiday in the Caribbean would be in order’, after paying for it at the travel agent she asks the assistant the same burning question who responds ‘oh, I’d say you’re 27?’
That does it, she’s feels heavenly, the money was well spent, as she is walking from the agency a man overtakes her, she cannot help it stops him, apologises for it and asks the same question again.
The middle age man says ‘sorry, madam, my eyesight isn;t that good and I forgot my glasses, but if I would have a feel of you body, touch it here and there I would tell you how old you’re’, the woman hesitates, then some more but finally says ‘OK’, they enter a large park, hide behind the bushes, the man explores her body thoroughly, they both get lascivious, end up with the Full Monty.
‘So’, says the woman expectedly, ‘how old am I?’. Zipping up, the man says ‘you’re 50’, the woman’s shocked, nearly faints, asks quietly ‘how did you know, ‘I was behind you at the travel agent,’ says the man.
So much for excessive vanity.
Baron – 15:35
Very good.
Reminds me of the old joke about a woman of the same vintage who complained that her latest man couldn’t satisfy her. “Madam, I’m used to appearing in a Church and NOT a Cathedral!” the organist replied.
The Judge asking some searching questions of Scott Ritter
Some very disturbing answers!
Will we have to wait for the completion of Hinckly Point before a warm nuclear glow suffuses England?
Battle tanks for the spring offensive
Defend Clarkson!
Noa – 16:33
No. The contributors to that article appear to be completely insane.
Neil Oliver speaking about organised crime.
EC @ January 19th, 2023 – 16:29
The judge errs thinking Putin wants a pro-Russian stooge governing Ukraine, he wants an independent president governing a sovereign Ukraine, as it had been from the collapse of the USSR till the Feb 24 Kiev’s coup.
Noa @ January 20th, 2023 – 16:47
To be candid, Noa, Baron would have signed immediately had Clarkson stuck to what he has said, his apologising makes the barbarian more than reluctant to sign the petition, he will have to ponder some, then sign or not, will let you know.
This is the guy Baron reads every day from the US offerings, it’s not only what he pens, it’s also the quality of the postings:
Another subtitled story from Anatolia Sharij talking about the people we support, sickening that:
Then blame Russia:
Get rid of the ‘dot’.
What’s mad about a battle of wills between the US and Germany to release AFVs to Ukraine? If the US prevails an asymmetrical position arises: US Abrams tanks remain uncommitted, in consequence Germany (and UK) are potential red lines for the use of Russian nuclear weapons, but not the US.
Which reminds me to check what the warmongers’ decision was yesterday. No doubt Emperor Claus would have been the first to be told and will have directed the 1000 strong WEF jet fleet from Davos to wherever it will be safest, Punto de Areanas probably.
Its your choice of course. Should we allow a vindictive American porn star and her magic money tree to destroy a man? Or withhold our support to him because he tried to protect himself?
Perhaps there is a third way, to start a petition demanding he write a vituperative post about the Hegans in return for our signing the original petition…..
Noa & Baron
People forget his humanitarian efforts.
Here’s one of Jezza’s educational videos aimed at saving lives!
We are Ludvik Jahn now!
Taki’s obituary on his dead friend, the former King of Greece and a comparison with the hedon, Heghan.
Noa @ January 21st, 2023 – 09:45
No, we certainly shouldn’t allow a vindictive American porn star …. Baron will sign.
As an argument it may be helpful, although the number of views so far wouldn’t suggest so, but deep down it’s faulty, the human race has FA to do with the climatic changes that have been going on since the creation of this earthly abode of ours.
EC @ January 21st, 2023 – 12:55
Highly enjoyable and instructive, EC.
Baron 08.31
Yes the boy Konstantin has come a long way. I enjoy Tiggernometry, one of the most interesting discussion fora.
A bit like the BBC in the 70s, ony better.
Mr Gove goes to Barrow…
… and BAE venturing into High St retailing?
[ Shurely shome mishtake?]
Levelling up? It could be Partnerships for Prostitutes, or a rent boy meetings workshop, ideal for the Minister for the Crap Absolutely noone else is interested in. Or maybe moving into the booming refugee accommodation market….
Old gaits die hard and I remember a previous BAe involvement in a very dodgy Dock development which ended up with Councillors jailed etc…
EC 12.55
Perhaps this chap was the role model for the Heghan’s Apache Weapons Instructor.
“Can you count up to two, Mr Wales? Yes, you can use both hands! And yes, your feet too!”
Noa – 13:47
Indeed. I’m afraid that the Albanian diaspora fleeing the tyranny of the post Enver Hoxha regime have put paid to many entrepreneurial ambitions that your local Councillors may have had. Dock workers, also import and distribution services are strictly off limits now.
What to do when you’re waiting to see the Doctor.
Cumbrian David Starkey ripping Heghan a new arsehole. Something in which he is of course well versed.
Watching this Simon Webb video reminded me of the substantial Ukrainian contribution to the Shoah. Unfortunately despite routing through my library I couldn’t find my old paperback copy of A Anatoli’s ‘Babi Yar’. As it now retails at over £100 a copy and even the edition to be published in February is £18, I will mourn its loss.
The good news is that, unlike Angus MacQueen’s Gulag, the filmdocumentary ‘Shoah’ is available at a reasonable price, capturing the contribution of ordinary Poles and other civilised Europeans to the annihilation of their Jewish neighbours. I will be a copy to remind myself and my family, if they choose to watch it, of the inhuman depths to which we can sink.
“It’s like the First World War ….if we kill them, they’re just replaced”.
So screams a big headline on the front page of yesterday’s ST, the piece is penned by a female Louise Callaghan, it covers half of the front page and alsopage 4 inside.
One cannot believe the figures of casualties issued by either adversary in the conflict, but one gets a feeling, the feeling says it may be the other way round if only because the Russian artillary outfire the Ukrainian’s by 9 to 1, or so says Oleksii Arestovych, the former advisor to the drug addict of Kiev.
There’s though another illogical aspect of the headline, if the Ukrainians are ‘mowing’ the Russians (it says so in the body of the piece) then how could one explain that the Russians are advancing? Are the cadavers still capable of fighting?
It will soon be the first anniversary of the invasion, time to calm down, begin to talk, it will be eventually a negotiated settlement, men in suits will deliver it, men in boots, or rather those that are still breathing when the shooting stops, will no longer be needed.
Noa @ January 23rd, 2023 – 17:01
Simon has a point, Noa, what he fails to mention is that the Nazis released some 180,000 war prisoners taken on the eastern front, 95% of them were Ukrainians not Russians, over half of the released joined teams searching for Jews, Russians, Poles and others killing them without any trials, expropriating their possessions, that was in addition to their regular pay, the other 40% went back to agriculture to feed the Reich.
This comes from a Jewish source, the data was published in a foreword to a book ‘Life & Fate” by Vasily Grossman, Baron cannot lay his hand on it (the books are a bloody mess), but please trust him, the figures are roughly correct, the book quotes exact figures.
Noa @ January 23rd, 2023 – 13:16
A nice sketch, Noa, not that unusual, but who wants know?
Could there really be a nuclear WW3?:
Almost certainly if we were to listen to Gen. Thomas S. Power, CiC of Strategic Air Command from 1957 to 1964 who famously responded to a RAND study on nuclear strategy that proposed hitting the Soviet nuclear arsenal before hitting the cities by saying:
“Why are you so concerned with saving their lives? The whole idea is to kill the bastards. At the end of the war if there are two Americans and one Russian left alive, we win!”
It seems the same thinking now prevails in the West. If you don’t believe it listen to Serbian President Vucic who met the 5 Western Powers last week:
“What worries me is that there is no longer a rational approach to solving problems. I saw this at the meeting with the Big Five. No matter what I said and no matter what facts I gave, no one wanted to listen to me.
Reason no longer plays any role.They have their own agenda, and that is the defeat of Russia, and along the way, anyone who gets in their way will be mopped up”
‘Who wants to know’ would be better @ 23:37
Noa – 16:41
Gadzooks, and stap me vitals! I thought he was from Yokshire.
Cumbria has a Herdwick problem.
Baron – 00:54
“Could there really be a nuclear WW3?”
It is not unthinkable, M’lud. If it does happen then it will probably kick off “unintentionally.” A fatal combination of misjudgement, jingoism, incompetence and technical failure thus validating Murphy’s Law again.
There are Neocon fruitcakes in DC, Pentagon and the US media who think it is possible to conduct a limited nuclear exchange in Europe using tactical (neutron) bombs, or “take out” Putin (*) with a bunker buster on the Kremlin.
They are wrong on both counts. Russia’s widely publicised nuclear doctrine would be to go “all in” if either of those situations arise. The first nuclear bomb to go off in Ukraine then THAT IS IT – no matter whether it is a “NATO” one or a US one used in a black flag op.
The unhinged, gung-ho Necon hysterics in the US, German and Poland talking about taking back Crimea, regime change in Moscow etc. are getting high on their own farts. They are creating a fevered, fetid, atmosphere where accidents are much more likely to happen. They are not scaring the Russians, but they are certainly scaring everybody else!
* You are are familiar with the Russians’ “dead hand” response? It’s automatic.
An Eastern European nuclear wasteland would be a favourable outcome for the US neocons, and damn the EU and the fast de industrialising Germans.
Expect crocodile tears from the Teaoschoh Biden.
More teutonic madness EC.
I had wondered where these Ukrainian ‘auxiliary police’ came from. The POWs from Barbarossa offered them a choice of death by starvation or slavery, so the opportunity to murder those even lower on the Hierarchy must have appeared a no brainer.
How would Britons acted in similar circumstances? Fortunately we haven’t had to find out, yet.
Noa @ January 24th, 2023 – 11:15
“Germany and France seeking greater “European sovereignty” also aiming to “strengthen the EU as a geopolitical actor?” Arghhhh
As Baron said many times before the N-2 got blown up, if the Germans lose the deliveries of Russian gas and oil, their sovereignty will be finished, kaput, it will vanish in thin air because whoever controls the energy market controls the country, and the country of the Huns is going to be controlled by the American Governing elites, they have the Germans by the balls so tightly that they won’t be able to piss without the Americans furnishing the go ahead, and serves them fugging right, too.
EC @ January 24th, 2023 – 09:31
Excellent points, EC,
Have you seen the sackings and resignations of ‘corrupt’ officials in Kiev, it was Anatolia Sharij videos that forced the Americans to instruct the DA of Kiev to move or else, questions are being asked in the Western capitals as if the politicians didn’t know what was going on, Vienna, Warsaw and Prague have been full of Mercs, Audis and BMWs driven by Ukrainians.
You recall Baron’s loss of a favourite haunt in one of the European cities bought for cash by an Ukrainian, apparently it’s open now, but the prices have doubled, a big mistake that, the eatery isn’t anywhere near the tourist track, it won’t succeed.
EC @ January 24th, 2023 – 09:31
One can never rule anything out, EC, but it’s unlikely that either adversary will take the risk of annihilating civilisation as we know it.
Neither Russia nor the US need to resort to lobbying missiles equipped with nuclear warheads at each other, all they have to do is to fire conventional missiles that will breach the other side’s defence systems and simultaneously stop the incoming conventional missiles hitting them.
That would be enough for the cooler heads in both the powers to prevail because if one can penetrate the defences with conventional missiles whilst preventing getting hit in return one can also fire nuclear missiles with similar success.
The target we are talking about here is the US mainland for Russia’s missiles, and the Russian mainland for the Americans missiles.
This may be something the Russians have been goading the Americans to do, how else could one explain the failure by Russia to hit the rail and road links from the West to Ukraine (obviously on the Ukrainian side), or the Ukrainian airports in the West (including the Kiev’s airport), or leaving the command centres of the Ukrainian Army largely untouched, or never attacking the seven bridges over the Dniepr river, the only conduit for the supply of weapons and manpower to the east of Ukraine.
On the other hand, the American military have been scrupulously avoiding any direct contact with the Russians, not only in Ukraine, it has happened in the ME as well, it’s always the proxies the Americans use, never a direct confrontation. Why?
The Americans know their defence systems are incapable to stop not all not even the majority of the Russian most advanced missiles – hypersonic, capable to fly low on a non fixed trajectory, essentially unstoppable hence the current $777.7bn US Defence budget to catch up, or do even better.
More on the Ukrainians and their relationship with the SS.
This is good, of you have the time you should read it:
Noa @ January 24th, 2023 – 23:45
A superb find, Noa, thanks, Baron will use it mostly if only because the picture at the bottom of the piece (on the right) displays the same flag used by the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine today.
John Helmer may have the reason for the resilience of Russia:
“As democracy goes in states at war, in Russia there is more of it — faction fighting, public criticism, media debate — about battlefield operations, wins and losses, than there is on the NATO side, in the US, Canada, Germany, France or England.
By contrast, on the conduct of domestic economic policy, in Russia there is much less open argument than there is on the other side.
This is surprising because the sanctions war has forced the US-controlled and NATO-allied banks and corporations to abandon their Russian business, halt production plants, close offices, cancel supply and marketing agreements, write down the value of their Russian assets, and withdraw from Russia if they can.
The outcome is an opportunity, a revolutionary one, for Russia’s businessmen to take over the foreign assets and operate them for domestic profit for the first time in many years”.
Baron – 23:33
” it’s unlikely that either adversary will take the risk of annihilating civilisation as we know it.”
Murphy will be smiling when the monkey
mener…persons finally manage to beat the odds and exterminate themselves.Baron – 00:38
Re: Sanctions
“The outcome is an opportunity, a revolutionary one, for Russia’s businessmen to take over the foreign assets and operate them for domestic profit for the first time in many years.”
Yet again, the God of Irony wears a sardonic smile.
Baron – 00:26
An interesting article, thanks.
The Anglosphere is currently chained to the hulk of the sinking
USS Obamaer… USS Biden. China and India are not!There is every incentive for the Russians to use battlefield and naval tactical nuclear weapons against NATO supplied Ukrainian armour and assets if these are considered to be a serious threat. Fortunately they probably aren’t.
What would be the consequences? A devastated Ukraine, escalation into Poland, the Baltic states and Moldova?
Sadly no one in the West is presently promoting the only sane way out, negotiations and a peace settlement.
Baron 00.26
Thank you for that link to a most interesting article. Effectively it considers the economic consequences (fallout?) of the current split between the Western Rules based International System (RIBIS) and the new International doctrine of tolerance of Nation states articulated by Sergei Lavrov which we may, for convenience call Westphalia II.
Given the Wests transfer of its technology and production to the new, highly capable BRIICS powers who now control the majority of the worlds land mass, material and agri resources, it is madness to force the inevitable collapse of Weatern financial power.
This may account for the Hardwicke sheep shortage in your neck of the woods.
A Southern tourist visiting Pendle Witch country sees an old farmer sitting on a dry-stone wall with four little black balls beside him.
‘What are they?’ asks the visitor.
‘Them’s learning pills, them is.’
‘How much are they?’
‘Three quid for one, two for a fiver.’
Handing over a £5 note, the man pops the little balls in his mouth and immediately spits them out.
‘That’s sheep shit!’ he protests.
‘See lad,’ says the farmer, tha’s learning already.”
I was intrigued by this recent history of the Camel Corps depradations and at risk of bankruptcy, or giving to cancel Lady Ns birthday celebrations, treated myself to a copy.
Review and is it worth it analysis in due course.
Noa – 16:55
Cumbria has plenty of sheep, and isolated stockmen that take the term animal husbandry too literally, That’s the problem!
@16:39 Questions
What was Boris doing in Davos?
Thence he departed hotfoot to see the Spiv of Kviv.
Whose emissary was he?
A Bridgen Too Far?
I can’t imagine that BoJo does anything for nothing. Will the Davos and Kviv boondoggles appear in the HoC Register of Interests, I wonder?
I won’t hold my breath!
Some more on Babi Yar
Babi Yar Massacre – The Forgotten Prisoner Uprising (Ep. 1)
Babi Yar Massacre – The Forgotten Prisoner Uprising (Ep. 2)
The Poles, Ukrainians, Latvians also don’t come out of this very well,
Neither do the Soviets – Katyn massacre.
Truly awful what people can do in the name of religion or ideology.
Some more from Dr Felton on The Azov Battalion – History & Symbols
Who would be a Jew East of the Atlantic?
The needlessly bureaucratic element of my suggestion that we hold annual elections for the appointment of a real British patriotic ratger tgan idiotic Royal family was rightly criticised by a TCW reader. As they said
“…Too much trouble organising an election. Why not make being Monarch for a year one of the National Lottery Prizes?”
The needlessly bureaucratic element of my suggestion that we hold annual elections for the appointment of a real British patriotic rather than the current idiotic Royal family was rightly criticised by a TCW reader. As they said:
“…Too much trouble organising an election. Why not make being Monarch for a year one of the National Lottery Prizes?”
Noa – 19:55
… or even in 12th Century England?
Then there’s the persecution of Christians by the Desert Death Cult, Turks, Sunnis vs Shiites (and vice-versa) and to this very day by Justina Castro.
Not much hope for the monkey
menpersonages is there?Noa – 09:40
Sod being the Monarch.
I want absolute power!
[the problem with the Lottery idea is that I never win it…
or am I the real winner by not winning it?]
All hail His Majesty King Jayden the First and his significant other Queen Chantelle-Ferrari and their assorted, blended offspring.
Whatever they may be, they can be no worse than the current incumbents, encumbrances.
EC 11.26
We are all Nazis now!
Or at least the Smurf Johnson would have us be.)
Amazing what some people will do to avoid filing a self assessment tax return, still I’m sure he’s in good company in Davos and Kiev.
Noa @ January 25th, 2023 – 16:55
More than good, Noa, will be used often because it’s short and witty, sadly B aron won’t be able to do the right accent.
Noa @ January 26th, 2023 – 12:04
Fraser Nelson suggested last week in the Spectator the Blond Inseminator should be made a special envoy to Ukraine, Noa, it didn’t;t go down well in the responses, but if he were to be made to go to the front line, drive one of the British Challenger tanks ….
EC @ January 26th, 2023 – 11:26
Another excellent find, DEC, if only because it names places Baron often visits, it’s safely filed.
What do you make of this:
Or this:
Baron – 22:57
EC @ January 26th, 2023 – 11:26
It was on a much smaller disorganised scale than anything the Slavs, ruthlessly efficient Germans , DDCs or Turks subsequently organised. Prompted by the Crown being disappointed that they didn’t cough up enough cash for the war in France?
After the expulsions the tax burden fell on the Barons who got pissed off resulting in Magna Carta 1215 etc. The rest as they say is history.
See, M’lud, the Barons have never did pay their fair share of taxes.
C’mon, cough up or else! LOL LOL 🙂
Baron, January 26th, 2023 – 22:52
Might need to budget for a barrel of vaseline to ease him through the hatch.
This is another salvo of the news that the Americans have changed their mind on thew Ukraine man conflict, John Helmer’s interviewed on an Australian Radio, you may like to listen to it, amazingly, the MAM poodles are schtum about it, probably haven;t been instructed yet what to say.
EC @ January 27th, 2023 – 11:36
Indeed it was not on the same scale as the gas chambers atrocity or even the pogroms. EC, Baron just wasn’t aware of it.
Baron 23.15
Interesting. So much is done to mislead though… that’s the real source of misinformation in the world!
But I hope it’s true. There’s a risk of WW3 if people don’t wise up.
What I want to know is why did Boris fly to Ukraine to dissuade Zelensky from signing a peace deal with Russia?
That question would go to the heart of the causes and vested interests in the war.
If the Blinken thing turns out to be genuine I am sure it will protect the vested interests
Baron 12.18
Small they might have been but the York and Lincoln pogroms efficiently eliminated 100% of the ‘English Jewish problem’- and the foreign debt.
Who’s next? The EU, US, Induan and Chinese Bankers? Bad news that data sharing though, if we can’t burn the debtor accounts records, as to the Lockdoen creditor accounts and the £45billion swilling around in India, hasn’t the Teawallah already shut that investigation down?
Barin 23.15 contd
I think it also means the US recognises they are not winning, probably even losing this proxy war, which is drastically exposing the fault lines in the West.
The longer it goes on the more the ‘Clash of Civilisations’ favours the Chinese and Indians at the expense of US hegenomy.
Tanks for the memory…
The funereally dressed Maria Zakharova on the subject of tanks, German tanks in particular…
The much vaunted supply of 31 Yankee Abrams tanks might be a bit of a red herring… The Russians are more concerned about the
Tigerser… Leopards.The Americans will be praying that the Abrams don’t arrive in time, as it will be revealed how unreliable they are. Reportedly they need about 4hrs of maintenance for every 1hr of combat time or they break down. This means they have to be accompanied by a large team of mechanics. therefore they’ll have to be confined to Western Ukraine – if it still exists when they arrive. If they do see serious combat, even without breaking down, 30 tanks will only last a couple of days.
Going back to WW2 the American built and lease/lent “Tommy Cookers” (aka Ronson Lighters) were no match for Tigers. Anyway ALL Tanks, both ancient and modern, are not a great place to be inside when they get hit. No sane person would volunteer to be in a tank crew. May as well jump into commercial wood chipper. The armour may have improved but so have the anti-tank weapons.
When will sanity prevail, peace break out?
Noa, January 27th, 2023 – 17:50
India was always known, to me at any rate, as “the sleeping tiger.” The opportunity to get reciprocal residency and passport rights with independent Commonwealth countries was squandered a long time before traitor Heath dropped his strides, bent over and grabbed his ankles before the French & Germans.
The betrayal of the Commonwealth was a huge misjudgement.
Too late now,
The interest payment on the US sovereign debt last FY reached $853bn it’s bigger than the massive current US Defence budget at $777.7bn.
EC @ January 28th, 2023 – 10:08
The greater the escalation in Ukraine, the greater the danger the conflict spills into the Europe proper, these clowns will kill us, EC, arghhh
Noa @ January 27th, 2023 – 17:50
That’s the worry Baron has, Noa, that the Middle Kingdom gets involved actively, they must know that if Russia folds up they are next, getting the Chinese to join the fray is the last thing we need, we still rely on Chinese imports heavily.
Here’s something which is hard to fathom:
One can buy shares in Martin Lockheed on the St Petersburg stock exchange.
The interest in 2022 on the UKs national debt was £120.4 Billion, or over £1,800 per household. Miniscule by US standards perhaps and it may not worry the Barclay or the Teaboy, but it sure as hell worries me.
Is Brecqhou, Sark, Bailiwick of Guernsey actually in the eUK? Fiscally, tax wise?
Does the survivor keep his stash in gold bars in the dungeon of the Résidence Des Frères Barclay, I wonder?
What’s with the bespectacled Rashid Sunook from accounts? Is the new look supposed to make him look more intelligent, his words more believable? Are the bins really X-ray spec to afford him a better view of the ginger growler from the despatch box?
Where’s your respect for moguls, mughals and the charwhallah? Still, one tax dodger down, several million to go….
I see Hitchens thinks he may have been shadow censored during the Great Lockdown. Personally I’ve no doubt he was, along with the rest of the thinking class, that’s about 50,000 out of 80 million so I can’t see why the Guvt bothered.
The Right leaning Conservative commentaries on YouTube are having a field day in clinically dissecting the worst of all British governments since, erm the last one. Whether it’s Jeff Taylor on GODC, Farage on Govt lockdown spying or anybody else the other disasters that earn their weeks crust starting on a Monday.
Still, I particularly liked Webb “the Walrus pointing out how, thanks to HM Inspectorate of Constabulary racial discrimination policies, da London and no doubt everyone else’s neighbourhoods, is going to Hell due to the recruitment functionally illiterate practising Black and Indian S-C criminals.
Isn’t it curious to observe how the dominant Western cultural conservatism of the post WW2 era has now been comprehensively defeated and replaced by the extreme international socialism of the 1960s and 1970s?
An unnatural and uprotesting silence has now descended upon the West.
Where are the crowds of long haired students in front of the US Embassy chanting
“Hey Joe, how many kids have you killed today?” Or “No tanks for Fac#ists!”
“Donbass will avenge its Russian dead”, or even “Make Love not War”.
A strange neo Communist Western society is now enforcing its Liberal, globalised homogenised political ethos and rules on an increasingly resistant and nationally centred world and yet total silence reigns in a world that was once united and clamourous in its right to protest, even if it did not know why it did so or what its protests were for.
If he were still with us Peter Simple would be pleading for the return of the ubiquitous ‘Rent a Crowd’ he once despised and satirised so savagely.
Today’s Daily Mail reports that the ‘safe pair of hands’, Ben Wallace the Defence Secretary yesterday admitted to the Commons that the Armed Serices were ‘hollowed out and underfunded’ after 13 years of his government, but invited the Labour opposition to take some of the blame!
We have clearly reached Ground Zero in the level of moral cowardice and intellectual vacuity of the present government.
It is understandable in one sense though. The UK is now clearly undefended and indefensible.
Tanks and aircraft are for bellicose Vichy politicians to pose in, ships to collect victorious invading armies to impoverish, terrorise and murder the incumbent natives.
By the perverted groupthink presented as logic by the politierati why not ship this useless and unuseable military bric a brac to someone who might just have a better use for them?
Noa 18:04
I blame Gerry Anderson. but I’m alway suspicious of people who look like the bad guys in one of his puppet TV shows that I watched as a child. They all had huge bald sweaty heads with a medium oak stain. No neck, a big schnozzer, and a foreign accent were other features. Gerry missed his vocation. Should’ve been a profiler.
10:15 ; 12:00
It it weren’t so sad it’d be laughable. Most of the TV pundits are remarkably uninformed on the subjects they spew bollocks about. eg. The Spiv’s “Send Planes” plea. Do these people know how many serviceable Eurofighters the UK and Germany have, I wonder? I bet the Russians know.
Also laughable, Boris’ claim that “Mad Vlad” threatened to kill him. This is Boris’ biggest porky to date. yet… I can almost hear a hopeful nation rise to their feet “Get in! Go on my son… etc.”
Noa – 18:04
BTW, it was a good video.
Hurrah for the cultural enrichment that such diversity brings…
Noa @ January 31st, 2023 – 12:00
As if the hollowing out of the Army wasn’t bad enough, the man in charge had another headache, the use of superglue to repair cooling pipes of a submarine nuclear reactor, push the runner to 6:35min and listen.
Having said that it’s the Sun that covers the story, one would be well advised to take it with more than a pinch of salt, these people exaggerate about Russia, it’s unlikely they are telling the full truth about our failures, which was picked up in time.
It’s China then the US will be in war with as a party in 2025 rather than another proxy war as is happening in Ukraine, these guys are truly mad, they should be in safe houses being looked after, not in charge of thousands of heavily armed men:
Baron – 23:48
“Having said that it’s the Sun that covers the story, one would be well advised to take it with more than a pinch of salt”
Or in this case a bucket of salt. That story, from the same Murdoch stable that brought you the story about a rapist that broke into a looney bin, screwed a nut and then bolted. Or my favourite, “Nudist welfareman’s model wife fell for the Chinese hypnotist from the Co-op bacon factory.”
Dunno about the ‘ins and outs’ of the Sub story but the use of “thread lockers” is commonplace where vibration might cause a bolt or nut to come loose even after it had been tightened to the correct torque.
If a bolt breaks off in situ then its a fair bet that it was overtightened and it would remain in situ until the sun goes supernova. Able Seaman Orangutan probably just glued the head of the bolt back on for cosmetic purposes – to avoid a keel hauling.
“if a bolt head breaks off…”
“The screw tightens and a nut bolts…”
Meanwhile, is it me or is it cos I is black?
The Memphis Plod, 58% Black due to all those Affirmative action programmes, are busy leading Democrat cities in beating their Black traffic offenders to death.
Don’t ask “is it coz I is Black?” Because it almost certainly is, but it could also be that you’re too stupid and illiterate to be a Cop.
Of course, as Simon “the Walrus” Webb has pointed out the US model is the very one that our own multiculturalist Plod is choosing to follow.
Neil Oliver on the current “Bait and Switch” schemes in play…
“We are sleepwalking into a ZERO TRUST new world”
This is a good one, chaps.
And you thought that 20mph zones, and 15 Towns/Cities were bad!
Geoff Buys Cars:
“Why is Mr Khan pushing the ULEZ so hard despite the opposition, what is his C40 Cities organisation all about and who are the people and businesses funding and supporting it….?”
Noa – 11:42
It the tyre fits, wear it…
It won’t be long until the cops of Hackney and Memphis are “necklacing” people for minor traffic violations.
Baron 00.15
The Patton types always seem to be ten a penny in the US military and they do form a useful counterbalance and uncertainty to the incoming trans-gender Generals and Admirals who are soon busy organising concert parties and painting the tanks purple. I wouldn’t worry overmuch as Clauswitz might have said if he had been alive today. “War is the continuation of equality and diversity by any means, dearie.”
Your Zerohedge article had an intriguing link to the strategic Russia, Iran, India Road and Rail network being established; while the US and Europe eviscerate their economies in pursuing an ideological no sequitur the real world carries on. Russia now exports its crude to India who refine and sell it at top dollar back to Europe, an eyes wide shut exercise in hypocritical stupidity if ever there was one.
And finally there’s an interesting article about the pointless supply of NATO tanks in the Ukraine, about as useful as a bucket of tar in filling a Lancashire pothole I’d surmise, concluding that ultimately a setlenent will be found. Worth a look, even if only to sneer at the perfunctionary anti Putin demonisation tagged on at the end.
EC 14.44
Ah Neckties!
That takes me back to the Blessed Saint Winnie Mandela of Soweto. I remember that when she was beatified the Dunlop factory gracing the M1 at Birmingham closed. Coincidence or what, eh?
Of course a new Captain Gatso and associated flying columns are the only appropriate answer to Sultan Khan and his and his henchmens’ ULEZ nationwide reign of terror. Are we still up for it after years of SAGE repression?
I have my doubts…
The last time I saw Peter Oborne on the TV he had obviously imbibed lavishly from the Licence fee payers drinks cabinet and was semi coherently promoting his book “The Assault on Truth”, a resume of the habitual lies of Boris Johnson and the ‘moral barbarism’ he introduced into British politics.
I’ve not seen or heard of him since, so he’s presumably been Fatwa’d and 77th Brigaded to Perdition.
I found a copy of the book on my shelf yesterday and have been skimming through it. It’s a good, fairly short read by a nan who, like most of the nation, clearly hates him. Worth a read if you want a list of Bozo’s key lies and your favourite charity is remaindering it under a £.
Oh and let me know if you spot Oborne under a friendly bar stool or drinks cabinet somewhere, on the net or otherwise. I quite miss his outbreaks of sanity, liberally laced delirium tremens.
Better in than out, as the failure of our Injustice System continues to show…
It’ll never happen though, we can’t afford enough prisons for both our native Criminals and the vibrant Albanian African and ME illegals. Housing the new illegals is far more important than jailing a couple of hundred thousand of our finest Offender Community .
And look at how the most anodyne of Government Ministers, fine Herdwicke specimens like Raaaab! Are now threatened and browbeaten with Codes of Omerta by their mandarins. More fool them for agreeing to such tosh in the first place.
Noa – 15:19
Re: Captain Gatso of the APNR
The sales of baseball bats in the UK are quite astonishing. Pro tip: always carry at least one baseball in case you are stopped for carrying the bat.
The powers that be seem to have no problem with graffiti therefore I can see an upsurge in the sales paintball guns to deal with the mushrooming deployment of APNR cameras in these 15 minute cities. However Big Brother with still be able to track your movements via your cellphone (off or on) or the SD card fitted in your car’s SatNav.
Noa – 15:19
Fort Dunlop? It’s been a while since I drove past there as I always use the M6 Toll now. I thought it was a Travelodge now? Ideal for Albanians.
Noa – 18:52
Raaaab is now at the top of the MSM & Civil Service hit list. They won’t be satisfied until the Cabinet is person-ed exclusively with
Quislingser… “Rejoiners.”The last sighting of the greater spotted Oborne?
Still worth a look, despite dancing prematurely it now appears, on the Bojo grave.
To which one can only conclude that the last faint hope for a genuine democratic alternative expired with the implosion of UKIP. There is no viable emergent successor, left, right or centre, to be seen.
Another ranting Gerry Anderson type…
“No sniggering at the back there…” Simon
Sorry, Simon, I couldn’t help it.
Noa – 15:50
I was watching an old Godders rant on RT this morning…
Hideous Lockdown Hypocrisy, Our Shame Of Assange, Dodgy CIA Media & The US-UK Relationship
As the craven and Woke Welsh Rugby Union ‘bans’ its fans’ populist national anthem, what else can we say but:
“Bye, bye, bye Delilah…”
Or, as Prince Heghan might say, the just concerns and torment of a man with ‘mental health hissues’ driven to despair by feminist sexual equality demands and lack of necessary NHS and local social services support are simply ignored because of his cis-gender.
Theodore Dalrymple, thought provoking on the justice of injustice and vice versa.
Stalingrad: It is amazing how cogent Putin appears as compared to his US counterpart.
Interesting comments from a couple of Volgograd comments at the end of this one.
It’s Landed!
i.e. Rover. Last seen on Portmeirion beach 1968.
Just for old times’ sake, here’s a glimpse of KAR 120C
Can’t see the wood for the trees…
This one had me chuckling too.
EC @ February 3rd, 2023 – 12:00
Short and to the point, Biden would have probably confused himself said Blinken rather than Bandera.
At the end of the short speech, EC, he mentions what Baron has been trying to argue many times before, not only on this blog, Russia doesn’t excel in the conventional weaponry, the tanks, howitzers, fighter jet s or whatever, these tools of destruction in service by the Russian armed forces aren’t superior to what the West possesses, may be even inferior, but when it comes to rocketry, missiles, satellites and stuff Russia reigns supreme.
The supremacy may not last, it will not last, it cannot endure what with the $777.7bn US defence budget, but currently it’s cannot but be true, it explains the unshakeable refusal of the US military to face up to the Russians head on, they cannot be certain they will prevail, most likely they figured they could lose.
EC @ February 4th, 2023 – 09:56
What TF is it, EC? Not the Chinese balloon reduced in size, g]=ready to take off again, visit the American Republic, arghhh
Apparently, there’s another balloon flying over South America, could it be the Mandarin speakers are testing a delivery vehicle for their troops?
Noa @ February 3rd, 2023 – 11:47
You know what, Noa? It makes Baron shake with envy how well the guy can write, why TF cannot Baron be even a tenth as good as the good doctor, it truly is a great pleasure to read the piece, not because of the subject matter, but because they way the wordsmithing goes, Born read it twice, will return to it in the evening again, and in spite of his envy will certainly obtain the book.
Thanks for posting not.
Apologies for the unusual signs in one of the postings, the new gadget software annoys beyond belief, it always does something that’s unwanted, Baron fails to check, nonsense appears in print, sorry.
No 9!
Clearly its Freudian sublimation if ever anything is. I was immediately reminded of your strong, silent Cumbrian types, striding the fells as they search for lost loves and lunches.
Swaledales are the Sheep of the Week in todays nature column by Margaret Ashworth. Perhaps they might save themselves much grief by adopting the thick rubber ring around their nether to avert Fly Strike.
Similar anti-BLM aversion techniques were adapted by the old Arab slavers of course. I see no reason why they could not be adopted equally as well to protect the growing flocks of both sheep and tourists gathering even now for the customary Spring invasion of the Lakes, where even now a “host of golden
daffodils” prepares for their post Winter glories.
The good doctor’s prose and thoughts are indeed a delight, best savoured and reflected upon with a good brandy in front of a warm coal fire.
I suspect they reflect the Stoic diagnostic technique he applied to his patients: preliminary enquiry, consideration of the initial information obtained, further reflection and physical examination, questions to establish physiological parameters. Finally, the delivery of his diagnosis and proposed course of treatment, if indeed any. As he quotes Francis Bacon:
“It is a poor centre of a man’s actions, himself.”
I am currently reading “Admirable Evasions” ‘How Psychology undermines morality”. This is his collection of essays analysing the post Christian cults of psychology and its numerous sub-variations, beautifully and thoughtfully executed,I am, like you, in the process of re-reading it, both to savour his prose and to ensure I have fully grasped the subtly of his analysis.
Here’s a new puzzle for you:
The Germans have approved 14 Leopard 2 tanks, also 88 Leopard 1 tanks for the Ukrainians to hit the Russians with. 14 is from the Fourteen Words, a White nationalist slogan by David Lane, 88 is from the abbreviation of Heil H as HH, with the letters replaced by their numerical position in the alphabet, the symbol of new-Nazi white supremacy, you reckon it’s a coincidence, or are the ever vigilant Germans sending a message to Putin?
Where will the Western armaments manufacturers get the tungsten they require for the tanks which will now need replacing, both in Ukraine and for their own depleted armouries, if Russia will no longer supply them? And the manufacturing lead time for a Leopard or any other MBT is two to three years. We will either be living in a post nuclear European wasteland, or the peace negotiations at Brest Litovsk will be entering their second year by then.
Let us revelvin the joys of a world dominated by the PRC.,China%20%E2%80%93%20International%20Defense%20Security%20%26%20Technology
EC February 1st, 2023 – 14:44
Noa – 11:42
“It the tyre fits, wear it…”
Which calls to mind the U2 concert at which Bono starred clapping his hands and saying:
“Every second I do this a child dies in Africa.”
To which a wit in the audience replied:
“Well stop clapping then you murderous bustard!”
Noa @ February 5th, 2023 – 09:14
One is beginning to feel jealous of you, reading an enjoyable book, Baron’s currently pushed on time, it’s amazing how the old behave like the very young.
@ 12:45
Good one, worth remembering.
Most of the fighting at Bakhmut is by the Wagner musicians, they have a unit from Norway, 75 of them, not one lost yet, all trained by NATO, this may explain why they are so effective, the training provided by the American led alliance must be good for boys other than the Americans, no trans or many gays, one reckons.
Ukrainian and Russian casualties according to MOSSAD
The field data as of January 14, 2023, based on Israeli intelligence:
Russian losses in the field with 418 000 soldiers (plus 3,500 reservists) and the increasing number of Wagner mercenaries:
23 Planes, 56 helicopter s, 200 (S)UAVs, 889 tanks and armoured vehicles, 427 howitzers (Artillery systems), 12 Air defence system s, 18,480 dead , 44,500 injured , 323 captive.
The casualties of Ukraine in the field with 734 000 soldiers (plus 100 000 reservists) and NATO officers, soldiers and mercenaries:
302 Aircraft, 212 Helicopters, 2.750 (S)UAVs, 6,320 tanks and armoured vehicles, 7.360 howitzers (Artillery systems), 497 Air defence systems, 157,000 dead , 234,000 injured , 17,230 captive.
234 Dead – NATO military trainers (US and UK) , 2,458 Dead – NATO soldiers (Germany, Poland, Lithuania …), 5,360 Dead – Mercenaries.
Source: İddia: MOSSAD’a göre Ukrayna ve Rusya kayıpları, 25-01-2023, 11:53
Baron & Noa,
Exquisite prose: Never knowingly guilty of THAT, M’ud, Your Worship! 🙂
Personally I’m a great fan of the double entendre but if I’m pushed for time then a single one just has to suffice…
Wordsmiths have a great facility for creating perfect prose in double quick time. The problem with wordsmithery is that the devil is in the detail. If the arguments contained within their siren prose are not truth functionally valid, then any further inspection is a probably waste of time.
Quantum state? Can the good Dr be both Anthony Daniels and Theodore Dalrymple at the same time.
Noa, February 5th, 2023 – 08:46
Thank you for the link to Ms Peggy’s article on the delights of Spring.
There is no shortage of blackbirds that frequent my back garden in winter or summer, No male hegemony here, they are roughly 50:50 male-female pairs, although down South they will no doubt be flying the rainbow flags. They are generally melodious, as are the thrushes, and can sing out on the rare brighter, warmer afternoons in winter but I will have defer to her knowledge on the timing of the cocks.
I am not a fan of that male presenter on “Wobbin Watch” either. He’s not the only Beeboid to take legal action against those that dare to criticise them. I, too, find such behaviour toxic.
I generally try to avoid sheep now…
During my first spell of incarceration in the world’s largest open prison…
a) I learnt that they shoot corvids as they peck the eyes of new born lambs.
Far too many of the buggers flying about up here, and magpies too.
b) During Foot & Mouth I got into a spot of hot water for suggesting on a blog an
explanation for the discrepancy between the number of sheep culled and the numbers on subsidy claims hitthertofore. i.e. they were to be found in Ifor Willams trailers circling Mordor at 100,000ft in a low earth orbit.
Ted Moult: I remember him as an affable farmer chap, who was promoted by the BBC. A great pity that the winter weather (300/365) finally got to him. And he lived down south in the comparative balmy climes of Derbyshire!
Baron – 09:54
Interesting info. The exact opposite of that given by the jingoistic UK press and media. Corroborating evidence for the claims made by increasingly worried Col. Douglas Macgregor, and Scott Ritter.
The respective war casualty rates are remarkable and revealing.
This grotesquy one-sided, bloody business would have been over bar sinsture of the signature of the Habdover and Peace Treaty if Boris, Joe and NATO had not decided to push for an unsustainable and unwinnable war that is clearly furthering the destruction if Europe.
A realisation that is slowly becoming apparent to the most pro war Libeeal desperate to fight to the kast drop of anyone else’s blood.
And a more nuanced and realistic analysis seems to be developing in the Barclay Bugle.
Noa @ February 6th, 2023 – 13:32
Rod’s part is excellent, Noa, it’s something one would expect of him, the chicken analogy excels even more because of his innovative use of a child story, the two clowns the guy’s interviewing before him are also what one would expect from someone who’s reluctantly beginning to see the old narrative of ‘Russia’s bad, the DA of Kiev’s the democracy saviour’ crumbling, it needs re-adjusting. One could point to a number of what Baron would define as the ‘massive distortions of the truth’, here are two that stick out more than a mile.
The DA of Kiev is tremendously popular because he succeeded so fully rallying the Western support for Ukraine, so says the Moscow Spectator man, that’s nonsense, a piece of deliberate deception, it’s the other way round, it’s the West, namely the US Governing elite and ours, that successfully rallied Z and through him the reluctant men and women of Ukraine to fight a proxy war for the American Governing elite with the aim of containing Russia, destroying her economy and ultimately balkanising her.
The other point that truly pisses Baron is Matthews’ bleating about Russia’s GDP saying ‘it depends how you measure it but measured in dollars in ranks Russia ninths, Britain’s more successful and important …
Every economist worth the label of ‘an economist’ will tell you that the best measure for a range of the world economies is GDP in PPP dollars (purchasing power parity), Baron says it not because of Russia, but because it applies in general, one buys a cup of coffee or a tank for sterling in Britain, yen in Japan, dollars in the US, roubles in Russia … When we Brexited the sterling fell 30% against the dollar, did that mean our GDP collapsed 30%? Of course not, the idea of linking GDPs to dollars at a given exchange rates if imbecilic.
Google for the figures of the GDP in PPP dollars, see the ranking, sadly Britain’s GDP comes about a third less than Russia’s, that’s not Baron’s view, it’s the view of the economists at the iMF, World Bank or wherever. It also shows that China’s GDP in PPP dollars has already exceeded that of the Republic.
What underpins the whole interview on the conflict is what Baron’s been arguing for months if not years, the West, that includes Britain, is running on lies, half-truths and deceptions, unless that stops we have no possibility of recovering our illustrious past.
PS: A minor illusion of the Spectator guy was his saying what the DA of Kiev wants to achieve, his objective of the war, how he turned more aggressive and stuff, it’s again not Z, but the American masters that compelled him to toughen up, they’ve been pushing him to keep on fighting, when they decide for whatever reasons the conflict should stop they’ll tell him whether he likes hot or not, the man is but a puppet, the strings are pulled in Washington.
You may not like Russel or Jimmy but give it a go, listen to them, 100% on the ball, as one of the postings says “I used to watch the news and laugh at Russell Brand. Now I watch Russell Brand and laugh at the “news.”
EC yo read your crystal Ball correctly.
Mark Steyn quits GB News. Apparantly, they wanted him to accept liability for OfCom fines… and probably the heart attacks brought on his ageing audience by his coterie of voluptuous Eurototty…
James De Longpole probably calls out Big Brother Watch correctly when he accuses them of hiding a much bigger story about Govt psyops against Covid Sceptics under a relatively small and innocuous one: apparantly in CIA ‘mangled Engrish’ its called ‘limited hangout’.
Wot else are they not telling us? Anything at all of course. You’ll probably read it here first anyway.
Stalemate in Ukraine? Is reality dawning? Has the West had enough attrition yet? Can the peasantry be told what’s really going on and what’s in strike for them?
All these things are more are alluded to, elliptical in Freddie Sayers discussion.
Noa – February 6th, 2023 – 13:32
I wasn’t going to comment but since the blue veined barbarian has chucked his wig in the ring… I apologise in advance for my cynicism… Not that my opinion (*) matters one jot.
I actually did watch that “Spectator TV” er… interview?
Firstly, you got me hooked with the “nuanced and realistic” tag that you gave it. I was keen to whether it really was, or if you were being sardonic, you naughty fellow. 😉
The reason I appended a “?” to the word interview is that it reminded me of one of those fabricated interviews that BBC2 Newsnight used to do. i.e. posing questions to an edited recording made earlier in the day the questions having been asked by someone else. I’m certain in the days when I watched the BBC I’ve seen Krusty Squawk, amongst others, do this. The BBC were a lot slicker.
Dunno who Freddy Gray is, but his arboreal delivery made me suspect something like the above had been cobbled together. Freddy was immaculately turned out though. I’d never seen or heard of either of the experts before.The bloke with his head on upside down contradicted himself, and the bloke in Moscow wasn’t going to say anything that got him defenestrated from an upstairs window.
So all in all, yes. It was “more nuanced and realistic” in that it was a very flaccid, duty bound, attempt to keep their end of the establishment narrative up, and the silver coins coming in
File under: Judas Goat; Operation Mockingbird.
* Terms and Conditions apply.
Baron 22.52
I also found the Douglas Murray and lady journalist analysis of the US’White supremacist’ Black on Black killings interesting.
Mankind’s ability to deny the self evident truth, that most killing s are by Blacks of other Blacks, but also Whites, and the adoption if the US media lie, particularly in Britain, by self serving race hustlers like David Lammy, is unending and explicitly supported by a truly malign media.
EC 09.51
I greatly enjoyed that erm… defenestration! and me, sardonic, really?!
The trouble with the mainspleen media is that they are so bound into the current pack of lies that any change of tack without incurring total humiliation is difficult if not impossible.
File under Propaganda, Saving my skin, Avoiding being thrown under the EV bus with Boris etc…
Noa – 08:23
It is a great shame if Mark has departed from GB News.
I’ve consulted my crystal ball again and it looks like former POTUS Donald J. Trump is going to be indicted under the “US espionage act” either later this week or next week. It doesn’t mean that they will be able to secure a conviction, particularly after the antics of Joe and Hillary, but “their” aim is to damage his electoral chances.
To quote Dr. Watson, “No Shit, Sherlock!”
Noa – 10:11
They won’t throw the “Reverse Ferret!” switch to full throttle until they think that the great British public have forgotten. Probably after the Coronation or some other national tragedy.
What we all knew anyway, the latest Cichran metastudy shows that mask wearing made no difference, worth reading to the end for the devastating conclusion.
Katie Hopkins: Speaking about Mark Steyn and “The truth about GB News”
Plus: Her most amusing, mind boggling, OfCom complaint to date
Coor, wot a woman!
Interesting insights into the last chance saloon that GBN nowc s for most of its motley crue, but its still better than the alternatives such as they are.
EC @ February 7th, 2023 – 09:51
You’ve hit it, EC, Baron couldn’t figure what it was with the two blokes that made him also think the Q&A was running too smoothly, there was no probing of anything, the answers flew as if pre-recorded, all nodded through, the shift of Matthews was noticeable but not ground breaking.
Have a look here, it’s from the latest coffeehouse at the Spectator, pity you cannot see the postings, can you feel a similar adjustment from the past slicing of Russia when Navalny was the biggest threat to Putin?
Here’s something you may try yourselves, get the Telegram platform on your mobile, it’s easy, you can always delete it if you get bored with it, then get the Donbass Devushka channel, it isn’t a female, it must be a man, probably a former US military, he sometimes says stuff Baron has no clue what it’s all about, too technical, but he’s good on Ukraine, neither pro nor anti Russian, that’s Baron;s impression so far, he was recommended it few days ago by a taxi driver (don’t ask why a taxi driver), so far so good.
Noa @ February 7th, 2023 – 10:01
A confession, Noa, Baron didn’t have the time to watch the lot, apologies, there’s too much to cover.
Another example of a change in the direction of the wind, would the Mail publish it (say) a couple of months ago?
Please substitute ‘dot’
Another example of a change in the direction of the wind, would the Mail publish it (say) a couple of months ago? (The original posting didn’t go through, it must be a new security feature, hopefully this one will make it):
Please substitute ‘dot’
Bakhmut, it looks it’s over for the Ukrainian boys, the sooner this fugging slaughter ends the better (the video’s in the middle, under the picture of the trooper):
It only takes three minutes to watch:
Baron 01:03
Bakhmut: “the sooner this fugging slaughter ends the better”
Amen to that!
Yesterday I saw a discussion involving either the Colonel or the Inspector where they said that the average life expectancy of the Ukrainian press-ganged men sent to the front, into the meat-grinder, was only 4 hours. A senseless slaughter!
Ukraine will be remembered as the war to save Boris skin..
Baron, February 7th, 2023 – 23:45
Interesting, mebbe I’ll take a look later. It would also be interesting to learn what the sage Donbass Babushkas have to say about the human abattoir that has been made of their homeland. A lot more common sense than most, I would hazard a guess!
Some very handy, pre-war, tips here…
Mr Z’s “Sunooks of Whitehall” shopping list
The UK allegedly has 130 Typhoons, 101 claimed to be “in service.” But how many of these are airworthy, scramble ready? Shirley Mr Sunook from accounts won’t be parting with any of the UK’s new F35A,s, Bs, or Cs? Not at a minimum $120 million at throw?
Would you let your Albanian gang master borrow your Bugatti Chiron ?
EC 09.55
Wide boy photo-opps with Wide boy in spin-u-lie fest.
In answer to your question, when I left the business the active , rapid reaction Typhoon Diamond Fleet comprised of 4 aircraft, costing about £130m pa, the rest were susceptible to cannibalistic for parts by all the nations flying Typhoon, a first rate Ponzi scheme that Bernie Madoff’s two blonde leather clad lesbian chauffeurs would have been proud of, though he didn’t get the gongs and peerages that go to Air Marshals and Defence Secretaries.
Apply the same costs pro rata to the F35s (flying junk), though its probably an understatement, the Yanks charge through the nose to maintain their military equipment. The realquestion is whether Creepy Joe would let the Chaiwallah take them out of the garage to play with the Sukhois, very doubtful.
Bugattis, heated garages, Isadora. Life (and death) was much more simple, once.
Diamond Fleet deployment, 2 at Lossiemouth, 2 at Coningsby.
If you need any more for the odd NATO ‘peace mission’ in Serbia, Libya, Iraq or wherever pray you can afford the Avtur and AAMsand rob Pedro’s spares to play him off against Von Paulus.
Long, but interesting provided it’s true:
I am grateful to Simon Webb for pointing out this heroic photograph…
h/t “Rishi Sunak poses as an RAF fighter pilot, to take our minds off the shocking state Britain is in”
The XXS flying suits on display, with long reach pee tubes, sourced from Uncle Sunook’s Military Surplus Emporium in Leicester.
There once was a time when, in addition to aptitude, skill, balls of steel etc., an RAF pilot actually did have to be reasonably small to fit into a fighter or thru the lower hatch and into the claustrophobic cockpit a DeH Mosquito, or Avro Vulcan…
However, reportedly these days all one needs is to tick the correct boxes to gain access to a $150 million F35A/B/C. to which wheelchair ramps etc. have been fitted to comply with DDA legislation.
It’s most concerning; who is serving the tea and biscuits whilst the chaiwallah is playing Bud Lightyear?
“…playing with Buzz Lightyear?”
Visiting Chartwell last year I was struck by the fighting apparel on display that Churchill wàs photographed wearing whilst visiting his latest Field Marshal, Montgomery, and the 8th Army prior to the El Alamein campaign.
If an old solar topee, boiler suit and dancing pumps inscribed with his initials were sufficient for a former soldier who had wielded a cavalry sabre at the Battle of Omdurman, surely a well cut romper suit would have been sufficiently stylish for our current would-be heroic Prime Minister?
Predating SMERSH( aka zee WEF)
From 1973 and still active today there is “The Trilateral Commission.”
Not a conspiracy theory, they have their own website.
Guess who is a Commissioner…
I’m certain that this lot have our best interests at heart.
It’s “All For The Greater Good” dontcha know…
Hitchens did a bit of Kier hauling last year:
Keir Starmer’s revolutionary past that gives lie he is a moderate
Noa, February 10th, 2023 – 15:15
Did any of the photos show WSC with boot polish applied for de night ops?
( à la Justina Castro)
Cultural appropriation:
How Ireland’s St Brigid metamorphosed from a slender white maiden, into a morbidly obese African
Whose next, I wonder. Michael Collins, St Gerrard Adams?
Astra O’Zeneca
No wonder they are off to Ireland as the Corporation Tax there is only 12.5% as compared the UK’s rate of 25% from April 6th.
How can forgive myself for thinking the government is driving UK Plc into the abyss when even the trains (*) are slowing down to watch the wreck?
It’ll be no different when hero Kommissioner Sir(my arse!) Keef takes the helm.
The awful truth in that ALL of them want us “Back in the EUSSR” to paraphrase The Beatles’ 1968 parody of Chuck Berry’s song. Well worth an updated parody, methinks.
* If you can spot one running at all.
Satire… er, I think
Looks like quite a fun site if you know Russian, which sadly I don’t.
Half an hour with the guy that runs the Mozart musicians:
Military musicians:
I used to be a Commander in the Brahms & Liszt SKRR…
(Special Keyboard Refusenik Regiment)
… but since I retired from active service I quite enjoy the tranquility of this little oasis, which is a Shangri-la in the midst of modernity’s mindless maelstrom.
Whatever happened to Andy Carpark and his wrinkled retainer John Jefferson Burns, I wonder?
How goes the war on the home front, tovarich?
Whatever happened to Mark Steyn?
Well, he’s shipping out of Gulag-UK with his harem, and cruising off to warmer climes…
Sounds fun. I’m afraid GB News needed Mark Steyn a lot more than he needed them!
Noa – 11:18
Surprisingly, I was able to access that article.
I was shocked to learn that it is only Russia that has a problem with the supply of microchips/sensors for the manufacture of high tech er… “objects.”
Obergruppenfuerer Sturme’s backing group choruses the new Gorden Brruin agenda, courtesy of Rossini.
As go Canadian hairpiece pusher so will the archaeologist…
Au revoir GBN , it was good while it lasted.
Noa – 12:09
This may overstate the American capabilities too much:
EC @February 14th, 2023 – 11:42
On one day after the great Mark left, the channel got only 700 viewers, EC, stupid of them to let him go.
Noa @ February 14th, 2023 – 11:18
Whoever he or she is penning these narratives, Noa, there was an obvious error in that the piece says Russia’s GDP fell 2.5% last year, this year it may fall less, in fact the IMF says Russia’s GDP’s growth in the current year will be slightly better than ours.
Can you get the postings??
EC @ February 11th, 2023 – 08:32
No longer available, EC.
EC @ February 11th, 2023 – 08:18
Not at all surprising, EC, the population of Britain before the war was almost entirely black, whites were quite rare.
Baron, February 14th, 2023 – 23:11
Everybody knows in that part of the world, or should be told, that it was Allah’swill
The paparazzo that took that photo should be given an award for his creativity in giving Diana Ivanovici insect antennae!
Are we truly only observed or watched intensely before an attack by a celestial superhumanity or is it all a Mother of All Fakes, or, more likely, a diversionary move to hide the decay of what once was a dream come true life? We should be told.
Here’s what you do, get a large cucumber, stick it through your neighbour’s letter box and shout ‘hide your wife and daughters, the Martians have landed’.
(Yes, it’s an old one, Ken could tell it better).
EC @ February 15th, 2023 – 08:31
Good point, EC, but we shouldn’t rejoice yet, there are predictions on the internet the Yellowstone Park is next.
As if the invasion of aliens was not enough there also is a suggestion the 7.8 earthquake in Turkey and Syria was triggered by HAARP (google for the project), everyone in authority is denying it, Baron also reckons it’s a nonsense, but a growing number of people believe it mostly because of the official denials, nobody trusts anyone in authority anymore, most people know that what they’ve been told till now have been lies, half-truths and deceptions, when for once the authorities tell the truth not many believe it. Go figure.
Baron – 22:22
More on Jellystone Park later…
In the meantime, the deep state are going to get Trump indicted on one, perhaps two charges by the end of the month.
And I also predict that sales of sink plungers might outstrip baseball bats in Liverpool, Preston and other metropolitan areas.
Baron – 22:22
IF the Yellowstone caldera were to blow then the debris and fallout would take out most of North America, and have grave consequences for the Northern hemisphere in general.
Here’s The Colonel talking to de Judge yesterday.
Well worth a look, but if pushed for time then clock the statement by General Millicent (he/him?) on camera just after @6min into it. A sad case, imo. Does he/him(?) actually believe a word he’s saying?
Will Johnson ever tread the Gallows steps for his Covid and Lockdown cowardice and treachery, or for his personal intervention in prolonging the Ukraine war when a peace agreement was in sight in March 2022?
Probably not.
Once the subject of Krankie recedes into the rear view mirror this develops into an interesting 12 min conversation with James Melville and George Galloway. On how all UK political parties and unelected civil service are now in the grip of people who are not serving the best the interests of the people they are supposed to represent.
The Irish have themselves to blame for the influx/invasion, happy enough to take the German Euro they’re now learning that the price is Liberal diversity, in the form of their pygmy Indian sodomite leader and mass hetro-invasion by the testosterone enriched.
Add on the local loons and you have an interesting combination. Of course the real, unmentioned, benefit of an Irish passport is the opportunity it gives you to move to England….
Not what you think…
but, obvs, it’s the second course of action in certain isolated communities.
Time to reprise Mark Steyn’s article on the Ayatollah’s rules regarding Sharia-amour with Dolly.
A tour de force of Steynian wit!
A hair-raising response from the Toupe Kid. Do the Ayatollah’s religious strictures, (probably originally borrowed from the enslaved Jewish Talmudic scholars who wrote up that koran and many of the hadiths in downtown Damascus for their illiterate tribal owners now replace the old and outdated common law in Bradford and indeed the ‘liberated’ towns and cities of Britain?
It all gives the ever popular ‘Sheep of the week’ column in TCW new meaning and relevance.
Aside from deflowering under 9 year old girls, also a potential SNP innovation, does anyone know whether or not the crayfish of Old England are haram?
A hair-raising response from the Toupe Kid.
Do the Ayatollah’s religious strictures, (probably originally borrowed from the enslaved Jewish Talmudic scholars who wrote up that koran and many of the hadiths in downtown Damascus for their illiterate tribal masters and owners,) now replace the old and outdated common law in Bradford and indeed the ‘liberated’ towns and cities of Britain?
In the words of the old song “My, my my Sharia!”
It all gives the ever popular ‘Sheep of the week’ column in TCW new meaning and relevance.
Aside from deflowering under 9 year old girls, also a potential SNP innovation, does anyone know whether or not the crayfish of Old England are haram?
Noa – 09:55
The TCW website must be getting a lot of internet traffic from the middle east and its diaspora since introducing its equivalent of Page 3 for Ovis aries.
I happen to know that Ms Ashworth either bought or was given a book on sheep. After her previous article she may have even gotten around to opening it. I’ll keep you updated on that one. 🙂
During our decade long sojourn down saaarf I was informed by the precocious child of an acquaintance of ours that the water courses of southern England were infested with American crayfish that were killing off the indigenes – a sort of grey squirrel – red squirrel holocaust thing. He used to set traps around Godalming for them, and once caught he stamped on them. He also used to shoot and skin wabbits, then store them in his mum’s freezer.
Noa – 10:11
The 4-nightly, time saving, tourettes de force are probably what gave wiggy his heart attacks, along with his regular harem of hotties. What a way to go though…
This will save you a lot of time!
Who runs the world?
Skidmark sums it all up in less than 2 mins !
EC @ February 19th, 2023 – 11:14
Clever guy, EC, he should run the world.
EC @ February 18th, 2023 – 12:07
Superb, EC.
There’s a similar narrative, very old as well, in which the great Mark talks about a father in California that got more than displeased with his son that married a dog, Baron forgot the details, but it was also a superbly crafter piece, sadly lost when Baron gadget folded up, he didn’t;t have it backed up.
Who says the Ukrainian Army isn;t leaning towards the butchers of Adolf?
A marginally improved take on the Russian bear, and not just in Ukraine:
Isn’t it amazing that the police of Russian gas in Europe is roughly three times it had been for decades, the country can sell less than a third of the volume it did before get the same money for it.
It’s not the ‘police’ of Russian gas but the ‘price’, fudging software, and it’s more than 3x higher now, fugging writer.
Why not “Russian Gas Police” ?
As Mark Steyn says, “Everything in the UK (and Europe too) is policed except crime!”
EC @ February 20th, 2023 – 18:00
Excellent suggestion, EC, but will Putin endorse it?
A massive coverage of the Putin’s speech, not the most salient points are being pointed to, but then it’s the MSM poodles, what could one expect, what puzzles is why not much is said about the two speeches by the articulate one, he spoke in Kiev then in Warsaw, not much column inches were allocated to him.
Interesting, to say the least:
Did Wishy and the Blond Inseminator obtain Putin Proskups before visiting Kiev, do you think?
Even asking Putins permission, however contemptuously granted, is a clear signal of the decline in US power. Once upon a time the mere arrival of a Potus would have resulted in an immediate cessation of hostilities. Nowadays its a precurser to a change of the Presidential nappy and emptying of the colostomy bag.
Well trodden ground by Hitchens but worth reading nonetheless.
Has the US succeeded in insulating Russia, or nearly driven her into alliances with ”our enemies enemies are our friends?” One suspects so.
And where will Germany and so Europe, go for its gas and oil when this war in Ukraine ends? Not the US I suspect. Which leaves the UK (if it still is, hangout to dry between Europe and the United States like a filleted and salted Icelandic cod.
Baron February 20th, 2023 – 11:42
Yet Russia is strategically realigning its logistic fuel and material streams to the Middle and Far East, where India re-exports it, refined, back to Europe and the Eastern economies grow at the expense of the Western economies and military superiority.
Thankfully we are able to import surplus scientists, doctors snd engineers from Africa, the Caribbean and Middle east to nakecup for our own terminaly declining birthmarks and increasingly dysgenic populations.
Argh! make up = nsjeup and birthmarks = birthrates.
Does the evil Bilious Gates personally monitor and sabotage my emails?
Baron- 08:28; Noa -14:17
From what I heard, the US did “thru backchannels” seek assurances from VVP that Biden would remain safe in Kyiv. The assurances were given that not even one Russian fart would be wafted in the general direction of Kyiv while POTUS was there. This did not stop the CIA stage managing a PR stunt with an Air Raid Siren. Any exhaust gases and other ejecta on hearing the alarm were entirely of Joe’s own making.
Noa – 19:57
I asked a chum of mine in the PLA Cyber Reg.t of the Middle Kingdom about this on your behalf. His reply was, “Vely Plobabry, but only after we’ve seem them.”
EC 17.34
True dat, I might as well leave the dictionary out as well for the buggers to correct my sperring…
Good one:
Noa @ February 22nd, 2023 – 14:17
It would be of interest to know, sadly Baron has no idea, thinks not, the two you mention sneaked in, Potus’s visit was leaked and even then they didn’t;t trust the Russians, the White House lied saying Biden was still at home when he was already travelling (not on the Airforce One though).
What you know not is the Russian communists are turning the permit into a big deal for the same reason they’ve been pushing Putin to act sooner than he did, it’s a prostrating gesture, they say, as the US military hardware pours in.
Another big row is the spat, more than a spat between Yevgeny Prigozhin and the Stavka, he complains they don’t furnish him with ammo, even published a picture of 300 of his musicians massacred because they ran out of it (it mat be a fake), it’s the generals punishing him because Putin wouldn’t let them deploy more regular troops in Ukraine, it’s mostly Wagner and the fighters from the two republics, plus international volunteers eg the Norwegians.
(Have to leave, will say more later).
Only that the Prigozhin and the Stavka duelling has been resolved, the leader of the Wagner musicians or rather their financial backer says they are getting the ammo they ask for now.
Btw, it wasn’t about a general shortage just about the supplies to the Wagners not being what they needed, or that’s what Prigozhin has been saying until now, the Army are apparently envious of the Wagner assemble successes, they are adored in Russia, the Army’s leadership is scolded by about half of the population if the postings reflect the take on it by the whole country, which may not be the case, but there isn’t a better source of info.
The only other point worth mentioning that has received some attention in the blogosphere is that not NATO but one single NATO country (not the US, probably Poland) will enter Ukraine openly but Russia will be warned that any attack on the lands of Poland will mean the whole of NATO will join in.
Baron – 08:59
Imo, the Federal Government of the Republic, its agencies, departments and press have gone beyond the point of no return. The corruption and depravity therein is complete.
That little list of things and individuals requiring attention and incarceration in the republic is exactly why they are making such strenuous efforts to get #45 indicted on multiple matters… in order to stop his 2024 campaign.
Ron De Santis will be allowed some slack but will do what he is told.
What sayeth the Sage of Old Czecho ?
Mark Steyn: An observation on Stephen Fry’s unguarded quip concerning female members, and the perils of batting on a sticky wicket.
EC @ February 25th, 2023 – 10:42
What with a sore throat of a magnitude higher than the biggest ever earthquake, cough that threatens to expel the lungs, EC, Baron needed something to cheer him up, the great Mark’s allahu akbar did it, thanks.
EC @ February 25th, 2023 – 10:20
You’ve got it right on both counts, EC, the Republic is indeed finished, one’s told that in democracy there exists a mechanism that helps to correct its directional misjudgments, it seems that mechanism is lacking, and not just in the Republic.
Baron – 23:56
I hope that you make a rapid recovery from that foul lurgy. I got something very similar over the Christmas and New Year season which made me even more reclusive and depressed than normal. Take large doses of Vitamin C M’lud.
I just checked this morning and the world is still bonkers. It seems that the new bunch of Heirs Of The Great Hippocrates are either voluntarily, or are being forced, to recite a new mantra…
Of course these children are just about to have the mother of collisions with the hard, unyielding and unforgiving wall of reality. i.e. Student loan repayments, sky high professional indemnity insurance payments, rental accomodation, car loans, etc. etc.
I’m sure it won’t be long before they are all screaming, “Bugger that Marxist oath just give me the money!”
Baron and EC
The better quality brandies, such as the champagne Courviosier, also work well as both suppressant and cure, instruct your serving wenches not to dilute them with the soda and your recovery, in front of the blazing log fire, whilst listening to Wagner and Tallis will be even quicker.
A couple of weeks ago I speculated upon the reason for Rashid Sunook’s sudden adoption of spectacles. Now, bugger me if Sir Kneelsalot hasn’t done been gone and done exactly the same this. It fits with my estimation of the man though. i.e. Sir(my arse!) Kia has never had original idea (or policy) come into his head!
Here’s someone from the other end of the political spectrum that doesn’t like him either. (3 min take down)
This devastating critique from someone who in the political terms is so inFar Red (sic) that these days he cannot even get a gig on the Beeb(spit!) or Chanel 4( spit! spit!)
Alexei is hard to beat when he’s on form.
Is this a laughing or crying matter?
Michael Anderson Godwin had spent several years awaiting South Carolina’s electric chair on a murder conviction before having his sentence reduced to life in prison. While sitting on a metal toilet in his cell attempting to fix a small TV set, he bit into a wire and was electrocuted.
Over the past few years Baron has seen more doctors than in all the years before, EC, came to the view that whatever the reasons able young men and women have to become medical professionals, helping the sick it is not. Seeing the doctors wasn’t necessarily because it was Baron needing help, mostly it was others, Baron was only assisting in the delivery of the others, has been asked to remain when the consultations went on. The other feature of these encounters was the uncompelled obsequiousness of those suffering to the advice given to them, very little questioning, no doubt ever shown even after the vaccination fiasco, truly unsettling that.
Noa @ February 26th, 2023 – 11:24
Very true, Noa, but not all of us have bank accounts allowing the purchase of the pricier booze, only today Baron acquired a 0.7l bottle of sloe gin (29% strength) for only £9.95 in case his cough and sore throat needed more than the foul tasting concoction he also bought at Boots (twice already at prices close that of the gin, why TF is it so expensive?).
It’s amazing how much weaponry the Ukrainians have, old and new, it must be only the question of the manpower and of course the know-how to make use of the stuff:
In the north London derby Tottenham beat Chelsea 2-1 today, it must have been the curse of Putin, Potter, the Spurs coach, displayed proudly the Ukrainian yellow-blue badge. If only he focused on preparing the players rather than meddling in a conflict he very like knows FA about, the boys of Chelsea may have done better, he may have kept his job longer.
Even a better one even if more gruesome:
James Burns, 34, a mechanic of Alamo, MI, was killed in March as he was trying to repair what police describe as a “farm-type truck.” Burns got a friend to drive the truck on a highway while Burns hung underneath so that he could ascertain the source of a troubling noise. Burns’ clothes caught on something, however, and the other man found Burns “wrapped in the drive shaft”.
Baron – 00:08
In desperation to shift that cough that accompanied the virus – the cough lasted over two weeks – I bought some medicine. The fulll monty strength Night Nurse – a wonderfully fluorescent green liquid – worked a treat, I got a full night’s the first night but not thereafter. After that I went on to full strength Benalyn which did a much better job.
Over the years, Baron must have tried many electric razors of any type, mostly the circular ones, has never been satisfied with any, stuck to the wet safety razors, you may recall his recommending the Bic3 Hybrid sold at Poundshops currently for £3-50 that you both totally ignored.
Here’s another tip, it’s the portable (the size of a small hen egg) USB electric razor. Baron bought it only because it’s quite cheap, the shop in the link sells it for around £23-00, but to his surprise it’s superb, it really is, it cuts so well that one has a feeling of a safety razor shave. It may not last, who can tell, but so far the one week use has been excellent, As Baron loves the feel of water he will shave normally once a week, use the USB small contraption in between the wet shaves, he cannot be happier.
EC @ February 27th, 2023 – 08:34
Thanks for the tip, EC, Baron’s condition is no longer critical, but he will keep it for any possible future use.
An interesting read, whether washed down with/by your favourite Night nurse or Sloe gin. It will be a closer shave than your razor provides if the West comes out unscathed from the current DC driven insanity.
Noa @ February 28th, 2023 – 11:51
An excellent narrative, Noa, the guy, known to Baron, is right, the American unwashed are not told what the Governing Elite is up to in Europe and the Far East, the Russians have already lashed out over Ukraine, but that was merely the matinee, the real performance may come later unless the Blinkens of this world get real, stop baiting the bear.
Another professor, and another acknowledgment that things are going wrong for the tribe of the Huns.
The true quality of Washington’s bureaucrats is to be measured from the following insight into the behaviour of the cross dressing trans klepto-queen. (Did I ever imagine I would compose and write such a sentence?).
With public servants such as these who needs to worry about nuclear destruction!
An interesting analysis Baron. And a pertinent comment on how the Greens, being idealists are happy to enforce their views through force.
As some relief from the evergrowing totalitarian drumbeat towards which the US is frogmarching us (reminder, check US and UK defence equity holdings, if we’re going to go let’s die rich), this made me laugh out loud!
Interesting read:
Noa @ March 1st, 2023 – 12:09
Rather weird, Noa, if Baron may say so, but so neatly British, in another country (say) the one we have special relationship with, one of the participants in the fray would be dead before the clip finished.
Noa @ March 1st, 2023 – 11:19
Hard to explain why, Noa, but Baron finds is rather frightening, one can be tolerant to many things and many mutations of human behaviour but there must a limit to such tolerance in particular when an individual displaying signs that would be hard to describe as normal is in a position of power which is of unquestionable importance to the lives of many.
An article in this week’s Spectator which is marginally better than the crap that has been appearing there in the past, but still with plenty of lies, half-truths and deceptions. The ‘dognducks’ posting got the largest no of upticks:
dognducks: “Intelligent analysis for a change rather than the black and white simplistic tripe trotted out too many times over the past year, in virtually all of our media.
The fact is that geopolitics is complex and not everyone, by any means, buys into the western way, especially given the poor hand we have collectively played over the past thirty years or so, countless wars to achieve ‘regime change’ or some other glib goal that trips off the tongue. Or perhaps worse still, our ever changing goals and mission objectives in the case of the Afghan fiasco. We must come across as both arrogant and inept.
And our culture wars and identity politics are indeed viewed as a sign of decay and decadence in the 75% of the world that does not have the luxuury nor the inclinations, to obsess about LBTQ, BLM, post colonial guilt trips, Net Zero, or any of the rest of the self indulgent, infantile clap trap and navel gazing, that take up much bandwith amongst our political ‘elites’…
And therein lies a large part of the problem; our political classes are now like 6th from debating societies – pandering to minorities and minority obsessions whilst the important stuff is left to rot. Our politicians are not even third rate – reference the covid tragi-farce now being dragged kicking and screaming into the light.
Is it really at all surprising that a nutter nursing a 34 year grudge chooses now to make his move?
If there was ever a time for any remaining grown ups to get back into the room, it is now”.
One could certainly question some of the statements in the article: “Putin is a master of whipping up anti-American sentiment” Is he? It’s the deeds of the American Governing elite that engender the anti-American sentiment (say) the banditry over N-2.
“Moscow thus presents itself as a bastion of stability in a world gone mad, even as it seeks to destabilise the world and make it even madder”. Que? Could anything Moscow have done b madder than the Green net zero carbon insanity?
“Blinken’s threat of ‘consequences’ if China supplies military support to Russia”. When will the American GE figure China of 2023 isn;t China of 1970 when they could fly their jets over the lands of China, the country could only issue warnings in their hundreds.
“Russia’s weaponisation of its energy resources caused widespread difficulties? That’s a 100% lie, if anyone weaponise the fossil fuel market to was the American GE Russia has bee pumping oil and gas to Europe for 1966, never any hitch.
“There have been big winners, such as shareholders in the five oil giants – BP, Shell, Exxon, Chevron and Total Energies..” The author forgo to check the share prices of the Lockheed Martins of the world both in the US and elsewhere in the West, these are the real winners.
What do you make of this?:
Baron 11.18
Dognducks didn’t leave much to be said- or all the difference it will make.
Now then, where’s my piano wire and the rest of the lynch party?
Baron 11.33
He’d be advised not to return to the West for a decade or two, if its still here.Assange though he us not.
Baron – 11:33
He’s playing a very dangerous game. Russian roulette?
But is he as good as Eddie?
Noa – 15:40
Baron 11.18
I, too, thought that Dognducks covered the major points.
I wonder if we could get an Arts Council Grant or National Lottery Funding for the creation of a human piano? With the right gauges, lengths if wire, and different weights of hangees we should be able to get quite a tune out of them.
Tate Modern?
Here’s something totally different, it’s from Russia, a guy Seraphim who’s Georgian is singing a chant, this one is no51, the chant of repentance King David is asking for forgiveness (Baron forgot what for), it’s not the most well known chant but it should do, you may not but Baron finds it soothing, it’s in Aramaic, the tongue of Jesus:
EC @ March 2nd, 2023 – 17:51
What a character, EC, if only he slowed down abit, save some of the money could have been earning on a lecture circuit, he may have lived longer. It’s a pity one hears only about these characters when they pass out.
Noa @ March 2nd, 2023 – 15:43
It may be for life, Noa, one hopes he’s good at languages, the Russian is quite a challenge.
Baron – 23:00
If the Ukrainians got to the daughter of Aleksandr Dugin in Moscow then they’ll have no trouble finding that guy. From what I’ve read the SBU are homicidal fanatics.
You’ll remember that Darya Dugina was killed on 20 August last year when her car exploded on Mozhayskoye Highwayon the outskirts of Moscow. It was reported that an explosive device was attached to the underside of the car.
By the same token one should never cross the FSB/KGB, MI5, MI6 or especially the CIA. Spooks, former officers, can expect to be bumped off they defect. However one suspects that membership and defection isn’t always a prerequisite for getting “dun in”, ain’t it?
R.I.P. Dr David Kelly
@09:13 cont’ d
I’m surprised that Scott Ritter is still breathing.
EC @ March 3rd, 2023 – 09:16
There are others beginning to join in the critical movement, EC, (say) Seymour Hersh on N-2, brian Berletic, Larry Johnson … the list is growing as more people realise there is more to the Ukrainian tango than Russia alone.
EC @ March 3rd, 2023 – 09:13
Con’t: Some are escaping the presumed inevitable, EC, for instance Snowden, there must be others, too.
A French documentary film on Ukraine of interest. H/T Peter Hitchens.
George is on cracking form…
…hoping for the Wee Free Christian fundamentalist candidate to replace Nicola!
(1min 38sec)
“What the hell is America trying to do?”, asks HMS Terror on another blog and answers:
“They’re trying to split the China-Russia axis that threatens American supremacy. The circle-jerking echo-chamber in which they live and operate resounds of America’s decades long pre-eminence. They’ve spent their adulthood and careers marinated in it, and they’ll die embalmed in it. They’re no more aware of it than a fish knows it’s wet, and they can imagine a world where America is less than pre-eminent no more than a fish can imagine a dry life.
All that results in their conviction that they have the power to intimidate China – that the Chinese fear war even more than they fear losing Western business. Unfortunately for them, Russia & China have gamed this out. Past masters of the calculus of power, they’ve done their sums and waited patiently for the cracks in the American led West’s power to widen to the point where the entire structure is in jeopardy.
Russia’s SMO has exposed and widened the cracks further. Washington’s echo chamber never saw any need for doing their sums, and so they didn’t. The net result is that they’re consistently finding themselves either bewildered by the effects of their actions, or in denial of them.
Narratives that define a nation can live long after they’ve lost their connection to the realities that originally gave rise to them. Their death knells are heard first on the margins, like here on sonar21 but it can take a long time to filter through to a hermetically isolated centre absent a catastrophic, narrative ending event.
China & Russia, I believe are trying to avoid facilitating such an event. The repercussions are necessarily unknowable, and even if relatively benign (EG: the USSR’s collapse) will harm a great many people across the world. A harm which they would not want to be seen as responsible for going forward”.
What a brilliant summing up of the predicament the once great Republic finds herself.
EC @ March 3rd, 2023 – 17:37
Whoever wins, the SNP is likely to be split, don;t you think, EC?
Noa @ March 3rd, 2023 – 14:08
This should be screened on the BBC for at least seven days at prime time, Noa, it tells the truth because the guys kept asking the right questions (even though nobody wanted to answer them).
I was rummaging through the vaults the other day and found a couple of links to articles written by Stephen Maybery. They appear to be excerpts from an autobiography. What an interesting life this chap had!
A Life on the Lam
By Stephen Maybery, January 11, 2010
Building Saddam’s Bunkers
By Stephen Maybery, January 19, 2010
In the articles above there’s a link to Stephen’s personal Blog site:
The link is still active, but the articles stopped in May 2018.
The blog is a treasure trove of his brilliantly written observations on life, and his candid opinions. Why didn’t he share this with us?
Noa – March 3rd, 14:08
A stunningly informative video. I’m not surprised that they wanted it buried.
My, my, the fragrant Victoria Nuland has had a long career, hasn’t she!
The BBC weather app on my mobile phone this morning informed me that I had to register/create a BBC account in order to use it. Well, as our special friends say, “They Can Kiss My Ass.” I just deleted the app.
I’ve recently returned from foreign parts where the thermometer said it was much, much colder than it is here in NW Mordor. The penetrating damp cold here makes it feel far colder than out east
Anyway, the current high pressure system block means that we are to going have to enjoy another 2 or 3 weeks of global warming before removal of the long johns becomes anything other than recklessly imprudent.
I didn’t know that Sergey Lavrov was so fluent and articulate in English.
‘No One Asks This To Zelensky’: Russia’s Sergey Lavrov On Ending Ukraine War
Raisina Dialogue 2023, New Dehli, 2-4 March
I’m surprised that we can still access Putins uncensored speeches.
Thank you for those links to Stephen Mayberys incomplete autobiography abd writings.
A better effort by far than my own.
.Let’s us hope Hemisphere still with us, of sound mind and body, and is able to complete it.
Hemisphere???? Let’s hope he is still with us.
EC & Noa
When it was Baron forgot, but he met Stephen in London many years ago, had a cup of coffee with him, Stephen refused to eat anything but a piece of stale Costa cake even though he looked as if he was liberated only hours before the meeting from the most ghastly concentration camp totally vacuous of food, he claimed that he liked it that way, that was how he lived.
For many years after Baron kept sending him a cheque but only at Christmas until one of the cheques wasn’t paid in and Stephen didn’t answer Baron’s letters, the cheques were a pre-payment on a book Stephen was writing. A book already in print was given to Baron, sadly the barbarian cannot locate it, cannot even remember the title, it was published by Stephen, if you read it you would see why no publisher would touch it.
Baron has been looking for the tome, cannot find it anywhere, the house resembles a medium size bookshop, in desperation Baron blamed the boss, she messes things even more, keeps moving stacks of books for no reason at all, there remains a chance the book must appear somewhere, it couldn’t;t have been lost.
The book was of some value to Baron, it was signed, had it been left with the other books it would have been easier to find, it’s probably hidden somewhere safely, the question is where. When discovered you will be told, Stephen wrote beautifully, he was a natural, he was better when calm, getting angry didn’t help, you’ll see what Baron means when he locates the book.
Food for thought #1
“We’re doomed. Doomed.”
Not Private Fraser, or Neil Oliver but some German dude
“PFAS: The secret toxins in your body”
General Jack D. Ripper in Dr Strangelove was right about contamination, but not the source of it… Is it any wonder there are now so many genders!
I just signed the petition “Rishi Sunak should block Boris Johnson’s plan to give an honour to his father” and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.
You can read more and sign the petition here:
EC @ March 7th, 2023 – 09:00
Why aren’t they, banned, EC? The stuff is evil for our health.
EC @ March 7th, 2023 – 17:42
Done, EC.
It beggars belief the Blond Inseminator would even think of it.
The Americans, it may have been the Pentagon, say out was a pro-Ukrainian group that blew up N-2.
Михайло Подоляк, the adviser to the Head of the Office of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy tweets:
“Although I enjoy collecting amusing conspiracy theories about government, I have to say: has nothing to do with the Baltic Sea mishap and has no information about “pro- sabotage groups”. What happened to the Nord Stream pipelines? “They sank,” as they say in RF itself…”
Is something brewing up we are not told about?
EC 17.42
Done. Though there may be justification for such an award. Perhaps Bojo Senior led a team of Canary Wharf Special Forces to blow up Nordstream 2, so emulating his siblings’ effective destruction of the UK.
Even so, we should not encourage such manifestly corrupt Turkish practices in our once honourable, now utterly corrupt system of reward and honours.
In case you’ve missed it, boys, a hard hitting piece on a warmonger extraordinaire:
Baron – 09:21
Summed it up nicely!
Noa – 09:17
It’s about time Erdogan disowned the Johnson clan!
Reprise Harry Secombe’s song; “If I ruled the world… etc.”
I would do away with the gongs system altogether!
Many decades ago the former satirical magazine “Private Eye” invented the “OBN – the “Order Of The Brown Nose.” It is ironic that today the brownest nose of all belongs to its Editor. He should award himself an OBN – for services to the establishment, i.e. the current ruling hegemony and their Quisling classes
This young man has guts and balls, who he?
The report by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), not a lover of China, just the opposite, is fresh from the print, it’s notable not only for the preeminence of China, but also the full absence of Russia in any of the categories that are supposed to build the future of mankind.
How does one respond to the Chinese onslaught then?
Baron – 11:25
The chap in that “Chinois Uber Alles’ presentation has popped up again on my YouTube feed courtesy of their spooky algorithm. Like HIM, it works in mysterious ways, dontcha know.
Here he is is this time in Barcelona at some international tech exhibition.
“China’s Game-Changer You Need to Know About”
I don’t have a problem with him being a Huawei fan boy., I like enthusiasm.
My main concern is… how often does he change that blue check shirt?
Also he, appears to have bred. His sidekick has an uncanny resemblance.
@11:25 Like everywhere else in the world, “Graduates”, even STEM ones, are “a dime a dozen” in China. It’s the PhD’s that matter, and then only a very small percentage of those!
Mark Steyns GB News replacement has demonstrated that, whilst he’s a decent enough fellow, he is a crushing bore, who relates to the ordinary Briton as much as a high street bank manager once related to his request for a loan to buy a Ford Capri.
He doesn’t intend it to be, but that nasal whine is a Red rag to the Red Wall.
Back to basics? Not much chances of what Godfrey is proposing I suppose.
Noa – 22:27
Sadly, two hopes of that, and one of them is called Bob.
For the time being at least we can enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Egg and chips for tea, maybe a few baked beans a round of sliced bread and butter, washed down with a mug of PG tips.
@22:16 I do not attempt to watch GB News post Steyn.
At best it is now self-censored for fear of the lefty OfCom mobbing, at worst it is pure drivel. This is a shame because at think that Nana Akua, Christys and Dolan are all hard bitten journos at heart, and could be quite good given the right format,
I did, quite by accident, catch Laurence Fox mercilessly savaging W’ancock the other night, but that was a deeply personal attack, and it was not at all Laurence’s usual nice guy persona.
Something for the weekend, Sir? 😉
“Avro Lancastrian – Jet Powered Lancaster Story”
The guy that prepared this is a real anorak. This was well researched.
I was spellbound, but there again I’m interested in this stuff.
The first flight of the Avro Vulcan was in August 1952.
Power cut on, it’s snowing, no surprise then, promise to get power on again between 12:00-13:00.
It’s faulty gear they say, it may be a lie because on the map it shows much bigger area affected than is served by the alleged local gear failure.
OfCom is the de facto Government Ministry of Truth…
If you can spare a quarter of an hour watch and listen to Baron’s favourite pundit on things Ukrainian, it’s with English subtitles (click on the cc button if the subtitles don’t appear when you start the video).
It may not be his best, but it shows you how corrupt is the regime that we are backing, the politicians would serve anyone, the DA of Kiev or the Russians, very likely if China were to enter the fray they would switch their allegiance to China, anything that enriches them, principles, convictions, integrity matter not:.
EC @ March 10th, 2023 – 12:05
Thanks for posting the link, EC, Baron couldn’t resist chipping in with his ha’penny of very little. The whole of the OFCOM idea smells of dictatorship, mild but more than sufficient to silence someone like the great Mark Steyn, furthermore, it’s only a start, they will tighten things up if people don’t self-censor as much as the thought enforcers want.
Linekar’s liberal socialist view is a symptom of a Politically Transmitted Disease (PTD), in a similar manner to e.g. syphilis or in his case, Genital warts, being a manifestation of an STD.
And the BBC’s much publicised ‘Linekar flounce’ is a contrived event having the overall effect of contributing to the destruction of controlled borders and the Rule of Law.
Noa @ March 11th, 2023 – 10:17
Quite, Noa.
In a society at ease with itself the BBC would not have taken him off, people would have shrugged their shoulders, rolled their eyes and that would have been it, in a society over polluted with woke as ours is he should be sacked, no compensation payment, never hired again, the fruitcake should know that his over a million quid income funded by the taxpayers is for commenting on football, not interfering in issues of politics, if he wants to do the latter he should stand as a candidate in the election, get a seat and only then yap about immigration or whatever else he feels strongly about.
Many Russian sites on u-tube and elsewhere are banned here, in Russia one can still watch Navalny’s channel, many millions do, many leave postings, here’s one example that’s subtitled, if you have the time educate yourself about the private life of the evil man living in the Kremlin:
Noa – March 11th, 2023 – 10:17;
Baron – March 12th, 2023 – 00:06
The Crisp salesman might be an uneddicated ignorant arsehole but fair play to him, at least he knew something had happened “Once upon a time in Germany…” He’s obviously been watching a lot of “Drag Queen Story Time” videos on YouTube.
The BBC are missing a trick here. They should create a new live phone in show called “Ask Gary Anything.” Gary should be allowed to run his gob off on any subject except football. and show the world how clever he is.
“Er..Gary… On Line 1 we have a Mr Volodomite Z asking where you keep your stash and if you recommend a good accountant…”
There was a meme doing the rounds yesterday of Shameema By-gum in a burka holding a placard up saying, “I’ll present Match of the Day.” Good point!
I’m sure that Shameema’s commentary on Premiership matches would be just as incisive, good if not better, than “shiner” Shearer and the other refusenik gobshites. The BBC should sack them all, save money, and hire Shameema!
I’m sure that Gary doesn’t do his own shopping, or needs to save money by asking his butler to shop at Lidl…
Meanwhile, across the mosses, the heirs of William Wallace are being urged, STRONGLY, to vote for Humza McYousaf to be the next
Fuhrerer… SNSP party leader…
This one is even funnier.
“If Nicola’s Resignation speech was Honest”
Another dead Greek bloke writes, {{{sigh}}} ….
but he’s got the BBC spot on!
Baron and EC
Lest we forget, Gassa, the hypocrite in the pay of the Dubai slavers, was the first to condemn Ashkey Barnes exercising his right to free soeechabd voiced no objection when he was sacked from his job for doing do.
Did Burnley folk stop supporting the club after it demonised and barred their fellow supporter when they shared the same views as him and the courage to express and implement them?
No. They did not.
In consequence they and we get the contemptible and contemptuous football club, BBC commentators and reportage we deserve.
From that link:
Where did all the donated missing $millions go, Frank? BLM: Even worse accounting than either Mr Z, or the SNP, and that’s saying something!
It isn’t over. Obtaining Justice for Chauvin and White people, will be a slow process.
America’s Covid lockdowns and resulting mass Black racist riot, crime and social insanity were the magazine in which the spark of inter racial hatred and civil war throughout the West were ignited by the slow burning fuse of neo-Marxist critical race theory.
But will the clowns that govern us follow your excellent slicing of the BBC’s stagnation, free the monstrosity from the yoke of the licence fee, allow it to find a place under the sun of private enterprise, Jacob?
That’s not justice delivered, that’s pure politics, Noa, the guy has been assigned the role of a goat sacrificed for the appeasement of the Black Lives Matter crowd, there will come a time the whole of America will regret it.
EC @ March 12th, 2023 – 11:44
Thew beresford’s posting says it all, EC, the fruitcake is an embodiment of hypocrisy, the whole of woke phylum are.
Abolish the fee and he can say whatever he wants, the same could be said for the rest of the BBC programming, they supposed to be impartial, they are everything but, if only more people refused to pay the fee they would have to find a different source of income.
One cannot but be amazed how courageous Tucker is, the great Mark Steyn got the boot here for far less, how lucky the Americans are:
Nobody doubts the BBC has a powerful influence on what the people are thinking, it can frame a story to get its message across, not any other, it can threaten those that disobey, reward those that submit, or totally ignore anyone that can be neither bought nor silenced by threats.
At the same time no TV licence fee payer can do anything about it, the top man is appointed by the Government, the staff is hired by the BBC itself, there’s no direct connection between those paying the licence fee and those at the BBC funded from it, nobody can vote any of the BBC opinion formers out, the likes of the crisp sellers are free from any interference from anyone.
How could the people accept paying the licence fee, getting manipulated and being ignored beggars belief.
Baron 22.42
A succinct summation of the problem with the BBC.
It’s stating the obvious to write that the Eton PPE crew running Britain since 2010 have done nothing to change the situation, indeed have no interest in doing so.
Labour, in contrast, being a little more clever and far sighted , filled the senior manager positions with its nomenclatura, about to loose theur safe seats to the Red Wall.
It suits both tribes, the status quo. As the BBC support for Covid, lockdown and the bloody war in Eastern Europe shows the government and its propaganda machine remains firmly in power no matter who was elected.
Laura sums it up.
Baron – 22:42
Wot Noa said.
It is understandable why people continue to pay the licence tax, although fewer do every year. Most that do pay it do not actually want to, it’s just that they don’t want the hassle, the constant demands for money with menaces, that people get when they choose not to watch TV and stop paying the licence tax. The business model of TV Licensing is essentially exactly the same as the Krays.
Noa – 08:15
TCW, the bastion of free speech? This comment of mine has just gone “into moderation” aka Orwell’s “down memory hole.”
Horatio Blogs 3 minutes ago
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by TCW.
Now that the BBC has rehabilitated Lineker, or is it vice-versa, is it not time for the Tory party to welcome Andrew Bridgen back into its bosom? All Andrew did was to quote official statistics casting doubt on the efficacy and safety of the holy covid vaccines. That, and quote a n Israeli, presumably jewish, correspondent of his.
What was wrong with that? Was it the “C” word, the “J” word?
Here’s Andrew on March 9th asking for a debate on excess deaths.
The bored response from the government spokespersonage underlines the urgent need for you to crank up production at the Arkwright wireworks.
Noa – 08:15
Meanwhile, just across the mosses… “Shauny Boy” sums up party politics in general with his witty but damning critique of the SNP. The same Con, different BS, applies to the grifters in all parties.
Godders is on a roll…
UK Budget – Expect More Lies From Incompetent Buffoons
This is so true!
Whatever you may say the guy has my vote, at some 6min he says something that Baron reckons is a must of the once great Republic were to be great again, the monied people have to be taken off politics.
Are we going to see the repeat of 2008, or something worse? Anyone has any ideas what to do? Follow butcher’s Jones ‘don’t panic, don’t panic’ doesn’t help.
EC @ March 14th, 2023 – 09:58
The guy’s spot on, EC, why should any businessman build a plant here paying 25% to the Treasury when in China where there’s the same rate, he pays for labour and energy far less then here.
One would have thought to negate the cheapness of the two major ‘ingredients’ in wealth creation the Chancellor would propose a tax rate to a level attractive for the businessman ti stay here.
EC 09.33
If you want my opinion it was yourvdisgraceful use of the sexist word ‘bosom’ that got you bunged into the mammary hole at TCW, but it could have been the use of the ‘jewish’ word or even reference to the now outed and dead man walking Andrew Bridgen, no knighthood for him in Bojos or the cfhaiwallahs lists of Shame!
AnywaycIll keep an eye out for you on the 12th Circle, a good number of my comments also ending up there.
Perhaps it’s simply all down to the ever decreasing quality of fact checkers recruited by Disgusst from Tower Hamlets public girls school for future johidi brides.
Gassa, the final word from Little John.
Is there any hope for the nation that was once the Workshop of the World and the cauldron of the Industrial Revolution?
I recollect that the Barclay made his money with a dodgy service sector company which he promptly offshore to India. No staff office heating costs for him!
As for the rest of industry, maje what you will of this curates egg (on your face).
Noa – 19:22
Verily I sayeth unto ye…
as Mark Steyn (*) has sagely pointed out, the 13 year electoral tipping point… it doth approacheth!
Nothing short of a video of Kia Starrman caught buggering a goat will prevent him from being anointed the next PM. The great British electorate, tired of broken promises, hopes dashed, will buy into new set of promises and BS and absolutely nothing, SQRT{FA}, will change, just a different set of assorted crooks and numpties getting a ride to work in a ministerial limo.
* think of Mark’s electoral pendulum as the UK swinging at the end of one of Albert Pierrepoint’s ropes. Now there’s a cheery thought!
@11:48 at least I didn’t use ‘nestle within’ in conjunction with the “b” word. 🙂
“Is there any hope for the nation that was once the Workshop of the World and the cauldron of the Industrial Revolution?”
The UK is still a world leader in the pomp & processions surrounding royal weddings, funerals, and coronations. Throw in an occasional uxoricide, sex scandal and racist accusations and “Theme Park UK” will keep going for many years to come with the assistance of the media and the large section of the “Gawd Bless ’em” populace.
Outside the metropolis Princesses Carrie has ensured that the “rewilding” of productive farmland will lead to a leaner populace along the lines of PRNK. Also, Princess Greta has ensured that carbon rationing will lead to cold houses and the rewilding of biological women’s lady gardens, armpits, legs, and dare I say bosoms?
Get out now, man, if you can, while you still can!
File under: “the two bald gentlemen in the front row” (Ken Dodd)
Verily I sayeth unto ye…
as Mark Steyn (*) has sagely pointed out, the 13 year electoral tipping point… it doth approacheth!
“…Nothing short of a video of Kia Starrman caught buggering a goat will prevent him from being anointed the next PM….”
There is a sizeable and fast growing demographic to whom such Billy goat Ruff Gruffing has a considerable appeal.
The trouble is that when kia has finished with the goats he’ll move on to the British natives for dessert.
Noa – 13:34
Who’d be a sheep, eh?
Sarkia needs some heavy foundation makeup, as he appears permanently red faced and embarrassed when on TV. A proper politician should be able to lie with sincerity without blushing.
Boy George with a chorus of “Starmer-Starmer-Starmer-Starmer- Chameleon”
The Russian statement about the lost Reaper drone ‘in the Black Sea makes sense, the American one doesn’t, it says the Flanker fighter clipped the contraption’s propeller, which is nonsense if one looks at the picture of the drone, the three tails of the drone protrude way beyond the radius of the propeller, against the picture of the SU-27 Flanker.
Which part of the jet clipped the propeller of the drone then?
One blogger (on a Russian site) says: “Just the slipstream of the 2 jets is enough to send the drone into an incipient spin, me thinks.”
Here’s the result of about half an hour search on the Net this morning, Baron cannot vouch for any of it, you make your own mind, there’s by far more on the Russian sites than the West’s:
It appears that a US surveillance RQ4 Global Hawk drone, callsign “FORTE10” went missing at 8:40:58 CET (Central European Time). The drone flew within 18 nautical miles of the Russian coastline. It was cruising at an altitude of 52k feet. The cost of the GH is $99mn, three times that of the Reaper.
The Russian fighters dumped fuel before landing – possible if they were damaged, it would be safer to touch ground. If the dumping was over the drone and most of the air the drone ingested was replaced by a cloud of kerosene, the drones’ engine may have just shut down.
US planes do it regularly in Japan, dumping fuel tanks, most fighter jets don’t have the ability to do it.
Russia claims to have already recovered some of the drone debris and since the drone crashed in shallow water should be able to get it all.
The fighter hit the drone with EW and either blocked or took out its Comms. If the RF is really good, they blocked the drone’s home signal and replaced it with theirs and flew it into the sea.
The drone operator had (?) 2 female parents.
“…The drone operator had (?) 2 female parents…”
Wots that about m’lud!? Is this the novel Woke LGB Cream tea spin by the US Mincing Machine? The story of a 5 year old gaming prodigy, the result of a spermfest between her and her to create the new age eugenic super brat?
It’s oddly more evocative of the cultural and military clash between the West and the Rest than the technological aspects of the Reapers demise.
Noa @ March 15th, 2023 – 22:40
It’s weird if true, it comes from a US blog that attracts quality postings, there were other pearls of this nature, but not suitable for print, the debating of the incident is widespread in Russia, it got barely noticed here, the significance of the downing of the drone could hardly be overstated, it’s how the conflict may escalate beyond anyone at any level being able to stop it, one only hopes the top layers on both sides have the bottom layers facing each other under good control.
EC @ March 15th, 2023 – 16:11
Baron used to roll his eyes when George spoke, EC, that was in the deep past, today the guy makes more sense than any other political apparatchik in either of the two stale and monochromatic outfits.
Noa @ March 15th, 2023 – 13:34
But did the sheep enjoy it, Noa, that’s what matters also, one cannot be cruel to animals, has to get consent first, in a written form would be the best, only then can one get to the act of mounting, otherwise it’s a rape.
Noa @ March 15th, 2023 – 08:00
Baron downloaded the report, scanned through it, the one key sentence says: “What recent years have seen is the importance of environmental objectives superseding the importance of business aims” which was enough for the blue veined barbarian, he stopped reading and agrees with you that there seems little chance Britain can ever regain her manufacturing prowess in such an environment.
Still droning:
Baron – 00:19
I know it’s early, for me, and my eyes are crap, but is that drone flying backwards?
The whole world is upside down and back to front, or so it seems to me.
It seems comparatively slow vs any intercepting Migs & Sukhois?
Two verdicts on the budget. Both agree.
Liam Halligan
Dr Roger Oddname
‘These people are so stupid they can’t see beyond their noses’
Baron 23.40
As with Business, so with Defence. The Gramscian takeover of the major levers of government is complete and destroying the foundations of the society it is imeant to sustain.
How to kill a Civilisation.
When any organisation, whether it be a government, tgeier arned forces, or the police implements ‘diversity, inclusively and equality’ policies it facilities its own death. In short it self ensures that it DIEs.
For how can any effective institution function when it openly fails to recruit the best, brightest and most competent, for racist reasobs, preferring to recruit instead the most stupid and malignant because of their skin colour?
EC @ March 16th, 2023 – 08:32
An excellent choice of the guests, EC, one more pessimistic than the other, the audience silent probably suicidal.
Few things on the budget: The 25% corp tax isn’t as bigger disaster as everyone says, it may well be designed to get some of the SMEs that cannot pay it out of the market place, the reliance on the big boys will go up, the same rate of 25% corp tax is payable in China, the country’s booming, will probably grow by over 5% this year even though in PPP dollars China’s GDP is about 10times ours, we are in a recession, there must be reasons other than corp tax rate for our stagnation. .
The biggest error is the raising of the pension pot limits, Baron was close to a shock when he heard it, it will push us to what has already arrived in the Republic, fewer people will own more of the country’s wealth, how many can afford to save £60k each tax year? Assuming one were to save the top £40k each year, labour for 40 years that would create a pot of £1.6mn, obviously nobody begins to earn so much that he or she can spare £40k, but even if one were to save the max in the last 20 years of one’s employment (or self-employment) that would be £800k plus interest. How many could do that?
The budget has raised it to £60k each financial year which will create millionaire pensioners for the lucky few, whilst probably well over 40% of the workforce will have to rely on the state pension alone, today it’s roughly 40% of individuals who have only their state pension.
The budget seems to have sidelined the banking quake, one very much hopes those in charge are working on it, if it breaks out in full, we are truly fugged.
Ironically, banks in Russia, sanctioned to the eyebrows, are doing fine, inflation is running at 4%, shops are full, the French company Auchan that refused to leave Russia after the invasion is planning to boost investment there, the boss said “Russia seems the only country where people spend money”. Unbelievable that, but will it last?
Noa @ March 16th, 2023 – 11:17
A well thought answer to the Defence Review Mk2, Noa, it seems the equivalent of a one pound novel one buys at the airport, scans through, leaves in the seat side pocket.
Noa @ March 16th, 2023 – 16:57
It says somewhere in the narrative that “the standards were lowered, the recruitment was scrapping the bottom of the barrel ….’, it may well be that the abilities, the IQ, or whatever measure one were to choose of the whole society has sunk, there aren’t many capable people around, if young people are being instructed in trans pronouns rather than math, physics, literature or what passed for education in the past is it any wonder they leave the schooling system dumb? The police, the Armed Services and any other employment sector of the society must take that into account, recruit accordingly, adjust the standards downward.
One wonders what will the Republic or Britain look like in (say) 2050?
Baron 23.55
As the R value, tge measure of intelligence has been dropping by 1 % point per generation we are now, as a whole at least 10 and more realistically 15% less intelligent than we were 100 years ago. Add in variables like the respective mean intellectual differences between Black Africans and descendants, Whites, Indians and Chinese and the propensity of Blacks to display ten times the propensity to criminal behaviour on the same comparative ethnic demographic and you can establish whether or not the srandard of education is a significant variable or not.
Of course it nay be that, despite the destructive effects of Brown v Board of Education mainly Black schools under educate compared to mainly White, Chino and Hispanic schools. Or it maybe that the descendents of slavery, Darwinian selected losers in Africa for servitude by fellow Africans, were never going to compete effectively no matter how much preferential treatment in job sekrction and education they received.
The MPD Black on Black and Ferguson murders simply highlights that intellectual capacity diaspora.
Baron 23.44
Well summarised. The analysis and report signally fails the nation, exposing the Natins now institutionalised stupidity and failure to recognise the really and fast growing threat of widespread interethnic violence and civil war caused by mass immigration.
Littlejohn cuts the Barkeley more slack than you or I would, though the rest of the gang of thieves gets the treatment they merit.
The problem that retirement is, how do we protect our hard earned and nany times taxed savings and assets from the final raid by the Great Thief wanting his final 40% cut? Gold, stamps, wine, Zurich vaults?
No amount of vomit, which is what this piece smells like, can harm a man that speaks common sense in a manner attracting millions, the allegations in the piece are without evidence, the naked spitefulness of the MSM poodle that penned this trash is totally unwarranted, the change of mind of the Guardian’s man whose name rhymes with ‘idiot’ will only add to Russel’s popularity.
Russell Brand is indeed the biggest threat to the imbecility of the woke culture and more, may he carry on forever, the country needs him.
The above is Baron’s posting for the narrative announcing the end of the RB polarity because Monbiot and the Guardian have turned against him, the link below is for the Spectator’s piece. What do you make of it?
Apologies for the glaring errors, Baron has to start reading what he typed before posting.
The problem with savings for one’s retirement in unique assets (say) stamps, pictures, gold is that one cannot avoid getting taxed when converting the stuff into cash without breaking the law, that’s the advantage of having savings in tax free pension pots, but the changes to the regulations make it risky because of the time span, one’s talking decades rather than years.
Noa @ March 17th, 2023 – 08:21
True, Noa, but could it go on in a world of continuous technological advances?
If it does, we will end up with a small layer of the hyper educated and the rest barely capable of signing their own names, a dreadful state of affairs as the imbecilic bit will be easily controlled and manipulated.
Noa – 08:59 & Baron
Littlejohn, as enjoyable to read as ever, made some good points.
I don’t think that Starsky (Starmer & Trotsky) will have to stoke up much resentment in as Hunt has done a pretty good job by himself. The annual allowance for tax relief on pension savings in a registered pension scheme has increased to nearly double the average working income!
The changes to Corporation Tax are just the latest in a long line of “Conservative” measures aimed at destroying the self-employed, small businesses and the middle class, creating a small wealthy elite and a massive underclass the majority of which will either be on minimum wage or on state benefits.
As the song goes…” There may be trouble ahead…”
Levelling uo? The annual tax free income has remained at £12,571 for years now. More and more low paid workers are pay the 20% tax rate thereafter.
The much trumpeted annual state pension increases result in more tax paid on any private pension payments. That, and the annual hikes in Council Tax. (6.7% for 2023/2024 here) just about wipes out any benefit. Don’t get me started on water and fuel bills.
Baron – 12:44
RB has been on a US tour and upsetting a lot of the “liberals”, wokerati, and wankerati by speaking truth to them. They always considered RB as one of their own. His failure to parrot the {{{The MESSAGE}}} is the most heinous crime, HERESY, and he must now be vilified and put down at all costs! They did much the same thing, continue to do so, to Melanie Phillips when she parted company with the Guardianistas.
The most appropriate response to that Spectoid Sturgid fellow would be “Thank you for your contribution, Squealer.”
As to Monboit… imo he has less substance than diarrhoea!
Baron 12.55
Aren’t you describing the situation that in fact already exists? The rate of technological innovation has been slowing since the 1950s. The great majority of the world population are well below the average Western IQ and are both illiterate and innumerate.
Unfortunately the West is being dragged into the same position by its Liberal values facilitating mass immigration…
EC @ March 17th, 2023 – 14:18
The substance quip, EC, made Baron chuckle so much his stomach pained, how dare you.
Noa @ March 17th, 2023 – 16:54
Agreed, Noa, fully.
Neil Oliver interviews George Galloway.
Fascinating, I didn’t really notice the time passing on this trip through the decades.
Neil employing David Frost’s latter day style, when Frosty used to prod his guest with soft cushions.
This should guarantee that Neil Oliver gets the same treatment as RB at the Spectatesman, Gruaniad etc. But who will wield the plastic jock’s (Frasier) dirk this time ?
Right then, I’ve packed my Factor 50 sunblock and am off to enjoy the Spring sunshine on the banks of the Lune, Morecambe Bay etc.
A mall green shoot make a Spring appearance through the Eco slime.
The ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan who charged Putin with war crimes for evacuating children from the Ukrainian war zone has a brother convicted for pedophilia, sent down, but released from prison with a reduced sentence a month ago, the more illustrious ICC brother allegedly help with the release.
Source: @Kimdotcom
That the two are brothers can be googled, whether it’s true that the ICC one helped the convicted pedophile Baron doesn’t know, the twitter guy says so, but there is no way to varify it.
EC @ March 18th, 2023 – 08:14
Well worth listening to for the hour it lasts, EC, something Baron doesn’t say often, the selfism was a new and fitting term for the clowns that are supposed to represent us, there were other pearls of wisdom also, truly enjoyable, the lot. On the issue of what has happened to the giants of politics of the past, when the country no longer breeds them this:
We no longer have politicians that evolve into statesmen because those elected today know (1) their election does not reflect their getting approved by the electorate, but by the inertia of the institutionalised power of the FPTP voting system, as a result (2) if in governance, they feel free to follow not the wishes of the electorate, but the wishes of small but vicious lobby groups knowing these groups could be instrumental in deselecting them and, in foreign policy, the wishes of the Americans.
Our today’s MPs are essentially gofers for the lobby mobsters, also the Americans, not the people that vote for them.
Harold Wilson was asked to join the Americans in Vietnam, said ‘no, thank you’, can you imagine any of our today’s politician would have the guts to refuse the Americans?
EC 18/3 08.14
Sorry EC, ten minutes of that inbred Celtic depression, darker than the moss growing on the Northern face of Hadrian’s Wall, was too much for me and necessitated an immediate course of treatment by watching “My Struggle” the story of how I led the Chosen people across the English Sea, by Saint Gary Linejar… ;-)))
We will watch with interest the attempts of the US and Co to try and drag President Putin into the ICC, as we will the forthcoming arrest of President Trump.
What goes around comes around and Cell block H in the Lubyanka will soon be stuffed with ex presidents, PMs and other mass murderers given the BRICS gradual takeover of power in the UN.
Noa – 09:59
I noted that that Neil Oliver had interviewed Glen Beck sometime over the weekend.
This will ensure the usual suspects’ doorstepping of Priti Braverperson, who will immediately sign his extradition warrant to Den Haag.
All Hail the Patron Saint of Goal Hangers, and Dinghy Manufacturers.
Gawd Bless ‘im..
Tucker rips the prints of wails and duck of lancaster unter der loon a multiplicity of new anusai in his forensic examination of insanity amongst amobae. Hughly enjoyable, until you realise such pond life actually floats serenely above us.
Sailer not Tucker, apologies.
In Spring a young mans fancy lightly turns to thoughts of…
Have you seen this petition yet?
apropos the above…
“Steyn vs Ofcom: It’s on”
“If I go in search of the epicentre of Bollocks, written by the high priests of shite, I go straight to The Guardian.”
Neil Oliver, 22/03/2023
🙂 🙂 🙂
Two of the latest offerings from the Spectator, about a quarter of the scribblings is about Russia or China or both:
EC @ March 22nd, 2023 – 16:35
A memorable quote, EC, thanks for posting it, it’s already filed.
EC @ March 22nd, 2023 – 08:58
He is unlikely to win, EC, but who knows, stranger things have happened.
Noa @ March 20th, 2023 – 20:14
A sad read, Noa, close to half a million dead, mostly civilians in the Iraqi invasion plus the ISIS plunder, and nobody gets punished for it.
Noa @ March 21st, 2023 – 20:55
Signed and contributed, Noa, thanks.
Baron – 23:26
Mark did take on the full might of the Canadian government and win.
It all depends if he gets an uninfected judge. Sadly, an independent minded judge is somewhat of a rarity these days.
Depleted Uranium tipped shells for Ukraine:
Rishi would claim that they are not harmful at all unless one hits you,
one man’s definition of “depleted” is another man’s “contaminant”… and a pervasive one at that. Putin is reportedly pretty ticked off about this.
I remember, a couple of decades back, when there was big hoo-hah about radioactive seagull shite in Whitehaven, beaches unfit for bathing, and the Irish complaining that their fishing boats where being attacked by giant squid. “Perfectly safe” was the ever vapid official government response…
UNTIL some joker scooped up several bags of sand from a local beach and dumped them in Downing Street with an explanatory note saying it was perfectly safe.
THEN the guys from Aldermaston/Porton/wherever were out in force in full Radiologial/Bio HazMax suits scrubbing the doorstep of No.10 cobbles, and tarmac until they bled!
Couldn’t happen today as Downing street has been gated.
Only a fool would pretend that Putin doesn’t make idle threats.
“Putin is reportedly pretty ticked off about this.”
Still, at least nobody is spreading Po210 or Novichok around St Petersburg or Moscow, eh what…
Have you heard of the 77th Brigade? Wo or what are they?
EC @ March 23rd, 2023 – 08:45
Good point, EC.
It fits the baiting strategy, the idea is to have Putin use the same shells in Ukraine or, so the 77th Brigade must hope, in Poland or another NATO country, since nobody in the West is being told about our supplies of the depleted uranium shells to ukraine, the MSM poodles will sell the Putin’s deployment of the stuff as an escalation requiring NATO to step in, teach the Ruskies a lesson.
The strategy may pay off just as the preparation for an attack on Donbas on March 3rd last year by the Ukrainian forces did, Putin moved first on Feb 24, it now pilloried for it.
EC 08.45
That reminds me of a little ditty visiting USAF pilotsused to sing when drinking at my Villa during GW1, the verses I forget, but the chorus went;
“Ohhh Depleted uranium
It blows holes in your cranium…”
Two reviews, one in the last Saturday’s DT, the other in the last weekend ST, of a book by a guy called Michail Shishkin, a Russian emigre living in Switzerland for the past 18 years, he has a new book out ‘My Russia – War or Peace’, what he says in it one doesn’t have to elaborate on, it’s obvious what a man that left Putin’s Russia four years after Putin took over says about things Russian.
The two reviews are nothing but accolade galore, ‘our today’s Solzhenitsyn’, says one of the reviewers which misses the key point of the greatness of Alexander, he lived and suffered in Russia, never abandoned her for good.
The other one muses about the author even more quotes him saying ‘the language of Alexander Pushkin and Leo Tolstoy …. has become the language of war criminals and murderers’ which neatly pairs ‘the language of the bard …. has become the language of an elite that invades countries at will, scares the unwashed to death and blows up gas pipelines’.
In one instance the Shishkin guy is spot on when he says he has to write not about one Russia but two, the first is populated by ‘Russian Europeans’ – educated liberals like the Red Square Eight (he’s referring here to the protest of eight individuals after the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968) and the thousands who followed in their footsteps in anti-war protests in Russia last year. The second is the much bigger group that actively supports the war – the Russia that devours its own and other countries’ children’.
You reckon Baron will buy the tome?
Yes, yes, yes, it is the American leadership of the world, it is the American leadership of the world, it is ….
This is the latest from the US on the banking crisis (March 22, 2023):
Citigroup’s Citibank Took the Largest Amount of Loans from the FHLB of NY in 2022, reminiscent of FHLB Loans Taken by Silvergate, SVB, Signature, and First Republic Bank.
On March 13 we published the chart below (you have to lick on the link below to see the chart), showing the ten financial institutions that had taken the largest loan advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco as of year-end 2022.
It’s a very ominous sign that the bank at the top of the list, Silicon Valley Bank, collapsed and is now under the control of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Silicon Valley Bank had $212 billion in assets as of year-end 2022, making it the second largest bank failure in U.S. history. The largest failure was Washington Mutual in 2008, with approximately $300 billion in assets.
The second bank on the list, First Republic Bank (ticker FRC), has seen its share price collapse, had its debt downgraded deeper into junk by S&P Global on Sunday, and is experiencing an exit stampede by depositors.
The sixth bank on the list, Silvergate Bank, is in the midst of a voluntary liquidation after its hot money crypto depositors headed for the exits.
The seventh bank on the chart, Western Alliance Bank (ticker WAL), has also seen its share price collapse and was put on a negative credit watch by Moody’s.
To put it another way, there seems to be a direct correlation between needing to take big loan advances from your regional federal home loan bank and being in deep distress.
Federal Home Loan Banks were created by Congress to provide affordable mortgages to poor people. They weren’t meant to bail out federally-insured banks that got in bed with crypto carnival barkers or to bail out a Wall Street IPO pipeline in drag as a federally-insured bank.
Citigroup’s Citibank making an appearance on this chart is not a good omen given its history. Citigroup/Citibank were the largest borrowers from the Fed’s emergency bailout programs during the financial crash of 2007 to 2010, secretly receiving over $2.5 trillion in cumulative loans according to a 2011 audit conducted by the Government Accountability Office on the Fed’s emergency lending facilities.
Apologies, the 23:19 posting is a paste-up of a posting by Likklemore on another blog, it isn;t anything Baron dug up himself.
Baron, March 23rd, 2023 – 16:48
“Have you heard of the 77th Brigade? Wo or what are they?”
They are part of the
Chineseer… BritishPeoples LiberationArmy tasked with monitoring cyberspace and social media for any comments made by the citizenry that are heretical to the current official {{{Narrative}}}.In Chermany there exists something similar that was originally set up by Die Frau-rer to identify people saying unkind things about migrants. It was established using “rehabilitated” ex Stasi officers to manage it. You can take the Girl out of the DDR but you cannot take the DDR out of the Girl.
File under: Thought crimes, Das Leben Der Anderen etc.
Er… you know that in the past I have referred to the Scottish Nationalist Party by inserting the word “Socialist” in front of “Party”?
Well er… many a true word said, or phrase coined, in jest!
“The Scottish National Party & The Nazis”
EC @ March 24th, 2023 – 08:48
Thanks, EC, if this is the case, Baron should have a file bigger than his tummy.
EC @ March 24th, 2023 – 13:32
That’s amazing, EC, both the fact that the SNP has its roots in a movement linked with the Nazis, also that you discovered it, you seem to have a knack for discoveries that amaze.
Charles Moore has a piece in the DT under the heading “Scrapping the pension allowance doesn’t just benefit the rich – it liberates the majority’.
Really? Is everyone labouring for a wage or salary to benefit?
How much one gets finally from the pension pot, to which one contributes before paying tax, depends on (1) one’s income and the amount one can put aside for the pension pot, (2) the interest rates, and obviously any laws governing this area, but we will ignore them assuming they have no bearing on the issue.
Let’s us assume one begins to contribute to the pension plan in 1980, in the first decade after 1980m the interest rates fluctuated as they alway do, but on average for the decade they were 12.5%, in the next decade 8.5%, the next one 3.5% and the one starting in 2011 and ending 2020 0.5%.
It’s all very rough, but it should do for the argument Baron is making. You can make a better judgement, the BoE chart is attached.
The high interest rates at the start of the pension contributions wouldn’t have produced much because the money pot was still small, the contribution and the accumulated money towards the end of the 40 year period, the last decade in particular, would not have boosted the pension pot significantly either, even though the pot was substantial by then, because the interest rate was an abysmal 0.5%.
On the assumption (it’s a truly wild assumption) that the interest rate for the 40-year span averaged 3.5% one would have to save each year £12,500 in order to get a pension pot around one million quid (£1,056,878 to be precise).
If the 40-year average interest rate were 5.5% one would have to beef up one’s pension pot annually with £8,000.
If the 40-year average interest rate were 7.5% one would have to set aside for the pension pot £4,500pa but
If the 40-year average interest rate were to 2.5% then the amount of money one would have to allocate towards one’s pension pot would be £15,500pa.
The average annual wage in 1980 was £6,000 equivalent to about £19,000 today, in 2020 the average annual wage stood at £31,000.
How many people on the average wage would be able to put aside from the pay-packet £12,500 each year?
The one on £19,000 in 1980 would have to live on roughly a third of his earnings, the rest would go towards his pension pot. The one on £31,000 in 2020 would not be much better off, the money for his pension pot would consume 40% of his earnings.
Of course, people that accumulate pension pots of one million quid or more are paid considerably more than the average wage earners, a hospital consultant gets £100,000 pa, a GP £80,000 pa, MPs 84,000 pa ….
These people will benefit, benefit massively, but those at the middle or the bottom of the pay scale will not be better off at all, they could never even dream of getting to a one million quid pot on which to retire and enjoy life.
Apologies for the rant, Baron should have spent the time doing something more useful like knitting.
This is a video published on Breitbart, the Ukrainian forces are firing at the Wagner group. The reason Baron wants you to see it is the Ukrainians speak Russian, not Ukrainian, weird that as the official language of the country is Ukrainian only, everyone that speaks Russian is sacked, cannot get a job, one would expect the patriotic fighters would speak Ukrainian also.
The secrets of a happy and wealthy retirement are simple and unchanging and have been applied with complete success by the European aristocracy and the British Upper classes in particular, since the imposition of feudalism.
They are, milud, are a dynastic propensity for conquest and a talent for criminality, especially land appropriation, theft and massive tax evasion. 😉
Noa – 09:51
Too true 🙂
also, see below.
Baron – 00:51
“Charles Moore has a piece in the DT under the heading “Scrapping the pension allowance doesn’t just benefit the rich – it liberates the majority’.”
When he talks about “the majority” he’s probably talking about his well paid chums on the gravy train, inhabiting the sinecured Westminster economic bubble. The serfs on the outside do not figure in his reckoning.
The UK offers unparalleled investment opportunities for the right people…
[we are not they]
UK Investment Ad
Godders Lockdown secrets. Noa, from the Towers, operated a similar anti-dictatorship policy. Sadly, as he points out, the inexorability of Pareto’s 80/20 rule applies with the mass of the herd.
How come Lauren Soutern never made Marks top ten tottiy hotties?
South Africa now, Britain and Europe nearly there. After all our unemployment rate, assiduously camouflaged is overc50% not a mere 44.4% and our inflation rate 18%
What can we do about the threat to our very existence? Argon of Saffron spells it out, with a bit of help from the Bald Interruptor…
I like his borrowings from CRT ideas. There’s nothing wrong with stealing your enemy’s weapons and using them against him/her/them/it/Gawd nows wot.
I see that Spain, at least, has resolved the Pedophilia versus Bestiality debate that has roared through the column of this, er column in recent weeks and years. Thank’ee Dr Daniels for drawing this exciting development to my attention. It should nake any visit to those parts of Catholic Spain diversified by the Reconquista, such as Madrid and the Prado, much more…enlivening.
Yup, Lord Moore doesn’t speak for me. We Northern Marcgerlands barons have always had to protect our own and Bury our ill-acquired spoils away from the Kings tax collectors!
Yup, Lord Moore doesn’t speak for me. We Northern Marcherlands barons have always had to protect our own and bury our ill-acquired spoils away from the Kings tax collectors!
Noa. – 11:56
Both the ginger toupée wearer and myself can remember the days when Lauren Southern used to be a stunning blonde. It could be that now she is just too hot to handle, and he doesn’t want to be blackballed by AirBNB, as recently happened to Lauren’s parents.
His current farming correspondent is the lovely Eva, his Dutch “milkmaid from Hilversum.”
Noa – 13:00
That’s “Lord (My Arse!) Moore”, Shirley?
EC 13.36
“…His current farming correspondent is the lovely Eva, his Dutch “milkmaid from Hilversum…”
Yerss.. there’s a high degree of churn with Mark’s “Gold top” totty. There’s no doubt the Conservatively minded have the best looking girls by far.
And to remind Mark and you both of what we’re missing, here’s the lovely Lauren with her excellent documentary “Farmllands”.
Here is a postcard from Russia, Moscow rather which is different from other parts of the country, Baron is posting it because someone he knows who recently returned from Russia said his favourite part of Moscow was the DEPO food market, then as serendipity would have it the guy Baron scans often iEarlGray posts a video on the same quarter, it really seems an interesting place with dishes one would scarcely find in the UK, and just as well.
Noa @ March 25th, 2023 – 13:00
Just be careful how you go, Noa, they are watching you.
Noa @ March 25th, 2023 – 11:56
No time to talk about South Africa, Noa, it’s Russia that is the target.
EC @ March 25th, 2023 – 11:19
The investment commercial is priceless, EC, Baron’s still chuckling.
It’s apparently old, rather clumsily put together, but true:
Whatever you may think, Baron finds the Chinese reawakening equally miraculous and frightening, how could any other tribe better them?
The one question the video doesn;t answer is who the hell lives or works in the skyscrapers, there are 1.4bn of them but what are they all working on if the machines for rail tracks, tunnels and house and skyscraper building are doing the jobs that before were done by the millions of labourers.
My dear Baron @22.51
Im always happy to assist the kegitimate authority in their legitimate pursujt of Noa Towers extensive grounds will provide extensive entertainment as HM Tax Inspectorate are directed from one part of the grounds to another under my scrupulous desire to assist them in their search for…. Well, whatever it is, they think they’re looking for. 😉
This is to add to the posting on China’s progress @23:44, it’s by the guy you didn;t like much in the past, true, he’s too close to China, but his intentions are OK, like Baron he’s for co-existence, it’s better than first bickering then getting involved in a fight that we are unlikely to win because we’ve turned into a society that’s guided by decision making based on lies, half-truths and deceptions. Nothing on the horizon suggesting it may change, is there?
Noa @ March 25th, 2023 – 23:54
If ever in need, Noa, call Baron, he will assemble a fighting force made up with barbarians more barbarous than he, will march north with them, scare the hell out of any intruders that may threaten you, provided he is still breathing ….
Pity, you cannot read the postings, they are more enjoyable than the piece:
Hurray, hurray and once more hurray, finally, even one’s ar$e could help to save the planet:
The last one from Baron, it’s a report from a region of Russia nine months after the invasion of Ukraine, not the bright lights of Moscow, but a wilderness of Russia:
Baron. March 25th. 22.58
South Africa may not be the centre of Western focus, but as it falls into the category of failed state, it is a major problem for the West for a number of reasons:
Its resources, agricultural and mineral are either underused or criminally exploited as it falls under the control of inimicably hostile powers, like PRC, Russia and the US.
Resulting poverty and starvation fuels depopulation and both direct and indirect mass migration to Europe, as the RSA and adjoining states starve and become impoverished.
The power vacuum creates competition for its replacement, between the BRICS and our former ally, the US, so becoming a new regional campaign front in the new Cold War.
It sits on a location of world strategic importance, controlling as it does the seaborne trade route between East and West and the alternative to the ageing Suez Canal, at least until PRC Belt and Road initiatives are completed to pump our essential Garden furniture directly into the European heartlands.
I agree with you. The peaceful resolution of the Ukraine situation is or should be the West’s primary concern at present. However we cannot ignore the consequences of previous political failures, like RSA, as they now come back to haunt us and must do what we can to ameliorate them.
Our time is precious, but Jonathan Sumptions’ Pharos lecture is a rewarding expenditure of it.
Liberty or Death. The New Culture Forum series starting today.
Noa, March 25th, 2023 – 21:36
“And to remind Mark and you both of what we’re missing, here’s the lovely Lauren with her excellent documentary “Farmllands”.”
I was aware that she’d started making documentary films after she’d been cast off social media. I had’t actually seen the film before. Grim viewing, innit. SA has gone the same way that Rhodesia did.
Indeed, I remember that when she was a reporter for Rebel Media, on the orders of Home Secretary Amber Rudd (Mrs A.A. Gill) and PM Sharia May, Lauren was arrested and detained at the French of the Channel Tunnel. Lauren and Geert Wilders were rare successes of the UK Border Force has ever had in stopping people entering the country.
She has “True Grit!”
Baron March 26th, 2023 – 00:12
The gentlemen of the Northern lands likewise stand ready to reciprocate with all available assistance to Baron, if so required.
It occurred to Baron he may have failed to recommend a site that he finds informative more than most of the others, informative on the conflict non Ukraine. If he has already suggested the site, apologies, his short term memory is abysmal, you ask him what he had for lunch a couple of days ago, he cannot say, he doesn’t remember even whether he had lunch, arghhh
Still, if you were to read the linked piece you will find in it an explanation of the slow progress of the Russian advance, it’s that they cannot clear the mine fields well enough, and the fields are truly treacherous – the piece explains why.
It’s nice to know, Noa, do thank the gentlemen of the North, but one hopes it won’t come to it.
EC @ March 26th, 2023 – 16:02
She cannot be bad, EVC, if she’s described as white nationalist, everyone labelled that or a racist, misogynist, (any)phobe or a conspiracy theorist cannot but be OK.
She is very brave. That film was from 2018, pre Covid.
So many other people have been “disappeared” from the internet too. Katie Hopkins is just about hanging on in there, “they” dare not try and shut Judge Napolitano down, his friend Alex Jones is still chugging away on his Infowars own website.
Another PITA for the deep state mob was Matt Drudge and his Drudge Report, but he got “turned”, didn’t he?
Sargon of Akkad is still there under another name. I cannot watch him as his voice renders me unconscious in under a minute.
Pilots are a dying breed…
Richard Vobes (aka The Bald Explorer) talking about a radio program called “The Rumour Mill”
“Is there any truth in these rumours?”
[12 mins]
Richard is a genial old cove. His chats remind me of Ronnie Corbett.
How long before he tumbles as the First Minister?
His tumbril cannot come soon enough for Scotlanistan.
Like the fox he beat to death Jolyon needs a coursevof treatment with his own baseball bat, (Did he need the alibi of a glove do you think, EC?). Even a stretch on the old Arkwrights would seem to be fair justice.
Baron 22:55; Noa 08:32;
Long live the Indy Grift, eh. Freedum! “Scotland will shine in 2039!” etc.
I watched Mc Yusuf’s coronation live yesterday afternoon. As the figures were announced Kate Forbes’ countenance changed in an instant from confident optimism to that of a “slapped arse” as she realised that Murrell & Sturgeons’ fix was IN.
The victory speech: I lost count of the times Mc Yusuf mentioned the EU, and also Independence within seconds of each other. The guy also conflated the SNP with the whole of Scotland. He is delusional, his party is now irrevocably split. It won’t end well.
Noa – 10:33
It was a good article, as far as it went.
“Even a stretch on the old Arkwrights would seem to be fair justice.”
Indeed! In the Air On A G-string perhaps?
Jolyon would appear to be an eminently clubbable man and “an unclubbable man” at one and the same time.
Much earlier this morning I was trying to find out how many baseball bats are sold in the UK each year. Failed miserably, but I’ve become accustomed to that. All I could find was propaganda that all Russian taxis have them fitted as standard, along with dashcams.
Legal Beagler-lery has structural problems from local level, solicitors, Magistrates’ Courts right up through Crown Courts and on up to Tony Blair’s ‘Supreme Court” which is stacked full of large marsupials with a left wing mindset. The Long Marchers have got into the judiciary but have still to complete the takeover of the Bar Standards Board?
I was perusing the comments beneath Philip’s article and noticed that Teletubby was in there. Further investigation revealed that Teletubby is a regular commenter in the TCW Readers’ Forum. Old CHW names Such as Colonel Mustard and John Birch are in there too, Tele earning himself excoriating responses from the Colonel.
Not surprising that the Tele Cabal are trying to take over any forum that isn’t out and out communist and/or modern day cultural Marxist. Should we enter the fray?
When Baron announces that he has made a comment on an article, the old Admiral lends his support with an uptick.
“Sturgeon vs the Membership Numbers”
“I’m just going out for a bit. I might be sometime.”
Optimistically, I could be back at the weekend.
Cheers, chaps.
Noa @ March 28th, 2023 – 10:05
“Debar the lot of them, it isn;t challenging the ‘cab-rule’ it’s ignoring it, there should be no place for the biased practitioners of the law”, says Baron as if it mattered what he says.
EC @ March 28th, 2023 – 10:33
Agreed 100%, EC, even without watching the worshipper of Allah reaction after the results were announced, sadly, the door left ajar by the ghastly Blair will never be closed fully again, Baron fears.
EC @ March 28th, 2023 – 16:15
Good one, Baron likes the hair colour a lot as well.
Listen to the guy, he speaks sense:
It seems even the UN, which is far from friendly towards Russia, cannot ignore the atrocities committed in Ukraine often against its own people:
If you feel depressed, for whatever reason, or perhaps think that the politicians have gone loopy what with their insane push of the unworkable idea of net zero carbon (seven years from a collapse for us, twelve for Germany) here is a 6-minutes clip that cannot but make you laugh:
Trump Indicted By NY Grand Jury – CNN
Baron @ 00:28
How right Mystic EC was on Feb16
Didn’t take a rocket scientist to predict that though.
This will backfire on them
US citizens advised by White House to leave Russia ‘immediately’.
Whilst Manhatton DA Alvin Bragg postures, indicting ex President Trump, ‘…Murders rose 10%, aggravated assaults were up 11% and robberies shot up 25%…”.
Energy subsidies will make us poorer, as if we didn’t know.
On the Day of the Transgender, enjoy:,vid:QrCYzFqxIYg
Noa @ March 31st, 2023 – 10:07
That’s a neat explanation of our economic decline, Noa, the drop of primary energy consumption by the industry, the wealth creating segment of any society, has been the deepest, how likely is it to be reversed now when the cost of energy is high and growing?
One truly despairs.
Baron 12.36
He may know how to wear lingerie and a dress, Baron, but does he know how wash it.
And to how to cook an omelette for his inamorata?
The Pursuit of Net Zero…
EC @ April 1st, 2023 – 10:42
Are you sure, EC, there isn;t a scientist somewhere on a Government’s grant figuring how to do it? It seems a sensible suggestion if it helps us to get to net zero, the Holy Grail of the fruitcakes. But here’s a better and quicker solution, abolish Pentagon:
“Although the Pentagon has been at the forefront of climate change research since the mid-20th century, Crawford writes (he’s got a new book out), the US Department of Defence is also the single largest institutional fossil fuel user in the world. Since 2001, the military has been responsible for 77 to 80 percent of federal energy consumption”.
Baron – 00:11
A couple of points, M’Lord
1. Scientists are rarer than rocking horse shit these days, and anybody who has taken the government’s shilling definitely isn’t one.
2. Gravity is racist, innit! Yeah bro, Isaac Newton was a white supremacist Him Johannes Kepler, Tycho Brahe, and all the dead Greek blokes both before and after Eratosthenes were all worse than Nazis. My mate Gary told me.
Is there anything on the list of the 40 that strikes you?
EC @ April 2nd, 2023 – 16:27
Good points, EC.
Baron – 01:16
#1. There are a lot of fine traditional Scotch names on that list, each of them with more legal qualifications than Humvee “Useless” McYusaf, Scotland’s FM and former Justice Secretary, and Mc Sturgeotron before him.
#2. Called to the Bar maybe, but would they purchase a round of drinks? Arguably a sort of cultural double whammy there.
EC @ April 3rd, 2023 – 08:29
Correct, EC, Horace Rumpole it is we need, and urgently.
Its only Grays Inn, no Taxation and M&A lawyers there.
As the redoubtabtable Col Mu8stard pointed out last week, there are some 18500 barristers, of which 130 are refusing to join the cab rank, due presumably to a surfeit of foxes and the misuse of Gorilla Glue and tarmac.
The rest, not practicising abroad, will be adhering assiduously to those many finanicial teats provided by the CCP, Roosiam oligarchs, predatory US and EU capitalists and of course, the UK government in the many forms of Legal Aid and HR charities.
Two videos on the terrorist act in St Petersburg, the first one is the presentation of the bust, the second follows the girl that gifted the bust:
Baron – 08:14
It beggars belief that they got sucker punched like that.
The girl cannot be too bright either.
I suspect that the rest of her life is not going to be that pleasant.
Noa April 3rd, 2023 – 10:10
The Colonel is doing a great job in the TCW’s version of the CHW. I don’t know if I can be bothered to grapple with the “teletubby-confederacy” and his other wankerati troll chums. I noticed the tosspot the other day reprising his “Der Sturmer” schtick.
Since I came out of hospital last weekend my attention span has not been great. I’m not firing on as many cylinders as before, and not all of the originals were working that well!
Sorry see you’ve been unwell. I hope you’re on the path to a full and speedy recovery.
I barred the Cumryd, life is too short to get involved with bear wrestling the truly stupid. Still, the Col likes to hone his literary skills on the clown.
Longish, and more than pessimistic about the chances of the Russian troops to stop the coming Ukrainian offensive down south, the next couple of months will decide who comes first and who second.
EC @ April 4th, 2023 – 09:44
You must get well, EC, that’s an order, you and only you are the priority now, the country needs people like you.
If there’s anything the barbarian can do, EC, e-mail him, please.
I never thought to find myself agreeing with the Lefties of the XATT, but on the issue of UK weapons supply to Ukraine they hold higher ground than the UKG.
It’s been about a week now since “the event.” Joint replacements at out age is like being hit by a bus, and not without risk. Recovery is a bit of an emotional roller coaster as it involves a delicate management of pain, opiates, regular painkillers and, last but not least laxatives! (LOL LOL LOL). This was not my first outing, and I’d forgotten want a task it was. I would like to pay tribute to my surgeon and all other exemplary NHS staff in Newcastle who have looked after me for over the last six years. They have been fabulous.
So far so good, chaps! I could “murder a pint” of ale but that won’t be for some time year.
Do I detect a sea change?
Frasier Nelson taking about Net Zero.
He is obviously well prepared.
Did he get permission to say this?
It’s the most common sense that I’ve heard him speak in a long while…
… but it could be just the effect of the drugs. LOL LOL LOL
The spiteful mutants that walk and talk amongst us, how to spot them….
You’ll have to watch it until the 24th minute for the door to open, no ceremony, no top official to say hello.
If it’s a snub, it’s going to far, the guy is the the elected president, he should get the same treatment as (say) Putin.
Noa @ April 5th, 2023 – 12:01
As a guide too finding someone to breed with his ‘it might or might not’ advice is not much of a help, Noa, in the past ordinary people, not the inbred higher classes. mostly fell in love left it to nature to sort the genes. One of the postings gets it more accurately in just one sentence saying “someone with neon hair, tattoos and excessive piercings is a telltale sign of a mutant”.
EC @ April 5th, 2023 – 10:11
It’s just selling a pup, EC, both the guy that runs the platform and Fraser are yapping about mostly incoherently because they are scared to contradict the Green fruitcakes fully, the Russian have a saying that covers it “they are like a cat circling a bowl of hot porridge’.
One is tired repeating what is essentially common sense, the “if gods what to punish someone ”’ is applicable, Baron reckons the only thing that will put a break on the Net Zero Carbon insanity, reverse it is the collapse of the regimes that worship it because the energy input will be too high compared with the countries that refuse to be stupid.
EC @ April 5th, 2023 – 10:03
Stay the course, EC, you’ll win because it’s all in the mind, you stay strong, positive, determined, you’ll make it, the physical is but the expression of the state of the mind.
Noa @ April 5th, 2023 – 09:26
The hatred towards Russia seems almost pathological, here’s a clip sent to Baron, the guy is more entertaining than anything else, but he has a point, we are behaving as if we were still the top of the world country:
PS: Sorry about the Barona moniker, it surprised Baron when it appeared, a gremlin must have woken up.
Baron – 07:53
How to say something without actually saying it.
Diplomacy, Baron, diplomacy.
It looks the Russians won’t starve whatever happens, but look at the individuals running some of the companies, bloody crooks of one were to believe the ‘kompromat’, that’s something Putin should sort out, no?
EC @ April 6th, 2023 – 10:30
G good point, EC, the Russian media are reporting Micron pleading with Xi to have a word with Putin convince him to stop the Ukrainian war. The Brussels female is supposed to be in China also, no word of her however.
Humza’s “Hoose of Cairds”
2 mins of jest, obviously ⸮
Is it the end, Wallsters?
Has ennui, time and ‘events dear boy, events’, finally ended Peter’s brave adventure?
Mental Elf isshues interfere with local celebrations in New Orleans.
Lunatic shot deaf
And as nine soldiers face prosecution for ‘war crimes’ in Syria and Afghanistan, joining the OAP on trial for double murder in Nothern Ireland, a Mrs Robinson is urged NOT to put her daughters in the SAS, they’ll be far better off on the stage.